2021-04-01 WarrenFriday, April 2, 2021 at 06:31:07 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Coral Mountain Development
Date:Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 7:14:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Sheila Warren
To:ConsulDng Planner
Dear Ms. Criste,
I live in Trilogy full Dme and have several concerns about this proposed use of the Coral Mountain parcel some of
which were not addressed in the March 31 meeDng.
Upon compleDon millions of gallons of water will be held in the wave basin, what would happen to all that water in
the event of a major earthquake? Has or will a study be done to determine how far the water would spread in the
event of the total destrucDon of the wave basin? This is imperaDve. We live just a few short miles from the San
Andreas fault and the epicenter of the Landers earthquake was just 70 miles from here. If the wave basin ruptured
who would be responsible for the removal of all that water and the financial costs to the affected homeowners? By
that Dme the developer could be long gone or in bankruptcy - would the City of La Quinta be responsible then as it
was their shortsightedness for allowing a massive wave pool close to an acDve earthquake fault? Along this same line
has an extensive geological as well as a EIR study been done on this parcel of land? I am not a geologist but I was
under the impression that this area at one Dme may have been under water and in addiDon to being near acDve
earthquake faults is subject to liquefacDon. I was in the mortgage industry for over 30 years, when clients purchased
hillside houses or oYen just expensive properDes not just one but oYen two geological reports were done. Due to
the nature of this proposed development I would think at the very least two in depth geological studies should be
done and who will be paying for them? If one is provided by the developer at the very least the City of La Quinta
should be hiring their own imparDal geologist to do a second in depth report.
The developer states “By commi[ng to a private community, we are able to maintain similar traffic levels as the
currently approved project.” This is a fallacy, as originally zoned there would be 750 houses and a golf course. At
best maybe 50% of the houses would be primary residences with the remainder being second homes and at any one
Dme maybe 50% of the second homes would be occupied which would add maybe 600 - 700 addiDonal cars traveling
up and down Madison daily. The proposed project would have 150 hotel rooms and 600 homes. The developer has
made it very clear that short term rentals will be allowed going so far as to say there will be an onsite management
company to handle the rentals. In the propose price range of these houses I would anDcipate they will have 4
bedrooms or more. La Quinta short term rental guideline allows 8 to 10 people to occupy a 4 bedroom house. There
are not that many surfers that will be able to afford these houses and entertainment people are notoriously private (I
handled many of their mortgages over the last 19 years) so who would purchase these houses in a surfer’s
Disneyland? I would venture to say mainly investors. As a result in full occupancy we could be looking at 150
addiDonal cars from the hotel and maybe 2,400 addiDonal cars from the rentals as unrelated people maybe
occupying the houses with separate cars. This is a far cry from any 600 - 700 daily car trips if the project stays at is
currently zoned and that is before the four “events” per year with associated addiDonal traffic. Who will be enforcing
speed limits, alcohol use etc at what would now appear to be party central? The exisDng homeowners purchased in
this part of La Quinta for the peaceful vibe of the area, we did not plan on being neighbors to a private amusement
Meriwether states “Our business plan is predicted upon the sale of luxury single family residences. We will not be
successful if our ameniDes and programming are detrimental to future on-site residents and, by extension, we cannot
negaDvely impact neighboring communiDes.” In response I see no posiDve for the neighboring communiDes, we will
have addiDonal traffic, noise and light polluDon and the project is “private” so no one in the surrounding
communiDes would even be able to use the wave pool unless the buy or rent a house or take a room in the hotel,
how can they say that benefits us? It is my understanding that at least one homeowner in Andalusia has already lost
a sale due to the buyer being made aware of this proposed project, how many more people will lose sales as a result
and if the sale does go through the value of the property could very well be depressed as a result of this development
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for the benefit of a few not the many homeowners in this area.
Finally the developer states “perimeter landscaping on our property along Madison and Ave 58 will be included in the
iniDal phase of construcDon.” Andalusia opened in 2006 and aYer much effort the homeowners in Trilogy got them
to finally landscape their side of 60th this year. Besides empty promises how do we really know this will be done?
Along the same line Andalusia is 15 years old and sDll has not been completed. How do we know that there really is
a market for this type of development? A compeDng project is already in the works in Thermal and another is
proposed in Palm Desert. How many buyers are really interested in this type of development and what happens if
aYer the wave pool is built they don’t have buyers for the surrounding homes, our we stuck with a white elephant in
our beauDful part of La Quinta? How would that posiDvely impact our house values?
Thank you in advance for your careful consideraDon of my points and my many neighbors who also are not in favor of
this development. I look to further informaDon from the City.
Sheila Warren
81856 RusDc Canyon Drive
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