9808-125 (CSCS) Compliance GuideDBA: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COMPLIANCE GUIDE FOR FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS a: �4o!° JOB ADDRESS CHECKED BY All work done .at the above indicated site must conform to the latest set of Department of Environmental Health approved plans, the requirements indicated on the plan correction sheet and this compliance guide. 1. Floors A. Continuous flooring material shall extend up all walls, partitions, toe kicks or cabinetry a minimum of 4 inches, forming a minimum 3/8 inch radius integral sanitary cove. B. Waitress stations, bussing stations, food and beverage serving areas shall have -a continuous, integral coved floor throughout the area and extend a minimum of 36 inches beyond the equipment in all directions. C. Non-skid flooring shall be limited to traffic areas only. Floors under equipment and coved bases shall be completely smooth. D. Where floor drains are utilized, the floor surface shall slope to the floor drains. 2. Walls A. Walls shall be smooth, light colored, easily cleanable, non-absorbent. (Brick, concrete block, rough concrete, rough plaster, grooved paneling, wall paper *or vinyl wall covering finishes are not acceptable.) B. Waitress stations, bussing stations, food and beverage serving areas. shall have smooth, light colored, easily cleanable walls throughout the area. C. Walls behind all sinks and dishwashers must be protected by at least an 8' foot high water resistant material measured from the top of the cove base, (e.g. FRP, stainless steel, ceramic tile). 1 3. Ceilings A. Ceilings shall be durable, smooth, light colored, easily cleanable and non-absorbent. Any perforations or rough surfaces are not acceptable. B. Waitress stations, bussing stations, food and beverage serving areas must have a ceiling finish which is smooth, easily cleanable, durable, non-absorbent and light colored. An approved smooth,, solid cover may be acceptable. 4. Conduit A. All plumbing, electrical and gas lines, soda runs, shall be concealed within the building structure. Where this is not possible all runs shall be at least 1/2 inch away from walls or ceilings and six inches off the floor, and shall not extend across any aisle or traffic area. Where lines enter a 'wall, ceiling, or floor the opening around the pipe shall be tightly sealed. 5. Exhaust Hoods and Ducts A. All joints and seams shall be sealed, welded or soldered for ease of cleaning. B. The open area of Canopy -Type Hoods shall extend a minimum of six (6) horizontal inches beyond the equipment surface on all open sides. Canopy -type hoods shall be flashed with metal and sealed to ceiling and adjacent walls. C. Make up air supply must be at least equal to that exhausted and interconnected by a single control switch. 6. Refrigeration A. Wooden shelves, rough surfaces,- metal shelving with uncleanable openings or holes are not acceptable. B. Walk-in refrigerators and nonself-contained refrigerators must have condensate waste drained to a floor sink via legal air gap (minimum 1 inch above the overflow rim of the floor sink) . C. Walk-in refrigerators must be installed with a 3/8 inch radius sanitary cove at the floor/wall juncture. Both inside and our a the unit. D. Walk-in refrigerators shall be flashed tightly to ceiling and wall surfaces. I 1 7.- Ice Machines A. Ice machines must drain to a f loor sink via legal air gap (minimum 1 inch above the overflow rim of the floor sink). 8. Floor Sinks A. All equipment generating liquid waste shall be drained to a floor sink (located within 15 feet) via legal air gap, (minimum 1 inch above the overflow rim of the floor sink). B. Floor sinks shall be flush with the finished floor and those located under equipment shall be at least half exposed for cleaning accessibility. A protective enclosure will be required around the back side of half -exposed floor sinks installed under curb or base mounted equipment to prevent any waste water back flow under the equipment.. C. Floor sinks in traffic areas or not otherwise protected by overhead equipment shall be provided with easily removable safety grates. 9. Kitchen Utensil Sink A. The minimum compartment size shall be 18" x 18" x 12" deep 'with minimum/ -1811 x 18" drainboards, however the sink must otherwise be capable of accommodating the largest utensil to be washed and the drainboards shall be as large as the largest sink compartment. B. Sinks installed next to walls must be equipped with an integral metal back splash extending up the wall at least eight (8) inches. C. Sink installations must not have exposed screws -or bolts. D. Provide a water -proof seal between sink backsplash and wall, using approved sealers. 10. Food; Vegetable Preparation Sinks A. Food preparation sink(s) must drain to a floor sink via legal air gap. 11. Eating and Drinking Utensil Sinks See *9A, B, C, D 3 0 n A. Bar sink The minimum compartment size shall be lo" X 14" X 10" deep (or a minimum 140 square inches surface size) with dual integral drainboardsae minimum Of 18 inches long. Bar sinks shall have a or a 4th compartment for disposal of drink quick Bar sinks shall drain indirectly to a floor sink via legal air gap. B. Provide sanitizing testing equipment and materials to adequately measure applicable chemical sanitizer at sinks for multi -use utensils or glasses. 12. Automatic Dishwasher Glass washer A. Dishwasher/ glass washer must drain to a floor sink or Other approved method via legal air gap. B. Dishwasher/glass washer must drainboards at least 18 inches long have 2 integral C. Provide sanitizing testing equipment and materials to adequately measure applicable chemical sanitizer in the dishwasher/glass washer. 13. Garbacte D1SDOsa 1 A. Garbage disposals shall not be placed in or under any sink compartment. Garbage disposers shall be installed in drainboards and the drainboard lengthened to accommodate the disposal unit in addition to the required minimum drainboard size. 14. Janitorial Sink and Su lies A. The janitorial sink shall be located in a separate janitorial room or separated from the rest of the food establishment by a solid partition. B. The janitorial sink shall be provided with hot and cold running water through a•mixing faucet. C. Free standing janitorial sinks must be provided with NSF type round metal legs. D. A janitorial room or cabinet with a mop rack, must be provided for cleaning equipment & supplies. E. Exhaust and make-up ventilation shall be provided in janitorial room. 4 15. Handwash Sinks A. Permanently mounted single service soap and single service towel dispensers or hot air blowers shall be installed at all handwash sinks. 16. General Purpose Hot Water �A. Install the hot water heater*on four inch high integral coved platform or curb; or on at least 6 inch high round metal legs; or cantilevered from the wall• with a minimum six inches of clear space below. B.' All sinks must be equipped with hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet. 17. Dinner Well A. Dipper wells shall drain to a floor sink via legal air gap (minimum 1 inch above the overflow rim of - the floor sink). 18. Window Screens A. All openable windows shall be screened with not less than 16 -mesh screening. 19. Food or Utensil DisDlays A. Displays of unpackaged foods or utensils (glasses, stemware, plates, cups, etc.) shall be shielded so as to intercept a direct line between the customer's mouth and the food or utensils being displayed, or shall be dispensed from approved self-service containers. B. Approved self-service food containers shall have self- closing, permanently attached, tight -fitting lids. Individual securely attached scoops are required.. C. Disposable beverage cups, straws or utensils on display for public self-service must be stored for use in sanitary dispensers. 20. Storage A. Backup dry food storage shelving shall be a minimum 18" deep and 3 tiers high. 5 0 B. All storage shelving and counters must have smooth and easily cleanable surfaces. All gaps, voids or raw wood are to be sealed so as to be easily cleanable and non- absorbent. Shelves shall be a minimum of III away from the wall or sealed to the wall. Bottom shelves must be at least 6 inches above the floor with a clear unobstructed area below or be the upper, surface of a completely sealed continuously coved 4 inch high curb. Any legs used for support shall be smooth round metal equipment legs. C. Tracks or channels installed as sliding door guides for storage cabinets may not be recessed. A minimum 2 inches of the track must be removed from EACH END of the door guide to facilitate cleaning. D. Backup storage rooms shall open into the food establishment. 21. Restrooms A. Handwashing sinks shall be provided with hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet. B. Toilet tissue shall be provided in permanently mounted sanitary dispensers. C. Permanently mounted single -service soap and single - service towel dispensers or hot air blowers shall be installed at all handwash sinks. D. The restrooms shall be provided with tight -fitting, self-closing doors. E. Restrooms must be provided with exhaust and make-up ventilation. 22. Clothing Chance Room Area A. The change room shall have a standard locker for each employee per -shift and may not be used for office space or food storage. B. Exhaust and make-up ventilation shall be provided for each change room. C. Lockers shall be in the designated area for the storage of employee garments. The lockers shall be separated from food handling, utensil washing, or restroom areas. M 23. Pass-through Windows A. Food service pass-through window openings exceeding 216 square inches shall be equipped with an air curtain which will- produce an air flow eight inches thick at the discharge opening with an air velocity of, not less than 600 fpm across the entire opening at a point three feet below the air curtain. B.. Food service pass-through window openings less than 216 square inches shall be equipped with a self-closing screen or self-closing window. C. The counter surfaces of the pass-through window must be smooth, free of channels and crevices and easily cleanable._ D.- .Pass-through windows must remain closed except during actual exchange of food or money. E. Pass-through windows may not exceed 432 square inches. 24. Delivery Doors A. All: delivery doors leading to the outside shall be protected with a door activated, overhead air curtain, generating a three inch thick (at nozzle) air flow with an air velocity of no less than 1600 fpm across entire doorway as measured 3 feet above the ground. B. Customer entry doors used for deliveries shall be protected by an overhead air curtain generating an eight inch thick (at nozzle) air flow with a velocity not less than 600 fpm across entire doorway, measured 3 feet above the ground. C. -An air curtain is not a substitute device to permit a door to remain open. D. All external opening doors shall open outward and be self-closing. 25. Customer Entrance Doors/Insect and Rodent Control A. All doors leading to the outside shall be tight fitting, open outward and be.self-closing, with no gaps exceeding 1/16 inch in width. B. Exterior and interior of building shall be constructed to be insect and rodent proof. 7 26. Garbage and Trash Area 0 A. Surface areas of trash room or outside area shall be smooth, easily cleanable and non-absorbent. No wooden slats, porous block or brick surfaces will be accepted. B. Inside trash areas shall properly slope to a floor drain. C. Outside trash areas shall properly drain so as not to create a nuisance. 27. Lighting A. A minimum of 20 foot candles of light is required for all food handling and cleaning activities. B. Light fixtures in areas where food is prepared, open food is stored or displayed, or utensils cleaned shall be of shatterproof construction or shall be protected with shatterproof shields. 28. Ventilation A. Adequate. ventilation shall be provided to maintain the comfort level of employees and insure reasonable shelf life of the food in storage. 29. Equipment A. All equipment shall be N.S.F. listed or otherwise meet all applicable N.S.F. Standards. B. All equipment shall be placed on minimum six (6) inch high round metal legs, castors or completely sealed in Position on a four (4) inch high continuously coved curb, or cantilevered from the wall in an approved manner. C. Counter top equipment shah be provided with 4 inch high (minimum) round metal legs unless unit may be readily moved by employee for cleaning. D. All equipment must be installed to maintain cleanability and meet all other applicable N.S.F. Standards. 30. Water A. The water supply shall be from an approved source. 8 31. Backflow Protection A. An approved backflow preventor shall be properly installed up stream- of any potential hazard ..or connection between the potable water supply and. a source of contamination, e.g., all threaded water outlets, . janitorial sinks, sprayers, dishwashers, coffee makers, etc. 32. Grease Interceptor A. The grease interceptor shall not be installed in any part of a building where food is handled or stored or where utensils are washed. - 12/8/92 oil