05-2394 (SFD) Title 24r V TITLE 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report CUSTOM RESIDENCE LOT 40 -THE ESTANCIAS LA QUINTA May 24, 2004 • Job Number: 24285A CITY OF LA (QVINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. Prepared For: AP P ROW . � G & McCALLUM, LTD. FOR C NSTRU ION 45 90 CLUB DRIVE IlVD�AN WELLS, CA 92210 DR's,�--Z 06 sY I 760-360-0250 ---- Madlin s enterprises VVVVVVV Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst Post Office Box 1443 v Palm Springs, CA 92263 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) E-mail: @Madlin@aol.com Madlin s en terpfzses Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644' (fax) ....... Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report This proposed project has been reviewed for compliance with the 2001 State of California Energy Conservation Standards, Title 24, by Madlin's Enterprises. The building design described in this compliance portfolio is in conformance with the standards as outlined in the attached compliance forms and documentation. , Date: May 24, 2004 Job Number: 24285A ., Prepared For: WALLING & McCALLUM, LTD. Project Name: CUSTOM RESIDENCE Project Location: LOT 40 - THE ESTANCIAS - LA QUINTA Method of Compliance: MICROPAS V6.1 CERTIFIED COMPUTER PROGRAM Orientation Of Entry: ENTRY DOOR FACES EAST-SOUTHEAST SEE SITE PLAN FOR DETAILS Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r R 98-90-144 rr CADEC Cardomia Association of Budding Energy Consultants • Post Office Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263 • e Madlin -s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ....... '. » «`'<"Iv1 Job Name LOT 40 THE ESTANCIAS, LA QUINTA Job No. / File No. 24285A Method of Compliance Micropas V6.1 Computer Simulation Total Conditioned Square Footage 4777 Sq. Ft. Total Glazing % (Floor/Glass Area Ratio) 36.2% Insulation: Roof / Ceiling R-38 Batts at Ceiling + Radiant Barrier at Roof Insulation: Walls R-21 Batts - 2x6 Wood Framing Insulation: Floor - Slab on Grade Not Required Insulation: H.V.A.C. Ducts/Location/Testing R-4.2 / Attic / Duct Testing Required Glazing U -Value / Type: Fixed or Operable Glazing SHGC 0.42 Dual Pane, Low E2, Aluminum Frame 0.352 SHGC / (NFRC Tested Value) Glazing U -Value / Type: Patio Doors Glazing SHGC 0.61, Dual Pane, Low E2, Aluminum Frame 0.374 SHGC / (NFRC Tested Value) Glazing U -Value / Type: French Doors Glazing SHGC 0.61, Dual .Pane, Low E2, Aluminum Frame 0.40 SHGC '/ (NFRC Tested Value) Glazing U -Value / Type: Glass Block 0.52 (CEC Default Value) Glazing U -Value / Type: Skylights 0.94 Dual Domed (CEC Default Value) Glazing Exterior Shading Overhangs As Shown Thermal Mass Square Footage & %' 2200 Sq.Ft. Floor Mass (Minimum) H.V.A.C. System Type Gas Heat / Electric Cooling - Multiple Systems Zonal Control Credits Taken HVAC System Efficiencies (heating/cooling) 78% AFUE / 12.0 SEER with TX Valve Domestic Hot Water Heater / Efficiencies (1) 100 Gal. Gas / 0.80 RE / 0.028 SBL R12 Blanket on Tank Yes Recirculating Pump for DHW Yes with Time and Temperature Controls [Other Requirements TApplicable Mandatory Measures v Post Office Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263 v Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madli,i, Certified Ene?gy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ®®®®® v Title 24 Compliance Forms CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R ---- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS -- ------ ---------- Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 Project Address........ LOT 40 THE ESTANCIAS ******* --------------------- LA QUINTA *v6.01* Type Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 105 P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Number of Palm Springs, CA 92262 Units... 1 760-322-5004 Field C ec Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 ----------------------------------------------- Standards by Enercomp, Inc. - ------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 4777 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 105 deg (E) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.. ...... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 36.2 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.53 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 13.1 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame ------------------------- Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type Type ------- R -value -------- R -value -------- R -value U -factor -------------- ------------------------ Location/Comments ------------ Wall Wood R-21 R-0 R-21 0.059 Door None R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 RoofRadiant Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 S1abEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 FENESTRATION ------------ Over- Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins -------------------- Door Left (S) ----- 24.0 ------ 0.610 --------------------- 0.380 Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Door Left (S) 120.0 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard Yes Window Back. (W) 55.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Door Left (SW) 97.5 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (W) 36.2 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Window Left (S) 50.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Window Left (SW) 41.7 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Window Left (SW) 16.3 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard None Window Left (SW) 16.3 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard None Door Left (SW) 137.5 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard Yes Window Left (S) 70.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Door Left (S) 90.0 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard Yes Window Left (SW) 48.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (N) 13.3 0.520 0.670 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (W) 23.9 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes R CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R ------------------------------------ Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 ----------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION ------------ Over- Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins -------------------- Window Back (NW) ----- 33.3 ------ ------ 0.420 0.352 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- Yes Window Right (N) 18.9 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (NE) 20.6 0.520 0.670 Standard Standard None Window Front (E) 16.0 0.520 0.670 Standard Standard None Window Right (N) 44.2 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard None Window Right (N) 57.5 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard None Window Right (N) 36.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Window Left (SW) 24.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (W) 88.0 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard None Door Back (W) 64.0 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard Yes window Back (W) 16.0 .0.520 0.670 Standard Standard None Door Right (N) 72.0 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard None Window Front (E) 60.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard None Door Left (S) 80.0 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard None Window Front (E) 12.5 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Window Front (E) 15.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Door Front (E) 56.0 0.610 0.380 Standard Standard Yes Window Front (E) 12.5 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (NE) 11.7 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard Yes Door Right (NE) 90.0 0.610 0.374 Standard Standard None Door Back (NW) 24.0 0.610 0.380 Standard Standard None Window Front (E) 28.0 0.420 0.352 Standard Standard None Skylight Horz 8.0 0.940 0.730 None None None SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type ---------------- (sf) Standard ------ Slab 1074 Standard Slab 953 THERMAL MASS ------------ Area Thickness Type -------------- Exposed (sf) (in) Location/Comments ------------ S1abOnGrade Yes --------------- 2200 ------------------------ 3.5 Exposed S1abOnGrade No 550 3.5 Covered HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA Equipment Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Thermostat . Type Efficiency ------------- Airflow Location ------------------ R -value Leakage D Type ------------ Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic ------- R-4.2 ------- ------ Yes No ---------- LivingSta ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 Yes No LivingSta Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 Yes No SleepingS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 ------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ---------------------------------------=--------------------------------------- HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant Tested ACCA Equipment Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Thermostat Type Efficiency Airflow Location R -value ------------------------------ Leakage D Type ------------ ACSplitTXV 12.000 SSE Yes ------- Attic R-4.2 ------- Yes ------ No ---------- SleepingS Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 Yes No SleepingS ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 Yes No SleepingS DUCT TESTING DETAILS -------------------- Duct Measured Supply Leakage Target Duct Surface Area Equipment Type (% fan CFM/CFM25) (ft2) ------------------------ Furnace / ACSplitTXV ------------------ ----------------- 6% / 115.5 n/a Furnace / ACSplitTXV 6% / 45.1 n/a Furnace / ACSplitTXV 6% 1 40.0 n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ------------ ----------- ------------------- -------------- ------ ---------- Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 100 R-12 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light -------------------------------------------------------------------- Large 0.80 n/a 0.028 R-n/a 0 . SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates Tested Duct Leakage. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12.29.38 ------------------------------------ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates Tested Duct Leakage. Target CFM leakage values measured at 25 pascals are shown in DUCT TESTING DETAILS above or may be calculated as documented on the CF -6R. If the measured CFM is above the target, then corrective action must be taken to reduce the duct leakage and then must be retested. Alternatively, the compliance calculations could be redone without duct testing. If ducts are not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for Tested Duct Leakage. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accord- ance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers only ambient temperature loads, solar heat gain, people and a fixed percentage for latent heat gain. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing glazing contractor shall provide the required CF -6R Installation Certificate with installed glazing values and areas. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 5 CF -1R -------------------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 --------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and " 6 of ' the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated.in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. Name.... Company. Address. Phone... License. Signed.. Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... DESIGNER or OWNER JOHN WALLING Name.... WALLING & McCALLUM LTD Company. 45190 CLUB DRIVE Address. INDIAN WELLS, CA 92210 760 0250 Phone... orSigned.. ( ate) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Signed.. ( ate) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR CATHERINE M. MADLIN Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 (date) s Zfyoy Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r R 98.90-144 rl"rr CAD EC California Association of Building Energy Consultants MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 MF -1R --- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS ---------------------- Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 Project Address........ LOT 40 THE ESTANCIAS ******* --------------------- *150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors. LA QUINTA *v6.01* than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit standards. Indicate type and form. Madlin's Enterprises 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/ Exfiltration Controls P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have Palm Springs, CA 92262 label with certified U -factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 760-322-5004 ✓ Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. - - MICROPAS6 v6.01 --- --------------------------------------------- File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM MF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run -PERMIT CALCULATION a. Closeable metal or glass door Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES -------------------------- Design- Enforce- *150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. er ment 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. *150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -factor in metal frame walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). *150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors. 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/ Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified U -factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints ✓ and penetrations caulked and sealed. 150(8): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 151 meets Commission quality standards. 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. ✓ MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 MF -1R Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12.29.38 -------- ------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM MF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPACE CONDITIONING, WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES -------------------------------------------------------------- Design- Enforce- er ment 110-113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and ✓ faucets certified by the Commission. 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACOA. 150(1): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. 150(j): Pipe and Tank insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non - recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 or greater). 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/external insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water system. 5. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees insulated. 6. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect ✓ hot water tank. *150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and in- sulated, to meet the requirements of the 1998 CMC sectons 601, 603, and 604, and standard 6-3; ducts insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL181, UL181A, or UL181B. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber addhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. Exhaust fan systems have backdraft or automatic dampers. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36 inches of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. 115: Gas-fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 MF -1R ---- ------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 ------ ---------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM MF -1R I User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pilot light (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr). ✓ LIGHTING MEASURES ----------------- Design- Enforce- er ment 150(k)1: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. ✓ 150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternatives to this requirement allowed in Sec. 150(k)2.; and recessed ceiling fixtures s are IC (insulation cover) approved. COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R ---------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 Project Address........ LOT 40 THE ESTANCIAS ******* ----- ---------------- LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.0.1 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ---------------------------=========-------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance = _ (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design _------------------------------- Margin = _ ------------ = Space Heating.......... 4.57 5.10 ---------- -0.53 = - Space Cooling.......... 39.40 38.52 0.88 = = Water Heating.. ....... 5.97 4.51 1.46 = Total 49.94 48.13 1.81 = _ *** Building complies with - ----------------------------------------- Computer Performance Thermostat GENERAL INFORMATION Area ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 4777 sf (sf) Building Type .............. Single Family Detached itioned Construction Type .. New (sf) Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 105 deg (E) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 -----=- Number of Building Stories. 1 -------- Weather Data.Type.......... FullYear 2750 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Yes Number of Building Zones... 3 Standard Conditioned Volume......... 62594 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 4777 sf Glazing Percentage......... 36.2 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.53 Btu/hr-sf-F 1074 Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Yes Average Ceiling Height..... 13.1 ft Standard, BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor # of Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage Zone Type (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit -------------- 1.ZONE ----- ------- ----- -----=- ----------- ----- -------- --------- Living 2750 41250 0.58 Yes LivingStat 2.0 Standard No 2.ZONE Sleeping 1074 11814 0.22 Yes SleepingStat 2.0 Standard, No 3.ZONE a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R -------------------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 -------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Type -------------- Sleeping Surface 1. ZONE 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 Wall 5 Wall 6 Wall 7 Wall 8 Wall 9 Wall 10 Wall 11 Wall 12 Wall 13 Wall 14 Wall 33 RoofRadiant 2.ZONE 15 Wall 16 Wall 17 Wall 18 Wall 19 Wall 20 Wall 21 Wall 22 Wall 23 Wall 24 Wall 25 Wall 26 Wall 34 RoofRadiant 3.ZONE 27 Wall 28 Wall 29 Wall 30 Wall 31 Wall 32 Door 35 RoofRadiant OPAQUE SURFACES --------------- Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 (sf) factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference ------ ----- ----- --- ---- ----- ------------ 476 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION 105 90 Yes Floor ------------------------- # of 0.059 Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage (sf) ----- (cf) Units ------- ----- itioned Type ------- (ft). (sf) Credit 953 9530 0.20 ----------- Yes SleepingStat ----- 2.0 -------- Standard --------- No OPAQUE SURFACES --------------- Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 (sf) factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference ------ ----- ----- --- ---- ----- ------------ 476 0.059 21 105 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 374 0.059 21 195 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 260 0.059 21 285 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 279 0.059 21 15 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 287 0.059 21 105 90 No W.21.2X6.16 36 0.059 21 150 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 212 0.059 21 240 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 52 0.059 21 330 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 457 0.059 21 60 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 14 0.059 21 225 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 86 0.059 21 315 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 70 0.059 21 180 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 30 0.059 21 270 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 85 0.059 21 87 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 2750 0.025 38 n/a 0•Yes R.38.2X4.24 88 0.059 21 105 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 35 0.059 21 195 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 10 0.059 21 285 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 10 0.059 21 15 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 155 0.059 21 105 90 No W.21.2X6.16 42 0.059 21 177 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 453 0.059 21 267 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 142 0.059 21 357 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 172 0.059 21 87 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 36 0.059 21 222 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 27 0.059 21 313 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 9 0.059 21 42 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 1074 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 140 0.059 21 105 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 220 0.059 21 105 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 170 0.059 21 105 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 116 0.059 21 105 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 304 0.059 21 105 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 24 0.330 0 105 90 No None 945 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 Location/ Comments ---------------- COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12.29.38 ------------------------------------------------ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERIMETER LOSSES Area U- Act Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt ---------------------- ----- ----- ----- --- ---- 1.ZONE 1 Door Left (S) 24.0 0.610 0.380 195 90 2 Door Left (S) 120.0 0.610 0.374 195 90 3 Window Back (W) 55.0 0.420 0.352 285 90 4 Door Left (SW) 97.5 0.610 0.374 240 90 5 Window Back (W) 36.2 0.420 0.352 285 90 6 Window Left (S) 50.0 0.420 0.352 195 90 7 Window Left (SW) 41.7 0.420 0.352 240 90 8 Window Left (SW) 16.3 0.420 0.352 240 90 9 Window Left (SW) 16.3 0.420 0.352 240 90 10 Door Left (SW) 137.5 0.610 0.374 240 90 11 Window Left (S) 70.0 0.420 0.352 195 90 21 Window Right (N) 57.5 0.420 0.352 15 90 22 Window Right (N) 36.0 0.420 0.352 15 90 23 Window Left (SW) 24.0 0.420 0.352 225 90 24 Door Back (W) 88.0 0.610 0.374 285 90 28 Window Front (E) 60.0 0.420 0.352 87 90 29 Door Left (S) 80.0 0.610 0.374 180 90 30 Window Front (E) 12.5 0.420 0.352 105 90 31 Window Front (E) 15.0 0.420 0.352 105 90 32 Door Front (E) 56.0 0.610 0.380 105 90 33 Window Front (E) 12.5 0.420 0.352 105 90 34 Window Right (NE) 11.7 0.420 0.352 60 90 35 Door Right (NE) 90.0 0.610 0.374 60 90 36 Door Back (NW) 24.0 0.610 0.380 330 90 37 Window Front (E) 28.0 0.420 0.352 105 90 2.ZONE 12 Door Left (S) 90.0 0.610 0.374 177 90 13 Window Left (SW) 48.0 0.420 0.352 222 90 14 Window Right (N) 13.3 0.520 0.670 357 90 15 Window Back (W) 23.9 0.420 0.352 267 90 16 Window Back (NW) 33.3 0.420 0.352 313 90 17 Window Right (N) 18.9 0.420 0.352 357 90 18 Window Right (NE) 20.6 0.520 0.670 42 90 19 Window Front (E) 16.0 0.520 0.670 87 90 20 Window Right (N) 44.2 0.420 0.352 15 90 Exterior Shade Interior Shade Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ---------------------------- Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments ------------ 1.ZONE ------ -------- ------- ----- ---------------------- 36 SlabEdge 225 0.760 R-0 No 39 SlabEdge 25 0.510 R-0 No 2.ZONE 37 SlabEdge 125 0.760 R-0 No 40 SlabEdge 16 0.510 R-0 No 3.ZONE 38 SlabEdge 80 0.760 R-0 No 41 SlabEdge 33 0.510 R-0 No FENESTRATION --------------------- SURFACES Area U- Act Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt ---------------------- ----- ----- ----- --- ---- 1.ZONE 1 Door Left (S) 24.0 0.610 0.380 195 90 2 Door Left (S) 120.0 0.610 0.374 195 90 3 Window Back (W) 55.0 0.420 0.352 285 90 4 Door Left (SW) 97.5 0.610 0.374 240 90 5 Window Back (W) 36.2 0.420 0.352 285 90 6 Window Left (S) 50.0 0.420 0.352 195 90 7 Window Left (SW) 41.7 0.420 0.352 240 90 8 Window Left (SW) 16.3 0.420 0.352 240 90 9 Window Left (SW) 16.3 0.420 0.352 240 90 10 Door Left (SW) 137.5 0.610 0.374 240 90 11 Window Left (S) 70.0 0.420 0.352 195 90 21 Window Right (N) 57.5 0.420 0.352 15 90 22 Window Right (N) 36.0 0.420 0.352 15 90 23 Window Left (SW) 24.0 0.420 0.352 225 90 24 Door Back (W) 88.0 0.610 0.374 285 90 28 Window Front (E) 60.0 0.420 0.352 87 90 29 Door Left (S) 80.0 0.610 0.374 180 90 30 Window Front (E) 12.5 0.420 0.352 105 90 31 Window Front (E) 15.0 0.420 0.352 105 90 32 Door Front (E) 56.0 0.610 0.380 105 90 33 Window Front (E) 12.5 0.420 0.352 105 90 34 Window Right (NE) 11.7 0.420 0.352 60 90 35 Door Right (NE) 90.0 0.610 0.374 60 90 36 Door Back (NW) 24.0 0.610 0.380 330 90 37 Window Front (E) 28.0 0.420 0.352 105 90 2.ZONE 12 Door Left (S) 90.0 0.610 0.374 177 90 13 Window Left (SW) 48.0 0.420 0.352 222 90 14 Window Right (N) 13.3 0.520 0.670 357 90 15 Window Back (W) 23.9 0.420 0.352 267 90 16 Window Back (NW) 33.3 0.420 0.352 313 90 17 Window Right (N) 18.9 0.420 0.352 357 90 18 Window Right (NE) 20.6 0.520 0.670 42 90 19 Window Front (E) 16.0 0.520 0.670 87 90 20 Window Right (N) 44.2 0.420 0.352 15 90 Exterior Shade Interior Shade Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ---------------------------- Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT-40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12.29.38 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC 3. ZONE 25 Door Back (W) 64.0 0.610 0.374 285 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 26 Window Back (W) 16.0 0.520 0.670 285 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 27 Door Right (N) 72.0 0.610 0.374 15 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 38 Skylight Horz 8.0 0.940 0.730 105 0 None/1 None/1 OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ---Window-- ------ Overhang ------ ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Area Left Rght Surface ------------ (sf) ----- Wdth ----- Hgth ----- Dpth ---- Hght ---- Ext ---- Ext ---- Ext ---- Dpth ---- Hght ---- Ext ---- Dpth Hght 1.ZONE ---- ---- 2 Door 120.0 12 10 10.5 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 55.0 5.5 10 18 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 Door 97.5 9.75 10 15 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 Window 36.2 4.34 8.34 23 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a - 6 Window 50.0 6 8.34 18 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7 Window 41.7 5 8.34 11 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10 Door 137.5 13.75 140 11 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 11 Window 70.0 7 10 1.5 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 23 Window 24.0 3 8 3 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31 Window 15.0 6 3 4.5 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32 Door 56.0 2.83 10 4.5 .3.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 33 Window 12.5 1.25 10 4.5 3.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 34 Window 11.7 1.17 10 4.5 3.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.ZONE 12 Door 90.0 9 10 6 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 13 Window 48.0 6 8 4 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 14 Window 13.3 2 6.67 5 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 15 Window 23.9 3.58 6.67 4.5 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 16 Window 33.3 5 6.67 3. 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 17 Window 18.9 2.83 6.67 1.5 0 n/a n/a .n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES Area Slab Type ---------------- (sf) 2.ZONE ------ Standard Slab 1074 3.ZONE Standard Slab 953 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C -2R ------ --- - Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THERMAL MASS Equipment Type --- ----------------- 1.ZONE Furnace / ACSplitTXV 2.ZONE Furnace / ACSplitTXV 3.ZONE Furnace 1 ACSplitTXV DUCT TESTING DETAILS -------------------- Duct Measured Supply Leakage Target Duct Surface Area (% fan CFM/CFM25) (ft2) ----------------------------------- 6% Area Thick Heat Conduct- Surface 6% / 45.1 Mass Type (sf) (in) Cap ----- ivity UIMC R -value Location/Comments --------------- 1.ZONE ------ ----- -------- ---- ------- ---------------------- 1 SlabOnGrade 2200 3.5 28.0 0.98 4.60 R-0.0 Exposed 2 S1abOnGrade 550 3.5 28.0 0.98 1.80 R-2.0 Covered HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant ------------ Tested ACCA System Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Type ------------- Efficiency Airflow ------------------ Location ------------- R -value ------- Leakage --------- D -------- Eff ---- 1.ZONE Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 Yes No 0.815 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 Yes No 0.733 2.ZONE - Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 Yes No 0.815 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes. Attic R-4.2 Yes No 0.733 3.ZONE - Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 Yes No 0.815 ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 Yes No 0.733 Equipment Type --- ----------------- 1.ZONE Furnace / ACSplitTXV 2.ZONE Furnace / ACSplitTXV 3.ZONE Furnace 1 ACSplitTXV DUCT TESTING DETAILS -------------------- Duct Measured Supply Leakage Target Duct Surface Area (% fan CFM/CFM25) (ft2) ----------------------------------- 6% / 115.5 n/a 6% / 45.1 n/a 6% / 40.0 n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ------------ ----------- ------------------- -------------- ------ ---------- 1 Large Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 100 R-12 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Large 0.80 n/a 0.028 R-n/a 0 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 6 C -2R ------------------ Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 --------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates Tested Duct Leakage. radiant barrier must have installed to cover the vertical attic surfaces, This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods.and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates Tested Duct Leakage. Target CFM leakage values measured at 25 pascals are shown in DUCT TESTING DETAILS above or may be calculated as documented on the CF -6R. If the measured CFM is above the target, then corrective action must be taken to reduce the duct leakage and then must be retested. Alternatively, the compliance calculations could be redone without duct testing. If ducts are not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for Tested Duct Leakage. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accord- COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 7 C -2R -------------------------=----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS ance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers only ambient temperature loads, solar heat gain, people and a fixed percentage for latent heat gain. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. The installing glazing contractor shall provide the required CF -6R Installation Certificate with installed glazing values and areas. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model numbers) and certified plumbing fixtures. Madlin's enterprises Calherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ®®v ®®® v H. V.A. C. Load Calculation l HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC --------- ------ Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 Project Address........ LOT 40 THE ESTANCIAS ******* --------------------- LA QUINTA *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. --------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION -------------- Floor Area ................. Volume.. .. ........... Front Orientation.......... Sizing Location............ Latitude... .... ........ Winter Outside Design...... Winter Inside Design....... Summer Outside Design...... Summer Inside Design....... Summer Range. ..... ..... Interior Shading Used...... Exterior Shading Used...... Overhang Shading Used...... Latent Load Fraction....... 4777 sf 62594 cf Front Facing PALM DESERT 33.7 degrees 32 F 70 F 112 F 78 F 34 F No No No 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- Heating Description (Btuh) --------------------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... Glazing Conduction ............... Glazing Solar .................... Infiltration ..................... Internal Gain .................... Ducts.... ........................ Sensible Load .................... Latent Load ...................... Minimum Total Load 29526 34795 n/a 33053 n/a 9737 107111 n/a 105 deg (E) Cooling (Btuh) 12141 31132 39354 21874 2103 10660 117263 23453 107111 140716 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC - Project Title Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ---------------------------------------- ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area.......... ............. 2750 sf Volume ........................... 41250 cf Floor Area ....................... 1074 sf Volume ........................... Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 15676 ----------- 6728 Glazing Conduction ............... 25280 22619 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 28577 Infiltration............ ........ 21782 14415 Internal Gain .................... n/a 1943 Ducts ............................ 6274 7428 Sensible Load .................... 69012 81711 Latent Load ...................... n/a 16342 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 69012 ----------- 98053 ZONE 12.ZONE' ----------- 21533 ----------- 24344 Floor Area ....................... 1074 sf Volume ........................... 11814 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 7577 ----------- 2831 Glazing Conduction ............... 5760 5154 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 6219 Infiltration ..................... 6238 4128 Internal Gain .................... n/a 110 Ducts ............................ 1958 1844 Sensible Load .................... 21533 20286 Latent Load ...................... n/a 4057 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 21533 ----------- 24344 HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 --------- --------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZONE '3.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 953 sf Volume ........................... 9530 cf Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 6272 ----------- 2582 Glazing Conduction ............... 3754 3359 Glazing Solar ..................... n/a 4557 Infiltration ..................... 5032 3330 Internal Gain .................... n/a 50 Ducts...... *...................... 1506 1388 Sensible Load... .................. 16565 15266 Latent Load ...................... n/a 3053 Minimum Zone Load ----------- 16565 ----------- 18319 HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 ----------------------------------------- I MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207• User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE '1.ZONE': WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: Inside Temperature ................................ 70.0 F Outside Temperature ............................... 32.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 38.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: U -factor Heat • Area (Btu/hr- TD Loss Description Orientation ----------- (sf) sf-F) (F) (Btuh) -------------------------- Wall East ------ 476.0 x ------- 0.0592 ------- x 38.0 -------- = 1071 Wall South 374.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 841 Wall West 260.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 585 Wall North 279.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 628 Shaded Wall n/a 287.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 646 Wall Southeast 36.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 81 Wall Southwest 212.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 =. 477 Wall Northwest 52.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 117 Wall Northeast 457.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 1028 Wall Southwest 13.5 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 30 Wall Northwest 86.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 193 Wall South 70.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 157 Wall West 30.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 67 Wall East 85.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 191 Shaded Wall n/a 2750.0 x 0.0247 x 38.0 = 2579 S1abEdge n/a 225.0 x 0.7600 x 38.0 = 6498 SlabEdge n/a 25.0 x 0.5100 x 38.0 = 485 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 15676 Double Door South 24.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 556 Double Door South 120.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 2782 Double Window West 55.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 878 Double Door Southwest 97.5 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 2260 Double Window West 36.2 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 578 Double Window South• 50.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 798 Double Window Southwest 41.7 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 666 Double Window Southwest 16.3 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 259 Double Window Southwest 16.3 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 259 Double Door Southwest 137.5 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 3187 Double Window South 70.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 1117 Double Window North 57.5 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 918 Double Window North 36.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 575 Double Window Southwest 24.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 383 Double Door West 88.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 2040 Double Window East 60.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 958 Double Door South 80.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 1854 Double Window East 12.5 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 200 Double Window East 15.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 239 HVAC SIZING ----------------- U -factor Page 5 HVAC Project Title..:....... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 TD Program -HVAC SIZING Orientation -------------- I User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION I ---------------------------_ Double Door ------------------- ---------------------------------- East 56:0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 1298 Double Window East 12.5 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 200 Double Window Northeast 11.7 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 187 Double Door Northeast 90.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 2086 Double Door Northwest 24.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 556 Double Window East 28.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 447 ' CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES 25280 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 41250 cuft x 0.77 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 38.0 = 21782 SUBTOTAL 62738 DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 62738 = 6274 TOTAL HEATING LOAD: HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE '2.ZONE': WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: Inside Temperature ................................ 70.0 F Outside Temperature ............................... 32.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 38.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: Description ------------------- Wall Wall Wall Wall Shaded Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Shaded Wall F SlabEdge SlabEdge 69012 U -factor Heat Area (Btu/hr- TD Loss Orientation -------------- (sf) ------ sf-F) (F) (Btuh) East 87.5 x ------- 0.0592 ------- x 38.0 -------- = 197 South 35.0 x-0.0592 x 38.0 = 79 West 10.0.x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 22 North 9.8 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 22 n/a 155.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 349 South 42.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 94 West 453.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 1019 North 142.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 319 East 171.5 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 386 Southwest 36.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 81 Northwest 27.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 61 Northeast 9.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 20 n/a 1074.0 x 0.0247 x 38.0 = 1007. n/a 125.0 x 0.7600 x 38.0 = 3610 n/a 16.0 x 0.5100 x 38'.0 = 310 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 7577 HVAC SIZING U -factor Page 6 HVAC ---- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS (Btu/hr- Date..05/24/04 -- ------- 12:29:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 .User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Door South 90.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 2086 Double Window Southwest 48.0 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 766 Double Window North 13.3 x 0.5200 x 38.0 = 264 Double Window West 23.9 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 381 Double Window Northwest 33.3 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 532 Double Window North 18.9 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 301 Double Window Northeast 20.6 x .0.5200 x 38.0 = 408 Double Window East 16.0 x 0.5200 x 38.0 = 316 Double Window North 44.2 x 0.4200 x 38.0 = 705 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES 5760 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 11814 cuft x 0.77 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 38.0 = 6238 SUBTOTAL 19576 DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 19576 = 1958 TOTAL HEATING LOAD: 21533 HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------- ------------------ DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE '3.ZONE': WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: Inside Temperature ................................ 70.0 F Outside Temperature ............................... 32.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 38.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: Description Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall S1abEdge SlabEdge Double Door Double Window Double Door CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 6272 West 64.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 1484 West 16.0 x 0.5200 x 38.0 = 316 North 72.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 1669 U -factor Heat Area (Btu/hr- TD Loss Orientation ----------- (sf) ------ sf-F) (F) (Btuh) East 140.0 x ------- 0:0592 ------- x 38.0 -------- = 315 East 220.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 495 East 170.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 382 East 115.5 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 260 East 303.5 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 683 n/a 24.0 x 0.3300 x 38.0 = 301 n/a 945.0 x 0.0247 x 38.0 = 886 n/a 80.0 x-0.7600 x 38.0 = 2310 n/a 33.0 x 0.5100 x 38.0 = 640 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 6272 West 64.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 1484 West 16.0 x 0.5200 x 38.0 = 316 North 72.0 x 0.6100 x 38.0 = 1669 HVAC SIZING Page 7 HVAC Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS ------------ Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 -MICROPAS6 v6.01 --------------------------------------------- File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Skylight Horizontal 8.0 x 0.9400 x 38.0 = 286 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES 3754 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 9530 cuft x 0.77 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 38.0 = 5032 SUBTOTAL 15059 DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 15059 = 1506 TOTAL HEATING LOAD: 16565 COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE ------------- ------------- '1.ZONE': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: Inside Temperature ............................... 78.0 F Outside Temperature...............................112.0 F Temperature Range ................................. 34.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard...... ................................... 34.0 F Frame Walls and Doors ............................. 32.6 F Frame Partitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: U -factor Heat Area (Btu/hr- TDeq Gain Description Orientation ----------- (sf) sf-F) (F) (Btuh) -------------------------- Wall East ------ 476.0 x ------- 0.0592 x ------- 32.6 ------- = 919 Wall South 374.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 722 Wall West 260.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 502 Wall North 279.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 539 Shaded Wall n/a 287.0 x 0.0592 x 24.0 = 408 Wall Southeast 36.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 69 Wall Southwest 212.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 409 Wall Northwest 52.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 100 Wall Northeast 457.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 882 Wall Southwest 13.5 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 26 Wall Northwest 86.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 166 Wall South 70.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 135 Wall West 30.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 58 Wall East 85.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 164 Shaded Wall n/a 2750.0 x 0.0247 x 24.0 = 1629 w CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 6728 Double Door South 24.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 498 Double Door South 120.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 2489 HVAC SIZING GAIN: Note: SCapprox = SHGC / 0.87 Page 8 HVAC Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 --------------------- 12:29:38 ---------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 - --------------------------------------------------- File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Gain Program -HVAC SIZING (sf) User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ---------------------------- Double ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Window West 55.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 785 Double Door Southwest 97.5 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 2022 Double Window West 36.2 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 517 Double Window South 50.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 714 Double Window Southwest 41.7 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 595 Double Window Southwest 16.3 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 232 Double Window Southwest 16.3 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 232 Double Door Southwest 137.5 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 2852 Double Window South 70.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 1000 Double Window North 57.5 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 821 Double Window North 36.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 514 Double Window Southwest 24.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 343 Double Door West 88.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 1825 Double Window East 60.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 857 Double Door South 80.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 1659 Double Window East 12.5 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 179 Double Window East 15.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 214 Double Door East 56.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 1161 Double Window East 12.5 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 179 Double Window Northeast 11.7 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 167 Double Door Northeast 90.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 1867 Double Door Northwest 24.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 498 Double Window East 28.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 400 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES 22619 SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Note: SCapprox = SHGC / 0.87 Shading Heat Area Coeff. Gain Description Orientation ------------- (sf) SHGF SCapprox (Btuh) ---------------------------- Double Door ------ South 24.0 x ---- 32 x ------- 0.453 = -------- 348 Double Door South 120.0 x 32 x 0.446 = 1713 Double Window West 55.0 x 73 x 0.420 = 1685 Double Door Southwest 97.5 x 62 x 0.446 = 2696 Double Window West 36.2 x 73 x 0.420 = 1109 Double Window South 50.0 x 32 x 0.420 = 672 Double Window Southwest 41.7 x 62 x 0.420 = 1085 Double Window Southwest 16.3 x 62 x 0.420 = 423 Double Window Southwest 16.3 x 62 x 0.420 = 423 Double Door Southwest 137.5 x 62 x 0.446 = 3802 Double Window South 70.0 x 32 x 0.420 = 940 Double Window North 57.5 x 15 x 0.420 = 362 Double Window North 36.0 x 15 x 0.420 = 227 Double Window Southwest 24.0 x 62 x 0.420 = 625 Double Door West 88.0 x 73 x 0.446 = 2865 Double Window East 60.0 x 73 x 0.420 = 1839 Double Door South 80.0 x 32 x 0.446 = 1142 Double Window East 12.5 x 73 x 0.420 = 383 Double Window East 15.0 x 73 x 0.420 = 460 Double Door East 56.0 x 73 x 0.453 = 1853 Double Window East 12.5 x 73 x 0.420 = 383 Double Window Northeast 11.7 x 48 x 0.420 = 236 Double Door Northeast 90.0 x 48 x 0.446 = 1927 Double Door Northwest 24.0 x 48 x 0.453 = 522 Double Window East 28.0 x 73 x 0.420 = 859 HVAC SIZING Page 9 HVAC Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 -------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-HVAC SIZING . User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run-PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) 28577 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 41250 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = 14415 INTERNAL GAIN (Ig): 0.58 x ( 6 x 225.0 + 2000) = 1943 Dwelling Units People Appliance -------- DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic LATENT LOAD: SUBTOTAL 74282 0.10 x 74282 = 7428 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 81711 0.20 x 81711 = 16342 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 98053 COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 12.ZONE': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: Inside Temperature ................................ 78.0 F Outside Temperature...............................112.0 F TemperatureRange ................................. 34.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard...... .................................. 34.0 F Frame Walls and Doors ............................. 32.6 F Frame Partitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: Description -------------------------- Wall Wall Wall Wall Shaded Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Shaded Wall U -factor Heat Area (Btu/hr- TDeq Gain Orientation ------------------ (sf) sf-F) (F) (Btuh) East 87.5 x ------- 0.0592 ------- x 32.6 -------- = 169 South 35.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 68 West 10.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 19 North 9.8 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 19 n/a 155.0 x 0.0592 x 24.0 = 220 South 42.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 81 West 453.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 874 North 142.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 274 East 171.5 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 331 Southwest 36.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 69 Northwest 27.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 52 Northeast 9.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 17 n/a 1074.0 x 0.0247 x 24.0 = 636 HVAC SIZING Page 10 HVAC - --------------------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 ------------------------------------------ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 2831 Double Door South 90.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 1867 Double Window Southwest 48.0 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 685 Double Window North 13.3 x 0.5200 x 34.0 = 236 Double Window West 23.9 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 341 Double Window Northwest 33.3 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 476 Double Window North 18.9 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 270 Double Window Northeast 20.6 x 0.5200 x 34.0 = 365 Double Window East 16.0 x 0.5200 x 34.0 = 283 Double Window North 44.2 x 0.4200 x 34.0 = 631 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES 5154 SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Note: SCapprox = SHGC / 0.87 Shading Heat Area Coeff. Gain Description ---------------------------- Orientation (sf) ------------- ------ SHGF SCapprox (Btuh) Double Door South 90.0 ---- x 32 x ------- 0.446 = -------- 1284 Double Window Southwest 48.0 x 62 x 0.420 = 1249 Double Window North 13.3 x 15 x 0.799 = 160 Double Window West 23.9 x 73 x 0.420 = 732 Double Window Northwest 33.3 x 48 x 0.420 = 672 Double Window North 18.9 x 15 x 0.420 = 119 Double Window Northeast 20.6 x 48 x 0.799 = 792 Double Window East 16.0 x 73 x 0.799 = 933 Double Window North 44.2 x 15 x 0.420 = 278 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) 6219 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 11814 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = 4128 INTERNAL GAIN (Ig): 0.22 x ( 0 x 225.0 + 500) = 110 Dwelling Units People Appliance -------- SUBTOTAL 18442 DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 18442 = 1844 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 20286 LATENT LOAD: 0.20 x 20286 = 4057 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 24344 HVAC SIZING Page 11 HVAC --------------------------- Project Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 - ------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE '3.ZONE': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: Inside Temperature ............................... '78.0 F Outside Temperature...............................112.0 F Temperature Range ................................. 34.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard...... .................................. 34.0 F Frame Walls and Doors ............................. 32.6 F Frame Partitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: Door Description Orientation -------------------------- Wall ----------- East Wall East Wall East Wall East Wall East Shaded Wall n/a Shaded Wall n/a CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 2582 Double Door U -factor 64.0 x Heat Area 1327 (Btu/hr- TDeq Gain (sf) ------ 0.5200 sf-F) (F) (Btuh) 140.0 x ------- 0.0592 x ------- 32.6 -------- = 270 220.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 425 170.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 328 115.5 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 223 303.5 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 586 24.0 x 0.3300 x 24.0 = 190 945.0 x 0.0247 x 24.0 = 560 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 2582 Double Door West 64.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 1327 Double Window West 16.0 x 0.5200 x 34.0 = 283 Double Door North 72.0 x 0.6100 x 34.0 = 1493 Double Skylight Horizontal 8.0 x 0.9400 x 34.0 = 256 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES 3359 SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Note: SCapprox = SHGC / 0.87 Shading Heat Area Coeff. Gain Description Orientation ------------- (sf) SHGF SCapprox (Btuh) ----------------- Double :1 Door West ------ 64.0 ---- x 73 x ------- 0.446 = -------- 2084 Double Window West 16.0 x 73 x 0.799 = 933 Double Door North 72.0 x 15 x 0.446 = 482 Double Skylight Horizontal 8.0 x 152 x 0.871 = 1059 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) 4557 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 9530 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = 3330 INTERNAL GAIN (Ig): 0.20 x ( 0 x 225.0 + 250) = 50 • Dwelling Units People Appliance -------- HVAC SIZING Page 12 HVAC -- - ---- Project Title Title.......... WALLING.LOT.40.ESTANCIAS Date..05/24/04 12:29:38 - ------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24285A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -PERMIT CALCULATION --------------------------------------7-------------7-------------------------- SUBTOTAL 13878 DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 13878 = 1388 TOTAL.HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 15266 LATENT LOAD: ,0.20 x 15266 = 3053 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 18319 Madlin's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ®®®®®® Addendums and Notes Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 l 323-3644 (fax) ...... - Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt RADIANT BARRIERS Introduction A radiant barri heat. Aluminu Installation of although they emjssion of radiant f E uRh' a material. a cool' g season, The Commission has approved an energy credit for radiant barriers meeting specific eligibility i and installation criteria. The radiant barrier energy credit is an adjustment to the ceiling U -value when the ceiling is adjacent to an attic with a radiant barrier. The credit is automatically applied by modeling a radiant barrier in an approved computer program with this optional capability. Construction Below are the parameters for receiving credit for a radiant barrier, including criteria for the installation, ventilation and material, all of which contribute to the performance of the radiant barrier. Installation Installation must be in conformance with ASTM C-1158-97 (Standard Practice for Use and Installation of Radiant Barrier Systems (RBS) in Building Construction.), ASTM C -727- 90(1996)e1 (Standard Practice for Installation and Use of Reflective Insulation in Building Const rIuctior�s.), ASTM C- 13-975 (Standard Specification for Sheet radiant Barriers for Building Construction App�li ations), and ASTM C-1224-99 (Stangard Specification for Reflective Irisu i for Bui ding A_plications a��radiant barrier must.be securely i stalled in a german n an r rt th s in id acirlg(�o t Ertl t a5in o . <✓ 1 Radia t bars a u t e r tall tto e o f tr ss xa� rs o c o dsri f h fold n methods. wt h the ma a ial: y� - y 1. Draped over the truss/rafter ( the top chord) before the upper roof deck is installed. 2. Spanning between the truss/rafters (top chords) and secured (stapled) to each side. 3. Secured (stapled) to the bottom surface of the truss/rafter (top chord). A minimum air space must be maintained between the top surface of the radiant barrier and roof decking of not less than 1.5 inches at the center of the truss/rafter span. • P.O. Boz 1443 • Palm Springs, Ca 92263-1443 v E-mail: Cmadlin@aol.com v Madlin's Enterprises — Addendums & Notes 4. Attached [laminated] directly to the underside of the roof. decking. The radiant barrier must be laminated and perforated by the manufacturer to allow moisture/vapor transfer through the roof deck. The radiant barrier must be installed.to cover all gable end walls and other vertical surfaces in the attic. Ventilation The attic must be �Enttita ed to: 1. Conform to a qitt rer' 2. Provide a i im f�e e each 150 s Xare ee of att ctl. Oor� �� 9tof reao n t lesaa nes : uare fovent area for r� �� q r rea H v 3. Provide no less than 30 percent upper vents. (Ridge vents or gable end vents are . - recommended to achieve the best performance. The material should be cut to allow for full air flow to the venting.) The radiant barrier (except for radiant barriers laminated directly to the roof.deck) must be installed to: 1. Have a minimum gap of 3.5 inches between the bottom of the radiant barrier and the top of the ceiling insulation to allow ventilation air to flow between the roof decking and the top surface of the radiant barrier. 2. Have a minimum of six (6) inches (measured horizontally) left at the roof peak to allow hot air to escape from the air space between the roof decking and the top surface of the radiant barrier. When installed in enclosed rafter spaces where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof r fifers a minimum ai�space of 1 inch must be provided between the radiant barrier and the toR f the ceiling insul tion, and ventilation must be providedTor each rafter space. Vents must a proved -at b h 6ppe to e�endsof-t a eed aft ac Emissivi O flc)os • The emissivity of the radiant barrier must b less than or equal to 0.05as tested in accordance with ASTM C-1371-98 or AS -E408-7(1996)e1. • The product must meet all requirements for California certified insulation material [radiant barriers] of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation. Madlin's Enterprises — Addendum's & Notes Note: Aluminum will deteriorate or corrode in the presence of alkaline materials. Unless the aluminum foil is protected by waterproofed paper or plastic coating, keep it from coming into direct contact with anything alkaline, such as masonry surfaces. Inspection If a radiant barrier was used for compliance credit, check the installation guidelines provided above for the builder. Especially. critical are the ventilation and air space requirements that enable the radiant barrier to perform as expected_., V U CEC Title 24 4ide hal esig ManuII I -001 Cod Figure 3-2: Methods r nstallat'o for Ra iant B Irrie U 11 l �l Air Radi Barr Insu J Roof Decking Air Rafter Radi Barr Insu J Roof Decking Rafter Method 1: Radiant Barrier Draped Over Top of Truss/Rafter Roof Decking Air Space Radiant Barrier Insulation Joist 'r`y�r Yuba. f° '✓ �r'�y P s�rr Method 3: Radiant Barrier Attached to Bottom of Truss/Rafter Madlin-'s en terp ices Catherine M. Madlin, Certified EneW Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ....... Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVES Thermostatic expansion valves (TXVs) or an equivalent alternative approved by the Commission are required for split system central air conditioners in some compliance methods fiel and calculations. If�T 's:;are required for compliance d verification 1 seal confirmation) by a certified HERS rater isquired. f I �` / HERS Raters Approved HERS -raters conduct-th6-fieldwerifidati'06 diagnostic testing and inspections, and provide Certificate of Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing (CF -4R) forms or notification that corrective actions are needed. HERS raters must be independent of both the builder and sub- contractor who installed the duct systems being field verified, and can have no financial interest in making corrections to the systems. As special inspectors HERS raters can not be employed by subcontractors or parties, other than the builder, whose work they are evaluating. Building Departments i Building departments consider approved HERS raters to be special inspectors. HERS raters must demonstrate competence, to the satisfaction of the building official, for the visual inspections and diagnostic testing. The building department, at its discretion, may require field verification testing and inspection to be conducted in conjunction with' the building department's required inspections, and/or observe installer diagnostic testing and HERS rater verification in conjunction with the building department's required inspections to corroborate the results documented in installer certifications, and in the Certificate of Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing (CF -4R). • P.O. Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263-1443 • E-mail. Cmadlin@aol.com v Madlin's en terprzses Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ....... Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt HVAC DUCT AIR LEAKAGE TESTING Section 151(1)10- (New Section) Space conditioning ducts (Duct Sealing) The following is nTA n'dards language fro S c ionvpl (f)10: O "All supply ducts h r e `co r i d sp a or ems' t d toamiTe ^minstalled level of R4.2 an ns u t� d�t m e�� i �m a do e ulir ents ofon 150(m)." ��AII duct systems�Shal be ealed, as confirMeA thrt-iugh-fiel-verifeation andgnostic testing . in accordance with procedures set forth in the ACM Manual." In the prescriptive compliance approach for Packages C & D, and to obtain compliance credit for sealed ducts in the performance approach, all duct systems must be sealed and duct leakage of less than 6% must be confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with procedures set forth in the ACM. This requirement applies to all climate zones for the prescriptive approach. The Energy Commission requires independent field verification of duct sealing and has designated HERS raters as the verification entity.. . . The following paragraphs summarize the responsibilities of the parties involved with regard to testing and inspecting for Duct Sealing. Builders Builders contract with an approved HERS rater who provides the builder with inspection, and diagno tib -testing. The HFPt rater also completes and provides ttificate of Field Verification and Di gnostic Testing (C - R) forms to the builder for submittalhe building department, and, ifea7dui)dares# crre iv%�a�b ee i3d t� ins th t"I`iom s0 ( P<Z ) ply. Install r Installers complete diagnostic testing required for ompliance credit for each house, and certify testing results and that the work meets the requirements for compliance credit on the Installation Certificate, CF -6R. Installers work is then subject to field verification by approved HERS raters. • P.O. Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263-1443 • E-mail. Cmadlin@aol.com • Madlin's Enterprises — A ddendums & Notes HERS Raters Approved HERS raters conduct the field verification diagnostic testing and inspections, and provide Certificate of Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing (CF -411) forms or notification that corrective actions are needed. HERS raters must be independent of both the builder and sub- contractor who installed the duct systems being field verified, and can have no financial interest in making corrections to the systems. As special inspectors HERS raters can not be employed by subcontractors or parties, other than the builder, whose work they are evaluating. Building Depart 7nt n Building departmen �� ��ider approved HE r�tgrs to be s ecial inspectors. HERS raters must demonstrate �t nc h aPsf�c ori f t elbu I g o ficial, for h�nsual inspections and pirgygstfc�eMngg.. Th b�uildin I depa in �t it iscretion,\mgqy require field verification testing any in6gp lion lb �e cd du teV �n c ntju cVon�nr th the build tj department's required inspectro'ns, and/b obserGe ins aile'� �iagnostrc-tes g ai HERS rater verification in conjunction with the building department's required inspections to corroborate the results documented in installer certifications, and in the Certificate of Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing (CF -4R). Y G Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ®v ®v ®. vv Manufacturer's Specifications F L E E T W O O D Windows & Doors FLEETWOOD Page 1 of 1 (Lome Products Factory Reps Find a Local Dealer Dealers Pabe (e) ILcv.oma Other Links! series: 3000 ISO u General mfolmatlon Qspecif ications Q C:All. Details Q Standard Sizes A NFRC Product Ratings_ -per Glass type:. 3000 Glass sorted by Product Type, then lowest (mosi energy of ciem) U -values first! e Glass Coa6n Emissivi S acer Airless Grids U -Value U -Value SHGC SHGC 7YP ti �Eresidential commercialI residential I commercial I SGD 3/16 - 3/16" Heat Mirrir SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.55 0.53 0.35392 0.344496 2 SGD 3/16 - 1/4" Heat MIMT SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.56 0.54 0.35392 - 0,344496 3 SGD 3/16 - 1/4" Heat Mirth SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.56 0.54 0.35392 0.344496 i 4 SGD 3/16 - 3/16" taw FJSolarban 60 0.043 std ARGON False 0.57 '0.55 0.37408 0,364848 5 SGD 1/4 - 1/4" taw E/Solarban 60 6.043 std ARGON False. 0.57 0.55 0.37408 0.364848 6 SGD 1/4 - 3/16" Low F/Solarban 60 0.043 std ARGON False 0.57 0.55 0.37408 0.364848 7 SGD 3/16 - 3/16" Heat Minir SC75 0.052 std AIR False 0.58 0.57 0.35392 0.344496 1 8 SGD ' 3/16 - 1/4" Heal Mir it SC75 0.052 std AIR False 0.6 0.58 0.35392 0.344496 9 SGD 3/16 - 1/4" Heat Mirrir SC75 0.052 std AIR False 0.6 0.58 0.35392 0.344496 10 SGD 3/16 - 3/16" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std AIR False 0.61 0.59 0.37408 0.364"8 1 I SGD 1/4 - 1/4" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std , AIR False 0.61 0.59 0.37408 .. 0.364848 12 SOO 1/4 - 3/16" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std AIR False 0.61 0.59 0.37408 0.364848 13 SGD 1/4 - 1/4" none (Clear) 0.84 std ARGON False 0.73 0.72 0.6874 0.637056 14 S6 1/4 - 3/16" none (Clear) 0.84 std ARGON False 0.73 0.72 0.6874 0.6370% 15 SGD 3/16 - 3/16" none (pear) 0.84 std . ARGON ' False 0.73 0.72 - 0.6874 0.637056 i 16 SGD 3/16 - 3/16" none (Clear) 0.84 std AIR False 0.75 0.73 0.6874 0.637056 17 SGD 1/4 - 1/4" none (Clear) 0.84 std AIR False 0.75 0.73 0.6874 0.637056 t 18 SGD 1/4 - 3/16" none (Clear) 0.84 std AIR False 0.75 0.73 0.6874 0.637056 http:l/www.fleetwoodusa.com/index.htm 9/24/2003 v hidows & Doors FLEETWOOD -W Page I of I http://www.fleetwoodusa.com/index.htm 9/24/2003 [T FLEETWOOD I longe Products rautury Reps Find a Local Dealer . Dealers Page (c) Other Links! 530 j General inrormation llvtau -I) Select T�TRQ-Enodugt Ratings las typg: 530 r Glass sorted by Product Type, then lowest (most energy efficienil U -values first! ETyi:::] _Glass_:] I Coating U-Value----U-=IHG-C SHOC LI residential .,LML-bli JL2mT--., J I F)M 3/16-3/16" Heat Mirrir SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.3 0.28 0.331817 0.326464 2 F)M 3/16 - 1/4" Heat NfirrirSC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.3 0.28 0.331817 0.326464 3 F)M 1/4 - 1/4" Heat Mirfir SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.3 0.28 0.331817 0.326464 4 F)a) DS -DS" Heat hfirtir SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.3 0.28 0.331817 0.326464 5 F)M DS - DS" Heat Mnir SC75 0.052 std AIR False 0.33 0.31 0.331817 0.326464 6 F)M 3/16 - 3/16' Heat Mnir SC75 0.052 std AM False 0.33 0.31 0.331817 0.326464 7 F)M 114 - 1/4" Heat Muir SC75 0.052 std AIR False 0.33 0.31 0.331817 0.326464 8 FXD 1/4-1/4" Heat MirrirSC7S 0.052 std AIR False 0.33 0.31 0.331817 0.326464 9 F)M DS - DS* Heil Mirrir SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.35 0.34 0.331817 0.326464 10 F)M 3/16 - 1/4" Heat hErfir SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.35 0.34 0.331817 0.326464 11 FM 3116 - 3/16* Heat Mirfir SC75 0.052 std ARGON False .0.35 0.34 0.331817 0.326464 12 F)M 1/4 - 1/4" Heat Mirfir SC75 0.052 std ARGON False 0.35 0.34 0.331817 0.326464 13 F)a) 1/4 - 1/4" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std ARGON False 0.38 0.36 0.352433 0.347632 14 MM 3/16 - 3/16" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std ARGON False 0.38 0.36 0352433 0.347632 15 FXD DS - DS" Heat Nfirrir SC75 0.052 std AIR False 0.39 0.38 0.331817 0.326464 16 F)M 3/16 - 3/16" Heat NErrir SC75 0.052 std AIR False 0.39 0.38 0.331817 0.326464 17 F)M 3/16 - 114" Heat Mirrir SC75 0.052 std AM Fain 0.39 .0.38 0.331917 0.326464 18 F)M 1/4 - 1/4" Heat Mrtir SC75 0.052 std AIR False 0.39 0.38 0.331817 0.326464 19 F)m DS - DS" none(Clear) 0.94 std ARGON False 0.4 0.38 0.67284 0.630754 20 F)M DS - DS" Low FJSolarban 60 0.043 std AIR False 0.4 0.39 0.352433 0.347632 21 F)CE) 3/16 - 3/16" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std AIR False OA 0.39 0.352433 0.347632 22 F)M 3/16 - 1/4" La. E/Solarban 60 0.043 std AM False 0.4 0.39 0.352433 0.347632 23 F)M 1/4 - 1/4" Lo. E/Solarban 60 0.043 std AIR False 0.4 0.39 0.352433 0.347632 1 24 F)M DS - DS" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std ARGON False 0.4 0.39 0.352433 0.347632 25 FXD 3/16 - 3/16" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std ARGON False OA 0.39 0.352433 0.347632 26 FXD 1/4 - 1/4' none (Clear) 0.84 std AIR False OA 0.38 0.67294 0.630754 27 F)M 1/4 - 1/4" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std ARGON False 0.4 0.39 0.352433 0.347632 28 F)a) 3/16 - 3/16' none (Clear) 0.94 std ARGON False 0.4 0.38 0.67294 0.630754 29 FXD 1/4-3/16" none(Clear) 0.94 std ARGON False 0.4 0.38 0.67284 0.630754 30 FXD DS - DS" none (Clear) 0.84 std AIR False 0.4 0.38 0.67284 0.630754 31 F)a) 3/16 - 3/16" none (Clear) 0.84 std AIM. False 0.4 0.38 0.67284 0.630754 32 F)M 1/4.3/16" none(Clear) 0.84 std AIR False 0.4 0.38 0.67294 0.630754 33 FXD 114 - 1/4" none (Clear) 0.' .4 std ARGON False 0.4 0.18 0.67294 0.630754 34 FM 3/16 - 1/4* Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std ARGON False 0.4 0.39 0.352433 0.347632 35 F)M 114 - 1/4" Low E/Solarban 60 0.043 std AIR False 0.42 0.41 0.352433 0.347632 36 Da) 3116 - 3/16" Low E/Sclarban 60 0.043 std AIR False 0.42 0.41 0.352433 0.347632 37 FXD 1/4 - 1/4" none(Clear) 0.84 std ARGON False 0.54 0.53 0.67294 0.630754 38 FXD 3116-3116" none(Clear) 014 std ARGON False 0.54 0.53 0.67294 0.630754 39 F)M DS - DS" none (Clear) 0.84 std ARGON False 0.54 0.53 0.67284 0.630754 40 FXD 3/16-1/4" none(Clear) 0.84 std ARGON False 0.54 0.53 0.67284 0.630754 41 FXD 1/4 -1/4" none(Clear) 0.84 std ARGON False 0.54 0.53 0.67284 0.630754 42 F)M 3/16-3/16" none(Clear) 0.84 std ARGON False 0.54 0.53 0.67284 0.630754 43 FM DS -DS" none(Clear) 0.84 std AM False 0.56 0.55 0.67294 0.630754 44 FXD 3/16-3/16" none(Clear) 0.84 std AIR False 0.56 0.55 0.67294 0.630754 45 FXD 1/4-1/4" none(Clear) 0.84 std AIR False 0.56 0.55 0.67284 0.630754 46 FXD 3/16 - 1/4' none (Clear) 0.84 std -AIR False 0.56 0.55 0.67284 0.630754 47 FXD 1/4-1/4" none(Clear) 0.84 std AIR False 0.56 0.55 0.67284 0.630754 http://www.fleetwoodusa.com/index.htm 9/24/2003 l F LoE n 1984 Cardinal introduced its LoE Insulating_glass. In 1985 Cardinal intro- duced LoE Sun and in 1989 Cardinal introduced LoE2 Coated Glass Products. The Lot Sun coatings were developed to provide improved shading coefficient and solar heat gain coefficient performance. The LoE2 coatings were developed to provide better summer daytime perfor- mance with only a slight reduction in visi- ble light transmittance. Because of the excellent winter nighttime and summer daytime performance characteristics of the LoE2 product, it is becoming the prod- uct of choice for many residential window applications. Lot Descriptions Lot' 71 Series: The Lott 71 coated glass products are specifically designed as second surface coatings. They have a slightly lower visible light transmittance compared with the LoE 78 series product with significant improvements in shading coefficient and solar heat gain coefficient. LoE2 71 products may be subject to mini- mum order requirements. Feature and Benefits of Lot' -171 • High visible light transmission: 72% • Lower visible light reflectance (indoor and outdoor) than clear glass • Lowest winter U -Value of all LoE prod- ucts: 0.24 • Low shading coefficient: 0.47 • Low solar heat gain coefficient: 0.41 • Low relative heat gain: 98 btu/hr/ft' • Warmest center glass temperature for winter conditions of all LoE products: 57°F. (LoE -178 also 570) • Coolest center glass temperature for summer conditions of all LoE products: 83°F. • Lowest ultraviolet light transmission of all LoE products: 16% • Reduces heating and cooling costs for both cold and warm climates compared to other glazings • Allows the use of single glass inventory for both warm and cold climates LoE 78 Series: The LoE 78 coated glass products are designed as either sec- ond or third surface coatings. These coat- ings are neutral in color and have the high- est visible light transmission of all LoE products. The LoE 78 coated glasses offer improved Ll -values, shading coefficient and solar heat gain coefficient, compared with non -coated glass products. Feature and Benefits of LoE -178 • High visible light transmission: 78% • Lower visible light reflectance (outdoor and indoor) than clear glass • Low winter U -Value: 0.26 • Low shading coefficient: 0.68 • Low solar heat gain coefficient: 0.58 • Low relative heat gain: 139 btu/hr/ft' • Warm center glass temperature for win- ter conditions: 57°F. (LoE 2-171 also 57°F.) • Reduces center glass temperature for summer conditions compared to clear glass: 85°F. • Reduces ultraviolet light transmission • Reduces heating and cooling costs for both cold and warm climates compared to other glazings _ Lot Sun 45 Series: The LoE Sun 45 coated glass products are designed as second surface coatings.These coated products have the lowest visible light transmittance, shading coefficient, and solar heat gain coefficient of all LoE prod- ucts and will have a bluish gray outdoor reflected color. Feature and Benefits of LoE-Sun-145 • Grey color with slight blue cast • Visible light transmission: 44% • Same visible light reflectance (outdoor and indoor) as clear glass • Low winter U -Value: 0.27 • Low shading coefficient: 0.38 • Low solar heat gain coefficient: 0.32 • Warm center glass temperatures for winter conditions: 56°F. • Cool center glass temperatures for summer conditions: 86°F. • Reduces ultraviolet light transmission to:15% • Reduces heating and cooling costs for both cold and warm climates compared to other glazings • Application - For maximum solar control applications LoE Product Code Low Emissivity Coatings The following generalizations can be made regarding low emissivity coatings utilized in insulating glass: 1. U -Value (heat transfer) performance does not change whether the coating is on No. 2 or No. 3 surface. 2. The lower the emissivity of the coating, the lower the U -Value of the IG unit. 3. The shading and solar heat gain coeffi- cients of the unit will be lower when the coating is placed on No. 2 surface than when the coating is on the No. 3 Surfr�tQ. _ 4. LoE is not a heat trap. LoE is beneficial for winter and summertime conditions. Radiant Energy The energy from the sun (Short Wave Radiation) is transmitted through the insulating glass unit to the building's interior. After being absorbed by carpet- ing, draperies, furniture, walls, etc., the radiation becomes long wave infrared radiation. Heat energy from lights, heat- ing registers, office equipment, etc., is also long wave infrared radiation. When the long wave infrared energy tries to escape through the glass, the LoE2-171 coating reflects approximately 96% of this energy back into the room with a resultant lower winter U -Value. Energy Diagram First Numbers 2nd/3rd No Product Glass Substrate Daylight Transmittance LoE'-171 1 -Clear 72% LoE-178 1 -Clear 78% LoE Sun -145 1 -Clear 45% Low Emissivity Coatings The following generalizations can be made regarding low emissivity coatings utilized in insulating glass: 1. U -Value (heat transfer) performance does not change whether the coating is on No. 2 or No. 3 surface. 2. The lower the emissivity of the coating, the lower the U -Value of the IG unit. 3. The shading and solar heat gain coeffi- cients of the unit will be lower when the coating is placed on No. 2 surface than when the coating is on the No. 3 Surfr�tQ. _ 4. LoE is not a heat trap. LoE is beneficial for winter and summertime conditions. Radiant Energy The energy from the sun (Short Wave Radiation) is transmitted through the insulating glass unit to the building's interior. After being absorbed by carpet- ing, draperies, furniture, walls, etc., the radiation becomes long wave infrared radiation. Heat energy from lights, heat- ing registers, office equipment, etc., is also long wave infrared radiation. When the long wave infrared energy tries to escape through the glass, the LoE2-171 coating reflects approximately 96% of this energy back into the room with a resultant lower winter U -Value. Energy Diagram Winter Nighttime Performance Heat Loss X Indoors O Short X LoE' -171 or Wave Radiation X Room Side LoE Coatings tT�_ Heat Outdoors X X=Lot-178, LoE°-171 X Long Wave or LoESun-145Radiation X Side Heat Coating _J Winter Nighttime Performance Heat Loss X X = LoE -178 Reduced X LoE' -171 or 51 %Wdh X LOESurv445 LoE Coatings X Coating X X Room LoP -171 or X X Side Heat 89° X 75° Relative X Heat Heat Gain x� Clear Unit 189 X 155 Clear Unit WdhLOE-178 X Tinted with LoE-178 Coating ' 00 X 70°.. Clear Unit with LoE Sun -145 79 U -value (Btu/hr/ft'/'F) Standard Unit 0.49 Standard Unit With LoE-178 LoE'-171 or LoE Sun -145 With Argon 0.24-0.27 Summer Daytime Performance X Room Side X x Heat Gain X O Reduced X With LoE XProducts As XListed Below X X=LOE-178 X LoP -171 or X LoE Sun -145 X Coating 89° X 75° Relative Heat Heat Gain (Btu/hr/ Clear Unit 189 Tinted Unit 155 Clear Unit WdhLOE-178 139 Tinted with LoE-178 Coating 122 Clear Unit With LoE'-171 98 Clear Unit with LoE Sun -145 79 Emissivity Measurements Emissivity is measured by using a spectrometer. By using this method, only normal emissivity energy data is obtained. To establish the most exact and realistic emissivity, the normal emissivity must be converted to a hemi- spherical emissivity by formula. If normal emissivity is used in lieu of hemispherical emissivity, the normal emissivity will show an unrealistic lower emissivity and therefore will underpredict the glass energy transfer and resultant wintertime U -Value. Cardinal IG has used hemispherical emissivity and the PGMC (Primary Glass Manufacturers Council) Emittance Calculation Procedure for determining the U -Values of the LoE-178, LoE2-171 and LoE Sun -145 products listed in this brochure. 3 rig B 1 uiitwwin savin S or...,:.) Smart Homebuyers, Today's savvy homebuyer is looking for an attractive, comfort-::` able, and enerpv-efficient home. ' Scientific tests show when building an energy-efficient home the use of Polar-Ply"m radiant barrier sheathing can effect savings on cooling as much as 25% each year for the life of the home. transfer, and almost ail summer heat; is by radiation. For summer comfort forget "R", think "E". Radiant barrier technology has sheathing. Direct lamination to been in limited use since the the roof sheathing provides 1800's, but with its widespread durability, requires no additional applications in space exploration, has now begun to emerge as construction labor, and substantially reduces the a new standard in energy-efficient home design. Perhaps the flammability of the roof sheathing. most difficult thing about radiant barrier technology is it's explanation. "R" values measure "resistance" to conductive Polar-PlyTM has been designed specifically to combat the heat only, not radiant heat. Radiant heat is measured by increasing high costs of energy. It costs far more to cool a "emittance" (E) values. This is an important home one degree in the summer than to heat it one degree in difference since the primary mode of heat the winter. Homebuyers know that these costs will rise and are demanding more energy-efficient homes, The technology you build with today pays off in o arm comfort and energy savings for the life of your home. Radiant Barrier- Sheathing ECT 8095 South Lake cirde Superior Radiant Insulation, Inc. (909) 305-1450 Granite say, GA 95746-8132 916-791-4372 soo-426-6200 - Polar-PIyTM is an innovative product composed of an - aluminum radiant barrier which blocks 97% of summer radiant heat, laminated with flame resistant adhesive to roof Radiant barrier technology has sheathing. Direct lamination to been in limited use since the the roof sheathing provides 1800's, but with its widespread durability, requires no additional applications in space exploration, has now begun to emerge as construction labor, and substantially reduces the a new standard in energy-efficient home design. Perhaps the flammability of the roof sheathing. most difficult thing about radiant barrier technology is it's explanation. "R" values measure "resistance" to conductive Polar-PlyTM has been designed specifically to combat the heat only, not radiant heat. Radiant heat is measured by increasing high costs of energy. It costs far more to cool a "emittance" (E) values. This is an important home one degree in the summer than to heat it one degree in difference since the primary mode of heat the winter. Homebuyers know that these costs will rise and are demanding more energy-efficient homes, The technology you build with today pays off in o arm comfort and energy savings for the life of your home. Radiant Barrier- Sheathing ECT 8095 South Lake cirde Superior Radiant Insulation, Inc. (909) 305-1450 Granite say, GA 95746-8132 916-791-4372 soo-426-6200 � - P =.r .rold 4I Rodiomt c. Product Description A high -purity aluminum foil laminated as a facing to either plywood or OSB of selected thicknesses using a flame - resistant adhesive. After lamination, the facing is yerforated to help with the dissipation of moisture. ( * See Application Notes) Properties Emittance (E -value): .03 Reflectivity: 97% Permeance of facing: 53.3 Flame spread of facing: 0 Smoke of facing: 0 UBC class of lacing I NFPA class of facing A Flame spread of composite': 50 Smoke of composite': 95 UBC class of composite': II NFPA class of composite': B How does it work? It is a proven scientific fact that most heat transfer Is by radiation. Polar-PIyTM is very effective in stopping heat transfer because it is a barrier to radiant heat transfer employing the principles of low emissivity (low -e) and high reflectivity. NASA uses this same technology to protect its astronauts and space vehicles. When most people think of insulation they tend to think of mass insulation such as fiberglass. Mass insulation retards heat flow through resistance to conductive heat i transfer (R -value). Mass insulation only addresses radiant heat flow incidentally and inefficiently. During hot weather, homes experience unwanted heat gains predominantly by radiant heat transfer. Summer heat equals radiant heat. This is certainly true and easy to understand during the daylight hours when the hot sun is blazing on your roof. But, even after the sun sets, the accumulated heat remains stored in the mass insulation, drywall, and framing 1 Tested with 1/16" CDX plywood members. The ceiling and wall surfaces continue to re -radiate this heat into your home long into the night. This keeps your air conditioner working longer and harder, all the while adding to your cooling bills. Instead of this intense radiant heat transfer into your attic and ceiling, Polar -Ply' effectively stops 91% of these heat rays. Your mass insulation stays cooler and your ceiling stays cooler. This translates into comfortable living spaces at significantly lower cost. Benefits of Polar-PIyTM 1. Keeps the temperature of existing mass Insulation and ceilings lower, thereby reducing the radiant heat transfer into the living space and increasing occupant comfort. 2. No additional installation labor required. 3. Approved for energy credit in Model Energy Code & California Energy Commission Title 24. 4. Significant savings in utility cooling bills; as much as 25%. 5. Important reduction in flame spread rating of the roof sheathing. 6. Reduces workload for the cooling equipment, extending its life expectancy. 1. Cooler attic air and the elimination of most radiant heat gain make for marked improvement in efficiency of vulnerable a/c supply ducts located in attics. 8. Noticeably reduces garage temperature. 9. Durable; should last for the life of the home. 10. Environmentally friendly. ECT . 8095 South Lake Circle Granite Bay, CA 95746-8132 916-791-4372 800-426-6200 ,a/ pl,04z� Application Notes ' Install according to panel manufacturers' recommended installation specifications. No special procedures are necessary. For proper performance, the radiant barrier should face an evacuated air space of at least 3/4". * Care should be taken in the storage, handling, and installation of Polar- PIyTM to ensure that the moisture content does not exceed that of the board manufactur- ers' recommendation. A high moisture content may lead to delamination of the radiant barrier facing and possible deterioration of the board. Research Acknowledgments National Aeronautics and Space Administration US Department Of Energy Florida Solar Energy Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory Tennessee Valley Authority Davis Energy Group Numerous University studies Superior Radiant Insulation, Inc. P.O. Box 247 San Dimas, California 91773 Phone: (909) 305-1450 Fax: (909) 305-1448 email: Polar-Ply@SuperiorRB.com Warnings Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity. During installation avoid open electrical circuits and other exposed electrical current situations to prevent electric shock. Electric shock can result in injury or death. This product may have an effect on whether condensation will occur. Condensation is a natural and common phenomenon that can occur at the walls and roof of buildings under certain conditions. Many circumstances including the mix of material, weather, and other factors will effect whether condensation occurs, the degree to which it occurs, and the effect condensation will have on the components of the building. Where these conditions may exist, special attention should be given to proper ventilation and corrosion -resistant fasteners. 0 1999 Superior Radiant Insulation, Inc. All rights reserved.