2021-03-18 LangelaarThursday, March 18, 2021 at 09:31:53 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Coral Mountain Surf Resort- Public Comment
Date:Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 9:11:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Stephanie Langelaar
Dear Ms. Sauviat-Criste,
As a future new resident of Andalusia Country Club, my husband and I would like to OPPOSE the construcHon of the
Kelly Slater Wave Pool and Resort that is being planned at the Coral Mountain LocaHon.
We purchased a primary home in Andalusia (81636 Ronda) and it is currently under construcHon. We understand
that an amendment has been added to the wave pool and resort plan that would significantly increase the negaHve
effects that this resort will have on local residents. If possible, we would like to have access to this permit, to view
exactly what the developers are requesHng to add. Our understanding is, as follows:
-A four-story hotel
-80 foot light towers
-A loudspeaker announcing each wave
-up to 75 decibels of noise (loudness of a car horn) coming from the wave generaHng complex.
-Significant number of STVRs
These items would make living close to this resort untenable for us and many others for the following reasons:
1. Sound- sound travels very easily in this part of La Quinta, we hear the airport and the Thermal Club Race track on a
rouHne basis, the sounds are intermiaent and not parHcularly disrupHve. However, a loudspeaker announcing each
wave (as ocen as every 30 seconds) would be an incredible annoyance and disrupHon to our quality of life. We did
not move to La Quinta to hear loud sounds of any kind- we are here for the calmness and the subtle spa-like
atmosphere. We are sure many others feel the same. 75 decibels generated with each wave is as loud as a car horn.
We would not be able to live with this level of sound, and its not appropriate for a low-density residenHal area.
2. VibraHon/seismic disturbances- we are aware that these wave pools also generate vibraHon of the earth which
would could cause discomfort for local resident as well as cracking of any elements in contact with the earth, pools,
spas, paHos, foundaHons, etc. this is unacceptable.
3. Light- we value the darkness and subtle lighHng throughout La Quinta. Adding 80 foot light towers to illuminate the
wave pool for night-Hme surfing would be very disrupHve to local residents, bright lights at night disturb sleep and
the enjoyment of residenHal outdoor areas at night. In this rural locaHon, these light towers would be extremely
visible for many miles. Light polluHon is unhealthy and we believe La Quinta is a”Dark Sky” community, and are not
sure this would be in compliance with that Ordinance.
4. MulH-story hotel- Originally, we believe the hotel was planned to be two stories. To allow a four story building in
rural La Quinta, would be a travesty. It does not fit with the character of La Quinta and would ruin the visual appeal of
the Coral Mountain Area. This would add much more traffic and congesHon to a residenHal area.
5. STVRs, although STVRs are acceptable within certain requirements and limits, to add transient residents to an area
that is very low-density residenHal will add a lot of congesHon, traffic and noise issues. Does La Quinta really need
MORE short-term residents that don’t add much to the city of La Quinta. They don’t see the doctor or the denHst
here, patronize the local merchants like dry-cleaners, and above all, they do not create a sense of a vibrant
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We would like to reiterate, we are moving to La Quinta for many reasons, beauHful scenery, low-congesHon, quiet
atmosphere. To allow this Wave Park and Resort at the Coral Mountain site will ruin any enjoyment of the area for us
and many other residents. It is not an appropriate locaHon for this type of operaHon and will be very disrupHve. We
understand a EIR will be undertaken, but please consider that the environment includes residents and the impact on
the local residents is not to be disregarded.
Thank You,
Albert and Stephanie Langelaar