9812-105 (CSCS) Certificate of ComplianceLA ZUIt4l`P Gt49,SLE12 G6tJfe -IO .Cr ADDRESS •. L Building Permit N APAL DESIGNER -ENVELOPE TELEPHONE L IMENT T10N AUTHOR TELEPHONE O +O I Choked by/Dale -7(00_-744 /2-71 0 Enforcement Agency Use GENEAAL DATE OF PLANT' /� /Q BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA CLIMATE ZONE s ( I BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑ HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION Ur NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ UNCONDITIONED (file affidavit) METHOD OF ENVELOPE ❑ COMPONENT OVERALL ENVELOPE ❑ PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT OF.COMI'LIANCE is Certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications need to comply w' 4, Parts 1 d 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building envelo The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the docume do te=a t clomp DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGNATURE DATE ; t The Principal Envelope Designer hereby certifi at th o osed building design rep-esented,in this,setof construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and orksheets, with the`specifications; and with any other--`�ro -�ulations submitted with this permit application. The propos d building has',t ein'de`signed to meet.theenveiope,—� ,airements contained in sections 110, 116 through 118, and ).. , 142, 143, or 149 of Til1e=24PafLV6.4''-1'` Please check one: 2r, hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Divi 'on 3 of the i o essiogs document as the person responsible for its preparation; and tha 1,20 gtneer r I jEnhis ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Busines ' - nd' rssio Code ' e 5537.2 ofthe Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person respons or itspr ar th am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reasons: PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER -NAME SIGNATURE DATE LIC. n ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures f%5—rs INSTRUCTIONS TO Al"I'LICANT For Detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual lished by the California Energy Commission. V-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Part 2 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. V-2: Used for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on method of envelope compliance. NV -3: Optional. Use if default U -values are not used. Choose appropriate version for assembly U -value to be calculated. Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 LP+ CUINTa GNRYst,Ef� G�NTE2 I n-g- IPAIIWE SURFACES 'NO. OF PAINS U -VALUE FRAME TYPE (Metal. Wood, etc.) EXTERIOR SHADE ? ASSEMBLY NAME. (eg. Wall -1; Floor -l) INSULATION R -VALUE (eg. R-19, R-22, etc.) CONSTRUCTION TYPE (eg. Block, Wood, Metal) LOCATION/COMMENTS (eg. Suspended Ceiling, Demising, etc.) NOTE TO Film Building. DepL Un WAS - R-10 L G F og WALL AL -I -Z R - W000 i 6 LL - v0 r- R - o W000 Rooieopa& 7 WINDOW NAME (eg. Window-]) 'NO. OF PAINS U -VALUE FRAME TYPE (Metal. Wood, etc.) EXTERIOR SHADE ? OVERHANG CREDIT? GLAZING TYPE (eg. Clear. Tinted) w N Dow -I 7 SKYLIGHT NAME (eg. Sky -I) NO OF PANES U -VALUE FRAME TYPE (Metal, Wood, etc.) SKYLIGHT MATERIAL (Glass. Plastic, etc.) GLAZING TYPE (Clear. Low -E, etc.) NOTE TO FIELD Building Dept USe 7 Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 t L-A a01arA c-,RgysL-Efz GENT A. DISPLAY PERIMITER B. GROSS EXTERIOR WALL AREA C. GROSS EXTERIOR WALL AREA D. ENTER LARGER OF A OR B E. ENTER PROPOSED WINDOW AREA 13 --]Frx6- Lq 3 9 7j SFx0.40- L,39 SFx0.10- 5j S 1 SF -7:57 , S SF SF 7 Sl//U , 8 SF 1-740 1 SF 10-53- DISPLAY AREA 40% AREA MINIMUM STANDARD AREA MAXIMUM STANDARD AREA PROPOSED AREA IF E IS GREATER THAN D OR LESS THAN C, PROCEED TO THE NEXT CALCULATION FOR WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT, GO TO PART 2 OF 4. 1. IF E 1S GREATER THAN D: WINDOW MAXIMUM STANDARD AREA PROPOSED WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT FACTOR NPS - NP7r_ �� GO TO PART 4 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREAS 2. IF LESS THAN C: PROPOSED WINDOW AREA WINDOW MINIMUM STANDARD AREA IF E - 0 THEN ENTER 1 ADJUSTMENT FACTOR HIP, GO TO PART 4 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREAE ATRIUM HEIGHT ^J P FT ��0 IF5 SFT IF>SSFT 0.10 X i-0.0-51 XI j = STANDARD % GROSS ROOF AREA STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA IF THE PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA IS GREATER THAN THE STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA, PROCEED TO THE NEXT CALCULATION FOR THE SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT, GO TO PART 2 OF 4. 1. IF PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA a STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA: PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA SKYLIGHT STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA (IF E - 0, THEN ENTER 1) ADJUSTMENT FACTOR N Gr N A- = tJ GO TO PART 4 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREAS Nonresidential Comaliance Form January 1996 r"PROJECT NAAE LA RYS L, 15Q e -6r -J ` I DATEIO_�+ {� { "-AIALL HEAT LOSS a a © o 0 0© o • If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is Required, use adjusted areas from pan 4 of 4. Nonresidential Compliance Form 25v. y Column E shall be 7-5Z1.41 no greater than TOTAL Column H TOTAL January 1996 "iASSEMBLY NAME AREA* UA .. FM ■ ■ ©lam � ��� ■ ■ � ��� • If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is Required, use adjusted areas from pan 4 of 4. Nonresidential Compliance Form 25v. y Column E shall be 7-5Z1.41 no greater than TOTAL Column H TOTAL January 1996 LA 670 I t,) TA GN RY 5 LEP, IrrITEs2 a o a a ©o o a© I • If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is •• Only SC used for �s� Column H shall be LTO!TA:�J Re uired, use adjusted areas from art 4 of 4. Skyli is ^° gn sten than9 J L gh TOTAL Column K Nonresidential Cotnoliance Form January 1996 MIME Won I • If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is •• Only SC used for �s� Column H shall be LTO!TA:�J Re uired, use adjusted areas from art 4 of 4. Skyli is ^° gn sten than9 J L gh TOTAL Column K Nonresidential Cotnoliance Form January 1996 rnwca.i.ruac .'1 /C'Z U i. N-r!k GI-� R1� 5 E(� �i�►�-fE>� I _.___ I _ 8 -,i 8 j SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT dCHECK 1F NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 4.) ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -I. Roof -2) CALCULATIONS ® GROSS AREA © SKYLIGHT AREA DD SKYLIGHT ADJUSMENT FACTOR (From Part 1) QE ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (CxD) -j FF ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS: Nonresidential ComDliance Form January 1996 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY (()�ll'()\1•:1'1 UI•:ti('Itll''I'1()� - ASSEMBLY NAME O t' Z' 3 ASSEMBLY TYPE Floor (check one) Wall UJ 0 IIJQ Caing/Roof cou F- -1 s ~ Z FRAMING MATERIAL WO O FRAMING SIZE 7i Fr %: % Wall c. FRAMING PERCENTAGE ojO 15% (16" o. S. !! 12% (24" o. c. Wall) 1v -/9t 16" o. c. Floor/CCA) 7% (24" o. c. Floor/Cal.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 DESCRIPTION' FA] a R -VALUE HEAT CAPACITY loptional) CAVITY WOOD WALL SPECIFIC HC R -VALUE FRAME WEIGHT HEAT (A B) (Rc) R -VALUE lbs/sf (Btu/F`-lbs) (13tu1F°- ^ OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM ( .1-7 1 ROIL, -l' -up RooF .0S .05 i 9 0 1L- lWv PAp6fz 'DCS ,oto 3 p Ly V,/000 l/ tt L Z 4 R. -3o 5 Lk-ri g �4 3o 5 k m IQ (v 6S PA&E So 00 7 PRO GE wo& 4 8 8 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 16 , (0 SUBTOTAL Z � L3 Rc rF TOTAL HC N Fi 0,031 X D. 3 ] 1/Rc 1- (Fr*/000) + C O.IZZ x 0.0-7] I/Rf Fr*/6/100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 --- -- LA nui N-fA GPtZY5 L,ER. C-,erJ-f152_ 1 10 -5-116 ASSEMBLY NAME wit L L -1 DESCRIPTION IS R "Al G OF ASSEMBLY M/oob is LU �• o w F— Z D O o 0 SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY Nonresidential Compliance Form January ACTUAL INCHES 1 o R -VALUE ZI tt I.Y T R s t � YP, C>O RD WALL UNIT THICKNESS NOMINAL INCHES MATERIAL TYPE NW G M V V1 (LW CMU,M' CMU. NW CMU. CLAY UNIT. CLAY BRICK, CONCRETE.) CORE TREATMENT E (SOLID. GROUTED, EMPTY. INSULATED. NA) WALL R -VALUE S R,+ (FROM TABLE B-5 or B-6) WALL HEAT CAPACITY 1 (r HC (FROM TABLE B-5 or B-6) FURRING FRAMING MATERIAL 4/00 (WOOD. METAL. NONE) FURRING FRAMING SIZE ! X 3 NOMINAL INCHES FURRING SPACE INSULATION C7 I Q TYPE EXTERIOR INSULATING AREA �t4 O N TYPE FURRING ASSEMBLY EFFECTIVE R -VALUE 7. + (FROM TABLE B-7) Z-5 ACTUAL INCHES 1 o R -VALUE R -VALUE EXTERIOR INSULATING LAYER R -VALUE (FROM MANUFACTURER) INSULATION LAYER R -VALUE -I• 9 Rf INSULATION LAYER R -VALUE WALL R -VALUE WALL ASSEMBLY R -VALUE WALL ASSEMBLY U -VALUE m + �, = 9.7 1 Rf Rw Rt I/Rt 1996 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. ASSEMBLY -7....."..-:. ('ONIPONENT DESCRIPTION SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY Nonresidential Compliance Form January 177 WA Vi' —Z j ASSEMBLY NAME OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1-7 ASSEMBLY TYPE Floor (chcck one) ✓ Wall . yam Ccilio;/Roof FRAMING MATERIAL woo FRAMING SIZE z i� Fr Y.: FRAMIIVG PERCENTAGE ISS 15%(16" o. c. Wall Iri.(ia"o. c. Wall) 100/. (16" o. c. FloodCal) 70/. (24- o. c. Floor/Cci1) Nonresidential Compliance Form January 177 _ DESCRIPTION a R -VALUE HEAT CAPACITY (optional) CAVITY WOOD WALL SPECIFIC HC R -VALUE FRAME WEIGHT HEAT (A<B) (Rc) R -VALUE Ibs/sf (Btu/F°•Ibs) (Btu/F°••" OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1-7 . 1 1 s 8" GYP. GO. . yam • `1 s 2 R- I S A-1-1 Otj 1 3 3 1 77,xLj Fgk41tJ& 41 f/-0 t► p 6, p, 5 6 7 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM SUBTOTAL ( $ Rc S, 1 y rF TOTAL HC N A O.O(� XO. s 1/Rc 1-(FrSG/100) + [0.195' X 1/Rf Fr%/100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Nonresidential Compliance Form January 177 -------------------------------------------------------------------= _ . - ,''CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LTG -1 PART 1 PART 1 of 2 7. LTG -1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------=------------------- s �_PRGJECT NAME LA QUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER DATE 11-2-98 -------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- ------------ =---------------------=---------==--=-----_------- PROJECT ADDRESS LA QUINTA, CA. -------------------------------------------=--------------=----------- Building Permit # PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - LIGHTING WALKER/RANCOURT & ASSOCIATES ------------------------------------------------------------------=---------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TOM WALKER Checked by/Date -------------- ------------- ------------ .----_------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE OF PLANS 11-2-98 BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA -- 9337.7 So. Ft. ----------7----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL XX HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM -------------------------------7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION XX ADDITION ALTERATION UNCONDITIONED ----------------------------------- =----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- f METHOD OF LIGHTING COMPLIANCE COMPLETE BUILDING AREA CATEGORY TAILORED XX PERFOMMANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------ This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, parts I. and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building lighting requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. The Principal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in sections 110, 119, 130 through 132, and 146 or 149. Please check one: I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a civil engineer, electrical engineer or architect. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for the work that I have contracted to perform. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR DATE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER - NAME DATE LIC. NO. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures E-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) Sheet 1 of 13 January 1996. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ---------------------- LTG -1 PART 2 PART 2 of 2 LTG -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------- pRUJECT NAME LA QUINTA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRYSLER CENTER CONTROL TYPE DATE 11-2-98 INSTALLED LIGHTING SCHEDULE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDENTIFICATION -------------- (Auto Time Switch, Exterior, etc.) SPACE CONTROLLED TO FEILD --------------------------------- LAMPS ---------------------------------- Photo-elec, Time Clock, Relays ---------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------ Exterior & Showroom --------------------- ------------------ BALLASTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS FOR CREDIT ----------------------------- TYPE --------------------------------- TYPE LUMINAIRE--------------- =------------------------------------- CONTROL NO. OF --------------- NOTE NAME I --------------------------------- F H --------------- LAMPS WATTS/LAMP S E 0 N0./LUMINAIRE TO FEILD A ------------------ --- X 2 ------------------------- 31 --------------- ------------------ X 1 8 ------------------ --- --- ------------------ X 2 ---------- --- 31 --- ------------------ ------------------ X 1 88 ------------------ --- ------------------ X 4 ---------- --- 28.5 --- ------------------ ------------------ X 1 --- C ------------------ --- ------------------ X 2 -------------- 29.5 --- ------------------ ------------------ X 1 --- E X ------------------ --- ------------------ 1 ---------- --- 100 --- ------------------ ------------------ --- --- J ------------------ --- ------------------ --- ------------------ --- ------------------ --- --- ------------------' X --- ------------------ --- ------------------ --- ------------------ --- ------------------ 1 ---------- --- 295 X ---------- --- ---------- --- ---------- --- ---------- --- --- ------------------ ------------------ 1 --- ------------------ ------------------ --- ------------------ ------------------ --- ------------------ ------------------ --- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANDATORY AUTOMATIC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS CONTROL LOCATION CONTROL CONTROL TYPE NOTE (Room 4) ------------------ IDENTIFICATION -------------- (Auto Time Switch, Exterior, etc.) SPACE CONTROLLED TO FEILD Room 4146 ------------------ P/E, T/C, R -------------- ---------------------------------- Photo-elec, Time Clock, Relays ---------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------ Exterior & Showroom --------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS FOR CREDIT ----------------------------- CONTROL LOCATION =------------------------------------- CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL TYPE LUMINARIES CONTROLLED NOTE (Room or Dwg 4) ------------------ IDENTIFICATION -------------- (Occupant, Daylight, Dimming, etc.) TYPE 4 OF LUMIN. TO FEILD All Conditioned ----------------------------------- Occupant --------------------- ------------------ All In Conditioned areas Rooms ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- Except N/L, EM ------------------ Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 10-103 (2)(C) Sheet 2 of 13 January 1996 ____________________________________________________ r --------------- _---------------- _------------------------- ___ . tIGHTING,COMPLIANCE SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------7--------------=-------------------=-------------------------------------- LTG -2 LTG -2 PROJECT NAME -------------------------------------_--------------------------------------------=------------------------------------------- LA OUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER —DATE 11-2-98 ACTUAL LIGHTING POWER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------==----------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------- CEC DEFAULT ------------ LUMINAIRE NUMBER OF - WATTS PER LUMINAIRE -------------- TOTAL NAME ------------ ---------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION LUMINAIRES (Including Ballast) Y N WATTS A ------------ 2'X 2' - 2tU ---------------------------------------- - Rec Fluor, W/F31T12 Lamps ------------ 23 -------------------- 62 ------ ------ X ------------ 1426 ' 8 ------------ 2'X 4' - 2t ---------------------------------------- - Rec Fluor, W/F321`8 Lamps ------------ 33 -------------------- 62 ------ ------ X ------------ 2046 .88 ------------ 2'X 4' - 4t ---------------------------------------- - Rec Fluor, W/F32T8 Lamps ------------ 62 -------------------- ------ 114 ------ X ------------ 7068 C 48' - 2t - Sfc Fluor, W/F321`8 Lamps ------------ 10 -------------------- ------ 62 ------ X ------------ 620 ------------ ---------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------- ------ ------ ------------ :t E " ------------ Rec Mtd Inc ---------------------------------------- W/1 -100W Lamp 3 100 X 300 ------------ ------------ ------------ Rec Met Hal ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- W/1 250W MH lamp ------------ 21 ----------- ------ ----- ------------ -------------------- ------ 295 -------------------- ------ -------------------- -------------------- ------ ------ X ------ ------ ------ ------ ------------ 6195 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------- ------ ------ SUBTOTAL FROM THIS PAGE ------------ ------------ 17655 PLUS SUBTOTAL FROM CONTINUATION PAGE ------------ 0 LESS CONTROL CREDIT WATTS ------------ 1551.4 (FROM LTG -3) ------------ ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS 16103.6 ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER (Choose ONE Method) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------------------- COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA CATEGORY METHOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAILORED METHOD XX TOTAL ALLOWED WATTS 19147.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) Sheet 3 of 13 January 1996 --------------------------------------------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIGHTIN& CONTROLS CREDIT WORKSHEET ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- LTG -3 LTG -3 PKJECT NAME --------------------------- LA-OUINTA CHRYSLER =--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTER --------------------------------------------- Date 11-2-98 WORKSHEET _----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------- A 8 C D E F G H I. ------------- --------=----------- ------------ ----------=- -------------------------- DAYLIGHTING ------------ ------------ ------------ CONTROL ROOM ------------ ------------ WATTS OF LIGHTING CREDIT ROOM 4 LIGHTING CONTROL PLANS AREA ROOM GLAZING CONTROL ADJUST. WATTS ZONE ID ------------ DESCRIPTION -------------------- REF. ------------ (SF) ------------ RATIO VLT ------------ LIGHTING FACTOR (G X H) 111 ------------ Occupancy Sensor E-4 159.5 ------------ --- --- ------------ ------------ 262 ------------ .2 ------------ 52.4 112 ------------ -------------------- -------------------- ------------ ------------ 366.5 ------------ --- --- ------------ 798 ------------ .1 ------------ 79.8 113 ------------ " ------------ 48 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 62 ------------ .2 ------------ 12.4 ------------ -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- 114 ------------ -------------------- 405 --- --- 124 .1 12.4 i15 ------------ -------------------- ------------ ------------ 121.5 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 116 ------------ " -------------------- ------------ 1. ------------ 120 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 .117 ------------- -------------------- ------------ ------------ 322 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 570 ------------ .1 ------------ 57 118 ------------ -------------------- ------------ " ------------ 119 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 162 ------------ .2 ------------ 32.4 119 ------------ ------------ ------------ 225 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 186 ------------ .2 ------------ 37.2 120 ------------ -------------------- -------------------- ------------ ------------ 128 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 121 ------------ -------------------- ----------=- ------------ 132 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 122 ------------ -------------------- ------------ ------------ 132 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 123 ------------ -------------------- ------------ " ------------ 433.5 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 570 ------------ .1 ------------ 57 i24 ------------ -------------------- ------------ ------------ 81.3 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 114 ------------ .2 ------------ 22.8 125 ------------ ------------ ------------ 84.5 ------------------------ --- --- -------=---- 114 ------------ .6 ------------ 68.4 126 -=---=------ -------------------- -------------------- ------------ " =----------- ------------ 613 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 684 ------------ .1 ------------ 68.4 127 ------------ " " ------------ 125.5 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 128 ------------ -------------------- -------------------- ------------ " ------------ 303.5 ------------------------ - --- --- ------------ 124 ------------ .1 ------------ 12.4 129 ------------ -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ 128.3 ------------ ------------------------ --- --- ------------------------ ------------ 124 ------------ ------------ .2 ------------ ------------ 24.8 ------------ -------- --- PAGE TOTAL-----------> 811 ------------ BUILDING TOTAL-----------> 1551.4 ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7--------- Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) Sheet 4 of 13 January 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHTING CONTROLS CREDIT WORKSHEET LTG -3 --- ---------- ----------------------- LTG -3 - ----------------------------------------------- RROIECT NAME --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------7-----7-------------------------- LA OUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER ------------------------------------------------- Date 11-2-98 WORKSHEET ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H I ------------ ------------ -------------------- ------------ ------------ -------------------------- DAYLIGHTING ------------ ------------ CONTROL ` ROOM -----------= - WATTS OF LIGHTING CREDIT ROOM 4 LIGHTING CONTROL PLANS AREA ROOM GLAZING CONTROL ADJUST. WATTS ZONE ID . DESCRIPTION REF. - (SF) RATIO VLT LIGHTING ------------ FACTOR ------------ (G X H) ------------ ------------ 130 -------------------- Occupancy Sensor ------------ E-4 ------------ 40 ------------------------ --- --- 62 •2 ------------ 12.4 ------------ ------------ 131 -------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ 128.3 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 124 ------------ .2 ------------ 24.8 ------------ ------------ 132 ----------=--- ------------ ------------ 225.8 ------------------------ --- --- 124 .2 24.8 ------------ -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------:� 133 •------------ 104 --- --- 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 ------------ ------------ 134 -------------------- ------------ 173.5 ------------------------ --- --- 114 ------------ .2 ------------ 22.8 ------------ ------------ 135 ----=--------------- ------------ " ------------ 61.5 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 114 ------------ .2 ------------ 22.8 ------------ ------------ 136 -------------------- ------------ ------------ 64 ------------ --- --- 114 ------------ .2 ------------ 114 ------------ ------------ 131 -------------------- ------------ 1. ------------ 61.5 ------------------------ --- --- 114 ------------ .2 ------------ 22.8 ------------ ------------ 138 -------------------- ------------ ------------ 131 ------------------------ --- --- 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 ------------ ------------ 138A - -------------------- =----------- ------------ 49.5 ------------------------ --- --- 114 ------------ .2 ------------ 22.8 ------------ ------------ 139 -------------------- ------------ ------------ 160 ------------------------ --- --- 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 ------------ ------------ 1,40 -------------------- ------------ ------------ 106 ------------------------ --- --- 228 ------------ .2 ------------ 45.6 ------------ ------------ ,41 -------------------- :1 ------------ ,: ------------ 378 ------------------------ --- --- 570 ------------ ? ------------ 57 ------------ ------------ 1142 -------------------- ------------ ------------ 150 ------------------------ --- --- 290 .2 ------------ 58 ------------ ------------ 143 -------------------- A. ------------ '' ------------ 108 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 228 .2 ------------ 45.6 ------------ ------------ 144 -------------------- ------------ ------------ 646.5 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 682 .1 ------------ 68.2 ------------ ------------ ,47 -------------------- ------------ ------------ 120 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 62 .2 ------------ 12.4 ------------ ------------ 148 -------------------- ------------ ------------ 319 ------------------------ --- --- ------------ 248 ------------ .1 ------------ 24.8 ------------ ------------ 149 ------------ -------------------- -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ 215 ------------ ------------------------ --- --- ------------------------ 124 ------------ .2 ------------ 24.8 ------------ ------------ PAGE TOTAL-----------> 740.4 ------------ BUILDING TOTAL-----------> ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) Sheet 5 of 13 January 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -AILORED'LPO SUMMARY and WORKSHEET LTG -4 PART 1 PART 1 of 3 LTG -4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-----7--------------------------------------- • _aRtgJECT NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA OUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER Date 11-2-98 TAILORED LPD ----------------- SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { Watts for Illuminance Categories A -D (from below) --------------------------------------------------> 9357.4 watts 2. Watts for Illuminance Categories E -I (from Part 2) -------------------------------------------------> 4725.4 watts 3. Watts for ------------- Display Lighting (from Part 2 & 3) 0 ------------- + 5064.8 ------------------------------- + 0 -------- 5064.8 watts -------------------------- Public Area Display Sales Feature Floor Display ------------------------------- Sales Feature Wall Display -------- 4. Total Allowed Watts (lines 1 + 2 + 3)--------------------------------------------------------------> 19147.6 watts ----------------- TAILORED LPD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Illuminance Categories A,B,C and 0 and Gross Sales Area ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 C 0 E F G -- -------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------- -------- -------------------- CALC ALLOWED ROOM # Illum. FLOOR ALLOWED WATTS Reg (R) Irreg (I) TASK / ACTIVITY -------------------- Cat. RCR AREA LPD (E X F) 101 (N/A) ------------------------------------ Showroom ---------------- GSA N/A -------- 1948 ------=------------- 2.2 4285.6 -------------------- 111 (R) ------------------------------------ Lobby ---------------- C 4.4 -------- 159.5 -------------------- .8 127.6 -------------------- 113 (1) ------------------------------------ Toilet Room ---------------- C 7.9 -------- 48 -------------------- 1.2 57.6 -------------------- 114 (I) --------=----------- ------------------------------------ Hallway ---------------- C 4.2 -------- 405 -------------------- .8 324 118 (I) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Hallway ---------------- C 4.4 -------- 119 -------------------- .8 95.2 119 (I) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Hallway ---------------- C 6.2 -------- 225 -------------------- .8 180 120 (I) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Office ---------------- D 4.7 -------- 128 -------------------- 1.5 192 124 (R) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Telephone,& Computer Room ---------------- 0 6.4 -------- 81.3 -------------------- 1.5 122 125 (I) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Storage Vault ---------------- C 6.1 -------- 84.5 -------------------- .8 67.6 128 (I) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Hallway ---------------- C 5.6 -------- 303.5 -------------------- .8 242.8 129 (R) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Women's Toilet Room ---------------- C 4.9 -------- 128.3 -------------------- .8 102.6 130 (R) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Janitors Closet ------------------------------------ ---------------- C 8.9 -------- 40 -------------------- 1.2 48 ---------------- Page Total-----------> -------- 3670.1 -------------------- ---------> 5845 Building Total ------- > -------- 6545.7 -------- ---------> 9357.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- SF -------- WATTS Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheet 6 of 13 January 1996 ,TAILORED,LPO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=---------=--------------------------------- SUMMARY and WORKSHEET LTG -4 PART 1 PART 1 of 3 LTG -4 PROJECT NAME -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=---------- LA OUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER Date 11-2-98 TAILORED LPD ------------------------------------ SUMMARY ------------------- ------------ =--------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Watts for Illuminance Categories A -D (from below) --------------------------------------------------> watts 2. Watts for Illuminance Categories E -I (from Part 2) -------------------------------------------------> watts 3. Watts for Display Lighting (from Part 2 & 3) ------------- 0 ------------- ------------- + 0 ------------------------------- + . 0 -------- watts Public .Area ------------- Display Sales Feature Floor Disolav ------------------------------- Sales Feature Wall Display -------- 4. Total Allowed Watts (lines 1 + 2 + 3)--------------------------------------------------------------> watts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAILORED LPO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Illuminance Categories A,8,C and D and Gross Sales Area A- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 C D E F G -------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------- -------- -------- CALC ------------ ALLOWED ROOM 4 Illum. FLOOR ALLOWED WATTS Reg (R) Irreg (I) TASK./ ACTIVITY -------------------- Cat. RCR AREA LPD (E X F) 131 (R) ------------------------------------ Men's Toilet Room ---------------- C 4.9 ---------------- 128.3 .8 ------------ 102.6 -------------------- 132 (R) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Customer Lounge ------------------------------------ ---------------- 0 3.9 ---------------- 225.8 1.5 ------------ 338.7 133 (1) -------------------- Kids Room ------------------------------------ ---------------- C 5.6 ---------------- 104 .8 ------------ 83.2 134 (1) -------------------- Service Office ---------------- D 5.3 ---------------- 173.5 1.5 ------------ 260.3 138A (R) , -------------------- ------------------------------------ Hallway ---------------- C 8.1 ---------------- 49.5 1.2 ------------ 59.4 139 (R) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Dispatcher ---------------- 0 4.5 ---------------- 160 1.5 ------------ 240 140 (1) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Customer Consultant ------------------------------------ ---------------- 0 5.7 ---------------- 106 1.5 ------------ 159 141 (I) ---=---------------- Parts Boutique ---------------- 0 3 ---------------- 378 1.2 ------------ 453.6 142 (1) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Retail Parts ------------------------------------ ---------------- 0 5.2 ---------------- 150 1.5 ------------ 225 144 (1) -------------------- Fast Moving Parts ---------------- 0 2.4 ---------------- 646.5 1.2 ------------ 775.8 147 (R) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Tech's Parts ---------------- D 5 ---------------- 120 1.5 ------------ 180 148 (R) -------------------- ------------------------------------ Tech's Lunch Room ------------------------------------ ---------------- D 3.1 ---------------- 319 1.2 ------------ 382.8 ---------------- Page Total-----------> ---------------- 2560.6 ---------> ------------ 3260.4 Buildino Total ------- > -------- ---------> -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- SF -------- WATTS Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheet 7 of 13 January 1996 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZTAILORED•LPD SUMMARY and WORKSHEET --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------------- LTG -4 PART 1 PART 1 of 3 LTG -4 ,PRGJECT NAME LA QUINTA CHRYSLER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTER Date 11-2-98 TAILORED LPD SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=----------------------------------- 1. Watts for Illuminance Categories A -D (from below) --------------------------------------------------> watts 2. Watts for Illuminance Categories E -I (from Part 2) -------------------------------------------------> watts .. 3. Watts for Display Lighting (from ------------- Part 2 & 3) ------------- 0 + ------------- 0 ------------------------------- + 0 -------- watts ------------- Public Area Display Sales Feature Floor Display ------------------------------- Sales Feature Wall Display -------- 4. Total Allowed Watts (lines 1 + 2 + 3)--------------------------------------------------------------> watts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • TAILORED LPD - Illuminance Cateaories A,B,C and D and Gross Sales Area ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 C 0 E F G -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- -------- CALC ALLOWED ROOM 4 Illum. FLOOR ALLOWED WATTS Reg (R) Irreg (I) TASK / ACTIVITY Cat. RCR AREA LPD (E X F) -------------------------------------------------------- 149 (R) Tech's Toilet -------------------- ---------------- C 4 -------- 215 -------- .B ------------ 172 ------------------------------------ 150 (R) Tech's Locker -------------------------------------------------------- -=------------------------------------------------------ -----=-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Room ---------------- C 5.5 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- 100 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- .8 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 80 -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------'------------------------------ ---------------- --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------- -------- ---------------- ---------------- Page Total-----------> -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 315 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------> ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------------------------=--- ------------ ------------ ------------ 252 Buildino Total ------- > ---------> SF WATTS --------------------------------------- .Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 10-103 (2)(C) Sheet 8 of 13 January 1996 --_--------------- --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � AIL'ORED�LPD SUMMARY and WORKSHEET -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LTG -4 PART 2 Part 2 of 3 ------- LTG -4 ?REJECT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= NAME LA OUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER DATE 11-2-98 'AILORED LPD,- Illuminance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-------==------------------------ Categories E,F,G,H,I and Gross Sales Wall Area -------------------------------- A 8 w C D E F G H I J K L ------------------------------ "A" ALLOTTED WATTS DESIGN WATTS ROOM 4 -------- -------- -------- -------------- CALC --------- ALLOTTED ------- ----- -------- ------- DESIGN ------------ ALLOWED TASK / ACTIVITY Illum. RCR Ceil. TASK ALLOWED WATTS LUMIN. WATTS/ WATTS WATTS ------------------------------ Reg (R), Irrep (I) Cat. -------- (if E) Hot. AREA LPD (E X F) CODE OTY. LUMIN. (I X J) (Min G OR K) 112 ------------------------------ (I) Dealers Office F -------- -------- 2.9 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 366.5 2.8 604.7 ------- 88 ----- 7 -------- 114 ------- 798 ------------ 604.7 115 ------------------------------ (I) Used Car Manager E -------- 4.9 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 121.5 3.6 249.1 ------- 88 ----- 2 -------- 114 ------- 228 ------------ 228 '.16 ------------------------------ (R) Sales Manager -------- E -------- 5 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 120 3.6 246 ------- BB ----- 2 -------- 114 ------- 228 ------------ 228 117 ------------------------------ (I) Sales Tower -------- E -------- -------- 3.1 -------- -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 322 2.8 531.3 ------- 88 ----- 6 -------- 114 ------- 684 ------------ 531.3 121 ------------------------------ (R) F&I E -------- 4.8 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 132 3.6 270.6 ------- 88 ----- 2 -------- 114 ------- 228 ------------ 228 122 ------------------------------ (R) F&I E -------- 4.8 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 132. 3.6 270.6 ------- 88 ----- 2 -------- 114 ------- 228 ------------ 228 123 ------------------------------ (R) Training Room -------- E -------- 2.7 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 433.5 - 2.8 715.3 ------- 88 ----- 6 -------- 114 ------- 684 ------------ 684 126 (I) Business Office -------- E -------- 2.1 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 613 2.8 1011.5 ------- 8 ----- 1 -------- 62 ------- 974 ------------ 974 ------------------------------ 88 8 114 127 ------------------------------ (I) Business Manager -------- E -------- 4.8 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 125.5 3.6 257.3 ------- 88 ----- 2 -------- 114 ------- 228 ------------ 228 135 ------------------------------ (I) Advisor -------- E -------- 7.2 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 61.5 4.7 159.9 ------- 88 ----- 1 -------- 114 ------- 114 ------------ 114 136 ------------------------------ (R) Advisor -------- E -------- 6.9 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 64 3.6 131.2 ------- 88 ----- 1 -------- 114 ------- 114 ------------ 114 '37 ------------------------------ (I) Advisor -------- E -------- 7.2 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 61.5 4.7 159.9 ------- 88 ----- 1 -------- 114 ------- 114 ------------ 114 ------------------------------ (1) Service Manager -------- E -------- -------- 4.8 -------- 5.5 ------------------------ 131 3.6 268.6 ------- 88 ----- 2 -------- 114 ------- 228 ------------ 228 143 ------------------------------ (R) Parts Manager E -------- -------- 5.3 -------- -------- 5.5 -------- ------------------------ 108 ------------------------ 3.6 221.4 ------- 88 ------- ----- 2 ----- -------- ------- 114 -------- ------- 228 ------------ 221.4 ------------ 2792 <--------------- PAGE TOTAL --------------> 2792 <--------------- BUILDING TOTAL --------------> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAILORED LPD - Public Area Displays ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Not Applicable -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4725.4 4725.4 ------------------------------------------------------- Sheet 9 of 13 January 1996 ------------------------------------------------------- _N ----------------------------------------------------- ,1AILORED,LPO SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------------------- and WORKSHEET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LTG -4 PART 3 Part 3 of 3 LTG -4 :0ROJECT NAME LA OUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER DATE 11-2-98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAILORED LPD - Sales Feature Floor Displays -----=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A 8 C D E F G H I J K ===------- =------- --------------------------------- ALLOTTED ------------------------------------------ WATTS DESIGN WATTS ------------- -------- ----------- TASK ----------- ------------------ ALLOTTED -------------------- ---------- DESIGN ------------ ALLOWED Throw Mta. AREA CAT G WATTS LUMIN. WATTS/ WATTS WATTS TASK / ACTIVITY Dist. Hgt. (sf) ----------- LPD (D X E) CODE OTY. LUMIN. (H X I) (Min f or I) ------------------------ 101 Showroom ------------------------ ---------------- >8' ---------------- 12 194.8 ----------- ----------- 26 ----------- ------------------ 5064.8 ------------=----- J -------------------- 21 295 -------------------- ---------- 6195 ---------- ------------ 5064.8 ------------ SHOWROOM GROSS SALES FLOOR AREA 1948. X ------------------------------------------------------ TAILORED LPD - Sales Feature Wall Displays ------------------------------------------------------ Not Applicable ' 1 = 194.8 MAXIMUM AREA FLOOR DISPLAYS (SF) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) Sheet 10 of 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ TOTAL 5064.8 ------------ WATTS January 1996 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -ROOM CAVITY RATIO WORKSHEET (ACR>3.5) - LTG -5 -------------------------- LTG -z ---------------------------- --------------------------------- PROJECT NAME " LA QUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- FOR ENFORCEMENT --------------------. --------- AGENCY USE.ONLY DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR. TOM WALKER DATE 11-2-98 -------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------------------------------- PLAN"CHECKED BY DATE RECTANGULAR SPACES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A B ------------ ------------------------ C D E F -------------- ROOM TASK/ACTIVITY ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM ------------ 7 - ROOM CAV. RATIO IUMBER DESCRIPTION LENGTH (L) WIDTH (W) CAVITY 5xHx(L+W) ---------------------------------------------------- HEIGHT (H) /(LxW) 111 Lobby ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 14.5• ------------ 11 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.4 116 Sales Manaaer ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 12 ------------ 10 ------------ 5.5` --------------- 5 121 F&I ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 12 ------------ 11 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.8 122 F&I ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 12 ------------ 11 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.8 123 Trainina Room ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 25.5 ------------ 17 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 2.7 124 Telephone & Computer Room ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 12.5 ------------ 6.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 6.4 '.29 Women's Toilet Room ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 13.5 ------------ 9.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.9 130 Janitors Closet ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 8 ------------ 5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 8.9 131 den's Toilet Room ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 13.5 ------------ 9.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.9 '32 Customer Lounge ------------ ----- ------------------ ------------ 21.5 ------------ ------------ 10.5 ------------ ------------ 5.5 ------------ --------------- 3.9 --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-RECTANGULAR SPACES ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A B ---------------------------------------------------- C D E ROOM TASK/ACTIVITY ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM --------------- ROOM CAV. RATIO NUMBER DESCRIPTION AREA (A) PERIMETER CAVITY ---------------------------------------------------- (P) HEIGHT (H) 2.5xHxP/A 112 Dealers Office ------------ -------------------- ------------ 366.5 ------------ 76 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 2.9 -------------------- 13 Toilet Room ----------------------------------------------------- ------------ 48 ------------ 27.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 7.9 114 Hallway ---------------------------------------- ------------ 405 ------------ 124 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.2 ------------ 115 Used Car Manager ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 121.5 ------------ 43 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.9 117 Sales Tower ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 322 ------------ 71.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 3.1 118 Hallway ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 119 ------------ 38.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.4 119 Hallway ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 225 ------------ 101 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 6.2 120 Office ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 128 ------------ ------------ 44 ------------ ------------ 5.5 ------------ --------------- 4.7 --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheet 11 of 13 January 1996 ROOM CAVIJY RATIO WORKSHEET (RCR>3.5) LTG -5 =---------------- =------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LTG -5 PROJECT NAME LA QUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER ---------- -------------------------------- FOR ENFORCEMENT AGENCY USE ONLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -30CUMENTATION AUTHOR TOM WALKER DATE 11-2-98 --------------- PLAN"CHECKED BY DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'RECTANGULAR SPACES -=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A - 8 --------------------------------------- C 0 E F ROOM TASK/ACTIVITY ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM --------------- ROOM CAV. RATIO NUMBER DESCRIPTION LENGTH (L) WIDTH (W) CAVITY 5xHx(L+W) ---------------------------------------------------- HEIGHT (H) /(LxW) ?3S Advisor ------------ ------------------- ------------ 8 ------------ 8 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 6.9 --------------------- 138A Hallway ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 9 ------------ 5.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 8.1 139 Dispatcher ------------ ------------ .6 ------------ 10 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.5 .+ ---------------------------------------- 143 Parts Manaaer ------------ ----- ------------ i2 ------------ 9 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 5.3 --------------------- 47 Tech's Parts ------------ 12.5 ------------ 10 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------- 148 Tech's Lunch Room ------------ 22 ------------ 14.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 3.1 ---------------------------------------------------- 149 Tech's Toilet ------------ ------------ 21.5 ------------ 10 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4 ---------------------------------------- i50 Tech's Locker Room ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 10 ------------ ------------ ------------ 10 ------------ ------------ ------------ 5.5 ------------ ------------ --------------- 5.5 --------------- --------------- -----------------------------------------=---------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-RECTANGULAR NON-RECTANGULAR SPACES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A B ------------ ---------------------------------------- C 0 E F ROOM TASK/ACTIVITY ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM --------------- ROOM CAV. RATIO NUMBER DESCRIPTION AREA (A) PERIMETER CAVITY ---------------------------------------------------- (P) HEIGHT (H) 2.5xHxP/A 25 Storage Vault ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 84.5 ------------ 37.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 6.1 126 Business Office ------------ ------------ 513 ------------ 92 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 2.1 ---------------------------------------- 127 Business Manager ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 125.5 ------------ 43.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.8 128 Hallway ------------ ---------------------------------------- • ------------ 303.5 ------------ 123 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 5.6 133 Kids Room ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 104 ------------ 42 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 5.6 - 134 Service Office ------------ ---------------- ------------ 173.5 ------------ 66.5 ------------ 5.5 -------- 5.3 ------------------------ 135 Advisor ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 61.5 ------------ 32 ------------ 5.5 ------------ 7-- 7.2 131 Advisor ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 61.5 ------------ ------------ 32 ------------ ------------ 5.5 ------------ --------------- 7.2 --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nonresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheet 12 of 13 January 1996 ,R00MICAViTY RATIO WORKSHEET (RCR>3.5) LTG -5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------------ LTG -5 ?ROJECT NAME- LA OUINTA CHRYSLER CENTER ------------------------------------------ : FOR ENFORCEMENT AGENCY USE ONLY AUTHOR TOM WALKER DATE 11-2-98 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAN'CHECKED 8Y DATE RECTANGULAR SPACES -----------=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A B _ ------------ ------------------------ C D E F --------------- ROOM r TASK/ACTIVITY ------------ ROOM ' ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM --------------- ROOM CAV. RATIO NUMBER DESCRIPTION LENGTH (L) 'WIDTH ('W) CAVITY 5xHx(L+W) ------------------------------------------ --------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------=---------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ HEIGHT (H) ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ /(LxW) --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-RECTANGULAR NON-RECTANGULAR SPACES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A 8 ---------------------------------------------------- C D E - ROOM TASK/ACTIVITY ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM ------------ ROOM --------------- ROOM CAV. RATIO NUMBER DESCRIPTION AREA (A) PERIMETER CAVITY ---------------------------------------------------- (P) HEIGHT (H) 2.5xHxP/A 18 Service Manager ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 131 ------------ 46 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 4.8 140 Customer Consultant ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 106 ------------ 44 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 5.7 141 Parts Boutique ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 378 ------------ 83.5 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 3 - 142 Retail Parts ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 150 ------------ 57 ------------ 5.5 --------------- 5.2 144 Fast Moving Parts ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ 646.5 ------------ ------------ ------------ 113 ------------ ------------ ------------ 5.5 ------------ ------------ --------------- 2.4 ---------------- -------------------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------- onresidential Compliance Form (Per Section 10-103 (2)(C) ISheet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ '-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 13 of 13 --------------- --------------- January 1996 i�' iPROJECT I �I - •�oJEcr L-A GWNTRYSL,-ER, G6Wr O- -q S G ADDRESS NT E >z l- P, (,ZV 'IN TA L DESIGNER -MECHANICAL TELEPHONE Building PWMLh N 'r- S a� 1 D 5t4&1 til E� 121►�1 Woo -� -(v 8 - _ed _ rTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE EnfChemrnt Agency UUseS A E 1 fJ6 7 o- 74 718 / 1 DATE OF + ANS O BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA Q -f SIiZ% S Q . ��• BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑HOTEL/MOTEL GUESTROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION [5NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ UNCONDITIONED (file affidavit) METHOD OF MECHANICAL PRESCRIPTIVE ❑ PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ❑ PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT ZENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED COMPLIANCESTATEMENT OF This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts I and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building mechanical requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the uerVtion is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR FARC -o orJ SIGNATURE DATE The Principal Mechanical Designer herebyrtifies tt the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other -,lculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical uirements contained in the applicable parts of Sections l 10 through 115, 120 through 124, 140 through 142, 144 and 145. Please check one: 0?(1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, or Architect. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason(s): PRINCIPAL FA R �A D CAL DESIG�IIER-NAME � SIGNATURE DATE � J V l L MANDATORV Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory.Measures I NSTRUCTI ONS TO APPLICANT For Detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. MECH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 2 & 3 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. ' •tCH-2: Required for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on method of mechanical compliance. .CH -3: Required for all submittals, but may be incorporated in schedules on plans MECH4: Required for all submittals unless required outdoor ventilation rates and airflows are shown on plans per Section 4.3.4. Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 ECEI ' I 1, Pe GZV l NTA- G�-R�FSLEiZ mow' WSTEM FEATURES MECHANICAL SY' SYSTEM NAME HF- I Hp— -z— TIME TIME CONTROL S c •7 SETBACK CONTROL SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? ISOLATION ZONES ?Sz ZR HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Enter number of y ELECTRIC HEAT? C: Cooling N FAN CONTROL .I A VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? N N SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? N HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET.) N N VENTILATION 3Cs d O OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? G G ECONOMIZER TYPE ECONOMIZER OA.CFM DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH4, COLUMN H) 1(05 1 s l HEATING EQUIP. TYPE RfA'r PUMP t'i L 5AJ N HIGH EFFICIENCY? I IF YES ENTER EFF. p C: Outside Air Cert. G: Gravity N Air CFM. MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER �RR�hC S 6*9af Q COOLING EQUIP.TYPE A'r PUMP kf#f PMP HIGH EFFICIENCY? IF YES ENTER EFF. q N: Natural N MAKE AND MODEL NUMBERcQl Column G on Q71�SQ00j M NOTE TO FIELD P— 3 Building. Dept Un CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No ELECTRIC HEAT? VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? HIGH EFFICIENCY? CONTROL S: Prog. Switch H: Heating Enter number of 1: Inlet Vanes 0: Occupancy Sensor C: Cooling Isolation Zones P: Variable Pitch M: Manual Timer B: Both V: VFD 0: Other ♦ Iii i I© C: Curve VENTILATION RIM, rgM ECONOMIZER OA.CFM DAMPER CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No ELECTRIC HEAT? VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? HIGH EFFICIENCY? TIME CONTROL SETBACK ISOLATION FAN CTRL. ZONES CONTROL S: Prog. Switch H: Heating Enter number of 1: Inlet Vanes 0: Occupancy Sensor C: Cooling Isolation Zones P: Variable Pitch M: Manual Timer B: Both V: VFD 0: Other C: Curve VENTILATION OUTDOOR ECONOMIZER OA.CFM DAMPER B: Air Balance A: Auto A: Air Enter Outdoor C: Outside Air Cert. G: Gravity W: Water Air CFM. M: Out. Air Measure N: Not Required Note: This shall D: Demand Control be no less than N: Natural Column G on MECH-4. Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 rC2ERT11 SYSTEM NAME G MECHANIC, �i N P - TIME CONTROL S S SETBACK CONTROL la6 HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? ISOLATION ZONES ?SZ IR HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? yy 1: Inlet Vanes ELECTRIC HEAT? C: Cooling N FAN CONTROL k A A VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? N N SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? N HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? N N VENTILATION QQ� OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? G G ECONOMIZER TYPE ECONOMIZER OA.CFM DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH4, COLUMN H) LI 5,0 HEATING EQUIP. TYPE Wekr PUMP 4 EA MP HIGH EFFICIENCY? IF YES ENTER EFF. q t4 G: Gravity N Air CFM. MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER AQRi4c Q 6* MOO COOLING EQUIP. TYPE EIEAT PUMP pomp HIGH EFFICIENCY? # IF YES ENTER EFFI N: Natural MAKE AND MODEL NUMBERQRI ER Q SO'f 9C NOTE TO FIELD P- Building. Dept. UW] CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. I HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No c VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? HIGH EFFICIENCY? CONTROL S: Prog. Switch H: Heating Enter number of 1: Inlet Vanes 0: Occupancy Sensor C: Cooling Isolation Zones P: Variable Pitch M: Manual Timer B: Both V: VFD 0: Other i C: Curve VENTILATION OUTDOOR ECONOMIZER OA.CFM CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. I HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No ELECTRIC HEAT? VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? HIGH EFFICIENCY? TIME CONTROL SETBACK ISOLATION FAN CTRL. ZONES CONTROL S: Prog. Switch H: Heating Enter number of 1: Inlet Vanes 0: Occupancy Sensor C: Cooling Isolation Zones P: Variable Pitch M: Manual Timer B: Both V: VFD 0: Other C: Curve VENTILATION OUTDOOR ECONOMIZER OA.CFM DAMPER B: Air Balance A: Auto A: Air Enter Outdoor C: Outside Air Cert. G: Gravity W: Water Air CFM. M: Out. Air Measure N: Not Required Note: This shall D: Demand Control be no less than N: Natural Column G on MECH4. Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 JTA (L49,YS SYSTEM NAME DUCT TYPE (Supply, Return, etc.) DUCT LOCATION (Roof, Plenum, etc.) HP-( o P- OPPL 'rORa MW SPA64 ❑ ❑ El ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑ ❑❑ 616 TEF DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? Y IN Z ❑ ❑ ❑ El ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑ ❑❑ DUCT INSULATION R -VALUE '1-2, Mlla, NOTE TO FIELD I Building. Dept. Use Nonresidential Compliance Form January PIPE INSULATION SYSTEM NAME INSULATION PIPE TYPE REQ'D? NOTE TO FIELD (Supply, ReturnY N Building. DepL Use ❑ El F-1 ❑ El El ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ El El ED 1:1 11 ❑❑ N Pc Nonresidential Compliance Form January , etc.) 1J Pt N Pc 1996 kq PROJECTNAW �� L A Q U I t G GN S I. E R GE N're 2 SYSM NAME FLOOR AREA N P_ I 1c�3o TE NOTE• Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system when using the Prescriptive Approach. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: - OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE - INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) COOLING HEATING 1 1(D ZCo 74 Z 75-- 2. SIZING - DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR S CFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) - ENVELOPE LOAD 569,(9 , - LIGHTING -PEOPLE - MISC. EQUIPMENT - OTHER PROCESS LOADS. DUCT 1 - OTHER LOSS, TNFILTRATION. ETC.. VATTS / SF (LTG -2) S, 3 OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) Z, S VATTS / SF (Describe) (Describe) TOTALS SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ WARMUP FACTOR) , 3 , Z 3. SELECTION: ljw l'r SELfF ' 60 00 INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY S E1JS 1 g L 6 L OA 0 3. Kbtu / Hr Kbtu / Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN * Fool PMEN'r 5'(Z -5p 00 GooUN6 �-t�AA 7 DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE HP OTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see 0 144)jfor Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/Cconstant volume systems or 125 Watts/CFM for VAV systems Nonresidential Compliance Form KI FP1 EFFICIENCY MOTOR DRIVE 0 E KI NUMBER PEAK WATTS CFM OF FANS B x E x 746 / (C x D) (Supply Fans) TOTALS C� TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND I Col. F / Col. G WATTS / CFM January 1996 51 PROJECT NAME L -k a 0 ` t -i ` G �4 R Y 5 (- e4 (� wr L DATE 10 _ i -Q SYSTEM NAME 1 FLOOR AREA ` H P- 2 030 NOTE: Provide one copy of this forth for each mechanical system when using the Prescriptive Approach. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: - OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) - OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) - INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) 2. SIZING - DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR SS 7CFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) - ENVELOPE LOAD COOLING HEATING MECHANICAL ZCD 51 PROJECT NAME L -k a 0 ` t -i ` G �4 R Y 5 (- e4 (� wr L DATE 10 _ i -Q SYSTEM NAME 1 FLOOR AREA ` H P- 2 030 NOTE: Provide one copy of this forth for each mechanical system when using the Prescriptive Approach. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: - OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) - OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) - INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) 2. SIZING - DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR SS 7CFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) - ENVELOPE LOAD COOLING HEATING 11(0 ZCD % IZ 75 - LIGHTING -PEOPLE - MISC. EQUIPMENT -OTHER / PROCESS LOADS. DUCT - OTHER l LOSS, INFILTRATION. ETC.. 1.!57 WATTS / SF (LTG -2) 5's OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) z.,57 k'ATTS / SF -- (Describe) (Describe) TOTALS L—f / , 70 - SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR , Z -,4,3 MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN .y- EG I\110 EN -f <IQED c7► -t C.o01.1 �oAt1% OR rr s E I carp ori S GN s I a L,E L -,o -7 Kbtu / Hr Kbtu / Hr A DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE HP LOTElude only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see Q 144).ystem Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/CFM forlume systems or 125 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. © E I EFFICIENCY I 11 NUMBER OF FANS TOTALS I I TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND Col. F / Col. G WATTS/CFM 0 PEAK WATTS BxEx746/(CXD) KI CFM (Supply Fans) Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 N PROJECT NAME ^ QUI ' `{ ' G SLE W N DATE (O — SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA H P-3 7Z17V NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system when using the Prescriptive Approach. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: - OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE - INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING - DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR - ENVELOPE LOAD - LIGHTING -PEOPLE - MISC. EQUIPMENT - OTHER/ PROCESS LOADS. DUCT - OTHER l LOSS, INFILTRATION. ETC..! (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) COOLING74 HEATING I I Co. ZCn Z 75 3 3,-2 CFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) fCo. b 7� S Z0.1 3Z.7 WATTS / SF (LTG -2) # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) s, WATTS / SF (Describe) (Describe) TOTALS SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY; WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: �N I T S�t.Ec�TEp Ott INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY SENsI Q VE LOPt17 �� Z•O Kbtu / Hr Kbtu / Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM - ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN * 50L�J PM E>J7 512f0 0d e�00L_I NG LOA -0 7 DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE HP OTE: include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (se±§144). Total Fen Systcm Power Demand may not excced 0.8 CFM foronstant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VAV s. Nonresidential Compliance Form EFFICIENCY MOTOR I DRIVE 11 0 KI NUMBER PEAK WATTS CFM OF FANS B x E x 746 / (C x D) (Supply Fans) TOTALS I TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND Col. F / Col. G WATTS / CFM January 1996 K MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 PROJECr NAMEL ^ OBIO-rk S 1/ L 0'�� DATE SYSTEM NAME FLOOR FLOOR AREA -- NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system when using the Prescriptive Approach. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: - OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE - INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING - DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR - ENVELOPE LOAD - LIGHTING -PEOPLE - MISC. EQUIPMENT - OTHER/ PROCESS LOADS. DUCT - OTHER t LOSS, INFILTRATION. ETC..) SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) COOLING HEATING I 1 ZCo 7 z �s 5-0 7CFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) V11aZ3. S WATTS / SF (LTG -2) S. d # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) ,q WATTS / SF (Describe) (Describe) TOTALS I.ZI I,y3 MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY; WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: ISN IT $ �LEC�ED O1-� INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY 5ENS 1 19 %,,f L-0P(P 69Z,O Kbtu / Hr Kbtu / Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN ,f- eawprt ENT S 1ef0 Ori C,00L I r16 1-0" M FAN DESCRIPTION 11 DESIGN BRAKE HP OTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see § 144). Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.9 Watu/CFM for constant volume systems or 125 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. © 10 K ❑F KI EFFICIENCY IMOTORI DRIVE NUMBER OF FANS CFM (Supply Fans) TOTALS �� TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND Col. F / Col. G WATTS/CFM Nonresidential Compliance Form - January 1996 is PROJECT NAME DATE 1O- SYSTEM NAMEFLOOR AREA HP -s NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system when using the Prescriptive Approach. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: - OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE - INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING - DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR - ENVELOPE LOAD - LIGHTING -PEOPLE - MISC. EQUIPMENT - OTHER / PROCESS LOADS. DUCT - OTHER l LOSS, INFILTRATION. ETC.. (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) COOLING HEATING 1 1(D zCv 7 Z 75 Q CFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) 0.7 1 . S ATTS / SF (LTG -2) (D. I )F PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) Lq, ATTS / SF )cscribe) _ (Describe) TOTALS r7Z� �,q SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN ,�& i�:Qikp"C-NT 51�ED Ohl GGbl,lA I-oA ^ F To- 'g 1 Kbtu / Hr Kbtu / Hr o DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE HP LOTE,lude only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see Q 144). ystem Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watu/CFM for lumc systems or 1.25 Watts./CFM for VAV systems. © E o o a EFFICIENCY MOTOR I DRIVE NUMBER PEAK WATTS CFM OF FANS B x E x 746 / (C x D) (Supply Fans) TOTALS TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND Col. F /Col. G WATTS / CFM . Nonresidential Compliance Foran January 1996 PROJECT NAME '` N� c,y 5 i/ G �% J n� g- DATE 10-R-98, _ r I SYSTEM NAME V J FLOOR AREA HP- , o / NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system when using the Prescriptive Approach. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: - OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE - INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING - DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR - ENVELOPE LOAD - LIGHTING -PEOPLE - MISC. EQUIPMENT - OTHER PROCESS LOADS. DUCT - OTHER LOSS, INFILTRATION. ETC.. SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) COOLING74 HEATING I I Co Z� z �s ZZS CFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) 10.9 s WATTS / SF (LTG -2) S # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) . -z- WATTS WATTS / SF (Describe) (Describe) TOTALS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ WARMUP FACTOR) S�(, `I , 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY s3.S S .O Kbtu / Hr Kbtu / Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN of e6WI PM6_N-1' S1;2�90 ON 6<;0Llt4C7 LOAO CONSUMPTIONOWER FAI FAN DESCRIPTION DESIGN BRAKE HP LOTE,lude only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see § 144). ystem Power Demand may not exceed 0.9 Wattc/CFM for lume systems or 125 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. EFFICIENCY MOTOR I DRIVE NUMBER OF FANS CFM (Supply Fans) TOTALS TOTAL FAN SYSTEM F_ POWER DEMAND Col. F / Col. G WATTS/CFM Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 LA- 6201 TA 644R\(SL- SYSTEM NAME MAKE AND. MODEL NO. DESIGN OUTPUT (BTU / HR) TOTAL DESIGN CFM - Z So R1 ER 88 Soo 3(000 •••••wfoy ■ W 5 450 00S 70,90o 3000 P-6 s� s Scao 1990 . �. � O •I . moi• �' HEATING EQUIPMENT MAKEAND MODEL• DESIGN OUTPUTSYSTEM ®0 a N rem-• •••••wfoy ■ W Rom i . �. � O •I . moi• �' HEATING EQUIPMENT MAKEAND MODEL• DESIGN OUTPUTSYSTEM ®0 a N rem-• •••••wfoy . �. � O •I . moi• �' ■ Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 r 1 PR OJECT NAME L -A a U I wrA G 17 R T s� Ep, DATE -ICT O T S- 1� STEM NAME HP- ! NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system. MECHANICAL VENTILATION D ® © 5 AREA BASIS VAV MINIMUM CFM LARGEST DESIGN MIN. MIN. CFM CFM TRANS- FER AIR TOTALS (FOR MECH-2) I =Llk57J C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section 4 121, Table I -F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or u least SO% of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density H Must be greater than or equal to G, of use Transfer Air I if zone reheat or recool is used, l must be less than or equal to G, or less than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or lett than or equal to B X 0.4, or less or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. J Must be less than or equal to I (if applicable), but no less than G, unless Transfer Air (K) is used. K Must be greater than or equal to (G - i), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (G - J). Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 VAV MINIMUM CFM LARGEST DESIGN MIN. MIN. CFM CFM TRANS- FER AIR TOTALS (FOR MECH-2) I =Llk57J C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section 4 121, Table I -F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or u least SO% of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density H Must be greater than or equal to G, of use Transfer Air I if zone reheat or recool is used, l must be less than or equal to G, or less than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or lett than or equal to B X 0.4, or less or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. J Must be less than or equal to I (if applicable), but no less than G, unless Transfer Air (K) is used. K Must be greater than or equal to (G - i), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (G - J). Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 JIME�CHANJ PROJECT NAME R GO I N iL DATE _8 SYSTEM NAME NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system. %IF.CHANICAL VENTILATION a ®© o o a © a o a a OCCUPANCY AREA BASIS ., •• • �•• VAV MINIMUM' OF PEOPLE. 0 OCCUPANCY BASIS ., •• • �•• VAV MINIMUM' OF PEOPLE. 0 TRANS- FER AIR TOTALS (FOR MECH-2)LLCI---i15S S S C Minimum Ventilation Rau per Section § 121, Table 1-F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at lout SOX of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density H Must be greater than or equal to G, or'use Transfer Air L If zone reheat or recool is used, I must be leu than or equal to G, or leu than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to B X 0.4, or less or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. Must be less than or equal to 1(if applicable), but no less than G, unless Transfer Air (K) is used. K Must be greater than or equal to (G - H), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (G - J). Nonresidential Compliance Form . January 1996 MECHANICAL VENTILATION OJECT NAME L A Q,Lt` 1 N rA V H R y 5 L e g c6 o-rC e— DA 1 Q" q$ STEM NAME HP- 3 NOTE: Provide one copy of this forth for each mechanical system. %IECHANICAL VENTILATION a ®© o a a a o a a a OCCUPANCY BASIS AREA BASIS NO. MIN. OF CFM PEOPLE (E X 15) ZZ n OCCUPANCY BASIS NO. MIN. OF CFM PEOPLE (E X 15) ZZ n VAV MINIMUM CFM LARGEST DESIGN MIN. MIN. CFM CFM TRANS- FER RANSFER AIR TOTALS (FOR MECH-2) Zy L330133 33 0 C Minimum Ventilation Rau per Section § 121, Table 1-F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at least SOX of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density H Musi be greater than or equal to G, or"use Transfer Air I If zone reheat or retool is used, I must be leu than or equal to G, or less than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to B X 0.4, or less or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. - Must be less than or equal to 1 (if applicable), but no kss than G, unless Transfer Air � W C aPP ) (IC) is used. K Must be greater than or equal to (G - H), and, for VAV, gteatcr than or equal to (G - J). Nonlresidential Compliance Form January:1996 ROIECT NAME I- /"c a' \' 0 TE t- E � �/G N �� 1�. DA ySTEM NAME H P H 3' 1 NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system. MECHANICAL VENTILATION AREA BASIS • CFM MECHANICAL VENTILATION © MECH-4 ROIECT NAME I- /"c a' \' 0 TE t- E � �/G N �� 1�. DA ySTEM NAME H P H 3' 1 NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system. MECHANICAL VENTILATION IOCCUPANCY BASIS NO. AREA BASIS • CFM PEOPLE ERM © � • ®ri1L'a� IOCCUPANCY BASIS NO. MIN. OF CFM PEOPLE (E X 15) 3o �o TRANS- FER AIR TOTALS (FOR MECH-2) 3o L ySQ C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section § 121, Table I•F. E Baud on Expected Number of Occupants or at least SOX of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density ' H Must be greater than or equal to G, or'use Transfer Air I If zone reheat or recool is used, I must be less than or equal to G, or less than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to B X 0.4, or les! or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. 4KJ stu Must be less than or equal to I (if applicable), but no less than G, unless Transfer Air (K) is d. Must be greater than or equal to (G - H), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (G - J). Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 MECHANICAL VENTILATION tOJECT NAME 11A Chu I NT r GH RYS LER C150-r64Z DATE o _0_91 STEM NAME H NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system. MECHANICAL VENTILATION TRANS- FER AIR TOTALS (FOR MECH-2) C Minimum Ventilation Rau per Section § 121, Table I -F. E Baud on Expected Number of Occupants or at least SOX of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density H Must be greater than or equal to G. or'use Transfer Air I If zone reheat or retool is used, I must be less than or equal to G, or less than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to B X 0.4, or less or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. - Must be less than or equal to I (if applicable), but no less than G. unless Trwufer Air J eq (' app ) (IC) is used. . K Must be greater than or equal to (G - H), and,_for VAV, greater than or equal to (G - I). Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 PEOPLEOF ® r TRANS- FER AIR TOTALS (FOR MECH-2) C Minimum Ventilation Rau per Section § 121, Table I -F. E Baud on Expected Number of Occupants or at least SOX of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density H Must be greater than or equal to G. or'use Transfer Air I If zone reheat or retool is used, I must be less than or equal to G, or less than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to B X 0.4, or less or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. - Must be less than or equal to I (if applicable), but no less than G. unless Trwufer Air J eq (' app ) (IC) is used. . K Must be greater than or equal to (G - H), and,_for VAV, greater than or equal to (G - I). Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 ROrrcrNAME A 00 NTPt GA9'YSL-El2 �N-re- 9- °"'��v-8 -q8 7 -STEM NAME HP- 6) - NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system. OF PEOPLE NIECHANICAL VENTILATION FK- 1 0 ® © E ® D © D OCCUPANCY OF PEOPLE TRANS- FER AIR TOTALS (FOR MECH-2) 2 ZZs L ZZ j C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section § 121, Table I -F. E Baud on Expected Number of Occupants or at least SOX of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density H Must be greater that or equal to G, or use Traufer Air I If zone reheat or retool is used, I must be less that or equal to G, or less than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or leu than or equal to B X 0.4, or less or equal to 30O CFM, whichever is larger. J Must be less than or equal to 1(if applicable), but no less that G, unless Transfer Air (K) is used. K Must be greater than or equal to (G - H), and, for VAV, greater that or equal to (G • J). Nonresidential Compliance Form January 1996 ARI* capacity ratings Carrier LEGEND Bels - Sound Level (1 bel = 10 decibels) COP - Coefficient of Performance db - dry bulb EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio HSPF - Heating Seasonal Performance Factor IPLV - Integrated part -Load Values SEER - Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio wb - wet bulb 'Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute. tApplies only to units with capacity of 60,000 Btuh or less. "The IPLV only applies to 2 -stage heat pump units. NOTES: 1. Rated in accordance with ARI Standards 210/240-95 and 270-95. 2. Ratings are net values, reflecting the effects of circulating fan heat. 3. Ratings are based on: ` ,pW �9SI�NMnG ro . Cooling Standard: 80 F db, 67 F wb indoor entering -air temperature and 95 F db air entering outdoor unit. IPLV Standard: 80 F db, 67 F wb indoor entering -air temperature and 80 F db outdoor entering -air temperature. High -Temp Heating Standard: 70 F db indoor entering -air temperature and 47 F db, 43 F wb outdoor entering -air temperature. Low -Temp Heating Standard: 70 F db indoor entering -air temperature and 17 F db, 15 F wb outdoor entering -air temperature. I COOLING HEATING HEATING HEATING (Low) COOLING (High Temp) UNIT UNIT NOMINAL STANDARD SOUND RATING (High) SEERt 50TJQ TONS CFM Cap Capacity y (Btuh)HSPF (Bels) Belt Direct EER Capacity COP (Btuh)yacity Drive Drive (Bels) 004 3 1200 35,600 10.20 10.00 34,400 6.7 1 8.4 005 4 1600 46,500 10.00 9.70 46,500 7.0 8.0 006 5 2000 57,000 10.00 9.90 57,OuO 7.5 8.2 LEGEND Bels - Sound Level (1 bel = 10 decibels) COP - Coefficient of Performance db - dry bulb EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio HSPF - Heating Seasonal Performance Factor IPLV - Integrated part -Load Values SEER - Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio wb - wet bulb 'Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute. tApplies only to units with capacity of 60,000 Btuh or less. "The IPLV only applies to 2 -stage heat pump units. NOTES: 1. Rated in accordance with ARI Standards 210/240-95 and 270-95. 2. Ratings are net values, reflecting the effects of circulating fan heat. 3. Ratings are based on: ` ,pW �9SI�NMnG ro . Cooling Standard: 80 F db, 67 F wb indoor entering -air temperature and 95 F db air entering outdoor unit. IPLV Standard: 80 F db, 67 F wb indoor entering -air temperature and 80 F db outdoor entering -air temperature. High -Temp Heating Standard: 70 F db indoor entering -air temperature and 47 F db, 43 F wb outdoor entering -air temperature. Low -Temp Heating Standard: 70 F db indoor entering -air temperature and 17 F db, 15 F wb outdoor entering -air temperature. I COOLING HEATING HEATING (Low) SOUND UNIT NOMINAL STANDARD (High) IPLV" RATING 50TJO TONS CFM Capacity EER Capacity COP Capacity COP (Bels) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Btuh) 007 6 2400 70,000 9.05 72,400 3.20 42,000 2.14 - 8.2 008 1 71/2 3200 86,000 9.00 .78,000 3.00 39,000 1.80 9.3 8.6 009SYi 3600 96,000 8.90 93,000 3.10 1 48,000 1.90 8.9 8.6 012 1 10 4100 112,000 9.00 105,000 .-3.10-T 59,000 1 2.00 9.0 8.4 LEGEND Bels - Sound Level (1 bel = 10 decibels) COP - Coefficient of Performance db - dry bulb EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio HSPF - Heating Seasonal Performance Factor IPLV - Integrated part -Load Values SEER - Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio wb - wet bulb 'Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute. tApplies only to units with capacity of 60,000 Btuh or less. "The IPLV only applies to 2 -stage heat pump units. NOTES: 1. Rated in accordance with ARI Standards 210/240-95 and 270-95. 2. Ratings are net values, reflecting the effects of circulating fan heat. 3. Ratings are based on: ` ,pW �9SI�NMnG ro . Cooling Standard: 80 F db, 67 F wb indoor entering -air temperature and 95 F db air entering outdoor unit. IPLV Standard: 80 F db, 67 F wb indoor entering -air temperature and 80 F db outdoor entering -air temperature. High -Temp Heating Standard: 70 F db indoor entering -air temperature and 47 F db, 43 F wb outdoor entering -air temperature. Low -Temp Heating Standard: 70 F db indoor entering -air temperature and 17 F db, 15 F wb outdoor entering -air temperature. I U Carrier COOLING CAPACITIES (cont) 50TJ0006 (5 Tons) _ - - TemIndoor Entering Air - Cfm/BF Outdoor 1 1500/0.05 F 2000/0.08 2500/0.14 Enterinn Air I Indnnr Enterina Air - Ewb (F) (Edb) 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 Ldb TC 69.3 64.5 59.3 70.8 67.9 62.8 72.9 69.3 65.4 75 SHC 30.9 39.2 47.4 33.1 44.9 55.4 35.8 49.4 61.4 kW 4.28 4.15 4.03 4.32 4.25 4.12 4.38 4.29 4.19 TC 67.7 62.4 56.8 69.1 65.7 60.2 71.1 67.7 63.2 85 SHC 30.4 38.6 46.5 32.8 44.6 54.4 35.8 50.0 59.8 kW 4.76 4.61 4.49 4.79 4.72 4.56 4.86 1 4.78 4.65 TC 65.2 59.8 54.4 67.7 62.9 57.6 69.1 1 64.8 60.7 95 SHC 29.6 37.6 45.5 32.8 43.6 53.2 35.6 49.3 57.7 kW 5.27 5.10 4.97 5.35 5.20 5.07 5.39 5.27 5.14 TC 62.3 57.2 51.8 65.1 59.6 54.9 66.8 61.7 58.3 105 SHC 28.6 33.8 44.4 32.1 42.6 51.6 35.4 48.2 55.5 kW 5.79 5.66 5.50 1 5.90 5.73 5.61 5.97 5.79 5.68 TC 59.7 54.2 49.0 61.7 57.0 52.5 63.2 58.4 55.8 115 SHC 27.6 35.8 43.2 31.1 41.9 49.6 34.3 47.0 53.2 kW 6.37 6.24 6.06 6.47 7.95 6.20 6.53 6.36 6.31 TC 56.5 51.0 46.0 58.2 53.5 49.8 59.4 55.1 53.0 125 SHC 26.8 34.7 41.9 30.0 40.8 47.3 33.0 46.5 50.5 kW 7.03 6.87 6.65 7.07 6.96 6.82 7.13 7.03 1 6.96 50TJ0007 (6 Tons) •Indoor Enterina Air -Cfm/BF Temp (F) _ Outdoor 1800/0.10 2400/0.13 3000/0.19 Enterina Air I indnor Enterina Air - Ewb (F) (Edb) 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 Ldb TC 81.1 77.6 72.1 84.0 80.3 75.2 84.2 81.1 77.8 75. SHC 36.2 46.9 57.0 39.1 52.4 65.4 40.8 56.2 72.2 kW 5.16 5.11 5.01 5.23 5.16 5.06 5.23 5.17 5.11 _ TC 80.7 75.8 70.0 83.9 .79.3 73.4 84.1 80.8 76.2 85 SHC 36.1 46.5 56.4 39.7 52.9 65.2 41.6 58.3 71.9 kW 5.83 5.74 5.65 5.90-- 5.81 5.69 5.90 1 5.84 5.76 TC 79.3 73.0 67.3 82.0 76.7 70.8 83.0 79.1 73.5 95 SHC 35.8 45.4 55.3 39.3 52.3 64.3 42.2 58.9 69.7 kW 6.54 6.37 6.28 6.60 6.47 6.37 6.62 6.55 6.40 TC 76.0 70.6 64.3 79.6 73.4 67.9 80.7 75.5 71.3 105 SHC 34.6 44.8 54.1 38.8 51.2 62.9 42.0 57.6 67.8 kW 7.21 7.12 6.94 7.34 7.15 7.06 7.36 7.22 7.14 TC 72.7 67.5 61.1 75.8 70.6 64.7 77.9 71.8 68.5 115 SHC 33.6 43.7 52.7 37.6 50.7 60.9 41.5 56.4 65.2 kW 7.95 7.86 1 7.63 8.06 7.95 7.77 8.14 7.94 7.90 TC 70.1 63.9 57.6 71.8 66.9 61.6 73.5 68.6 65.4 125 SHC 32.9 42.4 51.2 36.4 49.5 58.4 40.2 56.1 62.3 kW 1 8.82 8.62 8.37 8.83 1 8.73 1 8.54 8.89 8.79 8.69 r NOTES: 1. Direct interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. 2. The following formulas may be used: sensible capacity (Btuh) tidb = tedb - 1,10 x cfm tiwb = Wet -bulb temperature corresponding to enthalpy of air leaving indoor coil (hiwb) total capacity (Btuh) hlwb = hewb - 4.5 x cfm Where: hewb = Enthalpy of air entering indoor coil 3. The SHC is based,on 80 F edb temperature of air entering indoor coil. Below 80 F edb, subtract (corr factor x cfm) from SHC. Above 80 F edb, add (corr /actor x cfm) to SHC. 17 LEGEND i' BF - Bypass Factor Edb - Entering Dry Bulb Ewb - Entering Wet Bulb kW - Compressor Motor Power Input Ldb - Leaving Dry -Bulb Lwb - Leaving Wet -Bulb Sensible Heat Capacity (1000 Btuh) Gross SHC TC - - Total Capacity (1000 Btuh) Gross r NOTES: 1. Direct interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. 2. The following formulas may be used: sensible capacity (Btuh) tidb = tedb - 1,10 x cfm tiwb = Wet -bulb temperature corresponding to enthalpy of air leaving indoor coil (hiwb) total capacity (Btuh) hlwb = hewb - 4.5 x cfm Where: hewb = Enthalpy of air entering indoor coil 3. The SHC is based,on 80 F edb temperature of air entering indoor coil. Below 80 F edb, subtract (corr factor x cfm) from SHC. Above 80 F edb, add (corr /actor x cfm) to SHC. 17 Performance data (cont) COOLING CAPACITIES (cont) 507,10008 (71h Tons) .Carrier Temp (F)Indoor Entering Air - Cfm/BF Outdoor - 2250/0.04 3000/0.06 1 3200/0.08 3750/0.11 Entering Air Indoor Entering Air - Ewb (F) (Edb) 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 62 TC 109.8 101.4 92.2 116.2 107.0 98.0 117.6 108.8 100.2 118.8 110.4 102.4 75 SHC 41.2 57.4 E9.4 49.6 X16.0 82.0 51.8 69.8 87.0 54.10 74.0 92.0 105.2 98.2 7.82 kW 6.66 6.44 6.18 6.86 6.60 6.36 6.92 6.66 6.42 6.94 6.70 6.48 100.8 94.4 8.38 TC 105.2 96.4 87.0 111.4 102.2 92.6 113.0 104.0 95.0 114.6 105.8 97.6 85 SHC 42.8 55.6 67.6. 48.4 65.0 80.0 50.8 69.0 84.4 53.4 73.8 88.8 91.4 85.8 9.68 kW 7.20 6.94 6.64 7.42 7.14 1 6.82 7.48 7.20 1 6.90 7.54 7.28 7.00 87.0 81.6 10.32 TC 100.6 91.0 82.0 105.6. . 96.2 87.4 107.2 98.0 89.8 108.6 99.6 92.8 95 SHC 41.6 54.0 65.8 47.0 63.2 77.8 49.4 67.4 81.4 52.0 72.2 84.6 kW 7.78 7.42 7.08 7.96 7.62 7.30 8.00 7.70 7.40 8.06 7.76 7.50 TC 94.8 85.4 76.8 99.8 90.2 82.2 101.4 91.6 85.0 103.2 93.2 88.0 105 SHC 40.0 52.2 63.8 45.6 61.6 74.6 48.2 65.8 77.6 51.2 70.4 80.4 kW 8.26 7.88 7.50 1 8.48 8.10 7.76 8.56 8.18 7.88 8.64 8.24 8.02 TC 88.8 79.9 71.4 93.4 84.0 77.6 94.8 85.4 80.0 96.0 86.6 83.0 115 SHC 38.4 50.4 61.6 44.2 59.8 70.6 46.6 64.0 73.2 49.4 68.6 75.8 kW 8.76 8.32 7.90 8.98 8.54 8.22 9.04 8.36 9.10 8.70 8.50 TC 82.6 73.8 65.8 86.6 77.4 74.4 88.0 78.8 75.0 89.2 80.0 77.6 125 SHC 36.8 48.6. 59.2 42.2 57.8 66.2 45.2 62.0 68.6 48.2 66.6 71.0 kW 9.20 1 8.74. 8.30 9.44 8.96 1 8.68 1 9.52 9.02 8.82 1 9.60 9.12 1 8.98 50TJ0009 (81h Tons) Temp (F) Outdoor Indoor Entering Air - Cfm/BF 2400r0.PG . .. 32005.09 36-30/0.11 4000/0.14 Entering ) Air Indoor Entering Air - Ewb (F) 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 72 67 62 75 TC SHC kW 116.6 5010 7.40 108.8- 64.4 7.18 99.2 77.6 6.86 121.6 55.0 7.58 113.4 72.8 7.30 105.2 91.2 7.08 122.4 56.8 7.60 115.6 77.4 7.38 107.6 96.6 7.16 122.4 58.2 7.60 - 117.8 82.2 7.46 109.8 101.6 7.24 85 TC SHC kW 112.4 48.6 7.98 104.2 62.8 7.74 94.2 76.0 1 7.42 118.8 54.6 8.26 110.0 73.0 7.98 100.0 89.2 1 7.64 120.2 57.0 8.32 112.0 77.6 8.06 102.6 94.0 7.72 121.2 59.4 8.36. 113.6 82.0 1 8.12 105.2 98.2 7.82 95 TC SHC kW. 109.0 47.8 8.68 99.2 61.2 8.36 89.6 74.0 7.94 113.8 53.4 8.88 104.6 71.0 8.54 95.0 87.0 8.20 .115.0 55.8 8.94 106.4 75.8 8.62 97.8 91.0 8.30 116.2 58.2 8.98 108.2 80.6 8.70 100.8 94.4 8.38 105 TC SHC kW 104.0 46.4 9.36 94.0 59.6 8.92 -84.8 72.0 8.46 108.6 52.2 9.54 98.8 69.8 9.18 90.2 84.0 8.76 110.4 55.0 9.62 100.6 74.6 9.26 93.2 87.4 8.92 112.0 58.0 9.70 102.2 79.4 9.32 96.2 90.2 9.06 115 TC SHC kW 98.2 44.6 10.00 88.8 57.8: 9.48 80.0 70.2 9.02 103.2 51.0 10.24 93.2 66.0 9.74 85.8 80.2 1 9.36 104.6 53.6 1 10.28 94.6 72.8 88.6 83.2 9.52 105.6 56.2 10.30 96.0 77.6 9.92 91.4 85.8 9.68 125 TC SHC kW 92.8 43.0 10.60 83.6 56.0 10.08 75.0 68.0 9.56. 92.7 49.2 10.84 87.6 66.2 10.32 1 81.6 76.4 9.98 98.6 52.2 10.92 88.8 71.0 10.4 2 84.4 79.2 10.14 99.8 55.2 11.00 90.2 75.6 10.50 87.0 81.6 10.32 W. NOTES: 1. Direct interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. 2. The following formulas may be used: sensible capacity (Btuh) tldb = tedb - 1.10 x cfn, tlwb = Wet -bulb temperature corresponding to enthalpy of air leaving indoor coil (hlwb) total capacity (Btuh) hlwb = hewb - 4.5 x cfm Where: hewb = Enthalpy of air entering indoor coil 3. The SHC is based on 80 F edb temperature of air entering indoor coil. - , Below 80 F edb, subtract (corr factor x cfm) from SHC. Above 80 F edb, add (corr factor x cfm) to SHC. 0 LEGEND v. BF - Bypass Factor Edb - Entering Dry Bulb Ewb - Entering Wet Bulb kW - Compressor Motor Power Input Ldb -I eaving Dry -Bulb Lwb - Leaving Wet -Bulb SHC - Sensible Heat Capacity (1000 Btuh) Gross TC - Total Capacity (1000 Btuh) Gross W. NOTES: 1. Direct interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. 2. The following formulas may be used: sensible capacity (Btuh) tldb = tedb - 1.10 x cfn, tlwb = Wet -bulb temperature corresponding to enthalpy of air leaving indoor coil (hlwb) total capacity (Btuh) hlwb = hewb - 4.5 x cfm Where: hewb = Enthalpy of air entering indoor coil 3. The SHC is based on 80 F edb temperature of air entering indoor coil. - , Below 80 F edb, subtract (corr factor x cfm) from SHC. Above 80 F edb, add (corr factor x cfm) to SHC. 0