2021-03-27 StrattonSaturday, March 27, 2021 at 16:15:22 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Coral Mountain
Date:Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 12:23:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time
To Whom it may concern,
I am an 11 year resident of Trilogy La Quinta, a 55+ AcGve Community. We are as far South as you can go in what I
consider to be a fabulous city. I chose La Quinta, the Gem of the Desert because it is upscale. Old Town is a favorite
spot. We have just about everything we need in this city. Now we have our own movie theater, which will re-open
soon hopefully. A Wave Park does not fit with the image of our city.
My home in parGcular faces 60 Avenue and I have a clear view of where this Wave Park would be built. I cannot
believe that our City would permit this type of amusement park be built to destroy the quiet, upscale area where we
live. For a mulGtude of reasons this should not be permiZed. The noise and traffic would be on the top of my list of
negaGves, followed closely by the wasteful use of our precious water resources. We can hear the race cars at the
Thermal Club while on our golf course. I can't even imagine the noise we would get from the wave machine which is
just a block away.
That land is right in the midst of Trilogy, Andalusia, the Quarry, PGA West. All of these are golf communiGes. I don't
believe any would have residents who would use this park. This is a golf mecca not a surfing mecca. I moved from
ManhaZan Beach and there are surfers galore enjoying the Pacific Ocean. Anyone who wants a surfing vacaGon will
go to the beach not the desert. I also absolutely do not believe that expensive homes would sell around an arGficial
surfing venue. This could end up being an unsightly relic and a blight on our neighborhoods.
I understand that the developers have applied in just about every city in the Coachella Valley, hoping one would be
approved. Let them go near the Thermal Club where land is readily available. It does not belong in a residenGal area
This property is already zoned for residenGal and that is how it should remain.
My husband and I strongly oppose the building of a Wave Park in the City of La Quinta.
Sandra StraZon
81302 Barrel Cactus Rd
La Quinta