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9607-047 (CSCS) Title 24
TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: BOSTON MARKET HIGHWAY 111 & WASHINGTON LA QUINTA, CA. PROJECT DESIGNER: TARLOS & ASSOCIATES 17802 MITCHELL IRVINE, CA. (714)250-4117 REPORT PREPARED BY: KEN KULONIS PHC DESIGN, INC. 1440 N. HARBOR BLVD. #300 FULLERTON, CA 92635 (714) 871-7401 Job Number: 7496 Date: 6/14/1996 The COMPLY 24 computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Enemy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd Associates (510) 428-0803. Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report ------------------------------------- Cover Page .................................................. 1 Table of Contents .. ............................................. 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms 3 c� PtkFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 (part 1 of 3) PERF -1 page 3 of 14 Runcode: 3105-550384192 -------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BOSTON MARKET _Address: HIGHWAY 111 & WASHINGTON LA QUINTA, CA. Designer: TARLOS & ASSOCIATES Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. -------------------- Date: 6/14/1996 Building Permit No Checked by Date COMPLY 24 User 3105 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the Building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the State Building Code. This certificate applies only to a Building using the performance compliance approach. The Principal Designers hereby certify that the proposed building design represented in the construction documents and modelled for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheets, specifi- cations, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements of the State Building Code, Title.24, Part 6, Chapter 1. 1. I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer or architect. 2. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. 3. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sign this document as tie person responsible for its preparation; and -for the following reason: SCOPE OF COMPLIANCE ENVELOPE - Principal Designer TARLOS & ASSOCIATES (714)250-4117 LIGHTING - (Designers should circle applicable paragraph numbers) Required Forms: ENV -1, NV 2 y,42uresLocation of Mandatoron Plans ure �(P 1 2 3 e) ( ircle) LIGHTING COMPLIANCE NOT IN THE SCOPE OF THIS SUBMITTAL MECHANICAL - Required Forms: M H- ECH-2, MECH-3, IRCH-4 Location of Mand or sures on Plans rW- Principal Designer PHC DESIGN © 2 3 (714)871-7401 ign ture Date (Circle) PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE'OF COMPLIANCE (part 2 of 3) PERF -1 page 4 of 14 Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 Project Name: BOSTON MARKET Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------- PHC DESIGN, INC. COMPLY 24 User 3105 ANNUAL SOURCE ENERGY USE SUMMARY (KBtu/sqft-yr) Standard Proposed Compliance Energy Component ------------------------ Design Design Margin Space Heating -------- 5.59 -------- 6.20 ---------- -0.60 Space Cooling- 153.34 134.08 19.27 -Indoor Fans 84.78 83.98 0.79 Heat Rejection 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pumps 0.00 0.00 0.00 Domestic Hot Water 49.23 46.01 3.21 Lighting 45.67 45.67 0.00 Receptacle 14.39 14.39 0.00 Process 172.61 172.61 0.00 TOTALS 525.61 502.95 22.67 GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: 2647 Average Ceiling Height: 10.0 Glass Area / Wall Area: 0.28 Average GlazinV U -Value: 1.19 Front Orientation: 90 deg (E) Number of Stories: 1 Number of Zones: 2 Number of Occupancies: 2 SERVICE WATER HEATING System Type: Gas Fired System Efficiency: 0.58 Pipe Insulation: O- ZONE INFORMATION Floor Display Inst Tailored Process Tailored., 'Area Perim. LPD Lighting Loads Vent. Zone Name ----------------------- (sgft) (ft) (w/sf) (watts) (w/sf) (y/n) ZONE 1 ----- ------ ------ -------- 1717 0 0.00 ------- 0 0 -------- Y ZONE 2 930 0 0.00 0 29 Y 11r s . PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 (part 3 of 3) PERF -1 page 5 of 14 Runcode: 3105-550384192 ---------------------------------------------------- 7 ----------------------- Project Name: BOSTON MARKETDate: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. COMPLY 24 User 3105 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR KEN KULONIS 121Aul (714) 871-7401 Sig ture Date EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should'pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. ZONE 1 Tailored Ventilation has been Selected (See MECH-5) ZONE 2 29.00 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) ZONE 2 Tailored Ventilation has been Selected (See MECH-5) BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF EXCEPTIONAL FEATURES JUSTIFICATION: The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. authorized signature or stamp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Envelope ENV -1 page 6 of 14 Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BOSTON MARKET Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. COMPLY 24 User 3105 ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- OPAQUE SURFACES Const Note to Assembly Name Type Location/Comments Field ---------------------- ----- --------------------------------- ------- R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) Wood R-30 Roof(R.30.2xl2.16) Wood Exposed Slab On Grade None FENESTRATION, Frame Orient Panes Type Exterior Shade OH Glazing Type -------- ----- ---------------------------- -- ----------------------- Right (N) 1 Metal, None Y Single Clear Default(N) Front (E) 1 Metal None Y Single Clear Default(N) Left (S) 1 Metal None Y Single Clear Default(N) Back (W) 1 Metal None ..Y Single Clear Default(N) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Mechanical (part 1 of 2) MECH-1 page 7 of 14 Run Initiation Timer 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BOSTON MARKET Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. COMPLY 24 User 3105 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type. Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables RT Both n/a n/a n/a Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp 8 Ch -Fixed Enth (Integrated) 1120 Gas Furnace YORK DlEG15ON16525 DX YORK DlEG15ON16525 RT -2 Both n/a n/a n/a Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B Fixe Enth (Integrated) 300 Gas Furnace YORK DlEG180N24025 DX YORK DlEG180N24025 ------------------------------------------------- Time Control Ventilation OA Damper S:Prog Switch B:Air Balance A:Auto O:Occ Sensor C:OA Cert. G:Gravity M:Man Timer M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural Note to Field r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Mechanical (part 2 of 2) MECH-1 page 8 of 14 Run Initiation Time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 Project Name: BOSTON MARKET Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLY 24 User 3105 DUCT INSULATION Duct Tape Insul Note to System Name ----------------------- Type Duct Location Allowed R -Val Field YORK DlEG150N16525 -------------------------- Heating Ducts in Attic ------- Y / N ----- 4.2 ------- Cooling Ducts in Attic Y / N 4.2 YORK DlEG180N24025 Heating Ducts in Attic Y / N 4.2 Cooling Ducts in Attic Y / N 4.2 PIPE INSULATION Insul Note to System Name Pipe Type Required 40 FIRST 8'd' FROM Field ----------------------- Domestic Hot Water C-CerCV. *- © / N b�Rwc7E '�AµK' I NOTES TO FIELD - For Building Department Use Only ------------------------------------------------- 1 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY - Performance (part'l of 3)ENV-2 page 9 of 14 Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 Project Name: BOSTON MARKET Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. COMPLY 24 User 3105 GENERAL INFORMATION BY ZONE Flr Floor DisVlay Zone Name ----------------------- Occupancy No Area Volume Perim. ZONE 1 ---------------------- Dining Area --- ----- ------ 1 1717 ------- 17170 0 ZONE 2 Kitchen 1 930 9300 0 Total 2647 1 14VELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY - Performance (part 2 of 3)ENV-2 page 10'of 14 Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 Project Name: BOSTON MARKET 0.065 Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHC DESIGN,, INC. Wall (W.19.2x6.16) COMPLY 24 User 3105 OPAQUE SURFACES Act Solar Type Area U -Val Azm Tilt Gains Form 3 Reference Location/Comments Wall 389 0.065 0 ,90 Yes R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) ZONE 1 Wall 282 0.065 90 90 Yes R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) ZONE 1 Wall 134 0.065 180 90 Yes R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) ZONE 1 Wall 70 0.065 270 90 Yes R-19 Wail (W.19.2x6.16) ZONE 1 Roof 1717 0.035 0 22 Yes R-30 Roof(R.30:2x12.16) ZONE 1 Slb 1717 0.186 0 180, No Exposed Slab On Grade ZONE 1 Wall 60 0.065 90 90 Yes R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) ZONE 2 Wall 285 0.065 180 90 Yes R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) ZONE 2 Wall 250 0.065 270 90 Yes R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) ZONE 2 Roof 930 0.035 0 22 Yes R-30 Roof(R.30.2xl2.16) ZONE 2 Slb 930 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade ZONE 2 21 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY - Performance (part*3 of 3)ENV-2 page 11 of 14 Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BOSTON MARKET (Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. ICOMPLY 24 User 3105 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES SC OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS - --Window-- -----Overhang------- ---Left Fin--- # -- Type ---- Ht Wd Act Ht Glass RExt :Dist Len Ht 1 # -- Type ------------- ---- 24.0 ---- 3.0 Area ----- Frame ----- Div --- U -Val ----- Azm Tilt Only Location/Comments 1 Wdw Right (N) 181.0 Metal No 1.19 --- 0 ---- 90 ----- 0.94 --------------------- ZONE 1 . 2 Wdw Front (E) 278.0 Metal No 1.19 90 90 0.94 ZONE 1 3 Wdw Left (S) 66.0 Metal No 1.19 180 90 0.94 ZONE 1 4 Wdw Left (S) 25.0 Metal No 1.19 180 90 0.94 ZONE 2 5 Wdw Back (W) 10.0 Metal No 1.19 270 90 0.94 ZONE 2 OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS ---Right Fin -- Dist Len Ht - --Window-- -----Overhang------- ---Left Fin--- # -- Type ---- Ht Wd Len Ht LExt RExt :Dist Len Ht 1 Wdw ---- 7.5 ---- 24.0 ---- 3.0 ---- 0.1 ---- 3.0 ---- ---- -- -- ---- 3.0 '2 Wdw 7.5 37.0 3.0 0.1 3.0 3.0 3 Wdw 5.5 12.0 3.0 0.1 3.0 3.0 4 Wdw, 3.5 7.0 3.0 0.1 3.0 3.0 5 Wdw 4.0 2.5 3.0 0.1 3.0 3.0 ---Right Fin -- Dist Len Ht r MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT.ZONING SUMMARY - Performance MECH-2 page 12 of 14 Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BOSTON MARKET Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. COMPLY 24 User 3105 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM/ZONING SUMMARY No System/Zones Served Central/Zonal System System Type Sys -------------------- --------------------------------------------- --- RT-1 YORK DlEG150N16525 Packaged FAU-A/C 1 ZONE 1 RT-2 YORK DlEG180N24025 Packaged FAU-A/C 1 ZONE 2 v MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY - Performance MECH-3 page 13 of 14 Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 Runcode: 3105-550384192 -----------------------7--------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BOSTON MARKET Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN, INC. COMPLY 24 User 3105 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTRAL SYSTEM SUMMARY Sys No No System Name ------------------------- System Type Sys --------------- --- Economizer Type 1' YORK DlEG180N24025 Packaged FAU-A/C 1 --------------------------- Fixed Enth (Integrated) ,2 YORK DlEG150N16525 Packaged FAU-A/C 1 Fixed Enth (Integrated) CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS Sys------- Heating ------------------ ---------------- Cooling ----------- No Type Output -- Aux KW EFF Type Output Sensible EER SEER ------------------- 1 Gas Furnace 240000 ------ ------- ---- n/a 0.80 DX --------------- ----- ----- 165000 115000 9.50 n/a 2 Gas Furnace 163000 n/a 0.80 DX 125000 112000 9.70 n/a CENTRAL FAN SUMMARY ------------ Supply Fan ----------- ---- Return Fan --- Sys Mtr Dry Mtr Dry No Fan Type Motor ----------------- Location CFM BHP Eff Eff CFM BHP Eff Eff --------------- ----- ------ 1 Constant Volume Draw -Through 5400 3.18 --- --- ----- ----- --- 81 97 None --- 2 Constant Volume Draw -Through 4300 2.00 80 97 None ZONAL FAN SUMMARY --------- Zonal Fan ----- ------- Exhaust Fan ----- Mtr Dry Mtr Dry Zone Name ----------------------- No CFM BHP Eff Eff No CFM BHP Eff Eff None -- ----- ------ ---- ---- -- ----- ------ ---- ---- BOILER SUMMARY System Name System Type ----------------------- ----------- AO SMITH BTC -200 DomesticHW AFUE /Rec Rated Stdby Volume Eff Input Loss EF (gals) ---- ----- ----- ----- ------ 0.800 199000 0.031 0.580 100 l MECHANICAL VENTILATION - Performance MECH-4a e 14 of 14 Run Initiation Time: 6:18:30 ---.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Runcode: 3105-550384192 Project Name: BOSTON MARKET Date: 6/14/1996 Documentation: PHC DESIGN; INC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLY 24 User 3105 VENTILATION SUMMARY BY ZONE Tran Floor sqft CFM Dsg Min sfer Zone Name T Occupancy ----------------------- Area /Occ /Occ CFM CFM CFM --------------- ZONE 1 * Dining Area ----- 1717 ---- 23 ---- ---- ------ ---- 15.0 1120 1120 ZONE 2 * Kitchen 930 93 30.0 300 300 TOTALS 1420 1420 Tailored OA (T=*) requires supporting documentation on MECH-5, Tailored Ventilation and Process Loads Worksheet l .-($t SlacJden. Engineering ' 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite E, Buena Park, CA 90621 (310) 864-4121 (714) 523-0952 October 25, 1996 - / Project No. 422-6085 Tavaglione Construction and Development, Inc. 3405 Arlington Avenue Riverside, California 92506. Attention: Brad Weaver Project: Boston Market One Eleven La Quinta Center La Quinta, California u Subject: Concrete Core Compressive Strength As requested, the concrete cores obtained from the above referenced project site were tested in order to determine compressive strength. The cores were obtained from the grade beam along the main entry way to the building by Industrial Concrete Coring Company. It is our understanding that the grade beam concrete was placed on September 20, 1996 without the benefit of inspection and that the project specifications require a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi. The compressive strength of the cores was determined in general accordance with ASTM C-31. Testing indicated 28 day compressive strengths of 5180 psi and 5440 psi. We appreciate the opportunity to provide continued service to you on this project. If you have any questions regarding- this letter, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING Copies: 2- Tavaglione Const. & Dev., Inc. 2- La Quinta Jobsite S Iadden Engineering 9 9 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite E,, Buena Park, CA 90621 (310) 864-4121 (714) 523-0952 File: 422-6085 September 20, 1996 Boston West, L.L.C. . 222 So. Harbor Blvd., Suite 300 Anaheim, CA 92805 Subject: Interim Compaction Report, Boston Market, One Eleven.La Quinta Center, La Quinta, California Gentlemen: This report covers the degree of compaction for the reworked on-site soils and compacted fills placed on the site and tested by Sladden Engineering. The project consisted of scarifying and recompacting the surface soils and constructing the proposed building pad to finished grade by filling with on-site soil. Subsurface soil conditions were covered in our Preliminary Soil Investigation, File: 444-6058, dated July 10, 1996. The compacted fills covered by this report and underlying on-site soils are considered to be adequate for support of the proposed construction. The previously rough graded building pad was first stripped of vegetation, scarified and moisture conditioned. In the drive thru area that appeared to extend beyond the previously graded pad the upper 3.0.feet of on-site soil and all artificial fill was removed and replaced as compacted soils. The previousl removed soils were brought to near optimum moisture content and compacted to 90% of maximum dry density as determined by test method ASTM D 1557-78. The excavated soils were then replaced in 6 inches layers, brought to near optimum moisture content and .compacted. Fill soils, obtained from on-site cut sections, were placed and compacted in the same manner using heavy construction equipment. Paved areas and a portion of the drive thru will be'completed at a later date. Field tests and inspections were performed during the work. The test results indicate compliance with the project specifications at the tested locations and depths but are no guarantee or warranty of the contractor's work. Field Tests In-place density tests were performed at the approximate locations shown on the attached sketch using a calibrated sand cone in accordance with test method ASTM D 1556-90. Field moisture determinations were made at the time of each density test. i File: 422-6085 September 20, 1996 Page 2 Laboratory Tests The moisture -density relationships for the tested soils were determined in accordance with test method ASTM D 1556-91. All wall, footing and utility trench backfills, together with paved area subgrade material, should be compacted. All recommendations contained in our original report should be implemented. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING VROFESSIn + ;'• „ ANp�9 Fyi Brett L. Anderson RCE ` qq � Wo. C045389 ' Exp 9.30.98 a Q. �0FCAIIFOP Boston West, L.L.C. - 2 Copies Tavaglione Constr. - 4 Copies (to job site) 3 Slodden Engineering 7 File' 422-6085 September 20, 1996 Page 3 Test No. Date Moist Cont P rcent Fld Dry Den he/Cu Ft Max Dry Den be/Cu Ft Percent Maximum 1 9-10-96 16.4 105.9 118 90 2 9-10-96 13.8 106.5 118 90 3 9-11-96 11.3 109.1 118 92 4 9-11-96 9.2 112.2 118 95 5 9-11-96 8.5 109.9 118 93 6 9-11-96 9.8 113.2 118 96 7 9-11-96 10.8 107.5 118 91 Maximum Dry Densities - 118 Lbs/Cu Ft; Optimum Moistures - 12.4% Slodden Engineering Oupeoul(w) UOPPOIS S-LS131 KIISN'a(I SNOI-Lv - )Q x0add v NVid NQ1 IV-)O� S-DNVa.LN3 b31(NEJ-) QNIdao�js m . . 590a) -