2021-03-08 HagenMonday, March 8, 2021 at 17:12:32 Pacific Standard Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:Coral Mountain and Surf Park Development project Date:Monday, March 8, 2021 at 4:07:34 PM Pacific Standard Time From:CHRIS HAGEN To:consulMngplanner@laquintaca.gov Hi Nicole, My name is ChrisMne Hagen. I am a resident of Trilogy La Quinta. I have been following the proposed Coral Mountain project and while iniMally not thrilled about the project I was resigned to the or moving forward. However, just recently I have received informaMon that leads me to believe informaMon regarding impact of this project moving forward was misrepresented. I moved to Trilogy to get away from all the in town traffic and as a permanent reMrement home. From what I can gather the zoning of the area will be changed to tourism/commercial. I don’t believe this is a good move for the quality of the area. This project and potenMal future projects will bring so much traffic noise polluMon and crime. It will change the landscape of the enMre area. We already have Coachella and Stagecoach events which turn the town upside down for a few days. The surf/music events will ruin our area. I don’t mind Coachella and Stagecoach knowing it brings revenue to the city and small businesses. However, the so called bouMque hotel and surf park will change the enMre peaceful environment for many residents in Trilogy, Andalusia and the Quarry. I would prefer the zoning not change and this open space be for residenMal. I know in the next few years many baby boomers will be moving into LQ. La Quinta is known as the “gem” of the desert for a reason. Please Please don’t let the Meriwether Company destroy this beauMful part of town. (I am a full Mme resident). Thank you. Sincerely, ChrisMne Hagen (714) 309-5092. Sent from my iPhone