TRAKit Inspections through 20210929LIST OF INSPECTIONS SEQ ID SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE TYPE INSPECTOR RESULT REMARKS 4/2/2020 4/2/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 57 degrees- 45% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is also on site today Jacobson engineering is also on site today Urban Habitat- contractor is connecting irrigation main line and tying in reducers for connections to schedule 40 pVCContractor will continue trenching for laterals and main lineJacobson engineering- contractor is tying in domestic water line- CVWD already installed meter Archuleta Construction- concrete contractor is stripping additive used for flat work- contractor will continue forming and grading for walkways around silver rock venue 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 57 degrees- 42% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban habitat continues installing main line for irrigation throughout venue siteArchuleta concrete is on site forming for concrete walkways around silver rock venue site Will follow up on concrete form inspection later this afternoon 1:15-2:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 58 degrees- 18% humidity Archuleta concrete continues forming for concrete walkwayUrban Habitat continues placing main line for irrigation per planUrban Habitat will be on site tomorrow setting up sandbags and plastic liner for future rain 4/6/2020 4/6/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-9:30amWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 75 degrees and a low of 55 degrees-49% humidity- 20% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat continues installing main line for irrigation and placing reducers to transition from 6 inch to 3 inch for main line Archuleta concrete continues grading and setting forms for walkway Contractor will not place concrete until Thursday 4/7/2020 4/7/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- cloudy with a high of 69 degrees and a low of 53 degrees- 49% humidity- 50% chance of rain Site was closed today due to rain showersNo workers on site today Site is idle 4/8/2020 4/8/2020 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:30-9:45amWeather- cloudy with a high of 64 degrees and a low of 48 degrees- scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the day- rained all last night into early this morning No work being done today Site is idle Permit Number: CIP2019-0012 Site Address: SILVERROCK City, State Zip Code: , Applied: 9/10/2019 Approved: 9/10/2019 Issued: 9/10/2019 Parent Permit: Parent Project: Applicant: URBAN HABITAT Owner: CITY OF LA QUINTA Contractor: URBAN HABITAT Description: 2016-08 SILVERROCK PARK VENUE Finaled: Status: ISSUED Details: Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 1 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/9/2020 4/9/2020 10:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:45amWeather- mostly cloudy with a high of 64 degrees and a low of 51 degrees- 68% humidity- 50% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete was on site but left due to mud issues from yesterday's rain- unable to form and grade due to mudUrban Habitat continues placing laterals for irrigation lines and connections ting to main line 4/10/2020 4/10/2020 11:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:20-11:45amWeather- showers currently with a high of 60 degrees and a low of 51 degrees- 70% humidity Urban Habitat is on site grading and back filling trenches for irrigation main line NV5 is on site re surveying site for urban habitat and sub contractorsIt is raining todayMinimal workContractor is leaving g at 12pm today 4/13/2020 4/13/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:50-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 80 degrees and a low of 60 degrees- 51% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is on site Earth Systems is also on site for a field meeting regarding compaction issues at silver rock venue site Urban Habitat is on site excavating for main line for irrigation throughout site Concrete contractor is grading and setting forms for walkway construction Meeting with Earth systems went well- Brett expressed his concerns with compaction issues and Earth systems made some recommendations so that he can solve sub grade compaction issues 4/14/2020 4/14/2020 11:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:20-11:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 55 degrees- 21% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is making cuts to grade for concrete sidewalk construction of walkwaySurvey crew will try to make it on site today to confirm elevations for walkways and bridges over ponds and streamsContractor continues placing main line for irrigation throughout site 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:45-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 60 degrees- 19% humidity- 0% chance of rain Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat is not on site today- no work being done from urban Habitat todayConcrete contractor is grading and setting forms for sidewalk walkway Contractor has requested a form inspection for tomorrow morning 4/16/2020 4/16/2020 3:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:55-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 60 degrees- 35% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Contractor is forming for new sidewalk construction Contractor is also pressure washing curing agent off newly constructed walkwayContractor did not pass compaction test performed by City Inspector EH- probe compaction test failed at dry utility crossings that were never backfilled or compacted to greenbook or COLQ standard Contractor did pass form inspection for percentage- all forms were at 1.7% or less per ADA compliance 4/17/2020 4/17/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 58 degrees- 27% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Met with Brett and Cameron on site this morning to discuss compaction issues and how to get these issues resolvedContractor will compact all crossings for any irrigation or electrical trenches- pointed out compaction issues in walkways for concrete Contractor will also pull forms out of trench for lower retaining wall at amphitheater site- contractor needs to scarify amd re compact trench- contractor has requested soil compaction test for next MondaySent email to earth systems to schedule compaction test for Monday 4/20/2020 12:40-1:20pmWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 58 degrees- 27% humidity- 0% chance of rainUrban Habitat is on site Contractor continues compacting trench for retaining wall footing at Amphitheater site Earth systems is scheduled for 9am on 4/20/2020 for a compaction test so that contractor can be approved to place concrete Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 2 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/20/2020 4/20/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-9:50amWeather- sunny with a high of 87 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 34% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Earth systems was also on site today Earth systems tested trench for retaining wall footing at Amphitheater location of silver rock venue site- 81% 86% and 73% were the compaction test results- failed compaction issues are ongoing- soils TECH will take another sample for max results and re test on Wednesday Archuleta concrete is grading around roundabout and setting forms for concrete curb around future roundaboutUrban Habitat is trenching for irrigation main line 4/21/2020 4/21/2020 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:45-2:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 66 degrees- 32% humidity- 0 % chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site grading future site of Alongi building Converse consultants is on site testing for compaction at retaining wall footing Converse also took soil samples from trench for footing and from subgrade of Alongi building siteConverse will provide test results tomorrow 4/22/2020 4/22/2020 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 69 degrees- 38% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site todayArchuleta concrete is on site Concrete contractor is setting forms for curb at roundabout entrance to SilverRock siteConcrete contractor will continue to set forms and will also set rebar at footing for retaining wall 4/23/2020 4/23/2020 11:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:25-10:20amWeather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 17% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on siteConcrete contractor has been approved for concrete placement at entrance for silver rock venue site- roundabout curb- per planConcrete is scheduled for 11am today 4/24/2020 4/24/2020 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:50-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 71 degrees- 18% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on siteArchuleta Concrete is on site Urban Habitat is on site grading for concrete walkwaysArchuleta concrete is on site placing concrete for retaining wall footing Concrete contractor has left for the day at 9:20amUrban Habitat is still on site grading for concrete walkways around venue site 4/27/2020 4/27/2020 09:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 12% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban habitat is not on site today Per Brett UH crews won't be back from Las Vegas till Wednesday Archuleta concrete is on site Concrete contractor is setting forms for lower retaining wall at amphitheater siteContractor will return to finish setting forms tomorrow Concrete scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday this week 4/28/2020 4/28/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:15-12:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Concrete contractor is setting forms for lower retaining wall at Amphitheater location No other work going on today 4/29/2020 4/29/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 17% humidity-0-% chance of rain No inspection for today Was on Calle Tampico sinkhole repair all day- assisting and working with City crewsWill follow up tomorrow Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 3 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-8:00amWeather- mostly sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 34% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on site todayThis morning entering the job site I discovered major erosion and flood damage throughout the silver rock venue site- several locations of sidewalk have been undermined and are starting to fail- major mud flow and grade busts due to flooding- water main broke a Tuesday night and was discovered yesterday morning by Archuleta concrete- Brett was notified at 7am yesterday about water main break- no one from Urban Habitat has been on site- water was shit off by Silver Rock golf course maintenance crewsArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for lower retaining wall at Amphitheater location 5/1/2020 5/1/2020 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-10:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 69 degrees- 30% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is on site Romtech has delivered the restroom components on site All block has also been delivered- 2 truckloads Archuleta concrete has finished forms for lower retaining wall- inspection passed by City Inspector- all forms are built per plan Contractor is approved for concrete- scheduled for May 4 2020Walked site with Brett from UH to go over quantities for progress payment- 6,840 square feet of concrete- 6 inch roundabout curb-170 linear feet- and footing and lower retaining wall for amphitheater site- will be billed to cityUrban habitat is on site grading for restroom building pad and fixing water main break 5/4/2020 5/4/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:10-9:30amWeather - sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 69 degrees- 32% humidity-0% chance of rainUrban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Earth Systems is on site testing for compaction on restroom building- subgrade max density test was 96% compaction- passedUrban Habitat is grading and filling at Alongi Building site Archuleta concrete is grading and setting forms for second half o& driveway approach to Silver Rock venue site- Concrete is scheduled at 10 am for lower retaining wall at Amphitheater location 5/5/2020 5/5/2020 1:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:35-8:00am8:55-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees-14% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today NV5 is on site re surveying site for restroom buildings and other areas that need to be surveyed Earth systems was on site this morning and took soil compaction tests for Alongi building and cross gutter/ apron at entrance to site90.4 % compaction for cross gutter- passed -98% compaction for subgrade at Alongi building- passedArchuleta concrete is stripping forms for lower retaining wall at Amphitheater location Concrete for cross gutter is scheduled for tomorrow Urban Habitat continues installing main line for irrigation and grading for concrete walkway around site 5/6/2020 5/6/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 75 degrees- 22% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Quantities for Archuleta concrete- 5/6/2020120 square feet for rolled curb at entrance to site560 square feet for cross gutter at entrance 5/7/2020 5/7/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:30-12:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 75 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today setting forms for concrete walkway TWC fence subcontractor for Urban Habitat is on site placing concrete for fence post footings on east end of venue sitePer Ubaldo Ayon- footing should be 3 inches above finished grade Contractor is placing concrete for footings Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 4 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 5/8/2020 5/8/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:00-1:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat is grading east of amphitheater stage for walkwayArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for concrete walkways Urban Habitat landscaping crews are repairing and backfilling trenches 5/11/2020 5/11/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:55-9:55amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 66 degrees- 24% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban habitat is flushing valves and trenching for irrigation laterals throughout venue siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for concrete walkwAys Will return this afternoon to inspect forms for concrete walkway- contractor wants to place concrete tomorrow 1:00-2:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 66 degrees- 24% humidity-0% chance of rainUrban Habitat is on site and continues trenching for irrigation laterals Urban Habitat also is setting forms for light standards and footings around venue siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for concrete walkway Compaction test failed Contractor needs to run j tamp over soil to get firm and unyielding soilWill follow up tomorrow with compaction test 5/12/2020 5/12/2020 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 62 degrees-35% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban habitat is on site trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation Urban Habitat also continues placing forms and sono tubes for light standards around venue site Archuleta concrete is compacting for concrete walkways and setting forms Archuleta has been approved for concrete at 10am this morning 12:30-1:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 62 degrees Archuleta concrete is on site and continues finishing concrete and placing curing agent per city standardUrban Habitat has a water truck operator on siteNo other work being done from Urban Habitat at this time 5/13/2020 5/13/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-8:15amWeather- sunny with a of 91 degrees and a low of 64 degrees-50% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today TWC- fence sub contractor is on site installing fence panels for fencing East and north of amphitheater stage Urban Habitat continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation Archuleta concrete is stripping acid finish off concrete walkway that was placed yesterday No work being done on romtech restroom building 5/14/2020 5/14/2020 3:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 66 degrees- 35% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site installing irrigation laterals Archuleta concrete is on site grading and setting forms for concrete walkway Archuleta concrete will place concrete for walkways later today Form and grade inspections have passedConcrete contractor is approved for concrete 5/15/2020 5/15/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-9:45amWeather- Sunny with a high of 96 humidity and a low of 69 degrees- 35% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site todayUrban habitat continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves and rotors around park site Archuleta concrete continues to grade and set forms for concrete walkways Brudvik electrical is on site blowing through conduits for light standards around park site 1:00-1:25pmWeather- Sunny with a high of 96 humidity and a low of 69 degrees- 35% humidity- 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site Urban Habitat continues trenching for irrigation laterals Contractor is watering down site for dust control Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 5 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 5/18/2020 5/18/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 91 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 39% humidity 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site today Urban Habitat is digging for footings and utilities at restroom building Urban habitat landscaping crew is setting pipe for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete bands around pavers and setting g forms for concrete walkways Concrete will be placed for walkway east of amphitheater stage- forms were inspected last weekBrudvik electrical is setting light poles around site on east end of venue site 8:30-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 91 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 39% humidity 0% chance of rain Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site today Urban Habitat is digging for footings and utilities at restroom building Urban habitat landscaping crew is setting pipe for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete bands around pavers and setting g forms for concrete walkways Concrete will be placed for walkway east of amphitheater stage- forms were inspected last weekBrudvik electrical is setting light poles around site on east end of venue site 5/19/2020 5/19/2020 1:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:00amWeather- Sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 60 degrees- 30% humidity-0% chance of rain Urban habitat has one laborer on site todayTrees were delivered on site this morning Brudvik electrical is on site and continues setting light poles around site Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete walkway Restroom building forms are set for foundation slab- no plumbing or utilities have been placed yet 5/20/2020 5/20/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:45-1:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 64 degrees-14% humidity Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is also on site Urban Habitat is placing concrete for light pole footings around park siteUrban Habitat landscaping crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and install valves for irrigation Archuleta concrete finished placing concrete for walkways around park site 5/21/2020 5/21/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low 66 degrees-9% humidity Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site Archuleta concrete is on siteUrban Habitat continues placing irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation throughout the siteArchuleta concrete continues placing concrete for walkways around park site 5/22/2020 5/22/2020 07:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:20-7:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 67 degrees- 30% humidity Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site Archuleta concrete is on siteUrban Habitat landscaping crews continue installing laterals and valves for irrigation around park siteArchuleta is pressure washing acid wSh off new concrete walkways- continues setting forms for walkway 5/26/2020 5/26/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:25-8:50amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 13% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat landscaping crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and are also setting valves for irrigation Contractor is also planting trees around park siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for concrete walkway 5/27/2020 5/27/2020 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:45-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 78 degreesUrban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat landscaping crews are planting trees around venue siteContractor also continues placing and installing irrigation laterals and irrigation valves per planArchuleta concrete is stripping acid wash off concrete walkways that were placed yesterdayArchuleta concrete has been approved for concrete at walkway next to fencing east of amphitheater stage Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 6 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 5/28/2020 5/28/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:10-7:55amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 75 degrees-39% humidity Urban Habitat is not on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Concrete sub contractor is prepping to place concrete for walkway along fence line west of retention basin 12:10-12:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 75 degrees-39% humidity Archuleta concrete continues finishing concrete for walkway near fence east of Amphitheater stageNo one from Urban Habitat is on site 5/29/2020 5/29/2020 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 47% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site Urban Habitat is on site today Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site placing irrigation valves and irrigation laterals around park site Urban Habitat continues planting trees around park site as wellArchuleta concrete is stripping acid wash off concrete walkway that was placed yesterday near fence west of retention basin 6/1/2020 6/1/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 75 degrees- 28% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat is on the north end of park site excavating for IID conduits from vault on south side of Ave 52Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete walkways and concrete bands for pavers around park siteUrban Habitat landscaping crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation 6/2/2020 6/2/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:35-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 80 degrees- 29% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is setting light poles on light standards footings west of Lake at park siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for walkways around siteNo urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site 9:30-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 80 degrees- 29% humidity Jones bros construction is on site today Contractor is setting forms for curb and gutter replacement on south side of Ave 50 west of JeffersonConcrete has been approved for concrete repairs 6/3/2020 6/3/2020 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-10:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 112 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 10% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site Brudvik electrical is on site Archuleta concrete is stripping acid wash off concrete walkway Brudvik electrical is pulling wire through conduits and setting light poles on light standards around siteUrban Habitat has begun excavating for headwall amd storm drain placement east of fenced area on siteEarth systems was on site this morning to provide feedback on future soil compaction and testing- 85% native soil compaction required per engineers report Urban Habitat will continue exposing behind pipe and excavating for bottom of pipe 6/4/2020 6/4/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-7:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees-32% humidity Archuleta concrete is on siteUrban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete walkway next to fencing Brudvik electrical is on site blowing out conduits for electrical wiring around park site 1:50-2:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees-32% humidityUrban Habitat is on site Contractor is grading and moving dirt for headwall and storm drain pipe 6/5/2020 6/5/2020 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 67 degreesUrban Habitat is on site this morning Plumbing contractor was also on site today Plumber was working on utilities for restroom building Urban Habitat was on site watering for dust control No other contractor was on site today Met with Chris Hermann and went over oak trees that were delivered- Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 7 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 6/8/2020 6/8/2020 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 12% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta Concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical contractor is on site todayPlumbing contractor for restroom buildings is on site trenching for plumbing utilities todayArchuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete walkway on siteUrban Habitat continues grading for concrete contractor and trenching for IID conduits on north side of park site Brudvik electrical continues blowing out conduits 12:45-1:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 12% humidity Brudvik electrical continues blowing out conduits on siteArchuleta concrete continues setting forms for steps at amphitheater Plumbing contractor has finished installing plumbing for restroom building- Brett needs to call in Building and Safety GeForce inspection 6/9/2020 6/9/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 69- 8% humidity Urban Habitat is on site Archuleta concrete is on site today Garcia plumbing is also on site Urban Habitat continues trenching for irrigation laterals and replacing broken valve boxes around siteArchuleta concrete has set forms for (2) bridge locations on site- contractor will place concrete today Garcia plumbing has finished stubbing in utilities for restroom building and is now waiting for building and safety to inspect before placing concrete slab 6/10/2020 6/10/2020 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:15-2:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 108 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 5% humidity No trades were on site when I arrived this afternoon Concrete contractor was on site this morning stripping forms and acid washed (2) bridge locations north of lake that had concrete placed Site was watered down this morning 6/11/2020 6/11/2020 3:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 71 degrees-16% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site Archuleta concrete is on site today Urban Habitat is installing conduits on north side of venue site- requires IID inspection Landscaping crews continue trenching for non pressure laterals and installing control valves around park site Archuleta concrete is repairing concrete bands that were cracking- contractor is placing concrete for bike rack areaBrudvik continues running wire for light standards around site 6/12/2020 6/12/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 69 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Archuleta concrete is on site today Brudvik electrical is on site today Garcia plumbing is on site today Urban Habitat continues installing irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation throughout site Archuleta concrete is setting forms and grading for concrete walkway around park site- contractor will saw cut a joint at 20 foot concrete walkway at entrance to park site- surface cracks are presentBrudvik electrical is placing electrical conduit on site Garcia plumbing is finishing plumbing install for restroom Steven And Tony from Earth systems were on site this morning for dry density testing, sand cone testing and take samples back to lab for max density results- results or report won't be ready til next Tuesday 12:15-12:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 69 degrees Brudvik electrical is only contractor remaining on site todayAll other contractors have leftSite is watered down for dust control Archuleta concrete has completed saw cut of 20 foot walkway- cut made at 10 feet to make a joint between walkway 6/15/2020 6/15/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-8:35amWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 71 degrees-37% humidity No urban Habitat workers on site No Archuleta concrete workers on siteNo Urban Habitat landscaping construction crews on site One worker from Brudvik electrical is on site p- cleaning his truck No site work being done at this time 1:20-1:35pmWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 71 degrees-37% humidity Site is closed and locked up No workers on site No work being done at this time Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 8 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 6/16/2020 6/16/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 38% humidity Brudvik electrical contractor is on site- installing conduit Restroom building has passed plumbing and electrical inspection Archuleta concrete will begin setting reinforced steel for foundation slab- tomorrow No other trades are on site 6/17/2020 6/17/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:45-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 71 degrees- 37% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site Archuleta concrete is on site Urban Habitat operator is on site assisting Brudvik electrical- trenching and installing conduits around park siteArchuleta concrete has began tying rebar mats for restroom building foundation 6/18/2020 6/18/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high humidity of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 34% humidity Urban Habitat equipment operator is on siteArchuleta concrete is on siteUrban Habitat is working on the north side of park venue- excavating for electrical conduits for IID Archuleta concrete is setting forms for concrete flat work behind Amphitheater stage Archuleta concrete has finished setting rebar and forms for restroom building foundation- waiting on building and safety for inspection No other trades on site 6/19/2020 6/19/2020 09:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:45-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 36% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site Urban habitat equipment operator is on site Archuleta concrete is placing concrete for foundation slab for restroom building- will set 1st course of block Urban Habitat continues trenching for electrical conduits on siteNo other trades on site 6/22/2020 6/22/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 76 degrees- 32% humidity Urban Habitat is on site- placing valve boxes and installing conduit and grading future walkway areas around venue site Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor is waiting for sand and cement mix for installation of block for restroom building Brudvik electrical is on site- is setting electrical cabinets on north side of Venue site- mounting on concrete pads Farley Pavers is on site- grading inside concrete bands for pavers install per plan 6/23/2020 6/23/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 76 degrees- 22% humidity Urban habitat is on site today- excavating for conduits on north end of siteArchuleta concrete is on site today- setting block for restroom building Brudvik Electrical is on site today- installing electrical cabinets and switch gears on site Farley Pavers is on site today- installing pavers inside concrete bands around park site 1:30-2:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 76 degrees- 22% humidity Archuleta concrete continues setting first course of block for restroom building Brudvik electrical continues working on switch gears in electrical cabinets Farley Pavers continues placing pavers inside concrete bands per landscaping planIID was on site earlier today and spoke with Cameron from Urban Habitat- IID knocked out holes from vault so contractor can place 5" conduits for IID vault- Ruben from IID is the inspector watching the IID portion of work 6/24/2020 6/24/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-7:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 110 degrees and a low of 78 degrees Brudvik electrical is on site- is mounting light poles on footings around concrete walkways- East and west side venue siteArchuleta concrete is on site- continues placing block for restroom building Farley Pavers is on site- continues setting pavers inside circular concrete bands per planUrban Habitat landscape crews are on site - is installing rotors and valves for irrigation throughout site Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 9 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 1:30-2:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 76 degrees Brudvik electrical continues setting up switch gears inside electrical cabinets Archuleta concrete is setting 2nd course of block for restroom building Farley Pavers continues installing pavers inside concrete bands west of lake 6/25/2020 6/25/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-11:00amWeather- mostly sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 28% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - trenching for irrigation laterals and installing rotors on siteBrudvik electrical is on site today- mounting light poles on light standards throughout park siteNo other trades on site today 6/26/2020 6/26/2020 08:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:55-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 80 degrees- 25% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site- continues setting block for restroom building Brudvik electrical is on site- 9am inspection scheduled for switch gear and electrical cabinets- AJ Ortega will inspectUrban Habitat is on site- continues trenching and installing rotors per landscape planFarley Pavers is on site- continues installing pavers inside concrete bands per landscaping design plan 6/29/2020 6/29/2020 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:35-10:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 71 degrees- 26% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor continues setting block for restroom building Farley Pavers is on site- continues installing pavers inside circular concrete bandsUrban Habitat operators are on site- contractor is grading and excavating for light pole footings around venue site 6/30/2020 6/30/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:35-2:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 69 degrees Farley Pavers is on site- continues installing pavers inside circular concrete bands per plan Urban Habitat operators are on site- continues excavating and digging out for light pole footings west of Amphitheater location Archuleta concrete is on site- continues setting block for restroom building- pending inspect from Building and Safety 7/1/2020 7/1/2020 09:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:35-9:20amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 71 degrees- 37% humidity Farley Pavers is on site- continues installing pavers inside circular concrete bands per landscaping planBrudvik electrical is on site- continues running wire for light poles around venue site Archuleta concrete is on site- is setting block for restroom building 7/2/2020 7/2/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 73 degrees Farley Pavers is on site- contractor is setting pavers inside circular concrete bands per landscaping planBrudvik electrical is on site- contractor continues pulling wire for light poles around venue site Felipe from UH is on site watering for PM10 compliance Had a conference call with Tony C. Regarding headwall soils report and recommendations- if we can achieve 85% compaction- no need for geo grid in non structural areas 7/3/2020 7/6/2020 08:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 112 degrees and a low of 75 degrees- 21% humidity Urban habitat is on site- continues digging for light pole footings west of amphitheater stage Farley Pavers is on site- continues setting pavers inside concrete bands per landscaping plan No other trades on site Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 10 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 7/7/2020 7/7/2020 12:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:10-12:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 112 degrees and a low of 75 degrees-11% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site- setting light poles on footings around park site Urban Habitat is on site- digging for footings for light poles around site per planArchuleta concrete is on site- continues setting block for restroom building No other trades on site Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Site is PM10 compliant 7/8/2020 7/8/2020 08:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-8:35amWeather- sunny with a high of 112 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 22% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site- setting light poles on footings throughout park site Archuleta concrete is on site- continues placing block for restroom building No other trades on site 7/9/2020 7/9/2020 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:25-9:50amWeather- sunny with a high 111 degrees and a low of 70 degrees Brudvik electrical is on site- continues setting light poles on light standard footings around venue site- continues pulling wire through Urban Habitat is on site- is excavating for conduit install on north side of park siteArchuleta concrete is on site- continues setting block for restroom building NV5 is on site shooting surveys for Alongi building pad Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Windscreen fence is up for dust control dust Water truck is on site watering down for dust controlRumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Overall site is PM10 compliant 7/13/2020 7/13/2020 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:55-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 116 degrees and a low of 80 degrees-20% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site- contractor is digging up conduits to fix wiring issues Urban Habitat is on site- is assisting Brudvik dig up conduit- waiting for building and safety to inspect electrical cabinets and switch gearsUrban Habitat landscape crews are on site- contractor is installing rotors around park site- irrigation was left on all weekend for all tress on site- saturated with water No other trades on site today 7/14/2020 7/14/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:45-9:50amWeather- Sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees Brudvik electrical is on site- contractor continues pulling wire through conduits for park venue Urban Habitat is on site- continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing rotors per landscape plan - UH construction crews continue excavating on north side of venue site for IID conduits Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor continues setting block for restroom building No other trades n site Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Windscreen fence is up Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Water truck is on site for PM10 compliance 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:25-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor is grouting block for restroom building Brudvik electrical is on site- continues pulling site for light poles around park venue Urban Habitat is on site- continues trenching and installing irrigation laterals and rotors around venue site 7/16/2020 7/16/2020 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:20-10:20amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 37% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site- continues setting block for restroom building Brudvik electrical is on site- continues pulling wire for park venue lighting Urban Habitat landscape construction crews are on site- continues installing rotors and irrigation laterals around landscaped areasUrban Habitat operators are on site- continue moving dirt on site for final grading Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 11 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 7/17/2020 7/17/2020 10:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-10:25amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 38% humidity Urban Habitat is on site- continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing rotors per plan Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor continues setting block for restroom building No other trades on site today 7/20/2020 7/20/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:50-2:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 114 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 19% humidityArchuleta concrete is on site- continues setting block for restroom building Urban Habitat Equipment Operator on site- contractor is final grading for hydro seed prepNo other trades on site 7/21/2020 7/21/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 76 degrees- 37% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site- continues pulling wire for through conduits for park lighting Archuleta concrete is on site today- continues setting block for restroom building Urban Habitat has 1 equipment operator on site- grading for hydro seedingNo other trades on site 7/22/2020 7/22/2020 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9;:15-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 43% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor continues setting block for restroom building Brudvik electrical is on site- continues pulling wire to main electrical cabinet Urban habitat equipment operator on site- contractor continues final grading around siteNo other trades on site today 7/23/2020 7/23/2020 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 73 degrees-34% humidity Brudvik electrical is on site today- continues pulling wire to main electrical cabinetArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is grouting cells for block wall restroom Urban Habitat is on site today- continues finish grading in future grass areas on site No other trades on site today 7/24/2020 7/24/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:00-1:40pmWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 75 degrees Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor is finishing block for restroom building Unknown and unnamed Grading operator and laborer for Urban Habitat on siteContractor had a dust complaint come in- I notified laborer from Urban Habitat that site needed to be watered immediately Laborer started he was leaving at 2pm and he would water what he could- very non compliant attitude- stated he was told no o Ernie allowed by urban habitat 7/27/2020 7/27/2020 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:45-1:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 113 degrees and a low of 80 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- Contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals on site- continues mixing amendment with native soilArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor continues working on restroom building- has began setting forms for northern bridge and concrete walkway Brudvik electrical is on site - continues pulling wire to main switchgear and electrical cabinet Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 12 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 7/28/2020 7/28/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 115 degrees and a low of 80 degrees Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site today- contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and continues planting trees per plan Archuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is setting forms for mow curb and for bridge and walkway at north end of park site Brudvik electrical is on site today- continues pulling wire to main switch gear and electrical cabinetUrban Habitat equipment operators are on site- digging for 25" overflow pipe for lake featureMeeting scheduled at 8am for stage lighting review with Ubaldo amd Chris Hermann amd Brett from UH 7/29/2020 7/29/2020 3:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:40-3:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 114 degrees and a low of 87 degrees- 14% humidityUrban Habitat is on site- contractor continues excavating and installation of 15" overflow pipe at north end of siteArchuleta concrete was on site earlier today- placed concrete for walkway and bridge at north end of venue site No other trades on site today Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 7/30/2020 7/30/2020 1:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:20-1:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 119 degrees and a low of 90 degrees Brudvik electrical is on site- contractor continues pulling wire through electrical conduit to main cabinetUrban Habitat is on site- continues excavating and installation of 15" overflow line at north end of siteArchuleta concrete is on site - contractor continues setting forms for mow curb throughout siteNo other trades on site today Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 7/31/2020 7/31/2020 1:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:00-1:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 121 degrees and a low of 90 degrees Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site today- contractor continues planting palm trees throughout park site per planArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor continues setting block course for restroom building No other trades on site today Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/3/2020 8/3/2020 12:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:15-12:00pmWeather- sunny with a high 114 degrees and a low of 78 degrees Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site today- contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals -planting trees per plan around site- flagging for plants and shrubsArchuleta concrete is on site today- continues working on block restroom building- contractor will begin setting forms for Alongi Building padUrban Habitat continues installing 15" overflow pipe along northside of siteWater truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/4/2020 8/4/2020 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-10:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 113 degrees and a low of 77 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues trenching and installing rotors around landscaped areasArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is setting forms for mow curb around siteBrudvik electrical is on site today- contractor continues pulling wire to main electrical cabinet Sky grading is on site today- has began watering and excavating for bottom of trench Opus from Herman design was on site at 9:30am to review landscape mow curb at site- approved for mow curb forms that have been setWater truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 13 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 8/5/2020 8/5/2020 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 74 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- assisting contractor is removing all excess and saturated soil from headwall siteSky Grading is on site today- contractor is removing all excess and saturated soil from headwall siteArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is placing concrete for mow curb around venue siteUrban Habitat landscaping crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and installing irrigation hardware Converse consultants was on site this morning Tony Maciel from Converse Consultants was on site this morning to inspect and recommend soil engineering practices for headwall construction 8/6/2020 8/6/2020 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:10-1:15pmWeather - sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 71 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues digging trench for 6 inch line along with 15 inch overflow lineUrban Habitat landscaping crews are on site today - crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves and rotors along with wiring per landscaping planNo other trades on site today- No headwall work today 8/7/2020 8/7/2020 10:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:45-10:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 75 degrees- 24% humidity Urban Habitat is on site- contractor is helping Sky grading with grading and digging for Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site today- landscaping crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and installing rotors and valves per landscaping plan Archuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is setting forms for mow curb per planSky Grading is on site- contractor continues moving dirt and grading with scraper for headwall and storm drain build upConverse consultants Soil Tech Diego Garcia is on site todayBrudvik electrical is on site- contractor continues running wire through conduits for all electrical workWater truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/10/2020 8/10/2020 11:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-11:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 78 degrees Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor continues setting forms for mow curb west of Alongi building Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues trenching for 15" overflowUrban Habitat landscaping crews are on site today - contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing rotors and valves per landscaping plan Brudvik electrical is on site today- continues pulling wire to main electrical cabinet Sky Grading is on site today- for meeting about Headwall construction 8/11/2020 8/11/2020 3:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:30-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 112 degrees and a low of 81 degrees Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site- contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves and rotors around park site- contractor has began flagging for plants per plan- Opus was on site to approve mow curb and plant layoutArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor continues setting forms for mow curb Brudvik electrical is on site today - continues pulling wire through conduits for main electrical cabinet Sky grading is on site today- contractorhas began grading and building up for storm drain pipe amd headwall construction Urban Habitat construction and grading crews are on site today- contractor is trenching for stage area conduits and continues finish grading around site- prep for hydro seeding Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 2:40-3:10pmWeather- sunny with a high of 112 degrees and a low of 81 degrees Sky grading continues back filling and compacting and moving dirt for storm drain and head wall build up Urban habitat continues installing irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation throughout park site 8/12/2020 8/12/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-8:00amWeather- sunny with a 114 degrees and a low of 86 degrees Urban Habitat is on site- contractor continues trenching for conduit around stage for ramp lighting Sky Construction is on site- contractor continues grading and building up for headwall and storm drain construction Archuleta concrete is on site- contractor is placing concrete at mow curb areas north of lake Urban Habitat landscaping crews are on site today- contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation throughout park site Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 14 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 8/13/2020 8/13/2020 1:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:30-7:50amWeather- sunny with a high of 116 degrees and a low of 87 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is assisting Sky Grading with headwall and storm drain workSky grading is on site today - contractor continues building up and compacting to bottom of existing 54 inch Archuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is placing concrete for mow curb at NW section of park siteUrban Habitat landscape construction crews are on site today- contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves for irrigation throughout park site per plan 1:15-1:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 116 degrees and a low of 87 degrees Urban Habitat continues installing irrigation lines and valves throughout park site Sky grading continues grading and compacting to bottom of existing 54" storm drain pipeNo other trades on site this afternoon Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/14/2020 8/14/2020 07:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-7:25amWeather- sunny with a high of 119 degrees and a low of 88 degrees Urban Habitat is on site- contractor is digging and placing drain pipe at existing 54 inch to divert water away from pipe zone Sky grading is on site today- contractor continues grading slopes around on both sides of storm drain and headwall areaArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractoris placing concrete for mow curb north of lake Brudvik electrical is on site today- continues pulling wire through conduits for park venue lighting Urban Habitat landscaping construction crews are on site today- continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing rotors and valves for irrigation throughout park siteWater truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/17/2020 8/17/2020 10:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:35-10:15amWeather- partly cloudy with with a high of 117 degrees and a low of 89 degrees Brudvik electrical is on site- contractor continues pulling wire to main electrical cabinetArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is setting forms and prepping for concrete walkway- will place section east of bridgeSky Grading is on site today - continues finish grading on slopes around retention basin for headwall construction Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues assisting Sky Grading on basin workUrban Habitat landscaping construction crews are on site today - contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves and rotors around park site 8/18/2020 8/21/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 84- 54% humidity Archuleta concrete is on site today- contractor continues placing concrete for mow curb around park siteUrban Habitat is on site today- contractor is cleaning up after hydro seeding yesterday No other trades on site today Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/24/2020 8/24/2020 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 113 degrees and a low of 89 degrees Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is setting forms behind stage area for walkway Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues installing plants and trees per landscaping planNo other trades on siteWater truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/25/2020 8/25/2020 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:15-12:50pmWeather - sunny with a high of 116 degrees and a low of 88 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and planting trees and plants per landscaping planArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is stripping acid wash off concrete walkway they placed earlier todayUrban Habitat construction crews are on site today - contractor is excavating and installing 15 inch overflow line towards retention East basin No other trades on site today Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 15 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 8/26/2020 8/26/2020 11:30 AM EH-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1100 to 1130Weather - Sunny - Temperature 95 to 116 - Breeze NNW to 8 MPH - Humidity 25%Urban habitat excavating and installing irrigation lines ant entrance area to Venue , laying out and flagging for irrigation and planting in north side basin Watering site haul roads and watering newly hydroseeded areas 8/27/2020 8/27/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ Notes: 1:30-3:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 114 degrees and a low of 85 degrees Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor continues placing concrete on East side of stage area Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues planting shrubs and plants per plan Contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing valves and omiters throughout park siteWater truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/28/2020 8/28/2020 3:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:30-7:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 114 degrees and a low of 82 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and planting plants and shrubs around park siteArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is stripping acid wash of concrete walkway east of stage No other trades on site today Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 8/31/2020 8/31/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:20-2:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 78 degrees-40% humidity Urban Habitat is on site- contractor continues planting plants and shrubs around park siteOpus with Hermann Design was on. Site this morning to approve landscaping work and layoutArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is setting forms for stage ramp areaNo other trades on site today Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 9/1/2020 9/1/2020 11:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-11:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 78 degrees- 22% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting shrubs and plants- contractor continues trenching and installing irrigation laterals- contractor has began placing boulders at entrance to park siteOpus from a Hermann Design is on site and approved landscaping layout Brudvik electrical is on site today - contractor for Urban Habitat is pulling wire on site to main electrical cabinet No other trades on site today Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Windscreen fence is up Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No mud track out issues observed at this time 9/2/2020 9/2/2020 2:00 PM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1330 to 1400WEATHER - Sunny - Temperature 95 to 109 - Breeze E to 3 mph - Humidity 26%Meeting at site about the ADA Ramos at the Amphitheater- contractor to re stake and lay out their proposed changes and then we'll review 1200 to 1230 WEATHER - Sunny - Temperature 95 to 109 - Breeze E to 3 mph - Humidity 26%Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting shrubs and plants - contractor continues trenching and installing irrigation laterals - contractor has began placing boulders at entrance to park site - Brudvig Electrical on site pulling wire and connecting street lights - Urban Habitat personnel also landscaping work around the Amphitheater Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 16 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 9/3/2020 9/3/2020 09:00 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0900Weather - Sunny - Temperature 81 to 111 - Breeze NNW to 4 mph - Humidity 42% Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting shrubs and plants - contractor continues trenching and installing irrigation laterals - contractor has began placing boulders at entrance to park site - Urban Habitat personnel also landscaping work around the Amphitheater and planting trees north of Amphitheater in the basin - Brudvik Electrical onnsite setting pull boxes - haul roads being watered with water truck 9/4/2020 9/4/2020 1:00 PM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1300Weather - Sunny - Temperature 85 to 116 - Breeze NW to 4 mph - Humidity 22%Contractor setting sidewalk and ramp forms around the front of Amphitheater- installing irrigation lines west side of the Venue - grading road way near the butterfly park 9/8/2020 9/8/2020 2:00 PM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0630 to 0700 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 84 to 103 - Breeze W to 7 mph - Humidity 48% Met with concrete contractor(Tommy Archuleta) and checked the slope and cross fall on the amphitheater sidewalks - sidewalk is not finish graded and compacted as yet - will check this afternoon - Urban Habitat personnel continuing with installing irrigation lines and grading around the Amphitheater and misc. landscaping work around the site 0630 to 0700 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 84 to 103 - Breeze W to 7 mph - Humidity 48% Met with concrete contractor(Tommy Archuleta) and checked the slope and cross fall on the amphitheater sidewalks - sidewalk is not finish graded and compacted as yet - will check this afternoon - Urban Habitat personnel continuing with installing irrigation lines and grading around the Amphitheater and misc. landscaping work around the site 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday 1330 to 1400 Weather - Overcast - Temperature 91 to 102 - Breeze N to 8 mph - Humidity 11% Went to site to probe the sidewalk at the Amphitheater- contractor has not Compacted the grade yet - called Felipe told him and then talked with Tommy Archelueta and they will compact and I'll check tomorrow morning and they will set up to place concrete on Thursday Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 17 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 9/9/2020 9/9/2020 2:30 PM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730 Weather - Sunny to partly overcast - Temperatures 70 to 96 - Breeze WNW to 6 mph - Humidity 23%Met Tommy at site compaction of the sidewalk and landings not done - they had only ran a vibraplate down the center of walk and no edges were compacted - will return1145 to 1200Weather - Sunny to partly overcast - Temperatures 70 to 96 - Breeze WNW to 6 mph - Humidity 23%Sidewalk edges not compacted - contractor use tamper and I will recheck at 13301400 to 1430 Weather - Sunny to partly overcast - Temperatures 70 to 96 - Breeze WNW to 6 mph - Humidity 23%Contractor used Whacker J tamp around perimeter of sidewalks forms - now probes firm - OK to place concrete 9/10/2020 9/10/2020 2:30 PM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1200 to 1300Weather - slightly overcast- Temperature 72 to 98 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 20% Contractor having trouble with Amphitheater drain at base of stage 4"" Clear on West side and 1" clear on the east side 0630 to 0700Weather - slightly overcast- Temperature 72 to 98 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 20% Sidewalk at amphitheater ready to place concrete - Archuleta Concrete on job to place and finish concrete concrete from Robertson Ready Mix - Urban Habitat personnel watering grades to control dust, also setting forms for mow strips and continuing with planting and irrigation work 1200 to 1300Weather - slightly overcast- Temperature 72 to 98 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 20% Contractor having trouble with Amphitheater drain at base of stage 4"" Clear on West side and 1" clear on the east side 0630 to 0700Weather - slightly overcast- Temperature 72 to 98 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 20% Sidewalk at amphitheater ready to place concrete - Archuleta Concrete on job to place and finish concrete concrete from Robertson Ready Mix - Urban Habitat personnel watering grades to control dust, also setting forms for mow strips and continuing with planting and irrigation work 1200 to 1300 and 1400 to 1430 Weather - slightly overcast- Temperature 72 to 98 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 20%Back at site issues with the amphitheater drain - called Lorissa and Chris Herman explained issue that the drain is not per plan and it's 4" away from stage wall on West side and only 1" away from stage wall on east side and that the steps on the east side they way they are designed to be constructed the west side of the bottom step is doomed to failure because of the long wedge of concrete will crack and fall apart in time - they are going to meet at the site tomorrow to determine a remedy for both issues with the architect. 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Not at site today 9/14/2020 9/14/2020 1:00 PM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1200 to 1300Weather - Sunny - Temperature 73 to 107 - Breeze NW to 2 mph - Humidity 27% Converse Tech Diego Garcia at job took 2 tests on subgrade both failed at 85% with low moisture content - I had Diego take a sample for confirming the Max Density - also notified Kohl(Fire Marshall) of results and he will be here tomorrow Notified Brett and he will have them scarify and process the roadway 0700 to 0830Weather - Sunny - Temperature 73 to 107 - Breeze NW to 2 mph - Humidity 27% Contractor working Fire access road in northwest corner of project - called for compaction tests as they need 95% in subgrade and Phelippi is aware - no base is to be placed until compaction passes - the stage area at the Amphitheater is ready to have Rebar placed and they are grading and compacting the ramp up to the stage - Brudvig Electricians on site installing electrical conduits to the stage and north side of the stage - Urban Habitat personnel are trenching and installing irrigation lines in the north side of the Venue 9/15/2020 8:00 AM 9/15/2020 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK DISAPPROVED Compacted sub-grade prep Notes: Required phased Fire Inspection of the alternative material assembly (Gravel/Grasspave2 assembly). 1) Existing 15" water line located in the fire access subgrade. need engineering direction on protection. 2) Compacted Subgrade soils test was identified as not passing. Required to moisten, scarify and recompact. Reinspection required Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 18 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 9/15/2020 9/15/2020 10:00 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0900 to 1000Weather - Sunny - Temperature 74 to 109 - Breeze WNW to 3 mph - Humidity 24%Back at site met with Fire Marshall about the Fire Access roads 95% in 1 foot of sub-grade and 95% in the 6" of base - there is an 16" water line at sub grade and he wants it to have a slab over or encasement to protect the pipe from excess loads when fire trucks access the road - called Lorissa and she is contacting the Civil to address and make recommendation - also checking the ADA ramp to the stage - called Lorissa to verify no curbing on the ramp - as the plan indicates both no curb and another indicating a curb -0700 to 0800 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 74 to 109 - Breeze WNW to 3 mph - Humidity 24%Contractor just lightly scarified the Fire Access Road - met with Super Jesse and told him that the requirement is to foot of subgrade is to be 95% - he will review with employees to get grade ready for testing - also they compacted the slab area at the Amphitheater and are ok the place rebar - I again met with Superintendent from Urban Habitat about the issue of not calling in to inspection line to schedule site inspections - Jesse told me he will get with secretary to get her to call in 9/16/2020 9/16/2020 08:15 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0815 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 79 to 111 - Breeze WNW to 3 mph - Humidity 22% Contractor placing concrete for the ADA ramp to the stage and slabs to the east side and securing the drain structure at the base of the stage - also working in grading fire access road adjacent to the amphitheater - also continuing with landscaping irrigation and Brudvik electrical continuing with their installations for lighting - crew from Riverside Construction at site to review the storm drain to be installed and headwall construction to began work on Monday 9-21-2020 9/17/2020 9/17/2020 07:15 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0630 to 0715 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 74 to 111 - Breeze NNW to 5mph - Humidity 17% Urban Habitat resumed work today landscaping various areas - installing irrigation north of Amphitheater - Archuleta Concrete Placing concrete for the stage and placing rebar for the slab area in front of Amphitheater- site is being watered with water truck to control dust 9/18/2020 9/18/2020 11:30 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1100 to 1130 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 81 to 108 - Breeze WNW to 3 mph - Humidity 20% Contractor completed placing rebar for the slab in front of the Amphitheater- also installing plants around the ends and north side of the Amphitheater and grading the grass pave area south side of project and adding mulch to several planting areas - water truck on side keeping grades wet to control dust 9/21/2020 9/21/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 27% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues installing irrigation laterals and rotors on north end of siteBrudvik Electrical is on site - contractor continues pulling wire for through conduits Garcia plumbing is on site- contractor is finishing all plumbing connections for restroom building Riverside Construction is on site today- contractor has began excavating for storm drain pipe and headwall Riverside Construction crew on site: Eric Seiple- Superintendent Jose Morquecho- OperatorKyle Camp- Laborer foremanJohnny Leon- laborerBill Stahl- Loader OperatorFord F-150 crew truckFord F-350 crew truck 9/22/2020 9/22/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees-23% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and installing rotors per plan- contractor continues placing DG per landscaping plan and planting all shrubs and plantsBrudvik Electrical is on site today- contractor continues pulling wire through conduits to main electrical cabinetArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is placing concrete for amphitheater flooringRiverside construction is on site today- contractor has began placing storm drain pipe for headwall construction Riverside Construction crew on site: Eric Seiple- Superintendent Jose Morquecho- OperatorKyle Camp- Laborer foremanJohnny Leon- laborerBill Stahl- Loader OperatorFord F-150 crew truckFord F-350 crew truckCaterpillar 365e excavator 12:50-1:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 11% humidity Riverside Construction continues placing storm drain pipe per planAll other trades have left for the day 12:50-1:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 11% humidity Riverside Construction continues placing storm drain pipe per planAll other trades have left for the day Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 19 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 9/23/2020 9/23/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 73 degrees- 21% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues trenching and landscaping on Ave 52 parkway north of Silver Rock gate- contractor continues marking and setting landscaping layout- Chris Hermann was on site to approve landscaping layout on north end of park Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is stripping acid wash of amphitheater platform- 1/2 of the section has concrete- contractor is grading for concrete walkway east of stage areaRiverside Construction is on site today- contractor continues setting RCP storm drain pipe for headwall- contractor is digging for headwall sub grade- Converse consultants will be on site at 12pm today to test bottom forms headwall structure Verification. Of 6" PCC bid item 13- inspector has began verifying all quantities for line item 13Riverside Construction crew on site: Eric Seiple- Superintendent Jose Morquecho- OperatorKyle Camp- Laborer foremanJohnny Leon- laborerBill Stahl- Loader OperatorFord F-150 crew truckFord F-350 crew truckCaterpillar 365e excavator 9/23/2020 9/23/2020 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK APPROVED East Subgrade Compaction Notes: Soils report in attachments. 9/24/2020 9/24/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:55-7:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 71 degrees- 25% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today- landscape crews continue trenching for irrigation laterals and working on landscape layout on north end of park siteRiverside Construction is on site today - contractor has crews setting forms and tying rebar for backside of structural headwall- contractor will be ready for concrete at 9am tomorrow morning.Riverside Construction roster on site today:Chuck Fuerte- ForemanJeff Simpson- CarpenterGabe Valenzuela- CarpenterPaul Aguilera- Carpenter ApprenticeAngel- Valadez- Mason FinisherLouie Martes- Masonry ForemanCaterpillar- forklift p/pettybone Ford F-150 crew cabFord F-150 pickup truck 9/25/2020 9/25/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-11:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 69 degrees- 22% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is placing and spreading base for eastern fire access road-contractor continues trenching for laterals and working on landscape layout Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor is placing concrete for bottom of headwall- forms were knocked loose during concrete pumping operation- contractor is adjusting forms and re- setting concrete- Urban Habitat was notified that it is subject to rejection if it is not to standard when forms are stripped on Monday 9/28Riverside Construction roster on site today:Chuck Fuerte- ForemanJeff Simpson- CarpenterGabe Valenzuela- CarpenterPaul Aguilera- Carpenter ApprenticeAngel- Valadez- Mason FinisherLouie Martes- Masonry ForemanCaterpillar- forklift p/pettybone Ford F-150 crew cabFord F-150 pickup truck Mack semi tractor truck with boom pump crane for concrete 9/28/2020 10:00 AM 9/28/2020 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK APPROVED East Base Course Notes: Conducted via Remote Video Inspection. Observed the compacted based course installed in the applicable Grasspave 2 assembly areas. *Soil Compaction Test Result to be emailed for documentation. 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 10:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 73 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues trenching and installing irrigation per plan- contractor is planting trees and shrubs around park site Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is setting forms for back walkway behind stage area Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor is stripping forms from concrete of footing for headwall Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site site Windscreen fence is up for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Riverside Construction roster on site today:Chuck Fuerte- ForemanJeff Simpson- CarpenterGabe Valenzuela- CarpenterPaul Aguilera- Carpenter ApprenticeAngel- Valadez- Mason FinisherLouie Martes- Masonry ForemanCaterpillar- forklift p/pettybone Ford F-150 crew cabFord F-150 pickup truck Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 20 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 9/29/2020 9/29/2020 1:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 74 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues trenching and installing irrigation on north end of park site- contractor continues planting shrubs and plants around park site- approved landscape layout by Chris HermannArchuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is placing concrete for second half of ground level of amphitheater area- contractor is also placing concrete at stage steps Riverside Construction personnel and equipment on site today- contractor is setting forms for manhole for storm drain pipe Kyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 9/30/2020 9/30/2020 11:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-11:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 75 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues trenching for irrigation laterals and planting shrubs and plants around park siteArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor has placed concrete on 2nd half of ground floor of amphitheater area- contractor is setting forms for walkway behind stage Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor is setting forms forms for manholes at storm drain lineRiverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/1/2020 9:00 AM 10/1/2020 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK WEST BASE COURSE* Notes: REMOTE VIDEO INSECTION TO SHOW MAJORITY OF THE EAST FIRE ACCESS TURNAROUND PROVIDED WITH 6-INCH OF COMPACTED CLASS II BASE COURSE. *STILL NEED TO SEE THE FORM FINISHED CONCRETE PROTECTION OF 15-INCH IRRIGATION PIPING. 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:35-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 71 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is placing DG in all areas that call for it throughout park site- contractor continues plant8ng shrubs and plants around park site Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is placing concrete for walkways behind stage areaRiverside Construction is on site today - contractor is setting forms for outer walls of head wall structure Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations Windscreen fence is up for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant Riverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/2/2020 10/2/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-10:00amWeather- Sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 71 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting shrubs and plants on the north side of park site- Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is placing concrete for walkway behind stage area Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor continues to set forms and tie rebar for outer walls of headwallPortable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations Windscreen fence is up for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant Riverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/5/2020 10/5/2020 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:55-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 69 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting plants and shrubs around park site- continues placing DG around areas per planArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is stripping forms from concrete walkway and mow curb east of stage area Brudvik electrical is on site today - contractor os on site checking wire runs through conduits Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor continues setting forms for headwall structure Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations Windscreen fence is up for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant Riverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 21 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 10/6/2020 10/6/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 69 degrees -15% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting shrubs and plants around park site- Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor has finished tying re bar and setting forms for northern portion of Alongi building foundation slab - approved for concrete Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor continues setting forms for headwall structure Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations Windscreen fence is up for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant Riverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/7/2020 10/7/2020 3:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 3:00-3:25pmWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 66 degrees All trades have left for the day 10/8/2020 10/8/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:55-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 64 degrees- 30% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor has began trenching for 4" main line across East fire Access road for new turf areaArchuleta concrete is on site today - concrete contractor is setting forms and tying rebar for foundation slab of Alongi Building Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor was setting up for concrete footings for outer headwall structure- major water damage and saturation of forms and sub grade- storm drain pipe was live and water coming across the street from a Citrus HOA- through catch basin- spoke with Brett from UH and explained issue on site- Concrete trucks were on site and Inspection was rejected by City Inspector- soils tech Diego Garcia was also on site and verified that flooded areas are heavily saturated and concrete cannot be o,aced at this time- working with Citrus HOA on turning water off netting at 9:30am todayPortable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations Windscreen fence is up for dust control Rumble strips and rock placed at stabilized entrance for mud track out Water truck is on site watering down for dust cont 10/9/2020 10/9/2020 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-10:20amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 64 degrees- 49% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is trenching for 4" main line for new turf areaBrudvik electrical is on site today - contractor is blowing out conduits at restroom building Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is waiting for Building and Safety inspection for slab at Alongi BuildingRiverside Construction is not on site today - no workers on site today 10/12/2020 10/12/2020 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 103 degrees and a low of 67 degrees-29% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues trenching and installing 4" main line for new turf areaArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor has passed form inspection for Alongi Building slab- approved for concrete Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor is cleaning out forms for lower wall- heavy saturated area where forms were ready for concrete on easy lower wall footing- Converse consultants was on site and has recommended that area needs 48 hours of dry time- will re test on Wednesday Morning to check if optimum moisture and compaction have been metRiverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/13/2020 10/13/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:20-7:45amWeather- sunny with a high 105 degrees and a low of 69 degrees- 17% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting plants and shrubs around park site- contractor has began back filling and compacting trench for 4" water main line across fire access road- Archuleta Concrete is on site today - contractor is placing concrete for Alongi building slabRiverside Construction is on site today - contractor I placing concrete concrete for outer head walls- no concrete for footings due to heavy saturation- contractor did not protect footings and water was inside rebar mats this morning- contractor admitted to washing out forms for outer walls which caused more damage to sub gradeRiverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 22 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 10/14/2020 10/14/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:25-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 71 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues backfilling 4 inch main line for new turf area- continue planting plants and shrubs per plan around park site Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is setting forms for patio flat work at Alongi buildingRiverside Construction is on site today - contractor is stripping forms from outer walls that had concrete placed yesterday- subgrade for footing is still heavily saturated and unprotected- not ready for concrete- Converse consultants has taken a soil sample to perform a burn off test to check moisture levels in sub gradeRiverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/15/2020 10/15/2020 08:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 73 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor is placing turf in terrace lawn areas for amphitheater- contractor continues planting g shrubs around park site Archuleta concrete is on site today- contractor is setting forms and tying rebar for patio area of Alongi Building- concrete scheduled for tomorrow Riverside Construction is on site today- contractor met with myself and a Ubaldo and Diego Garcia on site to check saturation of footing that was flooded- Diego from Converse consultants performed a burn off test to check moisture levels of sub grade soil sample- moisture was still at 20% not passing- probe compaction test also was also taken and probe was still 2.5 feet deep- contractor was notified to remove saturated soil and pull forms off- will re test sub grade when contractor is readyRiverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/16/2020 10/16/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:30-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 67 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting plants and shrubs around park site- contractor is finishing turf install in terrace lawn seating area of AmphitheaterArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor has placed concrete for pad between Alongi Building Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor is removing rebar mats and pulling forms per our conversation yesterday- contractor will over excavate 3 ft down to remove saturated soil- contractor is requesting a soil compaction test for next Monday at 7:30amRiverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/19/2020 10/19/2020 1:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:55-8:10amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 64 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues placing turf at terrace wall seating areas at Amphitheater siteBrudvik electrical is on site today - contractor continues pulling wire through conduits for lighting around park siteArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is stripping forms for Alongi building padRiverside Construction is on site today - contractor is tying rebar for footing for headwall- contractor removed saturated soil per Soils tech recommendation- over excavated 3 feet for subgrade and added CAB to full depth of bottom of forms- soils tech tested sub grade and it passed for compaction- contractor will be placing concrete at 12pm todayRiverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 1:00-1:25pmWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 64 degrees Riverside Construction has finished placing concrete for footing at headwallUrban Habitat will cut 4 inch drain line that is sitting on top of 15" overflow line at west fire access road 10/20/2020 10/21/2020 11:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:46-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 64 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting trees and shrubs around park site Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is setting forms for concrete band around front entrance to siteRiverside Construction is on site today- contractor is placing mortar at pipe joints for storm drain pipe Riverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 23 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 7:00-11:25amWeather- sunny with a high of 94 degrees and a low of 58 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues laying turf down on western slope of butterfly garden Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor is backfilling around storm drain pipe near headwallConverse consultants is on site today- testing for compaction Kohl the fire inspector was on site today for grass pave inspection- east fire access road inspection did not pass- contractor did not follow plan for grass pave- west fire access road head concrete encasement placed- Fire inspection for the encasement has passedRiverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/21/2020 10/21/2020 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: East Fire Access - It was observed that the Grasspave2 cell assembly was not installed per manufacturer specifications and the install guide. Notably: 1) Irrigation sprinklers shall be centered within a cell ring. *Or receive clarification from manufacturer that cells may be cut around irrigation heads. 2) Tops of rings shall be between .25” and .5” below the surface of adjacent hard-surface pavement. 3) “Units placed on curves, slopes, and high traffic areas shall be anchored to the base course, using 40d common nails with fender washer, as required to secure units in place.” – Some anchoring was observed West Fire Access - Encasement approved. Need to finish Base Course and recompact prior to cell installation. 10/22/2020 10/22/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 60 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues placing turf near butterfly garden area slope- contractor continues planting plants and shrubs around park site Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is cutting concrete area that have been marked for removal and need to be replaced Riverside Construction is on site today - contractor is backyard around headwall and compacting Converse consultants is on site today testing for compaction around storm drain pipe and headwall where rip rap is to be placed Had a meeting on site with John McMillen , Bryan Mckinney, Lorissa Gruehl, Chris Hermann, Ubaldo Ayf3n, Brett Brennan and myself about Alongi building budget- need to slash proposed price by 50%-Riverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/23/2020 10/23/2020 12:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:45-12:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 91 degrees and a low of 62 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues installing turf around turf areas per landscaping planRiverside Construction is on site today - contractor is placing all rip rap at headwall structure Riverside Construction personnel and equipment on site todayKyle Waysz- ForemanAnthony Ayala- Journeyman CarpenterJuan Barra- LaborerCaterpillar Petty bone- TL10550 Ford F-250 truck number 4218 10/26/2020 10/26/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 73 degrees and a low of 49 degrees-8% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues planting shrubs and plants around park site and continues installing turf per planBrudvik electrical is on site today - contractor is pulling wire through light standards Met with Riverside Construction this morning to finalize headwall structure- structure is completedRiverside Construction will de mobilize off site 10/27/2020 10/27/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:00-1:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 80 degrees and a low of 46 degrees - winds 10mphUrban Habitat is on site today - contractor is trenching for irrigation laterals on west side of turf area Brudvik electrical is on site today - contractor continues pulling wire to main electrical cabinet Farley Pavers is on site today - contractor is placing base for future pavers install at roundabout circle at entrance Water truck is on site today No concrete R&R has began- sub contractor made saw cuts to panels that were marked for full removals- all panels need to be removed per email sent to Urban Habitat on October 8th- directive for remove and replacement was given October 8 2020.Spoke with Brett from Urban Habitat to notify him of R&R work not being done- advised sub contractor to be on site and begin removing panels that were marked out Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 24 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 10/28/2020 10/28/2020 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 51 degrees-21% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues grading for turf area in front of park. Contractor also continues trenching for irrigation laterals on siteSite visit with Chris Hermann design- terrace walls review- major surface cracks along all terrace walls- Archuleta concrete plastered a thin layer over original finish of terrace walls- no one from UH gave a directive to Archuleta concrete- walls need to be sandblasted or wet ground- No other trades on site- 10/28/2020 10/28/2020 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK PARTIALLY APPROVED WEST BASE COURSE* Notes: Redone base course for majority of the West Fire turnaround completed. 6" mow curb, painted red and stenciled NO PARKING FIRE LANE installed. Okay to proceed with Gravelpave2 install. Observed starting of corrections at the East Fire turnaround utilizing the grasspave2 assembly. Cell matting has been removed to allow for adding the needed 2-inches of base course and recompaction to comply with manufacturer height clearance requirements. Will inspect next week. *Okay to cut cell assembly around irrigation sprinklers. 10/29/2020 10/29/2020 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:00-2:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 85 degrees and a low of 48 degrees-45% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues trenching and installing main line for west turf areas at front of venue Contractor is grading East turf area Brudvik electrical was on site pulling wire to main electrical cabinet Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control AQMD was on site yesterday and issued a Urban Habitat a fine for mud track outWindscreen fence is up for dust control Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site 10/30/2020 10/30/2020 9:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 90 degrees and a low of 57 degrees Met with Lorissa, Ubaldo, and Brett from UH regarding headwall structurePunch list will be drafted for headwall structure 11/2/2020 11/2/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a of 94 degrees and a low of 62 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues grading turf areas in front of park areaBrudvik electrical is on site - contractor continues pulling wire to main electrical cabinet Archuleta concrete is on site - contractor has began making cuts for walkway remove and replace of concrete on siteNo other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Windscreen fence is up for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 11/3/2020 11/3/2020 07:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:30-7:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 94 degrees and a low of 62 degrees- 41% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is final raking out and mixing amendments p- prepping hydro seed areas Brudvik electrical is on site today - contractor is wiring main electrical cabinet So Cal Hydro seed and Hydro Mulch on site for hydro seeding of front turf areasPortable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site No other trades on site today Water truck is on site today Overall site is PM10 compliant 11/3/2020 11/3/2020 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK PARTIALLY APPROVED East Grasspave2 Notes: Observed the added base course added to appropriate height and compaction. *Need updated soils test report. Observed Grasspave2 matting installed at appropriate level with irrigation sprinkler locations appropriately cut out and the whole matting secured with approved stake nails and washers. Okay to proceed to sand fill prior to sod installation. Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 25 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 11/4/2020 11/4/2020 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:15-2:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 97 degrees and a low of 64 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor is working on grass pave areas for fire access road Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor has began making cuts to damaged concrete for removing and replacement all areas that were marked out for full removalsHad a quantity walk with Tommy Archuleta and Tommys estimator for Archuleta to confirm and agree on quantities for bid item# 13- total quantities were 47,997 square feet 11/5/2020 11/5/2020 09:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:20-7:00am8:15-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 99 degrees and a low of 63 degrees-26% humidity Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is pumping lake water into stage area drain- nobody from The City of La Quinta was notified this was going to happen- no directions were given to contractor to drain into stage drain- stage step lighting fixture is damaged- concrete is now stained- water damage around turf areas and restroom building Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor has began removing concrete around restroom area- area was flooded due to Urban Habitat pumping lake water- contractor will stop work Sub grade is flooded- Brett was notified of lake water being pumped out into stage drain- major water damage around stage area drain- concrete is stained- light fixture at light step is damaged- all pictures sent to Ubaldo Ayon 11/6/2020 11/6/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:45-10:15amWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 92 degrees and a low of 56 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is final grading the east parking g areaNo other trades on site today 11/9/2020 11/9/2020 12:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:00am-12:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 67 degrees and a low of 42 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is finishing grass pave areas for fire road accessArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is removing concrete at bridges for removing and replacing of damaged panelsNo other trades on site today 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 71 degrees and a low of 43 degrees Webinar training the remainder of the day No inspection for today 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK APPROVED EAST GRASS/GRAVEL PAVE Notes: Observed the sand fill in the grasspave2 assembly to manufacturer standards. Ready for sod. Observed gravelpave2 matting installed and secured to manufacturer standards. Ready for 3/8" gravel per plans. 11/12/2020 11/13/2020 09:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:15-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 79 degrees and a low of 52 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today No other trades on site today Contractor is spreading base along western parking areas Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 11/16/2020 11/16/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:55-9:46amWeather- sunny with a high of 88 degrees and a low of 48 degrees Archuleta concrete is on site today. Concrete sub contractor is removing concrete per R and R areas that were markedUrban habitat has a grading operator on site grading For parking areasIID is on site to begin transformer install and power park site- IID expected to be on site at least 2 weeks Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 26 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 11/17/2020 11/17/2020 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:45-1:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 86 degrees and a low of 54Urban Habitat is on site finishing final grading for headwall slopeArchuleta concrete is on site finishing R and R work on concrete flat workIID is on Ave 52 setting new electrical vault for Park SiteWater truck is on site today watering down for dust control 11/18/2020 11/18/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 87 degrees and a low of 55 degrees Sky grading (sub contractor for Urban Habitat is on site- contractor continues final grading slope for headwall)Contractor will be ready for inspection later today to confirm final slope gradeManhole was not exposed by contractor Still waiting for contractor to expose manhole No other trades on site today 11/19/2020 11/19/2020 07:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-7:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 53 degrees Site is idle No workers on site today No work being done today Site is closed 11/20/2020 11/20/2020 11:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:15-11:20amWeather - sunny with a high of 85 degrees and a low of 56 degrees Site is idle No work being done today No workers on site 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 5:30-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 81 degrees and a low of 54 degrees Urban Habitat landscaping maintenance crews are on site today mowing grass at park siteSouthwest steel is on site unloading trucks for a Alongi building Delivery trucks have been arriving on site since 5:30 am todayContractor is unloading and staging building sectionsIID continues working on transformer install and pulling wire for parking site 11/24/2020 11/24/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 79 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- supervising Southwest Steel Southwest steel is on site today- setting structural sections of Alongi Building- water line for building is not in where it needs to be according to southwest steel foreman2 inch domestic line was hit yesterday and Urban Habitat was notified to shut off water mainFarley pavers is on site placing pavers at front entrance to park siteWater truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 12:45-1:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 77 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Southwest steel continues placing sections of Alongi building on building padFarley Pavers continues placing pavers at front entrance of park site 11/25/2020 11/25/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:20-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 73 degrees and a low of 48 degrees Southwest steel is on site today- contractor continues putting Alongi building together Farley Pavers is on site- contractor continues placing paver stones at entrance of job siteWater truck is on site today watering down for dust control No other trades on site 11/30/2020 11/30/2020 1:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:50-1:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 78 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is mowing turf areas and will begin re seeding this week Southwest steel is on site today setting second level of Alongi building - contractor is installing second level of Alongi Structure Farley Pavers is on site today and continues placing pavers at front entrance roundabout Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 27 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 12/1/2020 12/1/2020 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor is removing excess dirt from lake bed areaSouthwest Steel is on site today - contractor continues setting Alongi building Farley Pavers is on site today- contractor continues working on pavers at roundabout entrance of park siteNo other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 12/2/2020 12/2/2020 10:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-10:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 77 degrees and a low of 43 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues mowing and re seeding turf areas Southwest steel is on site today - contractor continues putting Alongi Building structure together Farley pavers is on site today - contractor continues placing pavers for entrance to park siteWater truck is on site today watering down for dust control Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 12/3/2020 12/4/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 73 degrees and a low of 37 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues working on miscellaneous items on site Along building crews are on site today - south west steel continues installing sections of Alongi building- plumbing contractor is on site todayFarley pavers is on site and continues placing pavers at roundabout entrance to park site Contractor is picking up trash on west side parking areaNo other trades on site today Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control 12/7/2020 12/7/2020 12:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:30am-12:00pmWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 75 degrees and a low of 52 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues placing DG around overflow parking on east and west side of park Farley pavers Is on site today - contractor continues finishing paver installation at roundabout circle entrance to park siteSouthwest steel is on site today - contractor for Alongi building is on site setting structure Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Windscreen fence is up for dust control Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 12/8/2020 12/8/2020 1:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:00am- 12:00pmWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 80 degrees and a blow of 48 degreesUrban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues grading for concrete walkway and working on punch list items Southwest steel is on site today - contractor continues setting outer panels Alongi building- Archuleta concrete is grading for small pad outside Alongi BuildingFarley pavers is on site today - contractor continues placing pavers at entrance to park site Water truck is on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Windscreen fence is up for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 12/9/2020 12/9/2020 10:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:40am-10:30amWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 75 degrees and a low of 43 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is grading for west parking lot area- contractor is digging for tree wells Farley pavers is on site today - contractor continues setting pavers at entrance to park site Southwest steel is on site today - contractor continues placing panels around Alongi building Archuleta concrete is on site today - contractor has set forms and compacted sub grade for Alongi Building flat work for ramp Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations Windscreen fence is up for dust controlOverall site is PM10 compliant Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 28 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 12/10/2020 12/11/2020 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- cloudy with a high of 66 degrees and a low of 43 degrees Assigned to several CIP jobs Will follow up next Monday Covering a Jim Peters inspections todayBrett from UH called to notify that lake feature at park site was being g filled- no lake feature contractor was on site- no coordination was made between Urban Habitat and Golf Course- no calls were made to Scott or Randy to coordinate lake fill up- Urban Habitat sent an email stating work has began and water was being pumped into lake feature No inspection for today 12/14/2020 12/14/2020 10:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-10:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 71 degrees and a low of 44 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor is on site working on Concrete walkway repairs - grading for west overflow parking areaArchuleta concrete is on site today - contractor is on site attempting to set forms for walkway repairs Southwest steel is on site today finishing up installation of panels and for interior of Alongi building Impromptu meeting with Archuleta concrete amd Cameron from Urban Habitat- regarding replacement of concrete panels- sub grade is saturated amd not ready for concrete at entrance and bridge location- Archuleta concrete will notify Urban Habitat about soil compaction issues - not approved for concrete Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Lake crew is on site assisting with filling up of lake feature 12/15/2020 12/15/2020 12:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:15-12:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 71 degrees and a low of 40 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor continues compacting subgrade for bridges that need to be replaced- concrete Contractor continues spreading DG for west parking area Southwest steel is on site today - contractor continues setting ramp for Alongi building- con will be off site beginning 12/17-1/4No other trades on site today Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:30-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 72 degrees and a low of 41 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor has began trenching for electrical conduit to Alongi building and will begin trenching water line to Alongi building- Southwest steel is on site today - continues installing outer panels for building and continues working on Ramp coming from buildingWater truck is on site today watering down for dust dust control Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 11:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:10-8:00am11:30-11:45amWeather- cloudy with a high of 67 degrees and a low of 47 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today - contractor has began placing g concrete around landscape lighting fixtures- contractor has ran electrical conduit to Alongi building and will Install water lane and back flow Southwest steel is on site today - contractor continues installing interior panels for Alongi building Brudvik electrical is on site today - contractor has began wiring inside of building No other trades on site Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Stabilized entrance for mud track out is setup with rumble strips and rock Overall site is PM10 compliant 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 11:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:00-11:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 70 degrees and a low of 42 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor continues grading DG areas on both sides of park Contractor continues setting concrete for landscape light fixturesSouthwest steel is on site - contractor continues working on Alongi building panels and interior No other trades on site today Water truck is on site today watering down for dust dust control Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site today Overall site is PM10 compliant Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 29 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 09:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:35-9:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 79 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is grading DG overflow parking area on westside of park siteNo other trades on site today Alongi building crews still have dumpster and forklift and generator on site- won't be back on site till January 4th 2021Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 12:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:35-11:55amWeather- sunny with a high of 77 degrees and a low of 46 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is grading around Alongi building for landscape work No contractor on site for Alongi building till Jan 4thNo other trades on site WAter truck is on site today watering down for dust dust Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on Overall site is PM10 compliant 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 06:45 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0630 to 0645 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 54 to 72 - Breeze WNW 9 mph- Humidity 20%No concrete being placed today - talked to Jesse and they couldn't get concrete delivery today - 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: No work going on today 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 07:30 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0715 to 0730Weather - Sunny - Temperature 41 to 66 - Breeze WNW 6 mph - Humidity 80% Urban Habitat personnel Placing concrete at entrance north if roundabout - also several sidewalk panel replacements 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0645 to 0700Weather - Sunny - Temperature 44 to 55 - Breeze WNW 6 mph - Humidity 22% Contractor cleaning up and pressure washing concrete placed yesterday to achieve design finish 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 72 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor has began trenching for electrical conduit around Alongi building Brudvik electrical is on site today working on low voltage lighting for palm trees lighting No other trades on site No contractor on site for Alongi building work 1/5/2021 1/5/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:30-11:10amWeather- sunny with a high of 77 degrees and a low of 47 degrees Sub contractor for Alongi building is on site today- plumbing contractor Brudvik electrical is on site working on low voltage lighting around park siteNo other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 30 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 1/6/2021 1/7/2021 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:35-10:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 75 degrees and a low of 46 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today- contractor is planting palm trees around Alongi BUILDING per landscaping plan Alongi building sub contractor on site today- painting exterior of building Brudvik electrical is on site today- working on electrical lighting inside Alongi building No other trades on site today Overall site is PM10 compliant 1/8/2021 1/8/2021 09:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:45-9:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 77 degrees and a low of 46 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues planting palm trees around Alongi building per landscaping plan Sub contractor for Alongi building continues painting exterior of building No other trades on site today Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 1/11/2021 1/11/2021 11:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:45-11:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 73 degrees and a low of 36 degrees No trades on siteNo work being done today Site is idle 1/12/2021 1/12/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:30am-12:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 71 degrees and a low of 44 degrees Urban Habitat is on site site today Contractor for Alongi building is on site today Urban Habitat continues working around Alongi building landscaping Has a maintenance walk with Hermann Design and Urban Habitat- myself Lorissa and Ubaldo Park site is not ready Multiple punch lists being drafted 1/13/2021 1/13/2021 10:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:10-10:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 78 degrees and a low of 54 degrees Urban Habitat is on site site today Contractor is spreading fertilizer around turf areas for winter blendGlass window contractor is on site for Alongi building No other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 1/14/2021 1/15/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1/19/2021 1/19/2021 11:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:20-11:25amWeather- showers with a high of 69 degrees and a low of 51 degrees- 70% chance of rainUrban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues setting forms for concrete walkway at Alongi buildingContractor has began working on punch list items for landscaping itemsPortable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 1/20/2021 1/20/2021 07:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:15-7:30amWeather- raining with a high of 64 degrees and a low of 50 degrees- currently raining Site is idle today No,work being done today Rain all day today 1/21/2021 1/21/2021 07:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-7:20amWeather- partly cloudy with high of 76 degrees and a low of 48 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is trenching for irrigation laterals around Alongi Building Contractor is grading and setting forms for concrete flatwork and bands around pavers Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 31 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 1/22/2021 1/22/2021 08:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:50-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 70 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues installing irrigation and landscaping layout around Alongi Building No other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stationsOverall site is PM10 compliant 1/25/2021 1/25/2021 07:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:55-7:10amWeather- showers with a high of 57 degrees and a low of 39 degrees Raining tall morning todaySite is idle Superintendent notified through email that no work is scheduled for today due to the rain 1/26/2021 1/26/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:40-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 61 degrees and a low of 37 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues trenching around Alongi building for irrigation and landscaping construction Contractor is prepping for concrete walkway and circular band around pavers at east side of Along building No other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site today Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 1/27/2021 1/27/2021 12:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:30am-12:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 60 degrees and a low of 39 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on landscaping around Alongi buildingConcrete crew is washing off concrete walkway for acid wash stripCrews continue setting forms for walkway north of Alongi Building Contractor is working on slop grade for headwall- contractor had no plans- gave him my plans for reference Portable bathrooms with spill pans on siteWater truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 1/28/2021 1/28/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 66 degrees and a low of 43 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on landscaping around Alongi building No other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 1/29/2021 1/29/2021 07:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-7:10amWeather- showers with a high of 62 degrees and a low of 41 degrees- 60% chance of rainSite is idle No work being done today Rain event all day 2/1/2021 2/1/2021 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:30-2:45pmWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 74 degrees and a low of 53 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor has set forms for mow curb, and walkway north of Alongi building Contractor has forms set at less than 2% per ADA standards- form inspection passedAll sub grade soil is being compacted by contractor Contractor continues working on landscaping around Alongi Building Overall site is PM10 compliant Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site 2/2/2021 2/2/2021 12:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:30-12:30pmWeather- cloudy with a high of 80 degrees and a low of 54 degrees Urban Habitat is on site todayContractor continues working on landscaping around Alongi Building Contractor has placed concrete for mow curb amd walkways around Alongi Building Contractor continues placing DG per plan around Alongi Building Glass contractor for Alongi building is on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 32 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 2/3/2021 2/3/2021 11:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:30-11:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 81 degrees and a low of 51 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on landscaping around Alongi Building Contractor continues placing DG around building Glass contractor for Alongi Building is on site installing glass panels No other trades on site today Overall site is PM10 compliant 2/4/2021 2/4/2021 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK DISAPPROVED WEST/EAST FOLLOW-UP Notes: 1. GravelPave-II matting needs to be installed per manufacturer specifications. Pinning shall be placed in the cells and at intervals not to exceed 6 cells in any horizontal/vertical direction. 2. Limit of Concrete nearest West Fire Access Turnaround needs to extend to the location shown on the approved plans. Currently 6’+ short. 3. West Access fire hydrant needs to be rotated to have hose fittings facing the Fire Access. 4. West Access fire hydrant does not have the standard road-valve access installed to control the hydrant. Plans show it in the concrete access roadway portion. *CVWD Hydrant. **Provision of a shear-valve in lieu of demo and install of the road-valve could be considered with CVWD approval. 5. East Fire Access Turnaround has presented with problems associated with the GrassPave-II assembly. The turf rolls have not been maintained nor cultivated to maturity and good root health. Brown/dead grass was observed for large portions of the Fire Access. Several patches of bare sand were observed. 6. East Access fire hydrant does not have the standard road-valve access installed to control the hydrant. Plans show it in the grass landscape area. 7. East Access transition from DG to GravelPave-II does not have a clear transition. Suggest a vehicle supportable mow-curb to create the hard transition which will cut down on fine particle sand and DG from infiltrating into the GravelPave-II matting. 2/4/2021 2/4/2021 12:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:30-12:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 76 degrees and a low of 48 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues installing DG and rock around Alongi Building per planFire inspector was out today and notified Jesse from Urban Habitat that no shut off valves were installed per civil plan- must install before final fire inspection Glas contractor is on site for Alongi Building Maintenance crews showed up Ruben amd Joseph to remove panels from Alongi Building for ramp Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 11:30-12:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 76 degrees and a low of 48 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues installing DG and rock around Alongi Building per planFire inspector was out today and notified Jesse from Urban Habitat that no shut off valves were installed per civil plan- must install before final fire inspection Glas contractor is on site for Alongi Building Maintenance crews showed up Ruben amd Joseph to remove panels from Alongi Building for ramp Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 2/5/2021 2/5/2021 10:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-10:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 79 degrees and a low of 48 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is placing concrete around paver bands at front entrance No other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 2/8/2021 2/8/2021 08:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:50-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 78 degrees and a low of 48 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues grading around Alongi building landscaping Contractor continues installing irrigation around Alongi Building No other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 2/9/2021 2/9/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:45-10:00amWeather- mostly cloudy with a high of 73 degrees and a low of 51 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues installing DG along Alongi Building landscaping Contractor has began to set forms for walkway from Alongi building to adjacent walkwayPortable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 33 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 9:45-10:00amWeather- mostly cloudy with a high of 73 degrees and a low of 51 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues installing DG along Alongi Building landscaping Contractor has began to set forms for walkway from Alongi building to adjacent walkwayPortable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Water truck is on site today watering down for dust control Overall site is PM10 compliant 2/10/2021 2/10/2021 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:00-2:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 79 degrees and a low of 52 degrees Urban Habitat is on site Contractor is repairing punch list itemsContractor has began trenching for concrete footing- for walkway behind Alongi Building No other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 2/11/2021 2/11/2021 08:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:50-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 81 degrees and a low of 59 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is setting forms for footings for walkway westside of Alongi Building Contractor needs to remove excess soil for sub grade Re bar has not been placed or tied in Contractor not ready for concrete Will follow up later today 2/12/2021 2/12/2021 2:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:00-2:30pmWeather- sunny with a high of 74 degrees and a low of 52 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor has finished placing concrete for stem wall footing for. Alongi ramp walkway No other trades on site Contractor will backfill on Tuesday and start placing block Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 2/16/2021 2/16/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 77 degrees and a low of 49 degrees Urban Habitat was on site today Contractor was working on pump for lake featuresNo other trades on site today 2/17/2021 2/17/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a 72 degrees and a low of 46 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues placing block for walkway on west side of Alongi Building Alongi contractor is on site replacing glass panel Jacobson engineering is on site locating sewer clean outs and placing steel casing over the clean outs along siteNo other trades on site today Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 2/18/2021 2/18/2021 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:45-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 71 degrees and a low of 43 degrees Urban Habitat is on site Contractor continues working on pumps for lake feature Brudvik electrical is on site today pulling wire for Alongi Building Urban Habitat is also wiring all irrigation controllers on north side of park No other trades on site today 2/19/2021 2/19/2021 11:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:30-11:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 74 degrees and a low of 46 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues installing pump connections for lake featureContractor continues placing DG on west side of ParkContractor has unlocked electrical cabinet for Alongi contractor to test power to buildingOverall site is PM10 compliant Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 34 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 2/22/2021 2/22/2021 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:20-1:55pmWeather- sunny with a high of 81 degrees and a low of 49 degrees Urban Habitat is on site todayContractor continues backfilling and compacting sub grade for concrete walkway behind Alongi buildingContractor is compacting soil in 1 foot lifts- forms will be set for concrete tomorrow Probe compaction test passed-Will check compaction tomorrow Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on siteOverall site is PM10 compliant 2/23/2021 2/23/2021 11:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:20-11:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 82 degrees and a low of 50 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is dragging DG on west side of overflow parkingCrews continue backfilling and compacting for sub grade of Alongi building walk wayNo other trades on site todayOverall site is PM10 compliant 2/24/2021 2/25/2021 11:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-11:00am Weather- sunny with a high of 75 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is placing concrete for walkway behind Alongi building Contractor will finish placing concrete for walkway behind Alongi building No other trades on site today 2/26/2021 2/26/2021 10:45 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1030 to 1045Weather - Sunny - Temperature 45 to 79 - Breeze W 2 mph - Humidity 23%Contractor washing off the concrete on north side of the Alongi building and cleaning up site 3/1/2021 3/1/2021 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:55-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 72 degrees and a low of 41 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is prepping for hydro seeding No other trades on site Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 35 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 3/1/2021 3/1/2021 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK DISAPPROVED WEST/EAST FOLLOWUP Notes: Yesterday, 3/1/2021, I visited the project to check on progress on addressing the items I previously brought up. There was no reasonable improvement or attempt to correct. I met with PW Edward Hernandez and we discussed the items of concern. Speaking with Edward this morning, the contractor is now making progress. They have turned both fire hydrants to face the relative access. They are now removing the excess gravel to comply with the Gravelpave-II Manufacturer Specifications. Edward advised that the fire hydrant line would like to be used for flushing and chlorinating the new Silverrock Way line. Fire has no issue with this need as they are both CVWD’s public water mains. To summarize remaining concern for the event site: [1] East turnaround Grasspave-II assembly still shows about 50% of the area as not recovering or taking root. Contractor has now mulched the top of the sod rolls for all of the area, after re-seeding last week. I am concerned on the landscapers plan for getting the sod fully established for use. It may be beneficial to remove the 50%~ of sod that has not established and start fresh. *I can physically grab the center of each sod mat and lift, showing that there is no rooting activity. Per Manufacturer Specifications, we are likely 3-4 weeks from use, as the rooting needs to be well established. [2] East Fire hydrant control valve still needs to be located and access installed. [3] West turnaround end of concrete pavement discrepancy between Architect and PG plans needs to be resolved. I reviewed only the Architect plans which shows a further extension of pavement than is present in the field. I would prefer the Architect plan details which will remove the metal rail separation between Gravel and DG in the tire path, which may cause tire damage. [4] West turnaround has continued signs of irrigation watering runoff that is depositing large amounts of silt and sediment into the gravel assembly. This will become a regular maintenance issue for PW. The runoff drain system was never fully installed as planned at one time. Some level of mitigation is recommended 3/2/2021 3/2/2021 07:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:50-7:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 78 degrees and a low of 43 degrees Urban Habitat is on site todayContractor is removing excess gravel from fire access roadMet with Jesse from Urban Habitat regarding grade bust at Concrete walkway behind Alongi building- no swale in place- elevations are not accurate- not built per plan- will need to setup a meeting to have landscape architect decide how to proceed with a fix for grade bust 3/3/2021 3/3/2021 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK DISAPPROVED EAST/WEST FIRE ACCESS Notes: I took advantage to inspect today to check on the progress. I observed the fire hydrants rotated to the access, gravel reduction in the Gravelpave-II assembly, the East Hydrant control valve was located and the valve access box was installed, the east turnaround Grasspave-II assembly had mulch swept off of the healthier sod portions. Here is an updated list of items remaining to be addressed associated with the access: [1] East turnaround Grasspave-II assembly still shows about 50% of the area as not recovering or taking root. Contractor has adjusted the mulching to the portions of sod that is struggling to recover, after re-seeding last week. I am concerned on the landscapers plan for getting the sod fully established for use. It may be beneficial to remove the 50%~ of sod that has not established and start fresh. *I can physically grab the center of each sod mat and lift, showing that there is no rooting activity. Per Manufacturer Specifications, we are likely 3-4 weeks from use, as the rooting needs to be well established. [2] West turnaround end of concrete pavement discrepancy between Architect and PG plans needs to be resolved. I reviewed only the Architect plans which shows a further extension of pavement than is present in the field. I would prefer the Architect plan details which will remove the metal rail separation between Gravel and DG in the tire path, which may cause tire damage. [3] West turnaround has continued signs of irrigation watering runoff that is depositing large amounts of silt and sediment into the gravel assembly. Contractor has cleaned out the sediment that was previously observed at one location, only for another area to now have developed. This will become a regular maintenance issue for PW. The runoff drain system was never fully installed as planned at one time. Some level of mitigation is recommended. [4] *NEW* The West turnaround mow-curb needs the painted curb and stenciling of “No Parking – Fire Lane” to be completed. **Fire Occupancy Final of the new building will be required. Be sure to keep me updated when that is coming up. Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 36 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 3/3/2021 3/3/2021 2:45 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:00-2:50pmWeather- cloudy with a high of 62 degrees and a low of 50 degrees-50% chance of rainAlongi trades people on site todayHVAC crews are on site connecting AC unitsNo other trades on siteCity Public Works crews are on site placing panels back for Alongi building 3/4/2021 3/4/2021 07:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-7:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 76 degrees and a low of 48 degrees Site is idle Major erosion scars and runoff coming from slop west of fire road access on west side of park 3/5/2021 3/5/2021 10:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:25-10:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 53 degrees Site is idleAlongi building trades people are on site- HVAC techs working on AC connection No other trades on site today 3/8/2021 3/8/2021 10:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:10-10:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 80 degrees and a low of 50 degrees No trades on site today Site is idlePavers were delivered this morning to complete the work around Alongi building 3/9/2021 3/9/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 73 degrees and a low of 47 degrees Alongi trades were on site todayFlooring contractor was on site installing flooring Walked the building with Chris Hermann- Lorissa Gruehl- Ubaldo Ayon- myselfCorrections need to be made to meet CBC compliance 3/10/2021 3/10/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 65 degrees and a low of 44 degrees Alongi trades on site No Urban Habitat crews on site today 3/11/2021 3/11/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- cloudy with a high of 64 degrees and a low of 44 degrees Alongi building trades on siteNo other trades on site today 3/12/2021 3/12/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 65 degrees and a low of 48 degrees No inspection needed for todayUrban Habitat is on site working on punch list items 3/15/2021 3/15/2021 08:45 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0845Weather - Sunny - Temperature 57 to 70 - Breeze W 9 mph - Humidity 48%No Activity 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 JP-CIP JIM PETERS APPROVED Notes: Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 37 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 1:30 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:00-1:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 72 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today picking up equipmentLake contractor is on site installing transformer for pumps - Brudvik electrical No other trades on site today 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 79 degrees and a low of 45 degrees Urban Habitat maintenance crews are on site Mowing crews are mowing al turf areas No other trades on site today 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:45-9:00amWeather- sunny with a of 83 degrees and a low of 54 degrees Site is idle NO trades on site today 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 07:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-7:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 59 degrees No contractor on site Site is idle Alongi building has a plumbing and flooring contractor on site 3/22/2021 3/23/2021 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-10:00amWeather- partly cloudy with a of 77 degrees and a low of 56 degrees Site is idle No trades on siteHandrail for south side of Alongi walkway has been installedGuardrail coming on north side of walkway will be installed later this week Corings for guardrail are completed- corner coring broke off edge of concrete Will replace concrete that is broken 3/24/2021 3/25/2021 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 72 degrees and a low of 50 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is working in punch list itemsPump electrical contractor should be on site to wire pump for lake 3/26/2021 3/28/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 3/29/2021 3/29/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 59 degrees No trades on site today Final walk scheduled tomorrow 3/29/2021 3/29/2021 FIRE INSPECTOR KOHL HETRICK PARTIALLY APPROVED EAST TURNAROUND Notes: OBSERVED THAT THE EAST FIRE ACCESS TURNAROUND HAD NOTICEABLE IMPROVEMENT IN GRASS DEVELOPMENT AND ESTABLISHMENT. APPROXIMATELY 8 MAT SECTIONS STILL NEEDING MORE TIME TO GET ESTABLISHED. 3/30/2021 3/31/2021 09:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:45-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 88 degrees and a low of 58 degrees Urban Habitat is on site Contractor is working on punch list items Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 38 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/1/2021 4/1/2021 11:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-10:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 69 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items No other trades on site 4/2/2021 4/2/2021 10:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:30-10:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees north a low of 66 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working g on punch list items No other trades on site 4/5/2021 4/5/2021 11:30 AM JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1100 to 1130 Weather - Clear - Temperature 75 to 97 - Breeze NW 8 mph - Humidity 15% Urban Habitat (1)personnel working on Punch list Items 4/6/2021 4/6/2021 08:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:50-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 94 degrees and a low of 65 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is working on punch list items 7:50-8:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 94 degrees and a low of 65 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is working on punch list items 4/7/2021 4/7/2021 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:30-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 99 degrees and a low of 68 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items No other trades on site 4/8/2021 4/8/2021 10:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:00-10:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 97 degrees and a low of 67 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items No other trades on site today 4/9/2021 4/9/2021 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:50-2:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 66 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items No other trades on site today 4/12/2021 4/13/2021 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-8:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 55 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items Met with Jose from HDG, Lorissa and Ricky from irrigation sprinkler systems pump guySeveral corrections need to be made to pump equipment Punch list will be sent to Urban Habitat on how to correctly install pumps No other trades on site today 4/14/2021 4/14/2021 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 53 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items Contractor has began re configuring pumps and filters per planNo other trades on site Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 39 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/15/2021 4/15/2021 2:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:20-2:25pmWeather- sunny with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 59 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items Contractor continues re-routing 4/16/2021 4/16/2021 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 1:00-2:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 87 degrees and a low of 52 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items Contractor continues re alignment of pump and sand filters for irrigation No other trades on site today 4/19/2021 4/19/2021 1:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 12:25-1:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 62 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items Contractor continues re alignment of pump and sand filters for irrigation No other trades on site today ____________________________ 4/20/2021 4/20/2021 10:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:30-10:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 60 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items Contractor continues re alignment of pump and sand filters for irrigation No other trades on site today 4/21/2021 4/21/2021 09:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 80 degrees and a low of 57Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor continues working on punch list items No other trades on site today 4/22/2021 4/22/2021 08:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-8:46amWeather- sunny with a high of 86 degrees and a low of 59 degrees Vintage landscaping is on site Mower crews are on site today 4/23/2021 4/23/2021 09:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:30-11:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 91 degrees and a low of 59 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor will test irrigation pumps with irrigation City maintenance crews and Vintage Landscaping will be on site 9:30-11:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 91 degrees and a low of 59 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor will test irrigation pumps with irrigation City maintenance crews and Vintage Landscaping will be on site 4/26/2021 4/26/2021 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:55-10:10amWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 73 degrees and a low of 59 degrees No trades on sitePark is open to public 4/27/2021 4/27/2021 07:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 6:45-7:10amWeather- sunny with a high of 75 degrees and a low of 55 degrees No trades on site Site is now under City Maintenance No need for inspection Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 40 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 4/28/2021 4/28/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 59 degrees No inspection needed Park is being maintained by Vintage Landscape 4/29/2021 4/29/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 64 degrees No inspection needed Park in under maintenance No work being done 4/30/2021 4/30/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 68 degrees No inspection needed for today Park is now under maintenance 5/3/2021 5/3/2021 07:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-7:46amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 68 degrees No inspection needed for today Park is under maintenance now 5/4/2021 5/4/2021 09:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-9:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 66 degrees Verified quantities with Bret and Jesse from UHNo other trades on site today 5/5/2021 5/5/2021 09:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 9:30-9:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 66 degrees Vintage landscape is on sitePark is under maintenance 5/6/2021 5/6/2021 08:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:00-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 62 degrees Urban Habitat is on site today Contractor is fixing sand filter near irrigation pumpNo other trades on site 5/7/2021 5/7/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 66 degrees Park is now under maintenance No work being done today 5/10/2021 5/11/2021 07:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-7:10amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 64 degrees No inspection needed for today Park is now under City maintenance 5/12/2021 5/12/2021 09:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-9:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 66 degrees Urban Habitat landscaping maintenance crews are mowing turf around Alongi building - weekly maintenance for 90 day maintenance period No other trades on site Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 41 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 5/13/2021 5/13/2021 10:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-10:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 62 degrees Urban habitat and imperial irrigation supply- pump salesman on site to start running irrigation pumpsPumps are not running- Dianne Hansen and all City park staff were on site to takeover pump maintenance- pumps did not work Contractor is taking amniotic filter apart and trying to troubleshoot existing issues 5/14/2021 5/14/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 69 degrees No inspection needed for today Will follow up next week 5/17/2021 5/17/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 93 degrees and a low of 62 degrees No inspection for today City Maintenance crews now maintain park except Alongi Landscaping portion 5/18/2021 5/18/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 66 degrees No inspection needed for today City is maintaining SilverRock park -except Alongi Landscape area- still under Urban Habitat maintenance period 5/19/2021 5/19/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 66 degrees No inspection needed for today City is maintaining SilverRock park -except Alongi Landscape area- still under Urban Habitat maintenance period 5/20/2021 5/20/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 91 degrees and a low of 66 degrees No inspection for today Covering Jim Peters inspections and CIP jobs - Jim is off till MondayWill follow up next Monday 5/21/2021 5/21/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 78 degrees and a low of 60 degrees No inspection for today Covering all CIP jobs Covering Jim Peters Inspections through 5/21/21Will follow up when time allows 5/24/2021 5/24/2021 11:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:30-11:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low f 64 degrees Quantities walk with Urban Habitat todayBrett from UH- Lorissa- Ubaldo and myself were on site for quantities walk Agreement on quantities still pending for DG area and 12 inch banding 5/25/2021 5/25/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 11:00am-12:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 69 degrees On site meeting with Netafin filter reps, Hermann Design Group reps Jose and Chris, Ben Olson engineering, COLQ- Dianne, Tony, Ubaldo and myselfBarrett pump reps will be on site next week to go over calls for pump and see what issue is with pump design- Urban Habitat ran sandstorm filters with no sand- possibly damaged undercarriage in tanks for filters- water valve to pump was never turned on- filter was dryPossible pump damage as well- Urban Habitat is responsible for repairs since warranty was voided Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 42 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 5/26/2021 5/27/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 71 degrees No inspection for today Meeting scheduled for next Tuesday 5/28/2021 5/28/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 71 degrees No inspection for today Meeting scheduled next Tuesday with Barrett pumps 6/1/2021 6/1/2021 07:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:10-7:25amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 71 degrees No inspection needed for today Still waiting for punch list items to be completed 6/2/2021 6/2/2021 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 8:15-8:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 71 degrees No trades on site todayStill waiting for punch list items to be completed 6/3/2021 6/3/2021 12:15 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:30am-12:00pmWeather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 75 degrees Punch list item walk today with Jesse from UH and Lorissa and UbaldoPending punch list items still need t9 be addressed 6/4/2021 6/4/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 73 degrees Ben Olson, Jose from HDG, Ricky from Imperial Irrigation, Tony Ulloa from COLQ, reps from Vintage Landscape were on site Pump review meeting- pump still having issues- Jose from HDG will write up report- Recommend changing diaphragm at pump closest to Lake No other trades on site 6/7/2021 6/7/2021 09:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 9:00-9:25amWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 69 degrees Urban habitat notified me they will be working on punch list items No other trades on site 6/8/2021 6/8/2021 2:00 PM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 2:00-2:15pmWeather- sunny with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 62 degrees No work being done today Punch list items still pending 6/9/2021 6/9/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- partly cloudy with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 71 degrees No work being done today Punch list items still pending 6/10/2021 6/10/2021 07:30 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:00-7:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 66 degrees Vintage Landscaping is on site- weekly maintenance for City of La Quinta No urban Habitat crews on site working on punch list Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 43 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 6/11/2021 6/11/2021 11:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 10:15-11:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 71 degrees Urban Habitat is on site Contractor has finished most punch list itemsLake still needs to be cleaned out and pump issue needs to be resolvedDiaphragm inside master valve has been replaced by UH 6/14/2021 6/14/2021 08:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-8:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 114 degrees and a low of 75 degrees No workers on site Lake is still filled with Algae 6/15/2021 6/15/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 118 degrees and a low of 78 degrees No inspection needed for today Urban Habitat needs to clean lake and shock it Lake is filled with Algae 6/16/2021 6/16/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 113 degrees and a low of 75 degrees No inspection for today Lake still needs to be treated for punch list items 6/17/2021 6/17/2021 07:00 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:35-7:00amWeather- sunny with a high of 118 degrees and a low of 80 degrees Vintage Landscape is on site No other maintenance crews on site today 6/18/2021 6/21/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees No inspection for today Vintage Landscaping is now maintaining park siteUrban Habitat needs to shock lake- major algae 6/22/2021 6/22/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- partly cloudy with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 78 degrees No inspection for today Urban Habitat will place herbicide inside lake- date unknown 6/23/2021 6/23/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- cloudy with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 71 degrees No inspection for today Will be on site tomorrow for scheduled herbicide treatment at Lake tomorrow 6/24/2021 6/24/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 78 degrees 6/25/2021 6/25/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 77 degrees Urban Habitat has placed 1 quart aquatic herbicide at the top of stream not directly inside the lake Will follow up,on Monday Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 44 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 6/28/2021 6/28/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 116 degrees and a low of 87 degrees No contractor on site today Lake still has major Algae contamination Contractor placed 1 quart of aquatic herbicide at top of stream not at Lake on Friday 6/25/2021 6/29/2021 6/29/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 82 degrees No contractor on site today Urban Habitat still has maintenance period for Alongi building 6/30/2021 6/30/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 80 degrees No contractor on site today Urban Habitat still has maintenance period for Alongi building 7/1/2021 7/1/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 77 degrees No inspection for today Still awaiting final,quantities review and acceptance 7/2/2021 7/2/2021 07:45 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7:30-7:45amWeather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 78 degrees No contractor on site Still awaiting to finalize quantities agreement 7/6/2021 7/6/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 113 degrees and a low of 82 degrees No contractor on site Still awaiting to finalize quantities agreement 7/7/2021 7/7/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 113 degrees and a low of 82 degrees No contractor on site Still awaiting to finalize quantities agreement 7/8/2021 7/8/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 7/9/2021 7/9/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- cloudy with a high of 114 degrees and a low of 77 degrees No inspection needed for today All contract work is completed 7/12/2021 7/12/2021 07:15 AM EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: 6:45-7:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 84 degrees No contract work being done anymore Urban Habitat has finished all work Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 45 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 7/13/2021 7/13/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 7/14/2021 7/14/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 7/15/2021 7/16/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 80 degrees All contract work is completed Quantities have been accepted by City and agreed with Urban HabitatNo need for inspection anymore on this site 7/19/2021 7/19/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 84 degrees All contract work is completed All quantities have been agreed with urban Habitat 7/20/2021 7/20/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 84 degrees All contract work is completed All quantities have been agreed with urban Habitat 7/21/2021 7/22/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 84 degrees All contract work is completed All quantities have been agreed with urban Habitat 7/23/2021 7/23/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 107 and a low of 84 degrees All contract work is completed All quantities have been agreed with urban Habitat 7/26/2021 7/26/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- thunderstorms all morning with a high of 96 degrees and a low of 69 degrees All contract work is completed All quantities have been agreed with urban Habitat 7/27/2021 7/27/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 78 degrees All contract work is completed All quantities have been agreed with urban Habitat 7/28/2021 7/28/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 107 degrees and a low of 82 degrees All contract work is completed All quantities have been agreed with urban Habitat Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 46 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 7/29/2021 7/29/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 111 degrees and a low of 84 degrees All contract work is completed 7/30/2021 7/30/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- cloudy with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 86 degrees All contract work is completed 8/2/2021 8/2/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 116 degrees and a low of 82 degrees All contract work is completed 8/3/2021 8/3/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 118 degrees and a low of 86 degrees All contract work is completed 8/4/2021 8/4/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 120 degrees and a low of 89 degrees All contract work is completed 8/5/2021 8/5/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 114 degrees and a low of 89 degrees All contract work is completed No inspection needed 8/6/2021 8/6/2021 JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather - Sunny - Temperature 84 to 111 - Breeze W 2 mph - Humidity 49% All contract work is completed No inspection needed 8/9/2021 8/9/2021 JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather - Sunny - Temperature 81 to 108 - Breeze NNW 5 mph - Humidity 51% No Activity - job is complete waiting on final to close out the project 8/10/2021 8/10/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 104 degrees and a low of 80 degrees Contract work is completed 8/11/2021 8/11/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- partly cloudy with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 69 degrees All contract work is completed 8/12/2021 8/12/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 80 degrees All contract work is completed No inspection needed Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 47 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta 8/16/2021 8/16/2021 JP-CIP JIM PETERS PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather - Sunny - Temperature 85 to 108 - Breeze NW 3 mph - Humidity 44% No Activity 8/17/2021 8/17/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 105 degrees and a low of 84 degrees All contract work is completed 8/18/2021 8/18/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 78 degrees All contract work is completed 8/19/2021 8/19/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 98 degrees and a low of 73 degrees All contract work is completed 8/20/2021 8/20/2021 EH-CIP EDWARD HERNANDEZ PARTIALLY APPROVED Notes: Weather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 73 degrees No contractor on site today All contract work is completed Weather- sunny with a high of 100 degrees and a low of 73 degrees No contractor on site today All contract work is completed Printed: Wednesday, 29 September, 2021 48 of 48 Permit Inspections City of La Quinta