0207-129 (AR) Structural CalcsSTANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS i. Sketch of details in calculations are not to scale and may mot :represent tilie conditions `on :[,...-*!'ti.-- It-, plans. Architect or designer is responsible for drawing in plans which represent true framing.. conditions and scale. ro t.; z. The structural cIticulations are for the analysis and design .of the. structural,system.as,r- s 1,; Z .'+ , shown in the calculations. Non-structural elements and the attachment m'echani'sm -is responsibility of the architect or designer unless specifically shown•otherwise!io : r; !,itC C : cr d01 --II t 11: i;;s S. ; 3. The professional services of the architect/engineer do not extend to of include the ieview of the contractor's work or performance. a. All changes made to the project shall be submitted to the engineer,in'wnting,for,his•.reView • t•.=` _ _ _.• and comment.prior to construction. a:,c; �:,rur !� :iY 1:.,, =r s. Inasmuch as the remodeling and/or rehabilitation of an existing building, requires that certaid ol- r : i:4';:i?:::!;e!i : assumptions be made regarding existing conditions, and because some' of these assumptions co;id iii::ir.. J cannot be verified without expending great sums of additionaltmoney; or destroying'W r:.•!sT Vis' otherwise adequate or serviceable portions of the building, the owner agrees that;,except.for)'.:: ;%o. I11:. negligence on the part of the design professional, the owner will;hold:harmless and iridemni fy;!r :,i, ''.s�+t::ra,- the design professional for and against any and all claims, da nages,iawards, and ­costs of i:7fi 11O .,r1;::• defense arising out of the professional services provided under this agreement CLIENT: PEN N l S C-14 G_?_rZ-i' A 55, coil �-� S J JOB : r; ADDRESS: $ I iziKPA, t-4_ GT , ii r i.� :4? !v TAr L T Z THIS SIGNATURE IS TO BE A WET SIGNATURE IN RED; NOTA COPY?; I... ( ) U t:. SHEAR PANEL SCHEDULE NAILING: SILL ANCHORING: SYM�MATERIAL 'SIDES EDGES FIELD SILL PL. NAILING MIC. BOLTS W. Acdx plywd 1__6,d__@_6"_0.,C: 12" @ 48" O.C. 260 pif B 3/8"cdx plywd - _ 1 8d 4" 8d 12" 16d 4:' O.C.._ 12" @ 32"O.C_ 380 plf C 13B" struct I plywd 1 8d @3" _ 8d@12" ._ 16d @ 3" O.C.. 12" @ 16" O.C. 550 plf D _....._. 3/8" struct II d _ _..._ _ _ __ P .. I --.--.__._ 8d 16d 2" O:C,-._ - 5l8" @ 16 O.C. 730 plf E 12" struct I plywd - 1 10d @ 2" 10d @„12" 16d @ 2" O.C. _ 5/8' @ 12' •O.C: 870 plf F ..... -- 3/8" cdx plywd -- ---... 2 .._._._...-�--� 8d 2.5" --- 8d 12" -��-- 16d 2.51'O.C. �.-- 12 O.C. 5/8" " 810 plf G 7B" ext plaster 1 ' 16ga.tr'D"6" 16ga@12" --._.� 16d @ 6" O.C. 12" @ 48" O.C: 180 pli NOTES: 1. Block all edges of plywood shear walls. 2. Provide 3x or 2-2x studs for shear walls D, E. and F. 'Sill plates and double top plates to be 2x. 3. All plywood shall be applied directly to stud with stud spacing no greater than 16" O.C. r 4. Plywood shall conform to Product Standard PSI -74 and shall be bonded with exterior glue. i 5. Nails for plywood panels and sill plates shall be common, cement °coated, or galvanized box nails, unless specifically noted. 6. Anchor bolts shall be type A-307 and shall be equally spaced and shall be within 12" from any end.of sill plate. 7. Plywood panels may be applied either vertically or horizontally, but all panel edges shall be nailed to studs, plates, or blocking: 8. Minimum width of plywood panel shall be T-0", but use 4' wide sheets where possible.' 9. Holes in panels larger than 6" in any direction are not permitted unless verified by' Engineer. 10. Where anchor bolts are specified, Ramset'Trubott'or Ramdrill', ( BO# 12391; or equal; shall be used in existing foundation. 11. Holddown bolts at existing foundation shall be Simpson'ET22' epoxy'system; ICBO # 4945'. FOUNDATION NOTES: 1. SOIL PARAMETERS: Unless a soils report is provided or conditions•aie known to be different, the Engineer assumes the following conditions: ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE: 1,000 PSF LATERAL RESISTANCE: 200 PSF / FT. OF DEPTH COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION: 0.40 = ' EQUIVALENT FLUID DENSITY:. 30 PCF / FT. OF DEPTH 2. CONCRETE: Concrete for footings and slabs on grade, unless noted otherwise, shall have a compressive strength at 28 days of. 2,500 psi. (No.special inspection. required.) 3. MASONRY: Masonry units shall be Grade N, laid in type S mortar.', F'm = 1350 psi and N = 44 for walls grouted at steel reinforcing only. F'm = 1500 psi and N = 40 for walls where all cells are grouted solidi Masonry reinforcement shall be as per Concrete section. r, 4. TYPICAL CONCRETE SLAB: (unless noted otherwise) 3-1/2" thick -concrete slab with-- .6x6/10-10 ith 6x6/10-10 w.w.m. at center, over 2" sand bed, over 6 mil visqueen bdrrier,'over compacted and. dampened native base. Omit visqueen at garage and exterior slabs! r FRAMING NOTES• 1. TYPICAL ROOF SHEATHING: 1/2" cdx plywood, Index Number 32-16, apply perpendicular to supports. Nailing: 8d @ 6" O.C., end and boundary nailing. 8d @ 12" O.C„ field nailing. 2. TYPICAL FLOOR SHEATHING: ? 3/4" T&G "Sturdi-Floor", Index Number 32-16, apply perpendicular to supports. Nailing: 10d @ 6" O.C., end'and'boundary nailing. 10d*@ 12" O:C'.,'field nailing:` 3. STRUCTURAL STEEL: Structural. steel shapes, bars, and plates shall -be per ASTM. A53. Bolts shall be per ASTM A307. r'°, ' ` .y 4: LUMBER: Wood framing shall be as follows: (per UBC TAble 23=X=1) ` JOISTS: DF #2: Fb: 1510 psi, Fv: 95 psi, E: 1.6 mpsi _ "' ' • ' BEAMS: DF #2: Fb: 825 psi, Fv: 95 psi, E: 1.6 mpsi DF #1: Fb: 1000 psi, Fv: 95 psi, E: 1.7 mpsi DF SS: Fb: 1450 psi, Fv: 95 psi, E: 1.9 mpsi 20F GLU-LAM BEAMS: Fb: 2000 psi, Fv: 165 psi, E: 1.8 mpsi 24F GLU-LAM BEAMS: Fb: 2400 psi, Fv: 165'psi, E: 1.8 mpsi 5. HARDWARE: Framing and anchorage connectors shall be SIMPSON STRONG TIE or equal, per ICBO reports 1211, 1258, 1358, or 1746. Tw LDT 3o 17LA aA epo i tj rA�- Tltv SS r-- S, 4 � o ye. C, . ............ .. . ............ . ..... ... . ............... ----------------- ........... 11E, 1\ U S12� I S, i *rvrA_iWT7P H u5s ..--------------Coq-�--------------. _�_� `'-� ..__.--------._._...---------_..._._-----------------....__.... _.-- ------ ---.. ......... .. . ... ..... ,'/ 'Wu = I LA -H,6 i ��ITEf�fEL - bq� i r MU �21w X IZ� wl I -a4 Top 8ar- r� ►r � F SA. SJR►L. ; M-A�,S �3 G 9 � �?_ — ,. � . (so. X 3 G' -1- I � � 2 � 15(0 °o...=.....$Z OF LIS -LIS .. ......... . ......... —70 0 -7 o Ue 7F, 4p U 1.7� q i6c; 65 ............ ---- ------ dk A I 9-5 q w7i5 OL 7 VSA TS 1 I ... _ _ �..�� �, _ � � 7� �3 � � �i � -- Z ` � 311 � ��.: ... ...-::�.'': _' � .'....: --.-. • -. I tfeo -2� uRL Kul j.1 L4 ........... Sl e.0 t4 7,77717, Dao + 5 .. . �. � 6 3. Gti. -}- . 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CIVIL OFCALVF I� •--------�---�`' " l..o i N b.-- --DEP?.---(zES Po N 5 E__. - u STR-ut'Tu"rL� - G-A-L-� wL-04rTL.0 5---.S FET.._....--..__ - ...._._... ._...__.._... i" r°. _._._ r''.AX.'.....__�w'VX°R-.__�R--E....L°•-w�+-.--©- 2�1-� -7`-y -`t - _ -671 ---------...--- iii ------ 4Sc x Z Y -° -f- n -o -- P it -•c -E ._...--------------�` VSA Z -°p .�6� cti _2_S..(6z24..---_ls`A'_•._TaP._..._.P�-Ja.Yt�......_5..��-1.�-C._._. 16 d -._._SA -419 . I� �+ SzE oR-i b P cthv c-Acc._c..s ! IG CD e -C LA, rL-cz o T 6f13 _ 4t o._ : M ETA �� 0 0 0 KSA (4' ��z. e I� �,:..,�_........... '' 3�Id tt�cc�� V PATO 4 io 2- ii I: I� Iii a(LI6 GE% b(�- I�I Q !,�-�--•max.. D S �� a Rt• b. C.i4c,-�-3 '!i o 0 AoalTwNAr R-Rel-Tca)jS SF+T 1 L-A T.EMAL-._IJ..�p�T�t S ST►w�ror, � p�+N.. I I' "• ._._�.►"'` ENS►-flN�s �rR-E toR-R-¢�' Tt•+fe SI+*Pe Ml4`i NoT qISuA-s,l.Y _......_.._............. Lco(e- I OFNTtCA-L- ... ..IX....- - ...._......_ .. SST Tl+i DIM _.. _._ ¢NS►am� 6 USS FulL T-r-l5UTA-X%r I: �I i Ac2tth Ii CotLtLt. i'. �'•3 OSTli-µ-- tZ•T JN TNt CAct►- WEST Dtttet-T`uN. Oe TA-t FO(L IAJ ll+C- 06XT14 W SEe- RLW 5�W a&t-4S AQio 1PETA-w 00 STrw Ct'. eLA-V5 M= 13n7e-I =ISG u S C 6 -c 4► F E f. t PbN . GAu ;I 6X� use . VVrLPLt Vtl- Zq la-o RS l� bo . ..... ........ ii c . ..... .. ... ...... f-7? 17