2021-03-10 WarrenThursday, March 11, 2021 at 08:54:06 Pacific Standard Time
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Subject:Fw: Opposi*on to Surf Park Resort
Date:Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 6:23:18 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:Sheila Warren
My name is Sheila Warren and I’m a homeowner at Trilogy La Quinta.
I have lived here for a year and a half and and one of the reasons I chose Trilogy was because of the
upscale, sophis*cated and quiet atmosphere of La Quinta. I was aware of the vacant land close to us
but it was zoned low-density residen*al so I was not concerned about the future development.
Changing the zoning to tourist-commercial and allowing the development of this resort will adversely
impact all of the homeowners surrounding this development. The construc*on of the project will go
on for years with the associated noise, dust and added traffic. Heavy trucks needed to haul material in
and out will damage our pris*ne roads. Once the construc*on is completed on the wave it will be in
opera*on from 7am to 7pm every single day. The stadium lights, noise from the wave and the
announcers will disrupt the peacefulness of this beau*ful area for all within miles of this project for
twelve hours a day every day! Added to this problem will be issues with the rental of the houses. The
majority of the surrounding communi*es with homeowners associa*ons restrict rentals to no less than
30 days. There will be no such restric*on on these houses so instead of being primary or second
homes as the majority of the houses are in the immediate vicinity the majority of these houses will
most likely end up being short term rentals as how many wealthy people will want to live full or part
*me in a surfer’s and extreme sports fan’s Disneyland. These will be large houses with most with 4 or 5
bedrooms. With La Quinta allowing up to eight to ten occupants in a 4 bedroom house and ten to
twelve in a 5 bedroom house on short term rentals we are looking at 4,800 to 6,000 or more people
here daily in addi*on to the occupants of the 150 room hotel which would poten*ally add another 300
or more people. Besides the “normal” daily usage the developer is asking for 16 days of special events.
Added to that will be addi*onal days needed to set up and take down the structures required for these
events which will result in at least another ten or more days of addi*onal heavy traffic. Ci*es in all of
the surrounding desert communi*es are looking to eliminate or restrict short term rentals due to the
associated problems - noise, disrup*ve traffic, etc. When there are so many problems with the short
term rentals in the Cove why would La Quinta want to give the OK to a project which will have the
majority of the homes being short term rentals? I can just imagine what the streets leading up to and
exi*ng this project will look like -heavy partying surfers and other extreme sports fans racing up and
down Madison causing chaos and traffic accidents. Many of us moved away from Los Angeles and
other big ci*es to La Quinta to get away from traffic jams and just this type of behavior. If this project
goes through it will be at our front door. This project will also adversely effect the value of houses in
the surrounding communi*es. Who would be interested in buying in an area with a surfer’s Disneyland
in their backyard and flood lights looming over everything night aeer night. Instead of seeing stars at
night our new view will be stadium lights, instead of piece and quiet we will have loud music bouncing
off the mountains, instead of having wild animals enjoying this area we will have wild surfers. I think
the majority of us are not opposed to the original plans for 750 houses and a golf course as the
majority of these houses would probably be owner occupied or second homes. It is the Wave and the
party people it will afract that is the problem for us.
Thank you in advance for your further considera*on of this project which will so adversely effect so
many people in the surrounding communi*es. I look forward to your reply.
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Sheila Warren
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