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05-5540 (CSCS) Certificate of Compliance
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DATE DEC 2005 PROJECT ADDRESS HIGH'tNAY 111 AND JEFFERSON ST PRINCIPAL DESIGNER—LIGHTING TELEPHONE Building Permit JOEL MORTENSON PE 206)-241 —2012 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR jr1ANH TELEPHONE Checked by/Dote MORTENSON (206)-241-2012 Enforcement Agency Use GENERAL INFORMATION DATE -OF PLANS NOV 2005 BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA 149,739 S.F. CLIMATE ZONE 1 15 'BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL El HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST El CONDITIONED SPACES UNCONDITIONED SPACES 9 INDOOR / OUTDOOR SIGNS PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION 1:1 ADDITION E] ALTERATION METHOD OF COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE 9 COMPLETE BUILDING AREA CATEGORY El TAILORED El COMMOM LIGHTING STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building lighting requirements. "ihe documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is ccurote and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR T.E.Inc/JOEL MORTENSON, P.E. SIGNATURE DATE DEC 2005 The Principal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that a proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other complian forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in the applicable parts of Sections 110, 119, 130 through 132, 146 and 149 of Title 24, Part 6. OThe plans & specifications meet the requirements of Part 6 (Sections 10-1030). [:] The installation certificates meet the requirements of Part 6 (10-103a 3). "The operation & maintenance information meet the requirements of Part 6 (10-103c). Please check one: (These sections of the Business and Professions Code are printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual) F711 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer, electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. D I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. I affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737.1. PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER—NAME SIGNATUR DATE LIC.# JOEL G. MORTENSON, P.E. r"--- DEC 2005 1 E16709 LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measure E-0 LIGHTING COMPLIANCE FORM + WORKSHEETS (check box 9 worksheet is included) LTG -1—C, Parts 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 to of Compliance. Part 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 are required for all submittals LTG -1—C, Part 3 of 4 ic a of Compliance. Part 3 of 4 is required only if Control Credits or cla' LTG -1—C, Pa icat of Compliance. Part 4 of 4 is required when ligh r st I d L Li ting Schedule Endo*or L —3 (j ble LI hting Worksheet LT 4� "�ng Co rols Credit Worksheet LTG 5—C Power Allowance LTG— —C e od Woksheet By LTG—AC B froom Cavity Ratio Worksheet LTG -8 Common Lighting Systems Method Worksheet 0 LTG -9— Line Voltage Track Lighting Worksheet OLTG-4—C Signs (See OLTG-4—C Sign Worksheet in Chapter 6, Outdoor Lighting and Signs Chapter) 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms g# September 2005 IL• IjLA WY7�' i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME DATE COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DEC 2005 MTALLED MOOR UCI-MNG POWER FOR CONDMONED AND UNCONDMONED SPACES INSTALLED WATTS INSTALLED LIGHTING, CONDITIONED SPACES PORTABLE LIGHTING LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, CONDITIONED SPACES CONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED INSTALLED LIGHTING, UNCONDITIONED SPACES LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, UNCONDITIONED SPACES UNCONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED (From LTG -2—C) (From LTG -3,C) (From LTG -4—C) LIGHTING POWER (From LTG -2—C) (From LTG -4—C) LIGHTING POWER 245,886 SPACE CONTROLLED uu. a■ maw^ of —ftm aym.", + 200 —24,650 = 171,236 BMS— 1,581 —1,581-2 multti—level daylighting Automatic switch — = ALLOWED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES V COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD (From LTG -5—C) ❑ AREA CATEGORY METHOD (From LTG -5—C) ❑ TAILORED METHOD ( From LTG -5—C), ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER ✓ ❑ PERFORMANCE METHOD ALLOWED WATTS ❑ COMMON LIGHTING SYSTEMS ALLOWED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -5—C) WATTS MANDATORY LIGHTING MEASURES FOR INDOOR LIGHTING AND DAYLIT AREAS MANDATORY INDOOR AND DAYLIGHTING AUTOMATIC CONTROLS CONTROL LOCATION (Room 0. "^° 0, or D..onvwn) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE a"° r— sack out RnW..rc....) SPACE CONTROLLED uu. a■ maw^ of —ftm aym.", V &d 1. for NOTE TO FIELD E-4Automatic BMS— 1,581 —1,581-2 multti—level daylighting Automatic switch SALES, TIRES I/ BMS -15 PC -2 Photocopy SALES, TIRES ./ 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms September 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUANTA, CA DATE DEC 2005 CONTROLS FOR CREDIT IN CONDITION AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES CONTROL LOCATION (Room # or Dwg. #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE (Occupant, Daylight, Dimming, etc.) LUMINAIRES CONTROLLED NOTE TO FIELD TYPE # OF LUMINAIRE E-4 BMS -1, 581-1 581-2 Automatic multi—level Daylit Control A, Al 499 BMS -15 PC -2 Photocell A, Al 499 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms APRIL 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 4 of 4) LTG-1-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DATE DEC 2005 Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for lighting systems. The designer is to required to check the boxex by all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that require an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems to be tested in parentheses. The NJ number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential ACM Manual that describes the test. Also indicate the person responseible for performing the tests (i.e. the installing contractor, design professional or an agent selected by the owner). Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Buiding departments: System Acceptance Before an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new space— conditioning system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance. MECH—I—A, Forms shall be submitted to the building department that: A. Certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, operating and maintainance information meet the requimenrts o §10-103 (b) and Title 24 part 6. Test Description Test performed By: ffLTG-2—A: Lighting Control Acceptance Document • Occupancy Sensor Acceptance. • Manual Daylight Controls Acceptance •Automatic Time Switch Control Acceptance Equipment requiring acceptance testing TRANE LTG-3—A: Automatic Daylighting Controls Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing TRANE 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE ( PART 1 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DEC 2005 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES PAGE TOTAL 245,886 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) + PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3—C) + 200 CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4—C) — 74,650 ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS =1 71 ,236 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms September 2005 A B C D E F C H I J NAME Type description(s) r 3 �0 r r z c o c 3 3 3 oEn 0 N 0 0 0 3 r coz c o c 0 3 v 0 `� CD N ((DD 0 r- ::E c 0 3 3 cn a ✓ o =ti n r z c c 3 3 0 ::Eo 0 cn x A 40OMH—PS HID l 400 1 440 461 202,804 Al 40OW—PS&QTZ HID 2 400/250 1 440 42 18,480 C 2-32W T8 FLUOR 2 32 1 62 4 248 D,E 4-32W T8 FLUOR 4 32 2 124 V 143 17,732 G 4-32W T8 FLUOR 4 32 2 124 ✓ 19 2,356 J,M 2-32W T8 FLUOR 2 32 1 62 �/ 38 2,356 K 3-32W T8 FLUOR 3 32 2 93 ✓ 4 322 N 1-100W INCAN 1 100 0 100 �/ 2 200 T 3-32W TB FLUOR 3 32 1 88 14 1232 PAGE TOTAL 245,886 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) + PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3—C) + 200 CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4—C) — 74,650 ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS =1 71 ,236 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms September 2005 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE ( PART 2 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DEC 2005 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR UNCONDMONED SPACES PAGE TOTAL BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) + PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3—C) + CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4—C) — ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS = 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms September 2005 A B C D E F G H I J NAME Type description(s) r Q v CD r r z c: Q C 3 o m CD CD o C D rte+ 3 r OD z C D C 3 0 3 o `� CD v CD CD o r* C Q (-r 3 r+ o CD ✓ r* n r z C C 3 3 o rn CD o * 5- C [A r+ r+ r+ o En Co x PAGE TOTAL BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) + PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3—C) + CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4—C) — ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS = 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms September 2005 PORTABLE LIGHTING WORKSHEET LTG -3-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DATE DEC 2005 TABLE 1 - PORTABLE LIGHTING NOT SHOWN ON PLANS FOR OFFICE AREA > 250 SQUARE FEET A B C D ROOM OR ZON ID DEFAULT AREA (FT) TOTAL WATTS (B X C) OFFICE 0.2 1000 200 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 TOTAL TABLE 2 - PORTABLE LIGHTING SHOWN ON PLANS FOR OFFICE AREA ) 250 SQUARE FEET A B C D E F G ROOM # OR ZONE ID PORTABLE LIGHTING DESCRIPTIONS(S) PER TASK AREA LUMINAIRES) WATTS PER TASK AREA TASK AREA FTS NUMBER OF TASK AREAS TOTAL AREA (FTZ) D X E TOTAL WATTS C X E TOTAL TABLE 3 - PLANS SHOW PORTABLE LIGHTING IS NOT REQUIRED FOR OFFICE AREA > 250 SQUARE FEET ROOM # OR ZONE ID TOTAL AREA y (FT ) Designer needs to provide detailed documentation that the lighting level provided level provided by the overhead lighting meets the needs of the space. The details include luminaire types, and mounting locations relative to work areas. TOTAL AREA BUILDING SUMMARY BUILDING SUMMARY TOTAL AREA (FT 2) TOTAL WATTS BUILDING TOTAL (SUM OF TABLES 120 1000 200 Enter on LTG -2C: Portable Lighting Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 LIGHTING CONTROLS CREDIT (Part 1 of 2) LTG - CONTROL CREDrrS FOR CONDUTONED SPACES PROJECT NAME DATE COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DEC 2005 ROOM ZONE I ONDITIONED AREAS LIGHTING CONTROL DISCRIPTION PLANS REF. ROOM AREA (FT DAYLIGHTING WATTS OF CONTROL LIGHTING LIGHTING DJUSTMEN FACTOR CONTROL CREDIT AT(HXI) WINDOW WALL RATIO GLAZING VLT SKYLIGHT FFECTIVE �RERTURE` 101&102Sensor/Daylight E-3,6 149,776 5% 0.72 0.029 212,560 0.34 74,650 1) From Equation 146—A 2) From Table 146—A PAGE TOTAL >74,650 BUILDING TOTAL 74, 650 Enter on LTG -2—C: Lighting Control Credit 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms September 2005 LIGHTING CONTROLS CREDIT (Part 2 of 2) LTG -4-C CONTROL CREDITS FOR UNCONDRTONEO SPACES PROJECT NAME DATE COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DEC 2005 o a © o 0 o a a o 0 ROOM ZONE I ONDITIONED • AREAS LIGHTING CONTROL DISCRIPTION PLANS REF. ROOM AREA 2 (�) DAYLIGHTING WATTS OF CONTROL LIGHTING LIGHTING DJUSTMEN FACTOR CONTROL CREDIT WATTS (HXI) WINDOW WALL RATIO GLAZING VLT SKYLIGHT EFFECTIVE + RERTURE 1) From Equation 146—A 2) From Table 146—A PAGE TOTAL BUILDING TOTAL Enter on LTG -2—C: Lighting Control Credit 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms September 2005 INDOOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE LTG-5-C PROJECT NAME DATE COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DEC 2005 ALLOWED LIGHnT G POWER (Choose One MeftcD COMPLETE BU LDW ME HOD-CONDRIO ED SPACES BUILDING CATEGORY ( From § 146 Table 146—B) WATTS PER (FT Z) COMPLETE BLDG. AREA ALLOWED WATTS WHOLESALE/RETAIL 1.5 149,776 224,664 AREA CATEGORY SPACES A B C D AREA CATEGORY ( From § 146 Table 146—C) WATTS s PER (FT) AREA (FT) ALLOWED WATTS lei TOTALS I AREA II WATTS TOTALS WATTS ALLOWED ( From LTG -6—C) UNCONDnI(NED SPACES A B C D Complete Building and Area Category Methods CATEGORY From § 146 Table 146-6 & C WATTS z PER (FT) AREA (FT Z) ALLOWED WATTS TOTALS AREA WATTS TOTAL UNCONDITIONED SPACES ALLOWED WATTS (From LTG -5—C and LTG -6—C) 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Form September 2005 LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES PROJECT NAME DATE COSTCO WHOLESALE - LA QUINTA, CA DEC 2005 Building Lighting Shut-off The building lighting shut-off system consists of an automatic time switch, with a zone or for each floor: or the building is seperately metered and exempt from the shut-off requirement. f Override for Building Lighting Shut-off The automatic building shut-off system is provided with a manual, accessible override switch in sight of the lights. The area of override is not to exceed 5,000 square feet. EfAutomatic Control Devices Certified All automatic control devices specified are certified; all alternate equipment shall be certified and installed as directed by the manufacturer. EfFluorescent Bollast and Luminaries Certified All fluorescent fixtures subject to certification and specified for the projects are certified. Individual Room/Area Controls Each room and area in this building is equipped with a separate switch or occupancy sensor device for each area with floor-to- ceiling walls. Uniform Reduction for Individual Rooms All rooms and areas greater than 100 square feet and more than 0.8 watts per square foot of lighting load shall be controlled with Multi-level switching for uniform reduction of lighting within the room. Daylit Ared Control All rooms and areas greater than 205 square feet and contain windows and skylights, that allow for the effective use of daylight in the area shall have 50% of the lighting power in each daylit area controlled by a separate switch. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Manual March 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 2) OLTG-I-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA please DATE DEC 2005 PROJECT ADDRESS HIGHWAY 111 AND JEFFERSON ST OLTG—I—C JOELA MORTENLIGHTING Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans for all submists for outdoor 1ighting. Part 2 of 2 may be TEP�15q E 241-2012 Building Permit DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR HANH MORTENSON incorporated in schedules on the plans. TE EP E 2 —241-2012 Checked by Date Enforcement Agency Use GENERAL IfFORMATION Either LTG -1—C or OLTG—I—C may be used for signs as follows: DATE OF PLANS OUTDOOR LIGHTING ZONE (,/One) LZ1 [:] LZ2 M LZ3 ❑ LZ4 FUNCTION TYPE OUTDOOR LIGHTING OUTDOOR SIGNS Ef INDOOR SIGNS PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists outdoor lighting system specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building lighting requirements. The documentation preporer hereby certifies that the documentation is occuratp and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR T.E.Inc JOEL MORTENSON, P.E. SIGNATURE I LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY. Applicable Parts required for ALL outdoor lighting allowances (Except for Signs) DATE DEC 2005 The Principal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed outdoor lighting and signs design represented in this set of Construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in the applicable parts of Sections 110, 119, 130 through 132, 146 and 149 of Title 24, Part 6. Please ✓one: ✓qI hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed. in the State of California as a civil engineer, electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. F_]I affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737.1. PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER—NAME SIGNATURE DATE LIC.# JOEL G. MORTENSON, P.E. /�_..- DEC 2005 1 E16709 mTmc'noN TO AmxANT oumooR Liamm cow umm + wowaiE r ( fl W"Ia reel Is Included) For detailed instruction on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standard compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. OLTG—I—C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans for all submists for outdoor 1ighting. Part 2 of 2 may be incorporated in schedules on the plans. Either LTG -1—C or OLTG—I—C may be used for signs as follows: 1. Use LTG -1—C if the project consists solely of indoor signs. 2. Use LTG -1—C if the project consists of indoor lighting, and outdoor or indoor signs, but no other outdoor lighting. 3. Use OLTG—I—C if the project consists solely of outdoor signs. 4. Use OLTG—I—C if the project consists of outdoor lighting, and indoor or outdoor signs, but no other indoor lighting. OLTG-2—C LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY. Applicable Parts required for ALL outdoor lighting allowances (Except for Signs) OLTG-3—C AREA CALCULATIONS WORKSHEETS. Applicable Parts required for all outdoor area calculations. OLTG-4—C SIGN LIGHTING COMPLIANCE. Required for all internally and externally illuminated signs, for both indoor and outdoor signs. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 2) OLTG-I-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DATE DEC 2005 STATBENT of COMPIJANCE F1Lighting power allowances for general site illumination on OLTG-2—C Part 1 of 4 Not Applicable Lighting power allowances for local ordinances or for security multipliers on OLTG-2—C Part 2 of 4 ❑ Not Applicable Lighting power allowances for specific applications, other than vehicle service station with canopies on OLTG-2—C Part 3 of 4 Not Applicable Lighting power allowances for vehicle service station canopies on OLTG-2—C Part 4 of 4 Not Applicable Sign lighting compliance on OLTG-4—C El Not Applicable Mandatory Meaaurea on Mann Show that Outdoor LVft Meets outdoor Ltd Controls and EqA meet kWb.b b.U. m Vb- d Ht. sod far Yondobry W-- Installed lighting power has been determined in accordance with § 130(c) 1 Not Applicable All permanently installed luminaires with lamps rated over 100 watts either have a lamp efficacy of at least 60 lumens per watt or are controlled by a motion sensor § 132(a) El Not Applicable MAll Luminaires with lamps rated greater than 175 watts in hardscape, including parking lots, building entrances, canopies,. and all outdoor sales areas meet the Cutoff Requirements of § 132(b) ❑ Not Applicable All permanently installed outdoor lighting meets the Control Requirements of § 132(c) Not Applicable Building facades, parking lots, garages, canopies, and outdoor sales areas meet the Multi—Level Lighting Requirements of § 132(c)2 El Not Applicable MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS CONTROL LOCATION CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE VIft 7k. S-KIN M-4. P1io°°'°—. ft`) AREA CONTROLLED NOTE TO FIELD EMPLOYEE R.R. PANEL H1 BUILDING MANAG. SYSTEM SALES & EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL RM. PANEL H2 BUILDING MANAG. SYSTEM SALES & EXTERIOR 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 LO 0 o 0 N Ln Allowed Watts E-- 0 °= Minimum of(Dor 0) J U p Design Watts(LxN) R Uj a � 3 Number of Lamps _ Z per Luminaire "�'> If CEC Default Watts J per Luminaire Y Number of Ballast per Luminaire mWatts Per Lamp Number of Lamps _ per Luminaire = Lamp Type Cutoff designation caa O a -� tL o U S 0 cdL CZ Q Qc~n W Code for 0 U Luminaire Type U U c (n J 0 Allotted Watts v Wz Q = (AxBxC) Z cy cc 5 Q L U Allotted LPD o J w I Q3 AW/sqf d Area 0 Q o m Single = 250 sqf -� U w a o Double = 500 sqf 0 oma Z_ aM: p Number Single ~ _ Z0 �U U zor Double Sided LO 0 W cn a o J ao 9 Fuel Dispensers C\2 U LO CV Allowed Watts o C\2 Ln CL Minimum of(D or 0) ty 0 oo H p Design Watts(LxN) 0 °cl W o a � 0 Z Number of Lamps per Luminaire cD 3 g If CEC Default W J Watts per Luminaire Ln o F a U Number of Ballast Y per Luminaire 3 F Watts Per Lamp LO LU Number of Lamps J — per Luminaire W w = v = Lamp Type N Z Cutoff designation o z LU ° O O a v C'7 0^ J LL. ai o L - cd CL aCode for J .0 W Luminaire Type O o Q a m p Allotted Watts It .3 (BxC) c) a �' (� Q 4 V Allotted LPD O Uz W Q w/FT 2 or w/LF cy cc 5 Q g 2 m Area (F IF or CL U Length (LF) w a 0cn w /1� tJ J O a p� o Q w d d w 2 �� W 3 Z U -a C 0 0 F— z0Q L Q o, a� Q) a U 0 wF— ON Z U .~�. LO O _ J a0 D U o N CL Installed Watts C\? I o to (LxN) Q a O m � 3 ° P� H Number of Luminaire 3 0C) Q � U z If CEC Default w � Watts per Luminaire Number of Ballast U J per Luminaire v g 0 Y Watts 3 Lamps Cper . m t Number of Lamps Luminaire o w per L — Lamp Type o Z Cutoff Designation U C 0LU •_ U N a U_ U a N v J U :3 Code for Luminaire type 0 CO 72N ° Allotted Watts N LU (B x C x D) °0 o 0 or (B x C) O o LU Security Multiplier N o Q a s 0 If Applicable V) 3 or °147—C" o UQ zW — Allotted v �L CO Q Z O —U Q w/FT2 or w/LF °'92 W z r Z a m Area (FT2) or 04 m P� Length (LF) J w v L J Q d O < O a w J ° v 0 F- 23 a J Q 2 .. 0 Z w� 3 aO z O a- Q Q o ... t= - U x LOU J w C7 > N U U O Installed Watts 0 cD o LO 0 N m (LxN) cO ai °N° nt O � d O UO N N `n N J 0 Number O o 3 of Luminaire c If CEC Default 3 Watts 00 �n O J per Luminaire o N a 0 Y Number of Ballast per Luminaire Watts o 0 per Lamps .- m a — Number of Lamps `- J per Luminaire = Lamp Type Cutoff Designation — � c z° c o N Y U CL O Q d 0 C L U +' _ 0 T Q J O c C Code for `-' w m }- o Luminaire Type a Q � p Allotted Watts c v (BxC) o CO W z U Allotted LPD U Z w/FT2 or w/LF y Z cy w �° 3 Q� U J w m Area (FT2) or a Length (LF) _2 O 3 U:� U J O o� Q Z a� o Q o _ �U Li Z 2 J a� J N ILLUMINATED AREA CALCULATION WORKSHEET (Part 1 of 5) OLTG-3-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DATE DEC 2005 HARDSCAPE-METHOD (i) A. Hardscape for automotive vehicular use, including parking lots, driveway and side roads A B C D E F G H List Specific Application (Table 147—A)planters Actual Paved Area plus 5' perimeter adjacent unpaved land. Includes and landscaped areas less than 10' wide that are enclosed by hardscape on at least 3 sides Areas (sqf) to Subtract from within illuminated Area Area between pales or luminiares that are are greater than 6 mounting height distance (if Applicable) Overlapping Areas of Another Application or Luminaire Building Areas Areas Obstructed B Sin or 9 Other Structure Sub Total of areas to Subtract (C+D+ E+F) Illuminated Area (B—G) VEHICULAR HARDSCAPE 537,742 0 0 0 0 0 537,742 B. Hardscape for pedestrian use, including plazas, sidewalks,, walkways and bikeways A B C D E F G H List Specific Application (Table 147—A) Actual Paved Area plus 5' perimeter adjacent unpaved land. Includes planters an landscaped areas less than 10' wide that are enclosed by hardscape on at least 3 sides Areas (sqf) to Subtract from within illuminated Area Area between poles or luminiares that are are r greater than 6 mounting height distance (if Applicable) Overlapping Areas of Another App or pp Luminaire BuildingOther Areas Areas Obstructed By Sign or Structure Sub Total of areas to Subtract (C+D+ E+F) Illuminated Area (B—G) Checklist 147(c)1B—Each portion of all illuminated areas has been assigned only one lighting application, and the application are consistence witht the actual use of the areas. § 147(c)1A—General illumination areas includes only those illuminated areas in the bounds of the Application and are within a square pattern around a luminiare that is six times the luminaire mounting heigh, with the luminaire in the middle of the pattern, less any areas that are within buildings, under canopies, beyond property lines, or or obstructed by a signs or other structures. 2005 Nonresidential ,Compliance Forms April 2005 ILLUMINATED AREA CALCULATION WORKSHEET (Part 2 of 5) OLTG-3-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA CA DATE DEC 2005 A. Hardscape Method ii A List Specific Application (Table 147—A) B Length of 25' wide path incorporating as much of the paved area as possible Checklist E] §147(c)1B—Each portion of all illuminated areas has been assigned only one lighting application, and the application are consistence witht the actual use of the areas. § 147(c) 18 Method ii— General illumination areas for site roadway, sidewalk, walkway, or bikeway includes only those illuminated areas that are in the bounds of the Application and includes a 25 foot wide area running along the axis of the path of travel and includes as much of the paved area as possible. B- Budding Entrances without Canopies A B C Width of Door plus 3 feet Smaller of 18 feet or distance to the edge of the property line Area (AxB) (ft2) Checklist § 147(c)18—Each portion of all illuminated areas has been assigned only one lighting application, and the application are consistence witht the actual use of the areas. § 147(c) 1 A — General illumination areas includes only those illuminated areas that are in the bounds of the Application and are within a square pattern around a luminoire that is six times the luminaire mounting height, with the luminaire in the middle of the pattern, less any areas that are within buildings, under canopies, beyond property lines, or obstructed by a signs or other structures. 2005 Nonresidential. Compliance Forms July 2005 ILLUMINATED AREA CALCULATION WORKSHEET (Part 3 of 5) OLTG-3-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DATE DEC 2005 A. Outdoor Sales Lot Frontage and Sales Lot Area A B C D E F G H Gross illuminated Area (ft2) If an Outdoor Sales Frontage allotment was used, subtract taht area from the Gross illuminated Area Overlapping of Another Application Sales Lot area A—F—G Mounting Height of Sales Frontage Luminaires (feet) (if Applicable) 3 X B Distance (In plan view) from frontage luminaire to front edge of Sales Lo Sales Lot Frontage Length (feet) Sales Lot Frontageareas Area (C—D) x E (ft2) Checklist § 147(c)1B—Each portion of all illuminated areas has been assigned only one lighting application, and the application are consistence witht the actual use of the areas.' § 147(c)16—Measured in plan view, only illuminated sections of outdoor sales frontage areas are immediately adjacent to the principal viewing location and unobstructed viewing length, and are within a 3 mounting heights of the frontage have been used. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance are located in plan view between the principal viewing location and the frontage outdoor sales. B. Buflding Facade Area A B C D E F G H Designated Name and Orientation 9 Length Height Gross Areal Areas Areas (ft) to Subtract from the Gross Illuminated Area Do not double count any areas illuminated Area (B—G) Areas covered by signs Area for which Illumninated is Obstructed by Other Objects and Area Not Illuminated Sub Total (E + F) Checklist ❑ § 147(c)18—Each portion of all illuminated areas has been assigned only one lighting application, and the application are consistence witht the actual use of the areas. § 147(c)2A— Only facades areas that are illumniated without obstruction or interference, by one or more luminnaires, have been used. 2005 Nonresidantial. Compliance Forms April 2005 ILLUMINATED AREA CALCULATION WORKSHEET (Part 4 of 5) OLTG-3-C PROJECT NAME COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA DATE DEC 2005 Ornamental Lighting, Canopies, Vehicle Service Station Hardscape, and Outdoor Dining A B C D E F G Areas (sqf) to Subtract from within illuminated Area Illuminated Area B—F ( ) List Application PP (Table 147—A) Gross Illuminated Area of Application (Sqf) Area between poles or luminiares that are are greater than 6 mounting height distance (if Applicable) Overlapping Areas of Another Application or Luminaire Areas Obstructed By Sign or Other Structure Sub total of areas to Subtract (C + D + E) Canopy 3420 0 0 0 0 3420 QW&Hst 147(c)1 B—Each portion of all illuminated areas has been assigned only one lighting application, and the application are consistence witht the actual use of the areas. § 147 (c) 2C— The area of ornamental lighting includes no more than the total area of the site external to buildings. Luminaires used for ornamental lighting employ lamps 100 watts or less, and are not used to determine LPD for general illumination. § 147 (c) 2D— Measured in plan view, the areas of illuminated canopies include the horizontal projection of the canopies. ❑ § 147 (c) 2F— The area of vehicle service station hardscape includes only illuminated hardscape areas beyond teh horizontal projection of the canopy in plan view. ❑ § 147 (c) 21— The area of oudoor dining area includes only illuminated hardscape areas used to serve and consume food and beverages. 2005 Nonresidential. Compliance Forms April 2005 ILLUMINATED AREA CALCULATION WORKSHEET (Part 5 of 5) OLTG-3-C PROJECT NAME WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA 7DAECOSTCO C 2005 A. Drive Up Windows A B C Width of Window plus 6 feet (LF) Smaller of 30 feet or distance to the edge of the property line (LF) Area2(AxB) (ft ) Each enter Area in OLTG-2—C (Part 3 of 4) in Column B to calculate olloted watts Checklist § 147(c)1B—Each portion of all illuminated areas has been assigned only one lighting application, and the application are consistence witht the actual use of the areas. ❑ § 147(c) 2G— Drive up window area includes only illuminated area that is the product of the width of the window plus six feet, and a distance of up to 30 feet outward from the window (not going beyond property lines) B. Guarded Facility A B C D Area of Guorhouse Indoor (4) Smaller of 30 feet or distance to the edge of the property line (LF) Entrance Area (B x 25 ft) (ft2) Area (A + C) �ft ) Each enter Area in OLTG-2—C (Part 3 of 4) in Column B to calculate allotted watts Checklist § 147(c)1B—Each portion of all illuminated areas has been assigned only one lighting application, and the application are consistence witht the actual use of the areas. ❑ § 147(c) 21-1— The area of guarded facilities includes illuminated areas that include the guardhouse indoor area plus the product of the entrance width of 25 feet and length of up . to 80 feet (not going beyond the property line). 2005 Nonresidential -Compliance Form September 2005 SIGN LIGHTING COMPLIANCE OLTG-4-C PROJECT NAME DATE Dec 2005 COSTCO WHOLESALE — LA QUINTA, CA Alternative 2— for Signs that ONLY use one or more of the technologies listed in M Alternative 1- Lighting Power Allowances through S (check that all apply) A B C D E F� G H I J K I L M N O P O R S cn rJ Allotted Watts Lamp/Ballast Design Watts ? Q - o rn � � o m 9 No C C ° ° r. 3 0 m 0 a q o a (n = U) = m D p D r r Z _ D Z c (n O _ X U O rt 3 0 O a `-' `� a CCD CO CD (n O 3 N fi O � E x iv o h ° r rn v_) 3 ° o � F �D _ n cn N _° o 3 o 3 _ °° o° N ° ° O 3 m m ° r. (n c ° fi a ° � O 3 3 `� ° O �� O CD 3 o O D (D ° °— rt N r �l -1 rn C \ 3 Z° (D (moo ° O n O t° O (n � p m m ° c_ N O (n Description or ° `<,-. w ° -v (n N rn o O 1n .� a .� .+ cn ° 0 cD ° � rn rn U) = o 3 W ° N` (n Locationo O ° (n ° t° O d C rt (D En 7 3 7 F� For Allotted LPD use 12 wattts/square foot for Internally Illuminated Signs, and use 2.3 watts/sqt fro Externally Illuminated Signs. Note: If an Internally Illuminated or Externally Illuminated sign contains light sources and ballasts other than those included in columns (M) through (S), such as incandescent lamps, medium base sockets, magnetic ballasts, etc, then the sign must comply under Alternative 1. However, unfiltered signs, and unfitered portions of Internally and Externally illuminated signs, are not required to meet these Standards. ' 2005 Nonreside`ntia7ComPliance Forms '' f April 2005 z 4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part1 of 2) ENVA-C PROJECT NAMEDATE Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA 17 -Nov -05 PROJECT ADDRESS BUILDING PERMIT # CHECKED BY/DATE ENFORCEMENT AGENCY USE PRINCIPAL DESIGNER -ENVELOPE TELEPHONE DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA CLIMATE ZONE 15 BUILDING TYPE 0 NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH-RISE REIDENTIAL ❑HOTEUMOTEL GUEST ❑ RELOCATABLE-Indicate ❑ specific climate -list. or ❑all climates PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION 0 NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ UNCONDITIONED (file METHOD OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ❑ COMPONENT 0 OVERALL ENVELOPE SUPPORTING FORMS SUBMITTED ❑ ENV -2-C (Component) 0 ENV -3-C (Overall Envelope) ❑ ENV -4-C (Skylight Worksheet) STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE i riis t.enmcate of wmpuance usts Tne oummng Teatures aria penormance speciricauons neea i ompiy wnn i ¢ie za, vans 1 aria o OT me t ainornia Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building envelope requiremeA. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurateprig complete 17 The Principal Envelope Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building Oe ign rOrkerf'ed in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, a dh any othe calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the envelope requirements contained in sections 110, 116 through 118, and 140, 142, 143 or 149 of y Title 24, Part 6. Please check one: ❑ 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer or mechanical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. d ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737.1. (These sections of the Business and Professions Code are printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual) PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER -NAME ISIGNATURE JDATE I LIC. # 17 -Nov -05 on INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet is included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. ❑ ENV -1-C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans for all submittals. Pak 2 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. ❑ ENV -2-C Use with the Envelope Component compliance method. ❑ ENV -3-C Use with the Overall Envelope compliance method. ❑ ENV -4-C Optional. Use for the minimum skylight requirements for large enclosed spaces in DEC 2 1 10V 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE A WP _ BT ' 1557!d April 20055\ r,'�If 936s CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 2) ENVA-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE 17 -Nov -05 OPAQUE SURFACES E Insulation :AFt.alCondition Area U -Factor Cavity Continuous muth Tilt G H I J Surface Type Status' Location/Comments NOTES TO FIELD Joint App (e.g., Suspended For Building IV Reference Ceiling, Demising, etc.) Use Only 10" CMU 12544 0.37 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N IV. 12 C-6 9063 0.37 90 IV. 12 C-6 10876 0.37 180 IV. 12 C-0 0.37 270 IV. 12 C-0 8" CMU 0.41 0 IV.7 C-9 E294 0.41 90 IVY C-9 0.41 180 IV.7 C-9 8" CONCRETE 428 0.74 0 IV. 13 F-5 EGRESS DOOR 280 0.5 0 IV.28 A-3 21 0.5 90 IV.28 A-3 168 0.5 180 IV.28 A-3 0 0.5 270 IV.28 A-3 ROLLING SERVICE DOOR 100 0.7 0 IV.28 A-2 600 0.7 270 IV.28 A-2 ROOF 149741 1 0.058 0 IV.7 A-9 'N, E, A (New, Existing, Altered) FENESTRATION SURFACES � D More than or equal to10,000 ft' of site -built fenestration area must include a label certificate issued by NFRC or provide a CEC Default Label Certificate using the default 1.1 -factors from Standards Tables 116-A and B. Certificate shall be filed in the contractor's project office during construction and in the building manager's office after construction. A B C D E F G H I J K Fen. # Fenestration Type Area Azimuth U- factor U -factor Type' Fares - tration SHGC SHGC Type Condition Locationt Status' Comments NOTES TO FIELD- For Bldg. Dept. Use Only Sk li ht 5700 0.63 N 0.46 N N Smoke Vent 1590 0.63 N 0.46 1 N N Glass Door 0 0 0.77 D 1 U -factor Type: D. A or N (D for Default Table from Section 116, A for ACM Manual Appendix Default Table, or N for NFRC Labeled) 2 SHGC Type: D. C or N (D for Default Table from Section 116, C for Center of Glass, or N for NFRC). 3 Condition Status: N, E, or A (New, Existing, or Altered).. EXTERIOR Fenestration Exterior Shade Window Overhang No. Type SHGC H.ight7 Width Length Height Lext. Rext. MINIMUM SKYLIGHT AREA FOR LARGE ENCLOSED SPACES ® The proposed building contains an enclosed space with floor area greater than 25,000 ft2, a ceiling height greater than 15 feet, and an LPD for general lighting of at least 0.5 W/ft2. If this box is checked, ENV -4-C must be filled out. NOTES TO FIELD - For Building Department Use Only 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (PART 1 OF 7) ENV -3-C Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA 17 -Nov -05 WINDOW AREA CALCULATION A. DISPLAY PERIMETER FT x 6 FT = 0 SF I DISPLAY AREA ombined Values for North, East and SouthWalls K. NIEIS DISPLAY PERIMETER (A -F) 0 FT x 6 FT = 0 SF N/EIS DISPLAY AREA L. N/E/S EXTERIOR WALL AREA (B -G) 34574 SF x 0.40 = 13829.6 SF 40%NIEIS AREA MAXIMUM STANDARD NIEIS M. ENTER LARGER OF K OR L 13829.6 SF AREA N. PROPOSED NIEIS WINDOW AREA (D-1) 56 SF I PROPOSED N/EIS AREA 0. IF D>C and/or if I>H,PROCEED TO THE CALCULATION STEPS 1 OR 2 BELOW, AS APPROPRIATE, FOR WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT GO TO THE SKYLIGHT AREA TEST ON PAGE 1. IF I<H: Use the calculated Window Adjustment Factor(WAF) for all walls MAX. STANDARD AREA PROPOSED WINDOW from C WINDOW AREA from D ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 17362.4 - I 56 = I n/a GO TO PART 6 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREA 2. IF I>H: Calculate one Window Adjustment Factor (WAF) for the West wall, and a second WAF for all other orientations. a. Calculate the WAF for the West wall MAX. STANDARD WEST PROPOSED WEST WEST WINDOW AREA(from H AREA from I ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0 - 1 = 0 b. Calculate the WAF for the North. East and South wallsl MAX. STANDARD NIEIS PROPOSED NIEIS NIEIS WINDOW AREA from M) AREA (from N) ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0 - 56 = 0 GO TO PART 6 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREA 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 40% of GROSS EXTERIOR B. GROSS EXTERIOR WALL AREA 43406 SF x 0.40 = 17362.4 $F WALL AREA C. ENTER LARGER OF A ORB 117362.4 SF MAXIMUM STANDARD AREA D. ENTER PROPOSED WINDOW AREA 56 7777 ; SF PROPOSED AREA E. WINDOW WALL RATIO = Proposed Window Area Divided by Gross Exterior Wall Area = 1 0.00 F. WEST DISPLAY PERIMETER FT x 6 FT = 0 SF WEST DISPLAY AREA 40% of WEST EXTERIOR G. WEST EXTERIOR WALL AREA 8832 SF x 0.40 = 3532.8 $F WALL AREA MAXIMUM STANDARD WEST H. ENTER LARGER OF F AND G 3532.8 SF AREA ! PROPOSED WEST WINDOW I. ENTER PROPOSED WEST WINDOW AREA 0 I SF AREA J. WEST WINDOW WALL RATIO = Proposed West Window Area Divided by West Exterior Wall Area = �� ombined Values for North, East and SouthWalls K. NIEIS DISPLAY PERIMETER (A -F) 0 FT x 6 FT = 0 SF N/EIS DISPLAY AREA L. N/E/S EXTERIOR WALL AREA (B -G) 34574 SF x 0.40 = 13829.6 SF 40%NIEIS AREA MAXIMUM STANDARD NIEIS M. ENTER LARGER OF K OR L 13829.6 SF AREA N. PROPOSED NIEIS WINDOW AREA (D-1) 56 SF I PROPOSED N/EIS AREA 0. IF D>C and/or if I>H,PROCEED TO THE CALCULATION STEPS 1 OR 2 BELOW, AS APPROPRIATE, FOR WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT GO TO THE SKYLIGHT AREA TEST ON PAGE 1. IF I<H: Use the calculated Window Adjustment Factor(WAF) for all walls MAX. STANDARD AREA PROPOSED WINDOW from C WINDOW AREA from D ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 17362.4 - I 56 = I n/a GO TO PART 6 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREA 2. IF I>H: Calculate one Window Adjustment Factor (WAF) for the West wall, and a second WAF for all other orientations. a. Calculate the WAF for the West wall MAX. STANDARD WEST PROPOSED WEST WEST WINDOW AREA(from H AREA from I ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0 - 1 = 0 b. Calculate the WAF for the North. East and South wallsl MAX. STANDARD NIEIS PROPOSED NIEIS NIEIS WINDOW AREA from M) AREA (from N) ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0 - 56 = 0 GO TO PART 6 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREA 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 2 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE 17 -Nov -05 SKYLIGHT AREA CALCULATION A. ATRIUM or SKYLIGHT HEIGHT 28 { FT B. IF Height in AS 55 FT C. IF Height in A > 55 FT GROSS ROOF AREA SF x 0.05 = SF x 0.10 = ALLOWED SKYLIGHT AREA 149741 7487.05 SF 0 0 SF D. PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA 7290 SF 1 IF THE PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA IS GREATER THAN THE STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA PROCEED TO THE NEXT CALCULATION FOR THE SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT GO TO PART 3 OF 7 1. IF PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA 2 STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA: STANDARD PROPOSED SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT AREA AREA IF D=0 ENTER 1 ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0 1 = n/a GO TO PART 3, 4, 6 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREAS 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 3 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE 17 -Nov -05 OVERALL HEAT LOSS A B I C I D E F I G H PROPOSED STANDARD ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Floor -1) AREA HEAT CAPACITY U -FACTOR' Joint Appendix IV REF. UA (B x D) Areae (Adjusted) U -FACTOR UA (F x G) 8" CMU 1094 10.5 0.410 IV.7 C-9 448.54 1094 0.43 470.42 10" CMU 40715 13.4 0.370 IV.12 C-6 15064.61 40715.18 0.43 17507.5 rn J Q Concrete 4281 19.2 0.740 IV. 13 F-5 316.58711 427.82 1 0.41 175.406 3 Egress Door 469 0.500 IV.28 A-3 234.5 469 0.5 234.5 Door 2(rollup) 700 0.700 IV.28 A-2 490 700 0.7 490 rn (7 Standing Seam 142451 0.058 IV.7 A-9 8262.16 142451 0.051 7265 Z J_ 0 LU 0 LL 01V O O 0 W 0 SLAB 1 1667 0.73 IV.26 1216.911, 1667 0.139 231.713 LL 0 u0i 0 0 O O -H 0 JF V_ 0 N/A 0 Skylight 5700 N/A 0.63 3591 5700 1.32 7524 y Smokevent 1590 N/A 0.63 1001.7 1590 1.32 2098.8 p N/A 0 C3 # OF PANES N/A 0 3 Glass Door N/A 0 ca N/A 0 O N/A 0 J # OF PANES N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 0 ' In climate zones 1 and 16 the insulating R -value of continuous insulation materials installed above the roof waterproof membrane must be multiplied by 0.8 before choosing the table column for determining assembly U -factor. See footnotes for Tables IVA through IV.7 in the Joint Appendices. 2 If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted areas from Part 7of 7. 30626 TOTAL 35997.4 TOTAL 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 4 of 7) ENV-3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA 17-Nov-05 OVERALL HEATGAIN FROM CONDUCTION A I B I C I D I E I I F G I H::= I J ASSEMBLY NAME Joint (e.g. Wall-1, Floor-1) TEMP HEAT U- App. Iv GAIN Area' U- TEMP HEAT GAIN AREA FACTOR CAPACITY FACTOR' ref. (B x C x E) (Adjusted) FACTOR FACTOR (G x H x I) 8" CMU 1094 45 10.5 0.41 IV.7 C-9 20184 1094 0.43 45 21168.9 rn 101, CMU 40715 45 13.4 0.37 IV.12 C-6 677908 40715.18 0.43 45 787838.733 J J a Concrete 428 43 19.2 0.74 IV. 13 F-5 13613 428 0.41 43 7542.4666 3 Egress Doo 469 55 0.5 IV.28 A-3 12898 469 0.51 55 12897.5 ROLLING SERVICE DOOR 700 55 0.7 IV.28 A-2 26950 700 0.7 55 26950 0 0 StandingSeam 142451 55 0.058 IV.7 A-9 454419 142451 0.051 55 399575.055 Z J_ 0 0 Lu V 0 0 0 0 LL 0 O 0 0 a: 0 0 rn 0 0 ILLI- LL 0 0 v0i 0 0 Ix 0 0 O O 0 0 J LL 0 0 3 # OF PANES N/A 0 0 00 N/A Z N/A 0 0 3 N/A 0 0 # OF PANES N/A 0 0 Sk li ht 5700 55 N/A 0.63 197505 5700 1.32 55 413820 o Smokevent 1590 55 N/A 0.63 55094 1590 1.32 55 115434 N/A 0 0 ti # OF PANES N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 1 In climate zones 1 and 18 the insulating R-value of continuous insulation materials installed above the roof waterproof membrane must be multiplied by 0.8 before 1 1458570 1785227 choosing the table column for determining assembly U-factor. See footnotes for SUBTOTAL Subtotals are entered under ISUBTOTAL ° Subtotal" in COLUMNS I and MOf Tables IV.1 through IV.7 in the Joint Appendices. 2I Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment Is required, use adjusted areas from ENV-3-C, Part 6 Of 7. Part 7 of 7. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 5 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE 17 -Nov -05 Use this table to deMrmine the value of the absorptance or a proposed design, ap„p CHECK APPLICABLE BOXES Case 1 - Proposed YES NO 1. CRRC-1 Certified? 2. Is the thermal emittance z 0.75? 3. Enter the initial reflectance p;sy value 4. Calculate am, = 0.94-0.7pRJ,pm Go to 2drisert Go I, 3 pR;,mp = amp = 0.94 Go to 8 Go to 5 Go tvalue in calculation Enter calculated value in Column F below. Case 2 - CRRC-1 Tested 5. Enter initial reflectance & emittance values from CRRC-1 6. Calculate PRI.mp = -0.448 + 1.121 piny + 0.524 Eby 7. Calculate amp = 0.94-0.7ki.m pyy = Ey,y = Go to 6. Insert values in calculation Go to 7. Insert value in calculation Enter calculated value in Column F below pRi.mp = -0.45 amp = 1.25 ase J -NOT estea 8. Is the roof a nonresidential low -sloped? (2:12 or less) ✓ IGO to 9. Go to 10. 9. Use the default values for absorptance, amp ap,p = 0.87 Enter default value in Column F below. 10. Use the default values for absorptance, amp aprop = 0.73 Enter default value in Column F below. Standard absorptance values astd, for Column J are either For nonresidential low -s ope roofs lastd = 0.45 Enter standard value in Column J below. For nonresidential high -sloped roofs justd - 0.73 Enter standard value in Column J below. OVERALL HEAT GAIN FROM RADIATION OPAQUE SURFACES A B C D I E I F G H I I J K ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) PROPOSED STANDARD soAbsorb AGAIN AREA FACTOR FACTOR FACTO a (BxCxDxExF) (Adjusted) FACTO a (CxDxHxlxJ) ROOF 142451 125 1.13 0.058 0.87 1015316 142451 0.051 0.45 461782 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.451 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 0.87 0 0.45 0 1015316 Subtotals are entered under "Subtotal" in COLUMNS I and M SUBTOTAL of ENV -3-C, Part 6 of 7. 461782 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 6 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Ouinta, CA DATE 17 -Nov -05 OVERALL HEAT GAIN FROM RADIATION FENESTRATION SURFACES A B C I D I E I F I G I H I J K I L M PROPOSED STANDARD WINDOWS/SKYLIGHT2 NAME WEIGHTINGIY 0 OV OVERHANG H V H/V OHF HEAT GAIN (BxCx DxExH) RSHG AREA or (Adjusted SHG SHGC° Of o os v HEAT GAIN h L (BXJXKxL) (e.g Window -1, Sky -1) 190 AREA 0 SHGC' H O z r Q w t— Z) O U) H W U) Skylight 2.29 57001 123 0.46 N/A N/A N/A N/A 738538.74 5700 0.58 123 931201.02 2 Smoke Vent 1 2.29 15901 123 0.46 N/A N/A N/A N/A 206013.44 1590 0.58 123 259756.07 2 J N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 } Y N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 0 Part 4 Subtotal Part 5 Subtotal Part 6 Subtotal 1458570 1015315.9 944552.18 Part 4 Subtotal Part 5 Subtotal Part 6 Subtotal 1785226.7 461781.63 1190957.1 1 From Fenestration Surfaces ENV -1-C, Part 2, column G, or when Column H has a "C" identifier, calculate using the center of glass value SHGCc in SHGCfen =.08 + (0.86XSHGCc) and enter value. 2 Proposed Heat Gain, Column I may be no greater than Standard Heat Gain Column M. 3 If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted areas from Part 7 of 7. 4 Only SHGC is used for Skylights TOTAL 34184381 TOTAL 3437965 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 2) ENV -4-C Skylight Area Support Worksheet - Minimum Fraction of Daylit Area Method SKYLIGHT AREA FOR LARGE ENCLOSED SPACES ✓DThis worksheet applies to buildings with an enclosed space > 25,00Dft2 with a ceiling height > 15 ft and an LPD for the space for general lighting > 0.5 Wlft2. Name or designation of large enclosed space on plans Main Sales A. Enter proposed daylit area as indicated on plans Proposed Daylit Area Proposed daylit area is indicated on page of the plans B. Floor Area: 1 149741 x 0.50 = 74870.5 Minimum Daylit Area ✓❑ Criterion 1: Proposed Daylit Area is equal to or greater than Minimum Daylit Area C. Select the appropriate box based on the LPD in Wtft2: ❑ LPD>1.4 ❑ 1<LPD<1.4 ❑ 0.5<LPD<1.0 ENTER 3.6%4 ENTER 3.3%4 ENTER 3.6%-) F 3.6 Skylight-Daylit Fraction D. Minimum skylight area: Enter the product B X C then divide by 100 F 2695 Minimum Skylight Area E. Enter the proposed total skylight area in the large enclosed space 5700 Proposed Skylight Area ✓1Z Criterion 2: Proposed skylight area is equal to or greater than minimum skylight area ✓❑ Criterion 3: Haze rating of skylight glazing or skylight diffuser is greater than 90%. Document and page number with haze specification of skylights ✓❑ Large enclosed space complies with Criteria 1, 2, and 3 above (Sections 143(c) 1, 2, and -31. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 j CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 3) MECH-1-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quints, CA DATE 17 -Nov -05 ' PROJECT ADDRESS MECH-3-C Certificate of Compliance are required for all submittals with mechanical ventilation, but may be on plans. Building,Permit Checked by/Date , Enforcement Agency Use PRINCIPAL DESIGNER -MECHANICAL TELEPHONE DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS 113UILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA ICLIMATE ZONE BUILDING TYPE O NONRESIDENTIAL VAV Minimum Position Control ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑ HOTEUMOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION 0 NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ UNCONDITIONED file affidavit ❑ PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT 0 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building mechanical requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurao'bpd complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHORSt DATE PaalK Rvan 17 -Nov -05 0 The Plans and specifications meet the requirements of Part 6(Sections 10-103a). 0 The installation certificates meet the requirements of Part 6 (10-103a 3). 0 The operation & maintenance information meets the requirements of Part 6 (10-103c). Please check one: (These sections of the Business and Professions Code are printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual.) 0 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer or mechanical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I Les.'and sed contractor performing this work. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the BProfessions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described pursuant to Busisand Proode sections 5537, 5538, and 6737.1 PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER-NAMEDATE LIC. # TUR Paal K. Ryan 17 -Nov -05 INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet is included) R1 MECH-I-C Certificate of Compliance. Part 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 are required on plans for all submittals 0 MECH-2-C Certificate of Compliance. Part 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 are required for all submittals, but may be on plans. 0 MECH-3-C Certificate of Compliance are required for all submittals with mechanical ventilation, but may be on plans. 0 MECH-4C Certificate of Compliance are required for all prescriptive submittals, but may be on plans. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 3) MECH-1-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE 17 -Nov -05 Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems. The designer is required to check the boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that requires an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems to be tested in parentheses. The NJ number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential ACM Manual that describes the test. Also indicate the person responsible for performing the tests (i.e. the installing contractor, design professional or an agent selected by the owner). Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Building Departments: VAV Minimum Position Control Test Description Test Performed By: ✓a MECH-2A: Ventilation System Acceptance Document • Variable Air Volume Systems Outdoor Air Acceptance • Constant Air Volume Systems Outdoor Air Acceptance Owners Agent Equipment requiring acceptance testing: Roof Mounted AC -units (23) ✓a MECH-3-A: Packaged HVAC Systems Acceptance Document Test required on all New packaged systems both New Construction and Retrofit. Owners Agent ✓❑ MECH-4-A: Air -Side Economizer Acceptance Document Test required on all new air -side economizers for both New Construction and Retrofit. Units with economizers that are installed at the factory and certified with the Commission do not require equipment testing but do require construction inspection. Owners Agent Equipment requiring acceptance testing Rooftop AC units(23) 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 3) MECH-1-C PROJECT NAME DATE Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA 17 -Nov -05 Test Description Test Performed By: ✓o MECH-5-A: Air Distribution Acceptance Document This test required If the unit serves 5,000 ft2 of space or less and 25% or more of the ducts are in nonconditioned or semiconditioned space like an attic. New systems that meet the above requirements. Retrofit systems that meet the above requirements and either extend ducts, replace ducts or replace the packaged unit. Equipment requiring acceptance testing AC -1,2,3,5,6,28,30, MAU-34 Owners Agent VAV Minimum Position Control ✓0 MECH-6-A : Demand Control Ventilation Acceptance Document All new DCV controls installed on new or existing packaged systems must be tested. Equipment requiring acceptance testing Owners Agent. Main Sales AC units 13 ✓0 MECH-7-A: Supply Fan Variable Flow Control Acceptance Document All new VAV fan volume controls installed on new or existing systems must be tested. Equipment requiring acceptance testing ✓0 MECH-8-A: • Hydronic System Control Acceptance Document • Variable Flow Controls, Applies to chilled and hot water systems. • Automatic Isolation Controls, Applies to new boilers and chillers and the primary pumps are connected to a common header. • Supply Water Temperature Reset Controls, Applies to new constant flow chilled and hot water systems that have a design capacity greater than or equal to 500,000 Btu/hr. • Water -loop Heat Pump Controls, Applies to all new waterloop heat pump systems where the combined loop pumps are greater than 5 hp. • Variable Frequency Control, Applies to all new distribution pumps on new variable flow chilled, hydronic heat pump or condenser water systems where the pumps motors are greater than 5 hp. Equipment requiring acceptance testing 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 144(a & b 15 MBH (Part 1 of 3) MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE I 17 -Nov -05 ITEM or SYSTEM TAG(S) T-24 Section AC -1 AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Single Zone AC -2 AC -3 Reference on Plans or S ecification' AC -4 AC -5 Heating Equip ment Efficient 112(a) M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Cooling Equipment Efficient 112(a) M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Heat Pump Thermostat 112(b) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Furnace Controls 112(c), 115(a) SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Natural Ventilation 121 b M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Minimum Ventilation 121 b M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 VAV Minimum Position Control 1210 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Demand Control Ventilation 1210 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Time Control 1210, 122(e) SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Setback and Setup Control 122(e) SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Outdoor Damper Control 122 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Isolation Zones 122 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pipe Insulation 123 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Duct Insulation 124 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Ca acit 144(a & b 15 MBH 21 MBH 90 MBH 68 MBH 6.8 MBH Proposed Heating Capacity- 144(a & b 48 MBH 48 MBH 203 MBH 97.2 MBH 32.0 MBH Calculated Cooling Ca aci 144(a & b 22.6MBH 32.6 158.9 MBH 81.2 MBH 13 MBH Proposed Co ling Ca acit 144(a & b 33 MBH 42 MBH 169 MBH 96 MBH 17 MBH Fan Control 1440 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DP Sensor Location 1440 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Supply Pressure Reset DDC only) 144 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Simultaneous Heat/Cool 144(d) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Economizer 144(e) M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Heat and Cool Air Supply Reset 1144 f SEC 15900 1 SEC 15900 1 SEC 15900 1 SEC 15900 1 SEC 15900 Duct Sealing 144 k SEC 15880 1 SEC 15880 1 SEC 15880 1 SEC 15880 1 SEC 15880 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating or cooling. Either enter value here or put in reference to plans and specifications per footnote 1. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 Wil AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 144(a & b 6 MBH (Part 1 of 3) cont'd MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE I 17 -Nov -05 ITEM or SYSTEM TAGS) T-24 Section AC -6 AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Single Zone AC -7-10,12,15,16,17,1 AC -11,13,14,18 Reference on Plans or Specification' AC -28 AC -30 Heating Equipment Efficienc 112(a) M-3.1 M-3.1 N/A M-3.1 M-3.1 Cooling Equipment Efficienc 112(a) M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Heat Pump Thermostat 112(b) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Furnace Controls 112(c), 115 a SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Natural Ventilation 121(b) M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Minimum Ventilation 121 b M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 VAV Minimum Position Control 121© N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Demand Control Ventilation 121© N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Time Control 121©, 122(e) SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Setback and Setup Control 122(e) SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Outdoor Damper Control 122 f M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Isolation Zones 122 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pipe Insulation 123 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Duct Insulation 124 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Calculated Heating Ca aci 144(a & b 6 MBH 197 MBH N/A Proposed Heating Ca acit 144(a & b 32.0 MBH 203 MBH N/A 203 MBH 48 MBH Calculated Cooling Ca aci 144(a & b 13.6 MBH 233.5 MBH 233.5 MBH 13.6 MBH 26.1 MBH Proposed Cooling Capacity' 144(a & b 17 MBH 265 MBH 265 MBH 17 MBH 33 MBH Fan Control 144© N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DP Sensor Location 144© N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Supply Pressure Reset DDC only) 144 © N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Simultaneous Heat/Cool 144(d) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Economizer 144(e) M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 M-3.1 Heat and Cool Air Supply Reset 1144(f) SEC 15900 1 SEC 15900 1 SEC 15900 1 SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Duct Sealing 144 k SEC 15880 1 SEC 15880 1 SEC 15880 1 SEC 15880 SEC 15880 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating or cooling. Either enter value here or put in reference to plans and specifications per footnote 1. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 144(a & b 38 MBH (Part 1 of 3) cont'd MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE 17-Nov-05 ITEM or SYSTEM TAG(S) T-24 Section AC-33 AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Single Zone MAU-34 Reference on Plans or Specification' Heating Equipment Efficient 112 a M-3.1 N/A Cooling Equipment Efficient 112(a) M-3.1 N/A Heat Pump Thermostat 112 b N/A N/A Furnace Controls 112(c), 115(a) N/A N/A Natural Ventilation 121 b M-3.1 M-3.1 Minimum Ventilation 121 b M-3.1 M-3.1 VAV Minimum Position Control 121© N/A N/A Demand Control Ventilation 121© N/A N/A Time Control 121©, 122 a SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Setback and Setup Control 122(e) SEC 15900 SEC 15900 Outdoor Damper Control 122(f) M-3.1 M-3.1 Isolation Zones 122 N/A N/A Pipe Insulation 123 N/A N/A Duct Insulation 124 N/A N/A PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity' 144(a & b 38 MBH N/A Proposed Heating Capacity' 144(a & b 48 MBH N/A Calculated Coolin2 Ca acit 144(a & b 26.1 MBH N/A Proposed Cooloing Capacity' 144(a & b 33 MBH N/A Fan Control 144© N/A N/A DP Sensor Location 144© N/A N/A Supply Pressure Reset DDC only) 144 © N/A N/A Simultaneous Heat/Cool 144(d) N/A N/A Economizer 144(e) M-3.1 N/A Heat and Cool Air Supply Reset 144(f) SEC 15900 N/A Duct Sealing 144 k SEC 15880 1 SEC 15880 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) till in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "NA" in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating or cooling. Either enter value here or put in reference to plans and specifications per footnote 1. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 SERVICE HOT WATER & POOL REQUIREMENTS PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale L ITEM or SYSTEM TAG(S) Water Heater Certification Water Heater Efficiency Service Water Heating Installation Pool and Spa Efficiency and Control Pool and Spa Installation Pool Heater- No Pilot Light VAV Minimum Position Control WH -6 WH -1,1A T-24 Section WH -3 §113 a P-3.1 §113 b P-3.1 §113 c SEC 15420-3.5 §114 a N/A §114 b N/A §115 c N/A &115 (d) N/A 1: For each water heater, pool heat and domestic water loop(or groups of similar equipment) fill in the referer documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put"N/A" in the column. to (Part 3 of 3) tta, CA I DATE WH -6 Service Hot Water, Pool Heat! WH -2 WH -3 Reference on Plans or S ecific P-3.1 P-3.1 P-3.1 P-3.1 SEC 15420-3.5 SEC 15420-3.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MECH-2-C 17 -Nov -05 3 WH -5 WH -6 tion P-3.1 P-3.1 P-3.1 P-3.1 SEC 15420-3.5 SEC 15420-3.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A N/A I N/A number where the required features are 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 1: For each water heater, pool heat and domestic water loop(or groups of similar equipment) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put (N/A" in the column. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 SERVICE HOT WATER & POOL REQUIREMENTS (Part 3 of 3) MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale La Quinta, CA DATE 17-Nov-05 ITEM or SYSTEM TAG(S) Water Heater Certification Water Heater Efficiency Service Water Heating Installation Pool and Spa Efficiency and Control Pool and Spa Installation Pool Heater- No Pilot Light VAV Minimum Position Control Service Hot Water, Pool Heating WH-7 JWH-8 FWH-9 T-24 Section Reference on Plans or S ecification' §113 a P-3.1 P-3.1 P-3.1 §113 b P-3.1 P-3.1 P-3.1 §113 c SEC 15420-3.5 SEC 15420-3.5 SEC 15420-3.5 §114 a N/A N/A N/A §114 b N/A N/A N/A §115 c N/A N/A N/A &115 (d) N/A N/A I N/A 1: For each water heater, pool heat and domestic water loop(or groups of similar equipment) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put (N/A" in the column. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 MECHANICAL VENTILATION AND REHEAT Minimum ventilation rate per Section §121, Table 121-A. Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupants and 50% of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without fixed seating. MECH-3-C Required Ventilation Air (REQ'D V.A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on an AREA BASIS or OCCUPANCY BASIS (Column D or G). PROJECT NAME Costco Wholesale J La Quinta CA K DATE 17 -Nov -05 Maximum of Columns H, J, K, or 300 cfm MECHANICAL VENTILATION (§121(6)2) This must be less than or equal to Column L and greater than or equal to the sum of Columns H plus N. REHEAT LIMITATION (§144(d)) Transfer Air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (Column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) and the Design Minimum Air (Column M), Column H minus M. AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV Minimum B C 0 E F G H I J K L M N Condition CFM Zone/ Area per System (ft) ft2 Min Num of CFM Min CFM by People per CFM by Area Person Occupant B x C E x F REQ'D V.A. Max of D or G Desiqn 30% of Ventilation Air Design cfm Zone Supply cfm B x0.4 Max of cfm/ft2 Columns H, J, K, or 300 cfm Desiqn minimum Air setpoint Transfer Air sales 84249 0.25 21062 2808 15 42125 42125 39000 42125 receiving 9628 0.15 1444 19 15 289 1444 6000 1444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 2828 1 435691 450001Column I Total Design Ventilation Air -1431 C Minimum ventilation rate per Section §121, Table 121-A. Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupants and 50% of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without fixed seating. H Required Ventilation Air (REQ'D V.A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on an AREA BASIS or OCCUPANCY BASIS (Column D or G). Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air (column N) to make up the difference. J Design fan supply cfm (Fan CFM) x 30%; or K Condition area (ft2) x 0.4 cfm/ft2; or L Maximum of Columns H, J, K, or 300 cfm M This must be less than or equal to Column L and greater than or equal to the sum of Columns H plus N. N Transfer Air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (Column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) and the Design Minimum Air (Column M), Column H minus M. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 2005 HVAC MISC. PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS: MECH-4-C PROJECT NAME DATE Costco Wholesale La Ouinta, CA 17 -Nov -05 NOTE: Provide one copy of this worksheet for each fan system with a total fan system horsepower greater than 25 hp for Constant Volume Fan Systems or Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems when usin the Prescri tive Approach. n r� � M n FAN DESCRIPTION EFFICIENCY DESIGN BRAKE HP MOTOR DRIVE NUMBER OF FANS . PEAK WATTS B x E x 746 / (C x D) §144 h §144 i 452.40 - EF -4 0.17 0.85 0.97 1 150.80 EF -8,9,10 0.50 0.85 0.97 3 1357.19 EF -19,20 0.50 0.85 0.97 2 904.79 EF -22 0.50 0.85 0.97 1 452.40 AC -1 0.40 0.40 0.97 1 769.07 AC -2 0.55 0.55 0.97 1 769.07 AC -3 2.12 0.71 0.97 1 2307.22 AC -4 1.26 0.63 0.97 1 1538.14 AC -5 0.19 0.76 0.97 1 192.27 AC -6 0.19 0.76 0.97 1 192.27 AC -7-19 7.48 1.00 0.97 13 74984.54 AC -28 7.48 1.00 0.97 1 5768.04 AC -30 0.40 0.40 0.97 1 769.07 AC -33 0.40 0.40 0.97 1 769.07 MAU-34 1.88 0.94 0.97 1 1538.14 AD -1,2,3 0.50 0.80 0.97 3 1442.01 0.50 0.80 0.97 1 480.67 0.20 0.80 0.97 2 384.54 FILTER PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT Equation. 144-A A) If filter pressure drop is greater than 1 inch W. C. enter filter pressure drop. Spa on line 4 and Total Fan pressure SPf on Line 5. B) Calculate Fan Adjustment and enter on line 6. C) Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Index and enter on Row 7 1) TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER (WATTS, SUM COLUMN F) 2) SUPPLY DESIGN AIRFLOW(CFM) 3) TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX(Row 1/Row2)' 4),Sp, 5) SPr 6) Fan Adjustment = 1{Sp. l vSPr 7) ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line 3 x Line 6)' 95221.69 171627 0.55 W/CF 0 0 0 W/CF 1. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX or ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX must not exceed 0.8 w/cfm, for Constant Volume systems or 1.25 w/cfm for VAV systems ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Electric Resistance Heating' Heat Rejection System= Air Cooled Chiller Limitation Section Capacity Exception Notes §144 §144 h §144 i 1. Total installed capacity (MBtu/hr) of all electric heat on this project exclusive of electric auxiliary heat for heat pumps. If electric heat is used explain which exception(s) to §144(g) apply. 2. Are centrifugal fan cooling towers used on this project? (Enter "Yes" or "No") If centrifugal fan cooling towers are used explain which exception(s) to §144(h) apply. 3. Total installed capacity (tons) of all chillers and air cooled chillers under this permit, If there are more than 100 tons of air-cooled chiller capacity being installed explain which exception(s) to §144(i) apply. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms September 2005