M.W. Steele Group - Cost Proposal 1805 Newton Ave, San Diego, CA 92113 | (619)230-0325 Submitted By: MW Steele Group Michael Paluso Managing Principal 1805 Newton Ave, Suite A San Diego, CA 92113 619-230-0325 x4241 michael@mwsteele.com City of La Quinta Attn: Julie Mignogna Management Analyst 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760-777-7041 jmignogna@LaQuintaCA.gov Submitted To: La Quinta Cultural Campus Planning and Design Services Project No. 2019-01 | Cost Proposal Fees | Overall Total Fees | Architectural Breakdown AArrcchhiitteecctt ((MMSS))PPrriinncciippaall PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeerr DDeessiiggnneerr II--IIII $$260 $180 $150 $120 Task 1.00 Master Planning 1.01 Site visit/photography 3 3 3 9 1,770.00$ 1.02 Review Village Plan & EIR 2 4 6 2 14 2,380.00$ 1.03 Site/Context Analysis (Initial Draft) 1 4 6 11 1,500.00$ 1.04 Review Site CA w/ City Staff 2 2 2 2 8 1,420.00$ 1.05 Programming mtg. w/ City Staff 3 6 3 12 1,800.00$ 1.06 Bubble Diagramming - Program Sizes & Adjacencies 2 2 14 16 34 4,900.00$ 1.07 Circulation Analysis 1 2 6 6 15 2,240.00$ 1.08 Community Outreach 4 8 8 16 36 5,600.00$ 1.09 Refinement of Concepts/3D Sketches 2 8 16 32 58 8,200.00$ 1.10 Review Master Plan with city Staff 1 1 1 1 4 710.00$ 1.11 Incorporate Final Feedback 1 6 16 32 55 7,580.00$ 1.12 Issue Phase 1 Deliverable for approval 1 4 5 630.00$ SUBTOTAL 18 40 83 120 2261 38,730.000$ Task 2.00 Site Improvements 2.01 Meeting w. City & Museum Staff 2 2 2 6 1,180.00$ 2.02 Prepare 3 Initial Site Concepts 4 8 24 60 96 13,280.00$ 2.03 1st Sub-consultant Coordination Mtg. 2 8 2 12 1,800.00$ 2.04 Review Initial Concepts w/ Staff 2 2 2 2 8 1,420.00$ 2.05 Incorporate Feedback into Plans 1 6 24 31 3,960.00$ 2.06 Develop 3D Studies & Renderings 1 2 2 36 41 5,240.00$ 2.07 2nd Sub-consultant Coordination Mtg. 2 8 2 12 1,800.00$ 2.08 Prepare revised SI plans for staff review 1 2 16 40 59 7,820.00$ 2.09 Review Revised Concepts w/ Staff 2 2 2 2 8 1,420.00$ 2.10 Incorporate Feedback into Plans 1 1 6 24 32 4,220.00$ 2.11 3rd Sub-consultant Coordination Mtg. 2 8 2 12 1,800.00$ 2.12 Prepare final Prelim Plans 4 8 16 40 68 9,680.00$ 2.13 Outline Specifications 2 24 16 42 5,880.00$ 2.14 Final Site Improvements Presentation 2 2 2 2 8 1,420.00$ SUBTOTAL 19 38 126 252 435 60,920.000$ Task 3.00 Cultural/Historic Archiving 3.01 Programming & mtg. w/ City Staff 2 4 8 8 22 3,400.00$ 3.02 Prepare Detailed Scope & Program 1 4 6 4 15 2,360.00$ 3.03 Preview Program w/ City Staff 2 2 2 2 8 1,420.00$ 3.04 Develop Initial Plans (3 Options) 4 8 12 24 48 7,160.00$ 3.05 Coordination w/ Sub-Consultants 2 8 2 12 1,800.00$ 3.06 Develop 3D Studies 2 2 6 24 34 4,660.00$ 3.07 Review meeting w/ City Staff 2 2 2 2 8 1,420.00$ 3.08 Incorporate Feedback into Plans 1 2 8 24 35 4,700.00$ 3.09 2nd Sub-consultant Coordination Mtg. 2 8 2 12 1,800.00$ 3.10 Outline Specifications/MEP B.O.D. 4 16 12 32 4,560.00$ 3.11 Final C/HA Design Presentation 2 2 2 2 8 1,420.00$ SUBTOTAL 16 34 78 106 2234 34,700.000$ Task 4.00 Overall Project Management 4.01 Master Planning Project Management 16 16 2,400.00$ 4.02 Site Improvements Proj. Mgmt. 18 18 2,700.00$ 4.03 Cultural/Historic Archiving Proj. Mgmt. 14 14 2,100.00$ SUBTOTAL 48 448 7,200.000$ HOURS FEE ARCHITECTURE TOTALS 930 141,550.00$ Subtotal Hourss Subtotal Fees Phase 1 Planning Phase 2 Preliminary Design Phase1 Planning $41,130 $10,840 $18,750 - - $13,200 $5,000 $$88,920 Phase 2 Preliminary Design $100,420 $15,390 $26,170 $29,950 $14,500 $15,840 $20,000 $$222,270 TOTAL:$141,550 $26,230 $44,920 $29,950 $14,500 $29,040 $25,000 $311,190 TOTALSPHASEARCHITECTUREMISC. SUB- CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGINEERING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MEP ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATION Cost Proposal |2 We have included all of the major sub-consultants. A project of this nature will undoubtedly involve miscellaneous sub-constultants. We have included a Not-to Exceed budget here to accommodate for this. SSenior Project DDeessiiggnneerr PProject Manager Flat Fee $150 $180 Task 1.00 Master Planning 1.01 Site visit 6 6 1,080.00$ 1.02 Research 10 2 12 1,860.00$ 1.03 Topographic Survey $7,900 7,900.00$ SUBTOTAL 10 8 18 10,840.00$ Task 2.00 Site Improvements 2.01 Site Plan 30 10 40 6,300.00$ 2.02 Civil Cost Estimate 6 2 8 1,260.00$ 2.03 Utility Coordination 2 4 6 1,020.00$ SUBTOTAL 38 16 54 8,580.00$ Task 3.00 Cultural/Historic Archiving 3.01 Site Plan 25 10 35 5,550.00$ 3.02 Civil Cost Estimate 6 2 8 1,260.00$ SUBTOTAL 31 12 43 6,810.00$ HOURS FEE CIVIL ENGINEERING TOTALS 115 26,230.00$ Subtotal Hourss Subtotal Fees Phase 1 Planning - Civil Engineering Phase 2 Preliminary Design - Civil Engineering PPrriinncciippaall SSeenniioorr PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeerr Project Manager PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall SSttaaffff $240 $190 $160 $120 Task 1.00 Master Planning 1.01 Client Iterview 4 4 8 1,720.00$ 1.02 Synthesis of digital bases 2 2 4 560.00$ 1.03 Site visit / Site invertory 4 4 4 1 13 2,480.00$ 1.04 Coordination 1 1 4 2 8 1,310.00$ 1.05 Base file creation 2 8 10 1,280.00$ 1.06 Site program development 4 4 4 2 14 2,600.00$ 1.07 Site master plan development 4 8 4 4 20 3,600.00$ 1.08 Meetings 8 8 8 4 28 5,200.00$ SUBTOTAL 25 29 28 23 1105 18,750.000$ Task 2.00 Site Improvements 2.01 Design alternatives 4 24 8 8 44 7,760.00$ 2.02 Illustrative concept plan 1 1 4 24 30 3,950.00$ 2.03 Illustrative plant imagery 1 1 2 6 10 1,470.00$ 2.04 3D model production 2 8 10 1,280.00$ 2.05 Presentation 1 1 2 8 12 1,710.00$ 2.06 Revisions 4 16 20 2,560.00$ 2.07 Coordination 8 4 12 1,760.00$ 2.08 Meetings 8 8 8 8 32 5,680.00$ SUBTOTAL 6 26 38 82 884 26,170.000$ HOURS FEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE TOTALS 118899 4444,992200..0000$ Subtotal Hourss Subtotal Fees Phase 2 Preliminary Design - Landscape Architecture Phase 1 Planning - Landscape Architecture PPrriinncciippaall Senior Project MMaannaaggeerr PPrroojjeecctt EEnnggiinneeeerr DDeessiiggnn EEnnggiinneeeerr PPrroojjeecctt DDrraafftteerr AAddmmiinn $250 $205 $155 $140 $165 $95 Task 2.00 Site Improvements 2.01 Existing Buildings 4 16 40 40 16 4 120 19,100.00$ 2.02 New Structures 4 24 10 10 12 60 10,850.00$ SUBTOTAL 8 40505028 4180 29,950.00$ HOURS FEE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TOTALS 180 29,950.00$ Phase 2 Preliminary Design - Structural Engineering Subtotal Hourss Subtotal Fees Principal EEnnggiinneeeerr Senior Project MMaannaaggeerr EEnnggiinneeeerr DDeessiiggnneerr AutoCAD TTeecchhnniicciiaann AAddmmiinn $200 $160 $140 $120 $100 $60 Task 2.00 Site Improvements 2.01 Basis of design interior/exterior lighting 4 7 5 1 17 2,680.00$ 2.02 BOD for power, AV and wifi components, including music 4 8 4 1 17 2,700.00$ 2.03 Review exist MEP at Lumberyard 16 1 17 2,620.00$ SUBTOTAL 8 31 9 0 0 3 551 8,000.000$ Task 3.00 Cultural/Historic Archiving 3.01 Provide Conceptual Basis of Design for Archive Storage 10 14 11 5 2 42 6,500.00$ SUBTOTAL 10 14 42 6,500.000$ HOURS FEEE MEP ENGINEERING TOTALS 93 14,500.00$ Phase 2 Preliminary Design - MEP Engineering Subtotal Hourss Subtotal Fees Fees | Sub-Consultant Breakdown Cost Proposal |3 PProject Estimator $$165 Task 2.00 Site Improvements 2.01 Predesign conference/mtg Site walk / scope mtg Conceptual material breakdown Qty pricing / historical data Estimate recap/review & adjust Assume 30% completion for design Team check-in’s 96 96 15,840.00$ SUBTOTAL 96 996 15,840.00$ Task 3.00 Cultural/Historic Archiving 3.01 Predesign conference/mtg Site walk / scope mtg Conceptual material breakdown Qty pricing / historical data Estimate recap/review & adjust Assume 30% completion for design Team check-in’s 80 80 13,200.00$ SUBTOTAL 80 880 13,200.00$ HOURS FEE K^d^d/Dd/KEdKd>^176 29,040.00$ Subtotal FeesSubtotal Hours Phase 2 Preliminary Design - Cost Estimation Fees | Sub-Consultant Breakdown Cont’d Cost Proposal |4