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9512-055 (CSCS) Title 24
TITLE 24 CALCULATIONS FOR N. W. CORNER -HWY 1.11 & ADAMS ST. LA QUINTA) CA GERUNG ENGINEERING 23144 TWIN CANYON DRIVE GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA 92313 (909)783-4958 FAX 783- 6659 I PROJECT NAME DATE T ADDRE S _.... 1(( A 1N I aUl "t3ii( N. :> > PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - ENVELOP LEPHONE DOCUMENTAT49N AUTHOR TELEPHONE -INFORMATIONINERAL DATE OFA C Sul WING CONDI110NEC1 PLWA AREA 2z;�0 CLIMATE ZONE 1Z5 BUILDING iYPE NONRESIDENTIAL NIGH ME RESIDENTIAL HOTEUMOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION a A015016N ALTERATION UNCONDITIONED (Fib A"Viq METHOD OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE COMPONENt - F1 WMALL ENVELOPE El PERFoRMANcE This certificate of Compliance Ilstt; the ulklltlg featltUf'es grid per?to cots Y with Title 24, Parts '1 and 6 of the California Coda of Regiliati6M. TFild bertific414AppUes only to building oholope requirements. The Principal Envelope Designer hereby certifies that the prop6d6d building design tepresehted In this set of construction documents is consistent with the other t6mpiiance forms and Workbheots, with the specification§, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been desighod to meet the envelope requirements contained in sections 116, 1161hrough 118, and 143 or 149 of Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1. Pmase check one: �I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for Its preparation; and that i aim a civil engineer or architect. I affirm that I am eligible under the etitim' ption to DiVislon 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sigh this document as tho person responslbie for its preparation; and that I am a licensed ,contractor preparing docurnenis for work that I have contracted to perform. F] 1 affirmLt I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sigh this document as the person responsible for Hs preparation; and for the following reason: PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER - K Indicate location on plans of Note Block fot Mandsittory MigaUrea L— UC. NO. For detailed insirUctio6t ort the use of this And -ell Energy Efficiency MMdatdg compliance forme, pilose refer to the Nontesldential ual published by the California Energy Comm ilseioh. ....v-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Part 2 maybe IncOtpdratdd In schedules on plane. ENV -2: Used for all submittals; choose ap"proprlaW Versloli deparidihij do method of 9nv&lope compliance. ENV -3: Optional. Use if default U -values ate not Ueed. Choose apptoptlate verslon for assembly U -value to be calculated. NonreskisnUO Compliance Form December 1991 SKYLIGHT NAME No. of !*AME TYPE EKILIOW MAltAlAL CILAZINa TYPE NOTE to (09. Sky -t) pANE'ti (eg. w6w, it 6w. aw) (69'. alai!. PIM66, aw.) -(6g- Clear, etc.) FIELD =NOTW.TO'FIELD '�'°Fo.r Bu.iid qMepailm`ent Use Only PROJECT NAME DATE GROSS WALL AREA GWA /1 �j `'05 GWA X 0.4 Z It the PROPOSED WINDOW AREA Is greater than the MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WINDOW AREA, 'then go to another method. D'SLAMETEI Y R- DPXB GREATER OF CJ VZ MAXIMUM V ALLOWABLE WINDOW AREA FEQ, ( PROPOSED ) WINDOW AREA ATRIUM HEIGHT A FT �IF<65 IF>5S� ' ALLOWED % -.06 ALLOWED % -.1 ALLOWED % GR. ROOF AREA ALLOW. SKY. AREA It ft ACTUAL SKYLIGHT AREA Is piaatot VWA the ALLOWED SKYLIGHT AREA, (hen to Aliothbr mefiwd. - ACTUAL SKY.'AREA ®• gip U -VALUE• PROPOSED TABLE VALUES? LOWED MAX. ALEl Y N V 1:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ OHF ASSEL48LY NAME TYPE HF -At INSULATION R -VALUE' . (eg. Wall -1, Fim-1) (eg. Roof, Wall, Frame) CAPACItY PROPOSED MIN. ALLOWED LIDA L,t,, � �,o (� �I t • For oath asselritlly typo,1n04i the minlhium Iheuladoh R-Valuo dr 04 maximum assombty U -value. A$l;EMSLY U -VALUE• PROPOSED TABLE VALUES? LOWED MAX. ALEl Y N V 1:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ OHF . >pRoPO�ED gt;Htl WINDOW NAME ORIENTATION U -VALUE .. N bF '(eg. Window -i, Wth&W-2) �4 E_ S .-PROP: ALLOWL �_ PAnNES ❑ ❑ ❑ tq,cq oto ` ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ovERHANt3 PROP. RSHG ALLOW. gSHd r� V HN OHF . >pRoPO�ED gt;Htl SC ovERHANt3 PROP. RSHG H V HN OHF SKYLIGHT NAME Gu►aNa 060 UNALUE SHADING COEFFICIENT (eg. Sky -1, Sky -2) TRANSLUCENT TRANSPARENT PANEL PROPOSED ALLOWED PROPOSED ALLOWED ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Nonresideni;i Compliance Form December 1991 PROJECT N:AME LZ 1 DM 1 PbNEN CJD'MPdN ENTi D ES CA I P -,T1 b DATE 9 DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM —..- �sSEMr>tLY TYPE Floor IMMA066 Non -lift" h-1V&iui6 Wall Wall 4'. ------ C411ing Root WaNd MAIE T- MAL R-13 0.281 ook hd slii 8. FRAMING 0ACiNG 16- o.c. 24- o.c. A-22 0.230 0.208 A -VALUE SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 4' - R-7 0.475 R -ii 0.353 DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM —..- C r2-,- IMMA066 Non -lift" h-1V&iui6 Wall 04 4'. ------ h-70.435 A-11 0.316 R-13 0.281 i- INSIDE SURFACE AiR. FILM METAL MAMINO FACTORS SiUd S0461nd blisd IMMA066 Non -lift" h-1V&iui6 Wall 46' O.C. 4'. ------ h-70.435 A-11 0.316 R-13 0.281 A -it 0.250 8. A-19 0264 A-21 0.241 A-22 0.230 0.208 24, i).c. 4' - R-7 0.475 R -ii 0.353 R-13 0.314 RA6 0.280 8. M10 0.299 R-21 0.274 A-22' 0.261 A-26 0.239 Nonre idendal Compliance ForM December 1991 i PROJECT NAMED ATE Anacm L1f NAY METAL FIAMIN, ASSEMBLY Tiot Stud Spacing Floor Wulatloh Non -Mass II-viduo wall W ox. Well R-7 0.436 A-il 0.318 Gifling Awl FRAMINd MATERIAL ti FTbh FI -10 0264 R -2t 0.241 R-22 0.230 W o.c. 94' o.c. INSULATION ' 6 VALUE R-11 0.363 SKETCH Of ASSEMBLY Il • CAVITY DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE SuRVACE AIR FIb4'1_ Pb� -r- &:=)Q Ic> &EA uj k. -J, INSIDE SURFACE AIR FIi,M SUBTOTAL I1jrL: Ac METAL FRAMING PACiolit MFF Ac x MFF pq A -VALUE INS ; ULA-fikd SHEATHING A -VALUE TOTAL R -VALUE At ilfit C_ 99. ASSEMBLY U -VALUE I Fohn December 19911 ' METAL FIAMIN, I MOORS Stud Spacing Mud Moth Wulatloh Non -Mass II-viduo wall W ox. 4- R-7 0.436 A-il 0.318 A-13 0.281 i Hol R-15 0.260 FI -10 0264 R -2t 0.241 R-22 0.230 R-25 0.209 24* ot. 4* R-7- 0.476*' R-11 0.363 R-0 0.314 N-16 0.280 -A-19 0.299 R-21 0.274 A-22 0.261 R-25 6.239 SUBTOTAL I1jrL: Ac METAL FRAMING PACiolit MFF Ac x MFF pq A -VALUE INS ; ULA-fikd SHEATHING A -VALUE TOTAL R -VALUE At ilfit C_ 99. ASSEMBLY U -VALUE I Fohn December 19911 ' PROJECT NAME F 'GT`A_D�DR PRINCIPAL DES! DOCUMENTATU •Q, t'J I '�f2N E.R ER - MECHANICAL �..— � 'J .' Qulldlr�j' Pofinil tt TEL ONE- This Certificate of Compliance lists the Duilding"�featu`r"es and pi�ri�r�na'�ce $peClticetloina �aadad to coniply with Title) 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This 6e04ta wiles only to building mechanical roqulrements. The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance fortes and Worksheets, with the specificatlons, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. the proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical rc- ' '-pments container: in sections 110 through 115, 120 through 124, 140 through 142, 144 and 145. Please check one: VI hereby affirm that'l am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation, and that. I am A civil engineer, mechanical engineer, or architect. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Busi gess and Professions Code to sign this document As the person responsible for Its preparation; and that .I am a licen$ec contractor -preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. F1 I affirm that I am. eligible under 111e exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professlons Code by Section _ of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: PAIN Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Meagu(04 11leLz' '1D9- For detailed instructions on the use of -this arid: all Energy Efficlendy Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential -nual published by the California Energy Commission. "IL:CH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 2 $ 3 may be Incorporated in schedules on plans. MECH-2: Required for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on method of mechanical compliance. MECH-3 and MECH-4: Required for all submittals. - - - ---------------- Nonresidential Compliance Foran December 1991 ` s_ RMATI, , OF PLAN [DATE l3UILDINf3 CONDITIONED P�� BUILDING TY AE NONRESIDENTIAL NIGH hiss hr:§i6ENTIAL , HOTEUMOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF:CONSTAUCTION D/NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITION ALTERATION METHOD OF 1IECHANICAL COMPLIANCE PRESCRIPTIVE PEAFOAMANCE PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE pAtvlous ENVELOPE PERMIT E] ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACIED This Certificate of Compliance lists the Duilding"�featu`r"es and pi�ri�r�na'�ce $peClticetloina �aadad to coniply with Title) 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This 6e04ta wiles only to building mechanical roqulrements. The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance fortes and Worksheets, with the specificatlons, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. the proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical rc- ' '-pments container: in sections 110 through 115, 120 through 124, 140 through 142, 144 and 145. Please check one: VI hereby affirm that'l am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation, and that. I am A civil engineer, mechanical engineer, or architect. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Busi gess and Professions Code to sign this document As the person responsible for Its preparation; and that .I am a licen$ec contractor -preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. F1 I affirm that I am. eligible under 111e exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professlons Code by Section _ of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: PAIN Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Meagu(04 11leLz' '1D9- For detailed instructions on the use of -this arid: all Energy Efficlendy Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential -nual published by the California Energy Commission. "IL:CH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 2 $ 3 may be Incorporated in schedules on plans. MECH-2: Required for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on method of mechanical compliance. MECH-3 and MECH-4: Required for all submittals. - - - ---------------- Nonresidential Compliance Foran December 1991 TIFICATE OFA COMF CT NAME['-- '&- ��o I GATE MECHANICAL SYSTEMS SYSTEM NAME rc J — �� " , NOTE TO FIELD TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? ECONOMIZER TYPE OUTDOOR AIR CFM HEATING EQUIP. TYPE, HIGH EFFIC.? MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER COOLING EQUIP. TYPE HIGH EFFIC.? MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER CODE TABLES: Enter pod@ 00111 table bgl6w Into columns above. I I HEA', PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? Y: Yes TIME EoNTROI. SETOACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONE4 FAN CONTROL S: Prop. SWIM H.: H6aling Enter fluinber of I: Inlet Vanes O: OocupanCy 906160C: Cooling Isolation Zones. P: Variable Pitch M: Manual Tltha( B: Both V: VFD O: Oth6r SIMULTANEOUS HEATICOOL' ? ° YENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? B: Air Balance A: Auld A: Air Enter Outdoor Air C: Outside Air Cort. 0: (3reylty W: Water CFM. HIGH EFFICIENCY? M: Out. Ali Md' "Uto . N: Not Required Note: This shall be no D: Demand Cdnw?l, less Dian Column 0 on N: Natural MECH-N. ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ as ❑a F14 3fllvn-b N A Nounnslsm iom Zaimo-ni 3lVQ 3PNN iowOMd Haw tad�w o 3ldaitr o PROJECT SYSTEM NAME + u NOTE: Provide one copy of this ioim for each i iechankw systeM owl tita✓ng the Plgsctlp►hjA Apptoach. M■ FLOOR AREA _ DESIGN CONDITIONS: COOLiN�i HEATING OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE I E> 2. SIZING: VENTILATION LOAD TOTAL CFM (From MECH4) f h ENVELOPE LOAD LIGHTING WATTS / SF -PEOPLE M OF PEOPLE (From MECHA) p5 MISC. EQUIPMENT WATTS / SF OTHER • OTHER ( )Write) (66scribe) TOTALS 3. SELECTION: A. SAFETY/WARMUP FACTOR B. MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (Totals from etioVe X Saifety/Warmup Factor) C. INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY IF LINE;3-C IS GREATER THAN UNE 3-B, EXPLAIN KBbi / Hr KBtu / Hr , � RA L".l � LrJ Pf=SIGN f`"ICISNCY NNmgSp PEAK WATTS CFM FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE QIP MOTOR DRIVE OF DANS B x E x 748 / (C x D) (Supply Fens) TOTALS NOTE: Include only fen systems excaeding 25 HP (see §144). TOTAL FAN SYSTEMA Tota! Favi System Power Demand may not oxceod 0.8 yyatWCFM for POWER DEMAND — constant volurrw systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VAV systams. WATTS / CFM Col. F / Col. G Nonres/denliW Compliance Folin December 1991 { t - PROJECT NAME � � j4. � �• � DA SYSTEM NAME NOTE. Prov(da one ooN of this form fot oadl owc;hahl6w OV06th. .. • ® [O © LJ AREA BASIS 00CUP0 CY 0A0191, RE&b. VAV MINIMUM CFM GOND: MIN. �� NO. MIN. OA•. bESIoN LARGEST DESIGN CFM,. SPACE AREA • CFM OF CN (MAX. OF BUP�'LY MIN. MIN. NO. SF PER SF B X C ., i'EOPLE iE X 16• 0 OR F) t~I'A�I CF ,. TOTALS (FOR MECH-2j 1'L •C Minlmum Venblatlon Rate per Section 2-6321, Table 2-63F. E Based on Expected Numtier of Occupants or at least Goo/. of ChO t 23 U6C Occupant Density. H Must be greater then or equal to G or use Transfer Alt. It zone reheat or ie6W Is used., I must be less than or aqua! to N X l).3, or Iasi than or equal to g X 0.4, or less Manor equal to 300 CFM, . . whichever Is larger. 8 Must be lees then of oyual to I (IP applloable), but no lass then t3 titilaAs Trensler Air (K) Is used. @� Must be greater than or aqua! to (G H), bind, for VAV, greater O A6 of equal to (G - J). - - __j L vesldend.af Comp.lkvm Form Deoomba 1981 PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PRINCIPAL DES NE - LIGHTIN I I I L AIN UTHOR t2 DOCUMENL 1 0,26 x,1 M OF P S IDATE SUILDINd A CONDITION8b FLOOR'AREA BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL 146A RISE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL/MOTEL QUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION- NEW V 0ONST RU6 110N ❑ A661tioN ❑ ALTERATION METHOD OF UGH71NG COMPLIANCE COIu1PLETE[WiLDINO A'Ag-41bAT156ORY - El TAILORED' PERFORMANCE EN .0 KROAN '0Q., This Certificate of C6-m-PIIA*'n'c-'e'i-ii^-gt's-the bU'i'l'di'* I"' Was an " " or _ niodid to 06MOly With Title24, Parts 1 ah 6 of the CAIIforhia Ude'of Rbb, 6tWV' linty to building lighting requirements. The Principal Lighting Designer hereby 66riffiei that th'a'-pr*bPoS6d budding ding design roprdr"bfit6d In this set of construction documents is consistent with the other- 6646666 f6ift and iNorksheets, With the 60acitl6Ailont, and with any other calculations submitted With this 06ir-hit application. The OrI50666d 6ulldin-0 has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in sections 110, *119,- 136 through 1k, and 146 oil 40. .9 check one: dl hereby affirm that I aim eligible Under t - he provisions of blvisl6h 3 of the Business and PhAS-Slons Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its pr6paWioin; andthatIi AM a civil engineer, electrical engineer or architect. I affirm that I arfi eligible uhd6ir th6 ker6ptl6h to bIV1sl6ni 3 61 the Bl'UtiheSi and PfoI16s6Ioh§ C6de by'Section 5537.2 of the [5usihess and k6f6stionsCode i9d*mcurridrita§ "i" 6d '--'- the 'Arson responsiblefor. its preparation; and that I am a licehsedr6dntract6tpreparing d666yi,-e6tifor work That 'lhave contracted t6perform. I aI of the Business and Professions Coda by Section affirm i that I am eligible i46 exemption to Divit"6h 31 of thethis document as the person responsible for its tcd616 sign preparation,, And for the following irOds'o-fi: ] IPAL LIGHTING SION PESI NER,- NAME LIC. No. E , 7% Indl&te location on Plans of W6 Block fol' MAihdatory maaidwi For detailed instructions 6h thd use - of 'iQ and �If E-i4ig"y Efti6iih �.gtiK66i,dg 60#6666 totiiit, '166§6 r6f,6r 16 the Nonresidential I P ,Anual published by the California Energy C"6' h'I'Mmlon. Required1-1:Required on plans for all sobmhtal- Oart' 2inay be incorporated in tchadule§ on plans. LTG- ' 2: - Requif9d 16r all submittals. G I LTG -3: Optional. Use only 0 li&ing co'lltrol'66dits are taken. LTG -4: Optional. Use only if Tailored Method is used. Parts 9 and 3 used only R applicable. NonresldentW Complixwe Form December 19811 pim HEDULE LUMINAIRE NAME (og. Type -1, Type -2, etc.) fL "G` . A .�AN�P � lig lighting. Part 2 of 2 LTC � � w Ga � • CONTROL LOCATION CONTROL (ten N) IDENTIFICATION 44> CONTROL LOCATION (Room N or Dwg. N) CONTROL R L IDENTIFICATION Nonresidential Compliance Form , Ct*Abl. TYPE (Auto Time EWitcN, Exterior, atc.) btMHe CONTROL TY09 (Occupant, Daylight, niibWhg, etc.) 'BALLASTS TYPE NO. / LUMINAIRE $ E' O• K ❑ ❑ ❑D❑ Ul ❑ ❑ [;�L❑ ❑ 1:11:10 ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 1:10 El - ■ ■ s• �a r ■■ CONTROL LOCATION CONTROL (ten N) IDENTIFICATION 44> CONTROL LOCATION (Room N or Dwg. N) CONTROL R L IDENTIFICATION Nonresidential Compliance Form , Ct*Abl. TYPE (Auto Time EWitcN, Exterior, atc.) btMHe CONTROL TY09 (Occupant, Daylight, niibWhg, etc.) 'BALLASTS TYPE NO. / LUMINAIRE $ E' O• K ❑ ❑ ❑D❑ Ul ❑ ❑ [;�L❑ ❑ 1:11:10 ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 1:10 El - NOTE TO FIELD Proyklit Eupportnp Documentatbn I NOTE TO FIELD Js M -iSU RM E- T G )JECT NAME -4 .... JDATE yes (d Hit I. LUMINAIRE NAME 7- 1 0 WATT'SPEA WMINA t Ift CEC bOAULT El 12 El Z El B El ErEl El El El El El El El El El El b6MOLEtE fiLDG. AREA C;;: f2, -TP i L, -4 1 SUBTOTAL MOM THIS PAGE PLUS SUBTOTAL FROM CONTINUATION PAGE LESS CONTROL CREDIT WATTS (FROM LTG -3) It not using the CEC DefaUlt value, plaaie provido iupoibitiig ;;;�M�Qhtaaon. ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS win C0K4PLE--T-6iFQlL.l'--VjN 1311'..-W IN: 13UILD G CATEGORY iWO 1-63M) WATTS oth 6F b6MOLEtE fiLDG. AREA ALLOWED WATTS f2, -TP i L, 2.0 AREA 1;A'TE'G60 (0i6m Table 2-63N) ... ....... ET lL-0REQ,-;:-QR'::PE F"M H6 TAILORED rl PER06RIIIiANCE TOTAL ALLOWTOWATM (Prom LTG -4 or hom computer fun.) iresidenOW CIDthpliance F&m December 1891 ZONE bESIGN COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Location : La Quint&, California. 09-25=95 Prepared By : 6022890201 Carrier Hourly. Analysis Program Page I'of 2 CALCULATION DATA.- Zone ATA:Zone Name LA QUINTA Calc Time! Jul 1600h Job Name i CARWASii Amb db/wb: 114.0/ 72.7 F Space Names'tA QUINTA CARWASH LOAD INFORMATION SENSIBLE LATENT LOAD COMPONENT ----------------------------------------- (BTU/hr) ------------------ (BTU/hr) SOLAR'GAIN 28,723 0 GLASS TRANSMISSION 19,836 0 WALL TRANSMISSION - ..7,-509 0 ROOF TRANSMISSION 5,055 0 PARTITION TRANSMISSION 0 0 LIGHTING ( 4,500 w TOTAL) 10,727 0 OTHER ELEC. ( 0 W TOTAL) 0 0 PEOPLE"( 22:50 PEOPLE TOTAL) 8,505 4,613 MISCELLANEOUS LOADS 0 0 COOLING INFILTRATION 0' 0 PULLDOWN/WARM-UP 108 0 COOLING SAFETY LOAD 0 0 SUB -TOTALS 77,462 4,613 NET VENTILATION LOAD ( 33$ CFM) 12,581 2,252 SUPPLY FAN LOAD(BHP`=• 0:5) 1,339 0 WALL LOAD TO PLENUM 0 0 ROOF LOAD -TO PLENUM[ 11,794 0 LIGHTING LOAD TO PLENUM 4,606 0 • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - = - - - - - - - - - - - - L :. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL COOLING LOADS 107,782 6,865 COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS: COIL ENTERING AIR TEMP. (DB/WB) = 82.8/ 61.1 deg F OILLEAVING AIR TEMP: (DB/WB) 55.0/ 49.1 deg F ,COIL SENSIBLE LOAD = 107,782 BTU/hr COIL TOTAL LOAD = 114,647 BTU/hr COOLING SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE = 55.0 deg F TOTAL COOLING CFM (actual.) - 3,612 CFM TOTAL •COOLING dM (std. air) = 3,586 CFM RESULTING ROOM REL: HUMIDITY = 33.9 COIL BYPASS FACTOR = 0.300 COIL APPARATUS DEWPOINT 43.1 deg F REHEAT REQUIRED = 0 BTU/hr GENERAL INFORMATION: TOTAL COOLING LOAD = 9.55 Tons = 235.51 sqft/Tons TOTAL -FLOOR AREA _. 2,250.00 sqft OVERALL U -FACTOR = 0.223 BTU/hr/sqft/F COOLING CFM/sqft = 1.61 CFM/sgft golit DtSidN, COO-LiNd LOAD SUMMARY Lo6ation''. !-La Qiiiht& CAliforhia 09-25-95 Prepared By 6022890201 Carrier 'Hourly AiiAIysi is-, Program P6ge 2 of 2 CALCULATION . ZbiieName LA" Q, b, i N! T'A Calc time: Jul' 1600h Job Name UkWA§H" Am"b db/wb: 114.0/ 72.7 F Space- Al.--- pace ameit T- LA �tfMA A 9H , WALL AND GLASS LOAD Bkt"Akb6wN ---------------------- LOAD COMPONENT ------------------------------------------------- AREA TR"-- A"'NSMi 8'S ION SOLAR GAIN (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) GLASS LOAD§ -N -'E" 0 0 0 E 264 6,402 8,25O SE 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 SW 0 0 356 8,633 17,634 NW .0 0, 0 igg 4,801 2,838 H 0 0 WALL LOADS: Nt 0 0 E 616 3,509 SE 0 0 205.. 1,087 - SW 0 0 644 2,895 NW 6 0 N 5 18 <.. ZONE DESIGN'HEATING LOAD SUMMARY Location ta. Oliintei ,_California 09-25-95 Prepared By 6022890201 Carrier Hourly Analysis Pr-ogr,a-m 'Page 1 of 1 CALCULATION DATA: Zone Rajh6 LA QUINTA CAlc Time: Winter design Job Nai�6 C "A k6k 11 Amb db 26.0 F Space Name:LA dbl"NTA C-AjkWAgk .LOAD COMPONENT, ----------------- ------------------------------------------ LOAD (BTU/hr) WALL TRANSMISSION 'TRANSMISSION 7,945 ROOF 9,801 GLASS TpAN!SRfstI_6N 25,914 tk'AN'SkiSgf6N t6S8 TO UNdo9b. 8'Afts 01 INIPIttkAtION, LOSS 0 SLAB FLOOR 0 HEATING _ S_ AFETYBTU' h i 7 0 ------------- ----------------------------------- SUB-TotAt ;,LOSS 43,660 NET VENTILATION ---------------------- --------------------- 15,922 ---------------- TOTAL HEATING ATING LOAD -------------- 59,583 HEATING SUPPLY CFM . 1,018 CFM HEATING NG S UPPLY Alk TEMPERATURE 110.0 deg F HEATING VENTILATION ' Atj�, CFM 338 CFM HEATINGTHERMOSTAT 8tTPOIRt TEMP MP, 70.0 deg I F Product Data = 38YCA (60 Hz) 38YCN Heat Pump 38YCA Sizes 01.8 thru 060 38YCN Sizes 024 thru 048 Copyright 1994 Carrier Corporation The 38YCA and 38YCN Outdoor Sections of Split -System Heat Pumps pre designed for quiet, reliable heating during the winter and cooling during the summer. With a SEER up to 10.5 and HSPF up to 7.5, these heat pump systems provide economy of operation through energy conservation when used with components designated by manufacturer. They recover heat for Indoor comfort from outdoor air during the heating season and, by automatically reversing the efrlgerant system, remove Indoor eat and excess humidity during the cooling season: All models are listed With UL, C -UL, CEC, and ARI. FOATORMSENEFITS 910Ctrivol Ra ilgo — All units are pfftyred in single phase 208-230v. The 38YCA 030 through 060 models are offered In 208/230v Splase and 38YCA 036 through 060 are offered in 460v 3 phase. 61;0 Rimae — The 38YCA is avoiiable in 7 nominal sizes from 018 through 060 to meet the needs for residential and light commercial applications. The 38YCN Is available in 5 nominal sizes from 024 through 048 to meet the needs of the manufactured housing market. Compressor — Designed specifically for heat pump duty, with energy efficiency during heating and cooling operation. Each compressor Is hermetically sealed against contamination to assure long life and dependable performance, Internally sprung (units with reciprocating compressor) and externally mounted on rubber Isolators for quiet operation. Continuous compressor operation Is approved down to —30°F (-34.4°C) in the heating Form 38YCA3PD t _ _ •i 19 $IANW��'��• �. TrQO AMS CERTIFICATION APPLIES ONLY WHEN THE COMPLETE SYSTEM IS LISTED WITH ARI. I'1�NIT. ��� jf.��sH . -x.. � 53; 54, 63,'64 Jy. ` T,� 50, 60 50�10�'�60, tiP� �5.�4.b • y '<ti 60 SERIES OPERATING WT (Ib) 213 SERIES 33134 35/36 ; ,, 38!37, 57 36/37 32133, 53, 63P2'1 , 53, 63 32133, 53, 63 OPERATING \f VT (Ib) 127,. 143. 157, 153 176 2079 7.75 9.25 '237 REFRIGERANT Propeller Type, Direct Drive 22 Vertical Control Air Qty (CFM) 3300 Piston Motor RPM (60 Hi) Charge (Ib) (6 15th 4:69 4.7514.88 5.3815.63 6.3817.13 7.63/7.38 9.25/7.78 10.00/1025 CONDENSER FAN 18.70 Propeller Type, Direct Drive Air Dischairrge Vapor 3/4 718 Vertical Liquid Air Qty (CFM) : 1900 1900 2300 3300 (in. OD) _... Motor RPM (60 Hi) 1110 1125 1125 314 1125 I I /H .CONDENSER COIL 3/8 Face Area (sq k) 9.10 9.11 14.07112.42 14.93 18.67117.42 22.40117.42 22.40 CONNECTION (in. ID) Sweat Vapor 518 314 718 Liquid 318 REFRIGERANT TUBESt (in. OD) Vapor 518 3/4 7/8 1-118 Liquid 318 I'1�NIT. ��� jf.��sH . -x.. � 53; 54, 63,'64 Jy. ` T,� 50, 60 50�10�'�60, tiP� �5.�4.b • y '<ti 60 SERIES OPERATING WT (Ib) 213 209 2 255 REFRIGERANT 22 Control Piston. Charge (lb) 7.69 7.75 9.25 13.38 CONDENSE=R FAN Propeller Type, Direct Drive Air Discharge Vertical Air Qty (CFM) 3300 Motor RPM (60 Hi) 1100 CONDENSER COIL Face Area ("sq tt) 22.20 18.70 CONNECTION (in. ID) Vapor 3/4 718 Liquid 318 REFRIGERANT TUBESt (in. OD) _... Vapor 314 f 718 I I /H Liquid 3/8 ffuUe sizes are for lengths up to 50 fl For Ienglhs over 50 It, consult Wig Line Application Guideline. NOTE: See unit Installation Instructions for proper installation.. hysibal data MODEL FB5A I 018 024 030 I 036 042 048 060 Fe4A 016 I , 024 030 1 036 042 048 066 070 OPERATING WT 98 126 126 i 128 147 158 I 168 199_ - REFRIGERANT I R-22 Relrig Melenng Device Bypass AccuRaler Piston Size 55 61 67 67 78 82 84 98 98 _ COIL Rows and Fins Per In. 2 and 14 3 ano 11 •' 2 and i 4 13 and 14 3 and 11 2 and 14 3 ano 11 3 and 11 I J and 1_t Face Area ISq Ft) j 2.23 2.23 3.46 i -_ 2.97 I 2.97 4.45 4.45 5.93 I 7 �2 Contiguration Slope Slope > Slope I Slope I -A- "A" I A" i A FAN See Product Offering Chart Air Discharge i 1100 130ff 1 1700 2000 I 2000 CFM Morninal► -I - 650 850 Motor Hp (PSC) -1 5 1'4 1 3 ....... 1-3 Irl 3.4 314 3.4 FILTERS 21-V2 x 13 21-1 2 x 16.3,8 21.1t2 x 19-7r8 21.1 2 n 23.5 1-- Mciablar Units rFan•cod units with TXv used in conjunction with reciprocating compressor must also use compressor start capacitor and. relay. Refer to outdoor U1111 specifications. tF;Iters must be heid suootied for vertical only models. NOTE: Descriptions and dimensions apply to all velsion3 IF84ANA. AW. etc.) unless otherwise specified. ELECTRIC HEATER INTERNAL PROTECTION j FUSES CKT BKR •D - . EM ACCESSORY PIN' 2-Sbeea Relav Kit I '(FATS01012SP Disconnect Kit I KFADK01010SC Latent Capacity Control Kitt j XFALC0101LCC Downrlow Base Kit i KFAC60101CFB ,.FAC80201CF8 ' i ,�FAC80301CF8 nFAC60401CFB DowntloW Conversion Kit KFADC0101DFK Filter Cage Kit ,. KFAFC0101FCG ,.FAFCO201FCG j FAFC0301 FCG sweat to Mechanical Aclaprer Kit .FASC01015 8 {{{ <F.ASCO2013A I! F.ASCO3017 8 Return -Air Duct•Flnnge Kit wFARF0101RAF 1I dingle -Point Wiring Kit' I ^.F-.aSP0101SPK :atrJ-;iutnonzed ar;.t :Stell. Ii;iO lr•Sidtled '.ht ;iI:pIICBUle,l1 tj :• ,raeu s nti�mai ccowig speed seiec,ecl ..... .---... .. FAN COIL SIZE USED WITI/ All' _ Cooling controls and heaters thru 10 -kw All 018.024 030.036 042.048.060 070 —...._ All 018.024 030.036 _ 042. 048. 060 , I 018 024.030.036 _ _ _ All 15 and 20 kw Fused _ u C T— 2 4— 9 5 TUE 2 2 1 0 G E R U N G ENGINEERING P'_ 0 1 0 DELTA SERIES SPECIFICATIONS LUMINAIRE HOUSING . , . shall be die formed heavy gauge etuminum.eonstruction.. internally welded tor. strength, 3ppegtar weathertight Wormance. LUMINAIRE. DOOR AND LENS shalt consist of a clear anodized extruded aluminum door completely Basketed with an extruded EPDM neoprene. The lens shall be a 3116" thick high impact and heat resistant clear tempered glass, completely #Uketed wlth silicone and inured with spring tenslon glass clips;. The door shall be binged with two stainless steelpins and two spring loaded positive slide latches. OPTICAL. SYSTEM.. shalt be e. die. formed segmented specular ALZAK6 reflector designed to produce an ANSI—I.ES cresslfication type III medium out off dIdtittution, end he easily field rotated to direet.the light in any of four directions -The reflector shall rnntain a tM volt mogut bags heavy duty'poraelaln socket. BALLAST TRAY . , , shall cwWot of either a Mercury Vapor, Metal. Halide or High Pressure Sodium ballast,. mounted on a. hinged tray completely prewired with quick disconnect plugs and secured with a positive quartet turn fastener. MOUNTING ARM.— shall be a rectangular extruded aluminum arm with a minimurn .125 wall thlckr*z mounted with Concealed that bolts. STANDARD FINISH... , shall. be medium bronre.baked enamel. MAINTENAM�E , , . the door. reflector and ballast tray shall be. easily hinged and removable without tools. HARDWARE... all mounting fasteners, hinge pins and sprlrW shall he: stalnlpss:steel.. U. L. shall be U.L. listed. a c,.T — 2 4— S4TUE1 5 TE = 1:3 G E R U N G EMG I NEER I N C 1.,. EDL...,.""rA +--r AMh/M A P - 02 Catalog. IMaximum Dimensions Plumbers lamp Wattage. q B G EZA 70 to 250 17'/a 22 8 EZ6 254 is 400 217/. 27% 10 EZC 400 to 1000 24'/. 31. 12. I.AMPS: MV Mercury Vapor MH' Metal Halide HPS High Pressure Sodium VOLTAGE: 120 - 208 -- 240 — 277 -- 480 OPTIONAL FINISHES.- OLE INISHES:FILE - Black Sam[ Gloss Enamel DBE •- Dark Bronza Enamel Other paint finishes available upon request Pro Waft a MV MF D Area 1 70 x $ 1.5 10° x ISO f f 2.3 175 X x 750 x x f f 3.0 400 x X 1000 x x POLES Seo Pote section n OPTIONAL LIGHT DISTRIBUTION; Type if. Type Il. Medium cut oft Type FT Forward Throw. and Critical Iight nrea.; Type V Ouadreto rut aft. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: PCR - Photo Eiectria Cell Receptacle IPhato Coll by Others) HS House Shield LS Polycarbonate Shiord mounted In, the door under the glass - BC Base Cover TO SPECIFY; 2 Q d Q' Q re EZA 2. 150HPS 208V 111 PCR 11=20 MBE � — 4 LIGHTING SYS'TI: . INC: FROM:STEGEMANN-RORER T0: 6197777011 'FEB 13, 1996 10:16AM P.02 J. Gary. Stegemann, A.I.A. Architect 5 112 East State Street Redlands, California 92373 (909) 798.1123 Fax (909) 792-1142 January 2, 1995 City of La Quinta Subj: CUP 95-017 Building and Safety Department La Quinta Carwash Mr. Mark Harold 78-495 Cal — le Tampico - a Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mr. Harold, The following are our clarifications and approved substitutions to the above mentioned project: 1. Clarification: Sheet S2.1 �. Concrete slabs shall be a minimum of 4" thick with '#3 at 24" o.c. at center of slab or Fibermesh (2500 .psi concrete) In lieu of #3's at 24" o.c. 2. Architect approved substitution; ABS pipe may be used for all underground waste lines in lieu of cast iron pipe. Jim Jarnagln, The Allen Connection iV1ea.98%Jettom.V6WA49 di