2021-03-16 MargroWednesday, March 17, 2021 at 07:56:35 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:Objec&on to Coral Mountain Wave Park Development Date:Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 4:35:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:Tom Margro To:consul&ngplanner@laquintaca.gov Ms Nicole Sauviat Criste Consul&ng Planner 78-495 Calle Tampico LaQuinta, CA 92253 March 15,2021 I am wri&ng to express my opposi&on to the proposed Coral Mountain Wave Park Resort development in La Quinta. I am a resident of the Trilogy La Quinta community which is adjacent to the proposed project. The project is proposed to be located in a currently zoned residen&al area and is surrounded by several residen&al communi&es. This project will drama&cally impinge upon and denigrate the residen&al character of the area. The project includes a wave pool opera&ng at least 12 hours per day, 265 days per year. This facility includes loudspeakers announcing waves every 5 to 6 minutes. It includes 80 foot tall stadium style light towers to illuminate the wave park and surrounding entertainment facili&es. The project includes a hotel, dwelling units, restaurants, bars and entertainment venues. in short, this is a huge commercial entertainment complex in the middle of a low density, residen&al neighborhood area. This project will have severe impacts to the area including light pollu&on, noise, traffic, visual and nega&ve impacts on property values. Environmental impacts will be significant, affec&ng water availability and air quality. This project will permanently cause the irreplaceable loss of the peaceful, quiet, serene atmosphere that the area now enjoys. Please do NOT allow this project to move forward. Let us keep the City of La Quinta the beau&ful place we have come to love and appreciate. Thank you Trilogy Resident Thomas Margro 81627 Bri_lebush Lane La Quinta, ca 92253 cusefan66@gmail.com