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14-0705 (RC) Certificate of Compliance
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 1 of 4) OLTG-1C Project Name: Date: THE HABIT BURGER 7/8/2014 Project Address: Climate Zone: �q •' � [it �. / Building CFA: Unconditioned LA QUIN TA, CA 92253 I5 Floor Area: 2488 General Information Phase of Construction: ❑X New Construction Addition Alteration Documentation Author's Declaration Statement - I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is ac ural and co Name S g atu Paul Suter p y Henderson Engi. eers�j Q I NTA Date Company fTY OF Address V IL . If applicable. APPROVED 8325 Lenexa Drive CEPE# City/State/Zip CTIOM Phone: Lenexa, KS 662,14 U(913) 742-5000 Principal Lighting Designer s��eYlarat�iou-sw -I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business nd Pro esstons o e o respons li htin design. r g g g � � ^��'J D. ^ This Certificate of Compliance identifies the liehting features and pelrformance specifications compliance with Title 24, Pages I and 6 of the California Code of Regulations.j CC �� The design features represented on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the in A ion prf i&6t637 document this design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, p ' s specifications submitted to the enforcement agency forapproval with this building g y pp g permit application. Name Signature David D. Haake Company Date Henderson Engineers, Inc. Address License # 8325 Lenexa Drive E-16137 City/State/Zip Phone: Lenexa, KS 66214 (913) 742-5000 Principal Lighting Designer's Declaration I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete, and accounts for all outdoor lighting power, including building mounted, pole mounted, as well as other outdoor lighting designed for this site, and that Additional Lighting Power Allowances for Specific Applications or Additional Lighting Power Allowances for Ordinance Requirements have not been counted more than one time for the same area, in accordance with Section 147 of the Standards. Outdoor Lighting Mandatory Measures Indicate location on building plans of Mandatory Measures Note Block: E5.2 LIGHTING COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet is included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the Califomia Energy Commission. X OLTG-1 C Certificate of Compliance. All 4 Pages required on plans for all submittals. VL1 V-Ll. (page 1 of 3) Lighting Wattage Allowances for General Hardscape, Sales Frontage, or Ornamental Lighting. Optional on Plans. X VL1 V-L� (Page 2 of 3) Lighting Wattage Allowances for Per Application or Per Area. Optional on plans. vL t.r-Ll (Page 3 of 3) Additional Lighting Power Allowances for Ordinance Requirements. Optional on Plans CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 2 of 4) OLTG-1C Project Name: THE HABIT BURGER Date: 7/8/2014 Installation Certificate, OLTG-I-INST (Retain a copy and verify form is completed and signed.) Fteld inspection .- r Certificate of Acceptance, OLTG-2A (Retain a copy and verify form is completed and signed.) Field Inspection Luminaire Schedule Installed Watts A C D E F G H I Name or Item Tag Luminaire Description -1 See footnote below (i.e.: 1 lamp pole -top shoe -box 400 watt metal halide) U p w ,' A How wattage was determined ' 3 x180 Field "i'if InspectorZ. According Default to from NA8 § 130(d or e) ;eta .pass Fail' '" PATIO STRING LIGHTS 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ 45 ❑ a —StLI ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑• a❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ opo ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑:1 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑. a ❑ ❑a_ =o Enter total into OLTG-1 C; Page 4 of 4; Row H; Total Installed Watts 180 I. Type of luminaire (i.e.: post top, wall pack, surface, shoe box); for non -incandescent luminaires, indicate nominal lamp wattage and lamp type (i.e.: Fluorescent, incandescent, HID); ballast type (i.e.: electronic or magnetic); number of lamps and number of ballasts per luminaire. For incandescent luminaires, the luminaire wattage listed in column D shall be the maximum relamping rated wattage on a ennanent factory -installed label on the luminaire, NOT the wattage of the lamp (bulb) used, in accordance with Section 130(d or e). 2. If Fail then describe on Page 2 of the inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. EXEMPT LUMINAIRES FreldIispecnor'M Name or Symbol Description of exempt luminaires in accordance with §147 f � MANDATORY CONTROLS '��"� Field Inspecdo, "'l # Description Location # Description Location 1 TIMESWITCH OFFICE # 1 SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST (See Page 2 of 4 of OLTG-1C) The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Field Inspector Notes or Discrepancies: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 3 of 4) OLTG-1C Project Name: Date: THE HABIT BURGER 7/8/2014 A. OUTDOOR LIGHTING ZONE OUTDOOR LIGHTING ZONE: []OLZ 1 []OLZ 2 [X OLZ 3 []OLZ 4 Is the Outdoor Lighting Zone: DX Default in accordance with 10-114,or Amended by JHA Complete the information below if the default Outdoor Lighting Zone has been amended by the local jurisdiction having authority (JHA): The site is a government designated park, recreation area, wildlife preserve, or portion thereof, and has been designated as LZ2 or LZ3, in accordnace with Table 10-114-A, because the site is contained within such a zone. The local jurisdiction having authority has officially adopted a change to the State Default Lighting Zone and has notified the Energy Commision by providing the materials required in 10-114(d) to the Executive Director. The adopted change is posted on the Energy Commission website. B. ADDITIONAL LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE FOR ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Are additional lighting power allowances for ordinance in Table 147-C used? Yes rX No Complete the information below if additional lighting power allowances for ordinances are used: The local jurisdiction having authority has officially adopted specific outdoor levels, which are expressed as average or minimum footcandle levels, by following a public process that allowed for formal public notification, review, and comment about the proposed change. The local jurisdiction having authority which adopted specific outdoor light levels and has notified the Commission by providing the following materials required 10-1 14(f) to the Executive Director. C. ACCEPTANCE FORMS Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below is the acceptance test for the Lighting system, OLTG-2A. The designer is required to check the acceptance tests and list all control devices serving the building or space shall be cenified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. If all the lighting system or control of a certain type requires a test, list the different lighting and the number of systems. The NA7 Section of the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Forms can be grouped by type of Luminaire controlled. Enforcement Agency: Systems Acceptance. Before Occupancy Permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space or when ever new lighting system with controls is installed in the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements. The OLTG-2A form is not considered a complete form and is not to be accepted by the enforcement agency unless the boxes are checked and/or filled and signed. In addition, a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifes plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of 10-103(b) of Title 24 Part 6. The field inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. A copy of the OLTG-2A for each different lighting luminaire control(s) must be provided to the owner of the building for their records. Certificate of Acceptance Luminaires Controlled OLTG-24t1 y c Outdoor E c o Lighting U Acceptance Equipment Re uirin Testing Description Location Tests TIMESWITCH 1 1 OFFICE LIGHTING CONTACTOR I OFFICE 1. Insert: OMS for Outdoor Motion Sensor; OLSC for Outdoor Lighting Shutoff Controls; OP for Outdoor Photocontrol; ATS for Astronomical Time Switch; and, STS for Smadard (non -astronomical) Time Switch acceptance. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 4 of 4) OLTG-1C Project Name: Date: THE HABIT BURGER 7/8/2014 ALLOWED AND INSTALLED OUTDOOR LIGHTING POWER Lighting Wattage Power Allowance A Lighting power allowance for general hardscape 0 (from OLTG-2C Page I of 3) B Specific application lighting wattage allowance per unit length 0 (from OLTG-2C Page 1 of 3) C Specific application wattage allowance for ornamental lighting 0 (from OLTG-2C Page 1 of 3) D Specific application wattage allowance per application 180 (from OLTG-2C Page 2 of 3) E Specific application lighting wattage allowance per area 0 (from OLTG-2C Page 2 of 3) F Additional lighting power allowance for ordinance requirements 0 (from OLTG-2C Page 3 of 3) G Total Allowed Wattage=Sum of rows A through F: 180 H Total Installed Wattage (from Luminaire Schedule, 180 (from OLTG- I C Page 2 of 4) Provided that the lighting wattage power allowances listed in rows A through F are identical to the lighting wattage power allowances taken from OLTG-2C IDYes E]No Pages I through 3, complies if Installed Wattage in row H is less than or equal to the Total Installed Wattage in Row G. OUTDOOR LIGHTING WORKSHEET (Page 2 of 3) OLTG-2C Project Name: THE HABIT BURGER Date: 7/8/2014 D. SPECIFIC APPLICATION LIGHTING WATTAGE ALLOWANCE PER APPLICATION ALLOWANCE Wattage Design Number of Specific Application Allowance Luminaire Luminaire Watts per Watts Specific Lighting Application Applications Allowance (watts) (B x C) Symbol Luminaire Type Quantity Luminaire (G x H) Allowed Watts Minimumof Dori .PATIO 883 1 SF -- 10.258 228 S49 PATIO STRING LIGHTS 45 ' 4 180 180 I { f I Ell Enter total into OLTG-IC; Page 4 of 4; Row D; Specific Application Wattage Allowance Per Application 180 E. SPECIFIC APPLICATION LIGHTING WATTAGE ALLOWANCE PER AREA Illuminated Specific Application Wattage Code for Design Area of Allowance Allowance Luminaire Luminaire Watts per Watts Specific Lighting Application Application (watts per 112) to " �"� Type Luminaire Type Quantity Luminaire (G x H) Allowed Watts Minimum of D or I j ft 4 1 E �p Enter total into OLTG-I C; Page 4 of 4; Row E; Specific Application LightingWattage Allowance Per Area I OUTDOOR LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES: i OUTDOOR LIGHTING RATED OVER 100 WATTS I QX ALL PERMANENTLY INSTALLED OUTDOOR LUMINAIRES EMPLOYING LAMPS RATED OVER 11 SHALL EITHER: HAVE A LAMP EFFICACY OF AT LEAST 60 LUMENS PER WATT; OR I El BE CONTROLLED BY A MOTION SENSOR UNLESS EXEMPTED FROM THE (8) POSSIBLE EXED SEE SECTION 132. LIGHTING CUTOFF REQUIREMENTS E ALL OUTDOOR LUMINAIRES THAT USE LAMPS RATED GREATER THAN 175 WATTS IN HARD; AREAS INCLUDING PARKING LOTS, BUILDING ENTRANCES, SALES AND NON -SALES CANOP ALL OUTDOOR SALES AREAS SHALL BE DESIGNATED CUTOFF FOR LIGHT DISTRIBUTION; T WITH THIS REQUIREMENT, THE LUMINAIRE SHALL BE RATED CUTOFF IN A PHOTOMETRIC l THAT INCLUDES ANY TILT OR OTHER NON -LEVEL MOUNTING CONDITION OF THE INSTALLE LUMINAIRE. CUTOFF IS A LUMINAIRE LIGHT DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION WHERE THE C. AT OR ABOVE 1000 LAMP LUMENS DOES NOT NUMERICALLY EXCEED 25 AT OR ABOVE A VE ANGLE OF 90 DEGREES ABOVE NADIR, AND 100 AT OR ABOVE A VERTICAL ANGLE OF 80 DE ABOVE NADIR. NADIR IS IN THE DIRECTION OF STRAIGHT DOWN, AS WOULD BE INDICATE[ PLUMB LINE. 90 DEGREES ABOVE NADIR IS HORIZONTAL. 80 DEGREES ABOVE NADIR IS 11 BELOW HORIZONTAL UNLESS EXEMPTED FROM THE 6 POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS. SEE SECTI NOT APPLICABLE CONTROLS FOR OUTDOOR LIGHTING 0 ALL PERMANENTLY INSTALLED OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A PHOTOC OR ASTRONOMICAL TIME SWITCH THAT AUTOMATICALLY OFF THE OUTDOOR LIGHTING W[ DAYLIGHT IS AVAILABLE UNLESS EXEMPTED FROM THE EXCEPTION. SEE SECTION 132(C). NOT APPLICABLE Iry I FOR LIGHTING OF BUILDING FACADES, PARKING LOTS, SALES AND NON -SALES CANOPIES, OUTDOOR SALES AREAS, AND STUDENT PICK-UP/DROP-OFF ZONES WHERE TWO OR MOR LUMINAIRES ARE USED, AN AUTOMATIC TIME SWITCH SHALL BE INSTALLED THAT IS CAPAI (1) TURNING OFF THE LIGHTING WHEN NOT NEEDED AND (2) REDUCING THE LIGHTING POb WATTS) BY AT LEAST 50 PERCENT BUT NOT EXCEEDING 80 PERCENT OR PROVIDING COM DIMMING THROUGH A RANGE THAT INCLUDES 50 PERCENT THROUGH 80 PERCENT REDUC EXEMPTED FROM THE (6) POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS. SEE SECTION 132(C)2. THIS CONTROL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 119(C). El NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 1 of 4) LTG -1C Project Name: Date: iTHE HABIT BURGER 7/8/2014 Project Address: Climate Zone: Building CFA: ] _ 79174 HIGHWAY 111, STE 105 Unconditioned LA QUINTA, CA 92253 15i Floor Area: 2488 General Information Building Type: Nonresidential High -Rise Residential ❑Hotel/Motel '. Schools EIRelocatable Public Schools aConditioned Spaces 11 Unconditioned Spaces Phase of Construction: IDNew Construction Addition Alteration Method of Compliance: Complete Building E]Area Category Tailored Documentation Author's Declaration Statement - 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is ace d complete Name Paul Suter, Sig at re Company Date Henderson Engineers, Inc. Address If applicable: CEA # 8325 Lenexa Drive CEPE # City/State/Zip Phone: Lenexa, KS 66214 (913) 742-5000 Principal Lighting Designer's Declaration Statement I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept resp lighting design. This Certificate of Compliance identifies the lighting features and performance specificatio q irr compliance with Title 24, Pages I and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. :. E 16137 The design features represented on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the i rm ion provided to document this design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, p A sp cifications � submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building perrqit application. Name Si nature QF ��u - J David Haake: Company BUILDING & ate 7 Henderson Engineersb Inc. SAF Address APPROVED icense # 8325 Lenexa Drive E-16137 City/State/Zip hone: Lenexa, KS 66214 s,`G 37 7 Lighting Mandatory Measures BY ` Indicate location on building plans of Mandatory Measures Note ocic- LIGHTING COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet is included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. :1X1 LTG -1C Pages 1 through 4 Certificate of Compliance. All Pages required on plans for all submittals. L 1J -/L Lighting Controls Credit Worksheet � L i v-�A_ Indoor Lighting Power Allowance L i rages i u1r0ug11v Tailored Method Worksheet X L i-�L rages I aaw Line Voltage Track Lighting Worksheet CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 2 of 4) LTG-1C INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name: THE HABIT BURGER Date: I Da 7/8/2014 Installation Certificate, LTG-I-INST(Retain a copy and verify form is completed and signed.) Field Inspector ❑ Certificate of Acceptance, LTG-2A and LTG-3A(Retain a copy and verify form is completed and signed.) Field Inspector A separate Lighting Schedule Must Be Filled Out for Conditioned and Unconditioned Spaces Installed Lighting Power listed on this Lighting Schedule is only for: X CONDITIONED SPACE ❑ UNCONDITIONED SPACE The actual indoor lighting power listed below includes all installed permanent and portable lighting systems in accordance with § 146(a) Only for offices: Up to the first 0.2 watts per square foot of portable lighting shall not be required to be included in the calculation of actual indoor lighting power density in accordance with the Exception to § 146(a). All portable lighting in excess of 0.2 watts per square foot is totaled below. Luminaire (Type, Lamps, Ballasts) Installed Watts A B C 'D E F G H Name or Item Tag Luminaire Description-1 (i.e, 3 lamp fluorescent troffer, F32T8, one dimmable electronic ballasts) 3 ,, How wattage was determined CEC According Default to from NA8 § 130(d or e) 2 3 Field Inspecto? Pass Fail P-11 JGLAS.S-PENDANT,W/_LEDLAMP i3 ❑ 0 ❑3 39 ❑ P2 _GLASS_P_ENDAN.T_W/-LED_LRMP I'3 ❑ Q Q 78 ❑ ❑ W2 WALL-SCONCE W/FLUORI P EZ11Q ❑ Q 50 ❑ W3WALL_SCONCE W/ FL.U_OR LAMP-- 33 ❑x ❑ Q 1 66 ❑ Ul. ADJUSTABLE_LANA.SCAP.E:J IGHL(SEI TX) .;� ® ❑ Q ❑ 1 ❑ DDTF 1 _4".LED_DOWNLIGHT(EL 00D) 12 ❑ Q Q 108 ❑ ❑ D2'F 4'w LED_DOWNLI.GHTI(ELOOD. 12 ❑ 0 Q 24 ❑ ❑ 53.;5 41LED DQWNLIGHT_(SP_OT) _ rz ❑ 0 io 120 ❑ ❑ D3N 4""LED .DO_WNLI.GHT-(NARRO_W_FLOOD). 12 ❑ Q Q 48 ❑ ❑ D3:F 4" LED DQWNLIGHT.(FLOOD). r121 ❑ Q is 180 ❑ ❑ 4:F D -4" LED DO_WNLLGHT(FLOODI fz ❑ ❑x fo 120 ❑ SSS 4" LED,DOWNLIGHT_(SPOT)' >o ❑ ❑ is 150 D5,F 41"LED-D.OWNLIGHT(FLOOD) 12 ❑ 0 Q 84 >)7a LEDOWNLTGHT - 6:D. is ❑ 0 Q 60 ❑ TBS TRACK:LI.GHTING:FROM LTG-5_C_(2_OF_2) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 585 El 1 01 M 1 S TRACK MONOP_OINT HEAD—WITH_LED to ❑ 0 ❑z 20 ❑ MIL TRACK_MONOPOINT_HEAD-WITH-LED — LLOJ i ❑ j 0 20 ❑ ❑ TX TRANSFORMERFOR-M ` 5s ❑ Q 0 75 ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ 11❑ INSTALLED WATTS PAGE TOTAL: 1827 Building total number of pages 2 Installed Watts Building Total 2509 (Sum of all pages) Enter into LTG-IC Page 4 of 1 - Wattage shall be detennined according to Section 130(d and e). Wattage shall be rating of light fixture, not rating of bulb. 2 - If Fail then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 2 of 4) LTG -1C INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name: THE HABIT BURGER Date: Da 7/8/2014 Installation Certificate, LTG-I-INST(Retain a copy and verify form is completed and signed.) Field Inspector Certificate of Acceptance, LTG -2A and LTG-3A(Retain a copy and verify form is completed and signed.) Field Inspector a A separate Lighting Schedule Must Be Filled Out for Conditioned and Unconditioned Spaces Installed Lighting Power listed on this Lighting Schedule is only for: X CONDITIONED SPACE ❑ UNCONDITIONED SPACE The actual indoor lighting power listed below includes all installed permanent and portable lighting systems in accordance with § 146(a) Only for offices: Up to the first 0.2 watts per square foot of portable lighting shall not be required to be included in the calculation of actual indoor lighting power density in accordance with the Exception to § 146(a). All portable lighting in excess of 0.2 watts per square foot is totaled below. Luminaire (Type, Lamps, Ballasts) Installed Watts A B C D E F G H Name or Item Tag Luminaire Description -1 (i.e, 3 lamp fluorescent troffer, F32T8, one dimmable electronic ballasts) 3 How wattage was determined Z 3 Field Inspecto? CEC According Default to from NA8 § 130(d or e) Pass Fail KU 2X4 FLUDRESCENT TROFFER — _- 62 0 ❑ Q 310 ❑ ❑ K2 2X4-FLUORES_CENTTROFEER r6_21 Q ❑ Q 372 ❑ ❑ rill ❑ ❑M. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ® 110 ❑ ❑ ❑ =11 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o1 ❑❑ ❑ ❑ -❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ =11 ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ M1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ r711 130 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ =11 ❑ 0 M❑ ❑ �M1 ❑ ❑ M1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o 010 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ MI ❑ ❑ a 0 E INSTALLED WATTS PAGE TOTAL: 682 Building total number of pages 2 Enter into LTG -1 C Page 4 of 4 1 - Wattage shall be determined according to Section 130(d and e). Wattage shall be rating of light fixture, not rating of bulb. 2 - If Fail then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans i f necessary. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 3 of 4) LTG -1C Project Name: THE HABIT BURGER Date: 7/8/2014 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Fill in controls for all spaces: a) area controls, b) multi-level controls, c) manual daylighting controls for daylit areas > 250112, automatic daylighting controls for daylit areas > 2,500 Q, d) shut-off controls, e) display lighting controls, 0 tailored lighting controls - general lighting controlled separately from display, ornamental and display case lighting and g) demand responsive automatic controls for retail stores > 50,000 Q, in accordance with Section 131. MANDATORY LIGHTING CONTROLS - FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Field Inspector Type / Description Number of Units Location in Building Pass Fail TIMESWITCH/CONTACTOR 1 OFFICE TIM.ESWITCH OVERRIDE SWITCH 1 KITCHEN OCCUPANCY SENSOR 2 RESTROOMS MOTION SENSOR 1 OFFICE MANUAL ON/OFF SWITCHES 10 KITCHEN (I 1 SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST (See Page 2 of 4 of LTG -1C) The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Field Inspectors Notes or Discrepancies: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 4 of 4) LTG -1C Project Name:Date: THE HABIT BURGER 7/8/2014 Conditioned and Unconditioned space Lighting must not be combined for compliance Indoor Lighting Power for Conditioned Spaces Indoor Lighting Power for Unconditioned Spaces Installed Lighting (from Conditioned LTG -IC Page 2) Watts Installed Lighting (from Unconditioned LTG -IC Page 2) Watts 2509 0 Lighting Control Credit Conditioned Spaces (from LTG -2C) 0 Lighting Control Credit Unconditioned Spaces (from LTG -2C) - 0 Adjusted Installed Lighting Power = 2,509 Adjusted Installed Lighting Power = 0 Complies iflnstalled<or=Allowed <or= Complies iflnstalled<or=Allowed <or= Allowed Lighting Power (from LTG -3C) 2,959 Allowed Lighting Power (from LTG -3C) 0 Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below is the acceptance test for the Lighting system, TG -2A and LTC -3A The designer is requited to check the acceptance tests and list all central devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance, Requirements of Code Compliance. Ifo II the lighting system creatural of a certain type requires a test, list e different lighting and the number of systems. The NA7 Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Forms can be grouped by type of Luminaire controlled. Enforcement Agency: ystems Acceptance. Before occupancy Permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space or when ever new lighting system with routs is installed in the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements. e LTG -2A and LTG-3Aform is not considered a complete form and is not to be accepted by the enforcement agency that certifies plans, pecifications, installation certificates, and operation and maintenance information meet the requirements of 10.103(b) of Title 24 pan 6. The told inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occu-ancy. A copy &'N -2A and LTC -3A for each different lighting luminaire contrails) must be provided to the owner of the building for their records. Luminaires Controlled LTG -2A and 3A Number of like Equipment Re uirin Testing Description Controls Location Controls and Sensors and Automatic Daylighting Controls Acceptance TIM'ESWITCH ITIMESWITCH t : OFFICE LIGHTING CONTACTOR LIGHTING CONTACTOR 2 OFFICE pp3YP(ASSTIMER 1. O- BYPASS TIMER FFICE 17� Ro ,> j t i ] ?i fix,; i i f1 I 1 {! 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms July 2010 INDOOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE LTG -3C Project Name: THE HABIT BURGER Date: 7/8/2014 ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER (Chose One Method) Separate LTG -3C must be filled out for Conditioned and Unconditioned Spaces. Indoor Lighting Power Allowances listed on this page are only for: 0 CONDITIONED spaces ❑ UNCONDITIONED spaces COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD A B C1 D WATTS COMPLETE ALLOWED BUILDING CATEGORY (From §146 Table 146-E) PER (ftM) X BLDG. AREA WATTS ALLOWED TOTALS Wattage Description(s) and Quantity Total WATTS Primary AREA WATTS of Special Luminaire2 Types Design Smaller of Function SgFt AREA CATEGORY METHOD - Part A (B x C) in each Primary Function Area Watts A B C D 75 WATTS 80 ALLOWED AREA CATEGORY (From §146 Table 146-F) PER (M) X AREA (Sq Ft) WATTS KITCHEN, FOOD PREP 1.6 910 1456 DIMNG 1.1 1063 1169.3 OFFICE (Q50SF) 1.5 50 75 CORRIDOR 0.6 86 51.6 RESTROOMS 1 0.6 220 132 TOTAL FROM - Part B F 75 Sutn of Additional Allowed Watts from Category Method - Part B (from table below) E2958.9 ]] TOTALS 2329 1 AREA WATTS AREA CATEGORY METHOD -Part B Additional Wattage Allowance (from Table 146-F Footnotes) A B C1 D E F G Additional ALLOWED Watts Wattage Description(s) and Quantity Total WATTS Primary Per SgFt Allowance of Special Luminaire2 Types Design Smaller of Function SgFt Allowed (B x C) in each Primary Function Area Watts D or F DECOR 40 I` 75 Ul 80 75 TOTALS -Enter into Category Method - Part A (table above) 75 1. Additional watts available only when allowed according to the footnotes on bottom of Table 146-F for chandelier or sconce; art craft, assembly or manufacturing specialized task work; precision commercial/ industrial work; or lab specialized task work. . Special luminaires are light fixtures described in the Table 146-F Footnotes that are subject to an additional wattage lowance. AILORED METHOD lofTotalAllowed Watts using the Tailored Method taken from LTG -4C (Page 1 of4) Row 3 indoor lighting power allowance using the Tailored Method ofcompliance shall be determined using the LTG -4C setrms. A separate set of LTG -4C fortes shall be filled out for CONDITIONED and UNCONDITIONED spaces 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms August 2009 LINE VOLTAGE TRACK LIGHTING WORKSHEET (Page 1 of 2) LTG -5C Project Name: Date: THE HABIT BURGER 1 7/8/2014 METHOD 1 - VOLT-AMPERE (VA) RATING OF THE BRANCH CIRCUIT(S) ❑ This is the only option available for determining wattage of line -voltage busway and track rated for more than 20 amperes. One of four options available for determining wattage of line -voltage busway and track rated for 20 amperes or less. A• B VOLT-AMPERE (VA) RATING OF BRANCH CIRCUIT NAME OR ID THE BRANCH CIRCUIT 1 i TOTAL: Enter total on the bottom of LTG -5C Page 2 of 2 METHOD 2 - USE THE HIGHER WATTAGE OF: 45 WATTS/LINEAR FOOT OF TRACK - OR TOTAL RATED WATTAGE OF ALL LUMINAIRES One of four options available for determining wattage of line -voltage busway and track razed for 20 amperes or less. A B C D E F TRACK # OR NAME LINEAR FEET OF TRACK t Wrt'r) B x C TOTAL RATED WATTAGE t W OF ALL LUMINAIRES LARGER OF (D or E) TB 13 45 585 117 585 45 +( 45 1i 45 E 45 4 45 45 45 45 .. 45 - 45 45 45 f 45 j 45 .� 45 j i 45 ' TOTAL Enter total on the bottom of LTG -SC Page 2 of 2 585 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms August 2009 I INDOOR LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES: I BUILDING LIGHTING SHUT-OFF I EX THE BUILDING LIGHTING SHUT-OFF SYSTEM CONSISTS OF AN AU It. SWITCH, WITH A ZONE FOR EACH FLOOR. ❑ NOT APPLICABLE OVERRIDE FOR BUILDING LIGHTING SHUT-OFF. QX THE AUTOMATIC BUILDING SHUT-OFF SYSTEM IS PROVIDED WITH F ACCESSIBLE OVERRIDE SWITCH IN SIGHT OF THE LIGHTS. THE ARE IS NOT TO EXCEED 5000 SQUARE FEET. El NOT APPLICABLE AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES CERTIFIED QX ALL AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES SPECIFIED ARE CERTIFIED; ALI EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CERTIFIED AND INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY MANUFACTURER. NOT APPLICABLE FLUORESCENT BALLAST AND LUMINAIRES CERTIFIED 0 ALL FLUORESCENT FIXTURES SUBJECT TO CERTIFICATION AND SP PROJECTS ARE CERTIFIED. NOT APPLICABLE INDIVIDUAL ROOM/AREA CONTROLS v EACH ROOM AND AREA IN THIS BUILDING IS EQUIPPED WITH A SEP. OR OCCUPANCY SENSOR DEVICE FOR EACH AREA WITH FLOOR -T( NOT APPLICABLE UNIFORM REDUCTION FOR INDIVIDUAL ROOMS 0 ALL ROOMS AND AREAS GREATER THAN 100 SQUARE FEET AND MC WATTS PER SQUARE FOOT OF LIGHTING LOAD SHALL BE CONTROII LEVEL SWITCHING FOR UNIFORM REDUCTION OF LIGHTING WITHIN 0 NOT APPLICABLE DAYLIT AREA CONTROL FX ALL ROOMS WITH WINDOWS AND SKYLIGHTS, THAT ARE GREATER SQUARE FEET AND THAT ALLOW FOR THE EFFECTIVE USE OF DAYI AREA SHALL HAVE 50% OF THE LIGHTING POWER IN EACH DAYLIT i CONTROLLED BY A SEPARATE SWITCH; OR I F-1 THE EFFECTIVE USE OF DAYLIGHT THROUGHOUT CANNOT BE ACC( BECAUSE THE WINDOWS ARE CONTINUOUSLY SHADED BY A BUILD ADJACENT LOT. DIAGRAM OF SHADING DURING DIFFERENT TIMES INCLUDED ON PLANS. I II c� FOR CONSTRUCT ON DAT 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and (Page 5 of 5) MECH-1 C FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST PROJECT NAME: DATE: HABIT BURGER ,,,;,,",,.-r: - �' ' � "• ' 5/14/2014'-"• Documentation Author's Declaration Statement * I certify that this Certificate of Compliance Documentation is accurate and complete. Name: Signature: JEREMY GRAHAM Company: Date: �— 8 Henderson Engineers, Inc. ' if Address: Applicable: 8345 LENEXA DRIVE, SUITE 300 CEA # CEPE # City/State/Zip Phone: LENEXA, KS 66214 913-742-5000 Principle Mechanical Designer's Declaration Statement * I am eligible under Division 3 of the Californiaia Business and Professions Code to Accept responsibility for the mechani ' This Certificate of Compliance identifies the mechanical features and performance specifications required for comp Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. Q * The design features represented on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided t � e�himQ7 on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the an m nt agency for vv apprCA oval with this building permit application. Name: Signature: .� SCOTT J. JAC Company: Date: " Henderson Engineers, Inc. Address: License # 8325 LENEXA DRIVE, SUITE 300 34397 City/State/Zip Phone: LENEXA, KS 66214 913-742-5000 Mandatory Measures Indicate location on building plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures957- : Mechanical Compliance Forms & Worksheets (check box if worksheets is included) For Detailed instruction on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, refer to the 2008 Nonresidential Manual Note: The Enforcement Agency may require all forms to be incorporated onto the building plans. X MECH-t-C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans for all submittals. X MECH-2-C Mechanical Equipment Summary is required for all submittals. X MECH-3C Mechanical Ventilation and Reheat is required for all submittals with mechanical ventilation. X MECH-C Fan Power Consumption is required for all prescriptive submittals. CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY 11,EPT. APPROVED CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Page 1 of 5 MECH-1C PROJECT NAME: HABIT BURGER DATE: 5/14/2014 CLIMATE ZONE: 15 PROJECT ADDRESS: 79174 HIGHWAY 111, STE 105, LA QUINTA, CA 99253 CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: 2065 GENERAL INFORMATION BUILDING TYPE X NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE HOTEUMOTEL GUEST ROOM SCHOOLS (PUBLIC SCHOOL) RELOCATABLE PUBLIC SCHOOL BLDG. CONDITIONED SPACES UNCONDITIONED SPACES PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITION X TION APPROACH OF COMPLIANCE X COMPONENT OVERALL TDV ENERGY CO I IONED (FILE IT) FRONT ORIENTATION: N, E, S, W IN DEGREES: NW HVAC SYSTEM DETAILS FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST MEETS CRITERIA OR REQUIREMENTS EQUIPMENT INSPECTION CRITERIA PASS FAIL -DESCRIBE REASON' ITEM OR SYSTEM TAGS RTU -1 (i.e. AC -1, RTU -1, HP -1) EQUIPMENT TYPE RTU-PKG. ELEC/GAS NO. OF SYSTEMS 1 MAX ALLOWED HEATING CAPACITY 148 MBH MINIMUM HEATING EFFICIENCY 82% MAX ALLOWED COOLING CAPACITY 87.5 MBH COOLING EFFICIENCY 12.0 EER DUCT LOCATION / R -VALUE ABOVE CEILING/R6.0 WHEN DUCT TESTING IS READ, YES SUBMIT MECH 4-A &MECH-4-HERS ECONOMIZER YES THERMOSTAT M21 FAN CONTROL 2 -SPEED FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST EQUIPMENTZ INSPECTION CRITERIA PASS FAIL -DESCRIBE REASON' ITEM OR SYSTEM TAGS RTU -2 (i.e. AC -1, RTU -1, HP -1) EQUIPMENT TYPE RTU-PKG. ELEC/GAS NO. OF SYSTEMS 1 MAX ALLOWED HEATING CAPACITY 103 MBH MINIMUM HEATING EFFICIENCY 82% MAX ALLOWED COOLING CAPACITY 67.0 MBH COOLING EFFICIENCY 12.0 EER DUCT LOCATION / R -VALUE ABOVE CEILING/R6.0 WHEN DUCT TESTING IS READ, YES SUBMIT MECH 4-A &MECH-4-HERS ECONOMIZER YES THERMOSTAT M21 FAN CONTROL N/A i. If the Actual installed equipment performance efficiency and capacity is less than the Proposed (from the energy compliance submittal or from the building plans) the responsible party shall resubmit energy compliance to include the new changes. 2. For additional detailed discrepancy use Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form. Compliance Fails is a Fail box is checked. 3. Indicate Equipment Type: Gas(pkg or, Split), VAV, HP (pkg or split), Hydropic, PTAC, or other. 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms March 2010 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Page 2 of 5 MECHAC PROJECT NAME: DATE: SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST Discrepancies: 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS March 2010 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Pa e 3 of 5 MECH-1C 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS 2009 August PROJECT NAME: +•�� -' Y DATE: 5114J2014 REQUIRED ACCEPTANCE TESTS DESIGNER: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems. The designer is required to check the applicable boxes by all acceptable tests that applyand list all equipment descriptions and the number of systems. The NA number designated the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential reference appendices that requires an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment Reference Appendices Manual that describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Enforcement Agency:, Systems Acceptance. Before occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new space -conditioning system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance requirements for Code Compliance. Systems Acceptance. Before occupancy permit is granted. All newly installed HVAC equipment must be tested using the Acceptance Requirements. The MECH-1C form is not considered a completed form and is not to be accepted by the building department unless the correct boxes are checked. The equipment requiring testing, person performing the test (Example: HVAC installer, TAB contractor, controls contractor, PE in charge of the project) and what Acceptance test must be conducted. The following checked -off forms are required for ALL newlyinstalled equipment. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the building department that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) and Title 24 part 6. The building inspector must receive property filled out and signed farms before the building can receive final occupancy. Test Description MECH-2A MECH-3A MECH-4A MECH-5A MECH-6A MECH-7A MECH-8A MECH-9A MECH-10A MECH-11A Outdoor Constant Demand Hydropic • Ventilation Volume & Air Control Valve Supply System Automatic Equipment requiring # of for Single -Zone Distribution Economizer Ventilation Supply Fan Leakage Water Temp. Var. Flow Demand Testing or Verification units VAV &CAV Unitary Ducts Controls DCV VAV Test Reset Control Shed Control RTU -1 1 X X X X RTU -2 1 X X X X CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Pa e 4 of 5 MECHAC PROJECT NAME: HABIT�BURGER, DATE: 5/14!2014 REQUIRED ACCEPTANCE TESTS DESIGNER: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems. The designer is required to check the applicable boxes by all acceptable tests that apply and list all equipment descriptions and the number of systems. The NA number designated the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential reference appendices that requires an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment Reference Appendices Manual that describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Enforcement Agency: Systems Acceptance. Before occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new space -conditioning system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance requirements for Code Compliance. Systems Acceptance. Before occupancy permit is granted. All newly installed HVAC equipment must be tested using the Acceptance Requirements. The MECH-1C form is not considered a completed form and is not to be accepted by the building department unless the correct boxes are checked. The equipment requiring testing, person performing the test (Example: HVAC installer, TAB contractor, controls contractor, PE in charge of the project) and what Acceptance test must be conducted. The following checked -off forms are required for ALL newly installed equipment. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the building department that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) and Title 24 part 6. The building inspector must receive property filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. Test Description MECH-12A MECH-13A MECH-14A MECH-15A Fault Thermal Fault Detection & Distributed Energy Detection & Diagnostics Energy Storage Equipment requiring # of Diagnostics for Air & Storage DX (TES) Testing or Verification Units for DX Units Zone AC Systems Systems Test Performed By: RTU -1 11 X CONTRACTOR RTU -2 11 X 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS August 2009 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (Part 1 of 3) MECH-2C PROJECT NAME: HABIT $URGER L a Date: 15/1412014 ITEM or SYSTEM TAG(S) (i.e. AC -1, RTU -1, HP -1) Indicate Air Systems Type (Central, Single Zone, Package, VAV or etc...) RTU -1 RTU -2 No. of Systems 1 1 MANDATORY MEASURES Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency HVAC or Heat Pump Thermostats Furnace Controls/Thermostats Natural Ventilation Mechanical Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback & Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Design Heating Capacity Calculated Design Cooling Load Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous Heat/Coot Economizer Heat & Cool Air Supply Reset Electric Resistance Heating' Heat Rejection System Air Cooled Chiller Limitation Duct Leakage Sealing. If Yes, a MECH-4-A must be Submitted. T-24 Section Indicate Page Reference on the Plans or Schedule list or List Information Below 112(a) 82% 82% 112(a) 12.0 EER 12.0 EER 112(b), 112(c) M2.1 M2.1 112(c), 115(a) N/A N/A 121(b) N/A N/A 121(b) 900 CFM 400 CFM 121(c) N/A N/A 121(c) N/A N/A 121(c), 122(e) M1.1/M3.2 M1.1/M3.2 122(e) M1.1/M3.2 M1.1/M3.2 122(0 N/A N/A 122(g) N/A N/A 123 N/A N/A 124 R-6.0 R-6.0 144(a & b) 75.5 MBH 54.9 MBH 144(a & b) 87.0 MBH 64.0 MBH 144(c) N/A N/A 144(c) N/A N/A 144(c) N/A N/A 144(d) N/A N/A 144(e) M3.2 M3.2 144(0 N/A N/A 144(g) N/A N/A §144(h) N/A N/A §144(i) N/A N/A YES YES §144(k) 1. Total installed capacity (MBtu/hr) of all electric heat on this project exclusive of electric auxiliary heat for heat pumps. If electric heat is used explain which exception(s) to §144(g) apply. 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS 2009 WATER SIDE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (Part 2 of 3) MECH-2C PROJECT NAME: _ Date: HABIT: BURGER,_,,' .4 f a"::� '� f �� r._, 5/14/2014 _w T _ _ .w_ _ _. _ Water 2 Side Systems: Chillers, Towers, Boilers, Hydronic Loops ITEM or SYSTEM TAG(S) N/A (i.e. AC -1, RTU -1, HP -1, CT -1, ect... )1 No. of Systems , Indicate Page Reference on Plans or Specification 2 MANDATORY MEASURES Equipment Efficiency Pipe Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Cooling Tower Fan Controls Cooling Tower Flow Controls Variable Flow System Design Chiller and Boiler Isolation CHW & HHW Reset Controls WLHP Isolation valves ' VSD on CHW & WLHP pumps >5hp DP Sensor Location T-24 Section 112(a) 1123 144(h) 144(h) 1440) 1440) 1440) 1440) 1440) 144rii The Proposed equipment need to match the building plans schedule or specifications. If a requirement is not applicable, t "N/A" in the column next to applicable section. For each chiller, cooling tower, boiler, and hydronic loop (or groups of similar equipment) fill in the reference to sheet mber and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement not applicable, put "n/a" in the column next to the applicable section(s). 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS March 2010 SERVICE HOT WATER & POOUSPA REQUIREMENTS (Part 3 of 3) MECH-2C PROJECT NAME: Date: HABIT"BURGER a_�`z.� s,~ 11�5/14/2014 SERVICE HOT WATER, POOL HEATING ITEM or SYSTEM TAG(S) GWH (i.e. WH -1, WHP-1, DHW-1, ect... )1 No. of Systems 1 Indicate Page Reference on Plans of Sschedule 2 MANDATORY MEASURES IT -24 Section I II SERVICE HOT WATER Certified Water Heater §111, §113 (a) P1.1/P4.2 Water Heater Efficiency §113 (b) 95% - P1.1 Service Water Heating Installation §113 (c) P1.1/P4.2 Pipe Insulation §123 P4.2 POOL AND SPA Pool and Spa Efficiency and Control §114 (a) N/A Pool and Spa Electric Resistance Heating §114(b) Exception N/A Pool and Spa Installation §114 (b) N/A Pool Heater - No Pilot Light §115 (c) N/A Spa Heater - No Pilot Light §115 (d) N/A Pipe Insulation §123 N/A 1. The Proposed equipment need to match the building plans schedule or specifications. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column next to the measure. 2. For each water heater, pool heat and domestic water loop (or groups of similar equipment) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS August 2009 MECHANICAL VENTILATION & REHEAT MECH-3C PROJECT NAME: HABIT BURGER Date: 15/14/2014 MECHANICAL VENTILATION § 121 (b) 2 REHEAT LIMITATION §144 (d) A AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV MINIMUM B C D E F G H I J K L M N Zone/ System Condition CFM Min CFM Num of CFM per Min CFM Required Design 50% of B x 0.4 MAX of Design Transfer Area SgFt per Sq Ft by area People Person by occ. VA max of VA CFM design zone CFM/SgFt H, J, K or min. air Air B x C E x F D or G supply cfm 300 CFM setpoint RTU -1 1054 0.15 158.1 58 15 870 870 900 RTU -2 817 0.15 122.55 17 15 255 255 400 Totals 1 125 1300 lColumn I Total Design Ventilation Air C Minimum Ventilation rate per section 121, Table 121-A. E Based on Fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupants and 50% of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes ' for spaces without fixed seating. I" I Required Ventilation Air (REO'D V.A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on an AREA BASIS or OCCUPANCY BASIS (Columns D or G) I Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air (column N) to make up the difference J Design fan Supply cfm (Fan CFM) x 50%; or the design zone outdoor airflow rale per §121. K lCondition area (Sgft) x 0.4 cfm/sgft; or L Maximum of columns H, J, K, or 300 cfm M This must be less than or equal to Column L and greater than or equal to the sum of columns H plus N. N Transfer Air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) is greater than the Design Minimum air (Column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) and the Design minimum Air Column M), Column H minus M. 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS 2010 FAN POWER CONSUMPTION MECH-4C 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS August 2009 PROJECT NAME: DATE: HABIT BURGER _. - /1014. 54%2 NOTE: Provide one copy of this worksheet for each fan system with a total fan system horsepower greater than 25 hp for Constant Air Volume (CAV) Fan Systems or Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems when using the Prescriptive approach. See Power Consumption of fans §144(c). A B C D E F FAN DESCRIPTION DESIGN EFFICIENCY NUMBER OF PEAK WATTS MOTOR DRIVE BRAKE HP FANS B x E x 7481(C x D) Totals and Adjustments FILTER PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT equation 144-A in §144(c) of the energy standards. 1. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER (watts, sum of col. F) A. If filter pressure drop is greater than 1 inch W.C. 2. SUPPLY DESIGN AIRFLOW (CFM) or 245 Pascal then enter SPa on line 4. Enter 3. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX (row 1/row 2) W/CFM Total Fan pressure drop across the fan (SP,) on Line 5. 4 Spa B. Calculate Fan Adjustment and enteron line 6. 5. SPS C. Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Index and enter 6. Fan adjustment = 1-(Spa-1)/SPr on Row 7 7. ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line3 x Line 6)' W/CFM 1. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX or ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX must no exceed 0.8 w/cfm for Constant Volume systems or 1.25 w/cfm for VAV systems. ®Water Heating Recirculation Loops Serving Multiple Dwelling Units, High-Rise Residential, Hotel/Motel and Nonresidential as listed on §113(c)5A, B, C, D, E, F. Service water heaters in state buildings. Any newly constructed building constructed by the State shall derive its service water heating from a system that provides at least 60 percent of the energy needed for service water heating from site solar energy or recovered energy. Pool,and Spas Service water heating and pool heating measures (§114) Any pool or spa heating system or equipment may be installed only if the.manufacturer has certified that the system or equipment has all of the following:. • Efficiency, • On-off switch Instructions A permanent, easily readable, and weatherproof plate or card that gives instruction for the energy efficient operation of the pool or spa heater and for the proper care of pool or spa water when a cover is used. • No electric resistance heating Installation of any pool or spa system or equipment shall be installed with at least 36 inches of pipe shall be installed between the filter and the heater or dedicated suction and return lines, or built-in or built-up connections and shall be installed to allow for the future addition of solar heating equipment Covers. A cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas that have a heat pump or gas heater. F]Pool shall have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water; and time switch or similar control mechanism shall be installed as part of the pool water circulation control system. Ventilation(§121) ®All enclosed spaces in a building that are normally used by humans shall be ventilated in accordance with the requirements of this section and the CBC. ®The outdoor air-ventilation rate and air-distribution assumptions made in the design of the ventilating system shall be clearly identified on the building plans required by §10-103 of Title 24, Part 1 ®Every space in a building shall be designed to have outdoor air- ventilation either by Natural ventilation or Mechanical ventilation Times of occupancy The minimum rate of outdoor air required by Section 121(b)2 shall be supplied to each space at all times when the space is usually occupied. Ducting for Zonal Heating and Cooling Units. Where a return plenum is used to distribute outdoor air to a zonal heating or cooling unit which then supplies the air to a space in order to meet the requirements of Section 121(b)2, the outdoor air shall be ducted to discharge either: within 5 feet of the unit; or within 15 feet of the unit, substantially toward the unit, and at a velocity not t less than 500 feet per minute. . Design and Control Requirements for Quantities of Outdoor Air. All mechanical ventilation and space-conditioning systems shall be t, designed with and'have installed ductwork, dampers, and controls to allow outside air rates to be operated at the larger of (1) the minimum levels specified in Section 121(b)1 or (2) the rate required for make-up of exhaust systems that are required for a process, or control of odors, or for the removal of contaminants within the space. 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS 2009 MANDATORY MEASURES (Part 2 of 2) PROJECT NAME: DATE: HABLT BURGER 5%14%2014 The person with overall responsibility must ensure that the Mandatory Measures that apply to the project are listed on the plans. The format of the list is left to the of the Principal Designer. Demand Controlled Ventilation §121(c) Every space requiring Demand Control Ventilation. They must have an air economizer; and they serve a space with a design occupant density, or a maximum occupant load factor for egress purposes, greater than or equal to 25 people per 1000 ft2 (40 square foot per person); and is either a single zone system with any controls or multiple zone systems with Direct Digital Controls (DDC) to the zone level. Controls (§122). ElHeat-pumps with supplementary electric resistance heaters; should prevent supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone; and Din which the cut -on temperature for compression heating is higher than the cut -on temperature for supplementary heating, and the cut-off temperature for compression heating is higher than the cutoff temperature for supplementary heating. X]Thermostats, all unitary heating and /or cooling systems heat pumps that are not controlled by a central energy management control system (ECMS) shall have a setback thermostat. X❑Thermostatic Controls for Each Zone. The supply of heating and cooling energy to each space -conditioning zone or dwelling unit shall be controlled by an individual thermostatic control that responds to temperature within the zone and that meets the applicable requirements of Section 122(b). v"Criteria for Zonal Thermostatic Controls. The individual thermostatic controls required by Section 122(a) shall meet requirements; for heating shall be capable of being set, locally or remotely, down to 55°F or lower. Or for cooling it shall be capable of being set, locally or remotely, up to 85°F or higher. E]For Hotel/Motel Guest Room and High-rise Residential Dwelling Unit Thermostats; shall have: Numeric temperature setpoints in OF; and Setpoint stops accessible only to authorized personnel, to restrict over -heating and over -cooling and meet Section 150(i). Heat Pump Controls. All heat pumps with supplementary electric resistance heaters shall be installed with controls that comply with Section 112(b). ©Shut-off and Reset Controls for Space -conditioning Systems; shall be installed with controls that comply with controls capable of automatically shutting off the system during periods of nonuse and shall have by having an automatic time switch control device an accessible manual override that allows operation of the system for up to 4 hours. ®Dampers for Air Supply and Exhaust Equipment. Outdoor air supply and exhaust equipment shall be installed with dampers that automatically close upon fan shutdown. Isolation Area Devices. Each space -conditioning system serving multiple zones with a combined conditioned floor area of more than 25,000 square feet shall be designed, installed, and controlled to serve isolation areas. Automatic Demand Shed Controls. HVAC systems with DDC to the Zone level shall be programmed to allow centralized demand shed for non-critical zones. Pipe insulation (§123) E]The piping for all space -conditioning and service water -heating systems with fluid temperatures listed in standards Table 123-A Pipe Insulation Thickness shall install the amount of insulation Duct construction and insulation (§124). 3AII air distribution system ducts and plenums, including, but not limited to, building cavities, mechanical closets, air -handler boxes and support platforms used as ducts or plenums, shall be installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the 2007 CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, and Standard 6-5. Acceptance Tests (§125 and Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7). XXBefore an occupancy permit is granted the Certificate of Acceptance shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies that the equipment and systems meet the acceptance requirements. Refrigerated Warehouses (§126). ❑A refrigerated warehouse with total cold storage and frozen storage area of 3,000 square feet or larger shall meet the insulation requirements for refrigerated warehouses listed on the R -values in Table 126-A. Munderslab heating. Electric resistance heat shall not be used for the purposes of underslab heating. Evaporators. Fan -powered *evaporators used in coolers and freezers shall conform to single phase fan motors less than 1 hp and less than 460 Volts shall be electronically commutated motors. In addition the Evaporator fans shall be variable speed and the speed shall be controlled in response to space conditions. Condensers. Fan -powered condensers for systems utilizing ammonia shall be evaporatively cooled. Condensing temperatures for evaporative condensers under design conditions, including but not limited to condensers served by cooling towers shall be less than or equal to the design wetbulb temperature: e plus 20°F in locations where the design wetbulb temperature is less than or equal to 76°F, e plus 19°F in locations where the design wetbulb temperature is between 76°F and 78°F, or e plus 18°F in locations where the design wetbulb temperature is greater than or equal to 78°F. Compressors. Compressor systems utilized in refrigerated warehouses shall conform to compressors designed to operate at a minimum condensing temperature of 700F or less. The compressor speed of a screw compressor greater than 50 hp shall be controllable in response to the refrigeration load or the input power to the compressor shall be,controlled to be less than or equal to 60 percent of full load input power when operated at 50 percent of full refrigeration capacity. 2008 NONRESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE FORMS 2009