9607-047 (CSCS) Report of Testing & ObservationsREPORT OF TESTING & OBSERVATIONS DURING GRADING 111 LA QUINTA CENTER LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY B7 -2083-P3 JUNE 18, 1992 d EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS Earth Systems Consultants WSouthern California June 18, 1992 Transpacific Development Company 2377 Crenshaw Boulevard Torrance, California 90501-3325 Project: 111 La Quinta Center La Quinta, California Buena Engineers Division 79-811 B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (619) 345-1588 (619) 328-9131 FAX (619) 345-7315 B7 -2083-P3 92-06-727 Subject: Report of Testing and Observations Performed During Grading Ref: Geotechnical Engineering Report by Buena Engineers, Inc. dated January 17, 1990; Report No. 90-01-788 Interim Report of Testing & Observations during Grading by Earth Systems Consultants dated April 13, 1992; Report No. 92-04-737 Submitted herewith is a report of testing and observations performed during the rough grading on the above referenced project. Grading operations were performed by James Rue Construction using conventional heavy equipment. Testing was performed as per authorization of Colm Macken. Test results are presented on the attached test report sheet with their estimated locations plotted on the accompanying. plan. Compaction tests were performed. in accordance with ASTM D 2922-81 Method A or B and ASTM D 3017- 88 Nuclear Density Test Procedures. Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture were determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D 1557-78, Method A Test results are as follows: Soil Description USSCS Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture Grey brown very fine to fine sand S P 106.3 pcf 14.4° Brown slightly clayey silty very fine to fine sand SM 115.7 pcf 11.7% Brown clayey very silty very fine sand SM 118.8 pcf 11.90/0 June 18,1992 -2- B7 -2083-P3 92-06-727 DISCUSSION: I. The project is located on the north side of Highway 111 between Adams Street and Washington Street in the City of La Quinta, California. 2. Prior to grading, the site consisted of vacant land with scattered desert brush, short grass, weeds and debris. A building was removed prior to grading. 3. The proposed development will include a large commercial complex. 4. The scope of our work was based on plans and staking by Hall and Foreman. 5. The project area was cleared of vegetation and debris prior to the start of grading operations. 6. Building areas adjacent to the Whitewater channel were excavated to depth of approximately ten (10) feet below pad grade. An additional twelve (12) inches were scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted. 7. The remaining building areas were excavated to a depth of five (5) feet below pad grade. An additional twelve (12) inches were scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted. 8. Soils previously removed from the building. areas were replaced in thin lifts and compacted in place. Then fill materials consisting of onsite soils were placed in thin layers and compacted into place. 9. The pads were overexcavated a minimum of five (5) feet beyond the building limits or more in most instances. The approximate limits of the overexcavations are indicated on the plans. 10. The building locations indicated in this report are as designated on the site grading plan and may vary from those indicated on the architects master plan. 11. A total of two hundred three (203) compaction tests are reported herein. The initial three hundred seven (307) tests are reported in the referenced interim report. 12. Test results indicate that a minimum of ninety (90) percent of maximum density has been obtained in the areas tested. . 13. The test locations are approximate and were determined by pacing and sighting from prominent field features. In our work, we have relied on topographic and survey information provided by others. 14. Based upon observations and testing during the grading operations, from April 14, 1992 through May 20, 1992, on this project, it is our opinion that the intent. of the recommendations of the referenced Geotechnical Engineering Report as well as the ordinances of the City of La Quinta, California have been met. June 18, 1992 -3- B7-2083-P3 92-06-727 15. As used herein, the term 'observation' implies only that we observed the progress of work we agreed to be involved with, and performed tests on which together we based our opinion as to whether the work essentially complies with the job requirements. 16. With any manufactured product there are statistical variations in its uniformity and in the accuracy of tests used to measure its quality. As compared with other manufactured products, field construction usually presents large statistical variations in its uniformity and accuracy of test results used to measure its quality. Thus, even with very careful observation and testing, it cannot be said that all parts of the product comply with the job requirements and the degree of certainty is greater with full-time observation than it is with intermittent observations and testing. Therefore, our opinion, based on observing and testing the work means that there is only a statistically based, reasonable certainty, that the work essentially complies with the job requirements. 17. We make no warranty, express or implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. 18. It is recommended that Earth Systems Consultants be provided the opportunity for a general review of any changes to the final design and/or location of the proposed structures in order that earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted. If Earth Systems Consultants is not accorded the privilege of making this recommended review, we can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. 19. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to insure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the architect and engineers for the project and are incorporated into the plans and specifications for the project. It is also the owners responsibility, or his representative, to insure that the necessary steps are taken to see that the general contractor and all subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. It is further understood that the owner or his representative is responsible for submittal of this report to the appropriate governing agencies. If there are any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, E TH SYSTEMS CO L .NTS 0 Kurt A. Roth Field Technician Reviewed and Ap 0� Brett L. nderson, pc/GRADING Copies: 4 - Transpacific Development Company PAPT14 SVCTFAAc MIJCI 11 TAMTC - VTA File REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: 111 La Quinta Center JOB NO: B7 -2083-P3 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 92-06-727 Test No. Date Tested Description- Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 308 04-14-92 Per Plan 71.0 9.4 109.6 94 115.7 309 04-14-92 Per Plan 71.0 10.1 111.8 96 115.7 310 04-14-92 Per Plan 72.0 8.6 112.4 97 115.7 311 04-14-92 Per Plan 72.0 7.0 110.2 95 115.7 312 04-14-92 Per Plan 71.5 7.9 107.2 92 115.7 313 04-14-92 Per Plan 71.5 6.6 108.9 94 115.7 314 04-14-92 Per Plan 72.5 6.4 113.8 98 115.7 315 04-14-92. Per Plan 72.5 5.8 111.6 96 115.7 316 04-14-92 Per Plan 67.0 9.2 107.7 93 115.7 317 04-14-92 Per Plan 67.0 8.7 109.1 94 115.7 318 04-14-92 Per Plan 68.0 7.5 110.1 95 115.7 319 04-14-92 Per Plan 68.0 6.6 114.2 98 115.7 320 04-14-92 Per Plan 69.0 8.6 112.9 97 115.7 321 04-14-92 Per Plan 69.0 9.2 111.2 96 115.7 322 04-14-92 Per Plan 70.0 7.9 111.4 96 115.7 323 04-14-92 Per Plan 70.0 7.1 109.6 94 115.7 324 04-14-92 Per Plan 71.0 6.5 110.0 95 115.7 325 04-14-92 Per Plan 71.0 6.3 112.3 97 115.7 326 04-14-92 Per Plan 72.0 8.8 107.9 93 115.7 327 04-14-92 Per Plan 72.0 9.3 109.1 94 115.7 328 04-15-92 Per Plan 73.5 11.7 108.3 94 115.7 329 04-15-92 Per Plan 73.0 10.3 105.2 91 115.7 330 04-15-92 Per Plan 72.5 7.0 104.9 91 115.7 331 04-15-92 Per Plan 72.5 8.4 106.2 92 115.7 332 04-15-92 Per Plan 74.0 6.7 109.6 95 115.7 333 04-15-92 Per Plan 73.5 8.1 108.9 94 115.7 334 04-15-92 Per Plan 73.0 10.1 112.9 97 115.7 335 04-15-92 Per Plan 73.0 12.1 111.5 96 115.7 336 04-15-92 Per Plan 72.5 11.4 110.4 95 115.7 337 04-16-92 Per Plan 66.0 10.1 111.5 96 115.7 338 04-16-92 Per Plan 65.0 12.1 110.5 95 115.7 339 04-16-92 Per Plan 66.0 7.1 108.4 94 115.7 340 04-16-92 Per Plan 67.0 13.2 104.9 91 115.7 341 04-16-92 Per Plan 67.5 9.6 104.1 90 115.7 342 04-16-92 Per Plan 68.0 7.9 106.2 92 115.7 DATE: June 18, 1992 EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: 111 La Quinta Center JOB NO: B7 -2083-P3 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 92-06-727 Test No. Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density Pad # 343 04-16-92 Per Plan 68.0 7.4 106.0 92 115.7 344 04-16-92 Per Plan 68.0 8.2 107.1 92 115.7 345 04-16-92 Per Plan M-1 79.2 9.4 109.9 95 115.7 346 04-16-92 Per Plan M-1 79.2 10.1 110.6 96 115.7 347 04-16-92 Per Plan 69.5 8.0 108.2 93 115.7 348 04-16-92 Per Plan 69.5 7.2 107.1 92 115.7 349 04-16-92 Per Plan 69.0 9.1 109.4 94 115.7 350 04-16-92 Per Plan 69.0 8.7 108.5 94 115.7 351 04-17-92 Per Plan 70.5 7.6 109.0 94 115.7 352 04-17-92 Per Plan 70.5 9.0 107.9 93 115.7 353 04-17-92 Per Plan 71.5 6.5 113.0 97 115.7 354 04-17-92 Per Plan 71.5 8.4 109.9 95 115.7 355 04-17-92 Per Plan 70.0 10.1 109.8 95 115.7 356 04-17-92 Per Plan 70.0 7.3 108.9 94 115.7 357 04-17-92 Per Plan 71.0 6.8 113.8 98 115.7 358 04-17-92 Per Plan 71.0 8.8 112.7 97 115.7 359 04-17-92 Per Plan 63.0 9.2 105.8 91 115.7 360 04-17-92 Per Plan 63.0 9.9 104.8 90 115.7 361 04-17-92 Per Plan 64.0 6.9 111.8 96 115.7 362 04-17-92 Per Plan 64.0 8.5 112.4 97 115.7 363 04-17-92 Per Plan 65.0 9.5 109.6 94 115.7 364 04-17-92 Per Plan 65.0 7.7 107.7 93 115.7 365 04-17-92 Per Plan L-1 73.0 6.1 114.1 98 115.7 366 04-17-92 Per Plan K-1 73.0 5.6 115.3 99 115.7 367 04-17-92 Per Plan J-1 73.5 6.8 113.8 98 115.7 368 04-17-92 Per Plan M -C Loading Dock 66.5 10.6 108.9 94 115.7 369 04-17-92 Per Plan 68.0 11.1 110.8 95 115.7 370 04-17-92 Per Plan 69.5 9.4 110.5 95 115.7 371 04-17-92 Per Plan 71.5 10.0 107.6 93 115.7 372 04-20-92 Per Plan 66.0 9.8 111.8 96 115.7 373 04-20-92 Per Plan 66.0 10.2 113.5 98 115.7 374 04-20-92 Per Plan 67.0 10.8 110.4 95 115.7 375 04-20-92 Per Plan 67.0 11.4 115.2 99 115.7 376 04-20-92 Per Plan 72.5 9.5 111.8 96 115.7 377 04-20-92 Per Plan 72.5 9.1 114.2 98 115.7 DATE: June 18, 1992 -2- EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS r REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: 111 La Quinta Center JOB. NO: B7 -2083-P3 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 92-06-727 Test No. Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density Pad # 378 04-20-92 Per Plan 72.0 8.7 112.6 97 115.7 379 04-20-92 Per Plan 72.0 11.2 115.2 99 115.7 380 04-20-92 Per Plan 68.0 10.4 112.0 96 115.7 381. 04-20-92 Per Plan 68.0 9.6 112.4 97 115.7 382 04-21-92 Per Plan 72.5 7.4 114.1 98 115.7 . 383 04-21-92 Per Plan 72.5 10.9 114.8 99 115.7 384 04-21-92 Per Plan 69.0 8.7 112.3 97 115.7 385 04-21-92 Per Plan 69.0 9.8 112.6 97 115.7 386 04-21-92 Per Plan 70.0 10.4 113.5 98 115.7 387 04-21-92 Per Plan 70.0 7.9 111.6 96 115.7 388 04-21-92 Per Plan 69.0 9.4 112.6 97 115.7 389 04-21-92 Per Plan 69.0 10.1 114.9 99 115.7 390 04-21-92 Per Plan 70.0 8.6 111.2 96 115.7 391 04-21-92 Per Plan 70.0 7.6 110.4 95 115.7 392 04-22-92 Per Plan 73.5 10.4 110.4 95 115.7 393 04-22-92 Per Plan 73.5 9.2 108.3 93 115.7 394 04-22-92 Per Plan 73.0 8.5 111.8 96 115.7 395 04-22-92 Per Plan 73.0 8.0 109.5 94 115.7 396 04-22-92 Per Plan 71.0 9.4 114.3 98 115.7 397 04-22-92 Per Plan 71.0 7.6 111.5 96 115.7 398 04-22-92 Per Plan 72.0 7.1 115.3 99 115.7 399 04-22-92 Per Plan 72.0 6.6 112.6 97 115.7 400 04-22-92 Per Plan MB 63.0 10.3 106.4 92 115.7 401 04-22-92 Per Plan MB 64.0 9.8 109.6 94 115.7 402 04-22-92 Per Plan MB 65.0 8.1 110.8 95 115.7 403 04-22-92 Per Plan MB 66.0 7.5 108.9 94 115.7 404 04-22-92 Per Plan MB 67.0 9.7 111.3 96 115.7 405 04-22-92 Per Plan MB 68.0 10.6 111.4 96 115.7 406 04-23-92 Per Plan MC 72.5 8.7 111.8 96 115.7 407 04-23-92 Per Plan MC 72.5 7.1 113.8 98 115.7 408 04-23-92 Per Plan MC 72.5 7.8 111.6 96 115.7 409 04-23-92 Per Plan MC 72.5 6.4 110.4 95 115.7 410 04-23-92 Per Plan 72.8 7.9 114.2 98 115.7 411 04-23-92 Per Plan 72.8. 8.8 112.4 97 115.7 DATE: June 18, 1992 v -3- EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS MI.= REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: 111 La Quinta Center JOB NO: B7 -2083-P3 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 92-06-727 Test No. Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density Pad # 412 04-23-92 Per Plan 73.0 9.2 112.6 97 115.7 413 04-23-92 Per Plan 75.7 7.3 110.4 95 115.7 414 04-23-92 Per Plan 74.7 9.7 112.5 97 115.7 415 04-23-92 Per Plan 74.7 8.6 113.5 98 115.7 416 04-23-92 Per Plan 74.7 10.1 113.9 98 115.7 417 04-23-92 Per Plan 74.7 9.1 114.1 98 115.7 418 04-23-92 Per Plan 74.2 10.6 111.2 96 115.7 419 04-23-92 Per Plan MB 69.0 8.8 109.5 94 115.7 420 .04-23-92 Per Plan MB 70.0 7.6 110.2 95 115.7 421 04-23-92 Per Plan MB 71.0 9.4 110.7 95 115.7 422 04-23-92 Per Plan MB 72.0 8.4 111.2 96 115.7 423 04-24-92 Per Plan HI 73.8 6.6 112.8 97 115.7 424 04-24-92 Per Plan HI 73.8 7.2 111.4 96 115.7 425 04-24-92 Per Plan HIC 73.8 6.6 113.9 98 115.7 426 04-24-92 Per Plan HIC 73.8 5.7 111.0 96 115.7 427 04-24-92 Per Plan 73.5 8.3 110.0 95 115.7 428 04-24-92 Per Plan 73.5 7.7 110.6 95 115.7 429 04-24-92 Per Plan 73.5 9.2 113.0 97 115.7 430 04-24-92 Per Plan 73.5 8.1 111.2 96 115.7 431 04-24-92 Per Plan 73.0 7.9 112.5 97 115.7 432 04-24-92 Per Plan 73.0 7.4 113.9 98 115.7 433 04-27-92 Per Plan MB 73.0 7.2 113.5 98 115.7, 434 04-27-92 Per Plan MB 73.0 6.1 113.1 97 115.7 435 04-27-92 Per Plan MB 73.0 6.6 110.6 95 115.7 436- 04-27-92 Per Plan MB 73.0 7.4 112.4 97 115.7 437 04-28-92 Per Plan H3 71.0 8.0 102.3 96 106.3 438 04-28-92 Per Plan H3 71.0 8.3 100.1 94 106.3 439 04-28-92 Per Plan G3 71.5 6.2 114.2 98 115.7 440 04-28-92 Per Plan H3 72.0 6.7 102.3. 96 106.3 441 04-28-92 Per Plan 72.0 7.1 99.5 93 106.3 442 04-28-92 Per Plan G3 72.5 5.8 110.1 95 115.7 443 04-28-92 Per Plan H3 73.0 8.7 98.1 92 106.3 444 04-28-92 Per Plan G3 73.5 5.2 100.5 94 106.3 DATE: June 18, 1992 ME EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS • REPORT OF RELATIVE - COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: 111 La Quinta Center JOB NO: B7 -2083-P3 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT N0: 92-06-727 Test No. Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density Pad # 445 05-12-92 Per Plan C3 70.0 6.9 108.3 93 115.7 446 05-12-92 Per Plan C3 70.0 6.3 105.4 91 115.7 447 05-12-92 Per Plan C3 71.0 7.8 109.5 94 115.7 448 05-12-92 Per Plan C3 71.0 9.1 112.4 97 115.7 449 05-12-92 Per Plan C3 72.0 8.4 109.9 95 115.7 450 05-12-92 Per Plan C3 72.0 7.3 108.3 93 115.7 451 05-12-92 Per Plan C3 73.0 6.6 109.6 94 115.7 452 05-12-92 Per Plan C3 73.0 8.7 111.9 96 115.7 453 05-13-92 Per Plan C3 74.0 6.2 106.8 95 115.7 454 05-13-92 Per Plan C3 74.0 7.6 109.1 97 115.7 455 05-13-92 Per Plan E3 70.5 6.4 107.2 92 115.7 456 05-13-92 Per Plan 70.5 9.5 105.7 91 115.7 457 05-13-92 Per Plan E3 71.5 7.3 109.7 94 115.7 458 05-13-92 Per Plan 71.5 8.3 108.2 93 115.7 459 05-13-92 Per Plan E3 72.5 8.7 109.6 94 115.7 460 05-13-92 Per Plan 72.5 9.1 108.7 94 115.7 461 05-14-92 Per Plan H3 74.0 6.4 107.8 93 115.7 462 05-14-92 Per Plan 74.0 7.1 110.2 95 115.7 463 05-14-92 Per Plan H3 75.0 8.5 109.5 94 115.7 464 05-14-92 Per Plan 75.0 6.1 106.8 92 115.7 465 05-14-92 Per Plan G3 74.5 5.8 110.4 95 115.7 466 05-14-92 Per Plan G3 75.5 7.2 111.8 96 115.7 467 05-14-92 Per Plan F3 71.0 6.8 107.7 93 115.7 468 05-14-92 Per Plan F3 71.0 7.9 111.7 96 115.7 469 05-14-92 Per Plan F3 72.0 8.6 109.5 94 115.7 470 05-14-92 Per Plan F3 73.0 7.1 110.8 95 115.7 471 05-14-92 Per Plan F3 73.0 7.4 109.0 94 115.7 472 05-14-92 Per Plan F3 74.0 8.6 111.4 96 115.7 473 05-14-92 Per Plan E3 73.5 6.7 110.4 95 115.7 474 05-14-92 Per Plan 73.5 5.6 108.9 94 115.7 475 05-14-92 Per Plan E3 74.5 8.3 113.0 97 115.7 476 05-14-92 Per Plan 74.5 9.4 113.6 98 115.7 477 05-14-92 Per Plan F3 75.0 8.5 111.2 96 115.7 478 05-14-92 Per Plan 75.0 10.3 112.4 97 115.7 DATE: June 18, 1992 -5- EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: 111 La Quinta Center JOB NO: 137-2083-P3 LOCATION: La Quinta, California REPORT NO: 92-06-727 Test No. Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density Pad # 479 05-15-92 Per Plan E3 70.5 9.4 111.7 96 115.7 480 05-15-92 Per Plan 71.5 8.7 112.7 97 115.7 481 05-15-92 Per Plan F3 71.0 11.3 110.2 95 115.7 482 05-15-92 Per Plan 72.0 10.6 108.3 93 115.7 483 05-15-92 Per Plan F-3 72.5 9.2 110.1 95 115.7 484 05-15-92 Per Plan 73.5 9.8 108.8 94 115.7 485 05-15-92 Per Plan G3 71.5 8.5 114.3 98 115.7 486 05-15-92 Per Plan 72.5 8.0 112.0 96 115.7 487 05-15-92 Per Plan F-3 73.0 9.9 108.7 94 115.7 488 05-15-92 Per Plan 74.0 8.9 113.0 97 115.7 489 05-15-92 Per Plan G3 73.5 9.8 110.2 95 115.7 490 05-15-92 Per Plan 74.5 9.3 109.7 94 115.7 491 05-15-92 Per Plan H3 71.0 10.7 113.8 98 115.7 492 05-15-92 Per Plan 72.0 8.8 111.6 96 115.7 493 05-15-92 Per Plan H-3 73.0 9.0 110.1 95 115.7 494 05-15-92 Per Plan 74.0 10.3 112.8 97 115.7 495 05-20-92 Per Plan C3 75.0 6.6 111.4 96 115.7 496 05-20-92 Per Plan E3 75.5 5.7 113.6 98 115.7 497 05-20-92 Per Plan 77.0 7.1 112.4 97 115.7 498 05-20-92 Per Plan F3 76.0 7.8 111.3 96 115.7 499 05-20-92 Per Plan 76.0 6.4 114.9 99 115.7 500 05-20-92 Per Plan G3 76.5 6.1 113.5 98 115.7 501 05-20-92 Per Plan 76.0 5.8 110.2 95 115.7 502 05-20-92 Per Plan H3 76.0 6.7 111.2 96 115.7 503 05-21-92 Per Plan K2 74.0 8.6 109.5 94 115.7 504 05-21-92 Per Plan J2 74.0 7.1 111.4 96 115.7 505 05-21-92 Per Plan 74.0 5.9 110.8 95 115.7 506 05-21-92 Per Plan H2 74.5 8.4 112.0 96 115.7 507 05-21-92 Per Plan 75.0 6.6 112.4 97 115.7 508 05-21-92 Per Plan G2 74.5 7.4 110.7 95 115.7 509 05-21-92 Per Plan 75.0 5.7 111.8 96 115.7 510 05-21-92 Per Plan F2 76.0 6.9 112.6 97 115.7 DATE: June 18, 1992 -6- EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS .71 t.F -4 7 6 VE- c- �EXC A VA TJ ON w � 2 '�n��!®as ■®o■ ■■®■■■■■■ew■■s 111 - - - - SHEET NO. 6A 7H 111 LA QUINTA CENTER t LA QUINTA, CA. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. 1 Dare: 6 — 19 — 92 JOB NO.B7.2083•P3