RFP Addendum No. 1 - Historic Resources Survey Update TO: All Historical Survey RFP Consultants DATE: January 14, 2022 SUBJECT: Historical Survey RFP UPDATED DEADLINE FEBRUARY 4, 2022 The updated deadline for this RFP is February 4, 2022. Response to Questions The following are the City’s responses to the questions received: 1. What is the budget for the project? $60,000 is the current project budget. 2. Would the 261 properties that have already been documented need to be re- documented, or just noted if demolished? They would need to be redocumented. 3. Are the survey boundaries the City limits? Yes. 4. Would updating the 2011 Draft Historic Context Statement (adding contexts, extending time periods, outlining eligibility and integrity considerations) be part of the scope? Yes. 5. How many parcels are in the City, and how many parcels are expected to be surveyed? We don’t have a running list of total parcels and part of expectation of work is to research the total number of necessary and relevant parcels/buildings to be surveyed. 6. Would gated communities or private golf clubs be required to be surveyed? If so, would the City arrange access? Possibly yes if they qualify and yes City could assist in arranging access. 2 7. Can the Historic Resources Inventory Database be made available? The link does not appear to be working on the city’s website. Yes, it is available here: https://laqlaserweb.laquintaca.gov/WebLink/CustomSearch.aspx?SearchName=Historic ResourcesProperties 8. What does the City expect to be documented on DPR523A forms verses DPR523B forms? It must follow the California Office of Historic Preservation’s rules on completing the form. Certain surveyed sites may require the DPR523A versus the DPR523B. (Example: If only the building is documented as historic). 9. Would the City consider other options (like a database or spreadsheet format with accompanying map) rathe than completing DPR forms? Yes, the City would be open to alternative options. 10. What is the expected timeframe for the project and is there a certain date to complete the project? The expectation is to complete this during this fiscal year, although it is up to consultant to provide a timeline. 11. What are the City’s GIS capabilities and expectations for survey result deliverables? What assistance for preparing maps will be available? The City has existing maps and GIS data that can be made available for the applicant. The expectation for procuring new maps and information is that the consultant would complete this work. 12. How many rounds of review with City staff, the public, and/or HPC are expected for the draft report? It is expected that there will be many meetings with City staff to go over the draft report. The City does not have a HPC, but the expectation is that this would go through at least one Planning Commission and City Council meeting. 13. How many public meetings are anticipated, and with whom (Planning Commission, City Council, community stakeholders, etc.)? At least one Planning Commission meeting and one City Council meeting is anticipated. There is the potential for additional meetings with these legislative bodies as well as a meeting with community historical stakeholders. 14. For the proposal, is it 25 pieces of paper total (allowing for double-side printing, so 50 pages), or 25 single-sided pages? 3 The expectation is for the proposal to be submitted digitally and would be 25 total pages. 15. Is there a specific format for the cost proposal? A cost proposal is mentioned on page 5, but there are no further details given. No specific format, but a spreadsheet is fine. 16. May we submit similar projects that are in progress, or to samples need to have been completed? Yes, projects in progress may be submitted. 17 - Cost Proposal: Please clarify how the cost proposal should be included in the submission. Does the City prefer separate proposal and cost files? Should the cost proposal be included within the proposal(if so, please indicate where it should reside)? See answer to question 15 18 . Will the City accept electronic submissions of the proposal or hard-copy submission only? If electronic submission of the proposal is acceptable, please provide the instructions for doing so. It can be emailed to cflores@laquintaca.gov 19. Please clarify if the following items will be included in the page count: Cover page, cover letter, table of contents? They are not 20. Is the survey update a grant funded project? It is not. 21. Does the City have an estimated number of properties to be surveyed? We do not. 22. Between 1997 and 2006, 262 properties were surveyed for eligibility. Does this ‘262’ count cover all buildings and structures, etc. constructed through 1962? According to the original report which would need to be reviewed, it does. 23. How many buildings were constructed in La Quinta from 1963 through 1977 (1963- 1977)? We don’t have this on hand at the moment. This would need to be researched through the County of Riverside (The City incorporated in 1983). 24-The RFP indicates that previously surveyed properties which now may meet the 4 criteria to qualify them as historic resources should be surveyed. Does this assume re- survey of all 261 previously surveyed properties using DPR 523 L (Continuation Sheet - Update) forms? The RFP also states "Properties previously surveyed and listed need not be re-surveyed." Please clarify the number of previously surveyed properties to be updated / resurveyed and the number of unsurveyed properties to be surveyed (those built from 1963 forward). This would be the 261 properties 25. Please clarify if Work Item #4 (municipal code and procedural analysis) is expected to result in adopted municipal code revisions including the internal and public review process to facilitate those revisions by the selected consultant, or if the consultant should simply provide recommended language revisions to staff without the participatory process. The latter – consultant would provide recommendations for Staff and the City to pursue.