05-2867 (RC) Certificate of CompliancePERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE , Part 1 of 3 PERF -1 PROJECT NAME This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specificat'uDns needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and DATE McDonald's Corp. DATE OF PLANS 7/6/2005 PROJECT ADDRESS BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA 740 Sq.Ft. 7CLIM-ATEZONE 15 78-962 Highway 111 La Quinta for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheet specifications, and other calculations submitted with this NONRESIDENTIAL PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - ENVELOPE TELEPHONE Building Permit # Joseph Wong Design Associates (619) 233-6777 R ❑ F-1 2. 1 affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code Section DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE Checked by/Date T -Squared Professional Engineers, Inc. (760) 744-6718EnforcementrAgencyUse ections' (These sections of the Business and Professions Code ae printed in �eu�tia`I� GENERAL INFORMATION This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specificat'uDns needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the State Building Code. This certificate applies only to a Building using th9Arformance compliance approach. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR DATE OF PLANS DATE Farzad Tada on PE BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA 740 Sq.Ft. 7CLIM-ATEZONE 15 BUILDING TYPE for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheet specifications, and other calculations submitted with this NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ ❑ 1. 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ EXISTING + ADDITION STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specificat'uDns needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the State Building Code. This certificate applies only to a Building using th9Arformance compliance approach. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGNATURE DATE Farzad Tada on PE % The Principal Designers hereby certify that the proposed building design r r ented in the construction documents and modelled for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheet specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energ fficiency requirements of the State Building Code, Title 24, Part 6. ENV. LTG. MECH. ❑ ❑ 1. 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer or architect. R ❑ F-1 2. 1 affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code Section oY'673 '3'to-sign-this-docnment-as-the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed co a for pr parang dbcd"rlr ents`fdr ark t lat I have contracted to perform. �� f �� v I m �, ❑ ❑ F] 3.��i�r!rr�4�MPA eli8iF1e-nndfe�©iR3on 3; of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because p-erta.Ins to a H tru hire Qr type ofd;work described as exempt pusuant to Business and Professions Code S5 7`5538 Sri 437.1. ections' (These sections of the Business and Professions Code ae printed in �eu�tia`I� full in �V'oQ�si a?a3al�N - .. ENVELOPE CO I. C Indicate loc iora_or�plans..o,LUC t. o n a o � Measures Required Forms ENV -1 PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER - NAME SIGN TURE LIC. NO. DATE Jose h Wong Desian Associates LIGHTING COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Lighting Compliance Not In The Scope Of Thl 1S-SQb-mltta Required Forms PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER -NAME LIC. NO. DATE MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Required Form ECH-1 MECH-2 MECH-3 PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER - NAME SIGNATURE LIC. NO. DATE Farzad Tada on PE PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part2 of 3 PERF -1 McDonald's Corp.DATE7/6/2005 ANNUAL SOURCE ENERGY USE SUMMARY kBtu/s ft- r Standard ENERGY COMPONENT Design Space Heating 2.43 Space Cooling 108.65 Indoor Fans 42.97 Heat Rejection 0.00 Pumps & Misc. 0.00 Domestic Hot Water 0.00 Lighting 32.43 Receptacle 8.51 Process 0.00 TOTALS: 195.00 Percent better than Standard: Proposed Design 1.89 92.84 52.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.43 188.38 3.4% Compliance Margin [in Standard Proposed 0.54 S;_H- V bW-F'" wme.l.mwr °HN" "Vh5"° J 0 10 20 30 40 60 60 70: 8080 100 Mulsgft-yr 15.81 -9.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.62 process) ( 3.4% excluding BUILDING COMPLIES GENERAL INFORMATION Building Orientation Number of Stories Number of Systems Number of Zones North 0 deg Conditioned Floor Area 740 sqft. Unconditioned Floor Area 0 sqft. Conditioned Footprint Area 740 sqft. 1 1 1 Orientation Front Elevation (North) Left Elevation (East) Rear Elevation (South) Right Elevation (West) Total Roof Gross Area sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. Glazing Area Glazing sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft . sqft. sgft. Ratio 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 347 205 59.1% 135 80 59.3% 482 285 740 =::� 0.0°/4 Standard Proposed Lighting Power Density 1.100 wisgft. 0.000 wisgft. Prescriptive Env. Heat Loss 161 Btu<h 206 Bluth Prescriptive Env. Heat Gain 21,076 Btu/h-F 32,401 Btuth-F LEEDT"I Energy & Atmosphere Credit Savings vs. Title 241 3.55% Energy Performance Credit2 0 Points 1. excludes process and receptacle 2. see LEED table 8c or 8-d Remarks: Run Initiation Time: 07/06/05 17:20:09 Run Code: 1120695609 EnergyPro 3.1 By Energysoft User Number: 5511 Job Number: Page:2 of 8 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 3 of 3 PERF -1 PROJECT NAME McDonald's Corp. DATE 7/6/2005 ZONE INFORMATION System Name Zone Name Occupancy Type Floor Area (sgft.) Inst. LPD (W/sf)1 Port. LPD (W/sf)1 Ctrl. Tailored Credits LPD (W/S2 (Wlsf) 3 Proc. Loads (W/sf) AC -1 101 Dining Dining Area 740 0.000 0.000 rti Notes: 1. See LTG -1 (items marked with asterisk, see LTG -2 by others) 2. See LTG -3 3. See LTG -4 Items above require special documentation EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special iustification and documentation submitted. Plan T Field The HVAC System "YORK DHG060" includes an Economizer. This system has a cooling output < 75,000 btuh or a supply cfm < 2500. The HVAC System "YORK DHG060: Premium Eff' 1.00 BHP Supply Fan Motor has been specified. The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been'provided by the applicant. Authorized Signature or Stamp Run Initiation Time: 07/06/05 17:20:09 Run Code: 1120695609 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5511 Job Number. Page•3 of 8 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 PROJECT NAME McDonald's Corp. Area U -Fac. Act. Am. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments DATE 7/6/2005 OPAQUE SURFACES 0.45 Single NonMtl Tinted 101 Dining 2 Window 170 0.600 225 Surface Framing Act. # Type Type Area U -Fac. Am. Tilt Solar Gains y/N Form 3 Reference Location I Comments 1 Roof Wood 740 0.034 0 0 X R-30 Roof R.30.2x12.16 101 Dining 2 Wall Wood 55 0.051 270 1 90 R-13 Wall 101 Dining 3 Wall Wood 115 0.051 225 90 X R-13 Wall 101 Dining 4 Wall Wood 27 0.051 180 90 IL R-13 Wall 101 Dining EXTERIOR SHADING ## Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Len. H t. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. H t. Dist. Len. H t. 1 None 0.76 2 None 0.76 3 None 0.76 FENESTRATION SURFACES Site Assembled Glazing U uneck box Ir tsullaing is— iuu,uuu sqtt of GFA and >= 1u,000 sqtt vertical glazing then NFRC Certification is required. Follow NFRC 100 -SR Procedures and suhmit NFRC I ahpl CPrtificata Fnrm # Type Area U -Fac. Act. Am. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 1 Window 80 0.600 270 0.45 Single NonMtl Tinted 101 Dining 2 Window 170 0.600 225 0.45 Single NonMtl Tinted 101 Dining 3 Window 35 0.600 180 0.45 Single NonMtl Tinted 101 Dining EXTERIOR SHADING ## Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Len. H t. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. H t. Dist. Len. H t. 1 None 0.76 2 None 0.76 3 None 0.76 Initiation Tame: 07/06/05 17m20@09 CodesRun Run EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5511 Job Number: Page:4 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 (PROJECT NAME DATE McDonald's Corp. 7/6/2005 SYSTEM FEATURES SYSTEM NAME MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AC -1 Programmable Switch Heatinq & Cooling Required n/a n/a n/a Constant Volume No No Constant Tem Constant Tem n/a Air Balance Auto Diff. Enth (Integrated) 370 cfm Gas Furnace 80% AFUE Packaged DX 12.2 SEER / 10.6 EER YORK DHG060 Yes Yes Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 No NOTE TO FIELD CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL ELECTRIC HEAT? S: Prog. Switch O: Occupancy Sensor M: Manual Timer H: Heating C: Cooling B: Both Enter Number of Isolation Zones. I: Inlet Vanes P: Variable Pitch V: VFD O: Other C: Curve VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT / COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? I VENTILATION I OUTDOOR DAMPERI ECONOMIZER I O.A. CFM PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? C: Outside Air Cert. G: Gravity W: Water CFM. M: Out. Air Measure N: Not Required Note: This shall be PIPE/DUCT INSULATION PROTECTED? D: Demand Control EC: Economizer less than Col. H on N: Natural Control See Section MECH-3. SEALED DUCTS IN CEILING/ROOF SPACE 4AAI-%q Run Initiation Time: 07/06/05 17:20:09 Run Code: 1120695609 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5511 Job Number: Page:5 of 8 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Part 1 of 2 MECH-2 PROJECT NAME McDonald's Corp.DATE 7/6/2005 CHILLER AND TOWER SUMMARY BHP Efficiency Tons PUMPS FA System Name Equipment Name Equipment Type Qty. Tot. Qty GPM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. Pump Control Drive IDHW / BOILER SUMMARY Energy Factor or Recovery Efficiency Standby Loss or Pilot TANK INSUL. System Name System Type Distribution Type Qty Rated Input (Gals.) Vol, Ext. R -Val. CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS, HEATING COOLING System Name System Type Qty. Output Aux. kW Eff. Out ut Sensible Efflclency Economizer Type YORK DHG060 Packaged DX 1 92,000 0.0 80%AFUE 54,000 51,20012.2 SEER / 10.6 EER Diff. Enth (Integrated) CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY Motor Location CFM BHP SUPPLY FAN RETURN FA System Name Fan Type YORK DHG060 Constant Volume Draw -Through Motor Drive 85.5% 99.0% Motor Drive � EnergyPro 3.1 By Motor Location CFM BHP Eff. Eff. CFM BHP Eff. Eff. YORK DHG060 Constant Volume Draw -Through 2,000 1.00 85.5% 99.0% none EnergySoft User Number. 5511 Job Number. Pape:6 of 8 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY • • :• :••-. MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3 PROJECT NAME DATE McDonald's Corp. 7/6/2005 MECHANICAL VENTILATION RA © a o 0 0© 0 0 0 0 ZONE/SYSTEM 101 Dining AC -1 AREA BASIS COND. MIN. AREA CFM CFM (SF) PER SF (B x C) OCCUPANCY BASIS NO. CFM MIN. OF PER CFM PEOPL PERSON (EXF) T REQ'D O.A. (MAX OF D OR G) DESIGN OUTDOOF AIR CFM VAV MIN. RATIO TRANS FER AIR 370 370 370 370 C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section 121, Table 1-F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 50% of Chapter 10 1997 UBC Occupant Density. I Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air. Design Outdoor Air includes ventilation from Supply Air System & Room Exhaust Fans. K Must be greater than or equal to (H minus 1), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (H -J). EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5511 Job Number: Page:8 of 8 1 11