12-1253 (SFD) Soil Investigationv < PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION OF TRACT 20328 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA for Sand Pebble Country Club Box 867 La Quinta, California 92253 November 1984 B -14796 -PI OCT 22p012 D By BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. 1731-A Walter Street Ventura, California 93003 8051642-6727 Field Office 619/324-8614 e0 - o F�-rLC-{ CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE I 't t3 gy4L-t►ES ''r l Z- t2'r It, :i v < PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION OF TRACT 20328 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA for Sand Pebble Country Club Box 867 La Quinta, California 92253 November 1984 B -14796 -PI OCT 22p012 D By BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. 1731-A Walter Street Ventura, California 93003 8051642-6727 Field Office 619/324-8614 e0 - o F�-rLC-{ CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE I 't t3 gy4L-t►ES ''r l Z- t2'r It, November 27, 1984 INTRODUCTION Scope and Purpose: B -14796-P1 84-11-216 This report presents results of a soil mechanics investigation to determine soil conditions, bearing values and any other conditions that would influence the proposed site development. It is proposed to develop these 360 acres into single family and condominium units a -round a golf course with a club house and a tennis complex. Swimming pools and other recreational facilities are included in the development. Field work was initiated on November 6, 1984, in which a total of ten (10) borings were drilled. Core samples were taken in the drilled holes where possible with a split ring sampling tube and blow counts were recorded when driving the sampling tube in accordance'with ASTM D 1586. Samples were field logged, returned to the laboratory, evaluated and tested. Results of this field exploration and laboratory tests which form. the basis of our recommendations are presented in the attached appendix. Site Location and Conditions: The site is located on the east side of Avenida Bermudes and south -of 52nd Avenue in La Quinta, California. Topographically the site is in a broad valley at the base of a ridge. The surface is covered with moderate brush and it is quite rocky. November 27, 1984 . -2- B -14796-P1 84-11-216 SOIL MECHANICS Bearing soils within the proposed construction site are considered to be in the non - expansive range showing expansion indices of zero when tested by the UBC "Expansion Index Test Method." Bearing values were determined from direct shear tests which were run at ninety percent of maximum density under conditions of saturation. For spread footings, these calculations were performed using Terzaghi's formula for cohesive and non -cohesive soils, assuming local and general shear failure with a factor of safety of 2.5. Additional testing performed were direct shear at in-place densities and/or .remolded to ninety percent of maximum density, consolidometer and hydrometer analysis. All values have been summarized under "Test Results" in the appendix of this report. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS As was indicated, bearing soils within the proposed construction site show expansion indices of zero when tested by the UBC "Expansion Index Test Method." Therefore, all footings and slabs can be designed for soils in the weighted expansion category of 0-20 as described in the Uniform Building Code Table 29-A in the appendix of this report. This table is quite explicit in giving footing width, footing depth, and reinforcement for foundations for 1, 2 and 3 -story structures. Additionally, this table gives slab thickness, reinforcement, total thickness of sand with vapor barrier, and premoistening November 27, 1994 -3- 13-14796-P1 84-11-216 control prior to pouring concrete in both foundations and slabs. It should. be noted that this table: is for expansive soil characteristics only; and any more restrictive structural considerations or lending institution requirements will govern design. It is advisable to reinforce the bearing footings for all structures because of the variations in the underlying soils, primarily silt content. The variation in moisture contents caused by irrigation of the golf course adversely affects the underlying siltier soils causing differential consolidation and movement. One #4 bar continuous in all bearing footings is recommended. Consolidation tests and in-place densities show a varying potential for.settlement and an adverse effect of adding moisture. The consolidation tests indicate a susceptibility to water at the in-situ conditions. Therefore, recompaction of the bearing soils is recommended. Prior to any grading it is recommended that all areas be thoroughly moistened by a sprinkler system such that near optimum moisture results at depths of at least three feet below grade. This will allow compaction in fill areas and properly condition the material in cut areas for use in fills. In cut areas deeper than the depth of moisture penetration additional sprinkling is recommended so that fill materials are thoroughly moistened prior to placement in the fills. Special consideration shall be given to several factors involved in the grading of the site, some of which will depend upon the specific location of buildings or other facilities. Any areas that have a silt layer on the surface from repeated standing water from storm drainage shall be processed by removing the silt layer prior to any premoistenino. The silt should be mixed with Cleaner sands on the site and used as fill. The cleared areas of silt removal may then be premoistened and processed as indicated elsewhere in this report. November 27, 1984 -4- 8-14796-p1 84-11-216 The area of test hole #2, 3, 9 and 10 is a very silty material and will be highly susceptible to variations in moisture, especially the addition of moisture. Also the upper soils in this area are relatively loose and will require recompaction prior to placing fill or, starting construction. General Grading, Golf 'Course In the golf course areas the areas to receive fill, after being cleared of organics and other foreign materials, should be thoroughly, presoaked by sprinklers or water wagons so that at least optimum moisture is obtained to a depth of three feet. The surface should then be compacted, using heavy vibrating equipment, to a minimum of eighty- five percent (85%) of maximum density. Fill materials should be placed in thin layers, moistened to a minimum of ninety percent of maximum density. In cut areas the finished grade should be moistened by means of sprinklers or water wagons so at least optimum moisture is obtained at a depth of three feet. Finished grade should then be compacted, using vibrating equipment, to at least eighty-five percent (85%) of maximum density. Single Story Structures Areas to receive three feet or more fill should be prepared by presoaking with sprinklers or water wagons so that at least optimum moisture is obtained at a depth of three feet below original grade. The surface should be compacted by means of heavy vibrating equipment so that the upper one foot is at least ninety five percent (95%) of maximum density. In areas where silt predominates such as around test hole #2, 8, 9 and 10, the existing soils shall be removed to a depth of two feet. The exposed surface scarified, November 27, 1984 -5- B -14796-P1 84-11-216 brought to at least optimum moisture and compacted to a minimum of 95% of maximum density. Fill material should then be placed in thin layers at near optimum moisture and compacted to a minimum of ninety percent of maximum density. Areas that are to receive less than three feet of fill and in cut areas, should be undercut to a depth of three feet below finished grade and at this grade the soils should be moistened such that at least optimum moisture is obtained at a depth of three feet. The exposed surface should be compacted -by means of heavy vibrating equipment so that rhe . upper one foot is at least ninety-five (95%) of maximum density. Fill material should then be placed in thin layers at near optimum moisture and compacted to a minimum of ninety percent of maximum density. These grading requirements apply to building areas and at least five feet beyond building limits. Club House Soils within the building area and at least ten feet beyond the building limits should be removed to a minimum of three feet below present grade or five feet below the bottom of the footings, whichever is lower. The exposed surface should be moistened by means of sprinklers or water wagons such that at least optimum moisture is obtained at a depth of five feet below the exposed surface: The exposed surface should be compacted by means of heavy vibrating equipment so that the upper one foot is at least ninety-five percent (93%) of maximum density. Fill material may then be placed in thin layers at near optimum moisture and compacted to a minimum of ninety-five percent (9546) of maximum density. November 27, 1984 -6- 8-14796-P1 84-11-216 Swimming pools and Spas Where swimming pools and spas are bottomed below the depth of compaction and moisture addition, it is recommended that the pool and spa excavation be thoroughly soaked. Moisture penetration should be to at least optimum moisture at a depth of three feet below the bottom. After soaking, the bottom should be compacted by some type of mechanical compactor or dynamic compactor. Miscellaneous Structures Preparing the areas for miscellaneous structures such as, foot bridges, entrance posts, sign foundations etc., shall include premoistening and compaction as noted for single story structures except that density of the upper one foot can be limited to a minimum of ninety percent of maximum density. Samples tested showed a significant tendency to consolidate under a constant load when water was added to the sample. Because of this, it should be possible to achieve the necessary depth of compacted material by heavily watering and compacting from . the surface. The depth of compaction shall be confirmed by testing, and if insufficient depth is obtained by compacting from the surface, it will be necessary to undercut the areas so that compaction is obtained to the required depths. The ninety-five percent (95%) density requirement will only apply to the recompaction of original ground and in the fill for the clubhouse. Otherwise fill material should be compacted to a minimum of ninety percent of maximum density. November 27, 1984 -7- 8 -14796 -Pi 84-11-216 It should be noted that in clearing the property preparatory to grading operations, skimming surface vegetation and cleaning the site in general, a loss up to two (2) inches can be anticipated over the area. In removing and replacing soils as compacted fill, a shrinkage factor of approximately ten to fifteen percent may be anticipated plus consolidation of underlying soils during this recompaction. Consolidation under conditions of high moisture content can amount to as much as 0.2 to 0.3 feet. For conditions set forth under this method of treatment, a safe bearing value of 1500 psf may be used for continuous footings bottomed a minimum of twelve (12) inches below finished adjacent grade. An additional 200 psf may be used for each additional six inches in depth for the foundation bottom. These values are for dead plus live loads and a one-third (1/3) increase may be assumed when considering seismic and wind loads in addition to dead plus live loads. Higher bearing values may be assigned at specific locations depending upon the soil that is present or placed within the affected depth of the load to be placed on the soil.. Heavier structures would require deeper layers of the higher grade soils. Bearing values up to 3000 psf may be possible where relatively clean soils are present. if necessary the soil classification at any particular site can be determined at the completion of grading. The ensuing table gives values for passive pressure and active pressure and coefficient of friction for the three basic soil types as indicated. Passive pressures given may be taken as the equivalent of a fluid weighing the indicated weight. Active pressures are equal to the indicated weights plus a surcharge load. Coefficient of friction when used for dead loads only may be used in designing -for lateral resistance where concrete is placed on good firm natural soil or compacted fill. November 27, 1984 Soil Al X42 A3 -8- B -14796-P1 84-11216 Table 1 Considering data presented above with respect to bearing values, coefficient of friction, passive and active pressures, etc., these values are good only for soils that have an in-place density of ninety percent or higher. This density may be either natural in-place density found in the native soils or it may be recompacted density of previously loose site soils. In any event, these values will not hold if the in-place densities are below ninety percent of maximum density. Representative samples of the soils on this site have been obtained and tested in connection with pavement requirements. The three samples obtained from scattered areas of the property. all resulted in "lt" Values of 69. Based on these test results interior streets may only require a structural section of 0.21 feet of AC placed over subgrade compacted to a minimum of 9596 of maximum density. Entrance roadways, exterior public roads and primarily truck roadways will require a section of 0.21 feet AC over four inches of Class 2 aggregate base. Slo es In general cut and fill slopes at two horizontal to one vertical will be stable however, if grading encroaches on any of the adjacent rock formation, it is likely that steeper slopes can be justified. Active Passive Coefficient Pressure Pressure of Friction Rcf Pcf 0.59 30 385 0.47 36 282 0.52 31 320 Considering data presented above with respect to bearing values, coefficient of friction, passive and active pressures, etc., these values are good only for soils that have an in-place density of ninety percent or higher. This density may be either natural in-place density found in the native soils or it may be recompacted density of previously loose site soils. In any event, these values will not hold if the in-place densities are below ninety percent of maximum density. Representative samples of the soils on this site have been obtained and tested in connection with pavement requirements. The three samples obtained from scattered areas of the property. all resulted in "lt" Values of 69. Based on these test results interior streets may only require a structural section of 0.21 feet of AC placed over subgrade compacted to a minimum of 9596 of maximum density. Entrance roadways, exterior public roads and primarily truck roadways will require a section of 0.21 feet AC over four inches of Class 2 aggregate base. Slo es In general cut and fill slopes at two horizontal to one vertical will be stable however, if grading encroaches on any of the adjacent rock formation, it is likely that steeper slopes can be justified. November 27, 1984 -9= B -14796-P1 84-11-216 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A soil engineer shall observe grading operations to monitor compliance with recommendations and local ordinances. Any areas to receive fill should be prepared by scarifying to a minimum depth of twelve (12) inches, moistening or drying to near optimum moisture and compacting. Fill materials may then be placed in compacted layers, compacted to a minimum of ninety percent of maximum density. No debris, trash or organic material of any nature shall be included in areas to receive fill or fill material. Any soft spots due to excessive moisture should be removed, dried or replaced with suitable material. Densities shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557-78, Method A, and all compaction shall be a minimum of ninety percent of maximum density unless otherwise specified. Unless otherwise noted, all grading will be in compliance with Chapter 70 of U.B.C. It will be the responsibility of the owner of record for notifying the foundation engineer whenever the job is to start or continue after a shut -down of grading operations. This report will be reviewed by all controlling authorities for the project and as a result, additional requirements may be deemed necessary. Borings were located in a configuration to obtain a maximum amount of subsurface information. Requirements of this report are based upon the assumption that soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed to depths penetrated in these borings. Recommendations of this report are based upon presently proposed construction. If there are any variations from this, the soils engineer should be notified so that supplemental recommendations Can be given if found to be necessary. November 27, 1984 -10- B -14796-P1 34-1I-216 Findings of this report are valid as of this date; however, changes in conditions of a property can occur with passage of time whether they be* due to natural processes or works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards occur whether they result from legislation or broadening of knowledge. Accordingly,, findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of one year. This report was prepared as an independent engineering geology and/or soil engineering evaluation. All comments, observations, calculations, conclusions and recommendations are based on all data available to this laboratory at this time. The writer has no economic' interest or ownership in subject property nor does he anticipate or expect to receive an interest therein as payment for services rendered in preparation of this report. Any or all submissions of this report shall be in its entirety. Under no circumstances shall this report be summarized and synthesized to be quoted out of context for any purpose. Respectfully submitted I BUENA ENGINEERS, INC orman C. Hallin CE 7370 NGH/js Copies:' 10 - Sand Pebble C.C. 1 - VTA file 2 - PS file V XI(]N3ddV November 27, 1984 AI B -14796-P1 84-11-216 INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS On November 6, 10 and 20, 1984, ten (10) test borings, six inches in diameter were drilled to depths of sixteen (16) to twenty-one (21) feet using a truck mounted power auger. Undisturbed samples were taken by means of a split ring sampling tube at various depths in each boring and blow counts when driving the sampler were recorded whether samples were recovered or not. Soils encountered in these borings were found to be comprised of sands and silt. No free water was found to depths penetrated. After a visual and tactile classification in the field, samples were returned to the laboratory, classified and tested. Three (3) samples were taken as being representative of soil types encountered and were subjected to some or all of the following tests: maximum density -optimum moisture (ASTM D 1557-78, Method A), consolidation and expansion per the UBC "Expansion Index Test Method". These samples are very similar in characteristics and were tested in order to confirm the uniformity throughout this site. Location of borings with respect to property can be found on Plate A: Boring logs with soil classification, depths encountered and test results are shown on Plate S. Consolidation tests were performed on undisturbed samples to determine soil compressibility. To illustrate the effect of moisture soil compressibility, water was added to the sample at a surcharge of 500 psf. Results of these tests are shown on Plate C. _November 27, 1984 -A2- S -14796-P1 84-11-216 Direct shears were performed on remolded samples to determine soil strength for recommended conditions. These samples were subjected to saturated moisture limits and tested at different surcharge limits. Results of shear tests are shown on Plate D. Plate E gives a graphic representation of maximum density -optimum moisture turves for the ASTM D 1557-78, Method A, modified to three layers. November 27, 1984 -A3- Sample 1 2 3 R Value 69 69 69. A3 119.-6 10.4 31.60 107 0 12.1 73.7 11.3 2.9 8-14796-P1 34-11-216 TEST RESULTS SOIL TYPE; Al A2 MAXIMUM DENSITY (pcf) 125.3 110.1 OPTIMUM MOISTURE (96) 9.7 10.9 ANGLE OF INT. FRIC. 35.90 28.30 COHESION (psf) 114 115 EXPANSION INDEX 0 0 GRAIN SIZE Gravel W 31.3 0 Sand (95) 61.7 49.7 Silt W 5.3 45.3 Clay W 1.7 5.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Al: light brown slightly silty fine to coarse sand and gravel A2: Light brown silt and very fine sand A3: Brown silty fine to medium sand, some grave! R Value Tests Sample 1 2 3 R Value 69 69 69. A3 119.-6 10.4 31.60 107 0 12.1 73.7 11.3 2.9 8-14796-P1 34-11-216 November 27, 1984 -A 4- 8-14796-P1 84-11-216 IN-PLACE DENSITIES RELATIVE BORING & DEPTH DRY DENSITY 9b MOISTURE COMPACTION 1 @ 1.0 114.9 1.2 92 3.0 108.6 1.2 87 5.0 119.0 1.5 95 2 @ 1.0 90.2 1.8 82 3.0 91.2 12.0 83 .5.0 83.5 9.8 76 10.0 101.0 12.0 92 15.0 94.7 17'.2 86 20.0 96.6 5.0 88 7 @ 1.0 108.7 1.3 87 8 @ 1.0 88.7 17.4 81 3.0 92.0 13.4 84 5.0 93.3 10.9 85 10.0 94.8 11.9 86 15.0 93.9 11.0 85 20.0 95.0 27.4 86 go 1.0 88.8 .5.3 81 3.0 93.3 5.7 85 5.0 95.5 5.2 87 10.0 92.2 7.5 84 15.0 102.0 6.2 93 10 @ 1.0 94.8 1.7 86 3.0 106.5 2.1 10.0 107.9 4.8 - 15.0 105.9 2.1 UBC TABLE NO. 29-A MINIMUM FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS (1) (%) Footings for Slab �c Raised Floor Systems (2) (5) (10) Concrete Slabs 3Y" Minimum Thickness v All Peri- Interior foot- Reinforce -- -v meter Ings for slab ment for Premoistening lighted •°' ; Footings and raised continuous control for soils Piers under pansion ° " 3 (6) floors (6)'- fcotin s g Reinforce- Total under foot s 8� raised floors � bc c (3) (8) meat (4) thickness piers and slabs Depth below natural ° E Q ' •o of sand (5) (6) Z 0 l. [i surface of ground and finish grade INCHES ?Q 1 6 12 6 12 12 None 6x6- Moistening of Piers allowed ry Low 2 8 15 7 18 18 Required 10/10 ground prior to for single :)n -Ex- 3 10 18 8 24 24 WWF 2" placing concrete floor loads isive) recommended only 1 6- 12 6 15 12 120% of optimum 2 8 15 7 18 l8 moisture content Piers allowed -50 3 10 18 8 24 24 144 top 6x6- to a depth of for single' W and bottom 10110 4" 21" below lowest floor loads WWF adjacent grade. only Testing Required 1 6 12 6 21 12 144 top 6x6- 130% of optimum 2 8 12 8 21 18 and bottom 6/6 WWF moisture content -90 3 10 15 8 24 24 or #3 to a depth of 27" Piers not !dium 24" e.w. 4" below lowest allowed Bars @ 24" in ext. footing adjacent grade. and bent 3' into slab (9) Testing Required 1 6 12 6 27 12 1-#5 top 6x6- 130% of optimum 2 8 12 8 27 18 ani bottom 6/6 WWF moisture content -130 3 10 15 8 27 24 or 113 to a depth of 33" Piers not ;h @24" e.w. below lowest allowed ars @ 24 1 ext. footing adjacent grade. and bent 3' into slab (9) Testing Required ove 130 -y High Special Design by Licensed Engineer/Architect .T.r-.. •. - -' -- r-.9---'---•- t I % -L..-.._L !In\ FOOTNOTES TO TABLE UBC 29-A 1. Premoistening is required where specified in Table UBC 29-A in order to achieve maximum and uniform expansion of soils prior to construction and thus limit structural distress caused by uneven expansion and shrinkage. Other systems which do not include premoistening may be approved by the Building Official when such alternatives are shown to provide equivalent safeguards against adverse effects of expansive soils. 2. Underfloor access crawl holes shall be provided with curbs extending not less than six (6) inches above adjacent grade to prevent surface water from entering the foundation area. 3. Reinforcement for continuous foundations shall be placed not less than 3" above the bottom of the footing and not less than 3" below the top of the stem. 4. Reinforcement shall be placed at mid -depth of slab. 5. After premoistening, the specified moisture content of soils shall be maintained until concrete is placed.. Required moisture content shall be verified by an approved testing laboratory not more than 24 hours prior to placement of concrete. 6. Crawl spaces under raised floors need not be. premoistened except under interior footings. Interior footings which are not' enclosed by a contirluous perimeter foundation system or equivalent concrete or masonry moisture barrier complying with Section UBC 2907 (b)- in this ordinance shall be designed and constructed as specified for perimeter footings in Table USC 29- A. 7. A grade beam not less than 12" x 12" in cross. section, reinforced as specified for continuous foundations in Table UBC 29-A, shall be provided at garage door openings. 8. Foundation stem walls which exceed a height of 3 times the stem thickness above lowest adjacent grade shall be reinforced in accordance with Sections 2418 and 2614 in the UBC or as required by engineering design, whichever is more restrictive. 9. Bent reinforcing bars between exterior footing and slab shall be omitted when floor is designed as an independent, "floating" slab. t0. Fireplace footings shall be reinforced =with a horizonal grid located 3" above the bottom of the footing and consisting of not less than No. 4 bars at 12" on center each way. Vertical chimney reinforcing bars shall be hooked under the grid. LOAD IM KIPI RORR SQUAR1ee FOOT *.a o.4 ' 0.6 o.e 1.0 2.0 sA " . G.0 Oro lao a z u z 102 a z z JO z z 0 N 0 i 0 z io 11 COKSOLI DATION DATA . BUENA ENGIREERS INC. i U/17 4/1 COKSOLI DATION DATA . BUENA ENGIREERS INC. LOAD N1 KIPS P4sR SQUARro FOOT o. it Q.4 0.4 a is 110 2.0 2 JO 4& fi.0 ab 93,0 0 u z t 07, of VIAa 3E CONSOLIDATION DATA BUENA ENGINEERS INC. lPe avid lij CONSOLIDATION DATA BUENA ENGINEERS INC. 4.0 0 34 Ct•5 FM tdOP..AdAL LOAD 1N KIPS PER COULME FOOT 0.5 1.0 Ls to ;.5 2.0 1�- I CP = 9 �Af 9 a 1 7- L}/ Z(9, -3O ,- , 4► / Az -- dal 4f i i i i 1�- I CP = 9 �Af 9 a 1 7- L}/ Z(9, -3O ,- , -4 1. L a otltreT flusAR DATA ?4L--Mo4DEP'b .MV -PL es BUENA ENGINEERS INC MOISTUR1$ CONTSMT IM PllXCGNT OF DILY WSIG11T �-i 174 12.2, lm w MicTNOD OP COMPACTION. ASTM D-1557-78, Method A or C SOIL TYPir MAXIMUM DsmsiTV OPTIMUM MOI$TUZC- A I / Z-6713 pct MAXIMUM pCN8ITY — OPTIMUM MOISTURE CURVES BUENA ENGINEERS INC. 7 0 LL V. to 3 Cd d) 4 x r M w i MOISTUQI'k CONTENT 111 PtttgrhT 0t- DRY WRIGHT MraTNOO OPCOMPACFION. ASTM D-1557-78, Method A or C SOIL ?y_Prr MAXIMUM D*N%I r*f Az 1Z. UE 0 (o O q OPTIMUM MOISTURE_ / a, e? o MAXIMUM OGNSITY"OPTIMUM MOISTUM CURVI`S BUENA EHGIKEERS INC. MOISTUP-9 CONYONT IW P2RC4t4T OF DILY WEIGHT MP.TWdb OF eOMPAMON. ASTM D-1557.78, Method A or C $on. TYPCr MAXIMuM DiNSI Y 143 /19.4 POCF m M] 11� lit OPTIMUM MOISTUgE. MAXIMUM C)rwMSITY - OPTIMUM MOISTUM- C-URVES BUENA ENGINEERS INC: 24 N2z N10 W z _V x aS W 04 V File No. B -14796-P1 Nov, 19, 1984 ,RESISTANCE, R•VALUE TEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA TEST METHOD N2 CALIFORNIA 301-F EXUDATION PRESSURE (PSI.) ■�rri�� �r ■�r��rrrr�orrn���rr� SAMPLE: 1 DESCRIPTION: Brown silty sand iq rt m SAMPLE: 2 DESCRIPTION: Brotm silty sand with traces of gravel SPECIMEN A B C A B C EXUDATION PRESSURE (P.s.1.) 224 325 431 231 328 431 EXPANSION DIAL (.0001') 0 0 0 0 5 11 EXPANSION PRESSURE W.S.F.) 0 0 0 0 22 48 RESISTANCE VALUE , "R" 65 71 73 65 71 75 % MOISTURE AT TEST 9.9 9.5 9.0 9.8. 9.3 8.7 DRY DENSITY AT TEST (RCAM 118.6 119.0 119.6 119.6 121.3 123.0 "9' VALUE AT 300 ES.I. EXUDATION. PRESSURE ( 69) = ( 69 ) 'SAMPLE: 3 DESCRIPTION: Grey & brown silty sand SPECIMEN A 8 C EXUDATION PRESSURE (PS -l.) 223 323 425 EXPANSION DIAL (.0001") 0 0 0 EXPANSION PRESSURE (P.S.F.) 0 0 8 RESISTANCE VALUE , "R" 64 71 76 % MOISTURE AT TEST 10.1 9.5 9.0 DRY DENSITY AT TEST (PCF.) . 119.1 119.8120.5 "Ft' VALUE AT 300 P.S.I. EXUDATION PRESSURE _ ( 69 ) DATE 11-6-84 LOG OF BORING for Tract 20328 BORING NO. 1 Job No. B -14796-P1 Report No. 84-11-216 LOCATIOl�per Plan a A E -.,0r, °L' 3 0 Cd DESCRIPTION 4.6 j� a :2e V) 49.-. Q. v E L WU as REMARKS AND ANALYSIS 0 32 38 55 55 60 55 1.0 3.0 5.0 bight brown slightly silty fine to coarse sand and gravel 10.0 15.0 20.0 114.9 108.6 119.0 No Return No Return No return 1.2 1.2 1.5 Al 92 87 95 5 0 S 20 Bottom at 211 No Free Water Encountered . I DATE 11-6-84 LOG OF BORING for Tract 20328 BORING NO. 2 Job No. B -14796 -PI Report No.84-11-216 LOCATION Per Plan w a v 4' o 0 vii w H L 3 0 m DESCRIPTION �,; C L. V a ❑ ° L .� 4 �0 p" 0. voi C .? 4 +�- : m aci Q. M E v oVG U REMARKS AND ANALYSIS 0 10 28 12 18 2$ 1.0 3.0 5.0 Light brown silt and.very Bine sand 10.0 Thin silt layers interbedded in silty sand 15.0 20.0 90.2 91.2 83.5 101.0 94.7 96.6 1.8 12.0 9.8 12.0 17.2 5.0 A2 82 83 76 92 86 88 Organics Organics Bottom at 21' No Free Water Encountere( 5 10 .15.22 20 DATE 11-10--84 LOG OF BORING for Tract 20328 BORING NO, 3 Job No. B-14796-Pl Report No.84-11-216 LOCATION per plan r a D oH E ,n ° 3 ° • DESCRIPTION '-' ter- � vCL 00! �" p C ? DATE 11-10-84 LOG OF BORING for Tract -20328 BORING NO. 4 Job No. B -14796-P1 Report No. 84-11-216 LOCATION Per Plan r /�o L.1• a {�j y o DESCRIPTION .I v ,v a H 0 n. W �•� REMARKS AND ANALYSIS 0 22 44 35 44 1.0 3.0 Brown silty fine to medium sand 10.0 15.0 20.0 A3 Some gravel S 10 .15.50 20 ^ Bottom at 21' No Free Water Encounterec BATE 11-10-84 LOG OF BORING for Tract 20328 BORING NO. 5 Job No. B --14796-P1 Report No. 84-11-216 LOCATION Per Plan .-. Q, d ,n� ;; 3 m DESCRIPTION �, o. ��5 � oa+ �a 5, M o h c O ? (d aci E vow rs:Vlow. REMARKS AND ANALYSIS 0 20 18 25 29 88 1.0 3.0 5.0 Brown silty fine to medium sand 10.0 15.0 20.0 A3 Gravel in Upper five fee More gravel below 17' Bottom at 21' No Free Water Bncountere 10 .15.84 20 DATE 11-10-84 LOG OF BORING for Tract 20328 BORING NO. 6 Job No. B -14796-P1 Report No. 84-11-216 LOCATION Per Plan Q, E vii o wL y 3 m DESCRIPTION +; �w j a .a a+ v b Q. F ` c > V U A L a U a.' REMARKS AND ANALYSIS 0 26 39 45 56 00 1.0 3.0 5.0 Brown silty fine to medium sand 10.0 15.0 20.0 A3 Gravel in upper three feet More gravel Bottom at 21' No Free Water Encountered 5 10 15 20F100 DATE 11-20-84 LOG OF BORING for Tract 20328 BORING NO. 7 Job No. B -14796-P1 Report No. 84-11--216 LOCATION Per Plan .--. Q, E e DESCRIPTION o Z n. u OdUQ: REMARKS AND ANALYSIS 0 18 22 150 32 25 1.0 Light broAm silty fine to very coarse sand with cobbles 108.7 No P.et No Retarn No Return No Re 1.3 rn urn Al 87 Very Dry on rock S 1 1 Total. Depth 16' No Free Water Encountere DATE 11-20-84 LOG OF BORING for Tract 20328 BORING NO. 8 Job No. B -14796 -PI Report No. 8411--216 LOCATION Per Plan , A' V)U 3 DESCRIPTION �� zLa °a �" ° ° > b °°� REMARKS AND ANALY5I5 o =- - 6 8 9 10 12 14 -- Light brown very silty z� very fine to fine sand 88.7 17.4 A2 / 81 3.0 5.0 Medium brown very very fine to fine sand 10.0 15.0 Green gray clayey silty and sand 20.0 Note:' The stratification lines represent the approximatt boundary between soil tyres and the -transition may b gradual 92.0 93.3 94.8 93.9 95.0 13.4 10.9 11.9 11.0 27.4 A2 Bl /A/386 84 85 86 85 --- Total Depth = 21' No Free Water Encountere 5 .10.silty 15 20 DATE 11--20-84- LOG OF BORING 3ob No. 8-14796-1?1 for Report No. 84-11-216 Tract 20328 BORING NO. 9 LOCATION Per Plan .. w O 0 o ++ 3 m DESCRIPTION . ,� N jaU� �� 0i I ° o + w 4 ro r- CL � L °'a� REMARKS AND ANALYSIS 9 9 10 10 1.0 3.0 5.0 Light brown very silty very fine to fine sand 10.0 88..8 93.3 95.5 92.2 5.3 5.7 '5.2 7.5 A2 81 85 87 84 5- 10 .15.rown 19 silty fine to coarse sand with 15.0 102.0 6.2 A4 93 Note: The stratification lines - represent the approximate boundary between soil tyl,es, and the transition may b gradual Total Depth 16' No Free Water Encountere DATE 11-20-84, LOG OF BORING for Tract 20328 BORING NO. 10 Job No. B -14796 -PI Report No. 84-11--216 LOCATION per plan Q, o V `" 3 0 DESCRIPTION ,, i L Qi 0 C ~ CL ro REMARKS AND ANALYSIS 0 11 Light brown very silty very fine to fine 1.0 sand 94.8 1.7 A2 86 11 18 18 26 3.0 5.0 Medium brown slightly silty fine to very coarse sand with gravel 10.0 15.0 106.5 No Return 107.9 105.9 2.1 4.8 2.1 A4 -- -- -- S 5 Note: The stratification lines represent the approximat boundary between soil tyles and the transition may b gradual Total Depth 16' No Free Water Encountere 451. A0771 21 AO� FL �,� ! � 7/ �• Lam" re .10 ` .• � n,, ; '' ••til x:J'' ` { �?r di ay � s I., '{{-I •� N /. �'J!f'' rrt r ; r/r •.`s..0 ' �r f tct'' of SYS'\� �. - =, r i' / '. � �� r�� • { � r c' tiJ . ,, tt is 1 i� S- ! ;t � ' � t ,� i� � .•.Jit • �r�_� � �''•JI '•r •, 4 _ l (• �- ��`' • � , ra Lk / / .<,L i �.Ti+�► , 1 7 � �) ��,L,:.l'•".i� 1q.1Vi �Lt' t' ► s 't �' rt , � � �;�r•-!r„ ,d,.; Cil,. ti� ��• '� 'r • ... r�..i "�l��p ,� �'`"- ';�k' �ti��% �6k,P?��� 1 1 i•/:. SR. �.•� - � �- � �t ��. rr : I: nom• ��f; . •� .:� � J' '{ • . f: it ,�+;�:1-�, ��.:►,t�.st• lT,; �. �{�,'2-��:�3 : `• / . Al << r --M CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR ONSTRUCTION DAT r 1'1j gY 5 REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS •AND; TESTING '-DURING ROUGH GRADING, TRADITION - TRACT 28470 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA R-F.f-y IVSD DEC 0 6 2012 — Prepared By — Stadden Engineering 6782 STANTON AVE, SUITE E BUENA PARK, CA 90621 (213j 864-4121 (714) 523-0952 Slodden Englneering OSladden Engineering. 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite E, Buena Park, CA 90621 (310} 864-4121 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (619) 772-3893 Fax (619) 772-3895 July 30; 1997 Tradition Club Associates, LLC c/o Winchester Development Company 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite 101 Palm Desert, -California 92211 Attention: Mr. Mike Rowe Project: Tradition - Tract 28470 La Quinta, California Project No. 522 -6138 -GI Subject: Report of Observations and Testing During Rough Grading Ref:. Geotechnical Update prepared by Sladden Engineering.dated- December 12, 1'996; Project No. 444-6130 .5ummarized in this report are our observations and the resultso f in-place density tests performed at the project site during rough grading. The rough grading consisted of the grading of an eighteen hole golf course surrounded by residential building .pads. As indicated in the previous geotechnical reports and summarized in the referenced Geotechnical Update, portions of the project site including. some.of the building pads< were previously graded in 1988 as part of the East --La Quinta Flood Control project. Due to the varying soils conditions on the site (including previously graded- building pads), the extent'of the remedial grading -work performed during rough grading varied across the site. Observations and field testing was performed during the rough grading operations from January 2, 1997 to April 4, 1997.. Grading operations were performed by Nuevo Engineering using conventional heavy equipment. A representative of Sladden Engineering was present on the site continuously during the grading of building pads and intermittantly during the grading of golf course areas. July 30, 1997 (2) Project No. 522-6138-G1 Field Tests: In-place moisture/density tests were performed using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with test methods ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017. A total of 1417 tests were performed during the initial rough grading. The approximate test locations- are indicated on the grading plans included with this report and test results are summarized on the attached data sheets. Testing indicates that a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction was attained in the areas tested. The passing test results indicate compliance with the project specifications at the tested locations and depths but are no guarantee or warranty of the contractor's work. Laboratory Tests: The moisture -density relationships for the tested materials were determined in the laboratory in accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91. Laboratory test results are summarized on the attached data sheet. Discussion: As previously discussed, the remedial grading performed at the site varied with location and soils conditions. Prior to grading, the building areas were stripped of weeds, brush and other surface vegetation. Clearing operations also included the removal of citrus trees and other trees from the lower (northern) portion of the site. In general, remedial grading throughout the southern portion of the site consisted of watering and compaction of the native soils in-place along with the placement of engineered fill material to construct the building pads. Native soils were watered so that near optimum moisture content was attained to a minimum depth of three feet below original grade or four feet below pad grade, whichever was deeper. The exposed surface was compacted so that at least 90 percent relative compaction was attained to a depth of two feet below original grade or three feet below pad grade, whichever was deeper. In most areas, fill material obtained from the adjacent golf course areas was placed to construct the building pads. The lots graded as described above included lots 150 through 229 and 238 to 241. The majority of the lots located within the middle portion of the site were previously rough graded. These lots were cleared of weeds and brush and watered prior to grading. In general, grading consisted primarily of some minor cuts and fills (some in excess of 10 feet) to achieve the plan elevations. In most cases, the building pads did not extend laterally beyond the previously graded building pads. In areas where the pads were extended substantially (such as along the rear property lines of lots 81 through 84), the fills were initiated within firm native soils near the toe of the slopes. A keyway was established near the toe of the slope and fill soils were benched into the existing slope during placement. The previously graded lots that were regraded as described above include lots 27 through 36 and lots 76 through 150. Slodden Engineering K July 30, 1997 (3) Project No. 522-6138-G1 The remedial grading performed throughout the northern portion of the site included overexcavation and recompaction within the building areas. In ,general, lots were overexcavated to a depth of at .least threefeet below original -grade. The previously - removed soils were replaced in thin lifts and compacted`along with fill soils obtained from the nearby: golf course areas to construct the building pads. The lots that were overexcavated include lots I through 26 and 37 through 75, and the maintenance building area- Some rea Some of the residential lots have been used for the storage of rock, trees, other construction materials and excess fill soils subsequent to grading. Although some of these lots may require additional clearing or fine grading„ no degradation of the compacted fill material is expected. Fill material was stockpiled on lots 193 through 207 for use during the future -grading of lots 230 through 236. The stockpiled material was not tested - because it will :be removed at a later -date. Irrigation lines were encountered in the area of the existing pond and accessing the pond. The.pond was removed during grading but some of the irrigation lines were left in place for future abandonment. These irrigation lines should be removed from building pads and, roadway areas. when..abandonment is allowed. The resulting excavations should be properly backfilled and lbackfif1material should be properly compacted. Recommendations: The allowable bearing pressures recommended in the original Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Buena.Engineers, Inc. dated November 27, 1984 (B -14796-P1, 84-11-216) remain applicable. Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed in properly compacted fill material at least 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad' footings should be at least two feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings may be designed utilizing an allowable bearing pressures of 1500 psf An allowable increase of 200 psf for each additional six inches of depth may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loading. Lateral forces may be resisted by friction acting along the base of the foundations and, passive resistance along the sides of the footings. A friction coefficient of 0.45 times the normal dead load forces is suggested for use in design. Passive resistance may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf. If used in combination, we suggest that either the frcitional resistance or the passive resistance be reduced by one-third. Sladden Engineering- July 30, 1997 (4) Project No. 522-6138-G1 Cantilever retaining walls should be designed using "active" pressures. Active pressures may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf. Walls that are restrained should be designed using "at rest" pressures. At rest pressures may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 55 pcf. The given design pressures are applicable for free - drained level backfill conditions. The project site is located in a seismically active area and the potential for seismic activity should be considered in building design. In general, the Uniform Building Code requirements for Seismic Zone 4 should be adequate for the design of the planned residential structures. Because some of the site soils (primarily the silty sands and sandy silts encountered throughout the northern portion of the site) may be susceptible, to.settlements due, to the introduction of excess moisture, care should be taken to minimize infiltration adjacent to building foundations. Positive drainage should be provided to direct water away from the structures. The ponding of water adjacent to buildings or paved areas should not be allowed. Proper grading should be performed to direct stormwater runoff away from structures and landscape irrigation should be minimized_ Limitations: Sladden Engineering has prepared this report for the exclusive use of the client and it's authorized representatives. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices as of this date. No other warranties, either expressed or implied are made. If there are any questions regarding this report or the testing summarized herein, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING Hogan R. Wright Brett L. An erson ' ` 'xp Project Engineer Principal Engineer Copies: 2- Tradition Club Associates, LLC 2- Winchester Development Company Slodden Engineering July 30, 1997 (5) Project No. 522-6138-G1 c Laboratory Test Results: Gray brown fine to coarse grained sand with gravel (SP) Maximum Dry Density - 127.8 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 8.7% Brown silty fine to coarse grained sand with gravel (SM) Maximum -Dry Density - 123.5 pcf /.Optimum Moisture .Content - 7.9% Brown slightly silty fine to coarse grained sand with gravel (SP) Maximum Dry Density - 130.7 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 8.7% Brown silty fine grained sand (SM) Maximum Dry Density - 116.2 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 13.4% Brown very silty fine grained sand (SM) Maximum Dry Density - 110.0 pcf /'Optimum Moisture Content - 11.7% :Brown silty fine to medium grained sand (SM) Maximum,Dry Density .120.0 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 8.9% Slodden Engineering Fite: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 1 Test No Date Loc Flev 'Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry -Den Max Dry Den Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Percent Maximum 1 1-02-97 K Street 134.0 .8:50 119.8 127.8 93.7 2 1-02-97 135.0 ' 8.25 120.0 .127.8- 93.8 3 1-02-97 136.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 4 1-02-97 135.0 8.50 119.8 127.8 93.7 5 1-02-97 136.0 8.75 118.1 127.8 92.4 6 1-02-97 137.0 8.50' 119.3 127.8 93.3 7 1-02-97 137.0 8.75 119:0 1278 93.1 8 1-02-97 it138.0 8.75 117.2 127.8 91.7 9 1-03-97 139.0 8.75 119.1. 127.8 93.1 10 1-03-97 140.0 8.75 119.3 '127.8 93.3 11 1-03-97 Pad 220 153.0 7.50 121.8 • .. . • • .127.8 _95.3, . 12 1-03-97 154.0 9.00 117.8 127.8 92.2 13 1-03-97 'Pad 219 153.0 8.50 117.5 127.8 91.9 14 1-03-97 Pad 218 151.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 15 1-03-97 Pad 221 151.0 8.25 119.1 127.8 93.1 16 1-03-97 ". 152.0 .8.00 120.3 127.8 94.1 17 1-03-97 151.0 8.25 119.6 127.8 93.8: .18 1-03-97 152.0 8.25 119.1 127.8 93.1 5lodden Engineering: File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 2 Test No Date I'm Elm Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 19 1-03-97 Pad 220 154.0 8.25 120.0 127.8 93.8 20 1-03-97 " . 154.0 8.50 120.7 127.8 93.8 21 -1-03-97 154.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 22 1-03-97 150.0 8.50 118.8 127.8 92.9 23 1-03-97 151.0 8.50 118.8 127.8 92.9 24 1-03-97 151.0 8.25 119.6 127.8 93.5 25 1-06-97 Pad 239 142.0 7.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 26 1-06-97 143.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 27 1-06-97 144.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 28 1-06-97 Pad 239/240 140.0 8.25 118.7 127.8 92.8 29 1-06-97 141.0 8.00 119.9 127.8 93.8 30 1-06-97 142.0 8.25 119.6 127.8 93.5 31 1-06-97 Pad 238/239 145.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 32 1-06-97 Pad 219 146.0 8.75 119.6 127.8 94.2 33 1-06-97 ". 154.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 34 1-06-97 154.0 9.00 117.8 127.8 92.1 35 1-06-97 154.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 36 1-06-97 Pad 218 154.0 9.00' 119.2 127.8 93.3 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138. January 31, 1997 Page 3 Test No Date Loc- Eley. Moist Cont. Fld'Dry Den Max -Dry -Den Percent -Pe cent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maxirnurn- 37 1-06-97 Pad.218 152.0- -9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 38. 1-06-97 " 152.0 8.75 119.0 127.8. 93.1 39 1-06-97 Tad 241 -150.0 -9.00 117.8 127.8 92.1 . 40 1-06-97 Pad 241 150.0 9.00 118.8 127:8. 92.9 41 1-07-97 152.4- 9..00.118.8 127.8 92.9 42 1-07-97 `Pad 239 152.0 8'.75 121.8 127:8.. 95.3 43 1-07-97 153.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 44 1-07-97 154.0 9.25 119.9 127.8 93.8 45 1-07-97 Pad 238 152.0 .9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 46 1-07-97 153.-0 9.25. 119.9 127.8 93.8 47 1-07-97 154.0 9.00 120.6 -.127.8-. - 94.2 48 1-07-97' Pad 217 145.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 49 1-07-97 147.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 50 1--07-97 148.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 51. 1-07-97 149.0 8.75 120.9 127.8 94.6 52 1-07-97 Pad 216 145.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.3 53 1-07-96 146.0 8.75 118.6 127.8 92.8 54 1-07-97 147.0 9.00 120.1 127.8 94.0 55. 1-07-97 -Pad 21-5 144.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 Skadden Englneadng. File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 4 1 GJl No Dae Loc Eley. 2VivIOa vv- Percent a .0 -.-T --.. a•a..n -.-T ...r.... - .+. ...+.... Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 56 1-07-97 Pad 215 145.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 57 1-07-97 146.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 58 1-07-97 Pad 214 143.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 59 1-07-97 144.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 60 1-07-97 145.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 61 1-07-97 Pad 213 141.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 62 1-07-97 142.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 63 1-07-97 " . 143.0 9.00 120.6 12.7.8 94.3 . 64 1-07-97 Pad 212 139.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 65 1-07-97 140.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 66 1-07-97 141.0 8.75 120.0 127.8 93.8 67 1-07-97 Pad 211 135.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 68 1-07-97 136.0 8.75 117.2 127.8 91.7 69 1-07-97 137.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 70 .1-07-97 Pad 210 130.0 8.75 120.4. 127.8 94.2 71 1-07-97 131.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.3 72 1-07-97 132.0 8.75 118.6 127.8 92.8 73 1-08-97 Pad 217 150.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 5 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist.Cont .FI Dry PerQent Lbs/Cu'.Ft Den+Max.Dry •Lbs/Cu Den Percent Ft Maximum 74 1-08-97 Pad 217 150.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 '93.5 75 1=08=97 150:0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 76 1-08-97 Pad 216 148.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 77 1-08-97 148.0 8.75 119.5 .127.8 93.5 78 1-08-97 148:0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 79 1-08-97 yPad 215 147.0 9:00• 119.2 127.8 93.2 80 1-08-97 147.0 .9.00' 119.2 127.8 93.2 81 I-08-97 147.0 9.00. 11.9.2 127.8. 93.2 82 1=08.97 Pad 214 146.0. 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 83 1-08-97 14&0 i 8.75' 119.5 127.8 93.5 84 ..1-0.8-9-7 . 146.0 8.757' 119.0.. .z 1.27.8. 93.1 85 1-08-97 Pad 229 142.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 86 1-08-97 143.0 9.00• 119.2 127.8 93.2 87 1-08-97 144.0. 8.75' 119.5 127.8 93.5 88 1-08-97 Pad 228 138.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 89 1-09-97 .139.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.1 90 1-09-97 140.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 91 1-09-97 Pad 227 135.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 92 1-09-97 136.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 Slodden . Engineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 6 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 93 1-09-97 Pad 227 137.0 8.75 120.0 127.8 93.8 94 1-09-97 Pad 226 135.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 95 1-09-97 136.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 96 1-09-97 137.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 97 1-09-97 Pad 225 140.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 98 1-09-97 141.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 99 1-09-97 142.0 8.75 118.6 127.8 92.8 100 1-10-97 Pad 210 133.0 6.90 126.0 127.8 99.0 101 1-10-97 133.0 7.20 123.4 127.8 97.0 102 1-10-97 133.0 7.30 120.9 127.8 95.0 103 1-10-97 Pad 211 138.0 6.80 127.2 127.8 99.0 104 1-10-97 138.0 7.50 126.4 127.8 99.0 105 1-10-97 138.0 7.30 131.0 127.8 97.0 106 1-10-97 Pad 212 142.0 10.2 142.0 127.8 98.0 107 1-10-97 It 142.0 7.00 125.1 127.8 98.0 108 1-10-97 142.0 7.50 124.0 127.8 97.0 109 1-10-97 Pad 213 144.0 7.90 123.2 127.8 96.0 110 1-10-97 144.0 6.70 122.9 127.8 96.0 111 1-10-97 144.0 8.60 124.7 127.8 98.0 Sladden Engineering File: 421-6138 . January 31, 1997 •Page 7 'I est: 'n, Date Loc Elev. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den.Max Dry Den Percent � Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum. 112 1-10.97 Pad 208, 114.0 9.40 122.7 127:8 96# 113 1-10-97 115.0' 8.10 ..124.5 127.8. 97:0 114 1-10-97 116:0' 7.20 122.1 127:8 96.0 115 1-10-97 Pad 205 115.0 7.70 122.7 127.8 96.0 116 1-10-97 " 116.0- 8:60 121.3 127.8 95.0 117 1-10-97 117.0 8.40 123.1 •127.8 96.0 118 1-10-97° -Pad 201 109.0 8.10 121.1 127.8 95:0 119 1-10-97 110.0 7.70 124.9 127.8 98.0 120 1-10-97 111.0 7.10 120.9 127.8 95.0 121 1-10-97 Pad 199 105.0 8.60 121.3 127.8 95.0 122 ,1-10-97 106.0 8.40 121.4 127.8 95.0 123 .1-10-97 107.0 8.60 123.3 127.8 96.0 124 1-10-97 Pad 197 105.0 10.3 121.6 127.8 95.0 125 1-10-97 106.0 8.70 .120.9 127.8 95.0 126 1-10-97 107.0 6.90 121.4 127.8 95.0 127 1-14-97 Pad 199 108.0 8.25 122.4 127:8 95.7 128 1-14-97 109.0 7.75 122.9 127.8 96.1 129 1-14-97 110.0 9.25 121.2 127.8 94.8 130 1-14-97 Pad 198 108.0 9.00 120.1 127.8 93.9 Sledden Engineering File: 422-6138 .January 31, 1997 Page 8 . Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 131 1-14-97 Pad 198. 109.0 .8.75 120.9 127.8 94.6 132 1-14-97 110.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 133 1-14-97 Pad 197 109.0 8.50 121.6 127.8 95.1 134" 1-14-97 11.0 8.75 120.9 127.8 94.6 135 114-97 111.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 136 1-14-97 Pad 196 11.0 8.25 121.9 127.8 95.3 137 1-14-97 111.0 8.50 121.1 127.8 94.7 138 1-14-97 112.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 139 1-14-97 Pad 203 112.0 8:25 119.1 127.8 93.1 140 1-14-97 113.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 141 1-14-97 114.0 8.00 122.2 127.8 95.6 142. 1-14-97 Pad 204 112.0 9.25 120.3 127.8 94.1 143 1-14-97 ". 113.0 7.75 119.7 127.8 93.6 144 1-14-97 114.0 8.25 120.5 127.8 94.2 145 1-14-97 Pad 202 112.0. 8.50 121.1 127.8 94.7 146 1-14-97 of 113.0 8.25 121.0 127.8 94.6 147 1-14-97 it114.0 8.00 119.9 127.8 93.8 148 1-15-97 Pad 200 110.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 149 1-15-97 111.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 l Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 9 Test No. Date 'Loc Eley. Moist Cont Percent F1dDry Den 'Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu. Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 150 1-15-97 Pad 200 112.0 9.00 119.8 127.8 93.6 151 1-15-97 Pad 207 116.0 9.25 120.8 127.8. 94.5 152 1-15-97 117.0 9.50 121.4 127.8 94.9 153 1-15-97 " 118.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 154 1-15-97 Pad 206 116.0 9.25 118.5. 127.8 92.7 155 1-15=97 117.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 156 1-15-97 118.0 8.50 119.8 127.8 93.7. 157 1-15-97 Pad 204/205 113.0 8.75 120.0 127.8 918 158 1-15=97 " 114.0 9.00 122.0 .127.8 95.4 159 1-15-97 119.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 160 1-15=97 .. Pad 203 114.0 . 9.00 12.1.5. _ 127.8 _ ._._ _...... 95.0. 161 1-15-97 " 115.0 8.50 120.7 127.8 94.4 162 1-15-97 115.0 8.50 120.7 127.8 93.1 163 1-15-97 Pad 201 112.0 9.25 120.8 127.8 94.5 164 1-15-97 113.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 165 1-15-97 114.0- 166 1-16-97 Pad 221 154.0 167 1-16-97 154.0 168 1-16-97 154.0 9.25 120.3 127.8 94.1 9.25 117.6 127.8 92.0 9.25 116.7 127.8 91.3 9.00 118.3 127.8 92.5 Slodden Englneering, File: 422-6138 . January 31, 1997 Page 10 Test No Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Lu-Ft Maximum 169 1-16-97 Pad 222_ 150.0 9.00 117.4 127.8 91.8 170 1-16-97 150.0 9.25 117.1 127.8 91.6 171 1-16-97 150.0 8.75 117:2 127.8 91.7 172 1-16-97 Pad 241 154.0 .8.75 118.1 127.8 92.4 173 1-16-97 154.0 8.75 119.7 127.8 93.6 174 1-16-97 154.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 175 1-16-97 Pad 240 155.0 9.25 118.5 127.8 92.7 176 1-16-97 155.0 8.75 116.7 127.8 91.3 177 1-16-97 155.0 8.75. 120.9 127.8 94.6 178 1-16-97 Pad 239 157.0 8.75 118.1 127.8 92.4 179 1-16-97 157.0 9.00 118.3 127.8 92.6 180 .1-16-97 157.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.3 181 1-16-97 Pad 238 157.0 9.25 1.20.8 127.8 94.5 182 1-16-97 157.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 183 1-16-97 157.0 9.00 118.3 127.8 92.6 184 1-16-97 Temp Prkg 157.0 12.00 105.8 127.8 91.0 185 1-16-97 It 157.0 11.75 106.4 127.8 91.5 186 1-16-97 it157.0 12.00 105.3 127.8 90.6 187 1-16-97 157.0 12.25 105.5 127.8 90.7 Slndden Engineedng File: 422-613 8 January 31, 1997 Page 11 Test No Date Lbc Eley, Moist Cont Percent _ Fld Dry Den Max Dry.Den Percent LbsXu Ft Lbs/Cu`Ft -Maximum .188 1-17-97 Lot 189 117.0 9.5 12.1.9 127.8 95.0 189 1-17-97 118.0 8.8 121.2 127.8 95.0 190 1-17-97 119.0. 10.0 119.5 127.8 94.0 191 1-17-97 Lot 190 116.0 9.2 122.8 127.8 96.0 192 1-17-97 117.0 9.0 120.8 127.8 95.0 193 1-17-97 118.0 7.9 130.4 127.8 95.0 194 1-17-97 Lot 191 112.0 11.7 123.4 127.8. 97.0 195 1-17-97 113.0 10.8 121.5 127.8 95.0 196 1-17-97 " 114.0 10.2 118.6 1271 93.0 197 1-17-97 Lot 192 108.0 9.0 118.8 127.8 92.9 198 ..147-97 It .. ..109.-0.... 8.7 116.7-,-- ..... 127.8 .. -... _ .91.3 ...-. . 199 1-17-97 if -108.00 9.0 117.4 127.8 91.8 200 1-17-97 .109.0 9.0 120.6 127.8 94.3 201 1-17-97 Lot 191 114.0 9.2 120.8 127.8 94.5 202 1-17-97 115.0 9.5 120.0 127.8 93.9 203 1-17-97 116.0 9.5 120.0 • 127.8 93.9 204 1-17-97 Lot 190 119.0 8.7 119.0 127.8 93.1 205 1-17-97 120.0 9.0 120.1 127.8 94.0 206 1-17-97 121.0 9.2 121.2 127.8 .94.8 'Slodden Englneering. �w mo File: 422-6138' January 31, 1997 Page 12 Test No. Date Loc- Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft L.bs/Cu Ft Maximum 207 1-17-97 Lot 189 121.0 9.0 119.7 127.8 93.6 208 1-17-97 122.0 9.0 119.2 127.8 93.3 209 1-17-97 123.0 9.2 118.9 127.8 93.1 210 1-21-97 Lot 188 116.0 10.3 113.0 127.8 88.0 21 Y 1-21-97 117.0 9.6 120.2. 127.8 94.0 212 1-21-97 118.0 10.3 116,0 127.8 91.0 213 1-21-97 Lot 187 112.0 8.7 118.7 127.8 93.0 214 1-21-97 113.0 11.0 113.7 127.8 89.0 215 1-21-97 114.0 8.1 115.5 127.8 90.0 216 1-21-97 Lot 223 143.0 10.5 114.7 127.8 90.0 217 1-21-97 144.0 10.9 120.7 127.8 94.0 218 1-21-97 145.0 9.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 219 1-21-97 146.0 10.3 120.0 127.8 94.0 220 1-21-97 Lot 224 141.0 10.3 118.5 127.8 93.0 221 1-21-97 142.0 9.6 121.2 127.8 95.0 222 1-21-97 143.0 9.8 118.0 127.8 92.0 223 1-21-97 144.0 11.0 118.2 127.8 93.0 224 1-21-97 Lot 225 140.0 10.3 120:0 127.8 94.0 Siadden Engineering File:' 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 13 Test No. Date . Loc. Eley, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry, Den 'Max Dry -Den Percent lbs/Cult Lbs/Cu Ft, Maximum 225 1-21-97 Lot 225 141.0 10:0 120.7 127.8 •94.0 226 1-21-97 142.0 10.7 119.5 127.8 94.0 227 1-21-97 Lot 186 109.0 9.9 116.5 127.8 91.0 228 1-21=97 110.0 9.4 114.0 127.8 89.0 229 1-21-97 110.0 8.5 116.5 127.8 91.0 230 1-21-97 Lot 185 106.0 10.8 115.5 127:8 9w 231 1-21-97 107.0 8.7 118.2 :127.8 93.0 232 1-21-97 108.0 8.9 .119.0 127.8 93.0 233 1-21-97 Lot 184 103.0 10.1 117.2 127.8 92.0 234 1-21-97 104.0 103 117.5 127.8 92.0 235 . 1-21-9.7 .. .. 1.05.0,.'. 10.0 1.20..7.....127.8 94:0... .. . 236 1-21=97 Lot 183 100.0 9.6 117.7 127.8 92.0 237 .1-21-97 101.0. 10.3 116.0. 127.8 91.0 238 1-21-97 102.0 10.3 120.0 127.8 94.0 239 1-21-97 Lot 182 97.0 9.4 I20.5 127.8 94.0 240 1-21-97 98.0 9.8 118.5 127.8 93.0 241 1-21-97 99.0 9.6 119.7 127.8 94.0 242 1-21-97 Lot 181 93.0 9.6 117.7 127.8 93.0 Slndden Engineering File: 422-6138 January 3.1, 1997 Page 14 . Test No. . Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max DryDen Percent L aQaFt LbsXu Ft Maximum 243 1-21-97 Lot 181 94.0 9.8 117.0 127.8 94.0 244 1-21-97 95.0 9.6 118.7 127.8 95.0 245 1-21-97 Lot 180 90.0 10.0 .119.7 127.8 90.0 246 1-21;-97 91.0 9.4 120.0 127.8 91.0 -247 1-21-97 92.0 10.3 119.5 127.8 94.0 248 1-21-97 Lot 179 90.0 9.6 119.2 127.8 90.0 249 1-21-97 91.0 9.4 119.0 127.8 91.0 250 1-21-97 92.0 9.4 120.0 127.8 94.0 251 1-21-97 Lot 178 86.0 9.6 118.2 127.8 93.0 252 1-21-97 87.0 10.3 120.0 127.8 94.0 253 1-21-97 88.0 10.7. 119.5 127.8 94.0 254 1-21-97 Lot 177 82.0 10.1 118.2 127.8 93.0 255 1-21-97 83.0 10.7 119.0 127.8 94.0 256 1-21-97 84.0 9.6 120.2 127.8 94.0 257 1-27-97 Lot 191 116.0 .9.4 119.5 127.8 94.0 258 1-27-97 of 116.0 9.8 118.0 127.8 92.0 259 1-27-97 It116.0 9.4 119.5 127.8 94.0 260 1-27-97 Lot 190 117.0 9.6 119.2 127.8 93.0 Sladden Engineering I File: 422-613 8 JanuAry 31, 1997 .Page 15 Test No 'Date Loc Elev Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den.Percent Lbs/Cm Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 261 1-27-97 Lot 190- 117.0 101.1 119.2 127:8 93.0 262 1-27-97 105.0 117.0 10.3 119.5 127.8 94.0 263 1-27-97 Lot 189 122.0 9.6 119.7 127.8 94.0. 264 1-27-97. .122.0 9.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 265 1-27-97 122.0 8.9 120.0 127:8 94.0 266 1-27-97 Lot 188 1180 • 9.2 119.2 127.8 93.0 267.1-27-97 118.0 9.8 117.5 127.8 92.0 268 1-27-97 ". 118.0 9.6 118.2 127.8 93.0 269 1-27-97 Lot 187 114.0. 9.8 119.5 127.8 94.0 270 1-27-97 11410 10.0. 119.7 127.8 94.0 --271 1-27-97 114.0, 9.4 ..1.19.5 - �- ...127.8 94.0 272 1-27-97 Lot 186 111.0 9.8 119.5 127.8 94.0 273 1-27-97 111.0.. 8.9 120.2 127.8 94.0 274 1-27-97 111.0 8.9 120.5 127.8 94.0 275 1-27-97 Lot 185 108.0 8.7 121.2 127.8 94.0 276 1-27-97 108.0 9.2 117.7 127.8 92.0 277 1-27-97 118.5 8.9 118.5 127.8 93.0 278 1-27-97 Lot 184 105.0 10.0 117.7 127.8 92.0 279 1-27-97 105.0 9.6 120.2 127.8 94.0 Slcdden Englneering.- �m tea File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 16 Test No Date Loc Elev. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 280 1-27-97 Lot 184 105.0 9.8 I21.0 127.8 95.0 281 1-27-97 Lot 183 102.0 9.2 118.7 127.8 93.0 282 1-27-97 102.0 9.4 120.0 127.8 94.0 283 1-27-97 102.0 9.6 118.7 127.8. 93.0 284 1-27-97 Lot 182 99.0 9.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 285 1-27-97 99.0 9.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 286 1-27-97 99.0 9.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 287 1-27-97 Lot 181 95.0 10.1 118.7 127.8 93.0 288 .1-27-97 95.0 9.8 120.5 127.8 .94.0 289 1-27-97 95.0 9.3 119.2 127.8 93.0 Maximum Dry Density - 127.8 Lbs/Cu Ft; Optimum Moisture - 8.7% Slodden Englneering File: 422-6138 (Add) April , 1997 Page 1 Test No -Date -Loc. Elev. Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 290 1-28-97 Lot 94 74.07. 9.1 118.7 127.8 91.0 291 1-28-97 It75.0 X8.2 118.7 127.8 '93.0 292. 1-28-97 It76.0 :8.3 126.4. 127.8 99.0. 293 1-28-97 . Lot 93 71.0 9.1 121.4 127.8 95.0 294 1-28-97 72.0 .-9.4 118.7 127.8 93.0 295 1-28-97 73.0 8.3 122.5 127.8 96.0, 296 1-28-97 Lot 92 68.0 10.4 120.0 127.8 92.0 297 1-28-97 69.0 10.9 120.5 127.8 910 298 1-28-97 69.0 9.5 118.7 127.8 93.0 299 1-28-97 -Lot /91 68.5 10.6 117.4 127.8 92.0 300 1-28-97 69.0 10.1 119:9 127.8 94.0 30I 1-28-97 69.0 9.5 117.6 127.8 92.0 302 1-28-97 Lot 157 87.0 10.0 117.8 127.8 92.0 303 1-28-97 88.0 7.3 121.2 127.8 95.0 304 1-28-97 -Lot 158 86.0 10.7 120.3 127.8 94.0 305 1-28-97 ". 87.0 8.8 123.9 127.8 97.0 306 1-29-97 Lot 150 85.0 9.4 126.2 127.8 99.0 307 1-29-97 86.0 8.3 125.3 127.8 98.0 308 1-29-97 Lot 151 85.0 6.7 121.9 127.8 95.0 Slndden Engineering mm sn =o File: 422-6138 (Add) February 28; 1997 Page 2 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 309 -1-29-97 Lot 151 86.0 6.6 122.1 127.8 96.0. 310 1-29-97 Lot 165 81.0 6.2 122.3 127.8 96.0 311 1-29-97 82.0 6.2 122.6 127.8 96.0 312 1-29-97 83.0 6.8 118.2 127.8 93.0 31.3....1-29-97. L.ot..1.66.... ,8.1.0 . 8.4 , 120.4.. 127.8..,, -94.0, , 314 1-29-9 82.0 6.4 118.0 127.8 92.0 315 1-29-97 83.0. 6.6 121.8 127.8 95.0 316 1-29-97 Lot 167 82.0 6.2 125.1 , 127.8 98.0 317 1-29-97 " . 83.0 7.1 122.0 127.8 95.0 318 1-29-97 it84.0 7.2 123.5 127.8 97.0 319 1-29-97 Lot 168 82.0 8.2 120.2 127.8 94.0 320 1-29-97 83.0 8.0 119.3 127.8 93.0 321 1-29-97 84.0 9.0 121.5 127.8 95.0 322 1-29-97 Lot 173 .83.0 8.6 121.4 127.8 95.0 323 1-29-97 83.0 8.7 120.4 127.8 94.0 324 1-29-97 83.0 6.9 117.1 127.8 92.0 325 1-29-97 Lot 172 85.0 10.1. 119.4 127.8 93.0 326 1-29-97 85.5 8.6 120.6 127.8 94.0 327 1-29-97 86.0 8.9 120.7 127.8 94.0 Slcdden Engineering File:. 422-6138 (Add) . Aprit.10, 1997 Page 3 Test No Date -Loc 'Eley, Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft , Maximum. 328 1-29-97 Lot 171 88.0 8.1 120.5 127.8 94.0 329 1-29-97 88.5 8.5 118.8 127.8 93.0 330 1-29-97 -89.0 8.2 120.4. 127.8 94.0 331 1-29-97 Lot 170 90.0 9.2 120.9 127.8 95.0 332 1-29-97 :' 90.0 7.7 123.3 127.8 96.0 333 1-29-97 90.0 7.6 121.2 127.8 95.0 334 1-29-97 Lot 169 92.0 9.5 119.6 127.8 94.0 335 1-29-97 92.0 9.9 120.5 127.8 94.0 336 1-29-97 92.0 9.0 121.0 127.8 92.0 337 1-29-97 Lot 153 86.0 9.2 118.2 127.8 92.0 338 1-29-97 !87.0 8.2 122.1 127.8 96.0 339 1-29-97 88.0 9.6 116.8. 127.8 91.0 340 1-29=97 Lot 152 85.0 8.3 117.4 127.8 92.0 341 1-29-98 86.0 7.9 119.9 127.8 94.0 342 1-29-97 87.0 8.0 118.6 127.8 93.0 343 1-29-97 Lot 154 87.0 8.5 118.4 127.8 93.0 344. 1-29-97 88.0 8.1 118.9 127.8 93.0 345 1-29-97 89.0 9.9 118.1 127.8 92.0 346 1-29-97 Lot 160 80.0 9.5 120.7 127.8. 94.0 Slodden Engineering File:. 422 -6138 -(Add) April 10, 1997 Page 4 .Test No, Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 347 1-29-97 Lot 160 82.0 8.6 121.6 127.8 95.0 348 1-29-97 It83.0 9.5 .121.4 127.8 95.0 349 1-29-97 Lot 161 77.0 10.0 118.9 127.8 93.0 350 1-29-97 78.0 8.8 119:1 127.8 93.0 -1-29-97 79.0 8.8 . _..... 119.7.. ..•127.8... ...._..94:0 352 1-29-97 Lot 162 75.0 8.3 121.9 127.8 95.0 353 1-29-97 76.0 10.1 124.3 127.8 97.0 354 1-29-97 77.0 10.1 126.7 127.8 96.0 355 1-29-97 Lot 163 74.0 10.7 123.2 127.8 96.0 356 1-29-97 75.0 10.0 121.7 127.8 95.0 357 1-29-97 76.0 9.0 123.0 127.8 96.0 358 1-29-97 Lot 155 90.0 9.2 117.7 127.8 92.0 359 1-30-97 It91.0 7.2 115.5 127.8 90.0 360 1-30-97 Lot 156 90.6 7.0 115.1 127.8 90.0 361 1-30-97 It91.0 7.8 119.1 127.8 93.0 362 1-30-97 of92.0 9.4 121.7 127.8 95.0 363 1-30-97 Lot 157 89.0 6.9 122.7 127.8 96.0 364 1-30-97 of90.0 7.6 121.4 127.8 95.0 365 1-30-97 of90.0 7.0 116.6 127.8 91.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page -5 Test Moist Cont F1d-Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 366 1-30-97 Lot 158 '88.0 8.4 121:0 127.8. 95.0 367 1-30-97 89.0 7.0 °122.0- .127.8 96.0 368 1-30-97 Lot 159 85.0 6.8 122.8, 127.8 96:0 369 1-30-97 87.0 7.9 121.0 127.8 95.0 370 1-30-97 Lot 160 .85.0 9.6 120.2 127.8 94.0 371 1-30-97 87:0 7.9 121.7 127.8 95.0 372 1-30-97' 88.0 9.7 120.7 127.8 94.0 373 1-30-97 Lot 161. '82.0 8.6 120.0 127.8 94.0 374 1-30-97 83.0 7.9 121.2 127.8 95.0 375 1-30-97 84:0 8.3 118.3 127.8 93:0 376 1-30-97 Lot 162 79.0 10.1 119.3 127.8 93.0 377 1-30-97 81.0 9.2 119.8 127.8. 94.0 378 1-30-97 82.0 8.9 118.3 127.8 93.0 379 1-30-97 Lot 163 78.0 9.8 119.7 127.8 94.0 380 1-30-97 79.0. 11.5 122.2: 127.8 96.0 381 1-30-97 80.0 10.7 120.4 127.8 94.0 382 2-03-97 Lot 160 88.0 8.3 126.7 127.8 99.0 383 2-03-97 Lot 159 87.0 8.3 125.7 127.8 98.0 384 2-03-97 It88.0 7.5 127.1 127.8 99.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 6 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 385 . 2-03-97 Lot 158 89.0 6.4 123.1 127.8 96.0 386 2-03-97 90.0 6.7 115.1 127.8 90.0 .387 .2-03-97 90.0 6.5 124.4 127.8 90.0 388 2-03-97 Lot 154 89.0 6.5 119.1 127.8 90.0 389 -2-03-97- -Lot 153 88.0 7:2 118.4 127.8 . - 93.0 390 2-03-97 Lot 152 88.0 8.9 118.1 127.8 92.0 391 2-03-97 Lot 151 88.0 7.9 120.4 127.8 94.0 392 2-03-97 Lot 165 83.0 13.1 116.8 123.5 95.0 393 2-03-97 84.0 10.6 118.8 123.5 96.0 394 2-03-97 Lot 166 84.0 10.3 118.1 123.5 96.0 395 2-03-97. 85.0 8.4 117.4 123.5 95.0 396 2-03-97 Lot 167 87.0 8.9 111.5 123.5 90.0 397 2-03-97 Lot 168 89.0 7.9 112.2 123.5 91.0 398 2-03-97 Lot 159 89.0 7.8 111.4 123.5 90.0 399 2-03-97 89.0 7.8 112.6 123.5 91.0 400 2-03-97 Lot 161 85.0 9.0 115.4 123.5 93.0 401 2-03-97 85.0 9.1 116.7 123.5 94.0 402 2-03-97 Lot 162 83.0 8.4 114.8 123.5 93.0 403 2-03-97 83.0 11.8 114.0 123.5 92.0 Siadden Engineering File: 422-6158 (Add). April 10, 1997 Page 7 Test No. Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum -Date Imo' Elev. 'Moist Cont PerQent 404 2-03-97 Lot 163 81.0 10.3 114.8 123:5 93.0 405 2-03-97 81.0 9.1 117.1 123.5- 95.0 406 2-03-97 Lot 164 75.0 10.5 118.5 127.8 93.0 407 2-03-97 76.0 9.3 122.1 127.8 96.0 408 2-03-97 77.0 9.5 120.7 127.8 94.0 409 2-03-97 Lot 144 75.0-.. 8.8 119.7 127.8 94.0 410 2-03-97 76.0 10.3 120.5 127.8 94.0 411 2-03-97 77.0 9.5 118.61 27.8 93.0 412 2-03-97 Lot 145 79.0 8.6 119.3 127.8 93.0 413 2-03-97 80.0 9.1 120.1 127.8 94.0 414 2-03-97 Lot 140, 64.0 9.7 118.2 127.8 92.0 415 2-04-97 64.5 9.7 120.6 127.8 94.0 416 2-04-97 65.0 9.6 120.5 127.8 94.0 417 2-04-97 Lot 135 52.0 11.2 117.8 127.8 92.0 418 2-04-97 54.0 9.4 122.9 127.8 96.0 419 2-04-97 .55.0 9.8 122:1 127.8 96.0 420 2-04-97 Lot 136 55.0 9.6 119.9 127.8 94.0 421 2-04-97 " 56.0 8.7 119.5 127.8 94.0 422 2-04-97 57.0 7.8 121.9 127.8 95.0 S16dden. Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 8 Test No. Date Loc, Eley. Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/ d Ft L ku Ft 1daximum 423 2-04-97 Lot '137 56.0 11.6 123.2 127.8 96.0 424 2-04-97 57.0 11.7 120.9 127.8 95.0 425 2-04-97 58.0 7.8 124.2 127.8 97.0 426 2-04-97 Lot 138 58.0 8.9 120.0 127.8 94.0 .427 .. 2-0497 ......:.., n , ..... .59.0 ... 10,9........_ 123.0 .., . „127.8 96.0 428 2-04-97 60.0 10.3 122.3 127.8 96.0 429 2-04-97 Lot 139 60.0 9.0 121.5 127.8 95.0 430 2-04-97 61.0 8.4 120.8 127.8 95.0 431 2-04-97 62.0 10.8 121.5 127.8 95.0 432 2-04-97 Lot 111 60.0 8.8 113.8 123.5 92.0 433 2-04-97 61.0 10.2 112.3 123.5 91.0. 434 2-04-97 62.0 9.0 I13.6 123.5 98.0 435 2-04-97 Lot 112 59.0 9.2 120.6 123.5 98.0 436 2-04-97 60.0 10.0 115.5 123.5 94.0 , 437 2-04-97 61.0 8.8 114.6 123.5 94.0 438 . 2-04-97 Lot 113 60.0. 9.5 114.1 123.5 92.0 439 2-04-97 61.0 10.1 114.2 123.5 92.0 440 2-04-97 62.0 8.5 116.9 123.5 95.0 441 2-04-97 Lot 114 59.0 8.2 114.9 123.5 93.0 Slodden Englneering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 9 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den ' Max Dry Den Percent 4422-04-97 Lot 114 60:0 S.7 115.7 -123.5 94.0 443 2-04-97 .,61.0 9.1 113.3 123.5 92.0 4442-04-97 Lot 115 '57.0 10.9 113.1 123.5 .92.0 445 2-04-97 58.0 10.4 113.1 123.5 92:0 446 2-04-97 56.0 10.9 114.0 123.5 92.0 4472-04-97 Lot 116 '55.0 10.7 1 `12.3 123.5 -91.0 44&'2-04-97 56.-0. 9.1 114.5 423.5 -93.0 4492-04-97 57:0 10.9 1119 123.5 92.0- 4502-04-97 Lot 51 43.0 8.1 107:8 110.0. 98.0 451 2-04-97 '44.0 .8.8 .106.9- 110:0 97.0 4522-04-97 Lot 50 43.0. 9.2 105.2 110.0 96.0 453 2-04-97 44.0 _ 10.9' 105.7 110.0 96.0 4542-04-97 Lot 49 43.0 11.3 106.2 110.0 96.0 455 2-04-97 42.0 9.8 104.9. 110.0 95.0 456 2-04-97 Lot 53 41.0 8.7 108.0 1.10.0 98.0 4572-04-97 42.0 8.5 107.9 110.0 98.0 4582-04-97 Lot 52 43.0 10.6 106.2 110.0 98.0 459.2-04-97 44.0 8.7 107.6 110.0 98.0 460 2-05-97 Lot 116 58.0 7:6 115.2 123.5 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) . April 10, '1997 Page 10 Test No Date Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum Loc Flev Moist Cont Percent 461 2-05-97 Lot 116 59.0 7.9 120.1 123.5 97.0 462 2-05-97 60.0 7.6 118.6 123.5 96.0 463 2-05-97 Lot 115 59.0 8.2 119.8 123.5 97.0 464 2-05-97 60.0 7.8 121.8 123.5 99.0 ...465.2-05-97 61.0 10.3 120.9. 123.5 98.0 4662-05-97 Lot 135 55.0 10.3 112.5 123.5 91.0 4672-05-97 56.0 9.7 118.9 123.5 96.0 4682-05-97 51.0 8.6 '115.2 123.5 93.0 469 2-05-97 Lot 109 63.0 12.0 120.9 127.8 95.0 470 2-05=97 64.0 9.7 125.7 127.8 98.0 4712-05-97 65.0 12.3 125.0 127.8 98.0 4722-05-97 Lot 110 61.0 16.8 116.1 127.8 91.0 473 2-05-97 62.0 15.9 115.5 127.8 90.0 474 2-05-97 63.0 14.3 117.8 127.8 02.0 475 2.05-97 Lot 136 58.0 9.7 117.5 127.8 93.0 476 2-05-97 .59.0 9.3 116.6 123.5 94.0 4772-05-97 60.0 9.3 117.0 123.5 95.0 478 2-05-97 Lot 105 64.0 7.2 117.7 127.8 92.0 4792-05-97 65.0 9.9 122.4 127.8. 96.0 Slodden Engineering i File: 422-613 8 (Add) -April 10, 1997 Page 1 I Test Ed. Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Moist Cont No. Date Lgc_ ' Eley, Percent The/Cu Ft, hc/ a Ft Maximum 480 2-05-97 Lot 705 66:0 6.3 12I.4: 127.8 95..0 481 2-05-97 Lot 1`06 66.0 7.6 124.1 127.8 97.0 '482.2-05-97 67.0 7.2 118.77 12 . 8 93.0 483 2-05-97 68;0. 7.4 122.3 127.8 96.0 484 2-05-97 Lot 111 63.0 7.8 123.1 127.8 96.0 485 2-05-97 :64.0 7.3 120.1 127.8 94.0 4862-05-97 .65.0 7.1 119.9` 127.8 94.0 487 2-05-97 Lot 110 64.0 9.1 119.8 127.8 94.0 488 2-05-97 65.0 8.6 118.7 12.7.8 93.0 4892-05-97 .66.0 7.6 118:9 127.8 93.0 4902-05-97 Lot 109. 66.0 7.9 •120.7 127.8 94.0- 4.0491-2-05-97 491-2-05-97 67.0 8.7 '120.6 127.8 94.0 492 2-05-97 68.0 8.0 119.9 127.8 94.0 493 2-05-97 Lot 112 63.0 7.6 119.3 127.8 '63.0 4942-05-97 64.0 8.1 118.7 127.8 93.0 495 2-05-97 65.0 9.1 119.2 127.8 93.0 4962-05-97 Lot 107 65.0 8.2 119.8 127.8 94.0 4972-05-97 66.0 10.4 124.3 127.8 97.0 4982-05-97 67.0 9.8 123.9 127.8 97.0 SIadden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 12 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 499 2-05-97 Lot 108 65.0 8.5 126.0 -127.8 99.0 500 2-05-97 66.0 9.1 120.4 127.8 94.0 501- 2-05-97 67.0 10.6 122.2 127.8 96.0. 502 2-05-97 Lot 103 70.0 8.8 118.9 127.8 93.0 -503. 2,-05-97 " .. 71.0 .9.6 120.2. 127.8 94.0. 504 2-05-97 72.0 11.2 123.5 127.8 97.0 565 2-05-97 Lot 104 64.0 10.7 123.1 127.8 96.0 506 2-05-97 65.0 8.0 125.2 127.8 98.0 507 2-05-97 66.0 9.1 120.9 127.8 95.0 508. 2-06-97 Lot 117 51.0 6.7 122.0 127.0 96.0 509 2-06-97 52.0 6.9 124.5 127.0 98.0 510 2-06-97 53.0 8.2 120.8 127.0 95.0 511 2-06-97 Lot 118 51.0 8.0 .115.4 127.0 91.0 512 2-06-97 52.0 8.8 .115.8 127.0 91.0 513 2-06-97 53.0 9.2 116.7 127.0 92.0 514 2-06-97 Lot 119 53.0 8.4 115.3 127.0 91.0 515 2-06-97 54.0 10.2 118.0 127.0 93.0 516 2-06-97 55.0 9.8 117.7 127.0 93.0 517 2-06-97 Lot 137 59.0 12.4 17.7 127.0 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10; 1997 Page 13 Test No.'Date LLoc Eley. Moist Cont. Percent FldDry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbc/Cu Ft Lbs/Curt Maximum 518 2-06-97 Lot 137 60.0 8.8 .1 -18..6 127.0 93.0 519 2-06-97 61.0 10.6 116.6 127.0, 92.0 520 2-06-97 Lot 134 53.0 �8.7 123.5 127.0 97:0 521 2-06-97 54.0 12.7 115.4 127.0 91.0 522 2-06-97 55.0 10.1 117.1 127.0 92.0 523 2=06-97 Lot 117 54.0 12.9 119.4 127.0 94.0 524 2-06-97 55.0 14.5 117.6 127.0 93.0 525 2-06-97 56.0 ' 13.9 114.3 127.0 90.0 526 2-06-97 Lot 118 54.0 14.1 115.4 127.0, 91.0 527 2-06-97 55.0 12.9 .117.4 127.0 92.0 _ 528 '2-06-97 56.0 14:4 - 119:0- 127.0 -94.0 - 529 2-06-97 Lot 113 61.0 12.6 119.0 127:0 94.0 530 2-06-97 " 62.0 12.1 117.2 127.0 92.0 531 2-06-97 If63.0 12.0 123.1 127.0 97.0 532 2-06-97 Lot 152 88.0 7.0 121.2 127.8 95.0 533 2-06-97 88.0 7.6 119.3 127.8 93.0 534 2=06-97 Lot 165 85.0 8.4 116.5 127.8 91.0 Siodden Engineering mm File; 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 14 Test No. Date Loc Eley, Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 535 2-06-97 Lot 165 85.0 7.2 121.5 127.8 95.0 536 2-06-97 Lot 166 87.0 8.4 121.4 127.8 95.0 537 2-06-97 87.0 12.0 121.3 127.8 95.0 538 2-06-97 87.0 9.6 123.8 127.8 97.0. 539. 2-06-97.....Lot 167.......90.0 .. 7.4. 11.6.6 1.27.8 .. .....9.1.0...,..... 540 2-06-97 90.0 7.7 117.3 127.8 92.0 541 2-06-97 90.0 7.8 121.2 127.8 90.0 542 2-06-97 Lot 168 92.0 10.7 124.5 127.8 92.0 543 2-06-97 of92.0 8.6 118.4 127.8 93.0 544 2-06-97 Lot 99 81.0 8.3 122.2 127.8 96.0 545 2-06-97 81.0 7.5 120.0 127.8 94.0 546 2-06-97 Lot 98 78.0 8.6 114.7 127.8 98.0 547 2-06-97 78.0 7.7 124.8 127.8 98.0 548 2-06-97 Lot 139 63.0 8.7 119.7 127.8 94.0 549 2-06-97 64.0 8.3 119.3 127.8 93.0 550 2-06-97 Lot 138 61.0 8.8 118.6 127.8 93.0 551 2-06-97 62.0 7.9 126.4 127.8 99.0 552 2-06-97 Lot 108 68.0 8.4 121.6 127.8 95.0 553 2-06-97 69.0 8.7 127.2 127.8 96.0 Slcdden Engineering Sladden Engineering , I File: 422-613 8 , (Add) . April 10, 1997 Page 15 Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum Test No. Date ' Loc. Elev. 554 2-06-97 Lot 71! 48.0 10.1 105.1 110.0 96.0 555 2-06-97 49.0 9.4 107.5 110.0 98.0 556 2-06-97 50.0 9.7 108.6 120.0 91.0 557 2-06-97 Lot 70" 48.0 8.8 110.3 120.0 92.0 558 2-06-97 r r 49.0 7.6 108.9 120.0 91.0 -559 2-06-97 50.0 8.8. 110.0 120.0 92.0 560 2=06-97 Lot 69 48.0 7.6 113.5 120.0 95.0 561 2-06-97 49.0 9.2 113.4 120.0 95.0 562 2-06-97 50.0 8.9 112.1 120.0 93.0 563 2-06-97 Lot 69 47.0 9.8 112.5 120.0 94.0 564 2-06-97 48.0 8.8 111.1 120.0 93.0 565 2-06-97 49.0 9.6 110.9 120.0 92.0 566 2-06-97 Lot 67 47.0 9.2 111.2 120.0 93.0 567 2-06-97 { 48.0 8.6 110.4 120.0 92.0 568 2-06-97 it49.0 9.0 109.7 120.0 91.0 569 2-06-97 Lot 66 46.0 7.2 114.4 120.0 95.0 570 2-06-97 47.0 8.4 110.4 120.0 92.0 571 .2-06-97 48.0 10.7 109.3 120.0 91.0 572 2-06-97 Lot 65 45.0 8.8 113.7 120.0 95.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add)] April 10, 1997 Page 16 Test Nn Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 573 2-06-97 Lot 65 46.0 8.9 111.3 120.0 93.0 574 2-06-97 Lot 74 51.0 6.6 112.6 120.0 94.0 575 2-06-97 52.0 11.1 112.5 120.0 94.0 576 2-06-97 53.0 9.3 113.9 120.0 95.0 577----2=06=97- -Lot•73 - - - -.49-.0. 7.8 1.13.2 120.0.-..- - 4.0- 94.0-- 578 578 2-06-97 50.0 9.7 111.8 120.0 93.0 579 2-06-97 51.0 8.6 111.3 120.0 93.0 580 2-06-97 Lot 72 48.0 7.9 111.6 120.0 93.0 581 2-06-97 49.0 10.7 108.0 120.0 90.0 582 2-06-97 50.0 10.5 111.5 120.0 93.0 583 2-06-97 Lot 138 63.0 8.7 118.7 127.8 93.0 584 2-06-97 63.0 7.2 117.9 127.8 92.0 585 2-06-97 63.0 9.1 119.9 127.8 94.0 586 2-06-97 Lot 134 65.0 8.7 119.5 127.8 94.0 587 2-06-97 65.0 8.5 118.4 127.8 93.0 588 2-06-97 . Lot 141 72.0 9.1 119.3 127.8 .93.0 589 2-06-97 72.0 9.9 120.4 127.8 94.0 590 2-06-97 72.0 9.5 118.0 127.8 92.0 591 2-06-97 Lot 142 76.0 10.0 116.7 127.8 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 17 Test Na Date --Loc. '81ey, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/C]j Ft Lbs/ u.Ft Maximum, 592 2-06-97 Lot 142 76:0 11.5 119.1 127.8 93.0 593 2-06-97 76.0 10.7 121:0 127.8 .'95.0 594 2-06-97 Lot 143 79.0 10.3 119:0' 127.8 93.0 595 2-06-97 79.0 9.1 118.3 127.8 93.0 596 2-06-97 79.0 8.2 .121.4 127.8 95.0 597 2-10-97 Lot 105 . 67.0 6.5 114.3 120.0 95.0 598 2-10-97 67.0 6.7 110.4 120.0 92.0 599 2-10-97 67.0 6.5 114.4 120.0 95.0 600 2-10-97 Lot 104 67.0 6.9 108.7 120.0 91.0 601 2-10-97 i •67.0 7.5 109.5 120.0 91.0 602 2-10-97 67.0 7.4. 111.4. 120.0 93.0- 603 2-10-97 Lot 106 69.0 6.4 108.3 120.0 93.0 604 2-10-97 ; 69.0 8.0 111.8 120.0 93.0 605 2-10-97 r 69.0 6.5 112.5 120.0 97.0 606 2-10-97 Lot 56, 38.0 12.6 104.7 116.2 90.0 607 2-10-97 39.0 9.8 109.8 116.2 94.0 608 2-10-97 i 40.0 10.1 108.6 116.2 93.0 609 2-10-97 Lot 57 39.0 15.6 105.5 116.2 91.0 610 2-10-97 40.0 9.7 108.6 116.2 93.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add). April 10, 1997 Page 18 Test No Date Loc Eley, Moist Cont Percent _ Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent LbsLCu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 611 2-10-97 . Lot 57 41.0 10.6 109.9 116.2 95.0 612 2-10-97 Lot 58 39.0 11.4 110.9 116.2 95.0 613 2-10-97 12.9 40.0 10.7 1,:10.5. 116.2 95.0 614 2-10-97 41.0 9.5 112.8 116.2 97.0 -615 2=10-97- Lot 164- 79.0 9.8 -116.1 116.1 127:8' .9 LO 616 2-10-97 79.0 7.3 126.4 127.8 99.0 617 2-10-97 Lot 163 81.0 7.9 121.9 127.8 95.0 618 2-10-97 81.0 8.6 119.1 127.8 93.0 619 2-10-97 Lot 162 83.0 7.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 620 2-10-97 It83.0 6.5 114.8 127.8. 90.0 621 2-10-97 Lot 161 85.0 6.1 122.6 127.8 96.0 622 2-10-97 85.0 6.2 119.6 127.8 94.0 623. 2-10-97 Lot 160 88.0 9.5 115.7 127.8 91.0 624 2-10-97 88.0 6.6 119.6 127.8 94.0 625 2-10-97 Lot 101 77.0 6.7 119.4 127.8 93.0 626 2-10-97 78.0 6.8 116.3 127.8 91.0 627 2-10-97 Lot 100 75.0 6.6 120.6 127.8 94.0 628 2-10-97 76.0 7.3 124.3 127.8 97.0 629 2-10-97 77.0 12.9 122.0 127.8 95.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 19 , Test LIQ Date 3Lbc Elev. Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Dem Percent Percent lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum. 630 2-10-97 Lot •63 44.0 11.7 102.6 110:0 '93.0 631 2-10-97 45.0 10.3 107.1 110:0 '97.0 632 2-10-97 46.0 10.4 107.4 110.0 98.0 633 2-10-97 Lot 64 45.0 10.0 106.8 110.0 97.0 634 2-10-97 46.0 11.8 103.9 110.0 94.0 635 2-10-97 47.0 8.5 109.0 110.0 '99.0 636 2-10-97 Lot 65 46.0 10.0 107.7 11:0.0 98.0 637 2-10-97 47.0 10.8 106.6 110.0 97.0 638 2-10-97 48.0 9.8 107.7 110.0 98.0 ;639 2-10-97 .Lot 145 81:0 7.8 121.2 127.8 95.0 640 2-10-97 81:0 7.3 119.8 119.8 94.0 641 2-10-97 Lot 144 79.0 7.8 117.8 127.8 92.0 642 2-10-97 79.0 8.8 122.0 127.8 95.0 643 2-10-97 :Lot 55 39.0 8.4 108.5 116.2 93.0 644 2-10=97 40.0 8.7 107.0 116.2 _ 92.0 645 240-97 41.0 8.2 110.5 116.2 95.0 646 2-10-97 Lot 57 41.0 7.8 109..2 116.2 94.0 647 2-10-97 42.0. 7.6 109.6 116.2 94.0 648 2-10-97 It43.0 7.7 109.4 116.2 94.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 20 Test No. Date LocEley, Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu-Ft Maximum 649 2-10-97 Lot 59 41.0 7.2 109.2 116.2 94.0 650 2-10-97 42.0 7.8 110.7 116.2 95.0 651 2-10-97 43.0 9.1 107.3 116.2 92.0 652 2-10-97 Lot 60 41.0 8.7 107.3 116.2 92.0 65.3....2-10=97., . 42.0 10:5,...... 104.0.. -,.116,2.-. 90:0., 654 2-10-97 43.0 11.0 104.8 116.2 90.0 655 2-10-97 Lot 61 42.0 12.7 105.9 116.2 91.0 656 2-10-97 it43.0 9.8 110.7 116.2 95.0 657 2-10-97 of44.0 8.3 110.4 116.2 95.0 658 2-10-97 Lot 62 42.0 9.3 108.1 116.2 93.0 659 2-10-97 43.0 11.3 107.5 116.2 93.0 660 2-10-97 44.0 12.6 105.8 116.2 91.0 661 2-11-97 Lot 102 77.0 6.2 121.4 127.8 95.0 662 2-11-97 78.0 6.9 122.4 127.8 96.0 663 2-11-97 Lot 101 73.0 7.4 119.8 127.8 94.0 664 .2-11-97 75.0 6.7 120.8 127.8 95.0 665 2-11-97 77.0 7.3 121.8 127.8 95.0 666 2-11-97 Lot 61 41.0 7.6 113.8 116.2 98.0 667 2-11-97 '" 42.0 9.3 108.1 116.2 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 . Page 21 Test No Date Loc -Eley, Moist Cont -Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu ft Maximum 668 2-11-97 Lot 61 43.0 7.8 109.2 116.2 93.0 669 2-11-97 Lot,63 46.0 7.6 107.7 1.16.2 93.0 670 2-11-97 47.0 7.0 112.1 116.2 96.0 671 2-11-97 48.0 6.6 11.1.5 116.2 96.0 672 2-11-97 Lot 65 -47.0 10.5 109.1 116.2 94.0 673 2-11=97 48.0 9.81 109.9 116.2 94.0 674 2-11-97 49.0 9.8 107.2 116.2 92.0 675 2-11-97 Lot 67 49.0 11.4 110.0 116.2 95.0 676 2-11-97 50.0 9.7 108.6 116.2 93.0 677 2-11-97, 51.0 10.5 108.2 116.2 93:0 678 2-11-97 Lot -68 50.0 11.7 105.8 116.2 9110 679 2-11-97 51.0 10.6 109.8 116.2 94.0 680 2-11-97 52.0 11.3 105.8 116.2 91.0 681 2-11-97 °K -Street 58.0 8.4 108.5 116.2 •93.0 682 2-11-97 60.0 8.8 108.8 116.2 94.0 683 2-11-97 Lot 62 44.0 7.0 108.1 116.2 92.0 684 2-11-97 45.0 7.6 107.6 116.2 93.0 685 2-11-97 46.0 8.1 106.5 116.2 92.0 686 2-11-97 Lot 64 47.0 11.2 109.8 116.2 94.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 22 Test No Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/!Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 687 2-11-97 Lot 64 48.0 14.3 109.5 116.2 94.0 688 2-11-97 49.0 11.3 109.8. 116.2 94.0 689 2-11-97 Lot 66 48.0 8.7 108.2 116.2 93.0 690 2-11-97 49.0 9.4 106.9 116.2 92.0 691 2-11-97', 50.0 8-.2:--- 107.7 116:2. • � 93.0 692 2-11-97 Lot 69 50.0 8.4 113.4 116.2 93.0 693 2-11-97 Lot 102 79.0 8.7 115.7 127.8 91.0 694 2-11-97 4179.0 8.4 118.5 127.8 93.0 695 2-11-97 Lot 101 78.0 7.5 117.6 127.8 92.0 696 2-11-97 " . 78.0 8.4 118.5 127.8 .93.0 697 2-11-97 Lot 103 74.0 6.9 123.0 127.8 96.0 698 2-11-97 74.0 7.1 117.0 127.8 92.0 699 2-11-97 Lot 100 77.0 6.7 119.0 127.8 93.0 700 2-11-97 71.0 7.1 119.9 127.8 94.0 I 701 2-11-97 Lot 69 50.0 11.3 102.3 110.0 93.0 I 702 2-11-97 51.0 11.4 102.4 110.0 93.0 703 2-11-97 52.0 11.7 102.4 110.0 93.0 704 2-11-97 Lot 70 50.0 11.2 108.9 110.0 99.0 705 2-11-97 51.0 12.7 103.0 110.0 94.0 Slcdden Engineering File: 422-613 8 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 23 Test No ' Date Loc. Eley- Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den MaxDry Den Percent Lbs/Cu ft- Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum. 706 2-11-97 Lot 70 52.0 11.8 101.3 110:0 `92.0 707 2-11-97 Lot 84 59.0 11.3 110.7 116.2 95.0 708 .2-11-97 60.0 8.8 110.9 116.2 95.0 709 2-11-97. 61.0 10.1 111.6 .116.2 96.0 710 2-11-97 Lot 83 58.0 7.9 109.1 116.2 94.0 711 2-11-97 59.0 9.4 109.0 11'6.2 94.0 712 2-11-97 60.0 9.3 108.1 116.2 93.0 713 2-11-97 Lot 82 58.0 9.3 106.7 116.2 92.0 714 2-11-97 59.0 7.4 108.7 116.2 94.0 715 2-11-97 60.0 8.4 110.4 116.2 95.0 716 2-11=97 Lot 81 57.0 -8.1 110.4 116.2 95.0 717 2-11-97 58.0 11.0 109.5 116.2 94.0 718 2-11-97 59.0 9.6 109.9 116.2 95.0 719 2-11-97 Lot 85 63.0 9.7 107.3 116.2 92.0 720 2-11-97 63.0 11.9 109.4 116.2 94.0 721 2-11-97 63.0 10.1 106.6 116.2 92.0 722 2-11-97 Lot 86 64:0 12.2 109.0 116.2 94.0 723 2-11-97 64.0 11.4 106.1 116.2 91.0 724 2-11-97 64.0 11.9 106.7 116.2 92.0 Slodden Engineering Tile: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 24 Test No Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum Date Loc Eley, 'Moist Cont PerQent 725 2-11-97 Lot 80 59.0 9.6 111.6 116.2 96.0 726 2-11-97 60.0 8.7 109.1 116.2 94.0 727 2-11-97 61.0 12.3 110.5 116.2 95.0. 728 2-11-97 it 61.0 11.0 108.7 .116.2 94.0 729 - 2-1.1-97 - -Lot 8.1 • . 12.3 106.6.....106.6 ...1.16.2 ..92.0 730 2-11-97 61.0 12.2 105.5 116.2 91.0 731 2-11-97 'Lot 82 61.0 11.0 106.5 116.2 92.0 732 2-11-97 It61.0 9.6 107.3 116.2 92.0 733 2-11-97 Lot 83 61.0 12.8 110.9 116.2 95.0 734 2-11-97 61.0 10.8 109.2 116.2 94.0 735 2-11-97 Lot 84 62.0 10.5 107.6 116.2 93.0 736 2-11-97 62.0 9.6 108.3 116.2 93.0 737 2-12-97 Lot 71 52.0 9.8 107.9 110.0 98.0 738 2-12-97 53.0 11.7 106.4 110.0 97.0 739 2-12-97 54.0 14.2 102.2 110.0 93.0 740 2-12-97 Lot 69 51.0 9.8 108.4 110.0 99.0 741 2-12-97 52.0 15.1 105.6 110.0 96.0 742 2-12-97 53.0 10.5 107.8 110.0 98.0 743 2-12-97 Lot 70 10.3 10.3 108.5 110.0 99.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 25 Test No. Date Loc- Eiev. Moist Cont _PQrcent Fld Dry Den.Max Dry Den Percent Lb§/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Et Maximum 744 2-12-97 Lot 70 53.0 9.4 107.4 110.0 98.0 745 2-12-97 54.0 8.7 108.4 110.0 99.0 746 2-12-97 Lot 73 . 52.0 7.6 105.4 110.0 96.0 747 2-12-97 53.0 7.5 106.5 110.0 97.0 748 2-12-97 54.0 7.1 105.5 110.0 96.0 749 2-12-97 Lot 72 51.0 6.7 106.0 110.0 96.0 750 2-12-97 52.0 7.6 105.5 110.0 96.0 751 2-12-97 53.0 7.3 107.1 110.0 97.0 752 2-12-97 Lot 71. 54.0 7.2 107.4 110.0 98.0 753 2-12-97 55.0 7.0 I07.1 110.0 97.0. 754. 2-12-97 56.0 7.8 108.1 110.0 98.0 755 2-12-97 Lot 50 44.0 9.3 102.1 110.0 93.0 756 2-12-97 it45.0 12.7 100.4 110.0 91.0 757 2-12-97 46.0 10.1 99.7 110.0 91.0 758 2-12-97 Lot 51 44.0 8.7 99.8 110.0 91.0 759 2-12-97 45.0 10.5 '99.9 110.0 91.0 760 2-12-97 46.0 12.9 99.9 110.0 91.0 761 2-12-97 Lot 108 69.0 8.8 119.2 127.8 93.0 762 2-12-97 69.0 90 118.5 127.8 93.0 Sudden Engineering File: 422-613 8 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 26 Test No Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 763 2-12-97 Lot 107 69.0 11.2 121.0 127.8 95.0 764 2-12-97 69.0 10.7 118.6 127.8 93.0 765 2-12-97 69.0 9.1 122.8 127.8 96.0 766 2-12-97 Lot 109 69.0 8.2 119.7 127.8 94.0 -76-7---.2- 12-97.-- . - - 69.0. 10.3. - . .122.6 . 12.7.8 96.0. 768 2-12-97 69.0 9.6 119.6 127.8 94.0 769 2-12-97 Lot 110 67.0 12.1 120.5 127.8 94.0 770 2-12-97 67.0 11.7 123.1 127.8 96.0 771 2-12-97 67.0 8.8 119.8. 127.8 94.0 772 2-12-97 Lot 111 66.0 9.4 121.1 127.8 95.0 773 2-12-97 it66.0 9.6 120.3 127.8 94.0 774 2-12-97 Is66.0 8.3 119.9 127.8 94.0 775 2-12-97 Lot 112 66.0 10.9 120.5 127.8 94.0 776 2-12-97 66.0 9.5 121.8 127.8 95.0 777 2-12-97 66.0 9.2 116.9 127.8 91.0 778 2-12-97 Lot 113 64.0 9.6 119.6 127.8 94.0 779 2-12-97 64.0 8.6 120.6 127.8 94.0 780 2-12-97 64.0 10.4 120.0 127.8 94.0 781 2-12-97 Lot 114 63.0 10.0 125.0 127.8 98.0 Sicdden Engineering. File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 27 Siodden Engineering_ Test No Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/ u Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 782 2-12-97 Lot 114 63.0 10.6 123.6 127:8 97.0 783 2-12-97 63.0 8.3 121.2 127.8 95.0 784 2-12-97 Lot 115 62.0 9.5 123.0 127.8 96.0 785 2-12-97 62.0 9.6 122.2 127.8 -96.0 786 2-12-97 62.0 8.6 120.3 127.8 94.0 787 2-12-97 Lot 116 61:0 8.5 120.7 127.8. 94.0 .788 2-12-97 " 61.0 10.0. 118.5 127.8 93.0 789 2-12-97 61.0 12.2 118.9 127.8 93.0 790 2-13-97 Lot 46 42.0 7.9 109.0 120.0 91.0 791 2-13-97 43.0 9.5 111.8 120.0 93.0 792 2-13-97 Lot 47 44.0 12.0 112.1 120.0 93.0 793 2-13-97 ' 45.0 9.2 113.9 120.0 95.0 794 2-13-97 Lot 48 44.0 8.3 113.4 120.0 95.0 795 2-13-97 45.0 7.8 112.2 120.0 94.0 796 2-13-97 Lot 52 45.0 9.3 112.8 120.0 94.0. 797 2-13-97 46.0 7.9 112.6 120.0 94.0 798 2-13-97 47.0 I1.5 111.0 120.0 93.0 799 2-13-97 Lot 50 47.0 9.2 111.5 120.0 93.0 800 2-13-97 if48.0 78 112.0 120.0 93.0 Siodden Engineering_ File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 28 Test No Date Loc titer Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 801 2-13-97 Lot 50 49.0 8.3 112.4 120.0 94.0 802 2-13-97 Lot 51 46.0 7.2 111.2 120.0 93.0 803 2-13-97 47.0 8.9 112.7 120.0 94.0 804 2-13-97 48.0 9.8 113.7 120.0 95.0 805 ...2-13-97...Lot 46 ....45.0 :...., ..... 8.0 ... , ..118.1 120.0...... 98.0.... . . 806 2-13-97 Lot 47 46.0 8.8 118.1 120.0 98.0 807 2-13-97 47.0 9.3 119.2 120.0 99.0 808 2-13-97 Lot 45 42.0 6.9 114.6 120.0 96.0 809 2-13-97 43.0 7.9 110.6 120.0 92.0 810 2-13-97 44.0 7.2 115.8 120.0 97.0 811 2-13-97 Lot 72 55.0 8.3 108.3 120.0 90.0 812 2-13-97 It 56.0 12.5 109.7 120.0 91.0 813 2-13-97 it57.0 12.3 110.6 120.0 92.0 814 2-13-97 Lot 73 55.0 13.3 110.6 116.2 95.0 815 2-13-97 56.0 10.2 113.5 116.2 98.0 816 2-13-97 57.0 15.3 108.2 116.2 93.0 817 2-13-97 Lot 74 56.0 10.9 110.9 116.2 95.0 818 2-13-97 57.0 8.6 111.3 116.2 96.0 819 2-13-97 58.0 9.4 112.7 116..2 97.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 29 Test No Date Loc �Elev Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft- Lbs/Cu-Ft -Maximum 820. 2-13-97 Lot 75 60.0 10.7 110.8 116.2 95.0 +821 2-13-97 61.0 11.7 111.2 116.2 96.0 822 2-13-97 Lot 93 74.0 6.9 121.7 127.8 95.0 823 2-13-97 74.0 7.0 121.8 127.8. 95.0 824 2-13-97 74.0 12.0 121.5 127.8 95.0 -825 2-13-97 Lot 92 70.0 7..2 121.3 127.8 95.0 826 2-13-97 70.0 7.0 120.6 127.8 94.0 827 2-13-97 70:0 3.8 118.1 127.8 92.0 828 2-13-97 Lot 91 69.0 7.4 .121.5 127.8 95.0 829 2-13-97 69.0 5.4 120.6 127.8 94.0 830 2-13-97 69.0 7.8 120.2 127.8 94.0 831 2-13-97 Lot 90 67.0 7.4 121.7 127.8 95.0 832 2-13-97 67.0 5.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 833 2-13-97 67.0 6.2 120.5 127.8 94.0 834 2-13-97 67.0 5.9 122.7 127.8 96.0 835 2-13-97 Lot 89 65.0 7.8 120.7 127.8 94.0 836 2-13-97 65.0' 8.0 118.1 127.8 92.0 837 2-.13-97 65.0' 7.0 119.7 127.8 94.0 838 2-13-97 it65.0 7.6 118.5 127.8 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 30 Test No Date Loc Eley Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbc/Cu Ft Maximum 839 2-13-97 Lot 88 63.0 6.4 121.0 127.8 95.0 840 2-13-97 63.0 .6.1 119.7 127.8 94.0 841 2-13-97 63.0 5.2 118.7 127.8 93.0 842 2-13-97 Lot 87 63.0 6.8 118.0 127.8 96.0 843 2-13-97 63.0 5.2 119.0 127.8.. 96.0 844 2-13-97 63.0 6.6 113.9 127.8 92.0 . 845 2-13-97 63.0 6.3 116.0 127.8 94.0 846 2-18-97 Lot 103 74.0 5.5 1233 127.8 96.0 847 2-18-97 74.0 7.0 121.7 127.8 95.0 848 2-18-97 Lot 104 67.0 7.0 123.5 127.8 97.0 849 2-18-97 Lot 101 78.0 6.7 123.1 127.8 96.0 850 2-18-97 Lot 44 41.0 13.7 110.6 120.0 92.0 851 2-18-97 42.0 10.1 117.0 120.0 98.0 852 2-18-97 43.0 12.3 117.2 120.0 98.0 853 .2-18-97 Lot 48 46.0 10.3 112.3 120.0 94.0 854 2-18-97 47.0 10.2 110.1 120.0 92.0 855 2-18-97 Lot 47 47.0 13.2 118.5 120.0 99.0 856 2-18-97 it48.0 14.9 115.5 120.0 96.0 857 2-18-97 Lot 49 47.0 12.5 119.3 120.0 99.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 31 Test No Tld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbc/Curt Lbku Ft Maximum -Date Loc Eley Moist Cont -Percent 858 2-18-97 Lot 49�- 48.0" 13.2 118:0 120.0 98.0, 859 2-1897 L6t 53,44:0 10.7 114.1 120:0 95.0- 860 2-18=97 45.0 12.2 118.2 120.0 99.0. 861 2-18-97 46.0 8.3 116.0 120.0 97.0 862 2-18-97 48.0 8.8 115.3 120.0 96.0 863 2-18-97 49.0 10.6 117.8 120.0 98.0 -864 2-18-97 Lot 51 50.0 11.1 116.1 120.0 97.0 865 2-18-97 Lot 50• 49.0 8.8 116.8 120.0 97.0 -866 2-18-97 50.0 9.6 118.6 120.0 99.0 867 2-18-97 51.0 9.7 118.9 120:0 99.01 868 2=18-97 Lot 44 .44.0- 8.2 112.3 120.0 94.0 , 869 2-18-97 45.0 10.7 114.7 120.0 96.0 870 2-19-97 46.0 7.1 118.6 123.5 96.0 871 2-19-97 47.0 9.6 121.7 123.5 99.0 872 2-19-97 48.0 8.7 121.8 123.5 •99.0 873 2-19-97 Lot 46 48.0 6.5 118.0 123.5 -96.0 874 2-19-97 49.0 10.5 i 17.7 .123.5 95.0 875 2-19-97 50.0 6.0 116.7 123.5 94.0 876 2-19-97 Lot 48 49.0 9.7 112.3 123.5 91.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 32 Test No Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent PerQent Lbs/Cu Ft LbsCu Ft Maximum 877 2-19-97 Lot 48 50.0 8.8 112.3 123.5 91.0 878 2-19-97 51.0 9.7 111.5 123.5 90.0 879 2-19-97 Lot 53 46.0 7.6 113.8 123.5 92.0 880 2-19-97 47.0 7.4 114.1 123.5 92.0 881- 2-19-97 ... " 48.0 7.9, 114.0 123.5 .92.0 882 2-19-97 Lot 75 62.0 8.4 112.0 123.5 92.0 883 2-19-97 63.0 11.2 119.7 123.5 97.0 884 2-19-97 Lot 74 62.0 10.7 110.6 123.5 90.0 885 2-19-97 63.0 9.4 111.4 123.5 90.0 886 2-19-97 Lot 73 59.0 .11.4 111.2 123.5 90.0 887 2-19-97 of60.0 8.6 112.7 123.5 91.0 888 2-19-97 .Lot 72 58.0 12.5 I19.1 123.5 96.0 889 2-19-97 59.0 11.9 115.6 123.5 94.0 890 2-19-97 Lot 76 62.0 11.9 118:6 123.5 96.0 891 2-19-97 63.0 11.7 117.0 123.5 95.0 892 2-19-97 64.0 10.6 114.0 123.5 92.0 893 2-19-97 Lot 77 62.0 11.2 113.8 123.5 92.0 894 2-19-97 63.0 9.5 113.7 123.5 92.0 895 2-19-97 Lot 78 61.0 9.3 117.4 123.5 94.0 Sfodden Englneering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 33 Test Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 896 2-19-97 Lot 78 62:0 8.8 116.4 123.5 94.0 897 2-19-97 63.0 8.6 118.4 .123.5 -96.0 898 2-19-97 Lot 73 60.0 9.4 . 115.3 123.5 93.0 899. 2-19-97 61.0 8.5 114.1 123.5 92.0 900 2-19-97 Lot 74 62.0 9.3 113.9 123.5 92.0 901 2-19-97 ,63.0 10.7 114.4 123.5 910 902 2-19-97 " 64.0 10.3 114.7 123.5 93.0 903 2-19-97 64.0 10.1 113.6 123.5 92.0 904 2-20-97 Lot 75 63.0 14.1 113.7 123.5 92.0- 905 2-20-97 ' 64:0 11.7 115.2 123.5 -93.0 906 2-20-97 0"65.0 12.8 112.2 123.5 91.0 907 2-20-97 Lot 76 63.0 8.5 118.0 123.5 96.0 908 2-20-97 64.0 8.7 117.2 123.5 95.0 909 2-20-97 65.0 8.4 117.8 123.5 95.0 910 2-20-97 Lot 78- 63.0 9.6 115.7 123.5 94.0 911 2-20-97 63.0 8.3 116.2 123.5 94.0 912 2-20-97 63.0 10.0 115.7 123.5 94.0 913 2-20-97 Lot 79 62.0 8.9 119.2 .123.5 97.0 914 2-20-97 62.0 10.5 118.7 123.5 96.0 Sladden Englneering File: 422-6138 (Add) April l0, 1997 Page 34 Test No. Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum Date Loc, Eley, 915 2-20-97 Lot 79 62.0 10.4 120.0 123.5 97.0 916 2-20-97 Lot 55 41.0 12.3 113.7 123.5 92.0 917 2-20-97 42.0 10.1 115.6 123.5 94.0 918 2-20-97 43.0 11.1 112.9 123.5 91.0 919 2-20-97 Lot 56, 41.0-10.7---- • 114.2 ~ 123.5 92.0 " 920 2-20-97 42.0 9.8 112.9 123.5 91.0 921 2-20-97 43.0 8.3 112.9 123.5 91.0 922 2-20-97 Lot 58 42.0 11.6 113.6 123.5 92.0 923 2-20-97 43.0 9.4 117.6 123.5 95.0 924 2-20-97 it44.0 8.9 117.1 123.5 95.0 925 2-20-97 Lot 59 43.0 9.6 115.0 123.5 93.0 926 2-20-97 44.0 8.0 . . 118.2 123.5 96.0 927 2-20-97 45.0 9.5 116.7 123.5 94.0 928 2=20-97 Lot 60 44.0 10.0 117.2 123.5 95.0 929 2-20-97 45.0 12.2 115.1 123.5 93.0 930 2-20-97 46.0 8.7 112.9 123.5 91.0 931 2-20-97 Lot 61 45.0 9.1 117.6 123.5 95.0 932 2-20-97 It46.0 9.5 115.2 123.5 93.0 933 2-20-97 It 47.0 10.5 114.5 123.5 93.0 Slodden Engineering File. 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 35 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 934 2-20-97 Lot 62 46.0 8.1 119.0 123.5 96.0 935 2-20-97 47.0 8.7 118.3 123.5 96.0- 936 2-20-97 48.0 9.6 115.4 123.5 -93.0 937 2-20-97 Lot 209 129.0 6.5 120.2 127.8 94.0 938 2-20-97 129.0 6.7 123.7 127.8 97.0 939 2-20-97 129.0 6.4 121.4 127.8 95.0 940 2-25-97 Lot 94 77.0 8.2 120.7 127.8 94.0 941 2-25-97 77.0 6.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 942 2-25-97 77.0 7.2 122.7 127.8 96.0 943 2-25-97 Lot 177 81.0 7.6 124.5 127.8 97.0 944 2-25-97 81:0 7.1 123.9 .127.8 97.0 945 2-25-97 81.0 8.6 124.9 127.8 98.0 946 2-25-97 Lot 178 85.0 9.5 125.0 127.8 98.0 947 2-25-97 85.0 7.2 122.6 127.8 96.0 948 2-25-97 85.0 8.0 121.6 '127.8 95.0 949 2-25-97 Lot 179 88.0 7.8 119.2 127.8 93.0 950 2-25-97 88.0 8.6 122.6 127.8 96.0 951 2-25-97 " 88.0 8.5 1178 127.8 92.0 952 2-25-97 Lot 180 91.0 7.2 123.6 127.8 91.0 Slodden Engineering File: 4226138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 36 Test No. Dae Loc Eley, Moist Cont Perce,nl Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Percent Maximum 953 2-25-97 Lot 180 91.0 7.7 123.1 127.8 96.0 954 2-25-97 91.0 8.2 125.2 127.8 91.0 955 2-25-97 Lot 7 34.0 15.6 103.6 110.0 94.0 956 2-25-97 If 35.0 13.8 101.0 110.0 92.0 957 2-25-97-- -.Lot 9 33.0 15.1 103.5 1-10.0 - 94.0 958 2-25-97 34.0 16.9 105.9 110.0 96.0 959 2-25-97 Lot 11 33.0 16.3 102.5 110.0 93.0 960 2-25-97 34.0 17.4 100.4 110.0 91.0 961 2-25-97 Lot 18 31.0 17.9 99.4 110.0 90.0 962 2-25-97 It 32.0 14.7 100.7 110.0 92.0 963 2-26-97 Lot 17 31.0 14.2 103.0 110.0 94.0 964 2-26-97 32.0 14.8 103.6 110.0 94.0 965 2-26-97 Lot 16 31.0 14.3 101.5 110.0 92.0 966 2-26-97 32.0 15.9 103.3 110.0 94:0 967 2-26-97 Lot 14 32.0 17.3 99.3 110.0 90.0 968 2-26-97 33.0 15.2 100.2 110.0 91.0 969 2-26-97 34.0 13.8 102.8 110.0 93.0 970 2-26-97 Lot 8 34.0 17.5 100.7 110.0 92.0 971 2-26-97 if35.0 12.4 100.6 110.0 91.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 37 - Test No Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den,Max -Dry Den Percent Lbs/C Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 972 2-26-97 Lot 8 36.0 13.8 100.5 110.0 91:0 973 2-26-97 Lot 10 34.0 13.6 102.6 110.0 93.0 974 2-26-97 35.0 11.7 103.8 110.0 94.0 975 2-26-97 36.0 14.8 101.7 110.0 92.0 976 2-' 27-97 Lot 137 62.0 8.6 116.5 127.8 91.0 977 2-27-97 62.0 9.1 119.2 127.8 93.0 978 2-27-97 62.0 9.6 118.6 127.8 93.0' 979 2-27-97 Lot 117 59.0 8.3 120.2 127.8 94.0 980 2-27-97 59.0 11.3 119.5 127.8 94.0 981 2-27-97 59.0* 8.9 117.6 127.8 92.0 982 2-27-97 Lot 118 58.0 9.0 117.9 127.8 92.0 983 2-27-97 58.0 9.7 121.2 127.8 95.0 984 2-27-97 58.0 8.5 118.2 127.8 92.0 985 3-03-97 Lot 2 36.0 14.2 101.6 110.0 92.0 986 3-03-97 37.0 14.6 106.7 110.0 97.0 987 3-03-97 38.0 10.8 106.0 110.0 96.0- 998 3-03-97 Lot 4 35.0 11.0 103.9 110.0 94.0 989 3-03-97 36.0 114 104.2 110.0 95.0 990 3-03-97 37.0 13.4 102.6 110.0 93.0 Siddden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 3 8 1 est No. Date Loc.. Eley, Moist Cont _ Percent Nd Dry lien Max Dry lien Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 991 3-03-97 Lot 6 36.0 12.7 105.1 110.0 96.0 992 3-03-97 37.0 13.3. 105.9 110.0 96.0 993 3-03-97 38.0 10.5 104.2 110.0 95.0 994 3-04-97 Lot 1 36.0 6.4 107.7 110.0 98.0 995•.- 3-04-97- 37.0- 8.9 • -105.4 I10.0. 96.0 - .. . 996 3-04-97 38.0 10.8 .103.4 110.0 94.0 997 3-04-97 Lot 13 35.0 14.6 106.5 110.0 97.0 998 3-04-97 If 36.0 14.3 101.6 110.0 92.0 999 3-04-97 37.0 11.8 108.3 110.0 98.0 1000 3-04-97 Lot 15 34.0 16.3 104.8 110.0 95.0 1001 3-04-97 35.0 17.6 107:8 110.0 98.0 1002 3-04-97 36.0 15.6 108.5 110.0 99.0 1003 3-04-97 Lot 49 53.0 8.4 122.6 127.8 96.0 1004 3-04-97 53.0 7.7 124.3 127.8 97.0 1005 3-04-97 Lot 48 53.0 8.1 121.7 127.8 95.0 1006 3-04-97 53.0 7.7 121.4 127.8 95.0 1007 3-05-97 Lot 1 . 39.0 12.4 104.7 110.0 95.0 1008 3-05-97 It 40.0 13.2 108.2 110.0 98.0 1009 3-05-97 Lot 2 41.0 10.0 107.7 110.0 98.0 Slodden Engineering File. 42276138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 39 Test .Moist Cont °Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 1010 3-05-97 Lot 3 39.0 11.5 107.0 110.0 97.0 1011 3-05=97 40.0 11.3 105.2 110.0 96.0 1012 3-05-97 + 41.0 12.8 106.7 110.0 '97.0 1013 3-05-97 Lot 5 40.0 13.5 103.9 110.0 94.0 1014 3-05-97 41.0 12.5 103.5 110.0 94.0 1015 3-05-97 42.0 11.4 105.6 110.0 96.0 1016 3-05-97 'Lot 12 h 3.6.0 14.1 102.9 110.0 '94.0 1017 3-05-97- 37.0 13.3 103.8 110.0 94.0 1018 3-05-97 38.0 13.1 103.5 110.0 94.0 1019 3-05-97• Lot 11 37.0 10.9 105.1 110.0 96.0 1020 3-05-97 38.0 12.3 104:5 110.0 95.0 1021 3-05-97 39.0 11.2 104.9 110.0 95.0 1022 3-05-97 Lot 9 38.0 11.5 105.6 110.0 96.0 1023 3-05-97 39.0 12.5 108.5 110.0 99.0 1024 3-05-97 40.0 11.5 107.2 110.0 97.0 1025 3-05-07 Lot 7 39.0 10.6 107.1 110.0 97.0 1026 3-05-97 40.0 11.9 106.5 110.0 97.0 1027 3-05-97 41.0 11.5 103.1 110.0 94.0 1028 3-05-97 Lot 22 30.0 14.7 101.9 110.0 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 40 Test No. Date Loc. Elev. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1029 3-05-97 Lot 22 31.0 14.3 105.1 110.0 96.0 1030 3-05-97 32.0 13.2 107.0 110.0 97.0 1031. 3-05-97 Lot 24 29.0 12.7 105.9 110.0 96.0 1032 3-05-97 30.0 13.6 105.8 110.0 96.0 1033 �3-05-97• 31:0 10.9 107:6" 110.0 98.0 1034 3-06-97 Lot 8 39.0 11.4 109.1 110.0 99.0 1035 3-06-97 40.0 10.7 107.6 110.0 98.0 1036 3-06-97 41.0 10.7 106.9 110.0 97.0 1037 3-06-97 Lot 9 38.0 11.9 107.1 110.0 97.0 1038 3-06-97 39.0 11.1 108.7 110.0 99.0. 1039 3-06-97 40.0 14.1 103.2 110.0 94.0 1040 3-06-97 Lot 10 38.0 14.4 105.6 110.0 96.0 1041 3-06-97 39.0 12.8 106.2 110.0 97.0 1042 3-06-97 40.0 .10.5 105.1 110.0 96.0 1043 3-06-97 Lot 23 31.0 11.4 108.5 110.0 99.0 1044 3-06-97 it32:0 10.5 105.4 110.0 96.0 1045 3-06-97 It 33.0 12.6 107.2 110.0 97.0 1046 3-06-97 Lot 21 31.0 11.6 107.5 110.0 98.0 1047 3-06-97 32.0 11.7 106.1 110.0 96.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6.138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 41 1 est No, Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont rid Dry Den -Max Dry lien Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1048 3-06.-97 Lot 21'. 33.0 °10.5 104.9 110.0- 95.0 1049 3-06-97 Lot 19 31.0 11:8- 105.4 110.0 96.0 1050 3-06-97 32.0 10.5 104.2 110.0 95:0 1051 3-06-97 Lot 19, 32.0 10.5 104.2 110.0 95.0 1052 3-06-97 Lot 14. 36.0 11.6 108.9 110:0 99.0 1053 '3-06-97 37.0 11.3 108.0 110.0 98.0 1054 3-06=97 38.0 10.9 107.6 110.0 98.0 1055 3-06-97 Lot 16' 35.0 9.6 106.9 110.0 97.0 1056 3-06-97 36:0 11.4 -107.5 110.0 98.0 1057 3-06-97 37.0 12.3 1.05..1 110.0 96.0 1058 3-06=97 Lot 18 35.0- 12.8 107.1 110.0 97.0 1059 3-06-97 36.0 14.5 103.9 110.0 94.0 1060 3-06-97 37.0 10.0 105.4 110.0 96.0 1061 3-06-97 Lot 26 30.0 13.3 101.9 110.0 93.0 1062 3-06-97 31.0 15.1 103.3 110.0 94.0 1063 3-06-97 32.0 11.5 106.5 110.0 97.0 1064 3-06-97 Lot 22 33.0 12.3 107.9 110.0 98.0 1065 3-06-97 ". 34.0 9.9 104.2 110.0 95.0 1066 3-06-97 35.0 10.6 107.7 110.0 98.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 43 Test No. Date Loc Eloy, Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum Percent 1086 3-10-97 Lot 25 34.0 12.9 104.3 110.0 95.0 1087 3-10-97 35.0 13.6 107.6 110.0 98.0 1088 3-11-97 Lot 42 36.0 10.4 109.3 110.0 94.0 1089 3-11-97 37.0 12.3 113.2 116.2 94.0 ---•1090 3-11=97 38.0 11.5 107.2 116.2 92.0 1091 3-11-97 Lot 41 37.0 13.2 109.6 116.2 94.0 1092 3-11-97 38.0 13.5 109.0 116.2 94.0 1093 3-11-97 39.0 15.0 111.3 116.2 96.0 1094 3-11-97 Lot 40 38.0 13.5 112.1 116.2 96.0 1095 3-11-97 39.0 12.5 110.3 116.2 95.0 1096 3-11-97 40.0 12.1 109.8 116.2 94.0 1097 3-11-97 Lot 37 39.0 14.2 107.9 116.2 93.0 1098 3-11-97 if40.0 13.4 110.2 116.2 92.0 1099 3-11-97 to 41.0 14.3 106.9 116.2 92.0 1100 3-11-97 Lot 38 39.0 12.2 109.2 116.2 94.0 1101 3-11-97 40.0 13.1 110.0 116.2. 95.0 1102 3-11-97 41.0 12.6 107.1 116.2 92.0 1103 3-11-97 Lot 39 38.0 9.6 107.5 116.2 93.0 1104 3-11-97 39.0 11.1 107.5 116.2 94.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 44 Test No. Ed Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum Date Loc. Eley_ Moist Cont Percent 1105 3-11-97 Lot 39 40.0 13.3 •106.9 116.2 92.0 1106 3-11-97 Lot 27 57.0 14.4 105.1 110:0 96.0 1107 3-11-97 ". 58.0 15.3 103.6 110.0 94.0 1108 3-11-97 " 59:0 15.5 106.7 110.0 97.0 1109 3-11-97 Lot 28 59.0 16.3 108.5 110.0 99.0 1110 3-11-97 60.0 16.2 103.2 110.0 94.0 1111 3-11-97 61.0 13.7 1.04.9 110.0 94.0 1112 3-11-97 Lot 30' 57.0 13.4 101.9 110.0 93.0 1113 3-11-97 58.0 16.9 103.3 110.0 94.0 1114 3-11-97 '59.0 15.6 102:9 110.0 94.0 1115 i 3-11-97 Lot 29 54.0 15.3 105.6 110.0 96.0 1116 3-11-97 55.0 16.5 101.6 110.0 92.0 1117 3-11-97 56.0 16.3 105.0 110.0 95.0 1118 3-11-97 Lot 31' 53.0 13.7 106.9 110.0 97.0 1119 3-11-97 54.0 15.7 103.1 110.0 94.0 1120 3-11-97 55.0 14.7 105.1 110.0 96.0 1121 3-11-97 . Lot 36 47.0 14.9 107.1 110.0 97.0 1122' 3-11-97 48.0 11.8 106.3 110.0 97.0 1123 3-11-97 49.0 11.5 108.5 110.0 99.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10,.1997 Page 45 No. Date Loc_ Eley, Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1124 3-11-97 Lot 28 61.0 13.8 105.2 110.0 96.0 1125 3-11-97 62.0 13.5 105.5 I10.0 96.0 1126 3-11-97 Lot 1 42.0 10.6 105.2 110.0 96.0 1127 3-11-97 If42.0 9.6 105.9 110.0 96.0 1128& 3-11-97. Lot 2 42.0 12.0 102.9 110.0 94:0 1129 3-11-97, 42.0 12.2 107.1 110.0 97.0 1130 3-11-97 Lot 3 42.0 11.5 104.2 110.0 95.0 1131 3-11-97 42.0 12.9 104.5 110.0 95.0 1132 3-11-97 Lot 4 43.0 14.6 104.9 110.0 95.0 1133 3-11-97 43.0 11.0 103.7 110.0 94.0 1134 3-11-97 Lot 5 43.0 12.3 105.7 110.0 96.0 1135 3-11-97 to 43.0 12.2 104.2 110.0 95.0 1136 3-12-97 Lot 31 51.0 8.4 109.0 116.2 94.0 1137 3-12-97 52.0 9.7 106.3 116:2 91.0 1138 3-12-97 53.0 8.0 106.8 116.2 92.0 1139 3-12-97' Lot 28 62.0 7.9 111.7 116.2 96.0 1140 3-12-97 If63.0 9.9 107.2 116.2 92.0 1141 3-12-97 64.0 8.7 105.9 116.2 91.0 1142 3-12-97 Lot 29 58.0 82 105.0 116.2 90.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 46 Test Moist Cont F1d-Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 1143 3-12-97 Lot 29 59.0 9.1 108.5 116.2 93.0 1144 3-12-97 60.0 8.8 107.9' 116.2 93.0 1145 3-12-97 Lot 28 63.0 10.1 108.7 116.2 94.0 1146 3-12-97 it64.0 9.0. 112.6 116.2 97.0 1147 3-12-97 it65.0 11.4 112.0 116.2 96.0 1148 3-12-97 Lot 30 59.0 11.2 111.2 116.2 96.0 1149 3-12-97 '60.0 8.9 107.9 116.2 .93.0 1150 3-12-97 61.0 8.5 112.7 116.2 97.0 1151 3-12-97 Lot 29 61.0 10.8 110.6 116.2 95.0 1152 3-12-97 It62.0 7.1 110.0 116.2 95.0 I153 3-12-97 63.0 8.8 108.7 116.2 94.0 1154 3-12-97 Lot 40 41.0 9.6 112.7 116.2 97.0 1155 3-12-97 42.0 10.7 109.2 116.2 94.0 1156 3-12-97 43.0 10.4 109.7 116.2 94.0 1157 3-12-97 Lot 41 39.0 10.3 111.7 116.2 96.0 1158 3-12-97 40.0 9.8 109.0 116.2 94.0 1159 3-12-97 41.0 8.6 112.0 116.2 96.0 1160 3-12-97 Lot 42 39.0 10.6 108.9 116.2 94.0 1161 3-12-97 it40.0 10.4 109.2 116.2 94.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 47 1 GAL Nn Date Loc. Eley, AVA%JIOL % LWIZL PerQQnt i lY i Ay YV11 AT- -.y -Al a ---- Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1162 3-12-97 Lot 42 41.0 10.9 109.9 116.2 94.0 1163 3-12-97 Lot 38 38.0 8.9 107.9 116.2 93.0 1164 3-12-97 44.0 9.7 106.9 116.2 92.0 1165 3-12-97 45.0 11.4 110.7 116.2 95.0 1166.3.-12-97_...Lot 39.....41.0. 11.2.. 111.7 116.2 .96.0 . 1167 3-12-97 42.0 11.6 108.2 116.2 93.0 1168 3-12-97 430 8.4 106.5 116.2 92.0 1169 3-12-97 Lot 37 42.0 8.6 109.9 116.2 95.0 1170 3-12-97 43.0 10.5 109.2 116.2 94.0 1171 3-12-97 44.0 10.3 111.8 116.2 96:0 1172 3-12-97 Lot 6 43.0 14.2 105.7 116.2 91.0 1173 3-12-97 Lot 7 42.0 14.7 107.9 116.2 93.0 1174 3-12-97 If 42.0 13.8 104.8 116.2 90.0 1175 3-12-97 Lot 8 42.0 14.9 106.7 116.2 92.0 1176 3-12-97 Lot 9 41.0 12.9 104.2 116.2 90.0 1177 3-12-97 Lot 10 41.0 11.7 104.6 116.2 90.0 1178 3-12-97 41.0 123 108.9 116.2 94.0 1179 3-12-97 Lot 11 41.0 14.2 107.6 116.2 93.0 1180 3-12-97 Lot 12 40.0 14.0 107.5 116.2 93.0 Siodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) I Apruil 10, 1997 Page 48 Test No. Date Loc.. E1ev, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Perdent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1181 3-13-97 Lot 121: I 40.0 15.6 108.8 116.2 94.0 1182 3-13=97 Lot 13; 40.0 12.8 107.6 116.2 93.0 1183 3-13-97 40.0 13.7 .105.9 116.2 91.0 1184 3-13-97 Lot 14i 39.0 14.0 105.9 .116.2 91.0 1185 3-13-97 Lot 151 1 39.0 11.5 107.2 116.2 92.0 1186 3-13-97 ; 39.0 15.3 109.9 116.2 95.0 1187 3-13-97 Lot 16! 38.0 14.6 106.4 116.2 92.0 1188 3-13-97 4 Lot 17 38.0 14.2 107.0 116.2 92.0 1189 3-13-97 38.0 13.5 106.3 116.2 91.0 1190 3-13-97 Lot 77 65.0 8.3 115.7. 123.5 94.0 1191 3-13-97 65.0 9.6 113.9 123.5 92.0 1192 3-13-97 Lot 76 66.0 10.9 116.6 123.5 94.0 1193 3-13-97 Lot 75 66.0 10.5 116.9 123.5 95.0 1194 3-13-97 66.0 10.8 112.9 123.5 91.0 1195 3-13-97 Lot 74 65.0 7.5 114.0 123.5 92.0 1196 .3-13-97 Lot 73 63.0 8.2 116.7 123.5 94.0 1197 3-13-97 Lot 72 62.0 8.5 116.0 123.5 94.0 1198 3-13-97 62.0 9.0 115.2 123.5 93.0 1199 3-13-97 Lot 71 58.0 8.2 117.3 123.5 95.0 Sicdden Engineering File: 422-613 8 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 49 1 VOL 1VIVIJL 1..U11L r1U Lly 1JCII 1V dA LAY LCII X-CIUMIL 1200 3-13-97 Lot 70 55.0 8.7 116.9 123.5 95.0 1201 3-13-97 Lot 69 54.0 10.1 116.0 123.5 94.0 1202 3-13-97 Lot 68 53.0 9.5 118.5 123.5 96.0 1203 3-13-97 Lot 67 52.0 10.1 114.3 123.5 93.0 ,1204 3-13-97..., Lot.66..:.. 51.0 7.4.-.,,.,. _ 114.9 • ,..123.5 93.0, 1205 3-13-97 Lot 65 50.0 10.5 113.6 123.5 92.0 1206 3-13-97 Lot 64 50.0 8.6 116.2 123.5 94.0 1207 3-13-97 Lot 63 49.0 8.8 116.3 123.5 94.0 1208 3-13-97 Lot 62 49.0 8.6 114.6 123.5 93.0 1209 3-13-97 Lot 61 48.0 7.4 112.2 123.5 91.0 1210 3-13-97 Lot 60 47.0 7.1 113.0 123.5 91.0 1211 3-13-97 Lot 59 46.0 7.6 112.9 123.5 91.0 1212 3-13-97 Lot 58 45.0 8.6 115.9 123.5 94.0 1213 3-13-97 Lot 57 45.0 8.1 114.2 123.5 92.0 1214 3-13-97 Lot 56 44.0 8.8 118.2 123.5 96.0 1215 3-13-97 Lot 55 44.0 8.2 115.9 123.5 94.0 1216 3-17-97 Lot 95 71.0 7.0 121.3 127.8 95.0 1217 3-17-97 71.0 7.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 1218 3-17-97 71.0 7.6 118.5 127.8 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 50 Test Moist Cont .Fld Dry. Den Max Dry Den Percent 1219 3-17-97 Lot 96 74.0 8.2 123.9 127:8 96.0 1220 3-17-97 74.0 -8.0 119.2 127.8 93.0 1221 3-17-97 74.0 8:'5 120.2 127.8 94.0 1222 3-17-97 Lot 97 76.0 7.0 120.7 127.8 94.0 1223 3-17-97 76.0 7.3 124.0 127.8 97.0 1224 3-17-97 76.0 7.1 120.9 127.8 .97.0 1225 3-17-97 Lot 98 . 78.0 7.6 119.7 127.8 94.0 1226 3-17-97 78.0 7.1 119.5 127.8 94.0 1227 3-17-97 Lot 174 80:0 7.0 120.9 127.8 95.0 1228 3-17-97 80.0 7.7 124.7 127.8 98:0 1229 3-17-97 80.0 6.1 122.6 127.8 96.0 1230 3-17-97 Lot 175- 77.0 7.0 120.0 127.8 94.0 1231 3-17-97 77.0 7.1 123.1 127.8 96.0 1232 3-17-97 77.0 7.2 123.9 127.8 97.0 1233 3-17-97 Lot 176 74.0 T9 121.9 127.8 95.0 1234 3-17-97 74.0 7.3 122.6 .127:8 96.0 1235 3-17-97 It74.0 7.1 120.3 127.8 94.0 1236 3-17-97 Lot 136 61.0 8.5 124.2 127.8 97.0 1237 3-17-97 61.0 9.1 123.9 127.8 97.0 Siodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 51 Slodden Engineering Test No. Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent L.bs/CuFt Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1238 3-17-97 Lot 140 68.0 7.9 120.6 127.8 94.0 1239 3-17-97 68.0 8.5 122.7 127.8 96.0 1240 3-18-97 Lot 244 31.1 16.6 101.2 110.0 92.0 1241 3-18-97 32.1 17.0 105.9 110.0 96.0 1242. 3-18-97........ "_ 33.1 16..8. 1.05.9 110.0. ._ .. .96.0 1243 3-18-97 33.1 16.4 104.3 110.0 95.0 1244 3=18-97 32.1 14.3 104.9 110.0 95.0 1245 3-18-97 33.1 15.0 104.8 110.0 95.0 1246 3-18-97 31.1 14.2 105.7 110.0 96.0 1247 3-18-97 32.1 15.1 103.2 110.0 94.0 1248 3-18-97 33.1 13.8 103.5 110.0 94.0 1249 3-26-97 Lot 120 53.0 8.2 119.6 127.8 94.0 1250 3-26-7 54.0 7.8 121.3 127.8 95.0 1251 3-26-97 55.0 7.8 117.9 127.8 92.0 1252 3-26-97 Lot 133 57.0 9.1 119.2 127.8 93.0 1253 3-26-97 57.0 8.3 119.0 127.8 93.0 1254 3-26-97 Lot 132 56.0 7.7 123.6 127.8 97.0 1255 3-26-97 56.0 7.6 123.5 127.8 97.0 1256 3-26-97 56.0 7.7 125.2 127.8 98.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 52 Test -.No Date Loc. Eley, Moist Cont Fid Dry Den -Max Dry Den Percent Percent _Lbs/ .u'Ft LbsCu Ft Maximum 1257 3-26-97 Lot 131 55.0 7.7 125:0 127.8 9.8.0 1258 3-26=97 '551:0, 7.1 123:6 127.8 97.0 1259 3-26-97. 55.0 6.7 123:1 127.8 96.0 1260 3-26-97 Lot 130 54:0, 7.0 124.7 127.8 98:0 1261 3-26-97 54:0 7.3 120.6 127.8 94.0 1262 3-26-97 . 54:0 6.4: 120.7 127.8 •94.0 1263 3-26-97 Lot 129 53.0 7.0 121:9 127:8 95.0 1264 3-26=97 it53.0 6.9 123.6 127.8 97.0 1265 3-26-97 53.0- 7.4 123.0 127.8 96.0 1266 3-2697 Lot 128 52:0 6.7 .123.9 127;8 97.0 1267 3-26-97 52.0 7.0 120.7 127.8 94.0 1268 3-26-97 52.0 6.6 123:7 '127.8 97.6. 1269 3-26-97 Lot 127 52.0 7.5 120.0 127.8 94.0 1270 3-26-97 It52.0 7.9 119.5 127.8 94.0 1271 3-26-97 It52.0 6.3 119.1 127.8 93.0 1272 3-26-97 Lot 126 52.0 6.4 123.2 127.8 96.0 1273 3-26-97 52.0 7.3 125.0 127.8 98.0 1274 3-26-97 52.0 7.6 125.1 127.8 98.0 1275 3-26-97 Lot 125 52.0 7.3 124.6 127.8 97.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 53 Test No. Date Lpr, Eley. Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/C.0 Ft Maximum 1276 3-26-97 Lot 125 52.0 6.7 124.0 127.8 97.0 1277 3-26-97 52.0 7.0 125.5 127.8 98.0 1278 3-26-97 Lot 124 52.0 7.0 123.6 127.8 97.0 1279 3-26-97 52.0 6.7 122.9 127.8 96.0 1280 3-26-97 If 52.0 7.4 119.9 127.8 94.0 1281 3-26-97 Lot 123 54.0 7.3 119.5 127.8 93.0 1282 3-26-97 54.0 7.9 121.6 127.8 95.0 1283 3-26-07 If54.0 7.0 121.9 127.8 95.0 1284 3-26-97 Lot 122 55.0 7.1 125.4 127.8 98.0 1285 3-26-97 ". 55.0 6.2 I25.0 127.8 98.0 1286 3-26-97 55.0 6.2 121.6 127.8 95.0 I287 3-26-97 Lot 121 56.0 6.7 121.0 127.8 95.0 1288 3-26-97 If56.0 7.0 124.6 127.8 97.0 1289 3-26-97 56.0 6.8 124.2 127.8 97.0 1290 3-26-97 Lot 120 56.0 7.6 123.2 127.8 96.0 1291 3-26-97 56.0 7.1 123.1 127.8 96.0 1292 3-26-97 56.0 7.9 124.7 127.8 98.0 1293 3-27-97 Lot 18 38.0 13.8 104.7 110.0 95.0 1294 3-27-97 Lot 19 37.0 13.2 108.5 110.0 99.0 File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 54 Test- J Moist Cont .Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 1295 3-27-97 >Lot 20 37.0 12.3 109.0 110.0 99.0 1296 3-27-97 I Lot 2.1 38.0 12.6 106.3, 110.0 97.0 1297 3-27-97 f Lot 2}2 38.0 12.8 106.0 110:0 96.0 1298 3-27-97 I Lot 23 38.0 9.7 107.2 110.0 97.0 1299 3-27-97 4 Lot 24 37.0 9.9 103.0 110.0 94.0 1300 3-27-97 Lot 25 36.0 11.1 103.9 110.0 94.0 1301 3-27-97 Lot 26:. 36:0 12.6 105.6 110.0 94.0 1302 3-27-97 -Lot 244 35.1 11.7 107.1 110.0 97.0 1303 3-27-97 35.1 11.4. 105.9 110.0 96.0 1304 3-27-97 35.1 9.9 105.5 110.0. 96.0 1305 3-27-97 Lot 53 49.0 9.1 120.0 123.5 97.0 1306 3-27-97 49.0 10.4 119:5 123.5 97.0 1307 3-27-97 Lot 52 50.0 8.7 115.6 123.5 94.0 1308 3-27-97 50.0 7.8 116.6 123:5 94.0 1309 3-27-97 Lot 51 51.0 8.2 117.9 123.5 95.0 1310 3-27-97 51.0 8.0 120.1 123.5 97.0 1311 3-27-97 Lot 5Q 52.0 9.6 119.0 123.5 96.0 1312 3-27-97 52.0. 9.3 114.9 123.5 93.0 1313 3-27-97 Lot 47, 53.0 9.6 116.5 123.5 94.0 Slndden Engineering File: 422-613 8 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 55 Test Nn Date Loc, Eley, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry lien Max Dry lien Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1314 3-27-97 Lot 47 53.0 9.1 118.9 123.5 96.0 1315 3-27-97 Lot 46 51.0 8.6 121.6 123.5 98.0 1316 3-27-97 It 51.0 10.4 119.2 123.5 97.0 1317 3-27-97 Lot 45 50.0 10.3 118.9 123.5 96.0 1318 3-27-97 50.0 8.5 120.2 123.5 97.0 1319 3-27-97 Lot 44 49.0 8.9 114.9 123.5 93.0 1320 3-27-97 49.0 9.1 116.7 123.5 94.0 1321 3-31-97 Lot 37 46.0 13.2 108.7 116.2 94.0 1322 3-31-97 46.0 12.6 110.2 116.2 95.0 1323 3-31-97 Lot 38 46.0 11.7 108.0 116.2 93.0 1324 3-31-97 46.0 11.5 108.2 116.2 93.0 1325 3-31-97 Lot 39 44.0 11.6 111.6 116.2 96.0 1326 3-31-97 44.0 10.4 111.0 116.2 96.0 1327 3-3-97 Lot 40 44.0 9.8 112.9 116.2 96.0 1328 3-31-97 it44.0 10.5 I11.6 116.2 96.0 1329 3-31-97 Lot 41 42.0 9.6 110.9 116.2 95.0 1330 3-31-97 It 42.0 10.5 108.5 116.2 93.0 1331 3-31-97 it42.0 11.3 107.6 116.2 93.0 1332 3-31-97 Lot 42 42.0 11.1 109.7 116.2 94.0 Slodden Englneering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 56 { Test No. Date Loc., Elev. Moist Cont P=rnt F1d Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1333 3-31-97 Lot 42 42.0 9.8 109.2 116.2 94.0 1334 3-31-97 42.0 11.4 110.6 116.2 95.0 1335 3-31-97 Lot 27 57.0 10.5 110.0 116.2 95.0 1336 3-31-97 j 57.0 9.2 109.2 116.2 94.0 1337 3-31-97 f 57.0 8.9 111.2 116.2 96.0 1338 4-01-97 s Lot 28 66.0 10.5 110.3 116.2 95.0 1339 4-01-97 " j 67.0 11.0 108.6 116.2 93.0 1340 4-01-97 Lot 29 64.0 9.7 I07.1 116.2 92.0 1341 4-01-97 65.0 11.5 111.1 116.2 96.0 1342 4-01-97 66.0 9.8 109.7 116.2 94.0 1343 4-01-97 Lot 30 63.0 10.5 111.7 116.2 96.0 1344 4-01-97 64.0 11.0 1103 116.2 95.0 1345 4-01-97 64.0 11.3 109.9 116.2 95.0 1346 4-01-97 Lot 31{ 55.0 10.6 108.7 116.2 94.0 1347 4-01-97 56.0 10.7 108.5 116.2 93.0 1348 4-01-97 57.0. 9.2 110.0 116.2 96.0 1349 4-01-97 Lot 28 66.0 9.7 107.9 116.2 93.0 1350 4-01-97 67.0. 11.0 110.0 116.2 95.0 1351 4-0I-97 Lot 36 57.0 9.2 114.7 123.5 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 57 Test Moist Cont Ed Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 1352 4-01-97 Lot 36 57.0 9.8 113.5 123.5 92.0 13.53 4-01-97 Lot 35 56.0 7.4 115.7 123.5 94.0 1354 4-01-97 56.0 8.6 115.3 123.5 93.0 1355 4-01-97 56.0 82 116.2 123.5 94.0 1356 4-01-97 Lot 34 55.0 9.6 115.0 123.5 94.0 1357 4-01-97 55.0 9.4 116.1 123.5 94.0 1358 4-01-97 55.0 8.1 116.3 123.5 92.0 1359 4-01-97 Lot 33 54.0 8.0 113.9 123.5 92.0 1360 4-01-97 to 54.0 10.0 118.4 123.5 96.0 1361 4-01-97 54.0 13.6 116.9 123.5 .95.0 1362 4-01-97 Lot 32 52.0 11.2 117.0 123.5 95.0 1363 4-01-97 52.0 11.8 117.0 123.5 95.0 1364 4-01-97 52.0 10.0 114.5 123.5 93.0 1365 4-01-97 Lot 43 41.0 11.3 112.0 120.0 93.0 1366 4-01-97 42.0 8.2 115.2 120.0 96.6 1367 4-01-97 43.0 8.2 115.0 120.0 96.0 1368 4-01-97 Lot 54 41.0 8.5 113.6 120.0 95.0 1369 4-01-97 42.0 10.7 112.1 120.0 93.0 1370 4-01-97 43.0 7.5 112.9 120.0 94.0 Sicdden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) I April 10, 1997 Page 58 Test } Moist Cont Fld Dry Den MaxDry. Den Percent No Date Loc I Eley, Recent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1371 4-01-97 Lot 242 N 38:0 9.5 114.5 120.0 95.0 1372 4-01-97 39.0 10.1 113.6 120`.0 95.0 1373 4-02=97 Lot 43 43.0 8.6 110.9 120:0' 92.0 1374 4-02-97 44.0 13.3 115.5 120.0' 96.0 1375 4-02-97 I. 45.0 12.4 118.0 120.0 98.0 13.76 4-02797 Lot 242 S 4 38.0 12.6 112.9 120.0 94.0 1377 4-02-97 s j 39.0: 13.3 115.3 120:0 96.0 1378 4-02-97 i 40.0 12.5 .118.4 120.0' 99.0 1379 4-02-97 " j i 39.0 12.5 118.0 120.0 98,0 1380 4-02-97 40.0 11.3 118.9 120.0 99.0 1381 4-02-97 Lot 54 , 44.0 13.0 113.9 120.0 95.0 1382 4-02-97 45.0 12.3 108.6 120.0 91.0 1383 4-02-97 i } 46.0 8.8 108.0 120.0 90.0 1384 4-02-97 Lot 243 N 41.0 9.9 108.4 120.0. 90.0 1385 4-02-97 , 42.0 11.3 108.2 120.0 90.0 1386 4-02-97 i I 43.0 12.1 109.0 120.0 91.0 1387 4-02-97 41.0 9.0 110.6 120.0 92.0 1388 4-02-97 42.0 6.7 113.2.. 120.0 94.0 1389 4-02-97 Lot 54 44.0 13.9 118.7 120.0 99.0 Slodden Englneerft File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 59 Test Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 1390 4-02-97 Lot 54 45.0 13.8 109.7 120.0 91.0 1391 4-02-97 46.0 12.6 109.0 120.0 91.0 1392 4-02-97 Lot 43 44.0 7.9 110.0 120.0 93.0 1393 4-02-97 45.0 9.8 112.7 120.0 94.0 1394 4-02-97 46.0 11.6 109.5 120.0 91.0 1395 4-02-97 Lot 242 S 4 1. 0 7.7 110.8 120.0 92.0 1.396 4-02-97 " 42.0 7.2 1.10.9 120.0 92.0 1397 4-02-97 41.0 7.9 109.8 120.0 92.0 1398 4-02-97 of42.0 7.7 114.2 120.0 95.0 1399 4-02-97 Lot 242 N 43.0 8.7 116.9 120.0 97.0 1400 4-02-97 43.0 7.4 115.2 120.0 96.0 1401 4-02-97 44.0 11.2 114.1 120.0 95.0 1402 4-02-97 Lot 242 S 41.0 12.2 111.3 120:0 93.0 1403 4-02-97 42.0 9.7 113.0 120.0 94.0 1404 4-02-97 43.0 8.5 112.1 120.0 93.0 1405 4-02-97 41.0 6.6 109.1 120.0 91.0 1406 4-02-97 " 42.0 7.0 108.0 120.0 90.0 1407 4-02-97 43.0 11.2 112.3 120.0 94.0 1408 4-02-97 41.0 11.5 115.3 120.0 96.0 Siadden Enginewinq 'J File: 422=6138 (Add). April 10, 1997 Page 60 Test No Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont. Percent -FId Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent LbOu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1409 4-02-97 2425 42.0 10.8 115.1 120:0 96.0' 1410 4-03-97- Lot 28 68.0 8.4 109.2 116.2 94.0 1411 4-03-97 68.0 8.5 11.1.6 116.2 "96.0 1412 4-03-97 Lot 29 67.0 9.6 110.0 116.2 95.0- 1413 4-03-97 66.0. 9.1 113.0 116.2 97.0 1414 4-03-97 Lot 30 66.0 8.3 111.7 116.2 96.0 1415 4-03-97 " 66.0 10.5 109.2 116.2 94.0 1416 4-03-97 Lot 31 58.-0 10.4 107.9 116.2 93.0 1417 4=03-97 58:0 9.2 109.5 116.2 94.0 Slodden Engineering