2021 12 14 FAC Special MeetingSPECIAL MEETING Page 1 of 2 DECEMBER 14, 2021 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LA QUINTA FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AND TO THE COMMISSION SECRETARY: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission is hereby called to be held on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, starting at 4:00 p.m.; at La Quinta City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 for the following purpose: ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Receive and File Revenue and Expenditure Report Dated August 30, 2021 2. Review and File First Quarter Fiscal Year 2021/22 Treasury Reports for July, August, September 2021 BUSINESS SESSION 1. Approve Recommendation of Highway Bridge Program Advanced Construction Funding for the Dune Palms Road Bridge Project No. 2011-05 2. Receive and File Fiscal Year 2020/21 Measure G Sales Tax Compliance Report 3. Appoint Two Financial Advisory Commissioners to Serve on the Fiscal Year 2022/23 General Fund Operating Budget Subcommittee DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. Community Workshop in January 2. Finance Department Current and Future Initiatives Dated: December 13, 2021 /s/ George Batavick George Batavick, Chairperson Attest: Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant SPECIAL MEETING Page 2 of 2 DECEMBER 14, 2021 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission Special Meeting of December 14, 2021, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and on the bulletin boards at 51321 Avenida Bermudas and 78630 Highway 111 on December 13, 2021. Dated: December 13, 2021 Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 1 of 5 DECEMBER 14, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2021, AT 4:00 P.M. ****************************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility in Effect Pursuant to Executive Orders N-60-20 and N-08-21 executed by the Governor of California, and subsequently Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361, 2021), enacted in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the public, the Financial Advisory Commission, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this special meeting by teleconference. Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning- in live via https://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live . Written public comments can be provided in-person during the meeting or emailed to the Commission Secretary at JDelgado@LaQuintaCA.gov preferably by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting , and will be distributed to the Commission, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent staff can accommodate such request. Financial Advisory Commission agendas and staff www.laquintaca.gov FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 2 of 5 DECEMBER 14, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING Written Comments and list the following: 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written Comments *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES *** Verbal public comments via Teleconference members of the public may attend and participate in the meeting by teleconference via Zoom a ts are prompted by the Chair; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the Commission and general public and allow him/her/they to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Chair, in order to become audible to the Commission and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Chair. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89839984651 Meeting ID: 898 3998 4651 Or join by phone: (253) 215 8782 It would be appreciated that any email communications for public comments related to the items on the agenda, or for general public comment, are provided to the Finance Department Management Assistant at the email address listed above prior to the commencement of the meeting. If that is not possible, and to accommodate public comments on items that may be added to the agenda after its initial posting or items that are on the agenda, every effort will be made to attempt to review emails received by the Finance Department Management Assistant during the course of the meeting. The before action is taken on any agenda item to allow the Finance Department Management Assistant to review emails and share any public comments received during the meeting. All emails received by the Finance Department Management Assistant, at the email address above, until the adjournment of the meeting, will be included within the public record relating to the meeting. ****************************** CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Commissioners: Anderson, Campbell, Dorsey, Mast, Mills, Way and Chair Batavick FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 3 of 5 DECEMBER 14, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the Financial Advisory Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda by providing written public comments either in-person or via email as indicated above; or provide verbal public comments either in-person or via teleconference by joining the meeting virtually at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89839984651 and use the Chair. Members of the public attending the meeting in-person are requested to complete a form and submit it to the City Clerk. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). The Financial Advisory Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)] CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1. Receive and File Revenue and Expenditure Report Dated August 30, 2021 2. Review and File First Quarter Fiscal Year 2021/22 Treasury Reports for July, August, September 2021 BUSINESS SESSION 1. Approve Recommendation of Highway Bridge Program Advanced Construction Funding for the Dune Palms Road Bridge Project No. 2011-05 2. Receive and File Fiscal Year 2020/21 Measure G Sales Tax Compliance Report 3. Appoint Two Financial Advisory Commissioners to Serve on the Fiscal Year 2022/23 General Fund Operating Budget Subcommittee STUDY SESSION None FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 4 of 5 DECEMBER 14, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. Community Workshop in January 2. Finance Department Current and Future Initiatives ADJOURNMENT The next regular quarterly meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission will be held on February 9, 2022, commencing at 4:00 p.m. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the Commission meeting was posted on Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78630 Highway 111, and 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on December 13, 2021. DATED: December 13, 2021 Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant City of La Quinta, California FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 5 of 5 DECEMBER 14, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING Public Notices The La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please contact the Commission Secretary at (760) 777-7150, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the Commission Secretary at (760) 777-7150. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Commission Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any Writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on the agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Concierge desk at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. City of La Quinta FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING: December 14, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 2021 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file revenue and expenditure report dated August 31, 2021. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The report summarizes the City’s year-to-date (YTD) revenues and period expenditures for August 2021 (Attachment 1). •These reports are also reviewed by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT – None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports: Original Total Budget – represents revenue and expenditure budgets the Council adopted in June 2021 for fiscal year 2021/22. Current Total Budget – represents original adopted budgets plus any Council approved budget amendments from throughout the year. The 2020/21 operating and Capital Improvement Project carryovers to 2021/22 will be processed after the year-end audit is completed. Period Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid in the reporting month. Fiscal Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid YTD. Variance Favorable/(Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount. Percent Used – represents the percentage activity as compared to budget YTD. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 The revenue report includes revenues and transfers into funds from other funds (income items). Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly, Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus expenditures is funded from the City’s cash flow reserve. The expenditure report includes expenditures and transfers out to other funds. Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause swings. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Claudia Martinez, Interim Finance Director Attachment: 1. Revenue and Expenditure Report for August 31, 2021 MTD YTD YTD Percent of Budget General Fund (GF)1,644,054$ 2,169,783$ 3.69% All Funds 2,828,314$ 3,999,605$ 4.46% MTD YTD YTD Percent of Budget General Fund 2,111,173$ 2,775,342$ 5.03% Payroll (GF)1,723,862$ 2,079,960$ 18.36% All Funds 3,816,170$ 5,181,848$ 5.99% August Revenues August Expenditures General Fund Non-General Fund Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax 593,360$ CVAG Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Funding(1)671,482$ Mitigation Fees 400,172$ Developer Impact Fees- Transportation 132,504$ Document Transfer Tax 83,744$ SilverRock Greens Fees 103,767$ Building Plan Check Fees 81,527$ Gas Tax 89,102$ Building Permits 77,096$ Developer Impact Fees- Parks & Rec 61,074$ General Fund Non-General Fund Buildings 70,000$ Liability Insurance Premium 446,349$ Sheriff Cal-ID 40,792$ Capital Improvement Program (CIP) - Construction(2)311,118$ Marketing and Tourism Promotions 22,701$ Workers Comp Insurance Premium 146,173$ Electric Utilities 18,141$ Property Insurance Premium 141,590$ Machinery and Equipment (Generators)17,881$ SilverRock Maintenance 117,755$ Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for August Top Five Expenditures/Outlays for August (1) CVAG CIP Funding: Represents a Coachella Valley Association of Governments' (CVAG) contribution towards the Washington and Fred Waring triple left turn lanes capital project. (2) CIP Construction: SilverRock event space and Fire Station 70 revitalization. For Fiscal: 2021/22 Period Ending: 08/31/2021 11/8/2021 Page 1 of 3 Revenue Summary Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable)Fund Period Activity Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Used 101 - GENERAL FUND 2,169,7831,644,05458,804,210 58,804,210 -56,634,427 3.69 % 201 - GAS TAX FUND 194,51689,1021,965,880 1,965,880 -1,771,364 9.89 % 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 2872352,850,700 2,850,700 -2,850,413 0.01 % 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G)005,000 5,000 -5,000 0.00 % 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 00151,000 151,000 -151,000 0.00 % 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 00101,000 101,000 -101,000 0.00 % 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 002,274,700 2,274,700 -2,274,700 0.00 % 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND -3,3662,82170,000 70,000 -73,366 4.81 % 223 - MEASURE A FUND 001,567,000 1,567,000 -1,567,000 0.00 % 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 00100100 -100 0.00 % 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG)-9,750012,000 12,000 -21,750 81.25 % 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP)005,000 5,000 -5,000 0.00 % 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 3,2601,70019,200 19,200 -15,940 16.98 % 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 0052,800 52,800 -52,800 0.00 % 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 24,35172871,400 871,400 -847,049 2.79 % 243 - RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND 0035,000 35,000 -35,000 0.00 % 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 0030,000 30,000 -30,000 0.00 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)00201,000 201,000 -201,000 0.00 % 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 298,429132,504428,000 428,000 -129,571 69.73 % 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 92,66461,074351,000 351,000 -258,336 26.40 % 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 63,66736,722152,000 152,000 -88,333 41.89 % 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 17,46811,51350,000 50,000 -32,532 34.94 % 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS DIF 42,06427,72472,000 72,000 -29,936 58.42 % 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 4,327000 4,327 0.00 % 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 20,43511,00566,000 66,000 -45,565 30.96 % 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 31,13212,329130,000 130,000 -98,868 23.95 % 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 002,600 2,600 -2,600 0.00 % 299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND 60,519000 60,519 0.00 % 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 001,100 1,100 -1,100 0.00 % 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 671,482671,4829,894,806 9,894,806 -9,223,324 6.79 % 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 001,222,750 1,222,750 -1,222,750 0.00 % 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3,9452,0701,786,700 1,786,700 -1,782,755 0.22 % 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 00400,000 400,000 -400,000 0.00 % 504 - INSURANCE FUND 001,010,800 1,010,800 -1,010,800 0.00 % 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 218,746123,9064,157,693 4,157,693 -3,938,947 5.26 % 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 0067,000 67,000 -67,000 0.00 % 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 006,000 6,000 -6,000 0.00 % 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 0080,000 80,000 -80,000 0.00 % 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 95,6470700,000 700,000 -604,353 13.66 % Report Total:2,828,314 3,999,60589,594,439 89,594,439 -85,594,834 4.46 % ATTACHMENT 1 Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually in December, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. For Fiscal: 2021/22 Period Ending: 08/31/2021 11/8/2021 Page 2 of 3 Expenditure Summary Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable)Fund Period Activity Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Used 101 - GENERAL FUND 2,775,3422,111,17355,162,726 55,162,726 52,387,384 5.03 % 201 - GAS TAX FUND 40,20737,6362,007,500 2,007,500 1,967,293 2.00 % 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 39,67432,9184,306,510 4,306,510 4,266,836 0.92 % 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 00148,350 148,350 148,350 0.00 % 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 00100,000 100,000 100,000 0.00 % 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 254,606165,3482,257,400 2,257,400 2,002,794 11.28 % 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 00150,000 150,000 150,000 0.00 % 223 - MEASURE A FUND 001,220,500 1,220,500 1,220,500 0.00 % 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG)0012,000 12,000 12,000 0.00 % 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP)005,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 % 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 005,600 5,600 5,600 0.00 % 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 36936942,500 42,500 42,131 0.87 % 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 50,80727,9581,542,200 1,542,200 1,491,393 3.29 % 243 - RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND 00250,000 250,000 250,000 0.00 % 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 0021,500 21,500 21,500 0.00 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)30,54530,54520,000 20,000 -10,545 152.73 % 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 00604,500 604,500 604,500 0.00 % 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 0030,000 30,000 30,000 0.00 % 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS DIF 00125,000 125,000 125,000 0.00 % 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 981981127,000 127,000 126,019 0.77 % 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 001,100 1,100 1,100 0.00 % 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 315,652311,1189,894,806 9,894,806 9,579,154 3.19 % 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 56,43732,3981,222,750 1,222,750 1,166,313 4.62 % 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 333,19354,3281,786,700 1,786,700 1,453,507 18.65 % 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 00255,000 255,000 255,000 0.00 % 504 - INSURANCE FUND 847,625737,593936,800 936,800 89,175 90.48 % 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 418,559260,9734,161,262 4,161,262 3,742,703 10.06 % 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 12,83312,83312,850 12,850 17 99.87 % 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 001,500 1,500 1,500 0.00 % 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 5,019052,000 52,000 46,981 9.65 % Report Total:3,816,170 5,181,84886,463,054 86,463,054 81,281,206 5.99 % Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually in December, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. Fund #Name Notes 101 General Fund The primary fund of the City used to account for all revenue and expenditures of the City; a broad range of municipal activities are provided through this fund. 201 Gas Tax Fund Gasoline sales tax allocations received from the State which are restricted to street-related expenditures. 202 Library and Museum Fund Revenues from property taxes and related expenditures for library and museum services. 203 Public Safety Fund General Fund Measure G sales tax revenue set aside for public safety expenditures. 210 Federal Assistance Fund Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received from the federal government and the expenditures of those resources. 212 SLESF (COPS) Fund Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funds (SLESF) received from the State for law enforcement activities. Also known as Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS). 215 Lighting & Landscaping Fund Special assessments levied on real property for city-wide lighting and landscape maintenance/improvements and the expenditures of those resources. 220 Quimby Fund Developer fees received under the provisions of the Quimby Act for park development and improvements. 221 AB939 Fund/Cal Recycle Franchise fees collected from the city waste hauler that are used to reduce waste sent to landfills through recycling efforts. Assembly Bill (AB) 939. 223 Measure A Fund County sales tax allocations which are restricted to street-related expenditures. 224 TUMF Fund Developer-paid Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF) utilized for traffic projects in Riverside County. 225 Infrastructure Fund Developer fees for the acquisition, construction or improvement of the City’s infrastructure as defined by Resolution 226 Emergency Mgmt. Performance Grant (EMPG)Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 227 State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP)Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 230 CASP Fund, AB1379 / SB1186 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) program fees for ADA Accessibility Improvements; derived from Business License renewals. Assembly Bill (AB) 1379 and Senate Bill (SB) 1186. 231 Successor Agency PA 1 RORF Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund (RORF) for Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) taxes received for debt service payments on recognized obligations of the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 235 SO Coast Air Quality Fund (AB2766, PM10)Contributions from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Uses are limited to the reduction and control of airborne pollutants. Assembly Bill (AB) 2766. 237 Successor Agency PA 1 Admin Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 for administration of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) associated with the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 241 Housing Authority Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. 243 RDA Low-Moderate Housing Fund Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. Accounts for RDA loan repayments (20% for Housing) and housing programs,. 244 Housing Grants Activites related Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) and SB2 grants for housing planning and development. 247 Economic Development Fund Proceeds from sale of City-owned land; transferred from General Fund for future economic development. 249 SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond Fund Successor Agency (SA) low/moderate housing fund; 2011 bonds refinanced in 2016. 250 Transportation DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - transportation related. 251 Parks & Rec. DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks and recreation. 252 Civic Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - Civic Center. 253 Library Development DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - library. 254 Community Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - community center. 255 Street Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - streets. 256 Park Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks. 257 Fire Protection DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - fire protection. 270 Art In Public Places Fund Developer fees collected in lieu of art placement; utilized for acquisition, installation and maintenance of public artworks. 275 LQ Public Safety Officer Fund Annual transfer in from General Fund; distributed to public safety officers disabled or killed in the line of duty. 299 Interest Allocation Fund Interest earned on investments. 310 LQ Finance Authority Debt Service Fund Accounted for the debt service the Financing Authority’s outstanding debt and any related reporting requirements. This bond was fully paid in October 2018. 401 Capital Improvement Program Fund Planning, design, and construction of various capital projects throughout the City. 405 SA PA 1 Capital Improvement Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 bond proceeds restricted by the bond indenture covenants. Used for SilverRock infrastructure improvements. 501 Equipment Replacement Fund Internal Service Fund for vehicles, heavy equipment, and related facilities. 502 Information Technology Fund Internal Service Fund for computer hardware and software and phone systems. 503 Park Equipment & Facility Fund Internal Service Fund for park equipment and facilities. 504 Insurance Fund Internal Service Fund for city-wide insurance coverages. 601 SilverRock Resort Fund Enterprise Fund for activities of the city-owned golf course. 602 SilverRock Golf Reserve Fund Enterprise Fund for golf course reserves for capital improvements. 760 Supplemental Pension Plan (PARS Account)Supplemental pension savings plan for excess retiree benefits to general employees of the City. 761 Other Post Benefit Obligation Trust (OPEB)For retiree medical benefits and unfunded liabilities. 762 Pension Trust Benefit (PARS Account)For all pension-related benefits and unfunded liabilities. Fund Descriptions Page 3 of 3 City of La Quinta FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING: December 14, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE FIRST QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 TREASURY REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 2021 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the first quarter fiscal year 2021/22 Treasury Reports for July, August, and September 2021. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Commentary and Summary of Significant Activity The total book value of the portfolio decreased $10.8 million, from $186.9 million at the end of June to $176.1 million at the end of September. A decrease of $13.5 million was due was due to payment of debt service obligations in September (funding of which came from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) pass-through apportionment payment in June). The increase reflects operational activity throughout the quarter. The portfolio is within policy limits for investment types and total allocation by type (see chart below), and is also within policy guidelines for investment ratings. Investment Type July August September Max Allowed Bank Accounts 7.68%6.95%5.73%100% Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) City 36.07%37.68%40.58%(1) Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Housing 5.70%5.58%6.01%(1)(2) Money Market Pool Accounts-CAMP 7.46%0.45%0.49%20% Federal Agency Coupons 11.84%11.85%13.33%100% Treasury Coupons 5.31%5.20%6.72%100% Certificates of Deposit (CD's)17.38%16.76%18.20%30% Corporate Notes 1.26%1.24%1.33%30% Money Market with Fiscal Agent 0.00%7.12%0.00%(2) CERBT- OPEB Trust 1.10%1.08%1.16%(3) PARS Pension Trust 6.18%6.09%6.44%(3) Total 100%100%100% (3) OPEB and pension trusts are fiduciary accounts and not subject to City Investment Policy (1) LAIF is subject to maximum dollar amount not a percentage of the portfolio (2) Funds held by fiscal agent and the LAIF Housing funds are governed by bond indentures and not subject to City Investment Policy Portfolio Allocations CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 The fiscal year annual effective rate of return is 0.72% as of September, which reflects a 41 basis point (bps) decrease since September 2020. The overall portfolio rate is declining as 5-year securities purchased when rates were higher are maturing and are being replaced with securities at significantly lower rates. Additionally, for liquidity purposes the City holds a substantial balance in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), which has also seen a decline in rates driven by the short-term bond market and Fed Funds rate. The LAIF rate was 2.19% in September of 2019, had dropped to 0.62% in September 2020 and was only 0.20% in September of this year. Throughout the quarter, three CDs and one agency bond matured, one corporate bond was called, five CD’s were sold, and three agency bonds, two treasuries, and nine CDs were purchased. Maturities and purchases are listed in detail in the attached reports. Other Notes Money market funds with the fiscal agent are bond proceeds subject to bond indentures, not the City’s investment policy. Successor Agency (SA) funds cannot be invested long-term; therefore SA funds are only invested in LAIF. Looking Ahead The Treasurer follows a “buy and hold” Investment Policy, unless it is fiscally advantageous to actively trade outside of maturity dates. In the short term, the Treasurer will invest in CAMP and LAIF as needed. Longer term investments may include Government Sponsored Enterprise (agencies) securities, U.S. Treasuries, Corporate Notes, and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits. All investments recognize both immediate and long-term cash flow needs, and there is sufficient liquidity in the portfolio to meet expenditure requirements for the next six months. ALTERNATIVES - None Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Claudia Martinez, Interim Finance Director/City Treasurer Attachment: 1. Treasurer’s Report for July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021 Total Earnings Average Days to Maturity Effective Rate of Return YTD July 117,193$ 357 0.74% August 105,721$ 343 0.71% September 116,258$ 407 0.72% Quarter 1 339,173$ 369 0.72% City of La QuintaPortfolio ManagementJuly 31, 2021City of La Quinta-Portfolio Summary% ofPortfolioBookValueInvestmentsMarketValueParValueDays toMaturityTermYTM365 Equiv.Bank Accounts14,267,776.8717.680.000114,267,776.8714,267,776.87Local Agency Investment Fund-City66,977,816.25136.070.221166,983,369.4366,977,816.25Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing10,589,325.3715.700.221110,590,203.2510,589,325.37Money Market Accounts - CAMP13,855,036.5217.460.050113,855,036.5213,855,036.52Federal Agency Coupon Securities21,982,951.861,63711.841.0891,17822,276,834.5022,050,000.00Treasury Coupon Securities9,867,840.311,6805.311.2461,13510,046,175.0010,000,000.00Certificate of Deposits32,281,377.501,60317.382.03385033,292,259.6732,282,000.00Corporate Notes2,345,510.001,5021.262.4507322,444,005.002,400,000.00Money Market with Fiscal Agent1,422.1710.000.00011,422.171,422.17CERBT - OPEB Trust2,050,951.3711.100.00012,050,951.372,050,951.37PARS Pension Trust11,472,550.7216.180.000111,472,550.7211,472,550.72185,692,558.94 100.00%Investments187,280,584.50185,946,879.27581357 0.676Current YearJuly 31117,193.18Fiscal Year To Date117,193.18Average Daily BalanceEffective Rate of Return186,883,945.44186,883,945.440.74%0.74%Total EarningsMonth EndingI certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I herebycertify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly accountstatements issued by our financial institutions to determine the fair market value of investments at month end.__________________________________________________ ____________________Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City TreasurerPortfolio CITYCPReporting period 07/01/2021-07/31/2021Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:05PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0Report Ver. 1 Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1Bank of New York1293 4,988,968.45 4,988,968.4509/01/2020 4,988,968.45 1SYS1293 0.000 1Bank of the West1228 8,652,003.50 8,652,003.5008/20/2019 8,652,003.50 1059731851 0.000 1City Petty Cash1059 3,300.00 3,300.0007/01/2016 3,300.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1Dune Palms Mobile Estates1318 282,753.16 282,753.1603/09/2021 282,753.16 1SYS1318 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 340,751.76 340,751.7607/01/2016 340,751.76 1SYS1062 0.000 14,267,776.87 114,267,776.8714,267,776.8715,869,721.79Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 66,977,816.25 66,977,816.25 0.22166,983,369.43 198-33-434 0.221 66,977,816.25 166,983,369.4366,977,816.2566,956,198.63Subtotal and Average 1 0.221 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 10,589,325.37 10,589,325.37 0.22110,590,203.25 125-33-005 0.221 10,589,325.37 110,590,203.2510,589,325.3710,585,423.96Subtotal and Average 1 0.221 Money Market/Mutual Funds 1Dreyfus12940.00 0.0007/01/2021 0.00 1X9USDDTP3 0.000 0.00 and Average 0 0.000 Money Market Accounts - CAMP 1California Asset Management Pr1153 13,855,036.52 13,855,036.52 0.05009/26/2018 13,855,036.52 1SYS1153 0.050 13,855,036.52 113,855,036.5213,855,036.5213,854,460.19Subtotal and Average 1 0.050 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 31Federal Farm Credit Bank1105 1,000,000.00 992,200.00 09/01/20211.70011/09/2017 1,001,330.00 1,3923133EHWM1 1.913 401Federal National Mtg Assn1233 1,000,000.00 992,100.00 09/06/20221.37510/29/2019 1,013,830.00 1,0433135G0W33 1.659 424Federal Farm Credit Bank1247 1,000,000.00 999,217.36 09/29/20221.40002/05/2020 1,015,140.00 9673133EGWJ0 1.430 498Federal Farm Credit Bank1198 500,000.00 499,500.00 12/12/20221.87506/20/2019 511,945.00 1,2713133EKQP4 1.905 743Federal Farm Credit Bank1223 500,000.00 499,400.00 08/14/20231.60009/12/2019 514,140.00 1,4323133EKZK5 1.632 765Federal Farm Credit Bank1158 250,000.00 247,275.00 09/05/20232.80010/15/2018 263,472.50 1,7863133EJYL7 3.041 822Federal Farm Credit Bank1234 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 11/01/20231.60011/01/2019 1,030,330.00 1,4613133EK4X1 1.680 926Federal Home Loan Bank1177 500,000.00 498,550.00 02/13/20242.50003/01/2019 529,245.00 1,8103130AFW94 2.563 927Federal Farm Credit Bank1246 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/14/20241.43002/14/2020 1,028,590.00 1,4613133ELNE0 1.456 1,066Federal National Mtg Assn1206 500,000.00 495,950.00 07/02/20241.75007/15/2019 520,605.00 1,8143135G0V75 1.922 1,090Federal Farm Credit Bank1212 500,000.00 499,500.00 07/26/20241.85008/02/2019 521,810.00 1,8203133EKWV4 1.871 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:05 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 1,143Federal Farm Credit Bank1224 500,000.00 498,750.00 09/17/20241.60009/17/2019 518,555.00 1,8273133EKP75 1.652 1,143Federal Farm Credit Bank1242 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 09/17/20241.70012/17/2019 1,040,220.00 1,7363133ELEA8 1.731 1,205Federal National Mtg Assn1291 500,000.00 499,250.00 11/18/20240.42011/18/2020 500,400.00 1,4613135G06E8 0.458 1,247Federal National Mtg Assn1300 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/30/20240.40012/30/2020 500,125.00 1,4613135GAAW1 0.400 1,395Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1279 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 05/27/20250.62505/27/2020 1,002,090.00 1,8263134GVYG7 0.625 1,408Federal Farm Credit Bank1280 500,000.00 499,850.00 06/09/20250.50006/09/2020 499,445.00 1,8263133ELH23 0.506 1,409Federal Farm Credit Bank1282 500,000.00 500,000.00 06/10/20250.68006/10/2020 499,910.00 1,8263133ELH80 0.680 1,412Federal Home Loan Bank1281 500,000.00 499,850.00 06/13/20250.50006/03/2020 498,945.00 1,8363130AJKW8 0.506 1,429Federal Home Loan Bank1283 300,000.00 300,000.00 06/30/20250.68006/30/2020 299,682.00 1,8263130AJRP6 0.680 1,450Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1297 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 07/21/20250.37512/07/2020 992,730.00 1,6873137EAEU9 0.434 1,474Federal National Mtg Assn1288 500,000.00 500,000.00 08/14/20250.50008/14/2020 500,020.00 1,8263135G05S8 0.500 1,478Federal National Mtg Assn1290 500,000.00 499,750.00 08/18/20250.52008/28/2020 499,580.00 1,8163136G4M75 0.530 1,481Federal National Mtg Assn1289 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 08/21/20250.56008/21/2020 1,000,310.00 1,8263136G4N74 0.560 1,514Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1307 500,000.00 495,999.50 09/23/20250.37502/23/2021 495,595.00 1,6733137EAEX3 0.552 1,514Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1310 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 09/23/20250.37503/30/2021 991,190.00 1,6383137EAEX3 0.740 1,569Federal National Mtg Assn1292 500,000.00 499,250.00 11/17/20250.56011/17/2020 499,110.00 1,8263135GA2Z3 0.590 1,594Federal Home Loan Bank1298 500,000.00 497,400.00 12/12/20250.37512/07/2020 494,810.00 1,8313130AKFA9 0.480 1,605Federal National Mtg Assn1299 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/23/20250.60012/23/2020 498,490.00 1,8263135GA7D7 0.600 1,612Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1301 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/30/20250.55012/30/2020 498,925.00 1,8263134GXGZ1 0.550 1,627Federal Home Loan Bank1302 500,000.00 500,000.00 01/14/20260.51001/14/2021 496,890.00 1,8263130AKMZ6 0.510 1,642Federal Home Loan Bank1304 500,000.00 500,000.00 01/29/20260.55001/29/2021 497,195.00 1,8263130AKN28 0.550 1,702Federal Home Loan Bank1312 500,000.00 500,000.00 03/30/20260.50003/30/2021 501,020.00 1,8263130ALV92 0.938 1,776Federal Home Loan Bank1324 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 06/12/20260.75006/17/2021 1,001,160.00 1,8213130AMFS6 0.885 21,982,951.86 1,63722,276,834.5022,050,000.0021,982,951.86Subtotal and Average 1,178 1.089 Treasury Coupon Securities 91U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 2,005,860.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 287U.S. Treasury1192 500,000.00 496,650.00 05/15/20221.75005/31/2019 506,565.00 1,080912828SV3 1.984 425U.S. Treasury1178 500,000.00 489,687.50 09/30/20221.87503/01/2019 510,295.00 1,3099128282W9 2.480 790U.S. Treasury1217 500,000.00 499,300.00 09/30/20231.37508/21/2019 512,500.00 1,501912828T26 1.410 1,217U.S. Treasury1241 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 11/30/20241.50012/16/2019 1,035,700.00 1,811912828YV6 1.718 1,552U.S. Treasury1311 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 10/31/20250.25003/30/2021 985,390.00 1,67691282CAT8 0.750 1,582U.S. Treasury1315 500,000.00 492,187.50 11/30/20250.37504/22/2021 495,115.00 1,68391282CAZ4 0.720 1,613U.S. Treasury1303 500,000.00 498,632.81 12/31/20250.37501/07/2021 494,570.00 1,81991282CBC4 0.431 1,644U.S. Treasury1309 500,000.00 495,100.00 01/31/20260.37502/23/2021 494,240.00 1,80391282CBH3 0.577 1,672U.S. Treasury1319 500,000.00 494,165.00 02/28/20260.50005/28/2021 496,720.00 1,73791282CBQ3 0.750 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:05 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 1,703U.S. Treasury1320 500,000.00 499,525.00 03/31/20260.75005/28/2021 502,150.00 1,76891282CBT7 0.770 1,703U.S. Treasury1322 500,000.00 498,450.00 03/31/20260.75006/17/2021 502,150.00 1,74891282CBT7 0.816 1,764U.S. Treasury1321 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 05/31/20260.75006/01/2021 1,003,280.00 1,82591282CCF6 0.810 1,764U.S. Treasury1323 500,000.00 497,095.00 05/31/20260.75006/17/2021 501,640.00 1,80991282CCF6 0.870 9,867,840.31 1,68010,046,175.0010,000,000.009,867,840.31Subtotal and Average 1,135 1.246 Certificate of Deposits 15General Electric Credit Union1150 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/16/20213.10008/15/2018 240,344.52 1,097369674AV8 3.100 57New York Community Bank1226 245,000.00 245,000.00 09/27/20211.80009/27/2019 245,698.44 731649447TC3 1.802 86Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 241,530.97 1,279666613GV0 2.703 108First Source Bank1168 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/17/20213.15012/17/2018 247,274.48 1,06633646CKP8 3.153 113Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 246,557.10 1,462080515CD9 2.101 113TNB Bank1187 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/22/20212.40005/22/2019 249,813.78 91587266AAA1 2.407 142Neighbors FCU1167 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/21/20213.20012/21/2018 248,006.60 1,09664017AAQ7 3.203 143United Credit Union1214 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/22/20212.00008/22/2019 249,867.33 853910160AH3 2.003 171The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 242,029.06 1,645677721CN0 1.903 183Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 247,930.97 1,46288413QBY3 2.502 184Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 242,589.46 1,8262546722U1 2.251 207BMW Bank1067 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/24/20222.20002/24/2017 242,839.79 1,82605580AGK4 2.201 211Maine Savings FCU1171 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/28/20223.30012/28/2018 252,604.94 1,158560507AK1 3.306 229Luana Savings Bank1225 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/18/20221.60009/18/2019 247,245.70 912549104JN8 1.599 241Bellco Credit Union1264 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/30/20221.30003/31/2020 249,873.60 72907833EAD9 1.300 242Cadence Bank, NA1259 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/31/20221.20003/31/2020 246,675.09 73012738RFX7 1.200 242Bank of Santa Clarita1261 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20221.10003/31/2020 249,528.50 73006424KBC3 1.100 271Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 244,764.78 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 289Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 248,779.38 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 305Synchrony Bank Retail1080 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/02/20222.40006/02/2017 244,485.82 1,82687164XQV1 2.401 311PCSB Bank1149 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/08/20223.00006/08/2018 250,947.91 1,46169324MAD7 3.002 312Synovus Bank1253 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/09/20221.60003/09/2020 247,976.59 82287164DRD4 1.602 316Allegiance Bank1143 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/13/20223.10006/13/2018 251,255.94 1,46101748DBE5 3.102 331America's Credit Union1200 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/28/20222.30006/28/2019 252,800.96 1,09603065AAL7 2.302 372Traditions Bank1148 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/08/20223.00006/08/2018 252,028.40 1,52289269CBX9 3.002 387CIT Bank NA1219 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/23/20221.90008/23/2019 249,399.47 1,09612556LBA3 1.902 393American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 245,690.18 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 393Sterling Bank1201 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/29/20222.15006/28/2019 250,137.96 1,15885916VDC6 2.153 438Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 251,005.91 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:05 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 450Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 246,193.89 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 453Merrick Bank1163 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/28/20223.25010/30/2018 257,419.42 1,45959013J4K2 3.252 464Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 251,512.62 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 474CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 251,328.76 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 484Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 251,296.42 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 493Medallion Bank1169 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/07/20223.40012/07/2018 258,739.32 1,46158404DCX7 3.402 493Red Rocks Credit Union1166 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/07/20223.35012/07/2018 258,569.13 1,46175701LAB3 3.352 515Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 252,568.20 1,826499724AB8 2.401 516Kern FCU1239 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20221.90012/30/2019 253,883.95 1,09649228XAK6 1.902 516San Francisco FCU1240 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20221.85012/30/2019 253,705.86 1,09679772FAC0 1.852 547Wells Fargo Natl Bank West1244 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/30/20231.90001/29/2020 254,227.76 1,097949495AT2 1.900 569Servisfirst Bank1254 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/21/20231.60002/21/2020 253,299.22 1,09681768PAF3 1.601 576Verus Bank of Commerce1180 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/28/20232.70002/28/2019 257,734.78 1,46192535LCD4 2.700 598Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 255,371.22 1,826034577AH9 2.802 607Northstar Bank1263 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20231.15003/31/2020 251,733.67 1,09566704MEQ0 1.150 607West Michigan Cmnty Bk1265 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20231.15003/31/2020 251,733.67 1,095954444BS3 1.150 618Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 256,128.17 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 635Congressional Bank1189 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/28/20232.50004/30/2019 257,828.30 1,45920726ABA5 2.502 635EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 251,417.75 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 642First National Bank1179 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/05/20232.80003/05/2019 259,250.22 1,52232117BCX4 2.802 652University of Iowa Comm. CU1134 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/15/20233.05005/14/2018 252,143.30 1,82791435LAG2 3.052 675Pittsfield Cooperative Bank1194 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/07/20232.50006/07/2019 255,288.07 1,461725404AB3 2.502 688Morton Community1173 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/20/20232.75003/20/2019 259,805.05 1,553619165JD6 2.753 688RCB Bank1144 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/20/20233.15006/20/2018 258,535.70 1,82674934YAH4 3.152 694American First CU1285 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/26/20230.35006/26/2020 248,430.39 1,09502616AAH2 0.350 717American National Bank1205 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/19/20232.00007/19/2019 256,580.03 1,46102772JBD1 2.001 718First National Bank of America1147 245,000.00 245,000.00 07/20/20233.15007/20/2018 259,107.58 1,82632110YLK9 3.152 729Bank of New England1151 249,000.00 249,000.00 07/31/20233.25007/31/2018 263,956.59 1,82606426KAN8 3.252 752Raymond James Bank1218 244,000.00 244,000.00 08/23/20231.95008/23/2019 252,581.29 1,46175472RAD3 1.951 789Triad Bank1262 248,000.00 248,000.00 09/29/20231.35003/30/2020 253,795.47 1,27889579NCD3 1.352 807Marlin Business Bank1155 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/17/20233.30010/17/2018 264,660.97 1,82657116ARV2 3.302 807Municipal Trust and Savings1160 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/17/20233.20010/17/2018 260,910.78 1,826625925AR3 3.202 807UBS Bank USA1161 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/17/20233.35010/17/2018 261,733.75 1,82690348JEJ5 3.352 809Jefferson Financial CU1154 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20233.35010/19/2018 261,763.56 1,826474067AQ8 3.352 836Commercial Bank1162 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/15/20233.40011/15/2018 265,729.91 1,82620143PDV9 3.402 849Numerica Credit Union1164 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/28/20233.55011/28/2018 266,879.92 1,82667054NAN3 3.552 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:05 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 5 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 872National Cooperative Bank, N.A1170 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/21/20233.40012/21/2018 263,147.03 1,826635573AL2 3.402 880Bar Harbor Bank and Trust1172 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/29/20233.35012/31/2018 266,247.87 1,824066851WJ1 3.352 911Lakeside Bank1208 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/29/20242.00007/30/2019 258,323.92 1,64451210SQU4 2.003 925Rollstone B&T1251 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/12/20241.65002/12/2020 253,041.99 1,46177579ADF0 1.651 926Northwest Bank1181 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/13/20242.95002/13/2019 264,425.82 1,82666736ABP3 2.951 940Wells Fargo1174 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/27/20243.00002/27/2019 264,995.31 1,826949763XY7 3.001 970Texas Bank Financial1260 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/28/20241.10003/31/2020 249,700.26 1,458882213AB7 1.101 988The Jefferson Bank1272 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/15/20241.25004/15/2020 253,750.52 1,461472382AQ3 1.251 989Belmont Bank and Trust1270 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/16/20241.25004/16/2020 253,756.30 1,46108016PDQ9 1.251 989Pacific Western Bank1269 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/16/20241.30004/16/2020 251,016.37 1,46169506YRH4 1.301 999Main Street Bank1188 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/26/20242.60004/26/2019 263,069.96 1,82756065GAG3 2.603 1,018First Service Bank1231 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/15/20241.70011/15/2019 256,946.34 1,64333640VDD7 1.701 1,019JP Morgan Chase1185 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/16/20243.25005/16/2019 264,544.20 1,82748128HXU7 3.254 1,026Iowa State Bank1186 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/23/20242.40005/23/2019 258,761.29 1,82746256YAZ2 2.403 1,031Live Oak Bank1238 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/28/20241.80011/27/2019 257,766.93 1,644538036GV0 1.802 1,032Century Next Bank1184 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/29/20242.50005/29/2019 262,731.76 1,827156634AK3 2.503 1,041Plains Commerce Bank1195 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/07/20242.55006/07/2019 259,893.99 1,82772651LCL6 2.553 1,046Evansville Teachers Credit FCU1196 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20242.60006/12/2019 263,521.51 1,827299547AQ2 2.603 1,053Legacy Bank1197 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/19/20242.40006/19/2019 262,180.49 1,827524661CB9 2.403 1,055Citizens State Bank1199 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/21/20242.40006/21/2019 262,207.20 1,827176688CP2 2.403 1,062Communitywide FCU1202 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/28/20242.25006/28/2019 261,208.49 1,82720416TAQ5 2.253 1,062Revere Bank1203 247,000.00 247,000.00 06/28/20242.30006/28/2019 260,504.93 1,827761402BY1 2.303 1,090Abacus Federal Savings1207 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/26/20241.95007/26/2019 259,182.27 1,82700257TBD7 1.952 1,094First Security Bank of WA1209 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/30/20242.00007/30/2019 259,467.32 1,82733625CCP2 2.002 1,095People's Bank1210 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/31/20242.00007/31/2019 259,370.19 1,827710571DS6 2.002 1,111Preferred Bank1213 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/16/20242.00008/16/2019 260,690.83 1,827740367HP5 2.002 1,118FirsTier Bank1216 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/23/20241.95008/23/2019 260,379.38 1,82733766LAJ7 1.952 1,118Washington Federal1215 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/23/20242.00008/23/2019 259,716.58 1,827938828BH2 2.002 1,125First State Bk DeQueen1222 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/30/20241.80008/30/2019 258,138.06 1,827336460CX6 1.802 1,125First Natl Bk of Syracuse1221 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/30/20241.85008/30/2019 259,565.67 1,827334342CD2 1.852 1,125Celtic Bank1220 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/30/20241.85008/30/2019 258,523.24 1,82715118RRH2 1.852 1,153BankWest Inc1227 248,000.00 248,000.00 09/27/20241.70009/27/2019 257,598.61 1,82706652CHB0 1.702 1,181Southern Bancorp Bk1286 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/25/20240.50006/26/2020 248,008.07 1,58284223QAN7 0.500 1,194Sauk Valley B&T Co1235 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/07/20241.70011/07/2019 257,686.52 1,827804375DL4 1.702 1,207Morgan Stanley Bank1237 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/20/20241.95011/20/2019 256,697.80 1,82761690UNX4 1.952 1,207Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1236 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/20/20241.90011/20/2019 256,290.48 1,82761760A3B3 1.902 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:05 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 6 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,247Bank Princeton1287 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20240.50006/30/2020 247,633.57 1,644064520BG3 0.500 1,271Tab Bank1328 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/23/20250.40007/23/2021 246,758.19 1,28089388CEY0 0.401 1,277Bank OZK1329 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/29/20250.40007/29/2021 246,752.40 1,28006417NZQ9 0.401 1,286United Community1249 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/07/20251.65002/07/2020 257,590.85 1,82790983WBT7 1.652 1,293First National Bank Michigan1250 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/14/20251.65002/14/2020 257,642.45 1,82732114VBT3 1.652 1,293Freedom Financial1248 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/14/20251.55002/14/2020 256,759.44 1,82735637RDC8 1.552 1,300American State1255 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/21/20251.60002/21/2020 257,250.18 1,827029728BC5 1.602 1,306Citadel FCU1252 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/27/20251.65002/27/2020 257,738.29 1,82717286TAG0 1.652 1,320Access Bank1256 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/13/20251.60003/13/2020 257,262.22 1,82600435JBH5 1.601 1,327Spring Bank1257 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/20/20251.50003/20/2020 256,405.04 1,826849430BF9 1.501 1,333Axos Bank1258 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/26/20251.65003/26/2020 257,807.24 1,82605465DAE8 1.651 1,335Alma Bank1267 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/28/20251.40003/30/2020 255,544.00 1,824020080BX4 1.399 1,338Commonwealth Business Bk1268 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20251.25003/31/2020 253,922.98 1,8262027506M2 1.251 1,338Nicolet Natl Bank1266 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20251.40003/31/2020 255,291.93 1,826654062JZ2 1.401 1,346Capital One USA FDIC339541271 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/08/20251.60004/08/2020 254,177.29 1,82614042TDD6 1.601 1,366First Natl Bk McGregor1274 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/28/20251.35004/28/2020 255,109.16 1,82632112UDR9 1.351 1,367First Freedom Bank1273 249,000.00 249,000.00 04/29/20251.20004/29/2020 254,738.73 1,82632027BAL1 1.201 1,368Flagstar1276248,000.00 248,000.00 04/30/20251.25004/30/2020 254,045.59 1,82633847E3A3 1.251 1,3801st Internet Bank1278 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/12/20251.00005/11/2020 251,754.21 1,82732056GDJ6 0.985 1,381Western State Bank1277 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/13/20251.00005/13/2020 248,706.06 1,82695960NKD8 1.001 1,423Chippewa Valley Bk1284 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/24/20250.60006/24/2020 247,844.86 1,826169894AS1 0.600 1,635Landmark Community Bank1305 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/22/20260.50001/22/2021 245,725.51 1,82651507LCC6 0.500 1,656TIAA FKA EverBank1306 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/12/20260.50002/12/2021 242,606.59 1,82687270LDL4 0.500 1,719Greenstate FCU1313 249,000.00 249,000.00 04/16/20260.95004/16/2021 251,455.27 1,82639573LBC1 0.951 1,725Toyota Financial Savings Bank1314 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/22/20260.90004/22/2021 246,843.17 1,82689235MKY6 0.900 1,730Carter FCU1316 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/27/20260.75004/27/2021 248,117.17 1,82614622LAA0 0.750 1,733Fidelity Homestead1317 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/30/20260.70004/30/2021 247,389.80 1,82631617CAV5 0.711 1,794Vibrant Credit Union1325 249,000.00 248,377.50 06/30/20260.80007/02/2021 249,292.34 1,82492559TAJ7 0.852 1,822Goldman Sachs1326 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/28/20261.00007/28/2021 250,754.66 1,82638149MXK4 1.001 1,822Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1327 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/28/20261.00007/28/2021 250,754.66 1,826795451AF0 1.001 32,281,377.50 1,60333,292,259.6732,282,000.0031,905,095.08Subtotal and Average 850 2.033 Corporate Notes 189Proctor and Gamble1159 500,000.00 487,950.00 02/06/20222.30010/15/2018 505,535.00 1,210742718DY2 3.071 501Wal-Mart Stores, Inc1190 500,000.00 496,650.00 12/15/20222.35004/16/2019 513,990.00 1,339931142DU4 2.799 549Colgate-Palmolive1175 500,000.00 485,250.00 02/01/20231.95003/04/2019 513,270.00 1,43019416QEA4 2.751 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:05 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 7 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value July 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Corporate Notes 737Microsoft Corporation1157 400,000.00 378,360.00 08/08/20232.00010/15/2018 413,060.00 1,758594918BQ6 3.222 1,670International Finance Corp.1308 500,000.00 497,300.00 02/26/20260.50002/26/2021 498,150.00 1,82645950VPS9 0.610 2,345,510.00 1,5022,444,005.002,400,000.002,425,034.19Subtotal and Average 732 2.450 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 1,422.17 1,422.1707/01/2016 1,422.17 1SYS1058 0.000 1,422.17 11,422.171,422.171,422.16Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 2,050,951.37 2,050,951.3707/01/2021 2,050,951.37 1SYS1114 0.000 2,050,951.37 12,050,951.372,050,951.372,050,951.37Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 1Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Serv1230 11,472,550.72 11,472,550.7211,472,550.72 1SYS1230 0.000 11,472,550.72 111,472,550.7211,472,550.7211,384,845.89Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 581186,883,945.44 185,946,879.27 357 0.676187,280,584.50 185,692,558.94Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:05 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund July 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 66,977,816.25105566,977,816.25 0.221LAIF 13,801.06 0.00 13,801.060.24310166,929,948.6698-33-434 0.00 3,300.0010593,300.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001013,300.00SYS1059 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 240,000.001067240,000.00 2.200BMW 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0005580AGK4 0.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,105.97 0.00 2,105.971.2761011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 0.0010780.00 2.400GLDMAN 394.52 0.00 3,814.5223.205101240,000.0038148PJK4 3,420.00 0.0010790.00 1.550APPL 107.64 0.00 7,057.64104.494101493,050.00037833CC2 6,950.00 240,000.001080240,000.00 2.400SYNCHR 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0087164XQV1 0.00 0.0010830.00 2.350SALMAE 386.30 0.00 4,346.3026.440101240,000.00795450A70 3,960.00 0.0010850.00 1.850CNTRL 158.14 0.00 158.141.850101240,000.0015523RBJ4 0.00 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 468.18 0.00 468.182.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 489.20 0.00 489.202.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 478.59 0.00 478.592.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 436.97 0.00 436.972.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 436.98 0.00 436.982.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 992,200.0011051,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.66 0.00 1,416.661.681101992,200.003133EHWM1 0.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 457.78 0.00 457.782.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 447.38 0.00 447.382.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 499.40 0.00 499.402.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 520.20 0.00 520.202.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 2,050,951.3711142,050,951.37CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001010.00SYS1114 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 582.63 0.00 582.632.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 603.44 0.00 603.442.900101245,000.0017312QJ26 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 601.32 0.00 601.322.950101240,000.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 570.74 0.00 570.742.800101240,000.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 550.36 0.00 550.362.700101240,000.00666613GV0 0.00 240,000.001134240,000.00 3.050UOFICU 621.70 0.00 621.703.050101240,000.0091435LAG2 0.00 245,000.001143245,000.00 3.100ALLGNC 645.05 0.00 645.053.100101245,000.0001748DBE5 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:07 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest July 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 245,000.001144245,000.00 3.150RCB 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0074934YAH4 0.00 245,000.001147245,000.00 3.1501STNBA 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0032110YLK9 0.00 245,000.001148245,000.00 3.000TRAD 624.25 0.00 624.253.000101245,000.0089269CBX9 0.00 245,000.001149245,000.00 3.000PCSB 624.25 0.00 624.253.000101245,000.0069324MAD7 0.00 240,000.001150240,000.00 3.100GECRUN 631.89 0.00 631.893.100101240,000.00369674AV8 0.00 249,000.001151249,000.00 3.250NWENGL 687.31 0.00 687.313.250101249,000.0006426KAN8 0.00 13,855,036.52115313,855,036.52 0.050CAMP 595.54 0.00 595.540.05110113,854,440.98SYS1153 0.00 245,000.001154245,000.00 3.350JEFF 697.07 0.00 697.073.350101245,000.00474067AQ8 0.00 248,000.001155248,000.00 3.300MARBUS 695.08 0.00 695.083.300101248,000.0057116ARV2 0.00 378,360.001157400,000.00 2.000MCRSFT 666.66 0.00 666.662.075101378,360.00594918BQ6 0.00 247,275.001158250,000.00 2.800FFCB 583.33 0.00 583.332.778101247,275.003133EJYL7 0.00 487,950.001159500,000.00 2.300P&G 958.34 0.00 958.342.312101487,950.00742718DY2 0.00 245,000.001160245,000.00 3.200MUNTRS 665.86 0.00 665.863.200101245,000.00625925AR3 0.00 245,000.001161245,000.00 3.350UBS 697.08 0.00 697.083.350101245,000.0090348JEJ5 0.00 248,000.001162248,000.00 3.400COMMBK 716.14 0.00 716.143.400101248,000.0020143PDV9 0.00 248,000.001163248,000.00 3.250MRRCK 684.55 0.00 684.553.250101248,000.0059013J4K2 0.00 248,000.001164248,000.00 3.550NMRCA 747.74 0.00 747.743.550101248,000.0067054NAN3 0.00 248,000.001166248,000.00 3.350REDRCK 705.61 0.00 705.613.350101248,000.0075701LAB3 0.00 245,000.001167245,000.00 3.200NEIGH 665.87 0.00 665.873.200101245,000.0064017AAQ7 0.00 245,000.001168245,000.00 3.1501STSRC 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0033646CKP8 0.00 248,000.001169248,000.00 3.400MEDBA 716.14 0.00 716.143.400101248,000.0058404DCX7 0.00 245,000.001170245,000.00 3.400NLCOOP 707.48 0.00 707.483.400101245,000.00635573AL2 0.00 248,000.001171248,000.00 3.300MAINE 695.09 0.00 695.093.300101248,000.00560507AK1 0.00 248,000.001172248,000.00 3.350BARHAR 705.61 0.00 705.613.350101248,000.00066851WJ1 0.00 248,000.001173248,000.00 2.750MORTN 579.23 0.00 579.232.750101248,000.00619165JD6 0.00 248,000.001174248,000.00 3.000WELLS 631.89 0.00 631.893.000101248,000.00949763XY7 0.00 485,250.001175500,000.00 1.950COLGTE 812.50 0.00 812.501.971101485,250.0019416QEA4 0.00 498,550.001177500,000.00 2.500FHLB 1,041.66 0.00 1,041.662.460101498,550.003130AFW94 0.00 489,687.501178500,000.00 1.875USTR 794.05 0.00 794.051.909101489,687.509128282W9 0.00 248,000.001179248,000.00 2.8001STNBK 589.76 0.00 589.762.800101248,000.0032117BCX4 0.00 248,000.001180248,000.00 2.700VERUS 568.71 0.00 568.712.700101248,000.0092535LCD4 0.00 248,000.001181248,000.00 2.950NRTHWS 621.36 0.00 621.362.950101248,000.0066736ABP3 0.00 248,000.001184248,000.00 2.500CENTNX 526.57 0.00 526.572.500101248,000.00156634AK3 0.00 245,000.001185245,000.00 3.250JPMORG 676.27 0.00 676.273.250101245,000.0048128HXU7 0.00 245,000.001186245,000.00 2.400IOWAST 499.40 0.00 499.402.400101245,000.0046256YAZ2 0.00 248,000.001187248,000.00 2.400TSCOLA 505.51 0.00 505.512.400101248,000.0087266AAA1 0.00 248,000.001188248,000.00 2.600MAINST 547.64 0.00 547.642.600101248,000.0056065GAG3 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:07 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest July 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 248,000.001189248,000.00 2.500CONGRS 526.58 0.00 526.582.500101248,000.0020726ABA5 0.00 496,650.001190500,000.00 2.350WALMRT 979.17 0.00 979.172.321101496,650.00931142DU4 0.00 496,650.001192500,000.00 1.750USTR 737.09 0.00 737.091.747101496,650.00912828SV3 0.00 245,000.001194245,000.00 2.500PITTS 520.21 0.00 520.212.500101245,000.00725404AB3 0.00 245,000.001195245,000.00 2.550PLAINS 530.61 0.00 530.612.550101245,000.0072651LCL6 0.00 248,000.001196248,000.00 2.600EVNSCU 547.64 0.00 547.642.600101248,000.00299547AQ2 0.00 248,000.001197248,000.00 2.400LEGCY 505.51 0.00 505.512.400101248,000.00524661CB9 0.00 499,500.001198500,000.00 1.875FFCB 781.25 0.00 781.251.842101499,500.003133EKQP4 0.00 248,000.001199248,000.00 2.400CTZNST 505.52 0.00 505.522.400101248,000.00176688CP2 0.00 248,000.001200248,000.00 2.300AMERCU 484.45 0.00 484.452.300101248,000.0003065AAL7 0.00 245,000.001201245,000.00 2.150STRLNG 447.38 0.00 447.382.150101245,000.0085916VDC6 0.00 248,000.001202248,000.00 2.250COMMW 473.92 0.00 473.922.250101248,000.0020416TAQ5 0.00 247,000.001203247,000.00 2.300REVER 482.50 0.00 482.502.300101247,000.00761402BY1 0.00 248,000.001205248,000.00 2.000AMRNTL 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.0002772JBD1 0.00 495,950.001206500,000.00 1.750FNMA 729.17 0.00 729.171.731101495,950.003135G0V75 0.00 248,000.001207248,000.00 1.950ABACUS 410.73 0.00 410.731.950101248,000.0000257TBD7 0.00 248,000.001208248,000.00 2.000LKSIDE 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.0051210SQU4 0.00 248,000.001209248,000.00 2.0001STSEC 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.0033625CCP2 0.00 248,000.001210248,000.00 2.000PEOPLE 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.00710571DS6 0.00 499,500.001212500,000.00 1.850FFCB 770.83 0.00 770.831.817101499,500.003133EKWV4 0.00 249,000.001213249,000.00 2.000PREFRD 422.96 0.00 422.962.000101249,000.00740367HP5 0.00 248,000.001214248,000.00 2.000UNTDCU 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.00910160AH3 0.00 248,000.001215248,000.00 2.000WSHFED 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.00938828BH2 0.00 249,000.001216249,000.00 1.9501STIER 412.38 0.00 412.381.950101249,000.0033766LAJ7 0.00 499,300.001217500,000.00 1.375USTR 582.31 0.00 582.311.373101499,300.00912828T26 0.00 244,000.001218244,000.00 1.950RAYJAM 404.11 0.00 404.111.950101244,000.0075472RAD3 0.00 245,000.001219245,000.00 1.900CITBNK 395.35 0.00 395.351.900101245,000.0012556LBA3 0.00 248,000.001220248,000.00 1.850CELTIC 389.67 0.00 389.671.850101248,000.0015118RRH2 0.00 249,000.001221249,000.00 1.8501STNBS 391.24 0.00 391.241.850101249,000.00334342CD2 0.00 248,000.001222248,000.00 1.8001STDQN 379.13 0.00 379.131.800101248,000.00336460CX6 0.00 499,400.001223500,000.00 1.600FFCB 666.67 0.00 666.671.572101499,400.003133EKZK5 0.00 498,750.001224500,000.00 1.600FFCB 666.67 0.00 666.671.574101498,750.003133EKP75 0.00 245,000.001225245,000.00 1.600LUANA 332.93 0.00 332.931.600101245,000.00549104JN8 0.00 245,000.001226245,000.00 1.800NYCMBK 374.55 0.00 374.551.800101245,000.00649447TC3 0.00 248,000.001227248,000.00 1.700BNKWST 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.0006652CHB0 0.00 8,652,003.5012288,652,003.50BOTW 0.01 0.00 0.0110110,056,644.58059731851 0.00 11,472,550.72123011,472,550.72PARS 0.00 0.00 0.0010111,381,922.40SYS1230 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:07 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest July 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 248,000.001231248,000.00 1.7001STSER 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.0033640VDD7 0.00 992,100.0012331,000,000.00 1.375FNMA 1,145.83 0.00 1,145.831.360101992,100.003135G0W33 0.00 996,900.0012341,000,000.00 1.600FFCB 1,333.33 0.00 1,333.331.575101996,900.003133EK4X1 0.00 248,000.001235248,000.00 1.700SAUKVL 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.00804375DL4 0.00 245,000.001236245,000.00 1.900MSPRIV 395.36 0.00 395.361.900101245,000.0061760A3B3 0.00 245,000.001237245,000.00 1.950MORGST 405.76 0.00 405.761.950101245,000.0061690UNX4 0.00 248,000.001238248,000.00 1.800LIVEOK 379.13 0.00 379.131.800101248,000.00538036GV0 0.00 248,000.001239248,000.00 1.900KERNCU 400.20 0.00 400.201.900101248,000.0049228XAK6 0.00 248,000.001240248,000.00 1.850SF FCU 389.67 0.00 389.671.850101248,000.0079772FAC0 0.00 989,687.5012411,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,270.49 0.00 1,270.491.511101989,687.50912828YV6 0.00 998,600.0012421,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.67 0.00 1,416.671.670101998,600.003133ELEA8 0.00 248,000.001244248,000.00 1.900WFNBW 400.20 0.00 400.201.900101248,000.00949495AT2 0.00 999,000.0012461,000,000.00 1.430FFCB 1,191.67 0.00 1,191.671.404101999,000.003133ELNE0 0.00 999,217.3612471,000,000.00 1.400FFCB 1,166.66 0.00 1,166.661.375101999,217.363133EGWJ0 0.00 248,000.001248248,000.00 1.550FRDMFI 326.48 0.00 326.481.550101248,000.0035637RDC8 0.00 248,000.001249248,000.00 1.650UNTDCM 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.0090983WBT7 0.00 248,000.001250248,000.00 1.6501STNMI 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.0032114VBT3 0.00 245,000.001251245,000.00 1.650RLLSTN 343.34 0.00 343.341.650101245,000.0077579ADF0 0.00 248,000.001252248,000.00 1.650CITADL 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.0017286TAG0 0.00 245,000.001253245,000.00 1.600SYNOVS 332.93 0.00 332.931.600101245,000.0087164DRD4 0.00 248,000.001254248,000.00 1.600SERVIS 337.01 0.00 337.011.600101248,000.0081768PAF3 0.00 248,000.001255248,000.00 1.600AMERST 337.01 0.00 337.011.600101248,000.00029728BC5 0.00 248,000.001256248,000.00 1.600ACCSS 337.01 0.00 337.011.600101248,000.0000435JBH5 0.00 248,000.001257248,000.00 1.500SPRING 315.94 0.00 315.941.500101248,000.00849430BF9 0.00 248,000.001258248,000.00 1.650AXOS 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.0005465DAE8 0.00 245,000.001259245,000.00 1.200CADNCE 249.70 0.00 249.701.200101245,000.0012738RFX7 0.00 245,000.001260245,000.00 1.100TEXAS 228.89 0.00 228.891.100101245,000.00882213AB7 0.00 248,000.001261248,000.00 1.100SNTCLR 231.69 0.00 231.691.100101248,000.0006424KBC3 0.00 248,000.001262248,000.00 1.350TRIAD 284.35 0.00 284.351.350101248,000.0089579NCD3 0.00 248,000.001263248,000.00 1.150NRTHSR 242.22 0.00 242.221.150101248,000.0066704MEQ0 0.00 248,000.001264248,000.00 1.300BELLCO 273.82 0.00 273.821.300101248,000.0007833EAD9 0.00 248,000.001265248,000.00 1.150WESTMI 242.22 0.00 242.221.150101248,000.00954444BS3 0.00 248,000.001266248,000.00 1.400NCOLET 294.88 0.00 294.881.400101248,000.00654062JZ2 0.00 248,000.001267248,000.00 1.400ALMABK 294.88 0.00 294.881.400101248,000.00020080BX4 0.00 248,000.001268248,000.00 1.250CMWBUS 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.002027506M2 0.00 245,000.001269245,000.00 1.300PACWST 270.50 0.00 270.501.300101245,000.0069506YRH4 0.00 248,000.001270248,000.00 1.250BELB&T 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.0008016PDQ9 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:07 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 5 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest July 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 245,000.001271245,000.00 1.600CAPONE 332.93 0.00 332.931.600101245,000.0014042TDD6 0.00 248,000.001272248,000.00 1.250THEJEF 263.28 0.00 263.281.250101248,000.00472382AQ3 0.00 249,000.001273249,000.00 1.2001STFDM 253.77 0.00 253.771.200101249,000.0032027BAL1 0.00 248,000.001274248,000.00 1.3501STMCG 284.35 0.00 284.351.350101248,000.0032112UDR9 0.00 248,000.001276248,000.00 1.250FLGSTR 263.28 0.00 263.281.250101248,000.0033847E3A3 0.00 245,000.001277245,000.00 1.000WSTRNS 208.09 0.00 208.091.000101245,000.0095960NKD8 0.00 248,000.001278248,000.00 1.0001STINT 210.63 0.00 210.631.000101248,000.0032056GDJ6 0.00 1,000,000.0012791,000,000.00 0.625FHLMC 520.83 0.00 520.830.6131011,000,000.003134GVYG7 0.00 499,850.001280500,000.00 0.500FFCB 208.33 0.00 208.330.491101499,850.003133ELH23 0.00 499,850.001281500,000.00 0.500FHLB 208.33 0.00 208.330.491101499,850.003130AJKW8 0.00 500,000.001282500,000.00 0.680FFCB 283.34 0.00 283.340.667101500,000.003133ELH80 0.00 300,000.001283300,000.00 0.680FHLB 170.00 0.00 170.000.667101300,000.003130AJRP6 0.00 248,000.001284248,000.00 0.600CHIPVA 126.38 0.00 126.380.600101248,000.00169894AS1 0.00 248,000.001285248,000.00 0.350AMR1ST 73.72 0.00 73.720.350101248,000.0002616AAH2 0.00 248,000.001286248,000.00 0.500STHRNB 105.32 0.00 105.320.500101248,000.0084223QAN7 0.00 248,000.001287248,000.00 0.500BKPRNC 105.32 0.00 105.320.500101248,000.00064520BG3 0.00 500,000.001288500,000.00 0.500FNMA 208.33 0.00 208.330.491101500,000.003135G05S8 0.00 1,000,000.0012891,000,000.00 0.560FNMA 466.67 0.00 466.670.5491011,000,000.003136G4N74 0.00 499,750.001290500,000.00 0.520FNMA 216.66 0.00 216.660.510101499,750.003136G4M75 0.00 499,250.001291500,000.00 0.420FNMA 175.00 0.00 175.000.413101499,250.003135G06E8 0.00 499,250.001292500,000.00 0.560FNMA 233.34 0.00 233.340.550101499,250.003135GA2Z3 0.00 4,988,968.4512934,988,968.45BNY 0.01 0.00 0.011015,000,000.00SYS1293 0.00 997,300.0012971,000,000.00 0.375FHLMC 312.50 0.00 312.500.369101997,300.003137EAEU9 0.00 497,400.001298500,000.00 0.375FHLB 156.25 0.00 156.250.370101497,400.003130AKFA9 0.00 500,000.001299500,000.00 0.600FNMA 250.00 0.00 250.000.589101500,000.003135GA7D7 0.00 500,000.001300500,000.00 0.400FNMA 166.66 0.00 166.660.392101500,000.003135GAAW1 0.00 500,000.001301500,000.00 0.550FHLMC 229.17 0.00 229.170.540101500,000.003134GXGZ1 0.00 500,000.001302500,000.00 0.510FHLB 212.50 0.00 212.500.500101500,000.003130AKMZ6 0.00 498,632.811303500,000.00 0.375USTR 157.94 0.00 157.940.373101498,632.8191282CBC4 0.00 500,000.001304500,000.00 0.550FHLB 229.17 0.00 229.170.540101500,000.003130AKN28 0.00 248,000.001305248,000.00 0.500LNDMRK 105.32 0.00 105.320.500101248,000.0051507LCC6 0.00 245,000.001306245,000.00 0.500EVRBA 104.04 0.00 104.040.500101245,000.0087270LDL4 0.00 495,999.501307500,000.00 0.375FHLMC 156.25 0.00 156.250.371101495,999.503137EAEX3 0.00 497,300.001308500,000.00 0.500IFC 214.09 0.00 214.090.507101497,300.0045950VPS9 0.00 495,100.001309500,000.00 0.375USTR 160.49 0.00 160.490.382101495,100.0091282CBH3 0.00 983,940.0013101,000,000.00 0.375FHLMC 312.50 0.00 312.500.374101983,940.003137EAEX3 0.00 977,500.0013111,000,000.00 0.250USTR 210.59 0.00 210.590.254101977,500.0091282CAT8 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:07 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 6 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest July 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 500,000.001312500,000.00 0.500FHLB 208.34 0.00 208.340.491101500,000.003130ALV92 0.00 249,000.001313249,000.00 0.950GRNST 200.91 0.00 200.910.950101249,000.0039573LBC1 0.00 245,000.001314245,000.00 0.900TOYFSB 187.27 0.00 187.270.900101245,000.0089235MKY6 0.00 492,187.501315500,000.00 0.375USTR 158.81 0.00 158.810.380101492,187.5091282CAZ4 0.00 248,000.001316248,000.00 0.750CARTER 157.97 0.00 157.970.750101248,000.0014622LAA0 0.00 248,000.001317248,000.00 0.700FIDHMS 147.44 0.00 147.440.700101248,000.0031617CAV5 0.00 282,753.161318282,753.16DPME 0.00 0.00 0.00101265,784.81SYS1318 0.00 494,165.001319500,000.00 0.500USTR 210.60 0.00 210.600.502101494,165.0091282CBQ3 0.00 499,525.001320500,000.00 0.750USTR 317.63 0.00 317.630.749101499,525.0091282CBT7 0.00 997,060.0013211,000,000.00 0.750USTR 635.24 0.00 635.240.750101997,060.0091282CCF6 0.00 498,450.001322500,000.00 0.750USTR 317.63 0.00 317.630.750101498,450.0091282CBT7 0.00 497,095.001323500,000.00 0.750USTR 317.63 0.00 317.630.752101497,095.0091282CCF6 0.00 993,420.0013241,000,000.00 0.750FHLB 625.00 0.00 625.000.741101993,420.003130AMFS6 0.00 248,377.501325249,000.00 0.800VIBRNT 158.26 0.00 158.260.8021010.0092559TAJ7 0.00 248,000.001326248,000.00 1.000GLDMAN 27.18 0.00 27.181.0001010.0038149MXK4 0.00 248,000.001327248,000.00 1.000SALMAE 27.18 0.00 27.181.0001010.00795451AF0 0.00 248,000.001328248,000.00 0.400TABBK 21.74 0.00 21.740.4001010.0089388CEY0 0.00 248,000.001329248,000.00 0.400BKOZK 5.44 0.00 5.440.4001010.0006417NZQ9 0.00 175,015,379.97Subtotal 174,761,059.64 0.771 115,020.960.00100,690.96173,942,393.60 14,330.00 Fund: Fiscal Agent 1,422.1710581,422.17USBANK 0.01 0.00 0.010.0082311,422.16SYS1058 0.00 1,422.17Subtotal 1,422.17 0.008,422.16 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 340,751.761062340,751.76LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241335,858.81SYS1062 0.00 340,751.76Subtotal 340,751.76,858.81 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 10,589,325.37111310,589,325.37 0.221LAIF 2,172.21 0.00 2,172.210.24224910,580,686.5425-33-005 0.00 10,589,325.37Subtotal 10,589,325.37 0.242 2,172.210.002,172.2110,580,686.54 0.00 185,946,879.27Total 185,692,558.94 0.739 117,193.180.00102,863.18184,860,361.11 14,330.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/08/2021 - 13:07 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. City of La QuintaPortfolio ManagementAugust 31, 2021City of La Quinta-Portfolio Summary% ofPortfolioBookValueInvestmentsMarketValueParValueDays toMaturityTermYTM365 Equiv.Bank Accounts 13,186,479.20 16.95 0.000113,186,479.2013,186,479.20Local Agency Investment Fund-City 71,477,816.25 137.68 0.221171,483,369.4371,477,816.25Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 10,589,325.37 15.58 0.221110,590,203.2510,589,325.37Money Market Accounts - CAMP 855,485.63 10.45 0.0501855,485.63855,485.63Federal Agency Coupon Securities 22,480,951.86 1,64111.85 1.0821,16122,742,250.0022,550,000.00Treasury Coupon Securities 9,867,840.31 1,6805.20 1.2461,10410,026,310.0010,000,000.00Certificate of Deposits 31,801,377.50 1,60516.76 2.02382932,739,150.1031,802,000.00Corporate Notes 2,345,510.00 1,5021.24 2.4507012,439,642.002,400,000.00Money Market with Fiscal Agent 13,504,009.36 17.12 0.000113,504,009.3613,504,009.36CERBT - OPEB Trust 2,050,951.37 11.08 0.00012,050,951.372,050,951.37PARS Pension Trust 11,551,909.83 16.09 0.000111,551,909.8311,551,909.83189,711,656.68 100.00%Investments191,169,760.17189,967,977.01570 343 0.658Current YearAugust 31105,721.49Fiscal Year To Date222,914.67Average Daily BalanceEffective Rate of Return182,128,778.87 184,506,362.150.71%0.68%Total Earnings Month EndingI certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I herebycertify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly accountstatements issued by our financial institutions to determine the fair market value of investments at month end.__________________________________________________ ____________________Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City TreasurerPortfolio CITYCPReporting period 08/01/2021-08/31/2021Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 09:48PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0Report Ver. Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1Bank of New York1293 4,976,398.69 4,976,398.6909/01/2020 4,976,398.69 1SYS1293 0.000 1Bank of the West1228 7,547,986.33 7,547,986.3308/20/2019 7,547,986.33 1059731851 0.000 1City Petty Cash1059 3,300.00 3,300.0007/01/2016 3,300.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1Dune Palms Mobile Estates1318 309,160.82 309,160.8203/09/2021 309,160.82 1SYS1318 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 349,633.36 349,633.3607/01/2016 349,633.36 1SYS1062 0.000 13,186,479.20 113,186,479.2013,186,479.2014,019,532.43Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 71,477,816.25 71,477,816.25 0.22171,483,369.43 198-33-434 0.221 71,477,816.25 171,483,369.4371,477,816.2566,784,267.86Subtotal and Average 1 0.221 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 10,589,325.37 10,589,325.37 0.22110,590,203.25 125-33-005 0.221 10,589,325.37 110,590,203.2510,589,325.3710,589,325.37Subtotal and Average 1 0.221 Money Market/Mutual Funds 1Dreyfus12940.00 0.0007/01/2021 0.00 1X9USDDTP3 0.000 0.00 and Average 0 0.000 Money Market Accounts - CAMP 1California Asset Management Pr1153 855,485.63 855,485.63 0.05009/26/2018 855,485.63 1SYS1153 0.050 855,485.63 1855,485.63855,485.6310,080,857.46Subtotal and Average 1 0.050 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 0Federal Farm Credit Bank1105 1,000,000.00 992,200.00 09/01/20211.70011/09/2017 1,000,000.00 1,3923133EHWM1 1.913 370Federal National Mtg Assn1233 1,000,000.00 992,100.00 09/06/20221.37510/29/2019 1,013,260.00 1,0433135G0W33 1.659 393Federal Farm Credit Bank1247 1,000,000.00 999,217.36 09/29/20221.40002/05/2020 1,014,360.00 9673133EGWJ0 1.430 467Federal Farm Credit Bank1198 500,000.00 499,500.00 12/12/20221.87506/20/2019 511,310.00 1,2713133EKQP4 1.905 712Federal Farm Credit Bank1223 500,000.00 499,400.00 08/14/20231.60009/12/2019 513,205.00 1,4323133EKZK5 1.632 734Federal Farm Credit Bank1158 250,000.00 247,275.00 09/05/20232.80010/15/2018 262,770.00 1,7863133EJYL7 3.041 791Federal Farm Credit Bank1234 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 11/01/20231.60011/01/2019 1,028,430.00 1,4613133EK4X1 1.680 895Federal Home Loan Bank1177 500,000.00 498,550.00 02/13/20242.50003/01/2019 527,110.00 1,8103130AFW94 2.563 896Federal Farm Credit Bank1246 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/14/20241.43002/14/2020 1,026,900.00 1,4613133ELNE0 1.456 1,035Federal National Mtg Assn1206 500,000.00 495,950.00 07/02/20241.75007/15/2019 519,190.00 1,8143135G0V75 1.922 1,059Federal Farm Credit Bank1212 500,000.00 499,500.00 07/26/20241.85008/02/2019 520,715.00 1,8203133EKWV4 1.871 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 09:48 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 1,112Federal Farm Credit Bank1224 500,000.00 498,750.00 09/17/20241.60009/17/2019 517,570.00 1,8273133EKP75 1.652 1,112Federal Farm Credit Bank1242 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 09/17/20241.70012/17/2019 1,038,170.00 1,7363133ELEA8 1.731 1,174Federal National Mtg Assn1291 500,000.00 499,250.00 11/18/20240.42011/18/2020 499,345.00 1,4613135G06E8 0.458 1,216Federal National Mtg Assn1300 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/30/20240.40012/30/2020 499,785.00 1,4613135GAAW1 0.400 1,364Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1279 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 05/27/20250.62505/27/2020 1,001,460.00 1,8263134GVYG7 0.625 1,377Federal Farm Credit Bank1280 500,000.00 499,850.00 06/09/20250.50006/09/2020 498,810.00 1,8263133ELH23 0.506 1,378Federal Farm Credit Bank1282 500,000.00 500,000.00 06/10/20250.68006/10/2020 499,275.00 1,8263133ELH80 0.680 1,381Federal Home Loan Bank1281 500,000.00 499,850.00 06/13/20250.50006/03/2020 498,320.00 1,8363130AJKW8 0.506 1,398Federal Home Loan Bank1283 300,000.00 300,000.00 06/30/20250.68006/30/2020 299,670.00 1,8263130AJRP6 0.680 1,419Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1297 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 07/21/20250.37512/07/2020 991,610.00 1,6873137EAEU9 0.434 1,443Federal National Mtg Assn1288 500,000.00 500,000.00 08/14/20250.50008/14/2020 499,470.00 1,8263135G05S8 0.500 1,447Federal National Mtg Assn1290 500,000.00 499,750.00 08/18/20250.52008/28/2020 499,240.00 1,8163136G4M75 0.530 1,450Federal National Mtg Assn1289 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 08/21/20250.56008/21/2020 995,780.00 1,8263136G4N74 0.560 1,483Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1307 500,000.00 495,999.50 09/23/20250.37502/23/2021 494,810.00 1,6733137EAEX3 0.552 1,483Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1310 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 09/23/20250.37503/30/2021 989,620.00 1,6383137EAEX3 0.740 1,538Federal National Mtg Assn1292 500,000.00 499,250.00 11/17/20250.56011/17/2020 498,640.00 1,8263135GA2Z3 0.590 1,563Federal Home Loan Bank1298 500,000.00 497,400.00 12/12/20250.37512/07/2020 494,025.00 1,8313130AKFA9 0.480 1,574Federal National Mtg Assn1299 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/23/20250.60012/23/2020 498,265.00 1,8263135GA7D7 0.600 1,581Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1301 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/30/20250.55012/30/2020 498,640.00 1,8263134GXGZ1 0.550 1,596Federal Home Loan Bank1302 500,000.00 500,000.00 01/14/20260.51001/14/2021 496,480.00 1,8263130AKMZ6 0.510 1,611Federal Home Loan Bank1304 500,000.00 500,000.00 01/29/20260.55001/29/2021 496,875.00 1,8263130AKN28 0.550 1,671Federal Home Loan Bank1312 500,000.00 500,000.00 03/30/20260.50003/30/2021 500,820.00 1,8263130ALV92 0.938 1,745Federal Home Loan Bank1324 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 06/12/20260.75006/17/2021 1,000,800.00 1,8213130AMFS6 0.885 1,804Federal Farm Credit Bank1330 500,000.00 498,000.00 08/10/20260.71008/10/2021 497,520.00 1,8263133EM2C5 0.792 22,480,951.86 1,64122,742,250.0022,550,000.0022,336,371.21Subtotal and Average 1,161 1.082 Treasury Coupon Securities 60U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 2,003,920.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 256U.S. Treasury1192 500,000.00 496,650.00 05/15/20221.75005/31/2019 505,900.00 1,080912828SV3 1.984 394U.S. Treasury1178 500,000.00 489,687.50 09/30/20221.87503/01/2019 509,570.00 1,3099128282W9 2.480 759U.S. Treasury1217 500,000.00 499,300.00 09/30/20231.37508/21/2019 511,875.00 1,501912828T26 1.410 1,186U.S. Treasury1241 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 11/30/20241.50012/16/2019 1,033,830.00 1,811912828YV6 1.718 1,521U.S. Treasury1311 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 10/31/20250.25003/30/2021 983,400.00 1,67691282CAT8 0.750 1,551U.S. Treasury1315 500,000.00 492,187.50 11/30/20250.37504/22/2021 493,905.00 1,68391282CAZ4 0.720 1,582U.S. Treasury1303 500,000.00 498,632.81 12/31/20250.37501/07/2021 493,475.00 1,81991282CBC4 0.431 1,613U.S. Treasury1309 500,000.00 495,100.00 01/31/20260.37502/23/2021 492,970.00 1,80391282CBH3 0.577 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 09:48 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 1,641U.S. Treasury1319 500,000.00 494,165.00 02/28/20260.50005/28/2021 495,510.00 1,73791282CBQ3 0.750 1,672U.S. Treasury1320 500,000.00 499,525.00 03/31/20260.75005/28/2021 500,685.00 1,76891282CBT7 0.770 1,672U.S. Treasury1322 500,000.00 498,450.00 03/31/20260.75006/17/2021 500,685.00 1,74891282CBT7 0.816 1,733U.S. Treasury1321 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 05/31/20260.75006/01/2021 1,000,390.00 1,82591282CCF6 0.810 1,733U.S. Treasury1323 500,000.00 497,095.00 05/31/20260.75006/17/2021 500,195.00 1,80991282CCF6 0.870 9,867,840.31 1,68010,026,310.0010,000,000.009,867,840.31Subtotal and Average 1,104 1.246 Certificate of Deposits 26New York Community Bank1226 245,000.00 245,000.00 09/27/20211.80009/27/2019 245,315.92 731649447TC3 1.802 55Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 240,978.04 1,279666613GV0 2.703 77First Source Bank1168 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/17/20213.15012/17/2018 246,623.59 1,06633646CKP8 3.153 82Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 246,135.21 1,462080515CD9 2.101 82TNB Bank1187 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/22/20212.40005/22/2019 249,320.61 91587266AAA1 2.407 111Neighbors FCU1167 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/21/20213.20012/21/2018 247,353.93 1,09664017AAQ7 3.203 112United Credit Union1214 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/22/20212.00008/22/2019 249,470.93 853910160AH3 2.003 140The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 241,663.28 1,645677721CN0 1.903 152Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 247,455.58 1,46288413QBY3 2.502 153Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 242,164.70 1,8262546722U1 2.251 176BMW Bank1067 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/24/20222.20002/24/2017 242,429.06 1,82605580AGK4 2.201 180Maine Savings FCU1171 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/28/20223.30012/28/2018 251,938.55 1,158560507AK1 3.306 198Luana Savings Bank1225 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/18/20221.60009/18/2019 246,962.11 912549104JN8 1.599 210Bellco Credit Union1264 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/30/20221.30003/31/2020 249,670.75 72907833EAD9 1.300 211Cadence Bank, NA1259 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/31/20221.20003/31/2020 246,494.73 73012738RFX7 1.200 211Bank of Santa Clarita1261 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20221.10003/31/2020 249,367.69 73006424KBC3 1.100 240Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 244,234.18 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 258Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 248,387.13 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 280PCSB Bank1149 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/08/20223.00006/08/2018 250,369.31 1,46169324MAD7 3.002 281Synovus Bank1253 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/09/20221.60003/09/2020 247,702.45 82287164DRD4 1.602 285Allegiance Bank1143 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/13/20223.10006/13/2018 250,656.51 1,46101748DBE5 3.102 300America's Credit Union1200 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/28/20222.30006/28/2019 252,371.37 1,09603065AAL7 2.302 341Traditions Bank1148 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/08/20223.00006/08/2018 251,474.87 1,52289269CBX9 3.002 356CIT Bank NA1219 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/23/20221.90008/23/2019 249,087.20 1,09612556LBA3 1.902 362American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 245,279.08 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 362Sterling Bank1201 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/29/20222.15006/28/2019 249,772.46 1,15885916VDC6 2.153 407Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 250,586.70 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 419Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 245,773.10 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 09:48 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 422Merrick Bank1163 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/28/20223.25010/30/2018 256,775.68 1,45959013J4K2 3.252 433Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 251,075.02 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 443CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 250,913.10 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 453Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 250,891.85 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 462Medallion Bank1169 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/07/20223.40012/07/2018 258,042.90 1,46158404DCX7 3.402 462Red Rocks Credit Union1166 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/07/20223.35012/07/2018 257,883.70 1,46175701LAB3 3.352 484Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 252,097.19 1,826499724AB8 2.401 485Kern FCU1239 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20221.90012/30/2019 253,527.83 1,09649228XAK6 1.902 485San Francisco FCU1240 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20221.85012/30/2019 253,360.73 1,09679772FAC0 1.852 516Wells Fargo Natl Bank West1244 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/30/20231.90001/29/2020 253,858.21 1,097949495AT2 1.900 538Servisfirst Bank1254 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/21/20231.60002/21/2020 252,972.83 1,09681768PAF3 1.601 545Verus Bank of Commerce1180 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/28/20232.70002/28/2019 257,166.23 1,46192535LCD4 2.700 567Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 254,775.87 1,826034577AH9 2.802 576Northstar Bank1263 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20231.15003/31/2020 251,489.95 1,09566704MEQ0 1.150 576West Michigan Cmnty Bk1265 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20231.15003/31/2020 251,489.95 1,095954444BS3 1.150 587Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 255,493.58 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 604Congressional Bank1189 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/28/20232.50004/30/2019 257,272.03 1,45920726ABA5 2.502 604EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 250,783.61 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 611First National Bank1179 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/05/20232.80003/05/2019 258,615.02 1,52232117BCX4 2.802 621University of Iowa Comm. CU1134 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/15/20233.05005/14/2018 251,474.12 1,82791435LAG2 3.052 644Pittsfield Cooperative Bank1194 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/07/20232.50006/07/2019 254,704.01 1,461725404AB3 2.502 657Morton Community1173 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/20/20232.75003/20/2019 259,157.04 1,553619165JD6 2.753 657RCB Bank1144 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/20/20233.15006/20/2018 257,808.48 1,82674934YAH4 3.152 663American First CU1285 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/26/20230.35006/26/2020 248,310.20 1,09502616AAH2 0.350 686American National Bank1205 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/19/20232.00007/19/2019 256,079.11 1,46102772JBD1 2.001 687First National Bank of America1147 245,000.00 245,000.00 07/20/20233.15007/20/2018 258,362.07 1,82632110YLK9 3.152 698Bank of New England1151 249,000.00 249,000.00 07/31/20233.25007/31/2018 263,249.04 1,82606426KAN8 3.252 721Raymond James Bank1218 244,000.00 244,000.00 08/23/20231.95008/23/2019 252,073.80 1,46175472RAD3 1.951 758Triad Bank1262 248,000.00 248,000.00 09/29/20231.35003/30/2020 253,472.08 1,27889579NCD3 1.352 776Marlin Business Bank1155 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/17/20233.30010/17/2018 263,904.84 1,82657116ARV2 3.302 776Municipal Trust and Savings1160 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/17/20233.20010/17/2018 260,185.54 1,826625925AR3 3.202 776UBS Bank USA1161 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/17/20233.35010/17/2018 260,975.90 1,82690348JEJ5 3.352 778Jefferson Financial CU1154 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20233.35010/19/2018 261,005.47 1,826474067AQ8 3.352 805Commercial Bank1162 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/15/20233.40011/15/2018 264,940.70 1,82620143PDV9 3.402 818Numerica Credit Union1164 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/28/20233.55011/28/2018 266,055.86 1,82667054NAN3 3.552 841National Cooperative Bank, N.A1170 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/21/20233.40012/21/2018 262,359.89 1,826635573AL2 3.402 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 09:48 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 5 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 849Bar Harbor Bank and Trust1172 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/29/20233.35012/31/2018 265,461.48 1,824066851WJ1 3.352 880Lakeside Bank1208 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/29/20242.00007/30/2019 257,821.80 1,64451210SQU4 2.003 894Rollstone B&T1251 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/12/20241.65002/12/2020 252,611.28 1,46177579ADF0 1.651 895Northwest Bank1181 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/13/20242.95002/13/2019 263,703.37 1,82666736ABP3 2.951 909Wells Fargo1174 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/27/20243.00002/27/2019 264,259.38 1,826949763XY7 3.001 939Texas Bank Financial1260 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/28/20241.10003/31/2020 249,379.33 1,458882213AB7 1.101 957The Jefferson Bank1272 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/15/20241.25004/15/2020 253,379.80 1,461472382AQ3 1.251 958Belmont Bank and Trust1270 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/16/20241.25004/16/2020 253,385.38 1,46108016PDQ9 1.251 958Pacific Western Bank1269 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/16/20241.30004/16/2020 250,639.12 1,46169506YRH4 1.301 968Main Street Bank1188 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/26/20242.60004/26/2019 262,399.35 1,82756065GAG3 2.603 987First Service Bank1231 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/15/20241.70011/15/2019 256,467.60 1,64333640VDD7 1.701 988JP Morgan Chase1185 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/16/20243.25005/16/2019 263,733.07 1,82748128HXU7 3.254 995Iowa State Bank1186 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/23/20242.40005/23/2019 258,133.80 1,82746256YAZ2 2.403 1,000Live Oak Bank1238 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/28/20241.80011/27/2019 257,263.51 1,644538036GV0 1.802 1,001Century Next Bank1184 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/29/20242.50005/29/2019 262,073.67 1,827156634AK3 2.503 1,010Plains Commerce Bank1195 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/07/20242.55006/07/2019 259,220.49 1,82772651LCL6 2.553 1,015Evansville Teachers Credit FCU1196 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20242.60006/12/2019 262,828.21 1,827299547AQ2 2.603 1,022Legacy Bank1197 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/19/20242.40006/19/2019 261,529.82 1,827524661CB9 2.403 1,024Citizens State Bank1199 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/21/20242.40006/21/2019 261,556.10 1,827176688CP2 2.403 1,031Communitywide FCU1202 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/28/20242.25006/28/2019 260,588.99 1,82720416TAQ5 2.253 1,031Revere Bank1203 247,000.00 247,000.00 06/28/20242.30006/28/2019 259,876.28 1,827761402BY1 2.303 1,059Abacus Federal Savings1207 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/26/20241.95007/26/2019 258,612.15 1,82700257TBD7 1.952 1,063First Security Bank of WA1209 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/30/20242.00007/30/2019 259,015.71 1,82733625CCP2 2.002 1,064People's Bank1210 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/31/20242.00007/31/2019 258,891.93 1,827710571DS6 2.002 1,080Preferred Bank1213 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/16/20242.00008/16/2019 260,098.87 1,827740367HP5 2.002 1,087FirsTier Bank1216 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/23/20241.95008/23/2019 259,796.87 1,82733766LAJ7 1.952 1,087Washington Federal1215 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/23/20242.00008/23/2019 259,125.35 1,827938828BH2 2.002 1,094First State Bk DeQueen1222 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/30/20241.80008/30/2019 257,699.55 1,827336460CX6 1.802 1,094First Natl Bk of Syracuse1221 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/30/20241.85008/30/2019 259,114.38 1,827334342CD2 1.852 1,094Celtic Bank1220 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/30/20241.85008/30/2019 258,073.76 1,82715118RRH2 1.852 1,122BankWest Inc1227 248,000.00 248,000.00 09/27/20241.70009/27/2019 257,029.67 1,82706652CHB0 1.702 1,150Southern Bancorp Bk1286 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/25/20240.50006/26/2020 247,701.33 1,58284223QAN7 0.500 1,163Sauk Valley B&T Co1235 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/07/20241.70011/07/2019 257,105.44 1,827804375DL4 1.702 1,176Morgan Stanley Bank1237 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/20/20241.95011/20/2019 256,064.97 1,82761690UNX4 1.952 1,176Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1236 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/20/20241.90011/20/2019 255,668.65 1,82761760A3B3 1.902 1,216Bank Princeton1287 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20240.50006/30/2020 247,427.18 1,644064520BG3 0.500 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 09:48 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 6 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,240Tab Bank1328 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/23/20250.40007/23/2021 246,434.63 1,28089388CEY0 0.401 1,246Bank OZK1329 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/29/20250.40007/29/2021 246,427.14 1,28006417NZQ9 0.401 1,255United Community1249 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/07/20251.65002/07/2020 256,988.36 1,82790983WBT7 1.652 1,262First National Bank Michigan1250 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/14/20251.65002/14/2020 257,037.92 1,82732114VBT3 1.652 1,262Freedom Financial1248 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/14/20251.55002/14/2020 256,177.16 1,82735637RDC8 1.552 1,269American State1255 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/21/20251.60002/21/2020 256,654.74 1,827029728BC5 1.602 1,275Citadel FCU1252 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/27/20251.65002/27/2020 257,129.97 1,82717286TAG0 1.652 1,289Access Bank1256 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/13/20251.60003/13/2020 256,646.42 1,82600435JBH5 1.601 1,296Spring Bank1257 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/20/20251.50003/20/2020 255,809.40 1,826849430BF9 1.501 1,302Axos Bank1258 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/26/20251.65003/26/2020 257,176.33 1,82605465DAE8 1.651 1,304Alma Bank1267 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/28/20251.40003/30/2020 254,968.24 1,824020080BX4 1.399 1,307Commonwealth Business Bk1268 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20251.25003/31/2020 253,503.69 1,8262027506M2 1.251 1,307Nicolet Natl Bank1266 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20251.40003/31/2020 254,839.54 1,826654062JZ2 1.401 1,315Capital One USA FDIC339541271 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/08/20251.60004/08/2020 253,555.85 1,82614042TDD6 1.601 1,335First Natl Bk McGregor1274 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/28/20251.35004/28/2020 254,529.53 1,82632112UDR9 1.351 1,336First Freedom Bank1273 249,000.00 249,000.00 04/29/20251.20004/29/2020 254,190.09 1,82632027BAL1 1.201 1,337Flagstar1276248,000.00 248,000.00 04/30/20251.25004/30/2020 253,620.18 1,82633847E3A3 1.251 1,3491st Internet Bank1278 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/12/20251.00005/11/2020 251,242.50 1,82732056GDJ6 0.985 1,350Western State Bank1277 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/13/20251.00005/13/2020 248,200.50 1,82695960NKD8 1.001 1,392Chippewa Valley Bk1284 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/24/20250.60006/24/2020 247,403.28 1,826169894AS1 0.600 1,604Landmark Community Bank1305 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/22/20260.50001/22/2021 245,185.10 1,82651507LCC6 0.500 1,625TIAA FKA EverBank1306 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/12/20260.50002/12/2021 242,047.36 1,82687270LDL4 0.500 1,688Greenstate FCU1313 249,000.00 249,000.00 04/16/20260.95004/16/2021 250,753.77 1,82639573LBC1 0.951 1,694Toyota Financial Savings Bank1314 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/22/20260.90004/22/2021 246,162.95 1,82689235MKY6 0.900 1,699Carter FCU1316 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/27/20260.75004/27/2021 247,459.97 1,82614622LAA0 0.750 1,702Fidelity Homestead1317 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/30/20260.70004/30/2021 246,883.57 1,82631617CAV5 0.711 1,763Vibrant Credit Union1325 249,000.00 248,377.50 06/30/20260.80007/02/2021 248,737.00 1,82492559TAJ7 0.852 1,791Goldman Sachs1326 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/28/20261.00007/28/2021 250,002.40 1,82638149MXK4 1.001 1,791Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1327 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/28/20261.00007/28/2021 250,002.40 1,826795451AF0 1.001 31,801,377.50 1,60532,739,150.1031,802,000.0032,142,022.66Subtotal and Average 829 2.023 Corporate Notes 158Proctor and Gamble1159 500,000.00 487,950.00 02/06/20222.30010/15/2018 504,520.00 1,210742718DY2 3.071 470Wal-Mart Stores, Inc1190 500,000.00 496,650.00 12/15/20222.35004/16/2019 512,985.00 1,339931142DU4 2.799 518Colgate-Palmolive1175 500,000.00 485,250.00 02/01/20231.95003/04/2019 512,800.00 1,43019416QEA4 2.751 706Microsoft Corporation1157 400,000.00 378,360.00 08/08/20232.00010/15/2018 412,572.00 1,758594918BQ6 3.222 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 09:48 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 7 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Corporate Notes 1,639International Finance Corp.1308 500,000.00 497,300.00 02/26/20260.50002/26/2021 496,765.00 1,82645950VPS9 0.610 2,345,510.00 1,5022,439,642.002,400,000.002,345,510.00Subtotal and Average 701 2.450 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 13,504,009.36 13,504,009.3607/01/2016 13,504,009.36 1SYS1058 0.000 13,504,009.36 113,504,009.3613,504,009.36436,989.50Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 2,050,951.37 2,050,951.3707/01/2021 2,050,951.37 1SYS1114 0.000 2,050,951.37 12,050,951.372,050,951.372,050,951.37Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 1Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Serv1230 11,551,909.83 11,551,909.8311,551,909.83 1SYS1230 0.000 11,551,909.83 111,551,909.8311,551,909.8311,475,110.69Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 570182,128,778.87 189,967,977.01 343 0.658191,169,760.17 189,711,656.68Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 09:48 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 71,477,816.25105571,477,816.25 0.221LAIF 13,765.61 0.00 13,765.610.24210166,977,816.2598-33-434 0.00 3,300.0010593,300.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001013,300.00SYS1059 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 240,000.001067240,000.00 2.200BMW 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0005580AGK4 0.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,105.98 0.00 2,105.981.2761011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 0.0010800.00 2.400SYNCHR 457.64 0.00 4,177.6421.909101240,000.0087164XQV1 3,720.00 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 468.19 0.00 468.192.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 478.59 0.00 478.592.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 436.97 0.00 436.972.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 436.97 0.00 436.972.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 992,200.0011051,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.67 0.00 1,416.671.681101992,200.003133EHWM1 0.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 457.78 0.00 457.782.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 447.38 0.00 447.382.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 499.40 0.00 499.402.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 520.21 0.00 520.212.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 2,050,951.3711142,050,951.37CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001012,050,951.37SYS1114 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 582.63 0.00 582.632.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 603.44 0.00 603.442.900101245,000.0017312QJ26 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 601.32 0.00 601.322.950101240,000.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 570.74 0.00 570.742.800101240,000.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 550.36 0.00 550.362.700101240,000.00666613GV0 0.00 240,000.001134240,000.00 3.050UOFICU 621.70 0.00 621.703.050101240,000.0091435LAG2 0.00 245,000.001143245,000.00 3.100ALLGNC 645.06 0.00 645.063.100101245,000.0001748DBE5 0.00 245,000.001144245,000.00 3.150RCB 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0074934YAH4 0.00 245,000.001147245,000.00 3.1501STNBA 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0032110YLK9 0.00 245,000.001148245,000.00 3.000TRAD 624.25 0.00 624.253.000101245,000.0089269CBX9 0.00 245,000.001149245,000.00 3.000PCSB 624.25 0.00 624.253.000101245,000.0069324MAD7 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:24 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 0.0011500.00 3.100GECRUN 305.75 0.00 305.753.100101240,000.00369674AV8 0.00 249,000.001151249,000.00 3.250NWENGL 687.31 0.00 687.313.250101249,000.0006426KAN8 0.00 855,485.631153855,485.63 0.050CAMP 449.11 0.00 449.110.03810113,855,036.52SYS1153 0.00 245,000.001154245,000.00 3.350JEFF 697.08 0.00 697.083.350101245,000.00474067AQ8 0.00 248,000.001155248,000.00 3.300MARBUS 695.08 0.00 695.083.300101248,000.0057116ARV2 0.00 378,360.001157400,000.00 2.000MCRSFT 666.67 0.00 666.672.075101378,360.00594918BQ6 0.00 247,275.001158250,000.00 2.800FFCB 583.33 0.00 583.332.778101247,275.003133EJYL7 0.00 487,950.001159500,000.00 2.300P&G 958.33 0.00 958.332.312101487,950.00742718DY2 0.00 245,000.001160245,000.00 3.200MUNTRS 665.86 0.00 665.863.200101245,000.00625925AR3 0.00 245,000.001161245,000.00 3.350UBS 697.08 0.00 697.083.350101245,000.0090348JEJ5 0.00 248,000.001162248,000.00 3.400COMMBK 716.14 0.00 716.143.400101248,000.0020143PDV9 0.00 248,000.001163248,000.00 3.250MRRCK 684.55 0.00 684.553.250101248,000.0059013J4K2 0.00 248,000.001164248,000.00 3.550NMRCA 747.74 0.00 747.743.550101248,000.0067054NAN3 0.00 248,000.001166248,000.00 3.350REDRCK 705.61 0.00 705.613.350101248,000.0075701LAB3 0.00 245,000.001167245,000.00 3.200NEIGH 665.86 0.00 665.863.200101245,000.0064017AAQ7 0.00 245,000.001168245,000.00 3.1501STSRC 655.46 0.00 655.463.150101245,000.0033646CKP8 0.00 248,000.001169248,000.00 3.400MEDBA 716.14 0.00 716.143.400101248,000.0058404DCX7 0.00 245,000.001170245,000.00 3.400NLCOOP 707.48 0.00 707.483.400101245,000.00635573AL2 0.00 248,000.001171248,000.00 3.300MAINE 695.08 0.00 695.083.300101248,000.00560507AK1 0.00 248,000.001172248,000.00 3.350BARHAR 705.61 0.00 705.613.350101248,000.00066851WJ1 0.00 248,000.001173248,000.00 2.750MORTN 579.23 0.00 579.232.750101248,000.00619165JD6 0.00 248,000.001174248,000.00 3.000WELLS 631.89 0.00 631.893.000101248,000.00949763XY7 0.00 485,250.001175500,000.00 1.950COLGTE 812.50 0.00 812.501.971101485,250.0019416QEA4 0.00 498,550.001177500,000.00 2.500FHLB 1,041.67 0.00 1,041.672.460101498,550.003130AFW94 0.00 489,687.501178500,000.00 1.875USTR 794.06 0.00 794.061.909101489,687.509128282W9 0.00 248,000.001179248,000.00 2.8001STNBK 589.76 0.00 589.762.800101248,000.0032117BCX4 0.00 248,000.001180248,000.00 2.700VERUS 568.70 0.00 568.702.700101248,000.0092535LCD4 0.00 248,000.001181248,000.00 2.950NRTHWS 621.36 0.00 621.362.950101248,000.0066736ABP3 0.00 248,000.001184248,000.00 2.500CENTNX 526.58 0.00 526.582.500101248,000.00156634AK3 0.00 245,000.001185245,000.00 3.250JPMORG 676.27 0.00 676.273.250101245,000.0048128HXU7 0.00 245,000.001186245,000.00 2.400IOWAST 499.40 0.00 499.402.400101245,000.0046256YAZ2 0.00 248,000.001187248,000.00 2.400TSCOLA 505.51 0.00 505.512.400101248,000.0087266AAA1 0.00 248,000.001188248,000.00 2.600MAINST 547.64 0.00 547.642.600101248,000.0056065GAG3 0.00 248,000.001189248,000.00 2.500CONGRS 526.58 0.00 526.582.500101248,000.0020726ABA5 0.00 496,650.001190500,000.00 2.350WALMRT 979.17 0.00 979.172.321101496,650.00931142DU4 0.00 496,650.001192500,000.00 1.750USTR 737.09 0.00 737.091.747101496,650.00912828SV3 0.00 245,000.001194245,000.00 2.500PITTS 520.20 0.00 520.202.500101245,000.00725404AB3 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:24 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 245,000.001195245,000.00 2.550PLAINS 530.61 0.00 530.612.550101245,000.0072651LCL6 0.00 248,000.001196248,000.00 2.600EVNSCU 547.64 0.00 547.642.600101248,000.00299547AQ2 0.00 248,000.001197248,000.00 2.400LEGCY 505.51 0.00 505.512.400101248,000.00524661CB9 0.00 499,500.001198500,000.00 1.875FFCB 781.25 0.00 781.251.842101499,500.003133EKQP4 0.00 248,000.001199248,000.00 2.400CTZNST 505.51 0.00 505.512.400101248,000.00176688CP2 0.00 248,000.001200248,000.00 2.300AMERCU 484.45 0.00 484.452.300101248,000.0003065AAL7 0.00 245,000.001201245,000.00 2.150STRLNG 447.38 0.00 447.382.150101245,000.0085916VDC6 0.00 248,000.001202248,000.00 2.250COMMW 473.92 0.00 473.922.250101248,000.0020416TAQ5 0.00 247,000.001203247,000.00 2.300REVER 482.49 0.00 482.492.300101247,000.00761402BY1 0.00 248,000.001205248,000.00 2.000AMRNTL 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.0002772JBD1 0.00 495,950.001206500,000.00 1.750FNMA 729.17 0.00 729.171.731101495,950.003135G0V75 0.00 248,000.001207248,000.00 1.950ABACUS 410.73 0.00 410.731.950101248,000.0000257TBD7 0.00 248,000.001208248,000.00 2.000LKSIDE 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.0051210SQU4 0.00 248,000.001209248,000.00 2.0001STSEC 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.0033625CCP2 0.00 248,000.001210248,000.00 2.000PEOPLE 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.00710571DS6 0.00 499,500.001212500,000.00 1.850FFCB 770.84 0.00 770.841.817101499,500.003133EKWV4 0.00 249,000.001213249,000.00 2.000PREFRD 422.96 0.00 422.962.000101249,000.00740367HP5 0.00 248,000.001214248,000.00 2.000UNTDCU 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.00910160AH3 0.00 248,000.001215248,000.00 2.000WSHFED 421.26 0.00 421.262.000101248,000.00938828BH2 0.00 249,000.001216249,000.00 1.9501STIER 412.38 0.00 412.381.950101249,000.0033766LAJ7 0.00 499,300.001217500,000.00 1.375USTR 582.31 0.00 582.311.373101499,300.00912828T26 0.00 244,000.001218244,000.00 1.950RAYJAM 404.10 0.00 404.101.950101244,000.0075472RAD3 0.00 245,000.001219245,000.00 1.900CITBNK 395.36 0.00 395.361.900101245,000.0012556LBA3 0.00 248,000.001220248,000.00 1.850CELTIC 389.67 0.00 389.671.850101248,000.0015118RRH2 0.00 249,000.001221249,000.00 1.8501STNBS 391.24 0.00 391.241.850101249,000.00334342CD2 0.00 248,000.001222248,000.00 1.8001STDQN 379.13 0.00 379.131.800101248,000.00336460CX6 0.00 499,400.001223500,000.00 1.600FFCB 666.67 0.00 666.671.572101499,400.003133EKZK5 0.00 498,750.001224500,000.00 1.600FFCB 666.66 0.00 666.661.574101498,750.003133EKP75 0.00 245,000.001225245,000.00 1.600LUANA 332.93 0.00 332.931.600101245,000.00549104JN8 0.00 245,000.001226245,000.00 1.800NYCMBK 374.54 0.00 374.541.800101245,000.00649447TC3 0.00 248,000.001227248,000.00 1.700BNKWST 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.0006652CHB0 0.00 7,547,986.3312287,547,986.33BOTW 0.01 0.00 0.011018,652,003.50059731851 0.00 11,551,909.83123011,551,909.83PARS 0.00 0.00 0.0010111,472,550.72SYS1230 0.00 248,000.001231248,000.00 1.7001STSER 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.0033640VDD7 0.00 992,100.0012331,000,000.00 1.375FNMA 1,145.84 0.00 1,145.841.360101992,100.003135G0W33 0.00 996,900.0012341,000,000.00 1.600FFCB 1,333.33 0.00 1,333.331.575101996,900.003133EK4X1 0.00 248,000.001235248,000.00 1.700SAUKVL 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.00804375DL4 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:24 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 245,000.001236245,000.00 1.900MSPRIV 395.36 0.00 395.361.900101245,000.0061760A3B3 0.00 245,000.001237245,000.00 1.950MORGST 405.76 0.00 405.761.950101245,000.0061690UNX4 0.00 248,000.001238248,000.00 1.800LIVEOK 379.13 0.00 379.131.800101248,000.00538036GV0 0.00 248,000.001239248,000.00 1.900KERNCU 400.20 0.00 400.201.900101248,000.0049228XAK6 0.00 248,000.001240248,000.00 1.850SF FCU 389.67 0.00 389.671.850101248,000.0079772FAC0 0.00 989,687.5012411,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,270.50 0.00 1,270.501.511101989,687.50912828YV6 0.00 998,600.0012421,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.66 0.00 1,416.661.670101998,600.003133ELEA8 0.00 248,000.001244248,000.00 1.900WFNBW 400.20 0.00 400.201.900101248,000.00949495AT2 0.00 999,000.0012461,000,000.00 1.430FFCB 1,191.67 0.00 1,191.671.404101999,000.003133ELNE0 0.00 999,217.3612471,000,000.00 1.400FFCB 1,166.67 0.00 1,166.671.375101999,217.363133EGWJ0 0.00 248,000.001248248,000.00 1.550FRDMFI 326.48 0.00 326.481.550101248,000.0035637RDC8 0.00 248,000.001249248,000.00 1.650UNTDCM 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.0090983WBT7 0.00 248,000.001250248,000.00 1.6501STNMI 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.0032114VBT3 0.00 245,000.001251245,000.00 1.650RLLSTN 343.34 0.00 343.341.650101245,000.0077579ADF0 0.00 248,000.001252248,000.00 1.650CITADL 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.0017286TAG0 0.00 245,000.001253245,000.00 1.600SYNOVS 332.93 0.00 332.931.600101245,000.0087164DRD4 0.00 248,000.001254248,000.00 1.600SERVIS 337.01 0.00 337.011.600101248,000.0081768PAF3 0.00 248,000.001255248,000.00 1.600AMERST 337.01 0.00 337.011.600101248,000.00029728BC5 0.00 248,000.001256248,000.00 1.600ACCSS 337.01 0.00 337.011.600101248,000.0000435JBH5 0.00 248,000.001257248,000.00 1.500SPRING 315.95 0.00 315.951.500101248,000.00849430BF9 0.00 248,000.001258248,000.00 1.650AXOS 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.0005465DAE8 0.00 245,000.001259245,000.00 1.200CADNCE 249.70 0.00 249.701.200101245,000.0012738RFX7 0.00 245,000.001260245,000.00 1.100TEXAS 228.89 0.00 228.891.100101245,000.00882213AB7 0.00 248,000.001261248,000.00 1.100SNTCLR 231.69 0.00 231.691.100101248,000.0006424KBC3 0.00 248,000.001262248,000.00 1.350TRIAD 284.35 0.00 284.351.350101248,000.0089579NCD3 0.00 248,000.001263248,000.00 1.150NRTHSR 242.22 0.00 242.221.150101248,000.0066704MEQ0 0.00 248,000.001264248,000.00 1.300BELLCO 273.82 0.00 273.821.300101248,000.0007833EAD9 0.00 248,000.001265248,000.00 1.150WESTMI 242.22 0.00 242.221.150101248,000.00954444BS3 0.00 248,000.001266248,000.00 1.400NCOLET 294.88 0.00 294.881.400101248,000.00654062JZ2 0.00 248,000.001267248,000.00 1.400ALMABK 294.88 0.00 294.881.400101248,000.00020080BX4 0.00 248,000.001268248,000.00 1.250CMWBUS 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.002027506M2 0.00 245,000.001269245,000.00 1.300PACWST 270.51 0.00 270.511.300101245,000.0069506YRH4 0.00 248,000.001270248,000.00 1.250BELB&T 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.0008016PDQ9 0.00 245,000.001271245,000.00 1.600CAPONE 332.93 0.00 332.931.600101245,000.0014042TDD6 0.00 248,000.001272248,000.00 1.250THEJEF 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.00472382AQ3 0.00 249,000.001273249,000.00 1.2001STFDM 253.78 0.00 253.781.200101249,000.0032027BAL1 0.00 248,000.001274248,000.00 1.3501STMCG 284.35 0.00 284.351.350101248,000.0032112UDR9 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:24 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 5 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 248,000.001276248,000.00 1.250FLGSTR 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.0033847E3A3 0.00 245,000.001277245,000.00 1.000WSTRNS 208.08 0.00 208.081.000101245,000.0095960NKD8 0.00 248,000.001278248,000.00 1.0001STINT 210.63 0.00 210.631.000101248,000.0032056GDJ6 0.00 1,000,000.0012791,000,000.00 0.625FHLMC 520.83 0.00 520.830.6131011,000,000.003134GVYG7 0.00 499,850.001280500,000.00 0.500FFCB 208.33 0.00 208.330.491101499,850.003133ELH23 0.00 499,850.001281500,000.00 0.500FHLB 208.34 0.00 208.340.491101499,850.003130AJKW8 0.00 500,000.001282500,000.00 0.680FFCB 283.33 0.00 283.330.667101500,000.003133ELH80 0.00 300,000.001283300,000.00 0.680FHLB 170.00 0.00 170.000.667101300,000.003130AJRP6 0.00 248,000.001284248,000.00 0.600CHIPVA 126.38 0.00 126.380.600101248,000.00169894AS1 0.00 248,000.001285248,000.00 0.350AMR1ST 73.72 0.00 73.720.350101248,000.0002616AAH2 0.00 248,000.001286248,000.00 0.500STHRNB 105.32 0.00 105.320.500101248,000.0084223QAN7 0.00 248,000.001287248,000.00 0.500BKPRNC 105.32 0.00 105.320.500101248,000.00064520BG3 0.00 500,000.001288500,000.00 0.500FNMA 208.34 0.00 208.340.491101500,000.003135G05S8 0.00 1,000,000.0012891,000,000.00 0.560FNMA 466.67 0.00 466.670.5491011,000,000.003136G4N74 0.00 499,750.001290500,000.00 0.520FNMA 216.67 0.00 216.670.510101499,750.003136G4M75 0.00 499,250.001291500,000.00 0.420FNMA 175.00 0.00 175.000.413101499,250.003135G06E8 0.00 499,250.001292500,000.00 0.560FNMA 233.33 0.00 233.330.550101499,250.003135GA2Z3 0.00 4,976,398.6912934,976,398.69BNY 0.01 0.00 0.011014,988,968.45SYS1293 0.00 997,300.0012971,000,000.00 0.375FHLMC 312.50 0.00 312.500.369101997,300.003137EAEU9 0.00 497,400.001298500,000.00 0.375FHLB 156.25 0.00 156.250.370101497,400.003130AKFA9 0.00 500,000.001299500,000.00 0.600FNMA 250.00 0.00 250.000.589101500,000.003135GA7D7 0.00 500,000.001300500,000.00 0.400FNMA 166.67 0.00 166.670.392101500,000.003135GAAW1 0.00 500,000.001301500,000.00 0.550FHLMC 229.16 0.00 229.160.540101500,000.003134GXGZ1 0.00 500,000.001302500,000.00 0.510FHLB 212.50 0.00 212.500.500101500,000.003130AKMZ6 0.00 498,632.811303500,000.00 0.375USTR 157.95 0.00 157.950.373101498,632.8191282CBC4 0.00 500,000.001304500,000.00 0.550FHLB 229.16 0.00 229.160.540101500,000.003130AKN28 0.00 248,000.001305248,000.00 0.500LNDMRK 105.32 0.00 105.320.500101248,000.0051507LCC6 0.00 245,000.001306245,000.00 0.500EVRBA 104.04 0.00 104.040.500101245,000.0087270LDL4 0.00 495,999.501307500,000.00 0.375FHLMC 156.25 0.00 156.250.371101495,999.503137EAEX3 0.00 497,300.001308500,000.00 0.500IFC 213.41 0.00 213.410.505101497,300.0045950VPS9 0.00 495,100.001309500,000.00 0.375USTR 157.94 0.00 157.940.376101495,100.0091282CBH3 0.00 983,940.0013101,000,000.00 0.375FHLMC 312.50 0.00 312.500.374101983,940.003137EAEX3 0.00 977,500.0013111,000,000.00 0.250USTR 210.60 0.00 210.600.254101977,500.0091282CAT8 0.00 500,000.001312500,000.00 0.500FHLB 208.33 0.00 208.330.491101500,000.003130ALV92 0.00 249,000.001313249,000.00 0.950GRNST 200.91 0.00 200.910.950101249,000.0039573LBC1 0.00 245,000.001314245,000.00 0.900TOYFSB 187.27 0.00 187.270.900101245,000.0089235MKY6 0.00 492,187.501315500,000.00 0.375USTR 158.81 0.00 158.810.380101492,187.5091282CAZ4 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:24 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 6 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 248,000.001316248,000.00 0.750CARTER 157.97 0.00 157.970.750101248,000.0014622LAA0 0.00 248,000.001317248,000.00 0.700FIDHMS 147.44 0.00 147.440.700101248,000.0031617CAV5 0.00 309,160.821318309,160.82DPME 0.00 0.00 0.00101282,753.16SYS1318 0.00 494,165.001319500,000.00 0.500USTR 210.71 0.00 210.710.502101494,165.0091282CBQ3 0.00 499,525.001320500,000.00 0.750USTR 317.62 0.00 317.620.749101499,525.0091282CBT7 0.00 997,060.0013211,000,000.00 0.750USTR 635.25 0.00 635.250.750101997,060.0091282CCF6 0.00 498,450.001322500,000.00 0.750USTR 317.62 0.00 317.620.750101498,450.0091282CBT7 0.00 497,095.001323500,000.00 0.750USTR 317.62 0.00 317.620.752101497,095.0091282CCF6 0.00 993,420.0013241,000,000.00 0.750FHLB 625.00 0.00 625.000.741101993,420.003130AMFS6 0.00 248,377.501325249,000.00 0.800VIBRNT 169.18 0.00 169.180.802101248,377.5092559TAJ7 0.00 248,000.001326248,000.00 1.000GLDMAN 210.63 0.00 210.631.000101248,000.0038149MXK4 0.00 248,000.001327248,000.00 1.000SALMAE 210.63 0.00 210.631.000101248,000.00795451AF0 0.00 248,000.001328248,000.00 0.400TABBK 84.25 0.00 84.250.400101248,000.0089388CEY0 0.00 248,000.001329248,000.00 0.400BKOZK 84.25 0.00 84.250.400101248,000.0006417NZQ9 0.00 498,000.001330500,000.00 0.710FFCB 207.08 0.00 207.080.6901010.003133EM2C5 0.00 165,525,008.92Subtotal 165,268,688.59 0.697 103,547.940.0099,827.94174,761,059.64 3,720.00 Fund: Fiscal Agent 13,504,009.36105813,504,009.36USBANK 0.55 0.00 0.550.4552311,422.17SYS1058 0.00 13,504,009.36Subtotal 13,504,009.36 0.455 0.550.000.551,422.17 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 349,633.361062349,633.36LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241340,751.76SYS1062 0.00 349,633.36Subtotal 349,633.36,751.76 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 10,589,325.37111310,589,325.37 0.221LAIF 2,173.00 0.00 2,173.000.24224910,589,325.3725-33-005 0.00 10,589,325.37Subtotal 10,589,325.37 0.242 2,173.000.002,173.0010,589,325.37 0.00 189,967,977.01Total 189,711,656.68 0.670 105,721.490.00102,001.49185,692,558.94 3,720.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:24 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. City of La QuintaPortfolio ManagementSeptember 30, 2021City of La Quinta-Portfolio Summary% ofPortfolioBookValueInvestmentsMarketValueParValueDays toMaturityTermYTM365 Equiv.Bank Accounts 10,091,952.08 15.73 0.000110,091,952.0810,091,952.08Local Agency Investment Fund-City 71,477,816.25 140.58 0.206171,483,369.4371,477,816.25Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 10,589,325.37 16.01 0.206110,590,203.2510,589,325.37Money Market Accounts - CAMP 855,521.26 10.49 0.0501855,521.26855,521.26Federal Agency Coupon Securities 23,478,831.86 1,66713.33 1.0411,23823,639,318.0023,550,000.00Treasury Coupon Securities 11,840,090.31 1,6976.72 1.2011,19211,944,965.0012,000,000.00Certificate of Deposits 32,063,377.50 1,60618.20 1.97683432,857,260.1832,064,000.00Corporate Notes 2,345,510.00 1,5021.33 2.4506712,430,322.002,400,000.00Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1,437.46 10.00 0.00011,437.461,437.46CERBT - OPEB Trust 2,047,746.82 11.16 0.00012,047,746.822,047,746.82PARS Pension Trust 11,337,645.06 16.44 0.000111,337,645.0611,337,645.06176,129,253.97 100.00%Investments177,279,740.54176,415,444.30649 407 0.708Current YearSeptember 30116,258.13Fiscal Year To Date339,172.80Average Daily BalanceEffective Rate of Return189,253,986.59 186,054,500.560.72%0.75%Total Earnings Month EndingI certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I herebycertify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly accountstatements issued by our financial institutions to determine the fair market value of investments at month end.__________________________________________________ ____________________Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City TreasurerPortfolio CITYCPReporting period 09/01/2021-09/30/2021Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:23PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0Report Ver. Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1Bank of New York1293 1,760,868.90 1,760,868.9009/01/2020 1,760,868.90 1SYS1293 0.000 1Bank of the West1228 7,637,650.48 7,637,650.4808/20/2019 7,637,650.48 1059731851 0.000 1City Petty Cash1059 3,300.00 3,300.0007/01/2016 3,300.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1Dune Palms Mobile Estates1318 335,561.64 335,561.6403/09/2021 335,561.64 1SYS1318 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 354,571.06 354,571.0607/01/2016 354,571.06 1SYS1062 0.000 10,091,952.08 110,091,952.0810,091,952.0813,552,651.30Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 71,477,816.25 71,477,816.25 0.20671,483,369.43 198-33-434 0.206 71,477,816.25 171,483,369.4371,477,816.2571,477,816.25Subtotal and Average 1 0.206 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 10,589,325.37 10,589,325.37 0.20610,590,203.25 125-33-005 0.206 10,589,325.37 110,590,203.2510,589,325.3710,589,325.37Subtotal and Average 1 0.206 Money Market/Mutual Funds 1Dreyfus12940.00 0.0007/01/2021 0.00 1X9USDDTP3 0.000 0.00 and Average 0 0.000 Money Market Accounts - CAMP 1California Asset Management Pr1153 855,521.26 855,521.26 0.05009/26/2018 855,521.26 1SYS1153 0.050 855,521.26 1855,521.26855,521.26855,486.82Subtotal and Average 1 0.050 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 340Federal National Mtg Assn1233 1,000,000.00 992,100.00 09/06/20221.37510/29/2019 1,011,680.00 1,0433135G0W33 1.659 363Federal Farm Credit Bank1247 1,000,000.00 999,217.36 09/29/20221.40002/05/2020 1,013,120.00 9673133EGWJ0 1.430 437Federal Farm Credit Bank1198 500,000.00 499,500.00 12/12/20221.87506/20/2019 510,365.00 1,2713133EKQP4 1.905 682Federal Farm Credit Bank1223 500,000.00 499,400.00 08/14/20231.60009/12/2019 512,135.00 1,4323133EKZK5 1.632 704Federal Farm Credit Bank1158 250,000.00 247,275.00 09/05/20232.80010/15/2018 261,950.00 1,7863133EJYL7 3.041 761Federal Farm Credit Bank1234 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 11/01/20231.60011/01/2019 1,025,960.00 1,4613133EK4X1 1.680 865Federal Home Loan Bank1177 500,000.00 498,550.00 02/13/20242.50003/01/2019 525,270.00 1,8103130AFW94 2.563 866Federal Farm Credit Bank1246 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/14/20241.43002/14/2020 1,023,660.00 1,4613133ELNE0 1.456 1,005Federal National Mtg Assn1206 500,000.00 495,950.00 07/02/20241.75007/15/2019 517,450.00 1,8143135G0V75 1.922 1,029Federal Farm Credit Bank1212 500,000.00 499,500.00 07/26/20241.85008/02/2019 518,480.00 1,8203133EKWV4 1.871 1,082Federal Farm Credit Bank1224 500,000.00 498,750.00 09/17/20241.60009/17/2019 515,285.00 1,8273133EKP75 1.652 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:23 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 1,082Federal Farm Credit Bank1242 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 09/17/20241.70012/17/2019 1,033,510.00 1,7363133ELEA8 1.731 1,144Federal National Mtg Assn1291 500,000.00 499,250.00 11/18/20240.42011/18/2020 498,295.00 1,4613135G06E8 0.458 1,186Federal National Mtg Assn1300 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/30/20240.40012/30/2020 498,395.00 1,4613135GAAW1 0.400 1,334Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1279 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 05/27/20250.62505/27/2020 995,690.00 1,8263134GVYG7 0.625 1,347Federal Farm Credit Bank1280 500,000.00 499,850.00 06/09/20250.50006/09/2020 495,325.00 1,8263133ELH23 0.506 1,348Federal Farm Credit Bank1282 500,000.00 500,000.00 06/10/20250.68006/10/2020 497,735.00 1,8263133ELH80 0.680 1,351Federal Home Loan Bank1281 500,000.00 499,850.00 06/13/20250.50006/03/2020 497,485.00 1,8363130AJKW8 0.506 1,368Federal Home Loan Bank1283 300,000.00 300,000.00 06/30/20250.68006/30/2020 299,118.00 1,8263130AJRP6 0.680 1,389Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1297 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 07/21/20250.37512/07/2020 986,500.00 1,6873137EAEU9 0.434 1,413Federal National Mtg Assn1288 500,000.00 500,000.00 08/14/20250.50008/14/2020 497,040.00 1,8263135G05S8 0.500 1,417Federal National Mtg Assn1290 500,000.00 499,750.00 08/18/20250.52008/28/2020 497,230.00 1,8163136G4M75 0.530 1,420Federal National Mtg Assn1289 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 08/21/20250.56008/21/2020 991,170.00 1,8263136G4N74 0.560 1,453Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1307 500,000.00 495,999.50 09/23/20250.37502/23/2021 491,675.00 1,6733137EAEX3 0.552 1,453Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1310 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 09/23/20250.37503/30/2021 983,350.00 1,6383137EAEX3 0.740 1,508Federal National Mtg Assn1292 500,000.00 499,250.00 11/17/20250.56011/17/2020 496,240.00 1,8263135GA2Z3 0.590 1,533Federal Home Loan Bank1298 500,000.00 497,400.00 12/12/20250.37512/07/2020 490,410.00 1,8313130AKFA9 0.480 1,544Federal National Mtg Assn1299 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/23/20250.60012/23/2020 496,185.00 1,8263135GA7D7 0.600 1,551Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1301 500,000.00 500,000.00 12/30/20250.55012/30/2020 496,575.00 1,8263134GXGZ1 0.550 1,566Federal Home Loan Bank1302 500,000.00 500,000.00 01/14/20260.51001/14/2021 494,175.00 1,8263130AKMZ6 0.510 1,581Federal Home Loan Bank1304 500,000.00 500,000.00 01/29/20260.55001/29/2021 494,590.00 1,8263130AKN28 0.550 1,641Federal Home Loan Bank1312 500,000.00 500,000.00 03/30/20260.50003/30/2021 499,775.00 1,8263130ALV92 0.938 1,715Federal Home Loan Bank1324 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 06/12/20260.75006/17/2021 991,930.00 1,8213130AMFS6 0.885 1,774Federal Farm Credit Bank1330 500,000.00 498,000.00 08/10/20260.71008/10/2021 494,075.00 1,8263133EM2C5 0.792 1,805Federal Farm Credit Bank1338 1,000,000.00 991,080.00 09/10/20260.80009/28/2021 990,280.00 1,8083133EM4X7 0.985 1,825Federal Home Loan Bank1337 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 09/30/20261.00009/30/2021 997,210.00 1,8263130APBM6 1.021 23,478,831.86 1,66723,639,318.0023,550,000.0021,621,159.86Subtotal and Average 1,238 1.041 Treasury Coupon Securities 30U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 2,001,940.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 226U.S. Treasury1192 500,000.00 496,650.00 05/15/20221.75005/31/2019 505,275.00 1,080912828SV3 1.984 364U.S. Treasury1178 500,000.00 489,687.50 09/30/20221.87503/01/2019 508,810.00 1,3099128282W9 2.480 729U.S. Treasury1217 500,000.00 499,300.00 09/30/20231.37508/21/2019 510,860.00 1,501912828T26 1.410 1,156U.S. Treasury1241 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 11/30/20241.50012/16/2019 1,029,020.00 1,811912828YV6 1.718 1,491U.S. Treasury1311 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 10/31/20250.25003/30/2021 976,760.00 1,67691282CAT8 0.750 1,521U.S. Treasury1315 500,000.00 492,187.50 11/30/20250.37504/22/2021 490,295.00 1,68391282CAZ4 0.720 1,552U.S. Treasury1303 500,000.00 498,632.81 12/31/20250.37501/07/2021 489,745.00 1,81991282CBC4 0.431 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:23 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 1,583U.S. Treasury1309 500,000.00 495,100.00 01/31/20260.37502/23/2021 489,080.00 1,80391282CBH3 0.577 1,611U.S. Treasury1319 500,000.00 494,165.00 02/28/20260.50005/28/2021 491,365.00 1,73791282CBQ3 0.750 1,642U.S. Treasury1320 500,000.00 499,525.00 03/31/20260.75005/28/2021 496,290.00 1,76891282CBT7 0.770 1,642U.S. Treasury1322 500,000.00 498,450.00 03/31/20260.75006/17/2021 496,290.00 1,74891282CBT7 0.816 1,703U.S. Treasury1321 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 05/31/20260.75006/01/2021 991,210.00 1,82591282CCF6 0.810 1,703U.S. Treasury1323 500,000.00 497,095.00 05/31/20260.75006/17/2021 495,605.00 1,80991282CCF6 0.870 1,764U.S. Treasury1335 1,000,000.00 983,750.00 07/31/20260.62509/29/2021 983,590.00 1,76691282CCP4 0.970 1,795U.S. Treasury1336 1,000,000.00 988,500.00 08/31/20260.75009/29/2021 988,830.00 1,79791282CCW9 0.990 11,840,090.31 1,69711,944,965.0012,000,000.009,999,323.64Subtotal and Average 1,192 1.201 Certificate of Deposits 25Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 240,455.84 1,279666613GV0 2.703 47First Source Bank1168 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/17/20213.15012/17/2018 246,005.77 1,06633646CKP8 3.153 52Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 245,732.15 1,462080515CD9 2.101 52TNB Bank1187 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/22/20212.40005/22/2019 248,850.64 91587266AAA1 2.407 81Neighbors FCU1167 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/21/20213.20012/21/2018 246,734.75 1,09664017AAQ7 3.203 82United Credit Union1214 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/22/20212.00008/22/2019 249,091.94 853910160AH3 2.003 110The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 241,331.73 1,645677721CN0 1.903 122Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 246,974.08 1,46288413QBY3 2.502 123Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 241,759.70 1,8262546722U1 2.251 150Maine Savings FCU1171 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/28/20223.30012/28/2018 251,306.91 1,158560507AK1 3.306 168Luana Savings Bank1225 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/18/20221.60009/18/2019 246,678.01 912549104JN8 1.599 180Bellco Credit Union1264 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/30/20221.30003/31/2020 249,420.79 72907833EAD9 1.300 181Cadence Bank, NA1259 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/31/20221.20003/31/2020 246,265.97 73012738RFX7 1.200 181Bank of Santa Clarita1261 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20221.10003/31/2020 249,156.63 73006424KBC3 1.100 210Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 243,711.61 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 228Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 247,995.02 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 250PCSB Bank1149 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/08/20223.00006/08/2018 249,791.28 1,46169324MAD7 3.002 251Synovus Bank1253 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/09/20221.60003/09/2020 247,409.94 82287164DRD4 1.602 255Allegiance Bank1143 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/13/20223.10006/13/2018 250,058.21 1,46101748DBE5 3.102 270America's Credit Union1200 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/28/20222.30006/28/2019 251,930.36 1,09603065AAL7 2.302 311Traditions Bank1148 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/08/20223.00006/08/2018 250,898.83 1,52289269CBX9 3.002 326CIT Bank NA1219 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/23/20221.90008/23/2019 248,734.90 1,09612556LBA3 1.902 332American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 244,833.98 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 332Sterling Bank1201 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/29/20222.15006/28/2019 249,369.04 1,15885916VDC6 2.153 377Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 250,168.78 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:23 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 389Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 245,353.49 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 392Merrick Bank1163 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/28/20223.25010/30/2018 256,145.83 1,45959013J4K2 3.252 403Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 250,630.64 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 413CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 250,488.49 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 423Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 250,476.83 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 432Medallion Bank1169 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/07/20223.40012/07/2018 257,344.52 1,46158404DCX7 3.402 432Red Rocks Credit Union1166 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/07/20223.35012/07/2018 257,195.63 1,46175701LAB3 3.352 454Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 251,608.70 1,826499724AB8 2.401 455Kern FCU1239 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20221.90012/30/2019 253,095.19 1,09649228XAK6 1.902 455San Francisco FCU1240 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20221.85012/30/2019 252,938.42 1,09679772FAC0 1.852 486Wells Fargo Natl Bank West1244 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/30/20231.90001/29/2020 253,396.90 1,097949495AT2 1.900 508Servisfirst Bank1254 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/21/20231.60002/21/2020 252,590.53 1,09681768PAF3 1.601 515Verus Bank of Commerce1180 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/28/20232.70002/28/2019 256,555.15 1,46192535LCD4 2.700 537Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 254,125.96 1,826034577AH9 2.802 546Northstar Bank1263 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20231.15003/31/2020 251,096.91 1,09566704MEQ0 1.150 546West Michigan Cmnty Bk1265 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20231.15003/31/2020 251,096.91 1,095954444BS3 1.150 557Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 254,792.42 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 574Congressional Bank1189 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/28/20232.50004/30/2019 256,640.19 1,45920726ABA5 2.502 574EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 250,081.94 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 581First National Bank1179 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/05/20232.80003/05/2019 257,891.63 1,52232117BCX4 2.802 614Pittsfield Cooperative Bank1194 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/07/20232.50006/07/2019 254,010.12 1,461725404AB3 2.502 627Morton Community1173 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/20/20232.75003/20/2019 258,398.24 1,553619165JD6 2.753 627RCB Bank1144 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/20/20233.15006/20/2018 256,976.72 1,82674934YAH4 3.152 633American First CU1285 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/26/20230.35006/26/2020 248,047.89 1,09502616AAH2 0.350 656American National Bank1205 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/19/20232.00007/19/2019 255,433.82 1,46102772JBD1 2.001 657First National Bank of America1147 245,000.00 245,000.00 07/20/20233.15007/20/2018 257,487.51 1,82632110YLK9 3.152 668Bank of New England1151 249,000.00 249,000.00 07/31/20233.25007/31/2018 262,245.53 1,82606426KAN8 3.252 691Raymond James Bank1218 244,000.00 244,000.00 08/23/20231.95008/23/2019 251,405.48 1,46175472RAD3 1.951 728Triad Bank1262 248,000.00 248,000.00 09/29/20231.35003/30/2020 252,867.03 1,27889579NCD3 1.352 746Marlin Business Bank1155 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/17/20233.30010/17/2018 262,911.95 1,82657116ARV2 3.302 746Municipal Trust and Savings1160 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/17/20233.20010/17/2018 259,225.33 1,826625925AR3 3.202 746UBS Bank USA1161 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/17/20233.35010/17/2018 259,984.69 1,82690348JEJ5 3.352 748Jefferson Financial CU1154 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20233.35010/19/2018 260,011.93 1,826474067AQ8 3.352 775Commercial Bank1162 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/15/20233.40011/15/2018 263,894.17 1,82620143PDV9 3.402 788Numerica Credit Union1164 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/28/20233.55011/28/2018 264,970.75 1,82667054NAN3 3.552 811National Cooperative Bank, N.A1170 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/21/20233.40012/21/2018 261,285.62 1,826635573AL2 3.402 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:23 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 5 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 819Bar Harbor Bank and Trust1172 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/29/20233.35012/31/2018 264,382.20 1,824066851WJ1 3.352 850Lakeside Bank1208 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/29/20242.00007/30/2019 256,989.39 1,64451210SQU4 2.003 864Rollstone B&T1251 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/12/20241.65002/12/2020 251,833.13 1,46177579ADF0 1.651 865Northwest Bank1181 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/13/20242.95002/13/2019 262,641.62 1,82666736ABP3 2.951 879Wells Fargo1174 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/27/20243.00002/27/2019 263,178.23 1,826949763XY7 3.001 909Texas Bank Financial1260 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/28/20241.10003/31/2020 248,662.98 1,458882213AB7 1.101 927The Jefferson Bank1272 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/15/20241.25004/15/2020 252,589.77 1,461472382AQ3 1.251 928Belmont Bank and Trust1270 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/16/20241.25004/16/2020 252,594.68 1,46108016PDQ9 1.251 928Pacific Western Bank1269 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/16/20241.30004/16/2020 249,847.43 1,46169506YRH4 1.301 938Main Street Bank1188 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/26/20242.60004/26/2019 261,314.84 1,82756065GAG3 2.603 957First Service Bank1231 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/15/20241.70011/15/2019 255,539.11 1,64333640VDD7 1.701 958JP Morgan Chase1185 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/16/20243.25005/16/2019 262,487.37 1,82748128HXU7 3.254 965Iowa State Bank1186 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/23/20242.40005/23/2019 257,061.85 1,82746256YAZ2 2.403 970Live Oak Bank1238 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/28/20241.80011/27/2019 256,304.51 1,644538036GV0 1.802 971Century Next Bank1184 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/29/20242.50005/29/2019 260,964.56 1,827156634AK3 2.503 980Plains Commerce Bank1195 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/07/20242.55006/07/2019 258,083.08 1,82772651LCL6 2.553 985Evansville Teachers Credit FCU1196 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20242.60006/12/2019 261,664.42 1,827299547AQ2 2.603 992Legacy Bank1197 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/19/20242.40006/19/2019 260,403.60 1,827524661CB9 2.403 994Citizens State Bank1199 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/21/20242.40006/21/2019 260,428.39 1,827176688CP2 2.403 1,001Communitywide FCU1202 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/28/20242.25006/28/2019 259,488.20 1,82720416TAQ5 2.253 1,001Revere Bank1203 247,000.00 247,000.00 06/28/20242.30006/28/2019 258,767.39 1,827761402BY1 2.303 1,029Abacus Federal Savings1207 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/26/20241.95007/26/2019 257,530.71 1,82700257TBD7 1.952 1,033First Security Bank of WA1209 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/30/20242.00007/30/2019 257,754.76 1,82733625CCP2 2.002 1,034People's Bank1210 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/31/20242.00007/31/2019 257,598.35 1,827710571DS6 2.002 1,050Preferred Bank1213 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/16/20242.00008/16/2019 258,953.63 1,827740367HP5 2.002 1,057FirsTier Bank1216 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/23/20241.95008/23/2019 258,656.84 1,82733766LAJ7 1.952 1,057Washington Federal1215 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/23/20242.00008/23/2019 257,979.10 1,827938828BH2 2.002 1,064First State Bk DeQueen1222 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/30/20241.80008/30/2019 256,420.82 1,827336460CX6 1.802 1,064First Natl Bk of Syracuse1221 249,000.00 249,000.00 08/30/20241.85008/30/2019 257,819.52 1,827334342CD2 1.852 1,064Celtic Bank1220 248,000.00 248,000.00 08/30/20241.85008/30/2019 256,784.10 1,82715118RRH2 1.852 1,075BMW Bank1333 245,000.00 245,000.00 09/10/20240.65009/10/2021 245,064.92 1,09605580AD50 0.651 1,092BankWest Inc1227 248,000.00 248,000.00 09/27/20241.70009/27/2019 255,894.58 1,82706652CHB0 1.702 1,120Southern Bancorp Bk1286 248,000.00 248,000.00 10/25/20240.50006/26/2020 246,754.48 1,58284223QAN7 0.500 1,133Sauk Valley B&T Co1235 248,000.00 248,000.00 11/07/20241.70011/07/2019 255,857.68 1,827804375DL4 1.702 1,146Morgan Stanley Bank1237 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/20/20241.95011/20/2019 254,765.43 1,82761690UNX4 1.952 1,146Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1236 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/20/20241.90011/20/2019 254,380.03 1,82761760A3B3 1.902 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:23 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 6 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,186Bank Princeton1287 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/30/20240.50006/30/2020 246,206.66 1,644064520BG3 0.500 1,210Tab Bank1328 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/23/20250.40007/23/2021 245,346.88 1,28089388CEY0 0.401 1,216Bank OZK1329 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/29/20250.40007/29/2021 245,333.90 1,28006417NZQ9 0.401 1,225United Community1249 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/07/20251.65002/07/2020 255,570.31 1,82790983WBT7 1.652 1,232First National Bank Michigan1250 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/14/20251.65002/14/2020 255,612.98 1,82732114VBT3 1.652 1,232Freedom Financial1248 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/14/20251.55002/14/2020 254,774.54 1,82735637RDC8 1.552 1,239American State1255 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/21/20251.60002/21/2020 255,234.09 1,827029728BC5 1.602 1,245Citadel FCU1252 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/27/20251.65002/27/2020 255,692.24 1,82717286TAG0 1.652 1,259Access Bank1256 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/13/20251.60003/13/2020 255,184.07 1,82600435JBH5 1.601 1,266Spring Bank1257 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/20/20251.50003/20/2020 254,362.49 1,826849430BF9 1.501 1,272Axos Bank1258 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/26/20251.65003/26/2020 255,689.72 1,82605465DAE8 1.651 1,274Alma Bank1267 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/28/20251.40003/30/2020 253,535.82 1,824020080BX4 1.399 1,277Commonwealth Business Bk1268 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20251.25003/31/2020 251,904.77 1,8262027506M2 1.251 1,277Nicolet Natl Bank1266 248,000.00 248,000.00 03/31/20251.40003/31/2020 253,206.36 1,826654062JZ2 1.401 1,285Capital One USA FDIC339541271 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/08/20251.60004/08/2020 252,054.76 1,82614042TDD6 1.601 1,305First Natl Bk McGregor1274 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/28/20251.35004/28/2020 253,045.74 1,82632112UDR9 1.351 1,306First Freedom Bank1273 249,000.00 249,000.00 04/29/20251.20004/29/2020 252,733.38 1,82632027BAL1 1.201 1,307Flagstar1276248,000.00 248,000.00 04/30/20251.25004/30/2020 251,987.72 1,82633847E3A3 1.251 1,3191st Internet Bank1278 248,000.00 248,000.00 05/12/20251.00005/11/2020 249,791.62 1,82732056GDJ6 0.985 1,320Western State Bank1277 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/13/20251.00005/13/2020 246,767.52 1,82695960NKD8 1.001 1,362Chippewa Valley Bk1284 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/24/20250.60006/24/2020 245,966.71 1,826169894AS1 0.600 1,432Pentagon FCU1331 249,000.00 249,000.00 09/02/20250.70009/01/2021 247,257.13 1,46270962LAF9 0.687 1,574Landmark Community Bank1305 248,000.00 248,000.00 01/22/20260.50001/22/2021 243,293.07 1,82651507LCC6 0.500 1,595TIAA FKA EverBank1306 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/12/20260.50002/12/2021 240,140.21 1,82687270LDL4 0.500 1,658Greenstate FCU1313 249,000.00 249,000.00 04/16/20260.95004/16/2021 248,562.67 1,82639573LBC1 0.951 1,664Toyota Financial Savings Bank1314 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/22/20260.90004/22/2021 244,016.02 1,82689235MKY6 0.900 1,669Carter FCU1316 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/27/20260.75004/27/2021 245,313.64 1,82614622LAA0 0.750 1,672Fidelity Homestead1317 248,000.00 248,000.00 04/30/20260.70004/30/2021 244,578.26 1,82631617CAV5 0.711 1,733Vibrant Credit Union1325 249,000.00 248,377.50 06/30/20260.80007/02/2021 246,263.43 1,82492559TAJ7 0.852 1,761Goldman Sachs1326 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/28/20261.00007/28/2021 247,597.06 1,82638149MXK4 1.001 1,761Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1327 248,000.00 248,000.00 07/28/20261.00007/28/2021 247,597.06 1,826795451AF0 1.001 1,798Synchrony Bank Retail1332 245,000.00 245,000.00 09/03/20260.90009/03/2021 243,048.87 1,82687165ET98 0.900 1,819Connect One1334 248,000.00 248,000.00 09/24/20260.80009/24/2021 244,778.86 1,82620786ADL6 0.800 32,063,377.50 1,60632,857,260.1832,064,000.0032,163,177.50Subtotal and Average 834 1.976 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:23 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Days to Maturity Page 7 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value September 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Corporate Notes 128Proctor and Gamble1159 500,000.00 487,950.00 02/06/20222.30010/15/2018 503,635.00 1,210742718DY2 3.071 440Wal-Mart Stores, Inc1190 500,000.00 496,650.00 12/15/20222.35004/16/2019 510,565.00 1,339931142DU4 2.799 488Colgate-Palmolive1175 500,000.00 485,250.00 02/01/20231.95003/04/2019 511,450.00 1,43019416QEA4 2.751 676Microsoft Corporation1157 400,000.00 378,360.00 08/08/20232.00010/15/2018 411,792.00 1,758594918BQ6 3.222 1,609International Finance Corp.1308 500,000.00 497,300.00 02/26/20260.50002/26/2021 492,880.00 1,82645950VPS9 0.610 2,345,510.00 1,5022,430,322.002,400,000.002,345,510.00Subtotal and Average 671 2.450 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 1,437.46 1,437.4607/01/2016 1,437.46 1SYS1058 0.000 1,437.46 11,437.461,437.4613,053,923.63Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 2,047,746.82 2,047,746.8207/01/2021 2,047,746.82 1SYS1114 0.000 2,047,746.82 12,047,746.822,047,746.822,050,844.55Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 1Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Serv1230 11,337,645.06 11,337,645.0611,337,645.06 1SYS1230 0.000 11,337,645.06 111,337,645.0611,337,645.0611,544,767.67Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 649189,253,986.59 176,415,444.30 407 0.708177,279,740.54 176,129,253.97Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:23 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund September 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 71,477,816.25105571,477,816.25 0.206LAIF 14,257.80 0.00 14,257.800.24310171,477,816.2598-33-434 0.00 3,300.0010593,300.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001013,300.00SYS1059 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 443.84 0.00 443.842.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 0.0010670.00 2.200BMW 28.93 0.00 2,188.93166.450101240,000.0005580AGK4 2,160.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,038.05 0.00 2,038.051.2761011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 374.79 0.00 374.791.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 453.08 0.00 453.082.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 473.42 0.00 473.422.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 453.70 0.00 453.702.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 463.15 0.00 463.152.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 422.88 0.00 422.882.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 422.87 0.00 422.872.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 0.0011050.00 1.700FFCB 0.00 0.00 7,800.00286.938101992,200.003133EHWM1 7,800.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 443.01 0.00 443.012.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 432.95 0.00 432.952.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 483.29 0.00 483.292.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 503.42 0.00 503.422.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 2,047,746.8211142,047,746.82CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001012,050,951.37SYS1114 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 563.83 0.00 563.832.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 583.97 0.00 583.972.900101245,000.0017312QJ26 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 581.92 0.00 581.922.950101240,000.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 552.33 0.00 552.332.800101240,000.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 532.60 0.00 532.602.700101240,000.00666613GV0 0.00 0.0011340.00 3.050UOFICU 441.20 0.00 8,841.2061.118101240,000.0091435LAG2 8,400.00 245,000.001143245,000.00 3.100ALLGNC 624.24 0.00 624.243.100101245,000.0001748DBE5 0.00 245,000.001144245,000.00 3.150RCB 634.32 0.00 634.323.150101245,000.0074934YAH4 0.00 245,000.001147245,000.00 3.1501STNBA 634.32 0.00 634.323.150101245,000.0032110YLK9 0.00 245,000.001148245,000.00 3.000TRAD 604.11 0.00 604.113.000101245,000.0089269CBX9 0.00 245,000.001149245,000.00 3.000PCSB 604.11 0.00 604.113.000101245,000.0069324MAD7 0.00 249,000.001151249,000.00 3.250NWENGL 665.14 0.00 665.143.250101249,000.0006426KAN8 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:43 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest September 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 855,521.261153855,521.26 0.050CAMP 35.63 0.00 35.630.051101855,485.63SYS1153 0.00 245,000.001154245,000.00 3.350JEFF 674.59 0.00 674.593.350101245,000.00474067AQ8 0.00 248,000.001155248,000.00 3.300MARBUS 672.66 0.00 672.663.300101248,000.0057116ARV2 0.00 378,360.001157400,000.00 2.000MCRSFT 666.67 0.00 666.672.144101378,360.00594918BQ6 0.00 247,275.001158250,000.00 2.800FFCB 583.34 0.00 583.342.870101247,275.003133EJYL7 0.00 487,950.001159500,000.00 2.300P&G 958.33 0.00 958.332.390101487,950.00742718DY2 0.00 245,000.001160245,000.00 3.200MUNTRS 644.38 0.00 644.383.200101245,000.00625925AR3 0.00 245,000.001161245,000.00 3.350UBS 674.59 0.00 674.593.350101245,000.0090348JEJ5 0.00 248,000.001162248,000.00 3.400COMMBK 693.04 0.00 693.043.400101248,000.0020143PDV9 0.00 248,000.001163248,000.00 3.250MRRCK 662.47 0.00 662.473.250101248,000.0059013J4K2 0.00 248,000.001164248,000.00 3.550NMRCA 723.62 0.00 723.623.550101248,000.0067054NAN3 0.00 248,000.001166248,000.00 3.350REDRCK 682.85 0.00 682.853.350101248,000.0075701LAB3 0.00 245,000.001167245,000.00 3.200NEIGH 644.38 0.00 644.383.200101245,000.0064017AAQ7 0.00 245,000.001168245,000.00 3.1501STSRC 634.32 0.00 634.323.150101245,000.0033646CKP8 0.00 248,000.001169248,000.00 3.400MEDBA 693.04 0.00 693.043.400101248,000.0058404DCX7 0.00 245,000.001170245,000.00 3.400NLCOOP 684.66 0.00 684.663.400101245,000.00635573AL2 0.00 248,000.001171248,000.00 3.300MAINE 672.65 0.00 672.653.300101248,000.00560507AK1 0.00 248,000.001172248,000.00 3.350BARHAR 682.85 0.00 682.853.350101248,000.00066851WJ1 0.00 248,000.001173248,000.00 2.750MORTN 560.55 0.00 560.552.750101248,000.00619165JD6 0.00 248,000.001174248,000.00 3.000WELLS 611.51 0.00 611.513.000101248,000.00949763XY7 0.00 485,250.001175500,000.00 1.950COLGTE 812.50 0.00 812.502.037101485,250.0019416QEA4 0.00 498,550.001177500,000.00 2.500FHLB 1,041.67 0.00 1,041.672.542101498,550.003130AFW94 0.00 489,687.501178500,000.00 1.875USTR 768.59 0.00 768.591.910101489,687.509128282W9 0.00 248,000.001179248,000.00 2.8001STNBK 570.74 0.00 570.742.800101248,000.0032117BCX4 0.00 248,000.001180248,000.00 2.700VERUS 550.35 0.00 550.352.700101248,000.0092535LCD4 0.00 248,000.001181248,000.00 2.950NRTHWS 601.32 0.00 601.322.950101248,000.0066736ABP3 0.00 248,000.001184248,000.00 2.500CENTNX 509.60 0.00 509.602.500101248,000.00156634AK3 0.00 245,000.001185245,000.00 3.250JPMORG 654.45 0.00 654.453.250101245,000.0048128HXU7 0.00 245,000.001186245,000.00 2.400IOWAST 483.28 0.00 483.282.400101245,000.0046256YAZ2 0.00 248,000.001187248,000.00 2.400TSCOLA 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101248,000.0087266AAA1 0.00 248,000.001188248,000.00 2.600MAINST 529.97 0.00 529.972.600101248,000.0056065GAG3 0.00 248,000.001189248,000.00 2.500CONGRS 509.59 0.00 509.592.500101248,000.0020726ABA5 0.00 496,650.001190500,000.00 2.350WALMRT 979.16 0.00 979.162.399101496,650.00931142DU4 0.00 496,650.001192500,000.00 1.750USTR 713.32 0.00 713.321.747101496,650.00912828SV3 0.00 245,000.001194245,000.00 2.500PITTS 503.43 0.00 503.432.500101245,000.00725404AB3 0.00 245,000.001195245,000.00 2.550PLAINS 513.50 0.00 513.502.550101245,000.0072651LCL6 0.00 248,000.001196248,000.00 2.600EVNSCU 529.97 0.00 529.972.600101248,000.00299547AQ2 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:43 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest September 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 248,000.001197248,000.00 2.400LEGCY 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101248,000.00524661CB9 0.00 499,500.001198500,000.00 1.875FFCB 781.25 0.00 781.251.903101499,500.003133EKQP4 0.00 248,000.001199248,000.00 2.400CTZNST 489.20 0.00 489.202.400101248,000.00176688CP2 0.00 248,000.001200248,000.00 2.300AMERCU 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101248,000.0003065AAL7 0.00 245,000.001201245,000.00 2.150STRLNG 432.95 0.00 432.952.150101245,000.0085916VDC6 0.00 248,000.001202248,000.00 2.250COMMW 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101248,000.0020416TAQ5 0.00 247,000.001203247,000.00 2.300REVER 466.94 0.00 466.942.300101247,000.00761402BY1 0.00 248,000.001205248,000.00 2.000AMRNTL 407.67 0.00 407.672.000101248,000.0002772JBD1 0.00 495,950.001206500,000.00 1.750FNMA 729.16 0.00 729.161.789101495,950.003135G0V75 0.00 248,000.001207248,000.00 1.950ABACUS 397.48 0.00 397.481.950101248,000.0000257TBD7 0.00 248,000.001208248,000.00 2.000LKSIDE 407.67 0.00 407.672.000101248,000.0051210SQU4 0.00 248,000.001209248,000.00 2.0001STSEC 407.67 0.00 407.672.000101248,000.0033625CCP2 0.00 248,000.001210248,000.00 2.000PEOPLE 407.67 0.00 407.672.000101248,000.00710571DS6 0.00 499,500.001212500,000.00 1.850FFCB 770.83 0.00 770.831.878101499,500.003133EKWV4 0.00 249,000.001213249,000.00 2.000PREFRD 409.32 0.00 409.322.000101249,000.00740367HP5 0.00 248,000.001214248,000.00 2.000UNTDCU 407.67 0.00 407.672.000101248,000.00910160AH3 0.00 248,000.001215248,000.00 2.000WSHFED 407.67 0.00 407.672.000101248,000.00938828BH2 0.00 249,000.001216249,000.00 1.9501STIER 399.08 0.00 399.081.950101249,000.0033766LAJ7 0.00 499,300.001217500,000.00 1.375USTR 563.63 0.00 563.631.373101499,300.00912828T26 0.00 244,000.001218244,000.00 1.950RAYJAM 391.07 0.00 391.071.950101244,000.0075472RAD3 0.00 245,000.001219245,000.00 1.900CITBNK 382.60 0.00 382.601.900101245,000.0012556LBA3 0.00 248,000.001220248,000.00 1.850CELTIC 377.10 0.00 377.101.850101248,000.0015118RRH2 0.00 249,000.001221249,000.00 1.8501STNBS 378.62 0.00 378.621.850101249,000.00334342CD2 0.00 248,000.001222248,000.00 1.8001STDQN 366.90 0.00 366.901.800101248,000.00336460CX6 0.00 499,400.001223500,000.00 1.600FFCB 666.66 0.00 666.661.624101499,400.003133EKZK5 0.00 498,750.001224500,000.00 1.600FFCB 666.67 0.00 666.671.626101498,750.003133EKP75 0.00 245,000.001225245,000.00 1.600LUANA 322.20 0.00 322.201.600101245,000.00549104JN8 0.00 0.0012260.00 1.800NYCMBK 314.14 0.00 314.141.800101245,000.00649447TC3 0.00 248,000.001227248,000.00 1.700BNKWST 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101248,000.0006652CHB0 0.00 7,637,650.4812287,637,650.48BOTW 0.01 0.00 0.011017,547,986.33059731851 0.00 11,337,645.06123011,337,645.06PARS 0.00 0.00 0.0010111,551,909.83SYS1230 0.00 248,000.001231248,000.00 1.7001STSER 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101248,000.0033640VDD7 0.00 992,100.0012331,000,000.00 1.375FNMA 1,145.83 0.00 1,145.831.405101992,100.003135G0W33 0.00 996,900.0012341,000,000.00 1.600FFCB 1,333.34 0.00 1,333.341.627101996,900.003133EK4X1 0.00 248,000.001235248,000.00 1.700SAUKVL 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101248,000.00804375DL4 0.00 245,000.001236245,000.00 1.900MSPRIV 382.60 0.00 382.601.900101245,000.0061760A3B3 0.00 245,000.001237245,000.00 1.950MORGST 392.67 0.00 392.671.950101245,000.0061690UNX4 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:43 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest September 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 248,000.001238248,000.00 1.800LIVEOK 366.90 0.00 366.901.800101248,000.00538036GV0 0.00 248,000.001239248,000.00 1.900KERNCU 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101248,000.0049228XAK6 0.00 248,000.001240248,000.00 1.850SF FCU 377.10 0.00 377.101.850101248,000.0079772FAC0 0.00 989,687.5012411,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,229.50 0.00 1,229.501.511101989,687.50912828YV6 0.00 998,600.0012421,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.67 0.00 1,416.671.726101998,600.003133ELEA8 0.00 248,000.001244248,000.00 1.900WFNBW 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101248,000.00949495AT2 0.00 999,000.0012461,000,000.00 1.430FFCB 1,191.66 0.00 1,191.661.451101999,000.003133ELNE0 0.00 999,217.3612471,000,000.00 1.400FFCB 1,166.67 0.00 1,166.671.421101999,217.363133EGWJ0 0.00 248,000.001248248,000.00 1.550FRDMFI 315.95 0.00 315.951.550101248,000.0035637RDC8 0.00 248,000.001249248,000.00 1.650UNTDCM 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101248,000.0090983WBT7 0.00 248,000.001250248,000.00 1.6501STNMI 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101248,000.0032114VBT3 0.00 245,000.001251245,000.00 1.650RLLSTN 332.26 0.00 332.261.650101245,000.0077579ADF0 0.00 248,000.001252248,000.00 1.650CITADL 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101248,000.0017286TAG0 0.00 245,000.001253245,000.00 1.600SYNOVS 322.19 0.00 322.191.600101245,000.0087164DRD4 0.00 248,000.001254248,000.00 1.600SERVIS 326.14 0.00 326.141.600101248,000.0081768PAF3 0.00 248,000.001255248,000.00 1.600AMERST 326.14 0.00 326.141.600101248,000.00029728BC5 0.00 248,000.001256248,000.00 1.600ACCSS 326.14 0.00 326.141.600101248,000.0000435JBH5 0.00 248,000.001257248,000.00 1.500SPRING 305.76 0.00 305.761.500101248,000.00849430BF9 0.00 248,000.001258248,000.00 1.650AXOS 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101248,000.0005465DAE8 0.00 245,000.001259245,000.00 1.200CADNCE 241.64 0.00 241.641.200101245,000.0012738RFX7 0.00 245,000.001260245,000.00 1.100TEXAS 221.50 0.00 221.501.100101245,000.00882213AB7 0.00 248,000.001261248,000.00 1.100SNTCLR 224.22 0.00 224.221.100101248,000.0006424KBC3 0.00 248,000.001262248,000.00 1.350TRIAD 275.18 0.00 275.181.350101248,000.0089579NCD3 0.00 248,000.001263248,000.00 1.150NRTHSR 234.41 0.00 234.411.150101248,000.0066704MEQ0 0.00 248,000.001264248,000.00 1.300BELLCO 264.99 0.00 264.991.300101248,000.0007833EAD9 0.00 248,000.001265248,000.00 1.150WESTMI 234.41 0.00 234.411.150101248,000.00954444BS3 0.00 248,000.001266248,000.00 1.400NCOLET 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101248,000.00654062JZ2 0.00 248,000.001267248,000.00 1.400ALMABK 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101248,000.00020080BX4 0.00 248,000.001268248,000.00 1.250CMWBUS 254.79 0.00 254.791.250101248,000.002027506M2 0.00 245,000.001269245,000.00 1.300PACWST 261.78 0.00 261.781.300101245,000.0069506YRH4 0.00 248,000.001270248,000.00 1.250BELB&T 254.79 0.00 254.791.250101248,000.0008016PDQ9 0.00 245,000.001271245,000.00 1.600CAPONE 322.19 0.00 322.191.600101245,000.0014042TDD6 0.00 248,000.001272248,000.00 1.250THEJEF 254.80 0.00 254.801.250101248,000.00472382AQ3 0.00 249,000.001273249,000.00 1.2001STFDM 245.60 0.00 245.601.200101249,000.0032027BAL1 0.00 248,000.001274248,000.00 1.3501STMCG 275.18 0.00 275.181.350101248,000.0032112UDR9 0.00 248,000.001276248,000.00 1.250FLGSTR 254.80 0.00 254.801.250101248,000.0033847E3A3 0.00 245,000.001277245,000.00 1.000WSTRNS 201.37 0.00 201.371.000101245,000.0095960NKD8 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:43 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 5 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest September 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 248,000.001278248,000.00 1.0001STINT 203.84 0.00 203.841.000101248,000.0032056GDJ6 0.00 1,000,000.0012791,000,000.00 0.625FHLMC 520.84 0.00 520.840.6341011,000,000.003134GVYG7 0.00 499,850.001280500,000.00 0.500FFCB 208.34 0.00 208.340.507101499,850.003133ELH23 0.00 499,850.001281500,000.00 0.500FHLB 208.33 0.00 208.330.507101499,850.003130AJKW8 0.00 500,000.001282500,000.00 0.680FFCB 283.33 0.00 283.330.689101500,000.003133ELH80 0.00 300,000.001283300,000.00 0.680FHLB 170.00 0.00 170.000.689101300,000.003130AJRP6 0.00 248,000.001284248,000.00 0.600CHIPVA 122.30 0.00 122.300.600101248,000.00169894AS1 0.00 248,000.001285248,000.00 0.350AMR1ST 71.34 0.00 71.340.350101248,000.0002616AAH2 0.00 248,000.001286248,000.00 0.500STHRNB 101.92 0.00 101.920.500101248,000.0084223QAN7 0.00 248,000.001287248,000.00 0.500BKPRNC 101.92 0.00 101.920.500101248,000.00064520BG3 0.00 500,000.001288500,000.00 0.500FNMA 208.33 0.00 208.330.507101500,000.003135G05S8 0.00 1,000,000.0012891,000,000.00 0.560FNMA 466.66 0.00 466.660.5681011,000,000.003136G4N74 0.00 499,750.001290500,000.00 0.520FNMA 216.67 0.00 216.670.527101499,750.003136G4M75 0.00 499,250.001291500,000.00 0.420FNMA 175.00 0.00 175.000.426101499,250.003135G06E8 0.00 499,250.001292500,000.00 0.560FNMA 233.33 0.00 233.330.569101499,250.003135GA2Z3 0.00 1,760,868.9012931,760,868.90BNY 0.01 0.00 0.011014,976,398.69SYS1293 0.00 997,300.0012971,000,000.00 0.375FHLMC 312.50 0.00 312.500.381101997,300.003137EAEU9 0.00 497,400.001298500,000.00 0.375FHLB 156.25 0.00 156.250.382101497,400.003130AKFA9 0.00 500,000.001299500,000.00 0.600FNMA 250.00 0.00 250.000.608101500,000.003135GA7D7 0.00 500,000.001300500,000.00 0.400FNMA 166.67 0.00 166.670.406101500,000.003135GAAW1 0.00 500,000.001301500,000.00 0.550FHLMC 229.17 0.00 229.170.558101500,000.003134GXGZ1 0.00 500,000.001302500,000.00 0.510FHLB 212.50 0.00 212.500.517101500,000.003130AKMZ6 0.00 498,632.811303500,000.00 0.375USTR 152.86 0.00 152.860.373101498,632.8191282CBC4 0.00 500,000.001304500,000.00 0.550FHLB 229.17 0.00 229.170.558101500,000.003130AKN28 0.00 248,000.001305248,000.00 0.500LNDMRK 101.92 0.00 101.920.500101248,000.0051507LCC6 0.00 245,000.001306245,000.00 0.500EVRBA 100.69 0.00 100.690.500101245,000.0087270LDL4 0.00 495,999.501307500,000.00 0.375FHLMC 156.25 0.00 156.250.383101495,999.503137EAEX3 0.00 497,300.001308500,000.00 0.500IFC 203.81 0.00 203.810.499101497,300.0045950VPS9 0.00 495,100.001309500,000.00 0.375USTR 152.86 0.00 152.860.376101495,100.0091282CBH3 0.00 983,940.0013101,000,000.00 0.375FHLMC 312.50 0.00 312.500.386101983,940.003137EAEX3 0.00 977,500.0013111,000,000.00 0.250USTR 203.81 0.00 203.810.254101977,500.0091282CAT8 0.00 500,000.001312500,000.00 0.500FHLB 208.33 0.00 208.330.507101500,000.003130ALV92 0.00 249,000.001313249,000.00 0.950GRNST 194.42 0.00 194.420.950101249,000.0039573LBC1 0.00 245,000.001314245,000.00 0.900TOYFSB 181.24 0.00 181.240.900101245,000.0089235MKY6 0.00 492,187.501315500,000.00 0.375USTR 153.69 0.00 153.690.380101492,187.5091282CAZ4 0.00 248,000.001316248,000.00 0.750CARTER 152.88 0.00 152.880.750101248,000.0014622LAA0 0.00 248,000.001317248,000.00 0.700FIDHMS 142.68 0.00 142.680.700101248,000.0031617CAV5 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:43 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 6 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest September 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 335,561.641318335,561.64DPME 0.00 0.00 0.00101309,160.82SYS1318 0.00 494,165.001319500,000.00 0.500USTR 207.18 0.00 207.180.510101494,165.0091282CBQ3 0.00 499,525.001320500,000.00 0.750USTR 307.43 0.00 307.430.749101499,525.0091282CBT7 0.00 997,060.0013211,000,000.00 0.750USTR 614.75 0.00 614.750.750101997,060.0091282CCF6 0.00 498,450.001322500,000.00 0.750USTR 307.43 0.00 307.430.750101498,450.0091282CBT7 0.00 497,095.001323500,000.00 0.750USTR 307.38 0.00 307.380.752101497,095.0091282CCF6 0.00 993,420.0013241,000,000.00 0.750FHLB 625.00 0.00 625.000.765101993,420.003130AMFS6 0.00 248,377.501325249,000.00 0.800VIBRNT 163.73 0.00 163.730.802101248,377.5092559TAJ7 0.00 248,000.001326248,000.00 1.000GLDMAN 203.83 0.00 203.831.000101248,000.0038149MXK4 0.00 248,000.001327248,000.00 1.000SALMAE 203.83 0.00 203.831.000101248,000.00795451AF0 0.00 248,000.001328248,000.00 0.400TABBK 81.53 0.00 81.530.400101248,000.0089388CEY0 0.00 248,000.001329248,000.00 0.400BKOZK 81.53 0.00 81.530.400101248,000.0006417NZQ9 0.00 498,000.001330500,000.00 0.710FFCB 295.84 0.00 295.840.723101498,000.003133EM2C5 0.00 249,000.001331249,000.00 0.700PENTGN 138.48 0.00 138.480.7001010.0070962LAF9 0.00 245,000.001332245,000.00 0.900SYNCHR 169.15 0.00 169.150.9001010.0087165ET98 0.00 245,000.001333245,000.00 0.650BMW 91.62 0.00 91.620.6501010.0005580AD50 0.00 248,000.001334248,000.00 0.800CONNEC 32.61 0.00 32.610.8001010.0020786ADL6 0.00 983,750.0013351,000,000.00 0.625USTR 33.97 0.00 33.970.6301010.0091282CCP4 0.00 988,500.0013361,000,000.00 0.750USTR 41.44 0.00 41.440.7651010.0091282CCW9 0.00 999,000.0013371,000,000.00 1.000FHLB 27.78 0.00 27.781.0151010.003130APBM6 0.00 991,080.0013381,000,000.00 0.800FFCB 66.67 0.00 66.670.8181010.003133EM4X7 0.00 165,470,110.41Subtotal 165,183,920.08 0.842 114,139.450.0095,779.45165,268,688.59 18,360.00 Fund: Fiscal Agent 1,437.4610581,437.46USBANK 15.77 0.00 15.770.00123113,504,009.36SYS1058 0.00 1,437.46Subtotal 1,437.46 0.001 15.770.0015.7713,504,009.36 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 354,571.061062354,571.06LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241349,633.36SYS1062 0.00 354,571.06Subtotal 354,571.06,633.36 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 10,589,325.37111310,589,325.37 0.206LAIF 2,102.91 0.00 2,102.910.24224910,589,325.3725-33-005 0.00 10,589,325.37Subtotal 10,589,325.37 0.242 2,102.910.002,102.9110,589,325.37 0.00 176,415,444.30Total 176,129,253.97 0.747 116,258.130.0097,898.13189,711,656.68 18,360.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:43 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. City of La Quinta -City of La Quinta Purchases Report Sorted by Security Type - Fund July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Original Par Value Ending Book Value Sec. TypeFund Maturity YTM Accrued Interest at PurchasePayment Periods DateCUSIPInvestment #Issuer Purchase Date Principal Purchased Rate at Purchase Money Market/Mutual Funds 0.00 0.000.0007/01/2021 09/30 - MonthlyDREYF1294X9USDDTP3LA4101 Subtotal 0.000.00 0.000.00 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 500,000.00 0.710 08/10/2026 498,000.00498,000.0008/10/2021 0.79202/10 - 08/10FFCB13303133EM2C5FAC101 1,000,000.00 0.800 09/10/2026 991,080.00991,080.00 Received09/28/2021 0.98503/10 - 09/10FFCB13383133EM4X7FAC101 1,000,000.00 1.000 09/30/2026 999,000.00999,000.0009/30/2021 1.02103/30 - 09/30FHLB13373130APBM6FAC101 Subtotal 2,488,080.002,488,080.00 0.002,500,000.00 Treasury Coupon Securities 1,000,000.00 0.625 07/31/2026 983,750.00983,750.00 Received09/29/2021 0.97001/31 - 07/31USTR133591282CCP4TRC101 1,000,000.00 0.750 08/31/2026 988,500.00988,500.00 Received09/29/2021 0.99002/28 - 08/31USTR133691282CCW9TRC101 Subtotal 1,972,250.001,972,250.00 0.002,000,000.00 Certificate of Deposits 249,000.00 0.800 06/30/2026 248,377.50248,377.50 Received07/02/2021 0.85207/28 - MonthlyVIBRNT132592559TAJ7MC1101 248,000.00 0.400 01/23/2025 248,000.00248,000.0007/23/2021 0.40108/23 - MonthlyTABBK132889388CEY0MC1101 248,000.00 1.000 07/28/2026 248,000.00248,000.0007/28/2021 1.00101/28 - 07/28GLDMAN132638149MXK4MC1101 248,000.00 1.000 07/28/2026 248,000.00248,000.0007/28/2021 1.00101/28 - 07/28SALMAE1327795451AF0MC1101 248,000.00 0.400 01/29/2025 248,000.00248,000.0007/29/2021 0.40108/29 - MonthlyBKOZK132906417NZQ9MC1101 249,000.00 0.700 09/02/2025 249,000.00249,000.0009/01/2021 0.68710/01 - MonthlyPENTGN133170962LAF9MC1101 245,000.00 0.900 09/03/2026 245,000.00245,000.0009/03/2021 0.90003/03 - 09/03SYNCHR133287165ET98MC1101 245,000.00 0.650 09/10/2024 245,000.00245,000.0009/10/2021 0.65103/10 - 09/10BMW133305580AD50MC1101 248,000.00 0.800 09/24/2026 248,000.00248,000.0009/24/2021 0.80010/24 - MonthlyCONNEC133420786ADL6MC1101 Subtotal 2,227,377.502,227,377.50 0.002,228,000.00 CERBT - OPEB Trust 2,050,951.37 2,047,746.822,050,951.3707/01/2021 12/31 - MonthlyCALPRS1114SYS1114LA2101 Subtotal 2,047,746.822,050,951.37 0.002,050,951.37 8,738,658.87Total Purchases 8,778,951.37 0.00 8,735,454.32 Received = Accrued Interest at Purchase was received by report ending date. Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:47 PU (PRF_PU) 7.1.1 Report Ver. City of La Quinta -City of La Quinta Sales/Call Report Sorted by Maturity Date - Fund July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Redem. Date Redemption Principal Redemption Interest Book Value at Redem. Total Amount Net IncomeFundMatur. Date Rate at Redem. Par ValueSec. TypeCUSIPInvestment # Issuer Purchase Date 08/04/2021 500,000.00 493,050.00 500,000.00 3,229.171079037833CC207/06/2021 503,229.17 10,179.17101APPL MC2 08/04/2021 06/12/2017 1.550 Call Subtotal 493,050.00 500,000.00 3,229.17500,000.00 503,229.17 10,179.17 02/24/2022 240,000.00 240,000.00 242,160.00 144.66106705580AGK409/03/2021 242,304.66 2,304.66101BMW MC1 02/24/2022 02/24/2017 2.200 Sale Subtotal 240,000.00 242,160.00 144.66240,000.00 242,304.66 2,304.66 04/26/2022 240,000.00 240,000.00 243,420.00 1,436.05107838148PJK407/26/2021 244,856.05 4,856.05101GLDMAN MC1 04/26/2022 04/26/2017 2.400 Sale Subtotal 240,000.00 243,420.00 1,436.05240,000.00 244,856.05 4,856.05 06/02/2022 240,000.00 240,000.00 243,720.00 1,404.49108087164XQV108/30/2021 245,124.49 5,124.49101SYNCHR MC1 06/02/2022 06/02/2017 2.400 Sale Subtotal 240,000.00 243,720.00 1,404.49240,000.00 245,124.49 5,124.49 06/21/2022 240,000.00 240,000.00 243,960.00 540.821083795450A7007/26/2021 244,500.82 4,500.82101SALMAE MC1 06/21/2022 06/21/2017 2.350 Sale Subtotal 240,000.00 243,960.00 540.82240,000.00 244,500.82 4,500.82 05/15/2023 240,000.00 240,000.00 248,400.00 421.15113491435LAG209/22/2021 248,821.15 8,821.15101UOFICU MC1 05/15/2023 05/14/2018 3.050 Sale Subtotal 240,000.00 248,400.00 421.15240,000.00 248,821.15 8,821.15 1,721,660.00Total Sales 1,700,000.00 7,176.341,693,050.00 1,728,836.34 35,786.34 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:52 SA (PRF_SA) 7.1.1 Report Ver. City of La Quinta -City of La Quinta Maturity Report Sorted by Maturity Date Amounts due during July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Rate at MaturityPar Value Sec. TypeFund Maturity Date Maturity ProceedsInterest Income Net CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchase Date Book Value at Maturity 240,000.00 1.850 240,364.93364.9307/14/2017CNTRL108515523RBJ4MC110107/14/2021 364.93240,000.00 240,000.00 3.100 240,305.75305.7508/15/2018GECRUN1150369674AV8MC110108/16/2021 305.75240,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1,008,500.008,500.0011/09/2017FFCB11053133EHWM1FAC10109/01/2021 16,300.00992,200.00 245,000.00 1.800 247,223.122,223.1209/27/2019NYCMBK1226649447TC3MC110109/27/2021 2,223.12245,000.00 1,736,393.80Total Maturities 1,725,000.00 11,393.801,717,200.00 19,193.80 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 12/13/2021 - 10:51 MA (PRF_MA) 7.1.1 Report Ver. US Treasury Rates https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/Pages/TextView.aspx?data=yieldYear&year=2021 Date 1 mo 2 mo 3 mo 6 mo 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 20 yr 30 yr Effective Rate of Return City Portfolio (month) 7/30/2021 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.19 0.35 0.69 1 1.24 1.81 1.89 0.74 8/30/2021 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.2 0.4 0.77 1.07 1.29 1.82 1.9 0.68 9/30/2021 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.28 0.53 0.98 1.32 1.52 2.02 2.08 0.75 City of La Quinta FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING: December 14, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE RECOMMENDATION OF HIGHWAY BRIDGE PROGRAM ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION FUNDING FOR THE DUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT NO. 2011-05 RECOMMENDATION Approve recommendation of Highway Bridge Program Advanced construction funding for the construction phase of the Dune Palms Road Bridge Project No. 2011-05. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The Caltrans sponsored Highway Bridge (HBP) Funding Program is oversubscribed for Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) 2020/21 and 2021/22. New programming capacity is unavailable at this time for new projects already in construction or ready to advertise. •In June 2021, Council directed staff to move forward with ‘at risk’ advance funding using the Caltrans Advance Construction Procedure for the construction phase of the Dune Palms Road Bridge Project (Project). •Funding is available from Unassigned Reserves and Measure G Reserves to provide Local Advance Construction funding. FISCAL IMPACT The City will be required to contribute $14,936,122 in Local Advance Construction funding. Staff recommends using a combination of both Unassigned Reserves and Measure G Reserves, due to the balances of these funds at FY 2020/21-year end. Staff will present the FAC recommendation to the City Council for appropriation of funding. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In November 2020, Caltrans advised that the HBP Funding Program had been oversubscribed for FFY 2020/21 and 2021/22 and there is no additional programming capacity for projects already in construction or ready to advertise. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 At the direction of the City Council in June 2021, the City has agreed to provide ’at risk‘ advance funding using the Advance Construction Procedure outlined in Section 3.7 of the Caltrans Local Procedures Manual. The Project schedule currently assumes we will be advertising the Project for construction in March 2022. The estimated overall cost of the Project is $24,189,652. These costs are separated into the following phases: Phase Estimated Cost New Bridge Federal Funding (Caltrans-HBP) Non-Participating Plus Local Share Engineering/Design $1,750,000 $1,549,275 $200,725 Right of Way $1,570,554 $1,166,825 $403,729 Construction $16,695,276 $11,241,037 $5,454,239 Const. Engineering $2,504,292 $2,217,050 $287,242 Contingency $1,669,530 $1,478,035 $191,495 Total Costs: $24,189,652 $17,652,222 $6,537,430 These costs include both participating (eligible for reimbursement) and non- participating costs. Currently, the following cost shares are anticipated: Caltrans-HBP Funding Share: $17,652,222 City of La Quinta Funding Share: $1,084,100 CVAG Funding Share: $5,395,230 CVWD Funding Share: $58,100 Total Cost: $24,189,652 The environmental, engineering/design and right-of-way phases are complete and are fully funded. The construction phase which includes Construction, Engineering, and Contingency is estimated at $20,869,098. The HBP Funding will ultimately contribute 88.53% or up to $14,936,122 toward eligible (Construction Phase) costs. This is the amount the City is required to advance. Staff recommends using a combination of Unassigned Reserves and Measure G Reserves for this advance funding due to their balances at the end of FY 2020/21. The City anticipates these funds to be reimbursed within two to five fiscal years The City’s non-reimbursed share of the construction phase will be $932,987. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer City of La Quinta FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING: December 14, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 MEASURE G SALES TAX COMPLIANCE REPORT RECOMMENDATION Receive and file fiscal year 2020/21 Measure G Sales Tax Compliance Report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Measure G revenue for fiscal year 2020/21 was $12,594,389 and the Measure G reserve balance as of June 30, 2021 was $15,128,658. •The Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) provides oversight of Measure G revenue and prepares an annual Measure G Sales Tax Oversight Report to ensure Measure G revenue is used in compliance with the ballot initiative. •This report will also be reviewed by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT - None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In accordance with the Measure G ballot measure, the FAC provides oversight of Measure G funds. This Measure G Report was prepared by the Finance Department with assistance from three FAC members (Commissioners Anderson, Campbell, and Way). The Annual Measure G Sales Tax Oversight Report for Fiscal Year 2020/21 (Attachment 1) covers the period from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, and provides a summary of the Measure G revenue and expenditures for the fiscal year, as well as an inception-to-date summary. ALTERNATIVES The FAC may request additional information before filing this Report. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachment: 1. Annual Measure G Sales Tax Oversight Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021 BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 2 ATTACHMENT 1 ANNUAL MEASURE G SALES TAX OVERSIGHT REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021 OVERVIEW The Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) provides oversight of Measure G tax revenue. This fifth Annual Measure G Sales Tax Oversight Report covers the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Exhibit A includes a detailed recap of all Measure G activity. Measure G is a 1% transactions tax applied to sales of taxable goods and is part of the overall 8.75% sales tax rate. It can apply to goods transferred at the point of sale (businesses within La Quinta City limits), but can also apply to goods that are purchased in other jurisdictions that are delivered to addresses within the City. Measure G revenue continues to help La Quinta thrive while focusing on the future financial health of the City. The funds assist with bringing the Sacred Values of La Quinta to fruition now and moving forward: Health and Wellness, High Quality Aesthetics, a Vibrant and Safe Community, a Visually Beautiful City and Cultural Diversity. Measure G ensures La Quinta will continue to be “The Gem of the Desert” for many years to come. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS •Since inception, over $19.6 million or 43% of Measure G funds have been allocated to improving citywide infrastructure and public recreational facilities. •Public safety services are a priority of La Quinta and have been supported with Measure G funds. •Fiscally responsible budgeting, prudent long-term financial projections, funds oversight, and financial transparency have strengthened the City’s reserves since the implementation of Measure G in April 2017. FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 REVENUES Total Measure G sales tax revenue for fiscal year 2020/21 was $12,594,389, which was stronger than initially anticipated when budgeted. Despite some business activity being restricted due to COVID-19, discretionary income that might have been spent on services was funneled to goods purchases. Coupled with increases in income that were the result of economic stimulus payments, this led to higher spending on such purchases as home office supplies, furniture, electronics, and home improvements, as well as increases in online spending for general consumables. Retailers that were able to offer ship-to- home, ship-to-store, or buy-online-pick-up-locally in general benefitted from stay-at-home orders. REVENUES SINCE INCEPTION The chart below summarizes Measure G revenue received from fiscal years 2016/17 to 2020/21. Revenue received in 2019/20 was lower than the previous year due to COVID-19 pandemic impacts, such as the closure of businesses deemed ‘non-essential’ by statewide orders. However, revenue rebounded in 2020/21 due to the factors noted above, as well as the general reopening of the economy. FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 USES The fiscal year 2020/21 operational expenses and capital improvements were prioritized, and the budget included a prudent reserve allocation for operational flexibility. The impacts of COVID-19 did not alter essential funding for public safety or capital projects. By allocating some revenue to reserves, the City is able to maintain ongoing service levels, while also being prepared in the event of any unforeseen decreases in revenues as were experienced in 2019/20. USES SINCE INCEPTION Each year in January, the City hosts a community workshop to either affirm or determine the next year’s budget priorities. Staff then evaluates funding options such as grants, interagency cost sharing, or use of reserves. Public safety services have been a community priority since before Measure G, and with the support of this additional revenue, the City has been able to maintain the public safety service levels the community desires. The chart below summarizes the uses, since the inception, of Measure G funds. The majority ($19.6 million, or 43%) of these funds are for projects to improve citywide infrastructure and public recreational facilities. $- $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Revenues Since Inception $45,293,340 • Public Safety use shows the City’s continuing commitment to provide all residents with a safe living environment. • Infrastructure improvement projects have included numerous road repairs, street striping projects, drainage improvements to avoid street flooding, an investment in Highway 111 (a crucial commercial corridor for our City where a majority of sales taxes are generated), an overhaul of landscape medians north of Highway 111, and the design of an updated corporate yard administrative and crew quarters. • Recreation projects have included funding for the new X-Park adjacent to the La Quinta high school, the SilverRock event site, and the design of a new future Village Art Plaza Promenade connected to the La Quinta Museum. • Measure G reserves reflect fiscal responsibility and allow for operational flexibility by ensuring cash is available for public safety services and capital improvement projects when they are most efficient to complete. The chart below summarizes citywide infrastructure improvements and recreational projects, totaling $19,619,682, funded with Measure G revenues. MEASURE G BACKGROUND AND COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Voters passed Ballot Measure G in November 2016. Measure G provides a permanent one percent transaction and use tax, effective April 1, 2017, which is fully allocated to the City of La Quinta and protected from State takeaways. All Measure G revenues shall be used in accordance with the ballot measure for costs including police protection, projects such as parks, streets, landscaping, and flood mitigation, programs attracting businesses, youth/senior services, sports recreation programs, and preserving property values and quality of life. This report concludes all Measure G tax revenues are properly recorded and are being used in accordance with the ballot measure. Prior oversight reports and information on Measure G are located online at https://www.laquintaca.gov/business/tax-measure. Questions regarding this report or the use of Measure G funds may be directed to the Finance Department by calling 760-777-7150 or by email at finance@laquintaca.gov. Exhibit A Fiscal Year (FY) REVENUES 2016/17 Actual 1,462,650$ 2017/18 Actual 9,967,657 2018/19 Actual 10,958,118 2019/20 Actual 10,310,526 2020/21 Actual 12,594,389 TOTAL 45,293,340$ Year Earned Reserve Allocation Year Operational Capital Reserves Total by Year 2016/17 Eisenhower Dr. Retention Basin 201704MG 750,000 Measure G Reserves 16/17 (X-Park Funding) 151609MG 712,650 - 1,462,650 2017/18 Public Safety Fund 300,000 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 1,802,576 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 151612MG 2,407,373 La Quinta Village Road Diet Project 151603MG 1,972,158 2018/19 X-Park Funding 151609MG 147,350 2019/20 Alongi Building Improvements 800,000 2019/20 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 321,900 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 244,700 2020/21 Alongi Building at SilverRock Event Site 160,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 290,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site Retention Basin 202007MG 10,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site Retention Basin 202007MG 427,250 Measure G Reserves 17/18 1,084,350 9,967,657 2018/19 Public Safety Fund 850,000 Public Safety Contract Services 2,100,000 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 151612MG 194,730 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603 MG 2,129,613 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 1,300,000 Measure G Reserves 18/19 4,383,775 10,958,118 2019/20 Public Safety Contract Services 2,750,000 Corporate Yard Administration/Crew Quarters 201805MG 411,013 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 1,000,000 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 3,703,369 Village Art Plaza Promenade 201901MG 310,000 Measure G Reserves 19/20 2,136,144 10,310,526 2020/21 Public Safety Contract Services 4,545,000 X-Park Landscaping 151609MG 275,000 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 250,000 Measure G Reserves 20/21 7,524,389 12,594,389 TOTAL 10,545,000$ 19,619,682$ 15,128,658$ 45,293,340$ 23%43%33% MEASURE G REVENUES AND USES SUMMARY MEASURE G USES City of La Quinta FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING: December 14, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPOINT TWO FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSIONERS TO SERVE ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Appoint two Financial Advisory Commissioners to serve on the Fiscal Year 2022/23 General Fund Operating Budget Subcommittee. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The annual General Fund operating budget includes the use of Measure G sales taxes with oversight by the Financial Advisory Commission (FAC). •Staff recommends the FAC appoint two Commissioners to serve on a subcommittee to discuss revenue and expense projections for fiscal year (FY) 2022/23. •The subcommittee shall prepare a report and present key findings to FAC on April 6, 2022. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Measure G was approved on November 8, 2016 and adopted by resolution on December 20, 2016 with an effective date of April 1, 2017. Additional funds generated by the Measure are subject to citizen oversight by the FAC. Each year the General Fund operating budget includes revenue projections and uses of Measure G funds. City staff recommends appointing two Commissioners to the subcommittee to review the FY 2022/23 General Fund projections. Staff and the subcommittee shall present a report to FAC on April 6, 2022, for discussion. Staff anticipates the time commitment for the subcommittee to be two, two-hour virtual meetings during the months of February and March. The review will include the following: 1.An overview of how the City’s budget is formulated. 2.A review of all General Fund revenue projections. 3.A review of all General Fund uses. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3 4.A review of Special Funds dependent on contributions from the General Fund such as the SilverRock Golf Course Fund, Landscape and Lighting District Fund, and the Gas Tax Fund. 5.Proposed uses of Measure G sales tax revenue. ALTERNATIVES The subcommittee may be comprised of up to three commissioners. Prepared by: Claudia Martinez, Interim Finance Director City of La Quinta FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Financial Advisory Commissioners FROM: Claudia Martinez, Interim Finance Director DATE: December 14, 2021 SUBJECT: COMMUNITY WORKSHOP IN JANUARY The City’s Annual Community Workshop is anticipated to be held on Saturday, January 29, 2022, at the Wellness Center. All Commissioners are encouraged to attend this meeting which is typically held from 9:00am to 12:00noon. The meeting marks the start of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022/23 Operating and the FY 2022/23 through 2026/27 Capital Improvement Program Budgets. The meeting typically includes an overview of accomplishments from the prior FY, a discussion of reserves and financial projections, upcoming priorities, challenges, and capital project considerations which are presented to the Community for input prior to evaluating funding sources. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Financial Advisory Commissioners FROM: Claudia Martinez, Interim Finance Director DATE: December 14, 2021 SUBJECT: FINANCE DEPARTMENT CURRENT AND FUTURE INITIATIVES In addition to items presented as staff reports, the Finance Department would like to provide updates on the following matters. AUDIT & FINANCIAL REPORTING • Completed the Annual FY 2020/21 Measure A Local Streets and Roads Audit and filed the required report with the Riverside County Transportation Commission. • Completed the Annual FY 2020/21 Street and Road Improvement Audit and filed the required report with the State Controller’s Office. • Ongoing: Citywide Comprehensive fiscal year 2020/21 Audit COMMITTEE UPDATES • Completed the Annual Measure G Sales Tax Oversight Compliance Report for FY 2020/21 • 10 Year Financial Projections (Commissioners Batavick, Way)- In Progress • Reserve Policy Update (Spring of 2022) o Coordination with the City Clerk’s office PERSONNEL UPDATES Effective December 20, 2021, Claudia Martinez will serve as the Finance Director/City Treasurer for the City of La Quinta. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 2 POWER POINTS FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 14, 2021 12/14/2021 1 Financial Advisory Commission Special Meeting 12/14/2021 1 2 12/14/2021 2 Financial Advisory Commission Special Meeting 12/14/2021 B1 – Dune Palms Road Bridge Advance Construction Funding Background •November 2020 –HBP funding challenges and oversubscribed •May 2021 –HBP Funding constraint presentation to FAC •June 2021 –Council Direction to move forward with Advance Construction Procedures •Project ‘shovel ready’ for construction March 2022 3 4 12/14/2021 3 Bridge – Total Cost Phase Estimated Cost New Bridge Federal Funding (Caltrans-HBP) Non-Participating Plus Local Share Engineering/Design $1,750,000 $1,549,275 $200,275 Right of Way $1,570,554 $1,166,825 $403,729 Construction $16,695,276 $11,241,037 $5,454,239 Const. Engineering $2,504,292 $2,217,050 $287,242 Contingency $1,669,530 $1,478,035 $191,495 Total Costs:$24,189,652 $17,652,222 $6,537,430 Agency Funding Share Caltrans-HBP Funding Share:$17,652,222 City of La Quinta Funding Share:$1,084,100 CVAG Funding Share:$5,395,230 CVWD Funding Share:$58,100 Total Cost:$24,189,652 Bridge - Construction Phase Phase Estimated Cost New Bridge Federal Funding (Caltrans-HBP) Non-Participating Plus Local Share Construction $16,695,276 $11,241,037 $5,454,239 Const. Engineering $2,504,292 $2,217,050 $287,242 Contingency $1,669,530 $1,478,035 $191,495 Total Costs:$20,869,098 $14,936,122 $5,932,976 Agency Funding Share Caltrans-HBP Funding Share:$14,936,122 City of La Quinta Funding Share:$932,987 CVAG Funding Share:$4,941,889 CVWD Funding Share:$58,100 Total Cost:$20,869,098 5 6 12/14/2021 4 Advance Funding Recommendation •Unassigned Reserves •Measure G Reserves Current Proposed Use Remaining Unassigned $15,500,367 $5,000,000 $10,500,367 Measure G $13,151,469 $4,936,122 $8,215,347 Capital $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 Total $38,651,836 $14,936,122 $23,715,714 Current Proposed Use Remaining Unassigned $15,500,367 $7,500,367 $8,000,000 Measure G $13,151,469 $2,435,755 $10,715,714 Capital $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 Total $38,651,836 $14,936,122 $23,715,714 Current Proposed Use Remaining Unassigned $15,500,367 $7,500,367 $8,000,000 Measure G $13,151,469 $7,435,755 $5,715,714 Total $28,651,836 $14,936,122 $13,715,714 Funding Options as  Presented to Council  6/15/2021 •Funds are available in  Unassigned, Measure G and  Capital Improvement  Reserves •Funds could be allocated  from a combination of  categories  7 8 12/14/2021 5 Updated Reserves Projections 2020/21 June Projected Ending Balance as Presented to City Council June 15, 2021 $13,151,469 2020/21 June 30, 2021 Actual Ending Balance $15,128,658 2021/22 Adopted Budget- Reserve Allocation $3,578,644 2021/22 June 30, 2022 Projected Ending Balance $18,707,302 2019/20 June 30, 2020 Actual Ending Balance $19,094,651 2020/21 2nd Quarter Allocation to Reserve Categories ($8,160,000) 2020/21 RDA Loan Repayment $2,591,066 2020/21 Projected Budget Revenue Surplus $1,000,000 2020/21 Projected Budget Expenditure Savings $4,400,000 2020/21 June Projected Ending Balance as Presented to City Council June 15, 2021 $15,500,367 2020/21 June 30, 2021 Projected Ending Balance $18,925,717 2021/22 RDA Loan Repayment $2,642,888 2021/22 June 30, 2022 Projected Ending Balance $21,568,605 Measure G Reserves Unassigned Reserves Proposed Funding Option Current Proposed Use Remaining 2021/22 Allocation Projected June 30, 2022 Unassigned $18,925,717 $7,468,061 $11,457,656 $2,642,888 $14,100,544 Measure G $15,128,658 $7,468,061 $7,660,597 $3,578,644 $11,239,241 Total $34,054,375 $14,936,122 $19,118,253 $6,221,532 $25,339,785 9 10 12/14/2021 6 QUESTIONS The Financial Advisory Commission’s Next Regular Quarterly Meeting is on February 9, 2022 11 12