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9907-0570 (POOL)
49201 Avenida Anselmo LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION 11 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License# " Lic. Class Exp. Date C53 l l l -1412i1( /ate Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (X) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. JAx3E FUND IV (This section need not be completed if the permit valuationj.s for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work pa011 ih this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any ma'priefso as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of Ca iforl;`N, and agree that if I should become subject to he workers' compensation p visions of Section 3700 of the Labor de, of rthwith comply with those ' ' 1,106S. Date: Applicant Warnin Failure to secure Worke s 11ompensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and,st tae that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all Qity and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned propeft 8r -inspection purposes. /Signature (Owner/Agent) lw Date l . BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT 71 9*J1)7,14741 DATE VALUATION $17W.00 LOT TRACT JOB SITE ADDRESS 49-2111 AViENRI rl, ANSI;LMO APN - - OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER GREG SOUS FAMILY f")I.S rONSTRUCTION 9.201 AVENIDA ANSELMO 532AW AVENIDA RAMIRE? JA (}SANTA CA 92253 Lk Qi.1INTA CA 192253 ( irQlSfui-:4%SS t"h# mi USE OF PERMIT y3 kjibt. A,NDA.>< t. SPA IIIIIIIIVIIIIIIVIIIIIII 16 IE t 30LISPA CWA', AL&F:11Y.&TSARRW ts SHALL Rii IN ATPRE-PLASMR 1 , Vl-. tLLVLA'i ii'4. SPA 17. Mi 0. n 6 LG .rtiYti4 7f A QLtI V.f`t t,RN A.> l`!•) tl v • 11 ♦ 1. i M1 i y. H't KAN(ARX'1,:H:fi I0t-fM-439.318 51:'2.85 r r13R 11f) i"fF t f E,' F f ff 1. (KNt-d I R-()f}tl 1i l ttry, fN1 141i <'11rt;1Jc,1x. 1"T:Ii 1`:1tJ1. 101 -MO -421-t►) =-00 F.rA:! TRICAL FW;. -- pl ,K. u Jul -WO -420-000 45.00 PLUMIttlNti"U FES; -- SAN 11. 11:11-fXX,141_1,11 410 5,. 7.rx► SI ►1 -TCti'A I, i (iN ; 4'F11K'I if )P3 _A1 71"? f'1, IV f"t 11.,,''i; i;4V 9% LESS PRE-PAII i INUIS, to 00 '1'fTTAt. E'ERMIT 1>:VE S. DVIF NOW 1 5407.85 RECEIPT DATE BY or( I INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final POOLS - PAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings. Main Drain ow Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) t H06SEIN ZAND ASSOCIATES - PAL d CIVIL ENO. (REGISTERED PROF. ENGINEER) :E !14 Y ANALYSIS (CERTIFIEDIENERGY ANALYST) DMq C0 NSULTANT (CERTIFIED PLANS EXAMINER) c;. OSSEIN ZAND, M.S., P.E. f75 CHAPALA DR. CA 92607754-24 r� c►,► ��� 6014T 3�1 PROJECT: MIQ Y�5� !o.%?�Gi 1�1�Ai1CA 50ZIS ls� LOT Iz.q ., .... , AVCM(OA AN5XLNo LA QU i nl TA CA : r]EE;IaGIVllZR: 1 p. 0. - BOX .. 2-77.1 ; 4 (o o z� S 6COTI LLO De. #5 1'41 N! : PE645ler , C4 . g22C9,o " q22&I.. 7'r-1.1(760)--779-s94c ©ESIGN CRITERIA 17 '7 IIIIIIIIVIIIIIIVIIIIIII Joe--i-'L--+—I- IE SHEET NO.- (::by S i♦ -r'E OF p, Q CALCULATED BY_ 14-s' DATE JW �V 9 A CIIECKEO BY DATE SCALE MATERIALS:. CONCRETE ... .REINFORCING STEEL'... CONCRETE. BLOCK. GROUT ROUGH '.LUMBER. STEEL POPE ROLLED STEEL SHAPES SC31L I3EARING f'.c 2500 P S I Fy =..60..KSI f' m= 1350/1500 PSI f'c = 2000 PSI fb 191S%lotov PS1�► Fy = . - 35 KI Psi >ItJ F = 36 KSI Fp = loo6 psf ASSUMED DESIGN LIVE LOADS:. ROOF ,�� �� 20/16 pSf FLOOR ���`' (� ........a0 psf WALCONY I , � � ,r ,8.0 psf WIND p=- Ce- Cq• qs•Y sE1�MIC. 0:186W GOVERNING'. Co r]E UNIFORM QUILDING._..COOE.I JEOITICN EXPANSIVE 'SOIL:' .'WHERE EXPANSIVE -SOIL CONDITIONS ARE LNCOUN'L'l:l ED, THL REQUIREMENTS OF: THE REGULATORY AGENCY THAT AI2E M0112, RESTRICTIVE. THAN THE REOUIREMBNT.S PROVIDED HERE -IN SUALL DE 1NC0Wl'0ltl%TLD 1N THE CONSTRUCTION. ; THE ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY IS LIMITED TO WORK CONTAINED IN THESE CALCULATIONS AND THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR INSPECTION TO INSURE CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE CALCULATIONS OR WORK NOT CONCERNED BY THESE CALCULATIONS. THERE IS NO SOILS DATA FOR THE SUBJECT SITE AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER. THEREFORE, FOR THE PURPOSES OP bESIGN A SOILS BEARING VALUE OF 1000 PSF WILL BE USED. THE ENGINEER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE .IF THE.ACTUAL BEARING VALUE IS DIFFERENTTHAN ASSUMED. THESE CALCULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THE PROJECT PLANS. IT IS THE INTENT OF THESE CALCULATIONS THAT ALL WORK WHETHER INCLUDED SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 199x{... IF ANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THESE CALCULATIONS ARE FOUND, THEY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ENGINEERS ATTENTION AT ONCE. CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON A TOTALLY COMPLETED STRUCTURE., INTERIM CONSTRUCTION BRACING'IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. v .^p r•v.wAr a s . lvrMr • • w . ..•b s c • I 31v0 AS 031v1noiv0 !O 'ON133HB Go J SUBJECT Y • .• SHEET Of SHEET PROJECT: JOB NO. MADE BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE ALLOWABLE STRESS FOR 2 X JOIST: Douglas Fir-Larch--------Ch-1.0; C 1.0.(wet use - 19%) Stress Grade No.2-- Fv-95.psi; Fb-875psi; E-1.6x106psi., Repetitive: Cr -1.15 Size Cf M (k") L.25M.(k") V (4i) 1.25V(#--) I (in4) ' 2 X*4 1.5 4.02 5.02 499 623 5:4 2 X 6 1.3 8.60 10..75 784 980,- 20.8 2 X 8 1.2 13.80 17.25 1033 1291 47.6' 2 X 10 1.1 20.59 25.73 1318 1648 98.9 2 X 12 1.0 27.69 34.61. 1603 2004 178.0 2 X 14 0.9 34.56 43.20 1888 2360 290.8 Stress Grade No.1--Fb-1000psi' Repetitive; Cr -1.15 E-1.7x106psi Size C M k" L.25M k ' 2 X 4 1.5' 4.59 5.74 2.X 6 1.31 9.83 12.29 2 X 8 1.2 15.77 19.71 2 X 10 1.1 23.53 29.41 2 X 12 1.0 31.64 39.55 2 X 14 0.91 39.50 49.38 C. " " 1.5 -5.28 6.60 1.3 11.31 14.13 1.2 18.13 22.67 1.1 27.06 33.82 1.0 36.39 45.48 0.9_ 45:43 56.78 Cf M (k") 1.25M(k" 1.5 4.62 5.77 1.3 9.89 12:37 1.2 15.87 19.83 1.1 23.67 29.60 1.0 31.84 39.80 0.9 39.74 1 49.69 0 SHEET OF SHEET PROJECT: JOB NO. MADE BY DATE SUBJECT ' CHECKED BY DATE ALLOWABLE STRESS FOR BEAMS AND HEADERS: Douglas Fir -Larch--- Ch -1.0; Cm -1.0 (wet use < 19%); Cr=1.0 Stress Grade No.1---.FV=95psi; Fb-1000psi; Ea1.7x10bpsi- Grade N6.2--Fba875psi. Size.. C M (k') 1.25M(W) V (41) 1.25V($) I(in4) ':4 x 4 1.5 10.65 13.31 770 960 12:5 4 x 6 1.3' 22.80 28.50 1210 1520 48.5 4 x 8 1.3 39.80 49.70 1600 1 2000 111.1 4 x 10 1.2 59.90 74.80 2050 2560 230.8 4 x 12 1.1 81.20 101.50 2490 3110 415.3 4 x 14 1.0 102.40 1128.00 2930 3670 678.5 4 x 16 1.0 135.70 169.60 3380 4220 1034.4 Cf M We) 1.25M(k" 1.5 9.32 11.65 1.3 19.95 24.94 1'.3 1 34.83 43.53 1.21 52.41 65.52 .1.1 71.05 88.81 1.0 89.60 1 112.00 1.0 118.74 1 148.4) Stress Grade NO:1--- FVM85psi; Fb-1350psi; E-1.6x.106psi Sel.Str:--Fb-1600psi. Size, Cf M (k') 1.25M(k") V 0) 1.25V(li) I(in ) 6 x 6 1.0 37.40 46.70 .1710 2140 76.3 6 x 8 1.0 69.60 87.00 7330 2920 193.4 6 x 10 1.0 111.60• 19.50 12960 3700 393.0 6 x 12 1.0 163.70 204.50 •3580 4480 697.1 6 x 14 :98 222.60 278:30 4200 5250 1127.7 6 x 16 .971 289.00 361.20 4800 6030 1706.8 8 x'8 1.0 94.90 118.60 3180 3980 263.7 8 x 10 1.0 152.30 190.40 4030 5040 535.9 8 x 12 1.0 223.10 278.90 4880 6100 950.6 8.x 14 981 303.50 - 379.3.0: 5730 7170 1537.7 8 x 16 1. 97 394.00 492.50 6580 8230 1 2327.4 Cf M Wk ' 1.25M(k' 1.0 44.40 55.50 1.0 82.50 103.10 1.0 132.40 165.50 1.0 194.00 242.56- .987 263:80 329.80 .972 342.50 428.10 1.0 112.50 140.60 1.0 180.50 225.60 1.0 264.50 330.60. .987 359.70 449.70 .972 467.00 583.80 vwOo vivo As OVNOVNO vivo A• Ov1vinolvO IO 'ON.13vN2 ' tear o-b IS ti i -baSL 9 2'r, l b Z2g4Ci o z b 4L 85 -t .o4t' 9L4 goQ42 g ft 1;{ qZ IQLei S( L-K ILt4* ZC o) f.SL 1 oo 1 - 1 Q fL•2 1 I i oL bl2 I g ti L L 4 x ,*e,.CLefI (en eel1 019M 01_{ OjI Z -Stpioz 4Qe Lv 4, Iw 10)x °) Go)+S 0.14L L I o ba I 7W30 00°)G1 00141 Q X l2x- o}sof2 SSGk _I yc l toy Sti<ob IASL ObzL +,A+ , vwOo vivo As OVNOVNO vivo A• Ov1vinolvO IO 'ON.13vN2 ' tear 31VOC Biwa As a37173H0 Alva As a31v1nalv0 !O 'ON133HO sor 81x0 -A9 OWM03NO 31V() onvinolwo aor bmetTNO. Oi CAIrW.-%TEo.'%. ............ btTt iUCCKED BY DATE 9r-Al F - -- - -- -- - - ------ - --—----------- ---- - - .18 31v0 An 03M*3Ho 'lvo AS 031vinolvo .. - — - — - - - - sor jot.__----'---'---------_-----___--__�--_-_ � � SHEET NO. OF 01%s`^w�^uv--__---_-__-_---_- w 31va A! 00003MO a1vo AC 031V,f owo eo 'ON133"S sor ilea C P-0 IVO 73: 01 eor i ilea C P-0 IVO 73: 01 eor I .....: J ' goo '' . . alvc AS C31vino1wo 3 M go Al 'ON 13ame - @or x i arn'I A9 03)403M0 —iivo I — _.__.. -- - ---AU *11 101, 1V —lO .__.--- __. - - --- --.%Nlb;bAs cine IV (ax lo .6 DO .: o -; ;° ..moi , — a .ss b, , : ,; ArA iz 00 bo - .Z x i ` 9 ` DTA' A3!9 09 P. 7 f °, ; ) G . , wig J10 'OH133HO Q • O 0 G s m v A_ n > o n m O O . O d cp L I o m o SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE 1991 UBC SILL BOLTING MARK WALL TYPE ALLOWABLE 'EXTERIOR 9JTERIOR SILL NAILING - SHEAR WALLS WALLS AT UPPER STORIES 1/1' drywall with 5d cooler nails O 7'o.c. edge & field 100 PLF 1/70 71':.c. 7/32 Shot Pins 3To.c. 16d O 16'o.c O Unblocked-Note 3 & 9 below •200 PLF 1/TO 3117 c. 1/70 31ro.c. 16d O Aro.c. 5/87 drywall.with 6d cooler nails O 7'o.c. edge & field 115 PLF 1/TO 7To.c. 7/32 Shot Pins 3To.c. 1bd O 1l'o.c. O Unblocked-Note 3 & 9 below •230 PLF 1/70 43o.c. 1/1*0 43'o.c. 16d O Aro.c. 1/T drywall with 5d cooler; nails O Co.c. edge & field 125 PLF 1/70 72 o.c. 1/TO 7To.c. 16d O 1To.c. O Unblocked-Note 3 & 9 below •250 PLF 1/70 39'o.c. 1/TO 31ro.c. 16d: O Co.c. 5/8• drywall with 6d cooler nails O 4*o.c. edge & field Wax. 1/r0 69ro.c. 16d O 12ro.c. O Unblocked-Nota 3 & 9 below •290 PLF 1/TO 70 / /2'0 34'o.c. 16d O 6'o.c. 1/T blocked drywall with 5d cooler nails O 4*o.c. edge & field 150 PLF 1/TO 67'o.c. 1/2'0 67'o.c. 16d 0 Iro.c. O Note 9 below •300. PLF 1/2r0 Vo.c. 1/210 33 o.e. 16d O Co.c. 5/8: blocked dryw6n with 6d cooler ilals_0 4*o.c. edge & field 175 PLF 1/TO 57'o.a 1/210 57'o.c. 16d O Aro.c. O Note 9 below •350 PLF 1/TO 21ro.c. 1/TO 21ro.c. 16d O Co.c. 7/87' stucco over, paper backed loth w/16 go.stoples at Co.c. at top do bottom O plates. edge of shear wall and on field 180 PLF 1/2x0 Wax. 1/70 5To.c. 16d O Aro.c. Notre 4 below •360 PLF 1/?O 29ro.a 1/210 28'o.c. 16d O dCo.c. O 3/87 Pywd Struct I or Std Shtg with ST nails O Co.c. at edges & Ifo.c. field 264 PLF 1/TO 31ro.c. 1/2'0 38'o.c. 16d O Wo.c. O Note 1. 10 & 11 .528 PLF 1/TO WOc- 1/TO ITO-c. 164i O To.c. 3/117 Pywd Struct U or Std Shtg with 8d nails O -'o.a at edges & Irox field 384 PLF 1/TO 21ro.c. 1/TO 21ro.c. 16d O Co.c. 11 Note 1. 6. 10 &.11 below •768 PLF 5/1r0 13*o.c. 5/8'0 13'o.c. 16d O To.c. 3/8' Ptywd Strutt U or Std Shtg with Bid. nails O So e. at edges •& Ifox field 492 PLF 1/TO 20ro.c. 1/TO 2Cro.a 16d O 3 1/To.c. © Note 1. 6. 10 & 11 below •984 PLF 3/410 Wax. 314'0 Iiro.c. N/A 3/8' Pywd Struct U or Std Shtg with 8d nails O Tax. at edges & 1To.c field 636 PLF 5/1r0 2To.a 5/1170 2To.c. 16d O 2 1/To.c. Q Note 1. 5. 6. 10 & 11 below •1272 PLF 3/,CO i,Co.c. 3/4'0 14'o.c. N/A O1/T Structural I Plywood with 10d nails sO To.c. at edges & 1To.c. field 870 PLF 3/,C0 21'ox- 3/4*0 21'o.c. N/A over 3w studs Note 1. 5. 6. 10 & II below Structural Plywood with d nails O 'o.c. at edges & 1To.c. field NOTES: Ol ALL EDGES OF PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS MUST BE O6 BLOCKED WITH 2x SOUD BLOCKING. O2 • DESIGNATES SILL BOLTING OR NAILING WHERE SHEAR WALL SHEATHING IS TO BE APPLIED TO BOTH SIDE OF WALL. O3 WALL SECTIONS HAVING A MOG 4T TO LENGTH RATIO IN EXCESS, OF 1 1/2 TO T SHALL BE BLACKED. O4 PAPER BACKED SELF -FURRING EXPANDED' -METAL LATH WITH ACRO APPROVAL OALL ANTERIOR BEARING AND NON BEARING OS FRAMING AT ADJOINING PANEL EDGES SHALL BE 3 -INCH FTG'S. TO HAVE 7/3T SHOT PINS O 3To.c. NOMINAL OR WIDER & NAILS SHALL & 41ro.c. RESPECTIVELY: I.E.! OZARK BE STAGGERED. ' /H-67 WHERE PLYWOOD IS APPLIED ON BOTH FACES OF OSI THE VALUE FOR GYPSUM (DRYWALL) MUST BE A WALL AND NAIL SPACING IS LESS THAN 6 REDUCED 50% FOR DYNAMIC LOADING DUE TO INCHES ON CENTER ON EITHER SIDE. PANEL EArTHOUAKES IN ZONES 3 & 4. JOINTS SHALL BE OFFSET TO FALL ON over PARTICLE BOARD GRADE 2 -M -W MAY BE DIFFERENT FRAMING MEMBERS OR FRAMING SUBSiTMED FOR 3 T PLYWD & 1/T PARTICLE SHALL BE 3 -INCH NOMINAL OR THICKER 'AND / NAILS ON EACH SIDE SHALL BE STAGGERED. BOARD GRADE 2 -M -W MAYBE SUBSTITUTED FOR 1/T PROVIDE LANCER SILL BOLTS O 3x PLATES PL` WD PROVIDE SAME NAILING AS SPECIFIED. (D ALL CONTINUOUS EXTERIOR FOOTING TO HAVE 1/T x 1T AB.'S O 7To.c. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. FOR PLYWOOD . PANELS SMALL BE APPLIED WITH LONG DIMENSION PERPENDICULAR TO STUDS. ALL PROVISIONS FOR PLYWOOD SMALL APPLY TO PARTICLE BOARD. 11 USE COX. CC OR STD SK& IN LIEU OF SIR V PLYWOOD. ALL PLYWOOD SHALL 8E DOUGLAS FIR. OTHER SPECIES MAY REQUIRE CHANGES. Q2 Uyr, 1/2"(11 �5 enb KO-CHEAQ X 47'.MIN. 4;ft0 =Q'JNDPTI0N F-COTIW& WNPZE ANGNo� �_�!•ri%j av,_ !ICbOO I:572;LARR27_431