2021-03-23 JackoboiceTuesday, March 23, 2021 at 13:24:18 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Coral Mountain Resort
Date:Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 1:20:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time
March 23, 2021
Nicole Sauviat Criste
ConsulFng Planner
City of La Quinta
Email: consulFngplanner@laquintaca.gov
Dear Ms. Sauviat Criste,
As winter visitors to the Coachella Valley since the early 1990’s we ulFmately purchased a home at Andalusia Country
Club. The decision was carefully considered. This corner of the City of La Quinta provides tranquility, a rugged natural
beauty and an extraordinary lack of night-Fme arFficial light. Limited commercial zoning in this sector of the city was
an important factor in our decision to buy a home at Andalusia. The original master plan for the property in quesFon
was a golf community and an extension of Andalusia Country Club which we fully supported.
We write to you today to add to the growing number of homeowners voicing concerns about the proposed Coral
Mountain Resort. We certainly understand the importance of growth within our city, however we feel the rezoning of
the property and the nature of the business plan has the potenFal to destroy the aestheFc and environmental value
of this terrain while negaFvely impacFng the quality of life for those living near it.
Our primary objecFons to the proposed development are as follows:
Rezoning for Tourist Commercial specifically the Wave Park, The concept is trendy and novel but placing an arFficial
wave basin at the foot of Coral Mountain represents an assault on this enduring landmark. The proposed intensive
use of the land is incompaFble with the surrounding neighborhoods.
Rezoning to General Commercial at the corner of 58th and Madison- We feel this change will launch an unnecessary
commercial domino effect. La Quinta just approved a new commercial center literally twelve minutes away at
Jefferson and 50th.
Light polluIon – Tall light polls to be erected around the wave park for night-Fme use of the facility are simply
unacceptable! The dark sky movement embraced by the City of La Quinta should apply to this development.
Noise PolluIon- Having lived across the street for eight years we can abest that noise ricochets loudly off mountain
surfaces. The water basin will also exponenFally raise the sound level. Extensive studies need to be conducted on the
potenFal noise emanaFng from equipment and amplified speakers.
Tra ffic – RecreaFonal, hotel and special event vehicle traffic to and from this development will forever change air
emissions and congesFon around the development.
Surrounding Property Value Concerns- A decrease in property values are likely as a result of this development.
Ms. Sauviat Criste, we request that La Quinta scruFnize the developer’s plan and objecFves through the important
lens of the city’s longstanding environmental regulaFons and goals. We furthermore ask that you take seriously the
voiced concerns and objecFons of all those wriFng to you. Kindly place us on your mailing list so that we may follow
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the project as it flows through the city’s review process.
Our emails are as follows: bajackoboice@charter.net and tjjackoboice@charter.net
With sincere respect and appreciaFon for your Fme,
Barbara & Thomas Jackoboice
81441 Andalusia, La Quinta, CA 92253