2021-03-23 SeibelMICHAEL & PAULA SEIBEI.
707-787 7242
22 March 2021
Ms. Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consulting Planner
City of La Quinta
La Quinta, CA 92253
Subj.: Notice of Preparation - Coral Mountain Resort
Dear Ms. Sauviat Criste;
We are permanent year-round residents in the Andalusia at Coral Mountain
development. When we purchased our home in May of 2018 we purposely researched
the environmental conditions in and around the Andalusia development by studying ,
among others, the then existing and approved Andalusia Specific Plan, in order to
ascertain that our most important requirement for quiet and nature -connected living
would be met.
The changes now under consideration, as set forth in the Notice of Preparation
dated 17 February 2021, present in our view an unacceptably drastic change from the
the original plan we relied upon on in 2018. We therefore wish to place on record our
objections to the presented project in general, and to the specific entitlement
applications: General Plan amendment (GPA 2019-0002; Zone Change (ZC2019-0004);
Specific Plan Amendment to SP03-067; Specific Plan (SP2019-003); Tentative Tract
Map (TTM 2019-0005) and the Site Development Plan.
All of these plans propose changes seemingly without any consideration given to
environment and to nature. Currently beautiful and still relatively unobstructed views
mountains and the night time sky would be largely destroyed by the hight of the
proposed hotel and the lighting masts that are to serve the wave pool. An all -year close
to 24/7 operation of the sporting facility would noticeably and substantially impact the
very quiet atmosphere the neighboring residential areas currently enjoy. All residential
communities along the more Southern blocks of both Madison and Monroe Streets
would be subjected to a substantial increase in road traffic and suffer the associated
increase in noise and air pollution, particularly during times of the apparently planned
large events at the proposed site.
We respectfully request that the City of La Quinta fully consider our
objection(s) when determining the scope of the Environmental Impact Report.
Michael P. Seibel