2021-03-22 KrauseMonday, March 22, 2021 at 12:46:51 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Coral Mountain Resort
Date:Monday, March 22, 2021 at 12:40:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Larry Krause
To: Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consulting Planner
City of La Quinta
From: Larry & Sandra Krause
58325 Carmona
La Quinta, CA 92253
Phone: (403) 619-2717
Re: Coral Mountain Resort – Development
Dear Nicole,
As a resident and homeowner at Andalusia for the past 10 years the Coral Mountain
Development is of significant concern to us. We attended the open house at Andalusia over a year ago
when the proposed development was outlined in a presentation.. There seem to be a significant number
of changes that cause us concern and were not part of the proposal when we attended the open house.
Our concerns obviously center upon the “WAVEPARK” and how it may be intrusive to the
enjoyment of our residence and community.
While we do not oppose orderly development of residential properties in the area and some commercial
development to support the residential communities the WAVEPARK is obviously a significant
departure from that form of commercial activity.
Our concerns are centered on a number of issues which we have outlined below:
1. NOISE – Operating from what we understand will be early morning (6AM) until late at night
(11PM) the Wave park is likely to disturb the peace and solitude that we have come to enjoy at
Andalusia and which under pinned our decision to move there ever though it was a long way
from commercial development (shopping & restaurants etc.). Now we find the reason we chose
the area is likely to be interfered with by a wave park that has water turbines, water tunnels and
loud music playing 17 hours a day interfering with our peace and quiet..
Further, the loud music that is apparently played to provide enjoyment for the surfers
will again be 17 hours of interruption to our quite enjoyment of our residential home and
provides absolutely no commercial value to us a resident of Andalusia or the City of La Quinta.
Noises in the quite desert environment travel long distances quickly and we do expect
this to be any different. .We constantly hear race cars on the track located several miles from us
and this development is only 1/2 mile away.
2. LIGHTING – We understand the proposed development includes the installation of 80-foot-
tall light poles to light up the wavepark at night and possibly early morning. This will create a
significant intrusion to the sights we enjoy ats a resident and our views of Coral Mountain and
the background mountains at sunset. Now it seems we will be looking into light poles and being
subjected to loud music until the park closes.
3. HOURS OF OPERATION – We are very concerned about operations running 17-18 hours
per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks of the year, with constant light and noise pollution, to the
disadvantage of existing residents who have moved to the area to enjoy exactly the opposite.
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4. HOTEL – It looks like the size of the hotel has doubled from what was originally presented to us
from a 2 story building of about 60 units to a four-story hotel fours stories in height comprise 150
units. Thanks goodness the roadways to the area are nice and wide and can probably handle the
extra traffic caused by the development but the height of the hotel again raises concerns for us as
it will impede our sight lines and sunset enjoyment.
As a resident, homeowner, and property taxpayer in the City of La Quinta we cannot support the
proposed development as presented for the reasons we have identified above.
We hope that our corners, and those of others, will be taken seriously in the decision-making
Yours truly,
Larry B. Krause