2021-03-18 MacGregorThursday, March 18, 2021 at 12:40:55 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Coral Mountain Resort - A1en2on Nicole Sauviat Chris2e
Date:Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 12:30:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Stuart MacGregor
Dear Ms. Chris2e
I am wri2ng with respect to the City of LaQuinta’s No2ce of Prepara2on dated February 16, 2021. My wife Colleen
Campbell and I own a property at 59235 Seville at the Andalusia Golf Club across the street from the planned
Last year we a1ended a presenta2on arranged by the Andalusia Club in which the developer of the Coral Mountain
Resort detailed a number of their plans. The following day we joined a group off Andalusia members and toured the
site with one of the representa2ves of the developer.
There were a number of concerns expressed at the first mee2ng about noise and vibra2on emana2ng from the wave
machine. Given that this is reasonably new “technology” it was le\ that the environmental study would address
those concerns. That was viewed as reasonable as un2l third party experts had a chance to weigh in no defini2ve
impact could be quan2fied given the lack of a track record of successful integra2on in communi2es and the
par2cularly unique and untested features of the loca2on to be developed. There was men2on of a similar wave
machine located in central California so hopefully an accurate assessment of what the impact will be can be
developed from such an exis2ng opera2on.
The catalyst for my taking the 2me to send this note is a concern rela2ng the 80 foot towers noted in the details of
the project as submi1ed to your office. Neither Colleen nor I remember it ever being men2oned as it would most
certainly have raised concerns at that 2me. Towers 80 feet high will be impossible to fit into the consistent low profile
and minimal light pollu2on that is the theme of the general LaQuinta community, and our end of the valley in
The inclusion of ligh2ng brings to light an inten2on for nigh_me opera2ons which is an addi2onal considera2on.
These towers may be an indica2on that this project will have more of an amusement park feel which seems to be
counter to what was ini2ally presented.
We hope our perspec2ve is of some help as your group considers this proposal. We believe informed and careful
considera2on is required to make sure this new project
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