11-1018 (SIGN) Plansi Please mark a selection, sign and fax back. O OK to print. ❑ Correct and resend proof. ❑ Correct and print. (sign here) (date) 11 IN 3 • R :f1\ M !ill CITY 6F LA QUINTA BUIL P INO & SAFETY DEPT. APP ROVED FOP CONSTRUCTION I 5 i DA ftJ44Ll BYA& ' For information, contact: i Maggie Montez Lic.01070683 i T 760.341.2272 r i PROPOSED maggie.montez@cbre.com i UILDING I� ' ,......:.k51 .•:::;rn;4�uY7gi, iT1r_:;,tr:z. { _ +4,235 SF .w -F `�' �.. ice_ c ♦�= OILDIN M 3,674 F flit g E PROPOSED BUILDING D I BUILDING C ±; 14,597 SF i 15,089 SF . !i H Shawna Strange AVAILABLE „�a•o_pG° p a° Lic. 01718495 A102 Al 03 `" irj r "�',," ::%r' d, SEKADO SALON 1804 SF T 760.346.1460 —�` shawna.strange@cbre.com I I DEMOGRAPHICS ' l;AVAILABLE 1 MILE 3 MILES CB Richard Ellis, Inc. —a r c� —� 'a• pA ~r 1 -'. ' Al 04 Al 05 Al 06 Population _5,990 69,140_' 1 65 —I Broker Lic. 00409987 1 `' m f,22 SF S L) � Avg. HH Income 5147,462 591,730 ! S86 j 74-770 Highway 11 1 , Chiropractic Shop Avg. Age 41.11 35.66 36. Suite 101 -, fT'1 l 1 1 — r , I -.7 --- ---- 6 `r Indian Wells, CA 92210 .f1 L =7j ' I�� r !J O 7011 CB Richard Ellis, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, www.cbre.com�indianwell$ opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for esample only and do not represent the current or future pedormance of the property, You and your advisors should conduct o careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfochon the suitability of the property for your needs. CBRE, CS RICHARD ELUS and Uw CBRE CB RICHARD ELUS logo are service marks of CB Richard Ellis, Inc. CBRE and/or its affiliated or related companies in the United Sates and other countries. All other marks displayed on this document ore the property of their respective owners. OHGUdII/IAOUWfAKAlF01AY_fU YID.INDD M � aleo. BAY PARK TENANT TENANT A. TENANT Customer Approval: Date: Landlord Approval: CASE NG� Date: CLIENT: CALEO BAY PARK ADDRESS: DATE: 7/22/11 FILE NAME: DRAWN BY: PC THIS UNPUBLISHED nrqlr,N Iq TI IF PROPERTY OF PARAGON SIGNS AND IS SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT WE ARE PLANNING FOR YOU. IT IS NOT TO BE MODIFIFI), COPIED, REPRODUCED, EXHIBITED, OR SHOWN TO ANYONE OU I SIDE OF YUUH ORGANIZATION WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PARAGON SIGNS VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE, ENTITLES PARAGON SIGNS TO COLLECT FEES FOR ART AND STAFF TIME FROM THE CUSTOMER. CLIENT: CALEO BAY ADDRESS: 1 'A'angle iron frame CITY OF LA QUINTA DATE: 8/25/11 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FILE NAME: FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY DRAWN BY: Earth/grade PC THIS UNPUBLISHED DESIGN IS THE PROPERTY OF PARAGON SIGNS AND IS SUBMITTED FOR YOUR w 7 PERSONAL USE IN " concrete footing CONNECTION WITH A 2500 psi at 28 days PROJECT WE ARE kk PLANNING FOR YOU. IT IS NOT TO BE MODIFIED, COPIED, REPRODUCED, 4" sch. 40 steel pipe EXHIBITED, OR RECEIVED SHOWN TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION WITHOUT WRITTEN AUG 2 6 2011 PERMISSION OF PARAGON SIGNS VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE, ENTITLES PARAGON SIGNS TO COLLECT FEES FOR ART AND STAFF TIME Customer Approval: Date: FROM THE CUSTOMER. 77-650 ENFIELD LANE V J Landlord Approval: Date: PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 345-3340 PLEASETel: AND 1 ALL COPY. ANY OVERLOOKED MISTAKE(S) ARE YOUR 1