0311-229 (BLCK) Revision 1 Title 2410/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 02 TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: Bowen Residence Lot 21 "The Quarry" La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA . BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 1 a� vt- BY 6�icr *1 Project Designer: David R. Olson Architects 15-375 Barranca Pkwy Ste. F-101 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 450-0093 Report Prepared By: IGina Rose BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 75-145 ST. CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 346-0855 Job Number: Date: 1' ITQ120'67W The EnergyPro computer program hes been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program ias approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commisslon for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2001 Building Energy E/ficierny Standards. This program developed by Energy5oft, LLC (41S) 583-5900. EnertlyPru 3.1 By EnfrpySOft Jot) Number: -- Isar Numoor; 3885 • 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page Table of Contents Form CF -1 R Certificate of Compliance Form MF -1 R Mandatory Measures Checklist Form C -2R Computer Method Summary HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary Room Load Summary Room Heating Peak Loads Room Cooling Peak Loads HVAC Equipment Specifications Enc,VyPro 3.7 By EneWUft J00 NuMber. PAGE 03 1 2 3 8 10 19 23 27 33 40 n 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE nT0 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of L CF -1 R Bowen Residence _ 10/10/2002 Project Title Data Lot 21 "The Quar LaCom. uinta Project Address Building Perorit >M BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 760 346-0855 Plan Check I (fate Documentation Author Telephone Computer Performance 15 Field Check I Hato Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area' y��Q2� f? Average Ceiling Height:. II -Z ft Total Conditioned Slab Area. _ 5.026 ft2 Building Type' (check one or more) Single Family Detached ❑ Addition ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation' (Southwest) 245 deq Number of Dwelling Units: 1,OQ Number of Stories: _ 1 Component - 8 Roof (R.38.2xl4.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Slab On Grade Slab On Grade Solid Wood Door Floor Construction Type: Slab Floor Const. Frame Assembly )MO -0 O.OZ8 wood 0.058 n/a 0.756 nla 0.756 None 0.387 ❑ Raised Floor Location/Comments (attic, garage, typical, etc.) Exterior Root Exterior Wall Exposed Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Exterior Door FENESTRATION Shadin Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins SF Li -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Ld. (north 71.rg , OA5 0.40 Bua Screen ❑ [] ❑ _X� Rear (Northeast 71.8 0.45 0.40 Bug Screen ❑ X1 ❑ �f DX Rear 040 t%eastli 216.0 0.47 0.40 X❑ Cl ❑ EX I Rear (Northeast) 32.5 0.53 0.40 Buua Screen❑ X] ❑ X❑ Rear (East) _ 26.0 _ 0.45 0.40 Bust Screen ❑ EX] ❑ X❑ R_g1�t (Southeast) 27.0 o.as _ 0.40 Bun Screen X❑ [) ❑ Right Soulhea t)_ 45,0 0.47 0.40 Bug Sueen X1 Cl ❑ x❑ Right (Southeast 112.6 0.45 0.40 Bun Screen ❑ �X ❑ X❑ Right (Southeast) 19.5 0.45 0.40 Bug ScreenXD Cl ❑ X❑ Front (Southwest) 27.D D.dS 0.40 Burl Screen [I ❑ ®R Front (Southwest) 252.0 _^ 0.47 0.40 Bua Screen X❑ D ❑ Q Front (Southwest) 92.5 0.45 0.40 By Screen ❑ ❑ X❑ RiwIni t 'On r�0: 10/10ID,7 16:14 Run COde: 1094Z91TTA _ Energypro 3.1 BXEneWAeft User Number. 3885 Job Number; Paoe:3 of a9 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE ATO Cerate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CFA R = Bowen Residence 10/10/2002 Project Title Date • Lot 21 "The QUaU' La Quuinta Project Address guitding Pomit a BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 346-0855 Documentation AuthorTelephone -(Z60) Plan Cheek / Ilate Computer Performance 15 Field Check / Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement ,Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area: --5,= f?Average Ceiling Height: �.2 ft Total Conditioned Slab Area: —. .26 H2 Building Type: (check one or more) ® Single Family Detached L__l Addition ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation: (Southwest) 25 deo Floor Construction Type: ® Slab Floor Number of Dwelling Units. 1.OQ Number of Stories: _� ❑ Raised Floor UILDING SHELL 1 SiIWTtON - Const. Component Frame Assembly Location/Comments Type Type U Value (attic, garage, typical, etc.) FENESTRATION Shading Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins SF U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes I No Yes / No Left— (Northwe 126.0 __0.47 _ 0.40 Bug Screen _ ❑ [] ❑ RearFIgI 10 _0 0.47 0.40 Bug Screen ❑ [X] ❑ X❑ eft (Nonfiwest _ ,�3.6 D.aS_� _4 f3u� Screen ❑ ] ❑ [] Leh (Northwest) 6.0 _ _ 0.53 0.40 Bun Screen ❑ [x) ❑ Rear (Northeast) _ , 104`5 0.47 0.40 Due Sween ❑ �1C� ❑ F nt(Southwest) 19.5 _ O 45 __P,40 sun s2Mg ❑ L I ® ❑ Front (West)29;2 0.05 0.40 8u Sween El EX] FJ a) Left (Northwest) 32.5 _ 0.45 0.40 Bug Screen El C1 O ❑ Skylight 4.0 _ 0.94 0.73 None ❑ C1 ❑ Q`� Right (Southeast) 54.0 0.47 0,40 Bug Screen E) al EJ ®R Front (Southwest) 15.0 0.53 0.40 Bua Screen ❑ [I ❑ Right (Southeast) 52.0 0.53 0.40 Bug Screen Cl LI ❑ o 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIN Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 2 of ;?) CF -IR Bowen Residence 10/10/2002 Project Title Date • HVAC SYSTEMS Note: input Hydropic or COmbined Hydropic data under Water Heating Systems, oxcept Design Heating Load. Distribution Heating Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Type (furnace, heat Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Location f pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts, attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments split 14eat Pumn 7.65 HSFF DiLcts,.In A it �42_ .sBtberic t11[ACz'L— Centmi-Ewaace 80% AFuE— 12u&%-iaAltie, ___ --A2— _9pthac HVAr:-9 Central Fu are BBP �/o AFUE DUfAA in Bic --A2— HVAC.3 ('l^_pntrAl F11rn�0e__ 80% AFVE Diu;ts in Attie 42Setback HVAC—_ • 0 Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location 1 heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) _ (attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comment.; Split Heat Pump 12 1 -SEER Qycr in Aftie --4-2-- Selhp�4 HVAC -1 Split Ir .nndiliener _U CFFR Mint jnAttie --A-2— Ptffnck HVAC 7 5 fi5� t Air Cond;'gper 14 0 SEER DAVAjmAU1C _ $ethack hVAQ-2 32"ir C itipner 12 1 SEEP— Dye in Allic ----42— Selbark ELVR_ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 1 1 1 Rated Tank Energy Fact. External Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby Tank Insul. System Name Type Type Syst. Stu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) R -Value FREE -H aO-130 LAMg-Gas_ lir JTimetJemp— .2_,ljj,QQQ ,_Ali 0-g5 _ ._D QMD-. 5115 1 For small gas storage (rated inputs of less than or Cqual to 75.000 Biulhr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters. list energy hictor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75.000 Stuthr), list Rated Input, Romvery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For Instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input and Rocovery Efrwency. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This Certificate of compliance Ilsts the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement diem. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognize that compliance using duct sealing and TXV's requires installer -esting and certification and field verification approved HERS rater. Designer or r (per Business &Professions Code) Documentation Author Name: Name: Gin ose _ Title/Fir avi R. Ion Architects Title/Firm: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING Address: 15-375 Ba franca Pkwy Sle. F-101 Address: 75-145 ST. CHARLES PLACE Irvin A 92618 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 Telephone: 94 s oo Telephone: imni 34saass Lic. P. dLUZ- Dov2 (signature) (date) Ignature) (date) Enforcement Agency _ Name: Title/Firm: Address: Telephone: 3.1 User Job Number. of 49 • 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605665986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 07 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -IR Bowen Residence__,__ _ .0/10J2002 Project Title )ate Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items regilire special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwisu complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. _ _ Plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC -1" must meet all CEC Criteria for a Zonally Controlled system serving only Living Areas. The HVAC System "HVAC -1" includes credit for 1 Radiant Barrier installed per Section S.13 of the Residential Manual. _ HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verity Thermal Mass: 2142 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Fyr/Grt/Din/Kit/Nook/Gt ry The HVAC System "HVAC -2" includes credit for a Radiant Banler installed per Section 8.13 at the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C -21R) - Verity Thermal Mass: 87 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Master Suite nron mnav vurtly nmmav w.az,,v, yr o ayn vuvwiyu Ajau rnuu, a.yy One^ dr rveeurm aw= HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verity Thermal Amass: 244 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Sudy/Powder Wall HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verity Thermal plass. 233 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Sudy/Powder 3/Hall The HVAC System "HVAC -3" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 327 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3,50" thick at Bonus/LaundrylPowder/1-all HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 194 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Bonus/Laundry/PowderiH all HiGH MASS Design(see C -2R) -Verify Thermat Mass. 184 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Bedroom's 2, 3 HIGH MASS Desion(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 495 sqft Covered Slab Floor. 3.50" thick at Bedroom's 2,3 HERS Required Verification 'rt.- 9-0.— .v...cr I.n enwl:—A ewrrrn. enc►erl hu a rnrl.i.nrl NFRS ►afar rrndnr rhw errnarviainn A( a CEr: annrnved H =RS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -6R. plan Field The HVAC System "WAC-11" neludes Refrigerant (:harge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verifification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -1" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC Syslem "HVAC -2- includes Refrigerant Charge and Alrfiow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verifification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -2" is using reduced dud leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. Tho HVAC System "HVAC -3" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A oertified HERS rater must provide verifification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -3" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC System "HVAC -4" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide veriffication of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. I I] Number, 3665 .lob Number; of 49 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1R wen Residence 1Q/1012 Proiect Title _ Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may refect a building or design that otherwls,: complies based on the adequacy OF the special justification and documentation submitted. Plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC -4" includes credit for s Radiant Barrier Installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Deslgn(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass. 119 sgft Exposed Slab Floor. 3.50" thick at Guest Casits ^ HIGH MASS Design(see C-211) - Ver1(y Thermal Mass: 323 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Guest Casita HERS Required Verification Y6— ts�— ....e* 1.e. ---61-4 —Al— toctnA hu a —63ioA MFRS rntor undo. tha—nArvlcinn of a CPC annrnved MFRS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CU -611. Plan Held The HVAC System "HVAC•4" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic she testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. of • • 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 09 Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 1 of 2) WAR NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to" standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach usai. Items marked with an asterisk (-) may be superseded by more Stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. when this checklist is Incorporated into the permit documenls, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications br the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. r DESCRIPTION Instructions: Chuck or Initial applicable boxes or enter NIA it not appli. Building Envelope Measures O-0150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. §150(b): Loose rill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. § 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insufallon in wood framed walls or equivalent U -value in metal frame walls (does Lai •not apply to exterior frlls). 0'§150(d), Minimum R-19 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent. ❑]§150(1): Slab edge Insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3°x, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. 1-71 lA1 §118: Insulation specified or installed meet:; insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form, LN § 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infinration/ExViration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified U-Faclo1. certified Solar Hest Gain Coefficient (SHGC). and Infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weathersVipped: all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. ❑ §1WO., Vapor barriers mandatory in CIIffole Zones 14 and 16 only. L'J § 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Section 151 meets Commission quality standards. I n I § 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas logs. 1 . Masonry and factory-bullt firoplaces have: a, Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measit ©5110-13: HVAC equipment water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. ® §150(h): Healing and/or cooling loads calculated In accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. § 150(1): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating end/or cooling systems. 01506): Pipe end Tank Insufalion 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Paclor lose than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 (eel of pipes Closest t0 water heater tank, non-rectreulating systems, insufaled (R-4 or mler) 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-te combined internal/external insutatmon. 4. Alt buried or exoosed piping insulated;n ro irculatng scdione of hot water system*. 5. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees F. insulated. 6. Piping insulating between heating source end Indirect hot water tank. 3.1 By EnergySoR User Number: 3685 Job Number: DESIGtIER I ENFORCEMENT of 40 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 • 9 bKttLt AIM Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 2) MF -1R NOTE: Lowritie residontial buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be :upersedod by more strogeni compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist Is incorporated Into the permit documents, the features noted shall be 00nsidered by all parties as minimum Component performance specifications for the Mandl tory measures whether they are cavities and support platforms may Contain ducts. oucts Installed In cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to Cause reouCtions In trio cross -Sectional arra of the duds. S. Joints and seems of duct systems and their components shall rat be seated with cloth back rubber adhesive duCt tapes unless such a tape is used in Combination with mastic and (Irawbands. 4. Exhaust fan systema have back draft or automatic dampers. S. Gravity ventilatlon systems serving conditioned space have edhamutornatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight. moisture. cauipment malmenance. and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum. sheet metal, paned canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular team insulation shall be protected as above or palmed with a coating that Is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that Can cause degradation of the material. } § 114: Pool and Sea Heating Systems and Equlp(henl 1. Certified with 78% thermal efficiency. on-off switch, weatherproof operating Instructions, no electric resistance heating, and no pilot. I 2. System is installed with at least 36' of pips between filter and neater for future solar. cover far outdoor pools or { spas. } a. At toast 3Ei of pipe between (titer and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. I 3. Pool system h33 directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. 1 115: Gas filed Central furnaces. pool heaters, spa heaters Or houseROld cooking aDDlianCCS have no j Fcontinuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non-etecVfcaf cooking appliances with pilot < 150 f3twhr) I, I §tie (f): Cool Root material meet specified atterta — Lighting Measures §1s01k11: Luminaires for general tighting In kitcrons Shan have lamps with an elfrcacy 40 lumendwatt or greater for penetat sighting to kitchens. This, general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily 3t.cesaibte lighting control pane) at an entrance to the kitchen.� be-] §150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathlub must have either M least one turn ire with lamps wlih an elfiWcy of j 40 lumenstwatt or greater switched at the entrenoe to ukt mom or one of trio alternative to this reeuiremeni allowed in Seaton 150(k)2.: and recessed ce" fixtures are IC (Insulation cover) approved. -- 3.1 By EnergySolt user Nunlbor: 3885 Job Number. — P390:8 Of 43 shown elSewhM in the documents or an this checklist only. r-- --.— —.—.-- — — -- — — .^- __..— 44DESCRIPTION Insitvctions: Chuck or initial applicable boxes or enter MIA If not applicable. �EUIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) — -- — — --•—.— — �t`. .____.. � I _ II 150(m); Duos and pans I 1. All ducts and plenums Installed, seated and insulsted to meet the rt;duirements of the lege CMG Sections 6D1, 1 603,604 and Standard 8.3: ducts insulated to a minimum installed ravel of R-4.2 or onclosed entirety in i conditioned spate. openings shall be seated with mastic, tape, asrosol sealant, or other duct -closure system __.T___—••--- !I .•___,_! f foot meets _. the 3pDl c�bie tai { requlremerAs of SII ff4111,e-—_------ ... 1 _ __—_------.,.---.,:•^o•.��maaneonape'{s'USed'to"YBai oPemngs - __.._. greater than 114 Inch. the combinabon of mastic 3nd either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components Shan not os sealed with Voth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape Is used in combination with mastic and dr3wbands. 2. Building cavities, support Platform: for air handlers. and plenums dented or constructed wlin materials other than aealod sheet meter, dud board or flexible duct Shan not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building r cavities and support platforms may Contain ducts. oucts Installed In cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to Cause reouCtions In trio cross -Sectional arra of the duds. S. Joints and seems of duct systems and their components shall rat be seated with cloth back rubber adhesive duCt tapes unless such a tape is used in Combination with mastic and (Irawbands. 4. Exhaust fan systema have back draft or automatic dampers. S. Gravity ventilatlon systems serving conditioned space have edhamutornatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight. moisture. cauipment malmenance. and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum. sheet metal, paned canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular team insulation shall be protected as above or palmed with a coating that Is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that Can cause degradation of the material. } § 114: Pool and Sea Heating Systems and Equlp(henl 1. Certified with 78% thermal efficiency. on-off switch, weatherproof operating Instructions, no electric resistance heating, and no pilot. I 2. System is installed with at least 36' of pips between filter and neater for future solar. cover far outdoor pools or { spas. } a. At toast 3Ei of pipe between (titer and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. I 3. Pool system h33 directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. 1 115: Gas filed Central furnaces. pool heaters, spa heaters Or houseROld cooking aDDlianCCS have no j Fcontinuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non-etecVfcaf cooking appliances with pilot < 150 f3twhr) I, I §tie (f): Cool Root material meet specified atterta — Lighting Measures §1s01k11: Luminaires for general tighting In kitcrons Shan have lamps with an elfrcacy 40 lumendwatt or greater for penetat sighting to kitchens. This, general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily 3t.cesaibte lighting control pane) at an entrance to the kitchen.� be-] §150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathlub must have either M least one turn ire with lamps wlih an elfiWcy of j 40 lumenstwatt or greater switched at the entrenoe to ukt mom or one of trio alternative to this reeuiremeni allowed in Seaton 150(k)2.: and recessed ce" fixtures are IC (Insulation cover) approved. -- 3.1 By EnergySolt user Nunlbor: 3885 Job Number. — P390:8 Of 43 • 0 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR Computer Method Summary (Part 1 of 3) C -2R B-men-Residen.ce_.. Projoct Title .L0,t2J 'Th$-.Q11arW i a_Quln%_. Project Address BRE.EZE-AIR WE D.1MMING. Documentation Author j�11�fi�'C�Qj�1aQGe -.• Comp ai ee Method (Packaao or Computer) - - _ _ 7_60 4 _0855 Telephone 5 Climate Zone 10/1D120.02_._. _ Date -� Buttding PamR fl _ Plan ChocWb tto F�etd Check%dao_ Source Energy Use Standard A"IM sf-yrL _ Design Proposed Compliance Design Margin 38.73 Space Heating 4.83 4.18 0.65 Space Cooling 38.73 41.41 -2.67 Domestic Hot Water 5.67 _ _ 3.14 - 2.53 Totals _ 49.23 48.72 0.51 GENERAL INFORMA Conditioned Floor Area: Building Type: Building Front Orientation: Number of Dwelling Units: 5,026 Single Fam Detached (Southwest) 245 deg 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 X] Slab Floor Floor Construction Type: ❑ Rai::vd Floor Total Fenestration Area: 33.4% Total Conditioned Volume: 56,134 Slab Floor Area: 5,026 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION -AZ9 _ _Q= __Q� 9 of ThermostE t Vent Zone Name Floor Area Volume Units _ Zone Type_ _ Type Hgt. Area 2142 �8«5S] _0.4.3-- -. _ ._L5daq-. _-Livimslal. 242 13,223 _Q25.. _-CandWaned_ Setback_ .. ,. 2 -0%a IMC -3 _...._ 12tm _11665 02a- ___Conditint+.L__ SElback_- _._ ..2 nla ki1/AC_4 _.._-9.42 4 6115 _0 09 Qwditigaed_- Saftck__ -. _2 --ata Solar OPAQUE SURFACES Act. Gains Type Area U -Fac. Aim. Tilt Y / N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments .Etoof - .2 .142 _ . Q.02a _ .. D _.._Q Gt_Q 1-T -I B:3LiRonf.(R-+'8.'rt4161 EyrIGCLDinlKifL�lkLl,ll► ._ _mall- 1a _. , 0 05Q .. It) _.9Q '!Q i B2_1Wall_ / 21 A F_yt/GR/DiNftitmlk/laUc _ JNa11- �r1 _. _0-059 _ .Q5 -.90- I f B2L1Nat1_71 2xf, 1fi�-. .F_yt[f3r1IDiNKitlblklf .._ _ _0_QS2 _..1111 -90.n .B2L181a11_QOL212x6.1.ff- . - •Fyr/jad/Dia/Kil/JIkCAL_. _ _Nall- -..._544 _..Q05Ji __ 1.45_ _90. E-1_ti211tt!an nN �1 > .,.W Fjrt[ ddhn1KiVNkzM _. wall ._ ._3Q x_0.59_ -200. SO I . O R-21 rnu Mt 21 2X61a) . _ _..- EyrJGdiDia aiNk1..GUr-_. . ]Nall_ _ 2 8. __1M9 X45 90 J R 21)piAll(i0!.2 7r616�_... Eyd.Grt1L}in/KfiWGIr _ _ .Wall_.. 43 O 059 X35_ .._ An R-21 Wall W 21 2x6 161 .. . EydG6jVmLK&Nk/Gllr__ i3GIIf_. .�65. _�D28• 0 n I R-38 Roof (R.39 2x14_.16) . _ MaglPr sane --21$ n 059 0_ CID U .R?1 Wal�r.W,2L2tfi�.6) MastelSuibe_ Wall _ --112. -1.05.9 X10_ a0 R -2I Wi)ll (.W,.212xfl 16) - . 1leasteLSritie - WaL ._�..7_ O 059_ ___2W. QQ V iii R.2 _ZWtAl1.4V.21 2Y6 1s).. _ Mmter -Smile Wa1L_ 9, 0 U59_ 245_ ._g iii R2tb(d1LQN•?J.ZX616)_. Master chap _. .Wallr ... _ 49. 0 059 _ 7q0_ _ ._0 J_- aster_Sle� WaJL_ 2D5 n59 �� . . ... Roof 477 ) n 9 I� ._. Master_SiibP _ _.. o2Li _ -.. _Q >11-3&Rq 3R 7Y14 IA) St Wftwder 31Hall_ ._ _61_.1.1_ - •� _..O pg2 _. _�I -10_ _ L� -R_Z1_Wall_ 71 2x6.1.6)_.. _ .Studyi2owder.3/2L .. "J_ _ 18. _0-059 _110_ 9n I ❑ R- Wall 4W21_2x6j6) _ SludyLemWer_3&ja!(-.. - Wau.._ - _9 _0.0.59 x.55 __90. L.l 82L1r)taU Cv1L212a8..1.6.) _ .S.xudlL2=dor,.31ua1L_ . -Wall- -..-I& _._ 0 Qa _. 245 -.9.0_ I R21Wall (W212x6_V4__.. S1udyLPowder 3 H;&Jl ..- Vl!all- Q.Q59 _ . 290 _. 9Q ixjl i- i B2LW,31L08UJ_2x61$)- StudyLPnwAeL3&Jatl _-... _. Wall- _.._2Q _ . Q 05g .. X35 -. 9Q 1 n B2LW.a11�6[23 2�t616) StudyL@oNrde�3lliall. •--.. Reef_ _. 31Z -•. Q.= B-39 Roof_(8.39.204-16T 6nnu5LLnd.ry/PmrdLJdall-- Wall.- - jjnn .en �dry1P�redtHall_ Wall - _7.8. _1.0511 _ 155. -9a I I� R-21_Olal1(.W.?1 2Ys 1a) _ 9onus/lndcyLP_wdtElalt__.. •. - vvelt._ -.ASA _A.0A% _245 _30. - � R -2l wafl_pL!l212x61fia_ .aw=%LLnd y2vLdL8all--... . .000L_ 24_ n 387 245, _SR L] ..So.UrLWA0d .l2=L-. _ .6.onus1Lnd y/2x dLdall..._ . i Wal.. 124.. DQ5 _. 335 _ �0 (! 82.1_1l](a14ptV?]? -16), - B0aUaLa t1P_wd&W .. - R. oof - 0 8_38 RnMf IR 18 2X14 11 Badronm'-rt0a �. Run Initiation Time: 10!10/0216_16:14 Run Code: 1034291774 _ EnergyPro 3.1 ay Energy3oft User Number: 3885 Job Number page: l0 of 49 U • 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR Computer Method Summary (Part 1 of 3) C -2R -E ow.e -Resid.eme- - .- -- - - -. _ D1110a0D2-- Project Title [tains Date - .Lat_2 fT.hp Qtla>Iy' L.a-Quinla_._. Y 1 N Form 3 Reference - Project Address Bulldingnit PenA I BRZEE7AIRr�IDJn0WNC-. - QM. 346-0855 ` -[ -1 Documentation Author .-.- Telephone et9- Plan ChechlI moo,ryp� �"-tec.Petformanw - 'libri -• -- Lfield Ctteckll>ate Comppliance Method Package or Computer} �_ Climate Zone G,11-iCasita__. Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance R-2J.V)(dll-X.2J 21diJ.6) (kBtu/siyJ •- - _ Design Design _Margin _ (.. Space Heating 4.83 4.18 0.65 Space Cooling 38.73 41.41 -2.67 JNaIL.- .- . 2911 _ -0.059_ X35 -ga Domestic HoLWatef 5.67 _ 3.14_ 2.53 Guest Casila`_- Totals 49.23 48.72 0.51 GENERAL Conditioned Floor Area: 5,026 Building Type: Single Fam Detached Building Front orientation: (Southwest) 245 deg Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Zone Name - Floor Area Volume N-1 Slab Floor Floor Construction Type: ❑ Raised Floor Total Fenestration Area: 33.4% Total Conditioned Volum®: 56,134 Slab Floor Area: 5,026 # of Thermostat Vent Units Zone Type _ _ Type _ Hgt. Area Solar OPAQUE SURFACES Act [tains Type Area U -Fac. Azm. Tilt Y 1 N Form 3 Reference _ Location / Comments - lNa11-.. , -.16Z -.0-01 qD Rz21-Weil-(W-Zi2x6_16)-__ _ eedmnm's2...a-_ ._-... _ Wail-- _ 227 _-O.D.69 - 155. -. 3a � R.2L1Well.(W2.1. x6.1%--• . Bedrooms2.3 .. - -WalL-..88, -0:0M -.,.245. SO YVa11_ � R-2] Wall (VlL212xt;"tfi), Betlrooais2 Sedsoomh % 3- - .-- -Roof ..--28--JID5.9 _339 -9.0 Roof_ _ 442 A D28- __ 0. -.0. R38-RQQUR.3fi2XL4A.63--- - G,11-iCasita__. wall.- .._Q.059. 5-90 R-2J.V)(dll-X.2J 21diJ.6) G uast-Casita`._-_ --.- -Walt._ _.-21a .. 8C59. X55. 40 (.. 821W,111t1812? ?x5.]B) . - Cv=t-Casita . - -WWI_ - -. 144 _..St.Q59 X45. &2 -Mall (W 2.1 23A 161 _ GuestCasita_ - . JNaIL.- .- . 2911 _ -0.059_ X35 -ga {� R:2 -Wd11.(101.2.1-ZVEJ.6) Guest Casila`_- -_ �1L.-_. -- - ...- r J ------ C Li i Run lnitlation Time: 10/1010216:116;14 Run Code. 10]4291774 C_ . En q rLPro 3.11 BY EnoipYSoR Ueer Numtter. 3665 Job Number.- Pege' 11�19- • • • 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR Computer Method Summary (Part 2.:)f 3) C -2R Bowen Residence -,..0/10/2002- - _ _ 1 Project Title Date U- Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type Area Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments L VA6ndow_1eft-(NQdh) _28A _ 0.45!1 -0-4Q -._?.!Z - -M DoublaBronzeLowe-Square(L_ -Fy11Gn(Dly)1KilNk/.GJIt_-. 2 Window Rear o! heast) 3518 _P.450 0.40 _ 65 - 96 Qouble Bronze LowES ue orad FygGNDin/ICitMk/Gllr 3 VVindow„ Rear (NoAheast) 216.,0 _Q�d70 _ 0.40 65• - �Q Dou le Bre-;e-k92-E quared - F LGNDini 'U.N kJGIIr _ 4 Window Rear -(No ast) 32.5 _0_530 - 0.40 , , 65. 9® Double Bronze LE Sgudred FYr/GNDin/KiUNkIGOr 5_ Window Rear (East) 26.9 _0`450- _ 0.40 _ 110 _9Q Double gonia owE Sgyared fa/Gy,Din/KidNk(Glrr -6- WrOgw - R(oht _(.$-Q-uMeast) -j;3.5 _Q". J0;40 _ 155 , � Doul I�}ronr wE $�y�ed f /r/GNDiNKiUNklGllr .7 WjnAojaL__.RjgbL__(Snuiheast) 450 _QAZO_ - OAR _ 55 .-M Q0AW -9.(0DMLo..Wf Suuared- .F-fjrd/-Dlo(K)t(l KG1)( 6 Window Right (Southeast) 13.5 _0_450 0_40 155 90 Double Bronze LowE Squared F rl� GNDin/KiUNk1Gllr �&i0doA:lti9.ht-( osMwm) 33:8_ _0,45j _ 040 �g5_ l7au!}!e_Brailzt�Lo puare .F_vlGElDingyyl�Ik(Gllr tQ W.instunt-.RshL-(Sstulheast) - 3,3,(£ U.4SR nae _ X55._ DQuple9rollz�Law-E SArI ?- F:�r/GQ(1Z1n(KiilhlkLCrllt _ - J3 Wind_, Rioht _(Southeast) _. 196 _.0.4K 0.40 X55, Double Bron,pwE Souared E!r/Grt/Din(KiUNk/Cllr _ -, 12 Wind vv Fro 1, So west) 13.5 x.450 0.4D _45 �9a Douht ionze SIE S ua • ` Fr/Grt/Dln/ 'tlNk/Gllr 13 VYiadaw--E=t fULdhwast) . -36A QAM -0411 -2A5. QOuh)B&o0z8-Low-E,Saumed.� 71.G.d1Air>1KiUJVk1��j1L_. 14 WinrlO.w Front., (Southwest) 13-5 (1450 0.40_ -�2 5. 9 Do la Sr jig UmP uare Fj�NDin/KNMk/GIIr 15 Window Front Southwest) _ 216.0 0.470 0.40 245 90 Double Bronze LowE Squared f /GrU_Din/Kit/Nk/Gllr Jb Windpw, Fron Sou hwesl) -58_5 -0.450 _ 0.40 245 _ 90 D_0ble 8ronze_LawE Souered Fir/Grt%Din(Kitt--K r _ Window eft.N( orthwest) _ 27_0 t1,470 - 0.40 _ 335 _ 90 Double Bronze LowE Squared _?IdGrt(DinIK)VNWGIIr 18. Window Left , No _ 22_8 C1.450 _ 0.40 ZO 90 Double Double Bmnz® LowE Squared Master Suite _ .19 Itl(iado&-Le11-_-(Nor1W 0-4- • OA0 20. --WDoAdL1 tnnm;aaE-Squa%L_ .M L4ftLS.u)te - 20 Window Rear 54,0 0.470 0.40 110 90 Double Bronze LowE Squared Master Suita - 21 _(kpA1j Window Rear (East) 54.0 0.470 0.40 110. 90 Double Bronze LowE Squared Master Suite „• 22 Vyind9w-Eront (Soutst) 25.0 Oa�SQ 0.4D 245_ QQ QoubleBronze-Low uared DkiserA&-. , 23 VVindow Lett (Northwest) _Lett 26.0 0.450 0.40 335 90 Double Bronze LowE Squared Mr sten Suite , 24 Window Northwest) 4.0 0.5iQ O.aO_ 335_ 90 pouble Bron @-LowE u ed Mnster Suite 2ff Window Rear (Northeast) 22.5 0.470 0.40 65 90 Double Bronze LowE Sauarad Study/Powder 3/Hall- • 26 Window, Front (Southwest► 19.5, 0.450 0.40 245 90 Double Bronze LowE SgwareW Shrdy/Powder 3/Hall 27 Window Front (Wast) 29.2 0.450 0.40 290 90 Double Bron2t9 LawE Squared 5ttidy/Powder 31 all _ 28 Window Le(t (Northwest) 32.5 0.450 0.40 _ 335 _ 90 double Bronze LowES uare4 Shady/Powder 3/Hall 29 Sky Ui i -,Left (North 4.0 0.940 _ _• 0^73 _ • 0 -• • 0 Double Metal Clear Default 8oiys/Lndry/Pwd/Hall , INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overha _Left Fin , RiAht Fin•- # Exterior Shade Tvpe SHGC Hgt, Wd. Len. Mgt. LE RExt. Dist Len. Fl9t. Dist. Len. Hgt. . t B n Screen 0.76 2 Bu Screen 0.76 - _^ -. -•- -. ••- 3 Buo Screen 0.76-10_0 0.1 10.0 10.0 4 BugScreen, __ _ 0.76 _. 5 _ Buo,Screen -_ 0.76 6 Buuocrean- 0.76 -9.0 1 _11Lp 01 0 -10-QQ.SI ALO -0 01 _--2.Q - 0 7 Bu creep_ 0.76, -9-0 5.0 10-0 _ Q 1 - 1 0 10.0 8 Bug Screen 0.76 9.0 1.5 10.0 - 0.1 10.0 10.0 _ 0.1 4.0 _0 0.0 0.0 0 9 89A Screen .0.76 - -T _ _ - , •_ - 10 Bug_scraen _ 0.76 _ 11 _ Screen _ - _ 0.76 _- f3.5 3.0 10.0 -2.0 0.1 1Q.0 10.0- 12 PMA -Screen 0.76 1.5 0.1 z._D 2.0 - -_ _ _... - - 13 Bun Screen - _9.0 4.0 ,•• 2.0 0.1 0 2.0- 1a Bug Screen _0,76 0.76 _,9.0 9.0 1.5 2.0 01 �0 2.0 15 avq Screen 0.76 9.0 24.0 -f0.0 _0.1 10 0 10.0 16 Bu Screen 0.76 _ 17 Buen a Scre 0.76 18 Bug Screen 0.76 L • -- -.. -._ . 19 _Screen - - 0.76 - - - - - -- -. 1 ___ - _ - -. .. -• •- 20 Bug_ Screen 0.76 I - - 21 Btrg Screen 0.76 __ - _ •• _ _ - ___ - - -, _ ,•• I _ -_ , _ ,- _ - - 22 Bu Scr n 0.78- 23 Bug Screen, 0.76 -r- 24 Bu Screen 0.76 _- - _ -, 25 Bua Sereen I - _ 26 Bug Screen 0.76 _ 6.5 -3, 0 _ _ i -� 0.0 0.0 _0 0.1 4.0 0 27 Bug Screen 0.76 _ 28 - Screen _ 0.76 J1.00 _-6.5 5.0 -. _ 1 0.1 . 4.0 0 _ 0_0 0.0 _ 00 29 _ None �- -�ualnfiidLiu>tSSme,�Ai10t02�&:].6:.1�_Run__Cpjtm:--_1.039291724. __ .. ..1 EnupyPro 3.1 ey EnCr9y5oh Uscr Number 3665 Job Number. _ Paga12 0( 4J 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 14 Computer Method Summary (Part 2 :)f 3) C -2R • Bowen Residence 1011012002 - • Project Title FENESTRATION SURFACES Date U- Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type Area Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments 30 16(indoter-$igbt (Southeast) -22.5- _-QA50_ -0_.40. x.45.. �4 Dou 6 me,Lwaf Swared- ilonu& ndndcw.d/HatL- 31 Window Riaht Southeast) 54:0 �0 0.40 156- 90 Double Bronze LpAt Squared Elonus/Lndry/PwdMall 32• Win .ow Right South st) 2Z.:5 _ 0.45D O.aO 155 ,. 40 Dgmb)e..Bronze oxrE Souarpd-.... L nuglLntlrv/PwdMep_, •_- 33. Window _ Front Southwest) 5.0 0.530 _. 0.40 _ 245 90 Double Bronze LcwE Squared E';onusA- drylFwdlHall 3a V1(indow eR1N thwest) _. 45`0 _ 0.470 -. 0.40 335 �0 Double nze Lo Squared §� 2 d(y/PwdJHall 35 {Q(jndow J eft-(RqQ)7west) _., 54,k _Q.470 0.4Q -335 __Q Dou t oozeLowE Squaj .EpTy1/Lnd.ry1.Pwd1M9ll .36i 1tl(md.0) _JJeW.._LRQaeast) 18,A _11450_ x.40. 6k- ___M DQmb)e-2rAnze!m8iF_Squ4md- .Ef 4mads 9ti3 37 Window Rear Northeast)54.0 0.470 _ 0.40 _ 65 LowE S ! 90 Double Bronzeared _E edroom_s 2 3 - -3ti WinctQw-Rear (NmItip"t) _ .t@Q _0.451- - _0-411 -.. 6.5- __90 Q2y2)e.Br0 .6Auamd_ Jadre CNS_Z._3__ .._- 30 2&0- _0.5�a -0-41) -155. ___9.0 Qoubit:B(0m1=E SAtatmd_.. �edtfo0m's,Z.3 _ .-- gQ VYjndow Rioht !Southeast) _. 240-_,0-.530 - Q -. 155551 -90 DOuble bronze LowE Squ EedwM. 2•, 3 _ Al >N�trdow i M !Southeast) --. 4.0 _0-,531) -9.40 155 fit] Doubf08 __.xeLow •quared EedroortLs_2..3 42 %A6ndQw___e8,-(Nadhw.ut) -..-4.,0- -11530 -0AQ _335L Q0 D..QuMa_ maze L",E Squmeri 43 Window Left• tNorthwest) -,13.13 _Q�450 0.40 X35_ Doublts Br i3ze LqV uared �gdroom' 44 Window Lett- .-{Vt otthwest) -13 8 _0.460. 0.40. 335 90 Dqubte Bronze t.owE S uared Bedrooms 2. 3 45. Win ow- Rear. ortheast) X4.0 _0.470 D.40 90 Double Bronze LowE Sgyared GQuest Casita 4f -M Window Rear- Northeast) 54.0 _0.470 0.40 65 90 Double Bronze LowE S ua d Guest Casita A7 Window Front . Southwest)10.0 _0.530 0.40 245 90 Doubnz le Broe LowE Squared Guest Casita . .48. V&d0w__Etpnt -(, outhwe.st) -- 8:0 00-45.0_ _.0.40_ -24.5- -30 Dgub)eStonze Squdre.st- .Guest�asita. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING• Window Oyerh n - Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade. Type �e , Hgt. wd. Len. Hot. LErct. RExt. Diel. Len. Hgt_ Dist. Leri. Hgi. 3.0 pug Screen - 31 Gma 'reen _ 0.76 -.. - - . - - -• -. - 32 Bug Screen 0.76 33 Bug Screen 0.76 34 Bua Screen 0.76 35 HugSimon . 0.76 36 pug 5creeyr. 0.76- 37 Bug Screen - 0.76 - -• - _• - - - - - 38 gMg_ Screen - 0.76-- 39 - Bua Screen 0.76 -- - -•• - dd - Bug - Screen - - 0.76 - -..- - _ - --- - - _ 41 Bug 8Creen 0.76 -• -• _ - -. - -•- -- -__.. - ---. 42 Bug Screen 0.76 43 Bug Screen - 0.76 44 A�R Screen _ - 0.76- 45 - N.Screen0.75 - - - 46 BugSueen 0.T6 J - •. _ - -. _- - 47 Bug Screen _. - -- d8 Bug Saeen _stun_tniGaflnnTMe:1011.QLQ?Sb:18'19 RunCodn 104,Z9]274 - Energywo 3.1 fly Energy8o11 User Number, 3665 Jeb Num1)or. F3get13 0149 • WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Water Heater Water Heater Distribution Rated' Tank Energy Fact! t Tank Insul. System Name # in Input Cap. or Recovery standby R -Value -y TYPe . Type _ �/st. (Btu /hr—. (ga�Effici ncy Loss (%) Ext. RHEEM HE80-130 -- -- - LargeSaalS_._ .13@Ci[c1Time+Temp . 2 _-. 13QQ011 .. .SSL For small gas storage (rated input — 75000 13tu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Utulhr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS --• _Run !_1 iine: 10/10/02 16:16:14 Run Cod 117 Energ PY r° 3.1 By Ener.gyS°R User Nurnbcr: 3.665 Job Nui joer: — — — Page:td of as 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 15 Computer Method Summa Part 3 of 3 C -2R ' Bowen Residence Project Title _ 10/10/2002 Date "— • THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Type Area Thick. (sf) (in-) Heat Inside Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Location Comments Cnlwpte� tteavlom'.jgbt .— C0J1Crete-hUvyweight — ...2-U2 ..3.5.0 _. _87 3.50 _28. _0.98. nia . 28 0.98 p(a Fv„rrrtl/gin&iUNk=cLSlab-obC,rade ._ C0t1CiM1e, �a1!YNei96L _ _.678 _3_50 03.8 n(a— 0 Mester. Suitt LStab�n (uado, Consinte,tiAA yyelaht . —,44 3.50 —28 _ _ .� __2B. Q9& n/a_ 0 JM.a9teL8.uite rQ1ab_Q Grade _-Qade Lonc[ete _HealpmoeigpL_. X33. _ 50 0-,S13 n/a. _ _ — ;i% Ip y owder 3 UdU Siabb—O _$ 5Wdy/ems:3f8A11LS1ab 0A_QIar de.. PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments .Slab2thmeteL- •_ Sla.b�erimetEL. tee. 0� 9.p _0 Eyr/Cdll�inlKit llr.. --' - _ SIaAP_enrtt�lez_ -_ ._2J Q26 __63 -0-76 __0_0 — 0 _ Q.0 _ Q MasteL.S16te _ Masters ite -- -- .SI1bPeriME10y- Stab�rimereL —a. -076 t5 __0.0 _...Q StudYlP�vdet idll- _ --- _— — -0-76 __0_0 _. 0 SIudy&oj&der_3/8a1L.. HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat pump, etc_) Efficiency (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts/attic, and Location Duct Thermostat Location ! •- etc.) R -Value Type Comments SlfJit IieatPuroP central FuiJtace — 7.65-H, PF 80 Z. AFUF Octets inAttiC_. Ducts in Attic .. a SsribaclL_ .HyAG-L ..._ — CenL,rnac�,. Central Furnace 80'%AF Vf_. Ducts i0 Atter—. q• 2 Sef�adc 4: tback HVAC -2 „ HVAC;2_. 80'/o AFUE, Duds in Attic _- d.2 Setback HVAC -4 Hydropic Piping — —• -- "' Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter_ Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency heat pump, evap. cooling) Location Duct Thermostat Location ! {SEER) (attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments f1liLtieatPsimP.. S Ilp t A j Conditioner 1Z -SEE8 14.0 SES Qum.in AttjC—. Ducts in Attic _ 4. Setb lc _ 1iVAC�— _ SPOAiLC.ontlitioner, SplitAiLCpndit�flr. 14,0 $•fig Duct i ipAttic Duc�s;nAttfc_ _ 4.2_ __ Setback _ _ 4,2 _ _ Setback _. HVAC -2 _ MVAC -3_—, — 12.1._SEE$ 4z_etba Imo_,. HVAC._q —_ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Water Heater Water Heater Distribution Rated' Tank Energy Fact! t Tank Insul. System Name # in Input Cap. or Recovery standby R -Value -y TYPe . Type _ �/st. (Btu /hr—. (ga�Effici ncy Loss (%) Ext. RHEEM HE80-130 -- -- - LargeSaalS_._ .13@Ci[c1Time+Temp . 2 _-. 13QQ011 .. .SSL For small gas storage (rated input — 75000 13tu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Utulhr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS --• _Run !_1 iine: 10/10/02 16:16:14 Run Cod 117 Energ PY r° 3.1 By Ener.gyS°R User Nurnbcr: 3.665 Job Nui joer: — — — Page:td of as 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 16 Com uter Method Summa Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, heat pump, evap. cooling) Efficiency (SEER) Part 3 of 3 C_2R - Bowen Residence (attic, etc,} R -Value Type Comments Proiect Tltle --- _ water Heater System Name Water Heater Distribution Type Rated Tank # in Input Cap. Energy Fact? � Tank Insul. or Recovery Standby R -Value _10/10/2002 Date - THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN • Efficiency_ Less %) Ext. Area �e (sO Thick. (in.) Heat Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference Inside R -Val. Location Comments_ Cancrateliaay.Io�ight_ 377. C4IIsdete Iiegy wy e�q.ht_ 1 �4 ��p 3 ;iA -fig JZ9 Q98 n(a_ Q.48. nl4- � _0, HanuslLnd 1'Jdd(E1 rY a1LLSlab on r.AdP �o�c[ete tisa fight— �B_4 _UD �8 1L98. n —Z �nus/I�d!Y Hatl 1 6 on C q�. Z=Lete�aytxeSht_ _—a 6 -10 -,,Q8 n/a — � BR �S.2.3 IS lab9m-Gtade Co=ete-- ieavyvA*ht .— .�19 -3 D --28 �?$ --2 .090fO9�, 3 r 5►ab on�,� S;Lawt 002a /. S1ab0A-Gr%de_ PERIMETER LOSSES •— Type Length F2 Factor Insulation R -Val, Depth Location / Comments Slab_PO.timateL _ .� Slab mete-- 1B. 1LZ6 _�.0 _.._ Q B.gaustLndpr/PmrdlF_lall__ - —_ —_ . , -Pc Slab meteL.. 46 M6 -D-76, --0-Q -_0.0— �1 BODLSLLnAgrlJ�xd/tial� . Slab�arim-e1CL . __8g StalZp�rim..etec_ _QJ.6. J76 -_0.Q Bim 2 3 Gm=asbL — . _34 __O:Q — - HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Type (furnace, heat pump, etc.) Hydronic Piping System Name • Minimum Distribution Type Efficiency and Location Duct Thermostat (AFUEIHSPF)(ducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Pipe Pipe Insul. Length Diameter Thick. Location / Comments Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, heat pump, evap. cooling) Efficiency (SEER) Location Duct Thermostat Location / (attic, etc,} R -Value Type Comments WATER HEATING SYSTEMS water Heater System Name Water Heater Distribution Type Rated Tank # in Input Cap. Energy Fact? � Tank Insul. or Recovery Standby R -Value _ape _ gist. Btu/hr)___Lgal) Efficiency_ Less %) Ext. For small gas storage (rated input — 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy tactor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75M0o Btu/hr), list Rateo Input, Recovery EHiciengy and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters. list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS, L - • Run Initiation Tme: 10MQ40216-11i14 Run COSIe:. 1p34287774 EncrayPro 9,1 By Ener ft - User Nurnb°r. 3665 _.., Job Number: 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 17 Computer Method Summary (Part 3 of 3) C -2R Bowen Residence.. _ 1011012002 Title Date • THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Location Type (so (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val, Comments_ ConcMW-)-eaVn k9bt. _ —323. x.50 .:5 _0.9.4 n!a_ 7 Wont asila / Stnh-on_G.tade _. . _ PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments SjAbPerirtwrzL- 0 0.76 _A..0 —0 GuesLCas.ita--_. HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiency and Location Duct Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ductslattic, etc) R -Value Type Comments - Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul, ,System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air condjtioner. Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments _ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated l Tank Energy Facts 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery :itandbyy R -Value System Name _ Type Type : est. _Btu/hr _(9�_.. Eflrcienc Loss (°Io) Ext. 1 For small gas storage (rated input <= 75000 Stu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS Hu-0nitlation Time: 1011010216_16;4RurLCodq. 1034291774 _ Energy ra 3.1 gy Energ SY oR user. Numbrr. 3665 .Job Number:._ , asge: is 0140 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 18 Computer Method Su dura) C -2R Bowen Residence Project Title — • Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should Pay spacial attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items requiro special written justification and documentation, and spacial verification to be used with the performance approach. The lova enforcement agency determines the adequaey Of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise-:omplies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. _ Plan Field The HVAC System-HVACt" must meet all CEC_Criteria for a Zonally Controlled system serving only Living Areas, The HVAC System "HVAC -1" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C-213) -Verity Thermal Mass: 2142 sgft Exposed Stab Flow. 3.50" thick at FyrfGrUOiniKiVlyookfGlirr The HVAC System "HVAC -2" Includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8,13 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 87 sgft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Master Suite _ HIGH MASS Desi n(see C -2R1 verify Thermal Mass: 678 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Master Suite HIGH MASS Design(see C•2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 244 sgft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Sudy/Powder 3/1-1all HIGH MASS Design(see C-211) - Verity Thermal Mass: 233 sgft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Sudy/Powder 3/1 -fall ~ The HVAC System "HVAC -3" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier Installed per Section 8,13 of the Residential Manual. _ HIGH MASS Design(see C-211) - Verity Thermal Mass: 327 sgft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Bonuslt.aundry/Powder/Hs 11 HIGH MASS Deslgn(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mess: 194 sgft Covered Stab Floor, 3.50" thick at Bonus/Laundry/Powder/Hall HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 184 sgft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Bedroom's 2, 3 _ HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R). Verity Thermal Mass: 495 sgft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Bedroom's 2.3 HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed andfor tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -SR. Pian Field • 11 The HVAC System "HVAC -1" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verlfification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -1" is using reduced dud leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC System "HVAC -2" Includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verifificaflon of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAC -2" is using reduced duct lea age tic o Comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC System "HVAC -3" includes Refrigerant Charge and Aleflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide veriffication of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "HVAG-3" Is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of dud leakage T performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must he reported on a CF -6R Form. The HVAC System "HVAC -4" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide veriflfication of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow, Erre Pro 3.1 By Energy3oft user Number: 3665 Job Numbcr; i Page: t T of 4A • 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 Computer Method Summa BREEZE AIR PAGE 19 Addendurl) C -2R Bowen Residence _ _ 1 011 0/2 0 0 2 Project Title Date - Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items requi $ special written justification and documentation. and special verification to be used with the performance approach_ The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification. and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special Justification and documentation submitted. — Plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC -4" includes credit for a Radlant Barrier Installed per Section 8.13 of the Residentlal Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 119 soft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Guest Casita _ HIGH MASS Design(see C•2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 323 sgft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Guest Casita HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC aooroved HERS N. W 0'. "IV r1GnJ rtlaer rrrwar owcurrrcrrr rna rrem--enncnaon ana ajagnostic resting or mase measures on a form CF -5R. Plan Field The HVA System "HVAC -4" is using reduced dud feakago to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duo leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. 3.1 By EnergySoft User Numbor: 3665 - Job Number: of 49 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 20 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME D 1TE ^� Bowen Residence _ 10/10/2002 •SYSTEM NAME FROOR AREA L HVAC -1 — I_ 2,142 FMraNccoiti cucwc Bvnrr■.. w..� Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 54,500 __ Total Output (Btuh) 109.000 — - Output (BtutUsgk) ICooling System Output per System I Total Output (Btuh) Total Output (Tons) Total Output (Btuh/sgft) . _. _...� — Total Output (sgft/Ton) — Air S stem CFM per System Airflow (cfm) — Airflow (cfm/sgft) Airflow (cfm/Ton) Outside Air (%) i Ovtsido Air (dmtsgft) • Note values above given at ARI conditions rwTrui+ evc Y�...,■...�usr.urT.,... 26.0 OF 68.0 of Outside Air 129 dm 69.4 OF �y 15.0 / 78.4 OF Outside Air 129 cfm 74.7t63.0 OF 9. 225.511 1.87 421.1 0. CFM Total Room Loads 3.4, Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan r -- Ventilation L2 Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD Sensy�—Latent CF 61,236 9,505 0 3.052 0 � 5.548 1,8,231 0 1 .•3A62 72_90 8 11.3681 M i Sensible 1 ! HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION LENNOX HP21-60/C630M-65 61,829 15,706 71,667 Total Adjusted System Output I eeo 81,829 15,7061 _ 71,687 (AaJusfor Peak Design Condltions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK—.Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am 84.7 OF He:3ting Coll Supply Fan 4000 Cfm 84.7 OF Supply Air Ducts 84.10F RO_0MS 1 70.0 OF k Retum Air Ducts 4 76.0/63.60F ■ 56.9155.5 OF EnLNyPro 3.1 ay Enerpy5oft User Number: 3665 F-1 56.9155.8 OF —> Supply Air Uucts Cooling Coll Supply Fan 4000 dm h Return Air Ducts 4 54.0% R.H. 57.6 /56.1 OF ROOMS, 74.0 162.8 OF I _ lob Number: Pagc:19 OP 49 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 21 /AC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME —. .. ... Bowen Residence 1TE_ 10/10/2002 1 SYSTEM NAME • HVAC -2 _ - FLOOR AREA 1,242 1LNumber of Systems Heating System Output per System Total Output (Stuh) L Output (Btuhisgft) Cooling System putput per System Total Output (Btuh) Total Output (Tons) Total Output (Btuhrsgft) 80.000 Total Room Loads 80,aool Return Vented Lighting 64.4 Return Air Ducts Return Fan 50.500 Ventilation 50.500 ; Supply Fan 4.2 I I Supply Air Ducts 4�II TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD Total Output (sqf rron) 295, CFM Latent _..... �' 35.864- 6� lAir System _. - HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION CFM per System _ 1.600 Airflow (oft),_ 1,600 L.ENNOX HS21-048-1P 40.587 1,638 Alrflow (cfm/sgft) Airflow (cfmrron) 380.2 ..... Total Adjusted System Output LOutside Air (�/,) 4.7 40,587 1,638 • (Adju9teo for Pik Design Conditions) •. Vatslde AIr (cfm/sgft} - 0.06; TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug Tel • I tdote: values above given at ARI conditions _ — PA71Nr� SYSTEM PSV/`LIRAM[: TR►P_'C /A'—f— ..F:./... #* 0-.&% 26.0°F 67.3 OF w 113.90F Outside Air 75 cfm 69.3 OF E—� :OOZING S 15.0 / 78.4 OF Outside Air 75 cfm 74.9/61.2 OF Heating Coil 76.7 / 62.2 of �FM � Sensible 540 25.0051 1.250 0 75 3,457 _ _ 0 1,2501 30 983 _ 80_000 Jan 12 am 113.90F r�;J1yPi. Supply Air Ducts Supply Fan 113.2 OF 1600 cfm ROOMS 70.00P K Return Air Ducts `i 53.1 / 51.8 of 53.1/51 - a OF Supply Air [lucts Cooling Coil Supply Fen 1600 Cfm _h Return Air Ducts Pargy 3.1 8y Energysoft User Number. 3665 - Job Number; - • 53.9 (5a.2 of 47.3% R.H. ROOMS 74.0160.9 of — - Page:20 of 48 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 22 JHVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMAnY PROJECT NAME ITF- Bowen Residence SYSTEM NAME 10/1P12002 • �., —HVAC -3 FLOOR AREA 1,200 k?JGINEFRINn Ci-11=CKS levarcft—R I f%Ar% Number of V I C�'CC60 LING PEAKCOIL MTG. PIA&tHeating System CFM Sensible) Late CF sible Output per System 80,000 Total Room Loads 1,562 33,731 4,40 702 32,245 Total Output (Brun) 7 )00 Return Vented Lighting 7317 5,562, .1 J Output (8tuh/sqft) Return Air Ducts 1,687 1.612 Cooling System Return Fan 0 0 -.-Output per System Ventilation 72, 3,087 1,490) 72 3.324 Total Output (Stuh) 50.500 Supply Fan 0 Total Output (Tons) 4.2 Supply Air Ducts T1 1.667 1,612 - Total Output (Btulwgqft) 42.1 TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 40 19 5 890 Total Output (sqftrron) 285, ----------- 7Aj�.Ster� Air S stem HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION GFM per System.J v I LENNOX HS21-048-IP 41,007 1,089 Airflow (CfM) 1.600 Airflow (cfenistift) 1.33 .... ... Airflow (cfmfTon) 380.2 ... . ...... J Total Adjusted System Output Outside 1 (AdjUMCO for Peak Design Condiflovis) ,1 , L_20,WdAd, A'1r 4.5 41007 1089 (I -;.qft) 06 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK _!!otip.values, above given. at ARI conditions_ 26,0 OF Outside Air 72 cfm 69.1 OF [COOLING S 115.D / 78.4 OF Outside Air 72 cfm 75.0 / 61.1 OF 67. 1 OF M 113.80F Heating Coil Supply Fan 1600 cfm 76.8162.0OF g T!'gvPm 3.1 y 8 �nerqySoft User Number 3665 • 113.80F 9, h Supply Air Ducts 112.8of )3qbMS7 70.0 OF k Return Air Ducts 4 52.9 / 51.6 OF 52.9/51.6 Supply Air I =UCIS Cooling Coil Supply Fan 1600 cfm LO wt. .rte A:- M.-_ Job Number 45.5% R.H. 53.9/52.0 OF I ROOMS'J 74.0160.7 OF Pago:21 0146 10/10/2002 16:21 7605665986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 23 JHVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY' PROJECT NAME TD Bowen Residence —_ 10/10/2002.. • SYSTEM NAME --- HVAC -4 FLOOR AREA 442 Number of Systems �— Heating System Output per System 35.00 _ Total Output (Stuh) 355,00 - output (Stuh/sgft) 79.: Cooling System Output per System Total Output (Btuh) Total Output (Tons) Total Output (Btuh/sgft) L Total Output (sgft/Ton) Air System CFM per System Airflow (cfm) Airflow (cfm/sgft) - Airflow (cim/Ton) Outside Air (%) Outside Air (ctnVsgft) Note: values above elven at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK. I CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible T-" f 245 93,2331 14,5461 2,28§ —� HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION - LENNOX HS26-018-2P 15,426 40260011 _1.36 318.9 a 4 Total Adjusted System Output I 15,426 402 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) '1 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm —••. 15 778 I 35,000 35,000 Jan 12 am 26.0 OF 67.1OF 121.5 OF 1Z1.5OF Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 'i�i�. —1, 27 cfm Heating Coil Supply Fan 120.5 °F 600 cfm ROOMS 69.0 of 70.0 of Return Air Ducts DOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Tem eratures at Time of Cooling Peak 115.0/78.4 OF 76.7/61.9 OF 52.7151.5 OF 52.7/51.5 OF --�— ""�irulti Supply Air Uucts Outside Air pp y W 27 Girtt Cooling Coil Supply Fan 53.7 151.9 of 600 cfm 46.5% R.H. ROOMS 74.9/61.D °F 74.0 / 60.7 of a Return Air Ducts `S Ene aey . 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3B85 - JOb Numbor. • I Page:22 of 49 • • 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 LOADSUMMARY BREEZE AIR PAGE 24 YKV.rCH 1 IVAMt 9/ATE Bowen Residence _ SYSTFRA NAME 10/10/2002 FLOOR AREA HVAC -1 2,142 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL MTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CF161 SENSIBLE .LATENT' CFfl9„ SENSIBLE FyrlGrV0inlKiVNook/G11ry Fyr/GrVDIn/Kit/Nk/Glir 1 3,491 61 236 9.545 3,491 61,236 9,54S 3,492 52,754 PAGE TOTAL -3,4911 61,2361 9.545 3.492 M 52,754 TOTAL F 3,491 61,236 9,545 3,492 52,754 g ,.,gyp. 3.t By EnorgSoN User NurnbCr; 3665 Job Number. PegB:23 of 48 0 40 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 25 LOAD SUMMARY EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoti User Number. 3665 Job NurnW. Page:24 of 49 C� 0 • 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 LOADSUMMARY MARY BREEZE AIR PAGE 26 EnergyPro 3.1 By Energysofl User Number: 3665 Job Number:-- Page_25 of 49 0 40 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605605966 BREEZE AIR PAGE 27 M LOAD SUMMARY EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySok User Number: 3665 Job Number. P30e:39 of 49 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 28 I ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS P ect Title Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Conduction R-38 R0o1.(R.38.2x14.16) _21 Wall NV.21.2x6 16) J�uY)e.l3ctmze.Ltby�.Sosart�..__ ..._.. Double Bronze LowE Souared, Qo.ubleBconze.Low,Uqu=jL —_. 5.latr.On-Grade .. k/GQryl Time of Peak 2,1421 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Area —?-142.01 x ___ 1.,248.1 X _ 287.4 X 540.0 X 32.5 X _perimeter - 188.0 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x U -Value Dat e Jan 12 am 26 of Btu/hr x x --- — Items shown wain an 09terisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Tota 1: 31,873 Infiltration -F-- 1.00 x _ 1.P72 x r 2,142 x ` 12.4 X 1 ,00. / 601 X 44 = 20,882 Schodule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH - OT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 52,754 ErrergyPro 3.1 ey Encr YSort _ User Number: 3685 Jab Number: Page: 211 of 40 0 0 E 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Title Room Name Master Floor Area Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature BREEZE AIR Lpaie 1C/1 PAGE 29 Suitel Time of Peak Jan 12 am 765 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26OF 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value OT OF Btu/hr 13-18• Rout(R.38.20-d ,!S) I -R-21 --.765-.0 x 0.0280 x 44.0 = 943 Wall (W.21.2 .16)-- I 660.4 — — — x 0.0592 x 44.0 = 1,720 Ole. BronzP_Lo3U"4iQred-..... 97.6 x 0.4500 X 44.0 = 1,932 Double Bronze LowC S uared .. .. 108.0 x 0.4700 x 44.0 2,233 E2oub1e..Bronze-Lowf-S4uamd— . . ...... 4.0 x 0.5300 44.0 93 Sla -0 -(zLQ;tP perimeter= 84.0 X x 44.5 = 3,7381 x x x x x x . .. ........... x x x x x x x x x x x x xx =....... x x x. . ........ x x x x x x x x . . ..... .... x x x X x x x x --- . ......... x x = . ...... x x x x x xx . ........ x x x x x x x X x x Items shown with on asterisk denote conduction through an Werior surface to another mom. Page Tota I: 10 660 Infiltration: Go x 1.0 x --1;.8o x 601 x r x Schedule Air Sunsible Area Coiling Height ACH &T Fr2cllon TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 17.156 icrgyPm, 3-1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3685 Job Number: Page: 28 of 49 • 0 .7 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Tolect Title BREEZE AIR PAGE 30 LRoom Name Sudy/Powder 3/Halll Time of Peak Jan 12 am Room Floor Area 477 � Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 7D OF Conduction Area U -Value AT OF Btu/hr R-38 jf3pof (R.38.2x14.16) ........ 477.0 x oxiiio X 44.0 R-21 Wall M.21.24.161 101.2 x x 44.0 26 R! D01Lt)13-ft=e.LowE-9qjjaced ---22.5 X 0.4700 X 44.0 465 Double Bronze LowE Squared -.-„81.2 x 0.4500 x ....... 44.0 1,60 .SJab-Dji=Grdde z.23.0 x x 44.5 = 1,024 x x x............. . x x x x . . ........ . x x x x .. ........... . x x x x xx . ......... . x x ......... .. x x x x x xx . ..... x x xx . ...... ...... x. ....... X x x x x x x x ...... ...... x x x x x x x x x . ............ . . ....... x x .... ------ x x x x x x I x x x x i x Items shown wim en Worisk V) denote conduction through 3n Interior surfnee to onomcr foam. Page Total: 3 949 3 0.1 Infiltration: [7 .9] 1.0 XF 60] X Schedule x X E� ..Ap.40 X F heckule Air Sensible Alva cellino Height ACH pY Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 7,8491 EnerqyPro 3.1 By EnerglySoft User Number: 3885 Job Number.'v Fap�e: 29 of 49 1 • 9 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS BREEZE AIR Room Name Bontis/LaundrylPowder/Haml Time of Peak Floor Area 521 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature ndoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF PAGE 31 Jan 12 am 26 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT OF Btu/hr R-38 Roof (j3..18.2x 1 4 .16) 17.0 x 0.0280 x 44.0I. _17. Double Maial.Clear Default 4.0 x 0.9400 x 44.0 165. .R-2j-WaU4N-2L2x6.jQ . ...... 498.0 x 0.0592- X 44.0 = 297 Double Bronze LowE Squared 45.0 x 0.4500 X 89 Double Brcknze-LOINE-SqUaLed 153.0. x 0.4700 x 44.0 24.0 X 0.3872 x 44.0 = 409 5.0 x 0.5300 x 4,0 = 117 Slab -.On -Grade ..-.P.erhreter = 73.0 X x 44.5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx . .... ... . . .......... . ....... x x x x x x x ....... x . ........... x x x x ...... xx . x x x xx .--•---......— x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Items shown with an asterIsK denote conaucuon through an intcrior surface to another room. Page Tollal: I 9.929 Infiltration: 1.001 x x [— x 10.40i x 1601 x . .... Sch dule Air Sonsibft Area Coiling Pleignt ACH -pT Faction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 14.189 Energy rgy��,.3 IDy EncrpySoft UserNumber. 3665 Job Number: Page; 30 of 49 0 0 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 32 ROOM HFATINC, PFAK I nAns Project Bowen Res Em,., l.f.mv Date 10/10/2002 Room Name Bedroom's 2,3 Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 679 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value QT "F Btu/hr R-38 Roof (R.38.204.16 679.0 x ?§0 x 44.0 0 E-21 Wall (W.21.2x6. 6) 1,005.4 X 2 44.0 2.619 1 ),0592 X Double.8moze I owr- Squared 63.6 x 0.4500; X 44.0. = 1,2.59 Double Bronze LowE Squared 54.0 x 0.4700 x 44.0 = 1.117 Doub.le,ar.o.ozeLcwE—Squace.d.. 56.0 x 0.5300 x 44.0. 1;306 SliltE01L�t8de. __ .Perimeler = 135.0 x -- x 44...5 = ..6,008 x X x x x x X x x x x Xx ... ... x x x x x . .. . .... ....... x x x x x x x x . ......... x x x x X x x x x . ...... x X x x x X x x x x x x x x x . ........ .... x x x x X. x Items shown with orvasterisk denote conduction through an interior surface to another morn. Page Total: 145 . -. 1 Q0 IInfiltration:E1.Go x 1.072 X 679; x F 9.20{ x 1.00 i 60]x 4,9111 Schedule Air Sensiblo Area coiling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 16.057 7o57 ___..Kr!qrpyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 3W5 Job Number: Page: 31 of AD • 0 19/10/2002 16:21 7695685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 33 I ROOT!!! HEATING PEAK LOADS I gojcct Title - BoWen Residence 'Room Name cuestCasiteTime of Peak Floor Area 442 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°r• Area Conduction U -Value R-38.Roof(R.38.2x14.16) -_ _• -- 442.0• X _ 0.028 X R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 826.0 x 005921 x 0.4700 DoubleJ3rQ0Ze t nw.- --WE SCI-=;e-�-_, ...... 108.0 X X _ Double Bronze LowE Squared 10.0 X 0.5300 x 0.4500 D0Ub1eStanze_LawE.Squared 8_0 X X petirneter = 95.0 x _ x _. __ .... - --- — __._...._.._...... x x _ x - ---- -_ -- x x --.._......... X x -...__......_._ . - -- — --.... ......... x X x x X X x x X x ---- ...............-.....- -- ...._... _ -..... _.. X x _ _-.. x X -_...--- - X X _..__..._._............---..-.. -----� x X x X --- _. x - - .......__ x x x x x - - --- - - - x x -...._...... x x -- _..... _ x x - __.. _...._....... x x — - -- - - x x _._._...... _ __ x x _.--.. _ - ----- -- x x x - - ....... x x ---..._..... _ x x --- - x x Dat. .4nt AT of Jan 12 am 26 of Btu/hr 545 2 152 - —. 2,233 _ 233 158 = 4,228 items shown with an asterisk (') denote oonduction through an interior sutfaCe to another mom. Page Total: _ v 9 549 Infiltration: R.1.00 X 1.072 x ( 442 X 10.80 X 1.00 160] X 44 = 3 663 Sehedulo Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACM &T Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 13.233 EnergyPro3. t By Energysch User Number: 3665 Job Numbcr: Page: 32 0( 49 10/10/2002 16: 21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 34 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY • Project Title Date Room Name Fyr/Grt/Din/K Mook/Gllry 0 0 Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature; 740F Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 116 0 F Design Temperature Difference: 420 F Conduction Area U -Value DIETDI Btulhr 3-.18 Roof (a.38.2r14.16)___ 2i142.4 X 0V80 X 59.0 = 3i539 R-21 Wall (W. 1,.M.IP- 1,248. X 00592 X 3B.6 = 2,852 287.4 X 0.4500 x )puble Bronze L%2UWared 540.( X 0.4700 X 42.0 = '10,660 OWE -Squared 32.! X 0.5300 X 42.0 = 723 X. ...... .. x X x x x x F x 1. Design Eauivalcm Temperature Difference (DETD) Items mown with an 3stedtk (-) donate conduction through in interior surface to another mom, Page Total 23 207 Solar Gain Orientation (NEyth) Shaded Area 00 0-0 x x X X x X X x x x SGF I + 15 + 19+ I + 1 + I + 1 + I + 1 + +1 Unshaded Area -0-x 3NQ! x 216.61 x 32.5 X 26.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 X - 3�-§ X P:A x SGIF 15)x SC Q.44 i PAA 0.44.-; X 0.44 i 0.44!i 0.44:1 x _.0.44!,i x 0 x 0 x 0 4.� = = = = :790 Btulhr 174 N.. 114 (Northeast) 48)x755 48)x 4,617 0.0 K Is Noftheast) (East) .......... (Southeast) 48) 695 845 90 .0 13.5 73)x I 62)X 13, P (Southeast) (Southeast) Aqqy!Meqsl) 45.0 62 ..62. _q2 301 13.5 '-0.0 0-0 933 933 Sched. Page Total F-79,4743 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btulhr Li hts 1.00 xL. 14� x 0.0001 Watts/sqft x BtuhNVaft 10couvents 1.00 X x 250 Btuh/occ. If sqftfocc. = 2142 (Reqqptacie. .. ..... 1.00 x 2,U2 x 0.200 Wattsisqft x StuhNVaft 2142 1.00 x Ix 0-000 Waftslsqft x 3.41 9tuh/Waft ......... . Infiltration: -1001 x 1----J-07-2 x x x J 60] -Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Heighil ACH T Fraction ITOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAPN FOR ROOM 61238 I *..BILELnEftefQyPru 3.erRy 01'. " 1 -- -L User Number: 3665 Job Number: ....... .... Peg 33trf 49 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btulhr X: --2J-47. x, 2 Btuhlocc. X! 2,142 x I 0.0 Wafts/sqft I sqfttocc. x Stuh/Waft = X:.._....... 2,142 xQ.00 .P1 Waftslsqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = Infiltration: '--- Fr-:�,R x L-ka.0.6. 2.142! X p� x a IAG" 7-4:1 -schedule Ale Went Arva telling "eight Fraction ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 9 5a5 I *..BILELnEftefQyPru 3.erRy 01'. " 1 -- -L User Number: 3665 Job Number: ....... .... Peg 33trf 49 0 0 10/10/2002 16:21 76056B5986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 35. RESIDENTIALROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY B-men-Re%idence 101101M.2. Proicci Title Dato Room Name Fyr/Grt1Din/K-t/Nook/G11ry Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 740F Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 116 0 F Design Temperature Difference: 42°F Conduction . .................. Area U -Value DETD' Btulhr X x — _ X x X.-.-- X x x;-- X x X x X x x X x i. Design Equivaient Temper*ture Diftrcncc (DE 0) Latent Gain Frac. Occupants.... X!— I Page Total L=Q� ltcms shown with an asterisk denote contfctlon Vitetliki Sn iffle-iot iwftee to another room. x Wattslsqft .-,•-„-- ------1Watts1Sqft x BtuhMatt = Process x Shaded x 8tuhNVatt Unshaded Infiltration: I =-4-1!L .61 x '3Cneduie Air I -Stent Fraction Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGIF SIC Btu/hr ........ .. . . ......... . R S&tLth as -L -q. - -t)— - 19.,5 x = + --P-O x 62 ) x 0.44 j = 130 P- _(SCulhwes) 4.7 X 15 . + 8.8 X 62)X .. 44-j = 275 116 -(5ALk1lk pt) 12.4 X Is +.0 . x _--!L2)x _A.44. -i = - 734 P (Southwest) 4.7 X I + 84 X 62)x 0.4 i = 275 (Southwest) 216.0 x is + 0.0, X 62)x 0.44.,i = .1443 (Southwest)........(,.0.0 x I + 58.5 xi 62)X 0.44'1 1,615 112 cnhwast) 0.0 X[ 1. + X� 48)x 0.44- 1. 57�7 x + X + n27.0 _._ x )X X x + . X ) x Sched. Page Total F---i%d Internal Gain Frac.rea at Gai in Btu/hr Lights, 1.0 2.142 X Wattsisqft x g3 41 BtuhNVatt x Occupants 1.00 2 142 X Btuh/occ. 1 2 0 sqftfocc. Rer-ejLtaclq.., 2,142 .413 BtuhNVaft ,15rocess 1.00 x 2.142 x 3 4 Watts/sqft x Btuh/Watt 0-! .1 Infiltration: x 1072 x L— A— x L ---....,o'! x I -od 1' 42 Air Sensible Area ceiling Height ACH Fraction [TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Occupants.... X!— I Area Heat Gain x Btuhlocc. I sqftlocc- Btu/hr Receptacle 0 x ff-1000-91 x Wattslsqft .-,•-„-- ------1Watts1Sqft x BtuhMatt = Process x x x 8tuhNVatt = Infiltration: I =-4-1!L .61 x '3Cneduie Air I -Stent Fraction ....2.14� X 2.411 X Area celllni'moiht ACH 60] �--A.-CAmaj e1w 174q:� ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 9,545 EnergyPro _3.1 sy linergy§01t User Number 3665 Job Number Posic: 34 of 49 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 36 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY • Bo��id��� __..__... _ ®�� 02002 Profeet Title ....-•--•---•-- -- Date Room Name Master Suite Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 740E Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 116 F Design Temperature Difference: 420F • Conduction Area U -Value 109........ _ DETD' Btulhr -38 Roof R.38.2x14.16 - K _ - I (Southwest) _..._.._._ _._._....-765.0 X .._.._. ._ _._.__ 0.0260 X _-- 59:0 = ,,.• 1 264 -21 Wall 21.226.16 __.- 62) 48)X ( -_•_•_0_0 (0.0 660.41 X 0.0592 X 38.6 = 1,509 t(p)�QCnze•.LowE Squared______ _„__ __.__ 97.6 X 0A500 X -_ 42.0 =---_-._- 1,8.4.5. ouble Bronze LowE Squared 108.Q X 0.4700 X 42.0 = 2,132 X -..__.- 0_63Q0 X i X X _.............. __... X X = ....._. - x X =i 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total6.839 Items shown with an asterisk (•) denote conduction ihmugh an interior surtace to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btulhr ( D;0 ( 0.0 x x x x x X x tE22 +x t + + + + 109........ _ (East) ,110_ ---._... ----- - - _LEast) K _ - I (Southwest) 15) 73)x 1,755 .1255 718 IC :(c4lhwast) ----------- --- 15 ( D;0 ( 0.0 x x x x x X x tE22 +x t + + + + Latent Gain Frac. Area Occupants_t.o4 x - _- X x x x X x X 15)Xx x U99 t = 1 0.44:%: = 0.441i x 0.44!- 0 0.44:, _ X 0.', = 44 )X - 152 ? _.-_1 1 15) 73)x 1,755 .1255 718 :' 54.0 73)x: ( D.0 15 26.0 26.0 62) 48)X ( -_•_•_0_0 (0.0 1 _ 556 85 t 4.0 ... - 48) ( Sehed. Page Total 1 ___� Internal Gain Frac. Area _ Heat Gain Btufhr Lights,•,,., _ , _ _ 1. X 765 x 0.000 Wattslsgft x _ 3.41 BtuhMlatt = 0 Occupants 1.00 x 765 x _ 250 Btuh/occ. f 250 sqf focc. _ 765 Receptacle 1.00 765 0-200 Wattsls ft x _ x x ....-_ q ,.3.43 Btuh/Vllatt = .._ 522 Process �r_••_.„•_,,,,.-.•_ 1 0��0 x ,,,. , „ 785 x r 0.0 QQ Wattslsgft X ..-. 3.413 B-tuhh att = . 0 Infiltration: �ch x air s!ZI x ensible area x eeumg H x I ACH OA )'60� -\t T 421 = L-6 2w] Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 19 501 Sched_ Latent Gain Frac. Area Occupants_t.o4 x - _- Heat Gain --_ - Btuhlocc. / 25 sgfUocc. Btulhr _ ____._ 612 x Receptacle - .......... _ - 1,00 x . _. _._-7AX ..- 0.00 Watts/Sgft x 3.41 Stuh/Watt = ._-... --0 Pr --•--•--...... 1.00 x ..._ - x ---- �OQO Wattslsgft X 3.413 BtuhNVatt = -_--• 0. Infiltration: �1 1.001 x 1 4,8081 x 1 76� �chodulo Air Latunt Area Fraction x �- 1Q�80 x __ 1:00 ceilln�eignt we-', 601 __000368 ''w TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 3,048 - ---- - -. _.-_ ........... . EnergyDmUs Energyson er Numeer: 3665 - - Job Numbcr. Page: 3S of ag 10/10/2002 16:21 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 37 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ..RoWe.n Re.sid.en.ce 10/10/2002 Project Title Oats Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Sudy/Powder 3/Hall 740F 116 0 F 420F ConductionArea _U -Value DETD' Stu/hr 1-38 Roof (11.38.204AIS) 477.0 X X 280 59.0 = 788 R-21 Wall .(W.21.2x6.j§)__ 101.2 X 0.0592 X 38.6 = 231 :Lqgh&J912az E rvA- 22. 0.4700 X &--IjaL jtqwL x 444 )ouble 8rortze LowE $qqareS!81.2 X 0.4500 X 42.0 = 1,536 X x x x X_•--....._.. ............. . ....... x xx ...... . ... X I 1. Design Equivalent Temperature DAceence (DETO) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk senorsconduction through an Interior surface to anolher mom. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area sGr Area SGIF SC Btulhr ......... .. ---Ojo x 1! + .22..5 X x 064i = 481 0.0 x 1., + 19.6 X; 62)X a4:• = 538 H._ (Wast) x 1 + 29.2 X' 73) x 0.44:1 = NoAtwLe�st_-- 0-0 x 1! + 32.5 x 48 )X0.44!:) . 695 x X[I + - x -)x x - ---------- x x ...... .... x x -)X!-] Sched. Page Total Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Stuffir Lights xAx Watts/54ft x Rtuh/Watt 0 Occupants . x Btuh/occ. 1 25 s4tt/Occ. = 477 Receptacle 1-66 x x Watts1s4ft X 3-413 Btuh/Watt = 326 Process 1.0 x Btuh/Watt = Watts/sqft x 3-41 Infiltration: X1 - ----1-07 x x 1 1040 X 160] .3.7231 Air Sensible Area ceiling Height T Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM to 169 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr occupants_ 1.09 -- -0 Xfft 7*7' X ()Q Btuhlocc. I sq occ. ft/ Receptacle 1.00 x .4_ 7 x 7 .... ...... 0.000 Watts/sqft x BtuhANaft Process -0.0 I x 7 x 0 Wattsisqft x 91 BtuhNVatt Infiltration: FLr.=.R9 x I x 6qj 40 Schedule Air Latent Fraction Area Calling Height ACH AW TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1.844 ------------- Fr=-1rgy111. 3 yfnerqy Job Number: loft User Number: 3605 *qc-36 ai 48 • • • 10/11/2002 06:55 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 01 RESIDENTIAL ROOM (COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Bowen. R.e_sickny - _ 0/10/2002_ Proleet Tttle Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Conduction 1. Design EqulvalM Temperature Dittarence (DETD) Bonus/Laundry'Powder/Hall 740F 1160F Area X X X X X X X I x U -Value X X X X X X X X DEW 59.(! 42.0 517.d 4.0 0.0280 0.9400 498.0 0.0592 38.E 45. 1531 0.4500 _ .. 0.4700 0.3872 42.(i 42.(1 24.. _..„.. 381 9251 SAX 621 _ 1.49 { 0,0 _ j hems shown with an asterisk (') denote Conductor. through an Interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Skylight T.. 117 kyl�ht) (Southeast) 'southeast) T southeast) _....., F - (Southwest _ 1108_ (Northwest) (Northwest) = _ = = = = = = = Btu/hr 51U Page Total 420F Btulhr 1154 58 850 3,0 9 - 11 Area x X x x x X_ x x x SGF + + + + + + + + + + Area 4. x x X X x X x XX X XLAX SGF )X X xX SC = _ = = = = = = = Btu/hr 51U (no 15 1 ...... 0:8:�9 0,a. ( 0.0 1 22.5 SAX 621 _ 1.49 { 0,0 _. 1 54.0 0.415 1 22.5 62) 0.415 0.4-15 621 { 0.0 1 S. 62)x 138 ( 0.0 1 _ 1 45.0 48)X 0.4.1 952 1 154 ( 0.0 54.0 48)x 0.4-15 ( Fraction ( 2,014 _._ _ Sched. Page Total 54 97 _ Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain .,_ Btuihr0 Li hts 1_00 X 52 X o.00 Watts/sgft X 3.41 BtuhlWatt Occupants 1.0 x� 521 X 25 ' Btuh/OCC. / 250 sqf locc. = 521 Rent ptacle 1.00 x �_ ,52 X 0.2 wattslsgft x 3•x13 Btuh/Watt a 356 Process rr II 1.00 x ( 52 xx 0.000 Wattslsgft x 3.41 Btu�hMatt = 0 Infiltration: I� xi - x t--�52U x �ioaol x .1..0. / 60J = I 4nm "'5cnedute Air Sensible Arta Calling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 16,931 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occu ants_,.1.00 x x 200 Btuh/occ. / 25R Sgftlocc. = 4..17 Reoepfade _ 1.00 x 521 x ..U.00 Watts/sgft X .41 BtuhNVatt = Process_ 1.0 x 521 x _ 4. Watts/sgft X 3:4J BtuhWatt = _ 0 Infiltration: '---ssschedule (� I 1.00 x 4 e0s x 52� x �i x �;OD. / 60J 0.00368) •• �� AlrLatent Area celltrr9Height ACH -M Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,014 EnergyPro 3.1 By Enerrty8oh User Numbor: 3665 Job Number: P898:3701`49 10/11/2002 06:55 7605685986 BREEZE AIR PAGE 02 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY • BOWen Residence 10/10%2002- Proicct Title Dere Room Name Bedroom's 2, 3 Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 740F Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature. 116F Design Temperature Difference: 420F Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btulhr 679. 1,0059i 63. • 0 1. Dealgn EquWaieni Temperature Dftrenco (DETD) x 0.0280 x x x x x X x ., 0,0592 -- - .. 0.4500 0.4700 0.5300 X x x X x x x x x SGF X SC x ._ 59.( x 38.f x 42.(I x x 42. x X _. x x Items shown wtrh an asterisk (•) denote conduction through an interior surface to another mom. Shaded Unshaded Solas Gain Page Total Orientation Area x x x x x x x X x SGF + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1�+ 1 . + 1 + Area X x x X x x x x x SGF X )X SC = _ = = = = = = Btulhr 385 �J� Lortheaiit)__- (__...-0., ( 0.0 is. _.48)x --O-4. .4r. (Northeast) Lortheast) (Southeast).._ ,(Southeast) JSoutheast) 54.0 18.0 48)x x ( 0.0 48)X .__ 0.4.: OAA 385 ( 0.0 24.0 62)x 663 663 ( 0 0 24.0 62) 0.4r ( 0.0 4.0 62)X 0.4<, 110 Lorthwest) ( 0.0 4.0 48)X 0.4, .5 85 (Northwest)( (Northwest) 0.0 13.8 48)X 0.4, .5 295 ( _ 0.0 13.8 5 295 Schad. Page Total 4.035 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btulhr Li is 1.00 x 679X 0.00 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Occupants 1.00 X _ 679 X .... 25 Btuh/occ. 1 25 scift/occ. Receptacle _ t_00 x _ 679 x 0. Watts/Sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 463 Process _ 1.00 x 679 x f 0. Wattsisgtt x 3.41Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: x [--M2 07. X �,. _� x I �2 x 100 / 601 I.f _ 42 hadulo Air3tasibte area Celling Height ACM L\T Fraction OTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 16 799 Ener yPm 3.1 By EnsMSolt User Number. 3885 Job Number. _ - _ Pago:38 of d9 Schad. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occu ants 1.00 1.00 x x _ ?x 67s x 2 _, _.......0.000 Stuh/occ. 1 _ sgWocc. Watts/sgft x 1 BtuhMatt = L Receptacle 21 x x Watts/sgft x 3;4„t. BtuhfWatt = U Infiltration: QQ x x [ s7 x g.zo x / 601 0.00368 =r 19az -Schedule Air Latent Area __,-.„.;.1_o.0 Ceiling Height ACM OW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,3115 Ener yPm 3.1 By EnsMSolt User Number. 3885 Job Number. _ - _ Pago:38 of d9 • • 10/11/2002 06:55 76056859BG BREEZE AIR RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD -SUMMARY PAGE 03 Bowen 10/10/2002 ........ Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: {guest Casita 740E 116°F 42°F Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr 442.d X 0.0280 X 59.0 = 730 826-C X 0.0692 X 38.6 = 1888 - .. _.....109.(• X .... ._... --..._....0.4700 X .... 42.0 = -z13 10.1 X 0.5300 X 42.0 = 223• 81 X 0.4500 X 42.0 = 151 X X = x X I a 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total 5124 Items shown with an 3steftit (-) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr 11A_.._ 11C)_ (Wrtheast) ..(N�w?east)_ v W _LSauthwest) Southwest _ x x x x x x 48)X x x x )x )X x r 0.44 = = = = {0.0 x x x x Ix x x X 1 + + + + + +X + 54.0 x x x x x x 48)X x x x )x )X x r 0.44 = = = = JI,1. 1,154 Q- 0.0 1" , 54_0 10.0 48) 62) _Q.44.5= 0.44 { 0.0 276 { 0.0 1 8.0 62) 0.44 221 { ...-"-- ............ --- -- =� Schad. Page Tot.- 1 2.805 Internal Gain Frac. Area _Heat Gain Btu/hr Li fits 1.00 X 442 X 0.000VNattslsgft x 3.41 BtUhNYatt = 0 Occupants 1.0o X 442 x 250Btuhlocc. / zso sgWocc. = 442 Receptacle I. x 442 x 0.200 Wattslsgft x 3.413 BtuhlWatt = 302 Process - 1.00 x 442 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 B(uh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: r�-� x x 4421 x x �t� / 60� F= = L 5161 schedule Air Sensible Area ceiling Height ACH JT Fracdon TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 12 189 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain _ Btu/hr Occupants _L00 x1--.-...-.442. x 2 Stuhlocc. lsgft/occ. Receptacte 1.00 XI 44Z X __..,. 0_00_0 Watts/sqft X 41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Pro _.,. 1.00 X� 42 x Watts/sgft x t3tuhfWatt = Infiltration: x L4 - x r 4a2 x+o.so x160] D.00368� - L t-}p3I thcdub AIF Latent Area celring "eight AC" �1W Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1.735 [Ener a ro 3.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3085 Job Number, Pa :9g of de is • M7 — 1 ,1;7 . ­ -6 :1:- - q . : :6� _ -.- - COILS • - COIL UNITS nn ELITE 12"m CB30 i�! MULTI -POSITION BLOWER COIL UNITS Bulletin#210106 *12,600 to 60,000 Btuh (3.7 to 17.6 kW) Cooling Capacity November 1995 *11,500 to 58,000 Btuh (3.4 to 17.0 kW) Heat Pump Heating Capacity 2.5 to 30.0 kW Optional Electric Heat *ARI Standard 2101240 Ratings With Matching Outdoor Unit U@ L C ® J ISO 9002 REGISTERED WORLD CLASS QUALITY LISTED LISTED 30 I- .T_�* Horizontal Left Hand Position (With Optional Electric Heat) Applications • 1-1/2 to 5 ton (5.3 to 17.6 kW) nominal sizes. • Multi -position (up -flow, down -flow or horizontal) applications. • Applicable to expansion valve systems in cooling applications and check and expansion valve systems in heat pump applications. • Wide range check and expansion valve factory installed. • See Condensing Unit bulletins in section Cooling Units — Condensing Units for cooling capacities. • See Heat Pump Outdoor Unit Bulletins in section Heat Pumps — Matched Remote Systems for cooling and heating capacities. • Optional field installed electric heaters available in several sizes for additive heating capacity. • Filter furnished. • Optional additive base available for models with electric heat installed in down -flow position on combustible floors. Warranty • All covered components — five years (residential applications), one year (non-residential applications). Completely Tested and Approved • Tested with matching condensing and heat pump units in the Lennox Research Laboratory environmental test room in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240-89. • Optional electric heaters rated' in accordance with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) test procedures and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) labeling regulations. • Blower performance data according to unit tests conducted in Lennox air test chamber. • Blower -coil units are U.L. Listed to U.S. and Canadian .safety standards and components within are bonded for grounding to meet safety standards for servicing required by CEC and NEC. • Units developed in accordance with SO 9002 quality standards. Cabinet • Constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steel. • Completely insulated with thick fiberglass insulation. • Pre -painted steel cabinets have mildly textured enamel finish with primer coat on unpainted side of all panels. • Units are shipped in one piece but may be disassembled into two separate sections for ease of installation in tight applications. See dimension drawings. • Thick rubber gasket between sections provides air tight seal. • No external screw heads on sides of cabinet for tight installatiqns without damage to walls or woodwork. • Removable panels provide complete service access. • Electripal inlets provided in sides and top of cabinet. See dimension drawings for locations. Typical Applications With Optional Electronic Air Cleaner 4 The maple leaf symbol in this bulletin denotes Canadian only usage where applicable ;1995 Lennox Industries Inc. NOTE — Due to Lennox' ongoing committment to quality, Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice and without incurring liability. • • • SPECIFICATIONS Model Number CB30M-21/26 CB30M-31 CB30M-41 CB30M-46 CB30M-51 CB30M-65 Net face area - ft.2 (m2) 3.11 (0.29) 3.56 (0.33) 4.44 (0.41) 4.44 (0.41) 5.0 (0.46) 5.0 (0.46) Tube outside diameter - in. (mm) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8 (9.5) Evaporator Number of rows 2 2 2 3 3 3 Coil Fins per inch (fins per m) 14 (551) 14 (551) 14 1551) 12 (472) 12 (472) 12 (472) Suct. (vapor) line conn. - in. (mm) sweat 5/806) 3/4 (19) 3/4(19) 7/8 (22.2) 7/8 (22.21 Liquid line conn. - in. (mm) sweat 3/8 (9.5) 3/8 (9.5) 3/8(9,5) 3/8 (9.5) 3/8 (9.5) 3/8 (9.5) Condensate drain connection (fpt) - in. (mm) (2) 3/4 (19) (2) 3/4(19) (2) 3/4 (19) (2) 3/4(19) (2) 3/4 (19) (2) 3/4(19) Nominal cooling capacity - tons (kW) 1-5-2 (5.3-7.0) 2.5 (8.8) 300.6) 3.5 (6.3) 4 (14.1) 5(17.6) Refrigerant HCFC -22 Blower wheel nominal diameter xwidth - in. (mm) 10 x 7 10 x 8 11 x 8 11 X8 11-1/2 x 9 12 x 9 (254 x 178) (254 x 203) (279 x 203) (279 x 203) (292 x 229) (305 x 229) Blower motor output - hp (W) 1/5(149) 1/3 (249) 1/3(249) 1/3(249) 1/3(249) 1/2 (373) in. (1)15x20x1 (1)20x20x1 (1)20x24x1 ttNumber and size of filters mm (1) 381 x508x25 (1) 508 x 508 x 25 (1) 508 x 610 x 25 208/230v-1ph 208/230v - 1 ph Electrical characteristics (60hz) 208/230v-1ph **460v - 3 ph 208/230v-1ph **460v - 3 ph 575v - 3 ph Shipping weight - lbs. (kg) 1 package 136 (62) 157 (71) 177 (80) 181 (82) 206(931 206 (93) a Optional Accessories (Must Be Ordered Extra) a Side Return Unit Stand Catalog number 45K31 45K32 (Up -Flow Only) Ship. wt. - lbs. (kg) 50 6 (3) Wall Hanging Bracket Kit - Shipping weight - lbs. (kg) 45K30 - 3 (1) (Up -Flow Only) Down -Flow Combustible Base - Ship. wt. - lbs. (kg) 3402 - 8 (4) 34.173 - 8 (4) *Output - Btuh (kWl 9,500 (2.8) 10,000 (2.9) - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - ECB29-2.5 tA.F.U.E. 100% 100% - - - - - - - - - - - - ECB29-5, *Output - Btuh (kW) 18,000 (5.3) 18,500 (5.4) 18,500 (5.4) 19,000 (5.6) 19,000 (5.6) - - - - ECB29-5CB tA.F.U.E. 100% 1000,10 100% 100% 100% - - - ECB29-8, *Output - Btuh (kW) 28,000 (8.2) 28,500 (8.4) 28,500 (8.4) 29,000 (8.5) 29,000 (8.5) 30,500 (8.9) ECB29-8CB tA.F.U.E. 100% , 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% ECB29-10, *Output- Btuh (kW) 35,000 00.3) 35,500 (10.4) 35,500 (10.4) 36,000 (10.5) 36,000 (10.5) 37,000 (10.8) ECB29-10CB tA.F.U.E. 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Electric *Output - Btuh (kW) - - - - 44,000 (12.9) 44,000 (12.9) 44,500 (13:0) 44,500 (13.0) 45,500 (13.3) Capacity ECB29-12.5C6 (1 phase) tA.F.U.E. - - - - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *Output - Btuh (kW) - - - - 52,500 (15.4) 52,500 (15.4) 53,000 (15.5) 53,000 (15.5) 54,000 (15.8) ECB29-15CB tA.F.U.E. - - - - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *Output - Btuh (kW1 - - - - - - - - 69,500 (20.4) 70,000 (20.5) 70,000 (20.5) 71,500 (20.9) ECB29-20CB tA.F.U.E. - - - - - - - - 100% 100% 100% 100% *Output - Btuh (kWl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 87,000 (25.5) 88,500 (25.9) ECB29-25CB tA.F.U.E. ---- ---- ---- ---- 100% 100% *Output - Btuh (kW) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 105,500 (!10.9) ECB29-30CB tA.F.U.E. - - - - - - - - 100% tAnnual Fuel Utilization Efficiency based on U.S. DOE test procedures and according to FTC labeling regulations. ttDisposable frame type filter. Includes additional blower motor heat capacity. "Blower motor is 460v - 7 phase. Optional electric heat is 460v - 3 phase. -Blower motor is 460v single phase. 575v electric heaters are shipped with step-down transformer for use with 460v units (CB30M-51 & C630M-65 models only). C830M / Page 3 ► DIMENSIONS — inches (mm) POSITIONCB30M UP -FLOW / LLI \ Iz•3/a LINE VOLTAGE LOW VOLTAGE 1701 8 INLETS INLETS (Top and Left Side) ITop and Right Side) ITTOP VIEW L-- (da) 3-1+2(8-1----� I — B 5/8 __ (161 / � nunnuunw A"- GOPTION• ELECTRIC ' BLOWER) AIR FLOW I / HEAT 1 / ' L _ J Instal�ad) \ / A I-----� PLATE H SUCTION L NE i COIL / \ LIQUID — — — LINE === I FILTER FILTER Return Air ACCESS F ' ReturEn Air I 5/8 lis) FRONT VIEW 11/61 (25) SIDE VIEW jam- (16) Model No. SUPPLY AIR OF PIPING PLATE CB30M-41 OPENING _ _ _DETAIL r -- ---_ 19) 1191 mm 1 1.1/8 129) mm inch mm inch SUCTION LINE ��ll) CONDENSATE 1149 3/4 I LIQUID 51 (HorizonDRAINStal) (191 11-1/16 (281) 119) LINE 1486 8 D 413 i 2 + 0 I 540 21-1/4 151) 21-1/4 540 C 20-5/8 524 OCONDENSATE I 22-5/8 575 22-5/8 575 DRAINS (2) 625 D 5.3/8 375 (Up -Flow and 502 19-3/4 (137) + + Down -flow) / LLI \ Iz•3/a LINE VOLTAGE LOW VOLTAGE 1701 8 INLETS INLETS (Top and Left Side) ITop and Right Side) ITTOP VIEW L-- (da) 3-1+2(8-1----� I — B 5/8 __ (161 / � nunnuunw A"- GOPTION• ELECTRIC ' BLOWER) AIR FLOW I / HEAT 1 / ' L _ J Instal�ad) \ / A I-----� PLATE H SUCTION L NE i COIL / \ LIQUID — — — LINE === I FILTER FILTER Return Air ACCESS F ' ReturEn Air I 5/8 lis) FRONT VIEW 11/61 (25) SIDE VIEW jam- (16) Model No. C830M-21/26 CE130M-31 CB30M-41 CS30M-46 l _CB30M-51 CB30M-65— inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm A 45-1/4 1149 49-1/4 1251 51 1295 52-1/2 1334 58-1/2 1486 8 16-1/4 413 21-1/4 540 21-1/4 540 21-1/4 540 21-1/4 540 C 20-5/8 524 20-5/8 524 22-5/8 575 22-5/8 575 24-5/8 625 D 14-3/4 375 19-3/4 502 19-3/4 502 19-3/4 502 19-3/4 502 E 19 483 19 483 21 533 21 533 23 584 F 15 351 20 508 20 508 20 508 20 508 EHG 24-5/8 625 24-5/8 625 26-3/8 670 27-7/8 708 27-7/8 708 H 2O-5/8 524 24-5/8 625 24-5/8 625 24-5/8 625 r3O-5/8r77 778 CB30M DOWN -FLOW POSITION DETAIL OF PIPING PLATE x,.,/—XE --- 81— ----� 5/8 ' SUCTIO718(16) LIQCONDENSATE DRAINS 12) LIN!Horizontal) 5/8 5/8 O1161 1,61 2F I 1511O Model No. CB30M-21/26 CB30M-31 C830M-41 CB30M-46 CB30M-51 CB30M-65 inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm A 45-1/4 1149 49-1/4 1251 51 1295 52-1/2 1334 58-1/2 1486 B 16-1/4 413 21-1/4 540 21-1/4 540 21.1/4 540 21-1/4 540 C 20-5/8 524 20-5/8 524 22-5/8 575 22-5/8 575 24-5/8 625 D 14-3/4 375 19-3/4 502 19-3/4 502 19.3/4 502 19-3/4 502 E 19 483 19 483 21 533 21 533 23 584 F 15 351 20 508 20 508 20 508 20 508 G 24-5/8 625 24.5/8 625 26-3/8 670 27-7/8 708 27-7/8 708 H 2O-5/8 524 24-5/8 625 24-5/8 625 24.5/8 625 30-5/8 778 3/4 119) CB30M / Page 12 ► RETURN I CONDENSATE AIR DRAINS (2) OPENING I 5.3/8 + + (Up-Flow and (1371 23/ 0 125) I1.3/4 -w4 144) 3-1/2 (89) FRONT VIEW 116) SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW FILTER $ ACCESS C---Wi /�/ FILTER — — — —j \ I PIPING \ I I % PLATE 1 SUCTION LINE COIL I I \ I I uQUID--� — — — LINE A { { OPTIONAL ELECTRIC / AIR FLOW HEAT /BLOWER ( G Installed) 1 \ / { —L -' _— LOW VOLTAGE IRlght Sidel LINE VOLTAGE — +— I- %. 1 ILeft Side) 5/8 n uunnnuum (161 SuPPIY Air I D Supply -Air 3/a (19) 11-1(16 518 (2871 FRONT VIEW 116) SIDE VIEW i! ,0, ENGINEERING DATA UL C UL LISTED LISTED HP21 INNOVATOR'm SERIES - TWO SPEED POWERSAVER® SEER - 12.0 to 16.15 CEATIRCATION APPLIES ONLY WHEN THE COMPLETE SYSTEM IS USTE0 WrrH AN Typical Application Cooling Capacity - 34,800 to 60,000 Btuh (10.2 to 17.6 M) Heating Capacity - 35,000 to 57,000 Btuh (10.3 to 16.7 kW) Bulletin No. 210058 July 2000 '110r._ _a: _ — - _ _ - Supersedes April 1996 MODELr • H P21 -36 - 230 -1 Unit Type Minor Revision Number HP = Heat Pump Outdoor Unit Series Voltage 230 = 208/230v-1 phase-60hz Cooling Capacity Tons (kW) 233 = 208/230v-3 phase-60hz 36 = 3 (10.6) 460 = 460v-3 phasefOhz 48=4(14.1) 60=5(17.6) FEATURES Applications SEER up to 16.15. HSPF up to 8.50. 3, 4 or 5 Ton (10.6, 14.1 or 17.6 kW) sizes. - Two -speed compressor staged for precise heating or cooling capacity with minimum operating costs. Compressor operates on low speed under light and medium heating or cooling loads and automatically shifts to high speed for heavy load conditions. Units are designed for applications with remotely located indoor multi -position blower -coil units or indoor add-on coils with gas or oil furnaces in FM21 control applications. - Units equally suited for installation on a slab at grade level or on a rooftop. - For FM21 applications, see section — Thermostats and Controls. For indoor unit data, see section, Coil—Blower Coil Units. Units are test operated at the factory insuring proper operation. Installer must set unit, connect refrigerant lines and make electrical connections to complete job. Approvals Certified in accordance with the USE certification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240-94. Sound rated in Lennox reverberant sound test room in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270-95. - Tested in the Lennox Research Laboratory environmental test room. - Rated according to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) test procedures - Units and components within bonded for grounding to meet safety standards for servicing required by UL, NEC and CEC. Units are UL listed and ULC certified. Developed in accordance with ISO 9000 quality standards. Equipment Warranty Compressor — ten year limited warranty in residential applications and five years in non-residential applications. All other covered components — five year limited warranty in residential applications and one year in non-residential applications. Refer to Lennox Equipment Limited Warranty certificate included with unit for details. NOTE - Due toLennox' ongoing committmento quality, Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice and without Incurring liability. Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage or personal injury. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer and servicing agency. ©2000 Lennox Industries Inc. • • FEATURES (CONTINUED) Unit Cabinet Heavy gauge steel cabinet with five station metal wash process. Powder paint finish provides superior rust and corrosion protection. Control box located in HushTone' compressor compartment. Control box is conveniently located with all controls factory wired. Drainage holes are provided in base section for moisture removal. High density polyethylene feet raise unit off mounting surface away from damaging moisture. - Corrosion resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire condenser coil guard furnished. HushTone- Compressor Compartment Compressor is located in separate, fiberglass insulated compartment to keep sound levels at a minimum. Large removable panel provides service access Copper Tube Outdoor Coil Lennox designed and fabricated coil Constructed of precisely spaced ripple -edge aluminum fins machine fitted to seamless copper tubes. Precise coil circuiting gives uniform refrigerant distribution for high efficiency. Extra large wrap around "U" shaped coil configuration provides extra large surface area for excellent heat transfer with minimum air resistance. - Fins are equipped with collars that grip tubing for maximum contact area. Inverted coil circuiting prevents ice buildup at coil base in low ambients. Discharge gas enters bottom of coil during defrost and heat of refrigerant flows counter to water drainage resulting in extremely clean and unobstructed fins and tubes. Fin spacing allows rapid and complete water drainage. - Flared tubing connections and silver soldering provide tight, leakproof joints. - Long life copper tubing is corrosion -resistant and easy to service. - Factory tested under high pressure to insure leakproof construction. - HP21-48 & -60 models equipped with enhanced fin coil and rifled tubing. - Entire coil is accessible for cleaning. Outdoor Fan - Efficient direct drive fan moves large volumes of air uniformly through entire outdoor coil resulting in high refrigerant cooling capacity. - Vertical discharge of air minimizes operating sounds and eliminates hot air damage to lawn and shrubs. - Totally enclosed fan motor provides maximum protection from weather, dust and corrosion. - Motor rain shield provides additional protection from moisture. - Fan service access is accomplished by removal of fan guard. - Corrosion resistant PVC coated steel wire fan guard furnished as standard. Two Speed Compressor -Designed for superior efficiency at minimum operating cost. - Two speed operation gives staging control to fit varying cooling and heating load requirements, extends operating life of compressor and provides operating economy during periods of reduced loads. During part load conditions the compressor operates in the low speed mode. - Compressor is suction cooled, and hermetically sealed with built-in solid-state motor protection from excessive current and temperatures. - Features vertical crankshaft, ringed valves and pistons, tuned discharge muffler, two stage oil pump and positive venting of lubrication system. - Crankcase heater assures proper compressor lubrication. - Running gear assembly resiliently suspended internally inside case. Compressor is installed in unit on resilient rubber mounts assuring low sound and vibration free operation. Lennox TSC -6 Two -Speed Control Module Prevents compressor short -cycling and also allows time for suction and discharge pressure to equalize, permitting the compressor to start in an unloaded condition. Module also provides a time delay between compressor shutoff and start-up and between speed changes. - Diagnostic LED's are furnished as an aid in troubleshooting. Defrost Control Solid-state demand defrost control furnished as standard equipment. - Defrost cycle is temperature activated and time or temperature terminated. Unit only goes into defrost when system temperatures indicate a demand. Defrost cycle terminates when system temperatures are satisfied or defrost time exceeds 15 minutes. Refrigerant Line Connections, Electrical Inlets, Service Valves - Vapor and liquid line connections made with sweat connections inside unit. - Shrader fitting are factory installed in the vapor and discharge lines. - Fully serviceable brass service valves prevent corrosion and provide easy access to refrigerant system. - Liquid and vapor valves can be fully shut off, and the liquid valve may be front seated to manage refrigerant charge while servicing the system. - Field wiring inlets are conveniently located for ease of entry. - High capacity dual flow drier is furnished and factory installed in the liquid line. Service Light Thermostat Factory installed on the compressor discharge line. - Required for operation of conditioned area thermostat with service light. Reversing Valve Four-way interchange reversing valve effects a rapid change in direction of refrigerant flow resulting in quick changeover from cooling to heating and vice versa. Valve operates on pressure differential between outdoor unit and indoor unit of the system. Factory installed. Expansion Valve Designed and sized specifically for use in heat pump system. Sensing bulb is located on suction line between reversing valve and compressor thus sensing suction temperature in any cycle. Factory installed and piped. HP21/ Page 2 loo. t FEATURES (CONTINUED) High Pressure Switch Factory installed and wired. Protects system from abnormal operating conditions. Manual reset. Start Controls Furnished and factory installed. Provides assistance for compressor start under loaded conditions or in the event of low voltage. Ambient Compensating Thermistor Reduces thermostat droop to improve the operating characteristics of the heat pump system. Thermistor varies heat anticipator resistance as ambient temperature changes. Factory installed in the discharge air stream. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES - MUST BE ORDERED EXTRA Thermostat Thermostat not furnished and must be ordered extra. See Thermostat bulletin in Thermostats and Controls section and Lennox Price Book. CCB1 EfficiencyPlus' Humidity Control CCB1 Humidity Control (35H00) installs next to the room thermostat and allows selection of desired indoor humidity level in cooling mode. Controls indoor humidity by altering indoor blower speed and compressor speed. EfficiencyP/us'g Humidity level desired may be set by adjusting a vertical slide to set point on a scale of 40% thru 60% (50% recommended as initial set point). Five indicator lights (MIN — MAX) in a bar graph configuration indicate difference between t 0 0 0 0 0 actual relative humidity and set point. This indicates demand imposed on system equipment, m1. .. the more lights on, the longer the equipment will operate to obtain desired humidity level. If no lights are on, the humidity level is at or below set point. CCB1 is most effective when used with units that have variable speed blower motors - G32V/GHR32V gas furnaces and CB31MV blower coils. - May also be used with units that have single speed blower motors. Usage with single speed motors requires EBR1 Blower Relay Kit. See below. EBR1 Blower Relay Kit - EBR1 Blower Relay Kit (75H90) allows CCB1 to be used with gas furnaces or blower coil units that have single speed blower motors. Indoor Blower Speed Relay Kit - Relay kit (40K58) provides humidity control conditions by automatically reducing indoor blower speed during continuous fan or low speed compressor operation. - Kit should not be used in CCB1 Efficiency Plus Humidity Control applications. Check and Expansion Valve Kits - Must be ordered extra and field installed on some indoor units. - See ARI Ratings table. Refrigerant Line Kits - Refrigerant lines (vapor & liquid) are shipped refrigeration clean. Lines are cleaned, dried, pressurized and sealed at factory. - Suction line fully insulated. - L15 lines are stubbed at both ends. - See Refrigerant Line Kit table for selection. - Kit is not available for HP21-60 model and must be field fabricated. - Refrigerant line length should not exceed 50 ft. (15 m) in any installation. If longer length lines are required, contact your Lennox Field Technical Consultant. Low Ambient Kit - Condensing units will operate satisfactorily down to 45°F (7°C) outdoor air temperature without any additional controls. - Kit LB-57113BC (24H77) can be added in the field enabling unit to operate properly down to 30°F (-1 °C). Mounting Base - Provides permanent foundation for condensing units. - High density polyethylene structural material is lightweight, sturdy, sound absorbing and will withstand the rigors of the sun, heat, cold, moisture, oil and refrigerant. Will not mildew or rot. - Can be shipped singly or in packages of 6 to a carton. - All models use MB2-L (69J07), 32 x 34 x 3 in. (813 x 864 x 76 mm), shipping weight 15 lbs. (7 kg) each. r THERMOSTAT -ir DISCONNECT,, NN r DISCOECT:, (Optional) SWITCH. " I I SWITCH ' LJ L (B — — y Others) J (By Others)- r— �-- L-----_j r OPTIONAL OUTDOOR' F THERMOSTAT L ----J LENNOX OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTAL. ELECTRIC HEAT r DISCONt3ECT 1 SWITCH OUTDOOR L � gY Others) OX — UNIT C+ LENNOX INDOOR UNIT A — Two or Three Wire Power (see Electrical Data) B — Two or Three Wire Power (size to heater capacity) C — Two Wire Power (size to indoor coil blower motor) D — Two Wire Low Voltage — 18 ga. minimum E — Eight Wire Low Voltage — 18 ga. minimum — with Electric Heat — Ten Wire Low Voltage with Optional Outdoor Thermostat F — Five Wire Low Voltage — 18 ga. minimum G — Three Wire Low Voltage — 18 ga. minimum — Field tiring Not Fumished — AII wiring must conform to NEC or CEC and local electrical codes. HP21/ Page 3 loo. SPECIFICATIONS LINE SETS 0 Model No. HP21-36 HP21-48 --RHP21=60 Liquid line - in. (mm) o.d. connection (sweat) HP21,36 3/8(9.5) HP21-48 Vapor line - in. (mm) o.d. connection (sweat) 3/4(19) 7/8(22.2) 1-1/8 (28.5) Refrigerant charge furnished (HCFC - 22) 13 lbs. 13 oz. (6.27 kg) 15 lbs. 8 oz. (7.03 kg) 18 lbs. 13 oz. (8.53 kg) 208/230v 3ph Net face area - sq. ft. (m2) Inner coil 17.53 (1.63) 20.81 (1.93) 23.01 (2.14) Outdoor Net face area - sq. ft. (m2) Outer coil 18.22 (1.69) 21.64 (2.01) 23.92 (2.22) Coil Tube diameter - in. (mm) & no. of rows 27.0 5/16 (7.9) - 2 Rated load amps 17.6 Fins per inch (m) 17.6 20 (787) 30.8 19.9 Diameter - in. (mm) & no. of blades 24(610)-3 24(610)-4 .90 Motor hp 1/10(75) 1/6(124) 1/4(187) Outdoor Fan Cfm (Us) 3120 (1470) 3200 (1510) 4200 (1980) 60.0 Rpm 820 815 815 0.7 Watts 155 200 310 Shipping weight -- lbs. (kg) 1 package 323 (147) 341 (155) 372 (169) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES - MUST BE ORDERED EXTRA CCB1 Eff iciencyPlus ' Humidity Control 35H00 EBR1 Blower Relay 75H90 Indoor Blower Speed Relay Kit 40K58 Mounting Base - Shipping Weight MB2-L (69,107) - 15 lbs. (7 kg) Low Ambient Kit LB-57113BM (27J00) Outdoor Thermostat Kit Thermostat Kit 56A87 Mounting Box M-1595 (31461)/BM-10260 (33A09) Canada Only pt Hefrigerant charge sufficient for 20 ft. (6.0 m) length of refrigerant lines. ELECTRICAL DATA LINE SETS 0 Outdoor Unit Model No. Line Set Model No. Length of Lines Model No. HP21�36 HP21,36 HP21-48 HP21-48 HP21-60 HP21-60 Line voltage data - 60 hz 208/230v iph 208/230v 3ph 208/230v 1ph 208/230v 3ph 208/230v 1ph 208/230v 3ph ecommended maximum fuse or circuit breaker size (amps) 40 25 40 25 60 45 'Minimum circuit ampacity 22.7 16.6 23.0 16.9 40.2 27.0 40 12 Rated load amps 17.6 12.7 17.6 12.7 30.8 19.9 Compressor Power factor .98 .90 .98 .90 .92 .90 Locked rotor amps 90.0 60.0 90.0 60.0 141.0 91.0 Outdoor Coil Full load amps 0.7 1.0 1.7 Fan Motor Locked rotor amps 1.2 1.9 2.9 -Heter to National or Canadian electncai code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements. NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage. REFRIGERANT LINE SETS 0 Outdoor Unit Model No. Line Set Model No. Length of Lines Liquid Line Outside Diameter Vapor Line Outside Diameter ft. m in. mm in. mm HP21-36 L15-41-20 20 6 3/8 9.5 3/4 ' 19 L15-41-30 30 9 L15-41-40 40 12 L15-41-50 50 15 HP21-48 L15-65-30 30 9 3/8 9.5 7/8 22.2 L15 -6i5-40 40 12 L1 5-50 1 50 1 15 HP21-60 Field Fabricate 3/8 9.5 1-1/8 28.5 Note - Refrigerant lines should not exceed 50 ft. (15 m) in any installation. HP21/ Page 4 jo. rvu c - nanngs ror an uco anu i.ac cons inumue an caseu anu uncaseo cons. ❑p Certified in accordance with the USE certification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240 with 25 ft. (7.6 m) of connecting refrigerant lines; Cooling Ratings - 95°F (35°C) outdoor air temperature and 80°F (27°C) db/67°F (19°C) wb entering indoor coil air. High Temperature Heating Ratings - 47°F (8°C) db/43°F (6°C) wb outdoor air temperature and 70°F (21 °C) db entering indoor coil air. Low Temperature Heating Ratings - 17°F db/15°F wb outdoor air temperature and 70°F (21 °C) db entering indoor coil air. ®Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. (MMost popular evaporator coil. (DCanada Only. *Furnished as standard with coil unit. "Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. AFM21 Heat Pump Control - Use coil listed with any Lennox furnace that meets system design requirements. See FM21 page in this section for additional data. L� 32-1/8 (816) } r at­kt, HP21-36 34-7/8 (886) HP21-48 40-7/8 (1038 S "els r S. s t i 1 HP21-60 1 r .A+ i t 44-7/8 (1140) j )y ED Ell :„c, L431'4) 4 9-1/4 I (76) (23)(57)7 5/8 (702)L (57) SERVICE ACCESS HP21/ Page 6 ► COMPRESS( ELECTRICAL INLETS VAPOR LINE o0 INLET 4-13/16 (122) LIQUID LINE 16 INLET (406) l� INLET AIR TOP VIEW 34-1/16 RGE GE* DISCHAAIR IJ 18-5/8 U -11111101:M26-5/8(676) o (473) �vo 1-5/8 26-5/8 (676) (41) 154 SIDE VIEW INLET a AIR Unit Size & SARI Standard 210/240 Ratings "'Check Cool. Cap. High Htg. Cap. Low Htg. Cap. Total Cool. SEER Cool. Total High HSPF Region IV High Htgg. Total Low LOW Htg Model No. ITlSound Indoor Units and Expansion Ratingg No. Btuh Btuh Btuh Watts (EER) C.O.P. Hfg� (Region V) C.6.P. Htg C.f3.P. Valve Kit (db) (kW) Wafts Wafts Required 54,000 54,000 32,200 5770 13.00 2.74 5150 7.50 3.10 3970 2.38 Blower Coil Unit (15.8) (15.8) (9.4) (9.35) (6.35) CB31 MV -51 (Multi -Position) 54,500 53,000 30,200 5965 12.05 2.68 5010 7.60 3.10 3845 2.30 Blower Coil Unit CB30M-51 (Multi -Position) (16.0) (15.5) (8.0) (9.15) (6.55) CB30U-51 (Up -Flow) 56,000 54,500 30,400 6055 13.35 2.71 5415 7'50 2.96 4160 2.14 [MBlower Coil Unit (16.41) (15.97) (8.9) (9.25) (6.35) C631 MV -65 (Multi -Position) r t 57,000 -(16.7)-j-(16.0)' 54,500 30,800 6190 Blower 12 OS ,(9 20)- � .2.70 5070 7.65 3.15 3925 2.30 Coil Unit CB30M-65 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed _5 (9.0)J (6.55) CB30U-65 (Up -Flow) Ton z 55,000 53,000 30,000 5985 12.10 2.67 4990 7'85 3.11 3880 2.27 E)Blower Coil Unit -HP21-60 (16.11) (15.53) (8.79) (9.15) (6.65) CVP10-65/EC1005 (Up -Flow) `-(78) 60,00) 60,000 57,000 57,0 33,000 6585 12.05 2.67 5500 7.50 3.00 4275 2.24 Indoor Coil (AFM21) C33 -62D (Up -Flow) 0) (9.67) (9.10) (6.00) C26-65EAP (Up -Flow) Indoor Coil (AFM21 60,000 57,000 33,000 6585 12.05 2.67 7.50 3.00 4275 2.24 CC33 (17.58) (16.70) (9.67) 5500 (9.10) (6.00) 620 (Up F olw) 56,000 54,500 31,400 6150 12.20 2.55 5325 7.40 3.00 4185 2.20 Indoor Coil (AFM21 (16.41) (15.97) (9.20) (9.00) (6.40) CR26-65 (Down -Flow) LB -85759G 60,000 57,000 33,000 12.05 7.50 Indoor Coil (AFM21) (56,120) (17.58) (16.70) (9.67) 6585 (9.10) 2.67 5500 (6.00) 3.00 4275 2.24 CH33-62D-F (Horizontal) CH23-68 (Horizontal) rvu c - nanngs ror an uco anu i.ac cons inumue an caseu anu uncaseo cons. ❑p Certified in accordance with the USE certification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240 with 25 ft. (7.6 m) of connecting refrigerant lines; Cooling Ratings - 95°F (35°C) outdoor air temperature and 80°F (27°C) db/67°F (19°C) wb entering indoor coil air. High Temperature Heating Ratings - 47°F (8°C) db/43°F (6°C) wb outdoor air temperature and 70°F (21 °C) db entering indoor coil air. Low Temperature Heating Ratings - 17°F db/15°F wb outdoor air temperature and 70°F (21 °C) db entering indoor coil air. ®Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. (MMost popular evaporator coil. (DCanada Only. *Furnished as standard with coil unit. "Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. AFM21 Heat Pump Control - Use coil listed with any Lennox furnace that meets system design requirements. See FM21 page in this section for additional data. L� 32-1/8 (816) } r at­kt, HP21-36 34-7/8 (886) HP21-48 40-7/8 (1038 S "els r S. s t i 1 HP21-60 1 r .A+ i t 44-7/8 (1140) j )y ED Ell :„c, L431'4) 4 9-1/4 I (76) (23)(57)7 5/8 (702)L (57) SERVICE ACCESS HP21/ Page 6 ► COMPRESS( ELECTRICAL INLETS VAPOR LINE o0 INLET 4-13/16 (122) LIQUID LINE 16 INLET (406) l� INLET AIR TOP VIEW 34-1/16 RGE GE* DISCHAAIR IJ 18-5/8 U -11111101:M26-5/8(676) o (473) �vo 1-5/8 26-5/8 (676) (41) 154 SIDE VIEW INLET a AIR PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS (Continued) L22 & L23 SERIES THERMOSTATS (For Heat Pump Systems Only) Model No. Description Catalog No. L221407HP .......... 2 Heat/1Cool 7 -Day .......... 91H72 L232407HP ......... 3 Heat/2 Cool 7 -Day ......... 911-173 A2000 -ROS ..... Outdoor Temperature Sensor ..... 691-127 L22 & L23 Series 7 -Day Thermostats feature full independent seven-day programming, automatic or manual changeover, built- in time delays, large easy -to -read LCD readout with actual time and temperature in °F or °C for alternating inside and outside temperature readout (with optional outdoor temperature sensor). Two stage cooling model features low or high speed cooling op- eration indicators. "Check System" indicator shows a need for service. Also features "Aux" and "Enver" indicators for supple- mental or emergency heat operation. Check filter indicator flashes at preset interval. Thermostat features system selector switch (Off -Heat -Cool -Auto) and fan switch (On -Auto) for continu- ous or intermittent blower operation. Indicator lights show "Am- ber" indicating system is operating in manual mode or (flashing) 3 hour override. "Green" light indicates system demand (turns red during emergency heat operation or flashes red indicating check system). Solid-state electronic technology eliminates bat- tery back-up and maintains thermostat settings during power fail- ure indefinitely. Thermostat has four separate time and tempera- ture settings perday. Individual slide switches are usedto settime begin and heat and cool temperatures. "+" and "-" buttons set time of day. "Day" button sets day of week. "Prog/Review" button reviews daily programs and displays programmed time period setpoints. "Manual" button allows manual control of tempera- ture. "Clear" button erases programmed. setpoints when repro- gramming. "Enter" button enters time of day and' temperature setpoints into memory. "Enver Ht" button allows emergency heat operation. Thermostat also features adjustable lockout of supple- mental electric heat. Monitoring of compressor run times and heating times in hours and cycles is also available. Pressing front cover reviews thermostat settings. Intelligent temperature recov- ery automatically computes time to operate system to meet ther- mostat day/night settings. Optional Outdoor Temperature Sensor is also available and must be ordered extra. With optional sensor, thermostat will give a readout • of present outdoor temperature and the lowest and highest outdoor temperatures of the day and times at which they occurred. —2— El YJ TI/ ), i ENGINEERING DATA UP -FLOW POSITION II t o II r4q, I :GAS FURNACES MERIT 80T'" SERIES Up-Flow/Horizontal AFUE - 80.0% Input - 44,000 to 110,000 Btuh (12.9 to 32.2 kW) Add-on Cooling - 1 to 4 Tons (3.5 to 14.1 kW) �8rila Bulletin No. 210278 — June 2000 SP If HORIZONTAL POSITION Typical Applications 0 Closet Installation With cooling coil G40UH - Unit Type G - Gas Furnace Series 40 - Merit 801a Configuration UH - Up-Flow/Horizontal Attic Installation With cooling coil and electronic air cleaner A- 045X Nominal Add -On Cooling Capacity 24 - 2 tons (7.0 kW) 36 - 3 tons (10.6 kW) Evaporator coils with the same letter designation will physically match the furnace. 48 - 4 tons (14.1 kW) Low NO, -Units meet California Nitrogen Oxides standards Nominal Gas Heatlnput 045 - 44,000 Btuh (12.9 kW) 070 - 66.000 Btuh (19.3 kW) 090 - 88,000 Btuh (25.8 kW) ❑� Cabinet Width 110 - 110,000 Btuh (32.2 kW) A - 14-1/2 in. (363 mm) B - 17-1/2 in. (445 mm) C - 21 in. (533 mm) NOTE . Due to Lennox' ongoing comminment to quality. Specifications. Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice and without incurring liability. Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage or personal injury. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer and servicing agency. '-2000 Lennox Industries Inc. Sent By: LENNOX IND INC; 909 590 9897; Apr -17-01 9:31AM; Page 5 • Mode No. GWUR44A449 G40UH-36A,-M 64OUR 3UWW G40uH48a-M Model No. - -X" Models G40UH-M-043X O4OUHJ6A-0707( - - - - G40UH4884MX Input - Btuh (kW) 44,000 (12.9) 66,000 (19.3) 88,000 (25.8) Output - Btuh (kW) 36.000 (10.5) 54,100 (15.6) 72,100 (21.1) AAFUE 80.0% Callfbmia Sewwnal Erfidwicy 74.2% 74.8% 75.796 75.3% High static (AGAlCGA) - in. w.g. (Pa) _ .50(124) yr- - Flue connection - in. (mm) round 4 (102) (Sas pipe size IPS - in. (mm) 1/2(12.7) Temperature rise range - "F (`C) 35 - 65 (19 - 38 40 - 70 (22 - 39) Bower wheal nom. diameter $ width - in. (mm) 10 x 7 (254 x 178) 10 x 8 (254 x 203) 10 x 10 (254 x 254) Blower motor output - hp (W) - _ -- 1/6(149) "_._..._.,._...____. 1%3 (249) 112 (373) Tons (kW) of add-on cooling 1 - 2 (3.5 -7.0) 1 .3 (3.5 • 10.6) 2 - 4 (7.0 - 14.1) Shipping weight • lbs- (log) 1 pxkigo 121 (55) 132 (8(i) 1 148 (88) 153 (69) Flectric21 characteristics 120 volts - 80 hertz - i phare (less than 12 amps) Matrhing C33 (up -flow cased) / H33 (horizontal) Colts C33 -18A -2F, C33 -24A -2F, C33 -30A -2F, C33 -36A -2F, C3338A-21F, CH33-18A-2F, CH33.24/30A-2F, CH33.36A-2F m-zQ-2F. =308-2F, C33,388,2F, C33386 -2F, C33.428 -2F, C33A8&2F, CH33,36&21F, CH33d28-2F, CH33-"A88-2F uxnparatiire rise range - T ('C) ] Air Filter and Rack Kit No. and size of filters - in. (mm) Heal (end) 87L95 - (1) 14 x 25 x 1 (356 x 635 x 25) 1 87L96 - (1) 18 x 25 x 1 (457 x 635 x 25) Side Rehm Single 44J22 or Ten Pack (66K63) - (1)16 x 23 x 1 (408 x 635 x 25) 11-11,e Catalog Number - Sh(ppktg WL - lbs. (kg) 73P55 - 6 (3) 73P56 - 7 (3) EZ Fitter Baso Dimensions - H x W x D - in. (mm) ----- No. 8 size of filler (field pnsvided) - in, (mm) 4 x 14.1/4 x 26-5/8 (102 x 362 x 727) 4 x 17-518 x 28-5/8 (102 x 448 x 727) _.................._........... _...._...... ... _... ._ 14 x 25 x 1 (358 z 635 x 25) 16 x 25 x 1 (408 x 635 x 25) M High Altitude Pressure Switch Kit 58L32 49LSO Horaontal Support Frame Kit - Shipping WeK tt - lbs. ft.) 5&H8 — 181bs. (8 kg) LPG/Propane Klt 4511-60 Twinning Kit 15L38 *A kel Futo taS9raliort E1fbancy bawd on tKE tai pwoedtew and 9CCnl�ng n F IQ t eaV ra�ona. mom tx7nldte00n sWom, i8lttg tr r mlveeR)�0 llmtecas. NOTE - Filers and orovrarons for n=rvdnq ere not tumlshed and must be aid provided. M The same C33 uncased models match the fumaces afxw+n but requis an optional adaptor base or field fabricated transition. See C33 coil bulletin for additional information. I.7 Roqulmd for yrq.+or oPo ation at agWdee over 4,5001t (1370 ml. FM Cleanable ooNvrathane Same type fikur. Modet No. G40L*11 110 G40UH648-135 G40UFt-Wr-110 04WH-WD-196 GOUH-00D•166 npttt - Stun (W) ( ) ) Aput • stuh ( . i :tom' 80.0% Califunnia Seasonal ICfel1C)r 76.7% .6 High s (. WA)- In.w.g. 1 .(g ua connection - in. (mm) round 4 ( 4 0) ( 0 Gas pipe SE Ir5 ern. (num) 1 uxnparatiire rise range - T ('C) 40 ( ) 44} (1 00—mrwneei norn. dia. & wtd - in, (MM) IU x 1u 254 x Zb4) 11-11,e x lu tzvz x -- 8t:;wer motor uutpui - hp (W) 1/2(3731_. ons ( 0 8 -on cooling ( +-ShI7. • 17. ) p ng weig t - .los. (g) 1 pa ago 189 { ) 1 ( 1 2 01 (91) rharaciertsucs 120 vhertz - 1 phase less than 12 amps . j a 3 (u^ cat / CH -T (hor(mmt:+l) CoCla - _ CH3336C-2F, CH33-48C-2F, CH3350/60C 2F 3, f1.9F, 33.620-2F CH33-SOD-2F, CH3362D-2F M Air Filter and Rack Kit on2 ( Number and size of filters - in. (mm) rW Rwim - 97 - ( x T537 (gSingle 44J22 or Ten - x -6351-z- - -5 x 5 x _ b >< -z Pack (561KI53) - (1) 16 x 25 x 1 x 635 x 26) a Number- Shipping VA.- lbs.(g) 73PS7 - 8 ( -1 EZ Flfter Dimensions - H x W z 0 - in. mm Base a x 21-5/6 x 28-518 x 549 x x x x b7b x SIZe o ( • N1. ttt x 25 x x 24 x 24 x 1 (610 x 810 x 25) (2High Altitude,Pressure Switch Kit algo H=Wtal Support Frame KA - Ship. UR. - los. ft) a"a — 1B its. (B ) RAG eiti Air Base ( 7 ) l ropane kit 80 wwnnlrlg Kit 151-39 *Arvxpl Fv6 Utltraoon l3fxmrxy timed on DOE teat Draeadtra9 erd acmdrm >o FTC labeitE7 re5xdseana feelatad eorrtbrs9oif Sys�m raftfar ron veetlferCr� trm�aees NOTE - Fifters and proviswns for mounting are not furnished and rnuW be hold proyided. M The same C33 unea"d modals match tho fUmwas shown but require an opdonai adaptor bate or fluid fabMeytnt transldan. Sea C33 colt btfietln for additional kdor"wrion. Rcouirad for proper operation at allttudes over 4,500 R. (1370 ml. la Clnanabw pOlyum(hbne rmnw type flim. Fr Rue tt "Woon an ria u it la 4 In. (102 mm) diameter. Most applications v.6 mm" 5 In. (127 mm) veridna and field supplied 4 x Sin. (142 x 177 nm) 9depke See Vrg Tables in the Inetataion Umnuomm for detaiod i kr aeon a No for uae --oh RAG Ream Aa 6rA or uitin 60C +rid aoo z, ur4s wM yr low requiro v-4itc d 1800 c0m (SW Lie) or ¢eater. Sea Blower Pwkffmm A Tables In, nr+d ecrs� intorm3aon 040UH / Page 4 ► OF Sent By: LENNOX IND INC; C-1 • • 909 590 9897; *NOTE - 60C and 600 size units that require air vol- umes over 1800 cfm (850 Us) must have one of the following: 1. Single side return air with transition, to accommo- date 20 x 25 x 1 In. (508 x 635 x 25 mm) disposable air filter. Required to maintain proper air velocity. 2- Single side return air with optlonal RAS Retum Air Base 3. Bottom return air. 4. Return air from both sides. S. Bottom Md one side return air. See Blower Performance Tables for additional in- formation. "Flue outlet may be horizontal but fumace must be vented vertically A B 49/16 (14) 4518 06) 314 (19) C 314 (19) (19) •Bottom Return Air Opening FRONT VIEW Apr -17-01 9:32AM; Page 6 f 3.314 (95�-�{ FLUE OUTLET (TOC) OPTIONAL EXTERNAL SIDE RETURN AIR FILTER KIT (Either Side) �a— 233/4 (603) �I 23 (635) TOP VIEW 3-1/4 (83) Right TOP VIEW 28-112 dd 01 8-1/8 (206) Left 33/ (724)9116 (95) 19-7!16 (14) (494) T'Liit:z+lffk:)77 14 (356) Right - 13-1/4 (337) Left 4-718 (124) Right 1 2-114 (57) Left 16) . t.23Ct1s, (597) (597) 411/4 •Bottom Return Air Opening SIDE VIEW Model No. A In. mm 8 In. mm OPTIONAL mm "::, �,.. EXTERNAL z::': ........ :t= SIDE RETURN G40UH-24A-045 AIR FILTER KIT (Elther Side) 368 13-318 340 13 330 4 (10 14314 114 G40UH36A-070 (3 6) - n� I) (406) I 340 13 4518 06) 314 (19) C 314 (19) (19) •Bottom Return Air Opening FRONT VIEW Apr -17-01 9:32AM; Page 6 f 3.314 (95�-�{ FLUE OUTLET (TOC) OPTIONAL EXTERNAL SIDE RETURN AIR FILTER KIT (Either Side) �a— 233/4 (603) �I 23 (635) TOP VIEW 3-1/4 (83) Right TOP VIEW 28-112 dd 01 8-1/8 (206) Left 33/ (724)9116 (95) 19-7!16 (14) (494) T'Liit:z+lffk:)77 14 (356) Right - 13-1/4 (337) Left 4-718 (124) Right 1 2-114 (57) Left 16) . t.23Ct1s, (597) (597) 411/4 •Bottom Return Air Opening SIDE VIEW Model No. A In. mm 8 In. mm C In_ mm D In. mm G40UH-24A-045 14-112 368 13-318 340 13 330 4112 114 G40UH36A-070 14-1/2 368 133/8 340 13 330 4-112 114 G40UH36M90 17.1/2 446 16-3/8 416 16 406 6 152 G40UH-486-090 17-112 446 18-3/8 416 18 406 1 6 152 G401.01-1-48--110 G40UH-48C-135 G40UH-60--110 211 533 1&7/8 454 19-1/2 495 7-3/4 197 G40UH-600-135 G401.114 -60D-155 2i-1/2 622 23-318 548 23 584 9-1/2 241 4401i14 / Page 5 ► Sent By: LENNOX IND INC; • 0 909 590 9897 - Apr -17-01 9:34AM; Page 9/25 R�TU.Rt1 -A - - - - - - , OPTIONAL RETURN / AIR BASE SIDE RETURN AIR OPENINGS (Either Side) I a I 23 Overall 1 bpi 02 �- (584) 14 I 'Untt Opening (358) _ I 1 01-11110) -�--------�_� - _ = 3-114(83) 21 (533) RAMC 20-1/2 (329) 3/4 24-1/2 (622) RAB60D 7/8 27-5/8 (702) FRONT VIEW (22) SIDE VIEW 'NOTE -Both retum air openings must be Covered by a single plenum. Overall opsping dimensions: 23 (584) W X 18-1/2 (470) H. UP -FLOW POSIMON Vent Type 7yPe "81" Sides 0 inches (0 mm) Rear 0 inches (0 mm) Top 1 inch (25 mm) Front 3 itichas (76 rnm Type „C,r 3 inclies MM) Front (alcove) 1 24 orches (610 mm) I 24 inches (610 mm) I Front (service) 24 inches (610 mm) 24 inches (610 mm) I Flus 1 1 inch (25 mm) 1 6 Inch (152 mm) NOTE -Ar tar mnbu tin and YA air VwMalm mst ocnft, to the medwda ow"A In Amaniran National Sw dard ONGJ 2r-3.1) Mobnal Fust Gas Code or Na x*d Standard of Canada CAN/CGA-149. 1, & CANACC-A,148.2 .Ntsti7YSOrxf Code Par Gas &uwv ApOlancee. N= ----4n re U.S. eve acing must cordom M Ilia rrredmda oulWid b arrant l3AkWkGA ver" tabled. American Nawnal Standard (ANSI.7223,1) National Fuel Geo Cudc or appicable rr� of bcal ttuldi�g mics. In Canada Aua sing rod mrtExm m Sne meewda ocA ned In NAu)d Stara" of Canada CAMCGM49.1 std 2 LLstt ride rsgkw 4 n. (102 corn) if single well %mt is used on 14-1/2 in. (368 ram) eobiw¢, 2 it. (76 mm) on 17-1/2 in. (M -) co6nM. cfm (us) In. w.g. (Ps) 0 (0) 0.00(c) 200 (95) 0.01(0) 400 (190) 0.03 (5) 600 (285) 0.04 (10) 800 (380) 0.06 (15) 1000 (470) 0.09 (20) 1200 (665) 0.12 (30) 1400 (660) 0.15 (35) 1600 (755) 0.19 (45) 1800 (850) 0.23 (55) 2000 (945) 0.27 (65) 2200 (1040) 0.33 (80) 2400 (1130) 0.38 (95) 2500 (1225) 0.44 (110)- --- - G40UH / Page 8 ► HORIZONTAL POSITION 'C" I Front (sarvim) 1 24 inches (610 mm) I 24 inches (610 mm) I Floor 1 0 inches (0 mm) 1 0 inches 0 mm) - I ) Flue I 1 inch (25 mm) 1 6 inch (152 mm) NOTE --Air for mntbtwtiat and ftv1Y ar vemladan must omfmn m the meeroda otAined in American Nowa Standard (AM 2223.1) NadDM Fuel Gas Code or %clonal Standard of Canada CANICG+4148.9, & CAdWC.GA-1492 -IraMlisdon Code for Gas BurnkV Apokin air. NATE-in Ine U.S. Aue awN moat conform to the me0rods outlined In current GAm0V- GA ventrig !tables, Anrarice N94vol BtanWard (ANSI -=I) Naoatal Fuel Gas Code or 2opkable piriValmts of load Did" codes. In C na b Itue sig I nrrht coram to dna maIltods audited in NaQ onat Slardard of Canada C6MCGA-149.1 and 1. Lf)Lvw cordata Insy1a10n perrtfS f* beotieen *kat tap or aid% end buk+g )oafs ALTITUDE r All models - Pressure regulator ad1'ustrrbent may be required de- pending on attitude. See below for proper pressure regulator setting. NanKoid Pressure (Outlet) In" w.g. (kPa) ALTITUDE ft (m) FUEL 0-4500 4501.8500 5501-6500 6501-7500 (0-1372) (1373-1676) (1677-1981) (1982-2286) Natural Gas 3.6 (.87) 3.3 (.82) a .2 (.80) 3.1 (.77) LPG/Propane 1 10.0 (2.48) Pressure switch is factory set, No­jUW5trnent necessary. All models use t the factory irim(led pressure switch Aom 0.4500 feel (0.1370 m). Units re- t quire a High Attitude Pressure Switch kit if installed at attitudes above 4500 feet (1370 m). Order 56132 for -045, -070 mode . Order 49190 for -090, ••110, -135. -155 models. or . ENGINEERING DATA 0 • VALUE 8080UHG UP-FLOW/HORIZONTAL GAS FURNACES Bulletin No. 210215 *80 0 to 80 5% A RU E November 1997 45,000 to 120,000 Btuh (13.2 to 32.2 kW) Input Heating Capacity 1-1/2 thru 6 Tons (3.5 thru 21.1 kW) Nominal Add-on Cooling *Isolated Combustion System Rating for Non -Weatherized Furnaces pESl6,y E RUEMt. P� R Cly cEmnEo �A, _ mss•..::-;;..'�:n ama UP -FLOW POSITION Typical Applications Up -Flow Utility Room Installation With Cooling Coil and Automatic Humidifier FEATURES Applications •80UHG series gas fired furnaces include ten models (natural gas or LPG/propane) with input capacities of 45,000, 60,000, 15,000, 100,000 and 120,000 Btuh (13.2, 17.6, 22.0, 29.3 and 32.2 kW) %A.F.U.E. up to 80.5%. • Up -flow or horizontal applications. *Lennox add-on evaporator coils, electronic air cleaners and power humidifiers can be easily added to the furnace. *Units are shipped factory assembled with all controls installed and wired. *Each unit is factory test operated to insure proper operation. Tubular Aluminized Steel Heat Exchanger •Constructed of aluminized steel for superior resistance to corrosion and oxidation. •Curving design allows com- �•.:�� plete exposure of heating sur- faces to supply air stream. •Round surfaces create mini' - mum air resistance and allow air to surround all surfaces for excellent heat transfer. j•y - •Compact design reduces ` space requirements in unit cabinet. •Heat exchanger has been laboratory life cycle tested. HORIZONTAL POSITION Horizontal Attic Installatior With Cooling Coil, Electronic Air Cleaner and Automatic Humidifier Approvals •Units are certified by A.G.A./C.G.A. Laboratories •Ratings are certified by GAMA. •Units have been rated and tested according to U.S. DOE test procedures and FTC labeling regulations. •80UHG "X" models meet California Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Standards and California Seasonal Efficiency requirements. •Blower data is from unit tests conducted in the Lennox Labo- ratory air test chamber. •Units are approved for conventional or horizontal (sidewall) venting. NOTE - Horizontal venting requires sidewall power venting kit, see Optional Accessories. Equipment Warranty • Heat exchanger - limited warranty for ten years. *Solid-state ignition module - limited warranty for three years. *All other components - limited warranty for one year. *Refer to the Lennox Equipment Limited Warranty certificate included with the equipment for details. Induced Draft Blower *Induced draft blower prepurges heat exchanger and safely vents flue products. *Blower is controlled by the furnace control center board for a prepurge cycle (15 seconds) and a post purge cycle (5 seconds). •Pressure switch proves blower operation before allowing gas valve to open. *Induced draft blower operates only during heating cycle. -1997 Lennox Industries Inc. NOTE - Due to Lennox' ongoing committment to quality, Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice and without incurring liability. •L Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency based on U.S. DOE test procedures and according to FTC labeling regulations. Isolated combustion system rating for non -weatherized furnaces. jPc:yurethane frame type filter is furnished with kit SPECIFICATIONS Model No. 80UHG2(X)-45 80UHG2-60 80UHG3(X)-60 80UHG2-75 80UHG3(X)-75 80UHG4(X}75 Input Btuh (kW) 45,000 (13.2) 60,000 (17.6) 75,000 (22.0) 80.1% 80.0% 80.1% Output Btuh (kW) 36,900 (10.8) 49,200 (14.4) 61,700 (18.1) 4 (102) , ,A.F.U.E. 80.1% 80.50% 80.1% 80.0% Califomia Seasonal Efficiency 75.4% 76.4% 75.9% 76.8% 76.8% 76.3% Flue size connection diameter - in. (mm) round 3 (76) 4 (102) 305 x 203 305 x 229 305 x 203 305 x 229 Temperature rise range - `F ('C) 30 - 60 (17 - 33) 45 - 75 (25 - 42) Nominal cooling that can be added Tons High static certified by A.G.AJC.G.A. - in wg. (Pa) .50(125) 7.0, 8.8, 10.6, 12.3 or 14.1 12.3, 14.1, 17.6 or 21.1 7.0, 8.8, 10.6, 12.3 or 14.1 12.3, 14.1, 17.6 or 21.1 Shipping weight - lbs. (kg) 1 package Gas Piping Size I.P.S._Natural or LPG/propane 1/2(13) 120 volts - 60 hertz - 1 phase (less than 12 amps) All models Blower wheel nominal diameter x width in. 9 x 7 10 x 7 9 x 7 10 x 7 12 x 8 mm 229 x 178 254 x 178 229 x 178 254 x 178 305 x 203 Blower motor output - hp (W) 1/4(187) 1/3(224) 1/4 (187) 1/3(224) 1/2(373) Nominal cooling that can be added Tons 1, 1-1/2 or 2 2, 2-1/2 or 3 1, 1-1/2 or 2 2, 2-1/2 or 3 2,2-1/2,3, 3-1/2 or 4 kW 3.5,5.3or7.0 7.0, 8.8 or 10.6 3.5,5.3or7.0 7.0, 8.8 or 10.6 7.0, 8.8, 10.6, 12.3 or 14.1 Shipping weight - lbs. (kg) 1 package 130 (59) 135 (61) 140 (64) Electrical characteristics 120 volts - 60 hertz - 1 phase (less than 12 amps) All models Optional Accessories (Must Be Ordered Extra) LPG/propane kit LB -69845L (38K84) Twinning Kit 96,169 - 5 lbs. (2 kg) Up-Flow/Horizontal Filter and Filter Rack Kits LNo. & size of filters - in. (mm) Single (32J02) Ten Pack (66K64) (1) 16 x 20 x 1 (406 x 508 x 25) Sidewall Power Venting Kit 79J15 - 25 lbs. (11 kg) Hanging Bracket Kit LB -69957 (46J66) - 15 lbs. (8 kg) E Model No. 80UHG3/4(X)-100 80UHG4/5(X)-100 80UHG3/4-120 80UHG4/5(X)-120 Input Btuh (kW) 100,000 (29.3) 120,000 (35.2) Output Btuh (kW) 82,000 (24.0) 98,400 (29.8) :i1A. F. U. E. 80.1% 80.0% 80.1% California Seasonal Efficiency 76.5% 77.0% Not Available 75.50.0 Flue size connection diameter - in. (mm) round 4 (102) Temperature rise range -'F (°C) 45 - 75 (25 - 42) 35 - 65 (19 - 36) 45 - 75 (25 - 42) High static certified by A.G.AJC.G.A. - in wg. (Pa) .50(125) 65 (162) .50(125) Gas Piping Size I.P.S. Natural or LPG/propane 1/2(13) Blower wheel nominal diameter x width 12 x 8 12 x 9 12 x 8 12 x 9 [in. m 305 x 203 305 x 229 305 x 203 305 x 229 Blower motor output - hp (W) 1/2(373) 3/4 (560) 1/2(373) 3/4(560) Nominal cooling that can be added Tons 2, 2-1/2, 3, 3-1/2 or 4 3-1/2, 4, 5 or 6 2, 2-1/2, 3, 3-1/2 or 4 3-1/2, 4, 5 or 6 kW 7.0, 8.8, 10.6, 12.3 or 14.1 12.3, 14.1, 17.6 or 21.1 7.0, 8.8, 10.6, 12.3 or 14.1 12.3, 14.1, 17.6 or 21.1 Shipping weight - lbs. (kg) 1 package 175 (79) Electrical characteristics 120 volts - 60 hertz - 1 phase (less than 12 amps) All models Optional Accessories (Must Be Ordered Extra) LPG/propane kit LB -69845K (81J14) Twinning Kit 96J69 - 5 lbs. (2 kg) Up-Flow/Horizontal Filter and Filter Rack Kits 2)No. & size of filters - in. (mm) Single (46,114) Ten Pack (66K65) (1) 20 x 20 x 1 (508 x 508 x 25) Sidewall Power Venting Kit 79J15 - 25 lbs. (11 kg) Hanging Bracket Kit LB -69957 (46J66) - 15 lbs. (8 kg) j 'Annual I-uel Utilization Efficiency based on U.S. DOE test procedures and according to F R; labeling regulations. Isolated combustion system rating for non-weatnenzeo fumaces. -lPolyurethane Irame type filter is furnished with kit. 80UHG i Page 3 ► - DIMENSIONS - inches (mm) • GAS PIPING 2 (51) INLET \� ♦ E D r FLUE OUTLET ELECTRICAL INLETS (Top & Bottom) 1 (25) o�;_i - 4-1/4 (105) Ju 'C '19-1/2 _ (495) '19 _ (483) SUPPLY AIR OPENING NOTE Supply air opening at rear and sides of cabinet is 1 equipped with a 3/4 inch (19 mm) scored flange that may (25) be bent out 90° for plenum connection. Dimensions shown are after flange is bent out. Double scored flange at front of supply air opening may TOP VIEW be bent out for a total opening dimension (front to rear) of either 19-1/2 inches (495 mm) or 19 inches (483 mm). A Now 04 29-5/8 (752) 2 (51) AIR *FLOW F Left Side o r� G Right Side ` GAS PIPING. �- INLET •. (Both Sides) o • cam: ' o i- _—D B 0 011 ELECTRICAL L J.• L J INLETS (Either Side) (495) i (25) f: 15 RETURN AIR (381') .KNOCKOUT I` (Either Side) r� r -I LJ — --- -- LJ "NOTE- Return air opening is equipped 3/4 (19) with a 3/4 inch (19 mm) flange 1 _� Return Air 1 that may be bent out 90° for "19-1/2 Return Air 1 (25) Opening (25) plenum connection. Dimensions (495) Opening (25) shown are after flange is bent out, FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW Model No. A B C D E F G 80UHG2-45 80UHG2-60 in. 17 36-1/4 15 6-3/4 2-7/16 6-1/2 12 80UHG2-75 80UHG3-60 80UHG3-75 mm 432 921 381 171 62 114 254 60UHG4-75 80UHG3/4-100 in. 20-1/2 39 18-1/2 8-3/8 4-1/4 8 131/2 80UHG3/4120 -. 80UHG4/5-1.00_, SOU HG4/5-120 mm 521 991 470 213 108 203 343 Technical 80UHG / Page 6 loo Publications _• ENGINEERING DATA UL C UL LISTED LISTED Typical Application CONDENSING UNITS HS21 INNOVATOR"" SERIES -TWO SPEED POWERSAVER® CoolingNet .0t to 57,501, �mTnm,Ia, 4 P CERTIFICATION APPLIES ONLY WHEN SHE COMPLETE SYSTEM IS LISTED WITH ARI SEER - up to 15.75 Btuh (10.1 to 16.8 M) Bulletin No. 210051 July 2000 Supersedes August 1999 •MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION HHS21 -036-1 YT Unit Type) L_— voltage HS = High Side Condensing Unit P = 208t230v-1 phasefOhz Series Y = 2081230v-3 phase-60hz G = 460v-3 phase-60hz Cooling Capacity Tons (kW) J = 575v-3 phase-60hz 036 = 3 (10.6) Minor Revision Number 048 = 4 (14.1) 060 = 5 (17.6) Applications - SEER up to 15.75 -3, 4 or 5 Ton (10.5, 14.1 or 17.6 kW) sizes. - Single or three phase power supply. - Two speed compressor staged to deliver precise cooling capacity with minimum operating costs. Compressor operates on low speed under light and medium loads. Switches to high speed for heavy cooling loads. - Vertical air discharge allows concealment behind shrubs at grade level or out of sight on a roof. - Matching blower powered or add-on furnace evaporator units provide a wide range of cooling capacities and applications. See ARI Ratings table. - For evaporator unit data, see tab section Coils - Blower Coil Units. - Units shipped completely factory assembled, piped and wired. Each unit is test operated at the factory insuring proper operation. - Installer must set condensing unit, connect refrigerant lines and make electrical connections to complete job. Approvals Certified in accordance with the USE certification program, which is based on ARI 210/240-94. - Sound tested in Lennox reverberant sound test room in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270-95. • Tested in the Lennox Research Laboratory environmental test room. Rated according to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) test procedures. Condensing units and components within bonded for grounding to meet safety standards for servicing required by UL, NEC and CEC. Units are UL listed and CSA certified. NOTE - Due to Lennox' ongoing committment to quality, Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice and without incurring liability. Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage or personal injury. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer and servicing agency. ©2000 Lennox Industries Inc. 7Equipment Warranty ompressor — ten year limited warranty in residential applications and five years in non-residential applications. ll other covered components — five year limited warranty in residential applications and one year in non-residential applications. Refer to Lennox Equipment Limited Warranty certificate included with unit for details. nit Cabinet Heavy gauge steel cabinet with five station metal wash process. Powder paint finish provides superior rust and corrosion protection. Control box located in HushTone °" compressor compartment. Control box is conveniently located with all controls factory wired. Drainage holes are provided in base section for moisture removal. High density polyethylene base channels raise unit off mounting surface away from damaging moisture. Corrosion resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire condenser coil guard furnished. HushTone' Compressor Compartment - Compressor is located in separate, fiberglass insulated compartment to keep sound levels at a minimum. - Large removable panel provides service access Two Speed Compressor Designed for superior efficiency at minimum operating cost. - Two speed operation gives staging control to fit varying cooling load requirements, extends operating life of compressor and provides operating economy during periods of reduced loads. During part load conditions the compressor operates in the low speed mode. Operates at 1750 rpm at low speed and 3500 rpm at high speed. Compressor is suction cooled, and hermetically sealed with built-in solid-state motor protection from excessive current and temperatures. Features vertical crankshaft, ringed valves and pistons, tuned discharge muffler, two stage oil pump and positive venting of lubrication system. Crankcase heater assures proper compressor lubrication. - Running gear assembly resiliently suspended internally inside case. Compressor is installed in unit on resilient rubber mounts assuring low sound and vibration free operation. Lennox TSC-5 Two Speed Control Module Provides short cycle protection with a 5 minute timed-off delay. Has a 1 minute delay between compressor speed changes. Control has jumpers for a choice of normal operation (factory setting) or 3 alternate compressor speed operating modes to optimize comfort conditions for various climates. Diagnostic LED's are furnished as an aid in troubleshooting. Copper Tube/Enhanced Fin Coil - Lennox designed and fabricated coil. Ripple-edged aluminum fins. Copper tube construction. Lanced fins provide maximum exposure of fin surface to air stream resulting in excellent heat transfer. Fin collars grip tubing for maximum contact area. Flared shoulder tubing connections/silver soldering construction. - Coil is factory tested under high pressure to insure leakproof construction. Entire coil is accessible for cleaning. Condenser Fan - Direct drive fan moves large air volumes uniformly through entire condenser coil for high refrigerant cooling capacity. - Vertical air discharge minimizes operating sounds and eliminates damage to lawn and shrubs. - Fan motor has sleeve bearings with oil ports, is inherently protected and totally enclosed for maximum protection fromweather, dust and corrosion. - Rain shield on motor provides additional protection from moisture. - Fan service access accomplished by removal of fan guard. - Corrosion resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire fan guard furnished. Refrigerant Line Connections, Electrical Inlets and Service Valves Sweat connection suction and liquid lines are located inside unit cabinet. Fully serviceable brass service valves prevent corrosion and provide access to refrigerant system. Suction valve can be fully shut off, while liquid valve may be backseated to manage refrigerant charge while servicing system. Valves and gauge ports are located inside the cabinet. Refrigerant line connections and field wiring inlets are located in one central area of cabinet. See dimension drawing. Hi-Capacity Drier - Furnished as standard for field installation. - Drier traps any moisture or dirt that could contaminate the refrigerant system. High Pressure Switch - Manual reset switch shuts off unit if abnormal operating conditions cause discharge pressure to rise above setting. Low Pressure Switch - Automatic reset switch shuts off unit if suction pressure falls below setting. Provides loss of charge and freeze-up protection. Start Controls - Provides assistance for compressor start under loaded conditions or in case of low voltage. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES - MUST BE ORDERED EXTRA. Thermostat - Thermostat not furnished with unit. See Thermostats bulletin in Thermostat and Controls Section and Lennox Price Book. xpansion Valve Kits - Must be ordered extra and field installed on certain evaporator units. See ARI Ratings table. Mounting Base M82-L (69J07) high density polyethylene mounting base is lightweight, sturdy, sound absorbing and will withstand the effects of sun, heat, cold, moisture, oil and refrigerant. Provides permanent foundation for condensing units. -32x 34 x 3 in. (813 x864 x76 mm) shipping weight 15 lbs. (7 kg) each. C� 0 is OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES - MUST BE ORDERED EXTRA Refrigerant Line Kits Refrigerant lines are available for the HS21-036 and HS21-048 models. See Refrigerant Line Kit table. Refrigerant lines (suction & liquid) are shipped refrigeration clean. Lines are cleaned, dried, pressurized and sealed at factory. Suction line fully insulated. L15 lines are stubbed at both ends CCB1 EfficiencyPlus" Humidity Control CCB1 Humidity Control (35H00) installs next to the room thermostat and allows selection of desired indoor humidity level in cooling mode. Controls indoor humidity by altering indoor blower speed and compressor speed. EfficiencyPlus Humidity level desired may be set by adjusting a vertical slide to set point on a scale of 40% thru 60% (50% recommended as initial set point). Five indicator lights (MIN - MAX) in a bar graph configuration indicate difference between actual relative humidity and set point. This indicates demand imposed on system equipment, the more I o O O O O lights on, the longer the equipment will operate to obtain desired humidity level. If no lights are on, the humidity level is at or below set point.!y-90f?® CCB1 is most effective when used with units that have variable speed blower motors - G32V/GHR32V i.. gas furnaces and CB31MV blower coils. May also be used with units that have single speed blower motors. Usage with single speed motors requires EBR1 Blower Relay Kit. See below. EBR1 Blower Relay Kit -.EBR1 Blower Relay Kit (75H90) allows CCB1. to be used with gas furnaces or blower coil units that have single speed blower motors. Indoor Blower Speed Relay Kit. Relay kit (40K58) provides optimum humidity control conditions by automatically reducing indoor blower speed during continuous fan or low speed compressor operation. Kit should not be used with CCB1 EfficiencyPlus' Humidity Control applications. . Low Ambient Kit Condensing units operate satisfactorily down to 45° F (7°C) outdoor air temperature without any additional controls. Low Ambient Control Kit LB-57113BC (24H77) can be field installed, allowing proper unit operation down to 30°F (-1 °C). Compressor Monitor (Canada Only) Compressor monitor T6-1469 (45F08) can be field installed. Non-adjustable switch (low ambient cut-out) prevents compressor operation when outdoor temperature is below 35°F (20C). ELECTRICAL DATA Model No. HS21-036 'HS21-048 / HS21-060 Line voltage data - 60 hz 208/230v - 1 ph 208/230v - 3ph 208/230v - 1 ph' -208/230v - 3ph 208/230v - 1 ph 208/230v - 3ph Rec. Max fuse/circuit breaker size (amps) 40 25 45 35 60 45 'Minimum circuit ampacity 23.0 16.9 28.0 20.8 40.2 26.6 L15-65-50 Rated load amps 17.6 12.7 21.6 15.8 30.8 19.9 Compressor Power factor .98 .90 .98 .90 .92 .90 Locked rotor amps 90.0 60.0 120.0 85.0 141.0 91.0 Condenser Coil Full load amps 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.7 Fan Motor Locked rotor amps 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.9 2.9 'Refer to National or Canadian Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements. NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage. LINE KITS CondensingREFRIGERANT Unit Model No. Line Set Model No. Length of Lines Liquid Line Outside Diameter Suction Line Outside Diameter ft. m in. mm in. mm HS21-036 HS21-048 L15-65-30 30 9 3/8 9.5 7/8 22.2 L15-65-40 40 12 L15-65-50 50 15 rHS21-060 Field Fabricate 3/8 9.5 1-1/8 28.5 HS21 / Page 3 ► Model No. HS21-036 HS21-048 HS21-060 Nominal Tonnage 3 4 5 Liquid line - in. (mm) o.d. connection (sweat) 3/8(9.5) SEER Suction line - in. (mm) o.d. connection (sweat) 7/8 (22.2) 1-1/8 (28.5) Condenser Net face area - sq. ft. (m2) Outer coil 21.77 (2.02) 24.06 (2,24) Inner coil 21.11 (1.96) 23.33 (2.17) Coil Tube diameter - in. (mm) & no. of rows 5/16 (7.9) - 2 C23-41 Fins per inch (m) 22 (866) 12.85 10.05 Diameter - in. (mm) & no. of blades 24(610)-3 24(610)-4 C23-46 ---- ---- Motor hp 1/6(124) 1/4(187) Condenser Fan Cfm (Us) 3200 (1510) 4200 (1980) Rpm 815 37,000 Watts 170 310 'Refrigerant charge furnished (HCFC -22) 10 lbs. 13 oz. (4.90 kg) 11 lbs. 3 oz. (5.07 kg) 12 lbs. 7 oz. (5.64 kg) Shipping weight - lbs. (kg) 1 package 328 (149) 329 (149) 352 (160) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES -MUST BE ORDERED EXTRA 9.85 Mounting Base M62 -L (69J07) (26K34) Low Ambient Kit LB-57113BC (24H77) Indoor Blower Speed Relay Kit 72G36 13.00 CCB1 EfficiencyPlus- Humidity Control 35HO0 --- - - - - CR26-41 ---- EBR1 Blower Relay Kit 75H90 35,600 35,600 Compressor Monitor (Canada Only) T6-1469 (45F08) 9.80 'Refrigerant charge is sufficient for 20 ft. (6.1 m) length line set. NU I E - Hatings for all U33 coils include all cased and uncased coils. 1 Certified on accordance with the USE certification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240; 95'F (35°C) outdoor air temperature, 80°F (27°C) db / 67°F (19°C) wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. (7.6 m) of connecting refrigerant lines. ound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. st popular evaporator coil. .nada Only "Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. • Furnished as standard with coil. HS21 / Page 4 ► Unit Size & Model No. []Sound Rating dumber (db) 0j ARI Standard 210/240 Ratings Up -Flow Down -Flow Horizontal "Expansion Valve Kit Required Conlin Ca g p SEER EER Total Unit Waw Btuh kW Evaporator Coils 34,600 10.1 12.65 9.85 3515 C33-36A/B/C - - - - ---- C23-41 35,600 10.4 12.85 10.05 3540 C33-38A/B - - - - - - - - LB -85663L (26K34) C23-46 ---- ---- 37,000 10.8 12.75 9.80 3775 C33-44C ---- ---- C26-46 -Factory Installed 37,000 10.8 13.50 10.35 3575 C26-41 - - - - - - - - C33 -SOC - - - - - - - LB -85663L 37,400 11.0 13.00 9.85 3795 C33 -60D - - - - (26K34) C26-51/65 - - - - -Factory Installed 35,000 10.3 13.00 9.80 3570 --- - - - - CR26-41 ---- 35,600 35,600 10.4 13.50 9.80 3635 --- - - - - CR26-51 ---- 3 3 Ton HS21-036 (76) 36,400 10.5 12.20 9.78 3720 - - - - - - - - CH33-36A/B/C-F LB -85663L (26K34) - - - - CH23-41 37,600 • 10.8 12.70 9.80 3770 - - - - - - - CH33-48C-F ---- ---- CH23-51 Stuh kW I SEER EER Watts Blower Coil Units Valve 36,000 10.5 13.25 9.90 3630 CB30M-31 (Multi -Position) CB30U-31 I I ---- 36,600 10.7 13.20 9.50 3840 CB30M-41 (Multi -Position) CB30U-41/46 37,200 10.9 13.20 9.80 3805 CB30M-46 (Multi -Position) -Factory Installed 38,000 11.1 15.00 10.40 3655 LMCB31 MV -41 (Multi -Position) 39,000 11.4 15.75 1 10.45 3740 C631MV-51 (Multi -Position) 34,400 10.71111.80 9.40 3660 uCVP10-31/EC10Q3 35,600 10.4 12.05 1 9.70 3670 rMa CVP10-41/EC10Q3 NU I E - Hatings for all U33 coils include all cased and uncased coils. 1 Certified on accordance with the USE certification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240; 95'F (35°C) outdoor air temperature, 80°F (27°C) db / 67°F (19°C) wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. (7.6 m) of connecting refrigerant lines. ound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. st popular evaporator coil. .nada Only "Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. • Furnished as standard with coil. HS21 / Page 4 ► • • F-1114 Elf-, 191 OTE--- Unit Size & Model No. (Z)Sound Rating Number (db) iIARI Standard 210/240 Ratings Up -Flow Down -Flow Horizontal "Expansion Valve Kit Required Cooling Ca g p' SEER EER Total Unit Watts Btuh kW Evaporator Coils 45,500 13.3 12.00 9.65 4715 C23-46 - - - - - - - - LB 85663K C33 -486/C - - - 47,500 13.9 12.15 9.50 5000 C23-51 - - - - (26K35) C33 -50C 48,000 14.1 12.30 9.15 5240 C26-46 - - - -Factory Installed 48,500 14.2 12.50 9.20 5270 C26-51/65 - - - - - - - - 48,500 142 12.40 9.65 5025 C23-51/65 - - - - LB -85663K (26K35) C33 -60D - - - - - - - - 50,500 14.8 12.75 10.00 5050 C33 -62D - - - - - - - - C26-65EAP - - - - - - - - -Factory Installed 47,000 13.8 12.40 9.50 4945 --- - - - - CR26-65 ---- 47,500 47,500 13.9 12.10 9.15 5200 - - - -CH23-51 - - - - - - - CH33-60D-F 4 Ton HS21-W 50,500 14.8 12.20 9.65 5245 - - - - - - - CH33-50C-F LB -85663K (26K35) _ - _ _ CH23-65 (78) 50,500 14.8 12.75 10.00 5050 - - - - - - CH33-62D-F _ _ _ _ I CH23-68 Btuh kW SEER EER Watts Blower Coil Units Valve 46,000 13.5 12.50 9.50 4855 CB30M-41 (Multi -Position) 46,500 13.61 13.50 9.75 4770 CB31MV-41 (Multi -Position) 48,000 14.1 12.75 9.75 4935 CB30M-46 (Multi -Position) --- CB30U-41/46 I- - - - I---- .49,500 49,500 14.5 13.05 9.65 5135CB30M-51 (Multi -Position) -Factory Installed CB3OU-51 49,500 14.5 13.05 9.45 5245 CB30M-65 (Multi -Position) CB3OU-65 50,500 14.8 14.00 9.75 5180 (MCB31MV-51 (Multi -Position) 50,500 14.8 14.05 9.76 5175 CB31MV-65 (Multi -Position) 47,500 13.9 11.40 9.35 5080 (CVP10-51/EC1OQ4 49,500 14.5 11.80 9.60 5155 (DCVP10-651EC10Q5 Btuh kW SEER EER Watts Evaporator Coils Valve 53,000 15.5 11.50 9.25 5730 C33 -48C ---- ---- LB -85663K (26K35) C23-51 - - - - - - - - 54,000 15.8 11.70 9.05 5955 --- C33 -44C - - - - ---- C26-46 - - - - - - - - C26-46 -Factory Installed 54,500 16.0 11.70 9.40 5798 C33 -50C ---- ---- LB -85663K (26K35) C23-51/65 - - - - - - - - 55,500 16.3 12.00 9.30 5975 C33 -60D - - - - - - - - C26-51 /65 - - - - - - - - -Factory Installed 56,500 16.6 12.15 9.50 5945 C33 -62D - - - - - - - - LB -85663K (26K35) C26-65EAP - - - - - - - - -Factory Installed 53,000 15.5 11.50 9.20 5761 - - - - CR26-51 5 Ton HS21-060 (78) 55,000 16.1 11.70 9.30 5914 - - - - CR26-65 - - - - LB 54,000 15.8 11.70 9.30 5800 - - - - CH33-5OC-F - - - - - - - - CH23-51 55,000 16.1 12.00 9.30 5920 - - - - - - - - CH33-60D-F OD -85663K (26K35) - - - - _ _ _ _ CH23-65 56,500 16.6 12.15 9.50 5945 - - - - - - - CH33-62D-F Btuh kW SEER EER Watts Blower Coil Units Valve 55,000 16.1 12.40 9.80 5620 CB30M-51 (Multi -Position) CB3OU-51 I ---- I ---- 55,000 16.1 1 13.05 9.75 5650 CB31MV-51 (Multi -Position) -Factory Installed 56,500 16.6 12.50 9.65 5850 CB30M-65 (Multi -Position) CB30U-65 57,000 16.7 13.50 10.10 1 5635 I]CB31MV-65 (Multi -Position) 54,000 15.8 11.60 9.60 1 5625 I]CVP10-65/EC10Q5 I - - - ---- OTE - Ratings for all C33 coils include all cased and uncased coils. QQ Certified on accordance with the USE certification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240; 95°F (35°C) outdoor air temperature, 80°F (27°C) db / 67°F (19°C) wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. (7.6 m) of connecting refrigerant lines. ®Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. ®Most popular evaporator coil. ®Canada Only "Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. • Furnished as standard with coil. HS21 / Page 5 ► FIELD WIRING f DISCONNECT -1 r -1 r DISCONNECT , SWITCH I THERn T , SWITCH •L (By Others) -1 L lop ) J L (By Others) J A — Two Wire Power (not furnished) B D A B — Two or Three Wire Power (not furnished) — See Electrical Data C — Three Wire Low Voltage (not furnished) — 18 ga. minimum D — Six Wire Low Voltage (not furnished) — 18 ga. minimum LENNOX O LENNOX. All wiring must conform to NEC or CEC and local electrical codes. CONDENSING HEATING' UNIT' UNIT OR BLOWER.COIL. EVAPORATOR' UNIT DIMENSIONS - IN. (MM) • • COMPRESSOR INLET AIR INLET AIR TOP VIEW 32-1/8 (816) 3( * ELECTRICAL �DISCHARGEGE AIR INLETS SUCTION LINE 00 INLET i' HS21-036, 048 4-1/2 Q_ 40-7/8 (1038) (114) o- HS21-060 44-7/8 (1140) LIQUID 2- 2 f LINE 19-3/4 (64) INLET (500) Li t 9-114 3 9-114 ( ) (2) 18-5/, a (67) 473 --bpi 112 26-5/8 (676) —► /16(76)2-1/4 2-1/4 1-5/8 (57) 27-5/8 (7 L (57) (41) (154) SERVICE ACCESS SIDE VIEW HS21 / Page 6 ► INLET a AIR • fA��:7 --If `_� ELITE 13 TM CONDENSING UNITS 11.70 to 14.20 SEER *18,500 to 60,000 Btuh (5.4 to 17.6 M) Cooling Capacity 1.5 thru 5 Tons (5.3 thru 17.6 M) *DOE and ARI Certified Ratings Application — The HS26 series condensing units feature extra high efficiency with minimum operating sound levels. Units are applicable to expansion valve systems only. Units may be installed at ground level or on a roof. Units are adaptable to several blower powered and add-on evaporators providing a wide range of cooling capacities for selective sizing and application versatility. For evaporator unit data see tab Coils — Blower Coil Units in this section. Units are shipped completely factory assembled, piped and wired. In addition, each unit is test operated at the factory insuring proper operation. Installer has only to place condensing unit in desired location, connect refrig- erant lines and make electrical connections to complete the job. Approvals — Condensing units have been tested in the Lennox Re- search Laboratory environmental test room and rated in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240-94. In addition, units have been sound rated in the Lennox reverberant sound test room in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270-95. Condensing units and components within are bonded for grounding to meet safety standards for servicing required by U.L. and C.E.C. Units are U.L. and U.L.C. listed. Developed in accordance with ISO 9002 quality standards. Equipment Warranty—The compressor has a limited warranty for ten years in residential installations and 5 years in non-residential installations. All other covered components have a limited warranty for five years in residential installations and one year in non-residential installations. Refer to Lennox Equipment Limited Warranty included with the unit for details. Copeland Compliant Scroll" Compressor—High efficiency compres- sor features durability, steady uniform suction flow, constant discharge flow, high volumetric efficiency, quiet operation and the ability to start under any system load. Use of the scroll compressor eliminates the need for crankcase heater, start capacitor and start relay. The compliant scroll type compressor is a simple compression concept design consisting of two involute spiral scrolls matched together to generate a series of crescent-shaped gas pockets between them. During compression, one scroll is stationary while the other is allowed to orbit, not rotate, around the fixed one. As this motion occurs, gas is drawn into the outer pocket sealing off the open passage. As the J spiral movement continues, the pockets between the scrolls are slowly pushed to the center of the scrolls -while simultaneously being reduced in volume. When the pocket reaches ` the center, the gas is now at high pressure and is forced out of a port located in the center of the fixed scroll. During compression, several pockets are being compressed simul- taneously resulting in a smooth, nearly continuous compression cycle. Continuous flank contact, maintained bycentrifugal force, mini-, mizes gas leakage and maximizes efficiency. The scroll compressor is tolerant to the effects of liquid slug- ging and contaminants. Should this occur, the scrolls separate and allow the liquid or contaminants to be worked to the center and discharged. Low gas pulses during com- pression minimize operational sound level. Motor is internally pro- tected from excessive current and temperature. Compressor is installed in the unit on resilient rubber mounts, assuring vibration free operation. (Continued) HS26 Bulletin #210020 September 1996 Supersedes April 1996 CERTIFICATION APPLIES CI IL" 150 9002 REGIS T EKD WHE•I THE COI.IPLETE '!WORLD CIF SS 0U; 07Y (STEM IS LISTED v rN ARI UVL C VL LISTED LISTED Typical Application Q The maple leaf symbol in this bulletin denotes Canadian only usage where applicable c,1996 Lennox Industries Inc. : NOTE — Due to Lennox' ongoing commirtment to quality, Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions Subject to change without notice and without incurring liability."' FEATURES Durable Steel Cabinet - Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinet is subject to a five station metal wash process. This preparation results in a perfect bonding surface for the finish coat of baked -on outdoor enamel. The attractive enamel finish gives the cabinet long lasting &tection from rust and corrosion. Compressor and control box are ated in a separate compartment insulated with thick fiberglass insulation. Compartment provides protection from the weather and keeps sound transmission at a minimum. Control box is conveniently located with all controls factory wired. Large removable panel provides service access. Drainage holes are provided in the base section for moisture removal. High density polyethylene base channels raise the unit off of the mounting surface away from damaging moisture. Non- corrosive PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire condenser coil guard is furnished. Copper Tube/Enhanced Fin Coil - Lennox designed and fabricated coil is constructed of precisely spaced ripple -edged aluminum fins machine fitted to seamless copper tubes in a wrap around "U" shaped configuration providing extra large surface area with low air resistance. Lanced fins provide maximum exposure of fin surface to air stream resulting in excellent heat transfer. In addition, fins are equipped with collars that grip the tubing for maximum contact area. Precise circuiting provides uniform refrigerant distribution. Flared shoulder tubing connections and silver soldering provide tight, leak- proof joints. Long life copper tubing is corrosion -resistant and easy to field service. Coil is thoroughly factory tested under high pressure to insure leakproof construction. Entire coil is accessible for cleaning. Powerful Condenser Fan - Efficient direct drive fan moves large volumes of air uniformly through the entire condenser coil resulting in high refrigerant cooling capacity. Vertical discharge of air minimizes operating sounds and eliminates hot air damage to lawn and shrubs. Fan motor is inherently protected and totally enclosed for maximum protection from weather, dust and corrosion. A rain shield on the motor provides additional protection from moisture. Fan service access is accomplished by removal of fan guard. Corrosion resistant PVC (poly- vinyl chloride) coated steel wire fan guard is furnished as standard. Hi -Capacity Drier - Furnished as standard for field installation. Drier Ops any moisture or dirtthat could contaminatethe refrigerant system. rgh Pressure Switch -Shuts off unit if abnormal operating conditions cause the discharge pressure to rise above setting. Switch protects compressor from excessive condensing pressure. Manual reset. Low Pressure Switch -Shuts off unit if suction pressure falls below set- ting. Provides loss of charge and freeze-up protection. Automatic reset. Timed -Off Control -Timed off control prevents compressor short - cycling and also allows time for suction and discharge pressure to equalize, permitting the compressor to start in an unloaded condition. Automatic reset control provides a five minute'time delay between compressor shutoff and start-up. Refrigerant Line Connections, Electrical Inlets and Service Valves - Suction and liquid lines are located inside of the cabinet and are made with sweat connections. Fully serviceable brass service valves prevent corrosion and provide easy access to refrigerant system. Suction valve can be fully shut off, while the liquid valve may be backseated to manage refrigerant charge while servicing the system. Suction and liquid line service valves and gauge ports are located inside the cabinet. A thermometer well is located in the liquid line to check the refrigerant charge. Refrigerant line connections and field wiring inlets are all located in one central area of the cabinet. See dimension drawing. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES (Must Be Ordered Extra) Thermostat (Optional) -Thermostat is not furnished with the unit and must be ordered extra. See Thermostats bulletin in Accessories section (U.S. only) and Lennox Price Book. Refrigerant Line Kits /Optional) ' Lines are available in several lengths and must be ordered extra. See Refrigerant Line Kittable. The refrigerant lines (suction and liquid) are shipped refrigeration clean. Lines are cleaned, dried and pressurized at the factory and sealed. Suction line is fully insulated. L15 line sets are stubbed at both ends. Expansion Valve Kits (Optional) - Must be ordered extra and field installed on some matching evaporator units. See ARI Ratings table. Low Ambient Kit (Optional) -Condensing units will operate satisfacto- rily down to 45°F (7°C) outdoor air temperature without any additional controls. For cases where operation of the unit is required at low ambients a Low Ambient Control Kit LB-57113BC (24H77) can be added in the field, enabling itto operate properly down to 30°F (-1 °C). Mounting Base (Optional) -Rugged mounting base provides perma- nent foundation for condensing units. High density polyethylene structural material is lightweight, sturdy, sound absorbing and will withstand the rigors of the sun, heat, cold, moisture, oil and refrigerant. Will not mildew or rot. Can be shipped singly or in packages of 6 to a carton. All models use MB2-L (69J07) 32 x 34 x 3 in. (813 x 864 x 76 mm) shipping weight 15 lbs. (7 kg) each. Model No. HS26-018 HS26-024 HS26-030 HS26-036 HS26-042 HS26-048 HS26-060 Net face area - sq. ft. (m2) Outer coil 11.9 (1.11) 11.9 (1.11) 16.0 (1.59) 16.0 (1.59) 16.0 (1.59) 18.2 (1.69) 21.6 (2.01) Inner coil 5.5 (0.51) 5.5 (0.51) 5.6 (0.52) 13.3(l.24) 13.3 (1.24) 13.3 (1.24) 20.8 (1.93) Condenser Coil Tube diameter - in. (mm) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) 5/16(7.9) No. of rows 1.48 1.48 1.36 1.86 1.86 1.75 2 Fins per inch (m) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) 22 (866) Dia. - in. (mm) no. of blades 20(508)-4 20(508)-4 24(610)-3 24(610)-3 24(610)-3 24 (610) - 4 24 (610) - 4 Motor hp (W) 1/10(75) 1/6024) 1/6024) 1/6024) 1/6024) 1/4087) 1/4(187) Condenser Fan Cfm (L/s) 25000 2450 (1155) 3150 (1485) 3150 (1485) 3000 (1415) 3900 (1840) 4200 (1980) Rpm 825 825 825 825 825 820 820 Watts 160 210 225 225 230 310 350 'Refrigerant -HCFC-22 charge furnished 4 lbs. 1 oz. (1.84 kg) 4 lbs. 1 oz. (1.84 kg) 5 lbs. 1 oz. (2.30 kg) 5 lbs. 13 oz. (2.64 kg) 6 lbs. 11 oz. (3.03 kg) 7 lbs. 5 oz. (3.32 kg) 10 lbs. 8 oz. (4.76 kg) Liquid line (o.d.) - in. (mm) sweat 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) 3/8(9.5) Suction line (o.d.l in. - (mm) sweat 5/8(16) 3/4(19) 3/4(19) 3/4(19) 7/8(22.2) 7/8(22.2) 1-1/8 (28.6) Shipping weight - lbs. (kg) 1 package 177 (80) 185 (84) 192 (87) 221 (100) 231 (105) 274 (124) 308 (140) *Refrigerant charge sufficient for 25 ft. (7.6 m) length of refrigerant lines. HS26 / Page 2 No. • I I Unit Size & * Model Rating Sound Rating Number (db) *ARI Standard 210/240 Ratings Cooling Cap. Total SEER EER Unit Btuh kW Watts Up -Flow Down -Flow Evaporator Coils Horizontal **Ex ansion Valve Kit Required 18,900 5.5 12.10 10.85 1740 C26-21(FC) - - - - - - - - *Factory Installed 19,000 5.6 12.10 10.90 1740 C23-26(W)(FC) - - - - LB -85663) (26K34) 19,100 5.6 12.20 10.95 1740 C23-31(W)(FC) ---- ---- 1.5 Ton HS26'018 (74) 19,300 5.7 12.30 11.05 1745 C26-26(W)(FC) - - - - - - - - •Factory Installed 20,000 5.9 13.00 11.40 1750 C26-31(W)(FC) - - - 19_300 5.7 13.00 11.55 1685 C26-26(W)(FC)+G25MV3 - - - - ---- ---20,400 --- 20,400 6.0 1 13.40 12.05 1695 C26-31(W)(FC)+G25MV3 - - - - ---- 18,500 18,500 5.4 11.85 10.65 1735 - - - - CR26-21 LB -85663J (26K34) 19,700 5.8 12.55 11.25 1750 - - - - CR26-31 ---- ---1.5 20,400 6.0 13.00 11.55 1765 - - - - CR26-41(N)(W) 18,800 5.5 12.40 11.20 1680 - - - - CR26-21+G25MV3 - - - - 19,900 5.8 13.20 11.80 1690 - - - - CR26-31+G25MV3 - - - - 18,500 5.4 11.80 10.65 1735 - - - - - - - - CH23-21 18,700 5.5 12.00 10.75 1740 I CH23-31 19,600 5.7 12.60 11.15 1760 - - - - - - - - CH23-41 20,200 5.9 13.00 11.45 1765 - - - - - - - - CH23-51 Btuh kW SEER EER Watts Blower Coil Units Valve 18,900 5.5 12.15 10.90 1735 CB29M-21/26 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 20,200 5.9 12.85 11.55 1750 C630M-21/26 (Multi -Position) 20,8006.1 13.35 12.00 1735 CB30M-31 (Multi -Position) --- 19,000 5.6 12.00 10.70 1775 4 CVP10-26/EC10Q3 - - - ---- 2 Ton HS26-024 (74) Btuh Btuh kW SEER EER I Watts Evaporator Coils Valve 22,600 6.6 12.10 10.70 2115 C26-21(FC) - - - - - - - - *Factory Installed --- 23,400 6.9 12.10 10.75 2180 C23-26(W)(FC) - - - - ---- LB -85663) (26K34) 23,800 7.0 12.25 10.90 2185 C23-31(W)(FC) - - - - - - - - 23,800 24,000 7.0 12.35 11.00 2185 C23-41(W)(FC) - - - - ---- ---24,000 -- 24,000 7.0 12.35 11.00 2185 C26-26(W)(FC) - - - - --- •Factory Installed --- 25,200 7.4 12.85 11.40 2205 C26-31(W)(FC) - - - - ---- 25,200 25,200 7.4 13.10 11.40 2205 C26-41(FC) - - - - - - - - 25,200 --- 25,200 7.4 13.50 11.90 2115 C26-31(W)(FC)+G25MV3 - - - - ---- 25,400 7.4 13.85 12.25 2075 C26-31(W)(FC)+G21V3 ---- ---- 25,400 22,200 6.5 11.70 10.40 1 2135 - - - - CR26-21 - - - - LB -85663) (26K34) 24,400 7.1 12.60 11.15 2190 - - - - CR26-31 - - - - 25,000 7.3 . 13.00 11.40 2190 CR26-41(N)(W) - - - - 24,600 7.2 13.25 11.65 2115 - - - - CR26-31+G25MV3 22,400 6.6 11.80 10.50 2135 - - - - - - - - CH23-21 23,200 6.8 12.00 10.65 1 2180 - - - - - - - - CH23-31 24,200 7.1 12.55 11.00 2200 - - - - - - - - CH23-41 25,200 7.4 13.00 11.40 2210 - - - - - - - - CH23-51 Btuh kW SEER EER Watts Blower Coil Units Valve 23,000 6.7 12.05 10.75 2145 CB29M-21/26 (Multi -Position) •Factory Installed 23,600 6.9 12.20 10.85 2175 CB29M-31 (Multi -Position) 24,800 7.3 12.80 11.30 2190 CB30M-21/26 (Multi -Position) 25,600 7.5 13.55 12.10 2115 CB30M-31 (Multi -Position) ,800 7.6 14.00 12.50 2060 CB31MV-41 (Multi -Position) F23,200 6.8 11.85 10.55 2195 O CVP10-26/EC10Q3 *Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240; 95'F (35'Q outdoor air temperature, 80'F (27'Q db / 67'F (19'Q wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. (7.6 m) of connecting refrigerant lines. 'Sound Rating Number rated in accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard 270. ** Kit is required and must be ordered extra, unless shown as factory installed. *Furnished as standard with coil. NOTE - Shaded area denotes most popular evaporator coil. HS26 / Page 3 ► . ELECTRICAL. DATA. Model No. HS26-018 !,` HS26-024 HS26-030 HS26-036 HS26-042 Line voltage data - 60hz 208/230v 1ph 208/230v 1ph 208/230v 1ph 208/230v 1ph 208/230v 3ph 208/230v `iph 208/230v 3ph Compressor Rated load amps 8.4 10.3 13.5 16.0 10.3 18.0 12.5 Power factor 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.82 0.94 0.82 62 Locked rotor amps 47 56 72.5 88 77 104 88 Condenser Coil Fan Motor Full load amps 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Locked rotor amps 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Rec. max. fuse or circuit breaker size (amps) 15 20 30 35 20 40 25 *Minimum circuit ampacity 13 14 18 21.3 14 23.6 16.4 0 *Refer to National or Canadian Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements. NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage. Model No. Length of Line Set Suction & Lines Model No. ft. m HS26-048 Suction Line (o. d.) in, HS26-060 in. Line voltage data - 60hz 208/230v 1ph 208/230V 3ph 460v 3ph 208/230v 1ph 208/230v 3ph 460v 3ph Compressor Rated load amps 23.7 13.5 7.4 28.8 17.4 9.0 Power factor 1 .97 .87 .87 .97 .85 .85 Locked rotor amps 129 99 49.5 169 123• 62 Condenser Coil Fan Motor Full load amps 1.7 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.1 Locked rotor amps 3.1 3.1 2.2 3.1 3.1 2.2 Rec. max. fuse or circuit breaker size (amps) 50 30 15 60 40 20 *Minimum circuit ampacity 31.4 18.6 10.4 37.7 23.5 12.4 *Refer to National or Canadian Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements. NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage. rDISCONNECT, SWITCH L LBy Others) J LENNOX CONDENSING UNIT r-----, rDISCONNECTI THERMOSTAT I I SWITCH I (Optional) (By Others) L -----J L--�_J REFRIGERANT LINE KITS LENNOX HEATING UNIT OR *BLOWER COIL EVAPORATOR UNIT Conder ing UniLiquid Model No. Length of Line Set Suction & Lines Model No. ft. m Liquid Line (o.d.) Suction Line (o. d.) in, mm in. mm HS26-018 L15-26-20 20 6 3/8 _ 9.5 5/8 15.9 L15-26-25 25 8 L15-26-35 35 11 L15-26-50 50 15 HS26-024 HS26-030 HS26-036 L15-41-20 20 6 3/8 9.5 3/4 19 L15-41-30 30 9 L15-41-40 40 12 L15-41-50 50 15 HS26-042 HS26-048 L15-65-30 30 9 3/8 9.5 7/8 22.2 L15-65-40 40 12 L15-65-50 50 15 HS26-060 *Not available 3/8 9.5 1-1/8 22.2 "Field fabricate. A - Two or Three Wire Power (not furnished) B - Two or Three Wire Power (not furnished) - See Electrical Data C - Two Wire Low Voltage (not furnished) - 18 ga. minimum D - Four Wire Low Voltage (not furnished) - 18 ga. minimum All wiring must conform to NEC or CEC and local electrical codes. INSTALLATION CLEARANCES -inches (mm) NOTE -48 inches (1219 mm) clearance required on top of unit. "NOTE -Two sides of coil may be 12 inches (305 mm). HS26 / Page 7 ► "DIMENSIONS="inches° (mm) :..-;" • • 2 (51) ACCESS VIEW INLET 1j, AIR INLET 4 AIR ELECTRICAL INLETS TOP VIEW SUCTION LINEal 1.0 C INLETARGE '� AIR (HS26-018 thru 042 LIQUID INLET LINE (HS26-048-060) 4-1/2014) LIQUID`E(6 t LINE INLET _f:�:7 HS26-018 thru 042 SUCTION p LINE INLET Z (HS26-048-060) * 2-3/4(70) 4 1-- F 1-3/8 (102) (102) 6-1/16 I) (35) E (154) SIDE VIEW INLET a AIR Model No. A B C D \ F is H J HS26-018, HS26-024 COMPRESSOR (( 25-7/8 29-7/8 12-1/4 22-7/16 I 22-1/8 2-7/8 5-1/2 mm 708 657 759 311 570 367 562 73 140 HS26-030, HS26-036, HS26-042 in. 30-7/8 32-1/8 34-1/16 G 26-5/8 18-5/8 28-1/8 3-7/8 7-1/2 INLET 4 AIR ELECTRICAL INLETS TOP VIEW SUCTION LINEal 1.0 C INLETARGE '� AIR (HS26-018 thru 042 LIQUID INLET LINE (HS26-048-060) 4-1/2014) LIQUID`E(6 t LINE INLET _f:�:7 HS26-018 thru 042 SUCTION p LINE INLET Z (HS26-048-060) * 2-3/4(70) 4 1-- F 1-3/8 (102) (102) 6-1/16 I) (35) E (154) SIDE VIEW INLET a AIR Model No. A B C D E F G H J HS26-018, HS26-024 in. 27-7/8 25-7/8 29-7/8 12-1/4 22-7/16 14-7/16 22-1/8 2-7/8 5-1/2 mm 708 657 759 311 570 367 562 73 140 HS26-030, HS26-036, HS26-042 in. 30-7/8 32-1/8 34-1/16 12-3/4 26-5/8 18-5/8 28-1/8 3-7/8 7-1/2 mm 784 816 865 324 676 473 718 98 191 HS26 048 in. 34-7/8 32-1/8 34-1/16 13-3/4 26-5/8 18-5/8 28-1/8 3-7/8 7-1/2 MM 886- 816 865 349 676 473 718 98 191 HS26-060 in. 40-7/8 32-1/8 34-1/16 19-13/16 26-5/8; 18-5/8 28-1/8 3-7/8 7-1/2 MIMI 1038 1 47 71R 98 191 NOTE -For Temperatures and Capacities not shown in tables, see bulletin -Cooling Unit Rating Table Correction Factor Data in Miscellaneous Engineering Data section. HS26-018 - ('?F-91(FCI NU i e - An values are gross capacities ano clo not ,nctuoe ,n000r coil blower motor neat deoucbon. HS26 / Page 8 ► Outdoor Air Temperature Entering Outdoor Coil Enter- Total 85'1` (29'C) 95'F 135'C1 105'F(41'C) 115'F (46°C) Ing Wet Air Total Sensible Total Sensible Total Sensible Total Sensible Bulb Volume Cooling Com- To Total Cooling Com_ al To Total Cooling Com- To Total Cooling Com- To Total Temper- Capacity pressor Ratio IS/I Capacity pressor Motor Ratio I Capacity pressor Ratio IS/T) Capacity pressor Ratio (al Motor Dry Bulb: Dry Bulb Motor Dry Bulb Motor Dry Bulb ature Watts Watts Watts Watts L/s dm kW Btuh Input 75`F 80`F 85'F kW Btuh Input 75'F 80'F 85°F kW Btuh Input 75'F 80° 85 F kW Btuh Input 5`F 80° 85`F 24`C 7`C 9`C 24`C 27`C 29°C 24`C 27`C 9`C 4`C 27°C 9'C 190 400 5.2 17,700 1170 .68 .79 .90 5.0 17,200 1340 .69 .80 .92 4.9 16,600 1530 .69 .82 .93 4.7 15,900 1740 .70 .83 .95 631F 07.2'C) 285 500 5.6 19,200 1180 .76 .90 1.00 5.5 18,600 1350 .77 .92 1.00 5.2 17,900 1540 .78 .93 1.00 5.0 17,100 1750 .80 .95 1.00 375 800 5.9 20,200 1190 .83 .98 1.00 5.7 19,500 1360 .85 .99 1.00 5.5 18,900 1550 .86 1.001.00 5.3 18,200 1760 .88 1.00 1.00 190 400 5.6 19,000 1180 .54 .65 .76 5.4 18,400 1350 .55 .66 .77 5.2 17,800 1540 .55 .67 .78 5.0 17,000 1750 .56 .68 .80 7oF (19.4°C) 285 600 6.0 20,400 1190 .59 .73 .87 5.8 19,700 1360 .59 .74 .88 5.5 18.900 1550 .60 .76 .90 5.3 18,100 1760 .61 .77 375 800 6.2 21,100 1200 .63 .81 .96 6.0 20,400 1370 .64 .83 .97 5.7 19,600 1550 .65 .84 .99 5.5 18,800 1760 .67 .86 190 400 6.0 20,400 1190 .42 .52 .62 5.8 19,800 1360 .42 .53 .63 5.6 19,000 1550 .42 .53 .64 5.4 18,300 1760 .42 .54 d.65 71'F (21,7'C) 285 600 6.4 21,700 1200 .43 .57 .71 6.2 21,000 1370 .43 .58 .72 5.9 20,200 1560 .44 .58 .73 5.7 19.400 1770 .44 .59 375 800 6.6 22 400 1210 .45 .62 .79 6.4 21 700 1380 .45 .63 .80 6.1 20 800 1560 .46 .64 .82 5.8 19 900 1770 .46 .66 NU i e - An values are gross capacities ano clo not ,nctuoe ,n000r coil blower motor neat deoucbon. HS26 / Page 8 ► ,4k ®R ACCESSORIES THERMOSTATS Bulletin #210125 November 1996 Supersedes #480059 September 1993 INNOVATORTm PROGRAMMABLE L21 SERIES 24 HOUR THERMOSTATS L21'SERIES 7 DAY THERMOSTATS For Conventional Heating/Cooling Systems Only For Conventional Heating/Cooling Systems Only (Non -Heat Pump Systems) (Non -Heat Pump Systems) 7,. Model No. Description Catalog No. Model No. Description Catalog No. L211201CS ......... 1 Heat/1Cool 24 Hour ........ 691-125 L211407CS .......... 1 Heat/1Cool 7 -Day ......... 75H19 L212201CS ......... 1 Heat/2 Cool 24 Hour ........ 69H26 L212407CS .......... 1 Heat/2 Cool 7 -Day ......... 75H2O A2000 -ROS ..... Outdoor Temperature Sensor .... 69H27 A2000 -ROS ..... Outdoor Temperature Sensor .... 69H27 *Automatic Or Manual Changeover *Built-in Time Delays •Large Easy -to -read LCD Readout *Actual Time And Temperature in 'F or 'C for alternating inside and outside temperature readout (with optional outdoor temperature sensor) •Two Stage Cooling Model features low or high speed cooling operation indicators •Check Filter Indicator flashes at preset interval •'System Selector Switch (Off -Heat -Cool -Auto) •Fan Switch (On -Auto) *Indicator Lights ("Amber" light indicates system operating, "Green" light indicates night period energy savings) •Solid-state Electronic Technology eliminates battery back-up and maintains thermostat settings during power failure for up to 24 hours •Two Separate (Day & Night) time and temperature settings per day •Individual Slide Switches set day and night heat and cool temperatures and nighttime beginning and ending time periods • "Cancel Night" button overrides night temperature settings • "+" and "—" buttons set time of day •Pressing front cover reviews thermostat settings i Optional Outdoor Temperature Sensor A2000 -ROS With optional sensor, thermostat will give a readout of present -out- door temperature and lowest and highest outdoor temperatures of the day and times at which they occurred. See next page. •Full Independent Seven-day Programming •Automatic Or Manual Changeover • Built-in Time Delays *Large Easy -to -read LCD Readout •Actual Time And Temperature in 'F or 'C for alternating inside and outside temperature readout (with optional outdoor temperature sensor) *Two Stage Cooling Model features low or high speed cooling operation indicator •Check Filter)ndicator flashes at preset interval • System Selector Switch (Off -Heat -Cool -Auto) *Fan Switch (On -Auto) *Indicator Lights show "Amber" indicating system is operating in manual mode or (flashing) 3 hour override, "Green" light indicates system demand *Solid-state Electronic Technology eliminates battery back-up and maintains thermostat settings during power failure for up to 24 hours •Four SeparateMme And Temperature Settings Per Day *Individual Slide Switches set time begin and heat and cool temperatures • "+" and "—" buttons set time of day • "Day" button sets day of week and reviews daily programs • "Review" button displays programmed time period setpoints • "Manual" button allows manual control of temperature "Clear button erases programmed setpoints when re -programming • "Enter" button enters time of day and temperature setpoints into memory • Monitors compressor run times and heating times in hours and cycles • Pressing front cover reviews thermostat settings Optional Outdoor Temperature Sensor A2000 -ROS With optional sensor, thermostat will give a readout of present out- door temperature and lowest and highest outdoor temperatures of the day and times at which they occurred See next page.