Urbana Preservation & Planning February 4, 2022 Attn. Mr. Danny Castro, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta | 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 Via Email: dcastro@laquintaca.gov RE: Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Mr. Castro, On behalf of Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC (Urbana), I am pleased to submit a response to the City of La Quinta’s Request for Proposals (RFP) to complete the City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update (HRS) and to provide recommendations for revisions to existing historic preservation code and policy documents. Specifically, the HRS will support implementation of previous survey recommendations by resurveying La Quinta to determine if there have been changes over time to the previously recorded properties, identify any additional historical resources, and determine if any properties merit nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). These activities will serve to support the City of La Quinta in its discretionary development process, ensure compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, support stakeholder interests in the preservation planning process, and generally solidify the City’s existing historic preservation planning program. By way of introduction, my name is Jessica Seyforth and I lead Business Development here at Urbana. Established in 2005 and headquartered in San Diego County, Urbana offers specialized urban planning, historic preservation, cultural resources, history and architectural history services. Our full-time in-house team of historic preservation specialists meet The Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of history, architectural history, and historical archaeology, as well as the draft standards in historic preservation and land use / community planning. Our team brings long- standing experience in the provision of preservation services to municipalities including expert witness consulting, preparation of long-range preservation plans and ordinances, authoring historic context statements for historic districts, and surveying historic properties. We bring added value to the City of La Quinta via relevant municipal contracting experience, familiarity with the locale and its resources, and a demonstrated ability to work effectively to complete the work in an expedient, reliable, and technically accurate manner. We have a record of success on similarly scoped projects with a portfolio spanning 17 years and building on decades of experience of each of our professionally qualified historians. Notably, in 2001, prior to forming Urbana, Founding Principal Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, was an integral historian and preparer of the 2004 City of Palm Springs Historic Resources Survey. Senior Historians Doug Kupel, Ph.D. and Scott Solliday, MA, have prepared historic district nominations for numerous desert region communities. More recently, for the Kansas Historical Society, we recently prepared a survey, context, and Multiple Property Documentation Form of Post Rock Limestone Resources across four counties, and are currently preparing three NRHP nominations of properties identified in that process. We have completed survey and evaluation of thousands of properties across Southern California and the Southwest for a myriad of clients including municipalities, private property owners, and utility providers including Southern California Edison. In this proposal we offer the following assurances. • Completion of all project tasks in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year, • Use of in-house professionally qualified staff for all project tasks, • Adherence to the established budget and submitted costs for the following services: • Attendance at xxx public hearings. • Preparation of updated survey forms for 262 properties and new forms for up to 100 properties, • Preparation of a survey report with an updated historic context statement, and • Preparation of a historic preservation code and policy revisions package. We welcome the opportunity to share our congenial and cooperative style as we work on behalf of the City to prepare the HRS and code and policy revision package. Please call or write to me anytime to discuss our proposal or to initiate services. Respectfully Submitted, Jessica Seyforth, Operations and Business Development Manager Jessica@urbanapreservation.com | (844) 872-2623 | 7705 El Cajon Blvd #1, La Mesa, CA 91942 PROPOSAL TO PREPARE THE LA QUINTA CITY-WIDE HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY UPDATE SUBMITTED TO Danny Castro, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 SUBMITTED BY Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC 7705 El Cajon Blvd., Suite 1, La Mesa, CA 91942 Jessica Seyforth, Operations/Business Development (844) URBANA3 | (844) 872-2623 jessica@urbanapreservation.com SUBMISSION DATE February 4, 2022 *ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Urbana acknowledges receipt of addenda #1 issued January 14, 2022. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | February 4, 2022 | Page ii Cover Photo Credits " The La Quinta near Indio, Calif.” ca. 1930, Pomona Public Library - The Frasher Foto Postcard Collection. http://imgzoom.cdlib.org/Fullscreen.ics?ark=ark:/13030/kt6p302199/z1&&brand=oac4 “La Quinta, Coachella Valley, looking southwest” ca. 1956, Los Angeles Public Library - Kelly-Holiday Mid- Century Aerial Collection. https://tessa.lapl.org/cdm/ref/collection/photos/id/4789 “La Quinta Country Club Clubhouse” ca. 1965, California Polytechnic State University Kennedy Library Online Archive - William F. Cody Papers. https://digital.lib.calpoly.edu/rekl-1727 Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | February 4, 2022 | Page iii Table of Contents Statement of Qualifications 1 PROPOSED PROJECT TEAM 2 KEY PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE 7 PROJECT EXPERIENCE 10 REFERENCES 17 Project Understanding and Approach 18 SCOPE OF WORK 19 SCHEDULE / TIMELINE 24 COST PROPOSAL 25 Appendix A. Resumes 26 FIGURES Figure 1. Original Developer Plan of Clairemont. 7 Figure 2. Representative reconnaissance views were included in the Clairemont context statement. 7 Figure 3. Example of Bureau of Reclamation Standard Design Type 57 P-3A. 9 Figure 4. Clairemont Community Planning Area Historic Context Statement. 10 Figure 5. Clairemont: ‘City Within A City’, San Diego Union, 1958. 11 Figure 6. Culverwell & Taggarts Addition 12 Figure 7. BVHC Minimal Traditional Home, Coronado Eagle, August 19, 1943 (2: 2-4). 13 Figure 8. Post Rock Historic Resources Survey Information Flyer. 14 Figure 9. SCE Ramona Substation, built in 1926 in a Spanish Revival style to blend into the surrounding residential tract. 15 Figure 10. Historic-Era Electrical Infrastructure Management Program. 16 Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 1 Statement of Qualifications Established in 2005, Urbana Preservation & Planning (Urbana) offers specialized urban planning, historic preservation, history, and architectural history services. The firm is a single-member Limited Liability Company (LLC) managed by Founding Principal Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP. Our company is headquartered out of San Diego County, California and maintains satellite locations in the San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland), the Southwest Region (Arizona), the Mountain Region (Montana), and the Midwest Region (Illinois). Urbana is certified as an 8(a) firm by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) and a Section 3 Business by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Urbana’s team of historic preservation specialists meet The Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of history, architectural history, and historical archaeology, as well as the draft standards in historic preservation and land use / community planning. Urbana's mission is to inform the future of the built environment by acknowledging the past. We educate and engage people on the history of place and the importance of recognizing and retaining historically and architecturally significant properties. We provide regulatory compliance support for owners and occupants of historic-era properties. Urbana delivers results with technical expertise, consensus-building, and creative solutions. Our team is well suited to provide the City of La Quinta with the city-wide survey update with a highly qualified team in place, decades of relevant project experience, and a positive history of municipal contracting. We are enthusiastic to share our experience and work with the City and area stakeholders to communicate the history of La Quinta as a significant post- WWII suburban community. We recognize that the City is pursuing a reconnaissance survey with the ultimate goal of identifying potential for historic district status and / or individual historically significant properties to inform future National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) nominations. Urbana has assisted municipalities as well as private property owners in this same pursuit for over 16 years leading to significant tax incentives / cost savings as well as retaining and maintaining their historic era properties. We bring long-standing experience in the provision of preservation services to municipalities including expert witness consulting, preparation of long-range preservation plans and ordinances, authoring historic context statements for historic districts, and surveying historic properties. Our record of success extends to similarly scoped projects having recently prepared a reconnaissance survey and context statement for Clairemont, the City of San Diego’s premier post-WWII suburban community. Developed to include more than 22,000 properties from ca. 1953-1970s, Clairemont was known as “The Village within a City.” We understand the origins of comprehensively planned communities in the post-WWII period. Firm Resources Field Survey Packs • Survey iPads • Satellite Handhelds • iPhone 12 camera • Leica Disto • PPE • Survey Handout • 4x4 Field Vehicle LX 470 / 100 Series Software Subscriptions • ArcGIS Online • ArcGIS Enterprise • Adobe CC • AutoCad • Microsoft Office Archive Subscriptions • Newspapers.com • GeneologyBank.com • NETR • Sanborn Maps • Ancestry.com Insurance • GC, E&O, Auto, WC • $1M per, $2M agg. Office Equipment • Ricoh MPC4504 ex • Macbook Pros Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 2 Additionally, we bring salient experience in evaluating properties, including residential communities and historic districts, under the eligibility criteria of the NRHP. Our team recently surveyed and evaluated more than 1,000 built environment improvements along linear corridors spanning nearly 400 miles from Southern California to Clark County, Nevada, and has prepared NRHP nominations for multiple historic districts. All work shall be performed by Urbana’s full-time in-house staff of historians. Our team is highly qualified to complete an in-depth historical resource survey of the City. Relevant expertise is twofold: municipal and agency contracting experience and completion of similar survey and context projects by key personnel. For 17 years Urbana has provided expert service to municipalities, agencies, private property owners, utility providers, non-profit advocacy organizations, and allied professionals. Our firm history demonstrates a successful body of work for, and in partnership with, municipalities and agencies on projects that include intensive level historic surveys, historic context statement preparation, Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) documentation, National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Reviews, site specific Historic Rehabilitation Guidelines, and expert witness consulting in state and federal litigation centered on historic preservation. Our record of completing projects on time and on budget for our municipal clients, including the Cities of San Diego, La Mesa, Coronado, Laguna Beach, and Chula Vista, reinforces the ability to successfully manage and complete the requested survey for the City of La Quinta. To demonstrate this success, below is a list of awards and recognitions received for our municipal work.  San Diego State Normal School Campus & San Diego City Schools Historic District Phase One Preservation Planning Study – Award of Excellence for Preservation Advancement – City of San Diego Historical Resources Board.  City of La Mesa 2012 General Plan Update – Planning Agency Award. Historic Preservation Element prepared by Urbana for the City of La Mesa.  City of Chula Vista Historic Preservation Program and Ordinance – Outstanding Planning Document Award, American Association of Environmental Professionals San Diego Chapter Historic Preservation Ordinance and Program prepared by Urbana for the City of Chula Vista. PROPOSED PROJECT TEAM The Urbana team includes six full-time Historians / Preservation Planners, one Operations Specialist, and one Project Tech / Assistant, with additional Architectural Historians and Historians available on an on-call basis. Our La Quinta survey team is led by firm Principal Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, who will provide oversight on all concerns. Senior Historians Douglas Kupel, Ph.D. and Scott Solliday, MA, both veteran preparers of NRHP nominations and survey documentation efforts, will lead the research and reporting aspects of the project. John Hyche, MA, Alexandrea Baker, MCP, and Alexia Landa, BA will work closely with our Principal and Senior Historians to conduct research, complete reconnaissance survey and documentation, and support survey spreadsheet management and GIS mapping. Urbana Operations Manager, Jessica Seyforth, BS, will provide project / contract management and administrative support. Urbana organizational chart including contact information and team member bios are included in the following pages with resumes included in Appendix A. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 3 Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 4 Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP | Principal Planner / Project Manager Ms. Tinsley Becker is a preservation planner and architectural historian. She established Urbana in 2005 and maintains 25 years of preservation planning experience. Past performance includes preparation of large-scale historical resource surveys, general plan elements, ordinances, design guidelines, management and treatment plans, and preservation mitigation programs. Ms. Tinsley Becker brings an expert background in American history, architectural history and urban planning. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History with an emphasis in Urban, Architectural, and Social History, and a Master of City Planning degree with an emphasis in historic preservation and urban design. Wendy meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of History and Architectural History and the draft standards established for Historic Preservation and Land Use/Community Planning. She is included on the California Council for the Promotion of History’s Register of Professional Historians (# 612) and also maintains professional certification in the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP #022838). She is Faculty within San Diego State University’s (SDSU) City Planning Graduate Program and served as Faculty within the UC San Diego Urban Planning & Development Professional Program between 2006 and 2016. She teaches courses in American Architectural History, Historic Preservation Planning, History of City Planning and the Built Environment, Fundamentals of Planning, and Urban Planning Theory. She is the Founder of the Built Environment Education Program (BEEP) San Diego and is a Past Chair of the American Planning Association’s National Urban Design and Preservation Division. Ms. Tinsley Becker was recently selected as one of the top 50 alumni from the SDSU City Planning Graduate Program, an accolade presented as part of the program’s 50th anniversary celebrations. Wendy regularly consults for private and agency applicants on historical resource and historic property analysis for discretionary projects and undertakings pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the California Environmental Quality Act, as well as Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit proposals at NRHP listed or eligible properties. She served as the lead historic preservation consultant for the City of Chula Vista’s Municipal Preservation Planning Program and authored the Historic Preservation Element for the City of La Mesa’s 2030 General Plan update process. She provides survey, architectural history, context development, programmatic agreement, and historic preservation planning consulting services for the Southern California Edison Company and historic context preparation services for the City of San Diego. She consulted as the lead Architectural Historian for the City and County of Honolulu High- Capacity Transit Corridor Project’s Kako’o (Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Program Manager) team. Wendy’s professional analysis and determinations are regularly reviewed for compliance and concurrence by numerous municipalities, and state and federal agencies including the California State Office of Historic Preservation, the California Public Utilities Commission, the USDA Forest Service, and the National Park Service. She provides Expert Witness consulting for applicants and municipalities on historical resource regulatory decisions and preservation planning projects. Douglas Kupel, Ph.D. | Senior Historian Senior Historian and Archaeologist Douglas Kupel holds a Ph.D. in History from Arizona State University, a graduate certificate in Archaeology from the University of South Carolina, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Oregon. Doug meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of History, Architectural History, and Historical Archaeology. Doug is a Registered Professional Archaeologist and qualified Principal Investigator who brings a balanced perspective to the Urbana team with an agency and management background. Doug began his decades-long career working as an archaeological and historic sites consultant in California and Arizona, and later served as a Historian for the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) where he processed many large and complex historic district nominations. Dr. Kupel has served as the Deputy Water Services Director and Environmental Program Manager for the City of Glendale, Arizona where he supervised several divisions and managed nine divisional budgets. He additionally worked for the City of Phoenix as a Water Advisor and Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 5 Natural Resources Historian. Doug serves on the Arizona SHPO Historic Sites Review Committee where he reviews historic nominations to ensure that they meet the standards for being accepted by the Keeper of the Register. Doug is adjunct faculty at several colleges and universities in Arizona, having taught from 1996 forward and serves as the Vice President of the Phoenix Trolley Museum. His project experience includes authoring over 30 NRHP nominations including for multiple historic districts, HAER/HALS/HABS documentation, historic context statements, and management plans. Dr. Kupel has supervised and executed projects for a host of federal, municipal, and private agencies, and completed evaluations for historic resources throughout the United States. His experience extends to civil engineering projects, including authoring historical narratives, manuscripts, and eligibility evaluations for the Bureau of Reclamation Salt River Project and the Central Arizona Project. Doug has a thorough understanding of cultural resources and preservation planning. His book Fuel for Growth: Water and Arizona’s Urban Environment was published in 2003 by the University of Arizona. Scott Solliday, MA | Senior Associate Historian Scott holds a Master of Arts in United States History / Public History and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Arizona State University. He meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of History and Architectural History and has worked as a professional historian for more than 30 years, completing a diverse array of projects in historic preservation and cultural resource management. He is expert in all technical aspects of historic preservation: research, field documentation, assessment, treatment / mitigation, and the appropriate application of the criteria of the NRHP. His professional project experience includes historic property surveys and inventories, NRHP nominations and eligibility assessments, HABS / HAER / HALS documentation, historic context studies and preservation planning documents. Scott is well versed in assessing project effects on historic properties and ensuring compliance with historic preservation regulations and stipulations, including Section 106 consultation with state and federal agencies, municipalities, and tribes. His portfolio of work spans a broad range of studies supporting environmental planning, city planning, and private development, with a successful history of working effectively to meet the requirements of all project stakeholders including clients, State Historic Preservation Offices, and federal agencies. Areas of specialization include history of Arizona, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, agriculture and irrigation engineering, and the post-World War II period in America. In addition to parcel level and larger scale surveys and contexts, Scott’s recent work includes projects for the Arizona Department of Transportation (DOT), Section 4(f) assessments, and historic property surveys for the US Army Corps of Engineers. John Hyche, MA | Associate Historian John Hyche holds a Bachelor of Arts in History, with a minor in Anthropology, from the University of California, and a Master of Applied Anthropology with a Certification in Historic Preservation from the University of Maryland. He meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the discipline of History, Historic Preservation, and Historical Archaeology. John brings practical and applied knowledge of historical and archeological research principles, methods, and processes from his agency and project reviewer background. He previously served as a NPS Certified Local Government (CLG) Assistant in the State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division, as a NPS Cultural Resource Technician, and as a Project Reviewer with the Washington D.C. Historic Preservation Office. John’s experience includes execution and supervision of Section 106 survey projects, preparation of technical reports, evaluation and review of CLG nominations, and processing competitive grant applications from towns, municipalities, universities, and individual applicants nationwide. As a Cultural Resource Technician, John was tasked with the evaluation of preservation maintenance and repair work at historic properties. He coordinated with researchers, subject matter experts, and resource managers from within the NPS to encourage and facilitate cooperative regional resources management strategies. John has authored National Register Determination of Eligibility forms and National Register nominations, crafted rehabilitation and treatment plans for projects in compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, and completed research in Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 6 support of Class III Cultural Resource Inventory reports. His technical competence and regulatory compliance expertise are matched by his practical skills in data management, including proficiencies in ArcGIS, AutoCAD, HTML, and the Esri GIS Trimble. Alexandrea Baker, MCP | Preservation Planner / GIS Technician Alex holds a Bachelor of Arts in Geography, with a minor in Community and Regional Planning, from the University of Nebraska and a Master of City Planning degree from San Diego State University. She meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the discipline of History and Architectural History. She brings municipal experience having worked for the City of Richmond, California, where she completed research, processed project approvals and environmental review documents, and supported public outreach. At Urbana, Alex surveys historic-era built environment sites, conducts property specific and contextual research, identifies cultural landscapes consistent with NRHP Bulletin No. 36, authors technical reports, and prepares GIS maps. Recent project experience includes a survey, report, and Multiple Property Documentation Form on Post Rock Resources in Kansas, Historic Designation and Mills Act Applications for private property owners in the County of San Diego, on-call historic research services for the City of Coronado, and Archival Research Packages for Southern California Edison. Alex is a GIS and cultural landscape specialist on the Urbana team and has prepared map packages for thousands of sites for projects throughout the West. Her cartography work products are regularly used for in-depth analyses and strategic decision making by client and agency partners. In addition to her preservation planning experience, Alex is adept in database management and ArcGIS StoryMaps. Alexia Landa, BA | Historian + Archaeologist Ms. Landa is a Veteran of the United States Navy having served from 2007-2012, including deployments in the Middle East where she served as an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman. In this capacity she inspected aircraft and aircrew life-support equipment for evidence of abuse, damage, or malfunction, and developed a highly focused attention-to-detail. She holds a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in History and Anthropology from San Diego State University. She meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the discipline of History. In the course of her professional career Ms. Landa has accumulated thousands of archaeological survey hours including mapping relocated sites, site extensions, excavation, artifact identification, screening, lab analysis, site recordation and documentation. Project experience includes archaeological field survey along the California coast, excavation of pre-historic Chumash sites in Camarillo, California, and completing artifact identification and lab analysis at the Nate Harrison Homestead. She served as an Archaeological Specialist for the California Department of Parks and Recreation Southern Service Center where she performed archaeological monitoring and site assessment activities for a variety of project types including State Park facility improvements, historic building maintenance, and municipal water and sewer system repair and replacement. At Urbana, Alexia leads field survey and monitoring activities, conducts contextual and site-specific research, prepares historic context statements, and authors technical reports and site records. Lexi has surveyed and evaluated thousands of resources across the Southwest, from single site parcels up to linear corridors spanning hundreds of miles for capital infrastructure improvement projects. Her work includes HABS/HAER/HALS documentation, Historic Property Survey Reports, state-specific inventory site forms, archival research packages, Historic Designation and Mills Act applications, and Historic Context Statements for clients including private property owners, prime environmental firms, municipal, state, and federal agencies. Ms. Landa’s enthusiasm and passion for history is demonstrated through her volunteer work with the Museum of Man, the San Diego Museum of Natural History, and as a member of the Board of Directors for the San Diego County Archaeological Society. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 7 KEY PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE Our multi-generational staff represents more than one century of experience in documenting the historic built environment and has prepared surveys for similar post-WWII communities and historic districts. Urbana’s Architectural Historians offer specific experience in the survey, research, and eligibility evaluation of pre- and post-WWII suburban communities and in the evaluation of historic properties under the criteria of the NRHP. Firm Principal, Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, specializes in the history of urban planning, in particular the outward growth of cities and suburbanization. In that regard, her graduate thesis and subsequent teaching is focused on the evolution of residential communities in the 19th Century with an emphasis on post-WWII community building in response to the nation’s housing shortage. She is regarded as an expert in suburban communities developed in the interwar and post-WWII period. She led and authored the Clairemont Community Plan Area reconnaissance survey and historic context statement for the City of San Diego and has completed similar intensive level and reconnaissance survey efforts for communities throughout California. For the Clairemont project, Wendy performed a reconnaissance survey of 22,000 parcels composed mainly of Ranch style (Tract Ranch and Contemporary) residential properties radiating around neighborhood- serving commercial centers and school facilities. Using County Assessor records, Wendy and the Urbana team developed a reconnaissance database with Assessor’s Parcel Number, address, year-built data, property type, and subdivision tract information. They additionally completed newspaper research for all references to the community and its individual tracts between ca. 1950 and ca. 1970s to develop the historic context statement and have an in-house compendium of published accounts of the community’s social and physical history. The context statement additionally relied on United States census data to track the racial and ethnic composition of residents into the 1960s and beyond and incorporated oral history interviews and historic community marketing materials provided by the original developer of the community. Ms. Tinsley Becker met with and interviewed the remaining legacy developers to discuss the community history, phasing of residential construction, goals for shopping centers, and original maps and community conditions. For the physical survey, the Urbana team completed a windshield survey of the entire 22,000 parcel community over several days to observe and photograph representative property types and architectural styles, and to identify whether any individual tracts within the comprehensively constructed community could be found eligible as a smaller Figure 1. Original Developer Plan of Clairemont. Figure 2. Representative reconnaissance views were included in the Clairemont context statement. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 8 historic district within the community. During field survey, Urbana interacted with residents and community members to discuss the project goals and gain feedback on any properties that could be regarded as significant in and to the community. Urbana Senior Historian, Doug Kupel, Ph.D., has a deep and thorough understanding of approaching historic districts for NRHP eligibility having served as the lead historian for five NRHP historic district nominations in Mesa, Arizona including the Temple Historic District, the Evergreen Historic District, the Robson Historic District, the Glenwood-Wilbur Historic District, and the West Second Street Historic District. Each of the districts were successfully listed on the NRHP and serve as tangible representation of the evolution of residential communities. • The oldest historic district in Mesa, Arizona, the West Second Street Historic District exhibits an array of architectural styles, house forms, and ages, all between the 1888-1948 period of significance. Listed on the NRHP and Mesa Register in 1999, the district illustrates the growth of the Mesa townsite in the early-to-mid 20th Century, and its transition to a cohesive neighborhood of middle-to-upper class households / property types. • The Glenwood-Wilbur Historic District encompasses three residential subdivisions platted between 1919 and 1922 and characterized by wide streets and large parcels in some sections which lend to a semi-rural feel, with other blocks developed in a more traditional suburban character. The district’s period of significance is 1888-1948 and it was listed on the NRHP and Mesa Register in 1999. • With a period of significance of 1910-1948, the Evergreen Historic District demonstrates a shift in residential development patterns and expansion beyond the original municipal boundaries. Composed of Craftsman, Southwestern Revival, Minimal Traditional, and Ranch-style houses, the district was listed on the NRHP and Mesa Register in 1999. • Constructed around the Mormon Temple, the Temple Historic District features a period of significance of 1900-1949 and is comprised primarily of small Revival style cottages and Minimal Traditional homes. The district was listed on the NRHP and the City of Mesa Register in ca. 2000- 2001. • Located within the original Mesa City townsite, the Robson Historic District demonstrates the shift from large garden blocks into smaller, more densely populated suburban lots. This was accomplished through multiple lot splits rather than the comprehensive subdivision and land development process, which led to irregular lot sizes and unique architectural character. The district’s period of significance is 1911-1959 and it was listed on the NRHP and the Mesa Register in 2003. Senior Associate Scott Solliday, MA, rounds out our team’s senior level experience in surveying, documenting, and evaluating historic residential communities. In 2012 Scott authored the State Route 30 (East) Study: Evaluation of Historic Buildings and Districts, Maricopa County, Arizona, for the Arizona DOT. The historic property survey evaluated all age-eligible properties within a half mile of the four alternative alignments in a 15-mile corridor for a proposed new freeway that passes through the cities of Phoenix, Avondale, Goodyear, and Buckeye. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) included more than 15 square miles of residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural land. Given the size and complexity of the APE, Scott developed a specific methodology for the project. The survey began with a review of Maricopa County Assessor's and Recorder's records, historic aerial photographs maintained by the Maricopa County Flood Control District, the Bureau of Land Management's database of homesteads and patents, and local records such as historic maps, newspapers, and city directories. This research generated a list of all parcels which had buildings or structures presumably built before 1969 and provided information about the historic use of the parcels. To evaluate the significance of the properties, additional research focused on the development of the larger rural historic landscape that spans a large portion of the western Phoenix metropolitan area. Building upon a previous historic context for the area, Scott identified three applicable historic contexts for the survey:  Rural Agricultural Farmsteads and Dairies in the Lower Salt River Valley and Upper Buckeye Valley, 1910–1968; Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 9  Zanjero (Watermaster) Houses on the Buckeye Canal, 1900–1968; and  Residential Subdivision Development in Western Maricopa County, 1942–1968. Prior to conducting fieldwork, Scott and the survey team met with representatives from AZ DOT, SHPO, and the prime environmental planning contractor to gain consensus on the APE boundaries and criteria for identifying any potential historic districts. It was also determined that all “age-eligible” properties in the APE should be documented using Arizona SHPO’s Historic Building Inventory Form (HPIF). Verification of age during the field survey must rely on architectural style and evidence of construction methods and alterations. Each property was recorded on a HPIF with a detailed architectural description of each building and structure and an assessment of alterations or additions. Field photographs documented all aspects of a property that illustrate significance or integrity. An assessment of each property provided a recommendation of its eligibility for listing on the NRHP or Arizona Register of Historic Places both in terms of the criteria (A–D) and the historic contexts it best represents. A total of 180 parcels were documented with 226 HPIFs. In addition to evaluating parcels in terms of individual eligibility, the nature of many types of historic resources found in the project area required the identification of potential historic districts, which were recorded on 18 Historic District Inventory Forms. These districts were of two types: rural residential “ranchette” subdivisions and farmsteads/dairies. For the seven rural residential subdivisions, each individual parcel with a house or other building constructed before 1969 was treated as a potential contributor to the district. Eleven farmsteads and dairies were identified as potential historic districts. These are generally large complex properties; they sometimes encompass multiple parcels but were treated as a single property. A HPIF was completed for each individual building, structure, or aggregates of structures located on the property. The survey was completed in 2012, but due to delays in the project schedule, the APE was resurveyed, and an updated report was produced in 2018. As a component of a larger Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Post-1955 Properties Stewardship Plan and National Register of Historic Places Evaluations, Wendy, Doug, and Scott are currently preparing a MPDF and supporting NRHP nomination package for housing constructed by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) between 1958 and 1965. Fieldwork involved reconnaissance survey of approximately 200 ”Bureau Houses” developed as workers housing, with intensive level documentation of 13 homes owned by NPS and utilized for NPS personnel housing. Houses and streetscapes that were representative of the neighborhood were photographed, and details of construction, architectural design, and integrity were noted. Many houses had been altered considerably, usually with the addition of wood or vinyl siding and changes to the front living room windows. NPS recently consulted with the Arizona SHPO, which concurred that the types of siding used are reversable changes. With this guidance we determined that approximately 70 percent of the houses in the neighborhood are potentially eligible as contributors to a historic district. The draft MPDF, in development, is focused on post-1955 housing associated with the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and includes a historic context, period of significance, identification of character-defining features, and registration requirements for listing of associated individual properties. While NPS provided Figure 3. Example of Bureau of Reclamation Standard Design Type 57 P-3A. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 10 numerous government documents that identified the role that BOR played in establishing new towns near project construction sites, the Urbana team conducted additional research at the Page Public Library, the Page City Clerk’s office, and a review of Coconino County Assessor's and Recorder's records. Additional research was completed via Urbana’s in-house archives and digital research subscriptions. The 13 NPS-owned homes will be nominated for the NRHP as a historic district utilizing the MPDF. PROJECT EXPERIENCE In addition to the specific key personnel experience stated previously, Urbana brings recent and relevant project experience conducting surveys, evaluating built environment resources under CEQA and NHPA criteria, preparing historic context statements, and identifying properties and districts eligible for listing to the NRHP. In that vein, we have prepared project descriptions completed by Urbana, followed by reference information located at the conclusion of this section. City of San Diego Historic District Nominations, Surveys and Context Statements  Relevance to the RFP: municipal contracting, post-WWII property types, survey and context In 2018, Urbana was commissioned by the City of San Diego Planning Department to prepare a historic district nomination for the Park Boulevard Residential Historic District. The Park Boulevard Apartments Historic District is an intact grouping of approximately 68 multi-family residential properties located along Park Boulevard north of Upas Street in San Diego, California. Urbana's scope of work included authoring the historic context statement and nomination package utilizing the survey data from both the North Park and Uptown Community Plan areas. Urbana participated in a kick-off meeting to finalize the work program, conducted primary and secondary source research, reviewed results of staff-completed field work, and developed a draft district-specific historic context, statement of significance (with period of significance) and boundary justification. A final draft was produced and submitted in April of 2018 which incorporated comments received from the Historic Resources Board Policy Subcommittee and City Staff. A context statement including history of the district as well as district boundary justifications was completed according to the City’s preferred template and received unanimous approval from the Historical Resources Board’s Policy Subcommittee as well as support from the community planning group and Save Our Heritage Organisation, the dedicated historic preservation advocacy organization in the region. Urbana staff attended the Policy Subcommittee meeting to represent the findings of the historic context statement and historic district nomination package, and to provide support to City Staff as the item was presented. In 2018, Urbana prepared the historic context statement for the Clairemont Mesa Community Planning Area (CPA), located in the north central portion of the City of San Diego and encompassing approximately 11 square miles. Clairemont Mesa began as a suburban community characterized by mostly low scale single-family homes built in the 1950s and 1960s, generally confined to the mesas and along the rim of Tecolote Canyon, Stevenson Canyon, San Clemente Canyon and into the hillside areas. The predominant topographic feature in Clairemont Mesa is the gently rolling mesa separated by several canyons and hillsides. In support of the comprehensive update to the Clairemont Mesa Community Plan and its Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), Urbana prepared a historic context statement that addresses the Figure 4. Clairemont Community Planning Area Historic Context Statement. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 11 themes and property types significant to the development of the Clairemont Mesa community. The context provides the foundation for the historical overview of Clairemont Mesa in the PEIR, helps to indicate the likelihood of encountering historic resources within the community, and will guide the future identification of such resources. The Clairemont Mesa CPA is widely recognized as San Diego’s pre- eminent post-World War II (WWII) suburban community, and at a national level, parallels in scale and level of effort to noted pre-and-post WWII planned communities built in Radburn, New Jersey (1928), San Lorenzo, California (1944), Levittown, New York (1947), Park Forest, Illinois (1948), and Lakewood, California (1949). The first substantial settlement within the Clairemont Mesa CPA, the Morena tract, depended on the creation of railroad infrastructure connecting San Diego with the western United States’ expanding late-19th Century rail transportation network. Near the end of the 1870s, National City’s Frank Kimball persuaded the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad (Santa Fe) to support construction of a transcontinental connection from San Bernardino south to San Diego and National City. Funded by Santa Fe interests, and subsequently acquired by the Santa Fe, the California Southern Railroad constructed the line beginning in 1880. Washouts plagued the Temecula Canyon portion of the original line approximately 45 miles north of San Diego, which the Santa Fe ultimately abandoned. San Diego became dependent on a coastal branch line known as the “Surf Line” that connected to the Santa Fe line at Fullerton. Aligned through Rose Canyon and along the eastern edge of Mission Bay, then referred to as False Bay, the California Southern Railroad combined with other Southern California railroad development during the first half of the 1880s to generate a regional real estate boom. That real estate boom gave birth to the Morena tract, a Victorian-era townsite replete with railroad depot and natural springs to serve as a visitor attraction. Remnants of the speculative townsite set east of Mission Bay were replaced by Bay Park Village, a New Deal-era housing development offering Minimal Traditional style homes built according to Federal Housing Administration (FHA) standards. Into the 1950s planned residential tracts were developed east of Bay Park Village, as part of Clairemont, advertised as a “Village Within A City.” Amidst these periods of residential development, commercial and industrial uses filled in the suburban landscape, offering local jobs in the retail, office, and defense and aerospace industries for San Diegans and transplants to the region. The Clairemont Mesa CPA, in its entirety, is the culmination of several master planned communities, developed with public facilities and secured by financing mechanisms that supported individual home ownership. The Clairemont Mesa area is important to its residents for the pride of ownership and sense of place that developed as each of its master planned communities were constructed. Clairemont, colloquially referred to as “Squaremont” holds special affection in the heart of many San Diegans who came of age in the area in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The primary context of the Clairemont Mesa CPA is planned suburban development, 1888-1970s; in particular comprehensively constructed communities developed according to the standards and guidelines of the Federal Housing Administration and the Urban Land Institute ULI. Figure 5. Clairemont: ‘City Within A City’, San Diego Union, 1958. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 12 Urbana’s Historic Context Statement references three distinct periods of development in the CPA. The themes were developed to address a variety of related topics and associated extant property types. Each theme is outlined below.  Victorian-Period Development Patterns, 1888-1915: This theme is associated with one property type - Victorian dwellings. The theme discusses early improvements in the CPA, specifically within the Morena townsite and surrounding tracts, and outlines the identifying exterior features domestic architecture along with limited integrity considerations.  Community building and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Principles, 1936-1950: This theme is associated with three property types - Minimal Traditional style dwellings described as “Colonial,” “Hacienda,” and “Monterey“ styles in early newspaper publications, and Schools and Commercial Buildings. The theme discusses the impetus for affordable housing constructed consistent with FHA principles, and financed by the FHA, with a particular focus on the development of Bay Park Village at the western edge of the CPA. The theme outlines identifying exterior features for Minimal Traditional style dwellings, schools, and commercial buildings constructed in the 1936-1950 timeframe in and around Bay Park Village, along with limited integrity considerations.  Post-WWII Suburban Development, 1950s-1970s: This theme is associated with three property types – Tract Ranch style single-family dwellings and multi-family buildings, Contemporary Tract style single-family dwellings and multi-family buildings, and Contemporary commercial and public serving buildings including civic, religious, and educational properties. The theme discusses post-WWII suburbanization and the founding of Clairemont, San Diego’s premier suburban community. Identifying exterior features for Tract Ranch, Contemporary Ranch, and Buildings, are discussed along with limited integrity considerations. In order to develop each theme for the CPA, Urbana conducted contextual and property-specific research using County Assessor data, building permit records, United States Census data, and local newspaper articles detailing the history of the CPA including The San Diego Union, The Evening Tribune, and the San Diego Union-Tribune. Urbana additionally researched Clairemont community booster records, including community newsletters, and oral history interviews from ‘first generation’ residents of the community. Upon completion of the context statement, Urbana prepared recommendations for future action to guide the City in the management and treatment of the significant features within the CPA. More recently, in 2019-2020, at the request of the City and under contract to ICF International, Urbana prepared the district context and nomination package for the Culverwell & Taggart’s Historic District. The Culverwell and Taggart’s Historic District (C&T HD) is located in the western portion of the City of San Diego’s Golden Hill Community Planning Area (CPA). Golden Hill is one of the oldest communities in San Diego having been utilized as mission lands in the Spanish and Mexican periods. The district’s name is derived from the Culverwell & Taggart’s Addition (C&T Addition) to San Diego, platted in April 1869 and recorded as Map No. 249. The Golden Hill CPA developed primarily as an eastern extension of Horton’s Addition in the Downtown Figure 6. Culverwell & Taggarts Addition Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 13 CPA, to the south and east of Balboa Park, and is anchored by Golden Hill Park, a pocket park sited at the southeast corner of Balboa Park, and two designated historic districts: the Golden Hill Historic District, designated in 1978 as Historical Resources Board (HRB) No. 130, and the South Park Historic District, designated in 2017 as HRB No. 1276. Previous City-sponsored historical resource surveys, including the 1996 Mid-City Survey and the 2016 Golden Hill CPA Historic Resources Survey Report, have identified the C&T Addition as a potential historic district. In the Mid-City Survey, the C&T Addition was recommended for recognition as part of an expansion of the Golden Hill Historic District, a six-block area bound by the north side of Russ Boulevard to the north, 24th Street to the west, F Street to the south, and 25th Street to the east. The Golden Hill Historic District is situated immediately east of the C&T Addition. The 2016 Golden Hill CPA Historic Resources Survey Report was prepared to assist the City in the identification of historical resources within the CPA boundaries, including potential historic districts that may qualify for designation and inclusion on the City’s Historical Resources Register. The C&T Addition was again opined eligible for designation as a historic district, pending intensive-level research, boundary justification, confirmation of period of significance, and identification of contributing and non-contributing resources within the district. Composed of 262 parcels, the C&T HD is regarded as a premier residential enclave with Victorian-era, Craftsman, Period Revival, and Modernistic style dwellings, commercial, and institutional buildings. The district represents over 100 years of primarily residential development at the eastern edge of San Diego’s urban core and within Western Golden Hill. For the City, Urbana authored a historic context statement and district nomination package asserting eligibility under City of San Diego HRB Criterion A (NRHP A) as a special element of the city’s historical and architectural development. The period of significance for the district is 1869 through 1954. Urbana’s context and nomination package includes four themes along with associated property types and significance thresholds for each theme: The Early History of Golden Hill: 1769-1885, An Elite Residential District: 1885-1905, Streetcar Development: 1905-1930, and An Era of Transitions: 1930-1990. City of Coronado On-Call Historic Research Services  Relevance to the RFP: municipal contracting, adherence to budget and accelerated schedule In 2019, Urbana initiated an on-call services contract with the City of Coronado to provide expedited eligibility reviews for buildings proposed for designation, alteration, or demolition. As the On-Call Historic Consultant, Urbana prepares Determination of Historic Significance Reports (DHSR) to inform City Staff and the City’s Historic Preservation Commission of the potential for eligibility for each of the tasked properties. To date Urbana has prepared over 40 DHSRs for the City, all within an accelerated four-week timeframe and within budget. Additionally, for each project, Urbana personnel attend the City’s Historic Preservation Commission meetings to represent findings and support staff. Property types evaluated are generally residential in the Period Revival, Spanish Revival, Colonial Revival, Minimal Traditional, and Ranch styles. Urbana’s reports entail property research to identify construction, ownership, and occupancy history, development of a historical narrative, and evaluation of the property under the City’s significance criteria. The City of Coronado recently extended Urbana’s on-call contract for an additional year, illustrating the value of our services in the City’s preservation planning process. As part of the historical narrative, Urbana is tasked with developing biographies of builders and architects associated with development in the city, including the Bay View Housing Corporation (BVHC), a subsidiary of S.V. Hunsaker and Associates, a Los Angeles based homebuilding firm. In 1943, BVHC was commissioned by the War Production Board and the National Housing Agency to develop a housing project on Coronado Island. The project included 37 single- Figure 7. BVHC Minimal Traditional Home, Coronado Eagle, August 19, 1943 (2: 2-4). Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 14 family dwellings, including the 243 F Avenue residence, and 12 apartment buildings for civilian workers at the North Island Naval Air Station during World War II. As by the early 1940s, Coronado had been developed with buildings throughout the island leaving little open space to develop a wartime housing project that followed traditional federal Figure 4. BVHC Minimal Traditional Home, Coronado Eagle, August 19, 1943 (2: 2- 4).planning and design guidelines, the BVHC constructed the single-family dwellings and apartment buildings throughout the island and designed them to match the character of the existing homes. To avoid a “row house appearance,” the BVHC designed three exterior appearances and two roof types over a traditional rectilinear footprint. The single-family dwellings featured shingle exteriors, with three bedrooms on 50’ lots to allow for ample light and air circulation around each home. Urbana completed a reconnaissance survey of Minimal Traditional homes in the city to identify those attributed to the BVHC, and established parameters for the BVHC Minimal Traditional typology to inform future research and evaluation efforts. Kansas Post Rock Resources Survey, Multiple Property Documentation Form, and NRHP Nominations  Relevance to the RFP: agency contracting, large reconnaissance survey, survey and context leading to NRHP nominations In 2021, Urbana was tasked with completing a Historic Resource Survey and Multiple Property Documentation Form (MPDF) of Post Rock Resources in Lincoln, Mitchell, Rush, and Russell Counties in Central Kansas. Commissioned by the Kansas State Historic Preservation Office / Kansas State Historical Society (KSHS), this project is HPF funded, and is guided by the FY2021 HPF Survey Requirements. An added challenge to the project was the timeline: KSHS required a highly accelerated time frame in order to meet HPF deadlines. The survey portion of the project involved five deliverables: (1) intensive level documentation and evaluation of 50 Post Rock properties on Kansas Historic Resource Inventory (KHRI) forms, (2) preparation of a survey report, (3) preparation of a MPDF with historic context, (4) Public Information Meeting, and (5) Publication of an article on Kansapedia the state’s encyclopedia of history. Urbana initiated and completed field survey the week of June 5, 2021, with representative views (elevations and details) obtained for each property. While 50 properties were required for survey within the contracted scope of work, our team surveyed 20 additional properties based on feedback received from stakeholders. These additional 20 properties were referenced in the survey report and MPDF and may be included in the KHRI database at a future date. Visits to local libraries and historical societies were completed by the survey team to obtain contextual and property-specific information that informed property entries for the KHRI database. On July 30, 2021, Urbana completed / uploaded all updates to previously recorded properties using our assigned credentials from the KHRI Database Manager. We additionally prepared new documentation using the KHRI Excel database with drop-down selections and narrative write-ups relating to property histories, architectural descriptions, general remarks, and eligibility conclusions. Urbana prepared site plans for all 50 properties and captioned all site plans and property photos consistent with the specifications set forth in the FY2021 HPF Survey Requirements. Figure 8. Post Rock Historic Resources Survey Information Flyer. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 15 The Post Rock Resources Historic Survey Report was completed in August of 2021, authored by Urbana’s Alex Baker, MCP, Doug Kupel, Ph.D., and Wendy Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP The draft MPDF, authored by Dr. Kupel, was submitted on September 1, 2021. Urbana previously submitted an excerpt of the document to provide KSHS reviewers an opportunity for early feedback to ensure that the accelerated project timeline remained on track. The final MPDF was submitted on schedule on September 24. The Kansapedia article was sent in for comments in December of 2021 and will be published in early 2022. Following these successful submissions and building on the congenial and cooperative relationship Urbana has built with the Kansas State Historic Preservation Office, Urbana’s contract has been expanded to include National Register Nominations for three Post Rock Resources under the MPDF. We have recommended that the three nominations focus on commercial or income producing buildings that can leverage federal rehabilitation tax credits and Kansas historic preservation tax credits to further the rehabilitation campaign at each building. To date Urbana has worked with KSHS to identify several likely candidates and secured permissions for moving forward on the first two nominations. Southern California Edison On-Call Preservation Consulting  Relevance to the RFP: large-scale complex surveys over thousands of acres and hundreds of miles in Southern California and Nevada, detailed place histories, context statements, and preservation planning guidance documents From 2007 forward, Urbana has provided as-needed preservation planning for small-and-large-capital improvement projects throughout Southern California Edison’s (SCE) 55,000 square mile service territory, including reconnaissance survey of all historic-era substation buildings owned by SCE, eligibility evaluations for individual properties within SCE project boundaries ranging from single-parcel reviews to survey evaluations of up to 900 sites within an Area of Potential Effect, preparation of Historic American Engineering Record packages for NRHP eligible facilities, preparation of a Historic-Era Facilities Management Programs. The SCE Historic-Era Electrical Infrastructure Management Program (Program) was developed to establish a consistent protocol for identifying, reviewing, exempting, and treating SCE’s historic-era electrical infrastructure throughout its 50,000 square-mile service territory. SCE maintains several classes of electrical infrastructure, and the Program includes a strategy for identifying and defining the significant properties within each class or facility type based on a contextual narrative relating to the organization’s history, innovative achievements in electrical engineering and electrical system design that helped to industrialize the Southern California region, and the company’s aesthetic ideology and architectural programming employed through the historic-period. Urbana worked with SCE to develop the Program and authored the Program document, including completion of contextual research on the identified themes, reconnaissance survey of all historic-era substation properties in the 55,000 square mile service territory, and development of appropriate mitigation and treatment guidelines to inform management decisions. Significant properties are inventoried in the document and will require formal evaluation under the NRHP should they come under any capital improvement campaign. Figure 9. SCE Ramona Substation, built in 1926 in a Spanish Revival style to blend into the surrounding residential tract. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 16 The Program, as outlined in the document, is a culmination of historic context development, technical studies, and programmatic agreements for the identification, review, exemption, and treatment of SCE's historic-era electrical infrastructure. The purpose of the Program is to establish an efficient, logical, and standardized process for responsibly managing the historic-era electrical infrastructure facilities that are regarded as important by SCE and / or other interested parties, and to outline the approach for no longer managing facilities known to be ineligible within the established context for SCE’s service territory. In that regard, SCE’s goals are to obtain validation and consensus for the Program requirements and procedures as outlined in this document, to partner with State and Federal agencies to formally adopt the Program, and to recognize the Program as a model after which other utility providers can develop a similar protocol and management process, thereby improving and streamlining the preservation planning regulatory review process for all classes of historic-era electrical infrastructure. To this end, this guidance document:  Provides the historic context of SCE’s historic-era electrical infrastructure;  Identifies SCE’s historically significant or potentially significant electrical infrastructure;  Identifies certain classes of SCE’s electrical infrastructure not significant and ineligible for listing in the NRHP or CRHR, and therefore exempt from NHPA Section 106 historic property identification and CEQA Section 21084.1 historical resource identification;  Requires comprehensive documentation of significant infrastructure as part of a program to treat effects under NHPA and mitigate impacts under CEQA; and  Exempts further analysis of effects or impacts to significant infrastructure pending completion of prescribed documentation. In 2019 Urbana prepared a similar long-range management plan for SCE properties on Santa Catalina Island, off the of Southern California coastline. Beyond these long-range plans, as part of Urbana’s on-call and ongoing service to SCE, we have authored more than 100 single-site Historic Property Survey Reports to evaluate properties under the NRHP and prepared Class III cultural resource studies for six major capital projects that together entailed context development, NRHP eligibility evaluation, and regulatory / treatment recommendations for more than 2,000 private or government owned properties that intersect with SCE’s utility corridor. Figure 10. Historic-Era Electrical Infrastructure Management Program. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 17 REFERENCES Reference No. 1 Company Name Kansas Historical Society (KSHS) Street Address 6425 SW 6th Ave City, State, Zip Topeka, KS 66615-1099 Contact Name Katrina Ringler, Preservation Office Supervisor Phone / Email (785) 272-8681 ext. 215, katrina.ringler@ks.gov Dates of Service 2021 Description Intensive survey of historic sites across four counties in Kansas: Rush, Russell, Lincoln, and Mitchell Counties to document historic sites constructed of post rock, a type of limestone prevalent in Central Kansas used by early settlers Key Personnel Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, AICP, RPH; Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA; and Alexandrea Baker, MCP Reference No. 2 Company Name City of Coronado, Community Development Department Street Address 1025 Strand Way City, State, Zip Coronado, CA 92106 Contact Name Tricia Olsen, Historic Preservation Planner Phone / Email (619) 522-7329 / tolsen@coronado.ca.us Dates of Service 2019-present Description As-needed preparation of Determination of Historic Significance Reports and presenting findings at Commission and City Council meetings. Key Personnel Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, AICP, RPH; Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA; and Alexia Landa, BA Reference No. 3 Company Name Southern California Edison Street Address 2244 Walnut Grove Ave. City, State, Zip Rosemead, CA, 91770 Contact Name Audry Williams, SCE Senior Archaeologist Phone / Email (661) 331-8523 / audry.williams@sce.com Dates of Service 2007-present Description On-call historic preservation services including surveys, NRHP eligibility evaluations, preparation of HAER documentation, preparation of the Historic-Era Electrical Infrastructure Management Program and Santa Catalina Island Historic-Era Water System Management Plan. Key Personnel Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, AICP, RPH; Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA; Scott Solliday, MA; Alexandrea Baker, MCP, Alexia Landa, BA Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 18 Project Understanding and Approach As a locale, La Quinta’s early history, in the American period, is tied to the development of homesteads and ranchos, and to the Bradshaw Trail, a short-lived route intended to provide safe and efficient passage between present-day Palm Springs and Present-day La Paz, Arizona where a gold strike occurred in 1862. La Quinta’s role on the Bradshaw Trail was an important one as a place to find potable water and livestock fodder, an overnight camp spot and place of shelter from windstorms and flashfloods, along the route. In 1868, the Bradshaw route was officially authorized by Congress as a U.S. Mail stagecoach route to carry mail from Los Angeles through San Bernardino, La Paz and Prescott, Arizona, and on to Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Bradshaw Stage Line passed through the northern section of La Quinta until 1877 and was replaced by a graded gravel road in 1915. This early stagecoach route, however, was not the primary transportation corridor in the Coachella Valley. In 1876, the Southern Pacific Railroad extended service from Los Angeles to Indio to transport people and produce grown in the region. The Coachella Valley was home to numerous farming establishments, Indio in particular which featured reliable water sources. La Quinta’s climate fostered growth of exotic dates, sweet corn, Bermuda onions and Thompson seedless grapes, therein becoming one of several agricultural communities in the Coachella Valley. This Southern Pacific connection opened up the Coachella Valley for more than homestead, ranching, and agricultural uses. In the first few decades of the 20th Century, tourism including therapeutic and recreational resorts, were developed throughout the valley including the La Quinta Resort, the City’s namesake. Established in 1926 by Walter Morgan as the La Quinta Hotel, the resort featured 20 guest casitas, an open- air glassed dining room, three courtyards, a swimming pool, and a nine-hole golf course set over 1,400-acres. Roughly four years later, Santa Carmelita de Vale, the Cove, residential subdivision was platted as a seasonal resort club and community with fifty adobe bungalows by Developer E.S. “Harry” Kiener. Mr. Kiener previously developed the Peter Pan Woodland Club in Big Bear and brought his experience to the Cove project. He commissioned Master Architect S. Charles Lee, noted for his theater designs throughout California and the southwest, to design the Desert Club in 1937. In the late 1930s through 1950s, the La Quinta Resort and the Cove were expanded to accommodate growing interests, with a prolonged pause resultant from WWII-era rationing mandates which reduced development activities and tourism in the area. In 1937, under the ownership of B.J. Barder, the La Quinta resort added six tennis courts and a pro shop, and business boomed with a stream of celebrity guests from the entertainment industry. Between 1935 and 1949, approximately 95 houses were constructed at the Cove; many in the Spanish Eclectic style intended to continue the architectural precedent set at the La Quinta Hotel. In the post-WWI period, the La Quinta Hotel transformed into a full-fledged country club with custom homes built across from the hotel over a new 130-acre land extension named the Golf Estates. As these two resort communities developed, incremental construction of buildings occurred in the village and municipal infrastructure was established including graded and paved roads, permanent water and sewer services, and gas and electrical utilities. Like the rest of the area, building starts in the Village however, were substantially impaired by WWII with little growth occurring until the contemporary period. In subsequent decades La Quinta gained a reputation as a vacation or bedroom community for the greater Southern California region. In the early 1980s, housing and commercial building starts increased. The Cove subdivision was developed with new housing that, and La Quinta was incorporated as a municipality in 1982. Today the city is home to again a destination for therapeutic and recreational resort opportunities with more than 20 golf courses, numerous parks, and biking and hiking trails. The City continues to embrace its history while facilitating new development strategies. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 19 Urbana’s overall strategy for the project is to solidify the City’s existing historic preservation planning program via a survey update and expansion, and assessment of existing procedures, policies, and code language for historical resources, historic landmarks, and historic districts in the city. The two main goals of the project are as follows. • Complete a comprehensive city-wide historical resource survey that will support the City of La Quinta in its discretionary development process and to support stakeholder interests in the preservation planning process. • Conduct a thorough analysis of existing adopted policies and procedures relating to historical resources, landmarks, and districts to improve the discretionary development process, remain compliant with CEQA, and support stakeholder interests in the preservation planning process. To accomplish the project goals, as outlined in the Scope of Work, Urbana will undertake the following actions. • Update findings on previously documented and evaluated properties, • Identify all new properties in the city that are age-eligible, • Develop a survey spreadsheet with all age-eligible properties in the city, • Update findings for 262 previously recorded properties, • Intensively document and evaluate up to 100 newly age-eligible properties, • Update the existing historic context statement, • Prepare a survey report detailing project findings, • Provide survey shape files in ArcGIS, and • Provide comments and recommended revisions package for policy and code language. The proposed scope of work, project schedule / timeline, and cost proposal are detailed below. SCOPE OF WORK Our previous experience in similar pre-and-post-WWII communities has informed Urbana’s methodological approach, scope of work, and project timeline for the City of La Quinta survey effort. Our work plan includes four basic tasks: meetings and public hearing attendance, contextual and property-specific research, desk and field survey, and reporting. Urbana’s task descriptions, methods, assigned personnel, and milestone deliverables, are detailed here. All deliverables are proposed for completion prior to June 30, 2022 to fall within this fiscal year (2021-2022). TASK 1. MEETINGS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS All meetings will be attended by Urbana’s founding Principal and Senior staff. Ms. Tinsley Becker is expert at working with appointed and elected commissions and in relaying project findings in a public setting. She has led municipal commissions through historic preservation training sessions and regularly presents projects at Historic Preservation Commission (HPC), Planning Commission, and other similar advisory and authoritative bodies. Recent examples include historic preservation training, presented in October 2021, for the City of Laguna Beach Heritage Review Committee, Design Review Committee, and Planning Commission. Ms. Tinsley Becker presents Urbana’s findings at regularly scheduled public meetings on a near monthly basis. Senior Staff bring additional high level engagement experience with Dr. Kupel serving on the Arizona SHPO Historic Sites Review Committee and Mr. Solliday regularly presenting at municipal hearings. Project Start-Up and Stakeholder / Community Notifications Prior to initiating scoped tasks, Urbana shall meet virtually with City Staff and other stakeholders recommended by the City to initiate the survey effort. The purpose of the kick-off meeting is to confirm the survey schedule, to verify the extent of community notifications desired or required by the City such as Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 20 handouts to property owners, and to discuss availability and transfer of data from the City to Urbana including original development records, previous technical studies, and any other salient municipal property records, in digital or print copy, that will inform research and survey efforts. In advance of the kick-off, Urbana will assemble a list of project stakeholders and will request City Staff input to confirm that specific stakeholders and resources are not unintentionally omitted from the project process. Stakeholders include known long- time residents (potential interview candidates), original and early developers / builders, homeowner and neighborhood association representatives, historical societies and local history bloggers, legacy business owners, and elected and appointed officials associated with La Quinta. Urbana will additionally provide City Staff with a draft notification letter / handout for use in the community notification process.  Schedule: The start-up and community notification process is anticipated for late February 2022.  Urbana Deliverable: Draft stakeholder list, draft survey handout.  Associated Personnel: Wendy Tinsley Becker, Doug Kupel, and Scott Solliday.  Request To City: GIS Data, available year-built data, available municipal property records, previous studies and reports. Public Meeting No. 1 | March 22, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting – Information Item It is recommended that the survey and context update effort be introduced as an information item at the Planning Commission’s March 22, 2022 meeting. For the meeting Urbana will prepare an introductory PowerPoint (PPT) detailing the goals and objectives of the project and to solicit preliminary feedback from the Planning Commission and public stakeholders. This will establish a baseline understanding of the project deliverables and will prepare Commissioners for a future presentation outlining the results of the project proposed for the June 14, 2022 meeting.  Schedule: March 22, 2022.  Urbana Deliverable: Introductory PPT Presentation.  Associated Personnel: Wendy Tinsley Becker.  Request To City: Confirmation of agenda placement and supporting material needs. Public Meeting No. 2 | June 14, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting – Full Draft Presentation Building on the March 22 information session, Urbana will present the full draft survey report with all appendices including historic context statement, updated and newly recorded DPR forms, survey spreadsheet, and maps and imagery, to the Planning Commission at the June 14, 2022 meeting. Urbana will prepare a PPT Presentation to share with City Staff and the Commission, with the findings represented by firm Principal Wendy Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP. Senior historical staff will also be in attendance to respond to questions and comments. The draft code and policy revision package will not be presented to the Planning Commission unless requested by City Staff. We understand that this will be a separate participatory process facilitated by the City at a later date.  Schedule: June 14, 2022.  Urbana Deliverable: PPT Presentation summarizing project accomplishments and findings.  Associated Personnel: Wendy Tinsley Becker and Doug Kupel / Scott Solliday.  Request To City: Confirmation of agenda placement and supporting material needs. Public Meeting No. 3 | June 21, 2022 City Council Meeting – Full Draft Presentation for Adoption At the City Council meeting, proposed for June 21, 2022, Urbana shall present the full draft survey report with all appendices including historic context statement, updated and newly recorded DPR forms, survey spreadsheet, and maps and imagery. The PPT presentation will be updated to request Council approval or adoption of the survey project. Ms. Tinsley Becker will attend and present to the City Council at the proposed June 21, 2022 meeting.  Schedule: June 21, 2022.  Urbana Deliverable: PPT Presentation summarizing project accomplishments and findings. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 21  Associated Personnel: Wendy Tinsley Becker.  Request To City: Confirmation of agenda placement and supporting material needs. TASK 2. RESEARCH Urbana’s team of historians bring extensive practice in researching, documenting, and evaluating large-scale and complex multi-parcel surveys including surveys that include thousands of buildings and structures, more than 10,000 acres, and several hundred miles. From 2018 forward Urbana has authored large-scale Historic- Era Built Environment Survey Reports for SCE. These projects involve intensive level survey, documentation and reporting on thousands of historic-era buildings and structures throughout California and into Nevada. Dr. Kupel served as the Senior Historian for these projects, wherein he authored literature reviews, historic context statements, and integrity thresholds for state (California Public Utilities Commission) and federal reviewers (BLM and NPS). Scott Solliday, John Hyche, Alex Baker, and Alexia Landa documented and evaluated each age-eligible site on California site records and Nevada ARA Forms. The team researched each property to determine eligibility under state registers and the NRHP. Ms. Landa and Ms. Baker were additionally responsible for managing all database and GIS mapping of site boundaries, project boundaries, and APE boundaries. Our extensive experience in multi-parcel property research will inform our methods for La Quinta. Having proper staffing to appropriately divide up the work ensures that all research resources are accounted for and that each team member has a back-up should an obstacle, like illness or some other unanticipated event, occur. We bring the organizational skills, academic and professional specialization, and necessary research experience to successfully complete the task. Prior to completing reconnaissance and intensive level survey work, Urbana will initiate contextual and property-specific research to inform a detailed history of La Quinta and corresponding historic context statement that builds upon the themes developed in the 2011 draft context effort. Urbana’s research task involves in-person and remote / digital research of resources on file at the City of La Quinta, the City of La Quinta and Riverside County Library system, Riverside Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder, UC Riverside, and the La Quinta Museum and Historical Society. The research component represents the fact-finding and story- telling portion of the survey and context effort with each resource and archive offering a specific use and result. Tract maps help to verify the original neighborhood boundaries and arrangement and dimensions of lots, and additionally offer insight on the pace of growth for the city via survey and recordation dates. Assessor-Recorder data informs year-built dates for improvements within the city and will be used to develop the survey spreadsheet. Oral history interviews and newspaper accounts provide firsthand accounts of experiences of individuals associated with the city at different points in time. Census enumeration reports give glimpse to the racial and ethnic composition of the city and its environs prior to incorporation. Historic photographs, both aerial and street-view, demonstrate the city’s growth and architectural styles, which help to establish character-defining features and additionally verify integrity status of larger tracts and individual buildings and structures within. The contextual research will help to update La Quinta’s documented history, to expand the historic context statement, and to establish periods of significance along with thresholds for significance. Research will be led by Dr. Kupel and Mr. Solliday with support of Urbana historians Alex Baker and Alexia Landa.  Schedule: Focused research will occur in February through May 2022 and will continue as-needed until submission of final survey report.  Urbana Deliverable: Draft history and updated context statement.  Associated Personnel: Doug Kupel, Scott Solliday, Alex Baker, and Alexia Landa.  Request To City: None identified under this task. TASK 3. DESK AND FIELD SURVEY Drawing on our team’s multi-parcel large-scale survey experience, we will strategically and effectively execute the La Quinta survey effort by employing comprehensive safety, planning, and project management practices. Safety is an important component of every Urbana project and is particularly important while Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 22 surveying communities and visiting repositories. We maintain a safety program that includes use and maintenance of proper PPE, including COVID-19 specific PPE, situational awareness training, pedestrian and auto-safety checks, location monitoring for field personnel, and daily on-board and off-boarding communications. Part of field survey best practices involve clearly identifying locations, schedule, and environmental conditions prior to commencement. The Urbana field survey team begin all survey work with routes, locations, equipment, schedule, and plans in place, employing the ‘measure twice, cut once’ philosophy of preparation. Under Task 3, Urbana will complete a desk survey that will then inform the field survey effort. Reconnaissance Surveys are regarded as fast-moving and best used for large areas, or when documenting a potential historic district. This type of survey can be especially helpful when dealing with resources constructed after 1940 like large, master-planned housing developments. Desk surveys fall into the reconnaissance umbrella and involve identification of parcels, year-built data, property type, corresponding architectural styles, and alterations and integrity status. This information is compiled into a survey spreadsheet that will then inform updates to previously recorded properties and selection of intensive level documentation and evaluation of newly identified properties. The survey spreadsheet will also serve as the basis for identifying age-eligible properties targeted for field survey. Scott Solliday, MA and John Hyche, MA, will execute the physical survey activities with the support of staff historians Alex Baker, MCP and Alexia Landa, BA as pairs of two teams working in concert. Messers Solliday and Hyche have led and executed large scale surveys for private and agency clients including the National Park Service, various municipalities, and the Arizona DOT. The teams will complete survey activities simultaneously over several days, working systematically by subdivision tract boundaries. Representative house types, architectural styles and stylistic variations, common hardscape / landscape features, streetscape features, and community facilities within La Quinta shall be photographed. Historic and current views of properties will be included as figures in the survey report, in both the detailed history and to identify examples of contextual property types. Post-processing of survey efforts involves preparation of photo sheets that include all images and revision to the shape files in ArcGIS as-needed based on field survey observations. Ms. Baker and Ms. Landa will maintain the survey spreadsheet / database and GIS mapping.  Schedule: Survey activities will occur in March 2022.  Urbana Deliverable: Photo sheet organized by property address and subdivision tract, survey spreadsheet.  Associated Personnel: Scott Solliday, John Hyche, Alex Baker, and Alexia Landa.  Request To City: ArcGIS layer / parcel data. TASK 4. REPORTING Upon completion of field survey activities, Urbana shall initiate updated and new documentation for survey properties, preparation of a survey report, update and expansion of draft historic context statement, and recommendations for code language revisions. All property documentation shall conform to the California SHPO Instructions for Recording Historical Resources (1995 as amended) and reporting shall conform to a pre- approved template presented to the City. Our team is experienced in preparing similar deliverables in numerous states including California, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Illinois, and Maryland. Our approach to documenting pre-and-post-WWII communities will additionally inform our work in La Quinta. In the 22,000-parcel community of Clairemont, in San Diego, our detailed history and reconnaissance survey report prepared for the City’s community plan update process directly translates to our contextual knowledge of suburban development and community building, and frames survey, recordation and analysis of La Quinta. Previous survey studies indicate that by 2006, 262 properties in La Quinta were age-eligible / historic-era and thus were subject to documentation and significance evaluation. The proposed survey effort will update findings for the 262 previously recorded properties. Urbana will prepare DPR 523 L (Continuation Sheet) Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 23 forms for each previously recorded resource with an updated photograph, description of integrity, and eligibility conclusions based on integrity observations. In addition to these updated records, Urbana will document and evaluate up to 100 newly identified properties that are age-eligible / historic-era using DPR 523 Series Forms including 523A Primary Record; 523B Building, Structure, Object Record; and 523J Location Record. If more than 100 properties are identified, Urbana will assess each property to determine level of alterations and integrity status and will focus intensive documentation and evaluation on those properties that would appear to qualify as historical resources more readily under CEQA. Properties that are clearly altered and do not retain sufficient integrity, or that clearly appear ineligible for designation or listing on the Local, CRHR, or NRHP will be detailed on the survey spreadsheet with an ‘ineligible pending intensive evaluation’ recommendation. Where subdivisions tracts exist, Urbana will work to obtain the tract map and boundary and will document the tract as a single resource / potential historic district. The La Quinta survey report shall include the following sections: Executive Summary, Introduction, Methodological Approach, City History, Historic Context Statement, Survey Findings, and Recommendations for Future Action. Imagery, both historic and current, will be included throughout, and maps depicting survey boundaries, tract boundaries, and location of properties recommended for future action will be similarly included. DPR Forms will be included in the report appendices. All shape files will be delivered to the City, along with raw data files in TIFF, PNG formats, Word, Excel, and PDF formats. The detailed city history and historic context statement shall be prepared from research. The historic context, property-specific research, and field survey observations will inform draft Local, CRHR, and NRHP eligibility conclusions, and will be reflected in the “Recommendations for Future Action” section. A draft report will be submitted to the City in May of 2022, with draft findings proposed for presentation at the Planning Commission and City Council meetings. Urbana will finalize the draft report and forms based on City and stakeholder feedback received. The final report and associated work products are anticipated for submission in June 2022, with a final presentation to the City Council planned for June 21, 2022. Ms. Tinsley Becker will direct preparation of the survey report, context update, and survey forms, with Dr. Kupel and Mr. Solliday authoring much of the report including the detailed history. Ms. Landa and Ms. Baker will prepare the draft and final DPR Forms, with Ms. Baker additionally preparing all project mapping. Finally, Ms. Becker will review existing code language and prepare a package with her revision recommendations which the City may pursue as part of a future endeavor.  Schedule: Report and form preparation will occur in March 2022 – May 2022, draft findings and report will be submitted in May 2022, final draft of the survey report, context statement update, and code revision package will be submitted in June 2022.  Urbana Deliverable: Updated Context Statement, Draft and Final Survey Report and DPR Forms with all required contents and appendices, and Code Revision Recommendation Package.  Associated Personnel: Wendy Tinsley Becker, Scott Solliday, John Hyche, Alex Baker, and Alexia Landa.  Request To City: None identified under this task. Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 24 SCHEDULE / TIMELINE 2022TasksDeliverable / MilestoeTimelineFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneProject Start-Up and Stakeholder / Community NotificationsDraft stakeholder list, draft survey handoutLate February 2022Public Meeting No. 1: Planning CommissionIntroductory PPT PresentationMarch 22, 2022Public Meeting No. 2: Planning CommissionFindings PPT PresentationJune 14, 2022Public Meeting No. 3: City CouncilFindings PPT PresentationJune 21, 2022Task 2. ResearchDraft history and updated context statementFebruary 2022 through May 2022Task 3. Desk and Field SurveyPhoto sheet, survey spreadsheet March 2022Task 4. Reporting - DraftDraft Survey Report and Context UpdateMay 1, 2022Task 4. Reporting - FinalSurvey Report, Context Update, Policy and Code language revision packageJune 14, 2022 Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 25 COST PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TOSUBMITTED BYCity of La QuintaUrbana Preservation & Planning, LLC Attn. Danny Castro, Design and Development DirectorWendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92247-1504(760) 777-7069 | dcastro@laquintaca.govwendy@urbanapreservation.com | (844) 872-2623Urbana Task #Proposed TasksPrincipal / Project ManagerSenior HistorianSenior Associate HistorianAssociate HistorianHistorianCost Per Task % of Total CostAnticipated Project TimelineTask 1Meetings and Public Hearings: (1) Kick Off, (1) Planning Commission, and (1) City Council meeting866$2,530.004%February 2022, March 2022, & June 2022Task 2Research: Contextual and Property Specific Research4040100$17,900.0030%February 2022-May 2022Task 3Desk and Field Survey404080$15,200.0026%March 2022Reporting: March 2022-June 2022a) DPR Forms (261 Updates, up to 100 new)40100$12,500.0021%June 2022b) Survey Report and Context3240$8,400.0014%March 2022, June 2022c) Code and Policy Revision Package 16$2,240.004%June 2022Total Hours247812680280$58,770.00100%Hourly Billing Rate$140.00$125.00$110.00$100.00$85.00Subtotal Per Team Member$3,360$9,750$13,860$8,000$23,800Labor CostAssumptions$58,770.00Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC - Cost ProposalLA QUINTA CITY-WIDE HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY UPDATE1. All evaluations shall be performed by Urbana's staff of 36 CFR Part 61 qualified professionals.2. Urbana anticipates attendance the (4) Meetings.3. Task 4 assumes completion of up to (261) 523L Continuation forms and up to (100) new DPR 523 Series sets. Additional forms may be produced for additional cost under the established rates listed above and with City's approval.7705 El Cajon Blvd. # 1, La Mesa, CA 91942Task 4 Proposal to Prepare the La Quinta City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Update Submitted to City of La Quinta | January 21, 2022 | Page 26 Appendix A. Resumes Firm Resume urbana@urbanapreservation.com Profile Established in 2005, Urbana Preservation & Planning (Urbana) offers specialized urban planning, historic preservation, history, and architectural history services. The firm is a single-member Limited Liability Company (LLC) managed by Founding Principal Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP. Our company is headquartered out of San Diego County, California and maintains satellite locations in the San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland), the Southwest Region (Arizona), the Mountain Region (Montana), and the Midwest Region (Illinois). Urbana’s team of historic preservation specialists meet The Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of history, architectural history, and historical archaeology, as well as the draft standards in historic preservation and land use / community planning. The Urbana team offers a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach with a multigenerational and cross-trained staff as well as experience spanning historic preservation and archaeology across the United States. Urbana represents more than 100 years of experience with the built environment and has prepared surveys for a myriad of environments, property types, and architectural styles. Mission Urbana's mission is to inform the future of the built environment by acknowledging the past. We educate and engage people on the history of place and the importance of recognizing and retaining historically and architecturally significant properties. We provide regulatory compliance support for owners and occupants of historic-era properties. Urbana delivers results with technical expertise, consensus-building, and creative solutions. We are particularly cognizant of the relationship between historic preservation and economic development, and how social history – the history of ordinary people and places – provides focus on major issues of public debate and can inform placemaking and economic development strategies. Preservation is an impetus for revitalization and economic development efforts. The creation of a forward-looking economic development strategy, with a focused effort on proactive identification, registration, and treatment of significant properties ensures compliance with The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Preservation Planning and provides clients with the necessary information to make well- informed decisions about project financing, timelines, and programming. We view a successful project as one that includes a strong participatory component with a resulting work product that is regularly used as a point of reference in the local planning and development process. The resulting work product should include eligibility findings supported by an established historic context, detailed architectural descriptions, and a period of significance that guides decision-making for the treatment of character-defining features. Safety Program and Insurance Coverage Urbana maintains General Commercial and Professional Liability coverage at $1M per occurrence and $2M aggregate, with a $2M umbrella. With these coverages in place, safety is an important component of every Urbana project. We maintain a safety program that includes use and maintenance of proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including COVID-19 specific PPE, situational awareness and Occupational Health and Safety training, pedestrian and auto-safety checks, location monitoring for field personnel, and daily on-board and off-boarding communications. Owner / Manager / Principal Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP wendy@urbanapreservation.com Toll Free: 1-(844)-URBANA3 Year Established 2005 DUNS / CAGE # 132735254 / 4JAU8 Certifications U.S. Small Business Administration 8(a) #308096 + WOSB / EDWOSB U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Development Section 3 Business CA Unified Certification Program SWBE + DBE #35330 CA Department of General Services MB #1091341 CPUC Supplier Clearinghouse WBE #9HN00013 Professional Memberships American Planning Association Association for Preservation Technology Association of Environmental Professionals NAICS Codes 541310 541690 561790 541490 541720 712120 541620 541990 925120 SIC Codes 8712 8733 8999 874802 87489905 PSC Codes B503 B510 B521 C219 F999 R410 R503 R512 R521 NIGP Classifications 906-10 906-29 906-64 906-48 907-00 918-12 918-43 Firm Resume urbana@urbanapreservation.com Org Chart Firm Resume urbana@urbanapreservation.com Firm Services Firm Resume urbana@urbanapreservation.com Past Performance Our firm provides services as a prime contractor, sub-contractor, and teaming partner for a variety of client types including municipalities, local, state and federal government agencies, planning and development firms, private property owners, architects, attorneys, non-profit preservation advocacy groups, allied professionals and utility providers. Urbana has specialized expertise in surveying and analyzing historic properties. We have an extensive portfolio of survey reports, historic context statements, design review analysis, regulatory studies, Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)/Historic American Engineering Record (HAER)/Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) documentation packages, and other treatment and mitigation deliverables for a host of local, state, and federal agencies, and private applicants, including the United States Bureau of Land Management, the USDA Forest Service, the National Park Service (NPS), State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), and Southern California Edison (SCE), one of the largest utility providers in the United States. We have long-standing experience in the provision of preservation services to municipalities, including expert witness consulting in state and federal jurisdictions, preparation of preservation plans and ordinances, authoring historic context statements, creation of economic development focused business improvement guidelines, and surveying historic properties as part of as-needed services contracts. Recent experience includes preparation of historic resource studies for the United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Department of Agriculture – Forest Service (USFS) Pacific Southwest Region. For the past decade, Urbana has served as the lead historian / preservation consultant for Southern California Edison Company (SCE), the country’s second largest utility provider, supporting major capital projects throughout BLM and USFS lands in California, Nevada, and Arizona. These infrastructure projects encompass corridors ranging between 200 and 400 miles and include thousands of historic-era sites. Urbana’s work includes preparation of Class III Cultural Resources Surveys and Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Reports with stand-alone historical narratives and context statements authored for a diverse range of historical themes. Our recent civil works experience includes the 2015 publication “Historic-Era Electrical Infrastructure Management Program” (HEIMP) prepared for SCE, with a second / revised edition issued in 2017. The HEIMP and associated guidance document has become a model for context development for properties associated with electrical generation, transmission, and distribution. The HEIMP has been presented to the Utilities Roundtable on Cultural Resources several times and creates an educational and engaging management and treatment discussion for agency officials tasked with NHPA Section 106 compliance. Using the HEIMP as a model, in 2020 Urbana authored a second management program and guidance document for SCE’s water-related properties titled “Santa Catalina Island Historic-Era Water Systems Management Program.” Urbana’s experience in preparing intensive level surveys and NRHP Nominations, Historic Preservation Certification Applications (HPCA), and National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Historic Property Survey Reports informs our methods and capabilities to successfully prepare small, medium, and large-scale surveys and associated reporting. Urbana personnel have completed NRHP survey, documentation, eligibility evaluation and district nomination efforts for hundreds of projects. Representative survey and nomination projects are listed on the following pages. Refer to www.urbanapreservation.com for additional project information. Services Offered CEQA, NEPA, NHPA Studies Historical Resource / Property Analysis Regulatory / Policy Review Eligibility Evaluations Project Alternatives & Mitigation Development and Execution Design Guidelines Aesthetic / Visual Analysis Character-Defining Feature Studies Design Review (Residential / Commercial) NRHP Nominations Archaeological / Cultural Resource Surveys Historic Structure Reports Integrity & Conditions Assessments Municipal / Agency Program Development Historic Preservation Ordinance Preparation General Plan HP Elements / Specific Plans Workshops / Charrette Facilitation Preservation Incentives Analysis Mills Act & Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit Consulting HABS / HAER / HALS Documentation Commission / Board / Group Training Outreach / Educational Campaigns Historical Surveys & Context Statements Sectors Federal State Local / Municipal Utility / Energy Education Non-Profit / Advocacy Residential Development Commercial Development Expert Witness Transportation Allied Professionals Environmental Real Estate and Tax Credits Firm Resume urbana@urbanapreservation.com Representative Projects – Large-Scale Reconnaissance & Intensive Level Surveys by Urbana Personnel Project Location Urbana Personnel Pomona Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Caltrans Project Pomona, California Wendy Tinsley Becker, Douglas Kupel, Alexia Landa, & Alex Baker Treat Avenue Bicycle Boulevard Historic Property Survey Tucson, Arizona Scott Solliday Barney Ford Reconnaisance Survey and Historic Context USA, Nicaragua Douglas Kupel, John Hyche Glen Canyon National Park Service Post 1955 Housing Page, Arizona Scott Solliday, Alexia Landa Post Rock Resources of Kansas Survey Lincoln, Mitchell, Rush, and Russell Counties, Kansas Wendy Tinsley Becker, Doug Kupel, & Alex Baker B-Line Extension Historic Property Survey Bloomington, Indiana Scott Solliday Control-Silver Peak Historic Property Survey Report NHPA Section 106 / BLM Class III Survey & Inventory Forms Mono and Inyo Counties, California Wendy Tinsley Becker, Doug Kupel, Alexia Landa & Alex Baker Avenida del Yaqui Historic Property Survey Guadalupe, Arizona Scott Solliday State Route 30 (East): SR 303L to SR 202L Historic Property Survey Phoenix, Avondale, Goodyear, and Buckeye, Arizona Scott Solliday Ivanpah-Control Historic Property Survey Report NHPA Section 106 / BLM Class III Survey & Inventory Forms Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, & San Bernardino Counties, California Wendy Tinsley Becker, Doug Kupel, Alexia Landa & Alex Baker Southern California Edison Catalina Island Historic- Era Water Infrastructure System Survey and Management Program Catalina Island, California Wendy Tinsley Becker, Douglas Kupel Phoenix Community Noise Reduction Program (CNRP) Phoenix, Arizona Scott Solliday Kern River Historic Property Survey Report NHPA Section 106 / CPUC Survey & Inventory Forms Kern and Los Angeles Counties, California Wendy Tinsley Becker, Doug Kupel, Alexia Landa & Alex Baker Interstate 19/Ajo Way Traffic Interchange Residential and Historic Water System Survey Tucson, Arizona Scott Solliday Eldorado-Lugo-Pisgah Historic Property Survey Report NHPA Section 106 / BLM Class III Survey & Inventory Forms Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties, CA & Clark County, NV Wendy Tinsley Becker, Doug Kupel, Alexia Landa & Alex Baker City of San Diego Culverwell and Taggart’s Historic District Inventory, Context & Nomination San Diego, California Wendy Tinsley Becker Avenida Rio Salado/West Broadway Road Design Industrial Area Survey Phoenix, Arizona Scott Solliday City of San Diego Arizona Street Tract Historic District Inventory, Context & Nomination San Diego, California Wendy Tinsley Becker Jefferson Park Historical Review Survey and National Register Nomination Tucson, Arizona Scott Solliday City of San Diego Park Blvd Residential Historic District Inventory, Context & Nomination Package San Diego, California Wendy Tinsley Becker Fresno Arts-Culture District Historical Resource Survey Fresno, California Wendy Tinsley Becker Fresno Upper Triangle Area Historical Resource Survey Fresno, California Wendy Tinsley Becker City-Wide Asian American Historic Property Survey Phoenix, Arizona Scott Solliday East Village / Centre City East Survey Update San Diego, California Wendy Tinsley Becker Bayside Survey Update San Diego, California Wendy Tinsley Becker Centre City Development Corp. Area Over 45 Survey San Diego, California Wendy Tinsley Becker Tempe City-Wide Post World War II Subdivisions Tempe, Arizona Scott Solliday City-Wide Ethnic History Survey of Glendale Glendale, Arizona Douglas Kupel Historic Resources Survey of the Robson Historic District Mesa, Arizona Douglas Kupel City-Wide Reconnaissance Survey of Historic Resources in Mesa Mesa, Arizona Douglas Kupel Firm Resume urbana@urbanapreservation.com Representative Projects – Building and Historic District Nominations Project Location Urbana Personnel Avo Theater HPCA Part 1 Determination of NRHP Eligibility Vista, CA Wendy Tinsley Becker Imig Manor / Lafayette Hotel Property HPCA Part 1 Determination of NRHP Eligibility & NRHP Nomination San Diego, CA Wendy Tinsley Becker Commercial Club of Southern California NRHP Nomination Los Angeles, CA Wendy Tinsley Becker Thompson Draw Historic District NRHP Nomination Payson, AZ Doug Kupel De Soto Dealership NRHP Nomination Phoenix, AZ Doug Kupel Sage Acres Historic District NRHP Nomination Glendale, AZ Doug Kupel Date Palm Manor Historic District Nomination Tempe, AZ Scott Solliday Sands Estates Historic District NRHP Nomination Glendale, AZ Doug Kupel Myrtle Avenue Historic District NRHP Nomination Glendale, AZ Doug Kupel Bunch / Perez House NRHP Nomination Glendale, AZ Doug Kupel City & County of Honolulu Little Makalapa NRHP Nomination Peer Review Honolulu, HI Wendy Tinsley Becker Tomlinson Estates Historic District Nomination Tempe, AZ Scott Solliday City & County of Honolulu Big Makalapa NRHP Nomination Peer Review Honolulu, HI Wendy Tinsley Becker 61st Avenue Historic District NRHP Nomination Glendale, AZ Doug Kupel Floralcroft Historic District NRHP Nomination Glendale, AZ Doug Kupel Fort Tuthill Historic District NRHP Nomination Flagstaff, AZ Doug Kupel Borden Homes Historic District Nomination Tempe, AZ Scott Solliday San Clemente Historic District NRHP Nomination Tucson, AZ Doug Kupel Catalina Vista Historic District NRHP Nomination Tucson, AZ Doug Kupel Temple Historic District NRHP Nomination Mesa, AZ Doug Kupel Jefferson Park Historical Review Nomination Tucson, AZ Scott Solliday Evergreen Historic District NRHP Nomination Mesa, AZ Doug Kupel West Second Street Historic District NRHP Nomination Mesa, AZ Doug Kupel Wilbur Street Historic District NRHP Nomination Mesa, AZ Doug Kupel NASA Ames Aeronautical Laboratory 40’ x 80’ Wind Tunnel NRHP Nomination Mountain View, CA Wendy Tinsley Becker NASA Ames Aeronautical Laboratory Administration Building NRHP Nomination Mountain View, CA Wendy Tinsley Becker Manistee Ranch NRHP Nomination Glendale, AZ Doug Kupel Multiple Resource Area NRHP Nomination Phoenix, AZ Doug Kupel Period of Conflict Between Native Americans and the U.S. Military in Arizona, 1846-1886 NRHP Nomination / Multiple Property Listing AZ Doug Kupel Henning Block NRHP Nomination Holbrook, AZ Doug Kupel University of Arizona Historic District NRHP Nomination Tucson, AZ Doug Kupel Plank Road Discontiguous Historic District NRHP Nomination AZ Doug Kupel Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com Founding Principal, Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, brings an expert background in American history, architecture, and urban planning, with a particular emphasis on issues relating to historic preservation. Her experience includes extensive historical resources survey work, design review under The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, single-site historic property research and documentation, and practice in municipal regulatory planning and cultural resources compliance issues including code compliance, revision and review, CEQA, NEPA, and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. As a preservation-planning consultant she participates in the development and administration of local land use regulations, policies, programs and projects; prepares reports involving research and analysis of various planning issues; conducts site-specific project and design review; and facilitates project coordination between contractors, architects, developers, citizens and other stakeholders. Wendy meets the Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of History and Architectural History and the draft standards established for Historic Preservation and Land Use/Community Planning. She is included on the California Council for the Promotion of History’s Register of Professional Historians and also maintains professional certification in the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). Wendy is a co-author and editor of the AICP Certified Urban Designer Exam Study Guide (V1.0) released in March 2016. From 2013 forward she has provided professional training to AICP exam applicants as part of the American Planning Association California Chapter – San Diego Section annual exam training program. Wendy has assisted municipalities, utility providers, and lead agencies in preservation planning program development and implementation efforts. She regularly consults for private and agency applicants on historical resource and historic property analysis for discretionary projects and undertakings pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the California Environmental Quality Act, as well as Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit proposals at National Register listed or eligible properties, which are subject to review by the State Office of Historic Preservation and the National Park Service. She was the author / facilitator and lead historic preservation consultant for the City of Chula Vista’s award-winning Municipal Preservation Planning Program. She authored the Historic Preservation Element for the City of La Mesa’s award winning 2011 / 2030 General Plan update process. She provides survey, architectural history, context development, programmatic agreement, and historic preservation planning consulting services for the Southern California Edison Company including preparation of a programmatic guide for the treatment of all historic-era properties in the company’s 55,000 square mile service territory. She served as the lead Architectural Historian for the City and County of Honolulu High Capacity Transit Corridor Project’s Kako’o (Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Program manager) consultant team. Wendy’s professional analysis and determinations are reviewed for compliance and concurrence by numerous municipalities, and state and federal agencies including the California State Office of Historic Preservation, the California Public Utilities Commission, the USDA Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the National Park Service. Her current interests include facilitating approvals for brick and mortar construction and building rehabilitation projects, and working with community-based organizations that emphasize public participation while striving for the improvement of the built environment through good urban and architectural design and associated social programs. EDUCATION Master of City Planning, Preservation & Urban Design Emphasis San Diego State University — Bachelor of Arts – History San Diego State University REGISTRATIONS American Institute of Certified Planners (#022838) Register of Professional Historians (#612) EXPERIENCE 2005-present: Founding Principal Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC — 2012-present: Faculty Lecturer San Diego State University City Planning Graduate Program — 2006-2017: Faculty Instructor University of California, San Diego Urban Planning & Development Program — 2002-2005: Historian / Planner Architectural Resources Group — 2001-2002: Historian / Planner Historic Research Services — 2000-2001: Historian Office of Marie Burke Lia, Esq. — 1996-1999: Asst. Coordinator + Researcher: SHPO/CHRIS South Coastal Information Center Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com PROJECT EXPERIENCE* In-Progress Post Rock Resources of Kansas National Register Nominations; Lincoln, Mitchell, Rush, and Russell Counties, KS. In-Progress USACE Santa Fe Dam Evaluation; Los Angeles, CA. 2021 City of Laguna Beach Preservation 101 Workshop – Staff Training, Laguna Beach, CA. 2021 Post Rock Resources of Kansas Survey and MPDF; Lincoln, Mitchell, Rush, and Russell Counties, KS. 2021 Historic Resource Research Report: 3800 University Ave; San Diego, CA. 2021 860 Muender Ave Historic Integrity Memo; Sunnyvale, CA. 2021 Lafayette Hotel Rehabilitation & Tax Credit Consulting; San Diego, CA. 2021 Old Tavern Rehabilitation & Tax Credit Consulting; Sacramento, CA. 2021 Historic Resource Research Report: 4070-72 Georgia Street; San Diego, CA. 2021 Transmission Line Rating & Remediation Project, Ivanpah Control Line, Archival Research Package, Southern California Edison, Southern California. 2021 528 E. Mission Road Historic Resource Analysis Report; San Marcos, CA. 2021 4055 Lytle Street – Getchell Ranch / The Stone House Historic American Building Record (HABS) Level II Documentation, Fontana, CA. 2021 Norco Egg Ranch Historic American Building Record (HABS) Level II Documentation, Norco, CA. 2021 East Gilman Channel Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) & Monument Consulting, Banning, CA. 2021 5265 N. 4th Street Historical Resource Summary; Irwindale, CA. 2021 Historic Resource Analysis Report: 3611 Hyacinth Drive Historic Designation Package, San Diego, CA. 2021 Historic Resource Analysis Report: 2675 Clove Street Historic Designation Package, San Diego, CA. 2021 Historic Resource Analysis Report: 8301 La Mesa Blvd Historic Assessment; La Mesa, CA. 2021 1033 Pandora Drive Historic Designation; La Mesa, CA. 2021 7345 Remley Place Mills Act Application and Rehabilitation Plan, San Diego, CA. 2021 3629 Front St Mills Act Application and Rehabilitation Plan, San Diego, CA. 2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Ivanpah-Control Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report: Historic Designation & Mills Act Package, 1135 Devonshire Drive, San Diego, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report: Historic Designation Package, 3575 Via Flores, San Diego, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Analysis Report and CA DPR Forms, Archibald and Schaefer RV Park, City of Ontario, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report: Historic Designation & Mills Act Package, 2275 Evergreen Street, San Diego, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report: Historic Designation & Mills Act Package, 9434 Sierra Vista Drive, La Mesa, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Analysis Report: CEQA Evaluation and CA DPR Forms, Mira Loma Quartermaster Depot, Rutan & Tucker, LLP, Jurupa Valley, CA. 2020 Historical Resource Evaluation Memorandum & CA DPR Forms, Ontario RV Storage Mitigated Negative Declaration, Ontario, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report: Historic Designation 1610 Santa Barbara Street, San Diego, CA. 2020 Red Fox Room Retroactive Review, JCG Development, San Diego, CA. BOARDS + COMMITTEES Chair / Immediate Past Chair: American Planning Association National Urban Design & Preservation Division, 04/2012-12/2016 — Founder + Volunteer Executive Director / Ex –Officio Director: Built Environment Education Program (BEEP) San Diego, 2008-2015 — Education Committee Member: California Preservation Foundation, 04/2012-04/2014 — Vice-Chair + Newsletter Editor: APA National Urban Design & Preservation Division, 01/2010-03/2012 — Director & Education Chair: San Diego Architectural Foundation, 11/2008- 2011 — Appointed Public Member: City of San Diego Historical Resources Board Incentives Subcommittee, 08/2008- 02/2010 — Advisor/Member – UCSD Extension Advisory Group Urban Planning & Development Certificate Program, 2007 forward — Founding President – Jack London District Association, 2005-2006 SELECT AWARDS 2016 - Award of Excellence for Preservation Advancement - City of San Diego Historical Resources Board (recognized for Urbana's preservation planning study for the San Diego State Normal School Campus & San Diego City Schools Historic District). — 2014 - American Planning Association (APA) San Diego Chapter – Planning Agency Award for preparation of La Mesa 2030 General Plan. *Historic Preservation Element prepared by WLTB / Urbana. Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com 2020 Rancho Miramonte Section 106 Evaluation: Historic Property Survey Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chino, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Technical Report: 2956 Roosevelt Street, Sterling Corporation, Carlsbad, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report: Historic Designation & Mills Act Package, 4350 Nabal Drive, La Mesa, CA. 2020 4630 Date Street Historic Landmark Nomination, La Mesa, CA. 2020 Avo Theater Rehabilitation Tax Credit Consulting, JCG Development, Vista, CA. 2020 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Kern River to Los Angeles Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report: Historic Designation & Mills Act Package, 1025 Devonshire Drive, San Diego, CA. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report: Historic Designation & Mills Act Package, “The Muse” 1020 Prospect Street, La Jolla, CA. 2020 Historic District Nomination Package: Culverwell and Taggarts, City of San Diego, CA. 2020 Historic District Nomination Package, Arizona Street Tract, Park Villas Subdivision, City of San Diego, CA. 2020 Historical Resource Analysis Report, Moiola School, Fountain Valley, CA. 2020 Historical Resource Survey, Proposed Merrill Commerce Center Specific Plan, Ontario, CA. 2020 Historic Property Survey Report :Evan Hewes Highway and Bridge Evaluation, Imperial County, CA. 2020 Historical Resource Analysis Report: Historic Designation and Mills Act Application 552 Rushville Street, San Diego, CA. 2019 Historic Context and Preservation Element Historical Resource Analysis Report / Historic Property Survey Report for Southern California Edison Company Lindsay Substation and Bliss-Lindsay 66kV Sub-Transmission Line. 2019 To Kalon Vineyard / Robert Mondavi Winery Patent Litigation Expert Witness Consulting, Oakville, CA. 2019 Historical Resource Analysis Report, Vic Braden Tennis College, 23333 Ave La Caza, Coto De Caza, CA. 2019 Church of God in Christ Bulletin 580 Package. 2019 Historical Resource Analysis Report, 7407 Alvarado Road, La Mesa, CA. 2019 City of Laguna Beach Preservation Ordinance and Program Consulting. 2019 Historic Resource Research Report and Conditions Consulting, 8445 Avenida de las Ondas, La Jolla, CA. 2019 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Control-Silver Peak Transmission Corridor, Historic- Era Built Environment Survey Report. 2019 Southern California Edison Catalina Island Historic-Era Water System Management Program, Catalina Island, CA. 2019 Historical Resource Analysis Report / Historic Property Survey Report, Southern California Edison Catalina Island Wrigley Pipeline Project, Catalina Island, CA. 2019 Retroactive Historical Resource Research Report, 31st Street, San Diego, CA. 2019 Historical Resource Analysis Report / Historic Property Survey Report Southern California Edison Pedley Powerhouse Complex, Norco, California. 2019 Historical Resource Analysis Report / Historic Property Survey Report Southern California Edison Company Eastern Sierras Transmission System, Mono County and Inyo County, California. RELATED EXPERIENCE Member: County of San Diego Valle de Oro Community Planning Group, 09/2016 forward — Director + Civic Improvement Chair, Grossmont-Mt. Helix Improvement Association, 08/2016 forward — Mentor: San Diego State University Aztec Mentor Program, Spring 2016 Cohort — Co-Author / Editor: AICP Certified Urban Designer Exam Study Guide, Version 1.0 (released March 2016) — AICP Exam Course Speaker: California Chapter, San Diego Section, (annually) 02/2013-present — Retreat Facilitator: Beautiful Pacific Beach, Annual Board of Directors Retreat, (annually) 2016-present — Invited Panel Speaker: Density and Design: The Future of Housing in San Diego, American Planning Association San Diego Section, San Diego, 09/2017 — Invited Speaker: Building Community and Character – Preservation is Place; 1st Annual Historic Preservation Conference Nebraska State Office of Historic Preservation, Omaha (NE), 06/2013 — Panel Speaker: Preservation Toolkit for Small Cities, American Planning Association California Chapter Conference, 10/2012 — Invited Speaker: Preliminary Findings – The Status of Preservation Planning Regulatory Programs in the San Diego Region - 2012, Association of Environmental Professionals San Diego Chapter September Luncheon, 09/2012 Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com 2019 Historical Resource Research Report, 3629 Front Street, San Diego, CA. 2019 Programmatic Agreement Among the Bureau of Land Management – California, the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, California Utility Providers, and the California Office of Historic Preservation, Regarding the Identification, Evaluation, Management, and Exemption of Historic-Era Electrical Infrastructure Facilities in the State of California. 2019 City of San Diego Clairemont Community Plan Update, Historic Context and Preservation Element. 2019 Historic Site Report, 10446 Russell Road, La Mesa, CA. 2019 City of Coronado, As-Needed Historic Research Consulting, Coronado, CA. 2019 Historical Resource Research Report, 4250-52 Cleveland Ave, San Diego, CA. 2018 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Control-Silver Peak Transmission Corridor, Historic- Era Built Environment Survey Report – Phase 1 Desk Survey. 2018 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Control-Haiwee Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report – Phase 1 Desk Survey. 2018 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program ICKI Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report – Phase 1 Desk Survey. 2018 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Eldorado-Lugo-Pisgah Transmission Corridor, Historic- Era Built Environment Survey Report – Phase 1 Desk Survey. 2018 City of San Diego Park Boulevard Residential Historic District Historic Context Statement and Nomination Package. 2018 California Department of General Services, Metropolitan State Hospital Project Historical Resource Analysis Report. 2018 City of San Juan Capistrano, River Street Marketplace Historical Resource Analysis Report. 2018 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Kern River to Los Angeles Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report – Phase 1 Desk Survey. 2017 Historic Site Designation Package, Wexler House 1088 Sierra Vista Avenue, La Mesa, California. 2017 Nelson-Sloan Otay Rock Plant Property, Chula Vista, California 91910. 2017 Adams Avenue, Murrieta, California, Tract Map Historical, Cultural, and Paleontological Report. 2017 4 Greenwood Common (Berkeley Landmark No. 125) Mills Act Application Package, Berkeley, CA. 2017 Historical Resource Analysis Report, 1201 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California. 2017 Design Review Analysis and Historical Resource Research Report, 4884 Marlborough Avenue, San Diego, California. 2017 Historical Resource Analysis Report / Historic Property Survey Report, SCE MacNeil Substation, Burbank, California. 2017 Peer Review Statement, 400 S. Alameda Street, Los Angeles, California. 2017 4617-4619 and 4621-4625 Park Boulevard, San Diego, California, Historical Resource Technical Report. 2017 Historical Resource Research Report, 707 17th Street, San Diego, California. 2017 5064 Lotus Street, San Diego, California, Historical Resource Technical Report. 2017 Historical Resource Technical Report, 550 Sicard Street, San Diego, California. SELECT AWARDS (CONT.) 2013 – American Planning Association National Division Executive Committee Recipient – Division Achievement Award (recognized for professional development webinars on historic preservation, urban design, and development topics developed on behalf of the APA Urban Design & Preservation Division). — 2012 - American Association of Environmental Professionals San Diego Chapter – Outstanding Planning Document Award for preparation of the City of Chula Vista Historic Preservation Program & Ordinance. *Historic Preservation Ordinance& Program prepared by WLTB / Urbana. — 2012 - American Planning Association National Division Executive Committee Recipient – Education Excellence Award (recognized for education efforts on behalf of the APA Urban Design & Preservation Division). — 2011 - American Planning Association National Division Executive Committee Recipient Branding Award (recognized for visibility, outreach, and education efforts on behalf of the APA Urban Design & Preservation Division). — 2010 - Award of Excellence in Education - City of San Diego City Planning & Community Investment Department Historical Resources Board (recognized for the Built Environment Education Program developed for the San Diego Architectural Foundation / BEEP San Diego). — 2009 - San Diego Public Library Foundation / Friends of the San Diego Public Library 2008-2009 Chapter Volunteer Award, University Heights Branch (recognized for preservation planning work at the historic San Diego State Normal College campus). Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com 2017 Historic Landmark Designation Package, 9415-9425 Eldorado Lane, La Mesa, California. 2017 6035 University Avenue, San Diego, California, Historical Resource Technical Report. 2016 Expert Witness Consulting, Bernati Ticino Trust v. City of San Diego 2016 4365-4369 Ohio Street, San Diego, California, Historical Resource Technical Report. 2016 4505 Park Boulevard, San Diego California, Historical Resource Technical Report. 2016 Designation and Mills Act Rehabilitation Reporting and Consulting for the Edwin K. Hurlbert House, 2930 Chatsworth Boulevard, San Diego, CA. 2016 NHPA Section 106 Historic Property Analysis and Findings of Effect Statement for the Southern California Yeshiva High School, San Diego, CA. 2016 Peak Valley Solar Farm CEQA Cultural Resources Analysis (Historical Resources, Cultural Resources, and Paleontological Resources), San Bernardino County, CA. September 2016 City of Oceanside / Caltrans, Coast Highway (Hill Street) Bridge over the San Luis Rey River Replacement Project Historical Resources Evaluation Report, Oceanside, CA. August 2016 Historical Resource Technical Report – 715 Muirlands Vista Way, La Jolla, CA. June 2016 Class III Cultural Resources Inventory / NRHP Eligibility Determination, SCE Eldorado 500kV Transmission System, California, Arizona, Nevada. June 2016 Casa de las Flores Property Carriage House / Garage Building, Historical Resource Analysis Report, Chula Vista, CA. May 2016 Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) No. CA-167-O – Southern California Edison Company Big Creek Hydroelectric System Vincent 220kV Transmission Line, Kern, Fresno, and Los Angeles Counties. May 2016 San Diego Gas & Electric Company Eastern Division Property Eligibility Review Memo, El Cajon, CA. March 2016 Historical Resource Review - 1347-1349 Locust Street, Walnut Creek, CA. March 2016 City of La Mesa Collier Park NHPA Section 106 Review, La Mesa, CA. March 2016 Redwood Solar Farm 4 CEQA Cultural Resources Analysis (Historical Resources, Cultural Resources, and Paleontological Resources), Kern County, CA. March 2016 City of La Mesa Vista La Mesa Park NHPA Section 106 Review, La Mesa, CA. February 2016 City of Chula Vista Third Avenue Community Character + Business Improvement Guidelines. February 2016 City of San Diego HRB No. 461 / Anderson House, San Diego County Historic Site Designation and Mills Act Rehabilitation Consulting, 3841 Sweetwater Road, Bonita, CA. January 2016 Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) No. CA-122 – Collier Park, La Mesa, CA. December 2015 Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) No. CA-2138 – Southern California Edison Company Substations: Monumental Type, Santa Barbara, Kern, Fresno, and Los Angeles Counties. December 2015 Pacific Gas & Electric Company South of Palermo Project Historical Resource Analysis Report / Historic Property Survey Report. November 2015 Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) No. CA-167-N – Amendment to Southern California Edison Company Big Creek Hydroelectric System East & West Transmission Line. November 2015 Designation and Mills Act Rehabilitation Reporting and Consulting for the Alexander Schreiber Spec House No. 1 / Payne House, 1429 Dale Street, San Diego, CA. RELATED EXPERIENCE (CONT.) Attendee: National Charrette Institute, Introduction to Dynamic Planning (Level 1 NCI Charrette Manager Certification Training), San Diego (CA) 10/2003 — Attendee: CA Preservation Foundation, Incentives for Historic Preservation Projects, Berkeley (CA) 09/2003 — Attendee: University of Southern CA, Preservation Planning & Law, Los Angeles (CA) 07/2003 — Attendee: League of CA Cities, Smart Growth Zoning Codes, Lodi (CA) 12/2002 — Invited Participant: Second Natures, Redefining the Los Angeles Riverfront, Los Angeles (CA) 01/2002 (2-Day Planning & Design Charrette hosted by MOCA & The Geffen) — Selected Smart Growth Researcher: San Diego State University Foundation & City Planning Graduate Program, Dr. Roger Caves, 01/2001 – 08/2001 (Grant Topic: Planning for Sprawl in the U.S) — Attendee: Section 106 An Introductory Course, National Preservation Institute, San Francisco (CA) 04/1999 COURSES CREATED & TAUGHT BUSA 40687 - Historic Preservation Planning (UCSD 2006-2012) — BUSA 40515 - Fundamentals of City Planning (UCSD 2007) — BUSA 40748 - Foundations of Urban Planning & The Built Environment (UCSD 2009-2012) — BUSA 40749 - Functions & Processes of City Planning (UCSD 2011-2012) — ART 40436 - American Architectural History I & II (UCSD 2008-2014) — CP 670 - History of Urban Planning (SDSU 2012) Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com October 2015 Designation and Mills Act Rehabilitation Reporting and Consulting for the Florence Palmer Spec. House II of III, 350 Fern Glen, San Diego, CA. May 2015 Historic-era Electrical Infrastructure Management Program: A Program for the Identification, Review, Exemption, and Treatment of Generating Facilities, Transmission Lines, Sub-transmission Lines, Distribution Lines, and Substations within the Southern California Edison Company’s Service Territory. March 2015 Class III Cultural Resources Inventory for Southern California Edison’s Coolwater-Lugo Transmission Project, San Bernardino County, California – Volume 1: Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report. 2014-2015 Los Angeles Regional Intercommunications System NHPA Section 106 Assessment of 125 sites located throughout Los Angeles County. 2014 Historic Preservation and Urban Planning Expert Witness, Brandon Milan v. City of San Diego, State of California Superior Court Case No. 37-2013- 00067039-CU-EI-CTL. 2013-2014 Historic Preservation and Urban Planning Expert Witness, Edward Valerio v. City of San Diego, U.S.D.C. Case No. 12C1200W (WMC) November 2014 Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report, NRHP / CRHR Eligibility Evaluations, and Concurrence Consulting for proposed Coolwater Lugo Transmission Project (approx. 200 built environment sites over 13 segments in the vicinity of Apple Valley, Barstow, and Hesperia, California). November 2014 Herald Examiner Building, 1101-1139 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA, Historic Preservation Certification Application: Part 1 – Determination of Eligibility – Draft Submittal. November 2014 Cecil Hotel Building, 640 Main Street, Los Angeles, CA, Historic Preservation Certification Application: Part 1 – Determination of Eligibility – Draft Submittal. November 2014 Cecil Hotel Building, 640 Main Street, Los Angeles, CA, City of Los Angeles Historic Cultural Monument Application Package – Draft Submittal. November 2014 Historic-Era Electrical Infrastructure Management Program: A Program for the Identification, Review, Exemption, and Treatment of Generating Facilities, Transmission Lines, Sub-transmission Lines, Distribution Lines, and Substations within the SCE Service Territory. October 2014 Commercial Exchange Building, 416 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles, CA, Historic Preservation Certification Application: Part 2 – Description of Rehabilitation – Draft Submittal. October 2014 NRHP / CRHR Eligibility Review, SCE Lighthipe and Laguna Bell Substations, Long Beach and Commerce, California. October 2014 NRHP / CRHR Eligibility Review, SCE Eagle Rock Substation, Los Angeles, California. October 2014 NRHP / CRHR Eligibility Review, SCE Colton Substation, Colton, California. September 2014 City and County of Honolulu Little Makalapa National Register of Historic Places Nomination Peer Review. September 2014 City and County of Honolulu Big Makalapa National Register of Historic Places Nomination Peer Review. September 2014 Sudberry Properties Strawberry Fields Historic Cultural Landscape Analysis Report, Chula Vista, CA. July 2014 Friday Morning Club Building, 938 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA, Historic Preservation Certification Application: Part 2 – Description of Rehabilitation – Draft Submittal. May 2014 Commercial Club of Southern California Building / Case Hotel Part 2 Determination of Eligibility, Los Angeles, CA. May 2014 City and County of Fresno Tertiary Treatment and Disinfection Facility – Plant 2 NHPA Section 106 and CEQA Historical Resource Assessment. Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com April 2014 City and County of Honolulu Aloha Stadium Station Project Treatment Plan Peer Review, Honolulu, CA. April 2014 Redwood Solar Farm Historic Property Survey / Historical Resource Report, Kern County, CA. April 2014 4th@ Broadway EIR Mitigated Negative Declaration – Historical Resource Assessment Report, Los Angeles, CA March 2014 Commercial Club of Southern California Building / Case Hotel Part 1 Determination of Eligibility, Los Angeles, CA. February 2014 Commercial Club of Southern California Building / Case Hotel Historic Cultural Monument Application, Los Angeles, CA. January 2014 1560 S. Escondido Boulevard NHPA Section 106 Review and Concurrence Consulting. November 2013 Consulting for Two Historic House Relocations to the City of San Diego Development Services Department, Public Works Department, and City Attorney’s Office. September 2013 Caltrans Section 106 Historic Property and CEQA Historical Resource Survey – Gilbert Street, Santa Ana, CA. October 2013 NHPA Section 106 Historic Property and CEQA Historical Resource Survey Report, Proposed Coolwater Lugo Transmission Project. June 2013 Historic Agricultural Landscapes of Visalia and Tulare County electronic book and exhibit – Tulare County Museum of Farm Labor and Agriculture, Visalia, CA January 2013 National Park Service Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Level II Documentation (Large Format Negative Photography & Narrative) – Big Creek Hydroelectric System East & West Transmission Line, Fresno to Los Angeles, CA January 2013 Historical and Architectural Eligibility Evaluation of Delano Substation Complex. October 2012 Historical and Architectural Eligibility Evaluations of the Southern California Edison Company Historic-Era Casitas, Santa Barbara, Carpinteria, Santa Clara, and Goleta Substations October 2012 City and County of San Francisco, 2419-2435 Lombard Street Historical Resource Evaluation Report. 2011-2013 Historic Preservation Expert Witness, Academy of Our Lady of Peace v. City of San Diego, U.S.D.C. Case No. 09CV0962 WQH (MDD) In-process San Diego Municipal Anglers Building Historical Resource Designation Report, San Diego, CA July 2012 National Park Service Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Level II Documentation (Large Format Negative Photography & Narrative) – SCE San Joaquin Cross Valley Loop Project, Visalia, CA June 2012 Historic Structure Report - Casa Peralta, 384 West Estudillo Avenue, San Leandro, CA June 2012 County of San Diego Historic Site Designation Report, John N. Mortenson’s Hines Residence, Mt. Helix, CA April 2012 NHPA Section 106 Review, Lodi Municipal Stadium, Lodi, CA March 2012 Federal Rehabilitation Certification Application – Part 3 Request for Certification of Completed Work – Imig Manor / Lafayette Hotel, 2223 El Cajon Boulevard, San Diego, CA February 2012 National Register of Historic Places Nomination, Imig Manor / Lafayette Hotel, 2223 El Cajon Boulevard, San Diego, CA February 2012 Sequoia National Forest Electric Power Conveyance Systems NRHP Eligibility Evaluations, Tulare County, CA January 2012 NHPA Section 106 Review, La Mesa Youth Center, La Mesa, CA Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com December 2011 City of La Mesa 2012 General Plan Update – 2030 Historic Preservation Element, La Mesa, CA December 2011 Crown City Medical Center EIR Historical Resource Initial Study, Pasadena, CA November 2011 NHPA Section 106 Review, 4470 Acacia Avenue, La Mesa, CA September 2011 Big Creek Hydroelectric System Historic District Vincent 220kV Transmission Line NRHP Eligibility Evaluation and Historic Property Treatment Plan. July 2011 Historic-Era Electric Power Conveyance Systems Programmatic Agreement (SCE, BLM, & CA, NV SHPO) (Context, Typology, Identification, Integrity Qualifications, & Treatment Processes) June 2011 Aesthetic impact Analysis Report, Hollywoodland Historic Rock Retaining Walls, Los Angeles, CA April 2011 Kern River – Los Angeles 60 / 66kV Transmission Line NRHP Eligibility Evaluation, Kern & L.A. Counties December 2010 Historic Structure Report - Linda Vista Federal Defense Housing Project Tenant Activity Building, San Diego, CA October 2010 City of San Diego Redevelopment Agency, Historic Property / Historical Resource Analysis Report of the Linda Vista Federal Defense Housing Project Tenant Activity Building, San Diego, CA November 2010 Historic Designation Report, Burt F, Raynes Residence, 299 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista, CA August 2010 Southern California Edison Company Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project Antelope-Vincent No. 1 220kV Transmission Line NRHP/CRHR Review July 2010 Southern California Edison Company Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project Rosamond Substation NRHP/CRHR Review, Montebello, California July 2010 Southern California Edison Company Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project Antelope-Mesa 220kV Transmission Line NRHP/CRHR Review June 2010 Southern California Edison Company Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project Chino-Mesa 220kV Transmission Line NRHP/CRHR Review June 2010 Southern California Edison Company Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project Chino Substation NRHP/CRHR Review, Chino, California April 2010 Historical Resource Analysis Report, Hollywoodland Historic Rock Retaining Walls, Los Angeles, CA March 2010 Imig Manor/ Lafayette Hotel Part 2 20% Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit Application January 2010 CEQA Historical Resource Analysis Report, 2629 National Avenue, San Diego CA December 2009 City of Santa Ana Warner Avenue Transportation Study Historical Resource Survey, Santa Ana, CA December 2009 Proposed Heidi Square Redevelopment Project – Project Management, Preservation Planning & Subdivision Re-Design Consulting, San Lorenzo, CA November 2009 City of San Diego Redevelopment Agency, Historical Resource Review of 4102-4122 University Avenue, San Diego, CA November 2009 CEQA Historical Resource Analysis Report, 7195 Country Club Drive, La Jolla, CA November 2009 Imig Manor/ Lafayette Hotel Part 1 20% Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit Application August 2009 CEQA Historical Resource Analysis Report, 5511 Calumet Avenue, La Jolla, CA August 2009 Preservation Planning Study, Site Development, & Rehabilitation Analysis of the Herman Hotel Carriage House, Chula Vista, CA Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com August 2009 Historical Site Designation, Design Review, & Mills Act Property Tax Consulting for the Dennstedt Building Company’s Calavo Gardens Queen Avenue Dwelling, Mt. Helix, CA August 2009 CEQA and NHPA Section 106 Review of the Nike Missile Defense System - LA - 14/29 Commemorative Site, unincorporated Los Angeles, CA July 2009 Code Compliance & Resource Review, 2341 Irving Avenue, San Diego, CA July 2009 City of Santa Ana Bristol & 17th Transportation Study Historical Resource Survey, Santa Ana, CA May 2009 Fresno Unified School District Historical Resource Survey of the Proposed M- 4 Site, Fresno, CA May 2009 Section 106 Review of Casa Blanca – 716 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, CA April 2009 Design Review Analysis for the 2110 Glenneyre Street Property, Laguna Beach, CA April 2009 Section 106 Review of the Fairfax Theatre, Oakland, CA March 2009 National Register of Historic Places Documentation & Eligibility Evaluation for the Middle Fork American River Hydroelectric Project, Placer County, California February 2009 Historical Resource Analysis Report & Design Review – 337 Hawthorne Road, Laguna Beach, CA February 2009 San Diego Normal School Campus Phase I Preservation Planning Study & Historical Resource Survey, San Diego, CA January 2009 Historical Resource Analysis Report, 634 2nd Avenue, Chula Vista, CA October 2008 Pier 29 National Historic Preservation Act Finding of Effects Statement, San Francisco, CA 2007-2008 Lead Consultant – City of Chula Vista Historic Preservation Program Development – City of Chula Vista Historic Preservation Program Binder (ordinance, historic inventory database, historical overview statement, incentives, project review process and related permit application and processing forms August 2008 Mayor John Gill Residence, Designation, Mills Act & Rehabilitation Consulting, San Leandro, CA July 2008 California Portland Cement Company P&H Excavators #3 & #4 Historic Context Statement & California Register Eligibility Review, Mojave, CA July 2008 Historic Context Statement – Bean Springs Site, Rosamond, CA June 2008 Cultural Resource Report & Regulatory Review, PL-SCE-Tehachapi-10H, Acton, CA May 2008 Historical Resource Documentation & Review, San Diego Aqueduct, San Diego, CA April 2008 Historic Site Designation & Mills Act Historic Property Tax Consulting for the Goldberg Residence, 4654 Iowa Street, San Diego, CA April 2008 Storefront Improvement / Façade Revitalization Historical Resource Analysis & Design Review Assistance, 3201 Adams Avenue, San Diego, CA March 2008 Lombardi Ranch CEQA Review, San Ardo, California February 2008 Del-Sur Saugus Mining Complex Historical Resource Review, Grass Valley, CA February 2008 Foothill Ranch Historical Resource Review, Palmdale, CA January 2008 Section 106 Review 1425-1475 South Main Street, Walnut Creek, CA January 2008 Historic Site Designation Report & Mills Act Property Tax Consulting - Ocean Beach Cottage Emerging Historic District Contributor, 4670 Del Monte Ave., San Diego, CA November 2007 Historic Site Designation & Mills Act Historic Property Tax Consulting for the Olmstead Building Company’s Calavo Gardens Project #531, Mt. Helix, CA October 2007 Southern CA Edison Company’s Del Sur-Saugus Transmission Line Historical Resource Review, Lancaster - Palmdale, CA Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com October 2007 Southern CA Edison Company’s Antelope Substation Historical Resource Review, Lancaster, CA September 2007 Historical Resource Review & Data Responses for the Proposed SDG&E Orange Grove Energy Project in Pala, CA September 2007 SCE Kaiser Pass Cabin Historic Property Assessment, Fresno Co., CA August 2007 USDA Forest Service Meeks Creeks Bridge Assessment, Lake Tahoe, CA July 2007 Historical Resource Analysis Report, 433 W. Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, CA May 2007 Historic Preservation Assessment & New Project Planning and Design Consulting – 3994 Jackdaw Street, San Diego (CA) February 2007 419 Park Way Historical Resource Analysis Report, Chula Vista, CA January 2007 Upper Triangle Areas Historic Property Survey (Historic Context Statement and Architectural/Historical Documentation of 50 Properties over 15 City Blocks), Fresno, CA December 2006 Historic Site Designation & Mills Act Historic Property Tax Consulting for the Charles Wakefield Cadman Residence, Mt. Helix, CA. November 2006 Historical Resource Analysis of the 4303 Narragansett Avenue Property, San Diego, CA September 2006 Section 106 Review of the 1333 Balboa Street Property, San Francisco, CA September 2006 Section 106 Review of the Historic Delta-Mendota Canal, Los Banos, CA August 2006 Historical Evaluation Report – 2959 East Avenue, Hayward, CA June 2006 Historical Resource Analysis Report: 418-450 10th Avenue Properties, San Diego, CA May 2006 Section 106 Review of the Cocoanut Grove Building – Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Santa Cruz, CA May 2006 Historical Resource Evaluation Report for the 70 15th Street Warehouse, San Diego, CA April 2006 Historic Site Designation Report & Mills Act Property Tax Consulting - Ocean Beach Cottage Emerging Historic District Contributor, 4528 Saratoga Avenue, San Diego, CA March 2006 City of Fresno Arts-Culture District Historic Property Survey (Historic Context Statement and Architectural/Historical Documentation of 90-100 Properties over 18 City Blocks), Fresno, CA March 2006 South Mossdale Historic-Era House Evaluation, Lathrop, CA February 2006 Westwind Barn Historic Preservation Study, Los Altos Hills, CA January 2006 Section 106 Review of the 2654 Mission Street Property, San Francisco, CA January 2006 Section 106 Review of the 325 Mowry Avenue Property, Fremont, CA 94536 January 2006 Section 106 Review of Ardenwood 34551 Ardenwood Bouevard, Fremont, CA 94555 December 2005 Section 106 Review of the 1230 N Street Property, Sacramento, CA 95814 December 2005 Section 106 Review of the Sacramento City College Water Tower, Sacramento, CA November 2005 Section 106 Review of Fair Oaks Watts, 525 La Sierra Drive, Sacramento, CA November 2005 Napa Valley College Bus Shelter West Historical Resource Analysis Report, Napa, CA October 2005 Section 106 Review of the 1025 3rd Street Property, Sacramento, CA 95818 September 2005 City of Davis, Historic Anderson Bank Building Research, Documentation & Design Review Analysis, 203 G Street, Davis, CA September 2005 Historical Resource Analysis Report, 1212 & 1214 Second Street, San Rafael, CA Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com August 2005 Historical Resource Analysis Report – Somky Property/Thompson’s Soscol Ranch, Napa, CA 94558 July 2005 Walnut Creek Women’s Club Environmental Impact Report, 1224 Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA June 2005 Tam Property Lot Split Historic Preservation Consulting, Castro Valley, CA May 2005 Historical Resource Analysis Report, 7329-7331 Eads Avenue, San Diego, CA March 2005 Ehlers Estate Historical Resource Analysis, 3222 Ehlers Lane, St. Helena, CA March 2005 University of CA at Santa Cruz Preservation Consulting (Campus Wide Cultural Resources Inventory, Historic Context Statement – Campus Planning History) February 2005 Hall Winery Historical Resource Analysis, St. Helena, CA January 2005 Historical Resource Evaluation, 700 28th Avenue, San Mateo, CA January 2005 Historical Resource Evaluation, 312 & 318 Highland Avenue, San Mateo, CA December 2004 San Mateo Motel Historical Resource Report – Park Bayshore Townhomes – Environmental Impact Report (Revised February 2005) November 2004 Historical Evaluation of the San Mateo Motel, 801 South Bayshore Boulevard, San Mateo, CA October 2004 Stonegate Homes Subdivision Plan, and Single-and-Multi-Family Dwellings Design Review, San Mateo, CA September 2004 University of CA at Santa Cruz, Getty Campus Heritage Grant Application September 2004 City of Riverside Downtown Fire Station No.1 Cultural Resources Analysis, Riverside, CA August 2004 Residential Remodel Design Review – Glazenwood Historic District Contributor, 929 Laurel Avenue, San Mateo, CA August 2004 Odd Fellows Hall, Historic Structure Report, 113 South B Street, San Mateo, CA (with Conservator Seth Bergstein) July 2004 Design Review Analysis – Schneider’s Building, 208 East Third Street, San Mateo, CA 94401 July 2004 Embarcadero Cove Development Project Initial Study – Preliminary Historical Resource Analysis, Oakland, CA 94606 July 2004 Historical Resource Evaluation Report – 4830 Cape May Avenue, San Diego, CA 92107 (Revised January 2005) June 2004 City of Monterey Alvarado Street Mixed-Use Project - APE Survey, Monterey, CA June 2004 City and County of San Francisco Historical Resource Evaluation Report – 450 Frederick Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 June 2004 Design Review Analysis – 117 Clark Drive, San Mateo, CA 94402 May 2004 Historical Evaluation of the 426 Clark Drive Residence, San Mateo, CA 94402 April 2004 City and County of San Francisco Historical Resource Evaluation Report – 1272 42nd Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122 April 2004 City of Fresno Broadway Row Historical Resource Survey, Fresno, CA March 2004 Historical Evaluation of the 117 Clark Drive Residence, San Mateo, CA 94402 March 2004 Historical Evaluation of The Fresno Republican/McMahan’s Building, 2030 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721 February 2004 Crocker Bank Building Preservation Planning Considerations Memorandum January 2004 Historical Evaluation of the 501 Walnut Street Residence, San Carlos, CA 94070 January 2004 Historical Evaluation of the 20 Madison Avenue and 29 Hobart Avenue Properties, San Mateo, CA 94402 January 2004 Historical Evaluation of The Residence Located At 571 Valley Street, San Francisco, CA January 2004 Historical Evaluation of the 3925 20th Street Residence, San Francisco, CA 94131 Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com November 2003 Historical Evaluation of Commercial Building Located at 1022 El Camino Real, San Carlos, CA November 2003 Peer Review Statement for the K & T Foods Building, 451 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA November 2003 Historical Evaluation of the Greer-O’Brine Property, 51 Encina Avenue, Palo Alto, CA, November 2003 Embarcadero Hotel Environmental Impact Report, Historical Resources Analysis and Design Review Statement October 2003 City of San Leandro Historical Resources Survey, Historic Context Statement, Historic Preservation Ordinance, and Draft Historic Preservation Benefits/Incentive Program August 2003 Palm Theater Environmental Impact Report, Historical Resources Analysis July 2003 Historical Evaluation of The First Christian Church Building, 2701 Flores Street, San Mateo, CA 94403 June 2003 Alameda Naval Air Station Reuse Project Historic Preservation Regulatory and Policy Memorandum (Prepared for Alameda Point Community Partners-Master Developer for NAS Alameda) May 2003 Historical Evaluation of The Residence Located At 606 Dorchester Road, San Mateo, CA March 2003 Ames Aeronautical Laboratory 40’ x 80’ Wind Tunnel National Register Nomination (Prepared for NASA Ames Research Center) March 2003 Ames Aeronautical Laboratory 6’ x 6’ Supersonic Wind Tunnel National Register Nomination (Prepared for NASA Ames Research Center) March 2003 Ames Aeronautical Laboratory Administration Building National Register Nomination (Prepared for NASA Ames Research Center) March 2003 Historical Evaluation of The Residence Located At 1015 South Grant Street, San Mateo, CA February 2003 8th & Market, 10 United Nations Plaza, Cell Site Impact Review, San Francisco, CA February 2003 Existing Conditions and Subdivision Design Alternatives for The Proposed Hayman Homes Tract No. 7267, Proctor Road, Castro Valley, CA February 2003 Historical Evaluation of The Residence Located At 336 West Poplar Avenue, San Mateo, CA January 2003 Historical Evaluation of The Residence Located At 744 Occidental Avenue, San Mateo, CA January 2003 Historical Evaluation of the 131 and 141 West Third Avenue Apartment Buildings, San Mateo, CA December 2002 CA State Capitol Building, Historical Resource Review, Sacramento, CA November 2002 Wireless Antenna Site Review, Medical Arts Building, 2000 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA October 2002 Historical Evaluation of The LeDucq Winery Estate, 3222 Ehlers Lane, St. Helena, CA 94574 (Revised June 2003) October 2002 Historical Assessment of The St. Patrick’s Parish Community Building Located At 3585 30th Street, San Diego, CA, 92104 September 2002 Historical Assessment of The Building Located At 4257 Third Street, San Diego, CA, April 2002 Historical Assessment of The Building Located At 3567 Ray Street, San Diego, CA, October 2001 Historical Assessment of The Gustafson’s Furniture Building Located At 2930 El Cajon Boulevard, San Diego, CA, 92104 September 2001 Historical Review of Lots A, B, K & L, Block 93, Horton’s Addition Lockling, San Diego, CA August 2011 El Cortez Hotel Part 3 - Request for Certification of Completed Work Wendy L. Tinsley Becker, RPH, AICP, Principal Architectural Historian + Urban / Preservation Planner wendy@urbanapreservation.com August 2001 Core Inventory of All Sites Appearing to Be More Than 45 Years of Age Not Previously Documented (Prepared For Centre City Development Corporation) August 2001 Urbana Project Abstract Bibliography (Prepared for Dr. Roger Caves, San Diego State University and San Diego State University Foundation) July 2001 Historical Assessment of The Kirkland Apartments Building Located At 2309 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA, 92103 July 2001 Historical Assessment of The Building Located At 4230 Maryland Street, San Diego, CA, 92103 (With Kathleen A. Crawford) June 2001 Historical Assessment of the 2525-2529, 2537-2547, 2561 First Avenue Residences, San Diego, CA 92103 May 2001 Update of The November 1988 Historic Site Inventory of Centre City East for Centre City Development Corporation (with Scott Moomjian) April 2001 East Village Inventory of All Sites Appearing to Be More Than 45 Years of Age Not Previously Documented (Prepared for Centre City Development Corporation) April 2001 Update of The May 1989 Historic Site Inventory of Bayside for Centre City Development Corporation January 2001 Historic Survey Report of The Former Teledyne-Ryan Aeronautical Complex 2701 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101(with Scott Moomjian) January 2001 Historical Assessment of The Fletcher-Salmons Building 602-624 Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 December 2000 Cultural Resource Report for The Winona Avenue Area Elementary School Preferred Site, Alternative 1 Site, and Alternative 2 SiteNovember 2000 Cultural Resource Report for The Edison/Hamilton/Parks Area Elementary School Preferred Site and Alternative Sites November 2000 Cultural Resource Report for The Adams/Franklin Area Elementary School Preferred Site and Alternative Site October 2000 The National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary; Old Town San Diego August 2000 Cultural Resource Report for The Winona Avenue Area Elementary School Preferred Site and Alternative Sites July 2000 Cultural Resource Report, 52nd Street Area Elementary School Preferred & Alternative Sites, San Diego, CA July 2000 Historical Assessment of the 3658 Warner Street Residence, San Diego, CA 92106 July 2000 Historical Assessment of the 367 Catalina Boulevard Residence, San Diego, CA 92106 July 2000 Historical Assessment of the 906 West Lewis Street Residence, San Diego, CA 92103 May 2000 Historical Assessment of the 501-503, 507 and 509 14th Street Residences, San Diego, CA May 2000 The San Diego Flume Company System Redwood Pipeline, San Diego County, CA March 2000 Historical Assessment of The Society for Crippled Children’s Hydrotherapy Gymnasium Located at 851 South 35th Street, San Diego, CA 92113 *Visit www.urbanapreservation.com for project profiles and additional information. Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA Senior Historian / Archaeologist doug@urbanapreservation.com Senior Historian and Archaeologist, Douglas Kupel, holds a Ph.D. in History from Arizona State University, a graduate certificate in Archaeology from the University of South Carolina, master’s degrees from the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Oregon. Doug is a cultural resources expert with a diverse background in sustainable water resources, environmental planning, and historic preservation. He meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of History, Architectural History, and Historical Archaeology. He brings extensive experience in preparing National Register Nominations and completing cultural resource surveys and inventories for properties in California, Nevada, and Arizona. He maintains exceptional leadership and project management skills having served as the Deputy Water Services Director and Environmental Program Manager for the City of Glendale, Arizona. In these positions Doug supervised several divisions and managed nine divisional budgets. He additionally worked for the City of Phoenix as a Water Advisor and Natural Resources Historian. Doug began his career working as an archaeological and historic sites consultant in California and Arizona, and later served as a Historian for the Arizona State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and the Cities of Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona. As the former National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Coordinator for the Arizona SHPO, Doug processed many large and complex historic district nominations early in his career. He has continued his association with the NRHP program by serving on Arizona’s Historic Sites Review Committee. Doug has authored 37 NRHP nominations including the Multiple Property Format NRHP Nomination for the Period of Conflict Between Native Americans and the U.S. Military in Arizona, 1846-1886, and the NRHP Nomination of the Fort Tuthill Historic District, Flagstaff, Arizona. Dr. Kupel is a court-recognized expert on water rights and has conducted substantive research and analysis on statewide water management and policy. For the City of Phoenix Law Department, he organized and directed research for litigation and water resources planning in the Arizona General Stream adjudication. He has served as expert witness for Native American and municipal water history topics. Dr. Kupel has worked on a number of significant Native American water rights settlements during his career at Phoenix and Glendale. These include the White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) Water Rights Settlement, Verde River Yavapai – Apache Settlement, Gila River Indian Community Water Rights Settlement, Fort McDowell Indian Community Water Rights Settlement, and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Water Rights Settlement. He has more than 30 years of experience in water civil engineering projects, including authoring historical narratives, manuscripts, and eligibility evaluations for the Bureau of Reclamation Salt River Project, and the Central Arizona Project. His experience provides understanding not only to historic properties and cultural resources, but also to larger management concerns and the federal regulatory process. His management of large publicly owned utilities speaks directly to his ability to supervise and organize large-scale projects in a complex regulatory environment. Dr. Kupel led a research and planning group as Deputy Director of a water utility and has wide experience with a variety of water resources, planning, safety, and emergency management programs. Dr. Kupel has served as a liaison on water planning and policy issues between municipal utilities and a wide range of local, state, and Federal agencies. His knowledge of imported water contracts, water supply planning efforts, and financial and economic analysis related to natural resources highlights his ability to integrate cultural resources planning within larger planning efforts. EDUCATION Ph.D. – History School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies Arizona State University Dissertation Title: Urban Water in the Arid West: Municipal Water and Sewer Utilities in Phoenix, Arizona. — Master of Arts – History University of Arizona — Master of Education – Educational Leadership Northern Arizona University — Graduate Certificate – Archaeology University of South Carolina — Bachelor of Arts – History University of Oregon, Eugene REGISTRATIONS Society of Professional Archaeologists – Registered Professional Archaeologist, No. 10353 — Organization of American Historians No. 48527 — PUBLICATIONS Fuel for Growth: Water and Arizona's Urban Environment University of Arizona Press, 2003 Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA Senior Historian / Archaeologist doug@urbanapreservation.com SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE In Process Post Rock Resources of Kansas National Register Nominations ( Lincoln, Mitchell, Rush, and Russell Counties, KS). In-Process Caltrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Project Environmental Clearance (Pomona, CA). 2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Ivanpah- Control Transmission Corridor, Tribal Consultation (Southern CA ). 2021 Coast Highway Bridge Replacement Project – Caltrans Environmental Clearance (Oceanside, CA) 2021 Post Rock Resources of Kansas Survey and MPDF ( Lincoln, Mitchell, Rush, and Russell Counties, KS). 2021 4055 Lytle Creek Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Level II Documentation (Fontana, CA). 2021 Eisen Egg Ranch Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Level II Documentation (Norco, CA). 2019-2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Ivanpah- Control Transmission Corridor, Historic- Era Built Environment Survey Report (Southern CA). 2020-21 US Patent Litigation Expert Witness Consulting; Hunton, Andrews, Kurth, LLP (Napa, CA). 2020-21 Avo Theater Rehabilitation Tax Credit Consulting, JCG Development (Vista, CA). 2020 Miraloma Quartermaster Depot Historical Resource Analysis Report, Link Logistics Real Estate (Jurupa Valley, CA). 2020 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Kern River to Los Angeles Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report (Southern CA). 2020 Rancho Miramonte Section 106 Historic Property Survey Report, TH Miramonte Investors, LLC (Rancho Miramonte, CA). 2020 Historic Designation Report Peer Review: 1135 Devonshire Drive (San Diego, CA). 2020 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Eldorado-Lugo-Pisgah Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report (Southern CA + Clark County, Nevada). 2020-21 Determination of Historic Significance Report Peer Reviews, City of Coronado (Coronado, CA). 2020 East Gilman Channel Mitigation – Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Documentation, Envicom (Banning, CA). 2019 Southern California Edison Catalina Island Historic-Era Water System Management Program (Catalina Island, CA). 2012 Thompson Draw Historic District National Register Nomination, Payson, Arizona, Metropolis Design Group. (Phoenix, AZ) 2012 De Soto Dealership National Register Nomination, Phoenix, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2011 Sage Acres Historic District National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2011 Historic American Building Survey Documentation of the Fort Defiance Hospital and Associated Buildings, Fort Defiance, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2010 Sands Estates Historic District National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Senior Historian / Archaeologist: Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC (San Diego, CA) 2019-present — Adjunct Faculty: Grand Canyon University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Arizona State University (Main, Downtown, and West Campus) Gateway Community College Phoenix College 1996 - present — Deputy Water Services Director City of Glendale (Glendale, AZ) 2014-2018 — Environmental Program Manager City of Glendale (Glendale, AZ) 2012-2014 — Water Advisor City of Phoenix (Phoenix, AZ) 2011-2012 — Assistant Water Advisor City of Phoenix (Phoenix, AZ) 2007-2010 — Historian City of Phoenix (Phoenix, AZ) 1988-2007 — Historian: Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, Phoenix, Arizona 1986-1988 — Consulting Historian / Archaeologist: Independent Consultant (California, Arizona, Nevada, and South Carolina) 1979-1986 Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA Senior Historian / Archaeologist doug@urbanapreservation.com 2007 Historic Building Analysis of Morcomb Service Station and House, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2007 Myrtle Avenue Historic District National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2007 Bunch / Perez House National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2007 61st Avenue Historic District National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2007 Hoghe Bunk House National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2007 George Dowdy Rental Cottage National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2006 Catlin Court Historic District Expansion, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2005 C. H. Tinker House National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2005 First United Methodist Church National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2005 Glendale High School Auditorium National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2005 Glendale Elementary One-Room School Building National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2005 Jonas McNair House National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2005 Floralcroft Historic District National Register Nomination, Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2004 Ethnic History Survey of Glendale, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2003 National Register Nomination of the Fort Tuthill Historic District, Flagstaff, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 2003 Historic Building Analysis of the Big Horn Ranch Service Station, Maricopa County, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2002 Historic Building Analysis of the Palmerita Ranch, La Paz and Yuma Counties, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2002 Historic Building Analysis of the Gold King Mansion, Mohave County, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2002 National Register Nomination of the San Clemente Historic District, Tucson, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 2002 Historic Building Analysis of the Wahweap Trailer Village, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2002 Historic Resources Survey of the Evergreen Neighborhood, Casa Grande, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2001 Historic Resources Survey of Fifty Properties in Clifton, Arizona. Metropolis Design Group, Phoenix. 2001 National Register Nomination of the Catalina Vista Historic District, Tucson, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 2001 Historic Building Analysis of the Tucson Southern Pacific Depot. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 2000 Historic Resources Survey of the Blenman – Elm Neighborhood, Tucson, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 2000 Historic Structures Report, Lee’s Ferry, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Alliance Architects, Phoenix. 2000 Historic Resources Survey of the Robson Historic District, Mesa, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA Senior Historian / Archaeologist doug@urbanapreservation.com 1999 National Register Nomination of the Temple Historic District, Mesa, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1999 National Register Nomination of the Irving School, Mesa, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1999 Historic Resources Survey of Gila Bend, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1999 Historic Building Analysis of the Eisendrath House, Tempe, Arizona. Alliance Architects, Phoenix. 1998 Reconnaissance Survey of Historic Resources in Mesa, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1998 National Register Nomination of the Jokake Inn Bell Towers, Phoenix, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1998 National Register Nomination of the Evergreen Historic District, Mesa, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1998 National Register Nomination of the West Second Street Historic District, Mesa, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1998 National Register Nomination of the Wilbur Street Historic District, Mesa, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1998 Historic Building Documentation of the Bagley/Wallace House, Mesa, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1998 Historic Resources Survey of BHP Superior West Plant Site, Superior, Arizona. Alliance Architects, Phoenix. 1997 Historic Resources Survey of Chandler, Arizona. Alliance Architects, Phoenix. 1997 National Register Nomination of the John and Isabella Greenway House, Ajo, Arizona. Prepared for the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, Phoenix. 1997 National Register Nomination of the N. Clyde Pierce House, Phoenix, Arizona. Prepared for Greg and Judy Pierce (owners), Phoenix. 1997 Historic Resources Survey of Glendale, Arizona. Alliance Architects, Phoenix. 1997 Historic Resources Survey of Ash Fork, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1997 National Register Nomination for the Manistee Ranch, Glendale, Arizona. Alliance Architects, Phoenix. 1997 Historic Resources Survey of Tempe, Arizona, and Update of Tempe Multiple Resource Area National Register Nomination. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1996 National Register Nomination of the Queen Creek School, Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1996 Historic Building Analysis of the Irving School, Mesa. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1996 Historic Building Analysis of the Sun Valley Court Motel, Mesa. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1996 Multiple Property Format National Register Nomination for the Period of Conflict Between Native Americans and the U.S. Military in Arizona, 1846- 1886. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1995 Historic Resources Survey of Historic Route 66 in Arizona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1995 National Register Nomination of the Laveen School Auditorium, Laveen, Arizona. Laveen Elementary School District No. 59. Laveen. 1995 Historic Building Analysis of the Flagstaff Freight Depot, Flagstaff. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA Senior Historian / Archaeologist doug@urbanapreservation.com 1994 National Register Nomination of the Henning Block, Holbrook. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1994 Historic Building Analysis of the John A. Freeman House, Snowflake. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1994 Historic American Buildings Survey Documentation of the Clifton Historic District, Clifton. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1994 Historic Building Analysis of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Tombstone. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1994 National Register Nomination of the Swindall House, Phoenix. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1994 National Register Determination of Eligibility Peach Springs Tourist Court and the Standard Oil Warehouse. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1994 Historic Building Analysis of the Yuma Quartermaster Depot Corral House, Yuma. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1993 Historic Building Analysis of the Thomas House and the Baird Machine Shop, Phoenix. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1993 National Register Nomination of the Kitchel House, Phoenix. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1993 Historic American Buildings Survey Documentation of the Thunderbird Tavern, Holbrook. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1993 Historic American Buildings Survey Documentation of the Ortega Homestead, Holbrook. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1993 Historic Building Analysis of the Western Drug Warehouse, Phoenix. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1993 Historic Resources Survey of the Town of Patagonia. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1992 Historic Building Analysis of the Elias/Rodriguez House, Tempe. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1992 Historic Building Analysis of the Constable Ice and Fuel Co. Warehouse, Phoenix. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1992 Historic Resources Survey of Sedona. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1991 Historic Resources Survey of the Town of Holbrook. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1990 Historic Building Analysis of the Central Wholesale Terminal, Phoenix. Ryden Architects, Phoenix. 1988 National Register Nomination for City-County Building, Phoenix, Maricopa County. Gerald A. Doyle and Associates, Phoenix. 1985 Historical and Archaeological Character, Fort Lowell Park Master Plan. Acuna-Coffeen Landscape Architects, Tucson. 1985 University of Arizona National Register District Nomination Form (with Robert C. Giebner, David Blackburn, and Adelaide Elm). 1985 San Xavier Historic Artifact Analysis. Cultural and Environmental Systems, Tucson. 1984 Diversity Through Adversity: Water Control at San Xavier. TerraMar International Services, San Diego. 1984 A Proposal to Construct a Plank Road Exhibit at the Proposed Imperial Safety Roadside Rest. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1984 Historic Property Survey Report, Proposed Sand Hills Interchange. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1984 Request for Determination of Effect, Plank Road. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. Douglas E. Kupel, Ph.D., RPA Senior Historian / Archaeologist doug@urbanapreservation.com 1984 First Addendum Archaeological Survey Report, Proposed Sand Hills Interchange. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1983 Historic Property Survey Report, Proposed MTDB East Urban Transit Corridor. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1983 Architectural Survey Report, Proposed MTDB East Urban Transit Corridor. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1983 Request for Determination of Eligibility, La Mesa Depot (with John W. Snyder). Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1983 Plank Road Discontiguous District Nomination form (with Pat Welch and Lisa Capper). 1983 Plank Road Research. Wirth Environmental Services, San Diego, Califonia. 1983 Picacho Basin Historic Research. Wirth Environmental Services, San Diego. 1983 Miguel Substation Historic Research. Wirth Associates, San Diego. 1982 The Calhoun Street Parking Lot: A Historical and Archaeological Investigation of Block 408, Old Town San Diego. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1982 Archaeological Survey of the Old Town Maintenance Station, Old Town San Diego. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1982 Archaeological Survey Report of the Old Town Excess Parcel Sale, Blocks 379, 380 and 395, Old Town San Diego. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1982 Archaeological Survey Report of the Calhoun Street Parking Lot, Old Town San Diego. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1981 Proposed Archaeological Phase II Excavation at SDi 8873H (with Joan M. DeCosta). Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1981 Historical and Archaeological Investigation of a Proposed Old Town Excess Parcel Sale, Blocks 379, 380, and 395. Old San Diego. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1981 A Modern Material Culture Study: South Carolina's Migrant Farmworkers. Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, USC, Columbia. 1981 Historical Evaluation of the Sunset Street Property, Lot 1, Block 394, Old San Diego. Prepared for the California Department of Transportation. 1980 Conservation Management Strategies: State Departments of Transportation. Department of Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia. 1980 Final Report of the Rincon, et al., Cultural Resource Survey; Jamul. Regional Environmental Consultants, San Diego (with Paige Talley). 1980 Final Report of the Rincon, et al., Cultural Resource Survey: La Jolla. Regional Environmental Consultants, San Diego (with Paige Talley). 1980 Final Report of the Rincon; et al., Cultural Resource Survey: Pala. Regional Environmental Consultants, San Diego (with Paige Talley). 1979 Cultural Resource Study of a Proposed Electrical Transmission Line from Jade to the Sand Hills, Imperial County, California. Regional Environmental Consultants, San Diego (with Carol Walker). Scott Solliday, MA Senior Associate Historian / Preservation Planner scott@urbanapreservation.com Scott Solliday holds a Master of Arts in United States History / Public History from Arizona State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Arizona State University. Scott meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the disciplines of History, Historic Preservation, and Architectural History. He has been a professional historian for more than 30 years, completing an array of projects in community history, historic preservation and cultural resource management. Scott has solid foundational experience in all aspects of historic preservation: research, field documentation, assessment, mitigation, and the appropriate application of the criteria of the National Register of Historic Places. His portfolio of work spans a broad range of studies supporting environmental planning, city planning, and private development, with a proven track record of working effectively to meet the requirements of clients, the State Historic Preservation Office, and the National Park Service. Areas of specialization include history of Arizona and Maricopa County, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, agriculture and irrigation engineering, and post-World War II America. Mr. Solliday started his career teaching Arizona history and anthropology in college and community-based programs, including the Mesa Southwest Museum (now Arizona Museum of Natural History), Mesa Arts Center, and Western International University. He was a museum curator for 13 years, and was responsible for research, collections management, exhibits and public programs. Since 2000 Scott has worked in historic preservation and cultural resource management. Professional experience includes historic property surveys and inventories, National Register of Historic Places nominations and eligibility assessments, HABS / HAER documentation, historic context studies and historic preservation planning documents, assessing project effects on historic properties and ensuring compliance with historic preservation regulations and stipulations, and Section 106 consultation with state and federal agencies, municipalities, and tribes. Scott has worked with private, municipal, state, and federal agencies within the relevant regulatory frameworks including projects requiring clearance under the National Environmental Policy Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. He is well versed in coordination with the State Historic Preservation Office, programmatic agreements and memoranda of understanding, archaeological field survey and construction monitoring. He has extensive recent experience completing Historic Property Surveys and Eligibility Assessments for the Arizona Department of Transportation. During his tenure as adjunct faculty at Chandler Gilbert Community College, he taught courses in U.S. History, Arizona History, and the History of the Southwest. PROJECT EXPERIENCE In Progress US 60X Sossaman to Meridian #x60-C(202)A Project (ADOT) Historic Assessment Survey Report; Tucson, AZ. In-Progress USACE Santa Fe Dam Evaluation; Los Angeles, CA. In-Progress Glen Canyon National Park Service Post 1955 Housing Survey and MPDF; Page, AZ. 2021 Mule Pass Tunnel Historic Evaluation and Inventory Form (ADOT); Tucson, AZ. 2021 222 W Mariposa Street Historic Resource Analysis Report (San Clemente, CA) 2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Kern River to Los Angeles Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report (Los Angeles, CA). EDUCATION Master of Arts United States History / Public History Arizona State University — Bachelor of Arts History Arizona State University PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Senior Associate Historian / Preservation Planner: Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC (San Diego, CA) 2021 – present — Historian: Independent Consultant (Mesa, AZ), 2000-2021 — Senior Architectural Historian: AZTEC Engineering Group (Phoenix, AZ), 2011-2021 — Senior Historian, Archaeological Consulting Services (Tempe, AZ) 2007–2010 — Curator of History, Tempe Historical Museum (Tempe, AZ), 1991–1999 — Curator, Chandler Museum (Chandler, AZ), 1986-1991 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Beyond Compliance: Historic Preservation in Transportation (Section 106 Workshop), National Highway Institute, 2013 — Scott Solliday, MA Senior Associate Historian / Preservation Planner scott@urbanapreservation.com PROFESSIONAL TRAINING CON’T Section 4(f) Workshop, Arizona Department of Transportation, 2013 — Traditional Cultural Places Workshop, Arizona Preservation Conference, 2013 — Categorical Exclusion Workshop, Arizona Department of Transportation, 2013 — Section 404, Clean Water Act & Section 106, National Historic Preservation Act Consultant Workshop, City of Phoenix, 2012 — Natural and Cultural Resource Regulatory Compliance Workshop, City of Phoenix, 2012 — Section 106 Workshop, Arizona Preservation Conference, 2004 MEMBERSHIPS Tempe Historic Preservation Commission, 2012-2018 — Board of Directors, Coordinating Committee for History in Arizona, 2015-2017 — Board of Directors, Friends of Arizona Archives, 2000-2006 — Museum Management Planning Committee, Gilbert Historical Society, 2004 — Tempe Tardeada Planning Committee, City of Tempe, 1998-2001 — Board of Directors, Tempe Hispanic Heritage International, 1998-1999 — 2021 Transmission Line Rating & Remediation Project, Ivanpah Control Line, Archival Research Package, Southern California Edison, Southern California. 2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Ivanpah-Control Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report. 2021 Treat Avenue Bicycle Boulevard Historic Property Survey and National Register Eligibility Assessment; Tucson, AZ (City of Tucson) 2020 Sage Memorial Hospital Master Plan Historic Property Survey and National Register Eligibility Assessment; Ganado, AZ (Hoeffer Wysocki) 2020 Avenida del Yaqui Historic Property Survey; Guadalupe, AZ (ADOT) 2020 San Pedro Bridge National Register Eligibility Assessment and Historic American Engineering Record Report (HAER AZ-98); Benson, AZ (ADOT) 2019-2020 B-Line Extension Project Historic Property Survey and National Register Eligibility Assessment, Bloomington, IN (City of Bloomington) 2019 Granite Reef Diversion Dam Gatekeeper’s House Assessment (Salt River Project) 2019 Historic Property Survey of Properties in the Vicinity of Indian School Road between 19th Avenue and 31st Avenue; Phoenix, AZ (ADOT) 2018 State Route 30 (East): SR 303L to SR 202L Historic Property Survey; South Phoenix, Avondale, Goodyear, and Buckeye, AZ (ADOT 2012, updated 2018) 2018 Jokake Inn Main Building HABS Report (HABS No. AZ-232); Phoenix, AZ (Host Hotels, LLC) 2016-2018 US Route 60 Pinto Creek Bridge National Register Eligibility Assessment and Project Effects Assessment, Section 4(f) Evaluation, HAER Report (HAER AZ- 97); Gila County, AZ (ADOT) 2016-2017 Historic Property Assessments and Historic Properties Management Plan for Redevelopment of the Community Noise Reduction Program (CNRP) Project Area; Phoenix, AZ (City of Phoenix) 2015-2016 Charles Hayden House Historic American Building Survey Report (HABS No. AZ-228); Tempe, AZ (Douglas Wilson Companies) 2014 Date Palm Manor Historic District Nomination; Tempe, AZ (Date Palm Manor Neighborhood Association) 2014 Tomlinson Estates Historic District National Register Nomination; Tempe, AZ (University Heights Neighborhood Association) 2010-2013 Interstate 10/State Route 303L Traffic Interchange; Goodyear, AZ (ADOT) 2013 Interstate 19/Ajo Way Traffic Interchange; Tucson, AZ (ADOT) 2012 South Mountain Transportation Corridor; Phoenix, AZ (ADOT) 2011 Avenida Rio Salado/West Broadway Road Design; Phoenix, AZ (City of Phoenix) 2009-2010 Jefferson Park Historical Review Survey Report and National Register Nomination (City of Tucson) 2009 Cultural Resources Survey of 793 Acres for the Goodyear Airport Improvements Project; Goodyear, Maricopa County, Arizona 2009 A Cultural Resource Survey of the Tony Ranch Homestead in Haunted Canyon, Pinal County, Arizona. 2009 A Class I Cultural Resources Literature Review and Historic Building Inventory Survey for the Broadway Road Streetscape Plan, Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona. ACS. Scott Solliday, MA Senior Associate Historian / Preservation Planner scott@urbanapreservation.com MEMBERSHIPS CONTINUED Grant Review Panel, Institute of Museum and Library Services, 1998 — Grant Review Panel, Arizona Humanities Council, 1996 — Rittenhouse School Preservation Committee, San Tan Historical Society, 1994 — Board of Directors, Central Arizona Museum Association, 1989–1992 FELLOWSHIPS National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1999: Mexico/Arizona Biographical Survey – Investigation of Mexican-American Settlement and Economic Development in the Arizona Territory from 1848-1912 2009 A Historic Context for Roosevelt Irrigation District Zanjero Houses, State Route 85, Buckeye, Maricopa County, Arizona. 2008 Roosevelt Addition Historic District National Register Nomination. 2008 A Cultural Resource and Historic Building Survey for a remedial investigation/feasibility study at the Iron King Mine/Humboldt Smelter Superfund Cleanup Site, Dewey–Humboldt, Yavapai County, Arizona. 2008 Presentation: Mill Workers, Mill Families. Paper presented for the Historic Architecture and Historic Preservation Planning of the Hayden Flour Mill session. Arizona Preservation Conference, Rio Rico, Arizona. 2008 Homesteading and Ranching in the Vicinity of Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. 2008 Cultural and Environmental Synthesis of the East Range, Fort Huachuca Military Reservation, Cochise County, Arizona. 2007 Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Vol. 1: Introduction, Historical Research, and Historic Architecture. ACS Cultural Resources Report No. 143. 2007 A National Register Eligibility Assessment for a Roosevelt Irrigation District Zanjero House, State Route 85, Milepost 153.2, Buckeye, Maricopa County, Arizona. 2007 Phoenix Asian American Historic Property Survey, City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office. 2006 Phoenix Community Noise Reduction Program Supplemental Survey, City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office. 2006 Historical Overview of the Tunon Homestead in The Mission Ranch Archaeological Project: Investigations at the Antonio Tunon Homestead, Site AZ AA:2:223 (ASM), in Casa Grande, Pinal County, Arizona, by Thomas E. Wright. Archaeological Research Services, Tempe. 2006 Presentation: Undocumented Settlers: Mexican and Native American Development of Agriculture in the Salt River Valley. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for State and Local History, Phoenix, Arizona 2005 Historic and Architectural Overview of the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Arizona Biltmore Hotel Villas Condominium Association 2005 Phoenix Madison Square Garden Historic Site Documentation, National Government Properties 2005 History of the Sotelo Addition in La Plaza y La Cremaría: Archaeological Investigations in Part of AZ U:9:165 (ASM), a Multicomponent Site in Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona, Archaeological Research Services 2005 Exhibit: Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 (preliminary script); Arizona State Capitol Museum 2004 Tempe (Hayden) Butte & Environs Archaeological & Cultural Resource Study; City of Tempe Development Services Department, Tempe, AZ 2004 Presentation: Documenting Arizona’s Invisible Pioneers: the Mexico/Arizona Biographical Survey. Paper presented at the Annual Arizona History Convention, Safford, Arizona 2003 Presentation: North, South. East, and West: The Sudden Rise of Suburban Tempe in the Mid-20th Century; Paper presented at the Annual Arizona History Convention, Tempe, Arizona 2002 Presentation: An Archive of the Barrios. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Historical Association, Pacific Coast Branch, Tucson, Arizona Scott Solliday, MA Senior Associate Historian / Preservation Planner scott@urbanapreservation.com 2002 Presentation: Invisible Minority: Sonorans and the Development of Territorial Arizona. Lecture presented at Arizona State University– Downtown Phoenix 2001 Post World War II Subdivisions, Tempe Arizona: 1945-1960; Neighborhood and House-type Context Development. City of Tempe Development Services Department 2000 History, Photographs, and Drawings of the Roosevelt Water Conservation District Canal. Salt River Project 2000 Presentation: E. W. Hudson: The Man Who Leveled the Salt River Valley. Paper presented at the Annual Arizona History Convention, Yuma, Arizona 2000 Southeast Phoenix Land Use History: Historic Overview of the Golden Gate, Cuatro Milpas, Hollywood Barrios, the Jefferson Neighborhood, and Sacred Heart Parrish; History International, Inc. / Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Phoenix, AZ 1999 Exhibit: La Familia. Tempe Historical Museum. 1997 Presentation: Hispanic Genealogy in Central Arizona. Lecture presented at Researching Hispanic History Workshop, Arizona State University–Tempe 1997 Exhibit: Rio Salado: Putting Water Back in the Salt. Tempe Historical Museum 1997 Exhibit: The Cactus League: Fifty Years of Spring Training in Arizona. Tempe Historical Museum 1996 Exhibit: Doors to the Past: Preserving Tempe’s Historic and Architectural Heritage. Tempe Historical Museum 1996 Chandler, Pioneer City of the New West. Chandler Historical Society. 1995 Exhibit: Buffaloes, Bulldogs, and Bowl Games: One Hundred Years of Football in Tempe. Tempe Historical Museum 1994 Exhibit: Cotton Futures: The Rise and Fall of Tempe’s First Big Industry. Tempe Historical Museum 1993 Exhibit: Baseball on the Desert: Spring Training and the Cactus League. Tempe Historical Museum 1993 Presentation: Journey to Rio Salado: Hispanic Pioneers in Central Arizona. Paper presented at the Annual Arizona Historical Convention, Tempe, Arizona 1992 Exhibit: The Barrios. Tempe Historical Museum 1992 Exhibit: River Crossings. Tempe Historical Museum 1993 The Journey to Rio Salado: Hispanic Migrations to Tempe, Arizona. Master’s thesis, Arizona State University 1991 Wright’s First Desert Adventure. Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly 2:8-11 1991 Goodyear Townsite Historic Property Survey; Chandler Historical Society. Chandler, AZ 1991 Exhibit: On the Homefront: Posters from World War II. Tempe Historical Museum 1990 Exhibit: Frank Lloyd Wright in Chandler. Chandler Museum 1989 Exhibit: The City Beautiful: Early City Planning and Architecture in Chandler. Chandler Museum 1989 San Marcos Plaza Historic Property Survey; Chandler Historical Society. Chandler, AZ 1988 Exhibit: Main Exhibit Hall Permanent Exhibits. Chandler Museum John Hyche, MAA Associate Historian / Preservation Planner john@urbanapreservation.com John Hyche holds a Bachelor of Arts in History, with a minor in Anthropology, from the University of California at Santa Cruz, and a Master of Applied Anthropology and a Certification in Historic Preservation from the University of Maryland, College Park. He meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the discipline of History, Historic Preservation, and Historical Archaeology. John brings practical and applied knowledge of historical and archeological research principles, methods, and processes to conduct systematic inquiries into cultural resources. He is a former National Park Service (NPS) Certified Local Government (CLG) Assistant in the State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division, an NPS Cultural Resource Technician, and a Project Reviewer with the D.C. Historic Preservation Office (DCHPO). John’s experience includes participation and supervision of Section 106 survey projects, completion of technical reports, evaluation and review of CLG nominations, and processing competitive grant applications from towns, municipalities, universities, and individual applicants nationwide. As a Cultural Resource Technician, he evaluated the results of preservation maintenance and repair work at historic properties, and coordinated with researchers, subject matter experts, and resource managers from other areas of the NPS to encourage and facilitate cooperative regional resources management strategies. John has authored National Register Determination of Eligibility forms and National Register nominations, as well as proposed mitigation at rehabilitation measures for projects in compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). He has completed research in support of Class III Cultural Resource Inventory reports and aided in the development of treatment plans. His technical competence and regulatory compliance expertise is matched by his practical skills in data management, including proficiencies in Microsoft Office applications, Adobe Creative Suite, ArcGIS, AutoCAD, HTML, and the Esri GIS Trimble. PROJECT EXPERIENCE In Process Old Tavern Rehabilitation Tax Credit Consulting; JCG Development, Sacramento, California In-Process Lafayette Hotel Rehabilitation Tax Credit Consulting; San Diego, California 2020-2021 Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual – Certified Local Governments | National Park Service | Washington, DC. 2020-2021 ArcGIS Collector CRSurveyor Archeology Survey Application | National Park Service | Washington, DC. 2019 Grand Teton National Park Telecommunications Improvement Project Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Wyoming Determination of Eligibility for the Kelly Ranger Station | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Jackson Lake Lodge Concrete Rehabilitation Project | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Mormon Row “Pink House” Architectural Survey | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Brinkerhoff Historic Resource Condition Assessment | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Paintbrush Divide & Hurricane Pass Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Triangle X Ranch Improvement Project | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. EDUCATION Master of Applied Anthropology, University of Maryland — Graduate Certificate – Historic Preservation, University of Maryland — Bachelor of Arts - History Minor - Anthropology, University of California-Santa Cruz PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Associate Historian / Preservation Planner: Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC (San Diego, CA) 2021 – present — Certified Local Government Assistant: State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division – National Park Service (Washington, DC), 2020-2021 — Cultural Resource Technician: Grand Teton National Park – National Park Service (Grand Teton National Park, WY), 2019 — Archaeology Intern: D.C. Historic Preservation Office (Washington, DC), 2018- 2019 — Archeology Collections Assistant: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit, National Park Service Museum Resource Center (Hyattsville, MD), 2017-2019 John Hyche, MAA Associate Historian / Preservation Planner john@urbanapreservation.com 2019 Deadman’s Bar Landing Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Climber’s Ranch Historic Resource Conservation & Condition Assessment | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Jackson Island Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 2019 Congressional Cemetery Archaeological Survey | D.C. Historic Preservation Office | Washington, DC. 2018 Julia Child Olive Street House Rehabilitation Project | D.C. Historic Preservation Office | Washington, DC. 2016-2018 Capitol Hill “Shotgun House” Archaeological Survey | D.C. Historic Preservation Office | Washington, DC. 2018 Arlington House Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Arlington, Virginia. 2018 Prince William Forest Park Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Prince William Forest Park, Virginia. 2018 Frederick Douglass National Historic Site Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Washington, DC. 2018 Catoctin National Park Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Catoctin National Park, MD. 2018 Antietam National Battlefield Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Antietam National Battlefield, MD. 2017 Manassas National Battlefield Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Manassas National Battlefield, VA. 2017 Rock Creek Park Cultural Resource Inventory | National Park Service | Rock Creek Park, DC. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, CONT’D Historical Archaeology Graduate Intern: University of Maryland, College Park (College Park, MD), 2017 — Archaeological Field Technician: Shotgun House Public Archaeology Project, D.C. Historic Preservation Office (Capitol Hill, DC), 2016-2017 — Archaeological Field School: Charlestowne Landing State Historic Park (Charleston, SC), 2016 — Geophysical Archaeological Field School: Saint Louis University (Lough Key, County Roscommon, Ireland), 2015 ARTICLES “Beyond the Fence: Reaching Out to the Capitol Hill Community through Urban Archaeology” Practicing Anthropology 39(3): pp. 14-15, 2017 MEMBERSHIPS Society for American Archaeology (2017-Present) — Society for Historical Archaeology (2017-Present) Alexandrea Baker, MCP Urban / Preservation Planner + GIS Technician alex@urbanapreservation.com Urban / Preservation Planner + GIS Technician, Alexandrea Baker, Alexandrea holds a Bachelor of Arts in Geography, with a minor in Community and Regional Planning, from the University of Nebraska and a Master of City Planning from San Diego State University. The capstone project for her graduate degree was a partnership with Metropolitan Transit System evaluating the shared bus / bike lane on El Cajon Boulevard, a historic auto corridor envisioned for revitalization and increased density. Alex brings previous municipal experience having worked for the City of Richmond, California, where she completed research for a safe parking program, helped process project approvals, processed CEQA documents, and supported public outreach. Alex additionally worked for Alta Planning + Design where she coordinated public outreach, scheduled site visits, and completed mapping for proposed planning projects. She is a recognized GIS and cultural landscape specialist on the Urbana team. At Urbana she surveys historic-era built environment sites, conducts property specific and contextual research, identifies cultural landscapes consistent with National Register Bulletin No. 36, and prepares GIS maps for all Urbana projects. Having completed graduate school, and with her roots in the Midwestern states of Wisconsin and Illinois, Alex recently relocated from California to her hometown of St. Charles and is working to expand Urbana’s presence in the region. PROJECT EXPERIENCE 2021 Olson Townhomes Historic Architectural Evaluation (Huntington Beach, CA) 2019-2021 GIS Mapping of Historic-Era Built Environment Cultural Resources within the SCE Service Territory | Mono, Tulare, Inyo, Kern, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange Counties, California. 2021 Post Rock Resources of Kansas Survey; Lincoln, Mitchell, Rush, and Russell Counties, KS. 2021 GIS Mapping for the To Kalon Vineyard Patent Litigation Project | Hunton Andrews Kurth, LLP; Napa Valley, California. 2021 Determination of Historic Significance Report for 135 I Avenue | Coronado, California. 2021 Determination of Historic Significance Report for 777 B Avenue | Coronado, California. 2021 Determination of Historic Significance Report for 1425 7th Street | Coronado, California. 2021 Historical Resource Designation and Mills Act Application for 2275 Evergreen Street | San Diego, California. 2019-2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Ivanpah - Control Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report | Inyo, Kern, and San Bernardino, Counties, California. and Clark County, Nevada. 2019-2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Kern River to Los Angeles Transmission Corridor, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report | Kern and Los Angeles Counties, California. 2020-2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Eldorado-Pisgah-Lugo Transmission Corridor, Historic- Era Built Environment Survey Report | San Bernardino County, California. 2020-2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating and Remediation Program Control-Silver Peak Transmission Corridor, Historic- Era Built Environment Survey Report | Inyo and Mono Counties, California. EDUCATION Master of City Planning San Diego State University — Bachelor of Arts– Geography, University of Nebraska-Lincoln PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Urban / Preservation Planner + GIS Technician: Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC (San Diego, CA) 2018 – present — Planning Intern: Alta Planning (San Diego, CA), 2019 — Planning Intern: City of Richmond (Richmond, CA), 2019 — Planning Intern: Maxable (San Diego, CA), 2018- 2019 — Para Educator: Mid Valley Special Education Cooperative (St. Charles, IL), 2017-2018 — Teacher Assistant: Lincoln Family Services (Lincoln, NE), 2016-2017 MEMBERSHIPS American Planning Association RELATED COURSEWORK Community and Regional Planning GIS Applications in Planning Plan and Design: Built Environment Alexandrea Baker, MCP Urban / Preservation Planner + GIS Technician alex@urbanapreservation.com 2020 Historic Property Survey Report, Rancho Miramonte Project | Chino, California. 2020 Historic Site Designation Report for 4350 Nabal Drive | La Mesa, California. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report for 4630 Date Avenue | La Mesa, California. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report for 2956 Roosevelt Street | Carlsbad, California. 2020 Historic Resource Research Report for 5930 Division Street | San Diego, California. 2020 Middle Ranch Pipeline Historic Resource Analysis Report | Santa Catalina Island, California. 2019 California’s Mojave Desert Region Cultural Landscape Survey, Eligibility, Documentation and Mapping Project | Mojave Desert, California. 2018 Owens Valley, California Historic Cultural Landscape Survey, Eligibility Documentation and Mapping Project | Owens Valley, California. 2018 Kern County Region Historic Agricultural Landscape Survey, Eligibility, Documentation, and Mapping Project | Kern County, California. RELATED COURSEWORK CON’T Urbanization of Rural Land Active and Healthy Community Development Environmental Planning and Policy Analysis and Public Affairs SAP Environment, Health, and Safety for Operational Sustainability (2021 Edition) Alexia Landa, BA Historian + Archaeologist alexia@urbanapreservation.com Alexia Landa is a Veteran of the United States Navy having served from 2007-2012, including deployments in the Middle East. For the USN, she served as an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman. In this capacity she inspected aircraft and aircrew life-support equipment for evidence of abuse, damage, or malfunction. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (double major) in History and Anthropology from San Diego State University. Prior to joining Urbana, Alexia served as an Archaeological Specialist for the California Department of Parks and Recreation Southern Service Center where she performed archaeological monitoring and site assessment activities for a variety of project types including State Park facility improvements, historic building maintenance, and municipal water and sewer system repair and replacement. She meets The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualifications Standards in the discipline of History. At Urbana Alexia leads field survey and monitoring activities, conducts contextual and site-specific research, prepares historic context statements, and authors technical reports and site records. Ms. Landa’s passion for history is demonstrated through her volunteer work with the Museum of Man, the San Diego Museum of Natural History, and as a member of the Board of Directors for the San Diego County Archaeological Society. PROJECT EXPERIENCE In-Progress Glen Canyon National Park Service Post 1955 Housing Survey and MPDF, Page, AZ 2021 351 Watson St. Historic Evaluation; Monterey, CA 2018-2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating Remediation Program, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report | Ivanpah-Control Project, Inyo, Kern, and San Bernardino Counties, CA 2021 Transmission Line Rating & Remediation Project, Ivanpah Control Line, Archival Research Package, Southern California Edison, Southern CA 2020-2021 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating Remediation Program, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report | Eldorado -Pisgah-Lugo Project, San Bernardino County, California and Clark County, Nevada 2021 City of Escondido Delisting and Re-evaluation, 340 Waverly Place, San Diego, CA 2021 City of Monrovia Historia Resource Analysis Report, 213-217 Novice Lane, Monrovia, CA 2021 City of Coronado Determination of Historic Significance, 710 10th Street, Coronado, CA 2021 City of San Diego Historic Property Survey Report, 3167 Market Street, San Diego, CA 2021 Village of Fallbrook DPR Evaluation, 129 S. Vine Street, Fallbrook, CA 2021 City of Coronado Determination of Historic Significance, 202 B Street- 1216 2nd Street, Coronado, CA 2021 City of Coronado Determination of Historic Significance, 136 F Avenue, Coronado, CA 2021 American Silk Factors Mill Historic Resource Analysis Report, 528 N. Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 2021 Irwindale DPR Evaluation, 5265 N 4th Street, Los Angeles, California 2021 East Gilman Channel Mitigation Historic American Engineering Record, Banning, California EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts- History and Anthropology School of Arts and Letters, California State University, San Diego PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Historian + Archaeologist: Urbana Preservation & Planning, LLC (San Diego) 2018 – present — Field Archaeologist / Historian: Loveless & Linton, Inc. Cultural Preservation & Archaeology (San Diego) 2017-2019 — Archaeological Project Leader: California State Parks, Southern Service Center (San Diego) 2017-present — Field Archaeologist: PanGIS, Inc. (San Diego) 2017 — Field Archaeologist: Channel Islands National Parks Services (Santa Rosa) 2017 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Society of California Archaeology — Board Member: San Diego County Archaeological Society — Society of Architectural Historians Alexia Landa, BA Historian + Archaeologist alexia@urbanapreservation.com 2021 Getchell Ranch Historic American Building Survey, 4055 Lytle Creek Road, Fontana, California. 2020 Jurupa Valley Mira Loma Quartermaster Depot Historic Resource Analysis Report, Riverside County, CA 2020 City of Coronado Determination of Historic Significance, 457 E Avenue, Coronado, CA 2020 City of Coronado Determination of Historic Significance, 518 Adella Lane, Coronado, CA 2020 Rancho Miramonte Project Historic Property Survey Report, Chino, CA 2020 City of Coronado Determination of Historic Significance, 800 1st Street, Coronado, CA 2020 City of Coronado Determination of Historic Significance, 610 10th Street, Coronado, CA 2020 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating Remediation Program, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report | Kern River to Los Angeles Project, Kern and Los Angeles Counties, California 2020 Even Hewes Highway / Coyote Wash Bridge Historic Property Survey Report, Imperial County, California 2019-2020 Southern California Edison Company Transmission Line Rating Remediation Program, Historic-Era Built Environment Survey Report | Control-Silver Peak Transmission Corridor, Inyo and Mono Counties, California 2019 Lindsay Substation and Bliss-Lindsay 66kV Sub-Transmission Line Historic Property Survey Report, Lindsay, CA 2019 Pedley Powerhouse Historic Property Survey Report, Norco, California 2017-2019 Crew Chief / Archaeological Monitor for linear trench utility excavations; prepared daily reporting, photo documentation, and artifact recordation; facilitate contractor and crew communications. 2017 Site excavation, artifact identification, screening, and lab analysis for ancient paleocoastal site at Santa Rosa Island within Channel Islands National Park 2017-2020 Archaeological Project Leader for California State Parks projects in San Diego, Imperial, Kern, Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo Counties. ACTIVITIES & HONORS SDSU School of Arts and Letters, Dean’s List — SDSU Anthropology Graduate Students Association Undergraduate Writing Contest,1st Place Winner, 2016 — SDSU Spencer Lee Rogers Alumni Award Nominee, 2017