2021-03-15 RebrynaMonday, March 15, 2021 at 07:46:50 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 3 Subject:ATTN: Ms. Sauviat Criste RE: OBJECTION to requested Zoning Designa?on Change in South La Quinta / Meriwether COMMERCIAL proposal Date:Monday, March 15, 2021 at 7:17:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time From:Diane Rebryna To:consul?ngplanner@laquintaca.gov AFachments:PDF REBRYNA EMAIL MAR 15, 2021 .pdf March 15, 2021 Ms. Nicole Sauviat Criste Consul?ng Planner, City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 BY EMAIL: consul?ngplanner@laquintaca.gov RE: Applicant Meriweather Developments request for a zoning change in South La Quinta from “Low Density ResidenQal w/golf course” to” Tourist Commercial”. MY OPPOSITION, as a South La Quinta resident - for the following reasons: Ms. Sauviat Criste, I am wri?ng today as a concerned South La Quinta (Trilogy) resident to voice my opposiQon to the applica?on for a rezoning designa?on which would allow for the the Coral Mountain Wave Park Resort ( “CMWP” ) development in La Quinta. I have also aFached a PDF of the exact content of this email for your easy reference and reading. I will not repeat in great detail the many developments as presented by Meriwether Development, published press releases, and local newspaper ar?cles. It is likely however that you and other planning and Council members seen and heard most, if not all, of the following concerns, as summarized below. 1. Concerns for the Coral Mountain Area : is there poten?al for destruc?on and/or desecra?on of this area during construc?on and ongoing usage - with adverse effects on that natural historical components (including the artefacts), wildlife, topography, etc. on an exisQng recreaQonal area that is currently accessible to ALL La Quinta residents, not just an elite few can afford this type of “adventure sport resort”? 2. Water concerns - there will be a con?nuous sourcing of the water required for this project ( including the accoun?ng for evapora?on in the heat and hygiene requirements for a human use recrea?onal area ); especially when residents of the desert are asked to be “water conscious”. 3. Traffic concerns: basically the "5 W’s and a How" - who, what, where, when and why and how … who will handle the requirement for upgrades and maintenance to exisQng roadways/ who will pay for these, how will safety for persons be accounted for with the increased traffic, who will monitor the speed zones that must be in place, how will emergency vehicles ( fire, ambulance) s?ll provide the excellent service that they are known to provide without obstruc?on. 4. “Sewer” services and “wastewater” management? An area like this could have in the range of 5000 plus people in it at any given ?me - many more than an originally proposed residen?al community would hold. Notwithstanding that there must be waste water considera?ons for the wave pool itself. 5. Noise PolluQon: Construc?on noise for “10 - 20 years”(!), noise of the Wave Pool itself including the 30 second “announcements” and “wave breaking crashing” sounds at 75 decibels. In addi?on, there will be permanent ongoing noise from wave generators, guests, loudspeakers and entertainment venues on site. NOTE: 365 days per year - 7 AM - 10 PM … in and amongst quiet residenAal communiAes! The noise from similar parks has been measured at 85dB. This level of noise 365 days per year is unacceptable in a residen?al area 6. Elevated Structures: 80 foot tall stadium style light towers and others illumina?ng the wave pool, swimming pools, skateboard park, BMX track, parking lots, etc. - imagine “mulQple 8 story-ish towers” in other parts of the Coachella valley, notwithstanding situated among quiet residen?al communi?es. This is not in keeping with our beau?ful desert valley. 7. Light PolluQon: Most of La Quinta has dark beau?ful desert skies at night. 80 foot illuminated towers are an inconceivable considera?on, especially combined with the noise. 8. Special Events: On top of the 365 days - “all day every day” - of all of the above, the Developer speaks of an addiQonal 16 days and nights for special events - likely over 4 days of long weekends. This begs some addi?onal discussion: As La Quinta residents, we are well aware of the addi?onal demands placed on our community infrastructure by events like Coachella, Stagecoach and even the Triathlon. Having said that, these events are only a few weeks a year and these events BENEFIT THE ENTIRE Page 2 of 3 COACHELLA VALLEY. “Special events” at the CMWP will likely be limited only to its residents or guests who book and travel there. These will not benefit La Quinta residents as a whole. Public transporta?on will be limited to allow for off site enjoyment of other La Quinta aqrac?ons by the guests - so cars will be necessary - there come the parking, boqleneck traffic concerns and the ripple effect described as per 3) above. The residen?al areas however around this development would be severely impacted - not only during the “special events” but in prep ?me leading up to and take down ?me following. 9. IN ADDITION, I have an addi?onal concern which has not been men?oned in detail: This will be a private facility apparently not open to anyone other than hotel guests. What benefit is there for the “residents” neighbouring communi?es. Our kids and grandkids who come to stay with us cannot even access or u?lize the facility on a daily basis. We would have all of the headaches as surrounding communi?es with none of the benefits, such as “proximity”… At least if you live close to Disneyland, you can go there with your kids and grandkids ! ExecuQve Summary of Reasons for my OpposiQon: I strongly request of and urge the City of La Quinta to PLEASE NOT change the zoning from the current designa?on Low-Density Residen?al w/ 18-hole golf course to TOURIST/COMMERCIAL to allow for this CMWP or any other commercial venture / development to go forward for the following reasons: 1. When we and our neighbours bought in South La Quinta ( Trilogy ), we sought out the peace and quiet and the “almost reverence” for nature that this area allows for. We (thought we) bought with confidence knowing that the zoning of the surrounding areas zoning would be in keeping with this. We can speak with certainty that the residents of our other neighborhood communi?es share this same sen?ment. A recent publica?on stated “According to the city, the land in ques?on is currently zoned for Low Density Residen?al and Golf Course. The exis?ng 2003 plan for the site allows for residen?al development and a golf course. Hotels and wave parks are not allowed. That means the city would need to amend the exis?ng plan. The city’s General Plan and zoning designa?ons would also need to be changed”. The CMWP is a COMMERCIAL VENTURE - A MEGA RESORT. It would directly benefit the Developer however in turn, it will absolutely devastate the residenQal communiQes around it. We as homeowners will suffer financially and in terms of enjoyment of the serene and quality life style / recrea?onal opportuni?es that South La Quinta is noted for. 2. This proposed Coral Mountain Wave Park Resort is exactly the WRONG type of development for this loca?on. This would be a literal “drop” of a COMMERCIAL tourist amusement park venue resort amongst the several quiet and ESTABLISHED residenQal communiQes of South La Quinta. 3. With respect to other La Quinta residents / ci?zens: This type of Commercial development that will have a “pricey” admission ?cket will not benefit the average La Quinta resident, only those who will basically travel in to La Quinta to a “theme park” type of des?na?on as a guest / resident. As City Planners and City Council Members, I ask that you please consider how you might feel if a city should allow for a change in zoning to permit a commercial “Guests Only Wave Theme / Amusement Park” as your immediate “neighbor”, and again please, I ask that do not allow this project to move forward by allowing for the zoning change applicaAon. Thank you for your considera?on. Sincerely, Diane Rebryna Trilogy La Quinta Resident 60149 Honeysuckle Street La Quinta, CA 92253 PS - as per hqps://www.meriwetherco.com/ventures/coral-mountain/ - while I understand and am respectul of those persons who "eschew a gated country club in favour of a next genera?on offering of community, wellness and sports anchored by a wave basin from the Kelly Slater Wave Company” - If I could respectully suggest an op?on - a development of this kind might be beqer suited somewhere along the I10 corridor to the East of La Quinta in a commercial zone with high visibility and draw poten?al , recognizing it for what it is - a commercial venture that appeals to those who would like a different way to “live and travel” as stated by Meriwether et al. Page 3 of 3