12236 (SFD) Title 24t TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS 49-165 AVENIDA EL NIDO LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA PROJECT DESIGNER: WILLIAM E. SEXTON, ARCHITECT 773-9317 REPORT PREPARED BY: JOAN D. HACKER JOHN H. HACKERS :°< ASSOCIATES 4501 E. Sunny Dune Rd. Suite C PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92264 ( 619) 327-4565. Job Number: E Date: 7/29/1993 The COMPLY 24 computer program has been'"`used to perform the.calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd Associates (510) 428-0803. N Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report .. ------------------------------------- CoverPage.......................................................... 1 Table of Contents ................................................... Form CF -1R Certificate of Compliance: Residential ................... 3 Farm MF -IR Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential ................ 5 Form C -2P. Computer Method Summary ................................... 7 Farm P -2R Point System Summary ...................................... 10 HVAC Zone & Space Leads Summary ..................................... .11 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part 1 of 2)- GF -1R page 3 of 13 -----7 ---------------------------------------------- 7---------------------- . Pro.ject Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS Qate: 7/29/1993 Address: 49-160 AVENIDA EL NIDO ------------------- LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA Quilding Permit No ------------------- Designer: WILLIAM E. SEXTON, ARCHITECT :Checked by / Date Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES !COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: COMPLY 24 version 4.10 Climate Zone: 15 Conditioned Floor Area: 3185 sqft Building Type: Single Fam Det Building Front Orientation: 90 deg_ (E) Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Floor Construction Type': Slab on Grade BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component anent U -Val ue Location/Comments R-21 Wall (W.21.2•:6.16) 0.059 WHOLE HOUSE Solid. Wood Door 0.387 WHOLE HOUSE R-30 Roof (R. 38. 2 x;14. 16) 0.028 WHOLE HOUSE Slab Perimeter w/R-0.0 0.900 WHOLE HOUSE Slab Perimeter w/R-0.0 0.70 WHOLE HOUSE FENESTRATION Shading Devices Frame Orient. Area U -Val Type Interior Exterior OH SF Type --------- ------ ----- ------------------------------------ -- -- ----- Right (N) 30.0 0.65 Double Light Blind Standard Bug Scr Y N Metal Front (E) 210.0 0.65 Double Light Blind Standard Bug Scr Y N Metal Left (S) 36.0 0.65 Double Light Blind Standard Bug Scr Y N Metal Back (W) 182.5 0.65 Double Light Blind Standard Bug Scr Y N Metal THERMAL MASS Area Thick Type Covering (sf) (in) Location/Description ----------------------------- ----- ----- -Z ---------------------------- Concrete, Heavyweight Exposed 1000 3.50 Slab on. Grade Concrete, Heavyweight Covered 2185 3.50 Slab on Grade Tile in Mortar Exposed 100 1.50 WHOLE HOUSE/Int Mass CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part 2 of 2) CF -1R page' 4 of 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------==---- Project Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS Qate: 7/9/!993 • Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES :COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Distrib Type Duct TStat System Type Efficiency and Location RVal Type Location/Comments ------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------ Furnace 0.780 AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 SetBck WHOLE HOUSE SpltAirCondlO.000 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 SetBck: Water NoTank: Ext. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Heater in Energy Size Insul System Name Distribution Type Type Sys Fatter (gal) R -VA ------------------------------------------------ --- ------ ----- ----- RHEEMGLAS ENG 44V50EM Standard StorGas 2 0.60 50.0 12.0 AFUE WATER HEATER EQUIPANT DETAIL /Rec Rated Stdby Tank: Pilot System Name System Type Eff Input Less R -Val Light ----------------------- ----------- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- RHEEMGLAS ENG 44V50EM DomesticHW 0.760 40000 0.036 0.0 0 SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 & 6 of the Califor- nia Cade of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section DESIGNER or OWNER (Per Business & Professions Cade) WILLIAM E. SEXTON, ARCHITECT 773-9 7 Lic #: --C•Z.1W3 ------------ 4 ----- -- ------------------ (s'g ure'1 (date) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY 1 Name: Title: ----------------------------- Agency: ---------------------------- Telephone: DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR JOAN D. HACKER JOHN H. HACKER &< ASSOCIATES 4501 E. Sunny Dune Rd. Suite C PALM SPRTNGS, CALIFORNIA 92264 ( 619) 327-4565 -- -- - & -Ift --- ��VL✓ (si at�_�re?. (date) ---------------------------------- (signature/stamp) (date) MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 1 of 2) MF -1R page 5 of 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro.ject Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS Qate: 7/29/1993 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES :COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance - requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated intim � the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES o Sec. 150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. o Sec. '150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturers labeled R -Value. o Sec. 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in framed walls (does not apply to'exterior- mass walls). o Sec. 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors; Minimum R-8' in concrete raised floors. o Sec. 150(l): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. Enforcement o Sec. 118: Insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission quality standards. Indicate Type & farm. o Sec. 116-117: Fenestration Products, Ext Doors & Infil/Exfil Controls a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. b. Manufactured fenestration products have label w/certified U -Value c. Exterior doors and windows weathers•tripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. • Sec. 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. • Sec. 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 151 meets CommiRsion quality standards. c, Sec. 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Legs 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control . No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 2 of 2) MF -1R page 6 of 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS Date: 7/29/1993 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES :COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPACE CONDITIONING, WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES Enforcement o Sec. 110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. o Sec. 150(i): Setback: thermostat on all applicable heating systems. ----------- o-Sec. __________ o'Sec. 150(j): Pipe and Tank: Insulation 1. Indirect host water- tanks (eg unfired storage tanks or backup solar host water tanks) Have insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior insulation (R-16 or greater) . 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tangy::, noon -recirculation systems, insulated (R -4 -or it greater. 3. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculation sections of hoot water system. 4. Cooling system piping below 55 F insulated. `i. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect host water tank:. o Sec. 150(m) Ducts and Fans 1. Ducts constructed, installed and pealed to comply with UMC Sections 1002 and 1004; ducts insulated to a minimum R-4.2 or ducts enclosed used entirely within conditioned space. 2. Exhaust systems have back:draft or automatic dampers. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers. o Sec. 114:Pool and Spa. Heating Systems and Equipment 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36" pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools � �r outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. __________- o Sec. 115: Gas-fired central furnace, pool heater, spa heater AL or household cooking appliance have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Noon -electrical cooking appliance with pilot < 150 Btuh) LIGHTING MEASURES o Sec. 150(k): Lighting - 40 lumens/watt or greater- for general lighting in kitchens and rooms with water- closets; and recessed ceiling fixtures IC (insulation cover) approved. COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY (part 1 of 3) C -2R page 7 of 13 ----=----`------------------------------------------------------------------ Pro)ect Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS !Date: 7/29/1993 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES : 55 COMPLY '�� User �bJJ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINT SYSTEM COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Proposed Design Paint Score Budget Compliance Paint Gaal GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: Climate Zone: Conditioned Floor Area: Building Type: Building Front 0•rientation: Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Stories: Floor Construction Type: Total Conditioned Volume: Conditioned Footprint Area: Ground Floor Area: 0 Points *Building Complies* 0 Points 1 COMPLY 24 version 4.10 1 3185 sgft Single Fam Det 90 deg_ (E:) 1 1 Slab on Grade 28665 tuft 3185 sgft 3185 sgft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor # of Vent Zane Name Area Volume Units Zone Type TStat Type Hgt Area ----------------------- WHOLE HOUSE ----- 3185 ------ 28665 ---------------- 1.00 Conditioned ---------- Setback --- ---- 2 n/a OPAQUE SURFACES Act Solar Type Area U -Val Azm Tilt Gains Form 3 Reference Location/Comments ---- ZONE ---- NAME ----- --- ---- = WHOLE HOUSE ----- ----------------------- -------------------- Wall 470 0.059 90 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2%.16) WHOLE HOUSE Door 40 0.387 90 90 Yes Solid Wood Door WHOLE HOUSE Wall 324 0.059 180 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21 . 2xG. 16) WHOLE HOUSE Wall 538 0.059 '70 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2%6.16) WHOLE HOUSE Wall 330 0.059 0 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21. xG.16) WHOLE HOUSE Roof 3185 0.028 90 22 Yes R-38 Roof (R. 38. 2x 14.16) WHOLE HOUSE COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY '(part 2 of 3) C -QR page 8 of 13 --------------------=-=---------------------------------------------------- Pro ject Name: MR. ANI) MRS. JAMES ARMATAS Date: 7/290993 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES !COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val Depth Location/Comments --------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----------------------- ZONE NAME = WHOLE HOUSE Exposed 123.0 0.90 0.0 0 in WHOLE HOUSE Covered 300.0 0.72 0.0 0 in WHOLE HOUSE FENESTRATION SURFACES SC Act Glass # Type Area. Frame Div U -Val Azm Tilt Only Location/Comments --------------- ----- ----- --- ----- --- ---- ----- -- =- ----------------- ZONE NAME = WHOLE HOUSE 1 Wdw Front (E) 146.0 Metal Yes 0.65 90- 90 0.88 WHOLE HOUSE Wdw Front (E) 64.0 Metal Yes 0.65 90 '90 0.88 WHOLE HOUSE 3 Wdw Left (S) 36.0 Metal Yew=. 0.65 180 90 0.88 WHOLE HOUSE 4 Wdw Back: (W) 86.5 Metal Yes 0.65 270 90 0.88 WHOLE HOUSE 5 Wdw Back .(W) 96.0 Metal Yes 0.65 270 90 0.88 WHOLE HOUSE 6 Wdw Right (N) 30.0 Metal Yes 0.65 0 90 0.88 WHOLE HOUSE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SHADING # Type. Interior Shade Type SC Exterior Shade Type SC -- 1 ---- Wdw ----------------------- Light Blind ---- 0.58 ----------------------- Standard Bug Screen ---- O.87 2 Wdw Light Blind 0.58 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 3 Wdw Light Blind 0.58 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 4 Wdw Light Blind 0.58 Standard Bug Screen O.e7 5 Wdw Light Blind 0.58 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 6 Wdw Light Blind 0.58 Standard Bug Screen O.87 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY :part 3 of . 31 C -2R page 9 of 13 ----------------------------------w---------------------------------------- Project Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS !Date: 7/29/1993 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 ----------------------------------------------------------=---------------- ;�1VX;CM- k.ICWA24Q=*Vk ----- Overhanq------ Len Ht --Window-- # Type Ht Wd 1 Wdw 4.0 4.0 2 Wdw 6.0 5.0 3 Wdw 4.0 4.0 4 Wdw 4. 0 4. 0 5 Wdw 6.0 5.0 6 Wdw 4.0 4.0 ----- Overhanq------ Len Ht LExt RExt ---- 2.0 0.1 2.0 2.0 6.0 0.1 6.0 6. 0 2.0 0. 1 2.0 2.0 2. 0 0. 1 2. 0 " 0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 2.0 0.1 2.0 2.0 ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Dist Len Ht Dist Len Ht THERMAL MASS Area Thick: Heat Inside Location Type (sf) (in) . Cap Cond Farm 3 Reference R -Val . Comments ------------- ---- ----- -= --- -------------------------=- ------ -------- ZONE NAME = WHOLE HOUSE Exposed Slab 1000 3.50 28 0.98 n/a. 0 Covered Slab 2185 3.50 28 0.98 n/a Interior Mass 100 1.50 24 0.67 n/a i) HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Distrib Type Duct TStat System Type Efficiency and Location RVal Type Location/Comments ------------------------------------- ---- ------ ----------------------- Furnace 0.780 AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 SetBck: WHOLE HOUSE SpltAirCond10.000 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 SetVk: Water NoTank: Ext. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Heater in Energy Size Insul System Name Distribution Type Type Sys Fatter (gal) R -Val ----------------------- ------------------ ------- --- ------ ----- ----- RHEEMGLAS ENG 44V50EM . Standard StorGas 2 0.60 50.0 12.0 AFUE WATER HEATER EQUIPMENT DETAIL /Rec Rated Stdby Tank Pilot System Name System Type Eff Input Less R -Val Light ----------------------- ----------- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- RHEEMGLAS ENG 44V50EM DomesticHW 0.760 40000 0.036 0.b o SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS k -----------------------------------', • POINT SYSTEM SUMMARY P -' 'R page 10 of 1 - ---=--------------------------,-------------------------------------------- Project Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS Date: 7/29/1993 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES :COMPLY 24 User 2655 -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ BUILDING DATA Conditioned Floor- Area 3185 sgft Number of Stories 1 Occupancy Type Single Fan Det SCORE ------------------------- CARD Measure ------- Paints 1. Roof Insulation 0.02 83 (U-Value7 ------ 2. Wall Insulation 0.0592 (U -Value) -1 3. Raised Floor- Insulation 0.0000 (U -Value) 3a. Controlled Vent Craylspace 0.0 (R -Value) :-> 0 4. Slab Edge Insulation 0.7723 (f2 factor)-: 5. Infiltration Standard 0 6. Glass Heat Less 0.65 14.47 1 Sum 1-6 7. Fenestration Heat Gain SC Orientation Area % Glass Open Eff % SER ----------- ------------ North 30.0 0.9 ---- x 0,71 = ----- ----- 0.7 0.64 East 210.0 6.6 x 0.59 _ 3.9 0.56 -4 South 36.0 1 . 1 x 0.59 = 0.7 0.48 2 West 18..5 5.7 x 0.10 = 3.0 0.56 -1 Skylight 0.0 0.0 x 0.00 = 0.0 0.00 0 8. Interior Thermal Mass -2.75 9. Exterior Wall Mass 0. Q0 0 Sum 7-9 10. Heating System Zonal Control: No 11. Cooling System 1. Water Heating = Point Total: HVAC ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -�pige 11 of 10 ------------------------------------------------------------°--------------- Project Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS Date: 7/9/1993 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATED. !COMPLY 24 User 655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC ZONE DESCRIPTION HVAC Zane Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Fan Schedule: Peak: Lead Method: Relative Humidity: SPACES IN THIS ZONE PEAK ----------------------- ---- WHOLE HOUSE (Jan 12am) TOTAL SPACE LOAD Duct Gains & Lasses: Return Air- Lighting Gain TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIONS WHOLE HOUSE Days<Night 383KAV048075 Days<Ni gh t 593BJ048 -A All On Lead Calcs COINCIDENT to COOLING HEATING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT ------- ------------ ------ 59924 (Aug 2pm) 48857 1977 ------- -------- ------ 59924 48857 1977 9 C I .� � 488E, C� --------------- ------ 6591 E 53743 1977 142000 63497 22888 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety fatter, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations In weather conditions and the pick: -up capacity required to bring the tone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. These responsible for final equipment selection should nate that Sensible and Latent Cooling Leads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. � . _ RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING LOAD SUMMARY page 12 of r3 ' ------------------------------------_---__---------_-----_----------_------ .. project Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS �Date: 7/29/1993 ^ � � Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES :COMPLY 24 User 2655 _---_---_--------_-_----------------_---_-----------_-----------_---------- Space Name: WHOLE HOUSE ` Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 70 F Design Outdoor Winter Dry Bulb Temperature: 29 F Design Temperature Difference: 41 F Conduction ----------------------- Area ------ U -Value ------- TD Btu/hr R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 1661.5 x 0.0592 ---- x 41.0 = ------ 4033 Solid Wood Door 40.0 x 0.3872 x 41.0 = 635 Double Clear (Res Std) 458.5 x 0.6500 x 41.0 = 12219 R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) 3185.0 x 0.0283 x 41.0 = 3702 Slab on Grade Penim = 123.0 x 43 = 5289 Slab on Grade Perim 300.0 x 43 = 12900 Infiltration: 1.00 x 0.018 x 3185 sf x 9.0 ft x 1.00 AC x 41.0 = 21146 Ventilation: 1.080 x 3185 sf x 0'0 cfm / 333.0 x 41.0 = 0 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR SPACE ------ 59924 Heating AirFlow: 59924 Btu/hr / [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)] = 1586 cfm RESIDENTIAL SPACE COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 13 of 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [no,ject Name: MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARMATAS Date: 7/29/1993 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES !COMPLY 24 User 2655 ------------------------------------=-------------------------------------- Space Name: Op Frac. Area Heat Gain WHOLE HOUSE Btu/hr Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: ------ 3185.0 --------- x 0.000. 00. x 78 F ------ 0 Design Outdoor Summer Dry Bulb Temperature: 3185.0 x 225 ! 112 F - 2152 Design Temperature x 0.018 x 3185 sf Difference: ft x 1.00 AC x -0.3 34 F Ventilation: Conduction x 0.0 cfm ! 333.0 Area U -Value DETD Btu/hr ----------------------- R-21 Wall (W.21.2%.16) HEAT GAIN FOR ------ 1661.5 ------- x 0.0592 x ---- 29.6 = ------ 291 Solid Wood Door 40.0 x 0.3872 x 29.6 = 458 Double Clear (Res Std) 458.5 fir, 0.6500 x 34.0 = 10133 R-38 Roof(R.38. x14.16) 3185.0 x 0.0 293 x 50.0 = 4514 Infiltration: 1.00 x 0.018 x. 3185 sf x 9.0 ft x 1.00 AC x 34.0 = 17536 Ventilation: 1.080 x 3185 sf x 0.0 cfm / 333.0 x 34.0 = 0 Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain ------------ Orient. --------- Area. SGF Area SGF SC ----------- Double Clear (Res Std) East C ---- --- 54.8 x 15 ---- --- + 91.3 x 733 ---- x 0.45 = 3380 Double Clear (Res Std) East C 50.1 x 15 + 13.9 x 731 x 0.45 = 797 Double Clear (Res Std) South C 36.O x 15 + 0.0 x 323 x 0.45 = 244 Double Clear (Res Std) West C 32.4 x 15 + 54.1 x 733 x 0.45 = 2003 Double Clear (Res Std) West C 96.0 x 15 + 0.0 x 733 x 0.45 = 651 Double Clear (Res Std) North C 0.0 x 15 + 30.0 x 153 x 0.45 = 203 Internal Gain Op Frac. -------- Area Heat Gain Conv. ----------------------- Lighting 1.00 ------ x 3185.0 --------- x 0.200 x ----- 3.413 = 2174 Equipment 1..00 x 3185.0 x 0.100 x 3.413 = 1087 Occupants 1.00 x 3185.0 x 225 / 333 = 215' TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR SPACE 48857 Latent Gain Op Frac. Area Heat Gain Conv. Btu/hr ----------------------- Equipment -------- 1.00 x ------ 3185.0 --------- x 0.000. 00. x ----- 3.413 = ------ 0 Occupants 1.00 x 3185.0 x 225 ! 333 - 2152 Infiltration: 1.00 x 0.018 x 3185 sf :, 9.0 ft x 1.00 AC x -0.3 = -160 Ventilation: 1.080 x 3185 sf x 0.0 cfm ! 333.0 x -0.3 = -0 TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR SPACE 1977 Cooling AirFlow: 48857 Btu/hr / E1.08 x 23 F DeltaT)3 = 1968 cfm