10-0775 (RC) Title 24I EIVF,D AUG 19 2010 BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 47647 Caleo Bay Drive, Suite 230 La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Designer: Holt Architects 70225 Highway 111, Suite D Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760-328-5280 Report Prepared by: Victor Leon MRC Engineering, Inc. 72-880 Fred Waring Drive, Suite C-11 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-340-9005 'f CITY OF LA QUINTA MIRIC BUILDING &SAFPT. APPR?yj ENGINEERING, INC. t FOR CONS Job Number: DA rE OLo ByFer-4. _ 1062.00 10- 77� Date: 8/16/2010 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Y: This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC—www.energysoft.com. I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms 3 Form ENV -MM Envelope Mandatory Measures 20 Form LTG -MM Lighting Mandatory Measures 21 Form MECH-MM Mechanical Mandatory Measures 22 HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 23 Zone Load Summary 24 EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft Job Number: ID: 1062.00 User Number: 7746 1 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 1 of 3 PERF-1 C Project Name Date Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 1 8/16/2010 Project Address Climate Zone Total Cond. Floor Area Addition Floor Area 47647 Caleo Bay Drive, Suite 230 La Quinta CA Climate Zone 15 1,522 1,522 GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type: ® Nonresidential ❑ High-Rise Residential ❑ Hotel/Motel Guest Room ❑ Relocatable - indicate ❑ specific climate zone ❑ all climates Phase of Construction: ❑ New Construction ❑ Addition ® Alteration STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to a Building using the performance compliance approach. The documentation author hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name Victor Leon Signature Company MRC Engineering, Inc. Date 8/16/2010 Address 7P-880 Fred Waring Drive, Suite C-11 Phone 760-340-9005 City/State/Zip Palm Desert, CA 92260 The Principal Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the energy efficiency requirements contained in sections 110, 116 through 118, and 140 through 149 of Title 24, Part 6. Please check one: ENV. LTG. MECH. I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to ® ® ® sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section ❑ ❑ ❑ 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that 1 am a licensed contractor performing this work. I affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document ❑ ❑ ❑ because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737.1. Principal Envelope Designer Name Timothy M. Holt Signature Company Holt Architects Date Address 70225 Highway 111, Suite D License # City/State2ip Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Phone 760-328-5280 Principal Mechanical Designer q�_.,� p&---7 Name James M. O'Connor Signature Company MRC Engineering, Inc. Date 8/16/2010 Address 72-880 Fred Waring Dr., Suite C-11 License # M34555 City/State/Zip Palm Desert, CA 92260 Phone 760-340-9005 Principal Lighting Designer Name � TSignature Randall V. Moss Company MRC Engineering, Inc. Date 8/16/2010 Address 72-880 Fred Waring Dr., Suite C-11 License # a134 53 City/State/Zip Palm Desert, CA 92260 Phone 760-340-9005 INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT COMPLIANCE & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheets are included) ® ENV-1C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans. ® MECH-1C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans. ® LTG-1C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans. ® MECH-2C Air/Water Side/Service Hot Water & Pool Requirements. ❑ LTG-2C Lighting Controls Credit Worksheet. ® MECH-3C Mechanical Ventilation and Reheat. ❑ LTG-3C Indoor lighting Power Allowance. ® MECH-5C Mechanical Equipment Details. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Page 3 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 2 of 3 PERF -1C Project Name Date Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 8/16/2010 Space Heating Space Cooling Indoor Fans Heat Rejection Pumps & Misc. Domestic Hot Water Lighting Receptacle Process Process Lighting TOTALS Standard Proposed Compliance Desian Design Marain 0.42 0.09 0.33 214.16 187.17 27.00 74.88 93.44 -18.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.46 16.46 0.00 76.96 77.66 -0.70 75.64 75.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 458.53 450.46 8.07 Percent better than Standard G 1.8%1 ( 1.8 % exciudi Heating Cooling Fans Heat Rej Pumps DHW Lighting Receptacle Process Process Ltg BUILDING COMPLIES Building Orientation (Kq 270 deg Conditioned Floor Area 1.522 sqft. Number of Stories 1 Unconditioned Floor Area 0 sqft. Number of Systems 1 Conditioned Footprint Area 1,522 sqft. Number of Zones 1 Natural Gas Available On Site No Front Elevation Left Elevation Rear Elevation Right Elevation Total Roof Orientation Gross Area (W) 406 (N) 375 (E) 0 (S) 0 781 1,522 sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. Glazino Area Standard Proposed Lighting Power Density 1.100 W/sgft. 1.110 W/sgft. Prescriptive Envelope TDV Energy 62,023 114,481 Remarks: 108 108 0 0 216 0 sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. C-.1a7inn Ratin 26.6% 28.8% 0.0% 0.0 % 27.7% 0.0% PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 3 of 3 PERF -1 C Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 ZONE INFORMATION Floor Inst. Ctrl. Allowed LPD Proc. Area LPD Credits Area Tailored Loads System Name Zone Name Occupancy Type s ft. /Sf' /Sf 2 /sf s /sf ° /sf Medical Office Suite 230 Medical Office Suite 230 Comp Bldg Medical and Clin 1,522 1.110 Notes: 1. See LTG -1C 2. See LTG -2C 3. See LTG -3C 4. See LTG -4C Items above require special documentation (items marked with asterisk see LTG -1-C by others) (by others EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the Items specified In this checklist. These Items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justifications, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. The Roof Roof has been designated as an alteration, however the Roof Surface is NOT being replaced. The HVAC System Carrier 50TCQD08 includes an Economizer. This system has a cooling output < 75,000 Btuh ora supply cfm < 2500. The HVAC System Carrier 50TCQD08 A Premium Efficiency 1.50 BHP Supply Fan Motor has been specked. The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. Authorized Signature or Stamp EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Pae 5 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 3) ENV -1C AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 1 8/16/2010 Project Address 47647 Caleo Bay Drive, Suite 230 La Quinta Climate Zone 15 Total Cond. Floor Area 1,522 Addition Floor Area 1,522 GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type: 0 Nonresidential O High -Rise Residential O Hotel/Motel Guest Room O Schools (Public School) 0 Relocatable Public School 0 Conditioned Spaces 0 Unconditioned Spaces Bldg. 0 Skylight Area for Large Enclosed Space Z 8000 ftz (If checked include the ENV -4C with submittal) Phase of Construction: 0 New Construction 0 Addition 0 Alteration Approach of Compliance: 0 Component 0 Overall Envelope 0 Unconditioned (file affidavit) Front Orientation: N, E, S, W or in Degrees: I270 deg FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS INSULATION i Ta ID 2 Assembly T l0 a c c3 LA y W 02 ° U7 l0 :5 ��pp l0 UW `o ` O GI 7 W> c� Z C N WILL �` O y GI O �> `� O C C> CIL a x « C C C -5a =" tll OCQ O SA q d tOL 1 I Wall 267 (N) 0.102 R-131 4.3.1-A3 Existing 0 0 2 Wall 298 (M 0.102 R-13 4.3.1-A3 Existing 0 O 3 Roof 1,522 (N) 0.031 R-30 4.2.1-A20 Altered 0 O 4 Slab 1,522 (N) 0.730 None 4.4.7-A1 Existing 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 a a 0 1. See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96. 2. If Fail, then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. A fail does not meet compliance. FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS Tag/ID' Fenestration T 2 a M W O Z O �i > V �i > to0 N E. N 03 'E d 6 7 to a i 1 Window 108 (N) 0.710 Default 0.730 Default O Existing 0 0 2 Window 108 (W) 0.710 Default 0.730 Default O Existing O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 o a a 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 00 0 0+E3 1. See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96. 2. If Fail then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number. 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Page 6 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 3) AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST ENV -1C Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 ROOFING PRODUCT COOL ROOFS (Note if the roofing product is not CRRC certified, this compliance approach cannot be used). Go to Overall Envelope Approach or Performance Approach. CHECK APPLICABLE BOX BELOW IF EXEMPT FROM THE ROOFING PRODUCT "COOL ROOF" REQUIREMENTS: Pass Fall' N/A ❑ Roofing compliance not required in Climate Zones 1 and16 with a Low -Sloped. 2:12 pitch or less. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Roofing compliance not required in Climate Zone 1 with a Steep -Sloped with less than 5 Ib/ft2. Greater than 2:12 pitch. ❑ ❑ ❑ Cl Low -sloped Wood framed roofs in Climate Zones 3 and 5 are exempted, solar reflectance and thermal emittance or SRI that have a LI -factor of 0.039 or lower. See Opaque Surface Details roof assembly, Column H of ENV -2C. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Low -sloped Metal building roofs in Climate Zone 3 and 5 are exempted, solar relectance and thermal emittance or SRI that have a LI -factor of 0.048 or lower. See Opaque Surface Details roof assembly below, Column H of ENV -2C. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ The roof area covered by building integrated photovoltaic panels and building integrated solar thermal panels are exempted. Solar reflectance and thermal emittance or SRI, seespreadsheet calculator at _.ener .ca. ovRitle24/ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Roof constructions that have thermal mass over the roof membrane with a weight of at least 25 Ib/ are exempt from the Cool Roof criteria below. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ High-rise residential buildings and hotels and motels with low -sloped roofs in Climate Zones 1 through 9, 12 and 16 are exempted from the low -sloped roofing criteria. ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ 1. If Fail then describe on this page of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verity building plans if necessary. CRRC Product ID Number' Roof Slope Product Weight Product Aged Solar Thermal s 2:12 > 2:12 < 51btfe s 5I6/fe Type 2 Reflectance Emmitance SR 15 Pass Faile ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ° ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ° ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑° ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ° ❑ 13 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ° ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ° ❑ ❑ 1. The CRRC Product ID Number can be.obtained from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory at www.coolroofs.oro/products/search.php 2. Indicate the type of product is being used for the roof top, i.e. single -ply roof, asphalt roof, metal roof, etc. 3. If the Aged Reflectance is not available in the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance value from the same directory and use the equation (0.2+0.7(p;,„ow — 0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. Where p is the Initial Solar Reflectance from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory. 4. Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above. 5. The SRI value needs to be calculated from a spreadsheet calculator at http://www.enerov.ca.00v/title24/ 6. If Fail then describe on this page of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in §118(i)4. Select the applicable coating: ❑ Aluminum -Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating ❑ Cement -Based Roof Coating ❑ Other Discrepancies: Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Page 7 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 3) ENVA C AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below is the acceptance test for Envelope Fenestrations system. The designer is required to check the acceptance tests and list all the fenestration products that require an acceptance test. If all the site -built fenestration of a certain type requires a test, list the different fenestration products and the number of systems. The NA7 Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Enforcement Agency: Systems Acceptance. Before Occupancy Permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space or whenever new fenestration is installed in the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements. The ENV -2A form is not considered a complete form and is not to be accepted by the enforcement agency unless the boxes are checked and/or filled and signed. In addition, a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) of Title 24 Part 6. The field inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. A copy of the ENV -2A for each different fenestration product line must be provided to the owner of the building for their records. Test Description ENV -2A Test Performed By: Fenestration Products Name or ID Area of like Building Envelope Requiring Testing or Verification Products Acceptance Test ❑ 13 13 13 ❑ 13 13 ❑ ❑ 13 ❑ 13 ❑ 13 13 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:39 /D: 1062.00 Page 8 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 3) LTG -1C Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 1 8/16/2010 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Installation Certificate LTG -1- INST Retain a copy and verify form is completed and signed.) Field Inspector ❑ Certificate of Acceptance, LTG -2A Retain a copy and verity form is completed and signed.) Field Inspector ❑ A separate Lighting Schedule Must Be Filled Out for Conditioned and Unconditioned Spaces Installed Lighting Power listed on this Liqhtinq Schedule is only for: ® CONDITIONED SPACE ❑ UNCONDITIONED SPACE ® The actual indoor lighting power listed below includes all installed permanent and portable lighting systems in accordance with §146(a). Only for offices: Up to the first 0.2 watts per square foot of portable lighting shall not be required to be included in the ® calculation of actual indoor lighting power density in accordance with the Exception to §146(a). All portable lighting in excess of 0.2 watts per square foot is totaled below. Luminaire e, Lamps, Ballasts Installed Watts A B C D E F G H None or Item Ta Complete Luminaire Description ' (Le, 3 lamp fluorescent troffer, F32T8 one dimmable electronic ballasts ayi L m a 0 m a N E �° � 3 J How wattage Was determined H O m t5 ca a G E 'E > > Z � X ami U Y c m 3 Field Ins actor' m CD ` CEC v M Default o w, From 8 O NA8 Q ~ N U) m m 0- u - A (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Rapid Start Elec ❑ 62.0 ® ❑ 5 310 ❑ ❑ 8 (2) 2 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec ❑ 33.0 ® ❑ 7 231 ❑ ❑ C (3) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Rapid Start Elec ❑ 93.0 ® ❑ 9 837 ❑ ❑ D (3) 2 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec ❑ 55.0 El ❑ 4 2201 ❑ ❑ E (1) 32w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec ❑ 35.0 ® ❑ 2 70 ❑ ❑ F (1) 2 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec ❑ 22.0 ® ❑ 1 22 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Installed Watts Page Total: 1,690 Building total number of pages: 1 Installed Watts Building Total Sum of alla es 1,690 Enter into LTG -1 C Page 4 of 4 1. Wattage shall be determined according to Section 130 (d and e). Wattage shall be rating of light fixture, not rating of bulb. 2 . If Fail then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:3! ID: 1062.00 Page 9 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 3) LTG -1C Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Fill in controls for all spaces: a) area controls, b) multi-level controls, c) manual daylighting controls for daylit areas > 250 ft2, automatic daylighting controls for daylit areas > 2,500 ft2, d) shut-off controls, e) display lighting controls, f) tailored lighting controls — general lighting controlled separately from display, ornamental and display case lighting and g) demand responsive automatic controls for retail stores > 50,000 ft2, in accordance with Section 131. MANDATORY LIGHTING CONTROLS — FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Field Inspector tor Number Special Type/ Description of Units Location in Building Features Pass Fail SPST SWITCH 8 RECEPTION, HALL, EXAM RMS ❑ ❑ ❑ OCCUPANCY SENSOR 10 OFFICES, STORAGE, BREAK, RR ❑ ❑ ❑ ASTRONOMICAL TIMESWITCH 1 ELEC. RM. ❑ ❑ ❑ OVERRIDE SWITCH 1 HALL ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST See Page 2 of 4 of LTG -1C The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Field Inspector's Notes or Discrepancies: Ener Pro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:3 ID: 1062.00 Pae 10 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 3 of 3 LTG -1C Project Name Date Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 1 8/16/2010 CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACE LIGHTING MUST NOT BE COMBINED FOR COMPLIANCE Indoor Lighting Power for Conditioned S aces Indoor Lighting Power for Unconditioned Spaces Watts Watts Installed Lighting 1690 Installed Lighting 0 from Conditioned LTG -1 C, Page 2 from Unconditioned LTG -1C, Page 2 Lighting Control Credit _ 0 Lighting Control Credit _ 0 Conditioned Spaces from LTG -2C Unconditioned Spaces from LTG -2C Adjusted Installed — 1690 Adjusted Installed = 0 Lighting Power Lighting Power Complies if Installed 5 Allowed Complies if Installed:5 Allowed Allowed Lighting Power Allowed Lighting Power Conditioned Spaces from LTG -3C or PERF -1 1,690 Unconditioned Spaces from LTG -3C)0 Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below is the acceptance test for the Lighting system, LTG -2A. The designer is required to check the acceptance tests and list all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. If all the lighting system or control of a certain type requires a test, list the different lighting and the number of systems. The NA7 Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Forms can be grouped by type of Luminalre controlled. Enforcement Agency: Systems Acceptance. Before Occupancy Permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space or when ever new lighting system with controls is installed in the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements. The LTG -2A form is not considered a complete form and is not to be accepted by the enforcement agency unless the boxes are checked and/or filled and signed. In addition, a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) of Title 24 Part 6. The field inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. A copy of the LTG -2A for each different lighting luminaire control(s) must be provided to the owner of the building for their records. Controls for Credits LTG -2A Controls and Sensors and Automatic Number of Daylighting Luminaire Controls Equipment Re uirin Testing Description controls Location Acceptance Ener Pro 5.1 by EnemySoh User Number. • 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:3 ID: 1062.00 Pae 11 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and (Part 1 of 4) MECH-1 C FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 Project Address 47647 Caleo Bay Drive, Suite 230 La Quinta Climate Zone 15 Total Cond. Floor Area 1,522 Addition Floor Area 1,522 GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type: ® Nonresidential ❑ High-Rise Residential ❑ Hotel/Motel Guest Room ❑ Schools (Public School) ❑ Relocatable Public School Bldg. m Conditioned Spaces ❑ Unconditioned Spaces affidavit Phase of Construction: ❑ New Construction ❑ Addition ® Alteration Approach of Compliance: ❑ Component ❑ Overall Envelope TDV p Unconditioned (file affidavit) Energy Front Orientation: N, E, S, W or in Degrees: 1270 deg HVAC SYSTEM DETAILS FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST E ui ment2 Inspection Criteria Meets Criteria or Requirements Pass Fail — Describe Reason Item or System Tags AC-1 RTU-1 HP-1 Medical Office Suite 230 ❑ 13i.e. Equipment T e3: Packaged DX ❑ ❑ Number of Systems 1 ❑ ❑ Max Allowed Heating Capacity' 89,900 Btu/hr ❑ ❑ Minimum Heating Efficiency' 5.80 COP ❑ ❑ Max Allowed Cooling Capacity' 88,000 Btu/hr ❑ ❑ Cooling Efficiency' 11.7 EER ❑ ❑ Duct Location/ R-Value R-8.0 ❑ ❑ When duct testing is required, submit MECH-4A & MECH-4-HERS No ❑ ❑ Economizer Diff. Enth (Integrated) ❑ ❑ Thermostat Setback Required ❑ ❑ Fan Control Constant Volume ❑ ❑ E ui ment2 Inspection Criteria FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Pass Fail — Describe Reason Item or System Tags i.e. AC-1 RTU-1 HP-1 ❑ ❑ Equipment T e3: ❑ ❑ Number of Systems ❑ ❑ Max Allowed Heating Capacity' ❑ ❑ Minimum Heating Efficiency' ❑ ❑ Max Allowed Cooling Capacity' ❑ ❑ Cooling Efficiency' ❑ ❑ Duct Location/ R-Value ❑ ❑ When duct testing is required, submit MECH-4A & MECH-4-HERS ❑ ❑ Economizer ❑ ❑ Thermostat ❑ ❑ Fan Control ❑ ❑ 1. If the Actual installed equipment performance efficiency and capacity is less than the Proposed (from the energy compliance submittal or from the building plans) the responsible party shall resubmit energy compliance to include the new changes. 2. For additional detailed discrepancy use Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form. Compliance fails if a Fail box is checked. 3. Indicate Equipment Type: Gas (Pkg or, Split), VAV, HP (Pkg or split), Hydronic, PTAC, or other. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number. • 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Pae 12 of 24 ICERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and (Part 2 of 4) MECH-1 C I FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Date Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 1 8/16/2010 DiscreDancles: EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySofr User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Page 13 of 24 � CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 3 of 4) MECHAC Project Name Date Medical Office Suite -Suite 230 8/16/2010 Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems. The designer is required to check the applicable boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and listed all equipment that requires an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems. The NA number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual that describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Building Departments: Systems Acceptance: Before occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new space -conditioning system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. Systems Acceptance: Before occupancy permit is granted. All newly installed HVAC equipment must be tested using the Acceptance Requirements. The MECH-1 C form is not considered a completed form and is not to be accepted by the building department unless the correct boxes are checked. The equipment requiring testing, person performing the test (Example: HVAC installer, TAB contractor, controls contractor, PE in charge of project) and what Acceptance test must be conducted. The following checked -off forms are required for ALL newly installed equipment. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the building department that certifies plans, specifications, installation, certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) and Title -24 Part 6. The building inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. TEST DESCRIPTION MECH-2A MECH-3A MECH-4A MECH-5A MECH-6A MECH-7A MECH-8A MECH-9A MECH-10A MECH-11A Hydronic Outdoor Constant Demand Supply System Automatic Ventilation Volume & Air Control Supply Valve Water Variable Demand For Single -Zone Distribution Economizer Ventilation Fan Leakage Temp. Flow Shed Equipment Re uirin Testing or Verification Qty. VAV & CAV Unitary Ducts Controls DCV VAV Test Reset Control Control Carrier 50TCQD08 1 ® ® ❑ m ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ m ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Ener.qyPro 5.1 by EnerqySoft User Number: 7746 Run Code: 2010-08-16T17:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Pae 14 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 4 of 4) MECH-1C Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 TEST DESCRIPTION MECH-12A MECH-13A MECH-14A MECH-15A Fault Detection & Diagnostics Equipment Re uirin Testing City. for DX Units Automatic Fault Detection & Diagnostics for Air & Zone Distributed Energy Storage DX AC Systems Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Systems Test Performed By: Carrier 50TCQD08 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Ener Pro 5.1 by EnerqySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Pae 15 of 24 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 MECH-2C Project Name Date Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 1 8/16/2010 Indicate Air Systems Type Central, Single Zone, Package, VAV or etc... Item or System Tags i.e. AC -1, RTU -1, HP -1 Medical Office Suite 230 Number of Systems 1 Indicate Pa a Reference on Plans or Schedule and Indicate the applicable exception(s) MANDATORY MEASURES T-24 Sections Heating Equipment Efficiency 112(a) 5.80 COP Cooling Equipment Efficiency 112(a) 11.7 EER HVAC Heat Pump Thermostat 112(b),112(c) Yes Furnace ControlsiThermostat 112(c), 115 a n1a Natural Ventilation 121 b No Mechanical Ventilation 121 b 199 cfm VAV Minimum Position Control 121 c No Demand Control Ventilation 121 c No Time Control 122(e) Programmable Switch Setback and Setup Control 122(e) Setback Required Outdoor Damper Control 122 Auto Isolation Zones 122 n1a Pipe Insulation 123 Duct Insulation 124 R-8.0 PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Design Heating Load 144(a & b n1a Proposed Heating Capacity 144(a & b 56,149 Btu/hr Calculated Design Cooling Load 144(a & b n1a Proposed Cooling Capacity 144(a & b 76,114 Btu/hr Fan Control 144(c) Constant Volume DP Sensor Location 144(c) Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) 144(c) Yes Simultaneous Heat/Cool 144(d) No Economizer 144(e) Diff. Enth (Integrated) Heat Air Supply Reset 144(f) Constant Temp Cool Air Supply Reset 144 Constant Temp Electric Resistance Heating' 144 Air Cooled Chiller Limitation 144(i) Duct Leakage Sealing. If Yes, a MECH-4-A must be submitted 144(k) No 1. Total installed capacity (MBtu/hr) of all electric heat on this project exclusive of electric auxiliary heat for heat pumps. If electric heat is used explain which exception(s) to §144(8) apply. Energ Pro 5.1 by Energ Soft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Page 16 of 24 MECHANICAL VENTILATION AND REHEAT MECH-3C Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 MECHANICAL VENTILATION 121 b 2 REHEAT LIMITATION (§144(d)) AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV MINIMUM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Zone/System Condition Area CFM per ft2 Min CFM By Area B X C Number Of People CFM per Person Min CFM by Occupant E X F REQ'D V.A. Max of D or G Design Ventilation Air CFM 50% of Design Zone Supply CFM B X 0.4 CFM / ft2 Max. of Columns H, J, K, 300 CFM Design Minimum Air Setpoint Transfer Air Medical Office Suite 230 1,522 0.15 228 228 199 29 Medical Office Suite 230 Total 228 199 Totals Column I Total Design Ventilation Air C Minimum ventilation rate per Section 121, Table 121-A. E Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupants and 50% of the CBC occupant load foregress purposes fors aces without fixed setting. H Required Ventilation Air REQ'D V.A. is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on an AREA BASIS or OCCUPANCY BASIS Column D or G). I Must be greater than orequal to H or use Transfer Air column N to make up the difference. J Design fan supply CFM Fan CFM x 50%• or the design zone outdoor airflow rate per 121. K Condition area (fe) x 0.4 CFM / ft2; or L Maximum of Columns H, J, K, or 300 CFM M This must be less than or equal to Column L and greater than orequal to the sum of Columns H plus N. N Transfer Air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (Column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air Column H and the Design Minimum Air Column M), Column H minus M. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number. • 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Pae 17 of 24 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS Part 1 of 2 MECH-5C Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 CHILLER AND TOWER SUMMARY PUMPS Equipment Name T Efficiency Tons Ot . GPM Premium BHP Eff. Motor Pump Control 13 13 DHW / BOILER SUMMARY System Name Type Distribution Ot . Vol. Energy Factor Rated Input (Gals). or RE Standby Loss Tank Ext. or Pilot R -Value Status MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS Hot Water Pump Hot Water Piping Length ft Control 0tv. HP Type In Plenum Outside Buried Add 1/2" Insulation 13 13 CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS HEATING COOLING System Name Type Out ut Aux. kW Efficiency Output Efficiency Status Carrier 50TCQ008 Packaged DX 1 89,900 0.0 5.80 COP 88,000 11.7 EER New CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY SUPPLY FAN RETURN FAN System Name Fan Type Economizer Type Premium CFM BHP Eff. Motor CFM BHP Premium Eff. Motor Carrier 50TCQD08 Constant Volume Diff. Enth (Integrated) 2,400 1.50 m none ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ EnergyPro 5.1 by EnerqySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Pae 18 of 24 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS Part 2!t MECH-5C Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 ZONE SYSTEM SUMMARY Zone Name System Name Type SYSTEM VAV Min CFM City. HeatingCoolin Ratio Reheat Coil Fan E« o E� Iv zim CFM BHP a w m m �0 v a w Outside Air Medical Office Suite 230 CA V Box/No Reheat VA Box 1 0 100 % None ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ EXHAUST FAN SUMMARY EXHAUST FAN E o E� a w EXHAUST FAN E o E� m o. w EXHAUST FAN E 0 E� m a w Room Name City. CFM BHP Room Name CFM BHP Room Name CFM BHP Medical Office Suite 230 1.0 150 0.00 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ EnergyPro 5.1 by EnerqySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Pae 19 of 24 ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES: NONRESIDENTIAL ENV -MM Project Name Date Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 8/16/2010 DESCRIPTION Building Envelope Measures: §118(a): Installed insulating material shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the Califomia Quality Standards for insulating material, Title 20 Chapter 4, Article 3. §118(c): All Insulating Materials shall be installed in compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2. The opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shall have insulation with an installed R -value §118(f). of no less than R-13 between framing members. §117(a): All Exterior Joints and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. Manufactured fenestration products and exterior doors shall have air infiltration rates not exceeding 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of §116(a) 1: window area, 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of door area for residential doors, 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of door area for nonresidential single doors (swinging and sliding),and 1.0 cfm/ft.2 for nonresidential double doors (swinging). §116(a) 2: Fenestration U -factor shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 100, or the applicable default U -factor. §116(a) 3: Fenestration SHGC shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 200, or NFRC 100 for site -built fenestration, or the applicable default SHGC. §116(b): Site Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the building, and shall be weatherstripped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors). Ener Pro 5.1 by Ene Soft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Pa a 20 of 24 LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES: NONRESIDENTIAL LTG -MM Project Name Date Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 8/16/2010 Indoor Lighting Measures: §131(d): Shut-off Controls For every floor, all interior lighting systems shall be equipped with a separate automatic control to shut off the lighting. 1. This automatic control shall meet the requirements of Section 119 and may be an occupancy sensor, automatic time switch or other device capable of automatically shutting off the lighting. 2 Override for Building Lighting Shut-off: The automatic building shut-off system is provided with a manual, accessible override switch in sight of the lights. The area of override is not to exceed 5,000 Square feet. §119(h): Automatic Control Devices Certified: All automatic control devices specified are certified, all alternate equipment shall be certified and installed as directed by the manufacturer. §111: Fluorescent Ballast and Luminaires Certified: All fluorescent fixtures specified for the project are certified and listed in the Directory. All installed fixtures shall be certified. §131(a): Individual Room/Area Controls: Each room and area in this building is equipped with a separate switch or occupancy sensor device for each area with floor -to -ceiling walls. Uniform Reduction for Individual Rooms: All rooms and areas greater than 100 square feet and more than 0.8 watts §131(b): per square foot of lighting load shall be controlled with bi-level switching for uniform reduction of lighting within the room. Daylight Area Control: All rooms with windows and skylights that are greater than 250 square feet and that allow for §131(c): the effective use of daylight in the area shall have 50% of the lamps in each daylit area controlled by a separate switch; or the effective use of daylight cannot be accomplished because the windows are continuously shaded by a building on the adjacent lot. Diagram of shading during different times of the year is included on plans. §131(c): Display Lighting. Display lighting shall be separately switched on circuits that are 20 amps or less.6. Outdoor Lighting Measures: §130(c)1: Mandatory lighting power determination for medium base sockets without permanently installed ballasts §132(a): All permanently installed luminaires with lamps rated over 100 Watts either have a lamp efficacy of at least 60 lumens per Watt or are controlled by a motion sensor. §132(b): All Luminaires with lamps rated greater than 175 Watts in hardscape area, including parking lots, building entrances, canopies, and all outdoor sales areas meet the Cutoff Requirements. §132(c)1: All permanently installed outdoor lighting meets the control requirements listed. §132(c): Building facades, parking lots, garages, canopies, and outdoor sales areas meet the Multi -Level Lighting Requirements listed. EnergyPro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number. 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16717:11:39 /D: 1062.00 Page 21 of 24 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES: NONRESIDENTIAL MECH-MM Project Name Date Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 8/16/2010 Equipment and System Efficiencies §111: Any appliance for which there is a California standard established in the Appliance Efficiency Regulations will comply with the applicable standard. §115(a): Fan type central furnaces shall not have a pilot light. §123: Piping, except that conveying fluids at temperatures between 60 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit, or within HVAC equipment, shall be insulated in accordance with Standards Section 123. §124: Air handling duct systems shall be installed and insulated in compliance with Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, and 605 of the CMC Standards. Controls §122(e): Each space conditioning system shall be installed with one of the following: 1A. Each space conditioning system serving building types such as offices and manufacturing facilities (and all others not explicitly exempt from the requirements of Section 112 (d)) shall be installed with an automatic time switch with an accessible manual override that allows operation of the system during off -hours for up to 4 hours. The time switch shall be capable of programming different schedules for weekdays and weekends and have program backup capabilities that prevent the loss of the device's program and time setting for at least 10 hours if power is interrupted; or 1 B. An occupancy sensor to control the operating period of the system; or 1C. A 4 -hour timer that can be manually operated to control the operating period of the system. 2 Each space conditioning system shall be installed with controls that temporarily restart and temporarily operate the system as required to maintain a setback heating and/or a setup cooling thermostat setpoint. Each space conditioning system serving multiple zones with a combined conditioned floor area more than 25,000 §1 22(g): square feet shall be provided with isolation zones. Each zone: shall not exceed 25,000 square feet; shall be provided square isolation devices, such as valves or dampers that allow the supply of heating or cooling to be setback or shut off independently of other isolation areas; and shall be controlled by a time control device as described above. §122(c): Thermostats shall have numeric setpoints in degrees Fahrenheit (F) and adjustable setpoint stops accessible only to authorized personnel. 122 b § ()' Heat pumps shall be installed with controls to prevent electric resistance supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone Each space conditioning system shall be controlled by an individual thermostat that responds to temperature within the zone. Where used to control heating, the control shall be adjustable down to 55 degrees F or lower. For cooling, the §122(a&b): control shall be adjustable up to 85 degrees F or higher. Where used for both heating and cooling, the control shall be capable of providing a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling is shut off or reduced to a minimum. Ventilation §121(e): Controls shall be provided to allow outside air dampers or devices to be operated at the ventilation rates as specified on these plans. §1 �(�' All gravity ventilating systems shall be provided with automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, except for combustion air openings. Ventilation System Acceptance. Before an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a §121(f): new ventilating system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all ventilation systems serving the building ors ace shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance Service Water Heating Systems §113(c) Installation 3. Temperature controls for public lavatories. The controls shall limit the outlet Temperature to 110° F. 2 Circulating service water -heating systems shall have a control capable of automatically turning off the circulating pump when hot water is not required. Ener Pro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Page 22 of 24 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY Project Name Medical Office Suite - Suite 230 Date 8/16/2010 System Name Medical Office Suite 230 Floor Area 1,522 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 1 COIL CFM Total Room Loads 1,820 Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation 199 Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COOLING PEAK Sensible 35,457 0 1,773 01 6,854 4,552 1.773 1 50,408 COIL HTG. Latent CFM 3,092 291 2,703 199 5,795 PEAK Heating System Sensible Output per System 89,900 13,865 Total Output Btuh 89,900 Output Btuh/s ft 59.1 693 Cooling System 0 Output per System 88,000 9,283 Total Output Btuh 88,000 -4,552 Total Output ons 7.3 693 Total Output Btuh/s ft 57.8 Total Output s on 207.5 19,983 Air System CFM per System 2,400 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION Airflow cfm 2,400 Carrier 50TCQD08 Total Adjusted System Output (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK 76,114 76,114 4,640 56,149 4,640 56,149 Jul 5 PM Jan 1 AM Airflow cfm/s ft 1.58 Airflow cfm/Ton 327.3 Outside Air°/, 8.3% Outside Air cfm/s ft 0.13 Note: values above given at ARI conditions HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak 26 OF 66 OF Outside Air 199 cfm Supply Fan 2,400 cfm 70 OF 68 OF 115 OF 0 Heating Coil 115 OF — ROOM In 70 OF COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 111/78°F 81166°F 83/67°F 59/58°F O c Outside Air Ar 199 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 2,400 cfm 79/65°F rn 49.0% 60 / 58 OF ROOM 78/65°F EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 7746 RunCode: 2010-08-16T17:11:39 ID: 1062.00 Page 23 of 24 ZONE •AD SUMMARY Project MedicalOffice Date Name OfficeMedical —FloorSystem :. ZONE LOAD SUMMARY Office Suite 230 (BLOCKMedical LOAD) Ceiling Design and Seismic Performance coil° 0 Q �_ BUILDING & S CJt'PVTA armstrong.com/ceilings (search keyword: seismic) Armstrong Seismic Rx^'•Suspension System - OR CONSTRUCTION The only ICC -ES Compliant approach to seismic installa on l 4 <<; Armstrong is the only manufacturer to have an ICC -ES evaluated appro kinstallations (ESR -1308). The Armstrong Seismio�RX Suspension System *Allows architects and :designers to eliminate unsightly 2" wall angle in Category D, E, F seismic -compliant installations ^,. k.M:"'` • For contractors, it provides a labor and cost;saving method of meeting seismic code without the risk of delay -ng the construction schedule S4ilsrric. X811.pii+►.S9�:�: more:'.:?;' ' aestiietically-pleaslrig ailsust:In:;a::.:;:;;;. seism)c�comphantInsti311.atltif::i:: ... . us ...Aston:....... ems :::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::: PpELtJI)f XL, 1511:6" .*6sid Tee; Systeri.. SUPRA INE";(L9h6":Exposed':Tee.System. 2" wall angles are prone to the following problems: • Difficuft to keep 'fight" to wall • Difficult to install comers • Prone to twisting and warping ESR -13081 specific Armstrong components and method of Installation The performance of the Armstmg seismic Rx Suspension System is based on the specific combination of components and method of installation. Other manufacturer's components and ' Installation methods were not te_��+d and are not covered in this evaluation Substitution of othersom Hants buts the syntern at risk and is not allowed by this ESR report. Purpose of Installation Requirements for Suspended Collings Provide a suspension system stionc enough to resist lateral forces imposed upon It without failing Prevent border panels from falling from the ceiling plane Serpentina — "non-standard" ceiling system IBC Requirements for Standard T bar Grid IBC requirements are based on flat, level suspended ceiling systems - main beams and cross tees suspended from the building structure by wires and wall molding around the perimeter. • The IBC code is based on t -bar gild only • Many manufacturers market non-standard ceiling systems not covered by "the code • You must be able to prove calling systems specified perform at a level consistent with. the Intent of the code l0 77,;; Non -Standard Ceiling Designs Code officials may reject specified products such as non- standard ceiling systems during plan review, challenging your design and delaying the construction schedule. However, the code "is not Intended to prevent"' certain ceilliig systems, and does allow "alternative materials, designs and methods" to be used. To substantiate claims for alternative materials and�i designs, code officials "have the authority to require teqPq0Y evidence of compliance."2 If these tests demon O\� desired performance, the code official may accept 1p,`�, non-standard design. t��G Section 104.11 Alterative materials, design t" and methods of construction and equipment. 2 Section 104.11.2 Tests. 238 4-7-641 C4�0 e�)� �Ac 230 T T Seismic Building Code Installation Requirements armstrong.com/cellings (search keyword: seismic) IBC Prescriptive Code Category Installation Requirement A, B Ceiling installation should conform to basic minimums established In ASTM C 636. C To be installed to CISCA recommendations for areas subject to light to moderate seismic activity. • Minimum 7/8• wall molding • Grid must not be attached to the wall molding • 3/8" clearance on all sides • 3/8" overlap of the grid on the wall molding • Ends of main beams and cross tees must be tied together to prevent their spreading • No perimeter wines NOTE: Requirements for essential use facilities may be different. Contact TechUne for details. D, E, F Installation must conform to CISCA recommendations for areas subject to severe seismic activity. IBC categories D, E and F must also meet these additional requirements: • Minimum 2" wall molding • Grid must be attached to two adjacent walls - opposite walls must have a 3/4" clearance • Fads of main beams and cross tees must be tied together to prevent their spreading • Perimeter support wires • Heavy-duty grid system • Ceiling areas over 1,000 SF must have _ horizontal restraint wireor rigid bracing Ceiling areas over 2,500 SF must have seismic separation joints or full height partitions • Ceilings without rigid bracing must have 2" oversized trim rings for sprinklers and other penetrations • Changes in ceiling plane must have positive bracing • Cable trays and electrical conduits must be Independently supported and braced • Suspended ceilings will be subject to special inspection NOTE Consult your local code professional for Information specific to your region. Alternate Installation Requirements per ICC Report ESR -1308 Ceiling installation should conform to basic minimums established In ASTM C 636. • Minimum 7/8" wall molding • Grid may be attached on two _ adjoining walls • 3/8" clearance on two unattached walls • BERC2 on all runners • No spreader bars • Minimum 7/8" wall molding • Grid must be attached on two adjacent walls - opposite walls require BERC2 • BERC2 maintains main beam and dross tee spacing; no other accessories required • perimeter support wires • Refer to report for specific Armstrong heavy-duty grid systems approved (or, see page 3) • Ceiling areas over 1,000 SF must have horizontal restraint wire or rigid bracing . •, Ceiling areas over 2,500 SF must have seismic separation joints or full height partitions • Ceilings without rigid bracing must have 2" oversized trim rings for _ sprinklers and other penetrations • Changes in oeiling plane must have positive bradn_g • Cable trays and electrical conduits must be independently supported and braced 239 TechLine- -1 877 ARMSTRONG • armstrong.com/performance Safe Design Fire Safety armstroncl.com/ceilinas (search keyword: fire) Local building codes, which require fire -safe construction for many building applications, rely on two ratings to evaluate compliance: • Flame spread rating of a material • Fire -resistance rating of a construction . assembly These ratings are based on ASTM standards, and compliance Is detemitned by several Independent, nongovernmental testing services such as Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Flame spread and fire -resistance ratings are two separate Issues, and they must be addressed Independently In selection and spedfidation. Fire Guard - for . H41UmORed Assemblies Armstrong ceiling panels acid suspension system's listed 6fire-rated assemblies are designated as Fire Guard products and are identified with the Fre Guard Icon throughout this catalog. Fire Guard QelHBW are specially formulated to provide enhanced resistance against structural failure. Fire Guard Susoensign Systems have patented expansion reliefs, to help maintain structural Integrity of the calling. Selecting the Right UL Fire -Rated Assembly 1. Establish the hourly rating needed to meet code requirements. 2. Determine the existing or planned building elements, including structural, mechanical, electrical and finish materials, In the fire -rated assembly. 3. Refer to the Fire Resistance Rating Summary (pgs. 245-246) to determine the UL design numbers. and ceiling system products that correspond to the fire -rated assemblies that meet your needs. 4. Refer to the Fire Resistance Selector infomna on on the Ceilings Selector chart on page 234 for a list of Fire Guard fire-resistive'celiings. 5. To meet your design criteria for final selection, review perfomrance data for specific Fire Guard celling . pages 235-236,.or_ on our web site at amstrong:oom. TWo types of fire -rated construction assemblies pertain to acoustical ceiling systems: Roof/Celling Assemblies Ceiling system, lighting, HVAC outlets and other penetrants through the ceiling, the plenum, roof support structure and roof assembly Including deck, insulation and roofing system. Floor/Ceiling Assemblies Catling system lighting, HVAC outlets and other penetrants through the ceiling, the plenum, structural system, subfloor and finish floor. Armstrong Resources Available to You: • TechUne at 1 877 ARMSTRONG,, (276-7876) • Armstrong Web Site: Product Selector Tool • Summary listing, UL Fire -Rated Ceiling Assemblies- pages 242-244 anmstrong.com/ceilings Pgs. 242-244 Fire -Resistance Rating of a Ceiling Assembly (ANSI/UL 263 - ASTM E 119 and NFPA 251) (CAN/ULC - S101M) The degree to which (measured in hours) the entire assembly, not individual . components, withstands fire and high temperatures. Specifically, it Is an assemblys ability to prevent the spread of fire between spacres while retaining structural integrity. The resulting fire -resistance rating relates to the assembly In Its entirety and Is published or classified in the UL Fire Resistance Directory. Flame Spread Rating of a Calling Material (ASTM E 84) (CAN/ULC - 8102M) The relative rate at which a flame will spread over the surface, of the material. This rate is compared against a rating of 0 for inorganic reinforced cement board. and a rating of 100 for red oak. Class A ceilings have flame spread ratings of 25 or less the required standard for most commercial applications. Armstrong Fire Resistant Ceiling Panels and the meet both Class A surface burning characteristics per ASTM E 1264 as well as fire -resistive construction requirements as classified in the UL Fire Resistance Directory. Continuous Versus Open Plenum Callings A continuous ceiling may allow sprinklers and smoke detectors to activate faster, providing added escape time for occupant evacuation. In buildings wherea ceiling Is not In place, the height of the space is normally greater and could delay the operation of the fire sprinkler or smoke. detector systems. 233 TechUnesm -1 877 ARMSTRONG • armstrong.com/performance UL Fre Resistive Ceiling Assemblies 1� MIIt<4. 0.0.4X. DOI<>!Ox 1L 40 A1Y a41Q OaNmm.mlmP .Po 71-asax lw l.rme•- 4abr-Ce.mMed Old 2r.46;P AM 2-12' lr a tr: P 64 Nora Nam ' 4 • 3Na--C-eyd OM A011 2.12• 12',W;P 64 24 576 '4 341.-E A211 3• 24'x44:/aro 64 -24' - 576 1,2 ASISM" 2.12• 46•x40•:10 64 25 166 1;2 WN U1 Fl fbaFa1 . Ratings, begin with a 24.64: P. PC 34 x 6 .,a 3o- x04: P43 10vlem of meeting 2x.46'•►.ro 2r x2r; P Dote 3V4• 24•.2-24.r;637q 69'Par Ply. 21 676 '11;221' 61�~` n 25 676 ♦ pgwreWet Uwe, 6mae X84;/ 21•x2VtD34x67. 3W 25 676 4 We termin artye of rooV 48•.40••10 oaDtg aCUnd0o 2x14-- Expmod am 2r x4 u• a214P A202 P460 2./? 46• x48': PC 34 x67; ro 60' 24 578 1.; J 34 x 3r; PC 37x 68';1.10 mandated by buildhO DotlLGPLYWOOD MR FLVVJOOM 2 x 18 WOOD Joum 37 x 97; /. PC 2V.GV. I PC Codes. ottler d8dllp 1~-0.W..dU6 1804 11A lrx12^► 3/r or - Nme 21• 11W P. PO ♦ eefyl'1 0. ►000 IIA 1r x1Y:q.► 311•. 14 61 ♦ 24'X2_;1.10 24 abV;►.ro tr a 24•:1 F. P 54' 021a 2.12' 2r.24';W 54'p. PC) 2. 678 1,2.3 1/0 2 eseenn0lY. NO Cel6ng L2t0 (041) il• 2V x47:P 2r a2P w ;1 24•x2rm30'x64. 3W PPI 227 Gia nUtllte9 160 zr a zr, P 16' a 48% PC em as f61B0 BBB�y. OOI PLYMI000 0.YNIOOD 2 Y D MOOD.O8I8 AM �� �� 64 24 We 1,1 Nms Nora 1,2 n-**72ae OPCW1090 of 24. 62_;..10 OONW.IE COMM f®B® OR OO7RK70® [NECK grlo IdondtiMd 6 eedl 341-C.redodOdU amcna-4 3-Ve lr xl2'btra39. 1r x174 JW OIP 25 268 a /,4 24 678 1 2r x21•; q,►,.10 Espmm..LIL a" Os4M _ 0•.2.1.10. w4 314.-1idd am 3t2• 2r.2x;q./ 2x .44:►.ro 64 .roJ 24 255 /.2 214--C-eid CkM LONRN60W JOIl.A7l40 OOWL74E16 ON 1®6® OR OORRM39ND DECKUnde1?nIters 43020(9" 2-Vr 24'x2r;q.P 566 W . 26 676 ''4 �w�ro�� Imrop18 16 '67 t.2 Ptd11 S(Ina.eCk Pilo 2'� 24'x4B^,10PIe 6AY ropW 16 a03112a7-4 2-12' 12•x1rb1rt3P. 2i:z� s,P..ro'PCI 3W25 2X.4.• m 286 4 - Nonharook 1=66062 /<e=)e♦1-2M-8600. P201 2+N_1Di 2.648^,..10 6AY�.Pfy u' 678 t.;a ed. e2812.428?2 'acop2?.z) 2-11r 1Y alr;q.1 3W 24 286 4 2•.x47,24!x24^.P-.: S& a 256 1.2 24' 2r;q.P 1612..=Bipmm OM P210 tr" r' .24•X44;• 514 18 2a4r-F�®dOa 1.2 0230 2.12• 24*a21•:q.P 24•-44;;.10 64 D.Pq .311' 21 678 1.;1 24 •255 a2q 2-Vr 27a2r; P 54 24 115 1;2 •A6or W -board DmOe P227 I1.An10OMa 2r X46; P. PO 2rx18;P 24' .255 1,2 plot-t- '6211 2 -WC 21•X4_:1 64 17 61' 1.2 � � 1..1rda ed Mat 24.24-P.ro 4'6'M6lmee9 27 660';► ���a��� 1-Iv-86x6AM CCPMXW EON PAIETAL LAIKfib®OR 2r x4B'•P OOPggAT®'DECK /6 113 2 Mk:Wtesa • 344--C...*d OM 24- .46•; ro 4am 3 -VW Ir.12%; 1,2 14 '61 4 57 42 Psnebo V PMI... 2r.46^.P.ro' W(,PgPgo. 24 576 6070(57.4 31 1r. 12mlrx38•. 3W None lane 4 M7S'flPP TYPED 27 x66^;1x10 1r.1Y '24•a2_m ;q.P 1oAFGand FST 6000- . 344x- add Sib• 43726 3.144' '24-x4B'•P.PC S4 26 676 A.2 2x14.-Cacmtm OW 'lda 2-.7? Irxzr;q.► '34•• '016 • . 57:• Y. am on -M 2-Vz 241 x21'; q.P 3W. 25 576' .♦ is _ SMUCMS4AL 421a1,eYDIV000 4131M P1K 91 PREWDDEE PLUS R. 6070. 2-Vr lrxlr:1 64 '14 -81- 4 24'x49':. 6x41) a 254 t.;a lrx2r;P laAllbO Mm.- 2•.21; q' --67•1' 34' PPI aouwx r I `lrxtr:P •50' :Nom 21 578 /.2,a 2-4x-EChu ' 620 0" r'u•a18': P.10 84 0 ''NOns ..1.'S Pa1U60ARD 2r ■ 2•• P.ro DetaOa In (1L DlreomM W2-mx-EV.WGM rn?FA&1t0) 1 -VZ 24-.W:P 6'a 'Ou1Pba1' 7 2r.4B•:P.PC .54 '2x '678 1-lax.-ExpC®dGm 1x17 slab 1,24• x 24•;P.M P. M 27-W^Porro bra' 24 266 1,2 '=10 2.1/1• I 2ra2r:q./ 3W -•24 113 1.1 1168 NmMbpwMr.aalyo+WQ•�e'afm• ' 'aS1aR4y 2-V 64 i e Nara'.2_; 9a.uN.osmroh0-wtimUa.,.i♦..1 •X.1..v. d.,yx lx410a.01oi1Y lsa /\ Pail?(116•2) 2->2 r644110'1.2 X2V;P.7 t24:241:1.10 x 5V:P.roa= P24.7) 2-Vr _x44:P.ro 64 20 ..678r a 2_: P7 x67:P.roPIO.4 2-t2• .64_;..10 xOfa N�mxl-�-ba� :e�xmr:.'�.,m.aws.a.aaxbWb�4tm 235 TechUnea' -1 877 ARMSTRONG a amiWong.com/pertonnance rr-aa wia 1mw• .PCI 1x PXA•- aP-aP. 124 40 4.>v 643x6436 .D.r-ams 6643 mxxxP 11Xx/xXa• •1L4 'lfxrbxlm sa.1.eN p.Nlroe1 a10rnP1 tab--BPmmOtil GZUWG-W &V1' 2r.46;P 5'E' 14 576 1, 2,J WNATYOU NEED 21.X24':p TO KNOW TO USE 26•x60••. THIS CNA". a720PI.4 2 -VZ ' 2_.48^.1 2r x 24^. 52• NOro Nate 1.2 3 816 mdaitlmar am 2-12• 3r x BD "PC S.4 20 113 1.2 WN U1 Fl fbaFa1 . Ratings, begin with a 24.64: P. PC 10vlem of meeting 2x.46'•►.ro 2r x2r; P code f42-bl-Cam11d GiXW(7.1t4 2" 11•a1r.q.P 61�~` n 25 676 ♦ pgwreWet Uwe, 6mae . aa2l Pt-tlrq r 24•.?4.;W.p 25 676 4 We termin artye of rooV 5�or A' oaDtg aCUnd0o 1abu-199mm Old0241 (22-4 1 r 2r x4 u• a214P 1==. myrem.d WOOD 06/2UW3D1D A88616t8n'H ,resigned hourlyndIngs mandated by buildhO DotlLGPLYWOOD MR FLVVJOOM 2 x 18 WOOD Joum Codes. ottler d8dllp 1~-0.W..dU6 1804 11A lrx12^► 3/r or - Nme tmm ♦ eefyl'1 0. ►000 IIA 1r x1Y:q.► 311•. 14 61 ♦ REN11mER4' tr a 24•:1 F. P 54' 1. UL tests late an entire labs-Bp.wond \200 14x 2_649^.1 5.9• 16 1/0 2 eseenn0lY. NO Cel6ng L2t0 (041) il• 2V x47:P &4 21 227 Gia nUtllte9 160 zr a zr, P em as f61B0 BBB�y. OOI PLYMI000 0.YNIOOD 2 Y D MOOD.O8I8 2. Yoe 0a11101e o16y llm 1-V21b--B/me OM I am p.i%M I IIA 2,r.49 -;.Pc 24• x 24';► w Nms Nora 1,2 n-**72ae OPCW1090 of Fte Guard Ce7PIge. � E A86 grlo IdondtiMd 6 eedl 67NIOPIO BEAM 129 AE?K RDOP 038 7• 3 .TN B (061018 a gWdO. 142.114b- bee Dmyl :2r x 46 .; W IC /,4 24 678 1 �e� Espmm..LIL a" Os4M _ 0•.2.1.10. w4 appy for OmIIDI d To FW11W. OO ChINA O 120♦ gIC♦� '. r lr a lY, i.P Ya• Ibm :7b,s 0 UPL2en99e a COpJI of the Oto LONRN60W JOIl.A7l40 OOWL74E16 ON 1®6® OR OORRM39ND DECKUnde1?nIters tare 24ftur q dOa P216 fica-al r �w�ro�� Imrop18 16 '67 t.2 Ptd11 S(Ina.eCk Pilo 2'� 24'x4B^,10PIe 6AY ropW 16 67 1.2 333 PRgstan fld. 2X.4.• m t;=ft - Nonharook 1=66062 /<e=)e♦1-2M-8600. P201 2+N_1Di 2.648^,..10 6AY�.Pfy u' 678 t.;a ed. e2812.428?2 tD6W4 24'x24': DF. P..ro yr ON .2r x67: P. ro' KEY TO PANEL AND 1.12-6.- 600 P231': 34V- 2•.x47,24!x24^.P-.: S& a 256 1.2 Titm TYP68 1612..=Bipmm OM P210 tr" r' .24•X44;• 514 18 57 1.2 PC a CERAMAGUARD AVGRVIL-fUNU% OtA89*MK R OR CORGI -c OD RDOP OURM ATOt4 ON RUED AbTAL ROOF OEOI BF . URAUS #579 P = A8 ottt. products . rueotne0.� 1-V2a6.-BOtmedat FM 11 Min to "2x•648;1.PC 6'6' 24 •255 1.2 �01�OIfe�Ces t06g IA*MW Max 27 X64;►.ro •A6or W -board DmOe P227 I1.An10OMa 2r X46; P. PO WV 24' .255 1,2 plot-t- P23a° 11ubto 24'x46;►.PO 34• 24 113 t � � 1..1rda ed Mat 24.24-P.ro 4'6'M6lmee9 ���a��� 1-Iv-86x6AM Pi06 41 1. Am 6 Mea 2r x4B'•P w /6 113 2 Mk:Wtesa • P240 1) 1.111 s U. 24- .46•; ro 6.11• W 67 1,2 -Square edge CdWg Put 1'MI1mr Ma 24'.40-,PCW18 57 42 Psnebo V PMI... 2r.46^.P.ro' W(,PgPgo. 24 576 1,;3 KEY TO GRID Ih6lltao Mo 2•x21^q,1.10 34• pq M7S'flPP TYPED 27 x66^;1x10 1oAFGand FST 6000- .227 VMe 1. 2_.al.;.P0 Sib• z1 zs6 ys PRELUDE Fire Guard Ulr11e0Ma 2r x24^.aro and XL Fire Guard P200- V 1lt b 21x®•;;.10 34'7I 24 578 1 Wtih stay cep ' l.ata.d lla 2r X24';1.10 S'B'7q is _ SMUCMS4AL 421a1,eYDIV000 4131M P1K PREWDDEE PLUS R. Gusd and XL Fire 1•V1-b2-BOmmOtl /uf 2-Vr M6b 24'x49':. 6x41) a 254 t.;a Gu.d vAth aluminum laAllbO Mm.- 2•.21; q' --67•1' 34' PPI qP 3-FSIK-SUPRAFINE 146.-f 00d Rha 2-VrMinto 24•.48.P.10 taldad Mar 2r.24•: OF PC: 977 .101 3W 21 578 /.2,a NeGard wO yed dap ' Zr X6V;P.ro 4=Corteealed Suspeallon PO1D® OYPBl2N O01iii16 OVER Wi ' O?PB1M ooxooxnal Pa1U60ARD DetaOa In (1L DlreomM W2-mx-EV.WGM rn?FA&1t0) 1 -VZ 24-.W:P 6'a 16 ZBB 172 aaAA p1B61t®t1D0/ naalw� Ae6810.h 1-lax.-ExpC®dGm 1x17 slab 2_x14:1x10 bra' 24 266 1,2 AL C4m4d•1 • 1.1►711e0 Ma 2'' a 24iq 311' 1168 NmMbpwMr.aalyo+WQ•�e'afm• ' 9a.uN.osmroh0-wtimUa.,.i♦..1 •X.1..v. d.,yx lx410a.01oi1Y lsa /\ 236 6 Seismic Performance - Putting Ceilings to the Test categories D, E, and F 0. F e Putting Ceilings Demonstrated Performance to the Test The following ceiling and grid systems were tested to withstand seismic forces While the IBC code addresses standard in all IBC categories. All Ceilings have test details and summaries to support the t -bar grid, ceiling panels have not been tested for seismic performance in more demonstrated performance and -integrity of the system. than 15 years. Ceiling panel performance Is not well defined In the Code and it PRODUCT CATEGORY _ INSTALLATION DETAILS SUSPENSION SYSTEM — assumes all ceiling panels have four-sided Standard rrineralibe _fr Lay -in and Tegular, 2' x 2', 2' x 4' Standard T bar grid systems ._ support. Concerned about safety and Standard fiberglass Lay -in and Tegular, 2' x 2', 2' x 4' Standard Thar grid systems performance of all current and future K4C4 Tile_ Concealed V x 1' Concealed Z grid system Products under the new code, Armstrong has partnered with the State University of ppjlhjlpe' — —`— Vector 2' x 21, 4' x 4', up to 2'x 8' Standard T bar grid system_ NY at Buffalo to test both standard and _ ---------.- —__ Radial - trapezoidal panel ceiling _ ..._-- Custom T bar grid system _ non-standard ceiling systems for seismic IJLTIMA• ___ —r Vector 2' x 2' Standard T -bar grid system _ — performance. The results of -more than 120 METALWORKS- Lay -in and Tegular, 2'x 2' Standard T bar grid system full-scale seismic tests offer: Vector, 2' x 2' —_—_—_ Standard Tbar grid system • Proven safety and performance _ Custom panel sizes Hook-on/J-bar or H -bar system • Flexible design options RH2O0 J -bar system_ • More efficient Installation designs _ RH2O0 curved —�—� _ J -Oar system Armstrong selsrnic test details were RH2O0 corridor J -bar system A Instrumental to ICC approval of the----- - -- - ----- o Seismic Rx Suspension System as an RH2O0 full floating_ J -bar system -- ` - _ a alternative to 2" wall molding. RH2O0 Radial — J -bar system H RH215 H -bar system m RH215 Faceted Fastrack H -bar system Custom linear grid system C' I _ Formations Standard T bar grid systems CO Formations with StrongBack Standard T bar grid systems _ TechZone Standard T bar grid systems Tartan Custom grid modules Unear Connections, 4' & 8' _ Custom grid modules ^_ Unear Contrasts, 4" & 6" Custom grid modules Open Cell Lay -in Standard T bar grid system - Open Cell Lock-In--� Self -suspending rail system - METAPHORW Coffers, 2'x 2' Standard T ber grid System — WOODWORKS° Lavin and Tegular, 2'x 2, 2'x 4' Standard T bar grid system Vector, 2' x 2' _ _ _ ^ _ Standard Tbar grid system__ _ Custom panel, 30" x 8' v DP -59 System Custom panel, 4'x 8' Positive attachment to _drywall grid system _ _ Custom panel, 4'x 4' - Access system SERPEN I NA• _ Curved floating 2' x 2' Curved Tbar grid system — INFUSIONS• - Curved floating Cable System - SOUNDSCAPES• Curved floating Cable System AXIOM• Perimeter trim for floating calling Standard T bar grid system ArTn$tr'ong Resources Available to You: • TechUne at 1 877 ARMSTRONG (276-7876) • CS -3543 Seismic Rx: What You Need to Know Brochure • Consult your local code professional for Information specific to your region ";�•� f Nnslt these code related websites: s it - Armstrong web site: armstnong.com k, -ASTM Web site: www.astm.org , - BSSC Web site: www.nibs.org - FEMA Web site: www.fema. ov u - ICC Web site: www.icesafe.org ' - USGS Web site: geohazards.cr.usgs.gov • CEU Course: IBC Seismic Code and CS -3543 Ceiling Installation Requrements • Armstrong Web Site: Product Selector Tool annstrong.com/seismic A"S". 240 RECEIVED .:.Y;. AUG 19 2010 ER -4943P* REPORT LEGACY R y:. Reissued September 1, 2001 BY: ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. &W" 1orei °f08' 50 Workman MA RoA Wim`' California 90601 a (562) 6990M Regiorud OfBos ■ 900 Montdair Road, Suite A, Birmingharn, Alabama 35213 ■ (205) 5939600 www.icc-es.org ftlonal Office a 4051 west Rossmoor Road, Country Club Ms, Illinois 60478 • (706) 7932305 Legacy report on the 1997 Uniform Building Code m, the 2000 International BUilding Code®, the BOLA® National Building Codafl990 and the 1999 Standard Building Code° DIVISION: 05—METALS Section: 05400--Cold-Formed Metal Framing BEARING AND NONBEARING STEEL STUDS STEEL STUD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 8 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE, SUITE 1000 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 ALLIED STUDCO 2525 NORTH 27TH AVENUE PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85009 CEMCO 263 SOUTH COVINA LANE CITY OF INDUSTRY, CALIFORNIA 91744 CONSOLIDATED FABRICATORS CORP. 7815 EAST SOMERSET PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNIA 90723 CUSTOM STUD, INC. 21778 HIGHVIEW AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MICHIGAN 55044 DESIGN SHAPES IN STEEL 10315 EAST RUSH SOUTH EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA 91733 DIETRICH INDUSTRIES, INC. Soo GRANT STREET, SUITE 2226 PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15219 OLMAR SUPPLY dba DENMAR STEEL, INC. 6765 PRESTON AVENUE #D LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA 94550 OUA1L RUN BUILDING MATERIALS, INC. 2102 WEST LONE CACTUS DRIVE PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85027 SCAFCO CORPORATION 6212 EAST MAIN AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 11215 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99211-1215 UNITED METAL PRODUCTS, INC. 234 NORTH SHERMAN AVENUE CORONA, CALIFORNIA 92882 STEELER, INC. 10023 MARTIN LUTHER KING W�fiOTH Q U I N TA SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 9'8'178 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. WESTERN METAL LATH D STEELAPPROVED P®V E D D6510GENEARISE FOR CONSTRUCTION RIVERSIDE; CALIFORNIA 9 509 1.0 SUBJECT DATES ('4 ZOi0 BY� Bearing and Nonbearing Steel Studs, Joists and 2.0 DESCRIPTION The design of the steel studs, joists and tracks described in this report complies with. Section.2217 of the 1997 ;Uniform Building Code*m (UBC), Section 2205 of the 2000 Intemational Building Code® (IBC), Section 2206:1 of the BOCA National BuddingCode/1999 and Section 2204.1 of the 1999 Standard Building Code. 2.1 General: Punched steel studs and unpunched joists and tracks are roll - formed in various depths with the metal thicknesses indicated in Table 1. Section designations, section properties, steel yield strength, etc., are set forth on pages 6 through 11 and pages 2 through 5 ofthe accompanying Steel Stud Manufacturers Association catalogs, °Product Technical Information, dated 7/01, and "Supplemental Product Technical Information," dated May 2001. Web crippling details and max mum web crippling loads are noted on. pages 39 through 41, and. pages 6 and 7, of the accompanying catalogs., 2.2 Nonbearing Wall Heights: Allowable nonbearing wall heightS'for interior composite wall design are noted on pages 12 and 13 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. Allowable interior nonstructural Wall heights, using only section properties of the steel, are noted 'Revised August 2003; corrected after revision ICC -ES legacy reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not spec(ficaUy addressed nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report ora recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by /CC Evaluation Service, Inc, express or implied as to JJ an ' or other r r as to product covered b the report. y fmdtng a matte bt this report, o any p Ycp�yi+ Copyright 02003 Page 1 of 4 M-775 page 2 of 4 ER -4943P on pages 14 and 15. Allowable limiting wall heights for curtain walls are noted on pages 16 through 19 of the accompanying catalog. 2.3 Load-bearing Wall Studs: Allowable a)aal loads combined with lateral loads for various heights and stud spacings based on mechanical bracing at maximum 48 inches (1219 mm) on center and sheathing on both sides for lateral stability, with the design complying with Section C5 in the "Specification for the Design of Cold4ormed Steel Structural Members; 1996 edition, are noted on pages 20 through 30 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. 2.4 Joist: Allowable joist span for various loads, joist spacings and span conditions are noted on pages 31 through 36 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. 2.5 Header Load Table: Allowable loads for header construction are noted on pages 37 and 38 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. 2.6 Ceiling Span: Allowable ceiling span for 4 psf, 6 psf and 13 psf (192 Wm2, 287 N/m2 and 633 Wm2) total loading, 0240 and U360 deflections, various spacings and span conditions are noted on pages 42 and 43 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. 2.7 Materials: 2.7.1 Steel Members: Studs, joists and tracks are formed from steel having a minimum 33,000 psi (228 MPa) yield point (ASTM A653 SS Grade 33 or ASTM A1011 SS Grade 33) for thicknesses of 0.0179 inch (18 mils) (0.454 mm) through 0.1180 inch (118 mils) (3 mm), and. a minimum 50,000 psi (345 MPa) yield point (ASTM A 653 SS Grade 50, Class 1 or 3, or ASTM A 1 o11 SS Grade 50) for thicknesses of 0:0538 inch (54 mils) (1.366 mm) through 0.1180 inch (I 18 mils) (3 mm). 2.7.2 Gypsum Board: Gypsum board conforms to ASTM C 36, with thicknesses of inch (12.7 mm) and 5/6 inch (15.9 mm). 2.7.3 Steel Screws: No. 6, Type S, 1'/8 inch -long (28.6 mm) steel screws conform to ASTM C 1002. 2.8 Tables and Details: The catalogs entitled "Product Technical Information," dated 7/01, and "Supplemental Product Technical Information; dated May 2001; which are a part of this report, are available on the ICBO ES web site and on the ICBO ES evaluation report CD=ROM, under ER -4943. Only the items indicated in Table 3, for the catalog dated 7/01; are part of this report (the entire catalog dated May 2001 is part of this report). Structural properties for the effective moments of inertia on pages 6 through 11 of the catalog dated 7/01, and pages 2 through 5 of the catalog dated May 2001, .are based on Procedure I for deflection determination at the allowable moment Ma. Allowable wall height tables on pages 14 through 19 of the catalog dated 7/01 are based on the following considerations: • The tabulated partition heights are based on flexure, deflection and shear, whichever governs. • Allowable end reaction based on table heights must be checked for web 'crippling allowable concentrated loads. End reaction = [load (psf)] [spacing (in.)] [height from table (ft.)]/24. • Heights are based on .web punchouts at a minimum distance of (1.5h) from the edge of bearing (h is the stud web depth). Pages 47 and 48 of the catalog dated 7/01 are not recognized as part of this report. 2.9 Identification: Each stud is identified with the'manufacturer's name, yield strength [if over 33 ksi (228 MPa)], minimum base -metal thickness, and the report number embossed or stamped on the web of each section at a mazimum-of 48 inches (1219 mm) on center. 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Descriptive details, load test reports, engineering calculations, report of composite construction load test and proposed product technical information, in accordance with the ICC -ES Acceptance Criteria for Steel Studs, Joists and Tracks (AC46), dated January 2001. 4.0 FINDINGS That the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association Bearing and Nonbearing Steel Studs, Joists and Tracks described in this report comply with the 1997 UnNorrn Building Code m, the 2000 Intemationa/ Building CodsP, the BOCO National Building CodeM999 and the 1999 Standard Building Cods°, subject to the following conditions: 4.1 Studs, joists and tracks are Installed In accordance with this reportand the manufacturer's Instructions. 4.2 Allowable heights and loadings comply with the accompanying tables. 4.3 Uncoated minimum steel thickness of cold -formed members as delivered to the jobsite Shall be at least 95 percent of the thickness used in design. 4.4 Complete plans and calculations verifying compliance with'this report must be submitted to the building official for each project: 4.5 The studs are manufactured at the facllities noted in Table 1. 4.6 Stud member end reactions, resulting from allowable heights and loads, as noted In the accompanying tables, must be checked with the web crippling tables noted in the accompanying catalog. This report is subject to re-examination In two years. P399 3 of 4 ER -4943P TABLE 1—METAL THICKNESS MINIMUM THICKNESS' (mils) DESIGN THICKNESS (inch) REFERENCE GAGE 18 0.0188 .25' 27 0.0283 22 30 0.0312 20 drywall 33 0.0346 20 structural 43 0.0451 18 54 0.0566 16 68 0.0713 14 97 0.1017 12 116. 0.1.242 .10 For SI: 1 Inch = 25.4 mm. ' Minimum thickness represents 95 percent of the design thickness and is the minimum acceptable thickness of base metal delivered to the jobsite. TABLE 2—MANUFACTURING FACILITIES COMPANY MANUFACTURING FACILITY Allied Studco 2525 N. 27th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona CEMCO 263 S. Covina Lane, City of Industry, California CEMCO 1001-A Pittsburgh Antioch, Pittsburgh, California Consolidated Fabricators Corp.. 7815 E. Somerset, Paramount, California Custom Stud Manufacturing, Inc. 21778 Highview, Lakeville, Minnesota Design Shapes in Steel 111.315 E. Rush, South FJ Monte, California Dietrich Industries 420 South 53rd Ave, Phoenix, Arizona Dietrich Industries 2525 South Airport Way, Stockton, California Dietrich Industries 91-300 Hanua Street, Kapolei, Hawaii Dietrich Industries 2001 Cooley Drive, Colton, California Dietrich Industries 3351 East Valley Road, Renton, Washington Olmar Supply dba Denmar Steel, Inc. 6765 Preston Avenue #D Livermore, California Quail Run Building Materials, Inc. 2102 West Lone Cactus Dr., Phoenix, Arizona SCAFOO Corporation 6212 E. Main Ave., Spokane, Washington Steeler, Inc. 6851 Smith Avenue, Newark, Calffomia Steeler, Inc. 10023 Martin Luther King Way South, Seattle, Washington United Metal Products, Inc. 234 N. Sherman Ave., Corona, California Western Metal Lath and Steel Framing Systems 6510 General Dr., Riverside, California Western Metal Lath and Steel Framing Systems 1851 Alexander Ave., Tacoma, Washington "ml• Page 4 of 4 ER -4943P TABLE 3—ITEMS FROM THE CATALOG DATED 7/01 THAT ARE PART OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT ITEM " PAGES General Product Information 1-5 Physical Structural Properties Tables 6-11 Interior Composite Wail Height Tables 12-13 Allowable Nonbearing Wall Heights Tables 14-19 Combined Lateral and A>oal Load Tables 20-30 Joist Span Tables 31-36 Header Load Tables 37-38 Web Crippling Tables and Details 39-41 Ceiling Spari Table and Detail 42-43 U -Channel and Furring Channel Section Properties and Spans 45-47 T 'call Details 44, 49 and 50