0301-397 (CSCS) Report of Testing & ObservationI 0Z. Earth Systems Z7 Southwest . VOLUME Zo� Z - CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRU TION DA -1 `0 @y . Consulting Engineers and Geologists JACOBSSON ENGINEERING CONSTRUC I10.N, INC. P.O. BOX 14430 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92255 i REPORT OF TESTING & OBSERVATION DURING ROUGH GRADING PARCEL MAP 30420 THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA November 7, 2002 © 2002 Earth Systems Southwest Unauthorized use or copying of this document is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Earth Systems Southwest. File No.: 08628-02 02-11-715 Earth Systems MORI Southwest 79-811B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (760)345-1588 (800)924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 November 7, 2002 Jacobsson Engineering Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 14430 Palm Desert, California 92255 Project: Parcel Map 30420 The Centre at La Quinta La Quinta, California Attention: Mr. Bob Neubauer Subject: Report of Testing and Observations Performed During Rough Grading File No.: 8628-02 02-11-715 Reference: Earth Systems Southwest, Geotechnical Engineering Report, dated April 30 2002, Report No.: 02-11-715. Submitted herewith is a report of testing and intermittent observations performed during the grading on the above referenced project. Grading operations were performed by Nuevo Engineering using conventional heavy equipment. Testing was performed as per authorization of Mr. Bob Neubauer. Test results are presented on the attached test report sheet with their estimated locations plotted on the accompanying plan. Compaction tests are performed in accordance with ASTM D 2922- 81, Method A or B, and ASTM D 3017-88 Nuclear Density Test -Procedures. Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture is determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D 1557-91, Method A or C. Test results are as follows: Soil Description USCS Maximum Density Optimum Moisture Gray brown silty Sand SM 104.5 pcf 13.5% Brown silty Sand SM 105.5 pcf 14.5% November 7, 2002 DISCUSSION: -2- File No.: 08628-02 02-11-715 1. The project is located on the southwest corner of Highway 111 and La Quinta Centre Drive in the City of La Quinta. 2. Prior to grading, the site consisted of vacant land with moderate native desert brush. The northern portion of the site is relatively flat while the southern portion of the site is -hummocky, controlled by small vegetation induced sand dunes. A large sand dune is located near the southeast corner of the site with up to 25 feet of relief and very dense mesquite growth on the leeward side (east). An existing concrete slab and miscellaneous masonry walls are located on the top of a large sand dune (15 to 20 feet) in the northeast portion of the site. Scattered miscellaneous trash and debris was noted throughout the site with heavier concentrations of trash including some 55 -gallon drums near the southeast corner of the site. A temporary retention basin for storm water drainage from the development to the west, has been constructed in the southwest portion of the site, and does encroach within the proposed Wal-Mart pad. 3. The proposed development will consist of an approximately 225,000 square foot Wal- Mart Superstore, a 86,584 square foot retail store (Parcel 5), a 19,200 square foot building for miscellaneous shops, a gas station (Parcel 11) and six parcels for future development (Parcels 2 through 10). We assume that the proposed Wal-Mart store will be of concrete tilt -up or masonry block construction while the other retail buildings and shops. may be constructed of masonry or wood frame and stucco and will be supported by conventional shallow continuous or pad footings. A retention basin was also excavated to the.west of the future Wal-Mart. 4. The scope of our work was based on the referenced geotechnical engineering report, and plans by The Keith Companies. 5. The site was cleared of any pre-existing vegetation and pre -watered prior to grading operations. 6. No plans are available for the future development of Parcels 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Therefore, these areas were not over excavated and may require future grading when foundation plans and possible loading dock areas are established. 7. Parcel 1, Parcel 5, Parcel 6, and Parcel 11 were over excavated 5 feet below building pads and extended five feet beyond the outer edge of exterior footings. The bottom of the excavations was moisture conditioned, and completed an additional one -foot. 8. An additional 4 feet of over -excavation was performed in the Wal-Mart loading dock areas on the eastern west sides of the pad creating a 9 -foot over -excavation below building pad grade. 9. Structure areas that received fill were moisture conditioned and compacted in the upper 3 feet of the original grade. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST November 7, 2002 - 3 - File No.: 08628-02 02-11-715 10. - The future block wall to be located south of Wal-Mart was also over excavated 5 feet -- below finished grade. 11. Previously, fill materials consisting of previously removed soils were placed in relatively thin lifts and compacted into place. 12. A demolished concrete irrigation standpipe was encountered in the northeast corner of Parcel 11. The area was over excavated with a track -hoe excavator to a depth of 10 feet below building pad and moisture conditioned with water. This work resulted in 5 feet of over -excavation and recompaction. 13. An irrigation line was encounter from Parcel 11 approximately 1 to 2 feet deep and ran north onto. Parcel 10 where it turned east and continued to the eastern property line to a. "T". The irrigation line.then ran south and north. The line was located and crushed with the excavator and moisture conditioned with water. The areas were then compacted with scrapers. 14. A total of 389 compaction tests were performed. 15. Test results indicate that a minimum of 90% of maximum dry density has been obtained in the areas tested. 16. . The test locations are approximate and are determined by pacing and sighting from prominent field features. In our work, we have relied on topographic and survey information provided by others. 17. Bearing values given in the referenced report remain applicable. 18. The foundation design criteria as outlined in the referenced report still apply. 19. Please refer to the referenced Geotechnical Engineering Report for further information. 20. Based upon intermittent observations and testing during the grading operations, from October 11 through November 7, 2002 on this project, it is our opinion that the grading has met the intent of the recommendations of the referenced Geotechnical Engineering Report, as well as the grading ordinances of the City of La Quinta. , 21. As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of work we agreed to be involved with, and performed test on which together we based our opinion as to whether the work essentially complies with job requirements. 22. With any manufactured product, there are statistical variations in its uniformity and in the accuracy of tests used to measure its quality. As compared with other manufactured products, field construction usually presents large statistical variations in its uniformity and accuracy of test results used to measure its quality. Thus, even with very careful observation and testing, it cannot be said that all parts of the product comply with the job requirements and the degree of certainty is greater with full-time observation than it is with intermittent observations and testing. Therefore, our opinion based on observing EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST N November 7, 2002 - 4 - File No.: 08628-02 02-11-715 c and testing the work means that there is only a statistically -based, reasonable certainty that the work essentially complies with the job requirements. 23. We make no warranty, express or implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. 24. It is recommended that Earth Systems Southwest (ESSW) be provided the opportunity for a general review of any changes to the final design and/or location of the proposed structures in order that earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted. If ESSW is not accorded the privilege of making this recommended review, we can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. 25. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to insure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the architect and engineers for the project and are incorporated into the plans and specifications for the project. It is also the owners responsibility, or his representative, to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to see that the general contractor and all subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. It is further understood that the owner or his representative is responsible for submittal of this report to the appropriate governing agencies. If there are any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST Karl Hewes Field Technician Grading/kh/csh/smd Distribution: 10/Jacobsson Engineering Construction, Inc. 1/RC File 2BD File Reviewed by oQPOFESSI Gs. Z5 CE 38234 m Craig S. W EXP. 03/31/05 M CE 38234 CMIL FOF CA�1FC EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 1 of 12 Test No Date -Tested Description Elevation. %Moisture ry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density Parcel 1 - Wal-Mart 1 10/14/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.1 95.1 91 104.5 2 10/14/02 Per Plan 61.0 7.8 94.3 90 104.5 3 10/14/02 Per Plan 61.0 7.6 95.8 91 104.5 4 10/14/02 Per Plan 61.0 8.2 96.8 92 104.5 5 10/14/02 Per Plan 58.0 10.5 97.6 93 104.5 6 10/14/02 Per Plan 57.0 8.6 98.9, 94 104.5 7 10/14/02 Per Plan 58.0 10.9 98.5 94 104.5 8 10/14/02 Per Plan 54.5 10.8 99.3 95 104.5 9 10/14/02 Per Plan 59.0 7.1 94.6 90 104.5 10 10/14/02 Per Plan 59.0 8.7 97.0 92 104.5 11 10/14/02 Per Plan 55.0 6.1 94.1 90 104.5 12 10/14/02 Per Plan 62.0 8.1 95.6 91 104.5 13 10/14/02 Per Plan 62.0 8.8 96.0 91 104.5 14 10/14/02 Per Plan 60.0 9.4 94.8 90 104.5 15 10/14/02 Per Plan 60.0 8.7 94.3 90 104.5 16 10/14/02 Per Plan 59.5 10.3 96.5 92 104.5 17 10/14/02 Per Plan 56.0 10.0 98.7 94 104.5 18 10/15/02 Per Plan 58.5 10.6 98.0 93 104.5 19 10/15/02 Per Plan 58.5 9.7 96.3 92 104.5 20 10/15/02 Per Plan' 58.5 11.2 96.9 92 104.5 21 10/15/02 Per Plan 58.0_ 11.6 97.0 92 104.5 22 10/15/02 Per Plan 58.0 8.1 95.9 91 104.5 23 10/15/02 Per Plan 58.0 7.3 94.1 90 104.5 24 10/15/02 Per Plan 60.0 10.5 98.6 94 104.5 .25 10/15/02 Per Plan 58.0 8.8 97.1 92 104.5 26 10/15/02 Per Plan 59.0 10.4 99.0 94 104.5 27 10/15/02 Per Plan 59.0 8.1 95.4 91 104.5 28 10/15/02 Per Plan 60.5 9.8 98.6 94 104.5 29 10/15/02 Per Plan 59.5 9.6 96.9 92 104.5 30 10/15/02 Per Plan 59.5 9.6 95.9 91 104.5 31 10/15/02 Per Plan 59.5 ( 8.5 95.3 91 104.5 32 10/15/02 Per Plan 58.5 11.5 94.0 90 104.5 33 10/15/02 Per Plan 59.0 10.3 99.8 95 104.5 34 10/15/02 Per Plan 60.0 10.2 98.0 93 104.5 35 10/15/02 Per Plan 59.0 8.2 95.4 91 104.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 616. fjk� r REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 2 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 36 10/15/02 Per Plan , 59.0 10.7 97.6 93 104.5 37 10/15/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.5 97.3 93 104.5 38 10/16/02 Per Plan 58.5 9.2 97.9 93 104.5 39 10/16/02 Per Plan 58.5 11.3 100.2 95 104.5 40 10/16/02 Per Plan 58.5 9.7 100.7 96 104.5 41 10/16/02 Per Plan 58.5 8.9 99.4 95 104.5 42 10/16/02 Per Plan 58.5 10.4 98.0 93 104.5 43 10/16/02 Per Plan 54.5 10.6 99.1 94 104.5 44 10/16/02 Per Plan 54.5 9.7 98.6 94 104.5 45 10/16/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.3 98.3 94 104.5 46 10/16/02 Per Plan 60.0 12.0 100.4 96 104.5 47 i0/16/02 Per Plan 60.0 7.1 96.2 92 104.5 48 10/16/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.2 96.5 92 104.5 49 10/16/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.4 101.1 96 104.5 50 10/16/02 Per Plan 60.5 11.3 97.5 93 104.5 51 10/16/02 Per Plan 60.5 9.2 97.2 93 104.5 52 10/16/02 Per Plan 60.5 11.6 98.6 94 104.5 53 10/16/02 Per Plan 59.5 9.4 99.3 95 104.5 54 10/16/02 Per Plan 60.5 7.6 95.8 91 104.5 55 10/16/02 Per Plan 59.5 10.9 101.8 97 104.5 56 10/16/02 Per Plan 59.5 11.8 100.1 95 104.5 57 10/16/02 Per Plan 59.5 10.6 99.9 95 104.5 58 10/16/02 Per Plan 59.5 10.3 97.9 93 104.5 59 10/16/02 Per Plan 55.5 7.6 96.3 92 104.5 60 10/16/02 Per Plan 55.5 8.5 96.5 92 104.5 61 10/16/02 Per Plan 56.5 11.2 100.7 96 104.5 62 10/16/02 Per Plan 56.5 7.9 95.0 90 104.5 63 10/16/02 Per Plan 61.5. 8.2 97.5 93 104.5 64 10/16/02 Per Plan 61.5 9.4 98.7 94 104.5 65 10/16/02 Per Plan 61.5 10.6 100.2 95 104.5 66 10/16/02 Per Plan 61.5 10.3 100.2 95 104.5 67 10/17/02 Per Plan 60.0 8.7 98.0 93 104.5 68 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.5 97.2 93 104.5 69 10/17/02 Per Plan 60.0 10.2 97.6 93 104.5 70 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.7 99.4 95 104.5 71 10/17/02 1 Per Plan ' 58.5 10.5 96.9 1 92 104.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Paye 3 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture ry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 72 10/17/02 'Per Plan 58.5 10.7 99.9 95 104.5 73 10/17/02 Per Plan 58.5 11.3 98.2 94 104.5 74 10/17/02 Per Plan 58.5 12.1 101.6 97 104.5 75 10/17/02 Per Plan 58.5 10.6 100.8 96 104.5 76 10/17/02 Per Plan 60.5 12.5 98.3 94 104.5 77 10/17/02 Per. Plan 60.5 13.4 101.1 96 104.5 78 10/17/02 Per Plan 60:5 12.6 102.1 97 104.5 79 10/17/02 Per Plan 60.5 12.2 100.6 96 104.5 80 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.5 11.3 100.5 96 104.5 81 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.5 13.6 99.1 94 104.5 82 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.5 14.0 99.3 95 104.5 83 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.5 12.8 99.8 95 104.5 84 10/17/02 Per Plan 62.5 9.1 98.4 94 104.5 85 10/17/02 Per Plan 62.5 11.2 100.2 95 104.5 86 10/17/02 Per Plan 62.5 9.7 101.2 96 104.5 87 10/17/02 Per Plan 59.5 8.3 101.4 97 104.5 88 10/17/02 Per Plan 59.5 13.1 100.7 96 104.5 89 10/17/02 Per Plan 59.5 10.2 98.9 94 104.5 90 10/17/02 Per Plan 59.5 12.8 101.2 96 104.5 91 10/17/02 Per Plan 59.5 9.7 102.6 98 104.5 92 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.5 10.5 100.1 95 104.5 93 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.5 10.8 99.8 95 104.5 94 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.5 12.4 100.4 96 104.5 95 10/17/02 Per Plan 61.5 10.5 98.0 93 104.5 96 10/17/02 , Per Plan 63.0 11.2 100.2 95 104.5 97 10/17/02 Per Plan 63.0 9.3 99.5 95 104.5 98 10/17/02 Per Plan 63.0 10.8 99.7 95 104.5 99 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.0 6.9 94.4 90 104.5 100 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.0 6.2 94.6 90 104.5 101 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.5 11.4 95.4 91 104.5 102 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.5 10.5 99.2 94 104.5 103 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.5 7.1 96.6 92 104.5 104 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.5 7.5 95.7 91 104.5 105 10/18/02 Per Plan 58.5 7.0 98.9 94 104.5 106 10/18/02 Per Plan 58.5 8.7 97.3 93 104.5 107 10/18/02 Per Plan 58.5 8.6 97.1 92 104.5 108 10/18/02 Per Plan 58.5 1 7.3 97.6 93 1 104.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST M t REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 4 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture ry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 109 10/18/02 Per Plan 58.5 7.2 99.1 94 104.5 110 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.5 6.8 96.5 92 104.5 111 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.5 6.6 96.0 91 104.5 112 10/18/02. Per Plan 62.5 10.0 100.2 95 104.5 113 10/18/02 Per Plan 62.5 8.4 97.2 93 104.5 114 10/18/02 Per Plan 60.5 6.5 95.7 91 104.5 115 10/18/02 Per Plan 60.5 7.9 98.5 94 104.5 116 10/18/02 Per Plan 60.5 11.3 96.5 92 104.5 117 10/18/02 Per Plan 60.5 9.4 100.8 96 104.5 118 10/18/02 Per Plan 63.0 7.6 97.9 93 104.5 119 10/18/02 Per Plan 59.5 9.1 96.3 92 104.5- 04.5120 120 10/18/02 Per Plan 59.5 8.7 98.7 94 104.5 121 10/18/02 Per Plan 59.5 8.1 95.6 91 104.5 122 10/18/02 Per Plan 59.5 6.5 94.3 90 104.5 123 10/18/02 Per Plan 59.5 10.1 95.8 91 104.5 124 10/18/02 Per Plan 63.5 7.3 96.5 92 104.5 125 10/18/02 Per Plan 63.5 9.6 96.7 92 104.5 126 10/18/02 Per Plan 63.5 8.2 99.2 94 104.5 127 10/18/02 Per Plan 63.5 8.0 98.1 93 104.5 128 10/18/02 Per Plan 63.5 10.4 100.4 96 104.5 129 10/18/02 Per Plan 63.5 8.1 98.5 94 104.5 130 10/18/02 Per Plan 63.5 7.2 97.9 93 104.5 131 10/18/02 Per Plan 61.5 6.3 97.5 93 104.5 132 10/18/02 Per Plan 61.5 8.5 96.3 92 104.5 133 10/18/02 Per Plan 61.5 8.0 96.6 92 104.5 134 10/18/02 Per Plan 61.5 7.4 97.0 92. 104.5 135 10/21/02 Per Plan 60.5 11.8 98.1 93 104.5 136 10/21/02 Per Plan 60.5 9.2 100.0 95 104.5 137 10/21/02 Per Plan 60.5 10.5 96.4 92 104.5 138 10/21/02 Per Plan 60.5 10.6 100.6 96 104.5 139 10/21/02 Per Plan 64.0 9.1 95.5 91 104.5 140 10/21/02 Per Plan 64.0 8.7 96.7 92 104.5 141 10/21/02 Per Plan 64.0 8.9 99.1 94 104.5 142 10/21/02 Per Plan 64.0 10.2 100.4 96 104.5 143 10/21/02 Per Plan 63.5 12.6 100.8 96 104.5 144 10/21/02 Per Plan 63.5 11.0 99.5 95 104.5 145 10/21/02 1 Per Plan 62.5 12.1 100.4 96 104.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST i REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 5 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description. Elevation %Moisture ry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place, Compaction Density 146 10/21/02 Per Plan 62.5 11.5 99.6 95 104.5 147 10/21/02 Per Plan 62.5 10.8 99.0 94 104.5 148 10/21/02 Per Plan 62.5 9.6 98.7 94 104.5 149 10/21/02 Per Plan 62.5 9.8 98.5 94 104.5 150 10/21/02 Per Plan 61.5 10.5 99.3 95 104.5 151 10/21/02 Per Plan 61.5 12.4 98.1 93 104.5 152 10/21/02 Per Plan 61.5 12.2 100.7 96 104.5 153 10/21/02 Per Plan 61.5 9.7 97.9 93 104.5 154 10/22/02 Per Plan 62.5 11.9 100.4 96 104.5 155 10/22/02 Per Plan 62.5 10.2 103.1 98 104.5 156 10/22/02 Per Plan 62.5 12.2 99.5 95 104.5 157 10/22/02 Per Plan 62.5 12.5 99.9 95 104.5 158 10/22/02 Per Plan 63.5 11.5 102.3 97 104.5 159 10/22/02 Per Plan 63.5 10.4 100.2 95 104.5 160 10/22/02 Per Plan 63.5 9.6 98.3 94 104.5 161 10/22/02 Per Plan 63.5 11.4 101.1 96 104.5 162 10/22/02 Per Plan 63.5 10.8 100.7 96 104.5 163 10/22/02 Per Plan 63.5 12.1 100.5 96 104.5 164 10/22/02 Per Plan 63.5 11.7 99.4 95 1.04.5 165 10/22/02 Per Plan 63.5 11.3 101.8 97 104.5 Parcels 5 and 6 166 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.8 97.6 92 105.5 167 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.6 96.5 91 105.5 168 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 7.8 98.8 93 105.5 169 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 8.7 97.3 92 105.5 170 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.3 101.1 •95 105.5 171 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.4 97.9 92 105.5 172 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.5 101.5 96 105.5 173 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.1 96.6 91 105.5 174 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 13.4 102.2 96 105.5 175 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 12.7 100.8 95 105.5 176 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.8 100.6 95 105.5 177 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 12.0 100.1 94 105.5 178 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.5 99.4 94 105.5 179 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.2 49.7 94 105.5 November 7, 2002 1 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST ��- ))Y')', i REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California. JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 6 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture ry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density Parcel 1 - Wal-Mart 180 10/22/02 Per Plan - 57.5 10.3 100.9 96 104.5 181 10/22/02 Per Plan 58.5 11.3 102.0 97 104.5 182 10/22/02 Per Plan 59.5 9.7 100.6 96 104.5 183 10/22/02 Per Plan 59.5 9.2 100.4 96 104.5 184 10/22/02 Per Plan 60.5 9.8 98.7 94 104.5 185 10/22/02 Per Plan 61.5 10.9 102.8 98 104.5 186 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.7 11.5 101.3 96 104.5 187 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.7 12.9 101.2 96 104.5 188 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.7 11.4 100.1 95 104.5 189 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.7 11.5 101.1 96 104.5 190 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.7 12.1 100.7 96 104.5 191 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.7 9.8 101.5 97 104.5 192 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.7 13.6 102.8 98 104.5 193 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.7 10.1 102.6 98 104.5 Parcels 5 and 6 194 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 10.9 100.3. 95 105.5 195 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 12.2 102.8 97 105.5 196 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 8.4 99.0 93 105.5 197 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 12.4 102.1 96 105.5 198 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 11.6 100.5 95 105.5 199 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 9.1 99.2 94 105.5 200 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 10.5 99.4 94 105.5 201 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 11.7 101.8 96 105.5 202 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 10.3 103.1 97 105.5 203 10/23/02 Per Plan 62.0 10.8 101.0 95 105.5 '204 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 13.1 102.6 97 105.5 205 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 12.2 100.6 95 105.5 206 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 11.3 104.2 98 105.5 207 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 9:8 101.3 96 105.5 208 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 11.5 102.2 96 105.5 209 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 12.1 100.1 94 105.5 210 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 11.6 103.1 97 105.5 211 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 11.2 100.2 95 105.5 212 10/23/02 Per Plan 63.0 10.9 100.7 95 105.5 213 10/23/02 1 Per Plan 64.0 12.0 1 102.9 97 105.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 7 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture ry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 214 10/23/02 Per Plan 64.0 8.2 96.7 91 105.5 215 10/23/02 Per Plan 64.0 6.9 95.2 90 105.5 216 10/23/02 Per Plan 64.0 9.1 97.3 92 105.5 217 10/23/02 Per Plan 64.0 8.0 96.1 91 105.5 218 10/23/02 Per Plan 64.0 7.5 95.6 90 105.5 219 10/23/02 Per Plan 64.0 7.8 95.3 90 105.5 Parcel 1 - Wal-Mart 220 10/24/02 Per Plan 55.0 8.6 95.9 91 104.5 221 10/24/02 Per Plan 55.0' 7.5 94.4 90 104.5 222 10/24/02 Per Plan 55.0- 9.0 95.2 91 104.5 223 10/24/02 Per Plan 56.5 9.7 97.4 93 104.5 224 10/24/02 Per Plan 56.5 7.5 96.7 92 104.5 225 10/24/02 Per Plan 56.5 8.2 95.2 91 104.5 226 10/24/02' Per Plan 58.0 10.6 95.2 91 104.5 227 10/24/02 Per Plan 58.0' 7.3 95.7 91 104.5 228 10/24/02 Per Plan 58.0 8.2 96.3 92 104.5 229 10/24/02 Per Plan 59.5 8.4 95.8 91 104.5 230 10/24/02 Per Plan 59.5 8.4 96.7 92 104.5 231 10/24/02 Per Plan 59.5 9.7 97.2 93 104.5 232. 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.7 8.3 101.5 97 104.5 233 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.7 10.1 102.9 98 104.5 234 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.7 8.7 102.7 98 104.5 235 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.7 8.5 100.4 96 104.5 236 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.5 11.6 100.1 95 104.5 237 10/24/02 Per Plan 59.0 .9.2 100.8 96 104.5 238 10/24/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.5 100.3 96 104:5 239 10/24/02 Per Plan 60.0 10.8 98.4 94 104.5 240 10/24/02 Per Plan 62.0 7.9 97.4 92 105.5 241 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.0 9.4 98.6 93 105.5 242 10/24/02 Per Plan 60.0 10.2 100.8 95 105.5 243 10/24/02 Per.Plan 63.0 8.0 97.6 92 105.5 .244 10/24/02 Per Plan 62.0 8.3 102.5 97 105.5 245 10/24/02 Per Plan 61.0 10.6 100.0 94 105.5 246 10/24/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.7 99.1 93 105.5 247 10/24/02 Per Plan 61.0 9.8 98.5 93 105.5 248 10/24/02 Per Plan 62.5 9.2 96.2 91 105.5 249 10/24/02 Per Plan 62.5 11.3 100.6 95 105.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST i� REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 8 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 250 10/24/02 Per Plan 62.5 10.1 101.8 96 105.5 251 10/24/02 Per Plan 61.6 8.9 100.3 95 105.5 252 10/24/02 Per Plan 61.6 9.4 101.6 96 105.5 253 10/24/02 Per Plan 62.0 11.6 102.0 96 105.5 254 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.0 10.2 100.0 94 105.5 255 10/24/02 Per Plan 62.0 12.8 98.2 93 105.5 256 10/24/02 Per Plan 62.0 10.4 103.4 98 105.5 257 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.0 10.5 100.3 95 105.5 258 10/24/02 Per Plan 63.0 11.2 102.8 97 105.5 Parcels 5, 6, and North Parking 259 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 12.9 101.6 96 105.5 260 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 10.5 104.2 98 105.5 261 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 9.7 99.2 94 105.5 262 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 9.1 100.4 95 105.5 263 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 12.5 100.8 95 105.5 264 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 9.3 98.8 93 105.5 265 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 8.9 101.3 96 105.5 266 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 13.0 99.7 94 105.5 267 10/24/02 Per Plan 66.0 11.3 99.4 '94 105.5 268 10/24/02 Per Plan 66.0 11.8 100.9 95 105.5 Parcels 5, 6, 11, and Parkin 269 10/24/02 Per Plan 66.0 9.8 99.4 94 105.5 270 10/24/02 Per Plan 66.0 10.8 101.1 95 105.5 271 10/24/02 Per Plan 66.0 12.6 99.7 94 105.5 272 10/24/02 Per Plan 66.0 12.3 99.2 94 105.5 273 10/24/02 Per Plan 66.0 12.0 101.9 96 105.5 274 10/24/02 Per Plan 66.0 11.4 98.2 93 105.5 275 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 8.5 97.3 92 105.5 276 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 6.9 97.3 92 105.5 277 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 9.5 98.8 93 105.5 278 10/24/02 Per Plan 65.0 9.2 97.5 92 105.5 Parcels 2-10 and Parking 279 10/25/02 Per Plan 67.0 10.7 103.1 97 105.5 280 10/25/02 Per Plan 67.0 9.2 99.3 94 105.5 281 10/25/02 Per Plan 67.0 11.5 101.9 96 105.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST cfs,)J��, ' REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Pate 9 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 282 10/25/02 Per Plan 67.0 12.4 99.7 94 105.5 283 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.5 11.3 99.4 94 105.5 284 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.5 10.9 99.3 94 105.5 285 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.5 13.1 97.8 92 .105.5 286 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.5 11.6 102.2 96 105.5 287 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.5 12.8 100.4 95 105.5 288 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 12.5 101.6 96' 105.5 289 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 12.8 97.5 92 105.5 290 10/25/02 Per Plan 65.0 10.8 101.0 95 105.5 291 10/25/02 Per Plan 65.0 7.5 99.3 94 105.5 292 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 10.2 98.2 93 105.5 293 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 13.6 100.7 95 105.5 294 10/25/02 Per Plan 63.0 12.1 100.4 95 105.5 295 10/25/02 Per Plan 63.0 11.4 97.6 92 105.5 296 10/25/02 Per Plan 65.0 9.1 96.3 91 105.5 297 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 9.9 98.6 93 105.5 298 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.0 10.8 101.7 96 105.5 299 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.0 10.7 102.1 96 105.5 300 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.0 10.3 100.9 95 105.5 301 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.0 8.1 98.6 93 105.5 302 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.0 12.5 101.4 96 105.5. 303 10/25/02 Per Plan 65.0 12.0 96.6 91 105.5 304, 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.0 13.5 99.7 94 105.5 305 10/25/02 Per Plan 65.0 10.7 100.8 95 105.5 306 10/25/02 Per Plan 65.0 12.6 99.5 94 105.5 307 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.5 12.8 97.3 92 105.5 308 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.5 8.0 101.3 96 105.5 Parcel 1 - Wal-Mart 309 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 10.5 100.8 95 105.5 310 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 7.2 96.7 91 105.5 311 10/25/02 Per Plan 65.5 10.7 100.1 94 105.5 312 10/25/02 Per Plan 65.5 9.0 97.6 92 105.5 313 10/25/02 Per Plan 66.0 8.8 97.3 92 105.5 314 10/25/02 Per Plan 62.5 9.5 97.1 92 105.5 .315 10/25/02 Per Plan 63.5 11.1 97.5 92 105.5 316 10/25/02 Per Plan 62.0 10.9 96.2 91 105.5 317 10/25/02 Per Plan 63.0 8.4 100.7 95 105.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST �6 )� ` REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 10 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 318 10/25/02 Per Plan 63.0 12.3 98.6 93 105.5 319 10/25/02. Per Plan 63.0 10.2 100.8 95 105.5 320 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 13.4 97.1 92 105.5 321 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 9.3 100.4 95 105.5 322 10/25/02 Per Plan 63.0 8.1 103.0 97 105.5 323 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 10.5 99.5 94 105.5 324 10/25/02 Per Plan 64.0 8.6 97.3 92 105.5 325 10/28/02 Per Plan' 65.0 10.9 98.2 93 105.5 326 10/28/02 Per Plan 65.0 9.6 97.5 92 105.5 327 10/28/02 Per Plan 64.0" 9.1 100.5 95 105.5 328 10/28/02 Per Plan 65.0 13.5 99.8 94 105.5 329 10/28/02 Per Plan 65.0 11.7 101.1 95 105.5 330 10/28/02 Per Plan 64.0 11.8 98.3 93 105.5 331 10/28/02 Per Plan 64.0 12.0 97.5 92 105.5 332 10/28/02 Per Plan 63.0 13.4 97.2 92 105.5 333 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.0 10.3 101.6 96 105.5 Parcels 2 through 10 334 10/28/02 Per Plan 67.5, 9.7 100.6 95 105.5 335 10/28/02 Per Plan 67.5 9.4 97.3 92 105.5 336 10/28/02 Per Plan 67.5 12.2 101.7 96 105.5 337 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.0 11.5 104.2 98 105.5 338 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.0 12.4 101.5 96 105.5 339 10/28/02 Per Plan. 66.0 11.5 100.4 95 105.5 340 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.0 11.2 99.5 94 105.5 341 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.0 .10.8 97.4 92 105.5 342 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.0 14.1 99.2 94 105.5 343 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.0 12.3 99.8 94 105.5 344 10/28/02 Per Plan .66.0 12.6 99.2 94 105.5 345 10/28/02 Per Plan 67.0 8.3 99.2 94 105.5 346 10/28/02 Per Plan 67.0 11.2 96.4 91 105.5 347 10/28/02 Per Plan 67.0 9.0 98.7 93 105.5 348 10/28/02 Per Plan 67.0 9.6 101.1 95 105.5 349 10/28/02 Per Plan 67.0 10.8 96.8 91 105.5 350 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.7 13.3 101.5 96 105.5 351 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.7 9.4 99.9 94 105.5 352 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.7 12.2 101.3 96. 105.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST REPORT OF RELATIV-E COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Page 11 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture ry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 353 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.7 12.8 98.4 93 105.5 354 10/28/02 Per Plan 66.3 10.6 97.3 92 105.5 355 10/29/02 Per Plan 66.3 11.4 99.0 93 105.5 356 10/29/02 Per Plan 66.3 11.7 98.6 93 105.5 -357 10/29/02 Per Plan 66.3 12.1 100.8 95 105.5 358 10/30/02 Per Plan 65.0 8.3 101.5 96 105.5 359 10/30/02 Per Plan 66.0 6.9 103.7 98 105.5 360 10/30/02 Per Plan 67.0 10.2 99.5 94 105.5 361 10/30/02 Per Plan 64.0 8.5 102.6 97 105.5 362 10/302 Per Plan 64.0 7.0 102.1 96 105.5 363 10/30/02 Per Plan 64.0 8.1 101.9 96 105.5 364 10/30/02 Per Plan 64.0 6.6 98.9 93 105.5 365 10/30/02 Per Plan 64.0 9.2 101.4 96 105.5 366 10/30/02 Per Plan 64.0 11.4 100.8 95 105.5 367 10/30/02 Per Plan 64.0 12.8 101.3 96 105.5 368 10/30/02 Per Plan 64.0 10.1 97.7 92 105.5 369 10/30/02 Per Plan' 64.0 10.6 101.1 95 105.5 370 10/31/02 Per Plan 66.8 9.5 106.8 95 105.5 371 10/31/02 Per Plan 66.8 10.4 102.0 96 105.5 372 10/31/02 Per Plan 66.8 9.2 101.5 96 105.5 373 10/31/02 Per Plan 66.8 11.2 102.0 96 105.5 374 10/31/02 Per Plan 66.8 13.6 103.1 97 105.5 375 10/31/02 Per Plan 66.8 8.4 98.7 93 105.5 376 10/31/02 Per Plan 66.8 12.9 100.3 95 105.5 377 10/31/02 Per Plan 66.8 7.3 98.0 92 105.5 378 11/06/02 Per Plan 66.0 12.4 103.8 98 105.5 379 11/06/02 Per Plan 65.0 9.1 99.6 94 105.5 380 11/06/02 Per Plan 64.0 9.6 99.5 94 105.5 381 11/06/02 Per Plan 65.0 10.2 103.0 97 105.5 382 11/06/02 Per Plan 66.0 10.8 101.5 96 105.5 Parcels 9 through 11 383 11/07/02 Per Plan 66.8 7.0 98.0 92 105.5 384 11/07/02 Per Plan 66.8 10.9 99.3 94 105.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST C/S-/�Vol i r REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS JOB NAME: Parcel Map 30420, The Centre at La Quinta LOCATION: La Quinta, California JOB NO: 08628-02 REPORT NO: 02-11-715 Pate 12 of 12 Test No Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture ry Density Relative Maximum In Place In Place Compaction Density 385 11/07/02 Per Plan 66.8 9.4 102.0 96 105.5 386 11/07/02 Per Plan 66.8 9.6 101.7 96 105.5 387 11/07/02 Per Plan 66.7 8.1 99.6 94 105.5 388 11/07/02 Per Plan 66.7 8.3 101.1 95 105.5 3,89 11/07/02 Per Plan 66.7 r` 7.2 98.8 93 105.5 November 7, 2002 EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST �Im Figure CU a 0. 2V MUM MUD .j; U.21 19 Q'_9 f5 Le end Approximate Test Location Drawing not to scale LLLLLL1L'Ui i , 025.,.' 3 E CID 2 HE 3 _ Z- 4 -_ 25� 4-- E R3 2 �1- EE 16 E 2 (9 ng �(�4yq V!j' IZY i I Index Map of Precise Grading Plan, Parcel Map 30420,prepared by The Keith Companies, dated July2002 (enlarged from original scale of 1"=200') Compaction Map Parcel Map 30420 - Parcels 1 & 11 The Centre at La Quinta La Quinta, California Date: November 2002 1 Job Number: 08628-02 Earth Systems Southwest HIGHWAY 111 1 � 76 .3 Z'. .';:..:.:', 39. 56 275! 'i„, i,l:li flliiit {! 58 78 rL:59 j .,381.'. 03 / �:• ` :�r 1.(Vi �. t t ' i i�� t 26 96 7 75 4 a) O 8a.' J ;. ;.7• 1s, t t 1 t ! II !"f !'1°I' S 260 .9s C :it+•Itt{ii .t t• 19 49 7 0 76 20 tty tl,:l7 l� itIt!+I'tti1 �� 15 208 72 254 170 209 l ii 11+ if';! ;,'. 1! 2"1 271 72 N 99 2 lt+l fl 67 IU t * 'Y ii ; } !moi j °! 16 173 85 17 CZ eq Itl �t, ,tltt: 7 0Df�0 !tf ifl;litl'•1 178 210 169 1 �Iliti!f n./'ne i.11'.!ll L. 18 266y` 8 8 s2 26273 168 t� 212 45 74 202 11 D � C7 _ D Q 79 i7 19 274 203 La 61 ~� - — _ = Q - - 7=7— ==-4-- .- Index Map of Precise Grading Plan, - 67 Parcel Map 30420,prepared by The Keith Companies, dated July2002 —= (enlarged from original scale of 1"=200')x- _`!;'1�.:.;r;, PARCEL Figure 2 Compaction Ma ..Legend Parcel Map 30420 ; Parcels 2-10 The Centre at La Quinta Q Approximate Test Location La Quinta, California Date: November 2002 1 Job Number: 08628-02 N Earth Systems I Drawing not to scale Southwest