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BRES2016-0226 Structural Calcs
STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT- G ILB D R FS !p F NEE P-MON WyPnm- CONCRETE STRENGTH AT TWENTY EIGHT DAYS: MASONRY. GRADE "NA CONCRET'E.BLOCK F' M MORTAR: TYPE S 1,8w PSI GROUT. 2000 PSI RENIIFORCING STEEL A-615 GRADE 40- STRUCTURAL STEEL- A-36 LUMBER: DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH JOISTS BEAMS AND POSTS STUDS SEISMIC FORCE: "�,s - /-O9 - WtHD FORD: i10B RN N LOADS: ROOF DEAD LOAD LOPINGFLAT ROOFING PLYWOOD JOISTS. INSUL & CLG. MISc GRADE 60: qPSI ,DDa PSI 04 AND LESS (U.O.N.) #5 AND LARGER all #2 #2 STUD OR BETTER REPORT BY. .S I ad6eol Fn ] A - REPORT NO.: 51 �- G g Z SOIL PRESSURE: [ �Oq pS 1 c u��foo�G Z,UDD P� Pad f►�„ys� FLOdR 6 O L Ah.� F LA Q U I N TA WALL DEAD LOAD BU f LG' SIFEEPT. AFPRGV� FLOqRiNG FOR CONST UCTION INTERIOR 10 PSF ]D ��E iJ ' ��EXTERIOR 16 PSF 8 misc.- 70TAL Fs4 TOTAL = 1 ROOF LIVE LOAD FLOOR LIVE LOAD SLOPING = INTERIOR 40 PSF FLAT = 20 PS BALCONY 60 PSF (U.O.N.) EXIT WALKWAY 100 PSF These calculations are limited only to the items included herein, selected by the client and do not imply approval of any other Portion of the structure by this office. These calculations are not valid if altered In any way, or not accompanied by a wet stamp and signature of the Engineer of Record. Job No. p signed:By Date 16 �5 � E�f, 727-16 Son Diego - 24288 Danielson S1Feet, sure 4 200, Poway, CA 92064. 18501 679-9999, Fax j11681 679-0959 3/21/2016� Design Maps Summary Report Design maps Summary Report User -Specified Input Report Title Gilbo Residence Thu July 21, 2016 17:45:00 UTC Building Code Reference Document ASCE 7-10 Standard (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) Site Coordinates 33.660550N, 116.30128°W If � 0 Site Soil Classification Site Class D - "Stiff Soil" Risk Category IM III to r r 0 tiY J USGS-Provided Output SS = 1.500 g S1 = 0.600 g La • SMs = 1.500 g Smi = 0.901 g S" = 1.000 g SDl = 0.600 g I' Mecca For information on how the SS and S1 values above have been calculated from probabilistic (risk -targeted) and deterministic ground motions in the direction of maximum horizontal response, please return to the application and select the "2009 NEHRP" building code reference document. MCER Response Spectrum 1.65 1.50 1.35 1.20 1.D5 0.75 0.60 0.45 0.30 0.15 0.04 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.20 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.20 2.00 Period, T (sec) Design Response Spectrum 1.10 0.99 D.BB 0.77 +... v D.66 y 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.22 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.20 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 Period, T (!rec) For PGAM, Tr, CRS, and CR1 values, please view the detailed report. Although this information is a product of the U.S. Geological Survey, we provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the data contained therein. This tool is not a substitute for technical subject -matter knowledge. http://ehpl-earthquake.cr.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/summary.php?tem plate=minimal&latitude=33.660545444541318Jongitude=-116.301275846M63&siteciass=... 1/1 MWFRS Wind Loads Job No: ASCE 7-10 Designer: IHTK Enclosed & Pamolly Enclosed Low Rise Buildings Checker: rRU TUHAL EN INEEH, , LLP Notes: Date: 7121/2016 Basic Parameters Risk Category Basic Wind Speed, V Wind Directionality Factor, Kd Exposure Category Topographic Factor, K. Enclosure Classification Internal Pressure Coefficient, GCP; 11 110 mph 0.85 B 1.00 Enclosed +/- 0.18 Pressure Coefficients Roof Slope 3 /12 14.0 degrees Wall External Pressure Coefficient, GCPf 0.48 Roof External Pressure Coefficient, GCPf -0.69 Roof External Pressure Coefficient, GCPf -0.44 Wall External Pressure Coefficient, GCPf -0.37 5tructure Pressure Summar Add internal Pressure q,GC or qhGC as Necessa Table 1.5-1 Figure 26.5-1A Table 26.6-1 Section 26.7 Section 26.8 Section 26.10 Table 26.11-1 Table 28.4-1, Surface 1 Table 28.4-1, Surface 2 Table 28.4-1, Surface 3 Table 28.4-1, Surface 4 Height z KZ qZ Walls I Roofs Comp & Cladding Windward Leeward Total*0.6 Windward Leeward Total*0.6 X P_,*0.6 15 it 0.70 18.4 psi 12.1 psi -10.2 psi 13.4 psi -16.0 psi -10.2 psi -0.8 psi 1 14.3 psi 20 it 0.70 18.4 psi 12.1 psi -10.2 psi 13.4 psi -16.0 psi -10.2 psi -0.8 psi 1 14.3 psi 25 it 0.70 18.4 psi 12.1 psi -10.2 psi 13.4 psi -16.0 psi -10.2 psi -0.8 psi 1 14.3 psi 30 ft 0.70 18.4 psi 12.1 psi -10.2 psi] 13.4 psi -16.0 psi -10.2 psi -0.8 psi 1 14.3 psi 40 ft 0.76 20.0 psi 13.2 psi -11.1 ps 14.6 psi -17.4 psi -11.1 psi -0.9 psi 1.09 15.6 psi 50 ft 0.81 21.3 psi 14.0 psi -11.8 psf 15.5 psf -18.6 psi -11.8 psi]-1.0 psi 1.16 16.6 psi 60 ft 0.85 22.4 psi 14.7 psi -12.4 psf 16.3 psi -19.5 psi -12.4 psf -1.0 psi 1.22 17.4 psi (hoot area can be ignored it total pressure is Page 1 of 1 i Ur 70Y.-tf - - M` 35z #/ Gx w' (3�'zlz - J 751 t 2In3 -Tr- 12,3 �nY i I � j -- - - - - �µ R�-5 I p_ -- - - -- - f�f3 I iSi)o SsFa v -0 I I I i I i i 'U3 - - - L= 3/6-4 - WZ (2 41z)(2` psf+20r,f� ; 142 (U- )7�jx4 I IF J_ VFR I' L7 30 4� — 12� //2, 3236 ��5 � �Q =� .6 0�= 12 4 12Y32 A}Clzfzfj -2,30� e 5 ,22Nr %�f [�53A5 - �,. 1275oL t• R�F 17 Z K 1 _ V 2 61 # Ire )z, 655# I - - i- 4 2k��2Y4ZO):! 253 jr 7- Rh-7, to -R Gx r��-VZ 4 (k=)[2yt203 27Y I- 210 # LPi- IY(kL 52G c,> v. �A K V460do rY, Zl o # MRaw- 4b 7`rur� VERTML - - - [} 13,1?7 6o.9 (J.25)= 201,25 ub -Io Z 12y= 4 i _ f -54/z V7.T)� - - 016� 110 A 1 It N2,}bWZI�"j�f , - -t-�� V° 4��a �► . 35 �— — - - j-21.0 We Ric 2,177 V � !901 Ar 200.1 �n2. - 067 sr = 5 I.2 1 n3 12SN/2 ?Y9203= 616 yr q A r ?' 2, 772 V 5(= 37 ins _ RH33 L= 12 x10 w : (Yrz f /9-) (2y 4 2,O) V= Tr v IL4 - wc qyo - M. -L,2 yy Az 2 [������+ [r��ih�[ lIJ 23a5 'f' �� 1.2 -0.�o(}o z1 yPj -- ----- ,, (29 - N -- F[ r - v= 7,96 4� L=jl'�� - - 6x12 iD,a35 # 5c= 1st{ 143 2.10 b . 1tyi -� y I II PSL- �Yi x l l 7/j (asL 1�2=7,L5� u =,73� �+ = 1,9 t 2 If [ = 2 0,00 w 6,73j it OLDO RFWWE - - I VFRTt(�� Arc�'S�i�x�3�441)2P4):224 =}-1, 1.2-[0,w(Y22 (2-0z 30�412)(2 + 11 14)% ` 105 7 I L 1l 4 4r. =(?y�NZ [c�,'j 4 (,22���+1 ; �I: tM2 fil�)(2� �J6Y) -576 I. �V 0-1oYz A65 I I , - U = 750 # 91- S1732 I I 36 Zoo - ��- 1,G1b I 122hl)f 42F44J (44)= 27144z L, -12 -aadr(Mj => 6,122(26: j Ypg(' 1, w� (22, Vz)(z � IS) +(2-14/612V419 1071 I! 551/ f _ 6 Iz — Pz = RQ-�� - �, �9l 24 - - I V 7 4 A _ 60,E ! 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