13147 (CSCS) Geotechnical Engineering ReportTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1 PURPOSEAND SCOPE OF WORK........................................................................1 SITEDESCRIPTION .....................................................................................................2 FIELDEXPLORATION..................................................................................................2 LABORATORYTESTING..............................................................................................3 SOILCONDITIONS.....................................................................................................4 GROUNDWATER.........................................................................................................4 REGIONALGEOLOGY..............................................................................................4 LOCALGEOLOGY.....................................................................................................5 GEOLOGICHAZARDS...............................................................................................5 Primary.................................................................................................................5 Secondary.........................................................................................................6 Non-Seismic.......................................................................................................7 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS....................................................................a SITEDEVELOPMENT..................................................................................................9 Site Development - Main Complex..........................................................9 Site Development - Satellite Buildings ....................................................11 Site Development - General.....................................................................12 Excavations......................................................................................................13 TrafficAreas.......................................................................................................13 UtilityTrenches..................................................................................................14 STRUCTURES..............................................................................................................14 Foundations.....................................................................................................14 Slabs-on-Grade.............................................................................................15 Settlement Considerations..........................................................................16 Frictional and Lateral Coefficients............................................................17 SlopeStability ..................................................................................................17 Expansion.........................................................................................................17 AdditionalServices........................................................................................17 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS...........................................18 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................?D APPENDIX A Site and Vicinity Map Logs of Borings APPENDIX B Summary of Test Results Table 2 APPENDIX C Standard Grading Specifications BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -1- 67-2083-P1 90-04-724 INTgoDuCTION This Geotechnical Engineering Report has been prepared for the proposed commercial development to be located in La Quinta, California. A It is proposed to construct a large commercial complex on the approximately sixty (40) acre site. B. For the large structures throughout the main complex structural considerations for column loads of up to 100 kips and a maximum wall loading of 4.0 kips per linear foot were used as a basis for recommendations as provided herein. These are estimated values since we did not have foundation plans available at the time of production of this report. C. For the smaller satellite structures, structural considerations for building column loads of up to 30 kips and a maximum wall loading of 2.0 kips per linear foot were used as a basis for recommendations related to the construction of the residential buildings. D. All loading is assumed to be dead plus reasonable live load. E. If the actual loading exceeds the assumed loading the recommendations provided herein will need to be reevaluated. The purpose of our services was to evaluate the site soil conditions, and to provide conclusions and recommendations relative to the site and the proposed development. The scope of work includes the following: A A general reconnaissance of the site. 1L AIL �1- B. Shallow subsurface exploration by drilling limited to the hllUeilbsonls building only. C. Laboratory testing of selected soil samples obtained from the exploratory borings drilled for this project. D. Review of selected technical literature pertaining to the site. E. Evaluation of field and laboratory data relative to soil conditions. F. Engineering analysis of the data obtained from the exploration and testing programs. G. A summary of our findings and recommendations in written report. BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -2- 137-2083-P1 90-04-724 Contained in This Report Are: A Discussions on regional and local geologic and soil conditions. B. Graphic and/or tabulated results of laboratory tests and field studies. C. Discussions and recommendations relative to allowable foundation bearing capacity, recommendations for foundation design, estimated total and differential settlements, lateral earth pressures and site grading criteria. Not Contained In This Report: A Our scope of services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation to determine the presence of hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater or air,'on, below or around this site. The site of the proposed sixty (60) acre commercial development is located on the north side of Highway 111 between Adams Street and Washington Street in La Quinta, California. A The Whitewater channel forms the north edge of the site. B. The Washington Street forms the west edge of the site. C. Highway 111 forms the south edge of the site. D. The site is presently vacant with the exception of one existing building along Highway 111 which is unoccupied. The remainder of the site is covered with scattered desert brush, short grass, weeds and debris. E. It is obvious that previous grading has been performed on the site during the construction of the adjacent storm channel and probably prior to the construction of the existing building. F. This investigation also includes a small two (2) acre site on the north side of the Whitewater Channel at Adams Street. Exploratory borings were drilled for observing the soil profile and obtaining samples for further analysis. A Twenty-three (23) borings were drilled for soil profiling and sampl?ng to a maximum depth of fifty-one (51) feet below the existing ground surface. Borings were drilled on February 20. March 2, 14 and 24, 1990, BUENA ENGINERS, INC. A-3- B7-2083-P1 April 5, 1990 90-04-724 using an eight (6) inch diameter hollow -stem auger powered by ❑ CME 45-B drilling rig. The approximate boring locations as indicated on the attached plan in Appendix A, were determined by pacing and sighting from existing streets and topographic features. The boring locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by -the method used. B. Samples were secured within the borings with a two and one-half (2.5) inch diameter ring sampler (ASTM D 3550, shoe similar to ASTM D 1586). The samples were obtained by driving the sampler with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer, dropping thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler one foot was recorded. Recovered soil samples were sealed in containers and returned to the laboratory for further classification and testing. _ _L..�..:.•.rrl from /"1 I�II'1(1C C. Bulk disturbed sari-, 15— ai ; 11G ",� developed during excavation of the test borings. The bulk samples were secured for classification purposes and represent a mixture of soils within the noted depths. D. The final logs represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs, and the results of the laboratory observations and tests of the field samples. The final logs are included in the appendix A of this report. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types although the transitions may be gradual. After a visual and tactile classification in the field, samples were returned to the laboratory, classifications were checked, and a testing program was established. A Samples were reviewed along with field logs to determine which _.J.a t. p f, it -%,=r r,nnlV�P_H. Those chosen were considered as WOUKArepresentative of soil which would be exposed and/or used in grading and those deemed within building influence. B. In -situ moisture content and unit dry weights for the core samples were developed in accordance with ASTM D 2937. C. The relative strength characteristics of the subsurface soils were determined from the results of direct shear tests. Specimens were placed in contact with water at least twenty-four (24) hours before testing, and were then sheared under normal loads ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 kips per square foot in general accordance with ASTM D 3080. D. Settlement and ors consolidation tests o t o performed) nas evaluated accordance from wi h the results o ASTM 2435. BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -4- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 E. Classification tests consisted of: Expansion Index (UBC Standard No. 29-2), Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture (ASTM D 1557) and Hydrometer Analysis (California Test Method 203). F. Refer to Appendix B for tabular and graphic representation of the test results. As determined by the borings, site soils were found to consist primarily of fine silty sands. The boring logs in Appendix A contain a more detailed description of the soils encountered. A In -place densities indicate that the soils are of inconsistent density but generally quite loose with ring densities indicating relative compaction as low as fifty-five (55) percent of maximum density. B. The upper four (4) to six (b) feet of soils encountered on the northwest portion of the site were placed as fill materials during previous grading. C. The consolidation test data indicates that some of the site soils are susceptible to large settlements due to hydroconsolidation and loading. The majority of the highly collapsible soil was encountered along the wash at depths of fifteen (15) to thirty (30) feet. D. Clay and silt contents of the majority of the site soils exhibit low plasticity. Expansion tests indicate soils, to be in the "very low" expansion categories in accordance with Table 2 in Appendix B of this report. Refer to section F of the structures section for specific explanations and requirements dealing with expansive soil. E. Soils should be readily cut by normal grading equipment. Free groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings; however, local information indicates the groundwater level is in excess of one hundred (100) feet. Fluctuations in groundwater levels may occur due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors. The project site is located in the western Coachella Valley near the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains, north of Indio Mountain. The Coachella Valley is part of the tectonically active Salton Basin. This basin is a closed, internally draining trough that has been filled with a complex series of continental clastic materials during Pleistocene and Holocene time (Van de Camp, 1973). BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -5- 87-2083-1`1 90-04-724 The San Andreas rift zone dominates the geology of the Coachella Valley. The Banning and Mission Creek faults, which are parts of the San Andreas system are responsible for earthquakes recently felt in the Coachella Valley. Other regional faults that have produced events felt in the Coachella Valley are the San Jacinto, imperial and Elsinore faults (see figures 1 & 2). Based upon the historical and prehistorical record, the Coachella Valley segment of the San Andreas fault system is likely to generate a magnitude seven (7.0) or greater earthquake within the next fifty (50) years, The potential for a magnitude seven (7•0) earthquake within the next fifty (50) years is estimated by Seih (1985) as 'High" (50%-90%), • _ • e The proposed development is located on the east side of Washington Street north of Highway 111. This area is south of the Whitewater River Storm Channel. Lithologic units observed on site include Quaternary ❑eolian and alluvial deposited sediments and artificial fills. These units are described as follows: Gray brown, unconsolidated sand, silt and gravels. These sediments have been deposited by fluvial or aeolian processes and are, found at the base of the granitic rocks. Generally the same as Qs found throughout the site but mainly in the storm channel bank area. The project site is located approximately five and five tenths (5.5) miles 9—..14. -......� mr4i Irc a chnwc the nroiect site in southwest of the San hnareus iuull LVI y+.• v •'• •`---- - - relation to the local geology. A rim i mi H r Primary seismic geologic hazards that may -affect any property in the seismically active southern California region include ground rupture and strong ground motion. 1. Fault Rupture: BUENA ENGINERS, INC. } v, Noll ► y . 1 ,t yl q }} Z f T.1ore ; ' fir^ 3b' r a' o h_ be 3 O �1 C MO i e U,tFLOCx r e04rtf.cta `. 9:�er rail �►t�.e�,ts �.•4f r + 3s• k SIG PlH+" I {S' len;a Ste 1.uar loT_ oc ` Sp�fA Y,Yf 1 \rayt6 �S Sonta Barwa Venr✓a �'r�°Rl ! Sca Serrorero 7.entr•M A4''^s. d _ CA _ �. SITE 34' `/+toSon1e C.2 If.T y F.�"rs�iZrf l.eSo-1e Roa b�4M f�s�0 Nutt OL L art Enyy-�e-e �`r'-s ws. 9 °� f fC✓� \ <r! 'L !'�, ` In r' • rns, is I Lkers�e Ba+*ege , 4Yr + "ro.kr 33• 121' 120• is r vv �Ckmente a 1 El Cr+'rc• S• r . , Son Dega•Y ..r �. �Y1;I1:9 ues ra 4 s�a�a 1 + 32' GwIf 0 SO 100 30 e.w u7' r6• uS' its, Ease map of southern California region with major faults * Fault Nap of Southern California Elyse i BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. * Frtrom jii leman et al (197 3) , DATE: `�- FILE No: D?-2oa3-P/ nn-i --ni r,rrn 1 / 1927 W 1 ' \ 1 Lane Pine \ � 1 ° rulore 1946 (6.3) °Chino LokC _ Bakersfield. q 0 ( 1952 (7,7,6.4,6.t,6.1� :!.:jCve [ °Son: o Mario i516 (6) ,JGarrta 1925 (63: 1 M °Baker l 1947 (6 2) - �•• L °Borslaw\ 1-1 eSonj5erabri '�l Los .:nsele a • i 9 2 3 W/4 i • ... �, r, �. 1918 (6.9 `rry 1933 [6.3i 1937 (6.0) � � \ 1954(62) O /00 Miles 0 _ /dJ r0 Kn s. Earth Quakes of nagnitude 5.9 and greatcr in the Southern California Region, 191Z — 1972 (including the North Palm Springs [arthquakc). From Ilileman et al (1973) 1968 (6.4 Ens Zo lna,a SITE oBrowler �\ 1942{6.5:• 19;0;5.71 1915 ( 6'/4 , 6'/4� anGiego•� '„�ericcli 1915 17.11 �rct 1 I �I940(6 C) ll ,� 1954(6-3,60) •.; c Epicenter Map of Southern California Figure 2 BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. DATE: q- 9-50 I FILE N0.67 z�83-Qi ' 'r, ; •: ' =1. 1: : i11 rs . • 1 •� -�L i F ! L_� f- J �• ' - �' �.�. �r.�_s -+. �r � nY-•�'r• i --�'r_ �_L--- • •.1•^ • •�'~F•'• r � •�-` �..� rr - Fy • � Ly 4` 1M1 14^ �.�.' 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DATE y 9-1a I FILE NO.a?-Zaf�'3-PI April 5, 1990 _g- 87-2083-P1 90-04-724 ❑. The project site is not located in any Alquist-Priolo special study zones. Nor are any faults mapped through or adjacent to the project area. At the time of drilling no surface expression of faulting was observed. b. Fault rupture would most likely occur along previously established traces. However, fault rupture may occur at other locations not previously mapped. 2. Ground Shaking: a. Strong ground motion is the seismic hazard most likely to affect the site during the life of the intended structures. Using methods developed by Seed and Idriss (1982) and Ploessel & Slosson (1974), the following table was compiled for anticipated acceierafions wi lici �a'r bG I:.� during an earthquake at the project site. TABLE 1 Estimated Maximum Maximum Repeatable Approximate Design Acceleration Acceleration Ground Distance to Fnrth in Rock in " Accelerate Proiecf Site San Andreas 7.5 .51g .48g Xg 5.7 mi San Jacinto 6.5 .18g .159 .109 19.5 mi ' Richter Magnitude Deep Cohesionless Soils b. The project area is mapped in Ground Shaking Zone III C as designated by the County of Riverside, California. Ground Shaking Zones are based on distance from causative faults and soil types. _._ _��...,�...., of cnilc tvvn C. Because of the thick shallI a ��u{ r ��r�� e% • •• - thousand (2000 feet or more) under the site ground shaking characteristics are expected to include moderate amplification of all frequencies. Duration of shaking could be from .(fifteen) 15 to thirty-six (36) seconds. M . • Secondary seismic geologic hazards that may affect the project site area include subsidence, liquefaction, and ground lurching. 1. Subsidence, whether seismically related or not, is considered a potential hazard in this area, Historic records report significant episodes of subsidence in the La Quinta area due to seismic forces and/or heavy rain fcli cnd flooding. BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -7- 87-2083-P 1 90-04-724 2. Liquefaction is the loss of strength of saturated cohesioniess soils generally from seismic shaking. In order for liquefaction to occur, three principal conditions must be present. First, the soils must have relative densities below seventy (70) percent; second, the water table - perched or otherwise - must be within the upper fifty (50) feet of soils; and third, the soils must have a predominant grain size range between 0.5 mm and 0.01 mm. Other criteria that identify susceptibility to liquefaction are a uniformity coefficient between two (2) and ten (10) and ten (10) percent passing between .01 mm and .25 mm, (Hunt, Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Manual, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1984). When any of these conditions or criteria are not satisfied, liquefaction is not considered a possibility. 3. No freewater was encountered in our exploratory borings indicating that liquefaction is unlikely. Also, the project is not located within the Riverside County Liquefaction Study Zone. 4. Ground lurching is generally associated with fault rupture and liquefaction. Because of the distance of the project site to the San Andreas fault system. The possibility of ground lurching affecting the site is considered low. 5. The probability of other seismic hazards such as tsunamic and seiches (waves oscillating in an inclosed area) impacting the site is considered low. C. Ngn-Seismic H Other geologic hazards that could affect the project site include landslides, flooding and erosion. a. Evidence of past landsliding was not observed at the site. The site is not at the base of any steep hills. b. Flooding and erosion are always a consideration in arid regions. On -site, the erosion rate is affected by sparse vegetation and seasonal rains. The sites proximity to the Whitewater storm channel may impact the planned development. The storm channels sides are not protected form erosion in this area. c. The Coachella Valley averages four (4) inches of rain per year. When large amounts of rain occur suddenly, the surface alluvium becomes saturated and prevents further infiltration of the rains. The result is surface runoff and sheet flow drainage on slopes toward gullies and washes. d. Generally, erosion in the desert can be reduced by minimizing soil disturbances and diverting seasonal runoff from areas of high potential erosion. BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -8- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 v Based on a review of selected technical literature and the site investigation, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the intended development provided it is designed around the noted geologic hazards. The following is ❑ summary of our conclusions and professional opinions based on the data obtained. A The primary geologic hazard relative to site development is severe ground shaking from earthquakes originating on nearby faults. The site is located in Southern California which is an active seismic area. In our opinion, a major seismic event originating on either the San Andreas or San Jacinto fault zones would be the most likely cause of -:...._;ter ,"r%+ p&r,rtKr,, inkp r,r-tivity at the site within the estimated design fife of the proposed development. B. Subsidence, whether seismically related or not, is considered a potential hazard. Adherence to the grading recommendations contained in this report is necessary to limit differential settlements and subsidence. C. Areas of aeolian and alluvial soils may be susceptible to fluvial or aeolian erosion processes. Preventative measures to minimize seasonal flooding should be incorporated into site grading plans. Disturbances of native ground cover should be minimized. D. Due to the sites location directly adjacent to the Whitewater storm channel and the unprotected condition of the storm channel walls, erosion of said wails may impact site development. A licensed civil engineer should be consulted regarding this concern. E. Other hazards including liquefaction, lurching, seiching and tsunamis are considered low to negligible. 1 .erg ...:F....,r. ..► ra-lcn, �--- F. It is our opinion that the site soils will Hof provlU tV u, a„W„ ��-�-J�--•- suppdrt for the proposed structures without the recommended sitework. Due to varying soil conditions, the recommended site preparation will vary throughout the site. In general, we recommend that structures be- supported by recompacted soil mats to provide more uniform and firm bearing support. Additional site work is recommended along the Whitewater Channel due to the susceptibility to hydroconsolidation of the deeper soils. G. The project site is in seismic Zone A as defined in Section 2312 (d) 2. of the Uniform Building Code. It is recommended that any permanent structure be designed according to the current additions of the Uniform Building Code and Standards. H. It is further recommended thet cny permcnent structure constructed on the site be designed to accommodate expected repeatable ground accelerations resulting from the predicted maximum probable earthquake as stated in Table 1. RIIFNA FNC,INFRR INC. April 5, 1990 -9- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 I. Adherence to the following grading recommendations should limit potential settlement problems due to seismic forces, heavy rainfall, flooding and the weight of the intended structure. J. It is recommended that Buena Engineers, Inc. be retained to provide continuous Geotechnical Engineering services during site development and grading, and foundation construction phases of the work to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications and recommendations, and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. K. Plans and specifications should be provided to Buena Engineers, Inc. prior to grading. Plans should include the grading plans, foundation plans, and foundation details. Preferably, structural loads should be shown on the foundation plans. As discussed the site soils are composed primarily of previously placed fill material and native soils which were found to be quite dry with inconsistent and generally low densities. The consolidation testing indicates that much of the underlying native soil is susceptible to large settlements due to the introduction of water and the additional loading of structures. The magnitude and inconsistent nature of the potential settlement along the Whitewater Channel is in our opinion unacceptable for structural support. Limiting the potential settlement in this area is the primary concern in site development. There are several alternatives for site preparation of the northern portion of the site which should be examined considering both cost and effectiveness. A Site Dvl m t - Main QOmQIe As previously mentioned, the site conditions vary greatly, unfortunately the most severe conditions occur along the northern edge of the site where the main shopping complex is proposed. The following alternatives are presented for preparation of the building areas along the Whitewater Channel. 1. Pile or drilled pier foundations extending through collapsible soils into firm native soils could provide adequate support for the proposed structures. The primary problem with the use of pile or pier foundations is the potential settlement of auxiliary structures such as retaining walls, sidewalks, etc. This problem must be addressed. If specific building locations and loading becomes available, pile or pier design can be provided. BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -1 �- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 FJ 3. S 5. Complete removal of the collapsible material is perhaps the most effective method of site preparation. However, with the worst conditions encountered at depths of fifteen (15) to thirty (30) feet, removal would involve extensive grading which could be cost prohibitive. The structure could be supported by normal spread footings provided a recompacted soil mat of substantial thickness, (approximated ten (1 0) feet) be constructed beneath the footings. This option also involves extensive grading. The use of large mat foundations is also a viable alternative and would require significantly less recompaction, probably in the range of five (5) feet thick. A primary consideration with mat foundations is substantial cost associated with structural design Perhaps the most economical solution is a combination of recompaction, saturation and preconsolldation. Initially a recompacted soil mat probably about five (5) feet thick should be constructed. Water induction paints can then be drilled for saturation of the deeper soils. Providing surcharge loads would increase the effectiveness of the saturation and consolidation. Adequate monitoring and follow-up testing is imperative in determining preconsolidation effectiveness prior to construction. a. Water induction can be performed by drilling into the problem layers and filling the borings with water for a period of time in order to induce hydroconsolidation. b. The induction borings will be necessary in areas where dry collapsible layers were encountered, generally throughout the northern portion of the site. :....i....+�.•.n hnrir%nc will VQrV With c. The depth and spUc::ing vi _c11 1%.A %w11W, , ,�,...... - - , the soils encountered and the time allotted. The necessary spacing and depths will vary throughout the site. d. The effectiveness of the water induction system should be monitored during the watering process and adequate moisture should be verified. e. Because many of the site soils are very silty we recommend that the building pads be graded prior to water induction to avoid potential problems with overexcavation. 6. The given aitematives are presence specific information can be provided configurations become available. The architect and potential contractors throughout site development. d generally and more when potential design project civil engineer, should be consulted RIIPMA FNr.Mr-Pq I" April 5, 1990 -11- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 As previously discussed, the soil conditions encountered throughout the southern portion of the site were not as severe as along the wash and normal grading should be adequate for structure support. Site grading should be visually checked by Buena Engineers, Inc., or their representative prior to placement of fill. Local variations in soil conditions may warrant increasing the depth of recompaction and/or excavation. 1. Prior to site grading any existing structures, stumps, roots, foundations, pavements, leachfields, uncompacted fill and trash piles, any abandoned underground utilities should be removed from the proposed building and paving areas. The top surface should be stripped of all organic growth and noncomplying fill which along with other debris, should be removed from the site. 2. Depressions resulting from these removals should have debris and loose soil removed and be filled with suitable fill soils adequately compacted. No compacted fill should be placed unless the underlying soil has been observed by Buena Engineers, Inc. 3. In order to help minimize potential settlement problems associated with structures supported on a non -uniform thickness of compacted fill, Buena Engineers, Inc. should be consulted for site grading recommendations relative to backfilling large and/or deep depressions resulting from removal under item 1 above. In general, all proposed construction should be supported by a uniform thickness of compacted soils. 4. Due to widely varying soil conditions, the necessary grading will vary from the southeast to the southwest portions of the site. Due to the granular nature of the site soils throughout the southeastern portion of the site, it is expected that compaction may be obtained to a depth of three (3) to four (4) feet by heavily watering and compacting from the surface. Because the soils throughout the southwestern portion of the site are very silty near the surface, removal and recompaction is recommended. 5. Building areas throughout the southeastern portion of the site should be moistened to at or above optimum moisture to a depth of four (4) feet below original grade or the bottom of the footings, whichever is deeper. The surface should be compacted so that a minimum of ninety (90) percent of maximum density is obtained to a depth of three (3) feet below original grade or the bottom of the footings, whichever is deeper if applicable, fill material should be placed in thin layers at near optimum moisture and compacted to a minimum of BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -12- 137-2083-1'1 90-04-724 ninety (90) percent of maximum density. The intent is to have at least three (3) feet of soil compacted to a minimum of ninety (90) percent of maximum density compose the building pod beneath the footings and to have an additional foot of moisture penetration. Compaction is to be confirmed by testing. b. These grading requirements apply to building areas and at least five (5) feet beyond building limits. 7. Auxiliary structures including freestanding or retaining walls shall have the existing soils beneath the structure processed as per items six (b), seven (7) and eight (8) above. The grading requirements apply to three (3) feet beyond the face of the walls. If plans for auxiliary structures and walls are, provided for our review, these recoi i i 11 1tv,1u4011 , �s ; �a; --_- •- - -_ - 8. it is anticipated that during grading ❑ loss of approximately one tenth (.1) of a foot due to stripping, and a shrinkage factor of about ten (10) to twenty (20) percent for the upper five (5) feet of soil, may be used for quantity calculations. This is based on compactive effort needed to produce an average degree of compaction of approximately ninety-three (93) to ninety-four (94) percent and may vary depending on contractor methods. Subsidence is estimated between two -tenths (2) to three -tenths (.3) of a foot. C, site Develop -nent_-_Q9_nQ_r_d 1. The following 'general' recommendations listed in this section are in addition to those listed in Sections A and B above. 2. Any rocks larger d fan romlfght ill or(8) inches in back#i I mategaeatest dimension, should be remoe 3. Import soil used to raise site grades should be equal t a or better than on -site soil in strength, expansion, compressibility characteristics. Import soil may be prequallfied by Buena Engineers, Inc. Comments on the characteristics of import will be giafter vhe en Iis on the quantiiy for complete the oject, either in - place or in stockpiles of project. 4. Areas around the structures should be graded so that drainage is positive and away from the structures. Gutters and down spouts should be area. Watery shod as uld nay to convey water out of ot be allowed to pond on the foundation a or near pavement sections. 5. Added moisture within previously compacted fill could result in a number ofmoissture eactions nc ea e, the in place density at the surface of theupon soilt amount of in- BUENA ENGINERS. INC. April 5, 1990 -13- 137-2083-P1 90-04-724 situ moisture content and soil type. Although the soil could in reality be expanding, collapsing, moving laterally due to the phenomenon "creep', the result is usually movement and will most likely manifest itself visually in structural slabs and street areas as cracks, (horizontal, lateral and vertical displacement). 6. The apparent cure to the problem is to not introduce excess moisture into fill material once in place, To help minimize increased moisture into the fill material, site drainage and landscape is critical. Site drainage should be in the form of roof gutter, concrete brow ditcher, ribbon gutters and gutters, storm drain and other drainage devices. Landscaping should be such that water is not allowed to pond. Additionally, care should be taken so as not to over water landscaped areas. 7. The Recommended Grading Specifications included in Appendix C are general guidelines only and should not be included directly into project specifications without first incorporating the site specific recommendations contained in the Site Development section of this report, Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code contains specific considerations for grading and is considered a part of these General Guidelines. 8. It is recommended that Buena Engineers, Inc., be retained to provide soil engineering services during construction of the grading, excavation, and foundation phases of the work. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of construction. C. Ex v ti n 1. All excavations should be I applicable regulations. Fror knowledge of the general area, construction problems involving excavations (i,e. utilities, etc.) encountered, lateral bracing or be provided. nade in accordance with i our site exploration and we feel there is a potential for caving of relatively deep site Where such situations are appropriate cut slopes should 2. No surcharge loads should be allowed within a horizontal distance measured from the top of the excavation slope, equal- to the depth of the excavation. D. Traffic Areas 1. Curbs and streets should be provided with two (2) feet of subgrade compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum density. 2. On -site parking should be provided with two (2) feet of subgrade compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum density. BUFNA ENGINERS. INC. April 5, 1990 -14- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 E 3. Final preparation of subgrade will depend on paving section designs. 4. Sidewalks should be provided with one (1) foot of subgrade compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum density. Utility Trench 1. Backfill of utilities within road right-of-way should be placed in strict conformance with the requirements of the governing agency (Water District, Road Department, etc.). 2. Utility trench backfill within private property should be placed in strict conformance with the provisions of this report relating to minimum compaction standards. In general, service lines extending inside of P1 VPV1I Y I I MApercent of maximum compacted to a minimum of ninety (90) p density. 3. Backfill operations should be observed and tested by Buena Engineers, Inc., to monitor compliance with these recommendations. Based upon the results of this evaluation, it is our opinion that structure foundation can be supported by compacted soils placed as recommended above. The recommendations that follow are based on "very low' expansion category soils. r_VMMr*LrrV,7PM It is anticipated that foundations will be placed on firm compacted _:I_ .....r r^rY%cnA,=eq nipPwhere in this report. The JVIIJ IG\rVIIsI�v..vv... �.--_----- - - recommendations that follow are based on 'very low" expansion category soils. 1. Table 2 gives specific recommendations for width, depth and reinforcing. Other structural consideration may be more stringent and would govern in any case. A minimum footing depth of twelve (12) inches below lowest adjacent finish grade for one (1) story structures and eighteen (18) inches for two (2) story structures should be maintained. 2. Conventional Foundations: Estimated bearing values are given below for foundations on recompacted soils, assuming import fill (if required) to be equal to or better than site soils: BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -15- 137-2083-P1 90-04-724 a. Continuous foundations of one (1) foot wide and twelve (12) inches below grade: i. 1400 psf for dead plus reasonable live loads. ii. 1850 psf for wind and seismic considerations. b. Isolated pad foundations 2' x 2' and bottomed twelve (12) inches below grade: i. 1600 psf for dead plus reasonable live loads. H. 2150 psf for wind and seismic considerations. 3. Allowable increases of 200 psf per one (1) foot of additional footing width and 300 psf for each additional six (6) inches of footing depth may be used, The maximum allowable bearing will be 2500 pcf. The allowable bearing values indicated have been determined using a safety factor of three (3) and are based upon anticipated maximum loads Indicated in the introduction section of this report. If the indicated loading is exceeded then the allowable bearing values and the Grading Requirements must be reevaluated by the soils engineer. 4. Although footing reinforcement may not be required per Table 2; one (1) number four (7-,r1L4) rebar at top and bottom of footings should be considered to reduce the potential for cracking due to temperature and shrinkage stresses and in order to span surface imperfections. Other requirements that are more stringent due to structural loads will govern. 5. Soils beneath footings and slabs should be premoistened prior to placing concrete. 6. Lateral loads may be resisted by soil friction on floor slabs and foundations and by passive resistance of the soils acting on foundation stem walls. Lateral capacity is based partially on the assumption that any required backfill adjacent tc foundations and grade beams is properly compacted. 7. Foundation excavations should be visually observed by the soil engineer during excavation and prior to placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. local variations in conditions may warrant deepening of footings. 8. Allowable bearing values are net (weight of footing and soil surcharge may be neglected) and are applicable for dead plus reasonable live loads. 1. Concrete slabs -on -grade should be supported by compacted structural fill placed in accordance with applicable sections of this report. BUENA ENGINERS. INC. April 5, 1990 -16- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 2. In areas of moisture sensitive floor coverings, an appropriate vapor barrier should be installed in order to minimize vapor transmission from the subgrade soil to the slab. We would suggest that the floor slabs be underlain by a four (4) inch thick layer of gravel or by an impermeable membrane as a capillary break. A suggested gradation for the gravel layer would be as follows: Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/4" 90-100 No. 4 0-10 No. 100 0-3 If a membrane is used, a low -slump concrete should be used Thn Me_rr ik%rrina chniild be i p t help protect it during covered with two (2) inches of sand o construction. The sand should be lighthly moistened just prior to placing the concrete. Concrete slabs should be allowed to cure thoroughly before placing moisture sensitive floor covering. 3. Reinforcement of slab -on -grade is contingent upon the structural engineers recommendations and the expansion index of the supporting soil. Since the mixing of Hill soil with native soil could change the expansion index, additional tests should be conducted during rough grading to determine the expansion index of the subgrade soil. Also, due to the a high temperature differential endemic .to desert areas, tg concrete slabs on grade are susceptible to tension cracks. As a minimum, we suggest that all interior concrete slabs -on -grade be reinforced with 5" x b" / * 10 x # 10 welded wire fabric. Additional reinforcement due to the expansion index of the site soil should be provided as recommended in section F below. Ar4A1+Inr%n1 nminfnrr.Pment may also be required by the structural engineer. 4. it is recommended that the proposed perimeter slabs (sidewalks, patios, etc.) be designed relatively independent of foundation stems (free-floating) to help mitigate cracking due to foundation settlement and/or expansion. C. SQttlemgnt C:)nsideratiQn The estimated settlement based on site preparation selected can be estimated when specific information becomes available. BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -17- 87-2083-P1 90-04-724 D. Frictional and Lateral Coefficients 1. Resistance to lateral loading may be provided by friction acting on the base of foundations, a coefficient of friction of .49 may be used for dead load forces. 2. Passive resistance acting on the sides of foundation stems 300 pcf of equivalent fluid weight, may be included for resistance to lateral loads. The value doe not include a factor of safety. 3. A one-third (1/3) increase in the quoted passive value may be used for wind or seismic loads. 4. Passive resistance of soils against grade beams and the frictional resistance between the floor slabs and the supporting soils may be combined in determining the total lateral resistance, however the friction factor should be reduced to .33 of dead load forces. 5. For retaining walls backfilled with compacted native soil, it is recommended that an equivalent fluid pressure of thirty-five (35) pcf be used for well drained level backfill conditions. The pressure will increase significantly with sloping backfill. Slope stability calculations were not performed for specific slopes. If slopes exceed five (5) feet, engineering calculations should be performed to substantiate the stability of slopes steeper than 2 to 1. Fill slopes should be overfilled and trimmed back to competent material. The design of foundations should be based on the weighted expansion index (UBC.Standard No. 29-2) of the soil. As stated in the soil properties section, the expansion index of the majority of the on - site soils are in the 'very low" (0-20) classification. However, during site preparation, if the soil is thoroughly mixed and additional fill is added, the expansion index may change. Therefore, the expansion index should be evaluated after the site preparation has been completed, and the final foundation design adjusted accordingly. This report is based on the assumption that an adequate program of client consultation, construction monitoring and testing will be performed during the final design and construction phases to check compliance with these recommendations. Maintaining Buena Engineers, Inc., as the soil engineering firm from beginning to end of the project will help assure continuity of services. Construction BUENA ENGINERS. INC. April 5, 1990 -18- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 monitoring and testing would be additional services provided by our firm. The costs of these services are not included in our present fee arrangements. The recommended tests and observations include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Consultation during the final design stages of the project. 2. Review of the building plans to observe that recommendations of our report have been properly implemented into the design. 3. Observation and testing during site preparation, grading and placement of engineered fill. 4. Consultation as required during construction. MY,I kEN ■ 1.3 2 -P _■ o .► ON MN ► 1911111 The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based in part upon the data obtained from the twenty-three (23) borings performed on the site. The nature and extent of variations between the borings may become yef evident until ce� necessary reevvariations uate then the appear evident, recommendations of this report. Findings of this report are valid as of this date. However, changes in conditions of a property can occur with passage of time whether they be due to natural processes or works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards occur whether they result from legislation or broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of eighteen (18) months. +he o.,cn+ thnt nnv chances in the nature, design or location of the ware planned, building the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to insure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the -architect and engineers for the project and are incorporated into the plans and specifications for the project. it is also the owners responsibility, or his representative, to insure that the necessary steps are taken to see that the general contractor and all subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. it is further understood that the owner or his representative is responsible for submittal of this report to the appropriate governing agencies. BUENA ENGINERS. INC. April 5, 1990 -19- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 Buena Engineers, Inc., has prepared this report for the exclusive use of the client and authorized agents. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranties, either expressed or implied, are made as the professional advice provided under the terms of this agreement, and included in the report. It is recommended that Buena Engineers, Inc., be provided the opportunity for a general review of final design and specifications in order that earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented in the design and specifications, If Buena Engineers, Inc., is not accorded the privilege of making this recommended review, we can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. Our scope of services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation to determine the presence of hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater or air, on, below or around this site. Prior to purchase or development of this site, we suggest that an environmental assessment be conducted which addresses environmental concerns. END OF TEXT Appendices BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 -20- B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 1. Envicom, Riverside County, 1976, Seismic Safety Element. 2. Krinitzsky, E.L., Chang, F.K., Magnitude -Related Earthquake Ground Motions, Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists Vol. XXV, No. 4, 1988, Pgs. 399-423. ble 3. Accelerations srfrom Earth akes n California CDMG Mapximum Shee23. k Accefe q e Plnessel. M. R. and Slosson, J. E., "Repeatable High Ground *77 Accelerations from Earthquakes', IY%4 V.,U111Vii Ina vwi.iyY, V No. 9, P.gs. 195-199. 5. Seed, H. B. and Idriss, I. M., 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes. 6. Seih, Kerry, 1965, "Earthquake Potentials Along The San Andreas Fault', Minutes of The National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, March 29-30, 1985, USGS Open File Report 85-507. BUENA ENGINERS, INC. APPENDIX A Site and Vicinity Map Logs of Borings BUENA ENGINERS, INC. u �o Date: 02/28/90 L D .0 a O N E 3 O S co 0 13 5 8 1❑ 6 15 23 20 25 30 35 40 45 5❑ Albertsons Market Complex Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 2 a 3 > > DESCRIPTION o 0 E ^ U File No. B7-2083-P1 REMARKS Thin interbedded silt layers throughout A 1 : Grey brown very fine to SP fine sand 86.8 1 1.2 1 82 1 Silt layer 1" thick A2: Brown slightly clayey silty very fine to fine sand Relatively undisturbed ring sample ® No recovery SM ®r�.�� Silt layer 3/4" thick Total Depth = 16' No Free Water No Bedrock Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. Albertsons Market Complex Date: 02/28/90 Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 4 File No. B7-2083-131 • Q 3 > > v t m D m DESCRIPTION �_ o o m� REMARKS a E o 3 m a T U C - C -- `- U Cr.E 6 0 - Closely interbedded B1 layers - 45 A3: Brown clayey very SM 93.7 1.5 79 throughout - silty very fine sand 5 24 10 15 A 1 : Grey brown very fine SIR 15 25 to fine sand 96.0 1.3 90 20 23 92.7 1.2 87 25 30 30 88.8 1.8 -- 24 35 50111" A 2: Brown slightly clayey SM - _ silty very fine to fine 40 sand -50/9" - A4: Grey brown fine to Sp - medium sand with 45 trace coarse sand 33 _ Relatively undisturbed _ ring sample - ® No recovery 50 Closely interbedded B1 layers 7-15' Scattered thin silty layers (A2) 15 - 2 5' B1 layer 6" thick Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. Trace gravel Total Depth = 46' No Free Water No Bedrock Date: 03/02/90 t (D E 0 3 m c i. U o p - U) 0 38 5 32 10 17 15 11 20 24 25 36 Albertsons Market Complex Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 6 File No. B7-2083-P1 a 3 > > .2 DESCRIPTION o ^ 0 Q 8- REMARKS CO d o o U Al :Grey brown very fine 11 Sp 1 97.7 1.4 92 11 131 layer 2" thick to fine sand Thin interbedded B1 layers throughout B1: Brown clayey silt 11 ML 9 76.8 5.3 - - A2 Brown slightly clayey SM silty very fine to fine sand Al : Grey brown very fine �� SP to fine sand 30 A2: Brown slightly clayey SM so / 1 0 " silty very fine to fine sand A 1 :Grey brown very fine SP to fine sand Relatively undisturbed ring sample ® No recovery 92.1 1 1.5 1 87 Closely interbedded B1 layers throughout Thin interbedded 131 layers throughout Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. Total Depth = 46' No Free Water No Bedrock Albertsons Market Complex Date: 03/02/90 Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 7 File No. B7-2083-P1 r m .0 m H 3 DESCRIPTION _ � co REMARKS m c i0 . 0 c o -- `= 0 A 1 :Grey brown very fine SP _ to fine sand 50/1 1 A2: Brown slightly clayey SM 100.9 5.7 83 Interbedded B1 layers - silty very fine to fine throughout - sand 5 30 95.2 0.5 87 Scattered thin B1 layers • A 1 :Grey brown very fine Sp throughout to fine sand 10 7 A2: Brown slightly clayey SM _ silty very fine to fine sand 15 9 67.9 5.0 --- - Scattered thin A2 layers - _ throughout 20 22 B1: Brown clayey silt ML 100.9 5.7 83 25 32 100.9 5.7 83 797M_ A2: Brown slightly clayey SM 30 36 silty very fine to fine 97.0 0.7 89 Closely interbedded B1 layers - sand _ B1: Brown clayey silt ML 35 - 45 Scattered A4 layers - Al : Grey brown very fine SP Note: to fine sand 40 The stratification .lines - 50/9" represent the approximate - boundaries between the - soil types; the transitions - may be gradual. 45 50/9" - - Relatively undisturbed Total Depth = 46' ring sample No Free Water ® No recovery No Bedrock 50 Albertsons Market Complex Date: 03/02/90 Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 8 7 File No. 137-2083-131 7­7 --------- � CL 0 > -= DESCRIPTION DESCRI 0 0 0 a0 REMARKS CL C 0) 13 z- E :s- CD L) 3: 0 .0 0 Cn — C CL 2 cc E 01 -0-0 *0 Fill material 0 A3: Brown clayey very sm silty very fine sand 25 95.6 8.0 80 A 2: SM 5 2 30 A 1 Grey brown very fine SP to fine sand 10 10 A2: Brown slightly clayey SM 1.3 B1 layer 6" thick WILY VU1Y 11110 &W 11-1w L;ioseiy interbedded 81 layers sand throughout 15 13 88.2 2.0 76 20 Al : Grey brown very fine Grey SP 82.1 1.4 :77 A3 layers throughout 12 es to fine -- Thin interbedded B1 layers 25 A3: Brown clayey very sm throughout 13 silty very fine sand 30 25 Scattered A3 layers throughout A I :Grey brown very fine SP to fine sand 35 50/9" Total Depth = 41' No Free Water C11: Brown slightly sandy CIL No Bedrock 40 silty clay g1.8 14.9 50/9, Relatively undisturbed ring sample Note: 4 5 The stratification lines No recovery represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. Date: 03/14/90 tm .0 m 3 o c m c U 0 10 5 7 to 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Albertsons Market Complex Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 10 (D > > .Q DESCRIPTION o 0 E cc j a o o 0 A 1 : Grey brown very fine to fine sand ® No recovery Ii File No. B7-2083-P1 REMARKS 4rattared A2 layers Total Depth = 16' No Free Water No Bedrock Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. Albertsons Market Complex Date: 02/26/90 Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 12 File No. B7-2083-P1 n m 3 m c •° m o o o DESCRIPTION � o 0 Z REMARKS o� to U 1 (0°°a �° Oil D o o 0 A3: Brown clayey very sM Thin B1 layers throughout _ - silty very fine sand -' 2.9 43 5 B1: Brown clayey silt ML 89.0 5.0 75 23 1 0 91 Al : Grev brown very fine Sp 94.7 1.0 89 - to fine sand 15 27 89.9 1.4 85 - Thin interbedded Bt layers throughout 20 50/12" - A2: Brown slightly clayey sM silty very fine to fine _ sand 25 50/6" 30 50/6' _ - Relatively undisturbed Twinl 1'1nnfF_ 'i1 I VtQ1 `'"r"' - ring sample No Free Water _ No Bedrock 35 - No recovery 40 Note: The stratification Jines 45 represent the approximate _ boundaries between the soil types; the transitions _ may be gradual. 50 Albertsons Market Complex Date: 02/28/90 Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 14 File No. B7-2083-P1 a 3 > > o m E o o DESCRIPTION o 0 Z O REMARKS p .°—� cn U M U) a *0 - ° U � o o 0 B 1 : Brown clayey silt ML 50/8" 98.0 4.4 82 Thin interbedded B1 layers 5 23 94 1 1 9 81 throughout - A2: Brown slightly clayey SM - silty very fine to fine - sand n e1 d 1 1 7Q Interbedded B1 layers 12 - 17' 1.5 23 95.3 0.9 90 - A 1 :Grey brown very fine SP - to fine sand 20 38 - Scattered A2 layers 20 - 25' 25 30 Relatively undisturbed Total Depth = 26' ring sample No Free Water No Bedrock 30 - � Aln rnrnvnry 35 40 Note: 45 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. 50 Albertsons Market Complex Date: 03/22/90 Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 16 File No. B7-2083-P1 a 3 m E o 3 DESCRIPTION o 0 C REMARKS a m C Q— >. U cn C 0 'C U o a o o 0 o U 0 A2: Brown slightly clayey SM silty very fine to fine - 5 0/ 1 0 sand 112.8 9.3 97 B1 layers throughout 6 A 1 : Grey brown very fine SP - 31 to fine sand B 1 : Brown clayey silt ML _ I n 87.2 2.6 82 Closely interbedded B1- - layers 10 - 17' Al : Grey brown very fine SP 1 5 to fine sand 86.2 2.4 80 17 20 33 Scattered thin B1 layers A3: Brown clayey very SM " silty very fine sand 25 50/10" - A 4 : Grey brown fine to SP medium sand with trace coarse sand 30 rL4 25 35 Scattered thin clay layers 50/1 1 • throughout - A 1 :Grey brown very fine SP Note: - 40 to fine sand The stratification lines - 35 represent the approximate boundaries between the _ soil types; the transitions _ may be gradual. 45 50 - Relatively undisturbed Total Depth = 46' ring sample No Free Water ® No recovery No Bedrock 50 Date: 03/22/90 t m 0 m N a E 0 0 (D c N U 0 23 5 28 in 15 18 20 23 25 50 30 20 35 40 45 50 Albertsons Market Complex Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 18 ma m m c > .0 DESCRIPTION o 0 E O U) _0 U O 0-0 U D a ; B 1 : Brown clayey silt ML A2: Brown slightly clayey SM silty very fine to fine sand 11 File No. B7-2083-P1 REMARKS Thin interbedded silt layers throughout 80.5 1.4 i 76 A2 layer 6" thick A 1 : Grey -brown veryfine-SP -Thin A2 layers throughout -- to fine sand B1: Brown clayey silt ML 75.7 7.1 - - - A2: Brown slightly clayey 1I SM silty very fine to fine A4: Grey brown fine to medium sand with trace coarse sand Relatively undisturbed ring sample No recovery Thin interbedded silt layers throughout Total Depin - 31' No Free Water No Bedrock Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. Date: 03/23/90 t m 0 m N O p U) U 0 25 5 i' '_ 25 �n 1 J V 15 15 20 16 25 30 30 50/1 1 " 35 40 45 50 Albertsons Market Complex Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 20 File No. B7-2083-P1 (D > > .Q DESCRIPTION o ^ 0 C REMARKS n a o o U A 1 : Grey brown very fine SP to fine sand11 Widely scattered thin silt lavers 2 - 4' 98.7 2.4 85 A2: Brown slightly clayey SM Thin interbedded B1 layers silty very fine to fine throughout sand B1 layer 2" thick B1: Brown clayey silt 11 ML A 1 : Grey brown very fine �! SP to fine sand Relatively undisturbed ring sample No recovery 61.0 1 11.71 --- 88.4 12.9 , 83 lj B1 layer 3" thick Scattered thin silt layers 20 - 30' i otai Depin - 31' No Free Water No Bedrock Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. Date: 03/23/90 r m M m 3 0 29 5 26 10 32 15 18 20 18 25 50 30 50/11 35 40 45 50 Albertsons Market Complex Location: Per Plan BORING NO. 22 c a 3 > > .o DESCRIPTION o 0 -6 E N :3 CL o o U A2: Brown slightly clayey silty very fine to fine sand A 1 : Grey brown very fine to fine sand B1: Brown clayey silt A 2: Brown slightly clayey silty very fine to fine sand - Relatively undisturbed ring sample No recovery File No. B7-2083-P1 REMARKS SP 1 99.0 1 2.8 1 93 11 Thin silt layer ML 86.1 1 6.6 1 - - - 11 Thin Al layers 67.9 1 7.9 1 - - - 11 A3 layer 2' thick B1 layer 4" thick SM I jl Closely interbedded silt layers Il 20-25' 4 II Tntal ncnth - 11' No Free Water No Bedrock Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. APPENDIX B Summary of Test Results Table 2 BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 B-1 87-2083-1`1 90-04-724 BORING/DEPTH 1@ 0-5' 1@ 8-13' 4@ 0-5' 3@ 0-2' 6@10' 19@15' USCS SP SM SM SP ML CL SOIL DESIGNATION Al A2 A3 A4 131 C1 MAXIMUM DENSITY (pcf) 106.3 115.7 118.8 105.7 --- --- OPTIMUM MOISTURE (%) 14.4 11.7 11.9 14.7 --- -" ANGLE OF INT. FRIC. 32.40 31.40 31.50 35.80 --- --- COHESION (psf) 100 160 175 60 --- --- EXPANSION INDEX 0 0 4 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION (%) GRAVEL 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.2 0.0 0.0 SAND 90.3 74.5 45.3 95.4 1.9 10.4 SILT 7.0 17.3 36.0 1.7 61.9 19.7 CLAY 2.7 8.2 18.6 1.7 36.2 69.9 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS: All: Grey brown very fine to fine sand (SP) A2: Brown slightly clayey silty very fine to fine sand (SM) A3: -Brown clayey very, silty very fine sand (SM) A4: Grey brown fine to medium sand with trace coarse sand (SP) 131: Brown clayey silt (ML) C1: Brown slightly sandy silty clay (CL) BUENA ENGINERS, INC. April 5, 1990 B-2 B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 1 @ 5.0 10.0 30.0 2@ 5.0 15.0 3@ 2.0 10.0 15.0 4@ 2.0 15.0 20.0 30.0 5@2.0 10.0 15.0 25.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 6@ 2.0 10.0 45.0 7@2.0 5.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 8@2.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 40.0 92.4 0.6 87% 86.7 1.8 75% 97.0 1.3 82% 86.8 1.2 82% --- 2.2 --- 93.1 6.4 88% 90.5 7.1 78% 93.6 8.7 81 % 93.7 1.5 79% 96.0 1.3 90% 92.7 1.2 87% 88.8 1.8 --- 103.0 1.1 89% 86.0 0.9 - 100.2 1.0 94% 100.5 0.8 95% 99.5 1.4 84% 87.4 27.1 --- 86.8 8.9 --- 97.7 1.4 92% 76.8 5.3 --- 92.1 1.5 87% 110.4 1.6 95% 94.1 2.4 89% 65.8 6.0 L. � ei U070 68.4 4.8 58% 83.5 7.3 70% 95.1 3.5 82% 95.6 8.0 80% --- 1.3 --- 88.2 2.0 76% 82.1 1.4 77% 81.8 14.9 --- BUENA ENGINERS. INC. April 5, 1990 B-3 B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 IN -PLACE RELATIVE BORING, & DEPIL[ DRY DENSITY % MOISTURE COMPACTION 9@2.0 103.0 0.9 97% 20.0 91.7 1.5 79% 11 @5.0 98.1 13.0 83% 10.0 97.7 7.3 84% 20.0 96.8 0.8 91 % 12@2.0 --- 2.9 --- 5.0 89.0 5.0 75% 10.0 94.7 1.0 89% 15.0 89.9 1.4 85% 13@5.0 101.4 1.9 88% 15.0 92.3 1.7 87% 14@2.0 98.0 4.4 82% 5.0 94.1 1.9 81 % 10.0 91.4 1.1 79% 15.0 95.3 0.9 90% 15@2.0 120.0 4.6 100% 5.0 107.9 3.5 100% 15.0 65.1 3.6 61 % 20.0 89.7 1:8 76% 16@2.0 112.8 9.3 97% 10.0 87.2 2.6 82% 15.0 85.2 2.4 80% 17@2.0 106.9 10.5 92% 5.0 85.9 8.3 72% 10.0 90.9 4.8 77% 20.0 99.9 1.0 95% 18@10.0 80.5 1.4 76% 20.0 75.7 7.1 --- 19@2.0 117.1 5.3 100% 5.0 110.3 3.3 100% 10.0 --- 3.7 --- 15.0 92.5 6.2 80% 20.0 --- 3.2 --- 25.0 86.2 7.0 --- BUENA ENGINERS. INC. April 5, 1990 B-4 B7-2083-P1 90-04-724 200a 5.0 15.0 20.0 21 @5.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 22Ca 5.0 10.0 15.0 2392.0 15.0 98.7 2.4 85% 61.0 11.7 --- 88.4 2.9 83% 100.7 0.8 95% 76.3 9.4 --- 86.2 10.4 --- 85.6 7.0 --- 98.1 2.4 85% 99.0 2.8 93% 81.6 6.6 --- 67.9 7.9 --- --- 1.5 --- 106.1 2.4 100% PII=MA r_Nrlwr-QQ INr, B 7 — 2 0 8 3 — P 1 MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT co 0 z O a ra 12 14 16 METHOD OF COMPACTION ASTM D-1557-78, METHOD A or C SOIL TYPE Al Boring 1 @ 0-5' MAXIMUM DENSITY 106.3pcf 08 06 104 OPTIMUM MOISTURE 14.4% MAXIMUM DENSITY — OPTIMUM MOISTURE CURVES B 7 — 2 0 8 3 — P 1 MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT f- O LL U m 116 V Q LU a O 114 z m a z } ~ 112 z W O Q O 10 12 14 METHOD OF COMPACTION ASTM D-1557-78, METHOD A or C SOIL TYPE MAXIMUM DENSITY OPTIMUM MOISTURE A2 115.7 pcf 11.7% Boring 1 @ 8-13' MAXIMUM DENSITY - OPTIMUM MOISTURE CURVES B7-2083-P1 MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT H O LL U m 1 V Q W a 0 z m O a z a� z W 0 cc 0 10 12 14 METHOD OF COMPACTION ASTM D-1557-78, METHOD A or C SOIL TYPE MAXIMUM DENSITY p3 118.8 pcf Boring 4 @ 0-5' 20 18 116 OPTIMUM MOISTURE 11.9% MAXIMUM DENSITY - OPTIMUM MOISTURE CURVES 87-2083-P1 4.0 _..N 3.5 — H O 0 3.0 d 2.5 Y 2.0 N W � 1.5 r co 0Z_ 1.0 FE Q = 0.5 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 NORMAL LOAD, (KIPS / FOOT ) DIRECT SHEAR DATA Sail ty p e: 1 @ 0-5' Be -ring and depth. Angle of internal friction: Cohesion: 100 DO 32.40 N Samples remolded to 90% of maximum density 0 Samples relatively undisturbed 8 7 - 2 0 8 3 - P 1 4. 1.5 2.0 2.5 J.0 0.0 NORMAL LOAD (KIPS / FOOT ) DIRECT SHEAR DATA 3til type: a Baring and depth: Angle of internal friction: 31.49 Cohesion: 160 DO Samples remolded to 90% of maximum density 13 Samples relatively undisturbed B7-2083-P1 4. a 3. H O 0 3. N a. 2, Y Cn 2 N W � 1 C� Z_ 1 0= Q uJ 2 (A 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 z.a Q.v -T.0 NORMAL LOAD, (KIPS / FOOT ) DIRECT SHEAR DATA Sail type: A3 BDring and depth: '4 @ 0-5' Angle of internal friction: 31 Cohesion: 1 0 Samples remolded to 90% of maximum density ❑ Samples relatively undisturbed B 7 - 2 0 8 3 - P 1 C �g sue° f0 •y Q N y O 2 , y m m . v 7 O cm H N Of _ c" m �E$8 o t y�$ oi� H c mom`= c cao oact E cr` cv c„ N cmE ac m 0 c y c o,. CD O m C. N O C 3 m m y C a O N $ O r � N L F- E � c .E m $ (O X ■ C Co c EN 0-0o ow^ mm o� `o v$ o" F� m a-0 c $ o N O� v C R ` Q N W t O� Q 7 C m .N-wN rrN O N O F O m 3, C �� 4 Ord► r_a Lt C N coCoV E C y O = r CON T r CM a� 3 SSGU) qi BURoo-A 4M M BWROO-A SSOU)PIl(1 Weis SePOiS lO 'ON c x L C m x W I c � 0 c 0 m a O (L m m m m cc N tm O O H C.) O O O C m EJr m•= M m. m Er m 3 U �-0 m E� �� E m� 0 lC „ 01 o m c m a O y o_ m o 3 m O o C a m ~ a C 3 ° 4 $4 W v cc a W W z O) cm Cp 5 Z- ce mLLJ X CY - Ci S e _ w t0 N .. t0 # M .Q U) LU \J y x O o % o m C U m J c E N z v� O $ -0 w o cc -v 15 o � T :CO m � J g U W a � � N N N N CY cc N N N N cohO COhGo CD CO co c000 Ncf1co Ntf1C70 NNCO NNCCf r r T r r r T r T T r r 000 CO W Or r CD CD co to Q r" TNCr) rNCO) TNM rNCr) 3 > O E 9 t N 4 0 'C '7 .� O ZLO N J ? m O W91121610MILGIN Premoistening is required where specified in Table 2 in order to achieve. maximum and uniform expansion of soils prior to construction and thus limit structural distress caused by uneven expansion and shrinkage. Other systems which do not include premoistening may be approved by the Building Official when such alternatives are shown to provide equivalent safeguards against adverse effects of expansive soils. 2. Underfloor access crawl holes shall be provided with curbs extending not less than six (6) inches above adjacent grade to prevent surface water from entering the foundation area. 3. Reinforcement for continuous foundations shall be placed not less than three (3) inches above the bottom of the footings and not less than three (3) inches below the top of the stem. 4. Reinforcement shall be placed at mid -depth of slab. 5. After premoistening, the specified moisture content of soils shall be maintained until concrete is placed. Required moisture content shall be verified by an approved testing laboratory not more than twenty-four (24) hours prior to placement of concrete. 6. Crawl spaces under raised floors need not be premoistened except under interior footings. Interior footings which are not enclosed by a continuous perimeter foundation system or equivalent concrete or masonry moisture barrier complying with UBC Section 2907 (b) shall be designed and constructed as specified for perimeter footings in Table 2. , 7. A grade beam not less than twelve (12) inches by twelve (12) inches in cross section, reinforced as specified for continuous foundations in Table 2 shall be provided at garage door openings. 8. Foundation stem walls which exceed a height of three (3) times the stem thickness above lowest adjacent grade shall be reinforced in accordance with Sections 2418 and 2614 in the UBC or as required by engineering design, whichever is more restrictive. 9. Bent reinforcing bars between exterior footing and slab shall be omitted when floor is designed as an independent, 'floating" slab. 10. Fireplace footings shall be reinforced with a horizontal grid located three (3) inches above the bottom of the footing and consisting of not less than number four (#4) bars at twelve (12) inches on center each way. Vertical chimney reinforcing bars shall be hooked under the grid. BUENA ENGINERS. INC. APPENDIX C Standard Grading Specifications BUENA ENGINERS, INC. C-1 STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT: ONE ELEVEN LAQUINTA CENTER CLIENT: TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 1, These Standard Grading Specifications have been prepared for the exclusive use of our client for specific application to referenced project in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. 2. These specifications shall be integrated with the Engineering Report of which they are a part. Should conflicting statements be found between these standard specifications and the itemized recommendations contained in the main body of the engineering report, the latter shall govern. 3. Buena Engineers, Inc., referred to as the soil engineer, should be retained to provide continuous soil engineering services during construction of the grading, excavation and foundation phases of the work. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ,from that anticipated prior to start of construction. 4. The presence of our field representative will be for the purpose of providing observation and field testing. Our work does not include supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor, his employees or agents. The contractor for this project should be so advised. The contractor should also be informed that neither the presence of our field representative nor the observation and testing by our firm shall excuse him in any way from defects discovered in his work. It is understood that our firm will not be responsible for job or site safety on this project. Job and site safety will be the sole responsibility of the contractor. 5. If the contractor encounters subsurface conditions at the site that (a) are materially different from those indicated in the contract plans or in specifications, or (b) could not have been reasonably anticipated as inherent in the work of the character provided in the contract, the contractor shall immediately notify the owner verbally and in writing within 24 hours. This notification shall be a condition precedent before any I;egotiations for "chan;,ed or differing site conditions` can proceed. if the owner determines that conditions do materially so differ and cause an increase or decrease in the BUENA ENGINERS, INC. c-z contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work under this contract, then negotiations shall commence between owner and contractor to provide equitable adjustment to owner or contractor resulting therefrom. 6. Whenever the words 'supervision', 'inspection', or 'control' appear they shall mean periodic observation of the work and the taking of soil tests as deemed necessary by the soil engineer for substantial compliance with plans, specifications and design concepts. 7. These specifications shall consist of clearing and grubbing, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, spreading, compaction and control of the fill, and subsidiary work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. 8. The standard test used to define minimum censities or co. pa�.iivri work shall be the ASTM Test Procedure D 1557. Densities shall be expressed as a relative compaction in terms of the maximum density obtained in the laboratory by the foregoing standard procedure. 9. Field density tests will be performed by the soil engineer during grading operations. At least one (1) test shall be made for each five hundred (500) cubic yards or fraction thereof placed with a minimum of two (2) tests per layer in isolated areas. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to ❑ depth of several inches. Density tests shall be taken in compacted material below the disturbed surface. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below the required density, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density has been obtained. 10. Earth -moving and working operations shall be controlled to prevent water from running into excavated areas. Excess water shall be _i LL- .,i_ i,r r%+ Ary Kili mriterid shall not he prompf y rernoveu Q G 111tv Q,1v •,Gr-1 - 7 . - .., ..._. _.. _. - _.. - - placed, spread or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soil engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. 11. Compaction shall be by sheepsfoot rollers, vibrating sheepsfoot rollers, multiple -wheel pneumatic -tired rollers or other types of acceptable compacting rollers. Rollers shall be of such design that they will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Rolling shall be accomplished while the fill material is within the specified moisture content range. Rolling of each layer shall be continuous over its entire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the required density has been obtained. 12. Existing structures, foundations, trash, debris, loose fill, trees (not included in landscaping), roots, tree remains and other rubbish shall be removed, piled or burned or otherwise disposed of so as to BUENA ENGINERS. INC. C-3 leave the areas that have been disturbed with a neat and finished appearance free from debris. No burning shall be permitted in the area to be filled. 13. When fUt material includes rock, large rocks will not be allowed to nest and'voids must be carefully filled with small stones or earth and properly compacted. Rock larger than eight (8) inches in diameter will not be permitted in the compacted fill without review as to location by the soil engineer. 14. Organic matter shall be removed from the surface upon which the fill, foundations or pavement sections are to be placed. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least eight (8) inches and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. Specific recommendations pertaining to stripping and minimum depth of recompaction of native soils are presented in the main body of the soil report. 15. Native soil free from organic material and other deleterious material may be used as compacted fill; however, during grading operations the soil engineer will re-examine the native soils for organic content. 16. Imported material should be tested and reviewed by Buena Engineers, Inc., before being brought to the site. The materials used shall be free from organic matter and other deleterious material. 17. Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than ten (10) percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be at least ten (10) feet in width on firm, undisturbed natural ground at the elevation of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The width and frequency of succeeding benches will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope. 18. The selected fill material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted, shall not exceed six (6) inches in thickness. Layers shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade -mixed during spreading. After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to a relative compaction of not less than ninety (90) percent. The fill operation shall be continued in six (6) inch compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and graded as shown on the accepted plans. 19. When the moisture content of the fill material is not sufficient to achieve required compaction, .)ct -Dr shall be added until the soil:. attain a moisture content so that thorough bonding is achieved BUENA ENGINERS, INC. C-4 during the compacting process. When the moisture content of the fill material is excessive, the fill material shall be aerated by blading or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is reduced to an acceptable content to achieve proper compaction. 20. Existing septic tanks and other underground storage tanks must be removed from the site prior to commencement of building, grading or fill operations. Underground tanks, including connecting drain fields and other lines, must be totally removed and the resulting depressions properly reconstructed and filled. Depressions left from tree removal shall also be properly filled and compacted. 21. The methods for removal of subsurface irrigation and utility lines will depend on the depth and location of the line. One of the following methods may be used: 1) Remove the pipe and compact the soil �� _ a_�....�. .....,.�;.... +„ +h= rnnnfirnhIp nnrtions of these aradinq recommendations, 2) The pipe shall be crushed in the trench. The trench shall then be filled and compacted according to the applicable portions of these grading specifications, 3) Cap the ends of the line with concrete to mitigate entrance of water. The length of the cap shall not be less than five (5) feet. The concrete mix shall have ❑ minimum shrinkage. 22. Abandoned water wells on the site shall be capped according to the requirements of the appropriate regulatory agency. The strength of the cap shall be at least equal to the adjacent soils. The final elevation of the top of the well casing must be a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches below adjacent grade prior to grading or fill operations. Structure foundations should not be placed aver the capped well. BUENA ENGINERS. INC. RECEIVED ' AY 1 4 1990 Buena Engineers, Inc. M AN Wfl1 •r*RNN, IMQ COMPANY � nGVF-! OP�y?FNT D'cPARTMENT 79-811 B COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE - BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA 92201 - PHONE (619) 345-1588 FAX (619) 345-7315 May 10, 1990 B7-2083-P1 90-05-785 Transpacific Development Company 2377 Crenshaw Boulevard Torrance, California 90501-3325 Attention: Keith Holmes Project: 111 La Quinta Center La Quinta, California Ref: Geotechnical Engineering Report by Buena Engineers, Inc. dated April 5, 1990; Report No. 90-04-724 This letter is concerning the additional two and six tenths (2.6) acre site to the north of the Whitewater Channel and the channel crossing along Adams street. The site plan for this portion of the project was inadvertently omitted from the referenced report. The plan is attached with the approximate boring locations indicated. The corresponding boring logs are included in the referenced report. If there are any questions concerning this letter or the referenced report please contact the undersigned. I apologize for any inconvenience. Respectfully submitted, BUENA ENGINEERS, Brett L. Anderson, P.E. BLA/ss HD/LTRS Iff Copies: 4 - Transpacific Development Company 1 - VTA File 1 - PS File BERMUDA DUNES BEAUMONT BAKERSRELD LANCASTER VENTURA 16191345-1588 (714) 845-9883 (805) 327-5150 (805) 948-7538 (805) 642-6727 ti� -$ ' APPRovj4g7-i ao elA/6 I.aG477oV S 19DD1770 6f A L. 2. 6 ACAC s 17V- k�ii�j�!✓.► ft'1L GA+GlN�t1R � floss i� 6 LA 0u,krr4 er4. Buena Engineers, Inc. DATE: 5'-/0 -90 1 FILE NO.:/37-2*83-PJ