2021 US Bureau of Reclamation - SRR Way All American Canal Consent 19-07-34-L1957 re: ROW of City BridgesIN REPLY REFE R TO: YAO-7120 United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Yuma Area Office 7301 Calle Agua Salada Yuma, AZ 85364 09/17/2021 CERTIFIED — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ( 70181130000002569722 ) Mr. Bryan McKinney City Engineer City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: City of La Quinta (City) — Executed Consent Agreement (Consent) — Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 — Authorization to Construct, Install, Own, Use, Operate, and Maintain a Bridge and Roadway Within and/or Across Bureau of Reclamation's Rights -of -Way for the Coachella Canal (Canal) — Boulder Canyon Project, All-American Canal System, Coachella Division, California Dear Mr. McKinney: Enclosed for your files is a fully executed duplicate original of the subject Consent. Please note, Reclamation requires the City to adhere to the following Special Conditions found under Article 27: (g) The City shall ensure that Canal flow capacity is not reduced during and after construction as a result of the Bridge and Roadway installation and that it will not adversely impact Canal operations, which includes upstream and downstream conditions. (h) The City shall ensure that the easement boundary area for entire box culvert is depicted on the design plans to include a minimum offset of 10 -feet from all edges of the proposed structural work. (i) The City shall ensure that the diversion channel flow calculations have adequate capacity to carry Canal flows without adversely impacting Canal operations. INTERIOR REGION 8 • LOWER COLORADO BASIN ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA`, NEVADA* PARTIAL If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ms. Melissa Fairchild, Realty Specialist, via electronic mail at mafairchild@usbr.gov. Sincerely, C H R I STO P H CHRISTOPHER WA LIS Digltally signed by ER WALLIS 11ate: 2:03:24— 2021.09.20 07 00' Christopher M. Wallis, Chief Resource Management Office Enclosure cc: Ms. Chris Bogan Right -of -Way Supervisor Coachella Valley Water District P.O. Box 1058 Coachella, CA 92236 (w/Duplicate Original) 2 IN REPLY REFER TO: YAO-7120 United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Yuma Area Office 7301 Calle Agua Salada Yuma, AZ 85364 12/21/2020 CERTIFIED — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ( 70181130000002569418 ) Mr. Bryan McKinney City Engineer City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: City of La Quinta (City) — Consent Agreement (Consent) — Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 — Authorization to Construct, Install, Own, Use, Operate, and Maintain a Bridge and Roadway Within and/or Across Bureau of Reclamation's Rights -of -Way for the Coachella Canal (Canal) —Boulder Canyon Project, All-American Canal System, Coachella Division, California Dear Mr. McKinney: Enclosed for your review and signature are an original and two (2) duplicate originals of the subject Consent. The Consent authorizes the City to construct, install, own, use, operate, and maintain a bridge and roadway within and/or across portions of Reclamation's rights-of-way for the Canal. If the Consent is satisfactory, please sign the original and the two (2) duplicate originals and return them to Reclamation along with a resolution authorizing the signature provided. Upon signature by all parties, a fully executed duplicate original Consent will be provided for your records. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ms. Melissa Fairchild, Realty Specialist, at telephone No. (928) 343-8238 or via electronic mail at mafairchild@usbr.gov. In Triplicate Enclosure cc: See Next Page. Sincerely, C H R I STO P H Digitally signed by CHRISTOPHER WALLIS ER WALLIS 08:21:14 1 0700' Christopher M. Wallis, Chief Resource Management Office INTERIOR REGION 8 • LOWER COLORADO BASIN ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA*, NEVADA* PARTIAL 2 cc: Ms. Chris Bogan Right -of -Way Supervisor Coachella Valley Water District P.O. Box 1058 Coachella, CA 92236 (w/copy of encl) DUPLICATE ORIGINAL 1 Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 2 3 4 5 UNITED STATES 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 7 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION 8 INTERIOR REGION 8: LOWER COLORADO BASIN 9 YUMA AREA OFFICE 10 YUMA, ARIZONA 11 12 BOULDER CANYON PROJECT, 13 ALL-AMERICAN CANAL SYSTEM, 14 COACHELLA DIVISION, 15 CALIFORNIA 16 17 1. THIS CONSENT AGREEMENT (Consent) is made this I (1 day of F l)er, 20 .Z1_, 18 pursuant to provisions of the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388); the Reclamation 19 Project Act of August 4, 1939 (53 Stat. 1187), as amended August 18, 1950 (64 Stat. 463); and 20 acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto; and the provisions of 43 CFR § 429, between 21 the United States of America, acting through the Bureau of Reclamation, hereinafter referred to 22 as "Reclamation," represented by the officer executing this Consent, hereinafter referred to as the 23 "Area Manager," and the City of La Quinta, hereinafter referred to as the "Consentee," with the 24 concurrence of the Coachella Valley Water District, hereinafter referred to as the "District." 25 26 WITNESSETH THAT: 27 28 2. WHEREAS, Reclamation, under the authority of the Act of August 30, 1890, entitled 29 Rights -of -Way Reserved to United States for Ditches and Canals (26 Stat. 391), holds a reserved 30 Federal right-of-way for the Coachella Branch of the All-American Canal and associated 31 appurtenances, hereinafter referred to as the "Canal," a feature of the Boulder Canyon Project, 32 All-American Canal System, Coachella Division; and 33 34 3. WHEREAS, Reclamation acquired an easement from a private landowner in Riverside 35 County, California, on July 31, 1946, identified as Parcel No. C -339 -A -R1, for construction of 36 the Canal; and 37 38 4. WHEREAS, the District operates and maintains the Canal; and 2 39 40 5. WHEREAS, SilverRock Phase II LLC owns a tract of land containing six (6) acres, more or 41 less, located in the NE'/a, section 8, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, 42 California, identified as Riverside County Assessor Parcel No. 777-490-024 and depicted on 43 Riverside County Assessor's Parcel Map, Book 777, Page 49; and 44 45 6. WHEREAS, by application dated September 21, 2018, the Consentee requested a 46 right -of -use authorization to construct, install, own, use operate, and maintain a bridge and 47 two-lane roadway and associated appurtenances which includes a curb and gutter, 6 -foot wide 48 sidewalk, 10 -foot wide golf cart path/sidewalk, steel guardrails, pilasters with faux rock veneer, 49 and conduits encased in concrete for proposed utilities crossing within, on, over, under, and/or 50 across Reclamation rights-of-way; and 51 52 7. WHEREAS, the bridge and roadway and associated appurtenances, hereinafter individually 53 referred to as "Bridge" and "Roadway," are known as SilverRock Way and will connect 54 Avenue 52 to Jefferson Street in the City of La Quinta, California, and provide ingress and 55 egress access to SilverRock Resort west of Jefferson Street and south of Avenue 52; and 56 57 8. WHEREAS, Sladden Engineering prepared the "Results of Phase I Environmental Site 58 Assessment, BOR Irrigation Main Alignments, Silver Rock Resort Property, SWC Avenue 52 59 and Jefferson Street, La Quinta, California," dated June 19, 2018; and 60 61 9. WHEREAS, the Consentee and District entered into an Operation and Maintenance 62 Agreement for said Bridge and Roadway, by Special Domestic Water System, Sanitation 63 System, and Irrigation System Modification Installation Agreement executed 64 September 12, 2019, recorded in Riverside County, California, on September 13, 2019, 65 Recorded Document No. 2019-0359003, hereinafter referred to as "Agreement," and District 66 will be constructing said Bridge and Roadway for the City of La Quinta, California; and 67 68 10. WHEREAS, Reclamation determined that the Bridge and Roadway located within, on, 69 over, under, and/or across Reclamation lands and rights-of-way required an Environmental 70 Assessment and the use of Reclamation's lands and rights-of-way was analyzed under 71 Categorial Exclusion Checklist, YAO-CEC-18-003 dated January 2, 2018, on file in the 72 Interior Region 8: Lower Colorado Basin, Bureau of Reclamation, Yuma Area Office, 73 Resource Management Office; and 74 75 11. WHEREAS, pursuant to 23 CFR, Part 650 Subpart C, National Bridge Inspection 76 Standards, 1971; revised in December 2004, Reclamation is required to perform an inventory of 77 bridges that cross Reclamation facilities, in order to verify ownership and determine the 78 appropriate level of inspection to ensure the safety of the bridge users, and to ultimately prolong 79 the lives of the bridges through an effective operation and maintenance program; and 80 Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 , I r t 1. 81 12. WHEREAS, the said inventory of bridges has defined a Type 3 bridge as any 82 non -Reclamation owned bridge that crosses a Reclamation dam, associated facility, or power 83 facility; and 84 85 13. WHEREAS, Reclamation has determined that said Bridge is not necessary for Reclamation 86 project purposes; and will serve as a public utility crossing for ingress and egress to privately 87 owned lands and therefore will be added to Reclamation's Bridge Inventory as a Type 3 bridge; 88 and 89 90 14. WHEREAS, the District will perform the inspection and maintenance on the Bridge at the 91 Consentee's expense, in accordance with the above -noted Agreement; and 92 93 15. WHEREAS, the granting of such authorization and right -of -use by Reclamation and the 94 exercise of such right -of -use by the Consentee under the terms and conditions herein provided 95 shall be compatible with the purposes for which the lands and rights-of-way are administered by 96 Reclamation on behalf of the United States. 97 98 16. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants contained 99 herein, Reclamation, on behalf of the United States, by this Consent Agreement, hereby grants to 100 the Consentee, except as otherwise provided herein, the following described authorization for the 101 construction, installation, ownership, use, operation, and maintenance of said Bridge and 102 Roadway purposes, to wit: 103 104 DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES 105 106 San Bernardino Meridian, California 107 108 Township 6 South, Range 7 East, 109 NEl/a, section 8, portions of. 110 111 Said lands are more fully described by metes and bounds under those captions entitled: "Legal 112 Description," contained in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, 113 The Premises contain 26,286 square feet or 0.603 acres, more or less. 114 115 The Premises is further described and depicted on Exhibit B, entitled: "Map, Area of Use" and 116 "Canal Box Easement, metes and bounds," attached hereto and by this reference made a part 117 hereof. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 118 119 (a) By accepting and signing this Consent, and by using the Premises described herein, 120 the Consentee agrees to comply with and be bound by the terms and conditions described or 121 referenced herein during all construction, installation, ownership, use, operation, maintenance, 122 and termination activities of said Bridge and Roadway. 123 124 17. OWNERSHIP OF BRIDGE AND ROADWAY: The Consentee shall at all times and at its 125 sole expense, without any expense and/or liability whatsoever to the United States, Reclamation 126 and/or the District, construct, install, own, use, operate, maintain, and make necessary repairs to 127 or replacements of the Bridge and Roadway in a manner so as not to interfere with the proper use 128 and operation of or cause injury or damage to any property or waters of the United States, 129 property of the District, and/or any facilities or project works of Reclamation and/or the District. 130 The Consentee shall reimburse Reclamation and/or the District for all injury or damage to said 131 property, waters, facilities, and/or project works arising out of the utilization of the rights granted 132 pursuant to this Consent which is caused by the Consentee; and the Consentee shall promptly 133 pay any invoice rendered by Reclamation and/or the District. 134 135 18. BRIDGE LISTING AND INSPECTION: The Consentee shall be responsible for 136 complying with NBIS procedures, to include bridge inspection and reporting procedures in 137 compliance with NBIS and 23 CFR § 650, Subpart C, implementing any access restrictions, and 138 resolving any safety issues in order to safeguard employees and the general public as follows: 139 140 (a) List the Bridge with the Federal Highway Administration; and 141 142 (b) Ensure the Bridge is inspected in accordance with applicable Federal Highway 143 Administration requirements; and 144 145 (c) Provide Reclamation with any and all listing and/or inspection reports; and 146 147 (d) Complete any and all maintenance, repairs, and/or replacements to the Bridge 148 required by the Federal Highway Administration and/or Reclamation in a manner satisfactory to 149 the Federal Highway Administration, Reclamation, and the District; and 150 151 (e) Any access restrictions, major structural repairs, removals, and/or replacements of 152 the Bridge must be approved by Reclamation in advance; and 153 154 (f) The Consentee acknowledges and agrees that if the condition of the Bridge is known 155 to threaten the operation of a Reclamation facility, or the Bridge presents an immediate danger to 156 the public or operating personnel, Reclamation will require the Consentee to immediately close 157 the Bridge and make necessary repairs or replacements in a timeframe that is agreeable to both 158 Reclamation and the Consentee. 159 Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 5 160 19. LIABILITY INSURANCE: If determined necessary by Reclamation, the Consentee shall 161 be required to procure and maintain liability and property damage insurance which names the 162 United States and/or Reclamation as insured. 163 164 20. WATER: Nothing contained in this Consent shall be deemed to entitle the Consentee to, 165 nor shall be construed as granting any rights to obtain water from the United States, and no wells 166 shall be constructed or installed on the lands and rights-of-way covered by this Consent. 167 168 21. TERM: This Consent, unless otherwise terminated as provided for in Article 22 herein, 169 shall terminate twenty-five (25) years from the date hereof. This Consent may, upon written 170 agreement of the parties, be extended for an additional twenty-five (25) year term. Any request 171 for extension shall be filed by the Consentee, in writing, with the Area Manager not less than one 172 hundred eighty (180) days prior to termination of the Consent. 173 174 22. TERMINATION: 175 176 (a) This Consent shall terminate, and all rights granted to the Consentee hereunder shall 177 cease, and the Consentee shall quietly deliver to Reclamation possession of the Premises in like 178 condition as when taken, reasonable wear and tear excepted: 179 180 (1) At the expiration of the term as provided in Article 21. 181 182 (2) For nonuse of the Premises by the Consentee for a period of two (2) years 183 following the execution of this Consent, at the option of Reclamation. 184 185 (3) After failure of the Consentee to observe any of the conditions of this Consent, 186 to include payment of any and all sums due to Reclamation as set forth herein, and on the tenth 187 (10th) day following service of written notice on the Consentee of termination because of failure 188 to observe such conditions. Any notice required by this Article shall be served by certified mail 189 addressed to the respective post office addresses provided in Article 34, and the mailing of any 190 such notice properly enclosed, addressed, stamped, and certified, shall be considered service. 191 192 (4) Reclamation may, at any time and at no cost or liability to the United States, 193 terminate this Consent in the event of a natural disaster, a national emergency, a need arising 194 from security requirements, or an immediate and overriding threat to public health and safety. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 6 195 196 (5) Reclamation may, at any time and at no cost or liability to the United States, 197 terminate any use authorization for activities other than existing authorized private exclusive 198 recreational or residential use as defined under 43 CFR § 429.2 (2016) if Reclamation 199 determines that any of the following apply: 200 201 (i) The use has become incompatible with authorized project purposes, 202 project operations, safety, and security; 203 204 (ii) A higher public use is identified through a public process described 205 at 43 CFR § 429.32(a)(1) (2016); or 206 207 (iii) Termination is necessary for operational needs of the project. 208 209 (6) Reclamation may, at any time and at no cost or liability to the United States, 210 terminate this Consent if it determines that the Consentee has used this Consent for any purpose 211 other than its intended purpose. 212 213 (7) Reclamation may, at any time and at no cost or liability to the United States, 214 terminate this Consent if the Consentee fails to comply with all applicable Federal, State, and 215 local laws, regulations, ordinances, Executive Orders, and Reclamation Laws, policies, and 216 directives and standards, existing or hereafter enacted or promulgated, or terms and conditions of 217 any use authorization, or to obtain any required permits or authorizations. 218 219 (8) Upon the expiration, termination, or revocation of this Consent, if all use fees 220 and damage claims due Reclamation have been paid, the Consentee may be required, at the 221 option of Reclamation, to remove any or all of the Bridge and Roadway placed upon the 222 Premises and shall restore the Premises to a condition satisfactory to the Area Manager. Should 223 Consentee fail to remove the Bridge and Roadway within sixty (60) days of expiration, 224 termination, or revocation of this Consent, the Area Manager may, on behalf of Reclamation, 225 deny and prohibit any or all access to the Bridge, Roadway, and Premises. At the option of 226 Reclamation, any remaining Bridge and Roadway may become property of the United States or 227 be removed at the expense of the Consentee. The Consentee shall promptly pay all expenses 228 incurred by Reclamation for removal and restoration upon its receipt of an invoice for the same. 229 230 (9) Should this Consent be terminated, Reclamation, reserves the right to bar the 231 Consentee from the authorization to use Reclamation lands and rights-of-way for a period of 232 time, as determined by the Area Manager. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 233 234 23. TERMINATION OF CONSENT BY THE CONSENTEE: This Consent may be 235 terminated at any time by the Consentee upon sixty (60) days written notice to Reclamation. 236 Should the Consentee exercise its option to terminate this Consent, all rights granted the 237 Consentee hereunder shall cease, and the Consentee shall quietly deliver to Reclamation 238 possession of the Premises in like condition as when taken, reasonable wear and tear excepted. 239 240 24. CONSIDERATION: In accordance with 43 CFR § 429 (2016), consideration for this 241 Consent shall be payment to Reclamation by the Consentee of the following: 242 243 (a) The sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100), as the initial non-refundable deposit fee 244 required by 43 CFR § 429.16, for submission and preliminary review of the application, the 245 receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; and 246 247 (b) Additional administrative costs in excess of the initial deposit for administrative costs 248 incurred by Reclamation in processing this Consent, the receipt of which is hereby 249 acknowledged. 250 251 (c) All estimated administrative costs, in advance, or within thirty (30) days after receipt 252 of an invoice rendered therefore; advance administrative costs in excess of actual costs shall be 253 refunded. 254 255 25. EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS: 256 257 (a) Reclamation and the District reserve the right of their officers, employees, and agents 258 to at all times have unrestricted access and ingress to, passage over, and egress from all of the 259 Premises to make investigations of all kinds, dig test pits and drill test holes, to survey for, 260 operate, and maintain existing Reclamation works and facilities, and to construct reclamation and 261 irrigation works and other structures incident to Reclamation project needs and purposes. 262 Reclamation and the District shall have no obligation to restore the Consentee's Bridge and 263 Roadway if Reclamation and the District exercise their rights reserved herein. All costs, 264 expenses, obligations, and duties, to restore any part of the Consentee's Bridge and Roadway 265 shall be incurred by the Consentee. 266 267 (b) The rights granted hereunder shall not be exclusive in character and Reclamation and 268 the District reserve to themselves, their successors and assigns, the right against the Consentee to 269 use any or all of the Premises, which is or may be crossed, or upon which irrigation and drainage 270 facilities and works of Reclamation and the District have been constructed, and to construct, 271 reconstruct, operate, and maintain therein and thereon works including, but not limited to, dams, 272 dikes, canals, waste ways, laterals, ditches, telephone and telegraph lines, electric transmission 273 lines, roadways, and appurtenant irrigation and drainage structures which may be needed or 274 useful in connection with or as part of canals, laterals, and other irrigation and drainage facilities Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 8 275 without any payment by Reclamation or the District, its successors and assigns, for the exercise 276 of such right. The Consentee agrees that if the construction, reconstruction, installation, 277 operation, or maintenance of any or all of such works of Reclamation, on or across the Premises, 278 should be made more expensive by reason of the existence of the Consentee's Bridge and 279 Roadway, such additional expense may be estimated by Reclamation or the District whose 280 estimate shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto, and within thirty (30) days after 281 demand is made upon the Consentee for payment of any such sums, the Consentee shall make 282 payment thereof to Reclamation and the District, its successors and assigns, for constructing, 283 operating, or maintaining such works across, over, under or upon the Premises. 284 285 (c) Reclamation and the District reserve the right to inspect the Consentee's Bridge and 286 Roadway under the terms of this Consent both during the progress of construction and upon 287 completion thereof and anytime thereafter. 288 289 (d) Jurisdiction of and supervision by Reclamation over the Premises is not surrendered 290 or subordinated by issuance of this Consent and Reclamation reserves the right to issue 291 additional use authorizations and other agreements for compatible use of the Premises. 292 293 26. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: In use of the Premises, the Consentee shall faithfully 294 observe each of the following conditions: 295 296 (a) The Consentee, at its sole expense, shall construct, install, own, use, operate, and 297 maintain Consentee's Bridge and Roadway in conformity with all applicable Federal, State, and 298 local laws, regulations, ordinances, Executive Orders, and Reclamation Laws, policies, and 299 directives and standards, existing or hereafter enacted or promulgated, including but not limited 300 to, those relating to pollution and environmental control. 301 302 (b) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, said Bridge and 303 Roadway are installed in accordance with the above -referenced Exhibit A and Exhibit B, and 304 Exhibit C entitled: "City of La Quinta design plans entitled: "SilverRock Resort — Phase 2, 305 Coachella Branch of the All-American Canal Improvement Plans, Parcel Map No. 37207, Sheet 306 Nos. 1 through 14, CVWD Drawing Nos. 43568 through 43581," attached hereto and by this 307 reference made a part hereof, as approved by the Area Manager and the District. Consentee must 308 obtain written authorization from the Area Manager and the District prior to making any changes 309 to the approved plan details of the Bridge and Roadway, as described on Exhibits A, B, and C. 310 311 (c) All construction, installation, ownership, use, operation, and maintenance activities 312 undertaken pursuant to this Consent shall be in conformity with the specifications approved in 313 advance by the Area Manager and the District and shall be conducted by the Consentee at all 314 times in a manner satisfactory to the Area Manager and the District. It shall be incumbent upon 315 the Consentee to obtain a construction encroachment permit from the District prior to 316 undertaking such installation activities. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 9 317 318 (d) The Consentee shall at all times, and at its sole expense, operate and maintain and 319 make necessary repairs and replacements on said Consentee's Bridge and Roadway in a good 320 and workmanlike manner so as not to interfere with the proper use and operation of, or cause 321 injury or damage to any property, irrigation, and drainage facilities, or works of Reclamation. 322 All equipment installed, operated, and maintained pursuant to this Consent will be maintained in 323 a safe condition satisfactory to the Area Manager and the District. The Consentee will reimburse 324 Reclamation for all injury or damage to property, irrigation and drainage facilities, or works of 325 Reclamation arising out of the utilization of the rights granted pursuant to this Consent which is 326 caused by the Consentee, its officers, agents, or employees, and the Consentee will promptly pay 327 any bills rendered therefore by Reclamation. 328 329 (e) During construction and use of the Premises, the Consentee shall carry out proper 330 and efficient measures wherever and as often as necessary to reduce nuisance by dust, and to 331 prevent dust which has originated from its operations from damaging any other properties or 332 causing a nuisance to persons. 333 334 (f) The Consentee shall reimburse Reclamation and the District for any and all costs and 335 expenses incurred in the defense of any action which challenges the Consentee's use of the 336 Premises. 337 338 (g) The rights granted by this Consent are subject to any and all applicable Federal, 339 State, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, Executive Orders, and Reclamation Laws, policies, 340 and directives and standards, existing or hereafter enacted or promulgated, and rights of 341 Reclamation, the United States, and to existing rights in favor of the public or third parties. The 342 Consentee agrees that it is its sole responsibility to make whatever arrangements as are necessary 343 to obtain such rights as may be required of the Consentee from any other party or parties holding 344 any other interests. 345 346 (h) The Consentee shall notify the Area Manager and District within ninety (90) days of 347 substantial completion of use, and within said ninety (90) days shall undertake customary and 348 prudent measures to smooth, recontour, clean, remove debris, grade, scarify, repair, restore, or 349 otherwise rehabilitate the lands, water, structures, and facilities of Reclamation that were 350 disturbed to a condition of appearance and stability comparable to the surrounding undisturbed 351 lands, to the satisfaction of the Area Manager and District. 352 353 (i) The Consentee shall not issue or grant easements, rights-of-way, land rights, leases, 354 licenses, permits, crossing agreements, recreational or special use agreements, and shall not 355 allow commercial ventures on the Premises. Any such use instruments shall be issued by 356 Reclamation only. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 � . f 10 357 358 (j) The Consentee shall ensure the Premises and surrounding area are maintained in a 359 sanitary condition at all times. All trash and debris shall be removed upon leaving the Premises. 360 361 (k) The Consentee shall not make any alteration of said Canal within the Reclamation 362 lands and rights-of-way without prior written concurrence of Reclamation and District. 363 364 (1) The Consentee shall ensure that no unauthorized encroachment occurs, and no waste 365 is committed, on Reclamation lands and rights-of-way under this Consent. 366 367 (m) The Consentee shall have the right to allow its agents, contractors, and 368 subcontractors to use Reclamation lands and rights-of-way under this Consent for the purposes 369 stated herein. 370 371 (n) The Consentee shall promptly reimburse Reclamation and/or the District for all 372 damages to Reclamation lands, waters, facilities, and/or project works, arising out of the 373 construction, installation, operation, maintenance, use, termination, or removal by the Consentee 374 of the Consentee's Bridge and Roadway located on Reclamation lands and rights-of-way under 375 this Consent, provided, however, that if Reclamation and/or the District does not use the 376 payment to repair such damages, Reclamation and/or the District shall not recover additional 377 payment for such damages at the time of termination of this Consent. 378 379 (o) The Consentee shall not use the Premises or permit the use thereof for any purposes 380 except as set forth herein. 381 382 27. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: In use of the Premises, the Consentee shall faithfully observe 383 each of the following conditions: 384 385 (a) Any construction, Bridge and Roadway activity beyond the Premises is not 386 authorized by the United States, Reclamation, or this Consent. 387 388 (b) In the event the Consentee is not the underlying fee owner of the land encumbered by 389 Reclamation's rights-of-way, it shall be incumbent on the Consentee to secure permission of the 390 fee owner(s) for approval to enter upon, cross, or use the land, including the Reclamation 391 rights-of-way. 392 393 (c) The Consentee shall follow Reclamation's requirements for crossing of Reclamation 394 projects and facilities which are found in Reclamation's "Engineering and O&M Guidelines for 395 Crossings — Bureau of Reclamation Water Conveyance Facilities (Canals, Pipelines, and Similar 396 Facilities)" as described and depicted on Exhibit D, attached hereto and by this reference made a 397 part hereof. 398 Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 L • [ 11 399 (d) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, the Consentee obtains 400 any other State and Federal permits that may be required for construction of the Bridge and 401 Roadway. 402 403 (e) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, applicable 404 transportation standards are adhered to, including but not limited to, 1) installation of appropriate 405 and sufficient signage and markers at regular intervals on roadways and on the approach to and 406 along the Bridge, 2) ensure locations and types of vehicle barriers are sufficient to accommodate 407 vehicle usage/speeds, 3) confirm existing curbs are sufficient for redirecting errant vehicles, 408 and 4) confirm the Bridge and Roadway crossing will accommodate vehicle and equipment 409 geometry and loads. 410 411 (f) The Consentee acknowledges and agrees that if the condition of the Bridge and 412 Roadway are known to threaten the operation of a Reclamation facility, or the Bridge and 413 Roadway present an immediate danger to the public or operating personnel, Reclamation will 414 require the Consentee to immediately close the Bridge and Roadway and make necessary repairs 415 or replacements in a timeframe that is agreeable to both Reclamation and the Consentee. 416 417 (g) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, Canal flow capacity is 418 not reduced during and after construction as a result of the Bridge and Roadway installation and 419 that it will not adversely impact Canal operations, which includes upstream and downstream 420 conditions. 421 422 (h) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, the easement 423 boundary area for entire box culvert is depicted on the design plans to include a minimum offset 424 of 10 -feet from all edges of the proposed structural work. 425 426 (i) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, the diversion channel 427 flow calculations have adequate capacity to carry Canal flows without adversely impacting Canal 428 operations. 429 430 (j) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, Reclamation and 431 District projects and facilities, and Reclamation lands and waters, including the Canal, are 432 protected during the construction, installation, use, operation, maintenance, and termination 433 activities authorized herein. 434 435 (k) The Consentee shall be liable for any costs associated with repairs of Reclamation 436 and/or District facilities, structures, or project works of Reclamation if damaged during the 437 construction, installation, use, operation, maintenance, and termination activities authorized 438 herein. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 12 439 440 (1) The Consentee shall ensure that any disturbed banks on the Canal are stabilized in a 441 manner approved by Reclamation and the District prior to any construction. 442 443 (m) The Consentee shall protect all properties owned and/or previously permitted by 444 Reclamation within its lands and rights-of-way for the Canal. 445 446 (n) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, no material of any 447 kind is discharged into Reclamation and/or District facilities. 448 449 (o) The Consentee shall be solely responsible for, and ensure that, Reclamation and the 450 District have access to the Premises at all times during construction, installation, use, operation, 451 maintenance and termination activities of the Bridge, Roadway, and/or Reclamation facilities. 452 Nothing shall prevent Reclamation and/or the District from construction, operation, maintenance, 453 removal, expansion, improving, relocation and/or replacement of the Canal and/or Reclamation 454 facilities, or the delivery of water through these facilities. 455 456 (p) Any provider intending to install or construct any utilities and/or other improvements 457 on the Premises not specifically authorized by this Consent shall make separate application to 458 Reclamation and/or the District for authorization and right -of -use prior to any construction or 459 installation. 460 461 (q) Prior to commencing any construction activities, the Consentee shall obtain the 462 District's written approval and stipulations as indicated by the District's issuance of a 463 Construction Encroachment Permit to the Consentee and/or its contractor for the installation of 464 Consentee's Bridge and Roadway. Consentee shall ensure coordination with District prior to 465 commencing any construction or installation activity, and during all construction, installation, 466 operation, maintenance, replacement, repair and termination activities of the Consentee's Bridge 467 and Roadway within Reclamation's lands and/or Canal rights-of-way, including inspection as 468 required by Reclamation and/or the District during and after construction, and shall be conducted 469 in strict compliance with all stipulations as set forth in said Construction Encroachment Permit. 470 471 (r) The Consentee shall provide a construction schedule and seventy-two (72) hour 472 notice to Reclamation prior to the start of any construction activity. Said seventy-two (72) hour 473 notice shall be provided to Reclamation's Technical Support Office, Construction Services 474 Group Manager, Mr. Alex Belous, at telephone No. (928) 343-8314 and/or by electronic mail at 475 abelous @usbr.gov, so that a Reclamation Inspector can attend any pre -construction meetings and 476 be on-site during construction and installation activities. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 i 13 477 478 (s) The Consentee shall provide a construction schedule and seventy-two (72) hour 479 notice to the District prior to the start of any construction activity. Said seventy-two (72) hour 480 notice shall be provided to the District's Engineering Department, at telephone 481 No. (760) 398-2651 so that a District representative can attend any pre -construction meetings 482 and be on-site during construction and installation activities. 483 484 (t) Within ninety (90) calendar days of the completion of construction and installation of 485 the Consentee Bridge and Roadway, the Consentee shall furnish Reclamation and the District 486 each with as -built drawings depicting the location, elevation, dimensions, and depth of said 487 Bridge and Roadway, as installed. Said drawings shall be provided to Reclamation and the 488 District in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 format, or compatible, to include one (1) 11x17 sized set of 489 drawings, and electronic copy (CD) of the drawings. 490 491 (u) In case of emergency involving Reclamation's Canal, its lands and/or facilities, the 492 Consentee shall immediately notify Reclamation at telephone No. (928) 343-8100 and the 493 District at telephone No. (760) 398-2651. 494 495 (v) The Consentee shall restore and repair, if necessary, the Premises and surrounding 496 area to its original condition or improved and in a manner satisfactory to Reclamation and the 497 District. 498 499 (w) The Consentee acknowledges and agrees that Reclamation and/or the District may 500 require Consentee to close the Bridge and Roadway for maintenance activities with reasonable 501 advance notice to the Consentee, as determined by Reclamation and/or the District. 502 503 (x) The Consentee acknowledges and agrees that Reclamation and/or the District may 504 require Consentee to cease all use, operation and maintenance activities related to the Bridge and 505 Roadway, for project purposes related to the lands and rights-of-way, with reasonable advance 506 notice to the Consentee, as determined by Reclamation and/or the District. 507 508 (y) Reclamation and the District retain all rights previously reserved and the authority to 509 enter upon the Premises. 510 511 (z) Reclamation and the District maintain the right to require that Consentee remove the 512 Bridge and Roadway if deemed necessary for maintenance or related activities performed within 513 the Canal, lands and/or facilities. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 14 514 515 (aa) Any damage to the Consentee's Bridge and Roadway or their related features caused 516 by operation and maintenance activities of Reclamation and/or the District on project works 517 and/or facilities shall be the sole responsibility of the Consentee to repair and/or replace, and the 518 United States, Reclamation, and/or the District shall have no financial responsibility for any such 519 repairs and/or replacements. 520 521 (bb) The Consentee shall reimburse Reclamation and/or the District for any additional 522 costs incurred in the operation and maintenance of Reclamation and/or District facilities which 523 are attributable to the Consentee's Bridge and Roadway and their related features. 524 525 (cc) The Consentee hereby agrees to incur all costs, expenses, obligations, and duties to 526 restore the Consentee's Bridge and Roadway in the event Reclamation and/or the District 527 exercise their rights reserved herein. 528 529 (dd) Reclamation will accept no responsibility for the structural adequacy of the Bridge 530 and Roadway. Approval is based on the construction and installation of the Bridge and Roadway 531 only. 532 533 (ee) This authorization to use Reclamation's lands and rights-of-way shall not be 534 construed as a grant of any permanent ownership and/or interest or as abandonment by the 535 United States or Reclamation of any rights, including but not limited to, use and occupancy of 536 the Premises, and/or Reclamation's lands and rights-of-way. 537 538 (ff) All on-site personnel shall be personally instructed by Consentee regarding the 539 above -listed conditions. 540 541 GENERAL PROVISIONS 542 543 28. HOLD HARMLESS: 544 545 (a) Reclamation: The Consentee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless 546 Reclamation, its officers, employees, agents, and assigns, from any loss or damage and from any 547 liability on account of personal injury, property damage, or claims for personal injury or death 548 arising out of the Consentee's activities under this Consent. Additionally, except for acts of 549 negligence, the Consentee releases Reclamation, its officers, employees, agents, and assigns, 550 from any and all liability for damage arising from injury to persons or damage to structures, 551 equipment, improvements, or works of the Consentee resulting from the construction, 552 reconstruction, operation, or maintenance of any of the works of Reclamation. Provided, 553 however, that nothing contained in this clause shall be deemed to modify or limit any liability 554 which may be imposed by the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2671-2680. 555 Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 15 556 (b) District: The Consentee shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the District, its 557 officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns, from and against 558 all claims, costs, losses, damages, demands, liabilities, and expenses (including, but not limited 559 to, all fees and charges of attorneys and other professionals, and all court or arbitration or other 560 dispute resolution costs) of any kind or character arising out of or relating to: 561 562 (1) Any act or omission by the Consentee or its representatives, to include its 563 employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, or any other persons directly or indirectly 564 employed by any one of the foregoing, or reasonably under the control of any of the foregoing, 565 or for whose acts any of the foregoing may be liable (collectively, "Representatives"), in 566 connection with the rights granted to Consentee pursuant to this Consent; 567 568 (2) Any violation or alleged violation by the Consentee or its Representatives of 569 any law or regulation now or hereafter enacted; 570 571 (3) Any breach by Consentee of its obligations under this Consent; and 572 573 (4) Any enforcement by the District of any provision of this Consent; provided, 574 however, the foregoing indemnification shall not apply to the extent any claim is ultimately 575 established by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been caused by the gross negligence or 576 willful misconduct of the District, its officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, 577 successors, and assigns. 578 579 29. DISCOVERY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES: The Consentee shall immediately provide 580 a verbal notification to Reclamation of the discovery of any and all antiquities or other objects of 581 archaeological, cultural, historic, or scientific interest on or within the Premises. The Consentee 582 shall follow up with a written report of their finding(s) to Reclamation within forty-eight (48) 583 hours. Objects under consideration include but are not limited to historic or prehistoric ruins, 584 human remains, funerary objects, and artifacts discovered as a result of activities authorized 585 under this Consent. The Consentee shall immediately cease its activity in the area of the 586 discovery, make a reasonable effort to protect such discovery, and wait for written approval from 587 Reclamation before resuming activity. Protective and mitigative measures specified by 588 Reclamation shall be the responsibility of the Consentee. 589 590 30. CLEAN AIR AND WATER: The Consentee agrees as follows: 591 592 (a) To comply with all Federal, State, and local requirements of the Clean Air Act 593 of 1955, Pub. L. No. 84-159, 69 Stat. 322, as supplemented and amended (CAA), and the 594 Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948, Pub. L. No. 80-845, 62 Stat. 1155, as 595 supplemented and amended (CWA); and Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 16 596 597 (b) To obtain written permission from Reclamation prior to conducting any activities that 598 require permits, plans, or certificates under the CAA or the CWA; and 599 600 (c) To provide Reclamation with a copy of any correspondence between the Consentee 601 and any regulatory agency concerning CAA or CWA compliance, including but not limited to 602 copies of permit applications, permits, reports, notices of violation, or enforcement actions; and 603 604 (d) To take immediate and effective action to correct any violation related to the CAA or 605 the CWA. The Consentee shall provide Reclamation with a narrative description of the 606 violation, the actions taken by the Consentee, the date the violation began, the date that the 607 Consentee became aware of the violation, and the date that the Consentee returned to 608 compliance; and 609 610 (e) To take action to comply with any changes to the CAA and the CWA within the 611 schedule required by the regulation, rule, or guidance. 612 613 31. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: During the performance of any activity on the Premises, the 614 Consentee agrees as follows: 615 616 (a) The Consentee shall not allow contamination or pollution of lands, waters, facilities, 617 and/or project works of Reclamation for which the Consentee has the responsibility for care, 618 operation, and maintenance by its Representatives and shall take reasonable precautions to 619 prevent such contamination or pollution by third parties. Substances causing contamination or 620 pollution shall include but are not limited to hazardous materials, thermal pollution, refuse, 621 garbage, sewage effluent, industrial waste, petroleum products, mine tailings, mineral salts, 622 misused pesticides, pesticide containers, or any other pollutants. 623 624 (b) The Consentee shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, 625 regulations, ordinances, Executive Orders, and Reclamation Laws, policies, and directives and 626 standards, existing or hereafter enacted or promulgated, concerning any hazardous material that 627 will be used, produced, transported, stored, or disposed of on or in Reclamation lands, waters, 628 facilities, and/or project works. 629 630 (c) "Hazardous material" shall mean any substance, pollutant, or contaminant listed as 631 hazardous under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability 632 Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601-9675 (2012), and the regulations promulgated 633 pursuant to that Act. 634 635 (d) Upon discovery of any event which may or does result in contamination or pollution 636 of Reclamation lands, waters, facilities, and/or project works, the Consentee shall initiate 637 emergency measures to protect health and safety and the environment if necessary and shall Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 r 17 638 provide notice of such discovery with full details of the actions to Reclamation's Environmental 639 Planning and Compliance Group Manager at telephone No. (928) 343-8100. Additionally, all 640 spills regardless of size shall be reported to Reclamation's Environmental Planning and 641 Compliance Group Manager. Such notice shall be within a reasonable time period but not to 642 exceed twenty-four (24) hours from the time of discovery if it is an emergency, and the first (1st) 643 working day if it is a non -emergency. An emergency is any situation that requires immediate 644 action to reduce or avoid endangering public health and safety or the environment. 645 646 (e) Violation of any of the provisions of this Article, upon which the Consentee does not 647 take immediate corrective action, shall constitute grounds for termination of this Consent and 648 shall make the Consentee liable for the cost of the full and complete remediation and/or 649 restoration of any resources, lands, waters, projects and/or facilities of Reclamation that are 650 adversely affected as a result of the violation. 651 652 (f) The Consentee agrees to include the provisions contained in paragraphs (a) through 653 (e) of this Article in any entered subcontract or third -party contract authorized by this Consent. 654 655 (g) Reclamation agrees to provide information necessary to the Consentee for using 656 reasonable diligence to comply with the provisions of this Article. 657 658 32. PESTICIDES: In use of the Premises: 659 660 (a) The Consentee shall not permit the use of any pesticides on lands, waters, facilities, 661 or project works of Reclamation without prior written authorization from Reclamation. The 662 Consentee shall submit to Reclamation for approval an Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) 663 thirty (30) days prior to pesticide application. 664 665 (b) All pesticides used shall be in accordance with the current registration, label 666 direction, or other directives regulating their use (State Department of Agriculture, Department 667 of Ecology, OSHA, etc.) and with applicable Reclamation policy and directives and standards. 668 Applicators will meet applicable State training or licensing requirements. Records maintenance 669 shall be in accordance with State requirements and furnished to Reclamation no later than 670 five (5) working days after application of a pesticide. 671 672 (c) Any equipment, tools, and machines used for pesticide application shall be in good 673 repair and suitable for such use. Equipment shall be calibrated prior to the spraying season and 674 as deemed necessary by Reclamation. 675 676 (d) Mixing, disposal, and cleaning shall be done where pesticide residues cannot enter 677 storm drains, sewers, or other non -target areas. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 18 678 679 (e) The Consentee shall initiate any necessary measures for containment and clean up of 680 pesticide spills. Spills shall be reported to Reclamation with full details of the actions taken. 681 Reporting must be made within a reasonable time period. A reasonable time period means 682 within twenty-four (24) hours of the spill if it is an emergency or by the first (1st) working day if 683 it is a non -emergency. An emergency is any situation that requires immediate action to reduce or 684 avoid endangering public health and safety or the environment. 685 686 (f) Aerial application of pesticides is prohibited without prior written authorization from 687 Reclamation. 688 689 (g) The Consentee agrees to include the provisions contained in paragraphs (a) through 690 (f) of this Article in any entered subcontract or third -party contract authorized by this Consent. 691 692 33. NONDISCRIMINATION: The Consentee hereby agrees as follows: 693 694 (a) To comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, § 601, Pub. L. No. 88-352, 695 78 Stat. 241, as supplemented and amended, which provides that "[n]o person in the 696 United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from 697 participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any 698 program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance," and to be bound by the regulations of 699 the Department of the Interior for the effectuation thereof, as set forth in 43 CFR § 17 (2016). 700 For purposes of this subpart, "Federal financial assistance" shall have the meaning prescribed to 701 it by 43 CFR § 17.202(h) (2016). 702 703 (b) To comply with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, § 504, Pub. L. No. 93-112, 704 87 Stat. 355, as supplemented and amended, which is designed to eliminate discrimination on the 705 basis of disability in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. For purposes 706 of this subpart, "Federal financial assistance" shall have the meaning prescribed to it by 707 43 CFR § 17.12(e) (2016). 708 709 (c) To comply with the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as supplemented and amended, 710 42 U.S.C. §§ 6101-6107, and the general age discrimination regulations at 45 CFR § 90 (2016) 711 which are designed to prohibit discrimination on the basis of age in programs and activities 712 receiving Federal financial assistance, as set forth in 43 CFR § 17 (2016). For purposes of this 713 subpart, "Federal financial assistance" shall have the meaning prescribed to it by 714 43 CFR § 17.303(h) (2016). 715 716 (d) To obligate its subcontractors, subgrantees, transferees, successors in interest, or any 717 other participates receiving Federal financial assistance hereunder, to comply with the 718 requirements of these provisions. 719 Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 19 720 34. NOTICES: Any notice, demand, authorization, or request required to be made or given 721 herein shall be served via hand delivery, with signed receipt of acceptance, or by certified mail 722 addressed to the respective addresses given herein and the hand delivery or mailing of any such 723 notice properly enclosed, addressed, stamped, and certified, shall be considered service. 724 725 (a) Any notice, demand, authorization, or request required by this Consent to be made or 726 given to or upon Reclamation, or the United States, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be 727 deemed properly given or made if hand delivered or mailed postage -prepaid, to the Area 728 Manager, Yuma Area Office, Bureau of Reclamation, 7301 Calle Agua Salada, Yuma, Arizona 729 85364. 730 731 (b) Any notice, demand, authorization, or request required by this Consent to be made or 732 given to or upon the District shall be deemed properly given or made if hand delivered or mailed 733 postage -prepaid, to the General Manager, Coachella Valley Water District, P.O. Box 1058 or 734 51-501 Tyler Street, Coachella, California 92236. 735 736 (c) Any notice, demand, authorization, or request required by this Consent to be made or 737 given to or upon the Consentee shall be deemed properly given or made if hand delivered or 738 mailed postage -prepaid, to City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 739 92253. 740 741 (d) The designation of the person to or upon whom any notice, demand, authorization, or 742 request is to be given or made, or the address of any such person, may be changed at any time by 743 notice given in the same manner as provided in this Article for other notices. 744 745 35. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT: No member of or delegate to Congress or Resident 746 Commissioner, and no officer, agent, or employee of the Department of the Interior, shall be 747 admitted to any share or part of this Consent or to any benefit that may arise herefrom, but this 748 restriction shall not be construed to extend to this Consent if made with a corporation or 749 contractor for its general benefit. 750 751 36. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES: The Consentee warrants that no person or 752 agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this Consent upon an agreement or 753 understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide 754 employees or bona fide established agencies maintained by the Consentee for the purpose of 755 securing business. For breach or violation of this warranty, Reclamation shall have the right to 756 annul this Consent without liability or in its discretion to require the Consentee to pay, in 757 addition to the right -of -use consideration, the full amount of such commission, percentage, 758 brokerage, or contingent fee. 759 760 37. ILLEGAL USE: Any activity deemed to be illegal on Reclamation lands, waters, project 761 works, or facilities, shall be cause for immediate termination of this Consent. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 20 762 763 38. EFFECT OF CONSENT: This Consent sets forth the intention of the parties hereto as to 764 the purposes set forth herein and Reclamation, makes no other claim or warranty, expressed or 765 implied, as to its extent or validity. 766 767 39. NO WARRANTY: Reclamation makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the extent 768 or validity of the grant contained herein. 769 770 40. FURTHER ASSURANCES: The parties hereto shall execute, acknowledge, and deliver 771 such other instruments and documents as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the full 772 intent and purpose of this Consent. 773 774 41. ARTICLE HEADINGS: The Article headings referenced in this Consent are included for 775 convenience only and the parties intend that they shall be disregarded in interpreting this 776 Consent. 777 778 42. EXHIBITS: Except as otherwise provided herein, all exhibits attached to this Consent are 779 incorporated into this Consent by reference herein and made a part hereof. 780 781 43. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: This Consent is personal, revocable, and nontransferable 782 and except as otherwise provided herein, shall not be construed as granting to the Consentee any 783 permanent right, title, or interest in the Premises, facilities, or project works of Reclamation. 784 This Consent shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and/or assigns of 785 the parties hereto; provided, however, that no assignment or transfer of any of the rights of the 786 Consentee hereunder shall be made without the prior written consent of Reclamation. 787 788 44. SEVERABILITY: Each provision of this use authorization shall be interpreted in such a 789 manner as to be valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this use authorization shall be 790 deemed or determined by competent authority to be invalid or prohibited hereunder, such 791 provision shall be ineffective and void only to the extent of such invalidity or prohibition, but 792 shall not be deemed ineffective or invalid as to the remainder of such provision or any other 793 remaining provisions, or of the use authorization as a whole. Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 21 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed their names to this CONSENT AGREEMENT which shall become effective the day and year first above written. THE UNIT By: STATES OF AMER CA Christopher . Wallis Chief, Resource Management Office Yuma Area Office Interior Region 8: Lower Colorado Basin Bureau of Reclamation United States Department of the Interior Date: I //1/0-0,1 ACCEPTANCE: CITY OF LA QUINTA By: Title: - Date: `7)242) .Q'Lk CONCURRENCE: COAC : 'VALLEY WATER DISTRICT By: J. . :arrett Title: General Manager Date: S ` zc7 j Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California j County of "1�f ec-sk OnT \ 26, ?-0 M before me, i IAkk Zo VG'IQ } ip�[){> ()AVc, V (Here insert name and title of t 'ic officer) personally appeared atr\ AACM l 4 tiLV) 22 who personally proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal. Signature of Notary Public Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 NICHOLE ROI&&NE Notary Rublft • California Riverside County Commission k 2312710 My Comm. Expires Nov 16, 2023 (Notary Seal) CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the interest in real property conveyed by the Consent dated July 26, 2021, from U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, OWNER, ("Area Manager"), to the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation and charter city ("Consentee"), is hereby accepted by order of the CITY OF LA QUINTA pursuant to Government Code §27281 and authority conferred by Resolution No. 2012-008, adopted by the Consentee's City Council on April 17, 2012, and Consentee hereby consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: July 26, 2021 By: CONSENTEE: CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation and charter city Name/Title: Jon McMillen, City Manager City of La Quinta, California I HEREBY ATTEST to the authenticity of the foregoing signature and to the adoption of the said Resolution of his general authority to so act and certify that said authority has not been revoked by a subsequent Resolution or order of the City. DATED: July 26, 2021 By: Name/Title: Nichole Romane, Deputy City Clerk City of La Quinta, California NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document State of California County of Riverside On July 26, 2021, before me, NICHOLE ROMANE, Notary Public, personally appeared JON McMILLEN who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the forgoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Consent No. 19-07-34-L1957 (SEAL) NiCHOLE ROMANE Notary public • California Riverside County Commission N 2312710 My Comm. Expires Nov lb, 2023 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of I�ioeQ3 3e. On f , p]-4,al before me, 23 {�[l q.slo +n o• \}As 0 u-kZ-, NQS 94kio 0 (Here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared S - f < �•�-kT who personally proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal. C \ • J 6 at (Notary Seal) Signature f Votary Public Contract No. 19-07-34-L1957 M. YOLANDA VASQUEZ Notary Public — California Riverside County Commission # 2223496 My Comm. Expires Dec 26, 2021 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AREA OF USE AREA OF USE In the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, that portion of that certain parcel shown as "N.A.P. — All American Canal" on Parcel Map No. 37207 as shown by a map filed in Book 242 of Parcel Maps, Pages 72 through 87, inclusive, in the office of the County Recorder of said county, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of Parcel 16 of said Parcel Map No. 37207; thence along the south line of said Parcel 16, North 89°53'06" East, 123.97 feet; thence leaving said south line, South 00°06'54" East, 130.00 feet to the north line of Parcel 14 of said Parcel Map; thence along the north line of said Parcel 14 and Parcels 'C' and 9 of said Parcel Map, South 89°53'06" West, 202.20 feet; thence leaving said north line, North 00°06'54" West, 130.00 feet to the south line of Parcel 8 of said Parcel Map; thence along the south line of said Parcel 8 and Parcel `B' of said Parcel Map, North 89°53'06" East, 78.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EASEMENT AREA CONTAINING 26,286 square feet, more or less. AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. SUBJECT TO all Covenants, Rights, Rights -of -Way and Easements of Record. This legal description and accompanying plat were prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Professional Land Surveyors Act. ,mad, Christopher L. Alberts, PLS 8508 5/13/2020 Date Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT A CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 PARCEL 8 PM 37207 PM 242/72-87 -S. LINE PCL 8 ALL AMERICAN CANAL 0 -N. LINE PCL. 9 LEGEND CENTERLINE LOT LINE — - - — RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT AREA = ±26,286 S.F \ N00°06'54"W 130.00' EXHIBIT "B" - MAP AREA OF USE PARCEL 16 PM 37207 PM 242/72-87 N89°53'06"E 202,20' 123.97' S89°53'06"W 202.20 PARCEL 9 PM 37207 PM 242/72-87 Ln� roc" 0 N � Wa G -57; \ LOCATED IN POR. OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S., R.7E., S.B.M. FS. LINE / PCL. 16 0 r� u) u� \\-N. LINE PCL. 14 PARCEL 14 PM 37207 PM 242/72-87 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 Palm Desert, CA 92211 phone: 760-346-7481 www.mbakerintl.com EXHIBIT B CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 File: C:\Users\tacy.southard\Desktop\145386-SilverRock\Canal Box Esmt\154969-EXF I-013-CLO.OUT 4/20/2020, 5:15:32PM MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL JOB ID : 154969 DATE 04/20/2020 AT 17:15:32 FILE NAME : C:\Users\tacy.southard\Desktop\145386-SilverRock\Canal Box Esmt\154969-EXH-013-CLO. TRV TRAVERSE OF : CANAL BOX EASEMENT BEARING N 89-53-06.00 E S 00-06-54.00 E S 89-53-06.00 W N 00-06-54.00 W N 89-53-06.00 E DISTANCE NORTHING STARTING AT 2186438.7761 123.97 TO 2186439.0249 130.00 TO 2186309.0252 202.20 TO 2186308.6194 130.00 TO 2186438.6191 78.23 TO 2186438.7761 ERROR OF CLOSURE NORTH = 0.0000000 BEARING N 90-00-00.00 E AREA = 26286.0 SF 0.6034 PERIMETER = 664.4000 EASTING 6554311.0504 6554435.0201 6554435.2810 6554233.0815 6554232.8205 6554311.0504 TRAV # 1 PT # 4000 PT # 4001 PT # 4002 PT # 4003 PT # 4004 PT # 4000 EAST = 0.0000000 DISTANCE = 0.0000 ACRES Page: 1 EXHIBIT B CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 LOCATION MAP - y .f:aJ CILVERP.(:F',K V/AY I/IGLIGt 1.01 AE!' i.1n '• TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS 112 1.4 [30 V T REFERENCE DATA Qi [YID EA•LOIN 1303 RELIC 21¢112 FCR 030201 WATER x0 `/111737101 l5 RA PAS YAP ]1201 RB 242/72-67 ® 112 P. E / an 1410012 PR Pum Yu 37207, Re 241/72-67 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 37207 KING A 9WlVlsl4! OF PNWIIS 04, 11215114. 1022- 11214014. A' THAW 'E , 10191414E ND I. TROUGH •Y% 11211511£ OF PARCEL YIP /0..67 12R MP FILED IN KO( 224, PALES 24 ORM. J9. 1121,111, IF PAROL YIPS- IN TK OTT. OF 1F COURT RE ER 0111.SIDE LOOM. STATE OF CLL11.941A LOWED WITHIN SECT!. 5.6.718 NL 9, TORNIIP 6 SOAR RAY. 7 EAST. S B Y., IN TIE CITY OT IA 4INTA. IUM, Cr RIVIXSIDE. STATE Cr [ALIA.. FAMOUS PER PR LIYINNO TITLE RORAT 9¢,23006604-564, PREPARED N FIDELITY 1,71021 T1TIE occas oc IMPNrc, w1m 6/24/2016 DAMP GICS. .1..17 TITLE To EATER, 2 O7 62 197 wr 01D BY 111 RKEERE0(MET01ET EC 1 LOCOED FRIA IMMO 03111017) IIAIG4TIW 103901 • VALID HATER DISTRICT ADD. Au 922]6 1-7L0-398-263,1 .A114/1CL COMIC. C.EMEET WATER DISTRICT AVEN1-52 X599-26519 2236 SOIIHR!1111016113 US Wm, 1981 MONA ROLA., CA 9217. 1-891-427-2203 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA4 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SILVERROCK RESORT - PHASE 2 COACHELLA BRANCH OF THE ALL-AMERICAN CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS LOCATED WITHIN SE 1/4 OF SECTION 8, T6S, R7E, S.B.M. PARCEL MAP NO. 37207 17k SEE SHEET 3 f - 0 O,S, 770-.'00-02500770-X4026 I FGFND TRFF . AS NAM SW. P. 5FR114S, CA 92262 I -e03 -121-81M OUTRAN TRAN .73 AO. 45 1.0. LA 97201 COACHELLA BRANCH OF ALL-AMERICAN CANAL SHEET INDEX MAP DRAWING REFtfitNCE TABLE • ETA.-• • Mk 521 051 -. P2221 79014* 2103.. rna.1fEa.0 cso 1r&12914y:134 TO 111. 441.x.11 .. - lo. -.9 Lonsr VA rim-' FBAs 5177-2.42 sra91.e 22.1. - . , . r44.7,r44.7,..4 :14.241,21-2 OS., r .:• -'. 4114952 Nora 4210 T1P1EL Eltms :n aw+v-.. 03.14.1,:•1,3AC uti.40]03.2 1 C120- TYPIC. IT/LEM:T112 r 2742 .w 202194 v 1022-4, 903 -71ul rvl1 Oce 11 003 .. E+1.11 e224.11... 4 11113.1 512544201 045421.9 lD E,-. .. 5r 3. 1EO c,GL- 1. COAD -14 91... R n.E% 776-150-019 TEO. ]6-15-05 p(I stat uAJOR rnrt01W r7-060-0]9, -0611-016, 777-00-052.77iW-OS 1600131 777-04.4161, ] 11KW4777-06U069 EXISTING 11113 CONTWR -77.17714,004 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR ELEGTRILLL IY4RI& !RELATION DISTRICT 81-600 E 5B LA GUINEA. 92211 PROPOSED NINOR CONTOUR EXISTII. WATER EX II. IRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM DRAIN EXISTING SEWER 401450 VON ;sus FRCP,. SEWER PROPOSED DATER EX1Sr NG CURB PRWOA.D CUM 5 FRITTER RIGHT -OF -MAY SIC S11LITr G4EWQAI PROPERTY LITE ...OLE S.N. LINIT Of KOK SMUT CORO RAI, STREET L NT -455 ,54 JEFFERSON STREET AB9RVlAT1ON'S - _ - .2102; [r• s2*TT:x 71,7•,2 • ' 4 21113103- of SURA Y1 -- In41114 404 - -EGP(Ol0 ❑25 44149.1 1,.C-- IoFr.L .7•0o1.4 • - 102741. 222191001 (00,20 -PR {1117. 1.1.1 RS -114,1 20 1101.0.40 5.520 FC -- •P4 `1120 5(104• 07.531E ✓ 1 •• .r 12»2*. O -.51.11 04 10. TIS. sip 1..72a -40114.t Ir {w2,41UF.i 1455, • mint [i 14L4711 5EF6- ^rOE • I-- 7.311/ 1] Bari. uur1xr4rc.3 Y•6. 416- mEE122 -_ TSF.Ef• SAS - NATO 4.4.,E - 511714 '41.24 24.1 - 9n501 CO - --211 ri• ass TI m E9 11044237E (:r•- 154-i-.1.1-42.47 DJs - 9073211: (0 •^ (40 9 CF22 ▪ E:::'TI:G EA IDE EP E1\. o P4 4a.cro CIL C,GE -- FSI N. Eo1_a .E OE E `0 •••••21145143 XRKE EL -- •ACL 117E -+40•.^01131 --V3 APPLICANT PREPARER 41.2405 24034 11110054112544. 712-4155 ous 753.10 203.111/ 11704 9011E, 9114E 420 LO 001411. G 03059 ruL R�E2t, G D1244 1061, ]24347 EMC 149374112 O11001 N. 910220 B.O.R. SITE INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS: 1106! RISER.Es THE R.1I TO HAW A RPRESENTAIT. CN-LTECONSTRUCTION AGUITES AND DU 05Hc W G1.ENT F. 0.51.CTGNE AT RTES LEAST A 71TS FACILITES SE PP1O4 1 ¢/w awls-DF-wnr. swam.. Bas nnATS5 511 BE PRDvom off 5TE WRNC c05TNCn01 Amor REOAWTON REYAKS TNnwOC11T 10 CONDUCT GUNNY AS/DRAKE TESDIC BERM E244.5727.12 nu L7024. 66014/.' 4020241 061110101 PROJECT ENGINEER RECO...HUD' DIRECTOR OF ENGNEERING [_ 0tics"J11-x 1 1, -Tr! ..y 1 TOLL YRE>= 11,111111: GI. BENCHMARK _= E I'•-1-":31 1 _ 101124.341 :TwCE.•1.7.-•+ µi!.1 IT h4 RI41L1.11E N 1':[.Tw10 9. X20 j1F3- .N [•151. M d9;31227.7,74 (L{411.124r 19121,!194 42.30492 4. },9A 10®0111 RY3rISC. '03501, BASIS OF BEARINGS: Tw Kum. 940111101 11PE&YO TRH TIE IFw11. 07,I541E 066-7101, 45 M. Ears 6. AS 4TEFAII LOCALLY BY U0 LITE) 510N V 57071061011017. CV. (44911 NO Dulaff TIE [1217 (0101. 101.17005 PER IYTI OEOEIIC 9F2T, 1.53. 1.311011.0) 21 AS STUN CN TFE [EMETIC ,1. DATA 9EEI5 06114 10160 WEST D. - 1 NTERN ATIO NAL wm 419nmll 7ID#k-141 .46a.,cllrRla 12•11 BB 99,11.10342 11ECITSI 1ACIMIWW(11, CV Win WE TOULON. COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE 2 - PM NQ 37207 COVER SHEET [01103 lr.T.i1.i AE•12l y, Ozrla >_ 101, 019 14-Y SHEET 14 9 3 717 OF LA OUSITA ci O z 0 z O O m ea X I_ eacri AA� AN: iIt 'f• VERT: [ - 4. .IvoToZ, 1E MOM. rtxr.l L 25 -LT: 25fST. GL— -ucala�l�c• - II 121 IIOc.LAo1. :llicm[`J 470 48+00 SILVERROCK WAY (PUBLIC) RM1 WORMY LIDIERSICH SEE SFEET GAOL SIMICTLRE SEE .N -EEE 3 8 O1.Rl9 RI altar* rU. R EVA. 11 U C-aC-311-16111.-1111, fi11W E -31.1I-.1 4 SEE SHEET 5 OF STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL STREET INFORMATION NOT SHOWN HEREON tifsJ TEELPHOIE: 811 ant BENCHMARK CITY OF LA WINTA 89 Io 45O ELEVATIC11 = 3 213 (iIZv7) 1/:' CLWERNELO 101AENT STAVTEO -LS - SA' LANE 61 IED fIPEFYI E[NEE1. TO (DTA PROTECT E oDCIELEVAT Int; DC. ELRATICH=5 6)(1.192) BASIS OF BEARINGS. DE RNID. 999100894 Ac B 4088E 0[ [8.18 NIIA 81801M9 S051p, G^.18. Abl 1. 4 11xµ8 DT 'DE I,CE' DNf 0198108 u DM% i800I 94 REN-TJD ]0l8J. It41117961I1g 1.11R1r COT. 81T088. 10 3. 0pw 0811.081 AI 08893 M !C 9411VJ1 DEUE118911. DED.17131 EN81 KEz 10,4.1..1-104 %LW Cf JAN 2.44 Michael Baker INET EER�NATIONAL O�L0 OA111IMAM Row 91013 011 •1/NSfIWILWI HA • 4440* ®4E5E4am 004: F'E 01 1,1514Yel 141 .717 111.4 6 11 [:115 rrVRT$R [, IC 2.1 B.O.R. SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: MOM M ME MINT TO NAMEA Rm1ImN: ITADON-. OOINIG CON1M1 CONSTRUCTED AUNTIES ANO NLL KU. AT (FAST A R-NOYR NO. PRM TO /tE coY1rS- FNT Of cmSRRA11m A1N116 m ITS 811 0 CS 01.09 80 90/081 MgNS-OI-YAV.. PERILAIbI PF➢NESENTAMES SHALL DE PROM= ACCESS TO HE SIZE DUI. CmSIRLCTEN ACIDITY. KW.. NEVES 111E RCNT TO cUOLCT W9N1' ASLW ML 1ESTNO gNOO WSWIKnw ACT... �NrR 48M C 401t0.NL 1391011331 PI1ECH _. DATE MPR II1F [111 FRAMIEACWINCFEMHX,HNE V tlE1911N COACHELLA CANAL IMIPROVEMENE PLANS SILVERROCK RFSORE, PHASE 2 - PM NO. MOT SILVERROCK WAY / MORS 263111 •[1>I. 1:1_ 4,$4n1r e 1 CITY OF LA OEANEA SHEEET c, 14 x1424 tluk IL �(.e.mremrf. _ ..ting- 1X11 rusre• 11911 969 ROT. El.r. 11.1.9E 15-9 9199.11.1 3�b N GN 4� - ETR. OWN1 DIST. NAL . WWI INILAX mee 14 1' PM � OF Li CENTERUN PROFILE IDOCIDLL PHITECI III PUD: 8373 6372 6371 6370 6369 R 104401014¢ 4101111 tlAd ~U. . Nairn RIESS 0040 (01011 • flas 00•10 m1DR+.4 r . 9219910 IltiErk1>r I4mi111.0 a 99.9:94r.uI AMID nYll0FW 9fl 1 C -JF 4 -AI- 011In T-3H01,N 11. R1i Gds ��..yy ODT11.91 RN 9Crt 41 w ."."4'."."4'."."4'0 9 • .. r =7,227211'.— . ___ 7 1 _ ,41100011 =UN, =- AKIN LIRA FEKS COACHELLA BRANCH OF THE ALL BENCHMARK DID Cc LA C.A:sTA L+11r2 4a r RCb.11,j " Ca-TT1,A.KNT ELATED -LS - D crO[04M l Alae ] r 4070 .19127040 001101.- . k u 011 194E 14 Ntl 111092+01 DYED TOLL 11ICC 11114114, 01 TO 1010110001(0011110114014 ra ws'a D 11 41 .z1E401 M..1:' !{f+1 ELE11111716 5 117 O 11 OL AI C BASIS OF BEARINGS: TIE ..921. OORI I.E. A£ BAE➢ TRH OC CALIFWIA CCO MATE 5154414- ¢5 d]- 0041 6, AS 5141400 L LOCALLY BY TIE 111E 101 40110 110416 LA WINTA MMOS(490)AM 911rEff TIC 111 (101.1, (P1 11vs 920 MU11 Q10ETIC 9MEY. MAW. ENM 2011 CO)I AS WIN CH TLEMTIOML 0:1941411 9.1'4119PLALIOED DATA SETS EHG ICBM 40.1,20.20- BEST IRLDTM I: C� 11 Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 11-110GRATIFTWORTA ST. 1M Da. CA 4l Mew E5011146.0411.141124000111rnl AME'ICAN CANAL 4&111.019110 J CONSTRUCTION NOTES_ Qi 101E11 IN 014E 41x11110 1111010100 ITEM Q 10,1001 Ds. lo• 011. 9' 1141 IGH 110 worts 90.1 M 94111 ID Q Cn6TR.C1 BAWD RI.. 00 DETAILS 9010 M OEM' 11 Q4 COGAU En sc1101 0a mac o. aET M QCM017997 OUT 040/1100 TETAIL'4 011AN M 99.411 ©11COISTFACT STIP LIM. 1011GROOMRD DETAILS 914 M SED IT 1 O- MO SETS CR STD' CADET ORT PER IHET W TOE PAW. BY CCM.. Q 010111X.4 01167 ANL 40 .0141111111141404 091 104411 '1 941e1 M 9104 11 Qe 1101411941NIEIUM 4004144 441E 00 MO 510 41. Pa 041 DEMOLITION NOTES Oi 11001. MUTE 410 DISK. Cr EXIST IH 110 CANAL [10110 LINE TABLE 1cr999;5L14 X140 101 .19011191011IN•I f — 1.11070; B -OA, SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: Fµ[UrA.1 FE�1£s ME [.r To HALE A DOMMLITATHE 0H -SITE DURAS ADDAMS AND ML REWIRE AT EAST A 72 -HOA ROME Pool TO TIE CO4bttIMOR a COKIH1CTI01 ACTINTES ON ITS CACE11ES, DADS SEH/DR RMTs0,11.. RECLAIM. POLOESOITA.4C5 9uu E PRO .ID ACCESS TO 0 51 DOM CP9ILAKTU1 AC THF [WALM ASMITANCE TC TATS WRD.. COISTMCDCN ACTION i 1P.. 9 SILVERROCK WAY (nElc) :5 7 DEMOLITION PLAN Waal, MVO OF 0E AL- 4OICAN DOA NOTE: ADTH TO SIL11-011 1( 111 SIP_RT 11199Nmeg PDX EM 1041}Ar CLr6TRc1I0I, corm.. T! 019 4 11100 919311M ON4'. 2'l 111[0 14t 00..44 000 49 14[14419' � Cy 11401010 RECOMMENDED INRI Cr.9 CF ENW.LRt14 DA APPR N➢rtGETaL1.0f11'h MITT IF IINHYoT, N1TIFlFO1Y % COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT. PHASE 2 - PM NO. T/207 COACHELLA BRANCH OF THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL STA 6370032 91 TO STA 6371+05.11 SHEET 4 1EEr CITY Of LA MANTA CIL 30• 26 18 14 10 STALE: 1201 COFFER OARS 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 B •.iyALL NTS B.O.R. SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS' RE0A ADPI *0100111 THE MIT TO HOE A RS11 1TAP10 OT -SIE NANO 00 DE ACTRIES ANO MNL KOOK AT LEAST A R -HOA NOTICE IRON TO TIE L9Y[MaFRT E CONSTRUCTION ACUITIES M 111 FACL11E5. LANDS ANO/OR Pog11-OF-MAY. RECUWIIW MFRRIDIlAT1£S SILL BE FRONDED ACCESS TO TIE SE MINK CONSIRUCNN AMITY. RECLAMATION RETIRES 410472 T TO COATUCT WARTY ASSURANCE 1Ef1NG WONG N6TINCINN r DIVERSION CHANNEL \ \ AN .,'' E. PAR b0.: 31(07, 031871Z77.3-33 �milETI.Tr4 E 14(04[ 4000006 RI T 39.W PER BOU � PROJECT Susails PMK*LC.c..L10 0AIFRAO1-1111. MNAAMARNII"0%.._ 0 wl 05 EEEG,91u'Ex,Oe - - — - ,EAP COROFDAM - • ro ;A_ H10N 25FF[N134. . j•—.1:470T-733% "tR.'z-371'a- F __ - 001011x1 301;151,1-- - r, / C01;1A111i �pw11GT=' //Jf 0401P.'[aT5-00 02.1114 n.c 10,) 1000TH •Ly _ i 1. _G — �N _ Mk 0 6 4.4 .,rte"eV& ., tl 44- Pe --- �' ate:: eb(I� :. im 1.µ51i1. L. Le I I I 150..E 1001+61 "a /-EXCT. • - `1001SK . -60 -p W..0(1M O INER..1E1 040+01. . .t' 1(333 It W 447.010 0544'40 DOM, 054111 5_m DA SEL --1044• COAcHELIA BRANCH OF TIME A La4MERICAN CANAL 1 5)vL1. UIlbI ' I fo721.To as�r [110) [o eJlh•I 6370+00.00 TYPICAL SECTION NEEE»E0 P17E4 NAPS }5 . - 4117\07 4141 'A•'-• 01 STREET 144.L1010.61 PUN EF W4V,01e ta. BENCHMARK CIlY 6LA WUNA BI FDIU LEvfinnn � EI6 Rev:1) Eg-Ea TEVIEAA6E61r.TAM'Ls-5w' 5L. 2.11 �CENIE NE 01001 CTIIXI 6 TO TOTAIN CT E0EVAr1nf N:1OYC'E 0311.11, ADO 0 116 13E44710. LEVAT TOG SINN ELEVATIO1=. D,.(.A. •.) BASIS OF BEARINGS: DEEARIF6 WRY IERCYN ABE BASRI 11 ➢ IE CALIFORNIA ®AUNTIE STD.. ILS N. IDE B. AS 77411 6 L LOCALLY BT DE LIFE BETEDI 140 STATIO6 U 0010). (MORS0010 (0491) 00 CURE E 11E DESERT 451. (AS11IO6 PFR WRAY1 EMETIC DRAT. MM. EMI 2011 CO) AS SON TE NATIO. EIDETIC SLR. 11619[0 DATA BEETS BEM YOADI 10'16.30 -ID BEST Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 75.1100••11.15..6.100 *L Me, dml1 mss.. 5A.Q.111.104 CONSTRUCTION NOTES Ql CCSTNUCT TELtt0MY DIVERSION CARMEL 1.5I SIDE SLOPES III/PVC 1411 (40 Liu. SEE SHEET 6 FOR DETAILS 00016TR.CT 101POART SAID BAG COFFERDAM 1010011 06 PLAN 0 PROTECT IN PUCE Q CONSTRUCT DIVERSROI CHMMEL TRANSITION AND 50001T TO 14157110 CANAL 14NTIM PER DETAILS CH SHEET LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE S 9E.SC4•TRy701 MARLINS 4131R1 T01m11 N 1 1 .4' P. m -- 00.00' 45-:D 71 17 — xi.l 4 P4'400 E —....Yr._ . SH•blia! 1N11Ft 0A004?Y.6PSW= H. 1 01 v• *0071.0 wAawC CHECKED• 5011• RECOAN E C NNEEt 01&0[0, 0441101 Ax 131Fr1EEA30 0Ec N0. RIE YIELD LAOOEIA OMR rb111OW.CAME 'DUMDUM". COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCN RESORT, PHASE 2 - PM NO. 37207 DIVERSION CHANNEL PLAN/PROFILE 17CM,LO 01.,4111 00 LIMn 0.1)11, a. IFR. IA; -. R L. •• CRY OF LA OIIINTA SHEET 000E m. p I iIFEMGEE Fnis 33.,33.NOT OaM_IV1_ COACHELLA BRANCH OF = THE Mi. -AMERICAN CANAL IP11016,156 _ COACHELLA BRANCH OF — THE ALL -AMERICA CANAL 1 PENET FENCE _II RYMER PLAN AT SILVERROCK CROSSING CONSTRUCTION STAGES =7.•7- • = I F=1: . . , -;• di• - '=! i BENCHMARK CITY Cr LA °UINTA FR 10 430 ELE30104 3 216 DEVON) I I/2" COPPERIELD30.3143 STMOTO 'LS - 96• FLU. AT TIC CENTERLDE INTEP5ECTION Cr APE. M JEFIIRSON STREET 70 CBTANI FRILECT ELEvATI. IN MEM CAME ADO 1 554• TO TIE ELEvATIOG SHORN ELFYATIM 5 -I67 (NAME) I • womaNNEE 14111 CONSTRUCTION STAGES SCHEDULE STAGE WATER FLOW ACTIVITY ILI gc=OIT4 am. 11313Fil cRkm M470E-04 fl_1=4 CHM._ 75I=OMR , 6 -0 TREAN TO PREVENT FLOE INTO ALL DIVERSION ORMJELS A A 1= DI.EPTITN °Am._ or N. tom 6 INSTAU_E0.0 Mt ENTEram: LP 0010.1 STREAM El '''''''PREPARE'''''S1.013RADI 450 PPR A 6S7r. C.M. I_ r. B PREPARE SUM.. 0 ,T.F461-600, r_ ,....:_z, <,,, . _ mu coNstRucT CASF-114-RACE RC33 CONSTRUCT CAST -IN-PLACE TFONSITICN STRUCTURES CONSTRUCT CAST-111-FLADE SPLIT CHANNEL STRUCT.ES ..._ 1-11 47 '-,i's' sl"%—"- T 511004 10 11)41) 41.1 KCE ELMATIMI .•-• u• Lir -.4 lir r MEW La Plvart FLO° grE.N.L. nuraLsoi CRAMP, A 1,6540/1 TuYANS 13 REPAIR CAM_ urnm ILIDIVERT ELM IllACK TO CANAL (NOTE, THIS STAGE rat 0.601 TM PL.00 111046- A. .045..M6 ITIMN-.7 1)10015)0= EIMIEL ME UMW. B. BACKFILL DIVERSICN CM., le STEEL P.M' CONCRETE ONNTEE—... \ • 3 0034 RCB ROOF S. REINFORMIO NOT S6000 --r ! • . NOTE: =Er 9W 1)10 ETtEET LoTioNDZM RNA TN (,ZE TEM, xretr prdautieN IM moot m.o. SECTION A -A BASIS OF BEARINGS 10roo MECO UM TIE DLIFORIA 0336111ME WM. CCS FM ME 6. AS EMENDED LOGILLY FR DE LIFE MM. I STATORS LA MIRO 6035 Mall N13 MUNE OF 13601 (con). Iikaltloa P001100. (Mlle Not, MM. EPORI 2011.03) AS 510111 CR NATICFUL 0333MIC SIMEr PUFLI9131 DATA MEETS ENG HIM 0'1E30 20' FEST ..,„„ :Roo/ .41age •••.3 • ; • • Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 15.41006.601006./.103 PRIMI*GARR11 C310•40. CAPAOTV UPGRADE DISOIPTILN 0010 Et. r ayy It • NOTES; I CoNIRECTOP TO PIGNIDE 24 SAVEILLANCE OF E1E61041 PRCOMVES FOR DIVERSICN CHANEL EREACH REFER TO SPECIFICATICTS FCR GENERAL 6E0110000 TN II.Loo CHOMP, 0.1110EE (Te crArrn TF NIVERS(CN 011MT1 g'4 0001AT1003 I CCERSIJOIFER 1.104 Cvat ENILLEAJNE. 00 ICE DEPARTMENTS. ATEh'' • J (.: RIM D.OR SITE INSPECTION RECIIARIEMS: NooLE.Now IT oral TIE Rr-61Tn Om% NEWEINNONE *al( Doom Menal1r4 11011010104 ItamE1,1 tom 14110.14 nom mut 0: 6011100,0 101001, 01 FIG MUM. WV: 000411 10101-04-0 ONUMME PITNLICK1)643 a.m. at Emtm 10101 E3 10 31. (Mom TENSTATERN ADM!. 00.1)0003) merec Nt Nam lo• onto( OXEN- ME.E.E001)4 P104 00001)4 APP. [P. ll,fla/2.0 000:1) matmc amoo.. crizo39 PROJECT ENGINEER NEPONMETWED OREETIM 01 044ETIME MI6 (NS MN NEtatErs. Ert cvalans% ammo. remaximil:FtabltaTEA COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT. PHASE 2 - PM. NO. 37297 CONSTRUCTION STAGING PLAN IMTCD 4 IF 1101IRI0-.100.. 115, CITY OF LA OUITITA. 13NEET 5 a-14 PILL hi3 7 I L_ TOP of CANAL LIN. (Tm) e.r it. EXIST CANAL f ,l clic 01:1® I SIN. TY -10 MOTI 3" -'ORA Irl LEGEND: I. ' -' . - CONCRETE L I -M Li - PLAN DETAIL AT TYPICAL DIVERSION CHANNEL TRANSITION SCALE: 1/0" - N -O NOTES: 1 REFER To 9[Clf)GT IDR la HI HMO 2f.* �E. % .X O. Cl G R d ITS 22 OIVS 51.0, CLYIOCLNI II J. of APMTpl 11 1H 2252) E152LP RTo . 115°0 S[PIIC0 CCPARTILN1T". 1 -•mews .E..E TERMINATE LIFER FETE (TTP) • LW / L01201002 `14002 B.O.R. SITE INSPE TION REOUIREMENTS RECVMATRN RC9A'ES ME RUT TO HAVE A ROAESOITAIIK w-97 WONG COSIENCaw /EVADES ARO FILL KOOK AT (FAST A ORIOLE NOTICE PRIM TO THE CONPICUIwT OF COMMIT. AC1120w IIS FAOUIE5 LANG S. RIwrS-OF-MAY ROLAND N I�RLIDNTATMS SNAIL ON PRON. ACCESS R ME 9TE KN. OnSMWMw KRA.. M.A.. RESERVES TIE Mwi TO COIN. WAVY AS4. ,NCE TESTNG MON C.O.D. 1OF SCL-7 2 • [Oo£TE LINEA TRENCH 10111!1! C EXIST CAWL LINING (DEIRU) LTM IC IVOIN GCT0IL r 'TpCe.' Gu" OF TBMi 11 CHY.EL EXTEND PIC MFA QUER TRENCH (TYP) SECTION B -B Iaa.Tn0 51,-nEw FEII cM1ossIs L[NNq. ` ?ar SAIDO. Jll OVExalR1 OF EXISTING LINING f34' NIM LINE. THIOOESS) ONT. EXISTING LAME JOINT DIVERSION CHANNEL TRANSITION SECTION A -A SCALE 0/.r. , -a c< •0TIXs 1Ae COOK 4500 ESTE 10020 02LtHING RJR PETAIL 52 1p eE+111L PC 1.11.04 C( DIVERSE.. CHANNEL. REPLACE MOH L9PACTED FILL PER SPECIFICATIONS TYI't0L 0011x0M [10002. STCW5 L 411 1� 200 011 2 51110 AP05202 0 CMEC.@ PwJ2011* CSC2IEm I[62-0611P.SEEN 9tC 112Tmw651050,011 r+14 AFAR DJI 'PET BENCHMARK TTY IF LA WII1IA tti IG 02 ELEVATION = .T 2:5 (FC,O2) L_ EA1011,10.2 STAINED AT nECFINEITE.. OF 1,11111 00 NT -04 TAXI TO UTAIN NKOECT ELEVATER.i 1N NAVG5 [ArWI AON l ` TO 1. ELEVATION -3.E. E ISE)07LC7 (I:A1Ovfl BASIS OF BEARNOS RE EMI. SHUN IUD. ME ELME LA TIE CMS.. ODOINHE SYSTER, CM G. EINE 5, AS 0221 ( U 20X), 1700SMD LOCALLY DT TIE LITELSO. STEM. 10S (MI)) 20 Aq 0:1317 ff TIE 0ESST ([OTO). (REITIw1 PEA INTIEWL 77010 9102T, MVO, haw 2011 W) AS 9.11 aE NATIODL IEOTETIC SWKY RBI9m MTA SEER 7116 ICM 40.16.30-20' ROT ANN Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 1uI06,IIF.0010Y N100 20205 m11 (Teo) aen.I.I.AIvmTT-1020 "R...RML, R ..wA 1>< Room le 220010010,2021001 AAND NAR IEEAL ,,0115 N TSE an oruo0N20, 01'520 onexaru0a [MOW COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE 2 - PM NO. 37207 DIVERSION CHANNEL DETAILS 11'11[0 5,213. P: 122 Ir 401(011 II 110. ><M[. T.1.N SHEET ON14 -9EE� Tv CITY OF LA OMENTA STRIICTIIRAL GENERA' NOTES 1. VERIFY ALL DwENSIONS AND JOB SITE common PRI. TO THE FABRICATION 4 AM LATERAL MAGA NOTES- I, MM.. Wqn 1FWL CA4o0Y N THE PECYREIECII. LF 11E'Al 2Erc1N 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOM THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OF ANY UNUSUAL SOL CONDITIONS THAT ARE IN VMANCE WITH THE DATA HEREIN CITED J SOIL ENCAN ER SHALL VERIFY THAT CONSTRUCTION AT THE SHE IS IN ACCORWICE WITH THE RECWMENDATOS AND CONCLUSIONS OF HIS REPORT 1 FINISHED EGVAIONS FOR FOUNDATION SHALL BE NUT AND TRUE TO LINE W. ALL LOOSE MATER., TION SOIL BENEATH FDOTNGS SHALL BE REAMED STANDING AAW PFC.PACTER READVED TEO TTO rNO,A PEAT. COUPACTION FORA DEPTH OF THREE FEET BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTING, AS DIRECTED ON THE SOIL REPORT 5 DESIGN VALUES 3.0 P5F ALLOWABLE SOIL BANG PRESSURE. LITERAL EARTH PRESSURES: 55 PCF *505 1 1 M1;DSLL &CHILL 050 1101 A f � II= snow, 61111 OA r94rt of to PS.. STRIICTIIRAL- STEEL 1 ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE FABRICATED AND ERECTED IN CONFORLANCE 05TH 10f MC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSIRUCTON, CURRENT EDITION 2 ALL STEEL SHALL EE HOT DIPPED CALV.ZED AFTER FABRICATION WEDED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE SHOP W.E0 OALVALLOY OR EDUAL SHALL BE USED IN FIELD WELDING Is REWIRED J AU_ BOLTS SHALL 100500E SHIOWNPE HIGH INDENBOTTS TED MLT�HIINEE BOLTS (0ASTM ) OR ANCHOR BOL0TSS () SHALL CONFOPN TO ASM 3302 FOR CARBON STEEL 4193 FOR STANLESS STEEL AND A153 FOR DALVNI2ED STEEL ErCFPT WHERE 000314ALLO RNDWATED OTHWISE ERALL .KK! T CONTACT SURFACES -FALL BE CLEW AND FREE FROM OIL DINT NPANT PAN 1 ALL W. SHALL BE DONE Bf AWS CERTIFIED WELDERS All WELDING SHALL BE BY EDONM WanS AREFULL ELECTRIC PROCESS SPENEILATEST PENETRATION LINO ss IINDIu OD OMEMESE HELD FILLER METAL SHALL BE ALES 045.1 OR A55 F2 •6 ELECTRODES 5 All WEDS FOUND DETECTNE SHALL BE REPAIRED ND/OR REPLACED ND RETESTED FOR ADEQUACY AT ME CONTPGTDRS EXPENSE 6 AT ALL FIELD WEIRS AT EMBED PLATES. AND MOLES, LOW HEAT AND INIERMTTFM WELDS SHALL BE MLIZED TO AVOID $PAWNG . CRACKING ME EISTING G EIE T AU.STRUM,. STEEL TO BE EMBEDDED AN CONCRETE SHILL BE CLEM AND FREE PANT.OF L . DIRT. B NO HOLES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALLY DETAILED SHALL BETA STRUCTURAL THROUGH ROUGH EL WILL BE PERMITTED WOUT APPRWAL OF THE DNCWEER Di 9 SEE SHEET 13 FOR NOTES REWRDING STOP LOGS REINFORCING STEEL NOTES. 1 DIMEZOS LOGTNC RENFORCINC &RS ARE CLEAR AND DENOTE CONCRETE COVE.. TO AWN STEEL UNLESS NOTED GTHERWSE. CtlhRAGE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: CONCRETE PLACED AOWSi EARTH (HALT FORME)) J" FORMED CONCRETE AUJNST EARTH 2' WALLS, ARMS GRADE, E POSED TO WUMER 2' 2 REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE DEFONEO BARS. C.FORMLW TO ASTM 04615, LATEST EYSbN AND 5&E. BE GRADE 60 J REINFORCING 5 TO BE SECURELY TED IN PLACE PRIOR LO CASTING CONCRETE suPCORT REINFORCING OFT FORMS yen STEEL cNA1Rs SUPPORT REINFDRCLG OFF GLIDE 05T11 DENSE CONCRETE BLOCKS NO DREW OR POROUS CONCRETE WILL BE RENAMED TO SUPPORT REINFORCING 5 IEMKAL RENTORCELIENT TO HELD IN PLACE AT TOP. BOTTOM AND INTER/ALS NOT EACEEDING 200 DR ETERS L • FOD VN 050 Irf Tri ALPS Jar'OEFDS. SEC 44000 Dem INS 91RT, B.O.R. SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: RL4AMATON RESERVES TM ROT 10 HA. A PEMESENTAIM ON-SITE O.RNG W CS AND ALL REDURE AT LE0sT A 7115 1*5 TAMNOTICE PROW TO THE CMO MNCEMENF CONSTRUCTION ACTWMON S ., LANDS, ACCESS TOND/DRFECLANATM S SNAIL BE PRON. ME DURING CONSTRUCT. ACTIVITY 1fRCCUNATIXI RESERVES THERCONT TO CONDUCT COM, ASSURANCE TEST. DIA. Cb5TRUCT. CONCRETE NOTES - I ULTIMATE COMPRCSWE STPEGTH AS SHOWN FOR THE c.RESPONDMG LOCATION LISTED IN THE SCHEDULE DELON LOCATION 5 'P51) °(007) NMWA00111 EMENT CAW. MING 3000 150 STRUCTURAL AAO 150 CONCRETE 0 S3 0.5 US LATERALS SHALL BE IN ACCoRIACE N. ONE DF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS (I) TYPE II ORIFI PORTLAND IDN CEMENT, PLUS A CLASS N OR F PoZZOLN 7• PONOTIO COO. i( 11 MOLL t1ISY1011111475 241511 1 AGCREUTE SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-33 FOR NOR. wE1DM CONCRETE 5 Fe05 . CO.O 01 SAW. IC 1BAt0 No 50..14➢ 11110O.58•11. -M 5110 4-N .0%11/RCS SIAL NOT DE USED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER CODE (*14)310) AND DETAILING .NURETE CONSTRUCTION AL )ACBE IN315) FINLLESS WITH DETNLEDME LATESTA OR NOTED ON DRAWUGS ON T1N :04011 API. LinLIS5 0055*EO y� 0011055E -t' RR 1-52 CO LAP SCHEDULE rr ACOP. 0],00052 512E TOP • BMSBARS OTHER F1 r -D• AI 1'-5- ▪ -C 5-5 le 05 /1 N A1A K t1• r -EY SENO SCIEDIILE BAB 57404 E TRRU RB no OF Oro A11 p14101114 II1. _ OP� OF poor.NAL • = HORIZONTAL BARS WID1 MORE T IW' OCR BE O LAE &A, OR AS INDICATE° PUNS 11 FLM: Py A0. 5 WHICHEVER IS U.RGEST e w., yruDE A OFF:ET 0 TYPICAL REINFORCEMENT DETAIL J .10404E / VFR1100) FII VFRTICAI TIFF FLAT pi FLAT TIFF ® PREFABRICATED WATERSTOP JOINTS tEALE 105510E IIS FACE 05 E1.54 -s 0 12 - AT 1+5WGIT 31.1. a PE SIDE 05040 LI,2]ILCIIA.'- DOWEL JOINT (005111 AITID.,1 Fal No X11 mom-) SFW Pa P 501 -50451 INHERE OCCURS) CONSTRUCTION JOINT (JOINT DETAIL FOR RCAF. WALLS NA IMEP.T) IIIA GRADE M) 5 IL. 1. CIP RCB 7,504 _Ar• // Jr �FINIYEO 1 SAO EXCAVATION M =MM. TO &01 11 115PECTICN BY PROJECT yi CEOlEEf11CAL EGUEER fAfW1 TT 9.AWEN or11EIIVVIG, DIMN4 EAUVATIRI, PRO.£CT fOIEMHCAL E01 ECIrE O DETERMINE EACANATION DEPTH TTD (951) BIS-T/aJ PATES I. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SPACIIO IS MD. ON 9EEi 9 S. 441 •Wxf>YIt'WIFLI.102 18 TFE SAVE R.IAE 501 TIC Orrin :TRLt1AE 3. N1`JCHAPEL HALE SHALL EE CHAIEE✓;T 1/2' OI WALLS uo oEaFIs uIc RorIO rlJm wIM EDGER rI>a 051 1nvERr 4 DOWEL JOINTS SINAL EE LOCATED AS 901,1 IXI TE RAF O JOINT DETAIL LE ACTS We PGTES 1 04 CCTWILe FOR TYPICAL PREFABRICATED NAT0I5T0 JOINTS ®B" BULB WATERSTOP �,J SCALE ^ �61nPai1LE j^'�, 'FI'1EAi.16120 e 5'^74 OTTO •P BACKF LL 0 RCB EXCAVATION $I BACKFIN -j, TTP LEGEND• ERLL-Tax 4141310501 I SOILS IREYYV CRIPAED R004 E IMITY. 107 M110. 01 724 T y 4 155111IEC1L EFg1[i91 FROM f r EL1IAN O1558E1518. - Room ITTLE07 5D1E.3N5oa 004.141124 To 40014115E 7141_130wr4Tt0 CPI. 5.4015 E7it0ECPOC (9511 B45-2213 NOTES' . BAIXFILL JALL BE COLPACTED TO 90, OF ASTM DI557. SEED CnNsMuCTION SHALL NOT BE USED 1/LESS PRO0.0 METHOD SPECIFIUTIOS ARE KVIENED NO APPROVED BY TIE EG.. N0 TIE COACFELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (,110) J DIIEMICS SHOWN APE NINO..% 5SPLIT CHANNEL WALL TO HEADWALL CONNECTION NO SCALE 011711/ CullA AY,NA O ANNG Aw211..4 1142 7100401 Opg1=2 55100152 OT SICAU1N10 o6G, AL1. RAIL 11111 BENCHMARK LA 1A 11 0 16 0.71) 01E1011 1IIOa1111150.ECT 0.£411104.1M.1115001 C/TIAI A50 `H y4LL ELEVATIONS ELEA,.=50E7( BASIS OF BEAAW08 TEIWIM, 9MIERL4I ME BA. NW TE CN.IfIRNIA OTIDINATE STSM, CCSB 14866. AS STATING LA OUIM4 RAMS (P191) AD 051101 IF TE O50E1 (CDN). (H511I05 PFA UTIIM L 01511)0 SALLY. MUN, 1E400.1 2011 00) AS ALrN IN AL1 IoNL cCorlC 9REY PUELNED DATA WEER EEL. AONO WEST P 'TT coon 1,7 Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL F.10F.Ad 1.•,124!01 Po150.�LU�11 Pow: (700)300.1.- MISAKERRITI-0014 Rf'W 1 1151 41200.E �LTI57RI• N118 OTT OT LA 0051/54 CORAM OF RISE STATE OF CALECTINA COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE 2 - PM NO. 11/',31/ GENERAL NOTES & TYP DETAILS SHEET 7 CF 14 ... COY OF LA OURRA FI 0 z 0 z 0 O ▪ m wx ja z Iwo D 1 ✓ n ORIGINAL WADE (TRI) a 1C-9 r w'0 Fs.WEDT TTTLE1Ns9 T,>=1 —03NTRACTOR TO SCIEDLEE INSPECTION BY PROJECT CEOTEONICAL ENGINEER FPM • • S011 EX IK 81. PROJECT CEOTECINICAL EWINE R TO DETERIDE FINAL EXCAVATIO! DEPTH AADDEII ULMER. (951) 815-733 '--RECOLIPILE TAP FAABRIC BACKFILL 0 SPLIT CHANNEL CONTRACTOR TO SCTE➢UE INSPECTION BY PROJECT CEOCINICAL ENGINEER FRU( 416-1FN E3CPEERING, DORM EXCAVATION. FRO.ECT GEOTEONICAL ETCREER TO DETERIN E FINAL EXCAVATION DEPTH SUDDEN MEIER. : (951) 845-7713 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION & BACKFILL B.O.R. SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS' RECLALADw RESORf9 RE .ANI TO HAAS A 92191 ERTA3IE 011-21E DONIG CONSTRICTION ACRNR6 NO MIL MUM AT (UST A 72-110OR NO. PREP N THE 8013- -82 O CONSTRUCTION ACn0110 DN ITS FAOITES, INCA; AND/OR RIGHTS -O -NAY. SCLWAIMN IE➢RE3HTARTES AWLS ROHM ACCESS TO AHE DE DEMO OGISTRucTbH AMITY. REOANATON RESER. RE DONT TO CONDUCT DUALITY A591RANCE TESTAG MAK DISTR.. ACIDITY. TCP OF ENST CANAL LIN. N1EWWALL TRANSITION dTCDN1 ti fi JJ R TO SCHEDULE A INSPECTION BY PRPIECT 4.21.19 rywodux. EXCAVATION �1° PIAO-ECS CEMEORIGL ENGINEER TO IEIEMINE FINAL EXCAVATIO! DEPTH. SUOpFN ENGINEERIIL: (951) us -n13 FRON — 01910100818 19 210212 [I FECFIOR YY PROXCE ¢BFEEIMCAL0IS FROA 6 0111. 1+3VA1109. E. FROIECT GTOIDETEDIAL FINAL EA TO TION DET FINAL N ENG11 11 DEPTH (951)N ENGIIE£RING (951) 6I5-1113 ®WARPED WINGWALL TRANSITION EXCAVATION & BACKFILL �J No wuE NOTES: I. 2I0Y[LL71V.s. fE cWR'ACTEO 10501 O: ASTM0 2 9NAEO 0cwesTR .cT181 SHALL NCT BE USED OE£55 PRONflD IETry00 AIEI SPECIFICATIOS ARE REVIEWED ANL APPROVED BY TIE EILITE[R AIL TIE COACELLA VALLEY (RATER DISTRICT (CV.) 2. 01113122. OEM ARE DID INRLI ,. j STRUCTURE EtCAYAT10N 7� F7-7,-71,, rm.= SFORTPFA SOILS TTY ;.� �1 OA. ROa OTT CR ONOTA CY.D. Cog.. APERITIVRE RECOWE11020: EDIDNEER WELT07 N 01001V1(C DATE AP. TOLL IJ:FE TELEPHONE: 911 RuOLIE ....LSE ITT BENCHMARK 111( V Rx.910RA. W m,l0 VITIOO• 4519 821.51 UFTCOPFERAEID NWAEtIT sINPEO TLS FLIT. AT TK UNTO:LIAECTION O WW2 2. NC'.EHTk.W.:19111IREEA TO WTAIN PEITIECT ELEVATIONS IN NAV. DDATITW.,NM 1 SEE.T (M. TO TTBIE ELEVATIONS W NS SNO BASIS Of BEARI9 G& RE SARINS ANON MEDI AS BASID UVI iS CALIFORNIA WINN. STSIEN, COS U. NNE G, AS 1 LOCALLY TO TIE LITE BEF4N U5065 51911 STATIO2LA CANNA 011 .5 (P401) NO DELETE w TK110 (aTO), 06 PFR INTIMAL SOETH DALT, ME819W,, DWI 201 1-00) AS SILK 1.T212_ OEOETIC SIR LY HALISEB DATA BEETS SIW 1+211110'16'30 m" RCSi AN RAS Michael Baker INTERNATIONALR wcalocr.Frow.LCAm11 PM1arTAn '900200110 wr -HIN44 •. BaA� 9.1 01t. •-a--d. IATT LAW, INN OtV19101.7 Y TIC LITT OF LAOAfAA DAM 0 MELEE ROI 900745 COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE 2 - PIA NO. 27 7 7S0AVATTON/BACHFILL SECTIONS 2.112 CNN :1 0 1 11•. Tsw CITY OE LA OUIHTA SHEET Or 14 EE - X' 9 B.O.R. SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: PECLWA110) ROM. THE WIT M NAVE A RIIP[41RA1£ a-910 1174C 03151P.K.ACMES MO Ur KURE AT LEAST A 72 -HOUR HolICE PRIM To 'NE coulENDBLENT or co1511141101 ACT9TESI IIS FACMIES )NOS. NOME RINIT0-0E-Mr. #C0A ATC) R0AESPTAll16 P1µ1 BE IYIPNOU ACCESS TO 14 SHE MMHG CO6TNUCTNN AC1M1Y. fECLANATION RE ERKS THE NOP TO CONDUCT CORM ASSURANCE =NC MVO 15IROC V PN•Erc)40 rrou-,c. B • 10'4' H 0) 6[4 1M ON 51410 101 [)01,011 PEs 61001 rTPE 00 E20 12-G' 11104)0401) 0:N CB. (1[A 52[0[11 SIE[T IC) (POC_E0CP 1. 1.1)05 [0) . '1ne:TEA I E7p TOP [F 1006.001. LE BOAES 411.114Er n1 17141* 004 v_tl 101030) RCO MACS 10-0• 04)0)4 ,101)9'1 i O1E0S 10) FE1 =Vs 1, AM 10) *WOMBop.xe B=O' V • 10'-o•.11 17,i6 NEB ft EECVN311 war 11111 4) 4,44 QC Top or (000011 SLOPE INP A'd n LIMN -•4 TCP 11 00241 ` 000)01 9x1lop 6 '4-•IW:RO HEAORALL AT, PCB OUTLET f I80114 0401 %01 Iii o a. "6100 III - _ -I [0X(21 PLa AAA 40•340 CSEHam nm spzEr ll11 1 LJ .D4 Ino TYPICAL PLAN AT RCB INLET OR OUTLET FG BEHIND ALL Ty ff M111 NAL K01»0] (-0 6 0.6640) BALL 61CM 001 MALI w.0Tu 44..011 MAMMA 151OF'O00L5 pt SHEET 111 }161 el 4001001 61100-01 MIT Out. LINO. IP0NTE111 w 19ACEI 191 /EM11)04S010LL u4800 ETlw) 'ter J ECIST R EL^.t 0611 *Ram 11 1T IO PLM11P ' W Cf E019r ALINING *u4 0c1Nt °.eNT K- 5' pWl0Z L?6i 11TH 04109 A :TC! L94 rs SOITLo •1 WIT 20111 111 101 091 DEVELOPER To 1.0PLT FOUR (A) TOTAL STOP LOOS. NCR COME) .4110 rte LONGITUDINAL SECTION A -A ono • �-O-T O NEY :]:11604 021001 .8410401146) p[CBLD DATE UCCCNUE.DEO• 01,4e10P o< ❑0NEEB•NC 10[110017 *041)1 NVfi0 BENCHMARK: Tr, Cr LA OUINTA IN In 00 ELET I !Cr lmm FLVN AT IK QNTERLIIB INTERYCTON a AVEILE H NO AFFER4I1 sTR[C To MAIN PROJECT ELEVAT106 IN IAVWP DATN1, •.00 1.504 To ISE EL£VATIoN 5061 (NAM,/ LEv6T106 91111 BASIS Of BEARINGS: 1K 1011116 9*BI MEd AE BA41 MN TIE CALINNIA ®ORNATE 5151)11. 2S LT. ROE 6. AS 11*110 LA MANTA CMOS (P411) lW. LOCALLY BY DE LWEBB ff 11E ®IT (CDM). (1611106 PFR I14T11.01. =CM 3040?. NET. P. 1011 004) AS 9101 TAB NATIO. HmETIC 9PIfY R4194:D DATA 9EEI5 BUM MIM 40-16'30 20" MT Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 115410 4•510.1,11•1•101 P•MONNA M211 1)80)00..7.0• IMAPHONTLOTRA 00,3.).. 01: E V 1 5.1 *0. h 10 NT1E011a:U YNR =ICYtF MEMELMATE6 :*00401:[6 COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE 2 - P.M. NO. 37207 TYPICAL RCB INLET/OUTLET PLAN AND RECTION 1[6.11 711l[0• 0 r[A 10 [•• P{11P) • _ )0, •.•.v. COY OF u OUNTA SHEET 9 ff14 OFOI DNC NAW FILE NO STRUCTURAL NOTES 1 01105106 HOW FACE OF CQOETE TO STEEL ARE TO THE FEWEST EDGE OF TIE BAR NO SHALL BE 21} DOES CLEAR UNLESS OTFERBISE SIMM 2 CO OETE DIIFMI06 MULL BE lEASTIED IN A HORIZONTAL NO VERTICAL DEFECTION 30011 11E 9NTERLI410 OF TIE STRUCTURE OFFSET DIIEN51NS MOLL BE AT BIGHT NOES, W RAOIALLY FROM TIE C£N1E%IlE. ALL BAR BENDS. HOOKS, LAP SPLICES. AND PLACEAENT CF REINFOKfIENT SNAIL °FOM TO Ml 14 ND DETAIL 1 W SLEET 7. 4. TRANSVERSE JOINTS 5018011E IS SKIM W Sfil 9. 5 109E TRNI5VERSE REINFORC116 STEEL SHALL TERMINATE 2 k IaTE5 MFW 11E C1OEIE SURFACES LNESS 0101015E 91001 DIES) SON OTFER15£ W TIE DETAILS, STRAIO3 TR 6121 01 BARS IN TIE TOP NO BOTTOM 1SLABS940 SHALL BE PLA® AS SHOWN W TIE TYPICAL MCTMIW SPACING MOLL BE AT TIE CFNIFRLIIE OF C05TRICTIW. STRAIGHT BARS Ax0 'L' SHAPED BARS IN THE PALLS SHALL BE SPACED AS SHOW W TIE TABLE NO LEA9#D BETWEEN ME VERTICAL LEGS IF NE BNS T D BARS MAY BE SPLICED 01 TIE LONG11wHML N5TRCTIW JOINTS. AT TFE BASE CF TFE WALL. TIE LAP SPLICE SHALL BE AS SHORN CN THE TYPICAL IEIFFORODENT DETAIL 8 IF HI AM/W G EWE ARE NOT SPECIFIED. 04 TRANSVERSE BAAS SHALL BE 0 0E0 AT 24 001 SPACING TO SUPPORT TIE 10GIT101NAL 9 T10 La011W1NAL BARS SOIL BE PLACED AT EACH CORNER L OCAL 191 AS SOWN W TIE DETAIL 11E FEUAIN110 10511wINA1 BANS SHALL BE *DUALLY 9M® BETITE01 TIE CORNER BARS WITH A MARTIAN VALUE OF 16 INCIE5 IN EACH FACE OF 11E SLABS NO HALLS, NO NSD TOT COIa0S(9U TO TFE /WEER W LOGTI W SHOWN 03 TIE DETAIL SEE TIE TABLE FOR L051TLOINAL BAR DISTRIBUTIW. 10. C(161RI.CT IW LOADIFE IN MOSS OF OESIW DEAD LIVE LOADS HAS TOT IEA C061DERED IN TIE STRUCTURAL OES)46I01. POIECTIW Ce TIE STRUCTURE FOR C LO2OS,I21 LOADS, MACH ED EMETFE 9£CIFIED DEA* D ND Liv£ LEL., IS TIE RESPONSIBILITY OF TIE CONTRACTOR. TIE DESIGN, DETALLATIW, ROOT. NO CMT OF TEMPORARY SHORN., ENPLoTED1510111/ TO SUSTAINW CO5TRCTILOADIFE SHALL EE TIE TESCNSIBILITY OF TIE CORRACTW O E51CN DATA N E_1n0n STE MC 154 MOM TAKE 119.191 IKAH_99,0 .GIT OF GRN=125 Rol NOWT OF CUR:REM - ISD PCI BO.R SITE INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS: A 105Em1TARE W -91E eDNE 10 01 TOM 0010(1 * RHI. 11E101E AT LEAST A 72 -HOUR 1010 RaW TO ME CBI•EWCEMENT 0 .42131 4 18019115 W IR 211. 91; INE; NO/01 HORS -OF -WAY. RECLAMATION RONE9DTAMOS SIAL BE PROMO MASS TO THE SATE DUNE LLNSTRUCT94 MINTY. REOAWAM N REER£5 RE R O TO °OUCT OUNM AMIN. TIEING NSW DM1RlCIW MIMtt. 14'-'611.1 141200 11 C=L LF OF CONSTRUCTION 4-H 066 J AGI BW 0 2 -CELL A.C. BOX CONDUIT DETAIL NO SCALE DOUBLE -CELL RC BOX CONDUIT LOCATION R: BOW 0CTICH N•001 REMO. STATION LDE -TATTOO LWIT`- ' 991 TD r • I1,/ t_J JJ f 1 • • 0 . •-./. 1 • W • 10 • ( �, • • h 5l• q 91 BAR AL[HOmAL 0705196194 INH; 530 • +TIMI • O,W - B BW, AOOIM,eAN 5111-.8915 0011 a Dr� TS E1 199.--.''' Yams CBAR fa *3 BAR C2 MR 901)011 SLAB TI _ • *OLS FACE 0 5. E0 231»1 (Hai TABLES' a..513-1240 • • RG6 rlli 'OILY. 112 SPASM .EE 1.19.011 ' opal. 02291- 11NFO.B 1971 ¢ •l • LQE111AINAL BARS May SPA® 9E SOELLLE • �' DOI E2•1r BARS Sma, •211 de -or T C . 0401 ■ I �} um "nit (6 LII >K0. L1!E 1 poly /1o1r • re rrFLAT INT 0 '< �1� 11 BM \,(TYP) r.""1 I._�. rFLIT BALI BW I [wpmY p e 1; p • 1r BARS NN.464n4 W1_M • 8 /'rl [1 +J 11U141110401H y -r. 5-H' PW Iq. • 1+Aj015 C 01: 1ST 111 BC. HOPIZWTAL LENGTH T -r 7-E. 13 1I,��� 'I ,- 1: ^p E 0508 III BW r 120 ,-( 4-11 - \ r T2 'V 0 2 -CELL A.C. BOX CONDUIT DETAIL NO SCALE DOUBLE -CELL RC BOX CONDUIT LOCATION R: BOW 0CTICH N•001 REMO. STATION LDE -TATTOO LWIT`- DE561PTIW 991 TD I f 09451 601030.61 6271820.67 DBL 10'5 • 9'H 01111 CENTER 54111082S11146 10 F COST 6271'20.67 6310'67 98 TEL 10'5 • 9'H 1 f MIST- 631.67.90 62708/7-972 CA 10'16 6 9'09 BETH GEN. BALL TRN61T144 E•wn11[01 AN1 r111.1 PEJlJE911E10E 0E11. 1 NSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL No scALE DOUBLE -CELL RC BOX CONDUIT TABLE Sum. NULHR 1 2 0151 AB km -51 360.41 AW 01011¢4 anER. r 1• Wm1)4 1e 10 HEIGHT T 9' 4, 100.5,'9 F, 1r t2' 6X ¢0L T. 19 TS H 901)011 SLAB TI 1•- II' INRRW WALL 4 65 r,. eu t0 a BAR 95 .• 513CIR E5.•1r E2•1r BARS 20.1116 0401 0011 0, BARS 920090.•587.08E poly /1o1r 1E1•OP1 2'4 f4 rAR rn. • EPAEI.D p e 1; p • 1r BARS NN.464n4 W1_M • 8 T-I- 11U141110401H y -r. 5-H' PW Iq. • 1+Aj015 C 01: 1ST 111 BC. HOPIZWTAL LENGTH T -r 7-E. HFTCAL LENCTN r -IG =-10' 2.6!•a1W0001: Rat: pa1Y C. BARS MAW*[1.091, 2'-1- ]1' MCR LNIXO 2 -or 0-5180 c. BAR ND. 1 ACN0 .a •12' 0 • 12' 9017111412R2FN r-1' 3.•' BARS MITKAL 1mDT11 S -Y 4-5' D 90666•'11416 FG)•1V' R•TO" BARS 10180109 Inn •T 0 Ed51.05 a 5018004* p 0 (2• .5 • Ir BARS 1E1E71 2000 I0T F, BARS Bl9 WB • SPAM pa Ur OS • 15' TORCH 5-11' Y -L' .21 58000'..•91+9101 3504010!TZ'. BARS109[71 COR 0•11 B, BARS 650 151180 0 0180 0 2 0.- 8BARS 125110 T,T r-3 H 6Ak1#•YA01L ■■1r war' 00AG 5013TH 0151 M, BARS OAr Rtl • 9.410 F¢11. E •12' .0111 •5,1 02, •51240 .5053 5.12' BARS LENGTHT 00 80 51910611114: 555 099. FA F• BARS µ0190A R MK 21 41 PEP RAH 0.10 81': N • 180 16N91.564.0An 9090 KW P6•13 0•1r WALLS M o 12' E(•F: 8011006 11191PP 094093050, CHECREO• e6OOLT EaFpBFT4 RELONmOED 01x4^. 4111E (TB. 511. 1MTE 0190 1 BENCHMARK CITU O LA(TANTA W IR LLEVATHBI = 2 216 (10021) 1 I/2'c1FL•c5%Oath/ ;1215➢ 1s - 15' 9.I94 AT 1180 WO; 810 IN964-51101 Ir rata. 91 W,,ErFy ;N 114[(1. TO [MAIN PFOECT ELEVATORS IN RAMP, Dew. MOI 564 TO RE ELEVATIDS YLWN. arvATI W = 5..7 DAMAR1 BASIS OF BEARINGS BE 030109E 900110RM ME BARD IEp111E LMIIOI (2 00011411E S191d, 06 M, 00E 6, AS Banal. LO'ALL1 R BE LIME Krim moss 9ATUNS IA BANTA MOM 0911) MD CODE. 0 TIE110 SAO, 00S1119604 RR WT EMETIC AO, Wall, WM 2011 CO) 20 AS 9001 W BE WTIBML ®ET IC 9Rf1 Kan. DATA SEER BEM IMMO. 9.33 ID' MST MN BM Mic{lael Baker INTERNATIONAL /64111ti508901lw,Ylm 9 7 5am11 Elm)»w.lieNNmNLcaM AEv4:..0E1 S K TIE DIY OC LL 5090;065} OF Ii ERIE6GMEON4 COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCN RESORT, PHASE 2 - PM NO. 37207 CAST -IN-PLACE DOUBLE RCB C_�zD 14[10911 Y RIR NF SHEET 10 r 14 5EEWC 010 IME '11 CITY OF LA OMNIA REINFORCING SCHEDULE SIZE � i•2OIFs14iE, III B. 03 0465 B4 N Urn SER.HO W. R TI T2 55; 55 LLH6066 HVO2 6EFT. LEM6001 420610 : 4 0411601 B Spr. 5*401N0 WaoSl NPw., 1F)IOTE r3AqI�ND 00 6. y IC;NGOI 944 rN 01004, 51110.' 1.041102 14-0' (MM) 21', IV I6' i6 O 121 CONT 1W -11%g 16 O 101 6'-3- 16-1' /6 0 6-I 0'-0' T-11- 4S 0 ISI CONT n 612' 26'-3' 0 SPLIT CHANNEK T1'PIC.�I,�SECTION t j 3.7 31.6 E 0 CUT-OFF WALL DETAIL c EEO :6466 TW PFR WARPED WINGWALL REINFORCING SCHEDULE SECTION DATA 1E0.6D1,7o(6 BI B3 B4 BS 06 EUYFHT EiLe1T n R N 01011' L[ CM UN:tIN l' Firr G° IEw vuO6' IifcMiN �Ip� 11 Q Zig IfNO1N al 103.ali '''11 s1 -S. i.-6' I-0' A6 a 6- CONT �' A6 0lE CONT R 06- 6-C A5 0 101 B- (6 err DDE W 4..1, t BA[ 91-s_ 11-6' ('-O' A6 O I2 COLT 12;7,1.; A6 O IS CONT A6 O 6- 6',6• A6 O 12 1174 F6 O 3' 0.-6. 01 WARPED WINGWALL TYPICAL SECTION �� 5 �LL Q,DETAIL A' CEA AS 10 1500265 OEEL .44141.1"../4" 0111 EML[NC1'1 41 rw0r8CSLK2 6Y 19L11 NO to 20 14-rN212 PEN 3 (urAinrnn,. P1CWM38311134 B.O.R SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: .CANATW REIDMS RIE 6Gr TO HAW A REPR1S0NTAl11F EN STE WRAC CONSINICTW AcmAln06061 A3O RILL REPINE AT (FAST A 72 -NON NOME 001 TO THE C 061-01 NT OF CONSTRUCTION AORMIE1 ON ITS FA1UTES UAW, AND/OR OOHS -0,142 ISCNAYATpI RDERE ENTANES SHALL BE PROVED ACRSS TO ME SIM DLMC O TNICTRN WMT(. aOAWHON REIDNTES TIE RIGHT TO CONDUCT 011ADTY ASSURANCE TESTNG OUNC NNSTW[TC! ACIIUTY STRUCTURAL NOTES FOR CHANNELS AND WALLS I UNLESS 0100005E SNOYN, CLEARANCE FRON FACE OF CONCAVE TO STEEL SHALL BE: CONCRETE PLACED AGAINST DREW 1' INCHES (NOT MINED) ALL oHER CONCRETE 216' INCHES 0 CONCRETE 2MEN9ONS SHALL BE MEASURED HORIZONTALLY ON VERTICALLY CN THE PROFILE AND PARALLEL TO CR AT RIGHT ANGLES (OR RADIALLY) TO CENTERLINE OF CONDUIT ON THE PUN EACEPT AS MARTA. SW. 1 0046+161l F0 0OIFr[l. TAIL 01101 PC 0161008 °I4 0041.YI 6.0 rrn .06010® inn P6>NFR Tool NN 01x365 4 E0PO.D EDGES OF CONCRETE 1/EIME6S SNAIL BE ROUNDED OR 1£WED UNLESS NOTED OTIERNSE. APITOWL NT: MEM crrR 60overaP/E614 c co Ea .160446 E3rJREBF AECOHH3OEO DATE 000NS10. IX YNGR60EA10 O5 E APPAL BENCHMARK 111. OaA 410116 61 8)155 ELATION N 216'411=51 IL/l C.PUA FLIyH AT rK "Lcr gl INrERSECTIaN O TO COTAIN I6612ECT LEVATTICE6 IN DATLN1ELEVATIONSRADD I 664. TO T6E WAN 01600IIN ^ 5 461 (MAIM) BASIS OF BEARINGS; Nt .10°60 913R416m1 of 661 DAF 04116061100631416535060. ca DA. 20E 6, AS CCM. LOCALLY By of LITE KTml I®6 gums U cum MOOS (P411) NO MLLE. O DE COM IMTDI. (WMR106 PER W ) Conic mimic Wel. EP= All MI 28 AS SIDNN el DE )(Avow mimic sorer MISER DATA SETS 6E110 WITH 40' 16'30-20' NSf ell AI Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 2.410 dNIP.WDA. Nr NM maw 6.01 (NW MUAmNNLmu . t-•_. ss.Ut K W ,41.11,,.418.1-12-00. Dr .RP11411 S 1. 11 1= 1 D 1 20 N 1IEOTY OFLAO,RACOUTIY OF MAMA 8041E OF OLFORM COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE 2 - P.M. NO. 35207 SPLIT CHANNEL AND WINC3WALL SECTION vYAIAl6351ON Y 1r 11411tH 1. IT, IFR- tN.f. SHEET 11 014 901615 CRY OF LA OUINTA FILE NO SECTION A -A SCALE: 0/8' = 1-0 SECTION B -B 5'N . 5' • 1'-a' wx SPACES FEARED ANCHOR �1 rA(C Or :CO OMLL OE OWL MO LIE IMPLME ORION • IM - INVERT d 1 PER PROFILE lr r I I x' i71R;'o L/ CRrS- N16 32.5 77-1 1 L SECTION C -C B.OR. SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: RCn3MA1101 REWIRES ME OM 10 HAAS A RFPE50101 E 0H-STE glom 0N51RLC1RB AMMO MD NM ROME AT LEAST A 72 -MW NOME PROS TO IRE COMM:DIfOT OP CUH511NC101 AMITIES 01 ITS FACL16. OPUS ANU/0H REMS-OP-242. REGI MAIRB MPRESEXIAMO SNML Et PROMO ACCESS TO ME OTE 0llalt COSIRUCSOI *CRAM ROMANS ROMIKS TE ROT TO CO OCT OMNI AOM. MOM Maw CosstRi MM ACONIN. DETAIL P • c F: ROOVE DETAIL(TYP) 15 a 22 SECTION D -D 4 STOP LOG GROOVE OETAI j ;.CALF 11=- • I• -R' NOTE: A STOP LOG IS OETIIED AS UNIT SNOWS IN SECTIGN A -A W THIS MEET DEVELOPER TO SLPFLY POLO (A) TOTAL STOP LOGS arra. *51160.0 MTE D nt. RLco4MG5E1a 5001-10 d nco.mwt IOM. HAA a5T0. AF<R DDV ElT TOLL 1511 I F PLOI,IC '.5 &.5 J1. BENCHMARK CITY OP LA WIMA 0, 410 L VATH- 1,5 (rcN:1) 11/2-COTERAELO I.SOEST STARER 'LS - 99' FLUSH DE CENTIERLIIE ION OF MB .EFF,. STELE, AIEHBEN 10 OBTAIN PRGFCT ELEVATIOS IN WASPS DAM, ADO 1.564. TO TIE ELEVATION • 5.467 (xAroRa)REVATIOfi SNOW. B ASIS OF BEARINGS IK RCAE8501LIFDanIPCa1 rA[ WO ON 11[ 'W=0Lu(50*52 ro(1:1IoC L1if l�kT) W ▪ %MEL 57001:11t,MI AS IMO COM MOM_ 333:rre IMO moms Ism NEM CIA I011ll FY51301'>45T xi INTERNATIONAL l.R*m AL =roua24tl mom (rq ANIARLaR1LmF 132.1110 Atli OYY OF IA OEM!. MUM EF 1A6Q ETAEOF UMW COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS 8)LVERROCI( RESORT, PHASE 2 - P.M. NO. 3T2OT STOP LOG GUIDES _,I.0 In •IIr.IN..-!: _� r ::-T1_N n- U TSR- :.S.N '" CI1Y OF SA CLkRA OHEET cm 12 0,14 siEs. n E r. LL Tz (TEP) STOP LOG DETAIL LI_'.J uPrw WO ----i I 1 I + IR 16 I I----+ �---I-gib a--_+ aHI_—___71 C12.00 -'2'2'—_ 11 11 II 11 11 I1 11 .44 11 RI I 11 fI 11 . o ----I P --- -fes r 1a 1" 1 IEgMLY ---r l_.�li c 1 11 1 1 012.50 11 rPL12.95- 11 SPA® II I I—„ -i 1 a1 T "I / I I I (AI` 914f95+1 I LL Tz (TEP) STOP LOG DETAIL LI_'.J 1'/ Ni 5 LIFTING LW — 195 r 615- SLOT (LIFTS,. LUG) SEE DETAIL 5 FOR FLAMER SEAL DETAIL C1, FRALE UREA LIRINGEON C12 (TEP) SECTION A -A %)LIFTING LLIG DETAIL 56-7IITRE ER FL °TYPICAL CLAMP BAR OTYPIDAL ROBBER SEAL BOA SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS' REG./MATES RESERLS 1K WW1 TO NAW A 101SS015-1£ KFS1E NMA Lp51RUDOIN 1001011ACIDATIM0 NLL REWTE AT (FAST A n-5N.R NOTRE PRIOR TO 111E 11101C011T OF amsnivam ACIINIES 10 NA Ili FAAUTES, E% 0,10/1110,10/111R0115-0E-RALR0115-0E-RAL RECUN.AI01IAN Ral?SENTAIN6 SNAIL BE MIMEO ACCL55 TO 111E SIE OIAMO 03TR11CION. 800941 IW PEOAIES 111E R1DONIA11151 R TO UCT SMUT ASSAY. MINIS DOW MISIRUCDON ACT con emu Iwo, L. C.Y.9A Mr.; APE.EOA>L GUSHES. 0*AEGT 000+11A AWE POGLO.ENYO krePACK 0215['08 a E5GR•4114.6 PPD. HILL BENCHMARK cnrvuaulxrA IN In +w AT I = -IE (rcA29) 11/2' COFPERATID 1.011kNT STAKED 'LS - 99' FLUSH AT PE 1ENTORIIE INTERSECTION OF Ana 59 NO JEFFERSDI STREET. MOMS! ,0011 [x[5+1111., 111 NA.90.1 ACO I. SCE' TO TIE ELEVATIUG SOMI E1EVATION 5 9E9 (ILVARE) BASIS OF BEARINGS TIE EMI.SIE•1101021 NE WI TIE CALIFONI1DREN JAINATE SISI, *5 QS I 5 ll, SPE 6, AS EEID COULEE ST TIE LITE FERMI IMO STATIGOTIU6 IA GRIM. MHOS (11191) ALO Cn ELE a TIE OEENT (WTD), 9IASITID6 HER MTIMAU TEEM S IVET, MOD, 12011 OD) A5 SAM 1K NAT1 WL fraEOc MEL 811950 DATA SEL -TS LEGG M. 10'16.3020'.EST F15s9G. wed SLY PM Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 75410 0..NF.0I,.41•103 P D, .Ilq)1L5900 NE1 1 I.w¢AMIImEI *OwIv A OVlil:orj9 5111E arca LA arm mum CF EINEM RATE C. 29 Ja1RV COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE 2 - PM NO 87207 STOP LOG DETAILS SHEET 13 rc14 ,amu SE. WE CITY OF LA WE/TA FILE IA =4611=101) .306.053 lf151-141' F,:1•• EGIFI'-ETfiA. t' TSB: NO-Nsi 10 C POST (TYP) e—C POST (TTP) e1/AA r 01 1r0.21 01.111 ET)r)- tittSOn R19"T_`5TEE E1N(gi) TS _450 5 POST 0000' (TOP) ll 1.1 f �r CTOP CF NCB 1_ NOOF 9.VB T r- RIT 0w.0 0p•EC.10 ((1ti1 1O' -a' I' w" CANAL TRANSVERSE SECTION AT ROADWAY CROSSING SCAN£: 3/5 - F-0" PILASTER ELEVATION NO SCALE BENCHMARK 1rMNAELEYAUCN - 2166. m39 1 Al ETE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION O WRAF 54 NO ,CHIP50151DCEL TO WAIN PROJECT ELEVAT105 IN IUYDA5 DARN, ADO I 554' TO TIE CLEW!. 1101, ELEVATION = 5 (1) NOW) SECTION A -A 80.515 OF BEARINGS TE1101116 SHAN HERON SOS NE & lid M 9D d T CALIFONIA TSYS T134. IEN, CCS D, NE 6, AS OTOIINf. LOCALLY BY TC LITE 61m1 I®6 STAMPS LA 0.RRSA MOOS 060 ND m I.E OF DE mom 613TOL MORNS POI MTN. OLETIC 9R.SY, NNOS1, EMI AI I m) AS 9D1111 ON TE IMTIOAL EMETIC SAO 54.6.19111 DATA DEER BEING HRTH 40.16.317.29" VEST L �j 0 STEEL POST EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE WALL B.O.R. SITE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: NCCLI0ATDNI MONKS 1R MIT TO SAE A 007W11ATIE d -SIZE 0003 I 11E 00111CT60 Si._ VERIFY ALL CONTROLLING 01STRLIC ON Ac1Ix1IIS ASO RLL NOME AT LEAST A o-NOJR NOM BOOR FIELD ['Reams SERVE ORDERING MH FA0ICATING TO TIE COOFR1DOT O C031NLCT01 ACRMm. ON ITS FAMES UV10S NT *TERIAL AND/ACMSa TOODE M010. W�CONSTRUCTOR ACITAICLMATON T. 0f R )010ARa NE PROVED x. Foe LEFAiIs IOt 00M'i.sr TALTALAS STO OS.w 011-51 1 111-N. THE HENT TO ONWO ON OMNI ASSM. TESOG DOPANS COETELI[RO . AUNTY. J. ROTO 9411 IE TYPE M OR 5 AND SHALL LE FA9EY NO SCALE NQge$ Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL PPfl)561 LI 1utm (r16M8AIEIax1LmM - R• NY= 1.: rOR FTtiTI Dr5f PS' Mei RE N 1 S. 1 u 113 PREPARED AAD UNIFORM, AIDED IN TIE RATIO BY 03205 OF I PART MOIL 1/4 PART LNE PUTTY. D PARTS SND ND %LEL ODEON TO C B C STMOADS 4. 11T SHALL BE FLUID CONSISTENCY NG MINED IN TIE RATIO BY ROLLA. OF I PMT CEMENT TO 2 1/4 PARTS DINH. TO D PARTS SAID GROUT SHALL ATTAIN M ULTIMATE COOFRESSIVE STIEIDTN OF 2,000 151 AT 28 DAYS MOOG SHALL BE GROUTED IN 4' lux D. LIFTS 3. T•PE V MOT ASALL BE 1)00 Fp .0 1 11 WITS 6101 SW1 BE GRADE N IED1W NEI air 11 6. UNITS SSIVE STRENGTH TO ASTM 190, LATEST REVISION WITH A MINIIEU NNESSIVE STRENGTH OF 1.000 PSI FOR A MAS9415 DESIGN STREAM, (Im') OF 1,500 PSI 7. 0100)3 STALL BE 8".0"1.16" RECISION 110CNS WITH TROWEL CUT JOINTS, 8. ALL BLOCKS SNLLL BE LAID TO MAINTAIN VESTIGE COHTINIITY OF TIE CELLS TO BE FILLED SUCH THAT TOE TS A CNf2. * ODAL UNOBSTRUCTED VERTICLELL MEASRTPG NOT LESS THANTHAN2"'.J" BLOL%S SHALL BE UID IN COMM (NLN4ING) BOD. 9. LOOSE MORTAR FAl1NNG INTO ANY CELL THAT CONTAINS REDEORCING STEEL SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO MOOTING CELLS. 10 ALL IETAL LOGOOITS SHALL BE SALVANIDED MTER FABTCATH01 OVICVMGMITA 1-3 CYNO. IT00FlT.Y}NOW. TATE MARE MODE. NE(OLIIA5IRO.. ONICLTON. Of MAILER. DINS IPO 01OE 2.'400. N THE MY OF LA OUHTA COVEN OF MIMS STARE OF CJIEtRN COACHELLA CANAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS SILVERROCN RESORT. PHASE 2 - PM NO. 37207 PILASTER DETAILS “C.A00 •Tm111 s 11514 3.1eat • I. / OF LA MANTA EMP SHEE or 14 1 9EET; LT.. HALE FILE M RECLAMATION Managing Water in the West Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings Bureau of Reclamation Water Conveyance Facilities (Canals, Pipelines, and Similar Facilities) U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Technical Service Center Denver, Colorado April 2008 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Mission Statements The mission of the Department of the Interior is to protect and provide access to our Nation's natural and cultural heritage and honor our trust responsibilities to Indian Tribes and our commitments to island communities. The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings Bureau of Reclamation Water Conveyance Facilities (Canals, Pipelines, and Similar Facilities) EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 t Acronyms and Abbreviations AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official AOE authorized operating entity AWWA American Water Works Association CFR Code of Federal Regulations CPS cathodic protection system DOT Department of Transportation HDD horizontal directional drilling kV kilovolt(s) MERL Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory O&M operations and maintenance Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation ROW right-of-way WB -67 67 -foot wheelbase EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Contents Page 1.0 Purpose 1 2.0 General Permit Information 1 3.0 Engineering and O&M Review Considerations 1 3.1 Introduction 3.2 General 3.3 Detectable Warning Tape 4.0 Specific Feature Review Guidelines 4.1 Bridges 4.2 Landscaping 4.3 Roadway Crossing 4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage 4.5 Subdivision 4.6 Utility Crossing 4.6.1 Casings 4.6.2 Overhead Line Crossing 4.6.3 Utility Crossing Reclamation's Canal 4.6.4 Utility Crossing Reclamation's Underground Pipelines 4.6.5 Utility Crossing Under Reclamation's Roadways 5.0 Cathodic Protection Requirements 5.1 Cathodically Protected Metallic Pipelines 5.2 Protective Coatings for Corrosion Control 1 2 6 7 7 10 11 12 14 16 16 16 17 21 23 23 23 25 27 References Glossary 29 Appendix A Appendix B General Requirements for Installing Bored and Jacked Pipe Undercrossings Guidelines — Removal of Trees and Other Vegetative Growth from Earth Dams, Dikes, and Conveyance Features (Appendix B of Review and Operation and Maintenance Program Field Examination Guidelines) EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 1.0 PURPOSE These are general guidelines for Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) offices to follow when reviewing the engineering and operations and maintenance (O&M) factors in outside entity requests for authorization to cross (encroach upon) Reclamation lands that contain project features such as levees, canals, pipelines, or other water conveyance facilities owned or administered by Reclamation. These guidelines include a general overview of the permitting process administered by Reclamation Lands Groups for allowing a particular use on lands where Reclamation holds a fee or an easement right-of-way interest. These engineering and construction recommendations are minimum guidelines for engineers to use in reviewing and evaluating these portions of the applications. 2.0 GENERAL PERMIT INFORMATION Applicants requesting to cross any Reclamation land, facility, or water body must obtain a written land use authorization from Reclamation. Requirements for obtaining a use authorization to cross Reclamation project land and water surfaces are in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 43 CFR 429 and Reclamation Manual LND 08-01. The applicant must complete the Standard Form (SF) 299, "Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands," or similar forms in use at the local Reclamation office. The form can be obtained by contacting the involved Reclamation office, or it can be accessed electronically at Reclamation's Web site at: <http://www.usbr.gov/ pmts/lands>. Applicants can contact their local Reclamation office to discuss their proposed use before filing an application for a use authorization. 3.0 ENGINEERING AND O&M REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 Introduction Technical review of the crossing evaluates impacts on any existing Reclamation facility and does not determine the adequacy of the crossing design for the applicant's intended purpose. The use authorization or consent document specifies criteria which, if followed, would not be deemed unreasonable interference. These review guidelines are strictly limited to those criteria which: 1 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings ▪ Protect Reclamation's facility and/or appurtenant facility from damage • Ensure unrestricted flow and quality of water in Reclamation's facility • Do not diminish the ability to perform O&M of Reclamation's facility, including access • Prevent any burden of liability These guidelines are provided as recommendations that apply to most Reclamation facilities. Each Reclamation office and/or authorized operating entity (AOE) should apply these guidelines using sound engineering judgment that best applies to their facilities and existing conditions. Additional Reclamation guidelines for specific locations (e.g., Central Arizona Project Reach 11 Basin Guidelines) may also apply and may be provided to applicants when necessary. These guidelines are minimums, and local conditions may be more stringent depending on the direct impacts to facilities and lands. AOEs may have additional requirements. Uses that may be deemed reasonable within Reclamation pipeline easements include greenbelts, asphalt roadways, flexible pavement parking lots, transverse curbs and gutters, and sidewalks. Canals and pipelines may have overhead power and telephone lines (but not their supporting poles), transverse fences with gated openings (no walls), and similar surface and overhead structures. 3.2 General The following individual items should be addressed by the applicant and evaluated by Reclamation and/or AOE as they may affect the Reclamation facility's engineering and O&M aspects. If unusual conditions are proposed for the encroaching structure or unusual field conditions within a Reclamation facility right-of-way (ROW) are encountered, Reclamation reserves the right to impose more stringent criteria than prescribed in these guidelines. 2 1. Structures that should not be constructed on Reclamation pipeline or canal ROW (whether fee owned or easement) include foundations, buildings, garages, carports, trailers, street light standards, supports for large signs, walls, longitudinal fences (except security/safety fences), power or telephone poles, and similar surface structures. 2. Prior to construction, a joint inspection should be conducted and the condition of existing facilities documented. Reclamation's ROW should be restored to pre-existing conditions following completion of work. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 3. When applications are requesting public use of trails and maintenance roads adjacent to or crossing Reclamation canals, these facilities should be fenced for safety to separate them from open canal water, except when Reclamation's ROW is used as a greenbelt and the applicant accepts legal hazard responsibility. Trails and maintenance roads should be fenced on an as -needed basis whenever such fencing is warranted for public safety, restricted access, security, etc. If a fence is allowed within Reclamation's ROW, Reclamation should approve the fence materials. Any gates allowed within Reclamation's ROW should be at least 16 feet wide. Reclamation will be provided with full access through any fences or gates. 4. Prior to construction of any structure that encroaches within a Reclamation pipeline or canal ROW, a "pothole excavation" should be made to determine the locations of any existing Reclamation and non - Reclamation facilities and their appurtenant features that may be affected. Potholing is the practice of digging test holes to expose underground utilities to determine the horizontal and vertical location of the utility. All work within 18 inches of the facility should be done using hand-held tools only. The excavation should be made by or in the presence of Reclamation and/or AOE personnel. The presence of a Reclamation and/or AOE inspector may be required throughout the excavation process, but this presence in no way relieves the applicant or their contractor of responsibility. The resultant elevation information should be delineated on the profile view and labeled as: POTHOLED ELEVATION XX.X Surface Elevation XX.X The pothole excavation should be filled in, or a safety fence installed, prior to departing the site each day. 5. If Reclamation facilities need to be modified to avoid adverse impacts from the applicant's crossing facility, the applicant should be responsible for the cost of such modifications. 3 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings A temporary permit may be required for visual inspections, ground and aerial surveys,' or potholing that requires physical entrance onto a Reclamation facility. A use authorization or consent document issued by Reclamation and/or AOE should be obtained prior to entering or crossing Reclamation's ROW for any activity. 7. Applications should include a project description, calculations, specifications, and detailed construction plans showing plan views, profiles and sections, and grading plans of proposed work within or adjacent to Reclamation's ROW. Plans should show an easily recognizable boundary (tied to a known corner) and Reclamation's ROW and Reclamation stationing or mile post designation. All Reclamation facilities should be shown and labeled (e.g., "Centerline of xx-inch Reclamation Pipeline," "Reclamation Communication and Control Cable," etc.) The type and weight of the construction equipment crossing Reclamation pipelines, roads, and bridges as well as the crossing locations should be included. Additional information, as identified in following individual specific feature sections of these guidelines, should also be included with the application for review. Any engineering or land survey drawing should contain the appropriate registered engineer's or land surveyor's stamp and signature. A construction schedule outlining the anticipated duration of the construction should be submitted. A minimum of two 2 copies of the application (including calculations, specifications, and plans) should be submitted to Reclamation and/or AOE for review and approval. 8. For crossings of all Reclamation facilities, Reclamation and/or AOE personnel familiar with the facilities (including cathodic protection systems) will obtain and provide copies of existing files showing information about existing buried facilities (center of pipeline, depth of cover, size of pipe, class of pipe, etc.) to the applicant. 9. Existing Reclamation facilities (e.g., canal lining, canal check structure, turnout structure, etc.) and appurtenances (e.g., existing blow -offs, air valves, vents, manholes, and/or cathodic protection test stations) and existing non -Reclamation facilities on Reclamation's ROW (e.g., petroleum pipelines, natural gas pipelines, communications lines, powerlines, water lines, sewer lines, storm drain lines, etc.) should be protected in place prior to and during construction. 4 Aerial surveys require placing on -the -ground survey control markers. 2 Revise per local Reclamation office and/or AOE practice. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings The applicant and/or their contractor may be liable for all damages to Reclamation facilities and appurtenances as a result of construction and for any other damages or losses suffered by Reclamation or its water contractors, including power, irrigation, municipal and industrial water supply, and communication losses. 10. Trench excavation should comply with the most current Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards or Reclamation Health and Safety Standards, whichever are more stringent. Trench backfill should be placed in 4- to 6 -inch lifts if hand compacted or no more than 8 -inch lifts if power compacted. Trench backfill within Reclamation's ROW should be compacted to 95 percent relative compaction (ASTM D 698, Standard Proctor) (or 90 percent of ASTM D 1557). Mechanical compaction using heavy equipment (greater than 2,000 pounds) should not be used within 18 inches of the Reclamation pipeline. Flowable fill (or controlled low strength material) should be substituted for compacted pipe embedment under canals and may be used when crossing pipelines. 11. Erosion control measures, including re -vegetation, should be implemented after completing construction. 12. If existing drainage features are to be modified during construction, detailed drawings showing the proposed drainage replacement/ restoration should be submitted with the application for review and approval. The applicant is responsible for the care and handling of storm water runoff both during and after construction. 13. The applicant should not divert surface runoff3 toward Reclamation canal or canal embankments. The 100 -year storm4 surface runoff should use detention basins outside of Reclamation's ROW. Lined drainage channels should be designed to transfer flow from the detention basins to the existing cross drainage facilities that drained the original area. Also refer to "4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage." 14. Proposed temporary or permanent modifications to the existing cover over Reclamation pipelines should be subject to review and approval by Reclamation and/or AOE. Design parameters for roadway, parking lot, and driveway crossings over the pipe should also be subject to review and approval by Reclamation and/or AOE. 3 Subdivision or commercial development on the uphill side of canals that pave large areas and have large roof areas will greatly increase peak storm runoff—most city development requires retention basins. Applicants should provide the same retention basins that are required for similar development projects. 4 Revise per Reclamation field office for specific canal if a higher storm frequency is required. 5 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 15. When a Reclamation pipeline system being crossed has pipe with an "A" cover pipe designation (less than 5 feet of earth), the applicant is to analyze the crossing to show "A" pipe load carrying capability exists to meet their carrying requirements or replace the "A" pipe with pipe of sufficient load carrying capability. 16. Reclamation's ongoing O&M activities should not be disrupted during construction. The primary or secondary operating road should be kept available for Reclamation and/or AOE use at all times. 17. Detectable warning tape may be required over below -ground utilities. Refer to "3.3 Detectable Warning Tape." 18. The points where the proposed utilities enter and exit Reclamation's ROW should be plainly and permanently marked by sign posts extending 5 feet above grade. Applicants should provide sign posts directly above their utilities and at all angle points within Reclamation's ROW. The distance between adjacent sign posts should not exceed 500 feet. Sign posts should contain the name of owner/operator, contents of the pipeline, utility identification, and emergency contact telephone number. Sign posts for angle points that lie within roads or canals should be offset and have a reference noted. The locations of the sign posts should be shown on the plans. 19. Following completion of work, applicants should provide as -built drawings of their facilities on Reclamation's ROW. Reclamation as - built drawings are to be updated by the appropriate Reclamation office and/or AOE to reflect the crossing. As -built drawings may be maintained by the AOE, but should remain accessible to Reclamation upon request. 3.3 Detectable Warning Tape Detectable warning tape may be required over below -ground utilities situated within Reclamation's ROW and should be a minimum of 18 inches above the utility and between 18 and 30 inches below the ground surface. Warning tapes should conform to the following specifications: 6 a. For potable water lines, the warning tape should be a 3 -inch -wide blue detectable tape imprinted with "CAUTION BURIED POTABLE WATER LINE." b. For nonpotable water lines, the warning tape should be a 3 -inch -wide purple detectable tape imprinted with "CAUTION BURIED NONPOTABLE WATER LINE." EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings c. For sewer and storm drain lines, the warning tape should be a 3 -inch -wide green detectable tape imprinted with "CAUTION BURIED (type) LINE." d. For gas, oil, and steam chemical lines, the warning tape should be a 3 -inch -wide yellow detectable tape imprinted with "CAUTION BURIED (type) LINE." e. For telecommunications, telephone, and television conduit(s), the warning tape should be a 3 -inch -wide orange detectable tape imprinted with "CAUTION BURIED (type) CONDUIT." f. For electrical, street lighting, and traffic signal conduit(s), the warning tape should be a 3 -inch -wide red detectable tape imprinted with "CAUTION BURIED (type) CONDUIT." 4.0 SPECIFIC FEATURE REVIEW GUIDELINES 4.1 Bridges 1. New bridge crossings (vehicular, pedestrian, and utility) should be perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees) to the centerline of the water conveyance facility and at locations approved by Reclamation and/or the AOE. Exceptions to the policy may be considered on an individual basis. 2. Public use bridges in urban areas should be spaced no closer together than 1/3 mile (about 4 blocks or 1,700 feet) apart. This is to ensure O&M operations are not overly restricted. 3. Bridge crossings should be of free span design. Consideration of any anticipated (known or ongoing) canal subsidence issues, anticipated raising of the canal lining, or anticipated increases in the canal's high water level should be made. The minimum vertical clearance between the bottom of the superstructure and the top of the canal lining should be 3 feet. For unlined canals, the vertical clearance may be measured to the high water level. If this minimum clearance is reduced by subsidence or by future Reclamation modifications to the canal lining, the minimum clearance should be re-established at the applicant's expense. The minimum horizontal clearance from the face of the abutment to the top of the canal lining should be 5 feet. For unlined canals, the horizontal clearance may be measured to the high water level. 7 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 8 These clearances are suggested to minimize impact on the canal section during construction and future inspections and O&M. Applicants may request to re -construct a canal section if Reclamation's operations are impacted by close construction during periods when the canal is normally unwatered. If so, vertical clearances may be reduced to 1 foot and horizontal clearance to 3 feet. 4. Canal O&M roads should intersect public roads at bridges at right angles for proper visibility. This may require the applicant to acquire additional ROW for use if the existing canal ROW is not sufficient. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official (AASHTO) criteria for sight distances at the intersection of O&M roads and roadways at new bridges should be met to allow O&M vehicles to cross them safely. 5. Driving piles at concrete -lined canals should not be permitted. Any abutment foundation support piles, at concrete -lined canals, should be drilled and cast -in-place. At a minimum, the applicant's drilling and piling plan should include: • Drilling methods and equipment • Methods for preserving existing foundation material • Methods and equipment to determine the presence of quick soil conditions or scouring and caving • The proposed method for casing installation and removal if casings are used • Methods and equipment for accurately determining the depth of concrete and actual or theoretical volume placed At a minimum, the applicant's contingency plan should include: • Means to repair in a certain time • Minimum flows after event • Review of geotechnical conditions surrounding the pile locations • Assessment of how the proposed mitigations will address geotechnical conditions • Methods for restoring foundation material EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings • A list of material, equipment, and personnel with qualifications to be used during mitigation work • A seal from a Professional Engineer on all relevant plans and drawings 6. The submitted plan drawings for the bridge should contain the following information: a. Superstructure, abutments, railings, embankments, and drainage, including details and sections b. Type of materials (concrete, steel, timber, etc.) used for different members c. Details of cast -in-place foundation piles, if any, on both sides of the canal d. The elevation of the bottom of the superstructure and the clearance between the top of the canal lining (or high water level if unlined canal) to the superstructure or bottom of deck slab, whichever is lowest e. Design loadings f. Design standards on which the bridge is based (AASHTO, etc.) 7. The calculations and specifications for the bridge should be submitted to Reclamation and/or AOE for review. 8. The right lane turn radius from the new road onto a Reclamation operating road should comply with the provisions of a 67 -foot wheelbase5 (WB -67) truck turning template in the AASHTO manual on Geometric Design of Highway and Streets. 9. Details of any proposed utilities to be attached to an existing bridge include: a. Anchor bolt locations should not intercept the critical reinforcing steel of the bridge. 5 The field office should adjust these provisions according to anticipated needs. 9 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings b. Utilities should be placed and anchored under bridge decks and through utility openings, if they are present. The utility should be placed off center in the utility opening, if possible, to allow for future utility additions. c. If an expansion joint is used in the pipeline, the joint should be placed near the bridge deck expansion joint. d. Holes through bridge concrete or abutment and retaining walls for passage of utilities should be allowed by core drilling. The annular space between the utility and core hole surface should be completely filled with an elastomeric sealant to prevent loss of material or water piping from behind the wingwalls and abutments. e. Submit calculations showing the effects of the weights of the proposed utilities on the load carrying capacity of the bridge for Reclamation review. f. Intermediate supports for the utility should withstand the same seismic load considerations as the bridge. g. Load limit signs should be placed adjacent to the bridge, as required under AASHTO criteria. h. Beam guardrails should be installed at bridges and bridge approaches, as required under AASHTO criteria. 10. The applicant will be responsible for changes to Reclamation existing ROW; bridge O&M approach roads; existing fencing, gates, and signs; and the addition of new fencing, O&M gates, cattle guards, signs, etc. 4.2 Landscaping 10 1. No landscaping or other changes in ground surfaces within Reclamation pipeline and canal/lateral ROW should be made without advance written permission of Reclamation through the application process. Landscaping changes may (1) limit, prevent, or hamper O&M access; (2) increase the costs of operations and maintenance of the facility; (3) impact facility reliability; or (4) create a public nuisance or liability issue. 2. Open space with natural hiking trails and walkways may be permitted if vehicle access to Reclamation pipeline and appurtenant facilities for patrol and maintenance is provided. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 3. The following may apply within Reclamation's ROW: a. The easement may be used as a greenbelt upon Reclamation approval. b. Ground cover and shrubs are permitted upon Reclamation approval. c. Trees and vines should not be allowed. See Appendix B of Review of Operation and Maintenance Program Field Examination Guidelines (reproduced as appendix B at the end of these guidelines). 4. All temporary or permanent changes in ground surfaces within Reclamation pipeline and canal ROW are considered encroaching structures and are handled as such. Earthfills and cuts on adjacent property should not encroach onto Reclamation pipeline and canal ROW. Excavations of adjacent property (even property not within Reclamation's purview) within the projection of the Reclamation embankment line may impact embankment stability and should be evaluated. 5. Permanent landscaping structures should not be allowed within the exterior limits of a Reclamation linear facility ROW (fee owned or easement). 6. Pressurized lawn and park sprinkler irrigation lines (3 -inch maximum size) and isolation valves within Reclamation easements that run parallel to a Reclamation pipeline should be installed at least 15 feet from the edge of the Reclamation pipeline. Irrigating lawns and flower beds along canal embankments should not overwater the area or threaten the embankment stability. 4.3 Roadway Crossing Note: This type of encroachment also includes parking areas and recreational trails. 1. The applicant should submit a grading plan as part of the application. 2. If the roadway crosses a Reclamation pipeline system that has a cover pipe designation of "A," refer to "3.2 General." 11 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 3. If the applicant intends to modify existing drainage features during construction, detailed drawings showing the proposed drainage replacement/restoration should be submitted with the application for review and approval. (Refer to "3.2 General.") 4. If the proposed roadway includes a bridge crossing over a Reclamation canal or pipeline, Reclamation and/or AOE should review and approve the vertical clearance and location of the abutments. (Refer to "4.1 Bridges.") 5. Streets, roads, or parking areas crossing Reclamation pipeline easements are permissible. All streets, roads, and parking surfaces are to be asphalt or other flexible pavement. Depressed curbs or driveways should be provided for Reclamation vehicular access when new roads cross Reclamation pipelines or canals. 6. Roadway ditch drainage should not be allowed to flow into the canal. Drainage should be retained and released in a controlled way to maintain peak discharges that are less than any peak historical runoff rate before these modifications. Applicants should direct drainage to an original sub - basin cross drainage culvert or overchute. (Refer to "3.2 General" and "4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage.") 7. If existing roadway embankments are to be widened, the work should be conducted in accordance with the provisions of construction in the applicable State Department of Transportation (DOT) Standard Specifications. 4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage 12 1. Upslope development impacts historic natural drainage volumes and peak flow rates. Development re -grades and revises drainage sub - basins. Revised ground cover from constructing roads, parking areas, and buildings may result in the need to change the cross drainage features (culverts and/or overchutes) along Reclamation canals. 2. A hydrologic study should accompany all plans that modify the existing drainage across and/or along Reclamation facilities. The study or report should show the proposed flows of the canal and the associated crossings. The drainage study or report should show that the downstream system can accept the flows without creating any flooding to properties adjacent to or downstream of the canal. 3. All drainage crossings, whether existing or proposed, should carry the peak runoff of a 100 -year event while preventing any storm water from entering the canal and/or ponding against the canal embankment. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 4. Urban runoff should not be allowed to enter into, or drain onto, Reclamation's land. All flows generated outside Reclamation's ROW should enter the storm drain system prior to entering Reclamation's ROW. Piped connections are preferred, but concrete -lined channels may be acceptable upon Reclamation's review. 5. The new crossing under a canal should be designed with 3 feet vertical clearance from the top of the cross drainage structure to the bottom of the canal (or liner). The structure should extend completely across Reclamation's ROW. 6. New overcrossings of the canal should have 2 feet of vertical clearance from the top of the liner and 2 feet of horizontal clearance from the support abutments to the outside edge of the canal lining. The O&M road crossing of the cross drainage structure should be structurally capable of withstanding highway -legal vehicle loadings and provide at least 1 foot of cover in the roadway. 7. Pipe crossing barriers should be installed on all pipe overcrossings. 8. All drainage flow should be discharged to a downstream storm drainage system owned, operated, and maintained by a public agency (such as a city or county) or into areas such as channels, roadways, parks, wetland basins, or other non -private lands that can accept the concentrated flows from the drainage crossing. 9, All drainage from upland property should be collected by the applicant's installed system of curbs and inlets within their property and discharged into a non -Reclamation public agency's drainage system. 10. New drainage system designs will not use ponding against the existing canal embankment for temporary detention of storm runoff that will not immediately pass through existing or new crossings. Proposed permanent detention facilities adjacent to Reclamation's property should include engineered fill beyond the canal ROW to provide, at a minimum, a fill -width maintenance access roadway between the canal property and the basin. The applicant shall submit a geotechnical report verifying that the canal embankments can perform as detention basin embankments. The design should provide for sufficient freeboard to contain the 100 -year event within the proposed basin adjacent to Reclamation's property and shall have adequate protection from seepage and erosion. The ownership and related O&M of the embankments shall be the responsibility of the applicant requesting the crossing. 13 EXHIBIT CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 11. When grading operations upstream of existing canal drainage crossings are scheduled to take longer than a normal construction season to complete, temporary basins shall be installed. These temporary basins should be designed to detain the 100 -year event, capture silt from the disturbed area, and meter the flows across the existing drain crossings without spilling flows into the canal. 12. Unless Reclamation specifies otherwise, the applicant should remove or plug and abandon existing drainage crossings that are not used by the development unless they are shown to provide an additional measure of safety for the canal by reducing the likelihood of spill into the canal caused by extreme runoff flows. Otherwise, these crossings should remain in place for Reclamation's benefit and will not require ownership transfer to a public agency. These crossings must discharge into the non -Reclamation public agency's storm drainage systems or into areas such as channels, roadways, parks, wetland basins, or other nonprivate lands that can accept the concentrated flows from the drainage crossing in the case of an extreme runoff event. Grading in Reclamation property should be preserved or revised to direct extreme runoff flows into these unused drainage crossings without allowing said flows to enter into the canal until the crossings reach their capacity. 4.5 Subdivision Urban developments are reaching Reclamation's lands and ROWs. These are general guidelines for accommodating development in subdivisions (refer to "3.2 General" and "4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage"). 14 1. Permanent structures should not be permitted within Reclamation fee - owned linear ROWs. 2. Open space with natural hiking trails and vegetation may be allowable. 3. Where subdivision development is adjacent to a canal, fencing should include these characteristics: a. Temporary chain link fences must be installed prior to removing any portion of existing fences. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings b. Upon completion of grading for drainage and other work, fencing should be installed along the subdivision's boundary length of the adjacent ROW plus 150 feet beyond the development's property boundary. The fence should be per project standards and at the applicant's expense. c. The new fence should be located 1 foot outside of Reclamation's ROW. The fence location should be shown on the improvement plans. 4. Use of Reclamation pipeline easements as part of residential subdivision lots should not be allowed. Pipeline easements may be included within the subdivision greenbelt or similar use areas. 5. Drawings should include all proposed improvements (i.e., streets, utilities, landscaping, etc.) within, and adjacent to, Reclamation's ROW. 6. Trees or vines should not be allowed within a Reclamation pipeline or canal ROW. See Appendix B of Review and Operation and Maintenance Program Field Examination Guidelines (reproduced as appendix B at the end of these guidelines). 7. Streets, roads, or parking areas using Reclamation easements may be permissible. All streets, roads, and parking surfaces should be asphalt or other flexible pavement. Depressed curbs or driveways should be provided for Reclamation vehicular access when new roads cross Reclamation pipelines or canals. 8. Where fencing is proposed within Reclamation easements, a minimum 16 -foot -wide gate should be provided for Reclamation access. 9. Pipelines containing sewage, oil, gasoline, natural gas, or hazardous materials should only cross perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees) to the Reclamation pipeline or canal and be installed with the necessary safety measures and separation clearance as required in "4.6 Utility Crossing." 10. Electroliers, posts, etc., should be installed at the maximum distance possible from the edge of the pipeline or canal. 11. If crossing a Reclamation pipeline system that has "A" cover pipe designation, refer to recommendations in "3.2 General." 15 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 4.6 Utility Crossing Note: All pipelines, electrical, and communication lines and conduits are referred to as "utilities" in these guidelines. 4.6.1 Casings The Reclamation Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory's (MERL) position is to avoid using casing pipes around metallic carrier pipelines (steel, ductile iron, cast iron, reinforced concrete, pretensioned concrete cylinder, etc.) whenever possible. The experience of the corrosion community in general is that these casings often cause corrosion -control problems. Furthermore, dielectric (plastic, fiberglass, etc.) casings, or even dielectrically coated casings, should not he used. They can shield the carrier pipe from receiving cathodic protection current. Cathodic protection to a buried metallic pipeline is more trouble free and more certain without a casing pipe. MERL recommends relying on effective corrosion control measures on the carrier pipeline rather than relying on a casing pipe (which may shield cathodic protection current) to direct a leak away from Reclamation property. 4.6.2 Overhead Line Crossing 16 1. Overhead wires across Reclamation pipeline and canal ROWs should be at least 32 feet above all ground levels in the Reclamation ROW. For electrical powerlines of 69 kilovolts (kV) or higher voltage, the minimum clearance should be 40 feet plus 0.25 inch per kV of line -to -line voltage above 450 kV. In any case, the minimum clearance is to be that determined to be needed with an ambient temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Reclamation has the following requirements for overhead crossings: a. Poles or towers should not be allowed within Reclamation's ROW. b. Overhead electrical and communication lines should cross perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees) to the centerline of the Reclamation facility. c. If necessary, fence grounding is to be provided for existing fence lines, especially under power transmission lines. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 3. A marker warning sign should be provided that shows the clearance and electrical line voltage. The warning sign should face oncoming traffic and state, "DANGER, HIGH VOLTAGE OVERHEAD." 4.6.3 Utility Crossing Reclamation's Canal Utility crossings include open ditch laterals, subsurface and surface drains, levees, and similar facilities. General Requirements: 1. Utilities crossing Reclamation canals should be designed to cross perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees). 2. Pier construction in the canal for new utility crossing(s) should not be allowed. New utility crossings should be free span design. 3. Open cut crossings of Reclamation canals and ditches, when allowed, should require replacing linings to re-establish the original construction style and materials (i.e., disturbed concrete lining panels should be removed in their entirety and replaced, membrane lining and earth or concrete protective cover should be re -constructed, gravel and canal under -drainage systems should be re-established to full working order, etc.) Proposals should be submitted for approval with the crossing permit application. 4. For trench excavation and backfill requirements, refer to "3.2 General." 5. Boring and jacking of a utility through canal embankments or protective levees should not be permitted. Boring and jacking of a utility should be constructed through the embankment foundation materials. Applicants should make special design and construction considerations with bored crossings under canals containing water during construction. Among these should be using proper bentonite slurry to seal the annulus space between the utility conduit and the boring cavity from canal seepage. Refer to appendix A for more details to be considered. The applicant's drilling plan should cover: a. Drilling methods and equipment b. Methods for preserving existing foundation material c. Methods and equipment to determine the presence of quick soil conditions or scouring and caving 17 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 18 d. Proposed method for casing installation and removal if casings are used e. Methods and equipment for accurately determining the depth of concrete and actual or theoretical volume placed The applicant's contingency plan should cover: a. Means to repair in a certain time b. Minimum flows after event c. Review of geotechnical conditions surrounding the pile locations d. Assessment of how the proposed mitigations will address geotechnical conditions e. Methods for restoring foundation material f. List of material, equipment, and personnel with qualifications to be used during mitigation work g. A seal from a Professional Engineer on all relevant plans and drawings 6. When horizontal directional drilling (HDD) or other trenchless methods are used, canal seepage conditions may be aggravated by the collapse of the canal foundation material into the annular void between the bore and pipe. Penetration through the top stratum of fine-grained materials may concentrate seepage at those locations. Pipe installed with trenchless methods should proceed only after completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the following: (a) Comprehensive understanding of the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions to a minimum depth of 20 feet below the lowest pipe elevation (b) Locations of the HDD pipe penetration entry and exit (c) Construction procedure (d) Allowable uplift pressures (e) Onsite quality control and quality assurance monitoring during construction operation EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings (f) Grouting of the pipe annulus (g) Backfilling of any excavated areas (h) Repair and reinstatement of the construction staging areas A geotechnical report should be submitted with the application for review prior to approval of the proposed utility crossing. Directional drilling under a canal may be considered if a minimum clearance of 25 feet to the bottom of the canal lining is maintained for utilities with less than a 24 -inch outside diameter. Larger utility crossings should be considered on an individual basis and may require additional clearance from the bottom of the canal lining. 7. Cut and cover constructed utilities under Reclamation canals should have a minimum cover of 36 inches when within Reclamation's ROWs. Bored construction utilities should have a minimum of 3 diameters cover. 8. Reclamation's ongoing O&M activities should not be disrupted during crossing construction. The primary or secondary operating road should be kept available for Reclamation use at all times. 9. Canal embankments should be re -built or repaired with materials and standards equal to or better than the existing embankments. 10. Drawings should be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer and contain the following information: a. Canal milepost or station at each proposed crossing, utility size and location, and type of utility or material transported b. Maximum utility operating pressure, type of pipe, joints, wall thickness, maximum test pressure, and description of test procedures c. Type of sleeve/casing (when allowed) including diameter, joints, and wall thickness d. For utilities attached to a bridge or an overchute, details showing the structure name, superstructure, abutments, embankments, protective dikes, method of attachment, spacing of utility supports on the structure, location of other attached utilities, and structural calculations 19 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings e. Protective coatings and corrosion control measures f. Method of handling pipeline expansion and contraction g. Location of nearest shutoff valve on each side of the crossing h. Location and details of thrust restraint i. Design code(s) used for the utility crossing j. Location, including depth, of the buried pipeline communication and control cables k. Other existing utility easements in the immediate vicinity Hazardous Material Carrier Requirements: 20 1. Pipelines carrying hazardous material or pollutants (e.g., oils, gasoline, sewage, contaminated waters, and nonpotable waters) should be designed for a reduced risk of failure in the portion within Reclamation's ROW. The design should require either: a. Designing the crossing pipeline with an additional 50 percent working pressure factor or b. Using secondary containment (casing pipe) for all hazardous material pipelines 2. To minimize the amount of any hazardous material entering the canal, Reclamation may require the installation of a block (gate) valve and or a check valve on each side of the canal between the ROW boundary and the embankment. When selecting the type of the valves, take into the account the flow direction and the terrain. 3. A final hazardous material spill contingency plan and an emergency response plan should be approved by Reclamation prior to start of construction. 4. A monitoring program and/or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System alarm may be required depending on the hazardous material transported. This applies to all "overcrossings" and "undercrossings" when the hydraulic grade line is within 60 inches of the canal liner or when local geology would promote this requirement. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings Attaching Utilities to Bridges and Overchutes: Note: Reclamation does not guarantee the long-term availability of bridges or overchutes as support devices for utility crossings because they may require structural modifications or alterations to accommodate widening, repairs, subsidence offsets, etc., to such an extent that service may be interrupted or stopped. Reclamation may determine the bridge is no longer required and may remove it. In that event, the owner/operator of each utility attached to a bridge or an overchute may be required to re -locate or permanently remove their utility at their own expense. Specific details for attaching utilities to bridges are: a. Utilities should not be placed on the bridge deck. b. Anchor bolt locations should not intercept the critical reinforcing steel of the bridge. c. Utilities should be placed and anchored under bridge decks between girders and through utility openings, if they are present. The utility should be placed off center in the utility opening, if possible, to allow for future utility additions. d. If an expansion joint is used in the pipeline, it should be placed near the bridge deck expansion joint. e. Holes through bridge concrete or abutment and retaining walls for passage of utilities may be allowed and should be core drilled. The annular space between the utility and core hole surface should be completely filled with an elastomeric sealant to prevent loss of material or water piping from behind the wingwalls and abutments. f. Calculations showing the effects of the weights of the proposed utilities on the load carrying capacity of the bridge should be submitted for Reclamation review. g. Intermediate supports for the utility should withstand the seismic conditions of the bridge. 4.6.4 Utility Crossing Reclamation's Underground Pipelines 1. The applicant should submit the procedures, excavation plans, schedules, as well as type and weight of the construction equipment to be used for crossing the Reclamation pipeline. 21 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 22 2. High voltage, direct current powerlines should not be permitted to encroach on the Reclamation pipeline ROW, except in unusual circumstances and with proper cathodic protection considerations. 3. For proposed metallic pipelines, refer to "5.0 Cathodic Protection Requirements." 4. For utilities crossing above or under the Reclamation pipeline, the vertical clearance between the utility and Reclamation pipeline should be a minimum of 12 inches. 5. The location of the Reclamation pipeline and the communication and control cables throughout the area of the proposed construction should be shown on the plans. Prior to Reclamation and/or AOE issuing a use authorization or consent document, the pipeline and the cable(s) should be located and exposed by potholing. The pothole locations should be shown on the drawings. The pothole elevations should be referenced to Reclamation stationing or milepost. (Refer to "3.2 General.") 6. Drawings should contain the following information: a. Reclamation milepost or station at each proposed crossing, pipeline size and location, and type of utility or material transported. b. Maximum utility operating pressure, type of pipe and joints, maximum test pressure and description of test procedures, wall thickness, and utility pipe classification. c. Type of sleeve/casing pipe (when allowed) including diameter, joints, and wall thickness. d. Protective coatings and corrosion control measures. e. Location of nearest shutoff valve on each side of the crossing. f. Location and details of thrust restraint. g. Design code(s) used for utility crossing. h. Location, including depth of the Reclamation pipeline and the communication and control cables. i. Other existing utility easements in the immediate vicinity. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 7. Detectable warning tape may be required over trenched utilities. (Refer to "3.3 Detectable Warning Tape.") 8. For trench excavation and backfill requirements, refer to "3.2 General." 9. Embankments should not be permitted within Reclamation's ROW where underground pipeline exists. 4.6.5 Utility Crossing Under Reclamation's Roadways 1. The applicant should supply typical cross sections that show existing ground surface elevations, utility trench invert elevations, and utility details. 2. For trench excavation and backfill requirements, refer to "3.2 General." 3. Conduits with diameters up to 24 inches should be bored and jacked underneath pavements. Larger conduits may be considered on an individual basis. Pavement or road surfaces should not be cut unless an acceptable detour, if required, is approved. The cover over the conduit(s) when within Reclamation's ROWs should be a minimum of 36 inches. (Refer to "3.2 General.") 4. Unless otherwise approved, the applicant should replace existing Reclamation roads and parking surfaces that are removed or damaged by the applicant's construction activities in accordance with provisions in the latest edition of the applicable State DOT Standard Specifications. 5. If existing road embankments are to be widened, the work should be conducted in accordance with the provisions of embankment construction in the applicable State DOT Standard Specifications. 6. Detectable warning tape may be required over buried utilities. (Refer to "3.3 Detectable Warning Tape.") 5.0 CATHODIC PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Cathodically Protected Metallic Pipelines Unless approved in writing by Reclamation, metallic pipelines or those containing metallic reinforcement (e.g., reinforced concrete) installed within Reclamation's ROW should have a suitable bonded dielectric coating (see "5.2 Protective Coatings for Corrosion Control") and be cathodically protected. Impressed current cathodic protection rectifiers and deep -well anode systems should not be 23 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings permitted within Reclamation facilities without prior approval from MERL's Corrosion Technology Group. All submittals should include details of the cathodic protection system (CPS) and its appurtenances. 24 1. All existing Reclamation cathodic protection test stations, cables running to these stations, rectifiers, anode beds, and any other appurtenances should be located prior to any grading or excavation. The test stations should be staked and flagged. The test stations, cables running to these stations, any anode beds, etc., should be suitably enclosed or protected during construction to prevent damage. No re -location or modification of the test stations, cables, anode beds, etc., is allowed without prior approval from MERL's Corrosion Technology Group. 2. Generally, the CPS to the proposed pipeline should be the sacrificial anode type unless the proposed installation continues an existing pipeline that uses impressed current type of cathodic protection. 3. A means of monitoring the effectiveness of the CPS on the proposed pipeline should be provided within Reclamation's ROWs. The number of anodes and test stations will differ with each project. Test stations should be located at every anode bed connection and should not be more than 1,000 feet apart. A test station should also be located where any metallic pipeline crosses over or under a metallic Reclamation pipeline, metallic fence, other metallic structure embedded in the ground, or comes within 20 feet of a Reclamation structure on or embedded in the ground. Both the proposed cathodically protected pipeline and the Reclamation pipeline should be monitored regularly using these test stations. Monitoring results should be reported to MERL's Corrosion Technology Group. In addition, the owner of the proposed crossing pipeline should investigate and mitigate any adverse potential shift caused by the proposed pipeline on the Reclamation pipeline. Owners of proposed crossing pipelines should return Reclamation pipelines to their original electrochemical potentials or to more benign potentials. Mitigation measures should be approved by MERL's Corrosion Technology Group. The effectiveness of mitigation measures should be confirmed in the presence of a Reclamation representative following installation. For those pipelines under DOT regulation, the application and monitoring of the CPS should conform to Title 49 CFR, Part 195, any special provisions of this guideline, and the provisions of NACE International RP 0169, in that order. For other pipelines, any special provisions of this guideline should take precedence, followed by the provisions of NACE RP 0169. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings 5.2 Protective Coatings for Corrosion Control 1. Atmospheric Exposed Pipe The coating should be a high build modified aluminum epoxy mastic primer and top coated with a high build aliphatic urethane. The type of coating should be listed in the submitted plans and specifications. Information should include the surface preparation and the thickness of the coating to be applied. 2. Buried Pipe The type of coating may vary from project to project due to geology and soil corrosivity and should be considered on an individual basis. The type of coating should be listed in the submitted plans and specifications. Information should include the surface preparation and the thickness of the coating to be applied. 25 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings REFERENCES Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands, <http://www.ntia.doc.gov/FROWsite/SF-299_2006.pdf>. Application for Use of Reclamation Project Land and Water Surfaces, <http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/lands/>. Bureau of Reclamation Right -of -Use Application, <http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/ lands/FINAL7-2540-5-06ExpDate03312009.pdf>. California Department of Water Resources - Encroachment Permit Guidelines. Central Arizona Project, Reach 11 Guidelines. GP Region Billings MT — Standard Crossing & Clearance Requirements, Utility Lines and Cables, drawing 40-600-51. The office also uses a Preliminary Project Description Form and a Special Use Permit. NACE, International RP 0169, "Standard Recommended Practice — Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems." PN Region Burley ID — Overhead and underground crossing clearances. Policy on Geometric Design of Highway and Streets, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Fifth Edition, 2004. Reclamation, 2005. Preliminary drawing 103-D-1700 that provides general requirements for installation of crossings, June 2005. Reclamation Manual, Directive and Standards LND 08-01, Land Use Authorizations, <http://www.usbr.gov/recman/Ind/lnd08-01.pdf>. Title 29 CFR, Part 195. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — Engineering and Design, Design and Construction of Levees EM 1110-2-1913, 30 Apr 2000, CECW-EG Washington, DC 20314-1000. 27 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings GLOSSARY Bored and jacked — This terminology is a general way of referring to a family of trenchless methods. Bridge, class A — Vehicular bridge used by the public. May or may not be owned by the Bureau of Reclamation. Consent Document Permit — Permit required across fee -owned lands. Detention basin — An artificial flow control structure used to contain flood water for a limited period of a time, thereby providing protection for areas downstream. Detention basins provide a way to reduce storm peak flows, while retention basins hold water for, an extended period of time. These basins are generally a part of a larger engineered flood water management system. Electroliers — A branching frame, often of ornamental design, used to support electric illuminating lamps. Pothole excavation — See potholing. Potholing — The practice of digging test holes to expose underground utilities (e.g., cables) to determine the horizontal and vertical location of these utilities. Trenchless methods — Procedures for installing pipe without using traditional trench cut and cover methods. These trenchless methods may be referred to as bore and jack, tunneling, horizontal directional drilling, and microtunneling, among others. Water conveyance facility — Canal, ditch, pipeline, drain, levee, open or closed laterals, and similar facilities and their associated appurtenant features. 29 EXHIBIT CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Appendix A General Requirements for Installing Bored and Jacked Pipe Undercrossings EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Bored and Jacked Under the Canal — This terminology is a general way of referring to a family of trenchless technologies. Similar guidance to the requirements listed below should be followed no matter what method is used for installation. 1. Installing a lone carrier pipe (without casing) is encouraged. Refer to "4.6 Utility Crossing," and "4.6.1 Casings" for information on cautions of using casings around metallic carrier pipe. 2. Plans must show carrier/casing pipe type, diameter, and thickness. Casing pipes should be steel pipe (American Water Works Association [AWWA] C-200) and have 1/4 -inch minimum wall thickness. Applicants should provide the type of carrier pipe and appropriate bell dimensions for said carrier pipe to verify annular clearances. 3. When installing pipe while the canal is unwatered, a minimum of 3 pipe diameters or 60 inches of clearance (whichever is greater) between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the canal must be maintained. However, 72 inches or more clearance is recommended. 4. Provide a minimum of 3 inches of clearance between the carrier and casing pipes at all points (including bells). 5. A bulkhead or effective sealing device should be provided at both ends of each casing pipe to seal the annular space between the two pipes. Vent pipe should be included to allow ventilation and reduce the risk of condensation buildup and flooding. 6. As a result of the installation process, an annular void is usually created around the outside of the casing pipe. Provisions should be made to pressure grout or effectively seal (e.g., bentonite slurry) this void space. 7. Requirements below are provided to establish minimums for determination of the length of pipe to be installed. It is strongly recommended that pipes be installed perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees) to the canal alignment. Regardless, the pipe must extend completely through the Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation) right-of- way (ROW). Theses minimums do not relieve the applicant's engineer from performing an onsite investigation or other work to determine local conditions that may require additional pipe length. Jacking pit configuration, location, and length of pipe to be installed should be based on the following parameters: a. One operating road shall remain open to vehicular traffic at all times. A-1 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 A-2 b. The minimum operating road embankment top width to be maintained during construction should be either 14 feet wide, the width of the existing embankment, or as required by Reclamation. c. As a minimum, jacking pit excavations should not be within: (1) A line drawn from the outside edge of the operating road embankment extended downward and away from the canal at a slope of 3/4 horizontal to 1 vertical. (2) A line drawn from the outside edge of the top of the concrete lining extended downward and away from the canal at a slope of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical. d. To contain the slurry during installation, jacking pits should be constructed so that natural ground or a compacted dike is entirely around the pit to an elevation at least 1 foot above the top of the canal lining. e. All excavations should be in compliance with Occupation Safety and Health Administration regulations and Reclamation's Health and Safety Standards. f. If the contractor elects to install shoring in the jacking pits, all shoring designs should be prepared by a Professional Engineer knowledgeable in said type of work. A copy of the shoring designs should be submitted to Reclamation. 8. Jacking pits should be backfilled with native material and mechanically compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-698. 9. The contractors should be responsible for any damage to the canal section during the construction of a crossing, and the contractor shall repair the damage at their own expense. 10. If an emergency situation develops during construction, the contractor should immediately notify appropriate contacts with Reclamation. Reclamation must approve further work at that point. 11. The minimum distance between two jacked pipes should be 10 feet. 12. Any pressure lines installed within Reclamation's ROW must have adequate thrust restraint at bends and valves. Specified design pressures and thrust restraint calculations shall be provided to Reclamation to confirm the design configuration. EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Appendix B Guidelines - Removal of Trees and Other Vegetative Growth from Earth Dams, Dikes, and Conveyance Features Excerpted from: Review of Operation and Maintenance Program Field Examination Guidelines EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO, 19-07-34-L1957 APPENDIX B GUIDELINES REMOVAL OF TREES AND OTHER VEGETATIVE GROWTH FROM EARTH DAMS, DIKES, AND CONVEYANCE FEATURES* Growth of trees and other significant vegetation on or adjacent to earth dams, dikes, and conveyance features, should be prevented from becoming established for the following reasons: 1. To allow proper surveillance and inspection of the structures and adjacent areas for seepage, cracking, sinkholes, settlement, deflection, and other signs of distress. 2. To allow adequate access for normal and emergency Operation and Maintenance (O&M) activities. 3. To prevent damage to the structures due to root growth, such as shortened seepage paths through embankments; voids in embankments from decayed roots or toppled trees; expansion of cracks or joints of concrete walls, canal lining, or pipes; and plugging of perforated or open -jointed drainage pipes. 4. To discourage animal/rodent activity (by eliminating their food source and habitat), thereby preventing voids within embankments and possible shortened seepage paths. 5. To allow adequate flow -carrying capability of water conveyance channels (e.g., spillway inlet and outlet channels; open canals, laterals, and drains). The growth of trees and potentially detrimental vegetation should be prevented during its early stages as part of the operating office or entity's normal O&M program. Early control is generally the most cost effective means of avoiding potential adverse effects on these structures from their continued growth. Control efforts may consist of applying herbicides, spraying, cutting, and/or removing the trees or undesirable vegetation. Suggested clearance zones (areas of control) adjacent to these structures are provided within these guidelines. Concerted efforts should be made to maintain these clearance zones. However, site-specific conditions, such as landscaping, accessibility, erosion susceptibility of material in the area, type of abutment material, original construction clearance zone, right-of-way easement, etc., may influence the necessity or success of these control efforts. Should trees and/or other significant vegetation become established, proper O&M of earth embankment dams, dikes, and conveyance features, may require their discriminate removal. During the Review of Operation and Maintenance examination for the facility or system, the examiners should use these guidelines, along with their experience and professional judgment, to evaluate the need for removal of such established growth. If trees and other significant growth are identified by the examination team in locations delineated by these guidelines, a determination should be made regarding their need for removal. If the identified vegetation is deemed to be in location such that its existence is not considered to be detrimental and therefore does not require removal, sufficient justification should be provided during the examination and included within the associated report to support that determination. • Enclosure to memorandum dated April 26, 1989, from Manager, Project Operation Services Staff, to all Regional Directors, Subject: Revised Guidelines — Removal of Trees and Other Vegetative. Growth From Earth Dams, Dikes, and Conveyance Features. B-1 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 B-2 When, in the opinion of an Review of Operation and Maintenance examination team, such established growth requires removal, specific followup procedures should be addressed as part of the examination. Such procedures may include the need for right- of-way easement determination; the need for an assessment for potential environmental impacts (any impact assessments should be coordinated with designated regional or project office environmental staff); whether removal of the root system is necessary and to what extent; the method of removal and recompaction of material within the void created; and the need for any erosion stabilization measures. National Environmental Policy Act compliance is required relative to such tree and vegetation removal. Additionally, the application of herbicides should comply with applicable provisions of the Endangered Species Act. The determination of appropriate procedures to be followed in assessing potential environmental impacts and mitigation (including those to wildlife and its habitat) will be the responsibility of each regional and/or project office. This will include the preparation of an appropriate National Environmental Policy Act document and an assessment of the need for mitigation prior to the onset of removal activities. Appropriate National Environmental Policy Act compliance may include a Categorical Exclusion Checklist, an environmental assessment followed by a Finding of No Significant Impact, or an Environmental Impact Statement. The following guidelines and associated clearance zones should be used for all Reclamation earth dams, dikes, and conveyance features. They are not considered "policy;" rather, they are guides which should be used with reasonable judgment and practicality. 1. Trees and detrimental vegetative growth should be prevented from becoming established on the surface of all earth dam, dike, and conveyance feature embankments. A small amount of shallow -rooted vegetation may be acceptable to aid in erosion protection and slope stabilization. Mowing of grass and other small vegetation is desirable and may be necessary to allow proper surveillance of the surfaces and observation of animal/rodent activity. 2. A clearance zone of 25 feet beyond each contact (groins and toe) of earth dam embankments and dikes should be maintained of all trees and detrimental vegetation. Similarly, a clearance zone of 15 feet should be maintained beyond the outside toe of all fill sections/embankments for open canals and laterals. These clearance zones may need to be extended for seepage areas or other conditions where proper surveillance or access may be warranted. 3. Earth dam, dike, and conveyance feature (open canal and lateral) embankments have large tree growth or stumps from previously cut trees on or near them should be evaluated, usually in conjunction with an Review of Operation and Maintenance examination, for any necessary future action, (i.e., monitor, excavation and backfill, rebuild, etc.). Generally, sizable old root systems of large trees should be grubbed out and the embankment replaced and compacted to prevent the development of piping action or erosion. Likewise, any sizable voids resulting from animal/rodent burrowing activity should be filled and compacted. Seeding may be necessary for protection from surface erosion. 4. Spillway inlet and outlet channels, outlet works discharge channels, and other open conveyance channels (open canals, laterals, and drains) should be free of vegetative growth that could significantly impede water flow or reduce design capacity. 5. A clearance zone of 25 feet adjacent to all concrete structures associated with such facilities should be maintained of all trees and detrimental vegetative growth to prevent damage from root growth, to allow proper surveillance, and to allow adequate O&M access. EXhimam m CONTRACT NO. 19-07-344.1957 6. Associated cut slopes adjacent to open canals and laterals should be kept clear of vegetation which, if toppled and/or uprooted, could affect operations or O&M access. 7. For pipe conveyance systems (such as siphons, aqueducts, discharge lines, perforated or open -jointed drains, etc.), to provide O&M access and to prevent root encroachment, a clearance zone should be maintained 15 Feet from each side of the pipeline. However, in some cases, farming of annual crops over pipelines may be permissible. B-3 EXHIBIT D CONTRACT NO. 19-07-34-L1957 Monika Radeva From: TrackingUpdates@fedex.com Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:32 PM To: Monika Radeva Subject: FedEx Shipment 774384010849: Your package has been delivered EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Q Hi. Your package was delivered Fri, 07/30/2021 at 1:29pm. 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