2021-03-23 Ott
4483 Philbrook Square
San Diego, California 92130
81520 Carbonera,
La Quinta, California 92253
March 23, 2021
Ms Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consulting Planner, City of La Quinta
74-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, California 92253
Re: Coral Mountain Resort Development (CMR)
Dear Ms Sauviat Criste:
I am writing to you concerning the development of the Coral Mountain Resort
Development (CMR) across Madison Avenue from my home in Andalusia at Coral
Mountain. We chose our home for the beauty of our valley, the mountains and desert
vistas. We love the privacy and quiet life afforded by our country club and community of
our neighbors. Now it seems we have a transient resort developing across Madison
Avenue which has the potential of polluting this desert ambience in too many ways.
For example, we appreciate the “sound of silence” afforded by our distance from
downtown and Hwy 111. In past rare evenings there brought the sound of drum-beats
from the Coachella Music and Arts Festival four miles away. This was charming, rather
than noisome. It was rare. Now I fear we may be attacked by daily music and
announcements from the Wave Park planned in the CMR development across the
street. Not rare, and certainly no charm. Our view of the Coral Mountain to the west
apparently may be marred by a four-story hotel uglifying our desert view of Coral
Mountain. The “bait and switch” proposals counter the presentation given by the
developers last year to our Andalusia homeowners. How about the 80-foot lights,
apparently planned to illuminate the wave park, backed up against the Coral Mountain
beyond, surly a challenge to the developer’s EIR. Our view of the Indio Mountains across
the valley was recently marred by construction of the 5-G tele-communitions tower
constructed behind our homes to the north. Everyone mentions the potential traffic
problems in our neighborhood.
I am realistic about development in our valley. But it must continue in a responsible
fashion. Responsible commercial development should respect neighbors and respect
our environment. It is called comity. I challenge the City Council to amend the Coral
Mountain Resort Notice of Preparation such that the mammon of a few does not trump
tangible and intangible losses to near-by rest.
The decision of the City Council will affect our neighborhood and CIty for many decades
to come. It will influence development in the southern portion of our city for
Kenneth Ott, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Mirta Ott, R.N.
81520 Carboneras
La Quinta, CA 92215
619 990 3320