2021-04-01 MartinThursday, April 1, 2021 at 16:06:32 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:Fwd: Proposed Wave Park Date:Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 3:48:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:Rich MarFn To:ConsulFngPlanner@laquintaca.gov Ms Nicole Sauviat Criste ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Rich MarEn <richfmarFn@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 3:44 PM Subject: Proposed Wave Park To: <consulFngplanner@laquinta.gov> Ms Nicole Sauviat Criste ConsulFng Planner City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Calif. 92253 Ms Criste, I am a four year resident of Andalusia Country Club and moved from Borrego Springs, California. I loved Borrego Springs for it's dark skies, views, tranquility and open space. However, the future outlook for a sustainable water source not only reduced home values, but prompted us and many neighbors to leave the area. We found Andalusia as a locaFon that offered many of Borrego's qualiFes i.e. dark sky, views etc. We were content with our decision unFl the recent Wave Park proposal. This proposal was not what we had been presented with at the Fme of our purchase. My concerns as it relates to the Wave Park are as follows: Sustainable water availability for the La Quinta area given the amount of water to fill the pool and maintain a required level given evaporaFon in the desert. As I understand, the Lemore wave pool requires 25,000 - 150,000 gallons of "make up water" per day depending on the season for evaporaFon, runoff and overflow. We must preserve our limited water not sacrifice it for amusement; I believe La Quinta City enforces a dark sky policy. However, the erecFon of mulFple 80 foot towers with light bouncing off the water and mountain does not seem consistent with the policy. The illuminaFon of the surrounding homesites and desert damages the beauty of the desert and endangers wildlife in the area: The solitude of the desert will be eliminated by a wave machine constantly moving from early in the morning unFl late at night propelled with 150+ truck Fres to generate waves. The noise and vibraFon will bounce off Coral Mountain into surrounding communiFes. This will be coupled with noise from concerts and loud speakers calling abenFon to the oncoming wave and parFcipant. Although the Lemore wave pool was to be public, it remains private but offers concerts with 5000 abendees on average, vending spaces and performance centers. In addiFon, jumbotrons are used for the bleacher crowds . Is that what we can expect; Increased traffic especially during events : Page 2 of 2 DestrucFon of wildlife habitat and NaFve American lands; Will the constant vibraFons trigger an earthquake; There have been health issues associated with amoeba and bacterial growth in some wave pools. Which agency in La Quinta is responsible for the monitoring of water quality in the pool? Will there be a periodic requirement to flush or replace the water for health reasons. Will this lead to even greater usage of water? La Quinta is a beauFful city to call home. It truly is the jewel of the Coachella Valley and Coral Mountain is the crown jewel. Why would we allow developers to turn a recreaFonal area that is used by the residents of La Quinta into an amusement park for the benefit of a few. Thank you Richard MarFn