11-0925 (SOTB) Structural Calcs�l AUG 2 9 2011 F OF SAFETY IDEPTING & APPROVED I FOR CONS ON DA �V"By—�T� $36 t' PAMSON C.ti.stwrw Aamfat 69* p_L— WO GROUP INL".. Tp9M��M.M�MfiL!* NO N;, hn 00:�r�� A: 4U1-44liMBUFF FM • NUEVA, LVMa1l1ETV07M &ts6lr=lovrer��000 -IWpfijiwilm • piulplij. <4410 --7j&F awftblfm a Eiy.nsrrp rMe IAM f Project General Motors ROSS BRYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet No. 1 of 6 Model S-36-8-90 CONSULTNG ENGINEERS Job No. 114602 By EOS NASHVILLE, TN. Date 5/13/11 b 1_ v 7� AU6 4 9 2011 II 11 pme tt-M2 S ITY®F LAQUINTA UILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVE® FOR CONSTRUCTION ,TE I � BY X IF s4 No.C664 * * a J' uD CIv0- OF CNi N EXPIRESCD JUN 3 ® 2012 ul 0 Icuu 0 .I_— Ln U7 IIcc IIS Project ' General motors Retrofit ROSS BRYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet No. 2' of 6 Model` 5-36-8-90; i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Job No. 114602 By DHB 6' NASHVILLE ' , TNDate 5/13/11 CODES 2010 California Building Code 2009 International Building Code - Wind Loads per provisions of ASCE 7-05 AISC Steel Construction Manual, 13th Edition ACI 318-08, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete SIGN DIMENSIONS: Signe Length, B 6.38, ft. Overall, Height, h 8 ft. Sign, Depth, s 6.38' ft. Column Column Height, c Cover, g 1.62 ft. 0.5 ft. MAIN COLUMN SECTION' PROPERTIES:. qh = 0.00256 * k, * kzt * kd * VZ * I' kz = Sectiow HSS6X6XS/16 1.0 kd, = COMPACT SECTION Cover Plates: Not Applicable Fy = i 46 ksil E = 29000 ksi, C = 18.90 in3 b = 0.00: in. A = 6.43' im' I = 34.30 in. b/t = 17.60 in. t = 0.00 in. d= 6.00 in. Sx = 11.40 in.4 h/t = 17.60 in. Sx(eff). = 11.40 in, b = 6.00 in. rx = 2.31 in.3 Zx(eff) = 13.60 in t = 0.29 in,. Zx. = 13.60 in. DEAD LOADS: Sign Weight = .12 psf Column Weight. 23.29 Ib/ft' WIND LOADS:, qh = 0.00256 * k, * kzt * kd * VZ * I' kz = 0.85 kZt = 1.0 kd, = 0.85 V = 90 r 1= 0.87 qh = 13.03 Ib/ftp P-qh*G*Cf, G = 0.85 B/s = 1.00- s/h = 0.80: Cf = 1.60 P = 17.74 Ib/ftZ Concrete = Soil = 150 pcf _ 90, pcf Velocity Pressure, ASCE 7-05, Section 6.5.10 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient, ASCE 7-05, Table 6-3 Topographic Factor, ASCE 7-05, Section Wind Directionality Factor, ASCE 7-05, Table 6-4 Basic Wind Speed, mph, ASCE 7-05,, Figure 6-1 Importance Factor, ASCE 7-05, Table 6-1 Design Wind Loads, ASCE 7-05; Section 6.5.14 Gust Effect Factor, ASCE 7-05, Section. 6.5.8 Length of Sign/Depth of Signe, Depth of Sign/Overall Height Force Coefficient, ASCE 7-05, Figure 6-20' CASE A: resultant acts normal to sign face through the geometric center CASE B: resultant acts normal to sign face at a distance from the geometric center toward the windward edge equal to 0.2*Sign Length CASE C: not applicable Project General Motors Retro f* ROSS BRYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet No. 3 of 6 Model S-36-8-90 521.64 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Job No. 114602 By DHB 1.47 k -ft NASHVILLE, TN Date 5/13/11 CHECK COLUMN: HSS6X6X5/16 Fy = 46 ksi Compressive Strength:. COMPACT SECTION ; LRFD Load Combinations: 1.21) + 1.6W AISC Specification Table 4-3 m * Rn = 196 kips > ASCE 7-05, Section 2.3 Resistance Factors: mb,T,V = 0.9 ` Factored Shear at Base: V = 1.18 - • V, AISC Specification F1, H3, G1 Service WindLoads: Moment Arms: Shear Strength: V-,. = 0.6 * Fy * AH,, * C;, V'n = 82.36 Sign, PW = 0.72 kips 4.81 ft. 0 * Vn = 74.12' kips > i Vu = Column, P,,, = 0.01 kips 0.81 ft. Combined Torsion, Shear, Flexure and Axial Force: Total Service Moment at Base: M = 3.48 k -ft t j I AISC Specification H3-6 i ((Pu/OPn) + (M'u/(DMn)J'. + I(Vu/(DVn) + (Tu/(DVn)]' = 0.12 Factored, Moment at Base of Column: Mu = 5.58 k -ft { I Yielding Strength: Mn = Mp = Fy * Zx Mn =... 52.13 k -ft AISC Specification F7-1 f Ob * Mr,= 46.92 k -ft > Mu = 5.58 k -ft O.K.. Factored Torsion Due to 0.2 Offset: Tu, = 1.47 k -ft Torsional Strength: Tn = F,, * C Tn = 521.64 k -ft AISC Specification H3-1 (DT * Tn, = 469.49 k -ft > Tu. = 1.47 k -ft OX. Factored Axial Load: P„ = 0.63 kipsY Compressive Strength:. AISC Specification Table 4-3 m * Rn = 196 kips > - Pu = 0.63 kips O'.K.. ` Factored Shear at Base: V = 1.18 - • V, kips, p Shear Strength: V-,. = 0.6 * Fy * AH,, * C;, V'n = 82.36 kips. AISC Specification G2-1 0 * Vn = 74.12' kips > i Vu = 1.18, kips Combined Torsion, Shear, Flexure and Axial Force: AISC Specification H3-6 i ((Pu/OPn) + (M'u/(DMn)J'. + I(Vu/(DVn) + (Tu/(DVn)]' = 0.12 < 1.G O.K., Project ' General Motors Retro fi` ROSS BRYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet No. 4 of 6 Model - 3-36-8-90 Pedestal Width = 2 ft i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Job No. 114602 By DHB Pedestal Length= 2 ft NASHVILLE TN Date 5/13/11 CHECK FOUNDATIONS: Overburden = 0.25 ft v LRFD Load Combinations: 55.72 1.21) + 1.6W ASCE 7-05, Section 2.3 Resistance Factors: Oplaim= 0.6 ACI 318-08' Bearing Pressure, gmax = (D„ = 0.75 ACI 318-08 Moment in Footing Mu = (b = 0.9' ACI 318-08 f"c _ .2500' psi- Pedestal Width = 2 ft pa = 150 psf/ft Pedestal Length= 2 ft qa = 1500' psf Overburden = 0.25 ft Total Service Wind Load: PW,- 0.74 kips i Total Service Moment at Base: M = 3.48 k -ft Rectangular Spread: Foundation: Length = 6.75 ft. Width = 5 ft. Depth= 3, ft.. Dead Load, Pd.= 16.51 kips Overturning Moment, Mo = 5.88 k -ft v Resistive Moment, Mr = 55.72 k -ft Mr/Mo = 9.48 > 1.5 Eccentricity, e = M/Pd. = 0.21 ft. kern, k = 1.13 ft. Bearing Pressure, gmax = 580.99 psf < % = 1500 psf Moment in Footing Mu = 23.68 k -ft No Reinforcing Required - Use Minimum Steel Use 4 "` No. 7 Bars Top and Bottom - Length. Use 5 No. 7 Bars Top and bottom - Width. Moment Capacity, (DM,, = 346.32 k -ft > M,, = 23.68 k -ft Check Shear, Vu = N/A *See Note Below Shear Capacity, m*V,,,=: 29.31 kips/ft O.K. e < k O.K. O.K., Block Foundation:: i Length,= 5.25 ft. Width = 5.25 ft. Depth = 5.25 ft. Dead Load, Pd.= 22.89 kips Overturning Moment, Mo = 7.54 k -ft. v Resistive Moment, Mr = 61.37 k -ft Mr/Mo = 8.14 > 1.5 O.K.. Eccentricity, e = M/Pd, _ 0.15 ft. kern, k = 0.88 ft.. e < k BearingPressure q'maz _ 502.46 psf, < p qa = 1500'• psf O.K.. _ Moment in Footing M -u = 16.31 k -ft No Reinforcing Required - Use Minimum Steel Use 3- No,. 7 Bars Top and Bottom.- Each Way. Moment Capacity, 4)M,, _: i 480.24 k -ft > M'u, = 16.31 k -ft O.K., *Shear is checked' at a distance of d from the face. of the pedestal; however; id is beyond the edge of the block footing, I Y g g, so the shear check is not applicable. ppli, Project ' General Motors Retro ROSS BRYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet No. 5 of 6 Model 3-36-8-90 I CONSULTING ENGINEERS Job No. 114602 By DHB NASHVILLE, TN Date 5/13/11 CHECK FOUNDATIONS: LRFD Load Combinations: 1.21) + 1.6W ASCE 7-05, Section 2.3 Resistance Factors: (D= 0.6 ACI 318-08 m. = 0.75 ACI 318-08, (D = 0.9 ACI 318-08. f'c _ 2500- psi: r Pedestal Width = 2 ft Pa. = 150- psf/ft Pedestal Length = 2 ft qa = 1500 psf Overburden. = 0.25 ft Total Wind Load: PW = 0.74 kips Total Service Moment at base: M = 3.48 k -ft Vertical. Slab. Foundation: Length = 2.5 "(top of slab) _ Height to P,, h = -Required Depth, d = d ff. Width = 4.5 ft 3.67 k -ft. 4.98 ff. 1.91 ft. O.K. Depth = 6.75 ft. IBC 2009, Section 1807.3.2.1 Moment in Footing, M„ = 5.87 k -ft Use 4 No. 6 Veritcal Bars on Each Face Use 5 No. 6 Horizontal Bars on Each Face Moment Capacity, ( n. = 208.05 k -ft > M„ = 5.87 k -ft Circular Caisson Foundation:: No. of Caissons= 1 M'(top of caisson),= Height to P,,,, h Required Depth, d Diameter = 2.5 ft: 3.67 k -ft: 4.98. ft. 2.38i ft. O.K. Moment in Footing, M',, _ 5.8.7 k -ft Use 6; No. 7 Vertical Bars Use No. 3 Ties at 14 inches ox max.. Moment Capacity, mMin 173.80 k -ft > Depth 5.5 ft. O.K. IBC 2009, Section 1807.3.2.1 Mu = 5.87 k -ft O.K., project ' General Motors Retro f ROSS BRYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet No. 6 of 6 Model 5-36-8-90 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Job No. 114602 By DHB �' NASHVILLE TN Date 5/13/12 CHECK SOCKET: PC = 2500 psi. Bearing Width, b = 6.00 in.. Embedment, d' = 24 in.. Service Moment at Socket, M = 3.48 k -ft Wind Load at Socket, P.= 0.74 kips Maximum Bearing = (M + P-*d/21*(6/d2) + P ... /d = 0.09 ksi b Minimum Bearing = (M + P,,;*d/2)*(6/dZ); - P_/d; 0.08 ksi. b. Allowable Bearing = 0.3*f'c = 0.75 ksi i 4b O.K.