Brunzell Historical
February 4, 2022
Danny Castro
Design and Development Director
City of La Quinta
RE: Proposal for La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update
Dear Mr. Castro,
I am pleased to present the following response to the City of La Quinta’s Request for Proposals for
a City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update. I am the Principal of Brunzell Historical, a historic
preservation consulting firm specializing in historical evaluations and historic context statements.
Brunzell Historical is consistently able to meet project deadlines and operate within strict budgets by
minimizing overhead. Our streamlined organizational structure allows me to take a direct role in
research, report writing, and other tasks, providing a level of personal attention that larger consulting
firms are unable to match. Brunzell Historical is distinguished from our competitors by our
commitment to involve our most experienced personnel in all aspects of survey and evaluation
rather than a more hands-off approach. Our architectural historians and historians meet the
Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in History and Architectural History.
Brunzell Historical is well-versed in production of historic surveys. During the crucial early phase of
the project, I anticipate personally allocating up to 30 hours a week to the Historic Survey in order
to lay the groundwork for a successful project. Two highly qualified staff members will also be
assigned half-time or more to the project as needed, allowing us to complete local research tasks
without delay. One additional qualified staff member will assist as needed for the project’s duration.
The result will be a high-quality and streamlined Historic Resources Survey Update that will meet La
Quinta’s preservation planning needs for years to come. As a San Bernardino County native, I have
deep roots in the region and am excited to have the opportunity to take on a substantial project in
La Quinta.
I am honored to be considered by the City of La Quinta for this exciting and important project.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Kara Brunzell, M.A.
Principal/Architectural Historian, Brunzell Historical
I. Statement of Qualifications ..................................................................................................................... 1
Personnel ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Selected Relevant Experience ..................................................................................................................... 1
II. Scope of Work ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Project Description ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Deliverables ................................................................................................................................................... 3
III. Schedule/Timeline .................................................................................................................................... 5
Phase I: Preliminary Research ..................................................................................................................... 5
Phase II: Field Survey ................................................................................................................................... 5
Phase III: Intensive Research ...................................................................................................................... 6
Phase IV: Re-evaluation of Previously Listed Resources ....................................................................... 6
Phase V: Draft Historic Context Statement Update ............................................................................... 6
Phase VI: Evaluation of Resources ............................................................................................................ 6
Phase VII: Survey Report ............................................................................................................................ 7
IV. Brunzell Historical Cost Proposal ........................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX 1. Brunzell Historical Resumes
Kara Brunzell is Brunzell Historical’s Owner and Principal. Ms. Brunzell has practiced in the fields of
history and architectural history, cultural resource management, and historic preservation since 2007.
She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History from UCLA and a Master’s Degree in Public History from
California State University, Sacramento. She is qualified as an Architectural Historian under the
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. Ms. Brunzell will oversee the research, survey, historic evaluation,
historic context development, and all deliverables for the project.
Ynez Barber is an Architectural Historian at Brunzell Historical. Ms. Barber has practiced in the field of
cultural resource management with Brunzell Historical since 2015 and has a Bachelor’s Degree in
History of Art and Visual Culture from UCSC. She is qualified as an Architectural Historian under the
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. Ms. Barber will manage the project, conduct fieldwork, attend
meetings, and contribute to research and production of deliverables.
Tatyana Dunn is a Research Assistant at Brunzell Historical. Ms. Dunn has worked for Brunzell
Historical since June 2020 and is experienced in research and cultural resource management. She holds
a Bachelor’s Degree in History and Art History from the University of Puget Sound. Ms. Dunn will
contribute to research and production of deliverables.
Selected Relevant Experience
Historic Survey; Richmond Grove, Sacramento, CA (ongoing). Brunzell Historical is conducting an
intensive survey and historic district nomination of the Richmond Grove neighborhood in Sacramento for
a historic preservation nonprofit. The project includes over 500 properties and Brunzell Historical has
produced a detailed neighborhood historic context, evaluated or updated of all properties within the
District, and completed relevant forms for all eligible resources. The context covers the District’s diverse
architectural styles which include Victorian-era residential styles, Craftsman architecture, Streamline
Moderne, and Modernist commercial buildings. A detailed report discussing the architecture as well as the
cultural and economic history of the neighborhood is currently being produced.
Contact: William Burg, Preservation Sacramento,
Historic Evaluation of Five City‐Owned Buildings; Napa, Napa County, CA (2017). Brunzell Historical
surveyed, researched, and evaluated a cluster of six City-owned buildings in the City of Napa. A planned
project to replace all public buildings with a new Civic Center necessitated historic resource evaluations of
City Hall, the Fire Department, the Police Department, the Community Development Building, and the
Housing Authority building, as well as an adjacent residence, pursuant to the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA). Final products included DPR 523 forms for all six buildings and a detailed Cultural
Resources Report which provides an overview of the neighborhood, administrative history of the City of
Napa, architectural evaluation, information about all buildings, and historic context.
Contact: Marlene Demery, City of Napa, contract planner,
Historic Context Survey; Davis, Yolo County, CA (2014‐2015, 2017). Brunzell Historical conducted an
extensive Historic Context Survey for the City of Davis which covered 150 subdivisions (a roughly seven
square-mile area) and thousands of parcels. The project was funded by a California Office of Historic
Preservation Certified Local Government program grant, and was designed to meet all grant requirements.
Brunzell Historical personnel collaborated with city staff, the city historical commission, and managed a
team of local volunteers (some of whom were qualified as historians under the Secretary of Interior
Standards) who assisted with field survey and other tasks. Innovative project design, which treated
repetitive subdivisions as single resources, allowed the project to meet the requirements of CEQA while
quickly evaluating an extraordinary number of resources. Final deliverables included roughly 30 DPR 523D
(District) forms for subdivisions, updated DPR forms for the over 300 existing Historic Resource
Inventory resources, evaluations of several individual resources that were age-eligible, and the incorporation
of the results of new research and field survey into the City of Davis’s three existing Historic Context
Statements. The report submitted included nearly 1000 pages of newly-generated content.
Contact: Rand Herbert, City of Davis historical commission,
City of La Quinta Historic Resources Survey Update
Project Description
The City of La Quinta has requested proposals from qualified architectural historians to update the
City’s existing Historic Resources Survey. For the purposes of this proposal, the survey area is defined
as the limits of the City of La Quinta. It is our understanding that the current historic survey effort
comprises several essential tasks:
Review of existing Historic Resources Survey
Survey re-documentation of 261 resources identified in the existing Historic Resources Survey
on DPR 523A and 523B forms
Identification and survey documentation of historic-era properties which have not been
documented in the existing Historic Resources Survey on DPR 523A and 523B forms
Production of Historic Context Statement addendum
Production of Draft Survey Report and Final Survey Report
Attendance of meetings with City staff
The new Historic Resources Survey will update and augment the existing documentation produced in
1996-1997, 2006, and 2012. The current condition of the 261 resources previously documented will be
documented and their integrity will be evaluated. Research will be conducted to identify resources not
previously documented. Appropriate documentation for historic-era resources will be produced
according to the procedures identified in National Register Bulletin #24. Brunzell Historical
Architectural Historian Ynez Barber will attend up to two (2) in-person meetings and four (4) virtual
meetings (i.e., video or phone meetings) with City staff, elected officials, and members of the
community to discuss project details and present results. Brunzell Historical principal Kara Brunzell will
attend up to four (4) virtual meetings. Additional meetings are beyond the scope of this proposal and
may require a budget adjustment.
The tasks outlined above will result in the following deliverables as specified in the Request for
Proposals. Brunzell Historical will also provide feedback to the City of La Quinta regarding procedures
for reviewing development for historic resources.
Meetings Ynez Barber will attend up to 2 working or public in‐person meetings and
up to 4 virtual meetings with City staff and/or other interested parties over
the course of the project. Kara Brunzell will attend up to 4 virtual meetings.
Historic Context
Brunzell Historical personnel will produce an update to the 2012 Draft
Historic Context Statement, which will include additional context and
updated time periods.
Draft Survey
Brunzell Historical personnel will produce a Draft Report based on results
of the investigations outlined in the work plan and conforming to the
specifications provided in the RFP.
Final Survey
A Final Report will be generated within 30 days after Brunzell Historical
receipt of the City’s comments on the Draft Report.
DPR 523 forms will be produced for all historic‐era properties within the
project area, up to 30 individual resources or 6 districts. Additionally, up to
12 eligible properties will be documented for individual landmark
nomination. DPR 523 update forms and a detailed table will be produced
for all previously listed resources.
Based on our understanding of the Request for Proposals, Brunzell Historical has outlined the
following proposed work plan in order to complete the Scope of Work as outlined. The work plan will
be finalized in consultation with City personnel; it is understood that meetings will be scheduled
according to mutual convenience within a timeframe that will allow deliverables to be completed on
schedule. Brunzell Historical principal Kara Brunzell will provide a written project report with sample
draft deliverables and/or attend a virtual progress meeting at the end of each phase. As outlined in our
Project Timeline, Brunzell Historical anticipates completion of all major tasks and submission of a draft
report within nine (9) months of receiving a notice to proceed. March 1, 2022 has been used as a
placeholder for notice to proceed for the purposes of timeline generation, in order to show the amount
of time required for each task. It is understood that tasks, milestones, and a schedule for deliverables
will be keyed to the actual date Brunzell Historical receives the notice to proceed. Subsequent phases of
the project will be scheduled based on timeline for consultation and review with City of La Quinta
Phase I: Preliminary Research
The first phase of the project will be executed within a 30-day time frame between March 1 and 31,
2022. Brunzell Historical personnel will perform a detailed review of existing documentation available
through the City, namely historic resource surveys from 1996-1997 and 2006 as well as the Summary of
Findings from 2012. Brunzell Historical personnel will also conduct further preliminary research,
including consulting historic aerial photos, interviewing city staff, and interviewing members of the La
Quinta Historical Society as well as any other interested parties. Finally, Brunzell Historical will conduct
one (1) public meeting during Phase I to solicit input from the local community. Brunzell Historical
personnel will use this research to identify potentially significant properties and neighborhoods, with an
emphasis on ensuring that those which may be important to the local community are included.
Through this phase, the team will become familiar with the range of previously identified local contexts,
themes, and resources. Our personnel will also identify historic contexts and areas that require
development and compile an estimated list of properties that need to be surveyed.
Phase II: Field Survey
Phase II will be executed concurrent to or after completion of Phase I. The field survey will include a
reconnaissance survey of older neighborhoods of La Quinta in order to identify potential historic
resources. The results of this survey will be used in concert with the results of Phase I of research in
order to determine previously undocumented potentially eligible individual properties and/or districts.
Up to thirty (30) potentially eligible individual resources, up to six (6) potentially eligible historic
districts, or any comparable combination of districts and individual resources will be surveyed at the
intensive level (budget can be redistributed between tasks at the mutual agreement of consultant and
city, e.g., twenty individual resources and two historic districts). Brunzell Historical personnel will also
re-survey existing landmarks and historic districts, including the La Quinta Cove Thematic Historic
District, during this phase.
Phase III: Intensive Research
The third phase of the project will be executed within a 45-day time frame between April 15 and May
30, 2022. Brunzell Historical personnel will begin new research informed by our review of existing
documentation and information available through the City of La Quinta. It will include research
through local archives and document repositories as well as online research. Brunzell Historical will
review historic newspapers, maps, and other primary source documents. The purposes of Phase III are
gather information about the historic contexts which shaped City development
confirm historic context information found in previous studies
gather information regarding local architectural styles of the more recent past
gather information about historical architectural development in La Quinta
gather information about potentially eligible individual resources and historic districts
Brunzell Historical will also use Phase III to examine and assess the City of La Quinta’s existing
municipal code surrounding historic resources and procedures for landmark designation and review of
designated properties.
Phase IV: Re‐evaluation of Previously Listed Resources
Phase IV will be executed within a 60-day time frame concurrent to or after completion of Phase III,
from April 30 to June 31, 2022. Brunzell Historical personnel will produce a complete, detailed table of
previously listed resources that includes addresses, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers, resource names,
architectural styles, and eligibility status. The integrity of each resource will be assessed based on current
conditions, and DPR primary update forms will be produced for all previously listed resources that
retain integrity. It is understood that previously evaluated eligible resources will be assumed to remain
eligible for historic listing if they retain integrity.
Phase V: Draft Historic Context Statement Update
Phase V will be executed within a 90-day time frame concurrent to other tasks, from April 1 to June 31,
2022. Brunzell Historical personnel will produce a Draft Historic Context Statement Update based on
the information collected during document review, windshield survey, and research. Brunzell Historical
will update existing sections or create new sections as needed in order to accurately document the City’s
historic context within the already existing format. The Update will include any development contexts
identified during Phase III that are currently absent from the existing Draft Historic Context Statement
and will expand the time period covered by the Draft Historic Context Statement up to 1977. The
Update will also clearly outline criteria for eligibility and integrity.
Phase VI: Evaluation of Resources
Phase VI will be executed within a 45-day time frame; for example, between May 16 and June 31, 2022.
Brunzell Historical personnel will produce detailed documentation of each property identified in Phase
II as potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and California Register of
Historical Resources (CRHR). Documentation type will include DPR 523 primary and BSO forms for
individual resources and DPR 523 district forms for historic districts, as appropriate. It is understood
that no more than thirty (30) potentially eligible individual resources, six (6) potentially eligible historic
districts, or any comparable combination of districts and individual resources will be documented. A
budget and schedule adjustment will be required if more than thirty (30) potentially eligible individual
resources, six (6) potentially eligible historic districts, or any comparable combination of districts and
individual resources are identified during Phase II. Documentation of additional cultural resources is
outside the scope of this proposal and will require a budget adjustment.
Phase VII: Survey Report
Draft Survey Report
This component of Phase VII will be executed within a 30-day time frame; for example, from July 16 to
August 15, 2022. Brunzell Historical personnel will produce a Draft Survey Report presenting the
project. The Draft Survey Report will thoroughly document the objectives, clearly define the area
surveyed, and present the research design, methodology, and results. The results will include an analysis
of survey results and recommendations for any NRHP or CRHR nominations that may have been
discovered during Phase VI. Brunzell Historical will also provide an assessment of the City’s
procedures for historic landmark designation and project review in the Survey Report, along with any
potential suggestions for improvement.
Brunzell Historical personnel will attend at least one (1) and up to four (4) meeting(s) to present results
to the community, receive feedback, and collaborate with City staff and community members.
Final Survey Report
Brunzell Historical personnel will produce a Final Survey Report incorporating comments to the Draft
within 30 days of receipt of comments from City staff and interested parties. Additional rounds of
comment are outside the scope of this proposal and will require a budget adjustment.
Task Fee per task
Preliminary Research/Review of Existing Materials $ 3,100
Field Survey $ 2,800
Additional Research $ 9,000
Assessment of City Review Procedures $ 2,100
Report $ 9,000
Historic Context Statement $ 11,600
DPR Forms $ 18,000
Virtual Meetings $ 1,000
In‐Person Meetings $ 1,400
Fee Total $ 58,000
*Mileage, travel, and per diem expenses are included in this cost estimate.
Consultant: Client:
Brunzell Historical
Authorized Signature Authorized Signature
Kara Brunzell
Print Name Print Name
Principal / Architectural Historian
Title Title
Date Date
Owner/Principal Historian (2009 – Present)
Brunzell Historical
1613 B Street Napa, California, 94559
Kara Brunzell has practiced in the fields of history/architectural history, cultural resource management, and
historic preservation since 2007. She has served as a consulting historian on historical research
investigations for federal, state, and local governments. She is proficient in the recordation, inventory, and
evaluation of historic resources using the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and the California
Register of Historic Resources (CRHR) guidelines. Her expertise includes preparing reports and making
recommendations regarding Section 106 review and compliance. Kara is experienced in applying the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to both large‐scale survey projects and individual historic‐
period resources. She has also worked in municipal preservation planning and non‐profit historic
preservation. Her non‐profit work has included coordination of technical services, content creation and
implementation for preservation education, and management of a preservation advocacy program. Kara
qualifies as a historian and architectural historian under the United States Secretary of the Interior’s
Professional Qualification Standards (as defined in 36 CFR, Part 61).
California State University, Sacramento, MA, Public History
UCLA, BA, History
HUD’s Office of Environment and Energy: Historic Preservation and HUD, May 2014
California Preservation Foundation Workshops:
The Environmental Benefits of Reuse, August 2011
Preservation Ordinances, April 2011
The Use and Application of the California Historical Building Code, July 2009
NRHP District Nomination of Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, Monterey County, 2020 ‐
current. Kara is managing the nomination of buildings designed by noted Modernist John Carl Warnecke
and constructed at Asilomar Conference Center between 1959 and 1968 to the NRHP. Asilomar was
originally designed by Julia Morgan and developed between 1913 and 1928, and the Morgan buildings are
listed on the NRHP as a district.
Architectural History Effects Investigations for Telecommunications Projects, Ace Environmental LLC,
2019 ‐ current. Kara manages and authors determinations of effects studies for proposed cellular antenna
installation and expansion projects located on historic‐period buildings or within historic districts
throughout California. Project impacts on historic properties are assessed in compliance with Section 106 of
the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for
Colocation of Wireless Antennas, effective March 2001 and the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for
Review of Effects on Historic Properties for Certain Undertakings Approved by the Federal Communications
Commission (March 2005) as well as subsequent relevant Report and Orders. The reports assess whether
the proposed undertakings would result in direct or visual effects to historic properties. Since 2019, Kara
has assessed more than one hundred telecommunications sites throughout California in Alameda, El
Dorado, Los Angeles, Orange, Placer, Riverside San Bernardino, Sacramento, San Francisco, Santa Clara,
Santa Cruz, San Mateo, Sonoma, Stanislaus, and Ventura counties as well as in Reno, Nevada.
Historical Evaluation of the Kiser Dairy, Schelville, Sonoma County, California, 2020. Kara evaluated a
c1920 rural‐residential complex including a house, water tower, and barn for architectural and historical
significance. The property was recommended ineligible for historic listing on the NRHP and CRHR.
Historical Evaluation of the Bailiff Ranch, Cabazon, Riverside County, California, 2020. Kara evaluated a
rural‐residential complex including a c1927 stone house, concrete reservoir, stone walls, and outbuilding
for architectural and historical significance. The property was recommended eligible for historic listing on
the CRHR for its association with the Bailiff family and its architecture.
Historical Evaluation of the former Adler Planing Mill; Sonoma, Sonoma County, California, 2020. Kara
evaluated a house on Spain Street in downtown Sonoma for architectural and historical significance. The
house was originally one of several buildings associated with the historically significant lumber business on
the site, but was recommended eligible for NRHP and CRHR listing because it lacked integrity.
Review of the Proposed Project at 120 East Cotati Avenue for Compatibility with Cotati Downtown Plaza,
Cotati, Sonoma County, California, 2020. Kara reviewed a proposed project adjacent to the historically and
architecturally significant Cotati Downtown Plaza, an extraordinarily rare hexagonal town plat and
California Historic Landmark #879.
Historical Evaluation of the England Estate, Redlands, San Bernardino County, 2019 ‐ 2020. Kara evaluated
historic orange grove/residential estate originally developed in 1891 for architectural and historical
significance. Contributing resources included main residence, secondary residence, carriage house, gravity‐
fed irrigation system, decorative landscape features, and mature orange groves. The property was
recommended eligible for historic listing on the NRHP, CRHR, and locally for its historical associations, its
association with the England family and for its architecture. Kara also contributed to a report that included
findings of effects and mitigations discussions and participated in public meetings.
Historic Context Statement Update; Carmel‐by‐the Sea, Monterey County, CA, 2018 ‐ 2020. Kara
performed an update of the City of Carmel‐by‐the‐Sea’s Historic Context Statement. Its focus was the
historic contexts that shaped City of Carmel‐by‐the‐Sea’s development between 1966 and 1990 and
integration of new information with themes in the existing historic context statement. The purpose of this
effort was to provide a framework for evaluation of twentieth‐century resources. Kara collaborated with
City staff and local stakeholders to incorporate community input.
Interlake Tunnel Project: Monterey County Water Resources Agency; Monterey and San Luis Obispo
Counties, CA, 2017 ‐ 2020. Kara evaluated San Antonio and Nacimiento Dams in Monterey and San Luis
Obispo Counties for NRHP and CRHR eligibility. She produced a historic context of the water resources
agency and chronologies of development for the two dams, both of which were recommended ineligible for
historic listing.
California Federal Emergency Management Agency Environmental and Historic Preservation Technical
Assistance, northern and southern California, 2017 ‐ 2019. Served as a Historian providing historic
preservation compliance support for 22 projects in northern and southern California, submitted to the
FEMA Region IX Hazard Mitigation Branch. Duties include recordation and evaluation of buildings and
structures 45 years and older on Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 forms and State Historic
Preservation Office (SHPO) Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act consultation including
preparation of SHPO packages. Project areas include San Bernardino, Riverside, Napa, Humboldt, Amador,
and Lake Counties.
U.S. Army, Rock Island Arsenal, Structure 57, National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form
Addendum, Rock Island, Illinois, 2017. Ms. Brunzell assisted with re‐evaluation the 1880s‐era stone bridge
to assess its integrity for continued listing as a contributor to the Rock Island Arsenal Historic District. She
contributed to the addendum that detailed the historic character‐defining features and assessed whether
modifications to the bridge impacted its historic significance and integrity, documenting alterations on the
appropriate U.S. Secretary of the Interior National Park Service Forms.
Environmental Reviews for the Restore Louisiana Disaster Recovery Program, Louisiana, 2017 ‐ 2018.
Serving as a Historian/Architectural Historian for Louisiana’s disaster recovery programs funded by CDBG‐
DR grants awarded for the unnamed storms of 2016. These reviews are being conducted for the Louisiana
Office of Community Development, Disaster Recovery Unit pursuant to the HUD NEPA Regulations (24 CFR
Parts 50 and 58). This process includes identification of historic properties for inclusion in the NRHP,
consultation with the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, and application of the Programmatic
NRHP Nomination of Sperry Flour Company, Vallejo, Solano County, California, 2017. Kara prepared the
NRHP nomination packet including historic context, the 10‐900 form, historic figures, and photo‐
documentation of the historic flour mill. Located on the eastern shore of Mare Island Strait, flour was milled
on the site with few interruptions from 1869 through 2004. The district’s most important resources are its
World War I‐era mill buildings, which are were designed by engineer Maurice Couchot represent an
important early use of reinforced concrete in large industrial buildings. It was added to the NRHP in late
Salmon Habitat Enhancement and Bridge Replacement Project: National Park Service, Golden Gate
National Recreation Area, Muir Woods, Marin County, California, 2016 ‐ 2017. Ms. Brunzell acted as Lead
Historian for a condition assessment and documentation of contributing elements to the NRHP‐listed Muir
Woods Historic District at Muir Woods National Monument in preparation for a planned habitat
enhancement project. She also assisted with preparation of the cultural resources section of the Draft
Subsequent EIR for this project.
Historic Resources Survey, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, 2015. Ms. Brunzell
acted as Historian/Architectural Historian for a historic resource survey conducted for the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Pasadena facility. Ms.
Brunzell assisted with analysis of whether the seven previously determined eligible buildings and structures
at the JPL facility (and the 20 buildings and structures that are the subject of this survey) possessed a
linkage historically or aesthetically and retained their historic significance and integrity to merit listing in the
NRHP as a historic district.
Historic Preservation Reviews for Hurricane Sandy Relief, Tier 2, ProSource and New York State Homes
and Community Renewal, NY, 2013 ‐ 2014. Ms. Brunzell served as an architectural historian for the Tier 2
reviews of the rehabilitation of historic‐age properties to meet requirements under Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act. Ms. Brunzell evaluated the project activities to determine if they met the
allowances under the Programmatic Agreement of 2013 and evaluated properties for their eligibility for
listing in the NRHP. She was a member of a team which evaluated over 3,500 properties. The properties
were located in several New York counties, including Nassau County, Bronx County, Queens County,
Broome County, and Schoharie County.
United States Postal Service, Determinations of Eligibility, Various Locations. Historian/Architectural
Historian, 2012 ‐ present. Ms. Brunzell has evaluated post office buildings for NRHP listing using the
appropriate National Parks Service documentation forms. Ms. Brunzell has also re‐evaluated historic post
office buildings already listed in the NRHP and prepared addendums that detail exterior and interior historic
character defining features when existing documentation does not include this detail. Ms. Brunzell has
contributed to determinations of eligibility or addendums to the NRHP nominations for the following post
Morgan North Post Office, New York
Berkeley Main Post Office, California
Richmond Post Office, California
Glendale Post Office, California
Red Bluff Main Post Office, California
Santa Barbara Main Post Office, California
Redlands Post Office, California
Lihue Main Post Office, Hawaii
Napa Franklin Station, California
Broadway‐Manchester Post Office, California
Burbank‐Glen Oaks Post Office, California
College Station, New York
Provo Main Post Office, Utah
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Second Campus Project Environmental Assessment
and Environmental Impact Report, 2012 ‐ 2013. Ms. Brunzell contributed to the preparation of a draft
historic resources evaluation report as part of an Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact
Report prepared for LBNL’s proposed second campus in Richmond, California. The project included
the recordation and evaluation of twenty historic‐period buildings within the project area according
to National Register of Historic Places and California Register of Historic Resources criteria.
Architectural Historian for Historic Buildings and Structures Inventory for Fort Hunter‐Liggett, Jolon,
California, 2012 ‐ 2013. Ms. Brunzell participated in the preparation of an update to the existing Fort
Hunter Liggett inventory of historic buildings. The project included the recordation and evaluation of
twenty historic‐period buildings located with the boundaries of Fort Hunter Liggett. None of the
buildings were found eligible for the National Register of Historic Places of the California Register of
Historic Resources.
Ynez Barber
Architectural Historian (2015 – Present)
Brunzell Historical
Ynez Barber has worked in historic preservation and cultural resource management since 2015. She is
experienced in the recordation and inventory of historical resources using the National Register of Historic
Places (NRHP) and the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR) guidelines. She is an accomplished
researcher, a proficient field surveyor, familiar with all aspects of DPR 523 preparation, and has a working
knowledge of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Ynez has assisted in NRHP and local register
landmark nominations and in the recordation of state‐owned historic buildings and is familiar with Section
106. She meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Architectural History and History. She is
alsoexperienced in website design and management.
University of California, Santa Cruz, BA, History of Art and Visual Culture
NRHP District Nomination of Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, Monterey County (current). Ynez
is assisting with the nomination of buildings designed by noted Modernist John Carl Warnecke and
constructed at Asilomar Conference Center between 1959 and 1968 to the NRHP. Asilomar was originally
designed by Julia Morgan and developed between 1913 and 1928, and is a National Historic Landmark
Architectural History Effects Investigations for Telecommunications Projects, Ace Environmental LLC,
(2019‐current). Ynez contributes to determinations of effects studies for proposed cellular antenna
installation and expansion projects located on historic‐period buildings or within historic districts
throughout California. Project impacts on historic properties are assessed in compliance with Section 106 of
the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for
Colocation of Wireless Antennas, effective March 2001 and the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for
Review of Effects on Historic Properties for Certain Undertakings Approved by the Federal Communications
Commission (March 2005) as well as subsequent relevant Report and Orders. The reports assess whether
the proposed undertakings would result in direct or visual effects to historic properties. Since 2019, Ynez
has worked on more than one hundred telecommunications sites throughout California in Alameda, El
Dorado, Los Angeles, Orange, Placer, San Bernardino, Sacramento, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz,
San Mateo, Sonoma, Stanislaus, and Ventura counties as well as in Reno, Nevada.
NRHP Nomination of two schools in Sacramento, Sacramento County (2020). Ynez assisted with
preparation of the NRHP nomination packets for two historic schools, the Jefferson School and North
Sacramento School. Duties included online and archival research, document editing, 10‐900 form
preparation, and management of a large number of high‐resolution images.
Historic Context Statement Update; Carmel‐by‐the Sea, Monterey County (2018‐2020). Ynez assisted with
an update of the City of Carmel‐by‐the‐Sea’s Historic Context Statement. The project researched historic
contexts which shaped City of Carmel‐by‐the‐Sea’s development between 1966 and 1990 and integrated
the new information with themes in the existing document to provide a framework for evaluation of
twentieth‐century resources.
I‐880 Whipple Road and Industrial Parkway Interchanges Improvement Projects; Circle Point, Alameda
County Transportation Commission (2018‐2019). Ynez assisted with an assessment of the built
environment resources in the project study area for inclusion in a Preliminary Environmental Assessment
Report for California Department of Transportation review, performing field work and archival research.
Burbank Theater Local Historic Register Nomination, Santa Clara County (2018). Ynez assisted with
preparation of an evaluation and local register nomination of a historic cinema in Burbank, an
unincorporated neighborhood surrounded by San Jose. Ynez performed a field visit and local archival
research as well as extensive online research in order to place the property within the body of work of
Cantin & Cantin, an architectural firm which designed dozens of early‐twentieth century theater buildings.
NRHP Nomination of the Napa County Infirmary, Napa, Napa County (2017‐2018). Ynez assisted with
preparation of the NRHP nomination packet for the historic county infirmary historic district. Duties
included online and archival research, document editing, 10‐900 form preparation, and management of a
large number of high‐resolution images.
Department of Motor Vehicles Fell Street 5024 Evaluation; California Department of General Services;
San Francisco (2017). Ynez assisted with preparation of a California Public Resources Code 5024 evaluation
of the mid‐twentieth century building.
Architectural/Historical Evaluation and Review of Proposed Project for the Denman Creamery in
Petaluma, Sonoma County (2017). Ynez assisted with evaluation the Denman Creamery, a historic dairy
ranch complex in Petaluma that was previously listed on Sonoma County’s Register of Historical Resources,
to determine whether it remained eligible for local listing.
NRHP Nomination of Sperry Flour Company, Vallejo, Solano County (2017). Ynez assisted with preparation
of the NRHP nomination packet for the historic flour mill. Located on the eastern shore of Mare Island
Strait, flour was milled on the site with few interruptions from 1869 through 2004. Duties included online
research, document editing, 10‐900 form preparation, and management of a large number of high‐
resolution images.
Salmon Habitat Enhancement and Bridge Replacement Project: National Park Service, Golden Gate
National Recreation Area, Muir Woods, Marin County (2016‐2017). Ynez assisted with condition
assessment and documentation of contributing elements to the NRHP‐listed Muir Woods Historic District at
Muir Woods National Monument in preparation for a planned habitat enhancement project.
Architectural/Historical Evaluation of the Brown Ranch; Sonoma (2016). Ynez acted as research assistant
for an Architectural/Historical evaluation of a historic‐period residence in Sonoma. Duties included field
photography, research at the Sonoma County Recorder’s office, online research, and DPR 523 form
Historic Context Survey of Davis, Yolo County (2015). Ynez acted as research assistant for a Historic
Context Update Survey for the City of Davis. Duties for this large‐scale survey project included online
research, photo organization, spreadsheet management, DPR 523 production, and document editing.
Architectural/Historical Evaluation of Santa’s Village in Skyforest, San Bernardino County (2015). Ynez
acted as research assistant for an Architectural/Historical evaluation of a historic‐period theme park near
Lake Arrowhead in Southern California.
Tatyana Dunn
Research Assistant (June 2020 – Present)
Brunzell Historical
Tatyana Dunn has worked for Brunzell Historical since June 2020. She is experienced in the recordation and
inventory of historic resources using the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and the California
Register of Historic Resources (CRHR) guidelines. She is a proficient researcher, is trained to recognize historic
architecture, experienced in recording architectural resources, and is familiar with DPR 523 preparation.
Tatyana has a working knowledge of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 106
compliance. Tatyana has assisted in NRHP and local register landmark nominations.
University of Puget Sound, BA, History and Art History double‐major (2020)
Senior Research Project, Department of History, University of Puget Sound (Sept. 2019‐Dec. 2019)
Tatyana researched and crafted an intensive project and paper on the nineteenth century genocide of
California’s Native American population, focusing specifically of the subjectivity of the reservation system.
She worked closely with reports to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs from 1859, 1872, and 1873 as
primary sources.
Senior Research Project, Department of Art History, University of Puget Sound (Jan. 2020‐May 2020)
Tatyana researched and crafted an intensive project on how sensation affected spiritualism and worship,
focusing on the interior design and architectural symbolism of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Much of the
research was developing contextual writing and following themes of religious worship in Hagia Sophia from
the sixth to the fifteenth century.
Historic Survey of 1547 Allyn Avenue, St. Helena, Napa County (2021). Tatyana researched the history of
the house at 1547 Allyn Avenue, performed a field visit, and produced a DPR 523 form for the property.
Historic Survey of Latin American Bible Institute, La Puente, Los Angeles County (2021). Tatyana
researched the history of greater Los Angeles, LABI, and the Assembly of God. She produced DPR 523 forms
for the nine buildings of the LABI campus, in order to evaluate the properties pursuant to CEQA. She also
crafted district forms for the properties.
Historic Survey of Worldway Postal Center, LAX, Los Angeles County (2021). Tatyana researched the
history of the Worldway Postal Center of LAX and the surrounding area. She researched the history of the
architects and helped to craft the evaluation of the postal center.
Historic Survey of Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, Monterey County (2020). Tatyana
researched Pacific Grove’s history and helped with the evaluation of the buildings designated by Modernist
John Carl Warneke, constructed at Asilomar Conference Center between 1959 and 1968.
Historic Survey of United in Grace Lutheran Church, Vallejo, Solano County (2020). Tatyana performed a
field survey of Vallejo’s United in Grace Lutheran Church, constructed in 1949 as St. Paul’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church, documenting the property’s architecture. She performed research in the church archives
and produced a DPR 523 form for the property, incorporating the results of online research and archival
documents into the context of the report.
Historic Survey of the Vallecitos Channel, Alameda County (2020). Tatyana assisted with survey and
evaluation of the Vallecitos Channel, developed in 1965 as part of Alameda County’s Water District’s supply
system. Tatyana researched and created a Historic Context Statement for Fremont from 1797 to the 1950s,
as well as the history of the Alameda County Water District and produced a DPR 523 form to evaluate the
property pursuant to CEQA.
Historic Survey of the Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor (2020). Tatyana assisted with survey and evaluation of
the Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor, which was constructed in 1964 and 1973. She assisted with research and
produced a DPR 523 form to evaluate the property pursuant to CEQA.
Historic Survey of Five Residential Properties, Ross, Marin County (2020). Tatyana assisted with survey
and evaluation of five historic‐period residential properties along Corte Madera Creek prior to a Marin
County Flood Control and Water Conservation District project. She assisted with research and produced a
DPR 523 form to evaluate the properties pursuant to CEQA.
Historic Survey of 5 Embarcadero Center, San Francisco (2020). Tatyana assisted with survey and
evaluation of the Hyatt Regency Hotel at 5 Embarcadero Center, an architecturally significant hotel
designed by John C. Portman Jr. and constructed in 1973. She assisted with research and produced a DPR
523 form to evaluate the properties pursuant to Section 106.
Determination of Effects Investigations for Telecommunications Projects, Ace Environmental LLC, (June
2020‐current) Tatyana assists in assessing the effects to architectural resources for proposed cellular
antenna installation and expansion co‐locations on historic‐period buildings or within historic districts
throughout California. Project impacts on historic properties are assessed in compliance with Section 106 of
the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and Nationwide Programmatic Agreements for Colocation of
Wireless Antennas. Reports assess whether the proposed undertakings would result in direct or visual
effects to historic properties. Tatyana performs field survey, searches the Built Environment Resource
Directory, organizes record search results, and produces reports. She has worked on reports for the
following locations:
San Mateo
Mountain View
Redwood City
Penngrove, Sonoma County
Placerville, El Dorado County
Oakland (multiple locations)
San Francisco (multiple locations)
San Jose
San Bruno
Santa Cruz
Daly City
Moss Beach
Los Angeles