14485 (CSCS) Title 24TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT 78-790 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA PROJECT DESIGNER: ROBERT H. RICCIADI 75-090 ST. CHARLES PLACE, SUITE A PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA (619) 346 -2223 - REPORT PREPARED BY: JOHN H HACKER JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES 4501 E. Sunny Dune Rd. Suite C PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92264 (619) 327-4565 Job Number: Date: 10/28/1994 The COMPLY 24 computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel.Dodd Associates -(510) 428-0803. 11 Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report ------------------------------------- Cover Page.......................................................... 1 Table of Contents ................................................... 2 Form ENV -1 Envelope Certificate of Compliance ....................... 3 Form PERF -1 Building Energy Performance Summary 5 Form ENV -2 Envelope Summary ....................................... 6 Form ENV -3 Construction Assemblies .................................. 10 Form LTG -1 Lighting Certificate of Compliance 13 Form LTG -2 Lighting Compliance Summary 15 Form LTG -3 Lighting Controls Credit Worksheet ....................... 16 Form MECH-1 Mechanical Certificate of Compliance .................... .17 Form MECH-2 Mechanical Summary ...................................... 20 Form MECH-3 Mechanical Equipment Summary ............................ 21 Form MECH-4 Mechanical Ventilation .................................. 22 HVACZone & Space Loads Summary ..................................... 23 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 1 of •2) ENV -1 page 3 of 24 -�------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Address: 78-790 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Building Permit No Envelope Designer: ROBERT H. RICCIADI Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES ------------------------------------------------- Checked by / Date COMPLY 24 User 2655 -------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Date of Plans: Building Conditioned Floor Area: 5040 sf Building Type: Nonresidential Climate Zone: 15 Phase of Construction: 0 New Construction 0 Addition O Alteration Method of Envelope Compliance: Prescriptive - Overall Envelope STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Code of Regula- tions. This certificate applies only to building envelope requirements. The Principal Envelope Designer hereby certifies that the proposed build- ing design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications; and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the envelope requirements contained in sections 110, 116 through 118, and 143 or 149 of Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1. Please check one: 0 I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a civil engineer or architect. 0 I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing docu- ments for work that I have contracted to perform. 0 I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER ROBERT H. RICCIADI (619) 346-2223 (Signature) (Lic.) (Date) ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 2 of 2) ENV -1 page 4 of 24 -A------------------ ------------------------ --------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 OPAQUE SURFACES Const Note to Assembly Name Type Location/Comments Field ----------------------- ----- --------------------------------- ------- R-19 Metal Stud Wall Metal R-38 Roof(SUSPENDED ) Wood Hollow Metal Door None FENESTRATION Frame Orient . Panes Type Exterior Shade OH Glazing Type Front (S) 1 Metal None Y SINGLE (N) Front (S) 1 Metal None Y SINGLE (N) Left (W) 1 Metal None N SINGLE (N) PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY PERF -1 page 5 of 24 -N-------------------------------- -------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI ------ L----------------------------------------- LA ORIENTARESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 ANNUAL SOURCE ENERGY USE (KBtu/sqft-yr) Calc: DOE -24 (COMPLIANCE) Standard Proposed Compliance Energy Component ------------------------ Design -------- Design -------- Margin ---------- Space Heating 18:37 20.57 -2.20 Space Cooling 28.53 28.13 0.40 HVAC Fans & Pumps 24.58 24.03 0.55 Domestic Hot Water- 13.43 13.41 0.02 Lighting 48.95 44.47 4.48 Receptacle 18.20 18.20 0.00 Process 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTALS 152.07 148.82 3.25 *** BUILDING COMPLIES *** OPTIONAL CAPABILITES AND SPECIAL COMPLIANCE INFORMATION s - OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 1 of 4 ENV -2 page 6 of 24 Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 ----------------------------------------------- -------------------- WINDOW AREA TEST A. Display Perimeter 0.0 ft X 6 .ft = - 0.0 sf Display Area B. Gross Exterior Wall Area 5184.0 sf X 0.40 = 2073.6 sf 40% Area C. Gross Exterior Wall Area • 5184.0 sf X 0.10 = 518.4 sf Min Std Area D. Enter Larger of A or B 2073.6 sf Max Std Area E. Enter Proposed Window Area 446.0 sf Proposed Area If E is greater than D or less than C, proceed to the next calculation for window area adjustment. If not, go to part 2 of 4. 1. If E is greater than D: Window D. Maximum Standard Area E. Proposed Area Adjustment Factor ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------- N/A / N/A = N/A 2. If E is less than C: Window C. Minimum Standard Area E. Proposed Area Adjustment Factor ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------- 518.4 / 446.0 = 1.1623 SKYLIGHT AREA TEST Atrium Height ------------- 0.0 ft If Height < 55 ft If Height >= 55 ft Standard = 5% ----------+---------- Standard = 10t _ V A. Gross Exterior Roof Area 5040.0 sf X 0.05 = 252.0 sf Standard Area B. Enter Proposed Skylight Area 0.0 sf Proposed Area If the Proposed Skylight Area is greater than the Standard Skylight Area, proceed to the next calculation for the skylight area adjustment. If not. got to part 2 of 4. 1. If Proposed Skylight Area > Standard Skylight Area: Skylight Standard Skylight Area Proposed Skylight Area Adjustment Factor ------------------------------------------------------------- N/A / N/A = N/A OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part '2 of 4 ENV-2 page 7 of 24 Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERALL HEAT.LOSS Total 1241.6 Total 1502.4 ** OVERALL HEAT LOSS COMPLIES PROPOSED UA <= STANDARD UA ** PROPOSED Adj. STANDARD Assembly Name Area ------ HC ---- U -Val ----- UxA ------ Area ------ U -Val ----- UxA ----------------------- R-19 Metal Stud Wall 1136.0 2.8 0.145 164.7 1075.0 0.182 ------ 195.6 R-19 Metal Stud Wall 1010.0 2.8 0.145 146.4 998.6 0.182 181.8 R-19 Metal Stud Wall 1472.0 2.8 0.145 213.4 1472.0 0.182 267.9 R-19 Metal Stud Wall 1080.0 2.8 0.145 156.6 1080.0 0.182 196.6 R-38 Roof(SUSPENDED ) 5040.0 1.0, 0.025 123.8 5040.0 0.057 287.3 SINGLE (N) 320.0 N/A 0.940 300.8 371.9 0.720 267.8 SINGLE (N) 56.0 N/A 1.250 70.0 65.1 0.720 46.9 SINGLE (N) 70.0 N/A 0.940 65.8 81.4 0.720 58.6 Total 1241.6 Total 1502.4 ** OVERALL HEAT LOSS COMPLIES PROPOSED UA <= STANDARD UA ** OVERALL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVELOPE METHOD Part 3 of 4 'ENV -2 page 8 of 24 Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994. Documentation: JOHN H. ------------------------------------------------------ HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 -------------------- OVERALL HEAT GAIN PROPOSED STANDARD Glazing -------------- WF ---- ------ Area SC H V OHF ---- ---- ---- Total ------ Area RSHG Total South 1.12 ---- 320.0 0.88 10.0 8.1 0.44 138.8 ------ ----------- 371.9 0.57 237.5 South 1.12 56.0 0.88 10.0 7.1 0.44 24.3 65.1'0.57 41.6 West 1.13 70.0 0.88 69.6 81.4 0.57 52.4 Total 232.7 Total 331.4 ** OVERALL HEAT GAIN COMPLIES PROPOSED HG <= STANDARD HG ** l r OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD.. Part 4 of 4 ENV -2 page 9 of 24 =-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 Window Area Adjustment Calculations Skylight Area Adjustment Calculations Gross Roof Name Dir Area ----------------------- --- ----- R-38Roof H 5040.0 TOTALS 5040.0 Adjusted Skylt Adjust Skylt Roof Area Factor ------ ------ Adjusted Area 0.0 0.0000 ------ Gross Door Window Adjust Window Wall Wall Name Dir Area ----- Area ------ Area Factor ------ Area ------ Area ----------------------- FRONT --- S 1512.0 ------ 376.0 1.1623 437.0 ------ 1075.0 LEFT W 1080.0 70.0 1.1623 81.4 998.6 BACK N 1512.0 40.0 0.0 1.1623 0.0 1472.0 RIGHT E 1080.0 0.0 1.1623 0.0 1080.0 TOTALS 5184.0 40.0 446.0 518.4 4625.6 Skylight Area Adjustment Calculations Gross Roof Name Dir Area ----------------------- --- ----- R-38Roof H 5040.0 TOTALS 5040.0 Adjusted Skylt Adjust Skylt Roof Area Factor ------ ------ Area Area 0.0 0.0000 ------ ------ 0.0 ------ ------ 5040.0 0.0 0.0 ------ 5040.0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 page 10 of 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Assembly Name: R-19 Metal Stud Wall Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Framing Material: Metal Framing Spacing: _" 0. C. Framing Percent: 15.0 $ Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco, Wood Shingles Construction Components Fr ------------------------------------------------------ Outside Air Film 1. Stucco 0 2. Plywood 0 3. Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-19 * 6 4. Gypsum or Plaster Board 0 5. - 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ------------------------------------------------------ Unadjusted R -Values Weight: 12.6 lb/sqft Heat Capacity: -2.80 Th R -Value (in) --------------------- Cavity Frame 0.17 0.17 .875 0.17 0.17 .625 0.77 0.77 .000 19.00 19.00 .500 0.45 0.45 0.68 0.68 -------------------- 21.25 0.00 TOTAL U -VALUE = 0.145 TOTAL R -VALUE 6.90 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 page 11 of 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------- ------------------ !, of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Roofing, Asphalt Shingles 2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 3. Plywood 4. Air Space 5. Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-38 6. 7. 8. 9. Assembly Name: R-38 Roof(SUSPENDED ) Assembly Type: Roof Assembly Tilt: 22 deg (Tilted Up) Framing Material: Wood Framing Spacing: _" O..C. Framing Percent: 10.0 Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness:.Concrete, Asph. Shingles Th R -Value Fr (in) ----------------------------------- Cavity Frame 0.17 .0.17 0.250 0.44 0.44 0.010 0.06 0.06 0.500 0.62 0.62 24.000 0.80 0.80 11.500 38.00 38.00 Inside Air Film 0.61 0.61 ---------------=----------------------------------------------------------- Unadjusted R -Values 40.70 40.70 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 /40.70) x (0.90) + (1 /40.70) x (0.10) = 0.025 TOTAL U -VALUE = 0.025 TOTAL R -VALUE = 40.70 Weight: 3.5 lb/sqft Heat Capacity: 0.97- PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 page 12 of 24 - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- -- -- - - ----- ------ -- ---- --- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Assembly Name: Hollow Metal Door ------------------------------- I I Assembly Type: Door ------------------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing: _" O.C. Framing Percent: 0.0 $ Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Smooth Plaster, Metal ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Cavity Frame --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside Air Film 0.17 0.17 1. Steel 0.001 0.00 0.00 2. Air Space 1.750 0.87 0.87 3. Steel 0.001 0.00 0.00 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unadjusted R -Values 1.72 1.72 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 / 1.72) x (1.00) + (1 / 1.72) x (0.00) Weight: 0.1 lb/sqft Heat Capacity: 0.01 = 0.581 TOTAL U -VALUE = 0.581 TOTAL R -VALUE = 1.72 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 1 of 2) =---------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Address: 78-790 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Lighting Designer: JOHN HACKER, CIVIL ENGINEER LTG -1 page 13 of 24 ------------------------ JDate: 10/28/1994 Building Permit No Checked by / Date Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Date of Plans: Building Conditioned Floor Area: 5040 sf Building Type: Nonresidential Climate Zone: 15 Phase of Construction: O New Construction O Addition O.Alteration Method of Lighting Compliance: Prescriptive STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Code of Regula- tions. This certificate applies only to building lighting requirements. The Principal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed build- ing design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in sections 110, 119, 130 through 132 and 146 or 149. Please check one: 0 I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a civil engineer electrical engineer or architect. 0 I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed -contractor preparing docu- ments for work that I have contracted to perform. 0 I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER JOHN HACKER, CIVIL ENGINEER (619) 327-4565 ignature) (Lic.) (Date) LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 2 of 2) LTG-1 page 14 of 24 Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN. H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------- INSTALLED LIGHTING SCHEDULE MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS Control Note to Control Location ID Control Type Space Controlled Field ------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS FOR CREDIT Control Note to Control Location ID Control Type Space Controlled Field ---------------- ---- -- --------------- ---------------------- ------- I No of Watts/ Ballast Ballasts/ No of Note to Name Lamp Type ----------------- Lamps ------ Lamp ------ Type ---------- Luminaire --------- Fixt. Field ----- ------- Fluorescent 4 24 Standard 2.0 15 Fluorescent 1 9 Standard 1.0 2 Fluorescent 1 13 Standard 1.0 7 Fluorescent 1 27 Standard 1.0 4 Incandescent 1 75 n/a n/a 1 Incandescent 1 100 n/a n/a 1 Incandescent 1 45 n/a n/a 5 Incandescent 1 40 n/a n/a 2 Incandescent 1 100 n/a n/a 24 F1 Fluorescent 1 13 Standard 1.0 62 MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS Control Note to Control Location ID Control Type Space Controlled Field ------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS FOR CREDIT Control Note to Control Location ID Control Type Space Controlled Field ---------------- ---- -- --------------- ---------------------- ------- I LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY LTG-2 page 15 of 24 Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL LIGHTING POWER' Total Proposed Watts 6225 * If not CEC Default value, please provide supporting documentation. ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER BY SPACE Allowed Floor LPD Total Tailored Space Name Occupancy Area (w/sf) (watts) (watts) ----------------------- ---------------------- ----- ------ ------- ------- RESTAURANT Comp Bldg Restaurant 5040 1.500 7560 0 ----- ------ ------- ------- TOTALS 5040 1.500 7560 0 * Note: Tailored Allotment requires supporting documentation on form LTG -4. No of Watts Total Name Description ' ---------------------------------------------- Lumin per Default Watts 24" Slimline /4 Lamp ----- 15 ------------ 134.0 ----- 2010.0 9w Twin Tube Compact /1 Lamp 2 13.0 26.0 13w Twin Tube Compact /1 Lamp 7 17.0 119.0 27w Quad Tube Compact /1 Lamp 4 34.0 136.0 75 w Recessed Incandescent 1 75.0 75.0 100'w Recessed Incandescent 1 100.0 100.0 45 w Track Light 45 w per Foot 5 45.0 225.0 40 w Surface,Mount Incandescent 2 40.0 80.0 100 w Wall Mount Incandescent 24 100.0 2400.0 F1 13w Twin Tube Compact /1 Lamp 62 17.0 1054.0 SubTotal 6225 Less Control Credits (LTG -3), 0 Total Proposed Watts 6225 * If not CEC Default value, please provide supporting documentation. ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER BY SPACE Allowed Floor LPD Total Tailored Space Name Occupancy Area (w/sf) (watts) (watts) ----------------------- ---------------------- ----- ------ ------- ------- RESTAURANT Comp Bldg Restaurant 5040 1.500 7560 0 ----- ------ ------- ------- TOTALS 5040 1.500 7560 0 * Note: Tailored Allotment requires supporting documentation on form LTG -4. LIGHTING CONTROLS CREDIT WORKSHEET LTG-3 page 16 of 24 Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------- LIGHTING CONTROLS BY SPACE Floor Watts .Adj. Control Space Name Control Description Area Ctrld Fctr Credit TOTAL 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 1 of 3) MECH-1 page 17 of 24 7------------------------------------------------------ - Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Address: 78-790 HIGHWAY 111 Mechanical LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Designer: JOHN H HACKER, CIVIL ENGINEER ------------------- Date: 10/28/1994 Building Permit No Checked by / Date Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES ICOMPLY 24 User 2655 ------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION Date of Plans: Building Conditioned Floor Area: 5040 sf Building Type: Nonresidential Climate Zone: 15 Phase of Construction: O New Construction 0 Addition O Alteration Method of Mechanical Compliance: Prescriptive Proof of Envelope Compliance: 0 Previous Permit 0 Compliance Attached STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Code of Regula- tions. This certificate applies only to building mechanical requirements. The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed build- ing design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contained in sections 110 through 115, 120 through 124, 140 through 142,144 and 145. Please check one: O I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a civil engineer mechanical engineer or architect. 0 I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing docu- ments for work that I have contracted to perform. O 'I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason:_ PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER JOHN H HACKER, CIVIL ENGINEER V'W- 1 d'6 td— 142,764- .............. 0 271. 4- ............•• (Signature) (Lic. #) (Date) MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 2 of 3) MECH-1 page 18 of 24 .a-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Yes IDate: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES ICOMPLY 24 User 2655 ----------------------------------------------------- -------------- SYSTEM FEATURES Note to Field Zone Name RESTAURANT Time Control Setback Control Both # of Isolation Zonesn/a HP Thermostat Yes Electric Heat 10.0 KW Fan Control Constant Volume VAV Min Position n/a Simul. Heat/Cool n/a Heat Supply Reset Constant Temp Cool Supply.Reset Constant Temp Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type No Economizer Outdoor Air CFM 2268 Heat Equip Type Heat Pump Make & Model,No. Day&Night 542GN060-C Cool Equip Type DX Make and Model Code Tables ------------------------------------------------- Time Control Ventilation OA Damper S:Prog Switch B:Air Balance A:Auto O:Occ Sensor C:OA Cert. G:Gravity M:Man Timer M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 3 of 3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------=-- MECH-1 page 19 of 24 Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. ----------------------------------------------------- HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 -------------------- DUCT INSULATION Duct Tape Insul Note to System Name ----------------------- Type Duct Location Allowed R -Val Field Day&Night 542GN060-C -------------------------- Heating Ducts in Attic ------- Y / N ----- 4.2 ------- Cooling Ducts in Attic Y / N 4.2 I PIPE INSULATION Insul Note to System Name ----------------------- Pipe Type Required ----------- Field Domestic Hot Water -------- Y / N ------- NOTES TO FIELD - For --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building Department Use Only MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 page 20 of 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIZING AND EQUIPMENT SELECTION HVAC Zone Name: RESTAURANT Heating System Name: Day&Night 542GN060-C Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: 5 Peak Load Method: COINCIDENT Relative Humidity: 50 COOLING HEATING SENSIBLE LATENT 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR Palm Desert 32 F 112 F 73 F 2. SIZING SPACES SERVED BY SYSTEM PEAK ----------------------- ---- Btu/hr ------- PEAK Btu/hr ------------ Btu/hr RESTAURANT (Jan 12am) 59683 (Aug 4pm) 104142 ------ 21000 TOTAL SPACE LOAD 59683 104142 21000 Duct Gains & Losses: 5968 10414 Ventilation: ( 2291 CFM) 93329 76137 -18754 Return Air Lighting Gain 0 TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 158980 190693 2246 3. SELECTION A. Safety/Warmup Factor 1.43 1.21 B. Maximum Adjusted Load 227341 230739 C. Installed Equipment Capacity 384997 196287 74030 If Line 3-C > Line 3-B, Explain: FAN POWER CONSUMPTION No. Fan Description Sys --------------------- --- Supply Fan 5 x FAN POWER DEMAND Efficiency Peak Conv Peak Supply BHP Motor Drive HP Fact Watts CFM ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----------- 1.00 / [0.79 x 1.00] = 6.33 x 746 = 4722 2000 ----- ----- ------ Totals 6.33 4722 10000 4722 watts / 10000 cfm = 0.472 watts/cfm MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY MECH-3 page 21 of 24 =-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation:, JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES (COMPLY 24 User 2655 PLANT EQUIPMENT' SUMMARY Fuel Elec Total No. Input Input Output Equipment Name Equipment Type -Sys (KBtu) (KW) (KBtu) ------------------------------------------ --- ------ ------ ------ AO SMITH FSG -75 Gas Fired 1 80.0 0.0 66.4 CENTRAL SYSTEM SUMMARY Sys No No System Name System Type Sys.Economizer Type ---------------------------------------- --- --------------------------- 1 Day&Night 542GN060-C Packaged Heat Pu 5 No Economizer CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS Sys ------- Heating ------------------ ---------------- Cooling ---------- No Type Output Aux KW EFF Type Output Sensible EER SEER --------------------- ------ -------------------------- ----- ----- 1_.Heat Pump 58000 10.0 6.60 DX 58000 40600 7.80 9.50 CENTRAL FAN SUMMARY ------------ Supply Fan ----------- ---- Return Fan --- Sys Mtr Dry Mtr Dry No Fan Type Motor Location. CFM BHP Eff Eff CFM BHP Eff Eff -------------------------------- ----- ------ --- --- ----- ----- --- --- 1 Constant Volume Draw -Through 2000 1.00 79 100 None ZONAL FAN SUMMARY --------- Zonal.Fan ----- ------ Exhaust Fan•----- Mtr Dry Mtr Dry Space Name No CFM BHP Eff Eff No CFM BHP Eff Eff ----------------------- -- ----- ------ ---- ---- -- ----- ------ ---- ---- None MECHANICAL VENTILATION' MECH-4 page 22 of 24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENTILATION SUMMARY BY SPACE Tran Floor sqft CFM Min Design sfer Space Name T Occupancy Area /Occ /Occ CFM CFM CFM ----------------------- -------------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- RESTAURANT Comp Bldg Rest 5040 33 14.8 2268 2268 TOTALS 2268 2268 Note: If Tailored (T=*), user must document sqft/Occ and/or CFM/Occ values. • x HVAC -ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 23 of 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- - -- --- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - --------- ---- --------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES (COMPLY 24 User 2655 ----------------------------------------------------- --------------- HVAC ZONE DESCRIPTION HVAC Zone Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Fan Schedule: Peak Load Method: Relative Humidity: SPACES IN THIS ZONE PEAK HEATING ----------------------- ---- ------- RESTAURANT (Jan 12am) 59683 TOTAL SPACE LOAD 59683 Duct Gains & Losses: 5968 Ventilation: ( 2291 CFM) 93329 Return Air Lighting Gain TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 158980 SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIONS 384997 RESTAURANT Day&Night 542GN060-C 5 Day People STD COINCIDENT 50 $ COOLING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT ------------ ------ (Aug 4pm) 104142 21000 104142 21000 10414 76137 -18754 0 190693 2246 196287 74030 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of 'a setback thermostat. Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent Cooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. SPACE -HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 24 of 24 -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Project Name: SHANGRI LA ORIENTAL RESTAURANT Date: 10/28/1994 Documentation: JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES COMPLY 24 User 2655 -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR SPACE Space Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS -------------------- Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Heating AirFlow: Cooling AirFlow: RESTAURANT COOLING HEATING SENSIBLE LATENT ------- -------- ------ Jan 12am Aug 5pm 70 F DB 78 F DB 50 % RH 32 F DB 105 F DB 66 F WB Quantity -----=------ Btu/hr ------- Btu/hr Btu/hr -------------- 4698.0 sqft 25883 27885 446.0 sqft 16591 8210 40.0 sqft 884 593 5040.0 sqft 4706 4700 0.0 sqft 0 0 0.0 sqft 0 0 5040.0 sqft 11620 0 0.0 sqft 0 0 0.0 AC/hr 0 0 446.0 sqft 0 16001 7560.0 watts 0 19598 5040.0 watts 0 8601 0.0 watts 0 0 152.7 - occs 0 21000 21000 SPACE LOADS ------- 59683 ------- ------- 106588 21000 59683 Btu/hr / [1.07 x 35 F DeltaT)] = 1591 cfm 106588 Btu/hr / [1.07 x 23 F DeltaT)] = 4323 cfm