2021-03-19 HowisonFriday, March 19, 2021 at 16:21:25 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:Coral Mountain Surf Park Opposi3on Date:Friday, March 19, 2021 at 3:58:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:Bruce Howison To:consul3ngplanner@laquintaca.gov We would like to register our opposi3on to this use of the land in La Quinta. We believe the proposed development is incomplete, and inconsistent with the adjacent communi3es in La Quinta. Specifically: 1. We recently experienced a decade of drought in Southern California, and learned ways to reduce water usage. This development proposes large amounts of water usage and waste through evapora3on in a Wave pool, which is inconsistent with our efforts to conserve water. 2. Light Pollu3on: the proposed stadium ligh3ng surrounding the entertainment areas will result in significant light pollu3on for the surrounding area, including animal habitats in the adjacent mountains. Again this is inconsistent with efforts to preserve our wildlife. 3. Noise pollu3on: The noise associated with wave genera3on, and with other secondary sources such as music and loud speakers, which would be in place year round, are not consistent with the quiet, residen3al area we chose to live and invest in. 4. Incomplete plans: areas are designated for "future development" which could mean further inappropriate uses adjacent to our residen3al area, impac3ng our homes and neighborhood. The plans do not commit to building this in phase 1. Thank you for considering our concerns, -- Bruce and Valerie Howison 80837 Calle Azul La Quinta CA 92253