2021-03-27 PlazaSaturday, March 27, 2021 at 15:50:12 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:Fw: "The Iner,a" Magazine Ar,cle (Correc,on) Date:Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 12:34:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:pwayneplaza@yahoo.com To:Consul,ng Planner, Monika Radeva, Terra Nova Planning & Research CC:Kathy Weiss, Bob Lasser, Karen Owen, Ilan Ben-David, Anast DemiZ, Lew Gleason, Nancy Bruce, Kathleen Bogan, Dale Tyerman, Diane Rebryna, Bob OuelleZe, Carol Jensen, Carolyn Winnor, Kelly Welton, Derek Wong, Sheila Warren, Lori Kilburn, Coleen Coger, Alena Callimanis, Bobbie Fleury, Jeanne Chalfont, Ron Coffee, Virginia Nelson Nicole and Monika, CORRECTION: "This article will be read verbatim at the Tuesday Scoping Meeting." Regards, Pete Plaza (949) 835-2993 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: pwayneplaza@yahoo.com <pwayneplaza@yahoo.com> To: Consulting Planner <consultingplanner@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; admin@terranovaplanning.com <admin@terranovaplanning.com> Cc: Kathy Weiss <kathy@crystalspringsranch.co>; Bob Lasser <capezio44@san.rr.com>; Karen Owen <karen.owen1@gmail.com>; Ilan Ben-David <ilan.bendavid@gmail.com>; Anast Demitt <anast.demitt@protonmail.com>; Lew Gleason <lewatduke@gmail.com>; Nancy Bruce <nbruce@me.com>; Kathleen Bogan <kathleenbogan@me.com>; Dale Tyerman <dalekarent@aol.com>; Diane Rebryna <drebryna@telusplanet.net>; Bob Ouellette <rkouellette@gmail.com>; Carol Jensen <lqtampico@yahoo.com>; Carolyn Winnor <cwinnor@dc.rr.com>; Kelly Welton <kelwelrt@gmail.com>; Derek Wong <derekwong745@yahoo.com>; Sheila Warren <sheilawarren25@yahoo.com>; Lori Kilburn <lori.kilburn92@gmail.com>; Coleen Coger <cccoger@yahoo.com>; Alena Callimanis <acallimanis@gmail.com>; Bobbie Fleury <bobbie@fleury.tv>; Jeanne Chalfont <jeannenoel@gmail.com>; Ron Coffee <ron@jdcoffee.com>; Virginia Nelson <vmn813@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2021, 12:17:39 PM PDT Subject: "The Inertia" Magazine Article Nicole and Monika, Our Group would like to submit this to you and formally add it to comments you are receiving in Opposition to the Surf Wave Park. This article will be written verbatim at the Tuesday Scoping Meeting. We have allocated the appropriate amount of time. Please make copies of this article and copy all applicable City Officials, developer and others. Surfrider Europe Takes a Stance on Wave Pools: It’s Just Not That Into Them | The Inertia Page 2 of 2 Regards, Pete Plaza (949) 835-2993 Surfrider Europe Takes a Stance on Wave Pools: It’s Just Not That Into T... Alexander Haro Surfrider Europe releases wave pool statement SURF (HTTPS://WWW.THEINERTIA.COM/CATEGORY/SURF/) Surfrider Europe Takes a Stance on Wave Pools: It’s Just Not That Into Them TUESDAY AUGUST 18, 2020 Alexander Haro (https://www.theinertia.com/author/alexander-haro/) Senior Editor STAFF !(https://www.instagram.com/alexanderpeterharo/) Surfrider Europe has taken an official stance on wave pools. Photo: World Surf League (https://www.worldsurfleague.com/) Reaching your personal best tomorrow starts with better sleep tonight Learn More ( /tracking /1.0?rid=52fe0435-2d3 ec7d-1105- b195cd08b218-161688 sid=& uid=& vr=& ru=https %3A%2F %2Fwww.theinertia.co europe- wave- pools- environmental- impact- statement%2F& tt=1616885261053& siw=0& sh=1440& Reaching your personal best tomorrow starts with better sleep tonight Learn More ( /tracking /1.0?rid=52fe0435-2d3 ec7d-1105- b195cd08b218-161688 sid=& uid=& vr=& ru=https %3A%2F %2Fwww.theinertia.co europe- wave- pools- environmental- impact- statement%2F& tt=1616885261053& siw=0& sh=1440& YOUCAN’TSHREDWITHOUTBED! YOUCAN’TSHREDWITHOUTBED! Surfrider Europe Takes a Stance on Wave Pools: It’s Just Not That Into ...https://www.theinertia.com/surf/surfrider-europe-wave-pools-environmen... 1 of 5 3/27/21, 3:49 PM I n the last few years, wave pools have exploded in popularity. The ball was a slow roll, but once a bunch of smart people figured how, exactly, one could recreate one of nature’s most impressive features, that ball became a juggernaut. They’re a divisive topic, though — turns out that making a perfect wave in a pool leaves a very large environmental footprint. Surfrider Europe has officially taken a side: It does not support artificial surfing wave pool projects. “Though many arguments exist for their recreational benefits, Surfrider Foundation Europe, a nonprofit created by surfers, takes the stance that the environmental concerns outweigh their value,” Surfrider wrote in mid-June (https://surfrider.eu /en/learn/news/surfrider-europe-responds-to-entreaties-about-artificial-surfing-waves-121611202476.html). It’s a tough position for a lot of surfers. Most, of course, are at least slightly concerned about the myriad environmental issues we’re facing. But most, of course, love surfing a good wave. And while surfing a good wave is indeed very fun, it pales in comparison when it comes to real-life importance. Surfing, aside from being fun, is useless. Utterly and completely useless. Its sole purpose is fun. Which is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? One could argue that the only really important thing in life is to have a good time, since none of us are making it out alive and only a select few will make any lasting difference. Face it: within a few generations, unless you do something huge, you will be dust in the wind and no one will remember you, so you might as well have a really good time while you’re here. But wave pools, while extraordinarily fun, will have lasting effects on the environment, and those future generations that will have forgotten all about you are going to need the environment to survive. “Their construction implies land artificialization (pool, parking, roads) on natural or agricultural areas,” Surfrider continued. “This artificialization contributes to habitat destruction and adds to the decline of biodiversity… Operating them implies a huge water consumption, with pools containing anywhere from 25 to 35.000m3 (equal to 10 to 14 Olympic pools), it is unnecessary and irresponsible to build these operations in the current context of climate change where water availability is on high alerts.” ADVERTISEMENT Wave machines are indeed an enormous energy suck. According to Surfrider Europe, the Waco wave pool’s wave generator, which uses American Wave Machine technology, uses 450 kW of electricity. That’s the same average consumption as 800 French households. “In the framework of energetic transition and renewable energy development,” Surfrider wrote, “consuming less energy is a priority for our society.” It must be noted here that Surfrider’s Los Angeles chapter was the recent recipient of $10,000 from the WSL’s (https://www.worldsurfleague.com/) Rumble at the Ranch, which, of course, was held at a wave pool. The Surf Ranch in particular does a few things to offset the inherent environmental issues: back in 2016, it was announced that The Kelly Slater YOUCAN’TSHREDWITHOUTBED! Reaching your personal best tomorrow starts with better sleep tonight Learn More ( /tracking /1.0?rid=52fe0435-2d3 ec7d-1105- b195cd08b218-161688 sid=& uid=& vr=& ru=https %3A%2F %2Fwww.theinertia.co europe- wave- pools- environmental- impact- statement%2F& tt=1616885261053& siw=0& sh=1440& YOUCAN’TSHREDWITHOUTBED! Reaching your personal best tomorrow starts with better sleep tonight Learn More ( /tracking /1.0?rid=52fe0435-2d3 ec7d-1105- b195cd08b218-161688 sid=& uid=& vr=& ru=https %3A%2F %2Fwww.theinertia.co europe- wave- pools- environmental- impact- statement%2F& tt=1616885261053& siw=0& sh=1440& Surfrider Europe Takes a Stance on Wave Pools: It’s Just Not That Into ...https://www.theinertia.com/surf/surfrider-europe-wave-pools-environmen... 2 of 5 3/27/21, 3:49 PM "(HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SHARER/SHARER.PHP?APP_ID=145902605445710&U=HTTPS%3A%2F%2FWWW.THEINERTIA.COM%2FSURF%2FSURFRIDER-#(HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/SHARE?URL=HTTPS%3A%2F%2FWWW.THEINERTIA.COM%2FS Wave Company partnered with PG&E’s Solar Choice Program to go 100 percent solar. The wave is powered by renewable energy and reportedly emits zero carbon emissions (https://www.theinertia.com/surf/kelly-slaters-perfect-wave-is-now- powered-by-the-sun/), but it’s still a complicated web. It would be better for the environment if wave pools didn’t exist, but the simple fact is that they do exist and will continue to exist. And since they’re not going anywhere any time soon, it’s better that they at least try and do their part to have a lower footprint. Surfrider Europe addressed that in a roundabout way in its announcement. “Now is not a time for excess consumption, economic growth-seeking, or projects disconnected from the environmental issues we are facing today,” it said. “The reality of climate change should force us to rethink our growth models to reduce natural resource consumption and reconcile our relationship with nature.” Popular in the Community AdChoices Sponsored Conversation 4 Comments Log InCommenting as Guest What do you think? Sort by Best J Johnothan 18 August, 2020 There could be a way to build wave park but not hurt the environment Reply S ss 18 August, 2020 "If you are willing to accept the assertion that sur"ng is a colossal waste of time, then I'll concede I've wasted my life. But in a better and more graceful manner than any of my two legged counterparts". "Sur"ng , aside from being fun, is useless. Utterly and completely useless. " someone's sounding quite a bit like el Gato.......... YOUCAN’TSHREDWITHOUTBED! Reaching your personal best tomorrow starts with better sleep tonight Learn More ( /tracking /1.0?rid=52fe0435-2d3 ec7d-1105- b195cd08b218-161688 sid=& uid=& vr=& ru=https %3A%2F %2Fwww.theinertia.co europe- wave- pools- environmental- impact- statement%2F& tt=1616885261053& siw=0& sh=1440& YOUCAN’TSHREDWITHOUTBED! Reaching your personal best tomorrow starts with better sleep tonight Learn More ( /tracking /1.0?rid=52fe0435-2d3 ec7d-1105- b195cd08b218-161688 sid=& uid=& vr=& ru=https %3A%2F %2Fwww.theinertia.co europe- wave- pools- environmental- impact- statement%2F& tt=1616885261053& siw=0& sh=1440& This Wipeout From Skier Stan Rey Is as… RedGrapes Yawwnnn, it's so sloooowwwwww. Top Comment Sur!ng In Helmets: Why Isn't It More… RedBox Noticeably absent (to me anyway) from the… 3Top Comment Surfrider Europe Takes a Stance on Wave Pools: It’s Just Not That Into ...https://www.theinertia.com/surf/surfrider-europe-wave-pools-environmen... 3 of 5 3/27/21, 3:49 PM R 19 August, 2020 450 KW a day? or what is that consumption rate per day? Respond if you know G grapesofwrath Rneycraft 19 August, 2020 Operating load, I'd imagine. A normal kettle has a load of 3kW so its like 150 kettles on the go... like a small village in Ireland at breakfast time... 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JFK's Grandson Is All Grown Up And The Resemblance Is Uncanny Ocean Ramsey Wants to Teach You Everything She Knows About Sharks and Safety One Thing All Liars Have In Common (Brace Yourself) YOUCAN’TSHREDWITHOUTBED! Reaching your personal best tomorrow starts with better sleep tonight Learn More ( /tracking /1.0?rid=52fe0435-2d3 ec7d-1105- b195cd08b218-161688 sid=& uid=& vr=& ru=https %3A%2F %2Fwww.theinertia.co europe- wave- pools- environmental- impact- statement%2F& tt=1616885261053& siw=0& sh=1440& YOUCAN’TSHREDWITHOUTBED! 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Reaching your personal best tomorrow starts with better sleep tonight Learn More ( /tracking /1.0?rid=52fe0435-2d3 ec7d-1105- b195cd08b218-161688 sid=& uid=& vr=& ru=https %3A%2F %2Fwww.theinertia.co europe- wave- pools- environmental- impact- statement%2F& tt=1616885261053& siw=0& sh=1440& Surfrider Europe Takes a Stance on Wave Pools: It’s Just Not That Into ...https://www.theinertia.com/surf/surfrider-europe-wave-pools-environmen... 5 of 5 3/27/21, 3:49 PM