0008-0017 (SFD)49249 Avenida Anselmo LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chaptier.9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Di0ion 3 of the Business and P06ssionals Code, and my License is in full force/and effect. License # Lic. Class J'!iExp. Date 4 CIO Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION N I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm /under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (.,)/ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Sdcflon 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. % (This section need not be completed if th permit valu; tion is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any anner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of Calif nia, and agree khat if I should become subject to the workers' compensatioprovisions of Sectipo-3.7.00-e8-the-L. bor Code, I shallT,orthwith comply with t . se.<o,.visiCQg=:...: ---, Date: Applicant s Warning: Failure to secure Worked. Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to crimin penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensatio damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at' whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply wit All City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby au rize represeQttatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned prope or Inspection pu eoses__ Signature (Owner/Agent) '+% •''"" Date BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE VALUATION - - : LOT 7 TRACT fn g7?`;M.M 178 JOB SITE APN ;,ADDRESS 9-249 AVENMA . A1,50,MD 631-341-010 OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN INFER 1 bBE- r MOM.0 OR, A & M C014S MIXT1101T r 0 BOX t (IM -0 7 8-0741 s✓.fiLLE, CADIZ LA,QUDiTA A 92253 1: kQUJN 'A t'.:A 922$ (160):564.4932 Mi.e+'.f 626 1 USE OF PERMIT J, SMCxLE f-Ati iff MML-11TO SYM}>t;'lYWI 3' ,!'3f?RS NOT MIGSLtlM BID= WA1.,UPO0JLJS PSA. C IR. APPR l.,?vcti. l;jf34VEWA Y r sr"`3STOM CONSTRUCTION 4,030.t34► SP PiN Rf'ti3:lg>. °Pi0 Y523 .i3P! SP GARACE 943.00 3F R1i AMIr 1a'°= SPUMM SRT' QA NJ TRUCTION FEE 101 Ot 0•+41Es 4)i) SyS ,c t PIA_ 4 Cfl'1*(;6(: FRE, 1Fx1-()fill-t4 i'^31 $4,d a".0 W igDEPOSI`A' 101.000439.318 vffil,Ria#.d0 Yd40;K41ANIC,AS NW, 101.4t)(M21-00() $130.50 MA=RICA." t . °.',;; 101-000-420-000 52.36.66 PLfyt+ MP40 T+3E 101 -Coil) -419-000 $139.50 1%'1':4rO1tQO MOTION 1`'1!sR - RESID 101p000-241-000 05.28 apAn oo Pitt 101.000.423•M $20100 T1Ei E1.4WER MPACT M, $1,907.06 A;;2.'T 3,1x8 iPr,t,431 :.W PLAZES - Rg,,IEC'%01-00A-•253_000 $331.95 7M.4)9/3 rE1( y ypRCy,p? ct,ALYIf +,,MM 0'40 90 "11(yrAil E6* 1 EEM M6 ,6 MTE N4.Awa 17 FEB 26 2001. I III II VIII III I IIII 32 ATY 6 < _.. i IE RECEIPT DATE § BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR ` BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Forms & Fobtings d / ` Underground Ducts Ducts Slab Grade /Zg� ej Return Air Steel Roof Deck Combustion Air Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap _ _ _ _ F.A.U. Framing _ / Compressor Insulation i/'% _` _ Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath III Final Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final _ Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final _ Waste Lines _ j �A Heater Final Water Piping I ``"' Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out _ Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral�-s Ir Sewer Connectio ?�lCJ �/ Pool Cover _- — Encapsulation o Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS .Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) �_� d X Ga', Hartman COVER PAGE Date: 4/9/2001 Time: 2:57:36 PM -.: K. Gacy Hartman From : Dennis S. Wish rent : 4/9/2001 at 2:51:52 PM Pages: 3 (including Cover) S°­_;ctural O:bservafion' Monroe Residence High Strength Grade Beams r. Gary Hartman -Inspector, City.of La Quinta .?;e: 04/09/2001 Page 1 3 F ca,_agedthd:l observation report in compliance with 97 Uniform Building Code section 1702 as or a'I high strength grade beams. The report contains deficiencies which were discussed on the site _ ` •;,' ; , Wil! be inspected and verified for corrections indicated by Mr. Jack Milin Registered Deputy -speczion. . ^e report assumes approval upon compliance with these.provisions. If a wet --stamped copy is required, pleas notify this office or the Contractor A&M construction and I Will provide as many wet -stamps as you require. :;::fcmia Registered Professional Engineer _Y.v. 03/11/03 -a Oay Hartman -:: 9_ ''001 Mr. Gary Hartman - Inspector II'Iikh; ggndSafety i:on.ia 9223 Date: 4/9/2001 Time: 2:57:36 PM STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT 54-625 AVENIDA BERMUDAS. LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 92253 760.564.0884 PHONE 0 208.361.5447 E -FAX 0 STRUCTURES@ENG IN EE R. COM Page 2 of 3 ce ::)liar_ce «ith 'BC Section 1702, a structural observation was performed on the structure located at 40249 Avenida Anselmo — Golf Estates. The Observation was performed on this building on 04 / 09 / 2001 at 11:00 AM. An inspection was med for f c -3,000 -psi concrete grade beams at the laterally supported columns of the Porte Cochere and at the lateral load res sing columns on the West side of the home adjacent to the great -room and Kitchen areas Excerpt from 1994 Uniform Building Code Section 1702 — Structural Observation: Structural Observation shall be provided in Seismic Zone 3 or 4 when one of the following conditions exists: 1. The structure is defined in Table 16-K as Occupancy Category I, II or III or, 2. The structure is required to comply with section 403, or _,"I sLch observation is specifically required by the building official. The owner shall employ the engineer or architect responsible for the structural design, or another engineer or ...rc�,;'ect designated by the engineer or architect responsible for the structural design, to perform structural o --servation as defined in Section 220. Observed deficiencies shall be reported in writing to the owner's representative, special inspector, contractor and the building official. The structural observer shall submit to the building official a written statement that the site visits have been made and identifying any reported deficiencies which, to the best of the structural observers knowledge, have not been resolved. !_ The structure was found to be in conformance with the design details, framing plans and structural notes. The engineer responsible for the structural design has certified to the best of his knowledge that the building complies with the design, drawings and details for the lateral resisting system. J Str.ictural corrections have been made and confirmed by the engineer responsible for the structural design on . This letter shall be submitted to the building official to certify that compliance with Section 1702 and Section 220 of the 1994 Uniform Building Code and previous deficiencies have been corrected. The engineer certifies to the best of his knowledge that the structural deficiencies have been resolved and are in conformance with the intentions of the structural design, drawings and details. F77 I -o. 'v - Gary Hartman Date: 4/9/2001 Time: 2:57:36 PM Page 3 of 3 Page 2 owing deficiencies were identified. Corrections shall be made before framing insnection is complete and final -'i_::.;•ed, �I�ti+Sl,fl�nclC:i:.<ut ii'l♦flJa t1K -.. t .. I , ;.:;swings and a final Observation shall again be ordered to verify that deficiencies has been corrected to the best of his knowledge. Number Description of Structural Deficiency 01 The spacing of the #3 shear ties did not meet the specifications of detail 5 and 6 on sheet S3.1. The bars at 12 - inches to 36 -inches from the face of the steel columns are to be spaced at 6 -inches on center. .pack Milin — Deputy Inspector was at the site while my observation took place. I have charged him with the responsibility to insure that the additional bars are added before the concrete is placed. Where the existing geometry does not allow for the installation of a complete wrap, the contractor my use bars that are bent 90- d=ees — overlanning and tying them in Dlace. ?= The bend at the comers of the #3 ties was not in compliance with the 135 -degree requirement of the code. The contractor placed a crew on the field bending of the bars prior to placement of the concrete and again, Jack Milin has been charged with including the correction verification in. his insnection renort. Although not required of the structural observation, I have asked Jack Milin to verify the existence of the grade -beam across the front of the garage which is required on the drawings to connect the foundations for the Hardy Panels to assist in the resistance of moment induced in the base of the panels. Milin will include the verification in his inspection report (and may be disregarded if already verified and inspected by the city building inspector). :.� Lbservation for the high strength grade beams, upon correction of the above deficiencies verified by the deputy s•:ector c: arged with the continuous inspection of the 3,000 -psi concrete will satisfy the requirements of section 1702 for this phase of construction. With this stipulation, the work is found to be within the intent and specifications of the structural drawings. Please contact my office at your discretion if you should have any additional questions or comments regarding this project. Sincerely. De-Ln:.s S. Wish PE S _-.;ctura Engineering Consultant on 04/09/2001 to: %,—r. Gan- Hartman, A&M Construction, Mr. Robert Monroe (owner) Dot S01.01 1/09/99 �r'\==-ING FOR • CUSTOM HOMES • REMODEL • COMMERCIAL • LIGHT INDUSTRIAL • SEISMIC RETROFIT & REPAIR • UNREINFORCED MASONRY • RETAINING WALLS & FOUNDATION C, S: OAYAGE ASSESSMENT • NEW ROOF • INSURANCE CLAIM • DENNIS S. WISH P.E. HAS BEEN A MEMBER OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SINCE 1983 9 From: Dennis S. Wish To: Mr. Gary Hartman Date: 7/5/2001 Time: 11:25:24 PM The City of La Quinta -Ht . DEPARTM .NT_QF, BUILDING AND SAFETY r:.. Vin;.'' : 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253- "'`' T 760/777-7012, F 760/777-7014, E-mail: mailto: ngormley@la-quinta.org STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT FORM Page 2 of 2 STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION means the visual observation of the structural system, for general conformance to the approved plans and specifications, at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system. Structural observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspections required by Section 108, 1701 or other sections of the Code. Report No. 0045 - Monroe This report includes all construction work through 2nd day of July 12001 Page No. 1 of 1 Project Address: Structural Observer of Record (SOR): SOR Phone No.: 40-249 Avenida Anselmo, L.Q. Golf Estates Dennis S. Wish, PE 564-0884 Building Permit No.: Structural Observation performed by. Observer Professional LicJReg. No.: Observer Phone No.: ❑ Caisson, Piles, Grade Beams Dennis S. Wish, PE C 041250 Exp 03/31/03 564-0884 OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS FOUNDATION WALL FRAMES FLOOR PORTION OBSERVED, IF NOT WHOLE ❑ Footing, Stem Walls, ❑ Mat Foundation ❑ Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ Steel Moment Frame ❑ Steel Braced Frame ❑ Concrete ❑ Steel Deck Structural Load Path, blocking, shear transfer from ❑ Caisson, Piles, Grade Beams Wood ❑ Concrete Moment Frame ❑ Wood TruSses Lu WEIIIS,bulls, 611 pInte ❑ Retaining Foundation' Hillside Special Anchors ❑.Other: ❑ Masonry Wall Frame ❑ Others: conditions. Checked beam and draq member strapping. ❑ Others: ❑ Others: OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES: I DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE: 1. 1 AM THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT RETAINED BY THE OWNER TO BE IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FOR THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CrrY/COUNTYOF-La Quintal Riverside County_ 2. I, OR ANOTHER ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT WHO I HAVE DESIGNATED ABOVE AND IS UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE, HAS PERFORMED THE REQUIRED SITE VISITS AT EACH SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION STAGE TO VERIFY IF THE STRUCTURE IS IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH APPROVEt5•I1LANs*AND SPECIFICATIONS; ;ALFICIENCIES WHICH REMAIN TO BE CORRECTED HAVE BEEN INDICATED ABOVE; MMENDTHAT •CEPTANCE FTHE TRUCTURAL SYSTEMS BY THE CITY/COUNTY sBE HHELD UNTIL ALL OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES RRECTED. &��J July 2, 2001 SIGNATURE DATE sorf.doc - LARUCP Structural Observation Report Form (V1.0 - 512000) NO.C•ON3ti0 EXP. - CIVIL STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD Page 1 of 1 From: Dennis S. Wish To: Mr. Ga Hartman Date: 7/5/2001 Time: 11:25:24 PM Page 1 of 2 FACSIMILE COV R PAGE To: Mr. Gary Hartman From : Dennis S. Wish Sent : 7/5/2001 at 11:20:16 PM Pages : 2 (including Cover) Subject : Final Structural Observation - Monroe Residence Please find attached, the final structural observation for load path compliance done on 7/2/01 for the Monroe Residence at Avenda Anselmo in the La Quinta Golf Estates. To: A&M Construction - I received your message today and am still in town catching up on loose ends, this was one of them. To: Bob Monroe - I inspected the framing on 7/2/01 with Manny from A&M. The quality of the work I inspected was very good. I asked Manny to verify the installation of the A35 clips from the top of the shearwall at the back of the walk-in closet in the master bedroom but assume that they are in place as the slab on the east side of the wall is marked by the framer showing the number of clips required by the shearwall schedule. The clips were not easily seen because of the installation of the 2x joist laid flat to allow connection of the gypsum ceiling. I believe it is in place and have made that assumption. For your information, I was impressed with the quality of the framing as A&M took care to make sure that the structural drawings were complied with. To: Gary Hartman - The attached represents the final Observation which is the load path inspection of shearwalls connected from roof to foundation. It appears that everything is in good order and as noted above, the quality of the framing was very good. If there is anything additional that you wish for me to address other than the shearwall load path, please let me know. As far as I am aware, this is the only observation required as the city performs inspection of the roof sheathing nailing and is not normally part of the structural observation. The foundation Observation report was submitted in writing to you and each of the above on April 9, 2001 and this covered the grade beam (3000 psi concrete) foundations. Please advise if there are any follow-ups to be made on this project. Otherwise, It is my professional opinion that the structural framing is ready to wrap. The city may have other corrections to the mechanical, electrical or plumbing required before the approval to wrap is provided Dennis S. Wish, PE C041250 - Expires 03-31.2003 Desert Sands Unified School District 47-950 Dune Palms Road Notice: La Quinta, CA 92253 Document Cannot Be Duplicated 760-771-8515 Date 2/23/01 No. 21706 Owner NameRobert Monroe CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111 37 IE APN# 631-342-010 Jurisdiction La Quints No. 49-249 Street Avenida Anselmo City La Quinta zip 92253 Permit # 008-017 Log # Study Area Tract # Lot # 128 Square Footage 4080 Type of Development Single Family Residence Comments No. of Units 1 At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or replacement mobilehomes. It has been determined the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Government Code 53080 in the amount of 2.05 X 4,080 or $ 8,364.00 the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may -ow be issued Fees Paid B CCNalle Independent Bank - Rick Morris . le �; " Y Y p Telephones 7601568-4481 Name on the check By Dr. Doris Wilson 4 ' r Superintendent Fee collected /exempt d by Annette Barlow Signature Payment Received $8,364.00 Check No. 235295 VOTICE: Pursuant of Assembly Bill 3081 (CHAP 549, STATS. 1998) this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is sssued or on which they are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to :ollect them on the Disbict('s)(s') behalf, whichever is earlier. Collector: Attach a copy of county or city plan check application form to district copy for all waivers. Embossed Original- Building Dept./Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting L 2 c.L-&L-trz_ G co.A?& L Commun.i.#.y Azzoctat.i.on P. 0. Box 162 La Quinta Ca 92253 Telephone: 760/564-2177 FAX: 760/564-4882 November 6, 2000 Planning Department CITY OF LA QUINTA P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta CA 92253 RE: New Construction 49-249 Avenida Anselmo Gentlemen: The Architectural Committee and Board of Directors have reviewed.the plans submitted by Mr. Robert Monore for new construction on Lot 128 in La Quinta Golf Estates. Mr. Monroe has requested a variance on the E1 Nido side of the property. The Board has approved this variance and the neighboring. homeowners have no objections. In all other respects these plans meet the specifications setforth in our governing.documents and we do, therefore, approve these plans for construction. If you have any questions, please contact the Association office. Yours truly, Peter Murphy Architectural Chairman 38 The Architectural Committee and Board of Directors have reviewed.the plans submitted by Mr. Robert Monore for new construction on Lot 128 in La Quinta Golf Estates. Mr. Monroe has requested a variance on the E1 Nido side of the property. The Board has approved this variance and the neighboring. homeowners have no objections. In all other respects these plans meet the specifications setforth in our governing.documents and we do, therefore, approve these plans for construction. If you have any questions, please contact the Association office. Yours truly, Peter Murphy Architectural Chairman October 3, 2000 City of La Quinta Department of Building and Safety 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Attn: Mr. Greg Butler STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING' CONSULTANT _54625 AVENIDA.BERMUDAS . LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA.92253 760.564.0884 PHONE •' 208.361.5447 E -FAX • STRUCTU RES@ENG INEER.COM Regarding: Monroe Residence, 49-249Avenida Ansehno, La Quanta Ca. — Truss.Calculations Dear Greg: IIIIIII VIII III VIII IIII 39 IE I have reviewed the truss calculations for the Monroe. Residence at 49-249 Avenida Anselmo, La Quinta by The Truss Company. It is my professional opinion that the design of the trusses complies with the intentions of the structural design- The Truss Company used the appropriate live and dead loads, representing the materials to be used on this home. All drag trusses are, to the best of my knowledge, appropriately designed and -included in the truss package. Sincerely, Dennis S. Wish PE Structural Engineering Consultant .STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING FOR -CUSTOM HOMES - REMODEL - COMMERCIAL • LIGHT INDUSTRIAL - SEISMICRETROFIT& REPAIR UNREINFORCED MASONRY - RETAINING WALLS & FOUNDATION -REPORTS: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 40 .: YOUNG ENGINEERING SER VICES • Engineering • Architecture -Surveying- Building & Safety Services Letter of Transmittal To: City of La Quinta Date: Project: Greg Butler W. 0.: Tel No.: Tract No.: We are forwarding: No. of Copies 2 2 1 1 49-249 Aveneda Anselmo Monore Residence By Messenger By Mail Your Pickup Description: Resubmitted plans from 1" check Revised plans for 2"d check Structural/Truss calculations Title 24 report This Material Sent for: Your Files Per Your Request Your Review Approval X Checking At the request of: Other By: Marcell M'Elroy Phone # 342-9214 47-159 Youngs Lane • Indio, CA 92201 • (760) 342-9214 •Bron Young • 41 41 41 - 241 AlA4,5r1-v%o IE Af ppwk, .,,CMVMOFRWRME141EALrHqCRVICIESA(39NCY 'DEPARTMENT OF FENVAONMB -14YAL ft& -M � tows d 6 FIftr P&* Apt- HbtW —sq. Ft. Of L#=ff Wo Seems pit Ponnection to Sewer pool Ponnect to Existing S.S.D.S. 1111111054" fapsoefsrg Water softening devices may be discharged into the individual sewage disposal 4100 hwftft 4=mvid without clearance fmin the Water Quality Control Board. SuMly arml this installation must be from an approved source � 650106 doposal installation -must conform with requirements of current Uniform Plumbing Code. ecuttky& grading of fitfing in excess of two(2) iaet will nullify sewage disposal approval. AwavW hu beitin obtained from the Regional Water Quality Control Board for installation of the sewage Tft b 10 cofft that the Riverside County Environmental Heafth Services approves the subsurface sewage dkP=W Plot Plan to obtain building permit for install&,ron,consf r1ion. DATE _5.`�—�� By. %7-1+4r— f\4 vnd,,x 0,-, riled SIJ ck cgS (,,:3t,p5 / dr�c--3 % -N JL 0 floe. slot) GENERAL -INFORI Owner: Mr. � Urc...13,6 MOACoc, QUIAtq) CA,, 122S73 Leeal Project: PrbFCS4 sni,- Occupancy Bldg. Zone K -I Constructibn Type: Blida Code Bldg. S`q - F t..- LA\i,6 Ie. °1 43 `lt-. MultiStory.Cateral.Analysis Structural Engineering Consultant Job. No. •Engineer. OSW Date: 7125f00 54rn 625 AvarddaSerudas,.La:Quinta Califomia 92253 =760.5"0884 Job'.TRIe: Checked:. DSW Time: 14:17 249 Nz AP4szLµ10 42 IE Client Name Mr. Address Job Address La 1 Cor Description I Notes: I Enter Code Used 97 UBC er of Aven. El Nido & Story Custom Home Full Compliance to 1997 UBC with the following assumptions: 1) Main house, Garage -bedroom and Porta Cochere are separate structures. Main home and Garage-Berhoom are only joined by roof structure over breezeway. Therefore, home is designed as three separate structures acting independent of each other. Specifications: Douglas Fir Visually Graded Lumber ------------- g +`—' to my V ------- LL ca m N ma o c r 3 �ti tL Q to c`ot?a 20 N s 0 .5 °C'VM E7 Via = $� w 4X or Less --- --- — ---- --- Select Structural —_-- 2" and Deeper 1000 95 625 1900000 #1 -- --_ 2" and Deeper —1 1000 675 95 _ 625 1700000 #2 ------ — 2" and Deemer – – 875 575 --326 ___96 –625 1600000 Stud Grade 2" and Deeper X500 — 95 -- 625 1400000 6X Members— —_— Select Structural Posts 1500 1000 85 62_5 1600000 ------ — _ Posts 1200 – 825 _ 85-- 625 1600000 #2 ----- Posts -- — 700 -475 85 625 1300000 Select Structural Beams 1600 950 _- 85 625 1600000 !i --- Beams 1356 675 85 625 1600000 #2------ ---------------- Beams --- 875 _ 425 --- 85 —6251300000 Glu=Lam -------- ---- -Unbalanced dry use 24F -V3 DF/DF 2400 1100 —165 650El 00000 --_--- 110000000 Or Cantilevered _�--- — _ _ --_ NOTE: ALL LUMBER TO BE 19LN DRIED AND GRADE STAMPED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Code: 1997 Uniform Building Code Steel: Anchor Softs - A307, Threaded Rods - SAE 1018, Rebar - fs=40ksi for #3 or less, ft=60 ksi for all other Structural Wide Flange - Fy-36ksi, Structural Tubes - Fy=46 ksi Concrete fc=2,500 psi for all slabs, continuous foundations and spread footings - no inspection required. fc=3,000 psi for all structural grade beams - inspection required. 0045 - Mufti-Lat CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE °p BY �FtcG Si:�