0209-025 (CSCS) Application InstructionsOGT -15-02 TUE 4;27 PM MUP,ASPEC NA 6ING 01'vt,10N/A�� SOLuTIONS INC. , 176 Ghent Road �r Fairlawn, OH 44333 STOP AND READ BEFORE INSTALLING Important — If at any time during the installation a discrepancy is discovered, STOP. Contact your distributor or dealer to resolve before proceeding. Before cutting, examine goods to make certain pattern color is satisfactory and as ordered. Check all roll tickets to determine if more than one run or tot of the same pattem is to be installed. Cut panels and headers in roll number sequence, making sure that run numbers are broken at INSIDE comers only. COMMERCIAL WALLCOVERING MUST BE INSTALLED IN REVERSE ROLL NUMBER SEQUENCE. Ailow for matching of repeats and trimming at the ceiling and the baseboard. Number panels and headers as they are cut from the roll and apply to the wall In the same sequence. Be sure t0 cut in REVERSE ROLL NUMBER SEQUENCE. INSTALL ALL WALLCOVERING UNDER ADEQUATE LIGHTING. EVALUATE: FOR COLOR UNIFORMITY UNDER PERMANENT LIGHTING CONDMONS, WHEN THIS 1S NOT POSSIBLE, DUPLICATE THE FINAL LIGHTING CONDITIONS AS NEARLY AS POSSIBLE. Plaster and masonry wall surfaces should not exceed 5.6% moisture as measured by a molsture metar. Do not install wallcoveOng unless a temperature above. 55 degrees is maintained in both areas of installation and storage for three days before and throc daye after the installation, If there are any questions concerning the surface to be covered, a test installation of at leash three strips applied three days in advance of itre main installation is recommended. Surface Preparation Proper surface preparation Is essential for a quality wallcovering Installation. 1. The wall surface should be clean, dry, structurally sound and free of mildew, grease, or other stains. Any loose paint must be removed from the wail. (See. paint testing next page.) Glossy and semigloss paint must be primed with a good quality walloovering primer. Any wall irregularltias ehould be corrected with either spackling or drywall compound. Ballpoint Ink, grease, lipstick, crayon, or any foreign contamination should be cleaned, or removed from the wall, or sealed with a stain killer primer/sealer to prevent any bleeding of the mark or stain through the wallcovering. Marking pen inks must be removed from the wall. 2. Ideally, new plaster wall should age 60.90 days before painting or Installing wallcovering. If you cannot wait, then wash newly plastered walls with a zinc sulfate solution to neutralize the lime (2- 6 pounds of zine sulfate crystals per gallon of water). Old plaster walls should have efflorescence crystals removed. 3. Remove old wallcovering completely. After wallcovering is removed, remove remaining adhesive wllh a good quality adhesive remover, than rinse the wall and allow to dry, Prime with a good quality walloovering primer. If the old wallcoveNng is peelable, remove both the top and bottom toyer of wallcovering. Hanging vinyl walloovering ovor other vinyl wallcovering inoretises the smoke generation, flammability and tuxioity in the event of a fire. For this Mason, OMNOVA SOLUTIONS iNG. neither encourages such use of vinyl wallcovering nor provides any warranty regarding such use. However, If a customer understands the added risks and elects to proceed with such installation, OMNOVA SOLUTIONS INC, will supply information that may be helpful in Achieving the best possible adhesion. Improving adhesion will help to reduce the rl9k of delaminatlon. Delamination unfortunately contributes to increases in smoke generation and flammability. FAX NO. 714 736 9722 P. 3 c u e ora i aldxa i i ib VAUE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS VI YL WALLCOVERING ANY OF THESE PROCEDURES SHOULD BE FOLLOWEi) WITH AN APPLICATION OF A GOOD QUALITY WALLCOVERING PRIMER. On plastered or painted walls, apply a good quality walloovering primer. On new drywall, apply a good quality opaque/whits wallcovering primer. Application 1. This walloovering requires the use of heavy duty day based (see next page) for 20 oz., or higher weight walicovering. 19 oz or less wallcovering can use a heavy duty clear. 2. When installing textured or non -matched pattems, reverse hanging of alternate steps is required to ensure color continuity from strip to strip. 3. AFTER THRER STRIPS ARE INSTALLED, .INSPECT THE WALLCOVtrRING. IF THE PATTERN EFFECT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, OR IF THERE I$ VARIATION IN COLOR, DISCONTINUE HANGING AND CONTACT THE DEALER OR DISTRIBUTOR IMMEDIATELY, OMNOVA SOLUTIONS INC. will not be liable for labor charges over three strips. Defective walloovering will be replaced. 4. Determine whether the pattern match is random, straight across, or drop match_ Measure the wall height, allowing for pattern match, add 4 inches, then out the wallcovering. it will overlap onto the ceiling and the base board approAmately 2 inches. 6. Apply the recommended adhesive to the back using either a pasting machine or a point roller. Work the adhesive to to cover the back coinpleteiy, especially noor the edges. Fold each enri toward the middle. pasted sides together, aligning the edges carefully so they do not dty out. CauUon: Do not crease tho walloovering, /Ulow to "relax" or book for 10 minutes (bookinq). This will allow the adhesive to penetrate the wallcovering fabric which Is important for a successful installation. 6, Many geometric and matched patterns may rcquire table trimmtng with a straight edge to ensure pattern uniformity across seams. Other patterns should be overlapped and double cut on the wall. Care should be exercised so that the wallboard underneath Is not Scorer!. A double cuWna toot or seam pad is recommended to prevent scoring the wall. The selvage (excess trimmed edge) should be removed from the wall and the seam closod within one hour. 7. Hang the first strip to a plumb line end allow it to overlap onto the ceiling and baseboard. Use a smoothing brush, broad knife, or plastic smoother to remove any air bubbles and to make sure all of the wallcovering has made good contact to the 'Nall. Trim with scissors or razor knife at the ceiling and baseboard, Around wlndovre, etc. H-1 1/25!01 Jaw1Jd 6utJeA60110M yl$-Z'oa Jessulz we1111M JaMOSPOWPd 61JIuan03116M 030 MS -11V 0i181sOMIJ uoP100 St -11 I81401688JUld SBAIS04PV ueWoa (JeW!Jd SUIJen00110M 01IAj*d Ano WOH SeI40) Aewua 15UP"001111eM 1euolss6;0Jd 91!weuAa suewoWuosg10 sieved Simawtud uorsm ype !o sputiq pmoidde •ONI SNOL f) -10S VAONNO Jewud ButJan6011eM PAIIVIIIO 09H°J 1sa)ueH U0100 ZP1014S eoecu01e1t11 leWaAlun Jasoulz w8111IM ZPI1e4S ase81101BSJeAJua-ou Jessuiz u+e!IIIM (JSWIJd Bu!J8A00119M ZIVJ'JV 8114AA ZUL#) ;sAew!Ad SUPAoolleM Ieuolssallud ellweuA0 suBw6H-uosg10 awpde tlln samseov umoid sJeleas/JamlJd pasvat 151d `o spue,lq peAOJdde VV) SIv011mOS VAONNO esmapuem •00 Jessu!2 ure1111M d8Jd JAUTA seAlS8gPV ueuloa (Jawlid 6UJA0nooll10m 011440V LZtL#) :sJewud 6u1Janoo1lcM Ieuoleseloid eyweuAa sumak-uosglO sJaralid J0010 Jo cpuwq puAaudda 'ONI SNOUn loS tfAONNO (oAl9e4pV 6uueA03118M Ae10 AIM AAee14 2[U#) OAJS04PV 6u{J8AQ011e'M JBuoissaJOJd 071w8uAo suewoH-uosgt0 Z£L'bAd GAIS44PV IAUTA 416uaAlg eJla saAiseypy uewo2l s$u1J8A04#13m -mge,aq J0 zo 6Z /01 (poseq Belo) sa usaype B1tU0AO0J10M 417p AA00q Jo SPUI?Jq panoJdde VNI SNOUP-10S VAONNO GAIS04PV 6uueAOOlISM 014eddJAS aee10 A1nq AmeH qaU# OA!se4Pll 6WgAoollpM Je9lo f4n(] AwsH OSLO eAlse4py 6uimoopeM Jeelo Aina AAeaH Ktj# OA!saLpV BuVeAmlleM elgeddlgg Aelo A1nia AAAnI4 CeVL# an1980V 6u.WAo0pBM Alma AAeaH 4 t lL# :IDAIS34PV 6uuane011119M IOU0186OWd g1weuA0 suttucltuo8410 aAise4Py 410 A1np AAeAH ov-i4o anisagpy mo alcieddlAS "!D :12eAAgH ueP100 089-OJ4 aA1se4pV J"n m4in OL"Jd an!S84pV eiged(JAS jeel0 Alva AAeaH K9 -ad aNse4PV Ae010 ulna AAeaH VLL-OJd eAlsa4Per elgeddA.S Aero :seAlsa4PV ueuwll SOkUaAoaJigm $sal Jo zo gt Jq; senrsreyPg jg4iaM Wrnpam pup;yBq so SPUNJ9 paAcadde 'ON/ SN011MOS VAONNO •6upaAoolleM a41 woy 49!ug mlpUe 1Uud anoweJ PIM Asia asneoeq "ole 'sASAOWw 6nq pue JB1 'AanowaJ 4sliod lieu so 4ons 'suoge.Jedwd 6uluealo adAl-luanlos am -as asn lou o(1 aoucjWde Aa4Blsun ue SulAval eocjuns 941 jaw Amp asneoaq sAaueep aa!setge polopMod Ao poom leafs ane 6ulueap Jot papuewwoae) ION •1ua6jelap 8 6uu(Idde J94e Ilam Rem o4l esup sAemlV ylom aigue 041 Buildwaue sJo;eq lsly We snomidswcol us AJl 'papuowujwej sl luaBialep Ae6uoAls a to asn ata 'chop 80epns Aluo ane le41 suIsIs 11now p aAow Aod 'lemol ea,; Ml 'gos e talM AAp 6up9A03ReMl0J2 -9e00png passaldap ul 906pol ytp pauesool Jo sons asea ul U04VQ IA P -4X8 paau SSUu3n0011em passogwa Aldeea '46Uods a 6ulsn um6p do; a4l Won; Aal'urA ub„alo Wp AI46noimn esula -6u>r»sans luanojd of pue ruTaogastq a41 loeloid of plemdn 118M 04110 wopoq 841 w04 uealo •swaped paAnlxal AJdaap 10 GeOIAam 041 won; pip anowaJ W 4sniq 9psuq a 'Atesswou p pue 'AaleM tweM 'd1301 pllW a Ullm panoweJ aq into sa6ptllus pue Pip AUeu!pjo 'eseo nue u! pue'Jepalew 941 10loostp Lea suo?iea•uo!1�a1oJd alp!I ie110 ildde Lang Uuileoo eApoaloJd Aa4lo Ao xeM tp!m paAejds aq lou pino4s 6upsko*11em lAulA dolanap Aew uoquoloostp Weueu.Ued 'Buoi 001 6uuanoapeM 041 uo suleweJ Ilos 11 -9gr4spoo; 9ulos pup 'slut Oodwe4s 'I!0 '-l3!1Sd!I 'xUl 1u!odlteq se tions 'sluanlos Jo sloloo 6uJu!eJu00 slepalew .6ulAowaJ Ao; 1uepodwl Allepedse st ewll •BuPM001113M 841 pue lUsSe 6ulu!els GLA uaaMlaq uoiloeei alglssod Aue aleulwils o1 alglssod se uoos se penoww eq pino4s sulelS Bu1JeAoolleM;o 61Jiueat0 'SuogipUOO t6w106 Japun peen pue pauMulew Alalenbape `llem punos a uo pallelsUI Apadoid ale slonpoid ue4m Mepl!w;o t4mcu6 641 poddns Jo sailUndw! 10 13u!poelq Aq pesneo sulals wulAx0 's6unpeci naLl way alsiedas IOU t11348 spnpoAd '(.slznPcudJ %15npoAd Bupenoollem lalotawwoo sl! ;o uogogelsu! 041 w04 SAM aAU 10 potted a A01 11341 slueuem (jampelnueW.) '11un 6upan00110M ''ONI SNOt11ri09 VAONWO AlueuOM •18WIld BuuanoolleM f4!lenb pooh a tBIM pawed aq pino4ts soepm popuee atll 'luted Bu!1S!xa eta y6noA41 )leaJq Ao enoWaA of Aadedpues estaoo a L11m papuco sq WOO OMPM Rem 041 •Bupanonllem sLl Bul6ue4 Jot elenbepe lou s! e0eyns IIeM OL1101 uotse4Pe luted 0411e41 saleniput adel 1341 uo mieg 16184 'Jawpd 6uuanoolleM f%anb pool$ a 411m powpd eq ueo Rem s141 -uOISO4Pe pooh a1v0IPu1 S"ed lulad ou :adal etp uo luted Aue 10adsul 'AlsnoMIA !10 adel a41 mug k -s,x aq1,levo adeli eumidollso mlo 4o1ooS ;o aos!d a Aldde ua41 eoepns lift paluled eql owl s.x pews sw ll Ino :1leM etll W U01904PV J01 luted 6ugs0l -limn aqi ewud of peen aq p1no4s Jawud Buyanoollp-m all4mlenbedo Alllenb pooB V -luted " anoweJ 01 pe4SsM pue papues Ao Jalem pue elUoww$ tillm PO4sem eq pin04s lism ata Ua41'panowaJ sl luted 134110 Aleuenb afiel a jo 'Ile 11 'Aawud OupsAoollem Alyenb pooh a tpIm Dowud aq uaa IISM 9141 'ponos aq pino4s luted 041 uagl 'panowaJ st luied ;a lunowe i4Bils a Aluo jo '1ulsd ou 11 4top a 4plm AlsnoAoBIA soeNns eta gru ua41'spumas g l Aol ampns awed 04101 4010 Jo SSW& 10m a PION !sUoS aJnlsloW Jo; luted 6unsel 'uopellelsul eta N1lM Jaylml 6ulpoaaoad ajo;eq uogoadsu! ao; OAlIaluasaAdai s,slnpelnuew a41 of pe;eolunwwoo Alejelpaaw! aq Isnw Lplew waped Ao/pus Aoloo ui suogepeA algeuotloolgo AuV wooi aLp punoin jauUeLUawes sql uJ P880OAd ,swm 99=2 4o1BW JOJon waopun ulelgo of Jatp nj seSenlos 41oQ JO OUO w.4 tl1 AJessaoou aq ASW 11 'LRPIM uIlam SLA U*,,ul AJeA swelled SU1401OW J8410 pue 0140WoaE) •sA4out M tg Jo Ilom a41 uo Lpplm a ami Allemou swelled 6uiyolew-uou uo slaued A11uuo;Iun Joloo Ao; slaued palle)sut sol aulwexe 'pOAOWOJ alsed sseoxe pue eoepns pem 941 of pa410owe ane slaued 99jtp AaljV •sjawoo 01„9 ueyl MOiD paleool eq lou pino4s swear 'salggnq eked pue Ale uJOJJ 004 aq PUB U 1464 9 8ne4 '1e01U9A eq pino4s sweaS -diadl of ajegpe IOU JJIM JAUJA a0UI8 Stueas ma is delmo AUe ental lou oa -anplsaA elsed Aue anowAA of pleogaseq a41 pue 6uigao atp ysem 01 ulEWO0 eg •lamol Wealo a 411m Aip ewevm eae411ole 'Alluanba.4 1e1eM gsem s!41 eBue40 •JUessaoau 11 usalo of 4sruq a1 pq vos a esn a;pOgPe smXa Aue anoww of Aelom ueelo 41VA dtgs linea a6uoft 'g# dols leadaa `Aluut; Ino taoows pule (Ino algnop pue deuano Jo) dols lslg ayl 10 a6pe 134101 dips puoOas 1341 001314 •Buuanoollem 043 4leewapun won; anlsa4p0 aLl anoWOJ of 46noue pje4 ss;wd lou oa •ajnsswd 146p asn •pJeogaseq pue'6umso 'sweas eta to saBpe atp uallBll oI AauoA uveas a asn '0l 3`JHd A/././..R7FiV1li%![I 1%II cwinrIrnft- t 'd ZZG6 9EG t 1G 'ON zn9 DN19 vx )Hdsdanw Wd' 8Z : ti HI Zo-5 i -EDD OCT -15-02 TUE 4;29 PM MUP,ASPEC NA 6ING FAX N0, 714 736 9722 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: vinyl Coated Fabrics and films * * * Section 1- Chemical Chemical Name: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Product Use: Coated fabrics and wall coverings synonyms! Wone lt✓f anuiieturer Information OM,YOVA Solutions Inc. Decorative & Building Products Division 133 Yorkville Road East P_O. Box 191 Columbus, MS 39703 and _Company Identification * * * Photte: (662) 327-1522 Fax: (662) 329-7776 Emergency# 1-800-424-9300(CNi3M'MC) P, 5 ID. GCC -001 NOTE: CHEMTREC telephone number is to be used only in the event of ehetnical emergencies irivolving a spill, len14 fire, exuosure_ or accident involving chemicals. All non-cmcrgoacv ouesdons should be directed to customer service. * " Section 2 - Composition / Xttfornmatioti on Inaredient8 * * e CAS # Component Percent 9002-86-2 PVC Chloroe len Pol=Lerl <50 68332-614 Hexanediolc acid, gotymet with 1.4-butanediol and 1.2- ro enediol,l-eth1 ester 20A0 68513-484 12-B6nzened1csrb2tic aei di -08.10 -branched alkyl esters, C9 -rich 20-40 1317-65-3 Calcium Carbonate <15 7439-92.1 1 Lead 0-4 7440.36-0 Andmon 0-3 7758-97.6 head chromate ' 0-1 Component Related Regulatory Information This product may be regulated, have exposure limits or other information identified io the following: Phthalate esters, Lead compounds, Chromates, Chromium (VI) (18540-29-9), Chromium (VI) compounds (curtain waxer insoluble forms), Chmntium (744047-3). Component Informationlinformadon on Non-Razardous Components Exact composition of products will vary with each individual product. All ingredients listed above may not always be included in final product. This product has been evaluated under criteria specified in 29 CFK 1910.1200 (Hazard * * w Section 3 - Hward6 IdentificatiQu * * * Zmergency Overview Product is a solid plastic film. During normal useis �dla4s_is not =ectgd to be a i r . The metallic elements contained in the film are not expected be biologically available if ingested or inhaled. Th=a), prooessing fumes may. cause irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory system. Toxic iulnes maybe unleased upon combustion. Voteutlul8ealth Effeets: Eyes During npFinal use, no significant eye irritation can be expected from contact with this produeL Bye contact with dusts may cause imtetlon. Potendal Health Effects: Skin - This product is not expected to cause irritation. Contact with dugtx or thermal processing fumes may cause irritation - Potential Health Effects: iingastion Ingcstion of dila pteduot is unlikely, howcN-er: ingevdun may cause nausea, vomiting rand diarrhea. The motellic Womenu contained in this product are not expected to be biologically available, However. ingestion of large amounts may produce toxicity duo to lead ing"on. Potendal'Health Effects: Inhalation Dusts may cause izritadoA to nose, throat and respiratory system. Inhalation of thermal processing fumes may cause respiratory tract irritation. Extreme thermal processing may release vinyl chloride which can cause cancer_ IlM1S Ratings: Health: 10 Fire, l Reactivity: 0 Pers. Prot, Soo section 8 of this MSDS Pagc 1 of Issue Date: 01/20/99 Revision; 1.0000 Print pate; 01/25/01 OCT -15-02 TUE 4:30 PM MUP,ASPEC NA 6ING FAX N0, 714 736 9722 P. 6 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name, Vinyl Canted Fabrics and )Flims Ilp: GCC -001 0 = Minimal 1- Slitzht 2 - Moderate 3 a Serious 4 -; Severe • - * * * Section 4 - First Aid.Measures * * * First Aid. Eyes Jo case of contact with dusts or particulate matter, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for 15 minutes. FlrstAad: Skin For skin contact, wash with soap and water. If irritation develops, get medical attention. Flrtt Aid: Ingestion If the material is swallowed, get irnmodiate medical attention or advice. FirstAidt Inhalation if inhalation of gas/fume/vapor/dust/mist from the matarial is excessive (at concentration Is greater than the ILV or health ef'f'ects arc noticed), immediately remove the affected ponon(s) to fresh air. First Ald: Notes to Physician Provide ¢eneral suoportivo measures and treat symptomatically, * * * Section 5 • Fire Fit6tine )Measures * x * Flash Poirot: Not available Method Used: Not available Vpper Flammable Livilt (UFL): Not available Lower Flammable Limit (LFL): Not avatgable Auto Ignition. Not applicable Flammability Classification. Non-flamttutbic Rate of Burning. Not available General Fire Hazards v Product is a solid material w�!-h will bum with a slow, smoldering flame upon heating to high tmperatums_ Hazardous Combustion products Decomposition may yield hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and low molecular weight hydrocarbons. Extinguishing Media Dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide, water fog. Fire 1~igllting Equlpment/Instrucilons lFirefighters should wear full protective clothing including self contained breathing apparatus, Firefighters abould avoid inhaling any combustion products. NFPA Ratings. Health: -1 Fire: 1 Reactivity: 0 Qtber: Hazard Scale: U = Minimal .1= Slight 2 . Moderate 3 - Serious 4 = Severe * * * Section 6 - Accidental Releaso Measures * * * Containment procedures Dat to the physical nature of this material, containment is not necessary. Clean -Up Xrocedures - , Rcroil, sweep, shovel, or vacuum up tastraial. Place In appropriate container for disposal. Evacuation proeadures , Evacuation Should not be necessary. Special Procedures * * * Section 7 - HandUng and Storsize * * * •Hattftoi; Prucedures Do not breathe dust. Avoid breathing fumes if this product is used at high tomperatttres_ Use this product with adequate ventilation. _ Storage Procedures V Keen ibis material in a cool. well -ventilated Waco. Store below 120° x to minimize volatilization of plasticiser. * * * Section S - Exposure Controls / Personal Protection * * * A: Canard product Information Follow all applicable exposure limits. ACGI R exposure limit for mixed pbthalate esters is 5rng/m3, 9 hr TWA. B: Component Exposure Limits Page 2 of y Issue Date: 01/20/99 Revision: 1.0000 Print Datc_ 01/25/01 0G.T-15-U1 TUE 4: H FM MURASPEC NA 61NG FAX NO. '114 736 9722 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Vinyl Coated Fabrics and Films M; GCC -001 Calcium Carbonate (1337.65-3) ACGIR: 10 rcg/m3 TWA ('rhe value is for total dust containing no asbestos and <1% crystalline silica) OSIM. total dust 15 mg/m3 TWA; respirable liacdon: 5 mghn3 TWA NIOSH: coral: 10 mg/m5 TWA; respirable dust: 5 mg!=3 TWA Lead (7439-72-1) ACOIH. 0.05 :ugh,%3 TWA 0S14A. as Pb; 50 ug/tn3 TWA PEL; 30 upjm3 action level; Poison (sce 29 CFR 1910.1025) NIOSH: as Pb: 0.100 mg/n3 TWA; see Apperidix C iar supplementary exposure limits Antimony (7440-06-0) AC01H: as Sb: 0.5 raotm3 TWA QSIIA: as Eb, 0.5 n*to3 TWA N103H, 0.5 mg/w3'TWA Lead chromate (756-97-6) ACOM: as Cr. 0.012mg/ml TWA; as Pb: 0.05 mg/m3 TWA OSHA: (as Cr):1 mg/m3 TWA (related to Chromium) Ckromie teid and chromates: C 0.1 mg/m3 (related to chromates) NIOSH: as Cr03: 0.001 mg/m3 TWA; NIOSH Potential Occupational Carcinogen - see Appendix A; Sec Appendix C for supplementary exposure limits (related to Chromates) Engtoecring Controls Use general ventilation. PERSONAL. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Personal Protective Equipment: E�cs/Face Wear sarety glasses during processing. Personal )Protective Bquipmeutt Skisr Wear impervious gloves during processing. Penonal Protective Equiptnent; Respiratory lrvendladort is not su icicnt to effectively remove and pmvcnt buildup of dusts or proeessing flumes, appropriate NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory protection trust be provided. Personal Protective Equipment: General Use good industrial hygiene urxctices in handllna this tmtexial. * * * Section 9 - Physical & Chemical Properties * * * Appearance: .1' ado film ;. Oder. Cbataeteristio ' Physleal State: Solid p$: Not applicable Vapor Pressure: Not applicable VaporDeasity. Not applicable . soalug Point: Not applicable Melting Point: Not applicable 'Solubility (R20)t Not soluble Specific Gravity-. 1.20-1.70 Freezing P�int: Not applicable Percent Volatile: ; <2.0 Molecular Weight: Mixture Phylical Propertics: Additional latormation K * * * Section 10 - Chemical Stability & Reactivity Information * * * I Stable Chemical Stability: Conditions to Avoid Avoid temperatures above 250° F. Incompatibility This product is not reactive. Hazardous Decomposition Decomposition may yield hydrogen chlotide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other low mol mlar weight hydrocarbons. Page 3 of 7 lsma Date: 01/20/99 Rovisioo: 1.0000 Print Date: 01/25101 OCfi-15-02 TUE 4; 31 PM MUP,ASPEC NA 6ING FAX NO. 714 736 9722 P. 8 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Vinyl Coated Fabrics and Films 1D; CCC -001 Hazardous )Polymcrlxation Hazardous polymerization will not, occur, * * * Section 11 - Toxicological Information Aceto Toxicity - ' A: General product Wbrmation No data available for the product. Significant adverse health effects would not be anticipated with normal use, however, thermal processing of the product can emit fumes and vapors which may cause eye, akin, and respiratory system irritation. The metallic elernents contained in this product are not expected to be biologically available; however, ingestion of large amounts may produce toxicity. Acute lead toxicity may produce symptoms including nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, neuritis, and body aches, Chronic exposure to lead may cause central nervous systenn and peripheral nervous system effect, including. behavioral disturbances, steep disturbances, fatigue, vettigo, headache, poor memory, tremor, and depression, Lead may damage the blood forming system and produce anemia. bead is also toxic to the kidney and can have serious effects on reproductive fitaction in both males and females. B: Component Amtysls . LDSOILC50 Antimony (7440-36-0) Oral LD50 Rat: 7 gm/kg Lead chromate (7758-97-6) t Oral LD50 Mouse: >12 graft , R Carcinogenicity N A: General Product information No carcinogenicity data available for this product. Thermal processing of polyvinyl chloride may release vinyl chloride vapors, Vinyl chloride is a human carcinogen and has produced tumors of the lives, brain, lungs, blood, and digestive system. Product contains lead chromate which is a suspect human carcinogen. However, the metallic elements contained in this product arc not expected to be biologically available. Bt Component Carcinogenicity PVC (Chloroethylene, Polymer) (900246.2) _ IARC: Monograph 19, Supplement 7;1987 (Group 3 (not classifiable)) Lead (7439-92-1) , ACGIR- elemental, as Pb; A3 -. animal carcinogen OSHA: as Pb: 50 ug/m3 TWA FgL; 30 tig/m3 action level; Poison (see 29 CFR 1910-1025) . IARC: Monograph Z3, Supplement 7; 1967 (and lead compounds; evaluated as a group) (Group 2B (sufficient animal data)) Lead chromate (775W-6) ACGlk 'as Cir, A2 -suspected human carcinogen; as Pb; A•2•suspected human carcinogen NIOSH: 'occupational carcinogen (related to Chromates) NTP: Known Carcinogen; (under Chromium and Certain Chromium Compounds) (Select Carcinogen) IARC: _ Monograph 49;1990 (Chromium (VI) compounds; evaluated as a group) ()related to Chromium (V1)) (Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans)) Epidemiology No information available for the product Neurotoxicity - No data available for this product Mutagenicity No data available for this product, lead, antimony and chromium VI compounds have been reported to cause chromosomal abertations in bacterial and/)r mamm}rlian cells. However, the metaft elcr aeuts in flus product are not expected to b biologically avallable. Teratogenicity No data available for this product. Lead can affect both the male and female reproductive organs as well as egg and splerm production and development. Lead can also "cause can also affect neurodevelopment in children from both prenatal and postnatal exposures. Chromium Vl compounds have caused birth defects and afiaoted fertility u) laboratory animals. However, the metallic eleme�is of this product are not expected to be biologically available. Other Toxicological Information No information availablo. I Page 4 of 7 Issue Date: 01/20/99 Revision: 1,0000 Pring Date: 01/25/01 OCT -15-02 TUE 4:31 PM MURASPEC HA 6ING FAX 110• 714 736 9722 P, 9 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Vinyl Cnated Fahrics And Filme W, CCC 001 * * * Section 12 - Ecological Information Ecotoxicity A: General Product Information This product, If released into the environment, would be expected to produce significant toxicity to aquatic ecosystems. 13: Component Analysis - Ecotoxieity - Aquatic Toxicity Lead chromate (7758-97.6) LC50 (96 hr) fathead minnow: 36.2 mg/L.; LC50 (96 hr) striped catfish: 200 mg/L. (related to Chmmium (YI)) Environmental Tate No data is available concerning environmental fate, biod dation or bioconcentration for this roduct. * * * Section 13 d Disposal Considerations * * * US BPA Waste Number & Descriptions A: General Rroduct Information Waste should be tested using methods described in 40 CFR Part 261 to determine if it meets applicable dotinitlons of hazardous wastes, B: Component Waste Numbers Lead (7439-92-1) RCRA: waste number D008; hjulatory level 5.0 ntg/L Lead chromate (7758-97-6 RCRA: waste number D007; regulatory level 5.0 mg/I. (related to Chromium) Disposal Instructions Dispose of waste material according to Local. State. Inderal. and Provincial Environmental Rezulations. * * * Section 14 - Transportation Information * * * US DOT Rnformation Shipping Mame: Not regulated as hazardous HwArd Class: Not applicable UN/NA #: Not applicable Packing Group: Not applicable Required Label(s): None Additional Info.t Noae International Transportat(oh Regulations ; * * * Section i5 - Regulatory Information * * * US Federal Regulations A: General Product Information, No addI001131 Information. 8: Component Analysis This material contains one or more of the following chemicals required to be identified under SARA Section 302 (40 CFR _ 355 Appendix A), SARA Section 313 (40 CFR 372.65) and/or CBRCLA (40 CFR 302.4). a Page 5 of 7 Issue tate: 01/20/99 Revision: 1.0000 Print Date: 01/25/01 OU -15-02 TUE 4:32 PM MUP,ASPEC NA 6ING FAX NO, 714 736 9722 P. 10 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Mamez Vinyl Coated Fabrics and Films 10D: GCC -00I 'Lead (7439-9Z-1) SARA 313: form R reporting required For 0.1% de minimis concentration CBRCLA: final RQ d 10 pounds (4.54 kg) Antimony (7440-36-0) SARA 313: form R repotting requited for 1.0% de nliwmis concentration CERCLA: final RQ - 5000 pounds (2270 kg) (no reporting ofreleases of this hazardous substance is ti-quired if the diameter of tho pieces of solid metal released is equal to or exceeds 0.004 inches) Lead ebromate (7158-97-6) SARA 3I3: form R repotting required for 0.1% de minimis concentration (related to Chromium (Vl)) CERCLA: final RQ = 500A pounds (2270 kg) (no repotting of roleases of tbic hazardous material is required if the diametc, of the pieces of the solid metal released is equal to or exceeds 0.004 inches) (related zo Chromium) State Regulations A- iGeneml Product Information Other state regulations may apply. Check individual state requiremcnts. B: Component Analysis - State The following components appear on one 'or more of the follnyvine stare ha7ardm1Q cnhchnnee vef. Com onent 1,2-13ea2encdicarboxylic acid, di -C8 -10 -branched alkyl esters C9 -rich Q related to Phthalate esters CAS # 68515-48-0 CA FL - MA - MN: NJ Yes Yes' No No No No Yest , H,exauedioic acid, polymer with 1,4-butanediol and 1,2-. propaoodiol, 2-ethylhexyl ester (' related to Phthalate estors 68332.61-6 Yes' Na Nu No No Yost Calciuria Carbonate 1317-65-3 No No Yes Yes No Yes I -cad 7439-92-1 Yes Yes Ycs Yes Yes Yes Antimony 7440-36-0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Ycs Yes Lead chromate ' related to Chromium -` 7758.97.6 Yes Yes' Ye Yes Yes Yes The following statemefit(s) are provided ander the California Safe Ddnldatg Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): WARNINGI This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer. WARNING! This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause reproductive/developmeatal effects. Other Regulations At General Produet;Informatioti All cnmponenu are: listed on the TSCA inventory. $z Component Analysis - Inventory Com onent .. CAS # TSCA DSL CS PVC Chlorotlt leve Po nen 9002-86-2 Yes Yes No 1,243enzenedicorboxylic acid, di-C$-10-branebed alkyl _ estors. 0-6011 6851 X118.0 Yes - Yes Yes Ilexanedioic acid, polymer with 1,4.butanediol aiid 1,2- propanediol. 2-eth the 1 ester 68332.61-6 Yes Yes No Calcium Carbonate 1317-65-3 Yes No Yes Lead 7439-92-1 Yes Yes Yes Antimony 7440.36-0 Yes Yos Yes Loud ohromate 7758..97-6 Yes Yes Ycs C: Component Analysis - WHMS IDI, The following components aro identified undtt t r, Cwiadian Hdkurduus Produtts Act ingredient Disclosure List: Page 6 of 7 Issue Date: 01/20/99 Revision: 1.0000 Frint Date: 01/25/01 OCA' -15-02 TUE 4:32 PM MUP,ASPEC NA 6ING FAX NO. 714 736 9722 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Vinyl Coated Fabrics and Films P. 11 ID: CCC -001 Component CAS # Minimum Concentration Lead 7439-92-1 0.1% item 937 1435 Antimony 7440-36-0 1%item 122 251 Lead chromate 7758=97.6 0.1% item 934 550 * * * Section 16 - Other Information * * * Other Information - -- - Reasonable care has been taken in tho proparation of this information, bui the manufachVer makes no wartirtty of merchantability or any other warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information. fi'he manufacturer male no representations and assumes no liability for any direct, incidental or consequential damages resulting from its use. . Key/Lcgeud EPA = Environmental Protection Agency; 'TSCA = Toxic Substance Control Act; A.CGIFi - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer; NIOSH = National Institute.for Occupational Safety and Health; NTP - National Toxicology program; OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration; NFPA b National Fire Protection Association; IMS = hazardous Material identification System; CEPCL.A = Comprehensive Environmental Refiponse, Compensation and Liability Act; SARA A Suped%nd Amendments and , Reauthorization Act Contact: Dan Gottschalk Contact Phone: (662) 329-7778 Page 7 of 7 This is the ead of MSDS # GCC -001 Issue Date_ 01/20/99 Revision: 1.0000 Print Date; 01/25/01 UroCe95-596 XVd 0001'109'900 991961 toy ota'vq ivo,vanut•pgpl•py uogBn iow 9E09 euN4dnJudcaO tSLSBOAOV taAr'B0► OLL Xpi OOBI'e11'OLL 09,20¢ 7I9 •LWU =Wa129•d I50o5 IL AU -401H tEtl .oauo�.lJti J•w-yna utda'0U114011trdocr.y mahm 42 npg0a Ann y0}I1 'tt(1.-fnvq�t. v.rt at"Mm 100110 ld Ogr.vapngp.•yul•tL •.aalnryyO aLM�l a9ati tWp•y31A0l ae ra■aY tWO to 09 a6 BC 69 is as -- BC - 9c ---EC LO OE cc LC n 06 lc Re LC is at ce 6e cc 5c at to 6E 59 it B ra at of 5e B1 ➢6 N 5B B6 n RI. ¢ a2 Zr AA e R8 UEr T9 v es rr ec v 1r Be Lr s K i Or tv st Lr 0/ {v L► It 1► 9r 2r to 61 99 Lt /r at rr d► 1r 05 51 Br t9 ➢r Ar 25 89 9, er Lr to By Z5 21 19 by 25 59 AB 22 26 to 9 v9 19 l9 ZS 69 to L9 is a5 09 we 1 OB Fe L ►5 99 1➢ 95 0B A9 Ze 65 LB r8 OB Z9 99 aB E 65 Oa LB ?9 we 10 49 19, so LB Ly to OL u l to SB so r9, 0r i1 tL r6 14 rL BL lL BL AL 9 late 0 at . 09 OL as OL ve AL at Us OL IS OC 01 so %Ot 710E yids Y06 %01 ai acno2•ILlin L6 1Uolagloop Biro • MOL nllgpnrl INIMId 1Wtl •AlntraW'Gl•yr YOtd•I 19.1 a40U.tlpodtdd- gddr•1151u1 ut.GnAtn 111021 maj '16-111=4 W W 9,G- ma M pupundt'..loutuaoa W nOIILt W 1- %01 -1 tl marwgp um" +1t/titta .agalliWUMID 15ug4Bg'1 y mill t 9'9CL c•c5 Crab 996.0 a'a' _ °•B B 99=•99 9'OOL L'CB _ Cleo Oro 9'9d _Les r5s► 29.9 SAL 6'49 ElB6 91.9 Cls o'1C tE1E 95-8 tLplalwn% Wul% eunwnl .M.2 apu{ntnl% JOWatOS USL9nl lvu°T. •..Unuwm aa.trt-van aL17W13 %0120 p1111 mtp na vi fi Q R 9 9 d C E L u Hatt a vt 9c Bt v9, at vs 9L as a➢ •9,t v¢ as 9L �+ 9O AOL 719E 909 AOL 7109 01 . adlta:lllLA Lo feet-lljt-� CLB'n 1 MOL .lytlpolW •OtYrM dldtl 'AJr•r•aGU Guam Laptl ..vt t4ty .I.lte-taa. yae..i■plul mtr tafgvw Gloa.ata-i 70RtLIQy a1Wt1111aa as p•punm'agpa.aaooL W nwt•1 W tv Y95 � tl+q■""lP W d■➢ ,D 9,L 6L Art .9.0 66 �•__ .0.Z= .VA 99 .,yiat .v.1 Be .04 .9.s tEl Al O.r l .e.5 twdlg0 Wrou aa•oe ■�dP'YGlalala w•.0 Jro111nm n.-dm94 1p Il Iv �uv� d0aetl'1aW4-vacsN 110Z f dWtlLvl�eov O0K 9C0D a6l•a 0 00 dWel avoltl•m `� � Olut • Z SH rsl 0000 • 99•B LU sc BBCC 91.0 reg 9'61: rt.► 59, apu{ntnl% � was 1t.wnl + �➢ § nownl laua'g ' 020 5► L"� �Atiuimlff� 9,9 So U11 SE 9'0 -BN1 uo eupws a90d CLr 9L ' -Tc-,T- coat-suoluill zeLL 50 eEce 5t 1101COM-duml 001 0111 99 _ SB6r = dEOSLI-drtrZ89W its% sr call ° E002CN�aN-tel lcvsaw •a 07 •a o-aaaItunj aret&J-1 P 2 ualingl+a-10 JG.6- -Ipuno Jna.e •IPOt9 ■®t1tAtl �Baan6r •..Unuwm aa.trt-van aL17W13 %0120 p1111 mtp na vi fi Q R 9 9 d C E L u Hatt a vt 9c Bt v9, at vs 9L as a➢ •9,t v¢ as 9L �+ 9O AOL 719E 909 AOL 7109 01 . adlta:lllLA Lo feet-lljt-� CLB'n 1 MOL .lytlpolW •OtYrM dldtl 'AJr•r•aGU Guam Laptl ..vt t4ty .I.lte-taa. yae..i■plul mtr tafgvw Gloa.ata-i 70RtLIQy a1Wt1111aa as p•punm'agpa.aaooL W nwt•1 W tv Y95 � tl+q■""lP W d■➢ ,D 9,L 6L Art .9.0 66 �•__ .0.Z= .VA 99 .,yiat .v.1 Be .04 .9.s tEl Al O.r l .e.5 twdlg0 Wrou aa•oe ■�dP'YGlalala w•.0 Jro111nm n.-dm94 1p Il Iv �uv� d0aetl'1aW4-vacsN 110Z f ' 0'004 BlO 9C0D a6l•a Wu U'D 0 0dt•-6 Olut WED atop 00.0 rsl rou alto 99•B e•OL LI- BBCC 91.0 reg 9'61: BLSC OC -0 apu{ntnl% dWmLp 1t.wnl .v.7. lLE Aaevttmng nownl laua'g WON f, 4'•; J tsLZ9Z919L I6Z1 BO ; rat 3fls 90/b0/90 Mgt O 0c dWol�mw-p... dwll du-ta� 61 29 Mot 69l 9L Sal ➢a lLE 55 0497 ata 5r 9'S9 •Lwwa�g3 61 50 6Et1IF L'O=BI�1N9aa��6 o°°c . 610E 9L 10tZ 009L.auoulhI COIL 58 0006 5t WIGGLW" dwin W96 Uid 99 _ SB6r = d00SLL'OrvrZSEW 91�v n°5 :1011 2002eN "aN 1181 M lotto w W 1a 1101mn•L is mu elp u03 uolaOdWltla Jna.e •IPOt9 �Baan6r S7101aW01avd WON f, 4'•; J tsLZ9Z919L I6Z1 BO ; rat 3fls 90/b0/90 p°pcyoul dwo•l-n l91 LL1 (,Oj:J°ell emU Jeoun) yWHN atvioajat �uobtlJoH sarsyO slwl sJ°as d p M1 do.L-old1JJ.s11. Itteew/JriOaV"Dab °alnd-1w L eulistx3 Jo) Je1deDV WN 19bWuWSLVO dal Alhww JN w (VNL]t umIwnJB »ow fluM"i'it10LV0 A089 in H"Uns VaS tS•'elod punoll Jo) wLV .01,t"OLVO (AlcoLBnowpjv4 lnealNllNoSS� oFlnd�"dw 401punauJoJ ntalunow60-1cr-J3otVo Vd3 LT lowd Wunbs JO; WJV .01-I 806Vo JaatldnB lauJ°suI .B zz--Wis M InBalnUllnoOZmoaZ I�aWlJY15LV°9L6 W 8 %M ROMIOO - e711eH 18EetJV�HW "a eJunhs Jo) oiold iunaw Jaa lcrootV0 (Nuo HW Sob 1WI00bRN-HHHW uouel163S,9A W" jurtma uua Jay) miss UIVOW Pill" HW ov AW-o9Z-CN-1lHHw 7'0.weZJos Jugoll5 DISIUSlbpubfL-HIRMA HW 9LL Lw-uvortlmHW JAly°Jed-1-1103 oJpwleomgd,epJo) P^aODl6°"WIdH/9W -49Jibette3s,moF-311 SJH oob 11VSObCMHiHaH °dA,LVW3N'otoWdevau BJH usz Lw-O9z-vi4-HWlW loauoaom4dPall2Vul'PI°MmeidA.L SJH 00Z 1W�OZ-6H tlHdN dW3NAaeb'10JIUC lolJ�°Ieo39tid=RSLVO tntt>sJal1Z'ozLlasRlel�+IS=td sdo . CML 1Wroat LHHdH adA1VW9N al°Qjd-Ptl SdH nOL 1PYOOl E!L tlHJH f\r,9Z 5DL'I uoO *IlM(oa'QmJ'G6oLVo laJium°aOydX+oBetJ^LVW3M'g3d SdH . oL 1W OL P1i NHdH - (Iwo, ° Jeluo) tal,oataoaV _ t>4� � pPol.00 • u�a d'Wa'I tVNIV1 drool Jea!�eN '8012=2 0 Nouvweo-jNt Lonaaud •uopoas uoolPa-mcui °lp o; aalby •aolebJUJo6nl *lad A*:) Nt81AVw80dNi DNIt!$d1A0 it) slam 'e1P fl9 6 :away paaon(oeu anlamial3 tld� (-UJVLI.BL/9 f ('56A L7-VL)'bgl Wl£ :4gSten° Vau eiewlxoJddV . 1913as ulelsaJad aseq-lnboW - pel}wao VC, -J •suo(leoal lauw Jok pelsll Ust. -1.O •Enid :peuuooslp-Anmb 4il^" Algwesze lselleq uNLop-13uuns elgaAQWOH sual smId pwadwal lett• Jeep, L{JIN, Joop Wnulwnle 1sBaelp elg9A6Wb'd o - �uBulweluoa ;no eless;e,isa6 ISEIZaAlud U013ap'ana•91p e sunRnq(Jislp golno eeJV pue 111 '11 edA,L•slgsaeedel 6GAllep Jnl Rgui wnulLunle Jelnaede peu)Jo}oJpAH H (wwZ9] ,BLILZ iZOt1-v L 4IIIIHO INN 311 (unusnzl p°py'eip riwmy>aLl D:ffi. e91lB I -ZLa luJw'p.TM ,IUB U013BOO12aMJ%pa15i1 n+u64�G56 -m -euo�iddi SU44611 Al L oL L lunuLB�i .sL twutoo, W4S1 Le feaJ1q,}4o l8.teuee ILWUVZO o •q�C] Jew pus SAaJlnpeaa 38800B oq '�seJe Buq►ed Joh loop(,aewwet.q eyl e>ieLu uogtlq(As(p Lbtaows �➢ put U04=14in weaq JolJedros O Imw SNa18N91WIO O�S�C beoa.Jelamod .JalsaRlod azuO.lq ul p848lulb uulsnaq Lunulu,nle aaea-elp iuLr SaaaeyteeMN. . Slool1n044IM Z: M1ue aplACAd saLlalel `c Leeae�p'pspeol-GupdS ° .1,1011 115tV1kiV ' _._ ONIGH I®IBy� uJmlgao� ®JnsaeJ� 4fAlH b3PA19W V HUH No1salLLas�a 69LZ8ZRT8b ?�F,� BO��T 311 ZO1bU/�30 :r SSS l91 LL1 (,Oj:J°ell Jeoun) slwl sJ°as M1 do.L-old1JJ.s11. Itteew/JriOaV"Dab °alnd-1w dal Alhww JN w (VNL]t A089 in H"Uns ' ALlyc lnealNllNoSS� oFlnd�"dw nits InBalnUllnoOZmoaZ I�aWlJY15LV°9L6 W 8 %M ROMIOO - e711eH 18EetJV�HW Aabz In®aWlM05t4o8L Illod%1P&! uJ^Ip9s lnnoleg a°gl g� v A®OZ AM W elsa,ton lndoWlAf10OL-SQL 11"gamMoroL In °�aLienll °Oi°'1 If a�J.Rtl t ardAlr td yto a,neseid IMUW13Fl=!!H 48!H-•aH . Osl,bs aanL, diba9 o-JA-9av-sa-aHdHj:V311LIMN(�ailddihI V S Nt81AVw80dNi DNIt!$d1A0 it) slam 'e1P fl9 6 :away paaon(oeu anlamial3 tld� (-UJVLI.BL/9 f ('56A L7-VL)'bgl Wl£ :4gSten° Vau eiewlxoJddV . 1913as ulelsaJad aseq-lnboW - pel}wao VC, -J •suo(leoal lauw Jok pelsll Ust. -1.O •Enid :peuuooslp-Anmb 4il^" Algwesze lselleq uNLop-13uuns elgaAQWOH sual smId pwadwal lett• Jeep, L{JIN, Joop Wnulwnle 1sBaelp elg9A6Wb'd o - �uBulweluoa ;no eless;e,isa6 ISEIZaAlud U013ap'ana•91p e sunRnq(Jislp golno eeJV pue 111 '11 edA,L•slgsaeedel 6GAllep Jnl Rgui wnulLunle Jelnaede peu)Jo}oJpAH H (wwZ9] ,BLILZ iZOt1-v L 4IIIIHO INN 311 (unusnzl p°py'eip riwmy>aLl D:ffi. e91lB I -ZLa luJw'p.TM ,IUB U013BOO12aMJ%pa15i1 n+u64�G56 -m -euo�iddi SU44611 Al L oL L lunuLB�i .sL twutoo, W4S1 Le feaJ1q,}4o l8.teuee ILWUVZO o •q�C] Jew pus SAaJlnpeaa 38800B oq '�seJe Buq►ed Joh loop(,aewwet.q eyl e>ieLu uogtlq(As(p Lbtaows �➢ put U04=14in weaq JolJedros O Imw SNa18N91WIO O�S�C beoa.Jelamod .JalsaRlod azuO.lq ul p848lulb uulsnaq Lunulu,nle aaea-elp iuLr SaaaeyteeMN. . Slool1n044IM Z: M1ue aplACAd saLlalel `c Leeae�p'pspeol-GupdS ° .1,1011 115tV1kiV ' _._ ONIGH I®IBy� uJmlgao� ®JnsaeJ� 4fAlH b3PA19W V HUH No1salLLas�a 69LZ8ZRT8b ?�F,� BO��T 311 ZO1bU/�30 :r SSS