2021-03-20 NigroSunday, March 21, 2021 at 09:22:12 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:Zoning of water park Date:Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 4:03:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:Sharon Nigro To:consulFngplanner@laquintaca.gov Ms. Nicole Sauviat Criste My husband and I recently moved to the development of Andalusia this fall. Last year I suffered a heart aQack, my husband reFred and we felt we needed peace, quiet and safety especially during Covid-19. It has been a lifesaver living in a low impact residenFal area. We had no idea the zoning is due to change and there is going to be a water park in the future. This will bring large crowds, high noise levels, traffic. Everything we leX behind. This project should not go forward. Thank you for any assistance in this maQer. Sharon Nigro 18644 Andalusia La Quinta, California 92253 310-270-6913 Kbunkbch@gmail.com Sent from my iPhone