T.Y.LIN International - Dune Palm Bridge Project 2011-05FEDERAL PROJECT NO. - BRKLS-5433(014) CITY PROJECT NO. - 2011-05 DECEMBER 6TH, 2021 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES DUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS WORK PROPOSAL COVER LETTER STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH PROJECT SCHEDULE SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM APPENDICES SIGNED NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STAFF RESUMES EXPANDED SCHEDULE DBE FORMS ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 0 1 8 23 24 TABLE OF CONTENTS An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V 3633 East Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite 900 | Ontario, CA 91764 | T 909.912.6900 | www.tylin.com December 6, 2021 Julie Mignogna Management Analyst, Public Works Department City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Proposal to Provide Construction Management and Inspection Services for Dune Palms Road Bridge Project, Federal Project No. BRKLS-5433(014), City Project No. 2011-05 Dear Ms. Mignogna: The City of La Quinta (City) is approaching the final phase of this important project that will provide a safe, all weather crossing for pedestrians and motorists over the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel (CVSWC). Ultimate completion of the Dune Palms Road Bridge project will improve sight distance on Dune Palms Road, provide a safe separation between motorists and pedestrians, and most importantly, prevent future closures of Dune Palms Road at the CVSWC, known as the Whitewater River, due to high water levels during storms. Over the past 10 years, T.Y. Lin International (TYLI) has been a consistent presence in the Coachella Valley, providing construction management and inspection services on high-profile transportation projects. Our experience and lessons learned from these recent complex bridge and roadway projects are demonstrated in this proposal. You will see that the TYLI team has the precise expertise needed for this project, a thorough understanding of the issues, and a well-organized plan to move forward. The success of the Dune Palms Road Bridge will be defined by three primary measures: 1 Safe and functional movement of vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic through the project during construction 2 Effective coordination with utility owners and permitting agencies to avoid needless construction delays 3 Maintaining the planned construction schedule and avoiding needless delays over unresolved technical issues The TYLI team offers the City the precise assets to meet these challenges. The City will gain a team with demonstrated experience, local knowledge, and technical expertise to: y Assure maximum ease of use and public safety throughout each stage of construction. y Contact, plan and coordinate with utility owners to minimize schedule impacts. y Recognize and address potential construction issues before they become critical to the schedule. THE TYLI TEAM ADVANTAGE — THE PEOPLE y A PROACTIVE PROJECT MANAGER WITH PROVEN SUCCESS. The technical and coordination challenges of this project will require strong and experienced project leadership. The TYLI team will be led by Project Manager, Joseph Smith, PE, CCM, who has 30 years of experience working on bridge and transportation projects in Southern California. He recently served as Project Manager/Resident Engineer on the $43.2 million I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements project in the City of Indio. In addition, Mr. Smith is currently the Project Manager for the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge over CVSWC and was the Project Manager/Resident Engineer for the Adams Street Bridge Improvements and Project Manager/Resident Engineer for the City of Indio’s Federally Funded Construction Management On-call Contract which included retrofit of the Southbound (SB) Indio Boulevard Overhead (OH), Jackson Street Bridge over Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), the Jackson Street Bridge over CVSWC, and the Indio Boulevard Bridges over CVSWC. y A HANDS ON, TECHNICALLY PROFICIENT RESIDENT ENGINEER. TYLI’s Resident Engineer/Structures Representative, John Buckley, PE, is a former Caltrans District 59, Structures Construction employee, has 31 years of experience and has been intermittently working in Coachella Valley for the past 10 years. Mr. Buckley is currently serving as the Deputy Resident Engineer/Structures Representative on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge over An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V 3633 East Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite 900 | Ontario, CA 91764 | T 909.912.6900 | www.tylin.com CVSWC and recently served as the Structures Representative on the Adams Street Bridge Improvements project in the City of La Quinta. Mr. Buckley has also served as the Structures Representative for the City of Indio’s retrofit of SB Indio Boulevard OH, Jackson Street Bridge over UPRR, Jackson Street Bridge over CVSWC and Resident Engineer/ Structures Representative for the Indio Boulevard Bridges over CVSWC. Mr. Buckley also served with Mr. Smith as the Structures Representative on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements and Structures Representative on the Airport Boulevard Grade Separation for the Riverside County Transportation Department (RCTD) in the City of Thermal. In addition to his roadway and structures experience, Mr. Buckley has provided inspection services to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) on large water pipeline projects, including inspection of sewer line relocations, and previously served as Project Manager for a dirt hauling company. y A DYNAMIC SUPPORT TEAM WITH EXPERIENCE IN COACHELLA VALLEY. Alex Naime, PE, QSD/QSP, of Falcon Engineering, will serve as Assistant Structures Representative/Assistant Resident Engineer. Mr. Naime has 35 years of experience on bridge, roadway, utility, and drainage projects. He is currently serving with Mr. Buckley as the Assistant Structures Representative/Assistant Resident Engineer on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge over CVSWC. Mr. Naime’s experience on large Department of Transportation projects, coupled with small local agency projects, provides the team with the experience to assist with inspection of all roadway and bridge construction items. TYLI’s Office Engineer, Cathleen Ma, PE, served as Office Engineer on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project and is familiar with all the contract administration duties required on this project. TYLI subconsultant partners provide the needed technical resources for comprehensive coverage of all quality assurance items to satisfy the City’s goal for a safe, quality project that adheres to federal funding requirements. TYLI’s Wade Durant, PE, will provide as- needed technical assistance. He has worked on more than 60 bridges in Southern California and his expertise is an invaluable asset to the project. Curtis Musashi, EIT, will provide as-needed inspection for structures, roadway, and utility construction and John Kannor of Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc. (DESI) will provide electrical inspection. THE TYLI TEAM ADVANTAGE – THE EXPERIENCE y Mr. Smith and Mr. Buckley successfully managed the Adams Street Bridge Improvements project, gaining valuable experience that applies directly to the potential issues on the Dune Palms Road Bridge project. It’s not a stretch to say that we’ve already managed this project one mile down the Whitewater River when we provided construction management and inspection services for the Adams Street Bridge Improvements—a project virtually identical to this one. The TYLI team successfully managed traffic near La Quinta High School, successfully relocated and worked around numerous utilities, coordinated with Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), managed construction of bike lanes associated with the CV Link and worked tirelessly with the City to deliver the project despite the failure of the selected contractor. y TYLI understands the importance of a comprehensive public outreach campaign to maintain awareness of traffic closures, switches, and signal modifications on projects within dense traffic locations like the Dune Palms Road Bridge project. TYLI used an active and successful outreach campaign on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project that included I-10 mainline and ramp closures on a daily basis. The Adams Street Bridge Improvements project included stage construction adjacent to La Quinta High School and residential properties and through the identical busy north-south corridor over the Whitewater River. Our team used print media, a web-cam, and a project Facebook page to connect local residents to the project and disseminate information on major shifts in traffic or temporary closures. Our team’s public outreach firm, Connect and Company will provide the same excellent services on this project. y TYLI and all of our teaming partners have experience working in Coachella Valley. We understand the nuances of working in the area and understand that residents live in La Quinta because of its beauty and proximity to many attractions. Our Team will endeavor to minimize traffic impacts and disruptions to the community. Assistant Resident Engineers/Assistant Structures Representatives all live in Riverside County as well, including Curtis Musashi, who lives in Indio. TYLI is committed to meeting the participation goals for the City’s contract. TYLI will meet the City’s 17% disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) participation goal for this project based on the proposed scope of work. To augment our capabilities, we have partnered with qualified specialty consultant firms and individuals who have worked with TYLI on recent projects. They provide the required experience to support this project. These firms offer local knowledge, a proven record of client satisfaction, reliability, and depth of resources. Our subconsultant partners include the following: An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V 3633 East Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite 900 | Ontario, CA 91764 | T 909.912.6900 | www.tylin.com SUBCONSULTANT FIRM DBE STATUS ROLE/RESPONSIBILITIES Falcon Engineering Assistant Resident Engineer/Assistant Structures Representative Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc.DBE Electrical/Signal Inspection, Labor Compliance AESCO DBE Materials Testing and Inspection EarthSpectives CIDH Piling Acceptance Testing CL Surveying & Mapping DBE Surveying Connect & Company DBE Public Outreach ZT Consulting Group, Inc.Source Inspection ECORP Consulting, Inc.Environmental Compliance Our detailed project research and a well-planned approach gives the TYLI team a head start. Mr. Smith and Mr. Buckley have visited the project site several times over the past year and have a solid understanding of the project requirements. To demonstrate our in-depth knowledge of the project and project issues, we have included a construction activity schedule and scope of work in this proposal. By selecting TYLI, the City will benefit from a team who is ready to hit the ground running with no learning curves. It is our understanding the construction phase of the Dune Palms Road Bridge project will commence in June 2022. This is perfect timing and will allow our team to make the Dune Palms Road Bridge project a top priority. The other team members are committed to the project up to 100 percent and are highly dedicated to successful project completion. TYLI has reviewed the City’s Standard Professional Services Agreement and agrees to execute this agreement if selected. TYLI carries the insurance coverage required by the City’s agreement and will provide certificates of insurance. TYLI acknowledges and will comply with the required pre-award audit in accordance with Caltrans requirements and procedures. We will fulfill the City’s audit request to support this contract. Mr. Smith is the primary contact for the remainder of the selection process and project duration. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss our proposal with you in person. Sincerely, T.Y. Lin International Joseph S. Smith, PE, CCM James Rucker, PE Project Manager Principal-in-Charge Vice President Vice President CONTACT INFORMATION T.Y. Lin International Joseph S. Smith, PE, CCM 3633 East Inland Empire Boulevard Suite 900 Ontario, CA 91764 T. 909.912.6900 joseph.smith@tylin.com FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 1 The TYLI team understands the City’s project challenges and believes our experience, knowledge of the local vicinity, and spirit of team collaboration are essential to develop a successful project and partnership. We have selected a team familiar to the City with the passion and commitment to successfully complete this project. This section highlights our team qualifications and advantages in the following areas: TEAM OVERVIEW TEAM ORGANIZATION SUBCONSULTANT PARTNERS RELEVANT TEAM EXPERIENCE Synopsis of Team Qualifications Description of Our Team Organization and Key Personnel Qualifications Summary of Qualifications Overview of Similar Experience TEAM OVERVIEW TYLI is a California based transportation engineering company that employs 3,000 people in 50 offices throughout the world. In California, we employ 238 engineers and construction professionals, making TYLI one of the largest transportation firms in the state. We offer the depth of resources, proven track record of performance, and firm commitment to deliver quality services. TYLI, in conjunction with our subconsultants, will provide the City of La Quinta a team of experienced individuals with the skill sets necessary to fully respond to the technical and administrative requirements. Our team was carefully selected to provide: y Experience in construction management and inspection in accordance with Caltrans practices and procedures. y Depth of experiences that are relevant to the specific construction challenges of this project. y Proven local experience in the City of La Quinta and throughout Coachella Valley. y Proven experience in federal funding project requirements. These benefits result in a hands-on knowledgeable team that will efficiently execute construction management, complete project records and reporting for sign-off by Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and simplify the City’s oversight during this project. CALTRANS KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE Our team’s Project Manager, Joseph Smith, and Resident Engineer/Structures Representative, John Buckley, were previously employed at Caltrans District 59 as Bridge Structure Representatives, and thoroughly know the Caltrans construction system. A majority of projects they managed were administered in accordance with the Caltrans Construction Manual. Both professionals will be proactive in resolving any project challenges to maintain the project momentum. DEPTH OF RELEVANT EXPERTISE Mr. Smith has 30 years of experience and has served as Project Manager on several local and high-profile construction projects including the Adams Street Bridge Improvements in the City of La Quinta, Jackson Street Bridge over Indio Boulevard and UPRR Seismic Retrofit in the City of Indio, and the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange in the City of Indio. Mr. Buckley has 31 years of experience and served as Structures Representative on the Adams Street Bridge Improvements, Jackson Street Bridge Retrofit, and the Airport Boulevard Grade Separation in Thermal. He recently supported Mr. Smith as Structures Representative on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project and is currently serving as the Resident Engineer/Structures Representative on the Cathedral Canton Drive Bridge project in Cathedral City. In addition to Mr. Buckley’s bridge and roadway experience, he previously worked as a project manager for an earth moving company and has worked as a construction manager on water and sewer relocation projects. Both gentlemen understand complex construction projects and will put that experience to work for the City of La Quinta. TYLI’s Structures and Roadway Inspectors, Mr. Naime and Mr. Musashi, have inspected numerous transportation projects including bridges, local roads, and wet and dry utilities. Our proposed Office Engineer, Ms. Ma, served in this capacity on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange. Our as-needed support and inspectors for electrical, biological, source inspection, and other roadway items have more than 20 years of extensive experience in the transportation construction field. These key individuals provide the depth of expertise to handle this project without a learning curve. Caltrans Knowledge and Experience Depth of Relevant Expertise Local Understanding and Experience Federal Funding Experience STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 2 LOCAL UNDERSTANDING AND EXPERIENCE TYLI and our subconsultants have worked extensively in Coachella Valley and most of TYLI’s subconsultants listed have supported our team on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge Project, Adams Street Bridge Improvements, the City of Indio Retrofit of Bridges contract, or the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange projects. The TYLI team is familiar with and sensitive to the cities and local stakeholders issues and concerns. We will facilitate coordination and approvals, and offer valuable experience gained from working within CVSWC (Whitewater River) on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge and Adams Street Bridge Improvements projects. TYLI understands the City’s desire to have a team that has specific experience for this important project. TYLI carefully selected team members with that in mind. As pictured below, the TYLI team has relevant experience in close proximity relative to the Dune Palms Road Bridge project. FEDERAL FUNDING EXPERIENCE The TYLI team has recent and relevant experience working on local federally-funded bridge construction projects, specifically the Highway Bridge Program (HBP), and is very familiar with the required regulations, procedures, and reporting. A hallmark of our firm history is the completion of federally-funded projects for local agencies, specifically new bridges and replacements, and working with Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineers (DLAE). TYLI has worked on more than 100 federally-funded projects in Southern California alone. The TYLI team is experienced in the administration of federally-funded projects, including maximizing federal participation, easing your oversight duties by ensuring proper documentation and timely invoicing. TYLI’s construction engineers and inspectors are well-versed in contract administration requirements for Caltrans based structure plans, standard specifications, and special provisions. They are experienced in all bridge construction surveying required of inspection personnel, such as identifying all shear key corner points and calculating deck and soffit grades from the four-scale deck contours. Additionally, they understand the various Caltrans materials testing requirements and procedures, source inspection requirements, as well as measurement and payment procedures for the various contract items. You can be confident that this project will be properly constructed and well-documented. SUBCONSULTANT PARTNERS TYLI embraces a diversified workforce, and we stand behind our policy to promote and foster DBE firm participation. To augment our team, we partnered with qualified subconsultants who offer first-hand experience working in Coachella Valley. As demonstrated, TYLI is commitment to diversity and we will meet the participation goal for this project. Based on our proposed scope of work and cost proposal, TYLI will meet the City’s 17% participation requirement of DBE firms. TYLI has worked with these subconsultants on similar projects and can attest to their proven ability to provide the required support services. TYLI AND SUBCONSULTANT LOCAL EXPERIENCE I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange Jackson Street Bridge Retrofit Airport Grade Separation Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge Date Palm Bridge Widening Southbound Indio Boulevard Overhead Adams Street Bridge Andrew JacksonElementary North Indio Paving Project Highway IIIWidening FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 3 ROLE:• Labor Compliance Officer• Electrical Inspector Established in 2008, Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc. (DESI) is a construction management firm located in Corona. DESI specializes in providing construction management, contract administration, and quality assurance inspection services to cities, counties, state, and transportation agencies for transportation-related improvement projects. It is DESI’s goal to provide clients high quality service that is cost effective and responsive. ROLE: • CIDH Compliance Testing Established in 1992, EarthSpectives provides geotechnical specialty engineering services with a focus on foundation engineering and non-destructive testing of piles. Their specialty services include pile integrity testing (gamma-gamma logging, cross-hole logging, sonic echo), PDA and driveability studies, deep foundation engineering consulting, and vibration and noise monitoring. ROLE:• Environmental Compliance ECORP Consulting Inc. (ECORP) has assisted public agencies and private landowners with environmental compliance services since 1987. ECORP has a long and well-established history of providing environmental compliance services for its clients within Riverside County. ECORP is experienced working on both contractor and construction management teams, ensuring adherence to all contract specifications relative to environmental commitments and permit compliance. ROLE:• Construction Management • Inspection• SWPPP FALCON Engineering Services, Inc. (Falcon) specializes in construction management and inspection services on transportation projects including bridges, interchanges, grade separations, with specific expertise in river bridges, large flood control channels, roadway widening, new alignments, signalized intersections, and major freeway construction. ROLE:• Public Outreach• Graphic Design Connect & Company (Connect), provides public relations for public projects. Connect has designed and implemented award-winning strategic communications plans for infrastructure projects and public sector agencies in Riverside and San Diego Counties since 2012. Connect works directly with public agencies like Caltrans District 8 on the award-winning $157.5 million 60 Swarm Pavement Rehabilitation and Bridge Replacement project and with the RCTD on projects in communities throughout Riverside County. ROLE: • Materials Testing and Inspection AESCO is a woman-owned corporation and has been in operation since 1993. AESCO is SBE, DBE/UDBE, WBE, and CBE certified. AESCO’s laboratory is certified by DSA, Caltrans and City of Los Angeles. AESCO operates a construction materials engineering (CME) laboratory which is capable of performing in-house or on-site testing and inspection services. AESCO regularly tests and inspects brick, granite, stone masonry, mortar, reinforcing steel, and manufactured elements such as pre-stressed beams and pre-cast panels. ROLE:• Surveying CL Surveying and Mapping, Inc., founded in 2007, is land surveying firm with three licensed Professional Land Surveyors (PLS). Their qualified and experienced surveyors provide clients the most cost efficient, professional and personalized services in the industry. Their principals are all experienced, licensed land surveyors; are signatory to the labor agreement with the Operating Engineers Local 12, allowing their firm to access a large pool of experienced surveyors to staff any size project. ROLE:• Source Inspection ZT Consulting Group Inc. (ZTC) specializes in providing quality assurance and source inspection/audit support services. ZTC is experienced in the development and implementation of local agency specific Quality Assurance Program (QAP) or project-specific Quality Management Plan (QMP) and Source Inspection Quality Management Plan (SIQMP). ZTC has performed Facility/Record Audits, Quality Assurance/Verification (QA/QV), Independent Quality Assurance (IQA), and other quality engineering associated support services for numerous public projects. TEAM ORGANIZATION A well-organized team, with clear division of responsibilities, is essential to effectively deliver construction projects. As the prime consultant, TYLI will provide managerial and technical services to perform project management, construction management, quality assurance, contract administration, agency coordination, and engineering support for this project. The organizational chart on the following page represents TYLI’s plan to efficiently meet the construction management needs for the successful project completion. This section describes responsibilities and reporting relationships within the organization. Additional technical support will be provided by specialty subconsultants who are leaders in their respective field of specialization. DBE Firm DBE Firm DBE Firm DBE Firm FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 4 STAFF RESUMES For ease of reference, staff resumes detailing the qualifications and experience of our team have been placed in the Appendix. ORGANIZATION CHART Lead Civil Inspector/Assistant Structure Representative Alex Naime, PE, QSD/QSP 1 Offi ce Engineer Cathleen Ma, PE , LEED AP BD+C CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TEAM RESIDENT ENGINEER/STRUCTURE REPRESENTATIVE John Buckley, PE PROJECT MANAGER Joseph Smith, PE, CCM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Bryan McKinney, PE PRINCIPALINCHARGE James Rucker, PE As-Needed Inspector Curtis Musashi, EIT Source Inspection Farzad Tasbihgoo, PE, CQA, CWI, PCI III 2 Electrical Inspection John Kannor 3 Surveying Daniel Calvillo, PLS 4 Materials Inspection and Testing Adam Chamaa, PE, GE 5 CIDH Piling Compliance Testing Hossein Rashidi, PhD, PE 6 SWPPP Compliance Dion Castro, ToR, QSD/QSP 1 Schedule Reviews Wade Durant, PE Environmental Compliance Wendy Turner 7 Labor Compliance Chia-Chi Wang, PE, PMP, QAD 3 Public Outreach Andrea Suarez 8 Technical Support Brian Rochelle, PE Ashley Montgomery, PE , QSD/QSP, CMIT SUPPORT SERVICES LEGEND 1 Falcon Engineering Services, Inc.3 Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc. (DBE)5 AESCO (DBE)7 ECORP Consulting, Inc. 2 ZT Consulting Group,Inc 4 CL Surveying and Mapping (DBE)6 EarthSpectives 8 Connect and Company (DBE) RELEVANT EXPERIENCE TYLI supports all phases of a project and we maintain diverse staff of resident engineers, construction engineers, inspectors, schedulers, cost estimators, and other technical professionals. Because of our extensive team experience providing similar services for numerous projects throughout Coachella Valley, we minimize training time and bring cost savings to the City. Our qualifications to do this work can best be demonstrated by our past performance on relevant projects as highlighted on Table 1 included on the following pages. The City will benefit from our local construction management team with a proven record of successful projects. FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 5 TABLE 1. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE PROJECT DESCRIPTION HIGHLIGHTS TYLI STAFF/SUBCONSULTANTS REFERENCE ADAMS STREET ROADWAY AND BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS | LA QUINTA, CA The City of La Quinta, in cooperation with Caltrans Local Assistance, applied for and received federal funds to construct the Adams Street Roadway and Bridge Improvements project over the CVSWC (Whitewater River). TYLI provided full construction management and inspection services for the $10 million project. TYLI assisted with pre-bid services including constructability review of the bid documents, attending pre-bid meetings, reviewing low-bid contractor paperwork, and due-diligence checks of multiple contractors. TYLI provided a Resident Engineer, Structures Representative, and multiple inspectors while TYLI subconsultants provided public outreach, office engineering, surveying, and materials inspection services. TYLI’s Resident Engineer administered the pre-construction meeting, held weekly progress meetings with the Contractor, responded to RFIs and submittals, issued Weekly Statement of Working Days, coordinated with subconsultants and the City, and provided daily project management. TYLI inspection services included daily diaries of work performed, measurement of quantities constructed, resolution of field issues, labor compliance interviews, monitoring of extra work, and coordination with utility agency inspection services. The new Adams Street Bridge is a 4-span, cast-in-place box-girder structure on large, 10-foot-diameter CIDH pile shafts at the piers, and 2-foot diameter CIDH piles at the abutments. The new bridge was built in stages, with the west side of the bridge constructed first. Prior to constructing stage one, a temporary bypass road was constructed to maintain one traffic lane in each direction. Upon completion of stage one, traffic was switched to the west half of the structure, maintaining one lane in each direction. The temporary bypass was removed and the east side of the structure was constructed. A closure pour connected the two sides of the structure and a raised median was constructed over the pour. Sidewalks were constructed on each side of the structure and an ornamental metal railing was constructed on top of the barrier railing on each side of the bridge. Adams Street was reconstructed to include construction of embankment, subgrade, and full roadway structural section. The project included relocation of electrical and communication utilities from overhead to underground within the new sidewalk and roadway. Multiple drainage systems were installed as well as the relocation of water and sewer lines, and 1,800 linear feet of slope protection was constructed along CVWD’s channel. New driveways, sidewalks and curb and gutter were also installed. The project involved multiple traffic switches that included shutting down the roadway with detours at night. y Construction management y Inspection y New bridge and roadway construction y Wet and dry utility relocations y Work in Whitewater River y Imperial Irrigation District y Coachella Valley Water District y Stage construction y Large 10-foot-diameter piles shafts y Slope protection construction y Public outreach y Office engineering y Surveying y Materials inspection services y Biological compliance y Decorative bridge railing y Traffic management y Constructability review y Hot weather conditions y Temporary bypass road y Joseph Smith, PE, CCM y John Buckley, PE y Cathleen Ma, PE, LEED AP BD+C y Ashley Montgomery, PE, QSD/QSP, CMIT y EarthSpectives City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Bryan McKinney City Engineer 760.777.7045 bmckinney@laquintaca.gov CATHEDRAL CANYON DRIVE BRIDGE AT WHITEWATER RIVER | CATHEDRAL CITY, CA TYLI is serving as the prime consultant providing construction management and inspection services for the City of Cathedral City. Services include providing full-time Resident Engineer, Structure Representative, Office Engineer, Bridge Inspector, and Roadway and Underground Utility Inspection. TYLI also is managing multiple subconsultants who are performing Material Testing, Environmental and Biological Monitoring, SWPPP Monitoring and Inspection, Material Source Inspection, Electrical Inspection, and Labor Compliance and DBE Conformance. The low-water crossing replacement and channel improvements are located along the Cathedral Canyon Drive at the Whitewater River between Paseo Azulejo Drive and Canyon Shores Drive. In general, the work consists of replacing the existing low-water crossing with a new 600-foot CIP/PS box girder bridge, 12-foot CV Link multi-purpose trail, roadway modifications, ADA compliant sidewalks and ramps, raised stamped concrete median, landscaping and irrigation, drainage improvements, sewer force main relocation, and concrete channel lining improvements. This project is scheduled to be completed within 480 working days. TYLI worked closely with the Contractor to develop a value engineering (VE) proposal to re-stage the bridge foundation work. This VE proposal provided the City a substantial savings in cost and project schedule. y Construction management y Inspection y New bridge and roadway construction y Wet and dry utility relocations y Work in Whitewater River y Southern CA Edison y Coachella Valley Water District y Stage construction y 320 CIDH piles y Slope protection construction y Public outreach y Office engineering y Surveying y Materials inspection services y Biological compliance y Decorative bridge railing y Traffic management y Constructability review y Hot weather conditions y Temporary bypass road y Joseph Smith, PE, CCM y John Buckley, PE y Curtis Musashi, EIT y Alex Naime, PE, QSD/QSP y John Kannor y Hossein Rashidi, PE y Farzad Tasbihgoo, PE, CQA, CWI, PCI III y Dion Castro, ToR, QSD/ QSP y Chia-Chi Wang, PE, PMP, QAD y DESI y Earthspectives y Falcon y ECORP y ZTC City of Cathedral City 68-700 Avendia Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 John Corella Director of Engineering/ Public Works 760.770.0327 jcorella@cathedralcity.gov FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION HIGHLIGHTS TYLI STAFF/SUBCONSULTANTS REFERENCE CITY OF INDIO ON-CALL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION SERVICES | INDIO, CA TYLI is providing on-call construction management services to the City of Indio. Responsibilities under this contract include construction management, construction inspection, constructability reviews, and engineering services for federally and locally funded roadway, and bridge projects. Through this on-call contract, TYLI has worked on the several task orders including: Southbound (SB) Indio Boulevard OH Earthquake Retrofit: TYLI provided construction management and inspection for the $3.1 million bridge retrofit project. The SB Indio Boulevard OH Retrofit included strengthening and improving the SB Indio Boulevard bridge over UPRR tracks. The existing structure included a concrete deck on steel girders. The retrofit involved adding columns on each side of the existing piers, and lengthening, and widening the existing bent caps. Transverse and longitudinal stressing was required at each cap and large diameter CIDH piles were drilled at each pier to support the new columns. Supplemental steel plates were added to strengthen the shear keys at all bents and bolsters were added at each abutments to provide more capacity in the event of an earthquake. All work was performed adjacent to and over operating UPRR tracks. Highway 111 Widening and Improvement: TYLI provided construction management and inspection for the $10.4 million roadway improvement project. The project provided an additional lane on Highway 111 within the city limits by widening the roadway to a new edge of traveled way and removing and recycling existing asphalt. Dozens of new cross-gutters were replaced along with thousands of linear feet of sidewalk and associated ADA ramps. New signal poles and light standards were placed along with an interconnect system to provide for coordinated traffic flow. The project was constructed in multiple phases to minimize impacts to residents and business owners. Jackson Street OC and OH Seismic Retrofit over Indio Boulevard and UPRR: TYLI provided construction management and inspection services for the Jackson Street over Indio Boulevard and UPRR. The existing structure included a concrete deck on steel girders. The retrofit involved adding supplemental steel plates to strengthen the shear keys at all bents, coring through existing footings to add high strength bolts, increasing the dimensions of all of the columns and footings, and adding a structural steel column casing to one of the columns. Jacking of the superstructure was necessary to remove existing steel plates and add new steel at all bent locations. All work was performed adjacent to and over operating UPRR tracks. TYLI services included providing a full-time Resident Engineer; Structures Representative; Bridge, Roadway, and Underground Inspectors; and an Office Engineer. TYLI also managed multiple subconsultants who performed material testing, and SWPPP monitoring and management. Madison Street Canal Improvements: TYLI provided full construction management, inspection, and administrative service for a $3.2 million canal improvement project. Part of a multi-phase plan to widen Madison Street, this phase included relocation of irrigation laterals and sewer force main and the construction of a temporary diversion channel for construction of a double box culvert needed for the widening of Madison Street at Avenue 50. Temporary bridges over the temporary diversion channel was required and a new bridge was constructed along Avenue 50 to accommodate the ultimate widening limits. The Madison Street/Avenue 50 intersection was reconstructed prior to opening the permanent roadway to traffic. The project implemented two early incentive clauses to open the intersection and be fully functional for two large music festivals in the area. The project included coordination with multiple public agencies including City of Indio, City of La Quinta, and CVWD. Jackson Street Bridge over the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel (CVSWC): TYLI provided full construction management, inspection, and administrative services for the $2.5M retrofit of the existing structure. The project added cast-in-drilled-hole piles to the existing abutments, bolstered the existing abutments, and installing steel column casings for the existing piers. Work was performed within the CVSWC, requiring coordination with CVWD. y On-call contract y Sewer force main construction y Jack and bore operation y Temporary canal diversion y RCB construction y Rapid set concrete y Temporary bridges y Large irrigation laterals y Coachella Valley Water District y New roadway construction y Shoring y Pier wall construction y Traffic control y Asphalt concrete paving y Concrete lining y CIDH piles y ADA ramps y Bridge retrofit y Electrical inspection y Joseph Smith, PE, CCM y John Buckley, PE y Cathleen Ma, PE, LEED AP BD+C y Curtis Musashi, EIT y Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc. y ECORP Consulting, Inc. y ZT Consulting, Inc. City of Indio 100 Civic Center Mall Indio, CA 92201 Tim Wassil Civil Engineer 949.375.5706 twassil@indio.org Jackson Street OC & OH Jackson Street Bridge Retrofit Madison Street Canal Improvements FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION HIGHLIGHTS TYLI STAFF/SUBCONSULTANTS REFERENCE AIRPORT BOULEVARD GRADE SEPARATION | THERMAL, CA Through an on-call construction engineering contract with RCTD, TYLI provided a Structures Representative for the Airport Boulevard Grade Separation project. The $20 million project separates the previous at-grade crossing of Airport Boulevard with the UPRR tracks by raising the roadway over the railroad and constructing a 4-lane bridge to span over the railroad tracks and State Highway 111. The structure is a 440-foot-long by 84-foot-wide, 2-span, cast-in-place, prestressed, box girder bridge with MSE walls constructed to facilitate the embankment for the abutments. The project also included Type 1 cast-in-place retaining walls with architectural treatment and lightweight concrete fill behind abutments. y Construction management y Inspection y Bridge construction y RCTD y Traffic management y New Caltrans specifications y New roadway construction y Wet and dry utility relocations y MSE retaining walls y Hot weather conditions y Joseph Smith, PE, CCM y John Buckley, PE y Brian Rochelle, PE y Wade Durant, PE Riverside County Transportation Department 2950 Washington Street Riverside, CA 92504 Ward Maxwell Construction Engineer 951.955.8614 wmaxwell@rivco.org I-10/JEFFERSON STREET INTERCHANGE | INDIO, CA TYLI performed full construction management, inspection, and administration services for the new $43.2 million I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange. The project is the last and the largest of six interchanges to be constructed along the I-10 Coachella Valley Corridor. Originally constructed in 1958, the existing Jefferson Street Interchange was a modified diamond configuration with geometric deficiencies and operational limitations. The new and improved Jefferson Street Interchange project included two parallel 440-foot-long by 78-foot-wide bridges, resulting in a 6-lane overcrossing with bicycle lanes and a sidewalk. Five entrance and exit ramps were constructed along with Type 1 and four mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining walls, one of which stands 50 feet tall and 630 feet in length. Construction of the interchange was completed in four stages. In the first phase, the new Jefferson Street roadway was constructed to connect the new bridge to the north side of the community. A temporary westbound (WB) off-ramp and on-ramp were also built to allow for demolition of the old off-ramp. A total of 561 HP-piles were driven into the foundation to support the bridge footings. The second and longest phase involved construction of the new Jefferson Street OC. The third phase involved construction of the eastbound (EB) on-/off-ramps, WB off-ramp, MSE retaining walls, as well as demolition of the NB Indio Boulevard OC. The final phase consisted of demolishing the old Jefferson Street OC and final landscape work. Construction of the two main parallel bridges required special attention by the Contractor and the construction management team as the design called for both vertical and horizontal skews and a 10.5-foot-deep superstructure. In addition, the project required close coordination with the designer and numerous public agencies including: RCTD, Caltrans, the Cities of Indio and La Quinta, Imperial Irrigation District, California Highway Patrol (CHP), and Fire Department. Construction also required coordination with Golden Voice, the company behind the Coachella Music Festivals. y Construction management y Inspection y New bridge and roadway construction y Coachella Valley Corridor y City of Indio y Imperial Irrigation District y Traffic management y FHWA funding y Bridge demolition y Utility relocations y Cultural and biological compliance y Curb, gutter, and sidewalks y Constructability review y Hot weather conditions y Temporary off-ramp y Joseph Smith, PE, CCM y John Buckley, PE y John Kannor y Cathleen Ma, PE, LEED AP BD+C y Ashley Montgomery, PE, QSD/QSP, CMIT y Wade Durant, PE y Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc. y ECORP Consulting, Inc. y ZT Consulting Group, Inc. Riverside County Transportation Department 2950 Washington Street Riverside, CA 92504 Ward Maxwell Construction Engineer 951.955.8614 wmaxwell@rivco.org FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 8 This section provides an overview of our project understanding and approach and demonstrates our depth of team experience and keen insight with the project issues. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of La Quinta, in cooperation with Caltrans Local Assistance, is applying for and shall receive federal funding from the HBP, providing 88% reimbursement of the cost to construct the Dune Palms Road Bridge over the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel (CVSWC), also referred to as the Whitewater River. There are various reasons for a bridge over the Whitewater River is needed—pedestrian and cyclist safety, improved sight distances for motorists traveling over the river on Dune Palms Road, and most importantly, eliminating periodic closures of Dune Palms Road due to high flows in the channel during strong winter storms. The existing low water crossing includes a corrugated steel pipe that allows nuisance water and light channel flow to travel under the roadway. The new Dune Palms Road will be a 4-span, cast-in-place box girder structure on piers, with 2-foot- diameter CIDH piles at the abutments and 5-foot-diameter CIDH piles at the piers. The new bridge will be built in stages as described in the following table. Our detailed project understanding is demonstrated in a project construction schedule (page 23) explaining the sequential construction process. While construction of the bridge is a major aspect of the project, there are other important elements. New permanent storm drain systems will be constructed at each end of the bridge. Similar to the bridge construction, this work will be completed in stages and involves temporary pipe to capture drainage during construction. Placement of the storm drains around existing wet and dry utilities will be challenging and will require forethought and planning on behalf of the Contractor and construction management team. To account for the elevation increase of Dune Palms Road at the intersection of the Dune Palms Mobile Estates, a new entrance way, storm drain system, and curb and gutter will be constructed at this location. TYLI understands utility relocation and coordination is necessary for the project. Our experience on Cathedral Canyon Drive and the Madison Street Canal Improvements and similar projects will assist the City in avoiding delays when the project is awarded and construction begins. To allow construction within the existing alignment of Dune Palms Road and avoid conflicts with IID’s distribution service, IID will construct a temporary shoofly to the east of the project footprint. IID will place their facility inside the bridge at a designated time during construction. Once the new lines are energized, the temporary shoofly will be removed. TYLI successfully worked with IID’s distribution and transmission groups on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange and Adams Street Bridge projects. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH BRIDGE UTILITIES STAGE 1 »Construct temporary bypass road on west side of structure to maintain one lane of traffic in each direction »Remove existing low water crossing, place temporary channel lining »Place falsework, temporary shoring system, and fill material at structure approaches »Construct bridge abutments and pier walls on drilled concrete pile foundations »Construct east half of structure (bridge stem, soffit, deck, post-tension bridge) »Switch traffic to east half of structure »Construct storm drains on east half of Dune Palms Road »Reroute / relocate CVWD’s 18” SDR-35 PVC and 12” VCP sewer lines to avoid conflict with bridge footings. IID remove its power poles, relocate overhead line, and install an interim electric shoofly. Spectrum and Frontier to relocate their facilities. CVWD to relocate its A/V assembly STAGE 2 »Remove temporary bypass road »Construct west half of structure »Closure pour to connect two sides of structure »Construct channel lining and drop structure »Construct raised median over closure pour »Construct sidewalks, ornamental metal railing, and bike path on both sides of structure »Place the finish bituminous surface on reestablished roadway section »Place permanent signage and striping »Complete final storm drain system and remove temporary storm pipes »IID to remove its interim electric shoofly. Spectrum to extend its underground facilities »Raise any low utility vaults/valves FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 9 In addition to constructing a new all-weather crossing, the project will also provide a vital link to Coachella Valley’s CV Link multipurpose trail. The CV Link trail will be constructed along the south slope of the CVSWC. TYLI managed the construction of a portion of the CV Link in 2011 while performing CM and Inspection Services on the Adams Street Bridge, and we are currently constructing a portion of the multipurpose trail on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge, which includes thermoplastic banding and solar LED path lights. We understand that the CV Link has been planned for many years and is an important addition to Coachella Valley’s outdoor lifestyle. We will provide the same excellent inspection services for this section of the Link as we have on other portions. In conjunction with the bridge construction, deep cutoff walls to counter scour and slope protection will be constructed on both the north and south slopes. The Contractor’s staging area will dictate when and how this operation is completed. PROJECT APPROACH TEAM MANAGEMENT TYLI will implement a management/staffing approach designed to promote effective team interaction and communication and to ensure that all contract objectives are met. Joseph Smith, PE, CCM, will be the Project Manager with full responsibility for committing TYLI’s resources for the project, monitoring the budget and ensuring that the project team is efficiently fulfilling our contractual obligations. Mr. Smith has 30 years of experience in construction management and has served as Project Manager on several important projects within Coachella Valley including the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, Adams Street Bridge, and the City of Indio’s Federally-Funded Construction Management and Inspection On-Call Contract. He will act in a strong Project Manager fashion, serving as an advocate for the City’s interest at all times. John Buckley, PE, will be the Resident Engineer and Structures Representative, executing the project’s construction management, ensuring federal aid compliance, and fulfilling the City’s contractual provisions and commitments. Mr. Buckley has 31 years of experience completing local, complex public works projects. He is currently serving as the Resident Engineer/Structures Representative on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge and served as the Structures Representative on the Adams Street Bridge Improvements, the $43.2 million I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, multiple retrofits for the City of Indio, and the Airport Boulevard Grade Separation. Mr. Buckley will manage the day-to-day operations of the TYLI team; be the lead interface with the Contractor’s representative; lead pre-construction, pre-operation, and weekly progress meetings; provide guidance to staff as necessary; ensure complete coverage of all construction and administration requirements; and deliver a quality project for the City. Mr. Buckley will be supported by lead engineers for each of the critical disciplines—all individuals highly-qualified in their area of expertise. Each will supervise their respective discipline and report directly to Mr. Buckley. ♦Office Engineer, Cathleen Ma, PE, will be tasked to set up and maintain the project filing system, including daily and weekly diaries, photo documentation, letters and transmittals, receipt and responses to submittals, and RFIs. She will also assist with all requirements of Chapters 15 through 17 of the Caltrans LAPM including the contract award package, all contract administration, and project completion. Her responsibilities will also include preparing monthly progress payments, assisting with back-up documentation on CCOs, and supporting the team with construction engineering calculations. Ms. Ma’s time on the project will vary to meet the project needs. It is expected she will be needed full-time at the beginning of the project, part-time when the project is up and running, and full-time during project close-out. ♦Bridge and Roadway Inspector, Alex Naime, PE, QSD/QSP (Falcon), will be responsible for inspection and documentation of all bridge, roadway, and utility construction. He will prepare daily diaries, verify operations of proper traffic control, perform labor compliance interviews, review submittals, perform calculations, and assist with other contract administration items. Mr. Naime is expected to work full-time. ♦Technical Resource/Schedule Reviewer, Wade Durant, PE, will review and recommend approval of the Contractor’s baseline schedule and updates. He will also be available as-needed to the TYLI team as a technical resource for various construction or structural items on the project. ♦As-Needed Inspector, Curtis Musashi, EIT, will serve as an additional resource if overlapping activities occur within the Contractors schedule. As identified on the organization chart (page 4), multiple subconsultant partners will support our team as-needed. Mr. Smith will closely monitor all subconsultants costs and pay particular attention to materials testing and surveying services, as these are expected to be the most utilized services throughout the project duration. Sewer force main relocation on Madison Street Canal Improvements FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 10 SOFTWARE TYLI has used various online project management tools such as Primavera Expedition and ProjectWise to manage large construction contracts. The programs are beneficial in transferring data and submittals to the Contractor and City personnel. However, as with most management programs, unless all stakeholders are utilizing the same system, any program has limitations. TYLI utilizes the traditional computer programs to track and monitor costs and responsibilities for our projects. These include Microsoft Word, Excel, and Project. We have managed numerous large projects such as the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge, all bridge retrofit projects for the City of Indio, I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange and Adams Street Bridge Improvements with these tools and have found them to be highly-effective. TYLI utilizes Primavera P6 scheduling software to create and review CPM schedules. Mr. Durant is proficient with reviewing CPM schedules by using Primavera P6 or Microsoft Project and will utilize either format to assist the team. TYLI’s approach to complete the required work is further detailed in the Scope of Work Program. KEY PROJECT ISSUES TYLI has identified key potential issues with the project and has described our approach to address each area. SAFETY TYLI is committed to safety. All team members want to stay safe during the construction of the Dune Palms Road Bridge and well beyond. We will align with the Contractor’s safety plan and implement our own established safety manual. Our team will have weekly safety tailgate meetings covering a different topic every week. We will attend the Contractor’s weekly safety meetings and document our attendance. We will hold pre-operation meetings prior to CIDH pile construction, large concrete pours, utility construction, traffic switches, and ensure all safety measures are considered and implemented. Our goal is for every person traveling through the project site safely and for all Contractor’s personnel to go home after every shift, free of injuries. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Our team has visited the project site during various times over the past several years. Regardless of the time of year, there has been pedestrian traffic at the site. These include residents walking along Dune Palms Road to and from La Quinta High School, nearby residences and businesses, and bicyclists riding along the roadway. It is imperative that walkways are wide enough, well protected, and delineated so no pedestrians will have to intentionally or accidentally enter the project area. The Contractor will need to maintain a clear and stable walkway along the temporary bypass road during the entire construction of stage one, and maintain ADA compliance, particularly as the walkway reconnects on the north and south side of the project site. Signage, notifying pedestrians of the traveled way across the channel on Dune Palms Road, will be established and maintained. Some key issues our team has identified, proposed resolutions, and examples of how they were implemented in our past projects: All of these identified resolutions will promote safety and well-being of the public and workers, avoid any serious health injuries and safety claims, and deliver a successful project. #Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration Start Finish TotalFloat1Dune Plams BridgeDune Plams Bridge 470 02-Mar-22 22-Jan-24 0 2 SUBMITTALSSUBMITTALS 30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 0 3 PHASE 1PHASE 1 242 15-Apr-22 06-Apr-23 0 4 SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST)SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST)25 20-Jun-22 25-Jul-22 0 5 B1010 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (West)5 20-Jun-22 24-Jun-22 0 6 B1020 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (West)5 27-Jun-22 01-Jul-22 0 7 B1030 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (WEST)5 05-Jul-22 11-Jul-22 0 8 B1040 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (WEST)5 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 0 9 B1050 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (WEST)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 0 10 B1070 ABUT 5 Pile Cap (West)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 0 11 SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST)SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST)114 26-Jul-22 10-Jan-23 0 12 B1090 ABUT 5 (West)5 26-Jul-22 01-Aug-22 0 13 B1120 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (West)5 26-Jul-22 01-Aug-22 0 14 B1130 Falsework (480'L x 40.5'W) (West)20 02-Aug-22 29-Aug-22 0 15 B1140 Forms Stems Exterior (5.5'H) (West)10 30-Aug-22 13-Sep-22 0 16 B1170 Rebar Soffit & Stems (West)10 14-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 0 17 B1180 PT Ducts (5 EA) (4 Spans, 135'L max) (West)8 28-Sep-22 07-Oct-22 0 18 B1190 Forms Stems (West)10 11-Oct-22 24-Oct-22 0 19 B1200 Pour Soffit & Stems (674 CY) (West)2 25-Oct-22 26-Oct-22 0 20 B1205 Install IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge Cell (West)5 27-Oct-22 02-Nov-22 0 21 B1210 Forms Lost Deck (32'W x 452'L) (West)8 03-Nov-22 15-Nov-22 0 22 B1220 Rebar Deck (West)10 16-Nov-22 01-Dec-22 0 23 B1230 Pour Deck (West)1 02-Dec-22 02-Dec-22 0 24 B1240 Post Tensioning (West)5 19-Dec-22 23-Dec-22 0 25 B1260 Backwall Abut 5 (West)5 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 0 26 B1280 Structure Backfill Abut 5 (West)5 04-Jan-23 10-Jan-23 0 27 ROADWAY 1ROADWAY 1 242 15-Apr-22 06-Apr-23 0 28 PHASE 2PHASE 2 197 07-Apr-23 22-Jan-24 0 29 SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST)SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST)25 07-Apr-23 11-May-23 0 30 B2010 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (East)5 07-Apr-23 13-Apr-23 0 31 B2020 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (East)5 14-Apr-23 20-Apr-23 0 32 B2030 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (East)5 21-Apr-23 27-Apr-23 0 33 B2040 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (East)5 28-Apr-23 04-May-23 0 34 B2050 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (East)5 05-May-23 11-May-23 0 35 SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST)SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST)155 12-May-23 26-Dec-23 0 36 B2120 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (East)5 12-May-23 18-May-23 0 37 B2125 Falsework (East)20 19-May-23 16-Jun-23 0 38 B2150 Forms Stems Exterior (East)10 19-Jun-23 30-Jun-23 0 39 B2160 Rebar Soffit & Stems (East)10 03-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 0 40 B2170 PT Ducts (East)8 18-Jul-23 27-Jul-23 0 41 B2180 Forms Stems (East)10 28-Jul-23 10-Aug-23 0 42 B2190 Pour Soffit & Stems (East)2 11-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 0 43 B2200 Forms Lost Deck (East)8 15-Aug-23 24-Aug-23 0 44 B2210 Rebar Deck (East)10 25-Aug-23 08-Sep-23 0 45 B2220 Pour Deck (East)1 11-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 0 46 B2230 Post Tentioning (East)5 26-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 0 47 B2240 Backwall Abut 1 (East)5 03-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 0 48 B2250 Backwall Abut 5 (East)5 03-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 0 49 B2260 Structure Backfill Abut 1 (East)5 11-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 0 50 B2270 Structure Backfill Abut 5 (East)5 11-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 0 51 B2330 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (East)2 22-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 0 52 B2340 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (East)2 22-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 0 53 ROADWAY 2ROADWAY 2 63 18-Oct-23 22-Jan-24 0 54 CVWD SewerlineCVWD Sewerline 0 0 55 CVWD WaterlineCVWD Waterline 0 0 56 CVSC ChannelCVSC Channel 0 0 57 UTILITIES By OthersUTILITIES By Others 224 22-Apr-22 17-Mar-23 0 58 U1040 IDD - Install Intrim Electrical Shoofly (East Side)10 22-Apr-22 05-May-22 0 59 U1070 Spectrum - Relocate UG Facilities (East Side)10 22-Apr-22 05-May-22 0 60 U1080 IDD - Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Roadway (North West)30 19-Jan-23 03-Mar-23 0 61 U1100 IID_Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge (West)10 06-Mar-23 17-Mar-23 0 62 MILESTONESMILESTONES 470 02-Mar-22 22-Jan-24 0 63 M1010 NTP 0 02-Mar-22 0 64 M1020 Swith Traffic to East (Bypass)0 20-Jun-22 0 65 M1030 Swith Traffic to West 0 07-Apr-23 0 66 M1040 Project Completion 0 22-Jan-24 0 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan202220232024 14-Apr-22, SUBMITTALS 06-Apr-23, PHASE 1 25-Jul-22, SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST) 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (West) 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (West) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (WEST) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (WEST) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (WEST) ABUT 5 Pile Cap (West) 10-Jan-23, SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST) ABUT 5 (West) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (West) Falsework (480'L x 40.5'W) (West) Forms Stems Exterior (5.5'H) (West) Rebar Soffit & Stems (West) PT Ducts (5 EA) (4 Spans, 135'L max) (West) Forms Stems (West) Pour Soffit & Stems (674 CY) (West) Install IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge Cell (West) Forms Lost Deck (32'W x 452'L) (West) Rebar Deck (West) Pour Deck (West) Post Tensioning (West) Backwall Abut 5 (West) Structure Backfill Abut 5 (West) 06-Apr-23, ROADWAY 1 11-May-23, SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST) 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (East) 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (East) 26-Dec-23, SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (East) Falsework (East) Forms Stems Exterior (East) Rebar Soffit & Stems (East) PT Ducts (East) Forms Stems (East) Pour Soffit & Stems (East) Forms Lost Deck (East) Rebar Deck (East) Pour Deck (East) Post Tentioning (East) Backwall Abut 1 (East) Backwall Abut 5 (East) Structure Backfill Abut 1 (East) Structure Backfill Abut 5 (East) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (East) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (East) 17-Mar-23, UTILITIES By Others IDD - Install Intrim Electrical Shoofly (East Side) Spectrum - Relocate UG Facilities (East Side) IDD - Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Roadway (North West) IID_Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge (West) NTP Swith Traffic to East (Bypass) Swith Traffic to West Dune Plams Bridge Classic Schedule Layout 03-Dec-21 11:23 Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining W... Milestone Page 1 of 1 TASK filter: Critical. © Oracle Corporation #Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration Start Finish TotalFloat1Dune Plams BridgeDune Plams Bridge 470 02-Mar-22 22-Jan-24 0 2 SUBMITTALSSUBMITTALS 40 03-Mar-22 28-Apr-22 159 3 A1010 SWPPP Submittal (prepare, review, approval)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 0 4 A1020 Baseline Schedule Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)20 03-Mar-22 30-Mar-22 10 5 A1030 Staging Plan Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)20 03-Mar-22 30-Mar-22 10 6 A1040 CIDH Placement Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 45 7 A1050 Concrete Mix Design Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 45 8 A1060 Falsework Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)40 03-Mar-22 28-Apr-22 65 9 A1070 Post Tensioning Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)40 03-Mar-22 28-Apr-22 159 10 PHASE 1PHASE 1 262 17-Mar-22 06-Apr-23 7 11 SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST)SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST)25 20-Jun-22 25-Jul-22 0 12 B1010 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (West)5 20-Jun-22 24-Jun-22 0 13 B1020 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (West)5 27-Jun-22 01-Jul-22 0 14 B1030 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (WEST)5 05-Jul-22 11-Jul-22 0 15 B1040 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (WEST)5 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 0 16 B1050 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (WEST)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 0 17 B1060 ABUT 1 Pile Cap (West)5 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 5 18 B1070 ABUT 5 Pile Cap (West)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 0 19 SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST)SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST)150 12-Jul-22 17-Feb-23 29 20 B1080 ABUT 1 (West)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 5 21 B1090 ABUT 5 (West)5 26-Jul-22 01-Aug-22 0 22 B1100 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 2 (West)5 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 10 23 B1110 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 3 (West)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 5 24 B1120 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (West)5 26-Jul-22 01-Aug-22 0 25 B1130 Falsework (480'L x 40.5'W) (West)20 02-Aug-22 29-Aug-22 0 26 B1140 Forms Stems Exterior (5.5'H) (West)10 30-Aug-22 13-Sep-22 0 27 B1150 Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 1 (West)4 30-Aug-22 02-Sep-22 6 28 B1160 Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 5 (West)4 30-Aug-22 02-Sep-22 6 29 B1170 Rebar Soffit & Stems (West)10 14-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 0 30 B1180 PT Ducts (5 EA) (4 Spans, 135'L max) (West)8 28-Sep-22 07-Oct-22 0 31 B1190 Forms Stems (West)10 11-Oct-22 24-Oct-22 0 32 B1200 Pour Soffit & Stems (674 CY) (West)2 25-Oct-22 26-Oct-22 0 33 B1205 Install IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge Cell (West)5 27-Oct-22 02-Nov-22 0 34 B1210 Forms Lost Deck (32'W x 452'L) (West)8 03-Nov-22 15-Nov-22 0 35 B1220 Rebar Deck (West)10 16-Nov-22 01-Dec-22 0 36 B1230 Pour Deck (West)1 02-Dec-22 02-Dec-22 0 37 B1240 Post Tensioning (West)5 19-Dec-22 23-Dec-22 0 38 B1250 Backwall Abut 1 (West)5 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 15 39 B1260 Backwall Abut 5 (West)5 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 0 40 B1270 Structure Backfill Abut 1 (West)5 04-Jan-23 10-Jan-23 15 41 B1280 Structure Backfill Abut 5 (West)5 04-Jan-23 10-Jan-23 0 42 B1290 City Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (West) (4'') (2EA)2 11-Jan-23 12-Jan-23 31 43 B1300 City Fiber Utility Conduit in Bridge sidewalk (West) (3") (1 EA)2 11-Jan-23 12-Jan-23 31 44 B1310 Fronter Utility Conduit in Bridge sidewalk (West) (4") (2 EA)2 11-Jan-23 12-Jan-23 31 45 B1320 Bridge Sidewalk & Barrier (West)10 20-Jan-23 02-Feb-23 29 46 B1330 Bridge Railing (West)10 03-Feb-23 17-Feb-23 29 47 B1390 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (West)2 18-Jan-23 19-Jan-23 29 48 B1395 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (West)2 18-Jan-23 19-Jan-23 29 49 ROADWAY 1ROADWAY 1 262 17-Mar-22 06-Apr-23 7 50 R1005 Install 18" Driange Pipe under & across Dune Palms on South Side (Night Work)2 17-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 61 51 R1007 Install 18" Driange Pipe under & across Dune Palms on North side (Night Work)2 21-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 61 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan202220232024 28-Apr-22, SUBMITTALS SWPPP Submittal (prepare, review, approval) Baseline Schedule Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Staging Plan Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) CIDH Placement Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Concrete Mix Design Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Falsework Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Post Tensioning Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) 06-Apr-23, PHASE 1 25-Jul-22, SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST) 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (West) 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (West) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (WEST) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (WEST) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (WEST) ABUT 1 Pile Cap (West) ABUT 5 Pile Cap (West) 17-Feb-23, SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST) ABUT 1 (West) ABUT 5 (West) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 2 (West) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 3 (West) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (West) Falsework (480'L x 40.5'W) (West) Forms Stems Exterior (5.5'H) (West) Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 1 (West) Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 5 (West) Rebar Soffit & Stems (West) PT Ducts (5 EA) (4 Spans, 135'L max) (West) Forms Stems (West) Pour Soffit & Stems (674 CY) (West) Install IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge Cell (West) Forms Lost Deck (32'W x 452'L) (West) Rebar Deck (West) Pour Deck (West) Post Tensioning (West) Backwall Abut 1 (West) Backwall Abut 5 (West) Structure Backfill Abut 1 (West) Structure Backfill Abut 5 (West) City Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (West) (4'') (2EA) City Fiber Utility Conduit in Bridge sidewalk (West) (3") (1 EA) Fronter Utility Conduit in Bridge sidewalk (West) (4") (2 EA) Bridge Sidewalk & Barrier (West) Bridge Railing (West) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (West) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (West) 06-Apr-23, ROADWAY 1 Install 18" Driange Pipe under & across Dune Palms on South Side (Night Work) Install 18" Driange Pipe under & across Dune Palms on North side (Night Work) Dune Plams Bridge Classic Schedule Layout 03-Dec-21 11:26 Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining W... Milestone Page 1 of 3 TASK filter: All Activities © Oracle Corporation POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES WORKER SAFETY • Hold daily and weekly safety meetings and discuss construction site safety topics. • Ensure workers are aware of hazards and using an effective safety health program. • Mandate pre-operation meetings • A safety health program was designed to help the employees plan for the high heat environment on the Adams Street Bridge and Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge projects. PEDESTRIANS IN WORK ZONE • Make safety a daily priority. • Promote adequate pedestrian safety via physical separation from work space and vehicular traffic. • Provide a safe path/detour for pedestrians throughout all construction phases. • Ensure traffic control devices are in good and working condition. • Extensive interface with the public during the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project resulted in zero public safety issues. • Adams Street Bridge is located adjacent to a high school, businesses, and residents. The addition of k-rail separating pedestrians from vehicular traffic avoided serious injuries. FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 11 Vehicular Traffic Extensive drainage work and utility relocation is required along Dune Palms Road. Much of this work will occur under traffic control to allow full-time access of the traveled way. TYLI will verify only City-approved traffic control plans are used during each construction operation. Permanent traffic control measures remaining in effect during each construction stage will be inspected daily to ensure visibility and effectiveness in guiding vehicles through the site. TYLI will routinely drive through the site at night to verify all permanent and temporary traffic control measures are visible, reflective, and effective. Traffic control maintenance will also be an agenda item on every weekly progress meeting. Pre-operation traffic control meetings will occur for activities such as placement of steel casings for large CIDH piles, large concrete pours, and materials delivery. TYLI implemented the same procedures on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge, Adams Street Bridge Improvements, and the Jackson Street Retrofit projects, each requiring similar stage construction with traffic switches and utility work within the roadway. On Adams Street, similar utility and storm drain construction occurred in front of businesses and residents. TYLI staff collaborated with City personnel and affected property owners to allow temporary lane shifts and night-work. On the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project, traffic handling was a daily operation with multiple freeway, ramp, and local road closures per week. Some potential issues that may arise with the vehicular traffic around Dune Palms Road include: POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES MOTORIST CONFUSION/CONFLICTS • Implement City-approved traffic control plans. • A bypass road used on Adams Street Bridge allowed traffic flow without interference and reduced congestion. • Constant coordination between the City of Indio, CHP, and the CM team achieved smooth traffic flow during the 3-week Coachella Music Festival on I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange. WORKER SAFETY • Monitor traffic control devices prior to and after shifts. • Traffic control devices were constantly monitored over the 8,800 LF stretch of the Highway 111 Improvements project. ACCESS ISSUES RESULTING IN COMPLAINTS TO CITY HALL • Provide proper access to business and residential areas during construction hours. • Restrict construction activities to designated work hours, unless approved. • Regular maintenance of traffic control measures in front of Canyon Shores has avoided complaints on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge project. • Access to dozens of businesses were maintained at all times throughout the Highway 111 Improvements project. Our team understands that traffic control is an important and critical element in the safe and efficient operation of any project; as a result, it should be well-thought out and implemented during the entire duration of construction. With proper traffic management, we expect the safety of motorists, residences, and construction workers; no lost time due to accidents or injuries, and zero complaints and phone calls to the City Hall or Mayor. Equipment at Night Every piece of equipment will be checked after every shift to verify all keys are removed. All equipment will be stored in the Contractor’s yard and all operation keys will go home with the operators or the Contractor’s superintendent. CVWD requires all equipment and unused materials are removed from the channel every evening to avoid an unfortunate situation with an unexpected rain event. The Contractor will be reminded of this requirement on a daily basis. Vacating the channel nightly and removing all keys from construction vehicles will also be a topic at the weekly progress meetings. TYLI staff will verify that this requirement is adhered to at all times. POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES PUBLIC EXPOSURE • Proper storage of equipment at night. • Discuss and remind workers of a dedicated base for equipment keys. • Prohibit visitors to walk around project site. • Each piece of construction equipment was checked after every shift on the Adams Street Bridge project. There was zero theft reported and the public was always protected. Our team understands site management is an important and critical element in the safe and efficient operation of any project. With proper management, we will protect the public during construction, minimize theft of construction equipment and materials, avoid giving vandals the opportunity to move equipment and injure others. CONSTRUCTION TYLI performed a preliminary constructability review of the plans. Our specific constructability comments are included later in this section. The majority of bridge plans are comprehensive and straightforward. Through our understanding of FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 12 the Dune Palms Road Bridge project, our knowledge of bridge construction, and our experience working on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge, Adams Street Bridge, and other similar projects within Coachella Valley, we know there are items requiring particular attention during bridge construction. These include utility protection, water and sewer installation, CIDH pile construction, working within the Whitewater River, traffic control during major operations, slope lining construction, and the installation of the decorative bridge railing. Utility Protection TYLI understands various existing utilities must be protected-in-place during construction. These include communication (Spectrum, Frontier), water (18-inch), sewer (8-, 12-, 18-inch), gas (3-inch) and electric lines. Identification and constant protection of these lines will be mandatory through construction. The importance of maintaining the structural integrity of these utilities will be addressed at the pre-construction meeting and TYLI will verify that one of the first Contractor operations is exposure to utilities and location through potholing. Protection of the lines will be placed as a permanent item on the weekly meeting agenda and discussed prior to major operations. TYLI’s recent experience in protecting utilities include the Mid-Valley Pipeline, a 54-inch reclaimed water line running through the CVSWC and a crucial recycled water transmission line in the Valley. Early potholing of this line on the Adams Street Bridge Improvements project indicated it was incorrectly marked on the plans and the actual location was in line with the construction of a 10-foot-diameter pile shaft. By potholing as a first order of operation, we were able to work with the designer to slightly relocate the pier and avoid damage to this important utility without any delay to the construction schedule. Through our previous experience, possible issues that may arise in utility construction include: POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES PUBLIC & WORKER SAFETY • Ensure Underground Service Alert (USA) are marked out prior to operations. • Early detection of a 54-inch reclaimed water line on Adams Street Bridge prevented the risk of hitting and damaging a critical transmission line. SCHEDULE DELAY • Verify location of existing utilities by potholing. • Potholing and relocating affected utility lines on the Madison Street Canal Improvements kept the project on schedule. POWER LOSS TO THE PUBLIC • Verify as-builts are accurate prior to and during construction. • TYLI engineers on the I-15/Limonite Interchange project took precautionary measures to identify accurate as-builts and prevent any power outages to nearby residences and business. Water and Sewer Force Main Installation The existing CVWD 18-inch SDR-35 PVC and 12-inch VCP sewer lines will be rerouted/relocated to avoid conflict with bridge footings. The existing CVWD 18-inch domestic water line will be relocate from east to west across the storm channel. Our experience with issues and resolutions to force main installations include: POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES INSTALLATION CHALLENGES • Have a knowledgeable inspector who understands the operational technicalities. • Review the work plan in detail with the Contractor. • Ensure a shoring plan is approved and properly implemented during open trench construction. • Have a detailed traffic control plan that gives Contractor ample work space. • An 18-inch sewer force main was successfully relocated on the Madison Street Canal Improvements project. Operation did not impact traffic or nearby residences. • Mr. Buckley and Mr Naime have overseen multiple operations for wet and dry utilities MAINTAINING SERVICE & SHUTDOWN LIMITATIONS • Remind Contractor and involved agencies to maintain services on existing pipeline until relocated pipeline is ready for service. • Implement an approved bypass plan. SWPPP VIOLATIONS • Ensure operation is in approved SWPPP and Contractor is implementing BMPs CIDH Pile Construction TYLI has designed and inspected CIDH piles similar to the work required for the Dune Palms Road Bridge project, which require pre-construction steps as well as keen quality assurance during construction. Table 2 on page 14 highlights our experience in CIDH pile construction. TYLI maintains standard procedures for inspection of small piles (page 13) to ensure Existing Telephone Service at Dune Palms Road FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 13 proper installation. EarthSpectives will assist TYLI in reviewing the pile placing plans and quality assurance measures necessary to evaluate the homogeneity of the placed concrete. All appropriate safety measures will be adhered to, including fall protection, safety barriers around open holes, as well as monitor the swing of cranes and booms. The Adams Street Bridge Improvements project required construction of large, 10-foot-diameter CIDH piles at the piers and 30-inch-diameter CIDH piles at the abutments. The Contractor was able to drill 128 feet down at the piers without hitting water within the Whitewater River. The Contractor utilized the wet-pile method to maintain the perimeter of the hole as drilling progressed deeper. Inspection tubes were used and the piles were ultimately inspected with gamma-gamma testing. The piles for the Dune Palms Road Bridge are 24-inch-diameter CIDH at the abutments and 60-inch diameter CIDH at the piers. While we do not foresee any potential pile issues, the TYLI team has extensive experience to avoid or mitigate any problems. The table below shows issues our team has identified and their proposed resolutions, as well as examples of how they were implemented in our experience: POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES SKEWED/DISTORTED PILES & INCORRECT LOCATION/ DEPTH OF DRILLED HOLES • Accurate measurement of depth and plumbness during drilling. • Perform QC procedures including inspection and survey. • Refer to Table 2 on page 14. • Refer to Table 1 below. UNCONSOLIDATED CONCRETE • Provide full-time inspection. PILES IN WET CONDITIONS (I.E. WATER IN HOLE)• Be prepared for wet-method construction conditions. • Enforce wet-method specifications and quality control practices. PILE REJECTION • Ensure pile installation plan and mitigation plan are submitted and approved. • Hold a pre-construction meeting before start of pile construction. TABLE 1. TYLI STANDARD PROCEDURES: Construction Inspections of Small and Large Diameter Drilled Shafts Jackson Street Bridge Retrofit – 60” CIDH Pile EVALUATE PRECONSTRUCTION PREPARATION ITEMS (AS APPLICABLE) • Review contract requirements • Hold & document pre-construction meeting • Submitted & approved drilled shaft installation plan • Location of inspection tubes identified on plans • Approved concrete mix design • Trial mix designed & concrete slump loss test run • Procedures for existing structures protection • Completed site preparation (in accordance with plans) • Coffer dam inspection procedures • On-site equipment & tools (per approved drilled shaft installation plan) • Correct size(s) casing • Correct slurry mixing equipment • Desanding equipment • Proper tremies • Rebar Splice Prequalification (QC and QA testing performed) • Proper drilled shaft inspection forms • Verify contract requirements are met • Positive revisions to installation technique/equipment problems VERIFY PRODUCTION DRILLED SHAFT EXCAVATION AND CLEANING PROCEDURES (AS APPLICABLE) • Shafts constructed in the correct location and within horizontal tolerances • A benchmark is available and used to record shaft elevations • Slurry levels, tests, and test reports conducted according to specifications. • Soil/rock excavation inspections forms completed • Permanent/temporary casings meet specifications • Belling meets specifications • Excavation logs for each shaft maintained • Shafts are completed within vertical alignment tolerances and to proper depths• Shaft excavation time meets specified time limit • Shaft over-reaming performed in accordance with specifications • Shaft bottoms meet cleanliness requirements • Shaft inspection forms completed FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 14 TYLI has overseen hundreds of CIDH piles of varying size and have dealt with most issues that occur with this portion of bridge construction. This experience will help allow the foundation work on the Dune Palms Road Bridge go efficiently without delays. TABLE 2. TYLI Partial List of CIDH Pile Inspection Experience DIAMETER (INCHES) DEPTH (FEET)#WET/DRY PROJECT NAME LOCATION 16 35 74 Dry Newport Road Overcrossing (OC)Menifee, CA 16 10 61 Dry I-15/Limonite Avenue Interchange Eastvale, CA 24 30 20 Dry SR 78/College Blvd. Interchange Oceanside, CA 24 39 60 Dry (wet method)Scott Road OC Menifee, CA 24 55 104 Dry Limonite Avenue Interchange Eastvale, CA 30 66 20 Wet Willow Street Bridge Chula Vista, CA 30 35 56 Dry Adams Street Bridge Improvements La Quinta, CA 36 35 6 Wet South Chollas Creek Bridge San Diego, CA 36 18 6 Wet South Chollas Creek Bridge San Diego, CA 42 30 126 Dry Roripaugh North Loop Temecula, CA 42 30 26 Dry Roripaugh South Loop Temecula, CA 48 58 8 Wet Valley Del Rio Bridge San Diego County, CA 48 60 14 Wet Benet Road Bridge Oceanside, CA 54 95 4 Wet North Torrey Pines Road Bridge Del Mar, CA 60 35 10 Dry Roripaugh South Loop Temecula, CA 60 80 4 Wet/Dry Jackson Street Bridge over CVSWC Retrofit Indio, CA 72 50 2 Dry I-5/SR 163 Interchange Retrofit San Diego, CA 84 77 12 Wet Willow Street Bridge Chula Vista, CA 84 84 5 Wet Harbor Drive POC San Diego, CA 96 94 4 Dry Marblehead Canyon Commercial Bridge San Clemente, CA 108 85 6 Wet Avenida Talega Bridge San Clemente, CA 120 120 6 Wet Avenida Vista Hermosa Bridge San Clemente, CA 120 130 6 Dry (wet method)Adams Street Bridge Improvements La Quinta, CA 108 85 6 Wet Avenida Talega Bridge San Clemente, CA 120 120 6 Wet Avenida Vista Hermosa Bridge San Clemente, CA 120 130 6 Dry (wet method)Adams Street Bridge Improvements La Quinta, CA Formwork, Shoring, and Construction within the Channel TYLI’s experience working in Coachella Valley and specifically in the Whitewater River, is that the majority of the rain events within the Valley floor do not create a lot of water within the channel and most events dry rather quickly due to the deep sand. However, flash flooding from rainfall falling further to the west in the foothills and mountain region is always a possibility. Pier wall construction and falsework placement will require operation of equipment within the channel. TYLI will monitor the weather on a daily and weekly basis and require the Contractor to have an emergency plan in the event of a • Inspect reinforcing cages to ensure: • Correct size, configuration, & tying of reinforcing steel • Use of proper spacers • Correct length of splices • Positive method to secure cages during concrete placement to avoid settling or floating • Proper elevation of the cage top • Ensure during concreting operations:• Slurry tested prior to concrete placement (if applicable) • Temporary casings removed in accordance with specifications • Verify concrete is deposited down center of hole • Concrete placement occurs within specified time limit • Concrete placement and volume forms completed for each shaft • Contaminated concrete overflows shafts until good concrete appears • Concrete is finished at cut-off elevation • Concrete acceptance tests performed as required, including gamma-gamma logging and cross-hole sonic • Logging, if drilling fluid is used or if casing is used to control water VERIFY POST-INSTALLATION STEPS • Shafts in open water protected for seven days or until concrete reaches specified strength • Permanent casing is cut-off at proper elevation • Nondestructive evaluations completed (if required) • Shafts meet all applicable construction tolerances • Drilled shaft logs completed • All pay items documented FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 15 flash flood warning. Falsework will need to be designed to adequately protect the foundation from flash flooding. This can be done with either driven temporary piles or with protective barriers around each falsework bent. TYLI will evaluate the contractor’s falsework design accordingly. To construct the abutments in stages, the Contractor must install a temporary shoring system at each bridge approach to support the new roadway fill adjacent to the existing road. The system used may be pile and lagging, sheet piling, or a unique system such as a MSE system that does not require subsurface excavation. If a subsurface shoring system is implemented, the Contractor will be required to design around the existing utilities. As shown in the photo above, the Contractor for the Adams Street Bridge project used an above-ground system of reinforced baskets with fill material. TYLI has an incredible amount of experience and depth of resources when it comes to reviewing structural plans. It is the hallmark of our business. This breadth of experience will provide the City with the peace of mind that any temporary structure will be designed and constructed appropriately and safely. TYLI construction management personnel have reviewed and approved most types of structural plans used in construction. As such, our knowledge and experience translates to speed in the review of submittals, ultimately assisting the Contractor to construct efficient and stable shoring and execute their work. Our involvement in previous projects have allowed us to identify the following potential issues and resolutions that may arise for this project: POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES FALSEWORK WASHED OUT BY HIGH WATER • Divert any watercourse away from falsework. • Place falsework on piles. • Adams Street Bridge and Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge falsework was placed in CVSWC. • Willow Street Bridge falsework was placed within the Sweetwater River. COMPLEX DESIGN AND SHORING INSTALLATION • Utilize experienced TYLI engineers.• The falsework system on the SB Indio Boulevard project was set up adjacent to a UPRR track. System complications called for TYLI engineers to work hand-in- hand with the designers. IMPROPER PIER FORMWORK (I.E. NOT PLUMB; TWISTED) • Check pier level with plumb bob. • Verify elevation grades are properly established. • Verify tolerances for plumbness. • All six bent columns on I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project were verified and checked for plumbness. We understand water and nearby excavations may lead to ground subsidence and falsework collapse resulting in project delays and possible injuries. TYLI will make every effort to maintain the project schedule, avoid any injuries during construction within the channel, and obtain the highest quality for the City. Bridge Railing The decorative bridge railing placed on the Dune Palms Road Bridge will be similar to the railing used on the Date Palm Drive Bridge and the Adams Street Bridge. It is expected the prime Contractor for the Dune Palms Road Bridge project will solicit bids from the subcontractor that provided the railing from the other projects. Regardless, we anticipate the railing may be a long lead time item. In order to mitigate any delays, TYLI will coordinate with the Contractor to receive and review shop drawings early on in the project. Mr. Buckley will coordinate with our source inspection subconsultant, ZTC, to verify materials, welding, and craftsmanship of the railing to ensure correct fabrication the first time. Construction of the railing can be challenging. The TYLI team’s experience with the railing on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge, Adams Street Bridge, and I-10/Jefferson Street Bridge included working with the field fabricators to ensure joints matched up properly and connections were installed correctly. Our experience on this and other similar projects makes us confident in our ability to construct this important feature on time, meet expectations, and result in a beautiful enhancement to the City’s facility. Bridge Railing on Adams Street Bridge Abutment Shoring Used at Adams Street Bridge FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 16 POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES INCORRECT MATERIAL FABRICATION • Conduct a thorough and expeditious review of shop drawings. • A detailed review and full-time inspection led to successful delivery and installation of the 917 LF metal railing on the Adams Street Bridge Improvements project. • Constant communication resulted in over 1,600 LF of railing delivered on schedule to the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project. POOR CONSTRUCTION AND/OR WELDING IN FIELD • Provide proper and adequate inspection. • Coordinate work with installers. • Understand welding requirements and ensure fabricator adherence. MATERIAL DELIVERY DELAYS • Make fabrication and delivery a topic at each weekly meeting. While the railing draws the most public attention, it is a very important safety feature. It is imperative the Contractor furnishes an aesthetic finished product without compromising safety. Our previous experience and identified resolutions will help the City obtain the highest quality in safety, aesthetics, costs, and longevity while maintaining the project schedule and opening sidewalks on time. Concrete Pours Large concrete pours are inherently very busy days on a bridge project. During stem and soffit and during deck pours, the team will juggle many components at the same time, which may include maintaining traffic control, checking concrete truck tickets, monitoring the quality within concrete trucks, ensuring consolidation of concrete being placed, inspecting deck surface finishing, coordinating materials testing, and checking for form settlement at various locations. Efficiency in delivering and depositing concrete during large pours helps with the quality of the product being constructed. Traffic control during these concrete pours is one of many areas requiring special attention and careful planning. Prior to these significant operations, our team will meet with the Contractor and subcontractors to plan for various items such as staging areas, traffic control, back-up pumps, haul routes, and wash-out locations. For the CIDH piles, piers, and both abutments in stage one, the contractor can easily position concrete pumps and trucks within the low water crossing. During Stage One stem and soffit pour, the Contractor will likely stage at each abutment, but may also need to utilize space within the crossing, adjacent to traffic, to gain access to the middle spans. During Stage Two, pours for the piles, piers, and abutments will utilize the area within the channel. Because of the nature of pouring concrete in hot climates, it is anticipated most concrete pours on this project will occur at night or start very early in the morning. To give the Contractor more access points during these operations and allow easy delivery of concrete trucks, we will work with the City and our public outreach subconsultant, Connect and Company, to notify residents of large operations and request they seek alternate routes. All measures identified under Safety within this section of the proposal and the outreach items established in Public Outreach, will be incorporated into planning for these concrete pours. POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES POOR CONCRETE CONSOLIDATION, CONCRETE FINISHING & COLD JOINTS DUE TO INCONSISTENT DELIVERY • Provide full-time inspection and adequate inspectors during large concrete pours. • Ensure Contractor has back-up concrete plant online. • Implement a well-designed and thought out traffic control plan. • Over 12,000 CY of structural concrete was delivered on time for the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project. • The Adams Street Bridge project had four significant pours without incident. TRAFFIC IMPACTS DURING LARGE POURS • Implement a well-designed and thought out public outreach campaign. • Extensive coordination with the public minimized traffic disruptions on the Adams Street Bridge and Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge projects. • The public outreach program on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project resulted in zero safety issues with the public. CONCRETE CRACKING • Work with contractor to evaluate wind and heat impacts prior to important concrete operations. • Contractor utilized the HYPERPAV program on the Jefferson Street Interchange project, postponing concrete pours when risk conditions were high. These QC measures resulted in very minimal issues with tension cracks. Deck Pour on Adams Street Bridge FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 17 The projects above demonstrate TYLI’s experience in large concrete pour operations. The TYLI team strives to prevent constructability issues with prestressing operations, avoid traffic congestion and disruption, and avoid complaints and calls to City Hall or the Mayor. Channel Lining Construction Channel and slope protection improvements are required along the CVSWC east and west of the bridge. This work can be misleading to Contractors unfamiliar with the amount of material required to complete this item. Excavation to access the toe of slope ranges from 35-40 feet, requiring large equipment to move sandy/silty material. In addition, the top of slope is constructed near existing right-of-way or temporary construction easements, requiring the Contractor to plan operations carefully. Contractors who have not worked on this structure type within the CVSWC may not realize the incredible amount of work required for the excavation, placement of formwork, reinforcement and concrete, and ultimately backfilling the area. Fortunately for the City, this work is identical to the components on the Adams Street Bridge Improvements project, where TYLI oversaw the construction of approximately 1,800 linear feet of channel lining with similar excavations required. TYLI and Falcon are currently overseeing construction of a drop structure and channel lining within the CVSWC on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge. The Contractor for Adams Street underestimated the amount of work required and tried to recoup costs by submitting a $1.2 million claim against the City of La Quinta. Mr. Smith successfully disputed the claim by clearly identifying and defending the requirements in the Greenbook Specifications and Project Special Provisions. TYLI has the experience to ensure bid documents thoroughly and accurately capture all costs associated with this work, guiding Contractors through this operation and protecting the City from incurring additional costs. POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES MISINTERPRETATION OF SPECIFICATIONS • Identify Contractor-specific responsibilities. • Capture all payment items prior to construction. • The construction management team on the Adams Street Bridge project reviewed all project specifications to help identify the Contractor’s responsibilities. Inspectors on the Adams Street Bridge ensured all materials, equipment, and quality control processes met and exceeded all project requirements during the construction of the 1,800 LF of channel lining. TYLI’s ongoing oversight resulted in a properly constructed channel lining, protecting the channel and the new bridge. CONGESTION & LOGISTIC CHALLENGES DUE TO SIGNIFICANT EXCAVATION • Work with Contractor’s schedule to minimize overlapping activities. USE OF EXPANSIVE BACKFILL MATERIAL CAUSING UPLIFT OF STRUCTURE OR COLLAPSE IN SETTLEMENT • Verify material prior to backfill. • Verify borrow material is suitable for intended use. • Compact material per required specifications; prohibit or limit use of expansive backfill material. Storm Drain Construction Construction of the storm drain at the south and north side of the bridge will require installation of 24-inch HDPE lateral around existing utilities. In addition, the lines must be constructed in stages. This work must be completed while maintaining traffic along Dune Palms Road. The storm drain system for the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge and the Adams Street Bridge Improvements projects were constructed under similar constraints. On these projects, the TYLI team worked with the City and the Contractor to maintain existing drainage, while constructing the new system under stage traffic control. We coordinated several traffic diversions to allow for multi-shift tie-ins of new pipes to previously placed sections. Some potential issues that may arise during this project includes: Storm Drain System Construction on Adams Street Bridge Slope paving within CVSWC FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 18 POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES SCHEDULE IMPACTS FROM DELAYED DELIVERY OF PRECAST MATERIALS • Ensure complete and comprehensive submittal review. • Verify material meets all project requirements. • Precast drainage material was delivered on time to Adams Street Bridge Improvements project. NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERFERES WITH SURROUNDING TRAFFIC • Verify construction can be done under the approved traffic control plan. • Implement City-approved traffic control plan. • Diversions were executed to allow for tie-ins of new pipes. • Multiple traffic diversions were executed to allow for tie -ins of new pipes. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) PAPERWORK TYLI understands the Dune Palms Road Bridge project involves federal HBP funds. Caltrans is the steward of federal money and has created the LAPM to assist local agencies in administering projects that involve such funds. TYLI also understands that precisely following Caltrans and LAPM procedures ensures local agencies of reimbursement for eligible construction activities. TYLI Office Engineer, Ms. Ma, will assist Mr. Buckley in meeting the requirements stated in the LAPM. Specifically, Chapter 15, Advertise and Award Project; Chapter 16, Administer Construction Contracts; and, Chapter 17, Project Completion, will be used as guides for administration of this federal funded contract. In addition, Ms. Wang of DESI, will provide the labor compliance oversight to ensure that payments to workers satisfies the state and federal wage guidelines. TYLI Project Manager, Mr. Smith, assisted by Mr. Buckley and Ms. Ma recently managed the $43.2 million I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project which included FHWA funds. This project was the highest ranked regional project in the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) 2010 Transportation Project Prioritization Study at the time and includes numerous tracking spreadsheets and hundreds of documents. The project was intermittently audited by Caltrans and was found to have no errors in compliance. Additionally, TYLI has been managing the City of Indio’s federally funded retrofit of bridges contract for ten years, providing construction management and inspection on eight projects. Each project was intermittently audited by Caltrans and was found to have no errors in compliance The file organization list is the administrative categories required in the LAPM; however, TYLI incorporates the entire Caltrans construction process when we manage, inspect, and administer any public works projects. This approach provides our clients with the assurance that all of the necessary paperwork and quality assurance measures are being addressed. TYLI, united with our specialty subconsultants, will ensure compliance with FHWA policies and result in full reimbursement of funds. POTENTIAL ISSUES RESOLUTIONS EXAMPLES AUDIT NONCOMPLIANCE; LOSS OF PROJECT FUNDING • Ensure program implementation is done in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. • Meet federal and state requirements and ensure correct procedures are followed. • Verify all documentation is properly filed and diligently maintained per LAPM • Thousands of documents and over 120 binders were maintained during the entire project duration of the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project. The project was frequently audited and was found to have met all federal and state governmental requirements. TYLI Office Engineer and the rest of the construction management team will strive to have the project: ♦Demonstrate requirements imposed by local, state, and federal governments are met and correct procedures followed. ♦Receive full local, state, and federal funding. PUBLIC OUTREACH Communication challenges are inherent in construction projects of this magnitude. The key to mitigating these challenges is to identify all stakeholders and communicate with them early and often. Based on proven experience managing community relations with projects under construction, we know open and accurate communication brings acceptance and understanding for a project. In turn, this understanding nurtures community relationships and fosters credibility for the Dune Palms Road Bridge project. Project stakeholders include La Quinta High School, residents to the north and southwest of the bridge, businesses to the south, bicyclists, and commuters. Using a variety of proven tactics such as meetings, social and print media, mailed project updates, door-knob notifications, and the Web, we will provide accurate information GAIN SUPPORT BUILD CONSENSUS INFORM SEEK INPUT ENGAGE FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 19 about noise, construction hours, night work, detours, and project milestones to the public and other stakeholders. In addition, site tours can be offered, in accordance with the City’s approval, to media reporters so information about the project is reported correctly. TYLI has teamed with Connect and Company to create and maintain a project webpage accessed through a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account, a standalone site, or a link on the City’s website. In either scenario, the site will be accessible through various social networking sites. The site will display project information including status, upcoming stage changes, potential night-time lane adjustments, and critical milestones. The Contractor will be responsible for furnishing and installing a job site camera to provide video access and a live video stream of the project site. This feed will be accessible through the project website. Additionally, the camera can be set to take still photographs periodically, creating additional construction photo documentation. Creating and monitoring project information along with regular webpage maintenance with project updates will enable stakeholders to track project milestones and post questions or concerns in real time. Our team has worked on some of the highest profile and demanding construction projects that required 24/7 construction activity and real-time communication with the public. With night work potentially occurring on the bridge, residents must be assured they can reach a responsible project team member outside of traditional business hours. Mr. Buckley will be the 24-hour contact to ensure a rapid response to minor or major public concerns such as lighting or noise issues that would otherwise have to wait until the next business day. He will meet with residents in the area separately to discuss the project, strategize ways to minimize inconveniences, and reassure residents they can reach a responsible party when needed. Mr. Buckley has worked on projects that involved impacts to local businesses and he is experienced in maintaining relations with the general public and property owners. His courteous approach involves simple steps to reduce frustrations and assist in explaining the ultimate benefit of the project. These include maintaining access to driveways, encouraging attendance of construction crew to frequent local coffee and sandwich shops, and offering tours of the project to interested La Quinta High School students, residents and business owners. These proposed methods incorporate the same tactics successfully utilized on the Adams Street Bridge Improvements project, where Mr. Smith personally visited residents and businesses surrounding the project, introducing himself as the point- of-contact, and explaining the project. A webcam was used on this project allowing residents to view the project via the City’s website and the Adams Street Bridge Facebook page, created by the TYLI team. The TYLI team used an identical outreach campaign on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project. On both projects, Mr. Smith received calls from residents asking questions about pile driving, traffic control, and project duration. Mr. Smith was able to answer all questions and professionally represent the project owners. ENVIRONMENTAL The City of La Quinta is applying for and shall receive the following permits: ♦USACE Section 404 Permit ♦Regional Water Quality Control Board Section 401 Water Quality Certification ♦CDFW Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement ♦RWQCB NPDES Permit ♦CVWD Temporary and Construction Permits ♦RCFC and Water Conservation District (RCWCD) Permits Permit requirements will be addressed at the pre-construction meeting. Adherence to the permits will be an agenda item at weekly construction meetings. All permits will be on-site and prominently displayed in both the Contractor’s trailer and the construction management office space. Mr. Buckley will ensure all applicable information, including actions taken to comply with specific permits, dates of completion, and official personnel visiting the site, will be maintained in the project’s Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). The Contractor is required to complete a SWPPP within five working days after contract award. The Contractor must implement this plan and satisfy the requirements of the RWQCB NDPES permit. Dion Castro, ToR, QSD/QSP (Falcon) will assist with the review, approval, and monitoring of the Contractor’s SWPPP. Mr. Castro will perform bi-weekly site visits to monitor compliance with the approved SWPPP and NPDES Permit requirements. Rain event inspections will occur prior to the planned event, on a weekday following the event or every 24 hours for extended storm events. Mr. Castro is available as-needed if additional field visits are required. FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 20 The City of La Quinta must adhere to the Coachella Valley State Implementation Plan (SIP) in relation to PM10, also identified as fugitive dust, that can be particularly harmful to humans. Construction activities occurring on the Dune Palms Road Bridge project may be a source for concern if not mitigated ahead of time. From our work in Coachella Valley, TYLI team members have an elevated understanding of the PM10 ordinance. Their personnel working on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange hold Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Certifications. They can provide inspection and ideas on mitigation measures that will assist the team in avoiding violations. The Dune Palms Road Bridge project will fall within the breeding and nesting season for migratory birds, burrowing owl, and raptors (generally February 1 to August 31 for nesting birds and burrowing owls; January 1 to July 31 for raptors). As a result, in accordance with the project’s MMRP and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA), a CDFW-approved biologist will be required to conduct a nesting bird, raptor, and burrowing owl survey prior to any construction activities. The SAA also requires Management Plans be written for nesting birds. TYLI has teamed up with ECORP to assist the team in conducting surveys and writing management plans prior to construction. Caroline Garcia, Wildlife Biologist, will be the environmental compliance lead for the project. Ms. Garcia will coordinate, implement, and verify the permit conditions are followed throughout the duration of construction, conducting weekly or monthly inspections, or as-needed. Mr. Buckley will coordinate with Ms. Garcia to ensure adequate time is allotted for the required surveys and management plans. With a proactive approach it is anticipated that these requirements will not result in delays to construction. ECORP has conducted biological surveys and monitoring on multiple interchange projects within Coachella Valley and is currently providing this service to the TYLI team on the Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge Project in the City of Cathedral City and previously provided this service on both the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange and multiple Indio Retrofit projects. Based on the cultural resources measures in the MMRP, when notified of potential cultural materials, ECORP’s Project Archaeologist John O’Connor, PhD, RPA will respond, assess the finds, and notify other appropriate parties such as the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians or the Riverside County Coroner (if human remains are found). Based on the field assessment, subsequent work may be needed that is outside of this scope. Dr. O’Connor meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for prehistoric and historic archaeology Mr. Smith has extensive experience working under similar conditions on the I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange project. On this project, Mr. Smith communicated daily with the prime Contractor to understand locations where their personnel would be excavating or disturbing material within sensitive areas. He worked with paleontological and cultural monitors to notify them where the disturbances would take place. They in turn worked with local Native American tribal leaders to ensure a local representative was on-site to also provide monitoring and inspection. These procedures allowed local Native American personnel to feel confident that their land and potential artifacts were protected during construction. Mr. Smith will ensure the TYLI team strictly follows these same procedures to ensure compliance with the MMRP for the Dune Palms Road Bridge project. PRE-AWARD AUDIT Caltrans and federally-funded work is the backbone of TYLI’s business. The team understands a pre-award audit administered by Caltrans will be required for this project. TYLI acknowledges and will comply with the required pre-award audit in accordance with Caltrans requirements and procedures. Our staff is experienced in the required materials for audit consideration and we will fulfill the City’s audit request to support this contract. CONSTRUCTIBILITY REVIEW TYLI performed a preliminary review of the PS&E, MMRP, and permits. Upon selection for this project, TYLI will engage in a more in-depth review of all contract items. Our preliminary list of other constructibility review comments is shown on the following pages. Our Team Will Conduct the Necessary Surveys including Burrowing Owl Survey FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 21 TABLE 3. Preliminary Comments from TYLI’s Constructability Review PDF PAGE SHEET NO.CATEGORY COMMENT General Notes and/or call-outs are illegible on various sheets throughout the contract plans. 1-2 T-1, ST-1 General Sheet 1 General Notes - Note 1: 2010 Standard Plan & Specifications are referenced. Sheet 2 General Notes - Note 1: 2015 Standard Plan & Specifications are referenced. 1 T-1 General Sheet 1 General Notes - Note 10: Provide list of holidays in the General Conditions. T-1 Utility Protection Sheet 1 General Notes - Note 6, Sheet 2 General Notes - Note 7: Location of underground utilities may be per the direction of the utility company. All costs associated with this location work shall be borne by the Contractor. Recommend providing clarity. 3, 12-14 ST-2 Street Improve.All sidewalks should be constructed with a maximum 1.5% cross-fall. Caltrans ADA forms indicate a maximum of 1.7% cross-fall. 3, 12-13 ST-2, ST-11, ST-12 Street Improve.Cross-slopes do not match at Stations 11+00.00 and 11+69.62. 4 ST-3 Concrete Channel Construction Note 18: Limits of riprap removal should be provided with as-builts, or depth of riprap removal should be noted. 8, 9 ST-7, ST-8 Storm Drain Const.Manufacturers do not supply pipes at the radius shown for RCP. RCP will have to be built as deflect straight pipes which will cause clean out issues. Suggest placing clean outs angle points or changing to flexible pipes. 10 ST-9 Water Pollution Control Sampling location should be identified at both upstream and downstream. Plan shows testing location at downstream only. 30, 45 SC-2, S-7 Bridge Const./ Channel Lining Skewed piers and squared footing limits will significantly impede into 3” channel lining shown on SC-2 at each pier, requiring shoring. Suggest showing piers and footing limits and modifications to lining so shoring is not required for footings. 31-33 SC-3,5 Bridge Const.Notes on staging plans do not identify bridge construction. Recommend including call-out note. 31-33 SC-3 - SC-5 Storm Drain Const.Contractor is to provide temporary drainage systems and protect existing improvements due to potential flash flooding during winter & summer seasons. Specifications shall identify associated cost captured in other drainage items. 32-33 SC-4,5 Street Improve.Temporary storm drain facilities are removed in Stage 2 (Phase 1) before the outlet is provided in Stage 2 (Phase 2). Recommend identifying where the drainage will go between stages. 32-33 SC-4,5 Street Improve.Note 17 is inadequate. Details for the temporary drainage line invert elevation is not found. 33 SC-5 Safety Section should show traffic on Stage 1 of bridge only. Final lane configuration should not be shown. 33 SC-5 Bridge Const.Fence identified in Note 21 was built in previous phase. 34 TC-1 Safety Stage 1 (Phase 1) NB traffic is prevented from turning left into Paseo Real due to SB traffic control. Turn lane must be closed or SB traffic control plan should be revised. 35 TC-2 Safety Stage 1 (Phases 2 & 3A) NB and SB traffic are prevented from turning left into driveways to Cathedral Palms RV Resort and Hosanna City Church. Appropriate signs should be implemented showing left turn restrictions, or suggest revising traffic control plan at Station 4+00 to allow left turns to keep locals happy. 35 TC-2 Safety Stage 1 (Phase 2 & 3A) SB traffic cannot access driveway onto Canyon Shores Drive. Public outreach will make sure that the businesses are not caught blindsided. Alternatively, allow left turns into lot. 35 TC-2 Storm Drain Const.There is a call-out to "construct storm drain" at the north end of the bridge. Storm drain lines are not shown or are different line types than other plan sheets. 35-36 TC-2,3 Safety SB end taper at the south end of the job between TC-2 and TC-3 should match. 35-38 TC-2 to TC-4 Safety Plans shall show k-rail along detour/closures on both approaches. 37 TC-4 Safety Detail for k-rail is shown with dowels into deck which is not needed as the k-rail is 2' from edge. 39 S-1 Bridge Const.Are the 2-4" diameter future utility openings in the sidewalk replacing the standard 5" diameter openings in the sidewalk per the standard plans? FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 22 PDF PAGE SHEET NO.CATEGORY COMMENT 39, 70 S-1, S-32 Bridge Const.Provide openings/conduits matching future openings under approach slabs on both sides. Specifications shall capture associated costs. 41 S-3 Bridge Const.Construction of 24” CIDH piles may encounter various man-made buried objects and/or large rocks. Specifications shall capture. 41 S-3 Bridge Const.Specifications must have provisions for wet pile drilling operation. 41 S-3 Bridge Const.Consider using steel casing for 24” CIDH piling to avoid sloughing and prevent collapse. 45 S-7 Bridge Const.PT block-outs will be over the bearing sole plate due to high skew. If these are in conflict a drop end diaphragm may be used. 48 S-10 Bridge Const.Bundled #11 bars in cap at each end are drawn in conflict with location of prestressing ducts. Recommend lowering bundles bars and storm drain pipe block-out accordingly. 51 S-13 Bridge Const.Falsework Release: Provide Alternate Release No. 1 and No. 2 per MTD 9-3. 51 S-13 Bridge Const.Strongly recommend to have falsework system on piles due to potential flash flood & scour during winter and summer seasons. 52, 54 S-14, S-16 Bridge Const.Soffit vents in end spans are not shown at the low points in the span and soffit flare not accounted for. 52, 54 S-14 to 16 Bridge Const.Recommend allowing truss bars in deck between bent caps. 55 S-17 Bridge Const.Confirm zero camber for all spans. 57 S-19 Bridge Const.PT block-out shown in the end diaphragm is not reflected accurately due to high skew. Potential conflicts with bottom steel and sole plate bolts. 86 2 Sewer Force Main Construction Note 14 specifies installation of tracer wire taped to the outside surface of the sewer force main pipe. There may be a risk of the tracer wire detaching from the pipe during the pullback operation. If a carrier pipe were installed in a casing, there is very little risk of the tracer wire detaching from the carrier pipe as it is pulled in through the casing. 86 2 Sewer Force Main Plans indicate the entry pit for the boring operation is to be located in Dune Palms Road, in front of the shopping center. Re-evaluation of the horizontal alignment could reduce the length of HDD by as much as 400 LF and allow the entry pit to be located out of the street and away from the shopping center. 86 2 Sewer Force Main Recommend to relocate existing 8” sewer line away from existing improvements. 87 3 Sewer Force Main Recommend the Contractor increase the vertical separation between the bottom of the slope lining and the pipeline. 87 3 Sewer Force Main Suggest lowering pipeline to increase cover between Stations 15+75 and 16+28 to 12-feet. 87 3 Sewer Force Main Recommend installing a casing through HDD to bear the brunt of the HDD installation if the casing collapses or damaged during installation. 87 3 Sewer Force Main A casing will allow the Owner to replace that portion of carrier pipe crossing the river much easier by pulling it out of the casing and pulling in a new pipeline. Specs.Concrete Channel Specification shall address the excess material from concrete channel construction. SCHEDULE The schedule on the following page represents TYLI’s understanding of the sequence of work. To adhere to the page count outlined in the RFP, we consolidated the schedule to one page. The full 3-page schedule can be found in the Appendix. Based upon our understanding of the project requirements and our prior experience on Adams Street Bridge, Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge and other very similar projects, we believe the project can be completed in the 470 working days shown in the current project special provisions. FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 23 PROJECT SCHEDULE#Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float1Dune Plams BridgeDune Plams Bridge 470 02-Mar-22 22-Jan-24 0 2 SUBMITTALSSUBMITTALS 30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 0 3 PHASE 1PHASE 1 242 15-Apr-22 06-Apr-23 0 4 SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST)SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST)25 20-Jun-22 25-Jul-22 0 5 B1010 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (West)5 20-Jun-22 24-Jun-22 0 6 B1020 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (West)5 27-Jun-22 01-Jul-22 0 7 B1030 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (WEST)5 05-Jul-22 11-Jul-22 0 8 B1040 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (WEST)5 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 0 9 B1050 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (WEST)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 0 10 B1070 ABUT 5 Pile Cap (West)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 0 11 SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST)SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST)114 26-Jul-22 10-Jan-23 0 12 B1090 ABUT 5 (West)5 26-Jul-22 01-Aug-22 0 13 B1120 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (West)5 26-Jul-22 01-Aug-22 0 14 B1130 Falsework (480'L x 40.5'W) (West)20 02-Aug-22 29-Aug-22 0 15 B1140 Forms Stems Exterior (5.5'H) (West)10 30-Aug-22 13-Sep-22 0 16 B1170 Rebar Soffit & Stems (West)10 14-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 0 17 B1180 PT Ducts (5 EA) (4 Spans, 135'L max) (West)8 28-Sep-22 07-Oct-22 0 18 B1190 Forms Stems (West)10 11-Oct-22 24-Oct-22 0 19 B1200 Pour Soffit & Stems (674 CY) (West)2 25-Oct-22 26-Oct-22 0 20 B1205 Install IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge Cell (West)5 27-Oct-22 02-Nov-22 0 21 B1210 Forms Lost Deck (32'W x 452'L) (West)8 03-Nov-22 15-Nov-22 0 22 B1220 Rebar Deck (West)10 16-Nov-22 01-Dec-22 0 23 B1230 Pour Deck (West)1 02-Dec-22 02-Dec-22 0 24 B1240 Post Tensioning (West)5 19-Dec-22 23-Dec-22 0 25 B1260 Backwall Abut 5 (West)5 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 0 26 B1280 Structure Backfill Abut 5 (West)5 04-Jan-23 10-Jan-23 0 27 ROADWAY 1ROADWAY 1 242 15-Apr-22 06-Apr-23 0 28 PHASE 2PHASE 2 197 07-Apr-23 22-Jan-24 0 29 SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST)SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST)25 07-Apr-23 11-May-23 0 30 B2010 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (East)5 07-Apr-23 13-Apr-23 0 31 B2020 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (East)5 14-Apr-23 20-Apr-23 0 32 B2030 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (East)5 21-Apr-23 27-Apr-23 0 33 B2040 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (East)5 28-Apr-23 04-May-23 0 34 B2050 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (East)5 05-May-23 11-May-23 0 35 SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST)SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST)155 12-May-23 26-Dec-23 0 36 B2120 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (East)5 12-May-23 18-May-23 0 37 B2125 Falsework (East)20 19-May-23 16-Jun-23 0 38 B2150 Forms Stems Exterior (East)10 19-Jun-23 30-Jun-23 0 39 B2160 Rebar Soffit & Stems (East)10 03-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 0 40 B2170 PT Ducts (East)8 18-Jul-23 27-Jul-23 0 41 B2180 Forms Stems (East)10 28-Jul-23 10-Aug-23 0 42 B2190 Pour Soffit & Stems (East)2 11-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 0 43 B2200 Forms Lost Deck (East)8 15-Aug-23 24-Aug-23 0 44 B2210 Rebar Deck (East)10 25-Aug-23 08-Sep-23 0 45 B2220 Pour Deck (East)1 11-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 0 46 B2230 Post Tentioning (East)5 26-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 0 47 B2240 Backwall Abut 1 (East)5 03-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 0 48 B2250 Backwall Abut 5 (East)5 03-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 0 49 B2260 Structure Backfill Abut 1 (East)5 11-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 0 50 B2270 Structure Backfill Abut 5 (East)5 11-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 0 51 B2330 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (East)2 22-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 0 52 B2340 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (East)2 22-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 0 53 ROADWAY 2ROADWAY 2 63 18-Oct-23 22-Jan-24 0 54 CVWD SewerlineCVWD Sewerline 0 0 55 CVWD WaterlineCVWD Waterline 0 0 56 CVSC ChannelCVSC Channel 0 0 57 UTILITIES By OthersUTILITIES By Others 224 22-Apr-22 17-Mar-23 0 58 U1040 IDD - Install Intrim Electrical Shoofly (East Side)10 22-Apr-22 05-May-22 0 59 U1070 Spectrum - Relocate UG Facilities (East Side)10 22-Apr-22 05-May-22 0 60 U1080 IDD - Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Roadway (North West)30 19-Jan-23 03-Mar-23 0 61 U1100 IID_Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge (West)10 06-Mar-23 17-Mar-23 0 62 MILESTONESMILESTONES 470 02-Mar-22 22-Jan-24 0 63 M1010 NTP 0 02-Mar-22 0 64 M1020 Swith Traffic to East (Bypass)0 20-Jun-22 0 65 M1030 Swith Traffic to West 0 07-Apr-23 0 66 M1040 Project Completion 0 22-Jan-24 0 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan202220232024 14-Apr-22, SUBMITTALS 06-Apr-23, PHASE 1 25-Jul-22, SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST) 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (West) 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (West) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (WEST) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (WEST) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (WEST) ABUT 5 Pile Cap (West) 10-Jan-23, SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST) ABUT 5 (West) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (West) Falsework (480'L x 40.5'W) (West) Forms Stems Exterior (5.5'H) (West) Rebar Soffit & Stems (West) PT Ducts (5 EA) (4 Spans, 135'L max) (West) Forms Stems (West) Pour Soffit & Stems (674 CY) (West) Install IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge Cell (West) Forms Lost Deck (32'W x 452'L) (West) Rebar Deck (West) Pour Deck (West) Post Tensioning (West) Backwall Abut 5 (West) Structure Backfill Abut 5 (West) 06-Apr-23, ROADWAY 1 11-May-23, SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST) 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (East) 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (East) 26-Dec-23, SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (East) Falsework (East) Forms Stems Exterior (East) Rebar Soffit & Stems (East) PT Ducts (East) Forms Stems (East) Pour Soffit & Stems (East) Forms Lost Deck (East) Rebar Deck (East) Pour Deck (East) Post Tentioning (East) Backwall Abut 1 (East) Backwall Abut 5 (East) Structure Backfill Abut 1 (East) Structure Backfill Abut 5 (East) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (East) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (East) 17-Mar-23, UTILITIES By Others IDD - Install Intrim Electrical Shoofly (East Side) Spectrum - Relocate UG Facilities (East Side) IDD - Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Roadway (North West) IID_Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge (West) NTP Swith Traffic to East (Bypass) Swith Traffic to West Dune Plams Bridge Classic Schedule Layout 03-Dec-21 11:23 Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining W... Milestone Page 1 of 1 TASK filter: Critical. © Oracle Corporation FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 24 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED SERVICES TASK 1.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TYLI Resident Engineer (RE) shall organize and develop a Project Development Team (PDT). Members of the PDT shall include TYLI Construction Management RE, Design Project Manager, TYLI Inspectors as required, Sub-Consultants as required and members of the City of La Quinta (City). TASK 1.1 MONTHLY PDT MEETINGS TYLI shall organize and conduct Monthly Progress Meetings to discuss progress of construction project, issues to be resolved and action items to be addressed. Deliverables: TYLI RE shall contact all members of the PDT to coordinate the scheduled meeting date. A Meeting Notice, Agenda, and Meeting Minutes shall be prepared for the meeting. TASK 1.2 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORTS TYLI shall prepare progress reports to record the progress of the construction project and as supporting data for invoices presented monthly to the City. The Progress Report shall include accomplished tasks for the month, anticipated progress for the next month, pending issues, a list of Contract Change Orders (CCO), a list of Notice of Potential Claims (NOPC) (if any), and schedule completion target dates. TASK 1.3 QUALITY CONTROL TYLI shall have a quality control plan in effect during the entire course of construction. Deliverables: TYLI shall hand deliver progress reports with the monthly invoices and deliver Progress Reports to the City at monthly PDT meetings. TASK 1.3.1 QUALITY CONTROL PLAN TYLI shall develop a plan establishing a process to ensure calculations performed for construction are independently checked. TYLI shall conduct periodic audits of the contract files to ensure all documentation is filed appropriately. TASK 1.3.2 SUBCONSULTANT QUALITY CONTROL TYLI shall review engineering Sub-Consultant report submittals to ensure appropriate background information, study methodology, interpretation of data, format and content are completed in accordance with the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM), Caltrans Construction Manual, Caltrans Bridge Records and Procedures Manuals, and City requirements. TASK 2.0 PRE-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES TASK 2.1 CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEW TYLI RE shall perform a constructability review of the contract plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E) according to Caltrans Constructability Review Process. TYLI shall perform an independent check of the quantities. TYLI shall review Specifications for compatibility with plans and estimate. TYLI shall validate estimate for realistic prices, errors and/or omissions. TYLI shall review plans specifically checking staging, utility conflicts, adequate access for construction, whether construction details are complete and buildable, among other items. Deliverables: TYLI shall provide a checklist identifying compliance, errors and/or omissions in the PS&E, with correction recommendations. Plans shall be returned to original designer with mark-ups and comments. Specifications will be flagged where appropriate with explanations of omission, errors, and suggested corrections. TASK 2.2 PRE-BID PACKAGE REVIEW TYLI shall perform a review of Contract Bid Package. TYLI shall verify that the PS&E package complies with all applicable federal and State regulations and procedures as outlined in the Caltrans LAPM. Deliverables: TYLI shall provide a checklist identifying compliance, errors and/or omissions in the bid package, with correction recommendations. TASK 2.3 PRE-BID MEETING TYLI shall schedule and conduct a pre-bid meeting. TYLI shall assist agency with advertising a pre-bid meeting in applicable newspapers and trade magazines. Deliverable: A Meeting Notice, Agenda, and Sign-In Sheet shall be prepared for pre-bid meeting. TYLI shall provide meeting minutes to agency within two days of meeting. Action items will be assigned to appropriate personnel with a timeline for completion of tasks. TYLI shall assist agency in preparing addendum to contract PS&E, if necessary. TASK 2.4 BID-OPENING MEETING TYLI shall schedule and conduct a bid-opening meeting per Chapter 15.5 of the Caltrans LAPM. TYLI shall assist the City with advertising a bid-opening meeting in applicable newspapers and trade magazines. TYLI will assist the City with retaining the appropriate documents for the successful low bidder. SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 25 Deliverable: A Meeting Notice, Agenda, and Sign-In Sheet shall be prepared for bid-opening meeting. Completed Local Agency Bid Opening Checklist per LAPM Chapter 15. TASK 2.5 BID ANALYSIS TYLI shall review and analyze contractor’s bids in accordance with Chapter 15.6 of the LAPM. TYLI shall review the unit bid prices in each bid for reasonable conformance with the engineer’s estimate and compare with each other bid received. TYLI shall evaluate bids for responsiveness and completeness, and assure compliance with DBE program, per the LAPM. Deliverable: The TYLI shall make recommendations to agency on acceptance of contractor’s bids. TASK 2.6 AWARD PACKAGE TYLI shall complete the Award Package for the contract after award of the contract and prior to submitting the first invoice, in accordance with Chapter 15.7 of the LAPM. Deliverable: Award package to include the following:• Local Agency Contract Award Checklist• Detail Estimate • Finance Letter• RE’s Construction Contract Administration Checklist • City of La Quinta’s Bidder DBE Commitment TASK 2.7 PROJECT WALK-THROUGH TYLI shall schedule and administer a project walk-through with TYLI team members, City personnel, and design engineers. Deliverable: TYLI shall contact each member, take notes during walk and deliver minutes to participants within two days after walk-through. TASK 2.8 PROJECT KICK-OFF MEETING TYLI shall schedule and administer a project kick-off meeting with TYLI team members, City, and design engineers. The meeting intent will be to obtain issues and concerns that City personnel would like addressed at the pre-construction meeting. Deliverable: TYLI shall contact each member, take meeting notes, and deliver minutes to participants within two days after walk-through. TASK 2.9 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING TYLI shall schedule and conduct a pre-construction meeting with approved contractor. TYLI shall contact additional City personnel, members of the contractor’s team, local authorities (police, fire, etc.), Caltrans Local Assistance, design engineer, personnel from CVWD, Verizon, IID, and Time Warner. Topics will include items such as agency expectations, labor compliance, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) compliance, safety, environmental permits, SWPPP, materials testing and compliance, Contractor submittals, encroachment permits, quality control and quality assurance expectations, and payment process. Deliverable: A Meeting Notice, Agenda, and Sign-In Sheet shall be prepared for pre-construction meeting. (The meeting agenda will be provided to City personnel five days prior to meeting to secure concurrence on topics to be covered.) Action items will be assigned to appropriate personnel with a timeline for completion of tasks. TYLI shall provide meeting minutes to attendees within two days of meeting. TASK 2.10 PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHOTO DOCUMENTATION TYLI shall conduct pre-construction photo and video documentation of the existing conditions on the project site. Deliverable: TYLI shall provide the agency with compact disks and videos containing pre-construction documentation. Copies of disks and videos will be made and inserted into the project files on site. TASK 2.11 REVIEW PROJECT PERMIT REQUIREMENTS TYLI RE, Assistant RE, and other sub-consultants shall review the project permit requirements, paying particular attention to the potential impact to Contractor plan and schedule. Deliverable: TYLI shall summarize salient points about each permit and discuss any issues with the City. Time will be allowed at the pre-construction meeting to discuss project permits. TASK 3.0 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES TASK 3.1 PERFORM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, INSPECTION, AND ADMINISTRATION TYLI will perform all construction management, inspection, and administration in accordance with all requirements listed in the RFP for Construction Management Services for the Dune Palms Road Bridge Project. Management and inspection will be performed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, Caltrans Standards, Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, and City requirements as necessary for the project to assure contract compliance and Federal reimbursement as outlined in the LAPM and the Caltrans Construction Manual. A brief description of some of the major aspects of this work: Deliverable: Deliverables for each item below will vary depending on nature of task. A copy of all deliverable items as a result of task identified below shall be kept in the contract files on site at the Contractor provided field office. TASK 3.1.1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS TYLI’s RE and Inspector(s) will have a complete understanding of all contract documents and their applicability to the specific items of work. FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 26 TASK 3.1.2 DOCUMENT CONTROL FILING TYLI’s RE and OE shall set up and maintain the contract filing system in accordance with the Caltrans Construction Manual and LAPM. Files include, but not be limited to, all contracts, plans and specifications and applicable addenda, all correspondence, pre-construction checklists, submittals, CCOs, diaries, monthly progress payments, certificates of compliance, survey requests, all EEO compliance paperwork, RFI documents, permit inspections, and materials testing diaries and spreadsheets. TASK 3.1.3 COMPILATION OF RECORDS (BOUND WORKBOOKS) TYLI’s Inspector shall maintain a set of bound documents to track record of quantities constructed, daily and weekly reports, photographs and other items as necessary. TASK 3.1.4 BASELINE SCHEDULE TYLI’s RE and Inspector will review the baseline CPM schedule submitted by the Contractor and work closely with the Contractor until it is acceptable. TYLI’s RE and Inspector will review monthly Baseline Schedule updates and verify accuracy. TYLI’s RE work with Contractor to maintain the project schedule to show current conditions and suggest revisions as necessary. TYLI’s RE will also review Contractor’s weekly updates, to be submitted on the last working day of the week, and provide comments and/or concerns. TASK COORDINATION WITH CV LINK PROJECT TYLI will coordinate with the CV Link Project and segregate contractor’s costs and item payments in accordance with the different funding sources. TASK 3.1.5 DAILY INSPECTION TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall perform daily inspection of all Contractors’ activities. TYLI will ensure compliance with contract documents. TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall evaluate, approve, or reject the Contractor’s and Sub-Contractor’s work in accordance with contract documents. TYLI will place the City’s interest as the top priority throughout construction duration. TASK 3.1.6 DAILY DIARIES TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall record all inspection observances on a daily diary form. This information will include but not be limited to job stamp, date, weather, item of work performed, hours of work performed, measurement of items installed, workers names and classifications, equipment numbers, subcontractor’s personnel, conversations, conflicts and resolutions, and non-compliance (if necessary). TASK 3.1.7 PROJECT PERMITS TYLI’s RE, OE, and Inspector shall maintain a copy of all project permits in the construction trailer and in their daily workbook. TASK 3.1.8 DOMESTIC WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall coordinate with Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for relocation, removal, and protection of their facilities. TYLI’s RE will ensure Contractor compliance with plans, specifications, and all requirements from CVWD. TYLI’s Inspector will monitor and document all work associated with CVWD facilities. TASK 3.1.9 PHOTO LOG TYLI’s Inspector will make a photo log of the project. Photos will include all pre-existing conditions, work-in-progress, disputed work and issues of contract non-compliance, SWPPP and PM10 violations, extra work, and completed work. TASK 3.1.10 WEEKLY DIARIES TYLI’s RE shall create a weekly diary. Diary shall include general contractor’s activities on a daily basis, working day identification, percent project complete, percent project remaining, conversations with Contractors’ Superintendent and Foremen, resolutions of conflicts, and submittals received. TASK 3.1.11 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS (WSWD) TYLI’s RE shall create a WSWD spreadsheet and submit to Contractor on a weekly basis. WSWD form shall be in Caltrans format and track working days, non-working days, holidays, inclement weather, working days in which no work was performed, time extensions, percent time complete, and percent work complete. TASK 3.1.12 COORDINATE WITH CITY ENGINEER AND OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS TYLI’s RE shall coordinate with the City Engineer and other applicable City personnel to discuss project progress, issues, and costs prior to weekly progress meetings. TASK 3.1.13 WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS MEETINGS TYLI’s RE shall conduct weekly coordination meetings with the Contractor, City personnel, Design Engineer, Sub-Consultants, local business owners, applicable utility representatives, and others as necessary. Topics shall include upcoming work, schedule, utility coordination, issues of non-compliance, change orders, and tracking of submittals. FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 27 TASK 3.1.14 COORDINATION MEETINGS WITH PROPERTY OWNERS AND BUSINESSES TYLI’s RE shall meet as needed with local businesses, residents, and property owners to discuss the project, explain the schedule, and to address any concerns. TASK 3.1.15 TRACKING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall track Contractors’ materials by certificate of compliance or Caltrans source inspection release tags. TYLI’s OE shall file all certifications appropriately. TASK 3.1.16 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall administer the implementation of the projects Traffic Management Plan (TMP). TYLI’s Inspector shall review traffic control devices in day-time and at night-time to verify effectiveness. TMP will consider emergency response vehicles. TASK 3.1.17 SUBMITTAL REVIEW TYLI’s OE shall receive, stamp with date received, and track all Contractors’, subcontractors’, and independent party submittals. A log will be set up identifying submittal name, responsible party, review party and whether date was met. Log will be used at weekly progress meetings. TYLI’s RE shall coordinate directly with Design Engineer for review of submittals designated for designer. The need for expeditious review of submittals will be stressed at the weekly progress meetings. Submittals shall include but are not limited to: • Contractor’s Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) • Contractor’s equipment list • SWPPP • Mix Designs (Asphalt Concrete and Portland Cement Concrete) • Notice of Materials to be used • Notice of Materials to be used • Notice of Materials to be tested • Falsework Design • Shoring Design • Shoring Design • Pile Drilling Plan • Decorative railing Shop Drawings • Electrical Plan • Traffic Management Plan • Utility Coordination Plan • Joint Assembly Shop Drawings • Reinforcement Steel Placement Plan TASK 3.1.18 LABOR COMPLIANCE/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO)/ PREVAILING WAGE/DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) TYLI’s RE shall enforce the contract requirements as they pertain to Labor Compliance, EEO, Prevailing Wage, and DBE according to the LAPM. This shall include Inspectors preparing daily diaries and recording workers names, classifications, work performed and hours worked on each task. TYLI’s OE shall receive Contractors’, Subcontractors’, and equipment rental companies’ certified payrolls on a weekly basis and ensuring that the applicable Davis-Bacon or State prevailing wage as referenced in special provisions is adhered to; track work performed by DBE Subcontractors, hours of work performed and monthly progress payments that include work by DBE Subcontractors; conducting spot check EEO interviews for each classification of worker; maintaining written evidence of apprentices employed on the project; cross checking reports, interviews, payrolls, and wage rates in order to determine Contractor and Subcontractor compliance. TASK 3.1.19 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) COMPLIANCE TYLI’s RE and Inspectors and Subconsultant Inspectors shall inspect the project site and monitor Contractor’s compliance with Best Management Practices (BMP) in accordance with Caltrans Handbooks. TYLI’s RE shall monitor the weather forecast during the storm season and ensure Contractor’s compliance for pre-storm, storm event, and post storm requirements. Proper handling and storage of non-visible pollutants shall be enforced. TASK 3.1.20 PM10 COMPLIANCE TYLI’s RE and Inspectors, and Subconsultant Inspectors (holding Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Certificates) shall inspect the project site and monitor Contractor’s compliance with BMPs in accordance with the Coachella Valley State Implementation Plan. TYLI’s Inspector shall verify that Contractor utilizes approved haul routes in accordance with the TMP and PM10 requirements. TASK 3.1.21 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) TYLI’s RE shall receive, record, review, and respond to all Contractor’s RFIs. RE shall submit to third party for review if necessary. Response times will be determined and adhered to. TASK 3.1.22 CHANGE REQUESTS/CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS/TRANSMITTAL LETTERS TYLI’s RE shall receive, record, and review all Contractors’ Requests for Changes. All requests will be reviewed for merit and discussed with City Management. If change is warranted, RE shall create CCO and Transmittal Letter according to Caltrans Contract Change Order Manual. RE will receive agency approval prior to submittal to Contractor. TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall track all extra work on separate daily diaries. Monthly progress payments shall reflect all CCO worked performed in the previous month. FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 28 TASK 3.1.23 COORDINATE MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION/SURVEYING SERVICES TYLI’s RE shall coordinate and monitor all materials testing services and construction surveying. Survey requests will be required by the Contractor 48 hours prior to need for staking. Materials testing reports will be reviewed and initialed by the RE and maintained in the project files. TASK 3.1.24 COORDINATE AND MONITOR ALL INSPECTION ACTIVITIES TYLI’s RE shall coordinate and monitor all inspection activities including TYLI Inspectors, specialty inspectors, permit inspectors and necessary inspections from additional agencies involved in the project. TYLI’s RE shall track costs of inspection and provide updates to the City on a monthly basis with monthly invoice. TASK 3.1.25 IMPLEMENT PUBLIC OUTREACH PLAN IMPLEMENT PUBLIC OUTREACH PLAN TYLI’s RE shall maintain an open door policy during the construction contract and shall meet with local residents, business owners and other interested parties and address concerns. Public outreach will include all requirements in the RFP including the contractor provided camera, website, post cards, signage and communication with stakeholders. TASK 3.1.26 ENSURE COMPLIANCE TO SAFETY REGULATIONS, BUILDING CODES, CITY ORDINANCES IMPLEMENT PUBLIC OUTREACH PLAN TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall verify Contractor’s compliance to applicable Construction Safety Orders. Violations will be recorded and Contractor shall be requested to correct unsafe condition. A safety diary shall be written for each violation and maintained in the Construction Files. In appropriate situations, the project shall be shut down until Contractor corrects safety violation(s). TASK 3.1.27 PREPARE MONTHLY PROGRESS ESTIMATES TYLI’s RE and OE shall prepare Monthly Progress Estimates to summarize payment to the Contractor for work performed. TYLI’s RE shall prepare supporting documents for each item of work to be paid. These documents shall include at a minimum, item to be paid, amount of item to be paid, calculation of material placed, Certificates of Compliance or Release Tags, name of individual creating document, name of individual verifying document, and date. A comprehensive Monthly Progress Estimate shall be submitted to the City for review, approval, and processing. Monthly Progress Estimates shall include CCO Work. TASK 3.1.28 MONITOR CONSTRUCTION COSTS TYLI’s RE shall track construction costs on a monthly basis. Excel spreadsheets shall be created to monitor payment on each item of work. Spreadsheets shall be updated on a monthly basis. Contingency balance will be monitored and updated after each CCO or after each Monthly Progress Estimate. TASK 3.1.29 NOTICE OF POTENTIAL CLAIMS (NOPC)/CLAIMS RESOLUTION TYLI’s RE shall review any Notice of Potential Claims submitted by the Contractor for merit and conformance to the requirements in the Special Provisions. TYLI’s RE shall follow the guidelines and procedures established by the City and the Caltrans Construction Manual in responding to, resolving, and fighting protests, potential claims, and claims. Proper documentation will be created to establish a chain of events in the claims process. TASK 3.1.30 CREATE AND ENSURE COMPLIANCE TO PUNCHLISTS TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall create punchlists throughout the construction process after each item of work is complete. Punchlists shall include items that need to be corrected or amended. TYLI’s Inspector shall meet with Contractor’s personnel regularly to monitor completion of punchlist items. Completion of punchlist items shall be a topic at the Weekly Construction Progress Meetings. TASK 3.1.31 AS-BUILT PROJECT SCHEDULE TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall maintain an as-built project schedule to assist in disputes and request for time due to impacts. TASK 3.1.32 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS TYLI’s Inspector shall maintain a copy of ‘red-mark’ plans in the trailer at all times to track changes to the contract plans, additions and deletions through CCOs, utilities that were incorrectly located, and additional items that must be identified on the final as-built drawings. TASK 3.1.33 MAINTAIN TYLI TRAINING PROGRAM TYLI RE shall maintain TYLI’s CM training program during the construction of the Dune Palms Road Bridge. This shall include recertification of traffic control, confined space, fall protection, and trenching/shoring safety classes. Training shall also include latest updates to LAPM and CPM scheduling software. TYLI shall invite the City of La Quinta and other interested agencies to training. TASK 4.0 POST-CONSTRUCTION TYLI will perform all construction management and administration necessary for closing out the project to assure contract compliance and Federal reimbursement as outlined in Caltrans LAPM. The following is a brief description of some of the major aspects of this work: FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 29 TASK 4.1 ITEM CLOSE-OUT TYLI’s RE and Inspector shall close out and balance all contract items. Item overruns and underruns will be resolved with the Contractor. CCOs to adjust item prices will be created if necessary. Deliverable: TYLI’s RE shall submit a list of item overruns and underruns to the City. TYLI’s RE to submit a CCO for approval by the City, as necessary, to adjust item prices. TASK 4.2 CLAIMS REPORT TYLI’s RE shall prepare a Claims Report for each claim that is outstanding and unresolved at the end of the construction project. Claims Reports shall be in accordance with Section 2-70 “Protests, Potential Claims, and Claims,” of the Caltrans Construction Manual. Deliverable: TYLI’s RE shall submit a claims report for each claim for review by the City. TASK 4.3 PROPOSED FINAL ESTIMATE TYLI’s RE shall prepare the Proposed Final Estimate. This document shall be provided after resolution of construction claims. Deliverable: TYLI’s RE shall submit a Proposed Final Estimate to the Contractor for acceptance. RE shall submit a Proposed Final Estimate to the City. TASK 4.4 PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT TYLI RE and Project Manager shall prepare the State and Federal forms for the City to obtain reimbursement of funds in accordance with Section 17 of the Caltrans LAPM. Deliverable: TYLI’s Project Manager shall submit State and Federal forms for reimbursement to the City. TASK 4.5 PROJECT REPORT TYLI’s Project Manager shall create a Project Report that identifies the construction of the project, the final cost of construction including construction management and administration, a list of all CCOs, a list of Construction Claims and the result of each after resolution, and a photo documentary of construction. Deliverable: TYLI Project Manager shall submit a Project Report to the City. TASK 4.6 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS TYLI DRE shall prepare the Proposed Final Estimate. This document will be provided after resolution of any construction claims. Deliverable: TYLI Project Manager shall submit structure and roadway As-Built Drawings to the City. TASK 5.0 SURVEY SERVICES TYLI’s Sub-consultant for survey services shall provide quality assurance surveying in accordance with the Caltrans Construction Manual to verify Contractor’s control, layout of abutments, wingwalls, and piers, and to verify Contractor’s placement of elevation at top of abutments and piers. Sub-TYLI shall be utilized to verify RE’s placement of elevation for top deck. Sub-TYLI shall be utilized to assist RE in the construction of the bike trail, as needed. Deliverable: Sub-consultant shall submit survey sheets to TYLI’s RE for review, approval, signature, and placement in the contract files. TASK 6.0 MATERIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING TYLI’s Sub-consultant for materials testing and inspection services shall provide quality assurance inspection and testing of materials used in construction to verify Contractor’s compliance with applicable standards, in accordance with the Caltrans Construction Manual. Deliverable: Sub-consultant shall submit test reports to TYLI’s RE for review, approval, signature, and placement in the contract files. Non-complying test results shall be brought to the RE’s attention immediately. Sub-consultant shall create spreadsheets to track testing frequencies, results, and retests (if necessary) to TYLI’s RE for review, approval, signature, and placement in the contract files. TASK 7.0 BIOLOGICAL MONITORING TYLI’s Sub-consultant for biological monitoring shall provide surveying (pre-construction) for burrowing owls that may be living in the project footprint. It is anticipated the pre-construction survey will not find any burrowing owls. However, if owls burrowing are encountered, additional monitoring will be required during construction phase to ensure compliance with agency permits. Deliverable: Sub-consultant shall submit diaries to TYLI’s RE for review, approval, signature, and placement in the contract files. Actions of non-compliance shall be brought to the RE’s attention immediately. FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT 30 TASK 8.0 PUBLIC OUTREACH TYLI, in coordination with our subconsultant, Connect and Company, will develop an outreach plan, prepare collateral materials to be distributed, create a project webpage and connect to the City’s website to provide multiple sources for the general public to gain access information about the Dune Palms Road Bridge project and provide social media updates. In addition, TYLI in coordination with its subconsultant and the City will lease a construction webcam and connect a real-time video stream to the project webpage and the City’s website, to allow City officials and the public to observe construction of the bridge remotely. Deliverable: TYLI and Connect and Company will develop an outreach plan, prepare collateral materials, create a project webpage in accordance with the City’s review and approval. And provide social media updates. TYLI subconsultant will monitor the website and update project information and construction photos. TYLI and Connect and Company, in accordance with the City, will lease a construction webcam that is compatible with the City’s website to allow real-time video streaming of construction. TASK 9.0 CIDH PILE ACCEPTANCE TESTS (LISTED IN COST PROPOSAL AS ANOTHER DIRECT COST [ODC]) TYLI subconsultant, EarthSpectives, for CIDH pile acceptance tests will evaluate the homogeneity of the concrete within the piles through gamma-gamma logging (GGL). Testing will be performed in accordance with project specifications and California Test Method 233. Testing will include lowering of 4.6 feet and 1.25-inch diameter probe to the bottom of each inspection tube and measuring the density of the concrete in close proximity of the inspection tubes at 0.1 feet intervals along the full length of the pile. If anomalies are detected by GGL testing, additional investigation of the pile(s) can be obtained through cross-hole sonic logging (CSL). Deliverable: EarthSpectives will perform GGL testing and provide the results of each pile to TYLI’s RE. Upon receipt and review of GGL information, TYLI RE will provide the information to the Structures Designer and Geotechnical Engineer of Record for review and discussion. If CSL is required at pile(s), the results of CSL testing will also be provided to TYLI’s RE, and subsequently the Structures Designer and Geotechnical Engineer in order to determine the acceptance of each pile, or the need for a mitigation plan to repair or replace specific piles. TASK 10.0 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION TYLI subconsultant, DESI, will provide inspection of electrical facilities relating to street lighting along the roadway and on the bridge and within the bridge railing. Inspection will also include ADA compliance associated with curb ramps, pedestals and walkways. DESI Inspector will coordinate with City’s electrical inspectors. Deliverable: DESI will submit diaries to TYLI’s RE for review, approval, signature, and placement in the contract files. Actions of non-compliance will be immediately brought to the RE’s attention. TASK 11.0 SOURCE INSPECTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT TYLI subconsultant, ZT Consulting Group, Inc. (ZTC), will create a Source Inspection Quality Management Plan (SIQMP), and provide source inspection management of PTFE bearings (fabrication inspection and witnessing performance testing) and post-tensioning stressing strands (sampling, testing, and releasing). The source inspection quality assurance program for this project shall meet the requirements of the project, CFR Title 23, City QAP, and Caltrans LAPM. Deliverable: TYLI subconsultant will create and implement a SIQMP, review Contractor’s Welding Quality Control Plan (WQCP), facilitate pre- operation meetings relating to fabrication and provide inspection reports for Quality Assurance (QA) reviews of fabrication of PTFE bearings and post-tensioning strands. APPENDIX ATTACHMENT 3 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, ________________________________________ (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that __________________________________ (name of company) has reviewed the City’s indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City’s Agreement for Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am _________________________________ of ______________________________, (Title) (Company) Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker’s Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker’s Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker’s Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable James Rucker, PE T.Y. Lin International T.Y. Lin InternationalPrincipal-in-Charge/Vice President ATTACHMENT 4 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, ________________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am _________________________________ of ______________________________, (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: __________________________________________________ Proposer Name: __________________________________________________ Proposer Title: __________________________________________________ Company Name: __________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ James Rucker, PE T.Y. Lin InternationalPrincipal-in-Charge/Sr Vice President James Rucker, PE Principal-in-Charge/Vice President T.Y. Lin International 3633 E Inland Empire Blvd, Suite 900, Ontario, CA 91764 FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXJOSEPH SMITH, PE, CCM PROJECT MANAGERMr. Smith has 30 years of civil engineering experience in public works construction, managing structures, interchanges, utility, and roadway projects. He has extensive experience in management and training of representatives, and organizing and leading meetings. He is responsible for providing oversight and support by reviewing project files, field visits, and handling all aspects of construction contract administration and client management. He has worked closely with state, federal, and local agency managers to satisfy staffing requests in a timely manner, while controlling and monitoring costs. Mr. Smith is also a former Caltrans employee, beginning his career with the Office of Structures Construction in Los Angeles. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge over Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Stormwater Channel, Cathedral City, CA - Project Manager supporting the Resident Engineer and the Construction Management team for the construction of a 5-span cast-in-place box girder bridge over CVWD’s Stormwater Channel, known as The Whitewater River. The proposed improvements will allow for an all-weather crossing for Cathedral Canyon Drive and accommodate for projected growth. The project includes relocation of multiple utilities and construction of a new sewer force main through the channel as well as a large drainage drop structure meant to control flow within the channel and avoid scour along the new bridge foundation. The proposed new bridge will carry four 12-foot lanes, a 10-foot raised median, an 8-foot outside shoulder /bike path, a 12-foot multipurpose trail and sidewalk, and a 5-foot sidewalk. Adams Street Bridge Improvements, La Quinta, CA - Project Manager and Resident Engineer on the $10 million federally-funded Adams Street Bridge Improvement Project. The new Adams Street Bridge is a 4-span, cast-in-place box-girder structure on large, 10-foot diameter cast-in-drilled hole (CIDH) pile shafts at the piers, and 2-foot diameter CIDH piles at the abutments. The new bridge was built in stages, with the west side of the bridge constructed first. As Resident Engineer, Mr. Smith assisted with pre-bid services providing a constructibility review of the bid documents, attending pre-bid meetings, reviewing low-bid contractor paperwork, and providing due diligence checks of multiple contractors. The constructibility review included review of all structure, roadway, and utility sheets. A construction schedule was completed to verify working days and a review of the special provisions was performed to verify compliance with other contract documents. In addition, he managed TYLI staff and subconsultants through the project completion. I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, Indio, CA - Project Manager and Resident Engineer on the $43.2 million Jefferson Street Interchange Reconfiguration project for the Riverside County Transportation Department (RCTD). The interchange reconfiguration project involved constructing a 445-foot-long, 155-foot-wide, 8-lane bridge over I-10, removing of two existing bridges, constructing new EB and WB on- and-off ramps, auxiliary lanes on I-10, a 50-foot-tall Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall, several Type 1 retaining walls, extensive traffic control, and public outreach. As Resident Engineer, Mr. Smith led a team of eight subconsultants on this project. The I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange Project was the largest and last of Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) I-10 Corridor Improvement Projects. City of Indio As-Needed Construction Management and Inspection Services, Indio, CA - Project Manager on the City of Indio’s federally-funded on-call contract to provide construction management and inspection services for road and bridge construction projects. The program involves providing full construction Firm: T.Y. Lin International Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 53655 Education: BS, Civil Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Lowell Certifications: CMAA and CMCI Certified Construction Manager, No. A0970 FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXJOSEPH SMITH, PE, CCM PROJECT MANAGERmanagement and inspection services for state, local, and federal funded projects. The program includes reconstruction of the Madison Street/Avenue 50 Intersection, which involves temporary realignment of CVWD Madison Street Canal, temporary bridges at the intersection, realignment of wet and dry utilities, extension of a cast-in-place, double-box culvert. Construction of this intersection occurs around various festivals in the region. The contract also included the retrofit of Southbound Indio Boulevard Overhead, widening of Highway 111, Sidewalk and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)ramp improvements near Andrew Jackson elementary, and the North Indio Paving project. Jackson Street Overhead and Overcrossing Construction Management and Inspection, Indio, CA - Project Manager and Resident Engineer for the retrofit of the Jackson Street Overhead and Overcrossing over UPRR tracks and Indio Boulevard. The existing structure included a concrete deck on steel girders. The retrofit involved adding supplemental steel plates to strengthen the shear keys at all bents, coring through existing footings to add high strength bolts, increasing the dimensions of all of the columns and footings, and adding a structural steel column casing to one of the columns. Jacking of the superstructure was necessary to remove existing steel plates and adding new steel at all bent locations. All work was performed adjacent to and over operating UPRR tracks. Forester Creek Improvements, Santee, CA - Joint Project Manager on this $25 million federally funded creek restoration project. The project included realignment and widening of a one-mile stretch of Forester Creek, from Prospect Street to Mission Gorge Road. Realignment of Forester Creek was required before the existing SR 52 freeway could be extended through to SR 67. The project included extensive excavation and fill, the construction of a bike path from Mission Gorge Road to Prospect Avenue, placement of 17 separate drainage systems, and extensive realignment and upgrades to sewer and water lines belonging to the Padre Dam Municipal Water District (PDMWD), the City of El Cajon Water District, and the County of San Diego. Coordination with these entities and numerous dry utility companies, including SBC, Cox, SDG&E, and Caltrans, was extensive. The excavation from the creek was used to create embankments for the future SR 52 extension. In addition, the existing four-span slab bridge at Mission Gorge Road and Forester Creek was extended in three phases to double the length of the bridge and the width of channel that travels beneath it. A new bridge was constructed to span Forester Creek near Prospect Avenue to create an extension of Olive Lane north to Mission Gorge Road. During the preconstruction phase of the project, Mr. Smith was involved in performing constructibility reviews of the 90% complete plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E), prequalifying Contractors for the project, creating a Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule to determine working days and liquidated damages, and coordinating with all wet and dry utility representatives. SR 78/College Boulevard Interchange Widening, Oceanside, CA - Resident Engineer and Structure Representative for a $6 million roadway widening project, which included placing a new water and sewer system for the city, widening of College Boulevard Undercrossing, extensive realignment of SR 78 off-ramp, on- ramp at College Boulevard and West Vista Way, extensive cast-in-place retaining walls and large MSE retaining walls, installation of 10 new drainage systems, shifting of West Vista Way 70 feet to the north, and widening of College Boulevard from 6 to 8 lanes. The project consisted of 6 stages and utilized city streets for detours along the freeway. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE CONTINUED FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIX Mr. Buckley has 31 years of construction engineering experience in bridges, structures, interchanges, and roadway projects, with 8 years at Caltrans as a Project Engineer in the Structure Construction Division. His experience includes construction management, construction engineering, shop drawing review, claims management, and inspection of piles and various walls including Type 1, MSE, tieback, and soil nail. He approaches projects with an eye toward cost-efficiency and problem solving, and brings a history of successful project completion. He is a solid communicator and maintains positive relationships with the client, contractors, and stakeholders. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge over Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Stormwater Channel, Cathedral City, CA - Resident Engineer for the construction of a five-span, cast-in-place box girder bridge over CVWD’s Stormwater Channel, known as the Whitewater River. The proposed improvements will allow for an all- weather crossing for Cathedral Canyon Drive and accommodate projected growth. The project includes relocation of multiple utilities and construction of a new sewer force main through the channel, as well as a large drainage drop structure meant to control flow within the channel and avoid scour along the new bridge foundation. The proposed new bridge will carry four 12-foot lanes, a 10-foot raised median, an eight-foot outside shoulder/bike path, a 12-foot multipurpose trail and sidewalk, and a five-foot sidewalk I-15/Limonite Avenue Interchange Improvements, Eastvale and Jurupa Valley, CA - Structures Representative on the fast track, $39.1 million project involving construction of a 380-foot-long, 157-foot-wide, 8-lane cast in place, prestressed box girder bridge over I-15. The project also involved removal of the existing Limonite Bridge in two stages, and various temporary shoring systems to accommodate the staged construction. Construction of all new northbound and southbound on-and-off ramps, construction of auxiliary lanes on I-15, a 1,350-foot-long modified retaining wall, soundwall, reinforced box culvert, extensive traffic control and staging, and public outreach. The bridge foundations consist of 104-inch to 24-inch CIDH concrete pilings for the abutment foundations. Adams Street Bridge Improvements, La Quinta, CA - Assistant Resident Engineer/ Structures Representative on this $10 million bridge replacement project. The new Adams Street Bridge is a 4-span, prestressed, cast-in-place box girder structure on large, 10-foot-diameter CIDH pile shafts at the piers, and 2-foot-diameter CIDH piles at the abutments. The new bridge was built in two stages and consisted of traffic control switches for both stages. Mr. Buckley was responsible for the review of all Requests for Information (RFI), submittals, and the processing of extra work, change orders, and pay applications. Mr. Buckley also oversaw and supported the field inspection personnel and coordinated the multiple utility relocations required during construction. Jackson Street Bridge over the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel (Whitewater River), Indio, CA - Resident Engineer/Structures Representative for a bridge retrofit project over the Coachella Valley Whitewater Channel. Responsibilities also included daily reports for manpower and verifying daily time & materials (T&M) sheets, conformance with project specifications, environmental conformance, progress pay estimate, safety, and SWPPP elements. The project added cast-in- drilled-hole piles to the existing abutments, bolstered the existing abutments, installed steel column casings for the existing piers. Firm: T.Y. Lin International Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 53122 Education: BS, Civil Engineering, Pennsylvania State UniversityJOHN BUCKLEY, PE RESIDENT ENGINEER/ STRUCTURES REPRESENTATIVE FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIX RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE CONTINUED I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, Indio, CA - Structures Representative on this $43.2 million interchange reconstruction project. The structure’s portion of this project consists of a new bridge overcrossing, multiple concrete cantilevered type retaining walls, and the demolition of two existing structures over the existing I-10. The structure is a 155-foot-wide by 447-foot-long, 10.5-foot deep, 2-span cast- in-place, prestressed, constructed in two stages with a closure pour. MSE and cantilevered type retaining walls are to be constructed at each abutment. The structures contained various types of architectural treatment that coincide with the natural surroundings. The bridge foundations consist of 561 steel driven H-Piles. SB Indio Boulevard Overhead Earthquake Retrofit, Indio, CA - Assistant Resident Engineer/Structures Representative for the retrofit of SB Indio Boulevard Overhead Earthquake over UPRR tracks. The seismic retrofit includes construction of abutment bolsters, restrainer columns and seat extenders at each bent, and hinge retrofit. The work also includes construction of a pier protection wall adjacent to the UPRR tracks. Airport Boulevard Grade Separation, Thermal, CA - Structures Representative on RCTD’s $20 million project to separate the at-grade crossing of Airport Boulevard (Avenue 56) with the UPRR tracks by raising the roadway over the railroad and constructing a 4-lane bridge to span over the railroad. Tracks and SR 111 (Grapefruit Boulevard). The structure is an 84-foot-wide by 440-foot-long, 2-span cast-in-place, prestressed, box girder bridge with walls constructed to facilitate the embankment for the abutments. The project also includes Type 1 cast-in-place retaining walls with architectural treatment and lightweight concrete fill behind abutments. The bridge foundations consisted of 165 steel driven H-Piles. Tucalota Creek Bridge Improvement, Winchester, CA - Resident Engineer/ Structures Representative on the $7 million Tucalota Creek Bridge project for Lennar Homes and providing oversight representation for the Riverside County Transportation Department. The project consisted of a 96-foot-wide by 314-foot- long cast-in-place, pre-stressed, box girder bridge structure and retaining walls with unique grape motif architectural features. The structure spans the environmentally sensitive Tucalota Creek waterway. A successful dewatering program managed the existing ground water and a closely monitored blasting plan safely facilitated the rock excavation. Jackson Street Overhead and Overcrossing Construction Management and Inspection, Indio, CA - Assistant Resident Engineer/Structures Representative for the retrofit of the Jackson Street OH and OC over UPRR tracks and Indio Boulevard. The existing structure included a concrete deck on steel girders. The retrofit involved adding supplemental steel plates to strengthen the shear keys at all bents, coring through existing footings to add high strength bolts, increasing the structural capacity of the columns and footings, bolstering the abutments, and adding a structural steel column casing to the columns. Jacking of the superstructure was necessary to remove existing steel plates and add new steel at all bent locations. All work was performed adjacent to and over operating UPRR tracks.JOHN BUCKLEY, PE RESIDENT ENGINEER/ STRUCTURES REPRESENTATIVE FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXCATHLEEN MA, PE, LEED AP BD+COFFICE ENGINEERMs. Ma has 11 years of experience in the construction of roadway, bridge, and transit projects. Her responsibilities have included office engineering, contract management, quantity take-offs, responses to RFIs, budget tracking, site visits, field inspections, and investigations. Prior to joining TYLI, Ms. Ma spent 2 years with the Office of Structure Construction at Caltrans District 11. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, Indio, CA - Office Engineer responsible for budget, submittal tracking, correspondence, documentation of quality assurance, and utility coordination on the $43.2 million reconfiguration of Jefferson Street Interchange at I-10. The project includes constructing a 445-foot-long by 155-foot-wide, eight-lane bridge over I-10 and the removal of two existing bridges. Construction includes new east and westbound on- and off-ramps, auxiliary lanes, a 50-foot-tall MSE retaining wall, and several Type-1 retaining walls. Adams Street Bridge Improvements, La Quinta, CA - Construction Engineer Intern for a four-span, cast-in-place box girder structure on large 10-foot diameter CIDH piles at the piers and 2-foot diameter CIDH piles at the abutments. Ms. Ma reviewed falsework submittals (Stages 1, 2, and closure pour), as well as analyzed prestressed shop drawings, camber strip deflection, column-guying submittal, and reviewed various other submittals (storm drain components, catch basin drywell system, paint, etc.). Southbound Indio Boulevard Overhead, City of Indio On-Call, Indio, CA - Office Engineer for the retrofit of Southbound Indio Boulevard Overhead over Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks. The seismic retrofit included construction of abutment bolsters, restrainer columns and seat extenders at each bent, and hinge retrofit. The work also included construction of a pier protection wall adjacent to the UPRR tracks. Division 20 Portal Widening and Turnback Facility, Los Angeles, CA - Construction Support/Document Control during the construction of Division 20 Portal Widening and Turnback Facility project. The project will enhance the Los Angeles County Transportation Authority’s (Metro) Purple and Red Line service operations to 90-second headways and is a required component of the Westside Purple Line Extension Project. Responsibilities include shop drawing and submittal reviews, responding to RFIs, and coordinating with Metro, the Contractor, and subconsultants to resolve issues that arise in the field. During the bidding phase, Ms. Ma provided technical support in responding to bidders’ questions, prepared amendments as well as the conformed set of plans and technical specifications. I-5/Del Mar Heights Road Interchange One Paseo Caltrans Improvements, Del Mar, CA - Resident Engineer on the I-5/Del Mar Heights Road Interchange Project. The project includes construction of a 280-foot-long retaining wall, a right turn pocket to widen the northbound on-ramp, widening of the northbound off-ramp, pedestrian curb ramps on northbound off- and on-ramps, and slurry seal treatment and median extension along Del Mar Heights Road. Construction was done in stages under traffic control and with Caltrans oversight. Firm: T.Y. Lin International Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 84178 Education: MBA, University of Southern California MS, Construction Management and Engineering, University of Southern California BS, Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego Certifications: LEED AP BD+C, No. 10798707 FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXCURTIS MUSASHI, EIT AS-NEEDED INSPECTORMr. Musashi has 7 years of experience in the construction industry. At his previous firm, he was a Project Engineer responsible for managing budgets, maintaining project schedules, and coordinating with subcontractors to ensure the work was done on time and per specifications. Mr. Musashi is familiar with Caltrans and Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC) specifications. He also is proficient in numerous software including HCSS HeavyJob, PlanGrid, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, and BlueBeam. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge over Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Stormwater Channel, Cathedral City, CA - Inspector on the construction of a five- span, cast-in-place box girder bridge over CVWD’s Stormwater Channel, known as the Whitewater River. The proposed improvements will allow for an all-weather crossing for Cathedral Canyon Drive and accommodate projected growth. The project includes relocation of multiple utilities and construction of a new sewer force main through the channel, as well as a large drainage drop structure meant to control flow within the channel and avoid scour along the new bridge foundation. The new bridge will carry four 12-foot lanes, a 10-foot raised median, an eight-foot outside shoulder/bike path, a 12-foot multipurpose trail and sidewalk, and a five- foot sidewalk. Jackson Street Bridge over the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel (Whitewater River), Indio, CA - Inspector for a bridge retrofit project over the Coachella Valley Whitewater Channel. Responsibilities also included daily reports for manpower and verifying daily time & materials (T&M) sheets, conformance with project specifications, environmental conformance, progress pay estimate, safety, and SWPPP elements. The project added cast-in-drilled-hole piles to the existing abutments, bolstered the existing abutments, installed steel column casings for the existing piers. I-215/Scott Road Interchange Improvements, Menifee, CA - Assistant Structure Representative on this $32.5 million interchange project. The project includes construction of a new 2-span, cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete box girder bridge on CIDH piles, construction of retaining walls, box culverts and demolition of the existing bridge crossing over the I-215 freeway. Mr. Musashi is responsible for daily quality assurance inspections reviewing conformance to project plans and specifications and enforcing approved contractor submittals and shop drawings. He prepares daily reports documenting contractor manpower and production and prepares monthly quantity sheets awarding contractor payment for completed work. Additionally, Mr. Musashi monitors traffic control, SWPPP elements, and overall project safety for conformance to project requirements. Airport Boulevard Grade Separation, Thermal, CA - Project Engineer for the $20 million grade separation, which included a 4-span bridge, MSE walls, and water and sewer mains. Mojave Road Safety, San Bernardino County, CA - Project Engineer for a road safety project for the FHWA. This project included road realignments, riprap, and other erosion control measures. Madison Street Canal Improvements, Indio, CA - Project Engineer for the $3.2 million canal improvements along Madison Street. The project included construction of a box culvert along the Coachella branch of the All-American Canal in Indio. Additional project features included lowering the sewer main and implementing roadway improvements. Firm: T.Y. Lin International Registrations: Engineer-in-Training in CA, No. 53122 Education: BS, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIX Mr. Naime has over 33 years experience in construction inspection and contract administration for heavy civil projects and various types of structures, buildings and highway projects in Southern California. Mr. Naime conducts daily site visits to ensure construction conformance with plans and specifications, preparing non- conformance reports, assist with preparation of monthly progress payments and shop drawing reviews, maintains daily activity log and photo log. His vast experience encompasses new interchange improvements, bridge widening, seismic retrofits, roadway improvements, major drainage systems with large box culverts. He also has familiarity with roadway improvements, and Asphalt Concrete (AC) pavements, Hydraulic Directional Drilling (HDD), utility relocation, utility improvements, ADA compliance, pavement delineation, and traffic control. Mr. Naime has an in-depth knowledge of Caltrans Structures procedures and manuals, filing system, METS lab materials inspection/certification procedures and documentation. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge over Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Stormwater Channel, Cathedral City, CA - Assistant Structure Representative/ Assistant Resident Engineer for the project and inspect all the work mentioned below. The Low Water Crossing replacement with a new bridge and channel improvement works are located along the Cathedral Canyon Drive at the Whitewater River between Paseo Azulejo Drive and Canyon Shores Drive. In general, the work to be done consists of furnishing all labor, materials, necessary tools, equipment, supervision, and all utility and transportation services required to replace the existing low water crossing with a new bridge, including roadway modification, retaining walls, ADA compliant sidewalks and ramps, new median, landscaping and irrigation, drainage improvements, and install channel lining and related and appurtenant facilities. SR 60/Potrero Avenue Interchange, Beaumont, CA - Structures Inspector/Acting Structures Representative responsible for inspection and observation of all the massive structure excavation and the structure backfill. He inspected all drainage excavation and the installation of several drainage systems on the south side of 60 freeway south of the project. He also worked on the rebar cages and the JPCP westbound 60. Mr. Naime performed monthly quantities cost estimate and worked on the 4th scale getting all grade elevations on the abutments, wing walls, bents, etc. He oversaw scheduling the inspectors for soil and concrete, attending weekly construction meeting with Caltrans and the Contractor. Mr. Naime was also part of the constructability review team for the project. This is a federally funded project and is subject to Local Agency Guidelines. This project will extend Potrero Boulevard over the SR 60 freeway with a new 6-lane bridge and new freeway interchange. The project also includes improvements connecting a ramp on Western Knolls to Potrero Boulevard north of the freeway and widening the freeway on both the north and south sides. This project has been combined with an additional project on the SR 60 freeway to construct acceleration and deceleration lanes along with median barriers in this area. Caltrans District 59 A&E On-Call Construction Inspection, Monterey, CA - Structures Representative/Structures Inspector responsible for inspecting construction activities in the field: Build a new Cow Cliff Viaduct Bridge along Highway 1, RSC slab replacement and a geo-grid wall/drainage system projects in District 5. Also, Mr. Naime was responsible for concrete, joint sealing, Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) operations at the job site, performed traffic control, ensured quantities and estimates; reviewed plan specs, ensured compliance, conducted and participated in meetings, constructing various wet and dry utilities via directional drilling methods. Firm: Falcon Engineering Services, Inc. Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 72086 Education: BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Long Beach Certification: Qualified SWPPP Practitioner/ Developer, No. 21658ALEX NAIME, PE, QSD/QSP LEAD CIVIL INSPECTOR ASSISTANT STRUCTURES REPRESENTATIVE FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXJAMES RUCKER, PEPRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGEMr. Rucker has 30 years of bridge engineering experience. As a supervising bridge engineer with TYLI, he has been responsible for project management, bridge Advance Planning Studies (APS), design of new bridges and bridge widenings, preparation of structure specifications and engineers’ estimates, construction support services, and seismic retrofitting of existing bridges. Mr. Rucker has extensive experience on projects requiring Caltrans and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) oversight, review, and approval. He is a seasoned Project Manager with extensive experience managing multi-discipline teams from architectural concepts through environmental clearance and final design. Mr. Rucker also serves as TYLI’s West Region Quality Manager for the Surface Transportation Line of Business (STLOB). In this role, he serves as the regional contact for all quality issues and performs or assigns quality audits for TYLI’s 13 West Region offices. He helped develop the company’s STLOB Quality Management Plan (QMP) and is a signatory to the document. Mr. Rucker is responsible for corporate reporting on quality performance throughout the western United States. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Division 20 Portal Widening and Turnback Facility, Los Angeles, CA - Design Quality Control Manager for this portal turnback design project for Metro. TYLI is the prime designer for various track, power, bridge, tunnel, building, and associated civil design improvements to increase efficiency train movements and reduce headway into and out of Union Station. Mr. Rucker is responsible for overall design quality control, reporting, and auditing. College Boulevard Bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek, Carlsbad, CA - Project Manager for bridge engineering and preparation of planning studies for a new bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek. The twin single-span structures are approximately 150-feet-long and 95-feet-wide and accommodate a 78-inch storm drain California Incline Bridge Replacement, Santa Monica, CA - Principal-in-Charge for the replacement of a historic 750-foot sidehill viaduct that transverses the sandstone cliffs below Pacific Palisades Park. The project is located in an environmentally sensitive site that is constrained by the steep erodible cliffs, heavy traffic along Pacific Coast Highway, and holds concerns of local residents. TYLI completed the Type Selection of the replacement structure which received approval from the City of Santa Monica and Caltrans. Idaho Avenue Pedestrian Overcrossing Replacement, Santa Monica, CA - Project Manager for bridge engineering and preparation of planning studies for a new bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek. The twin single-span structures are approximately 150-feet-long and 95-feet-wide and accommodate a 78-inch storm drain Holland Road/I-215 Bridge Overcrossing, Menifee, CA - Project Manager for this new four-lane overcrossing at Holland Road over I-215 between Haun Road and Hanover Lane to provide a much-needed east-west connection over the freeway. The City of Menifee is experiencing rapid growth and development from an improved housing market. The resulting traffic congestion has elevated the Holland Road Overcrossing Project as its top transportation project. The structure will be a 328-foot-long, 82-foot-wide, three-span cast-in-place pre-stressed concrete box girder bridge. There are no existing structures at this location. Firm: T.Y. Lin International Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 53655 Education: BS, Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIX Mr. Rochelle is a Construction Engineer with TYLI. Mr. Rochelle has 18 years of experience and has performed many roles on numerous structures construction projects, such as Resident Engineer, Construction Inspector, Oversight Engineer, Lead Project Engineer, and Structures Representative. His experience includes development, implementation, and construction of various engineering projects for Caltrans and various local agencies. He also has experience in design engineering of bridges and retaining walls. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE RCTD As-needed Construction Engineering and Inspection Services, Riverside County, CA - Construction Engineer supervising TYLI staff on several task orders under an on-call contract with RCTD. Tasks orders include inspection of 25 land development projects, a $3 million emergency roadway repair job on an eight 8-mile stretch of Box Canyon Road in Mecca CA, and a $700,000 bridge/roadway repair job on Avenue 70, located over a CVWD wasteway in North Shore, CA. Citracado Parkway Transportation Connections Project, Escondido, CA -Resident Engineer for the Citracado Parkway Extension Project. Citracado Parkway will be extended by approximately 2,100 feet in length to provide 4 lanes of travel founded on an elevated roadbed. The project includes the construction of a 260’ two-span, cast-in-place, prestressed, concrete box girder structure utilizing a pier support adjacent to the Escondido creek, construction of a 185 LF soil nail wall and 4,200 LF of sound wall supported on CIDH footings. Improvement to the existing 3,000 feet of roadway section include the installation of additional travel lanes in each direction by reducing the median from 35 feet to 14 feet, resulting in a four-lane roadway, Installation of two new signalized intersections and improvements to adjacent surfaces streets and sidewalks. I-215/Newport Road Interchange Improvements, Menifee, CA - Assistant Structure Representative and Assistant Resident Engineer for this $35 million interchange project. Duties include performing comprehensive constructability review for all items of this project and draft construction schedule for the structure elements of the project. Cost and schedule impacts were evaluated for earthwork, drainage, staging and traffic handling, bridge construction, and utility relocations. Staging recommendations were made to reduce project duration by two months and slightly reduce temporary construction costs. Seismic Retrofit and Rehabilitation of Georgia Street Bridge Over University Avenue, San Diego, CA - Structure Representative and Assistant Resident Engineer for the $8.3 million retrofit and rehabilitation of this historic cast-in-place open spandrel arch bridge over University Avenue in the Hillcrest neighborhood of San Diego. Mr. Rochelle performed all field inspections and construction related services ensuring contract compliance for this project. Duties included inspection of the bridge demolition, hydro-demolition of the arch cover concrete, retrofit and repair of the existing arches which remain in place, constructing of the new superstructure, inspection of the removal, lowering and replacement of the roadway along University Avenue. Additionally, inspection of the installation of soil nails, through existing 100-year-old retaining walls, ground anchors and reinforcing steel for the new retaining walls and fascia. Mr. Rochelle managed the progress payments and tracked all CCO related work in addition to reviewing shop drawings and structure related submittals and RFIs. Firm: T.Y. Lin International Registrations: Professional Engineer in CA, No. 70945 Education: BS, Structural Engineering, University of California, San DiegoBRIAN ROCHELLE, PETECHNICAL SUPPORT FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXHOSSEIN RASHIDI, PE CIDH PILING COMPLIANCE TESTINGDr. Rashidi has over 25 years of experience in geotechnical engineering in both the U.S. and abroad. His technical expertise includes piles and piers, ground improvement, seismic slope stability, dynamic soil structure interaction, and liquefaction. He is experienced with the newest numerical and experimental techniques for analyzing site response, liquefaction, and dynamic soil-pile interactions including earthquake loading. He is also experienced in project management in both the construction and consulting industries. Dr. Rashidi has published seven papers and has been actively involved in a number of conferences. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Adams Street Bridge Improvements, La Quinta, CA - Mr. Rashidi provided CIDH piling acceptance testing on this $10 million federally-funded bridge over the Whitewater River. The bridge was constructed in two stages to allow live traffic to travel through the project at all times. The bridge is a cast-in-place, prestressed box girder constructed on 10-foot-diameter CIDH piles at the piers and 30-inch CIDH piles at the abutments. Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement, Long Beach, CA - Mr. Rashidi provided gamma-gamma logging (GGL) for CIDH load test piles with nominal diameters of 72-96 inches and approximately between 150 and 190 feet deep to test the structural integrity of the piles. Anomalies that were found in GGL are then being confirmed using cross-hole ultrasonic logging (CSL) for piles. This project with approximately over 200 piles was completed in 2015. Port of Los Angeles – Pier 300, Los Angeles, CA - Mr.Rashidi provided pile dynamic analyzer (PDA) monitoring and interpretation for the piles driven at Berths 301-305. Octagonal prestressed concrete piles (24-inch) that were 100 feet in length were driven from a barge using a Delmag 66 diesel hammer. Recommendations were given regarding bearing capacity at the end of driving and upon retap. Anaheim Street Viaduct, Los Angeles, CA - Mr. Rashidi provided PDA monitoring and interpretation for the indicator piles program performed for the construction of new bridge. Steel pipe piles (42-inch) that were 150 feet in length were first driven with a vibratory hammer and then driven to specified elevation using a Delmag 80 diesel hammer. Recommendations were given regarding bearing capacity at the end of driving and upon retap. Port of Los Angeles – Los Angeles Export Terminal (LAXT), Los Angeles, CA - Mr.  Rashidi provided pile dynamic loading monitoring and recommendations regarding bearing capacity and driving criteria. The 60 to 80-foot-long, 12 to 14 -inch square concrete piles were driven using a Delmag 36 diesel hammer and instrumented using a PDA. I-110/Rosecrans Avenue Bridge, Gardena, CA - Mr. Rashidi provided monitoring of vibrations resulting from the demolition of an old bridge and the driving of precast concrete piles within 50 feet of a high-precision manufacturing press facility. Vibration criteria developed by Caltrans called for a maximum peak particle velocity of 0.2 in/s and a warning system. Port of Long Beach – Pier A, Long Beach, CA - Mr. Rashidi provided pile dynamic loading monitoring and recommendations regarding bearing capacity and driving criteria. The 60 to 80-foot-long, 12 to 14-inch square concrete piles were driven using a Delmag 36 diesel hammer and instrumented using a PDA. Firm: EarthSpectives Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 55140 Education: PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, University of California MS, Structural Engineering, University of Mangalore FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXASHLEY MONTGOMERY, PE, QSD/QSP, CMIT TECHNICAL SUPPORTMs. Montgomery has 12 years of experience and has worked on a wide variety of public and private projects. She has performed many roles on numerous structures and construction projects, such as Assistant Resident Engineer, Construction Inspector, Oversight Engineer, Lead Construction Engineer, and Construction Support Liaison. Her experience includes field inspections, materials testing, project management, contract management, RFI responses, budget tracking, audits, site visits, and submittal reviews. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, Indio, CA - Construction Engineer assisting with RFIs and submittals during construction of this $43.2 million, federally and state- funded project. Work consisted of a 445-foot-long, 155-foot-wide, 8 -lane bridge over I-10. Other features included removal of two existing bridges, construction of new eastbound and westbound on- and off-ramps, adding auxiliary lanes on I-10, a 50-foot tall MSE retaining wall, and several Type 1 retaining walls. The structures contain various architectural treatments that complement the natural surroundings. The project was coordinated with various regional agencies, including RCTD, the Cities of Indio and La Quinta, Caltrans, and utility companies. Work was funded through Surface Transportation Program (STP) Discretionary funds, State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds, and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (CVAG) funds. I-15/Cajalco Road Interchange Improvements, Corona, CA - Construction Engineer assisting with RFIs and submittals during construction of the $45 million project. Work consisted of widening of Cajalco LA OnCall C-124885 TO#090 Atwater Bridge, Los Angeles, CA; Construction Support for a new multi-modal bridge across the Los Angeles River. The new cable stayed bridge is 325 feet long, 35 feet wide, and has two separate paths to accommodate equestrians and pedestrians/bicyclists. The project required a single concrete pier in the river and two abutments on each end of the bridge. I-5/San Elijo Lagoon Bridge Replacement - Design Support During Construction, San Diego, CA - Construction Support for the replacement and lengthening of the existing San Elijo Lagoon Bridge, provision of a pedestrian bridge suspended from the lagoon bridge, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes along the I-5 median, and multiple soil nail and Geosynthetically Reinforced Embankment (GRE) walls. This project is part of Phase 1 of the I-5 North Coast Corridor Project for Caltrans District. 11. Mrs. Montgomery assisted with various construction submittals and RFI’s. SR 520 Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge Replacement Project, Montlake, WA - Materials Approval Engineer for the replacement of the Evergreen Point West Approach, Union Bay Bridge, and select portions of Evergreen Point West Approach Connection. The project also includes a new West Approach Bridge South structure providing a final connection with the south half of the new floating bridge with western Lake Washington. The project also includes the replacement of the Montlake Blvd undercrossing with a new community Lid structure as well as trail and path improvements. Ms. Montgomery coordinates and reviews submittals for every material that will be used for the project. Firm: T.Y. Lin International Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 83516 Education: BS, Civil Engineering, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Certifications: Construction Manager-In-Training (CMIT) Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) Certificate No. 83516 Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) Certificate No. 25326 FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXFARZAD TASBIHGOO, PE, CQA, CWI, PCI IIISOURCE INSPECTIONMr. Tasbihgoo has 18 years of design and construction services experience; thorough knowledge of Caltrans Specifications, Construction Manual, OSM Practices and Procedures Manual (OSMPP), and OSC CRAP manual; and extensive working knowledge of welding codes (AWS), weld inspection, and steel fabrication with railroad code (AREMA). Mr. Tasbihgoo has a well-earned reputation for his knowledge of Caltrans Standard Specifications in Districts 5, 7, 8, 9, and 11 of Caltrans, within the District and Structure Construction and has experience assisting Caltrans OSM and Caltrans Structure Construction (OSC) with review of shop plans, RFIs, CCOs and QA/QC procedures for material source inspection and verification. He has inspected major fabricators and performed numerous facility audits and has performed IQA for Caltrans. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, Indio, CA - Structural Material Representative on the TYLI construction management team. He prepared the project SIQMP for Caltrans Oversight SMR, reviewed fabricators precast quality control plans for MSE walls, perform material engineering and quality assessment of fabrication. Coordinated and managed source fabrication items such as welded hoops, epoxy coated bars, MSE precast panels, overhead sign structures, light poles, electrical components, and more. Project construction consisted of demolishing the existing bridge and northbound Indio Boulevard overcrossing to then replace it with a new six-lane bridge. The bridge is completed with bicycle lanes on each side and sidewalks on northbound side of Jefferson Street at I-10. I-10/Pepper Avenue Interchange, Colton, CA - Structural Material Representative preparing Source Inspection Quality Management Plan (SIQMP) for Caltrans Oversight SMR, implementing the SIQMP, coordinating and managing source fabrication, structural material and electrical verification and testing. The project proposed a replacement overcrossing bridge structure at I-10 and Pepper Avenue within the City of Colton and the County of San Bernardino. The proposed improvements included: removal of the existing bridge, traffic management during construction, installation of traffic signals and street lights, relocation of fiber optic utilities, installation of a water pipeline, local street improvements and construction of rock blanket. Cabrillo Boulevard Bridge Replacement, Santa Barbara, CA - Structural Material Representative responsible for performing facility audit and QA precast concrete inspection of voided slabs, PCQCP review, PCQCP meeting, and provided PCI Level II inspector for precast prestressed voided slabs source inspection. He is also supporting the TYLI construction management team. This project will include the replacement of the Cabrillo Bridge in City of Santa Barbara with a precast voided slab bridge. SR 14/Golden Valley Road, Santa Clarita, CA - Structural Material Representative on the project to widen the existing Golden Valley Road bridge from 2-lane overpass to 6 lanes, including two through lanes and one left-turn lane in each direction for access to northbound and southbound SR 14. Mr. Tasbihgoo developed and implemented the project SIQMP. He managed source inspection activities and prepared monthly SIQMP report, visited fabricators, and managed all source material issues. Firm: ZT Consulting Group, Inc. Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 71403 Education: PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Southern California MS, Structural Engineering, University of Southern California BS, Civil Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Iran Certifications: AWS CWI (FCM), No. 11081291 ACI Concrete Field-Testing Grade I, No. 1226819 ASQ CQA, No. 67819 PCI Level III, No. 14342 PCI Level II, No. 12221 PCI Level I, No. 12222 FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXWADE DURANT, PE SCHEDULE REVIEWSMr. Durant is the Manager of Field Engineering Services for TYLI Southern California operations. His responsibilities include coordination of construction management and inspection projects, managing inspection and field engineering staff, as well as performing resident engineering and inspection assignments. Mr. Durant performs quality control reviews, constructability reviews, construction schedules, and cost estimates on most design projects performed by TYLI in Southern California. Mr. Durant has 30 years of experience in the field of bridge construction and design engineering including 4 years as a Bridge Engineer with Caltrans, sourced to the Office of Structures Construction in District 11. He has worked as a construction Resident Engineer or Inspector on over 90 bridges, retaining walls, and similar structures. Mr. Durant also has experience as a bridge design engineer preparing APS, design of new bridges, seismic retrofitting of existing bridges, and preparation of PS&E. Mr. Durant has designed many earth retaining walls and grade beam systems used for slope stabilization. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, Indio, CA - Assisted the Resident Engineer on the $43.2 million reconfiguration of Jefferson Street Interchange at I-10. The project included construction of a 445-foot-long by 155-foot-wide, eight-lane bridge over I-10 and the removal of two existing bridges. New east and westbound on- and off- ramps, auxiliary lanes, a 50-foot-tall MSE retaining wall, and several Type-1 retaining walls were also constructed. Mr. Durant reviewed various submittals including falsework design, prestressing shop drawings, and MSE wall precast panel shop drawings. Lennar Homes Hydro-Arch, Riverside County, CA - Bridge Construction Engineer and Inspector for the construction of a 100-foot-long, 32-foot span cast-in-place concrete arch bridge on spread footings. Arch, retaining walls, and wingwalls were placed using structural shotcrete. Mr. Durant performed construction inspection and review of all submittals. El Salto Falls Street Bridge over Buena Vista Creek, Carlsbad, CA - Resident Engineer for the construction of a three-span, precast prestressed girder bridge. This bridge is unique in that the two 50-foot approach spans were constructed first using 80-foot-long precast girders, creating a 30-foot cantilever past the pier supports, complete with post tensioned bridge deck. Cranes were moved onto the structure to set four 120-foot-long precast girders as a drop in span, which was then connected and stressed as part of the completed structure. Lastly, precast deck panels were placed in the center span and the final portion of the bridge deck was poured. Mr. Durant performed all construction management duties including review of all submittals and progress payment applications, and managed field staff that performed inspection of all elements of construction. Commercial Development Bridge over Marblehead Canyon, San Clemente, CA - Resident Engineer for the construction of a three-span, cast-in-place post- tensioned concrete box girder bridge on cast-in-drilled-holes (CIDH) piles over an environmentally sensitive canyon for the development. Mr. Durant performed all construction management duties including review of all submittals and progress payment applications, and managed field staff that performed inspection of all elements of construction. Firm: T.Y. Lin International Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 52225 Education: BS, Civil Engineering, Northern Arizona University FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXADAM CHAMAA, PE, GEMATERIALS INSPECTION AND TESTINGRegistered civil and geotechnical engineer with over 35 years of experience as geotechnical engineer and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) manager. Responsible for QC/QA engineering for new construction, foundations, sewer installations, roadway surfaces during and after installation, design of de-watering systems, pump stations, and assessment of soil-related environmental contamination. Provided geotechnical design recommendations for new construction for municipal, governmental and commercial projects throughout California. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE I-405 Widening - Euclid Street to I-605, Orange County, CA - Engineering Manager on the widening of the 405 Freeway for a total of 16 miles for Caltrans and OCTA. The project includes construction of new lanes on the southbound and northbound sides, retaining walls, bridges, etc. Mr. Chamaa is also supervising the testing and inspection services which include a review of concrete mix designs, concrete testing and inspection, concrete batch plant inspection, pile inspection and logging, rebar inspection, aggregate testing, welding inspection, subgrade testing and inspection, base material evaluation and testing, compaction testing and inspection, and asphaltic concrete testing. He is working closely with the contractor to ensure that the project proceeds in a timely manner and that all testing meets required project plans and specifications. OCTA On-Call Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services, Orange County, CA - Engineering Manager for the soil and material testing and inspection services on an on-call basis for any OCTA-owned facilities. Various projects were performed at the five maintenance and operations facilities, various transportation centers and park-and-ride facilities owned by the OCTA. AESCO also provided all labor, materials, equipment, and facilities to perform soils and materials testing and inspection services during construction of the various projects. The services included performing required testing of soils, asphalt concrete, masonry, Portland cement concrete, reinforcing steel, and structural steel. In addition, special deputy inspection services for welding, reinforcing steel, masonry, concrete placement, and roofing installation inspection were also performed. Lenain Water Treatment Plant Modifications, Anaheim, CA - Engineering Manager for the geotechnical engineering for various improvements to upgrade the existing water treatment facility for GHD for the City of Anaheim. As part of the upgrade, it is proposed to construct a new chemical feed system structure, install a new 36-inch diameter pipeline between the Reservoir and the Parkview Pump Station and widen the delivery truck road. Various new retaining walls will also be constructed. Several borings were performed as well as potholing to locate utilities throughout the site. Extensive slope stability analyses and retaining wall design were performed to determine the optimal design for widening of the roadway. Mr. Chamaa also supervised the construction materials testing and inspections for the improvements which included: evaluation and testing of backfill for MSE retaining walls; compaction; concrete; grout; fill stockpile evaluation; welding; review and evaluation of retaining wall plans and foundation plans. Perris Valley Line Commuter Rail Extension Project, Riverside County CA - Engineering Manager. Mr. Chamaa was the Engineering Manager for quality control inspection and materials testing and geotechnical engineering services for the Riverside County Transportation Commission. The project involves a 24-mile extension of the existing 512-mile Metrolink commuter rail system from Riverside to Perris. Firm: AESCO Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 53992 Geotechnical Engineer in CA, No. 2784 Education: MS, Civil Engineering, Geotechnical and Highway Design, Louisiana Technical University FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIX Ms. Wang has more than 29 years of construction management experience on freeway projects including 10 years of experience in the role of Resident Engineer on more than 20 projects. She has been involved in a number of high-profile projects in the Inland Empire with various types of contracting methods including design-bid-build, design-build, and design-sequencing. Her expertise includes project management, construction contract management, constructibility review, document control, quality assurance inspection, SWPPP compliance, prevailing wage monitoring and enforcement, claim mitigation and resolution. Ms. Wang was the Area Construction Manager for the SR 60/91/215 Interchange Design- Sequencing Project, SR 91 Corridor Improvement, and Devore Design-Build Projects in Caltrans District 8. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Highway 111 Roadway Widening, Indio, CA - Labor Compliance Officer responsible for compliance monitoring and prevailing wage enforcement. She verified employee certified payroll rate with Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) rate determination for each classification and employee interview reports, verified contractor submitted Certified Payroll Reports to DIR eCPR website, and verified all contractors on the project were registered with the DIR. This project involved widening Highway 111 to 3 lanes in each direction between Rubidoux Street to just west of Madison Street. As part of the project, all pavements will be replaced and sidewalk, driveway approaches and access ramps will be updated. Existing traffic signals and lighting system will be modified. I-10/Pepper Avenue Interchange Improvement, Colton, CA - Labor Compliance Officer responsible for reviewing certified payroll records, fringe benefit statements, and apprenticeship certificates for accuracy; verifying prevailing wage rates against the information listed on the monthly employee interviews; recommending any application deductions for missing payroll documents; and conducting source document verifications. This interchange features 5-lane bridge and improved ramps. The wider bridge provides a better traffic circulation for area residents, businesses, and visitors to and from the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. The Pepper Avenue Interchange provides freeway access to and from both commercial and residential communities in the area. It is also one of the main access points to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. I-10/Monterey Avenue Ramp Modification, Palm Desert, CA - Resident Engineer/ Labor Compliance Officer responsible for managing the construction management team working with City Project Manager, Caltrans Oversight Engineers, and consultant designers. She was also responsible for overall project scope, schedule and cost. Ms. Wang’s responsibilities included contract administration, office engineering, labor compliance monitoring and enforcement, SWPPP monitoring and inspection, QA inspection, progress payment, and dispute resolution. This ramp modification project included relocating the westbound off-ramp to Varner Road, constructing a direct loop on-ramp for the northbound Monterey Avenue on- and-off traffic, constructing retaining walls/ground anchor walls, and installing new traffic signal, lighting, and ramp metering systems. Firm: Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc. Registrations: Civil Engineer in CA, No. 50540 Education: BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Los Angeles Certifications: Project Management Professional No. 1351346 Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner, No. 00998 Trainer of Record Caltrans Resident Engineer Certificate ProgramCHIA-CHI WANG, PE PMP, QADLABOR COMPLIANCE FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXDANIEL CALVILLO, PLSSURVEYINGMr. Calvillo is one of two founding owners of CL Surveying and Mapping (founded in 2007) and has over 21 years of experience in the Land Surveying Industry. As the Director of Field Operations of CL Surveying and Mapping, he manages a talented staff of professionals on projects of varying magnitude and complexity, ranging from major transportation Improvements, street improvements, bridge widening projects, grade separations, etc. In addition, Mr. Calvillo has extensive knowledge of field surveying related applications. He brings a high degree of technical expertise to field operations and is a key role in structuring field procedures that have resulted in completing projects in a timely and cost-efficient manner. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Mt. Vernon Viaduct Replacement Project, San Bernardino, CA - Survey Manager on the reconstruction of the Mt. Vernon Avenue Bridge which has been an iconic structure and serving as a vital link for residents, visitors, students and businesses since 1934. CL Survey has been contracted to supply survey support services to assist in the construction of the bridge, the construction of shoofly tracks, realignment of existing tracks through the BNSF Rail yard, utility relocation and Retaining Walls. This project spans existing BNSF Rail yards and Metrolink tracks. The new structure is anticipated to open in 2024. First Avenue Bridge Project, Barstow, CA - Survey Manager on the reconstruction of the existing bridge over a BNSF railyard. The current bridge was built around 1930. The project includes the construction of new approach roadways, a new 2-lane bridge and the demolition of the old structure once the new facility has been opened to traffic. CL Surveying and Mapping will be working through the construction management contract to provide construction staking support services on an as-needed basis throughout construction. 15/215 Devore Interchange Improvements, San Bernardino, CA - Survey Manager on the project which consisted of adding traffic lanes, construction of 18 bridges and a reconnect to Route 66. CL Surveying and Mapping performed construction staking services for the subject project and supplied up to one survey crew daily. Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project, San Diego, CA - Survey Manager on this $1.7 billion construction project to add multiple tracks (light and heavy rail) over an approximate 10 mile stretch from San Diego’s Old Town Station to UCSD to Westfield UTC. CL Surveying and Mapping is contracted to perform construction staking services (2 existing contracts) within all segments and has supplied the lead project surveyor within the South Segment and up to 7 staff members since the beginning of this project. In addition to supplying survey services, CL Survey has also worked directly with the grading operations to supply models which support the sites machine control operations and the on-site grade checkers. CL Surveying has also been tasked to manage track layout of the project, by implementing a Trimble GEDO system. This GEDO System works directly with the Harsco Mark IV tamper to expedite work flows and tamp abundantly more track on a daily basis than was capable of being done prior. Firm: CL Surveying Registrations: Professional Land Surveyor in CA, No. 8294 Education: BS, Engineering Technology Construction, California State Polytechnic University FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXWENDY TURNERENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCEMs. Turner has over eleven years of professional experience as a biologist involving field surveys and report preparation for terrestrial and aquatic biological resources in southern California. Ms. Turner has managed projects of varying sizes throughout southern California and is proficient at coordinating various tasks and project needs ranging from focused surveys and document preparation to construction monitoring and permit compliance. Ms. Turner has considerable experience leading and conducting a wide range of biological surveys and habitat assessments, as well as construction monitoring for special-status species. She has conducted surveys for the burrowing owl, desert tortoise, bats, desert kit fox, as well as nesting birds. She has been approved by both the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as an authorized desert tortoise handler. She regularly works with construction crews and their management personnel to maintain permit compliance and avoid project-related impacts to sensitive resources. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Cathedral Canyon Drive Bridge at Whitewater River, Cathedral City, CA - Project Manager and Lead Environmental Compliance Coordinator and Inspector providing management and coordination for fulfillment of the environmental commitments in the ECR. Ms. Turner is responsible for client coordination, and construction monitoring to ensure compliance with all project permits. The City proposes to construct a new four lane bridge along Cathedral Canyon Drive between the West Gate entrance to Cathedral Canyon Country Club and Cathedral Shores. Coachella Valley (CV) Link Multi-Modal Transportation Corridor Project, Riverside County, CA - Lead biologist on the construction management contract for an approximately 48-mile multi-modal transportation pathway, located generally between the city of Palm Springs to the west and the city of Coachella to the east. Ms. Turner serves as the lead biologist for the Project, attending weekly construction meetings and scheduling necessary surveys and site visits to ensure environmental compliance. Ms. Turner has conducted several surveys for burrowing owl and nesting bird throughout the project area and performs weekly site visits. Ms. Turner also set up wildlife cameras and was responsible for monitoring burrowing owls with chicks to determine if nearby construction activities were causing disturbance. Avenue 66 Grade Separation, Mecca, CA - Project Manager and Lead Environmental Compliance Coordinator and Inspector providing management and coordination of tasks required for fulfillment of the environmental commitments in the Environmental Commitment Record (ECR). She is responsible for conducting preconstruction nesting bird surveys, bat emergence surveys, full-time monitoring as needed, and weekly compliance inspections. Ms. Turner was also responsible for communicating with CDFW representatives regarding required notifications and negotiating project activities to ensure biological resources were protected while preventing project delays. The Project will construct a new grade separation and roadway to cross the Union Pacific Railroad and State Route 111 from a realigned Avenue 66 in the Community of Mecca, CA. Firm: ECORP Consulting Registrations: CDFW Scientific Collecting Permit (S-193570004-20003-001) Education: BS, Environmental Management, University of Redlands FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXANDREA SUAREZPUBLIC OUTREACHMs. Suarez brings to her clients over 20 years of public sector communications and community outreach experience. Her expertise is developing and implementing award-winning communications strategy, community outreach programs and collateral materials. She is the Founder and President of Connect & Company, a full-service, DBE certified public relations firm providing public outreach programs for transportation infrastructure projects in Southern California. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Jurupa Road Grade Separation Project, Jurupa Valley, CA - Ms. Suarez and the Connect team is implementing the community outreach strategic plan for the $133.4 million grade separation project. The project will construct a new, four-lane Jurupa Road underpass along with a roadway bridge and UPRR railway bridge over it, to improve safety and traffic circulation in this heavily traveled corridor lined with businesses and residents. Ms. Suarez managed the project brand and English/Spanish collateral development including a project logo, fact sheet, flyers, banners and signage. She also oversees website development and management (www.JurupaGradeSeparation.com), social media strategy, community outreach strategy and communication with the city, county, construction team, and contractor. Key components of the project include coordinating outreach with the city and county supervisor; one-on-one outreach and continual communication and problem solving for residents directly impacted by construction; ongoing outreach for local businesses impacted by road closures; and ongoing communication with emergency services and the school district to provide the most current and accurate project updates and traffic impacts. Ms. Suarez and her team planned and hosted one of the county’s first and largest in-person events after COVID for the project’s groundbreaking event attended by elected officials, project supporters and community members. Ms. Suarez and her team will continue to provide outreach through Spring 2023. Avenue 66 Grade Separation Project, Mecca, CA - Connect developed and is implementing the community outreach strategic plan for RCTD’s $56 million Avenue 66 Grade Separation project that is building a new bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad, Highway 111 and Hammond Road to create safe and reliable access in and out of the Mecca community. Connect created the bilingual project collateral materials for this largely Spanish speaking community including the logo, weekly construction updates, road closure/detour maps and flyers, construction information card and social media posts. Under Ms. Suarez’s guidance, the Connect team created and manages the project website (Ave66Project.com) which includes a text/email alert system and a dedicated project information email, the construction hotline, and project-specific social media pages. Her team continues to provide grass roots community outreach through early 2022. Hamner Avenue Bridge and Widening Project, Norco, CA - Community Outreach Director for this $71 million City of Norco and RTCD project to build a new 1,200-foot-long bridge over the Santa Ana River in Norco. The project also widens the congested and heavily traveled stretch of Hamner Avenue between Norco and Eastvale. Ms. Suarez and the Connect team developed and is implementing the community outreach plan including initial outreach to emergency service provides and key project partners, coordination with two cities and the County Supervisor’s office to inform residents and stakeholders, and on-going community outreach. Connect will continue to collaborate and communicate with stakeholders during major project milestones and traffic pattern shifts and throughout construction. Firm: Connect and Company Registrations: IAP2 Public Participation Certificate Education: BA, Communications, University of California, Santa Barbara FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) | CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXDION CASTRO, TOR, QSD/PSWPPP COMPLIANCEMr. Castro holds a Masters’ Degree in Environmental and Community and is a Qualified SWPPP Developer and Trainer of Record in California. Mr. Castro is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC 5813) and has 32 years of experience in NPDES compliance. He spent the last 10 years working as a consultant with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) as a Stormwater Coordinator for District 8 and the previous years in City Government in San Bernardino and Riverside performing point source pollution compliance. His regulatory understanding of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System won a first-place award for Clean Water Act Excellence while working for the City of Riverside in 2006. He has performed multiple audits at Industrial Permit facilities and is a QSD, QISP and Tor for CGP and IGP programs. Mr. Castro is also well versed with Cal OSHA safety requirements and performs regular safety inspections on multiple projects. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE SR 60 Truck Lanes Project, Beaumont & Moreno Valley, CA - SWPPP Coordinator. This project will add lanes in both the eastbound and westbound directions of SR 60 from Gillman Springs to Jack Rabbit Trail, through an area typically referred to as “Badlands.” The project includes mobbing approximately 2 million cubic yards of excavation, extensive drainage improvements and 20 million of new concrete pavement (JPCP). Mr. Castro is responsible for overseeing the construction permits, Stormwater compliance, environmental commitments, safety coordination of worker safety and traffic control. Additional duties include meeting with regulatory agencies, reviewing construction budgets, schedules; and change orders to assist the Resident Engineer. This is a Federally Funded Project and is subject to Local Agency Guidelines. Caltrans District 8, On-Call Construction Management Services, Riverside and San Bernardino County, CA - SWPPP Coordinator. Mr. Castro currently serves as the SWPPP Inspector responsible for assisting the District and its resident engineers with compliance evaluation of District project related to the Construction General Permit and Caltrans MS4 Permit NPDES, and Environmental compliance. As part of the on-going work. Mr. Castro conducts Construction Compliance Evaluation Plan (CCEP) reviews for District 08 and attending Headquarters reviews. Review of the SWPPP submitted to the agency for use on projects. Review SWPPP and WPCPs for completeness as required by the Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks and specifications prior to transmitting to Caltrans for their review and approval. SR 60/Potrero Avenue Interchange, Beaumont, CA - SWPPP Coordinator/Safety Officer. This project will extend Potrero Boulevard. over the 60 freeway with a new 6-lane bridge and new freeway interchange. The project also includes improvements connecting a ramp on Western Knolls to Potrero Boulevard north of the freeway and widening the freeway on both the north and south sides. This project has been combined with an additional project on the SR 60 freeway to construct acceleration and deceleration lanes and median barriers in this area. Mr. Castro is reviewing the SWPPP submitted to the agency for use on projects for completeness as required by the Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks and specifications before transmitting it to Caltrans for their review and approval. Mr. Castro holds various certificates and licenses in water and environmental disciplines. Firm: Falcon Engineering Registrations: SWPPP (QSD) & (QSP) Certificate # 00111 Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC 5893) Trainer of Record – California Storm Water Quality Association Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner, QISP #018 Environmental Compliance Inspector grade IV – California Water Environment Federation Education: MA, Environment and Community, Antioch University Seattle, Washington FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIX #Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float1Dune Plams BridgeDune Plams Bridge 470 02-Mar-22 22-Jan-24 0 2 SUBMITTALSSUBMITTALS 40 03-Mar-22 28-Apr-22 159 3 A1010 SWPPP Submittal (prepare, review, approval)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 0 4 A1020 Baseline Schedule Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)20 03-Mar-22 30-Mar-22 10 5 A1030 Staging Plan Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)20 03-Mar-22 30-Mar-22 10 6 A1040 CIDH Placement Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 45 7 A1050 Concrete Mix Design Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 45 8 A1060 Falsework Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)40 03-Mar-22 28-Apr-22 65 9 A1070 Post Tensioning Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)40 03-Mar-22 28-Apr-22 159 10 PHASE 1PHASE 1 262 17-Mar-22 06-Apr-23 7 11 SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST)SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST)25 20-Jun-22 25-Jul-22 0 12 B1010 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (West)5 20-Jun-22 24-Jun-22 0 13 B1020 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (West)5 27-Jun-22 01-Jul-22 0 14 B1030 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (WEST)5 05-Jul-22 11-Jul-22 0 15 B1040 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (WEST)5 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 0 16 B1050 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (WEST)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 0 17 B1060 ABUT 1 Pile Cap (West)5 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 5 18 B1070 ABUT 5 Pile Cap (West)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 0 19 SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST)SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST)150 12-Jul-22 17-Feb-23 29 20 B1080 ABUT 1 (West)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 5 21 B1090 ABUT 5 (West)5 26-Jul-22 01-Aug-22 0 22 B1100 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 2 (West)5 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 10 23 B1110 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 3 (West)5 19-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 5 24 B1120 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (West)5 26-Jul-22 01-Aug-22 0 25 B1130 Falsework (480'L x 40.5'W) (West)20 02-Aug-22 29-Aug-22 0 26 B1140 Forms Stems Exterior (5.5'H) (West)10 30-Aug-22 13-Sep-22 0 27 B1150 Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 1 (West)4 30-Aug-22 02-Sep-22 6 28 B1160 Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 5 (West)4 30-Aug-22 02-Sep-22 6 29 B1170 Rebar Soffit & Stems (West)10 14-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 0 30 B1180 PT Ducts (5 EA) (4 Spans, 135'L max) (West)8 28-Sep-22 07-Oct-22 0 31 B1190 Forms Stems (West)10 11-Oct-22 24-Oct-22 0 32 B1200 Pour Soffit & Stems (674 CY) (West)2 25-Oct-22 26-Oct-22 0 33 B1205 Install IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge Cell (West)5 27-Oct-22 02-Nov-22 0 34 B1210 Forms Lost Deck (32'W x 452'L) (West)8 03-Nov-22 15-Nov-22 0 35 B1220 Rebar Deck (West)10 16-Nov-22 01-Dec-22 0 36 B1230 Pour Deck (West)1 02-Dec-22 02-Dec-22 0 37 B1240 Post Tensioning (West)5 19-Dec-22 23-Dec-22 0 38 B1250 Backwall Abut 1 (West)5 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 15 39 B1260 Backwall Abut 5 (West)5 27-Dec-22 03-Jan-23 0 40 B1270 Structure Backfill Abut 1 (West)5 04-Jan-23 10-Jan-23 15 41 B1280 Structure Backfill Abut 5 (West)5 04-Jan-23 10-Jan-23 0 42 B1290 City Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (West) (4'') (2EA)2 11-Jan-23 12-Jan-23 31 43 B1300 City Fiber Utility Conduit in Bridge sidewalk (West) (3") (1 EA)2 11-Jan-23 12-Jan-23 31 44 B1310 Fronter Utility Conduit in Bridge sidewalk (West) (4") (2 EA)2 11-Jan-23 12-Jan-23 31 45 B1320 Bridge Sidewalk & Barrier (West)10 20-Jan-23 02-Feb-23 29 46 B1330 Bridge Railing (West)10 03-Feb-23 17-Feb-23 29 47 B1390 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (West)2 18-Jan-23 19-Jan-23 29 48 B1395 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (West)2 18-Jan-23 19-Jan-23 29 49 ROADWAY 1ROADWAY 1 262 17-Mar-22 06-Apr-23 7 50 R1005 Install 18" Driange Pipe under & across Dune Palms on South Side (Night Work)2 17-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 61 51 R1007 Install 18" Driange Pipe under & across Dune Palms on North side (Night Work)2 21-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 61 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan202220232024 28-Apr-22, SUBMITTALS SWPPP Submittal (prepare, review, approval) Baseline Schedule Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Staging Plan Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) CIDH Placement Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Concrete Mix Design Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Falsework Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Post Tensioning Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) 06-Apr-23, PHASE 1 25-Jul-22, SUB-STRUCTURE (WEST) 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (West) 24" CIDH (14 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (West) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (WEST) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (WEST) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (WEST) ABUT 1 Pile Cap (West) ABUT 5 Pile Cap (West) 17-Feb-23, SUPER-STRUCTURE (WEST) ABUT 1 (West) ABUT 5 (West) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 2 (West) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 3 (West) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (West) Falsework (480'L x 40.5'W) (West) Forms Stems Exterior (5.5'H) (West) Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 1 (West) Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 5 (West) Rebar Soffit & Stems (West) PT Ducts (5 EA) (4 Spans, 135'L max) (West) Forms Stems (West) Pour Soffit & Stems (674 CY) (West) Install IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge Cell (West) Forms Lost Deck (32'W x 452'L) (West) Rebar Deck (West) Pour Deck (West) Post Tensioning (West) Backwall Abut 1 (West) Backwall Abut 5 (West) Structure Backfill Abut 1 (West) Structure Backfill Abut 5 (West) City Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (West) (4'') (2EA) City Fiber Utility Conduit in Bridge sidewalk (West) (3") (1 EA) Fronter Utility Conduit in Bridge sidewalk (West) (4") (2 EA) Bridge Sidewalk & Barrier (West) Bridge Railing (West) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (West) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (West) 06-Apr-23, ROADWAY 1 Install 18" Driange Pipe under & across Dune Palms on South Side (Night Work) Install 18" Driange Pipe under & across Dune Palms on North side (Night Work) Dune Plams Bridge Classic Schedule Layout 03-Dec-21 11:26 Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining W... Milestone Page 1 of 3 TASK filter: All Activities © Oracle CorporationEXPANDED PROJECT SCHEDULE FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIX #Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float52R1010Construct (Temporary) Bypass (East Side)30 06-May-22 17-Jun-22 0 53 R1015 Installing IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Roadway (North West)5 11-Jan-23 18-Jan-23 0 54 R1020 Drainage System Inlets (West)4 11-Jan-23 17-Jan-23 29 55 R1030 Retaining Wall (West)40 02-Aug-22 27-Sep-22 64 56 R1035 Clear & Grub (East)5 15-Apr-22 21-Apr-22 0 57 R1040 Roadway Removal (West)10 20-Jun-22 01-Jul-22 194 58 R1050 Temporary Shoring at Abut 1 (West)10 27-Jun-22 11-Jul-22 5 59 R1055 Temporary Shoring at Abut 5 (West)10 05-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 0 60 R1060 Roadway Work (West)30 11-Jan-23 24-Feb-23 15 61 R1070 Electrical Work (West)10 20-Mar-23 03-Apr-23 0 62 R1080 Roadway at Corporate Ctr. (30 days, with max 2 day closures at the time)30 11-Jan-23 24-Feb-23 25 63 R1090 AC Pavement (West)2 04-Apr-23 05-Apr-23 0 64 R1100 Temporary Striping (West)1 06-Apr-23 06-Apr-23 0 65 PHASE 2PHASE 2 197 07-Apr-23 22-Jan-24 0 66 SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST)SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST)25 07-Apr-23 11-May-23 0 67 B2010 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (East)5 07-Apr-23 13-Apr-23 0 68 B2020 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (East)5 14-Apr-23 20-Apr-23 0 69 B2030 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (East)5 21-Apr-23 27-Apr-23 0 70 B2040 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (East)5 28-Apr-23 04-May-23 0 71 B2050 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (East)5 05-May-23 11-May-23 0 72 B2060 ABUT 1 Pile Cap (East)5 14-Apr-23 20-Apr-23 15 73 B2070 ABUT 5 Pile Cap (East)5 21-Apr-23 27-Apr-23 10 74 SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST)SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST)173 21-Apr-23 29-Dec-23 14 75 B2080 ABUT 1 (East)5 21-Apr-23 27-Apr-23 15 76 B2090 ABUT 5 (East)5 28-Apr-23 04-May-23 10 77 B2100 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 2 (East)5 28-Apr-23 04-May-23 10 78 B2110 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 3 (East)5 05-May-23 11-May-23 5 79 B2120 Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (East)5 12-May-23 18-May-23 0 80 B2125 Falsework (East)20 19-May-23 16-Jun-23 0 81 B2130 Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 1 (East)5 19-Jun-23 23-Jun-23 5 82 B2140 Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 5 (East)5 19-Jun-23 23-Jun-23 5 83 B2150 Forms Stems Exterior (East)10 19-Jun-23 30-Jun-23 0 84 B2160 Rebar Soffit & Stems (East)10 03-Jul-23 17-Jul-23 0 85 B2170 PT Ducts (East)8 18-Jul-23 27-Jul-23 0 86 B2180 Forms Stems (East)10 28-Jul-23 10-Aug-23 0 87 B2190 Pour Soffit & Stems (East)2 11-Aug-23 14-Aug-23 0 88 B2200 Forms Lost Deck (East)8 15-Aug-23 24-Aug-23 0 89 B2210 Rebar Deck (East)10 25-Aug-23 08-Sep-23 0 90 B2220 Pour Deck (East)1 11-Sep-23 11-Sep-23 0 91 B2230 Post Tentioning (East)5 26-Sep-23 02-Oct-23 0 92 B2235 Closure Pour (F/P/S)5 03-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 63 93 B2240 Backwall Abut 1 (East)5 03-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 0 94 B2250 Backwall Abut 5 (East)5 03-Oct-23 10-Oct-23 0 95 B2260 Structure Backfill Abut 1 (East)5 11-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 0 96 B2270 Structure Backfill Abut 5 (East)5 11-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 0 97 B2280 City Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (East) (4'') (2EA)5 18-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 38 98 B2290 Spectrum Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (East) (4") (2 EA)5 18-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 38 99 B2300 Future Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (East) (4") (1 EA)5 18-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 38 100 B2305 Bridge Sidewalk & Barrier (East)10 25-Oct-23 07-Nov-23 38 101 B2307 Bridge Railing (East)10 08-Nov-23 22-Nov-23 38 102 B2310 CV Link Utility Conduit under closure pour bridge (East) (4") (1 EA)5 11-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 63 103 B2320 Median Concrete Bridge (East)3 27-Dec-23 29-Dec-23 2 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan202220232024 Construct (Temporary) Bypass (East Side) Installing IDD Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Roadway (North West) Drainage System Inlets (West) Retaining Wall (West) Clear & Grub (East) Roadway Removal (West) Temporary Shoring at Abut 1 (West) Temporary Shoring at Abut 5 (West) Roadway Work (West) Electrical Work (West) Roadway at Corporate Ctr. (30 days, with max 2 day closures at the time) AC Pavement (West) Temporary Striping (West) 11-May-23, SUB-STRUCTURE (EAST) 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 1 (East) 24" CIDH (16 EA) (51.25') ABUT 5 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (103') PIER 2 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (110) PIER 3 (East) 60" CIDH (2 EA) (108') PIER 4 (East) ABUT 1 Pile Cap (East) ABUT 5 Pile Cap (East) 29-Dec-23, SUPER-STRUCTURE (EAST) ABUT 1 (East) ABUT 5 (East) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 2 (East) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 3 (East) Colunms (60") (2 EA) Pier 4 (East) Falsework (East) Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 1 (East) Bearing Pads (5 EA) ABUT 5 (East) Forms Stems Exterior (East) Rebar Soffit & Stems (East) PT Ducts (East) Forms Stems (East) Pour Soffit & Stems (East) Forms Lost Deck (East) Rebar Deck (East) Pour Deck (East) Post Tentioning (East) Closure Pour (F/P/S) Backwall Abut 1 (East) Backwall Abut 5 (East) Structure Backfill Abut 1 (East) Structure Backfill Abut 5 (East) City Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (East) (4'') (2EA) Spectrum Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (East) (4") (2 EA) Future Utility Conduit in bridge sidewalk (East) (4") (1 EA) Bridge Sidewalk & Barrier (East) Bridge Railing (East) CV Link Utility Conduit under closure pour bridge (East) (4") (1 EA) Median Concrete Bridge (East) Dune Plams Bridge Classic Schedule Layout 03-Dec-21 11:26 Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining W... Milestone Page 2 of 3 TASK filter: All Activities © Oracle CorporationEXPANDED PROJECT SCHEDULE FEDERAL PROJECT No. - BRKLS-5433(014) CITY PROJECT No. - 2011-05 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICESDUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT APPENDIXEXPANDED PROJECT SCHEDULE#Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float104B2330Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (East)2 22-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 0 105 B2340 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (East)2 22-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 0 106 ROADWAY 2ROADWAY 2 197 07-Apr-23 22-Jan-24 0 107 R2015 Remove Temporary Baypass (East)5 18-Oct-23 24-Oct-23 58 108 R2020 Drainage System Inlets (East)4 18-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 0 109 R2050 Roadway Work (East)30 24-Oct-23 07-Dec-23 0 110 R2055 Construct Mobile Home 2nd driveway & its associated roadway NB Dune Palms4207-Apr-23 06-Jun-23 155 111 R2060 Electric Work (East)10 08-Dec-23 21-Dec-23 0 112 R2070 AC Pavement (East)2 27-Dec-23 28-Dec-23 0 113 R2080 Median Concrete Curb (North side)5 08-Dec-23 14-Dec-23 2 114 R2090 Median Concrete Color Stamped (North side)5 15-Dec-23 21-Dec-23 2 115 R2100 Slurry Seal 3 29-Dec-23 03-Jan-24 0 116 R2110 Striping & Signage 5 04-Jan-24 10-Jan-24 0 117 R2120 Punch List 5 11-Jan-24 18-Jan-24 0 118 R2130 Shared Float 2 19-Jan-24 22-Jan-24 0 119 CVWD SewerlineCVWD Sewerline 42 03-Mar-22 02-May-22 33 120 S1010 CVWD Sewer Line (18" & 12") Submittal, Incl. bypass plan (Prepare, Review, Approval)10 03-Mar-22 16-Mar-22 25 121 S1210 Install 12" Sewer at Abut 5 under & across SB Dune Palms and switch live sewer to (Night Work)10 17-Mar-22 30-Mar-22 25 122 S1220 Remove Ex. 12" Sewer at Abut 5 under & accross SB Dune Palms (Night Work)2 01-Apr-22 04-Apr-22 25 123 S1810 Install 18" Sewer at Abut 5 under & across SB & NB Dune Palms and Switch live sewer to (Night Work)15 05-Apr-22 25-Apr-22 25 124 S1820 Remove Ex. 18" Sewer & it 36" steel sleeve under & accross SB & NB Dune Palms (Night Work)5 26-Apr-22 02-May-22 33 125 CVWD WaterlineCVWD Waterline 80 03-Mar-22 24-Jun-22 129 126 W1010 CVWD Waterline Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval)10 03-Mar-22 16-Mar-22 52 127 W1020 Install 18" Water at Abut 5 under & across NB Dune Plams (Night Work)5 26-Apr-22 02-May-22 25 128 W1030 Install 18" Water at Abut 1 under & across NB Dune Palms (Night Work)2 03-May-22 04-May-22 25 129 W1040 Install 18" Water in channel bed on East side 10 19-Apr-22 02-May-22 27 130 W1050 Cut off & Switch to new 18" Water (Night Work)2 05-May-22 06-May-22 25 131 W1060 Remvoe Ex. Water under & across SB Dune Palms on South & North side (Night Work)4 09-May-22 12-May-22 25 132 W1070 Remove Ex. 18" Water in channel bed on west side 5 20-Jun-22 24-Jun-22 129 133 CVSC ChannelCVSC Channel 386 27-Jun-22 17-Jan-24 3 134 C1010 Channel & CV Link Trail Work (West)60 27-Jun-22 20-Sep-22 129 135 C2020 Channel & CV Link Trail Work (East)60 18-Oct-23 17-Jan-24 3 136 UTILITIES By OthersUTILITIES By Others 416 03-Mar-22 31-Oct-23 48 137 U1010 IDD - Remove Powerpoles & Overhead Line (East Side)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 15 138 U1020 IDD - Relocate Overhed LIne (East Side)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 15 139 U1030 IDD - Remove Powerpole at Corporate Ctr. (West Side)30 03-Mar-22 14-Apr-22 15 140 U1040 IDD - Install Intrim Electrical Shoofly (East Side)10 22-Apr-22 05-May-22 0 141 U1060 CVWD - Relocate A/V Assembly (East Side)3 22-Apr-22 26-Apr-22 7 142 U1070 Spectrum - Relocate UG Facilities (East Side)10 22-Apr-22 05-May-22 0 143 U1080 IDD - Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Roadway (North West)30 19-Jan-23 03-Mar-23 0 144 U1090 Frontier _ Relocate MH, Conduit to Bridge (West)10 27-Feb-23 10-Mar-23 15 145 U1100 IID_Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge (West)10 06-Mar-23 17-Mar-23 0 146 U2010 IDD - Remove Intrim Shoofly (East Side)5 07-Apr-23 13-Apr-23 187 147 U2020 Spectrum - Extend UG Facilities (North East)10 18-Oct-23 31-Oct-23 36 148 MILESTONESMILESTONES 470 02-Mar-22 22-Jan-24 0 149 M1010 NTP 0 02-Mar-22 0 150 M1020 Swith Traffic to East (Bypass)0 20-Jun-22 0 151 M1030 Swith Traffic to West 0 07-Apr-23 0 152 M1035 Open 2nd Access from Mobile Home to NB Dune Palms North of Bridge within 60 Calendars of Phase 2007-Jun-23 07-Jun-23 155 153 M1040 Project Completion 0 22-Jan-24 0 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan202220232024 Bridge Approach Slab Abut 1 (East) Bridge Approach Slab Abut 5 (East) Remove Temporary Baypass (East) Drainage System Inlets (East) Roadway Work (East) Construct Mobile Home 2nd driveway & its associated roadway NB Dune Palms Electric Work (East) AC Pavement (East) Median Concrete Curb (North side) Median Concrete Color Stamped (North side) Slurry Seal Striping & Signage Punch List 02-May-22, CVWD Sewerline CVWD Sewer Line (18" & 12") Submittal, Incl. bypass plan (Prepare, Review, Approval) Install 12" Sewer at Abut 5 under & across SB Dune Palms and switch live sewer to (Night Work) Remove Ex. 12" Sewer at Abut 5 under & accross SB Dune Palms (Night Work) Install 18" Sewer at Abut 5 under & across SB & NB Dune Palms and Switch live sewer to (Night Work) Remove Ex. 18" Sewer & it 36" steel sleeve under & accross SB & NB Dune Palms (Night Work) 24-Jun-22, CVWD Waterline CVWD Waterline Submittal (Prepare, Review, Approval) Install 18" Water at Abut 5 under & across NB Dune Plams (Night Work) Install 18" Water at Abut 1 under & across NB Dune Palms (Night Work) Install 18" Water in channel bed on East side Cut off & Switch to new 18" Water (Night Work) Remvoe Ex. Water under & across SB Dune Palms on South & North side (Night Work) Remove Ex. 18" Water in channel bed on west side 17-Jan-24, CVSC Channel Channel & CV Link Trail Work (West) Channel & CV Link Trail Work (East) 31-Oct-23, UTILITIES By Others IDD - Remove Powerpoles & Overhead Line (East Side) IDD - Relocate Overhed LIne (East Side) IDD - Remove Powerpole at Corporate Ctr. (West Side) IDD - Install Intrim Electrical Shoofly (East Side) CVWD - Relocate A/V Assembly (East Side) Spectrum - Relocate UG Facilities (East Side) IDD - Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Roadway (North West) Frontier _ Relocate MH, Conduit to Bridge (West) IID_Pulling conductors through Conduits (6") (4 EA) within Bridge (West) IDD - Remove Intrim Shoofly (East Side) Spectrum - Extend UG Facilities (North East) NTP Swith Traffic to East (Bypass) Swith Traffic to West Open 2nd Access from Mobile Home to NB Dune Palms North of Bridge within 60 Calendars of Phase 2 Dune Plams Bridge Classic Schedule Layout 03-Dec-21 11:26 Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining W... Milestone Page 3 of 3 TASK filter: All Activities © Oracle Corporation Dune Palms Road Bridge (CP#2011-05) 17%City of La Quinta Dune Palms Road spanning Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel from Corporate Center to Blackhawk Way RFP 2011-05 BRKLS-5433(014) 3.07%Electrical/Signal Inspection, Labor Compliance 39638 Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc. 6.09%Materials Testing & Inspection 087710 AESCO 5.91%Surveying 38284 CL Surveying & Mapping 4.61%Public Outreach 46434 Connect & Company 19.67% James Rucker, PE Principal-in-Charge/VP (619) 861-2435 December 6, 2021 T.Y. Lin International ATTACHMENT 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; If no addenda has been issued, mark “N/A” under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO.SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT N/A 3633 EAST INLAND EMPIRE BLVD SUITE 900 ONTARIO, CA 91764 858.245.8112 www.tylin.com