TRAKit Inspections through 20200623LIST OF INSPECTIONS SEQ ID SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE TYPE INSPECTOR RESULT REMARKS 4/2/2020 4/2/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 57 degrees- 45% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is also on site today Jacobson engineering is also on site today Urban Habitat- contractor is connecting irrigation main line and tying in reducers for connections to schedule 40 pVCContractor will continue trenching for laterals and main lineJacobson engineering- contractor is tying in domestic water line- CVWD already installed meter Archuleta Construction- concrete contractor is stripping additive used for flat work- contractor will continue forming and grading for walkways around silver rock venue 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 57 degrees- 42% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban habitat continues installing main line for irrigation throughout venue siteArchuleta concrete is on site forming for concrete walkways around silver rock venue site Will follow up on concrete form inspection later this afternoon 1:15-2:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 58 degrees- 18% humidity Archuleta concrete continues forming for concrete walkwayUrban Habitat continues placing main line for irrigation per planUrban Habitat will be on site tomorrow setting up sandbags and plastic liner for future rain 4/6/2020 4/6/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-9:30amWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 75 degrees and a low of 55 degrees-49% humidity- 20% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat continues installing main line for irrigation and placing reducers to transition from 6 inch to 3 inch for main line Archuleta concrete continues grading and setting forms for walkway Contractor will not place concrete until Thursday 4/7/2020 4/7/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- cloudy with a high of 69 degrees and a low of 53 degrees- 49% humidity- 50% chance of rain Site was closed today due to rain showersNo workers on site today Site is idle 4/8/2020 4/8/2020 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:30-9:45amWeather- cloudy with a high of 64 degrees and a low of 48 degrees- scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the day- rained all last night into early this morning No work being done today Site is idle Permit Number: CIP2019-0012 Site Address: SILVERROCK City, State Zip Code: , Applied: 9/10/2019 Approved: 9/10/2019 Issued: 9/10/2019 Parent Permit: Parent Project: Applicant: URBAN HABITAT Owner: CITY OF LA QUINTA Contractor: URBAN HABITAT Description: 2016-08 SILVERROCK PARK VENUE Finaled: Status: ISSUED Details: Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 1 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/9/2020 4/9/2020 10:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:45amWeather- mostly cloudy with a high of 64 degrees and a low of 51 degrees- 68% humidity- 50% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete was on site but left due to mud issues from yesterday's rain- unable to form and grade due to mudUrban Habitat continues placing laterals for irrigation lines and connections ting to main line 4/10/2020 4/10/2020 11:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:20-11:45amWeather- showers currently with a high of 60 degrees and a low of 51 degrees- 70% humidity Urban Habitat is on site grading and back filling trenches for irrigation main line NV5 is on site re surveying site for urban habitat and sub contractorsIt is raining todayMinimal workContractor is leaving g at 12pm today 4/13/2020 4/13/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:50-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 80 degrees and a low of 60 degrees- 51% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is on site Earth Systems is also on site for a field meeting regarding compaction issues at silver rock venue site Urban Habitat is on site excavating for main line for irrigation throughout site Concrete contractor is grading and setting forms for walkway construction Meeting with Earth systems went well- Brett expressed his concerns with compaction issues and Earth systems made some recommendations so that he can solve sub grade compaction issues 4/14/2020 4/14/2020 11:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:20-11:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 55 degrees- 21% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is making cuts to grade for concrete sidewalk construction of walkwaySurvey crew will try to make it on site today to confirm elevations for walkways and bridges over ponds and streamsContractor continues placing main line for irrigation throughout site 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:45-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 60 degrees- 19% humidity- 0% chance of rain Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat is not on site today- no work being done from urban Habitat todayConcrete contractor is grading and setting forms for sidewalk walkway Contractor has requested a form inspection for tomorrow morning 4/16/2020 4/16/2020 3:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:55-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 60 degrees- 35% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Contractor is forming for new sidewalk construction Contractor is also pressure washing curing agent off newly constructed walkwayContractor did not pass compaction test performed by City Inspector EH- probe compaction test failed at dry utility crossings that were never backfilled or compacted to greenbook or COLQ standard Contractor did pass form inspection for percentage- all forms were at 1.7% or less per ADA compliance 4/17/2020 4/17/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 58 degrees- 27% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Met with Brett and Cameron on site this morning to discuss compaction issues and how to get these issues resolvedContractor will compact all crossings for any irrigation or electrical trenches- pointed out compaction issues in walkways for concrete Contractor will also pull forms out of trench for lower retaining wall at amphitheater site- contractor needs to scarify amd re compact trench- contractor has requested soil compaction test for next MondaySent email to earth systems to schedule compaction test for Monday 4/20/2020 12:40-1:20pmWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 58 degrees- 27% humidity- 0% chance of rainUrban Habitat is on site Contractor continues compacting trench for retaining wall footing at Amphitheater site Earth systems is scheduled for 9am on 4/20/2020 for a compaction test so that contractor can be approved to place concrete Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 2 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/20/2020 4/20/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-9:50amWeather- sunny with a high of 87 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 34% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Earth systems was also on site today Earth systems tested trench for retaining wall footing at Amphitheater location of silver rock venue site- 81% 86% and 73% were the compaction test results- failed compaction issues are ongoing- soils TECH will take another sample for max results and re test on Wednesday Archuleta concrete is grading around roundabout and setting forms for concrete curb around future roundaboutUrban Habitat is trenching for irrigation main line 4/21/2020 4/21/2020 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:45-2:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 66 degrees- 32% humidity- 0 % chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site grading future site of Alongi building Converse consultants is on site testing for compaction at retaining wall footing Converse also took soil samples from trench for footing and from subgrade of Alongi building siteConverse will provide test results tomorrow 4/22/2020 4/22/2020 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 69 degrees- 38% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site todayArchuleta concrete is on site Concrete contractor is setting forms for curb at roundabout entrance to SilverRock siteConcrete contractor will continue to set forms and will also set rebar at footing for retaining wall 4/23/2020 4/23/2020 11:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:25-10:20amWeather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 17% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on siteConcrete contractor has been approved for concrete placement at entrance for silver rock venue site- roundabout curb- per planConcrete is scheduled for 11am today 4/24/2020 4/24/2020 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:50-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 71 degrees- 18% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on siteArchuleta Concrete is on site Urban Habitat is on site grading for concrete walkwaysArchuleta concrete is on site placing concrete for retaining wall footing Concrete contractor has left for the day at 9:20amUrban Habitat is still on site grading for concrete walkways around venue site 4/27/2020 4/27/2020 09:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 12% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban habitat is not on site today Per Brett UH crews won't be back from Las Vegas till Wednesday Archuleta concrete is on site Concrete contractor is setting forms for lower retaining wall at amphitheater siteContractor will return to finish setting forms tomorrow Concrete scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday this week 4/28/2020 4/28/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:15-12:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Concrete contractor is setting forms for lower retaining wall at Amphitheater location No other work going on today 4/29/2020 4/29/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 17% humidity-0-% chance of rain No inspection for today Was on Calle Tampico sinkhole repair all day- assisting and working with City crewsWill follow up tomorrow Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 3 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-8:00amWeather- mostly sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 34% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on site todayThis morning entering the job site I discovered major erosion and flood damage throughout the silver rock venue site- several locations of sidewalk have been undermined and are starting to fail- major mud flow and grade busts due to flooding- water main broke a Tuesday night and was discovered yesterday morning by Archuleta concrete- Brett was notified at 7am yesterday about water main break- no one from Urban Habitat has been on site- water was shit off by Silver Rock golf course maintenance crewsArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for lower retaining wall at Amphitheater location 5/1/2020 5/1/2020 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-10:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 69 degrees- 30% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is on site Romtech has delivered the restroom components on site All block has also been delivered- 2 truckloads Archuleta concrete has finished forms for lower retaining wall- inspection passed by City Inspector- all forms are built per plan Contractor is approved for concrete- scheduled for May 4 2020Walked site with Brett from UH to go over quantities for progress payment- 6,840 square feet of concrete- 6 inch roundabout curb-170 linear feet- and footing and lower retaining wall for amphitheater site- will be billed to cityUrban habitat is on site grading for restroom building pad and fixing water main break 5/4/2020 5/4/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:10-9:30amWeather - sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 69 degrees- 32% humidity-0% chance of rainUrban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Earth Systems is on site testing for compaction on restroom building- subgrade max density test was 96% compaction- passedUrban Habitat is grading and filling at Alongi Building site Archuleta concrete is grading and setting forms for second half o& driveway approach to Silver Rock venue site- Concrete is scheduled at 10 am for lower retaining wall at Amphitheater location 5/5/2020 5/5/2020 1:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:35-8:00am8:55-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees-14% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today NV5 is on site re surveying site for restroom buildings and other areas that need to be surveyed Earth systems was on site this morning and took soil compaction tests for Alongi building and cross gutter/ apron at entrance to site 90.4 % compaction for cross gutter- passed -98% compaction for subgrade at Alongi building- passedArchuleta concrete is stripping forms for lower retaining wall at Amphitheater location Concrete for cross gutter is scheduled for tomorrow Urban Habitat continues installing main line for irrigation and grading for concrete walkway around site 5/6/2020 5/6/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 75 degrees- 22% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Quantities for Archuleta concrete- 5/6/2020120 square feet for rolled curb at entrance to site560 square feet for cross gutter at entrance 5/7/2020 5/7/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:30-12:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 75 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today setting forms for concrete walkway TWC fence subcontractor for Urban Habitat is on site placing concrete for fence post footings on east end of venue sitePer Ubaldo Ayon- footing should be 3 inches above finished grade Contractor is placing concrete for footings Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 4 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 5/8/2020 5/8/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:00-1:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat is grading east of amphitheater stage for walkwayArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for concrete walkways Urban Habitat landscaping crews are repairing and backfilling trenches 5/11/2020 5/11/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:55-9:55amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 66 degrees- 24% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban habitat is flushing valves and trenching for irrigation laterals throughout venue siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for concrete walkwAys Will return this afternoon to inspect forms for concrete walkway- contractor wants to place concrete tomorrow 1:00-2:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 66 degrees- 24% humidity-0% chance of rainUrban Habitat is on site and continues trenching for irrigation laterals Urban Habitat also is setting forms for light standards and footings around venue siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for concrete walkway Compaction test failed Contractor needs to run j tamp over soil to get firm and unyielding soilWill follow up tomorrow with compaction test 5/12/2020 5/12/2020 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 62 degrees-35% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban habitat is on site trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation Urban Habitat also continues placing forms and sono tubes for light standards around venue site Archuleta concrete is compacting for concrete walkways and setting forms Archuleta has been approved for concrete at 10am this morning 12:30-1:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 62 degrees Archuleta concrete is on site and continues finishing concrete and placing curing agent per city standardUrban Habitat has a water truck operator on siteNo other work being done from Urban Habitat at this time 5/13/2020 5/13/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-8:15amWeather- sunny with a of 91 degrees and a low of 64 degrees-50% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today TWC- fence sub contractor is on site installing fence panels for fencing East and north of amphitheater stage Urban Habitat continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation Archuleta concrete is stripping acid finish off concrete walkway that was placed yesterday No work being done on romtech restroom building 5/14/2020 5/14/2020 3:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 66 degrees- 35% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site installing irrigation laterals Archuleta concrete is on site grading and setting forms for concrete walkway Archuleta concrete will place concrete for walkways later today Form and grade inspections have passedConcrete contractor is approved for concrete 5/15/2020 5/15/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-9:45amWeather- Sunny with a high of 96 humidity and a low of 69 degrees- 35% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site todayUrban habitat continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves and rotors around park site Archuleta concrete continues to grade and set forms for concrete walkways Brudvik electrical is on site blowing through conduits for light standards around park site 1:00-1:25pmWeather- Sunny with a high of 96 humidity and a low of 69 degrees- 35% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site Urban Habitat continues trenching for irrigation laterals Contractor is watering down site for dust control Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 5 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 5/18/2020 5/18/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 91 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 39% humidity 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site today Urban Habitat is digging for footings and utilities at restroom building Urban habitat landscaping crew is setting pipe for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete bands around pavers and setting g forms for concrete walkways Concrete will be placed for walkway east of amphitheater stage- forms were inspected last weekBrudvik electrical is setting light poles around site on east end of venue site 8:30-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 91 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 39% humidity 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site today Urban Habitat is digging for footings and utilities at restroom building Urban habitat landscaping crew is setting pipe for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete bands around pavers and setting g forms for concrete walkways Concrete will be placed for walkway east of amphitheater stage- forms were inspected last weekBrudvik electrical is setting light poles around site on east end of venue site 5/19/2020 5/19/2020 1:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:00amWeather- Sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 60 degrees- 30% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban habitat has one laborer on site todayTrees were delivered on site this morning Brudvik electrical is on site and continues setting light poles around site Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete walkway Restroom building forms are set for foundation slab- no plumbing or utilities have been placed yet 5/20/2020 5/20/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:45-1:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 64 degrees-14% humidity Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is also on site Urban Habitat is placing concrete for light pole footings around park siteUrban Habitat landscaping crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and install valves for irrigation Archuleta concrete finished placing concrete for walkways around park site 5/21/2020 5/21/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low 66 degrees-9% humidity Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site Archuleta concrete is on siteUrban Habitat continues placing irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation throughout the site Archuleta concrete continues placing concrete for walkways around park site 5/22/2020 5/22/2020 07:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:20-7:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 67 degrees- 30% humidity Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site Archuleta concrete is on siteUrban Habitat landscaping crews continue installing laterals and valves for irrigation around park siteArchuleta is pressure washing acid wSh off new concrete walkways- continues setting forms for walkway 5/26/2020 5/26/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:25-8:50amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 13% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat landscaping crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and are also setting valves for irrigation Contractor is also planting trees around park siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for concrete walkway 5/27/2020 5/27/2020 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:45-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 78 degreesUrban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat landscaping crews are planting trees around venue siteContractor also continues placing and installing irrigation laterals and irrigation valves per planArchuleta concrete is stripping acid wash off concrete walkways that were placed yesterdayArchuleta concrete has been approved for concrete at walkway next to fencing east of amphitheater stage Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 6 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 5/28/2020 5/28/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:10-7:55amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 75 degrees-39% humidity Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Concrete sub contractor is prepping to place concrete for walkway along fence line west of retention basin 12:10-12:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 75 degrees-39% humidity Archuleta concrete continues finishing concrete for walkway near fence east of Amphitheater stageNo one from Urban Habitat is on site 5/29/2020 5/29/2020 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 47% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site Urban Habitat is on site today Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site placing irrigation valves and irrigation laterals around park site Urban Habitat continues planting trees around park site as wellArchuleta concrete is stripping acid wash off concrete walkway that was placed yesterday near fence west of retention basin 6/1/2020 6/1/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 75 degrees- 28% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat is on the north end of park site excavating for IID conduits from vault on south side of Ave 52Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete walkways and concrete bands for pavers around park siteUrban Habitat landscaping crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation 6/2/2020 6/2/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:35-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 80 degrees- 29% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is setting light poles on light standards footings west of Lake at park siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for walkways around siteNo urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site 9:30-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 80 degrees- 29% humidity Jones bros construction is on site today Contractor is setting forms for curb and gutter replacement on south side of Ave 50 west of JeffersonConcrete has been approved for concrete repairs 6/3/2020 6/3/2020 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-10:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 112 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 10% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site Brudvik electrical is on site Archuleta concrete is stripping acid wash off concrete walkway Brudvik electrical is pulling wire through conduits and setting light poles on light standards around siteUrban Habitat has begun excavating for headwall amd storm drain placement east of fenced area on siteEarth systems was on site this morning to provide feedback on future soil compaction and testing- 85% native soil compaction required per engineers report Urban Habitat will continue exposing behind pipe and excavating for bottom of pipe 6/4/2020 6/4/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-7:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees-32% humidity Archuleta concrete is on siteUrban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete walkway next to fencing Brudvik electrical is on site blowing out conduits for electrical wiring around park site 1:50-2:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees-32% humidityUrban Habitat is on site Contractor is grading and moving dirt for headwall and storm drain pipe Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 7 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 6/5/2020 6/5/2020 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 67 degreesUrban Habitat is on site this morning Plumbing contractor was also on site today Plumber was working on utilities for restroom building Urban Habitat was on site watering for dust control No other contractor was on site today Met with Chris Hermann and went over oak trees that were delivered- 6/8/2020 6/8/2020 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 12% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta Concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical contractor is on site todayPlumbing contractor for restroom buildings is on site trenching for plumbing utilities todayArchuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete walkway on siteUrban Habitat continues grading for concrete contractor and trenching for IID conduits on north side of park site Brudvik electrical continues blowing out conduits 12:45-1:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 12% humidity Brudvik electrical continues blowing out conduits on siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for steps at amphitheater Plumbing contractor has finished installing plumbing for restroom building- Brett needs to call in Building and Safety GeForce inspection 6/9/2020 6/9/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 69- 8% humidity Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is on site today Garcia plumbing is also on site Urban Habitat continues trenching for irrigation laterals and replacing broken valve boxes around siteArchuleta concrete has set forms for (2) bridge locations on site- contractor will place concrete today Garcia plumbing has finished stubbing in utilities for restroom building and is now waiting for building and safety to inspect before placing concrete slab 6/10/2020 6/10/2020 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:15-2:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 108 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 5% humidity No trades were on site when I arrived this afternoon Concrete contractor was on site this morning stripping forms and acid washed (2) bridge locations north of lake that had concrete placed Site was watered down this morning 6/11/2020 6/11/2020 3:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 71 degrees-16% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat is installing conduits on north side of venue site- requires IID inspection Landscaping crews continue trenching for non pressure laterals and installing control valves around park site Archuleta concrete is repairing concrete bands that were cracking- contractor is placing concrete for bike rack areaBrudvik continues running wire for light standards around site 6/12/2020 6/12/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 69 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site today Garcia plumbing is on site today Urban Habitat continues installing irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation throughout site Archuleta concrete is setting forms and grading for concrete walkway around park site- contractor will saw cut a joint at 20 foot concrete walkway at entrance to park site- surface cracks are presentBrudvik electrical is placing electrical conduit on site Garcia plumbing is finishing plumbing install for restroom Steven And Tony from Earth systems were on site this morning for dry density testing, sand cone testing and take samples back to lab for max density results- results or report won't be ready til next Tuesday 12:15-12:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 69 degrees Brudvik electrical is only contractor remaining on site todayAll other contractors have leftSite is watered down for dust control Archuleta concrete has completed saw cut of 20 foot walkway- cut made at 10 feet to make a joint between walkway Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 8 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 6/15/2020 6/15/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-8:35amWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 71 degrees-37% humidity No urban Habitat workers on site No Archuleta concrete workers on siteNo Urban Habitat landscaping construction crews on site One worker from Brudvik electrical is on site p- cleaning his truck No site work being done at this time 1:20-1:35pmWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 71 degrees-37% humidity Site is closed and locked up No workers on site No work being done at this time 6/16/2020 6/16/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 38% humidity Brudvik electrical contractor is on site- installing conduit Restroom building has passed plumbing and electrical inspection Archuleta concrete will begin setting reinforced steel for foundation slab- tomorrow No other trades are on site 6/17/2020 6/17/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:45-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 71 degrees- 37% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site Archuleta concrete is on site Urban Habitat operator is on site assisting Brudvik electrical- trenching and installing conduits around park siteArchuleta concrete has began tying rebar mats for restroom building foundation 6/18/2020 6/18/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high humidity of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 34% humidity Urban Habitat equipment operator is on siteArchuleta concrete is on siteUrban Habitat is working on the north side of park venue- excavating for electrical conduits for IID Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete flat work behind Amphitheater stage Archuleta concrete has finished setting rebar and forms for restroom building foundation- waiting on building and safety for inspection No other trades on site 6/19/2020 6/19/2020 09:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:45-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 36% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site Urban habitat equipment operator is on site Archuleta concrete is placing concrete for foundation slab for restroom building- will set 1st course of block Urban Habitat continues trenching for electrical conduits on siteNo other trades on site 6/22/2020 6/22/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 76 degrees- 32% humidity Urban Habitat is on site- placing valve boxes and installing conduit and grading future walkway areas around venue site Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor is waiting for sand and cement mix for installation of block for restroom building Brudvik electrical is on site- is setting electrical cabinets on north side of Venue site- mounting on concrete pads Farley Pavers is on site- grading inside concrete bands for pavers install per plan 6/23/2020 6/23/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 76 degrees- 22% humidity Urban habitat is on site today- excavating for conduits on north end of siteArchuleta concrete is on site today- setting block for restroom building Brudvik Electrical is on site today- installing electrical cabinets and switch gears on site Farley Pavers is on site today- installing pavers inside concrete bands around park site 1:30-2:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 76 degrees- 22% humidity Archuleta concrete continues setting first course of block for restroom building Brudvik electrical continues working on switch gears in electrical cabinets Farley Pavers continues placing pavers inside concrete bands per landscaping planIID was on site earlier today and spoke with Cameron from Urban Habitat- IID knocked out holes from vault so contractor can place 5" conduits for IID vault- Ruben from IID is the inspector watching the IID portion of work Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 9 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 6/24/2020 6/24/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-7:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 110 degrees and a low of 78 degrees Brudvik electrical is on site- is mounting light poles on footings around concrete walkways- East and west side venue siteArchuleta concrete is on site- continues placing block for restroom building Farley Pavers is on site- continues setting pavers inside circular concrete bands per planUrban Habitat landscape crews are on site - is installing rotors and valves for irrigation throughout site 1:30-2:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 76 degrees Brudvik electrical continues setting up switch gears inside electrical cabinets Archuleta concrete is setting 2nd course of block for restroom building Farley Pavers continues installing pavers inside concrete bands west of lake 6/25/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ Notes: Printed: Wednesday, 24 June, 2020 10 of 10 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta