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Code Enforcement Case: CE-16-1620
Entered on: 08/01/2016 00:00
Printed on: 01/21/2022
Topic: Vehicle Abatement Status: Closed
Due Date: 11/18/18 Assigned To: Moises Rodarte
Initiated by: Officer Area #: (Select)
Hearing Date: Hearing Time:
Permit #: Business name: License #:
Property Location
Occupant Name: Lic: DOB:
Address: 79830 DANDELION DR , 92253
Phone: Cell #:
APN : 604-484-004
Owner Information
Phone: Cell #:
Action By Date Time Hours Note/Observation
Inspection Moises
08/01/2016 1.00 I conducted inspection and observed that trash cans and r/v were in
violation at residence. 72 hour r/v warning Notice was posted for r/v
and i will be sending 10 Day Courtesy warning notice on trash can
stored in view.
Courtesy Notice Moises
08/01/2016 3:19 pm 0.50 Incl CC:Yes, Send to (Owner,Property Location)
Complaint Elizabeth
08/02/2016 0.25 GOENFORCE: complaints Large motor home parked driveway, has
not moved for over a month.
Complaint Sandra
08/24/2016 9:24 am 0.25 Complainant advises the r/v is still stored on the driveway. It has an
extension cord run to it hooked up to the air conditioner, and there
are people living in it.
Inspection Moises
08/25/2016 0.25 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
driveway in violation. No contact from r/v owner.
Notice of Violation Moises
08/25/2016 5:09 pm 0.50 Incl CC:Yes, Send to (Owner,Property Location)
Mailings Sandra
08/26/2016 8:32 am 0.50 NOV mailed regular to Property Owner and Occupant
Complaint Elizabeth
08/30/2016 0.25 R/v parked in driveway for over a month. Someone is living inside of
it. Please respond.
Complaint Sandra
09/20/2016 1:19 pm 0.25 Complainant advises the r/v is still parked in the driveway and would
like to know what is being done about it. He further advises that the
tenants are parking their vehicle across the sidewalk at night,
blocking pedestrian traffic as the r/v takes up too much space.
Inspection Moises
09/21/2016 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
driveway with no contact from r/v owner. I did Owner check on 2009
Silver Nissan Murano and it came back to a LIC #
DMV Information Sandra
09/23/2016 2:43 pm 0.50 R/O on Idaho Plate :
DMV Information Sandra
09/23/2016 4:09 pm 0.50
Inspection Moises 09/26/2016 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
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Rodarte view in driveway area.
Other Anthony
09/27/2016 0.50 Possible phone number for property owner Sergio Montana is
. Contact with the property owner may be able to illicit the
removal of the R.V., especially if he is aware he may receive a
citation if the r/v remains in the driveway.
Email Anthony
09/27/2016 0.50 Good morning,
We received the file, however it was not a complete citation.
Please resubmit, the file was not processed.
Thank you,
Juan Carlos Mora
Operations Clerk
Data Ticket, Inc
Administrative Citation Moises
09/27/2016 12:59 pm 0.50 Cite (LQ 160427), Citation Date(09/27/2016), Citation Time(4:32 pm),
Name( Kenneth Hiler), Penalty Amt(200), Violations (9.60.130 (D-2)
LQMC - RV - NORTH La Quinta area: $100,9.60.130 (H) LQMC - RV-
MAINTENANCE: $100), Service By(Mailed)
Mailings Sandra
09/27/2016 2:56 pm 0.25 Citation mailed regular and certified to Property.
Inspection Moises
10/12/2016 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v remains in violation
second citation will be sent to Listed tenant r/v is not currently
registered and is still showing owned by previous owner. 1st Citation
will be sent to listed owner. LQ # 16-0428 with copy of Notice of
Administrative Citation Moises
10/12/2016 3:44 pm 0.50 Cite #(16-0428), Citation Date(10/12/2016), Citation Time(3:40 pm),
Name( SERGIO MONTANA), Penalty Amt(200), Violations (9.60.130
(D-2) LQMC - RV - NORTH LA QUINTA AREA: $100,9.60.130 (H)
LQMC - RV-MAINTENANCE: $100), Service By(Mailed)
Administrative Citation Moises
10/12/2016 3:48 pm 0.50 Cite #(16-0429), Citation Date(10/12/2016), Citation Time(3:40 pm),
Name( Kenneth Hiler), Penalty Amt(400), Violations (9.60.130 (D-2)
LQMC - RV - NORTH LA QUINTA AREA: $200,9.60.130 (H) LQMC -
RV-MAINTENANCE: $200), Service By(Mailed)
Mailings Sandra
10/13/2016 9:42 am 0.25 Citation LQ16-0429 mailed regular and certified to Dandelion
address. Citation LQ16-0428 mailed regular and certified to
Phone Call Sandra
10/13/2016 11:35 am 0.25 A neighbor who did not wish to identify himself advises there are
people living in the RV.
Mailings Christina
11/10/2016 0.25 Received returned to sender certificated mail, Unclaimed, unable to
forward. 16-0429
Inspection Moises
11/15/2016 0.25 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v remains in violation in
front yard area, i spoke with owner on and he stated
that this property has been without electricity for at least two weeks,
so drove back over and posted the property unsafe to occupy. Later
in the day i did receive a phone call from tenant #
stating that he is working out of town, but is trying to get r/v
moved so it does not get towed.
Phone Call Moises
11/18/2016 0.25 I spoke with r/v owner today and he assured me that r/v would be
moved today to smog center and he assured me that the wife knows
that she can not live at the residence until electricity is restored.
Notice of Violation - Hazard Moises
11/18/2016 4:07 pm 0.50 Incl CC:Yes, Send to (Owner,Property Location,Tenant -
Phone Call Christina
11/21/2016 0.25 Neighbor called and is upset that motor home is still parked in the
driveway. He wanted a status and to know what other measures he
can take. I told him there is an open active case and can only discuss
with the owner.
Inspection Moises
11/21/2016 0.50 I spoke to teenager that was at property today and he advised that r/v
would be removed today owner is trying to find smog location where
he can take r/v. If r/v remains there tomorrow i will issue 3rd Citation
to tenant and second to property owner.
Inspection Moises
11/22/2016 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v was removed from
driveway and public view. The residence does not have electricity at
this time.
Inspection Moises
12/20/2016 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that vehicles are still being
stored at residence. I attempted contact and will be checking with IID
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to see if electricity was restored at this residence. I called tenant
and left him message on his phone advising him that
vehicles are all ways at residence and it gives indication that
someone is staying there during the day. I told him i would be
checking with IID to see if electricity has been restored.
Phone Call Moises
12/21/2016 0.50 After checking with IID it was determined that electricity has been
restored as of 12/06/2016 under .
Inspection Moises
01/09/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v has come back is being
stored in driveway. I made contact at property and spoke to
and he confirmed that r/v is being inspected today by DMV in
order to issue California License plate. I advised him again that r/v
could not be stored at property even if only for 72 hours if r/v is not
currently registered.
Complaint Christina
01/11/2017 0.25 Neighbor called and states that the r/v is back at the property and has
people living in it. He states he can see it is hooked up to water. He
would like to know when the r/v will be moved.
Inspection Moises
02/01/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
driveway in public view.
Inspection Moises
02/07/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
driveway in public view. I made contact at residence with the
owner of r/v and i advised him That r/v could not be there and that i
was still getting lots of complaints from neighbors and he was also
advised that if vehicle is not moved that i would have to issue one
more citation and would get warrant and have it towed.
Phone Call Moises
02/09/2017 0.25 Owner of r/v called today and stated that he has moved r/v from
driveway. I will inspect tomorrow.
Inspection Moises
02/10/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v has been moved from
driveway area and public view.
Complaint Christina
03/28/2017 0.25 Caller states that the owner of the r/v is up all night working on the r/v
and other vehicles. She states it smells like gas and will rev the
engine. She did contact the police due to it happening in the middle
of the night.
Inspection Moises
03/29/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v and trash cans were in
violation at residence. I called owner r/v owner and he
was advised that another citation would be issued and case will be
taken to court.
Complaint Christina
04/10/2017 0.25 Unknown caller (caller ID called states that the r/v
reported previously is back and parked in the driveway for 2 weeks
Inspection Moises
04/11/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is being stored on
street. Pictures were taken and tires were chalked. Will check back in
72 hours. I also observed that trash cans were being stored in view.
Inspection Moises
04/18/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is being stored on
street. r/v was reported to CSO Sherriffs department for them to tag
72 on street and tow.
Phone Call Christina
04/24/2017 0.25 Neighbor called and states that the r/v is parked on the
street for over a week and believes that someone is living in it, as
there is power and water attached to the r/v. He states he is a police
officer and that the r/v will be moved but always returns.
Inspection Moises
04/26/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v has been moved to
street, and re notified CSO and they said they were going out to tag
vehicle 72 on street.
Inspection Moises
05/08/2017 0.50 I talked to owner and he was advised that r/v has been cited parked
at Sams Cub parking lot and will continue to be cited if not moved.
Inspection Moises
05/10/2017 0.50 R/v has been moved back to residence and is being stored in
driveway area.
Inspection Moises
05/15/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
view, in driveway area.
Inspection Moises
05/24/2017 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
driveway area.
Inspection Christina
05/24/2017 3:13 pm 0.50 called and states that the r/v remains at
the property. Supervisor Moreno will go with Officer Rodarte to
engage the occupant.
Vehicle Abatement - Owner Moises
05/24/2017 4:15 pm 0.50 (Vehicle: CHEVY SPORTSMAN - WHITE - )
Complaint Christina
06/20/2017 0.25 Received Go-Enforce request-Old r/v parked in driveway for over a
MONTH. This is a repeat offender!Thank you for contacting the City
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of La Quinta regarding request #28345. It was closed as we have an
active case open and assigned to an officer for inspections.
Inspection Moises
06/23/2017 0.25 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
view in driveway. Updated pictures were taken.
Vehicle Abatement - Final Moises
06/23/2017 4:16 pm 0.50 Incl CC:Yes, Send to (Owner,Vehicle Owner - )
Complaint Christina
07/10/2017 0.25 Neighbor called and states the r/v has been moved to the street and
has not moved.
Inspection Moises
07/11/2017 0.25 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v has been moved from
street and is no longer being stored in view on street or driveway at
this time.
Inspection Moises
10/12/2017 0.25 Rv no Longer being stored in driveway .
Phone Call Moises
02/02/2018 0.25 I received a phone call from neighbor stating that r/v is being stored
in driveway again. I went out and took updated pictures of r/v stored
in driveway, attempted contact at front door and owner
would not answer. I posted one of my business cards on r/v and also
tried calling him on his cell phone, his message machine is full would
not take any more messages.
Administrative Citation Moises
02/02/2018 5:15 pm 0.50 Cite #(LQ 161901), Citation Date(02/02/2018), Citation Time(4:30
pm), Name( Kenneth Hiler), Penalty Amt(500), Violations (9.60.130
(D-2) LQMC - RV - NORTH LA QUINTA AREA: $500), Service
Administrative Citation Moises
02/02/2018 5:16 pm 0.50 Cite #(LQ 161902), Citation Date(02/02/2018), Citation Time(4:30
pm), Name( SERGIO MONTANA), Penalty Amt(200), Violations
(9.60.130 (D-2) LQMC - RV - NORTH LA QUINTA AREA: $200),
Service By(Mailed)
Inspection Christina
02/08/2018 4:14 pm 0.50 states that there is vehicles parked
in the driveway constantly that they seem to be being worked on.
Inspection Moises
02/12/2018 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
driveway. I spoke to son of the owner he said that his dad was not
home, but he would give him the message to move r/v, because it is
not allowed to be stored in driveway.
Inspection Moises
02/20/2018 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed r/v stored on street. I posted 72
hour r/v Warning Notice on r/v. Pictures were taken.
Inspection Moises
03/06/2018 0.50 I conducted inspection an observed that r/v is being stored in
driveway. I spoke to r/v owner and he stated his r/v is not harming
anyone and said that he will not move r/v.
Mailings Julie
03/15/2018 0.25 Received return certified mail, return to sender, not deliverable as
addressed, unable to forward
Inspection Moises
03/19/2018 0.25 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v has been moved from
property at this time.
Complaint Kevin
03/27/2018 0.25 called and reported the r/v is stored
in the street for the past 3 days.
Inspection Moises
03/28/2018 0.50 Inspection revealed that r/v has been moved into driveway area
Inspection Moises
04/11/2018 0.50 I conducted inspection and observed that r/v has been moved to
street and pictures were taken of r/v stored on street.
Inspection Moises
04/30/2018 0.50 Rv has been moved into driveway and i attempted contact and
posted business card on front door requesting call back.
Complaint Christina
06/21/2018 0.25 caller Id) Neighbor did not want to leave name but
states that the RV remains in the driveway for over 6 months and
would like to know when this r/v will be removed from the driveway
Inspection Moises
06/21/2018 0.50 Conducted inspection and observed that r/v is still being stored in
view in driveway area. Updated pictures were taken today to update
case file that is going to be sent to City Attorney.
Inspection Moises
10/04/2018 0.50 I took updated pictures of property. Pictures indicated that Rv is not at
property at this time, but Two vehicles listed as part of court case that
was sent to City Attorney are being stored in public view displaying
expired registration.
Inspection Moises
10/17/2018 0.50 I conducted re inspection and took updated pictures showing vehicles
are still being stored in driveway displaying expired registration.
Inspection Moises
10/18/2018 0.50 Property was posted with Intent To Tow Letters today advising home
owner and vehicle owner.
Inspection Moises
01/24/2019 0.25 I conducted inspection and observed that Rv has not been brought
back to this residence.
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#Violation Type Due Date Status Closed Date
9.60.130 (D-2) LQMC - RV - NORTH LA QUINTA AREA Open
Corrections Required:To correct the violation the recreational vehicle must be parked or stored in a side or rear yard area, on an
approved pad and screened from public view, or moved to a storage facility.
9.60.130 (H) LQMC - RV-MAINTENANCE Closed 02/01/2017
Corrections Required:Remove the recreational vehicle from public view or prove that the recreational vehicle is currently licensed,
operational and properly maintained.
3 Health & Safety 17920.3(a)(10) - ELECTRICITY REQUIRED Closed 12/21/2016
Corrections Required:Restore electrical service immediately or vacate premises.
4 6.04.050 (G) LQMC - CONTAINER STORAGE Closed 06/23/2017
Corrections Required:Store trash containers out of public view except on pickup day.
5 9.60.130 (D-1) LQMC - RV STREET PARKING Closed 06/23/2017
Corrections Required:Remove the recreational vehicle from public street location.
Vehicle Information
Make:Nissan Model:MURANO Year:2009 Color:Silver
License #:State:CA Expire:2-2017 VIN Number:
License #:State:CA Expire:06-2017 VIN Number:
Make:CHEVY Model:SUV Year:1994 Color:BROWN
License #:State:CA Expire:02/17 VIN Number:
Additional Addresses
Address Type:Vehicle Owner
Address:79830 Dandelion Dr
La Quinta, Ca 92253
Phone: Cell #:
Address Type:Complainant
Phone: Cell #:
Type:Vehicle Owner
Address:79830 DANDELION DR
Phone: Cell #:
Fee Type Date Charges Payments Details
Admin Cite Amt 09/27/2016 200.00 Citation #LQ # 16-0427
Admin Cite Amt 10/12/2016 200.00 Citation #16-0428
Admin Cite Amt 10/12/2016 400.00 Citation #16-0429
Admin Cite Amt 02/02/2018 500.00 Citation #LQ 161901
Admin Cite Amt 02/02/2018 200.00 Citation #LQ 161902
1,500.00 0.00
Inspection Notes
Date: ________________ Time: ______________
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