ASM AffiliatesProposal to Provide a City-Wide
Historic Resources Survey Update
City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California
Due Date: February 4, 2022; 5:00 PM
Carlos Flores, Senior Planner
Danny Castro, Design and Development Director
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92247-1504
Shannon Davis, M.A., RPH, Director
ASM Affiliates
20 N. Raymond Avenue, Suite 220
Pasadena, California 91103
February 4, 2022
Danny Castro, Design and Development Director
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92247-1504
Re: Request for Proposals to Conduct a Citywide Historic Resources Survey Update, City of La Quinta,
Riverside County, California
Mr. Castro,
ASM Affiliates, Inc. (ASM) is pleased to respond to the Request for Proposals (RFP) to complete a
citywide historic resources survey update for the City of La Quinta (City). We understand that the City
seeks a historic preservation con sultant to update previously conducted historic resource surveys. ASM
will work closely with City Planning staff, the La Quinta Historical Society, and La Quinta Museum to
update the survey, identify and record potentially significant resources, perform evaluations of eligibility
for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), California Register of Historic Resource, and local
landmark eligibility, and review the City’s current procedures for reviewing landmark s and provide
recommendations for codifying the process. All work will be conducted in conformance with federal,
state, and local historic preservation standards and guidelines, including but not limited to the National
Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI) Standards for Archaeology and
Historic Preservation, NRHP bulletin series, California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP)
Instructions for Recording Historical Resources, as well as the City’s municipal ordinance.
As Director of ASM’s Architectural History gro up, I lead a team of architectural historians and historians
who all exceed the Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI’s) Professional Qualifications Standards and possess
considerable relevant experience with contracts similar in size and scope for the City of Los Angeles,
County of Los Angeles, City of Monrovia, City of Ontario, City of Chula Vista, City of West Hollywood,
and City of Orange, among others. ASM is a full-service cultural resource management firm with more
than 40 years of experience providing high-quality historical, architectural history, and archaeological
consultation services. ASM is uniquely qualified to meet your project needs and prepare the required
deliverables to the highest standard, on schedule, and within budget. With decades of expe rience
performing the required services, our staff is confident that our expertise and technical approach will meet
your project needs.
We appreciate this opportunity and are excited at the prospect of working on this project with you . I will
personally ensure that schedule requirements are met and that the final deliverables are of superior
quality. This proposal includes a complete description of ASM’s qualifications and experience;
description of our proposed team; our approach to delivering the required tasks of the RFP; and a
proposed timeline for completing the project. A cost proposal is provided under separate cover.
If you have any questions regarding our submission, please do not hesitate to call me at (760) 804-5757 or
email me at
Shannon Davis, M.A., RPH
Director, Architectural History
COVER LETTER ...................................................................................................................................... i
STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS ................................................................................................. 1
PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH ........................................................................... 10
SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................................ 11
SCHEDULE/TIMELINE ....................................................................................................................... 21
COST PROPOSAL ................................................................................................................................. 23
APPENDIX A - RESUMES.................................................................................................................... 24
ASM is exceptionally qualified to meet the needs of the City and conduct the requested services to the
highest standard, on schedule, and within budget. With nearly 45 years of experience providing high -quality
historical and cultural resource services to local, state, and federal agencies and private project proponents
throughout the West. We have completed more than 5,500 studies related to architectural history, history,
archaeology, and other specialized services. These studies include reconnaissance - and intensive-level
historic property surveys, inventories, and evaluations; historic landmark/district identification; Historic
Context Statement (HCS) development; NRHP and California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR)
nominations; Historic American Buildings Surveys (HABS), Historic American Engineering Records
(HAER), and Historic American Landscape Surveys (HALS); Mills Act program application and reviews;
historic preservation trainings; and public outreach and management planning documents such as Integrated
Cultural Resources Management Plans (ICRMPs), Historic Preservation Plans, and Historic Building
Maintenance Plans for buildings and structures throughout California. Our team has demonstrated
experience in research methods, in knowledge of local architectural history, in the preparation of historic
assessment/evaluation reports and HCSs, and in the application of the SOI’s Treatment Standards. ASM
has extensive experience conducting historical and cultural resource reports prepared for compliance with
local ordinances, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Protection Act
(NEPA), and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
Our team of Architectural Historians, Historians, and other Cultural Resource Specialists can provide
considerable experience within the region and considerable experience with regards to the specific services
required to successfully complete anticipated projects. By proposing a team of highly qualified individuals,
we are ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and quality of the delivered product, in accordance with the
requirements of the proposed projects. All of the proposed personnel meet or exceed the SOI’s
Qualifications Standards for their respective fields, including proposed PM, Ms. Shannon Davis, M.A.,
RPH, who exceeds the SOI’s Qualification Standards as an Architectural Historian and/or Historian. All
proposed individuals have been selected based upon their history of providing similar services to public
sector organizations, their overall qualifications and expertise, and their ability to accomplish the assigned
work on time and within budget.
ASM has conducted the types of projects that will be
conducted for the City of La Quinta for other
municipalities throughout southern California
including the cities of Los Angeles, Pasadena,
Monrovia, Ontario, La Cañada Flintridge, Glendale,
Santa Monica, Whittier, Menifee, Fullerton, Santa
Ana, Orange, San Diego, Carlsbad, Chula Vista,
Encinitas, Temecula, and Vista and the counties of
Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and San
Diego. As a result, our staff has experience working
with different municipal departments, city staff, and
public commissions, as well as members of these
communities through our public outreach efforts,
project meetings, and keeping project proponents
abreast of project status.
ASM has extensive experience with property types and architectural styles present in La Quinta, including
numerous historic resource assessments and surveys for residential properties (including single-family,
multi-family and entire neighborhoods), commercial, institutional, and recreational golf-courses and hotels.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 1
We have surveyed and evaluated hundreds of mid -century Modern properties, Spanish Colonial revival,
Minimal Traditional, Ranch, and other architectural styles. Key personnel for the proposed project team
conducted a historic resources survey of 36 properties associated with architect Loch Crane in San Diego,
preparation of a historic architectural context and a comprehensive list of circular Modern buildings in
Oahu, a historic survey of the Mid -Century Modern Beckman Instruments Administration Building in
Fullerton, an intensive-level survey to evaluate the Modern -style Lockheed Marine Terminal for listing in
the CRHR, and a peer review of a County of Los Angeles Register of Landmarks and Historic Districts
nomination for the Mid-Century Modern McLeod House.
Additionally, ASM completed two large-scale
historic surveys for the cities of Ontario and
Monrovia that included intensive-level surveys, the
development of HCSs, and public outreach efforts.
As a result of an intensive-level survey of the Ontario
International Airport (pictured) on behalf of the City
of Ontario, our staff identified numerous buildings
and structures that were documented and evaluated
using California Department of Parks and Recreation
(DPR) 523 forms in accordance with the California
Office of Historic Preservation (OHP). Many of the
buildings surveyed served as outstanding examples
of the Mid-Century Modern architecture style that
was widely used in aviation -related facilities both in
the U.S. and internationally . Further, these buildings were constructed by an Ontario -based architectural
firm that specialized in Mid-Century-Modern design and, in addition to the airport, were responsible for
several Modernist buildings throughout the City including Ontario High School and the Ontario City
The City of Monrovia contracted with ASM to conduct an reconnaissance level survey for the city in order
to identify historically significant themes unique to Monrovia and prepare a HCS to provide a framework
for understanding and preserving the history of the region, as well as codifying and streamlining the
identification of historic properties and establishing eligibility standards. Many of Monrovia’s civic
buildings including City Hall, the Police Department, a number of churches, and several houses serve as
excellent examples of the Mid-Century Modern
style; these buildings reflect the changing cultural
shift from traditional design to a more forward -
looking American view that embraces technology
and contemporary materials. The resulting HCS
included an extensive list of property types,
character-defining features, and registration
requirements for both individually eligible
properties and historic districts. Additionally,
multiple historic districts were recommended in the
HCS which was presented and accepted by the
Monrovia City Council. ASM staff also conducting
training sessions for City planning staff and the
Historic Preservation Commission.
Other examples include a HRR prepared in support of an EIR for the City of Santa Ana, for which ASM
evaluated and recommended that the Santa Ana Elks Lodge was one of the best examples of Mid -Century
Modernism in the City. In West Hollywood, ASM evaluated a Hollywood Regency single -family residence
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 2
that was once a good example of the style, but due to recent alterations no longer conveyed its historical
significance. ASM recently completed an HRR for a contributing resource in the City of Los Angeles’s
Windsor Park Historic Preservation Overlay Zone. The property owner hired ASM to confirm if the
property had been moved to the parcel, and therefore should not be a contributing resource. Through
historical research, ASM was able to confirm that the single-family residence had been relocated to the
parcel, but in so doing discovered that it was an unknown work of master Modern architect Paul Revere
Williams. The Prewar Modernism residence was part of the 1936 California H ouse and Garden Exhibition,
and a building that was believed by scholars to have been demolished. ASM is currently working with the
property owners to develop a renovation plan consistent with historic district design guidelines and the
Treatment Standards.
Our extensive work with and appreciation of the types of architecture that define La Quinta’s built
environment (i.e., mid-residential buildings, recreational resources such as golf courses) make ASM an
ideal candidate to aid the City in meeting its historic preservation needs. As our past performance history
has repeatedly demonstrated, our business plan, organizational structure, capab ilities, experience, and
project oversight allow us to provide services and products that invariably meet our clients’ specifications
and needs, resulting in client satisfaction, regardless of the workload or complexity of the required tasks.
With our depth of staff and decades of experience performing the required services, we are confident that
our expertise and technical approach will meet the City’s historic needs.
Project Team
Shannon Davis, M.A., RPH
PM/Architectural Historian and
Laura Taylor Kung, M.A.
Architectural Historian
Marilyn Novell, M.A
Architectural Historian and
With a highly experienced staff of nearly 70 Architectural Historians, Historians, Archaeologists, Cultural
Resource Specialists, and GIS and Graphics Specialists, ASM has the education, skills, and experience
necessary to successfully complete the project. Our senior technical staff exceed the SOI’s Professional
Qualification Standards for their respective fields; our proposed team for this project, based in our Pasadena
office, has considerable experience conducting historic surveys, contexts, and outreac h with the
community. Proposed individuals have been selected based upon their history of providing similar services
to public sector organizations and their overall qualifications and expertise. By proposing a team of highly
qualified individuals, we are ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and quality of the delivered product, in
accordance with the requirements of the proposed project. More than 80% of this project will be conducted
by our Senior Architectural Historians and PM/Director of Architectural History. In this way, ASM ensures
the highest quality report and information for every property surveyed by allocating our most experienced
senior-level staff to conduct the majority of this project.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 3
Our qualified team is led by Ms. Shannon Davis,
who brings more than 20 years of experience in the
field of historic preservation and will serve as the
Project Manager (PM) for this project. She has an
M.A. in Historic Preservation/American Studies
and a B.A. in American History and exceeds the
SOI’s Professional Qualification Standards for
Architectural Historian and Historian. As Director
of ASM’s Architectural History/History
department, Ms. Davis is well-versed in all aspects
of reconnaissance- and intensive-level surveys,
HCS development, evaluating buildings and
structures for listing in federal, state, and local
registers, and in applying the aspects of integrity to
a given property. Prior to ASM, Ms. Davis worked
for the NRHP for eight years as an H istorian and for the National Trust for Historic Preservation as their
west-coast representative for heritage tourism. She has conducted multiple historic surveys and prepared
numerous historic contexts, including an HCS and citywide historic resources sur vey for the City of
Monrovia, an HCS and intensive-level survey of numerous buildings and structures within the ONT for the
City of Ontario, a reconnaissance-survey and evaluation of the Altadena Highlands district in
unincorporated Los Angeles County adjacent to the City of Pasadena, and an HCS and citywide historic
survey for the City of Chula Vista. As PM under this contract, she will serve as the day -to-day contact
person for the project and will be responsible for project oversight and quality control, as well as directing
all aspects of the project including the historic research, field survey, and report preparation. Ms. Davis will
present the project at all public meetings and review all deliverables.
Ms. Davis will be assisted by Marilyn Novell, M.S., Laura Taylor Kung, M.A., and Laura Voisin George,
M.A., who will serve as Architectural Historians under this contract. All three have extensive experience
in historic preservation and architectural history
consultation, including the develop of historic
context to aid in the documentation and evaluation
of historic properties through large-scale surveys.
With a combined 33 years of historic preservation
experience, they exceed the SOI’s Professional
Qualification Standards for Architectural History
as set forth in 36 CFR Part 61, Appendix A; Ms.
Novell is also a qualified Historian. Their expertise
includes the documentation and evaluation of
historic resources on local, state, and federal levels.
All have experience with HCSs for citywide
resources surveys that included registration
requirements on the local, state, and federal levels.
They bring extensive experience in CEQA and
Section 106 review; the preparation of NRHP
nominations, Historic Resource Evaluation Reports (HRERs), HABS/HAER documentati on, and technical
reports in support of EAs and EIRs, municipal ordinances and amendments; and interpretation projects.
They have participated in public outreach for larger citywide projects including public meetings for
citywide surveys similar to those requested in the RFP. Ms. Kung has been with ASM since 2017,
specializes in residential and commercial twentieth -century architecture and recently prepared two local
landmark nominations for I Magnin Department Store and Alpine Village. Ms. Novell has been with ASM
since 2015 and has conducted specialized research in southern California mid -twentieth century Modern
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 4
architecture, cultural landscapes, vernacular, late nineteenth/early twentieth century high style civic,
academic, and residential properties. Both will be responsible for archival research, field survey, and
preparation of the report. Ms. Voisin George will serve as an alternate staff member if either Ms. Kung or
Ms. Novell are not able to participate in the project for unforeseen reasons .
Most recently, all three assisted Ms. Davis in a
reconnaissance survey of historic resources for the
City of Monrovia and preparation of an HCS,
including conducting archival research and
interviews of local experts, as well as participating in
outreach meetings and presentation of results of the
project to the public. As Architectural Historians on
this project, they will conduct the historic research
and survey, prepare all deliverables, and assist with
public presentations. Additionally, Lisa Demarais,
M.H.P., will serve as Associate Architectural
Historian on this project. Ms. Demarais has a M.H.P.
in Historic Preservation and a B.A. in History and
will assist with public meetings, historic research, and
Sherri Andrews, M.A., J.D., RPA will serve as Quality Control Manager. With more than 20 years of
experience in cultural resources management, she has experience in all aspects of project management,
ranging from records searches and fieldwork to report writing and preparation. She has s erved as the QC
Manager for ASM for the past five years and will be responsible for reviewing all deliverables prior to
submission in order to ensure quality.
The following table (Table 1) provides the names and disciplines of all staff to be assigned to this project,
as well as their proposed roles. Full resumes for key staff are provided in Appendix A.
Table 1. Staff Information
Name Project Role Education
% of Weekly Hrs
Committed to the
Shannon Davis PM/Director, Architectural
M.A./Historic Preservation
B.A./American History
Marilyn Novell Senior Architectural
M.S./History of Architecture
B.A./American Studies
Laura Taylor
Senior Architectural
M.A./Historic Preservation Planning
B.A./Art History
Laura Voisin
Senior Architectural
Historian (Alternate)
M.A./Architectural History
B.S./Planning and Development
Lisa Demarais Associate Architectural
M.H.P./Historic Preservation
Sherri Andrews QC Manager
*Staff will commit the highest percentage of their time on weeks when surveys are conducted.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 5
Project Experience
With our depth of experience, ASM brings the necessary expertise as well as technical and professional
skills to successfully complete this project. All team members meet the General Qualifications as outlined
in the RFP, including exceeding the SOI’s Professional Qualification Standards in History and/or
Architectural History. Additionally, they all have extensive experience in preparing HCSs, conducting
historic property surveys, research methods, knowledge of local architectural histor y, assessments and
evaluation reports, and the use of the SOI’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties.
Table 2. Recent Relevant Experience (5 Years)
Project Name Date and
Location Relevance
City of Monrovia HCS and
Identification of Potential
Historic Districts
Los Angeles
County, CA
Citywide reconnaissance survey of 6,870 parcels,
preparation of full HCS with registration
requirements for NRHP, CRHR, and local
eligibility, identification of 14 historic districts;
public meetings including information gathering,
Historic Preservation Commission, and City
Council; training for City staff on how to use the
HCS report
Ontario International
Airport HCS, Intensive
Survey and Video
San Bernardino
County, CA
Intensive survey of 55 buildings and structures,
preparation of full HCS with registration
requirements for NRHP, CRHR, and local
eligibility, identification of three historic districts
and nine individually eligible buildings; public
meetings with local preservation organizations; oral
history training
Altadena Historic
Highlands Survey, Los
Angeles County Historic
Preservation On-Call,
Los Angeles
Survey and evaluation of 45 residential buildings for
local landmark eligibility; currently preparing
Design Guidelines to accompany local landmark
Short summaries of these relevant projects, as well as client reference information, are provided below.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 6
City of Monrovia HCS and Identification of Potential Historic Districts, Los Angeles County,
ASM prepared an HCS and reconnaissance-level survey for
the City of Monrovia, the fourth oldest city in Los Angeles
County, in order to identify historically significant themes
unique to Monrovia, as well as themes in the wider geographic
area that might be exemplified by the City’s extant built
environment. Further, this HCS will be used to provide a
historical background for properties located within the City,
as a framework for understanding and preserving the history
of the region, for identifying associated property types, and
for establishing eligibility standards. ASM Architectural
Historians and Historians conducted archival research,
provided public outreach opportunities for the City and the
local Monrovia Old House Preservation Group, completed a reconnaissance-level survey of the entire City,
and prepared and synthesized all findings in compliance with guidance from the NRHP and the California
OHP for the final HCS. ASM also conducted initial public scoping meetings, me t with local interested
parties, and concluded the project with trainings for City staff and the HPC. The HCS will codify and
streamline the identification of historic properties in the future by listing property types, character -defining
features, and registration requirements for both individually eligible properties and historic districts.
Multiple historic districts were recommended in the Final HCS which was recently presented and accepted
by the City Council.
Client Information
City of Monrovia
Sheri Bermejo, Planning Division Manager
415 South Ivy Avenue
Monrovia, California 91016
(626) 932-5539
Team Members
Shannon Davis, PM/Senior Architectural Historian
Sarah Stringer Bowsher, Senior Historian
Marilyn Novell, Architectural Historian
Laura Voisin George, Architectural Historian
Laura Kung, Architectural Historian
Sherri Andrews, Quality Assurance
Value of Contract $64,100.60
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 7
Ontario International Airport HCS, Intensive Survey and Video Documentary, San Bernardino
County, California
ASM prepared a themed HCS and conducted an intensive-level
survey for the Ontario International Airport (ONT), on behalf of
the City of Ontario, in order to provide a framework to evaluate
commercial and military aviation-associated properties. In
addition to the final HCS, ASM conducted oral history
interviews and prepared a 10-minute video documentary. ASM
conducted kick-off meetings with the City to finalize the work
plan and completed archival research by reviewing all
previously prepared studies including extant oral histories. An
intensive-level survey was also completed documenting
numerous buildings and structures including identification of the
year-built date for each parcel in the project area. Each resource was documented and evaluated using DPR
523 forms in accordance with the California OHP. Draft DPR forms were submitted to the City and after
receipt of comments ASM made minor revisions to the DPR 523A forms. Other tasks included
collaboration with the City on procedures for conducting oral histories, completion of the video
documentary, and preparation of a final report product with all elements of the project including Final
Context Statement, survey records, and interview tran scriptions. The oral histories, to be archived at the
Ontario Public Library, were conducted through interviews with five people associated with ONT, in
collaboration with the local non-profit historic advocacy group, Ontario Heritage. This project received an
Outstanding Environmental Resource Document Award in 2018 from the Association of Environmental
Client Information
City of Ontario
Diane Ayala, Senior Planner
303 East "B" Street
Ontario, California 91764
(909) 395-2428
Team Members
Shannon Davis, PM/Senior Architectural Historian
Sarah Stringer Bowsher, Senior Historian
Marilyn Novell, Architectural Historian
Laura Voisin George, Architectural Historian
Sherri Andrews, Quality Assurance
Value of Contract $37,935.80
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 8
Altadena Historic Highlands Survey, Los Angeles County Historic Preservation On -Call, Los
Angeles County, California
ASM served as a historic preservation consultant for the
County through an on-call contract. Most recently, ASM
completed a reconnaissance survey for the proposed
Altadena Historic Highlands Historic District which
included recommendations for district boundaries, period
of significance, and preliminary estimates of contributing
properties. ASM subsequently conducted an intensive
survey of the district to fully document contributing
resources and is currently preparing design standards and
guidelines to provide guidance for alterations to the
historic properties located within the historic district.
Under this on-call contract, ASM reviewed and/or
assisted with local landmark nominations for the County
under their new County of Los Angeles Historic Preservation Ordinance Criteria for Designati on of
Landmarks and Historic Districts. ASM prepared the first nomination under the ordinance for the
Doumakes House in View Park for its association with the Doumakes family, as well as good representation
of Spanish Colonial Revival-style architecture. More recently, we revised and finalized the nomination for
the Chester Washington Golf Course and prepared the nomination for Alpine Village, a mid-twentieth
century Bavarian-themed shopping center. ASM conducted numerous Mills Act inspections and provided
review and feedback on proposed work programs, assessing each work program for adherence with the
SOI’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. ASM Project Manager and Director of
Architectural History additional conducted a CEQA training for all LA County Planning Staff relevant to
cultural and historical resources planning and protection . Overall, ASM conducted 20 task orders under this
Client Information
Los Angeles County
Dean Edwards, Senior Regional Planner
500 West Temple Street, Room 358
Los Angeles, California 90012
(213) 974-0087
Team Members
Shannon Davis, PM/Senior Architectural Historian
Marilyn Novell, Architectural Historian
Laura Voisin George, Architectural Historian
Laura Kung, Architectural Historian
Value of Contract $53,204.00
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 9
ASM understands that the City is seeking a qualified historic preservation consultant to conduct research
and a citywide reconnaissance-level field survey in order to update previously conducted historic surveys
(1996-1997 and 2006), as well as a Summary of Findings (Findings) of those surveys conducted in 2012.
The update will include 261 previously surveyed properties, resources that were previously recorded and
may now meet the criteria to qualify them as historical resources, properties that are now 45 years of age
or more since the Findings were completed, and historic properties which may have been inadvertently
overlooked during the last surveys. ASM staff will work closely with City Planning staff, the La Quinta
Historical Society, and La Quinta Museum to update the survey, and will assess each property’s eligibility
status. ASM will also review the City’s current procedures for reviewing landmark properties proposed for
improvements, construction, alterations, or removal, and provide recommendations for codifying the
process. Additionally, ASM will attend and participate in virtual meetings throughout the project to help
inform and share the findings of the survey. As an optional task, ASM can use the field data gathered to
prepare DPR 523A and 523BSO forms.
Project Approach
ASM understands the City desires the development of a comprehensive, city -wide historical survey and
update to the extant historic context. The historic context will provide the framework to evaluate all
surveyed properties for the local, state, or national register, and help maintain and preserve La Quinta’s
historically significant resources and community character. In the development of the historic context,
ASM will collaborate with City staff, as well as solicit public input. ASM will incorporate prio r survey
information and conduct a reconnaissance-level and intensive-level survey. The project will result in a final
survey report and database of eligible and ineligible properties, and properties that may need future
evaluation. ASM will ensure the highest quality report and information for every property surveyed by
allocating our most experienced senior-level staff to conduct the majority of this project. Although all
architectural historians working on the project meet the SOI’s Professional Qualification Standards, more
than 80% of this project will be conducted by our Senior Architectural Historians and PM/Director of
Architectural History.
ASM recommends utilizing Riverside County
Assessor records and tablets to most time-efficiently
identify all parcels with buildings constructed prior
to 1977. ASM will include all such parcels in the
initial windshield/reconnaissance-survey, and then
recommend parcels to include in an intensive -level
survey. A final report will be prepared including the
sections identified in the RFP, as well as other
sections as recommended by the OHP. All work will
be performed, and deliverables produced, in
accordance with SOI’s Standards for Preservation
Planning, Identification, Evaluation and Registration when such standards are applicable, OHP’s Writing
Historic Contexts and Format for Historic Context Statements, and relevant NRHP Bulletins including
Bulletin 16A: How to Complete the National Register Registration Form and Bulletin 16B How to Complete
the National Register Multiple Property Documentation Form .
ASM will approach the project in four phases or tasks: 1) Community Outreach, 2) Historic Context, 3)
Survey, and 4) Report.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 10
Task 1: Community Outreach and Administration
ASM will begin the project by holding a virtual kick -off meeting with the City’s Planning staff to confirm
the project schedule, objectives, interested parties/stakeholders, and obtain available documentation (such
as previous surveys). During the kick-off, ASM and the City will discuss themes, areas, and/or
neighborhoods that may require special emphasis or focus, and key stakeholders. ASM will also discuss
access to local repositories during these unprecedented times which may result in a different approa ch to
our typical methodology for research and public outreach. Technical capabilities of virtual public meetings
will be discussed. Throughout the project, ASM will arrange calls with the City’s Planning staff for updates
on project progress and meetings with key stakeholders.
ASM will prepare text for the City to post on their
website and through City-managed social media
(Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to solicit interest and
support for the project. ASM will arrange virtual
meetings (Zoom or Teams) with the La Quinta
Historical Society, and La Quinta Museum, and
any other organization identified during the kick -
off meeting as key stakeholders. Such meetings
will focus on explaining the project’s goals and
objectives and soliciting input on potential
themes/sub-themes for the historic context and
specific properties that may be eligible historical
resources. Key stakeholder meetings are a vital part
of public outreach, and will enhance the value,
economy, and effectiveness of the project.
Critical to the success of the historical-resource survey is the involvement of the public. ASM will
collaborate with the City to organize a Virtual Public Meeting to solicit broad public input and engage
interested citizens, neighborhood groups, and local professionals from the development and preservation
community. ASM recommends scheduling this meeting early in the project’s schedule to ensure community
input helps inform our research and development of themes and eligible property types. In addition to the
key stakeholders, interested parties may include owners of historic homes, local and main street business
owners, local officials and government workers, and both public and private agencies. ASM will provide
the City with the text for public notification for the meeting; the City will be responsible for distribution of
that notification. ASM will either manage/moderate the public meeting through our own Zoom account, or
we can participate in an alternate online meeting program that the City may prefer. ASM will facilitate the
meeting, prepare a presentation on the project’s goals and objective, discuss the parcels that will be the
focus of the survey work through our GIS -based project maps, and moderate small break-out groups. The
purpose of the meeting will be two-fold: 1) to inform the public of the project and 2) to solicit and gather
input from the meeting attendees. ASM will specifically discuss places that may be historically significant
with meeting attendees, especially places that may not be well -known already, places associated with
significant local events, and places associated with historically significant individuals in La Quinta’s
history. ASM will utilize the input received to develop a list of significant historical individuals and
architect/builders that will be part of the historic context.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 11
After completing the reconnaissance-survey, ASM will attend a Planning Commission Meeting to provide
them (and the public that may attend the meeting) with a progress report, which may include
recommendations for the intensive-level survey. After completing the Draft Report, ASM will attend a City
Council Meeting to provide them (and the public that may attend the meeting) with the project’s findings.
A detailed breakdown of Task 1, as well as staff responsible for completing sub-tasks follows in Table 3.
Table 3. Task 1 – Community Outreach Tasks and Responsible Staff
Tasks Davis Novell Kung Demarais
Sub-Task 1. Kick-off Meeting and Administration X X X
Sub-Task 2. Public Meeting X X X X
Sub-Task 3. Interested Parties Meetings X X X
Sub-Task 4. Planning Commission Meeting X X X
Sub-Task 5. City Council Meeting X X X
Task 2: Historic Context
ASM will undertake a thorough review of all existing documentation, including all prior surveys, to update
the extant La Quinta historic context. A team of ASM Architectural Historians will conduct a one -day
windshield/reconnaissance-level survey to familiarize ourselves with the City. We will invite a member of
City staff to join us for the beginning of this survey so they can identify for the project team any areas or
neighborhoods that may require special emphasis or focus. ASM will note general characte ristics,
development patterns, property types, architectural styles, and distribution of resources within the survey
area. Specific attention will be focused on identifying property types that represent themes identified in the
previous survey/context report and their character-defining features; that information will inform the
development of registration requirements for the updated context statement and the determination of those
parcels that should be included in the intensive-level survey.
ASM will next develop a list of “data gaps” and research needs to focus our review of primary and
secondary resources. ASM will conduct research using primary and secondary documents at local
repositories that may include the La Quinta Historical Society, La Quinta Museum, and La Quinta Library.
ASM will also utilize electronic research materials such as digitized newspapers, Sanborn Maps, and
Census Data.
The historic context will identify and establish major historical themes and patterns of development in La
Quinta’s history, spanning from the early twentieth century through the City’s incorporation in 1983. Each
theme will define a period of significance, associated property types, character-defining features,
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 12
registration requirements, and integrity thresholds.
The themes will correlate to those areas of
significance established by the NRHP in Bulletin
16A: How to Complete the National Register
Registration Form. The context will include lists of
historically significant individuals and master
architects/builders known to have works in La
Quinta. As a result, the historic context will provide
a framework for evaluating resources for national,
state, and local eligibility/designation (NRHP,
CRHR, and La Quinta Historic Landmark criteria).
One theme that will be excluded is Education, as we
understand the City does not have purview over the
property that is owned and managed by the Desert
Sands Unified School District.
The historic context will be included in the Report and will follow guidance found in the California Office
of Historic Preservation’s (OHP) Writing Historic Contexts and Format for Historic Context Statements,
as well as more general guidance on context statements found in the NRHP Bulletin 24: Guidelines for
Local Surveys: A Basis for Preservation Planning , Bulletin 16A: How to Complete the National Register
Registration Form, Bulletin 15: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, Bulletin 16B:
How to Complete the National Register Registration Form and OHP’s Instructions for Recording Historical
Resources, and Technical Assistance Series #7 How to Nominate a Resource to the CRHR.
Ms. Davis will provide direction and oversight for this task and contribute to the development of the
registration requirements. Ms. Kung, Ms. Novell, and Ms. Demarais will collaborate to conduct the research
and writing of the context.
A detailed breakdown of Task 2, as well as staff respon sible for completing sub-tasks, is below in Table 4.
Table 4. Task 2 – Historic Context Tasks and Responsible Staff
Tasks Davis Novell Kung Demarais
Sub-Task 1. Review Existing Surveys and Context X X X
Sub-Task 2. One-Day Reconnaissance Survey X X X
Sub-Task 3. Research X X X
Sub-Task 4. Theme Development X X X
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 13
Task 3: Survey
After analyzing current Riverside County Assessor records (Figures 1-3), we estimate that not more than
1,500 parcels contain buildings constructed prior to 1977. Un-improved parcels will be excluded from the
survey with the exception of golf courses and City parks. To ensure the most time - and cost-efficient
approach, the citywide reconnaissance-survey will be conducted using tablets with data collection
applications, specifically Jotform or Survey 123. This approach and software have proven successful on
prior projects and will allow for significant efficiencies in our ability to stay on schedule and within budget.
For example, ASM is currently utilizing Jotform to complete a comprehensive survey for CAL FIRE to
evaluate 1,200+ buildings at 250+ locations statewide. ASM will customize our survey form for La Quinta
to conduct the reconnaissance-level survey of parcels that have buildings built prior to 1977. Digita l
photography taken during the survey will focus on representative views of various areas of the city, typical
property types, and architectural styles and will provide illustrations for the historic context and report.
ASM’s GIS staff will prepare field survey maps to organize and guide the reconnaissance survey. Field
survey maps will illustrate parcels in the City built prior to 1977. Field notes and one photograph of each
parcel will be taken on the tablets and linked to georeferenced location data. Bas ic architectural features of
each resource will be recorded.
Of the 1,500 properties to be included in the
reconnaissance-survey, we shall include 261
properties previously identified as historically
significant, 260 additional properties built prior to
1963 that may or may not have been previously
surveyed, as well as approximately 1,000 properties
that turned 45 after the last comprehensive survey
and do not appear to have been previously surveyed.
At the conclusion of the reconnaissance-survey,
ASM will update the eligibility and OHP status codes
for the 261 properties previously identified as
historically significant. ASM will also recommend
not more than 300 properties to include in the
intensive-level survey, and assign temporary OHP
status codes to those 300 properties. The remaining properties will receive one of the “7” status codes for
“unevaluated,” as properties recorded at the reconnaissance level do not have the required level of
information necessary to be fully evaluated for NRHP o r CRHR eligibility. Properties that have been altered
so significantly since their date of construction will be given a different status code than those which may
possess sufficient integrity if future evaluations determine they meet one of the criteria fo r eligibility.
In the second part of the survey phase, ASM will conduct an intensive -level survey of not more than 300
buildings. Prior to beginning the intensive survey, ASM will collaborate with City Planning staff to decide
which properties to include in the survey (if ASM identifies more than 300 that could be included). The
intensive-level survey will again be conducted using Jotform or Survey 123 on tablets. ASM will customize
survey forms to conduct the intensive-level survey to record detailed notes on architectural features, criteria
that the property appears to meet, and integrity. This method of collecting building -specific details will aid
in the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the fieldwork, as well as the creation of a final database of
resources surveyed. Post-survey review will include comparison of similar resources, if necessary, and
confirmation of all status codes assigned in the field. ASM’s recommendations of eligibility will solely be
based on the registration requirements we establish in the historic context and survey from the public right-
of-way; we will not conduct site-specific research.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 14
Figure 1. La Quinta Parcels by Year (1920s – 1976)
Map by ASM Affiliates, 2022
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 15
Figure 2. La Quinta’s Cove Area Parcels by Year (1920s – 1976)
Map by ASM Affiliates, 2022
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 16
Figure 3. North La Quinta and La Quinta Resort Area,
Parcels by Year (1920s – 1976)
Map by ASM Affiliates, 2022
Survey teams will be comprised of two individuals who meet the SOI’s Professional Qualification
Standards for Architectural Historian and/or Historian; more than 80% of the survey work will be
conducted by individuals with more than 10 years of experience. Because we are using highly qualified
individuals to conduct not only the evaluation but also the survey and archival research, the City can be
confident that the approach to documentation and evaluation will meet current industry standards and
A detailed breakdown of Task 3, as well as staff responsible for completing sub -tasks, is below in Table 5.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 17
Table 5. Task 3 – Survey Tasks and Responsible Staff
Tasks Davis Novell Kung Demarais
Sub-Task 1. Reconnaissance Survey X X X X
Sub-Task 2. Intensive Survey X X
Task 4: Report
The culmination of the project will be the preparation of a Historical Resource Survey and Inventory Report
(Report) including the updated historic context and our findings from the reconnaissance - and intensive-
level surveys which will build upon the extant context and prior inventories and evaluations. The Report
will be submitted that includes the following sections in accordance with the California OHP’s Format for
Historic Context Statements:
•Title Page
•Table of Contents
•Front Matter
o Objectives
o Methodology
o Eligibility Criteria
•Summary Statement
•Historical Background
o Sub-theme(s)
o Property Types
o Registration Requirements
o Integrity Thresholds
•Area Surveyed
•Survey Results
o Reconnaissance
o Intensive
•Preservation Goals and Priorities
o Maps
o Table of all surveyed properties
The Report will be prepared in accordance with the SOI’s Standards for Preservation Planning,
Identification, Evaluation and Registration when such standards are applicable, OHP’s Writing Historic
Contexts and Format for Historic Context Statements, as well as more general guidance found in the NRHP
Bulletins including NRHP Bulletin 24 Guidelines for Local Surveys: A Basis for Preservation Planning;
Bulletin 15 How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, Bulletin 16A: How to Complete the
National Register Registration Form, Bulletin 16B: How to Complete the National Register Multiple
Property Documentation Form and OHP’s Instructions for Recording Historical Resources, and Technical
Assistance Series #7 How to Nominate a Resource to the CRHR.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 18
The Front Matter will include an introduction that provides background information about the project and
how to use the context statement; the City's location and physical relationship to its neighbors; and the
methodology on how the historic context was developed. The Front Matter will also include criteria for
evaluation, discussing national, state, and local criteria of significance an d integrity requirements. The
Historical Background section will contain a chronology of the City's development preceding the
thematically organized narrative. Each theme will identify associated property types including character -
defining features, registration requirements, and integrity thresholds. The Architecture theme will include
a list of Master Architects. Illustrative materials will include maps and photographs that represent the
themes, sub-themes, and property types. Survey results will summarize the findings of both the
reconnaissance and intensive-level surveys, including tables of eligible properties, associated themes and
criteria corresponding to the historic context framework. The Preservation Goals and Priorities section will
conclude the report with recommendations for future preservation activities and NRHP and/or CRHR
nominations. This section will also include recommended revisions to La Quinta’s municipal code language
and historical landmark review procedures.
ASM will omit the preparation of DPR forms to be able to provide the City with the rest of the scope of
work requested within the funding allocated for the project. In lieu of DPR forms, ASM will provide an
Excel spreadsheet (electronically and as a table in the appendices) th at lists all 1,500 properties surveyed,
their basic architectural features (reconnaissance survey) or detailed architectural features (intensive
survey) architectural features, an OHP status code, and a hyperlink to a photo for each property. ASM is
also providing costs to create DPR forms as an optional task.
ASM will provide three iterations of the Report. ASM will first prepare an Administrative Draft for review
by City staff. ASM will incorporate staff’s comments and prepare a revised Draft Report tha t will be
presented to the Planning Commission during one of their regularly scheduled public meetings. After
receiving input from the Planning Commission and public, and conferring with staff on which public
comments to address, ASM will prepare a Final Report for presentation to the City Council. The Final
Report shall be submitted in electronic format only .
Ms. Davis will provide direction and collaborate on the preparation of each iteration of the report. Ms. Kung
and Ms. Novell will be the primary au thors.
A detailed breakdown of Task 2, as well as staff responsible for completing sub -tasks, is below in Table 6.
Table 6. Task 4 – Report and Responsible Staff
Tasks Davis Novell Kung
Sub-Task 1. Administrative Draft Report X X X
Sub-Task 2. Draft Report X X X
Sub-Task 3. Final Report X X X
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 19
ASM will provide the following deliverables as part of this project, broken down by phase and in order of
delivery. All will be provided electronically only (Microsoft Word and PDF):
•Phase 1: Community Outreach
o Kick-off meeting minutes
o Website/social media text
o Public Meeting PowerPoint
o Planning Commission PowerPoint
o City Council Powerpoint
•Phase 2: Historic Context (see Phase 4)
•Phase 3: Survey
o Survey findings (Excel spreadsheet)
•Phase 4: Report
o Administrative Draft Report
o Draft Report
o Final Report
Optional Task 1: DPR A forms
Should the City desire the preparation of DPR 523 form sets, ASM will generate DPR Primary (A) forms
for each property included in the reconnaissance-level survey from the Excel spreadsheet created from the
survey data collected on tablets. ASM will prepare DPR 523A forms for each property/parcel (multiple
buildings, structures, or objects on a single parcel will be treated as one main building with ancillary
structures). Following OHP’s Instructions for Recording Historical Resources, the properties surveyed for
the first time will be recorded on a DPR 523A form Previously surveyed properties will be recorded/updated
on a DPR 523 Continuation (L) form. These forms will include fields of data obtained through Riverside
County GIS data and collected during the intensive-level survey including address, parcel number, and
estimated date of construction. Architectural descriptions will combine a narrative statement and bulleted
list of architectural features. This approach is a cost-saving measure for the City that will still provide the
necessary parcel-specific information.
Optional Task 2: DPR BSO and D forms
For individually eligible properties identified as a result as the historical resources surveys, ASM will
prepare a DPR 523B (Building, Structure, Object [BSO]) form to record the evaluation of eligibility.
Statements of significance will relate to the themes addressed in the historic context. DPR BSO forms will
not be prepared for any ineligible properties unless it was previously recommended eligible.
For any historic districts recommended eligible, one DPR 523D (District Record) form will be provided in
lieu of BSO forms. All contributing and non-contributing resources to the district(s) will be documented on
DPR 523A forms under Optional Task 1. The DPR 523D form will describe the district as a whole, identify
its boundary, and list all contributing resources. District forms will be used for locations with a
concentration of resources with a shared history and/or function.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 20
ASM understands that the City desires an aggressive deadline to complete the project in the current fiscal
year. ASM can deliver the Administrative Draft report by early June, however, we understand that review
and adoption of the Report by the City staff, Planning Commission and City Council may extend into the
2022-2023 fiscal year. Completing projects on schedule and within budget is critical to our client’s
satisfaction, and it is a central goal in ASM’s business philosophy and management approach. Each
assigned project staff member will have well -defined responsibilities directed towards achieving the project
and contract goals. Weekly internal project reviews help ensure that project tasks are completed on schedule
and within budget.
Table 7 outlines ASM’s estimated schedule to complete individual tasks for this project. The schedule
below assumes the City will require 30 days for review of the Report. ASM’s PM, Ms. Davis, will be
responsible for managing the schedule and assuring sche dule compliance. The below schedule assumes
receipt of contract by March 1, 2022, and that the Administrative Draft will be submitted in approximately
4 months. Revisions to the schedule can be determined during the kick-off meeting.
Table 7. Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables
Task Sub-Task Start Date End Date Timeframe
to Complete Deliverable
1 Kick-off Meeting March 1* March 7 1 week
minutes &
media text
2 Review Existing Surveys and
Context March 7 March 14 1 week
1 Interested Parties Meetings March 7 April 1 3 weeks
2 One-Day Reconnaissance Survey March 14 March 30 2 weeks
2 Research March 14 April 21 5 weeks
1 Public Meeting April 1 April 15 2 weeks Public Meeting
2 Theme Development April 1 May 15 6 weeks
3 Reconnaissance Survey April 1 May 1 4 weeks
Survey findings
3 Intensive Survey May 7 May 28 2 weeks
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 21
4 Admin. Draft Report June 1 June 30 4 weeks Administrative
4 Draft Report August 1 August 14 2 weeks Draft Report
1 Planning Commission Meeting August 14 August 30 2 weeks
4 Final Report Sept. 1 Sept. 14 2 weeks Final Report
1 City Council Meeting Sept. 14 Sept. 30 2 weeks City Council
*Schedule assumes receipt of contract by March 1, 2022. If received later, the schedule can be adjusted within the
timeframes to complete each task noted here as well
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 22
Processor Mileage Per
Diem Total
Hourly Rates $140 $113 $113 $90 $100 $140 $80
Task 1. Community Outreach and Admin
Kickoff Meeting and Admin 24 5 5
Public Meeting 6 4 4 4
Interested Parties Meetings 4 2 2
Planning Commission Meeting 2 2 2
City Council Meeting 2 2 2
Task Hours 38 15 15 4 Task Subtotal $9,070.00
Task 2. Historic Context
Review Existing Surveys and
Context 4 4 4
One-Day Reconnaissance
Survey 8 8 8 $295.00 $570.00
Historic Research 32 16 30
Theme Development 4 20 6
Task Hours 16 64 34 30 Task Subtotal $16,879.00
Task 3. Surveys
Reconnaissance-level Survey 8 68 40 30 4 $442.50 $1,710.00
Intensive-level Survey 30 30 4 $147.50 $760.00
Task Hours 8 98 70 30 8 Task Subtotal $26,264.00
Task 4. Report
Administrative Draft Report 8 16 16 2 2 6
Draft Report 2 4 4 1 1 1
Final Report 2 2 2 1 1 1
Task Hours 12 22 22 4 4 8 Task Subtotal $7,772.00
Optional Task 1: DPR A Forms
Preparing DPR Forms 40 187.5 187.5
Task Hours 40 187.5 187.5 Subtotal $43,662.50
Optional Task 2: DPR BSO and D Forms
Preparing DPR Forms 40 75 75
Task Hours 40 75 75 Subtotal $20,825.00
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update 23 |
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 24
Architectural Historian/Historian
M.A./Historic Preservation
B.A./American History
•National / 2011 / Register of
Professional Historians
•California Historical Resources
Information System – Architectural
History, History, Archaeology
Ms. Davis has more than 20 years of
experience in the field of historic
preservation and exceeds the SOI’s
Professional Qualification Standards for
Architectural History and History. As an
Architectural Historian and Director of
Architectural History at ASM, Ms. Davis
has documented and evaluated numerous
historical resources throughout California
and the west in compliance with federal,
state, and local criteria, including NRHP,
Section 106 of the NHPA, CRHR, and
CEQA. Her experience includes local, state
evaluations and nominations; HABS,
HAER, and HALS submissions; preparation
of HSRs, HRARs, large- and small-scale
HCSs, ICRMPs, and treatment,
maintenance, and interpretation plans; and
conducting public outreach and
interpretation including public forums,
signage, brochures, and interpretation plans.
City of Monrovia HCS and Identification of
Potential Historic Districts, Los Angeles County,
CA - Project Manager/Senior Architectural Historian
–City of Monrovia
Prepared an HCS for the City of Monrovia, based on
reconnaissance-level surveys of the city to identify and
define potential historic districts within the City. Work
included development of themes and identification of
associated property types, character-defining features,
and registration requirements for historic districts
comprising late 19th-century to early 20th-century
residential properties, commercial districts, ethnic
enclaves, and institutional properties. Organized public
outreach and meetings with City personnel.
ONT HCS, Intensive Survey and Video
Documentary, San Bernardino County, CA –
Project Manager/Architectural Historian – City of
Conducted an intensive-level survey and completed
documentation for numerous buildings and structures
within the Ontario International Airport (ONT).
Prepared a historic context statement for the Ontario
International Airport, informed by extensive
background research and an intensive-level survey.
Developed themes, contexts, registration requirements,
and character-defining features for identification of a
range of property types, from World War II aircraft
hangars to Cold War-era administration buildings.
Conducted interviews for oral histories with
individuals associated with the airport and preparation
of a short video reviewing the history, findings, and
stories gathered for the project. Oversaw the
production of a 10-minute video documentary.
Los Angeles County Historic Preservation and Mills
Act On-Call, Los Angeles County, CA – Project
Manager and Senior Architectural Historian – County
of Los Angeles
Under an on-call contract with the County of Los
Angeles, conducted Mills Act inspections and provided
review and feedback on proposed work programs,
assessing each work program for adherence with the
SOI’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic
Properties. Reviewed and assisted with first two local
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 25
Ms. Davis earned has an M.A. in Historic
Preservation/American Studies from
George Washington University, where she
wrote her master’s thesis on the
architectural history of drive-in theaters,
and a B.A. in American History from the
University of Southern California. Before
joining ASM, Ms. Davis worked for the
National Trust for Historic Preservation as
their west-coast representative for heritage
tourism. Much of Ms. Davis’s professional
experience is with the cultural resources
programs of the National Park Service
(NPS). For eight years she worked for the
NRHP as an Historian. She also worked as
a Historic Preservation Specialist and
Project Manager for three other NPS
programs: the American Battlefield
Protection Program, NPS History Program,
Davis has experience with the operational
requirements of a historic site through her
position as Assistant Site Manager of the
1812 Federal home of Supreme Court
Justice Gabriel Duvall. Additionally, Ms.
Davis served for several years as Chair of a
local preservation advocacy group, the
Arlington Heritage Alliance, and was one of
the founders of the national non-profit
Recent Past Preservation Network.
•Renewable Energy Development:
Impacts on Cultural Resources /
National Preservation Institute
•CEQA Workshop / California
Preservation Foundation
•Cultural Landscapes Workshop /
California Preservation Foundation
•Historical Building Code Workshop /
California Preservation Foundation
landmark nominations for the County. Most recently
oversaw a reconnaissance-level survey and evaluation
of the Altadena Highlands district in unincorporated
Los Angeles County adjacent to the C ity of Pasadena.
City of LA On-Call Section 106 Historic
Preservation Services Contract, Los Angeles
County, CA – Project Manager and Senior
Architectural Historian – Los Angeles Housing and
Community Investment Department (HCIDLA)
Under an on-call contract with the City of Los
Angeles, have provided Section 106 historic
preservation services to advise and assist the HCIDLA
in conducting research, preparing all federal and state
required documentation on the extent, condition, and
status of potential historically significant properties,
and coordinate with the SHPO, the U.S. HUD, and the
ACHP, and prepare a work plan and a PA to fulfill the
purposes of the NHPA. Created a database to manage
the work, track the status and findings of each project,
and assist with the bi-annual reporting required under
the PA. Completed Section 106 review for several
properties throughout Los Angeles including an
apartment complex set for demolition, the Old Junipero
Serra Library, and the Algin Sutton Pool.
Citywide Historic Resources Survey for the City of
Chula Vista, San Diego County, CA – Senior
Architectural Historian – City of Chula Vista
Conducted a reconnaissance survey of more than
12,000 parcels and intensive survey of more than 350
parcels, based on a HCS developed as part of the
project for the City. Solicited public input on and
presented findings of the survey in a series of public
meetings. Made recommendations of local, state, and
national eligibility. In addition to a final survey report,
prepared a comprehensive survey database, as well as
web-based interactive photograph and maps.
Loch Crane Historic Resources Survey, San Diego,
San Diego County, CA – Senior Architectural
Historian/Project Manager – Helix and Caltrans
Directed and collaborated on Historic Resources
Survey of the works of Architect Loch Crane in San
Diego. Conducted a reconnaissance-level survey of 34
buildings and prepared DPR forms for the evaluation
of each property. Conducted as mitigation per
consultation with SHPO for loss of one of Crane’s
building in San Diego – Sorrento Valley Industrial
Park – where his firm’s office was located.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 26
Architectural Historian
M.S./History of Architecture and
B.A./American Studies/Cultural
Ms. Novell has 11 years of professional
and academic experience in historic
preservation, cultural resources
documentation, and architectural
history and meets the SOI’s
Professional Qualification Standards for
Architectural History and History. She
has worked on historic and cultural
resource assessments for projects
throughout Los Angeles County and in
Berkeley, Palm Springs, Sanger,
Bakersfield, Coalinga, and the Klamath
River basin in California. She
contributed to the City of Los Angeles
Historic Resources Survey project
(SurveyLA), both in the City Office of
Historic Resources and for consultant
firms conducting the survey for the
City. Ms. Novell has experience in
developing historical and cultural
resources reports and in evaluating
properties under federal, state, and local
criteria, including NRHP, Section 106,
CRHR, and CEQA compliance.
City of Monrovia HCS and Identification of
Potential Historic Districts, Los Angeles County,
CA – Architectural Historian – City of Monrovia
Prepared a historic context statement for the City of
Monrovia, based on reconnaissance-level surveys of
the city to identify and define potential historic districts
within the City. Work included development of themes
and identification of associated property types,
character-defining features, and registration
requirements for historic districts comprising late 19th -
century to early 20th-century residential properties,
commercial districts, ethnic enclaves, and institutional
properties. Work included participation in public
outreach and meetings with City personnel.
ONT HCS, Intensive Survey and Video
Documentary, San Bernardino County, CA –
Architectural Historian – City of Ontario
Prepared a historic context statement for the Ontario
International Airport, informed by extensive
background research and an intensive-level survey.
Developed themes, contexts, registration requirements,
and character-defining features for identification of a
range of property types, from World War II aircraft
hangars to Cold War-era administration buildings.
Assisted in conducting interviews for oral histories
with individuals associated with the airport and
preparation of a short video reviewing the history,
findings, and stories gathered for the project.
City of LA On-Call Section 106 Historic
Preservation Services Contract, Los Angeles
County, CA – Architectural Historian – Los Angeles
Housing and Community Investment Department
On-call historic resources services for the City of Los
Angeles, primarily related to historic properties
affected by use of community development block
grants, including programs to provide housing and
shelter for homeless populations. Projects included the
assessment of potential development along the South
Vermont Avenue commercial corridor and the
Hollywood Boulevard Commercial and Entertainment
Historic District.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 27
Ms. Novell’s professional background
includes management and contributions
to projects concentrating on the
evaluation of historic properties and
districts. She served as project manager
for open-end historic preservation
services for the City of Long Beach and
served as the assistant project manager
for the historic context for the Los
Angeles Unified School District, which
received preservation awards from the
California Preservation Foundation and
the L.A. Conservancy. Her
responsibilities included conducting
background research, writing summary
reports, conducting large-scale surveys,
and compiling evaluations and
significance statements for California
DPR historic resources forms.
•Historic Preservation in California /
University of California, Berkeley,
Department of City and Regional
•Historic Preservation Intensive
Course / University of Southern
Los Angeles County Historic Preservation and Mills
Act On-Call, Los Angeles County, CA –
Architectural Historian – County of Los Angeles
Considered work items for properties under the
California Mills Act property tax relief program. Items
were reviewed for compliance with the SOI’s
Standards, and specific recommendations were
accordingly made to property owners.
Mitigation and HCS for the Bank of Hawaii
Waialai-Kahala Branch Demolition Project,
Honolulu, HI – Architectural Historian – Bank of
Developed an HCS for the Bank of Hawaii Waialae -
Kahala branch bank building in the Waialae
community. The study was requested by the State
Historic Preservation Division of Hawaii as mitigation
for the planned demolition of the Mid -Century-Modern
circular building. The report includes a comprehensive
history of the building and an introduction to the
Modern movement in Hawaii.
Palm Springs Spa Hotel Historic Properties
Inventory Report, Riverside County, CA –
Architectural Historian – Agua Caliente Band of
Cahuilla Indians
Documented and evaluated the Palm Springs Spa
Hotel, a mid-century modern spa and hotel complex
built on the site of the original Palm Springs hot
mineral spring on lands owned by the Agua Caliente
Band of Cahuilla Indians. The evaluation included
development of a site-specific historic context
statement, in-depth research and documentation of the
property, and HABS-like photographic recordation.
Mountain Meadows Golf Course Historic Resources
Evaluation, Los Angeles County, CA – Architectural
Historian – County of Los Angeles
At a previous firm, conducted research, field survey,
and historic evaluation of the County-owned Mountain
Meadows Golf Course for CEQA compliance of a
project to improve the Club House and Pro Shop.
Knollwood Country Club and Golf Course, Los
Angeles County, CA – Architectural Historian –
County of Los Angeles
At a previous firm, conducted research, field survey,
and historic evaluation of the County-owned
Knollwood Country Club for CEQA compliance of a
project to replace the golf cart barn, which had been
destroyed by fire.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 28
Architectural Historian
M.F.A./Fiction and Literature
M.A./Historic Preservation
B.A./Art History
Ms. Kung has 13 years of experience in
historic preservation and planning and
meets the SOI’s Professional
Qualification Standards for
Architectural History. Ms. Kung has
experience in developing historical and
cultural resources reports and in
evaluating properties under federal,
state, and local criteria, including
NRHP, Section 106, CRHR, and CEQA
compliance. Ms. Kung’s professional
background includes management and
contributions to projects concentrating
on the evaluation of historic properties
and districts. Her responsibilities
included conducting background
research, writing architectural
descriptions, and compiling evaluations
and significance statements for
California DPR historic resources
City of Monrovia HCS and Identification of
Potential Historic Districts, Los Angeles County,
CA – Architectural Historian – City of Monrovia
Assisted in the development a citywide HCS for
Monrovia, including recommendations for historic
districts. Contexts and themes were identified and
defined based on a windshield survey of the city,
archival research using primary and secondary
resources, and review of previous evaluations.
Los Angeles County Historic Preservation and Mills
Act On-Call, Los Angeles County, CA –
Architectural Historian – County of Los Angeles
Conducted survey and evaluation of the Altadena
Highlands district in unincorporated Los Angeles
County adjacent to the City of Pasadena. Also prepared
historic evaluation reports for reconnaissance of a
Bavarian-themed shopping complex for submission to
the County of Los Angeles as part of an application for
landmark status. Conducted a site visit and extensive
background research and prepared the evaluation
City of LA On-Call Section 106 Historic
Preservation Services Contract, Los Angeles
County, CA – Project Manager and Senior
Architectural Historian – Los Angeles Housing and
Community Investment Department
On-call historic resources services for the City of Los
Angeles, primarily related to historic properties
affected by use of community development block
grants, including programs to provide housing and
shelter for homeless populations.
Cultural Resource Evaluation for the Proposed
Elementary School at Nason Street and Bay
Avenue, Riverside County, CA – Architectural
Historian – Placeworks
Evaluated a single-family residence and associated
outbuildings in the City of Moreno Valley for their
potential historic significance in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act. The report was
prepared to assist the Moreno Valley Unified School
District in determining whether the project had the
potential to cause significant impacts.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 29
Architectural Historian
M.A./Architectural History
B.A./Planning and Development
Ms. Voisin George has nine years of
experience in the field of historic
structures survey and assessment to
determine their eligibility for listing in
the NRHP and to assess their physical
condition and appropriate treatment
options, with the academic experience
of teaching university undergraduate
history and urban planning courses. She
has conducted baseline surveys for
historic structures, cultural landscapes
and viewsheds, determinations of
historic significance, re-evaluations of
existing resources, and impact
assessments. Ms. Voisin George also
has expertise in archival research and
developing historic contexts for historic
resources. She has evaluated a wide
range of buildings, including regional
design influences in the Mid-Atlantic
and Southeastern United States and in
Southern California, for high-style
structures listed in the NRHP, as well as
utilitarian and vernacular buildings and
City of Monrovia HCS and Identification of
Potential Historic Districts, Los Angeles County,
CA – Architectural Historian – City of Monrovia
Team member for citywide reconnaissance survey of
historic resources, archival research and interviews of
local experts on Monrovia’s history; development of
historically significant contexts, themes and property
types; registration requirements and integrity criteria;
and recommendation of historic districts. Participated
in initial public meeting and presentation of the draft
report to the Monrovia Historic Preservation
ONT HCS, Intensive Survey and Video
Documentary, San Bernardino County, CA –
Architectural Historian – City of Ontario
Assisted in preparation of an HCS for the Ontario
International Airport, informed by extensive
background research and an intensive-level survey.
Conducted interviews for oral histories with
individuals associated with the airport and preparation
of a short video reviewing the history, findings, and
stories gathered for the project.
City of LA On-Call Section 106 Historic
Preservation Services Contract, Los Angeles
County, CA – Project Manager and Senior
Architectural Historian – Los Angeles Housing and
Community Investment Department
Evaluated selected historic buildings proposed for
federally funded construction, reconstruction,
demolition, or modification; eligibility for the NRHP
and impact of the proposed undertaking on their
eligibility; determination of the undertaking’s area of
potential effects, and assessment of project effects.
Projects have included demolition of vacant structures
in preparation for construction of low-income housing
and modification/rehabilitation of historic warehouses
and a NRHP-listed former branch library.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 30
Associate Architectural Historian
M.H.P. / Historic Preservation
B.A. / History
Ms. Demarais has four years of
professional experience in historic
preservation, public history, cultural
resources documentation, and
regulatory compliance, and meets the
SOI’s Professional Qualification
Standards for Architectural History and
History. Her professional background
includes contributions to projects
concentrating on the evaluation of
individual historic properties, cultural
landscapes, and historic districts under
federal, state, and local criteria,
including the NRHP and CRHR. Ms.
Demarais also has expert knowledge of
interpretive and recreation planning,
historic preservation design, and
assessing the condition of historic
structures. She has worked on projects
primarily in California, with additional
experience in Hawaii, Oregon,
Oklahoma, Arizona, Georgia, and
Florida. Ms. Demarais is experienced in
archival research, developing historic
contexts, assessing effects on historic
properties, and in regulatory
compliance under the CEQA, NEPA,
and Section 106 of the NHPA.
City of Los Angeles On-Call Section 106 Historic
Preservation Services Contract, Los Angeles
County, CA – Associate Architectural Historian –
City of Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment
Determined APEs, completed historical background
research, performed field surveys, compiled
architectural documentation, and made FOE under
Section 106. Prepared requisite memos to the City of
LA in accordance with an established PA.
City of Clovis On-Call Master Services Agreement
for Cultural Resources Services, Fresno County,
CA – Associate Architectural Historian – City of
At a previous firm, provided on-call services for
architectural survey and evaluation for projects within
the City of Clovis pursuant to Section 106 and CEQA
compliance. Efforts aided the client in making
decisions about the identification, avoidance, or
treatment of resources. Deliverables include NRHP /
CRHR evaluations of eligibility and preparation of
various cultural resources reports based on relevant
regulations, including HRERs, HSRs, and FOEs.
California Statewide Historic Resource Inventory,
statewide CA – Associate Architectural Historian –
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Statewide inventory of historic-era CAL FIRE
properties. Developed HCS through archival and
historical research, field survey of hundreds of
properties, and eligibility evaluations of historic-age
buildings under state and federal criteria toward the
future development of a long-term preservation
maintenance plan .
On-Call CRS for the CNF MSUP and Powerline
Replacement Project, San Diego, Riverside, and
Orange counties, CA – Associate Architectural
Historian – Insignia Environmental
Historic resources evaluation of nearly 100 recreational
cabins CEQA to assess potential effects. Duties
included conducting archival research, field survey,
preparing appropriate DPR documentation forms, and
evaluating properties for NRHP/CRHR eligibility.
City of La Quinta Historic Survey Update | 31